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2023-05-19 20:09:27














烦躁的英文是be agitated。烦躁,拼音:fánzào,英文有:be fidgety;be agitated,意思是烦闷焦躁,心情烦躁,近义词:焦躁、急躁、焦急、焦灼、暴躁、浮躁、躁急、焦炙、烦闷、烦恼、烦扰、纷扰、动乱、混乱。反义词:宁静、安宁、平静。be agitated造句1.Is inside them alone or be agitated?是他们内心孤单还是烦躁呢?2.The coming week is sure to be agitated.下一周肯定会使人感到不安。3.Be agitated of even they know how to do well.烦躁的连自己都知道该怎样办好。4.At this moment,I began to be agitated up,true want to cross out this problem.这时的我,开始烦躁起来,真想把这道题划掉。5.Child bedroom wall cannot paste is too beautiful spruce wallpaper,lest  discomposure,be agitated.孩子卧室墙壁不可张贴太花俏的壁纸,以免心乱、烦躁。
2023-01-09 11:38:491


Nervous,焦虑不安的 Upset,郁闷的,心烦意乱的 Fidget,坐立难安的 Irritability是名词,形容词irritable,易怒的 Whiny多指爱发牢骚的 agitated,焦躁不安的 最上面两个美语口语最常用
2023-01-09 11:38:591


选择C stonished[əˈstɑnɪʃt] v.使惊讶,使大为吃惊(astonish的过去式和过去分词) adj.吃惊的
2023-01-09 11:39:051


   一、英文 :irritable; fidget; be fidgety; be agitated; be in a fret   二、双语例句:   1   她讲话时,我们看得出她很烦躁。   As she spoke we could see that she was in a fret.   2   不应该在狭小的空间使用过多的颜色,那会令人感到烦躁不安。   You shouldn"t have too many colours in a small space as the effect can jar.   3   那是一次长途跋涉,我和杰克走了约10分钟便开始烦躁不安起来。   It was a long trek, and Jack and I both started to get cranky after about ten minutes.   4   表面看上去沉默不语,其实内心非常烦躁不安,他的情况糟透了。   Behind that quietness his nerves are jangling, he"s in a terrible state   5   你为什么烦躁不安?   What are you fretting about?   6   苏珊似乎因为什么事而烦躁不安。   Susan seemed agitated about something   7   太长的故事会使小孩子烦躁不安。   A long tale gives a child fidgets.   8   某些动物烦躁不安可能是地震临震前的预兆。   Agitated activity by certain animals may be a sign of an impending earthquake.   9   布伦达在座位上烦躁不安。   Brenda fidgeted in her seat.   10   她很胖,在潮湿的天气里浑身大汗,烦躁地在各个房间之间噔噔地走来走去。   Overweight and sweating in the humid weather, she stamped from room to room.   11   南希情绪烦躁。   Nancy was in a fractious mood   12   它使我烦躁。我的手变得那么硬。   It makes me cross and my hand get so stiff.   13   他觉得很烦躁,把头伸进了冷水中。   He felt fidgety, immersed his head in the cold water.   14   惊厥前也可出现躁动,烦躁,错觉,抽搐等症状。   Restlessness, anxiety, confusion, and twitching may also precede convulsions.   15   他近来心情烦躁,动辄发脾气。   He is easily provoked these days. 更多相关热门文章推荐阅读: 1. 内容的英文怎么说 2. 回复的英文怎么写 3. 客人的英文怎么说 4. 晚饭的英文是什么 5. 榴莲的英文名称是什么 烦躁的英文_烦躁用英语怎么说
2023-01-09 11:39:101


2023-01-09 11:39:177


2023-01-09 11:39:454


2023-01-09 11:39:592


fidget[5fidVit]vi.坐立不安, 烦躁, 慌张, (不安地或心不在焉地)弄, 玩弄 vt.使烦乱, 使不安n.坐立不安, 烦躁, 不安定
2023-01-09 11:40:077


2023-01-09 11:40:406


2023-01-09 11:41:033


你的思绪如水。当它被触及,便很难看清。但如果你愿意...附加:有句话这样说到:昨天是历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是一个礼物。 那也是为何它被称为礼物的缘由。 生活是场斗争。 所以话不多说,让我们战斗吧。PS: 啥东西这是...
2023-01-09 11:41:142


2023-01-09 11:41:238


HHJXSA 亲 觉得好请采纳 谢谢!
2023-01-09 11:41:5414


It"s the first time I see it.I see it for my first time.I feel excited about Sth.Sth. excites me/Sth. is exciting.
2023-01-09 11:42:386


一、嫉妒某人某事的英文短语:常用的搭配是envy of sb和envy at/of sth二、例句1、She couldn"t conceal his envy of me.她掩饰不住对我的忌妒。这句话中conceal的意思是隐藏、隐瞒、掩盖。2、She felt a pang of envy at the thought of his success.她想到他的成功便感到一阵嫉妒的痛苦。这句话中pang的意思是痛、阵痛。a pang of envy的意思是一阵嫉妒的痛苦。3、They looked with envy at her latest purchase.他们艳羡地看着她最近买到的东西。这句话中purchase的意思是买、购买。4、Her colleagues were green with envy .她的同事都非常眼红。这句话中be green with envy的意思是眼红、嫉妒。
2023-01-09 11:42:5915


专注:不要分心焦躁不安,全神贯注做事能让你尽快实现目标。concentration: don"t get distracted agitated, concentrate on work can make you achieve the goal as soon as possible.专业:不要执着全面精通,深入岗位工作能让你成为行业专家。Professional: don"t clinging fully proficient, in-depth job can let you become the industry experts.投入:不要心不在焉生活,全身心做事会让你的生活焕然一新。Investment: don"t distracted life, all things will make your life to look brand-new.规范:不要杂乱无章无序,规范化能让你第一次就把事情做对。Standard: don"t mess disorderly, standardization allows you to put things right the first time.规划:不要局限单一方面,预防到位才能让企业长期全面发展。Planning: beyond a single aspect, prevent in place to make enterprise long-term development in an all-round way.仅供参考,希望能给你一些帮助!
2023-01-09 11:43:503


她旁边的一个男人的声音使她开始并且转弯。她已经注意到演讲者不止一次在头等舱乘客。有少许的神秘之处他向她的想像。他对任何一个人。如果有人对他很快开始序曲。他也有一个紧张的态度来面对在他的肩膀和迅速、可疑的一瞥。她注意到现在,他非常激动。有珠子的汗水在他的前额上发亮。他显然处于征服恐惧。17然而为自己未尝不打了她的那类人,害怕迎接死亡!“因为的妇女和儿童first. "他环顾四周,降低了他的声音。“我携带了论文——至关重要的文件。他们可能会使所有的盟军的差异在战争中丧生。你明白吗?这些论文必须得救!他们有机会与你在一起时的感觉比和我。你可不可以把它们吗?”这个女孩伸出她的手。“等待,我必须警告你。可能会有风险——如果我被跟踪了。我不认为我做了,但是一个人绝对不会知道。如果是这样的话,将会有危险。你有勇气走呢?”女孩微微一笑。“我要去经历这一切一切都好。我实在是骄傲的选择!我该做什么和他们后来呢?”“看报纸!我会登广告在个人专栏的时代,开始的Shipmate. "过了三天如果没什么——好吧,你会知道我失败了。然后拿包到美国大使馆,搭救到大使的自己的手中。你清楚了吗?”“很清楚。”“然后准备好了——我想说再见。”他拉着她的手放在他的手中。“再见。祝你好运,"他说,在更大的语调。她的手关上白衣防水数据包到他的手掌。塔是用一种更加决定解决列表右偏。在回答一个快速的命令,这个姑娘就期待取代她在船上。
2023-01-09 11:44:131

请问 不安的 这个单词怎么写?谢谢

2023-01-09 11:45:254


2023-01-09 11:45:422

激动的 的英文

激动的excited;fevered;inflammatory;agitated;athrill更多释义>>[网络短语]激动的  excited;agitated;hot激动的心  seeya;Moving Hearts情绪激动的  emotional;touch   
2023-01-09 11:45:571

Greatly agitated,i rushed back to the apartment and tried to door, only to find it locked.

就是做状语可以看成伴随状语 我非常生气 所以是修饰主语的find it.locked 是过去分词做宾语补语 采纳哦
2023-01-09 11:46:041

the mood of be agitated,disappear for a few days.是什么意思

the mood of be agitated,disappear for a few days.烦躁的心情,消失几天。
2023-01-09 11:46:151


2023-01-09 11:46:212


2023-01-09 11:46:403

博然 是什么意思

2023-01-09 11:46:531


Societies as Organisms by Lewis Thomas Viewed from a suitable height, the aggregating clusters of medical scientists in the bright sunlight of the boardwalk at Atlantic City, swarmed there from everywhere for the annual meetings, have the look of assemblages of social insects. There is the same vibrating, ionic movement, interrupted by the darting back and forth of jerky individuals to touch antennae and exchange small bits of information; periodically, the mass casts out like a trout-line, a long single file unerringly toward Child"s (Bar). If the boards were not fastened down, it would not be a surprise to see them put together a nest of sorts.It is permissible to say this sort of thing about humans. They do resemble, in their most compulsively social behavior, ants at a distance. It, is however, quite bad form in biological circles to put it the other way round, to imply that the operation of insect societies has any relation at all to human affairs. The writers of books on insect behavior generally take pains, in their prefaces, to caution that insects are like creatures from another planet, that their behavior is absolutely foreign, totally unhuman, unearthly, almost unbiological. They are more like perfectly tooled but crazy little machines, and we violate science when we try to read human meanings in their arrangements.It is hard for a bystander not to do so. Ants are so such like human beings as to be an embarrassment. They farm fungi, raise aphids as livestock, launch armies into wars, use chemical sprays to alarm and confuse enemies, capture slaves. The families of weaver ants engage in child labor, holding their larvae like shuttles to spin out the thread that sews the leaves together for their fungus gardens. They exchange information ceaselessly. They do everything but watch television.What makes us most uncomfortable is that they, and the bees and termites and social wasps, seem to live two kinds of lives: they are individuals, going about the day"s business without much evidence of thought for tomorrow, and they are at the same time component parts, cellular elements, in the huge, writhing, ruminating organism of the Hill, the nest, the hive. It is because of this aspect, I think, that we most wish for them to be something foreign. We do not like the notion that there can be collective societies with the capacity to behave like organisms. If such things exist, they can have nothing to do with us. Still, there it is. A solitary ant, afield, cannot be considered to have much of anything on his mind; indeed, with only a few neurons strung together by fiber, he can"t be imagined to have a mind at all, much less a thought. He is more like a ganglion on legs. Four ants together, or ten, encircling a dead moth in a path begin to look more like an idea. They fumble and shove, gradually moving the food toward the Hill, but as though by blind chance. It is only when you watch the dense mass of thousands of ants, crowded together around the Hill, blackening the ground, that you begin to see the whole beast, and now observe it thinking, planning, calculating. It is an intelligence, a kind of live computer, with crawling bits for its wits.At a stage in the construction, twigs of a certain size are needed, and all the members forage obsessively for twigs of just this size. Later, when outer walls are to be finished, thatched, the size must change, and as though given new orders by telephone, all the workers shift the search to the new twigs. If you disturb the arrangement of a part of the Hill, hundreds of ants will set it vibrating, shifting, until it is put right again. Distant sources of food are somehow sensed, and long lines, like tentacles, reach out over the ground, up over walls, behind boulders, to fetch it in.Termites are even more extraordinary in the way they seem to accumulate intelligence as they gather together. Two or three termites in a chamber will begin to pick up pellets and move them from place to place, but nothing comes of it; nothing is built. As more join in, they seem to reach a critical mass, a quorum, and the thinking begins. They place pellets atop pellets, then throw up columns and beautiful, curving, symmetrical arches, and the crystalline architecture of vaulted chambers is created. It is not known how they communicate with each other, how the chains often times building one column know when to turn toward the crew on to adjacent column, or how, when the time comes, they manage the flawless joining of the arches. The stimuli that set them off at the outset, building collectively instead of shifting things about, may be pheromones released when they reach committee size. They react as if alarmed. They become agitated, excited, and then they begin working, like artists.Bees live lives of organisms, tissues, cells, organelles, all at the same time. The single bee, out of the hive retrieving sugar (instructed by the dancer: "south-southeast for seven hundred meters, clover - mind you make corrections for the sundrift") is still as much a part of the hive as if attached by a filament. Building the hive, the workers have the look of embryonic cells organizing a developing tissue; from a distance they are like the viruses inside a cell, running off row after row of symmetrical polygons as though laying down crystals. When the time for swarming comes, and the old queen prepares to leave with her part of the population, it is as though the hive were involved in mitosis. There is an agitated moving of bees back and forth, like granules in cell sap. They distribute themselves in almost precisely equal parts, half to the departing queen, half to the new one. Thus, like an egg, the great, hairy, black and golden creature splits in two, each with an equal share of the family genome.The phenomenon of separate animals joining up to form an organism is not unique in insects. Slime-mold cells do it all the time, of course, in each life cycle. At first they are single amebocytes swimming around, eating bacteria, aloof from each other, untouching, voting straight Republican. Then, a bell sounds, and acrasin is released by special cells toward which the others converge in stellate ranks, touch, fuse together, and construct the slug, solid as a trout. A splendid stalk is raised, with a fruiting body on top, and out of this comes the next generation of amebocytes, ready to swim across the same moist ground, solitary and ambitious.Herring and other fish in schools are at times so closely integrated, their actions so coordinated, that they seem to be functionally a great multi-fish organism. Flocking birds, especially the seabirds nesting on the slopes of offshore islands in Newfoundland, are similarly attached, connected. synchronized.Although we are by all odds the most social of all social animals - more interdependent, more attached to each other, more inseparable in our behavior than bees - we do not often feel our conjoined intelligence. Perhaps, however, we are linked in circuits for the storage, processing, and retrieval of information, since this appears to be the most basic and universal of all human enterprises. It may be our biological function to build a certain kind of Hill. We have access to all the information of the biosphere, arriving as elementary units in the stream of solar photons. When we learn how these are rearranged against randomness, to make, say, springtails, quantum mechanics, and the late quartets, we may have a clearer notion how to proceed. The circuitry seems to be there, even if the current is not always on.The system of communication used in science should provide a neat, workable model for studying mechanisms of information-building in human society. Ziman, in a recent "Nature" essay, points out, "the invention of a mechanism for the systematic publication of "fragments" of scientific work may well have been the key event in the history of modern science." He continues: "A regular journal carries from one research worker to another the various...observations which are of common interest... A typical scientific paper has never pretended to be more than another little piece in a larger jigsaw - not significant in itself but as an element in a grander scheme. (The following in L.T."s italics) This technique, of soliciting many modest contributions to the store of human knowledge, has been the secret of Western science since the seventeenth century, for it achieves a corporate, collective power that is far greater than any one individual can exert." With some alternation of terms, some toning down, the passage could describe the building of a termite nest.It is fascinating that the word "explore" does not apply to the searching aspect of the activity, but has its origins in the sounds we make while engaged in it. We like to think of exploring in science as a lonely, meditative business, and so it is in the first stages, but always, sooner or later, before the enterprise reaches completion, as we explore, we call to each other, communicate, publish, send letters to the editor, present papers, cry out on finding.- End
2023-01-09 11:47:001


imes I have thought it would be an excellen
2023-01-09 11:47:072


greatly,英语单词,主要用作为副词,意为很,大大地;非常。短语搭配greatly disappointed大失所望 ; 大失所看 ; 事与愿违 ; 大掉所望rising greatly大幅度增长 ; 大大上升 ; 上升大大greatly enhance大大提高 ; 大大增强 ; 大幅度提高 ; 极大提高Greatly improved大大提高 ; 极大提高了 ; 大力改善greatly agitated狂怒的Greatly increased大大增加Greatly exaggerated夸大其词most greatly最大Greatly World大大世界  双语例句They do, however, greatly affect the implementation of those patterns.然而,它们的确对那些模式的实现影响很大。But what little of it I came to understand from the outside attracted me greatly in one way.但是我从其外表上所了解的那一点点,就在某种程度上大大地吸引了我。Whatever direction you go into, one thing is for sure, that you will be greatly affected by your experiences at this time.无论你们进入什么方向,有一件事是肯定的,你们会被你们在这段时间的经历所大大地影响。
2023-01-09 11:47:181

猴子爬树,上窜下跳。 打一成语。

七上八下 【拼音】: qī shàng bā xià【解释】: 形容心里慌乱不安。【出处】: 明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第二十六回:“那胡正卿心头十五个吊桶打水,七上八下。”【举例造句】: 他就感觉得七上八下,心里老不自在。 ★沙汀《烦恼》【拼音代码】: qsbx【近义词】: 忐忑不安、心神不定【反义词】: 心安理得、若无其事【歇后语】: 一口吃十五只耗子【灯谜】: 7/8;六九;十五只吊桶打水【用法】: 作谓语、定语、状语;形容心里慌乱不安【英文】: be agitated【故事】: 潘金莲与西门庆通奸,毒死了武大郎,武松向官府告状,官府置之不理。武松决定请街坊邻居作证亲审潘金莲。吏员出身的胡正卿在应邀之列,武松不许他中途离开,胡正卿心里十五个吊桶打水,七上八下的。武松审问完毕,亲手血刃了潘金莲。
2023-01-09 11:47:286


功夫熊猫1. There"s no charge for awesomeness and attractiveness! 彪悍不求回报,魅力更无所需。(想象这句,配上肥波傻傻的样子,嘿嘿) 2. I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of kungfu, in the history of China, in the history of sucking. 我可能在功夫史上、中国史上、烂人史上都是最烂的.(谦虚得还真彻底啊) 3. Nothing is impossible! 凡事皆有可能!(Adidas是不是赞助了?)4. Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear. 你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了. (好哲学哦)5. You must continue your journey without me.   (没有谁可以陪谁走一辈子,我们都要好好照顾自己) 6. One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it. 往往在逃避命运的路上, 却与之不期而遇。(personally, 喜欢这句) 7. There"s just news, there"s no good or bad...  (乌龟师傅说的话,又是老庄思维) 8. You just need to believe.  (跟You must believe差不多) 9. We all have our places in the world.  (鸭子老爸说得极对,何苦追寻不属于自己的东西呢?) 10.You eat when you are upset.   (师傅这句蛮常识。吃不失为解压的方式。但见到电影注解是第一次!) 11. Be your own hero! 做自己的英雄!12. Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called Present. 昨天已逝。明天是梦。现在,却是上苍的礼赠。那就是为什么今天是present。(也太cliche了) 13. Master: There are no accidents. Shifu: Yes I know, u‘ve said that already, twice! Master: That was no accident either. Shifu: Thrice. (的确,世间无巧合,万物皆有本然!) l4. you cannot leave , real warrior never quits. 你不能走,真的武士决不会退却。 l5. The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing.  To make something special ,you just have to believe it"s special. 我私家汤的绝密食材,就是…什么都没有。 坚信它特别,它就特别。  (Po爸这句,还有那么点意思) 16. No, I"m not a big fat panda, I"m THE fat panda.  (真正的自我接纳。) 17. I"m not hungry. (说这句时,他很帅。) l8. 乌龟:是的,看着这棵树,  我不能让树为我开花,  也不能让它提前结果  Yes ,look at this tree,   I can not make it blossom and suits me ,  nor make it bear food before it"s time . 师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制  我可以控制果实何时坠落  我还可以控制在何处播种  那可不是幻觉 大师l   but there are things we can control  I can control when the fruit will fall  ... And I can control  What time to seed  That is not illusion , Master 乌龟:是啊 不过无论你做了什么  那个种子还是会长成桃树  你可能想要苹果 或桔子  可你只能得到桃子  那个种子还是会长成桃树  Yes, but no matter what you do,  That seed will grow to be a peach tree  You may wish for an Apple or an orange  But you will get a peach 师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎  But peach can not defeat Tai Longl  乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。  Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it . 19. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,  况且这本不是天意,  阿宝,忘了其它的事情,  你的使命一直都在向你召唤。  我们是面条世家,面汤贯穿血脉。   I"m sorry things didn"t work out …  It"s just what it"s meant to be  Po ,forget everything else ,your destiny still awaits.  We are Noodle folk  Broth runs deep through our veins 20. 师傅:那你为什么不退出呢?  你知道我一直想把你赶走,  可你还是留下来了。   Why didn"t you quit ? you know I was trying to get rid of you but you stayed. 阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。  我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头,  或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。  可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。  我留下来,因为我以为,  如果还有人能改变我,  能让我焕然一新,  那就是你--  中国最伟大的功夫师父!l   Yes ,I stayed .  I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the head  or said I smelled ,it hurts.  But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me .  I stayed ,because I thought ..  If anyone could change me ,  could make me not me ,  it was you…  the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China!哈利波特1For a very sober-minded people, death is just another great adventure.对于头脑十分清醒的人来说,死亡不过是另一场伟大的冒险。 ——邓不利多 2 .This was a man deeply loved, despite the love our people have died, also left us with a protective shield Forever.被一个人这样深深地爱过,尽管那个爱我们的人已经死了,也会给我们留下一个永远的护身符。 ——邓不利多 3、We need to deal with the enemy superhuman courage, and to adhere to a friend in front of their position, but also a great deal of courage.对付敌人我们需要超人的胆量,而要在朋友面前坚持自己的立场,同样也需要很大的勇气。 ——邓不利多 4、Forever Do not believe any thing is capable of thinking independently, unless you see it to where the minds of the Tibetan.永远不要相信任何能够独立思考的东西,除非你看清了它把头脑藏在什么地方。 ——韦斯莱先生 5、The performance of our true self, is our own choice, all this than we have the capacity even more important.表现我们真正的自我,是我们自己的选择,这比我们所俱有的能力更重要。 ——邓不利多 6、If you kill Harry, then you should we have to kill.如果你要杀哈利,那你要把我们也杀死! ——罗恩 7、Patron saint is a positive force, it is something initiated by Dementors food - hope, happiness, the desire to live - but it does not like real people do despair, so Dementors on the impossible It hurt.守护神是一种正面力量,它所倡导的东西正是摄魂怪的食粮——希望、快乐、活下去的愿望——但它不能像真正的人那样感到绝望,因此摄魂怪就没法伤害它。 ——卢平 8、Die than betray a friend, and we will do so for you!死了总比背叛朋友强,我们也会为你这样做的! ——小天狼星布莱克 9、Your father live in you, Harry, you need him, he was in you know.你爸爸活在你身上,哈利,在你需要他的时候,他在你身上表现得最清楚。 ——邓不利多 10、Only through unity can we have a strong, if the split, then a single blow.我们只有团结才会强大,如果分裂,便不堪一击。 ——邓不利多 11、As long as we share the same objectives and open our hearts, habits and language differences will not be an obstacle.只要我们目标一致,敞开心胸,习惯和语言的差异都不会成为障碍。 ——邓不利多 12、I do not want it, nor need it. But I need some laughter. We may all need some laughter. I have a feeling that we will soon need a laugh more than usual.我不想要它,也不需要它。但是我需要一些欢笑。我们可能都需要一些欢笑。我有一种感觉,我们很快就会需要比往常更多的欢笑了。 ——哈利 13、The past will always come and we will accept it.该来的总归会来,来了我们就接受它。 ——海格 14、But indifference, but also turned a blind eye is often straightforward than the harm to much larger offensive.可是漠不关心,还有视而不见,往往会比直截了当的厌恶造成的伤害大得多。 ——邓不利多 15、It is easy to forgive someone else"s mistake, it is difficult to forgive someone else"s right.人们容易原谅别人的错误,却很难原谅别人的正确。 ——邓不利多 16、Out-and-out is Dumbledore and more people, right, Potter?彻头彻尾是邓不利多的人,对不对,波特? ——斯克林杰 17、Only when the people here are no longer loyal to him (Dumbledore), he would leave this school.只有当这里的人都不再忠实于他(邓不利多),他才会离开这所学校。 ——哈利 第6中的,When we in the face of darkness and death, we fear that is unknown, in addition, no other.当我们在面对黑暗和死亡的时候,我们害怕的只是未知,除此之外,没有别的最后一句阿不思 邓不利多:"爱你的人永远都在你身边" " Everybody who loves you is always around."
2023-01-09 11:47:531


化学所有化学品均购自sigma (普尔, dorset ,英国) . 细胞培养诱导拟南芥悬浮培养细胞是一种恩赐教授ar slabas ,达勒姆大学,英国 且维持在中等msmo (西格玛)含蔗糖( 30克l - 1 ) ,萘乙酸( 0.5毫克l 1张) 和激动( 0.05毫克1-1 )白光下(荧光凉白)在通量率为30士10μmolm - 2 s - 1 在16 / 8 h光/黑暗政权. 细胞体外每周转2毫升1周龄文化100毫升的新鲜培养基 育250毫升烧瓶. 枯萎病菌f.s. matthioli种族1 ( kistler et al . 1991年)是用于推导了elicitor . 诱导准备备culturing枯萎病菌以酵母形式在半强度马铃薯葡萄糖肉汤(西格玛p - 6685 ) , 收集酵母细胞中的45%以上, resuspending 100毫升500毫米磷酸二氢钾 离心5000 g的ss - 34转子( sorvall ) 30分钟. 球被溶于200毫升50毫米磷酸二氢钾和0.8%以上. 球其后依次洗涤和离心氯仿/甲醇( 1:1 v / v )和丙酮. 球被溶于蒸( 10克弹丸l - 1 )和蒸30分钟,在121 ° C的 诱导准备被储存在-20℃直至使用. 该枯萎病菌elicitor atμg100毫升- 1葡萄糖当量,最佳的浓度, 致一个充满活力和重复性氧化爆裂. 为启发, 20毫升5日龄拟南芥细胞培养液被转移到一个100毫升的烧杯和搅拌在旋转平台 在180 rpm . 氧化爆裂调制的补充和细胞的培养优化之前很长一段时间,增加了 elicitor ,除非表示不同的看法. 最佳孵育时间分别定在四季豆要30分钟莫能nigericin , valinomycin ,维拉帕米 而dibutyryl营和第5分钟, N-乙基( nem ) , forskolin , w7 ,和A23187 [ genbank ] ( bindschedler et al . , 2001 ) . nem ,维拉帕米和dibutyryl派溶解于水, brefeldin , valinomycin , w7 ,和A23187 [ genbank ]二甲基亚砜, 而forskolin ,莫能及nigericin乙醇. 作为对照,细胞培养,与相应的溶剂或缓冲液用于调制测试. 研究效应EGTA和钙的elcitation回应 收集细胞,离心,在50 g的1分钟, 水洗蔗糖( 3% w / V )和溶于蔗糖( 3% w / v )含有1毫米egta , pH值5.7 . 该resuspended细胞孵育15分钟,然后添加elicitor .
2023-01-09 11:48:001

功夫熊猫 英文对白 .60句 ,

Legend tells a legendary warrior whose kungfu skills was the staff of legend, he traveled the in search of the foes. I see you like to chew, maybe you should chew on my desk. The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full, then he swallowed, and then he spoke Enough talk, let"s fight He was so deadly in fact that his enemies will go blind for the over exposure to pure awesomeness He is so awesome, and attractive. How can we repay you? There is no charge for awesomeness or attractiveness. Flew! It mattered not how many foes he faced, there were no match for his foedesity Never before had a panda been so feared, and so loved. Even the most roller heroes in all of China ---the furious five Bowed in respect of this great master We shall hang out!---agreed Yeh! But hanging out would have to wait, because when you are facing ten thousand demons of demon mountain There is only one thing and that"s Get up You"ll be late for work! Po~ get up! Hi~ Po, what are you doing up there? Oh.nothing Monkey! mantis!crane!viper!tigeress!wow~~ Po ,let"s go! You"re late for work! Coming~ Sorry dad~ Sorry doesn"t make the noodles~ And what are you doing up there~all that noise Oh…Nothing, just ..had a crazy What about? What are you dreaming about? En.was i….i was dreaming about..en…noodles. Noodles? You were really dreaming about noodles? Yeh…what else have I dreamed about? Oh, careful, that soup is sharp! Happy day! My son finally had the noodle dream! You don"t know how long I have been waiting for this moment! This is a sign, Po~ En..a sign of what? You , are almost ready to be entrust with the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup, And then you"ll fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant! Just as I took it over from my father, who took it from his father who won it From a game named Majiang. Dad,dad,dad…this was just a dream. No, it was just the dream. We are noodle folk broth run though our veins. Dad, didn"t you ever…want to do sth else?sth besides noodles? Actually.when I was young and crazy, I thought about running away and learning how to make tofu. So why didn"t you? Because it was a stupid dream! Can you imagine me making tofu? Hahahaha……tofu……no! We all have our place in this world, mine is here, and yours is… I know…is here. No…it"s the table to 2,5,7and12! Services with the smile! Well done!students!if you are trying to disappoint me, tigeress you need more accuracy, Monkey quicker speed, crane hike,viper subtlety, mantis… ! Master Shifu! What? it"s master Wugui, he wants to see you. Master wugui, you summoned me? Is Sth wrong? Why must sth be wrong for me to see my old friend? So…nothing is wrong? Well, I didn"t say that. You"re saying… I have an vision…Tailang will return. That is impossible! He is in prison! Nothing is impossible… Sing!Fly to prison! Double the guards, double the weapons, double everything, Tailang does not leave that prison. Yes! Master shifu.
2023-01-09 11:48:172

除垢剂的英语翻译 除垢剂用英语怎么说

除垢剂 [词典] [化] cleaning media; [例句]任一种与水混合搅动后能够产生肥皂沫的植物葡糖苷,用作除垢剂、发泡剂和乳化剂。Any of various plant glucosides that form soapy lathers when mixed and agitated with water; used in detergents and foaming agents and emulsifiers.
2023-01-09 11:48:271


1.往往在逃避命运的路上,却与之不期而遇 One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it 2.你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,不过当它平静下来,答案就清澈见底了. Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear. true warrior, but do not surrender真正的武士绝不放弃 3.退出,不退出。做面条,不做面条。 Quit don"t quit. Noodles don"t noodles. 4.俗语说, 过去的,已经过去了 未来的,还未可知 现在,却是上苍的礼赠 那就是为什么今天是present(现在/礼物) There is a saying, Yesterday is history Tomorrow is a mystery But today is a gift That is why it"s called the present (the gift) 5.世间无巧合 There are no accidents. 6.乌龟:是的,看着这棵树, 我不能让树为我开花, 也不能让它提前结果 Yes ,look at this tree Chivu(师傅) I can not make it boloosm and suits me , nor make it bear food before it"s time . 师傅:但有些事情我们可以控制 我可以控制果实何时坠落 我还可以控制在何处播种 那可不是幻觉 大师 but there are things we can control I can control when the fruit will fall ... And I can control What time to seed That is not illusion , Master 乌龟:是啊 不过无论你做了什么 那个种子还是会长成桃树 你可能想要苹果 或桔子 可你只能得到桃子 那个种子还是会长成桃树 Yes, but no matter what you do, That seed will grow to be a peach tree You may wish for an Apple or an orange But you will get a peach 师傅:可桃子不能打败太郎 But peache can not defeate Tai Long 乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。 Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it . 7.你不能走,真的武士决不会退却you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits. 8.师傅:那你为什么不退出呢? 你知道我一直想把你赶走, 可你还是留下来了。 Why didn"t you quit ? you know I was trying to get rid of you but you stayed 阿宝:是啊,我留下来了。 我留下来是因为每次你往我头上丢砖头, 或说我难闻,这很伤我的心。 可最伤我心的是,我每天努力练习,却还是这个我。 我留下来,因为我以为, 如果还有人能改变我, 能让我焕然一新, 那就是你-- 中国最伟大的功夫师父! Yes ,I stayed . I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled ,it hurts. But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me . I stayed ,because I thought .. If anyone could change me , could make me not me , it was you the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China! 9. 阿宝,天不遂人愿, 况且这本不是天意, 阿宝,忘了其它的事情, 你的使命一直都在向你召唤。 我们是面条家族, 血管中流着这样的血。 I"m sorry things didn"t work out … It"s just what it"s meant to be Paul ,forget everything else ,your destiny still awaits. We are Noodle folk Broth runs deep through our veins 10.我私家汤的绝密食材,就是…什么都没有。 认为它特别,它就特别了。 The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing. To make something special ,you just have to believe it"s special.
2023-01-09 11:48:354


thought, and capital exclusively upon the business in which you are engaged. Having
2023-01-09 11:48:502


下面这些希望可以帮到你: 用在形容词前面的副词(短语) a.程度副词(短语) 1737 大多数修饰形容词的都是程度副词(短语),它们通常都放 在形容词前面: —否定: 1)The stars are not visible.(但:No stars are visible.No star is visible.Not a star is visible.) Such accidents are common.Such accidents are not uncommon.(意思和common差不多,但较弱。) It is not unpleasant.It is not impossible. 2)It is never(or nothing)easy.It is not a bit (or not at all,not in the least, not in any way,in no way,no ways,in no respect, nowise,by no manner of means, by no means,far from,anything but,nowhere near,not nearly so,not half)easy(=It is extremely difficult). —较低程度或中等程度: 3)The horse is slightly(or rather,somewhat)tired. He is something funny.This theory is half(or partly, quite[Br.])correct.The rope is fairly strong.The situation is pretty(or sort of,kind of,more or less, in some way,in some sort,in some fashion) peaceful. The statement is,in a fashion(or sort,way,sense, manner,measure),correct.He is none too(or not too,not so,not altogether,not all that,not very,not extremely,not over-)happy.It is comparatively(or relatively)easy.He felt some better,but not any too comfortable yet. —不足程度: 4)They are scarcely(or hardly)(=not quite) helpful, and barely(=only just)enough(不令人满意).They are almost(or nearly) enough(令人满意).He is all but(=almost)dead.It"s about(=almost)(口语说 法)ready. 5)There is scarcely any(=almost no)one in the house. He said scarcely a word,He spoke to nearly every member.I can do hardly anything.Almost nothing can stop his plan.(限定形容词有时可以用副词修饰) —较高程度: 6)It is very exciting(or fascinating,striking,trying, tempting,distressing,depressing, stimulating,etc.). (表示情绪的现在分词可用作形容词。) It is very deserving(or becoming,rewarding).He is very grasping(or knowing,uncompromising,uncomplaining).(这些特殊的现在分词可用作形容词,可用 too或very修饰。) He is very pleased(or delighted,amused,gratified, soothed,contented,satisfied;vexed,annoyed,disgusted;astonished,amazed;shocked,frightened,terrified; worried,harassed,distressed,concerned;agitated,up- set,disturbed,excited;embarrassed,ashamed;tired, exhausted,wearied;dejected;devoted;determined; charmed;enlightened;relieved;interested;preoccupied).(表示情绪的过去分词可用作形容词,可用too或very修饰。) 但:He is much(or highly, greatly,considerably)respected by others.(在作动词时,分词不可用very或too修饰。) 7)They are very good(or bad,many,few,far,new).It is very little(or much).(very常和good这类形容词一 起用) He is more than usually alert.He is quite honest. He is right (or almighty,extra)(口语中用法) smart. 8)This theory is largely(or mainly,principally,mostly,chiefly)(=for the most part) correct.I should think this remark is,in a large measure(or in a great degree),believable.He is not a little worried.I am only too(or but too,all too) glad to do it.He is no end (or ever so,more than)happy to hear it. —完全程度(常和不宜用于比较级的形容词连用,起加强语 气的作用): 9)It is entirely(or completely,thoroughly,quite,absolutely) harmless(or pure).This man is extremely(or exceedingly) dangerous.They are fully aware of the danger.The plan is all-important.It is utterly(or to- tally,downright)wrong(or false)(或其他表示令人 不快的形容词). It is altogether(or purely,complete- ly) fictitious. He is just(or simply) wonderful.It is the very best(or very latest,very first) one. 10)It is sufficiently strong(但:strong enough). —有限程度: 11)He has no more than(or just) three dollars.He has not more than(or at most) three dollars.He has not (or less than)three dollars.He has only(or just)one daughter. —过份程度: 12)The city is too(or excessively) noisy.He seems to be over-cautious.He died only too(or but too)young. It is extravagantly expensive.He has more money than enough. —渐增程度: 13)Our situation becomes gradually(or steadily,increasingly) better.His future became more and more (or still more,yet more) brilliant. 1738 用so来代替一个形容词时,它本身也可由一个程度副词(短语)来修饰: The room is big,too much so(=too big)for a child.The teacher is severe,so much so(=so severe)that most of the students dare not go to school.His family is very happy,more so(=happier) than most of the families in this village.I am glad to see him,more so(=more glad) because I haven"t seen him for years. She is pretty and even the most so(=the prettiest)in her class. 1739 程度副词(短语)常常修饰形容词的比较级和最高级: This is much(or far,greatly,lots,a lot,every bit,a good deal) better than that. That is considerably(or tremendously,decidedly,immeasurably,incomparably) larger than this.This is three times better than that.Lilian is somewhat(or a little)taller.Mary is not(or little) more intelligent than her younger sister.The younger brother is much(or by far,in every way)the more intelligent of the two.Is this any larger than that?This is larger by a long shot. She is much(or by far,a long way,a good deal,far and away,out and out,out of sight,head and shoulders)the tallest(or the most beautiful)of all. 1740 一个前面带数词的名词,称作“副词型形容词或名词”,可以 用来修饰形容词,说明程度,通常都放在它前面: 1)The log is twelve feet long(or in length),one foot thick (or in diameter),three and a half feet round(or in circumference).The lake is two miles across(or in diameter),about twenty feet deep(or in depth).He is a head taller than I. He is four floors above,living with a lady. He is ankle(or waist,shoulder) deep in water. The watermelons are mountains high. The husband and the wife are a world apart. 2)The theatre is nine-tenths full(or empty). He is half dead. Mary is part happy,part angry. 3)He is five minutes(too)late. She is five months pregnant. He is forty pounds overweight. He is two,months overdue. The date is four days wrong. I am fifty years old. 4) Our army is a million strong. 5)The pork is two pounds heavy(=in weight). 6)I am five dollars short. b.肯定副词(短语): 1741 肯定副词(短语)也可修饰形容词: This war is decidedly(or clearly,avowedly) disastrous. This method is probably(or perhaps,possibly) good. His remark is,to all intents and purposes(or to all purposes, to all appearance),correct.(这些短语也可放在形容词后 面) c.方式副词: 1742 方式副词可以修饰形容词,在这样用时它们必须放在形容词 前面。(注意,表示方式的副词短语也可修饰形容词,但它们 需要放在后面,可参阅1747。) She is miserably poor(=poor and miserable,or poor to the degree of misery),uncommonly pretty(=pretty and uncommon,or pretty to an uncommon degree),indescribably clever(=so much so that her cleverness cannot be described),hopelessly lonesome,seriously ill,lamentably thin,incredibly patient,deplorably innocent,foolishly honest,desperately fond of flowers,naturally disgusted with city life. It is provokingly ugly,exceedingly large,practically use- less,dangerously shaky. These activities are highly important,exclusively cultural, wonderfully beneficial,delightfully simple,tolerably ex- pensive. This is remarkably(or noticeably,tremendously,manifestly,exceptionally) better than all. The situation is dangerously peaceful.Her dress is beautifully simple.He is infamsouly famous.She is blissfully innocent. He is awful[ly](or dreadful[ly],fearful[ly],terribl [y](=extremely)wise. 1743 有些形容词和现在分词可以用作形容词的修饰语,这时带有 口语色彩,且较强调(参阅1661): He is devilish handsome,deuced clever,extreme wilful,real stubborn,marvellous merry,prodigious active,mighty glad,pretty wise,plenty strong. He is dead drunk(or stupid,slow,asleep,tired,sure of his future). He is broad awake. He is stark naked(or mad,blind,wild). He is rare honest, bitter poor,awful sad,right glad I am jolly(or mighty)glad.I am precious sorry. He is raging(or raving)mad,stinking drunk,biting sarcastic. It is exceeding small,thundering good,passing strange, shocking bad,blazing strange,flattering sweet. It is uncommon fine,jolly nice,damned cheap,dead easy, desperate windy,bitter cold,pestilent cloudy. It is monstrous thick,dreadful dirty,beastly stuffy,confounded difficult,sickly white and rotten pink. It is blazing(or burning,smoking)hot,flaming red,biting cold,groping dark,shining bright,soaking(or pouring) wet. 1744 在口语中某些“形容词+and”结构可有“very”的意思: He is good and tired(=very tired). It is rare and hot today. The coffee is nice and warm. John is fine and astonished. Keep the kitchen sweet and clean. She leaves the house rare and dirty. 1745 副词还可修饰一个作定语的名词: It is a really first-rate policy,a purely family problem,a strictly business affair,a fairly average condition.These are partly state affairs,somewhat old-world customs,very everyday affairs. 用在形容词后面的副词(短语) 1746 a.副词很少放在它所修饰形容词的后面。但有少数程度副 词短语可放在后面。由in引起的短语,通常放在所修饰形容词前面(参阅1737),但为了强调可放在后面。to引 起的短语却特别地放在所修饰形容词的后面: The accident is strange in a high degree ( or in the extreme). This statement is correct in a fashion(or a sort,a measure,a sense,a way,a manner). It is believable in a great degree(or measure,extent). It is satisfactory in every way(or in every respect,in all respects). He is covetous(or obstinate,miserable) to a(or a certain,a small, a large,a great,the last)degree(or extent). He is kind after a fashion. 1747 b.除了程度及肯定副词短语,所有其他副词短语(包括时 间、地点、方式等副词短语)通常都放在所修饰形容词后面: He is late for dinner.It seems easy to me.The rod is thick at both ends.He grows clever in every way.The book is famous in China.A man cautious all the time might make a gross mistake.This dog is black around its eyes.He is generous to a fault.The fruit is rotten to the core.It is satisfactory in all respects. 1748 在上面许多例句中,所有被修饰的形容词都在句中作补语,用在系动词后。但被修饰形容词也可在其他位置:This machine is wonderfully useful.This wonderfully useful machine can cut any metal.This machine,wonderfully useful, can cut any metal.Wonderfully useful, this machine can cut any metal.He finds this machine wonderfully useful.Those people are very interesting.Many of them are very interesting people.Those people, very interesting, can do something for our city.Very interesting, those people can do something for our city.I find those people very interesting. 副词可由副词(短语)、不定式和状语从句修饰。但修饰它们最多的是副词(短语),通常放在副词的前面
2023-01-09 11:49:011


crowded英 ["kraʊdɪd]美 ["kraʊdɪd]adj. 拥挤的;塞满的v. 拥挤(crowd的过去分词)[例句]the crowded, clamorous streets拥挤喧闹的街道
2023-01-09 11:49:102


下面这些希望可以帮到你: 用在形容词前面的副词(短语) a.程度副词(短语) 1737 大多数修饰形容词的都是程度副词(短语),它们通常都放 在形容词前面: —否定: 1)The stars are not visible.(但:No stars are visible.No star is visible.Not a star is visible.) Such accidents are common.Such accidents are not uncommon.(意思和common差不多,但较弱。) It is not unpleasant.It is not impossible. 2)It is never(or nothing)easy.It is not a bit (or not at all,not in the least, not in any way,in no way,no ways,in no respect, nowise,by no manner of means, by no means,far from,anything but,nowhere near,not nearly so,not half)easy(=It is extremely difficult). —较低程度或中等程度: 3)The horse is slightly(or rather,somewhat)tired. He is something funny.This theory is half(or partly, quite[Br.])correct.The rope is fairly strong.The situation is pretty(or sort of,kind of,more or less, in some way,in some sort,in some fashion) peaceful. The statement is,in a fashion(or sort,way,sense, manner,measure),correct.He is none too(or not too,not so,not altogether,not all that,not very,not extremely,not over-)happy.It is comparatively(or relatively)easy.He felt some better,but not any too comfortable yet. —不足程度: 4)They are scarcely(or hardly)(=not quite) helpful, and barely(=only just)enough(不令人满意).They are almost(or nearly) enough(令人满意).He is all but(=almost)dead.It"s about(=almost)(口语说 法)ready. 5)There is scarcely any(=almost no)one in the house. He said scarcely a word,He spoke to nearly every member.I can do hardly anything.Almost nothing can stop his plan.(限定形容词有时可以用副词修饰) —较高程度: 6)It is very exciting(or fascinating,striking,trying, tempting,distressing,depressing, stimulating,etc.). (表示情绪的现在分词可用作形容词。) It is very deserving(or becoming,rewarding).He is very grasping(or knowing,uncompromising,uncomplaining).(这些特殊的现在分词可用作形容词,可用 too或very修饰。) He is very pleased(or delighted,amused,gratified, soothed,contented,satisfied;vexed,annoyed,disgusted;astonished,amazed;shocked,frightened,terrified; worried,harassed,distressed,concerned;agitated,up- set,disturbed,excited;embarrassed,ashamed;tired, exhausted,wearied;dejected;devoted;determined; charmed;enlightened;relieved;interested;preoccupied).(表示情绪的过去分词可用作形容词,可用too或very修饰。) 但:He is much(or highly, greatly,considerably)respected by others.(在作动词时,分词不可用very或too修饰。) 7)They are very good(or bad,many,few,far,new).It is very little(or much).(very常和good这类形容词一 起用) He is more than usually alert.He is quite honest. He is right (or almighty,extra)(口语中用法) smart. 8)This theory is largely(or mainly,principally,mostly,chiefly)(=for the most part) correct.I should think this remark is,in a large measure(or in a great degree),believable.He is not a little worried.I am only too(or but too,all too) glad to do it.He is no end (or ever so,more than)happy to hear it. —完全程度(常和不宜用于比较级的形容词连用,起加强语 气的作用): 9)It is entirely(or completely,thoroughly,quite,absolutely) harmless(or pure).This man is extremely(or exceedingly) dangerous.They are fully aware of the danger.The plan is all-important.It is utterly(or to- tally,downright)wrong(or false)(或其他表示令人 不快的形容词). It is altogether(or purely,complete- ly) fictitious. He is just(or simply) wonderful.It is the very best(or very latest,very first) one. 10)It is sufficiently strong(但:strong enough). —有限程度: 11)He has no more than(or just) three dollars.He has not more than(or at most) three dollars.He has not (or less than)three dollars.He has only(or just)one daughter. —过份程度: 12)The city is too(or excessively) noisy.He seems to be over-cautious.He died only too(or but too)young. It is extravagantly expensive.He has more money than enough. —渐增程度: 13)Our situation becomes gradually(or steadily,increasingly) better.His future became more and more (or still more,yet more) brilliant. 1738 用so来代替一个形容词时,它本身也可由一个程度副词(短语)来修饰: The room is big,too much so(=too big)for a child.The teacher is severe,so much so(=so severe)that most of the students dare not go to school.His family is very happy,more so(=happier) than most of the families in this village.I am glad to see him,more so(=more glad) because I haven"t seen him for years. She is pretty and even the most so(=the prettiest)in her class. 1739 程度副词(短语)常常修饰形容词的比较级和最高级: This is much(or far,greatly,lots,a lot,every bit,a good deal) better than that. That is considerably(or tremendously,decidedly,immeasurably,incomparably) larger than this.This is three times better than that.Lilian is somewhat(or a little)taller.Mary is not(or little) more intelligent than her younger sister.The younger brother is much(or by far,in every way)the more intelligent of the two.Is this any larger than that?This is larger by a long shot. She is much(or by far,a long way,a good deal,far and away,out and out,out of sight,head and shoulders)the tallest(or the most beautiful)of all. 1740 一个前面带数词的名词,称作“副词型形容词或名词”,可以 用来修饰形容词,说明程度,通常都放在它前面: 1)The log is twelve feet long(or in length),one foot thick (or in diameter),three and a half feet round(or in circumference).The lake is two miles across(or in diameter),about twenty feet deep(or in depth).He is a head taller than I. He is four floors above,living with a lady. He is ankle(or waist,shoulder) deep in water. The watermelons are mountains high. The husband and the wife are a world apart. 2)The theatre is nine-tenths full(or empty). He is half dead. Mary is part happy,part angry. 3)He is five minutes(too)late. She is five months pregnant. He is forty pounds overweight. He is two,months overdue. The date is four days wrong. I am fifty years old. 4) Our army is a million strong. 5)The pork is two pounds heavy(=in weight). 6)I am five dollars short. b.肯定副词(短语): 1741 肯定副词(短语)也可修饰形容词: This war is decidedly(or clearly,avowedly) disastrous. This method is probably(or perhaps,possibly) good. His remark is,to all intents and purposes(or to all purposes, to all appearance),correct.(这些短语也可放在形容词后 面) c.方式副词: 1742 方式副词可以修饰形容词,在这样用时它们必须放在形容词 前面。(注意,表示方式的副词短语也可修饰形容词,但它们 需要放在后面,可参阅1747。) She is miserably poor(=poor and miserable,or poor to the degree of misery),uncommonly pretty(=pretty and uncommon,or pretty to an uncommon degree),indescribably clever(=so much so that her cleverness cannot be described),hopelessly lonesome,seriously ill,lamentably thin,incredibly patient,deplorably innocent,foolishly honest,desperately fond of flowers,naturally disgusted with city life. It is provokingly ugly,exceedingly large,practically use- less,dangerously shaky. These activities are highly important,exclusively cultural, wonderfully beneficial,delightfully simple,tolerably ex- pensive. This is remarkably(or noticeably,tremendously,manifestly,exceptionally) better than all. The situation is dangerously peaceful.Her dress is beautifully simple.He is infamsouly famous.She is blissfully innocent. He is awful[ly](or dreadful[ly],fearful[ly],terribl [y](=extremely)wise. 1743 有些形容词和现在分词可以用作形容词的修饰语,这时带有 口语色彩,且较强调(参阅1661): He is devilish handsome,deuced clever,extreme wilful,real stubborn,marvellous merry,prodigious active,mighty glad,pretty wise,plenty strong. He is dead drunk(or stupid,slow,asleep,tired,sure of his future). He is broad awake. He is stark naked(or mad,blind,wild). He is rare honest, bitter poor,awful sad,right glad I am jolly(or mighty)glad.I am precious sorry. He is raging(or raving)mad,stinking drunk,biting sarcastic. It is exceeding small,thundering good,passing strange, shocking bad,blazing strange,flattering sweet. It is uncommon fine,jolly nice,damned cheap,dead easy, desperate windy,bitter cold,pestilent cloudy. It is monstrous thick,dreadful dirty,beastly stuffy,confounded difficult,sickly white and rotten pink. It is blazing(or burning,smoking)hot,flaming red,biting cold,groping dark,shining bright,soaking(or pouring) wet. 1744 在口语中某些“形容词+and”结构可有“very”的意思: He is good and tired(=very tired). It is rare and hot today. The coffee is nice and warm. John is fine and astonished. Keep the kitchen sweet and clean. She leaves the house rare and dirty. 1745 副词还可修饰一个作定语的名词: It is a really first-rate policy,a purely family problem,a strictly business affair,a fairly average condition.These are partly state affairs,somewhat old-world customs,very everyday affairs. 用在形容词后面的副词(短语) 1746 a.副词很少放在它所修饰形容词的后面。但有少数程度副 词短语可放在后面。由in引起的短语,通常放在所修饰形容词前面(参阅1737),但为了强调可放在后面。to引 起的短语却特别地放在所修饰形容词的后面: The accident is strange in a high degree ( or in the extreme). This statement is correct in a fashion(or a sort,a measure,a sense,a way,a manner). It is believable in a great degree(or measure,extent). It is satisfactory in every way(or in every respect,in all respects). He is covetous(or obstinate,miserable) to a(or a certain,a small, a large,a great,the last)degree(or extent). He is kind after a fashion. 1747 b.除了程度及肯定副词短语,所有其他副词短语(包括时 间、地点、方式等副词短语)通常都放在所修饰形容词后面: He is late for dinner.It seems easy to me.The rod is thick at both ends.He grows clever in every way.The book is famous in China.A man cautious all the time might make a gross mistake.This dog is black around its eyes.He is generous to a fault.The fruit is rotten to the core.It is satisfactory in all respects. 1748 在上面许多例句中,所有被修饰的形容词都在句中作补语,用在系动词后。但被修饰形容词也可在其他位置:This machine is wonderfully useful.This wonderfully useful machine can cut any metal.This machine,wonderfully useful, can cut any metal.Wonderfully useful, this machine can cut any metal.He finds this machine wonderfully useful.Those people are very interesting.Many of them are very interesting people.Those people, very interesting, can do something for our city.Very interesting, those people can do something for our city.I find those people very interesting. 副词可由副词(短语)、不定式和状语从句修饰。但修饰它们最多的是副词(短语),通常放在副词的前面
2023-01-09 11:49:261


At that time, I was indicating thump about psychological things in a battle with a telephone. I am sure a steady, picked up a microphone. "Hey, you, I rhyme showed that : : ex, Yes, I know, thank you, Wang teachers! I would tell the family the good news. " "Oh children, who is going to telephone you, tell you to see your mood agitated, Is a visa from you? " Asked the mother confusing. I hung the phone up to the heart jump, for a very long time can not be calm. After a good time, I can calm down. I slashed my mother made a "V" type of sign, meaning victory! God is rare, romantic and the most I have done a "Circle K" lifetime. We all smile in the face of writing, it is jolly Gaoxingjing than in the lottery. I really do not remember that afternoon and how a mother"s
2023-01-09 11:49:442


特别的副词:extraordinarily. 例句: She did extraordinarily well. 她干得特别好。 Shes extraordinarily disciplined. 她特别遵守纪律。 扩展资料   He behaves extraordinarily for someone in his position.   对他那种地位的人来说,他的`行为很特别。   Apart from the hair, he looked extraordinarily unchanged.   除了头发,他看上去真是一点也没变。   She was quick-witted and had an extraordinarily agile mind.   她很机智并且有一个特别敏锐的头脑。   He was extraordinarily agitated now.   他现在异常激动。
2023-01-09 11:49:541


A donation activitiesDrink tsame river, forever linked by blood.Heard of the disaster affecting the sons and daughters of the Yangtze River basin in the heart and affects us all Mudu experimental primary school students in the streets.Although we did not like the soldier blocking for New Orleans flood, carrying sandbags, but we love to the people in the drought-stricken areas was presented.They shout encouragement to our compatriots and the army."We Shall Overcome : : : :" The donation ceremony at the majestic, marking the beginning of a strong national anthem.It sat on the red eye-catching donated attracted attention.National anthem just stopped, Lloyd principals will podium, he painfully said to us : "This year,torrential floods occurred in the Yangtze River basin, and thousands of people lost their homes, they were forced to leave their homes.where school children who have lost their beloved : : "At this time, I see the rise of labor principalssee any extraordinary things keep going round and round in his eyes."When one party is in difficulty, the outpouring of help from all directions. Mudu real small, we should extend a helping hand to all teachers and students, everyone contributes a little love.We love the campus out flowers bear fruit. "Dr president becomes agitated.At this very moment, I am very touched by the tears continued to flow downward from the corners of his eyes.": : If everyone contributes a little affection, the world will be a better world : :" With the "dedication and love" songs,donation ceremony into a climax."One group contributions teacher 730 yuan, 700 yuan contributions : second grade teacher group :One (1) : 121.30 classes contributions :five yuan were donated to the school. "" I would also like to contribute! "Cute audience a voice yelled.I saw the children a first-grader brought a large storage paper-box, donated to walking."Crash," the storage paper-box broken ground to scatter the pile of coins.Remember, he only picked up one yuan, seized so seriously that these missing from a coin.We have shocked, Guolehaojiu before thunderous applause, we have to vote to the praise and admiration of his eyes.Now, I feel that our people in the disaster areas and the heart of even closer.We all thought, "one party is in difficulty, assistance comes from all quarters", which is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.This spirit disaster areas, allowing people to get back on their feet, won the great victory in the fight against floods!": : If everyone contributes a little affection, the world will be a better world : :" This voice once again.throughout the entire campus, but also throughout the entire Chinese soil.
2023-01-09 11:50:013


2023-01-09 11:50:406


  你知道变得的英文单词是什么吗?下面一起来看看吧   变得   变得的英文释义:   became   go into   become   get   变得的英文例句:   当问到他过去的犯罪历史时,他变得十分焦虑不安。   He became quite agitated when he was asked about his criminal past.   我很高兴地看到这匹马变得这么温顺。   I was pleased to see how peaceable the horse had become.   会议开始变得喧哗了。   The meeting began to become clamorous.   她再也没有笑过,变得郁郁寡欢。   She never laughed and became very sullen.   老人的生活变得呆板无趣。 变得的英文单词   The old man"s life became dull and colorless.   在过去五十年间,社会等级差别已经变得不那么重要了。   Class distinctions have become less important during the last 50 years.   3年,让心境变得沧桑了,态度变得懒惰了,性情变得颓废了。   Yesterday is the 3rd anniversary for my career.However, minds get blue, and attitudes get indolent, while tempers get decadent.   Becker随着年龄的增长,我们并不变得更好也不变得更坏,而是变得更象我们自己。   We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more like ourselves.-M.L.   他想让家变得温暖,变得温馨,变得充满欢笑。   He wanted to become a warm home, get warm and become filled with laughter.   The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are stronger at the broken places 生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,但到后来,那些受伤的地方会变得更坚强。   I wanted the front garden to be a blaze of colour 我想让门前的花园变得五彩缤纷。   Stewart has developed a tendency to mix it verbally with the opposition 斯图尔特现在变得只要和别人意见不合,就准备大吵一架。   Many of the leaders have become hooked on power and money 很多领导人都变得贪恋权力和金钱。   The crowds became violent and threw petrol bombs at the police 人群变得狂暴起来,并向警察投掷汽油弹。   All the nice areas in Florida are becoming more and more urbanized 佛罗里达所有的那些好去处都在变得越来越都市化。   In the dark my sense of hearing becomes so acute 黑暗中我的听觉变得异常灵敏。   Family values are suddenly the name of the game 家庭价值观突然变得重要起来。   Jem was full of beans after a long sleep 杰姆好好睡了一觉之后又变得精力充沛了。
2023-01-09 11:51:041

求英语高手帮我翻译这篇文章! 汉译英!

Worries would make me weak, long and short term to make me melancholy. Once upon a time, with confidence, so high-spirited.The years slipped away, leaving behind only the vicissitudes of reality, and so worried.- RavingOne night is still young, and sometimes feel that life is so long, long, to let us count the time to live.Sometimes, life is but a brief scary, stroke, a number of years is over, close your eyes, everything has beenBecame a thing of the past. Said the clouds is easy to the eyes, vanished, really any traces disappear?When I open a song, it is a student favorite melody. I suddenly think of many, many,I am not so sentimental, a worry, but in listening to these melodies, the bitterness and joy of the past will not help sinceThe emergence of the Lord, this time, I found myself already had a laughing playful love no head, no brain age.At the moment, that life requires choices, you need passion and spirit. Comfortable in almost a year, so to speak. This isTo me, is probably happy, but I really want to pressure the tough. Have always felt a calm down on the disturbedCan be busy, irritability, hey, embarrassed and contradictory age.Mediocrity, are truly called me melancholy. I live to live, there is always the day will comprehend the meaning of life, onlyDay, may all have been settled. I like the uncertainty of life, at least we can see that you haveDay may succeed, perhaps failure, also may be powerless. "I am a person not have the courage, with a small yearCentury naive. "Oh, the songs of that time only I heard the more naive. Who would have thought at the moment it sounds but do not have taste.I think the choice of life at the moment, regardless of how choices are to be regarded as a road, a vague butFull of thorns and rocky road. The choice is never terrible, terrible choice after the remorse, no one would dare to say:"I never regretted the choice over things." Are pure and innocent came step by step, perhaps, years a long time.Regret that the word has become very pale strike.Do not know since a Why at this moment, beat on these weird and incomprehensible text. May be the heart side, there is alwaysA desire to stop in once before in the expectations have not yet turned into disappointment, hope has become desperate after. Keep a littleRead to finish the real and unreal journey of life.Through the crowds, the lights dim, never thought to look back, one after another to go finish the journey, when canRun its course. Can not turn back time, no longer anxious when no choice when you can not choose when, alwaysAgo, because the road has been in "Good strike, I am not melancholy, keep read like
2023-01-09 11:51:134

《哪吒之魔童降世》经典台词太燃太走心 若命运不公,便和它奋斗到底

1.生活你全是泪,越是折腾越倒霉,垂死挣扎你累不累,不如瘫在床上睡。 2.哪吒:“你是我唯一的朋友啊!”敖丙:“你也是我唯一的朋友。” 3.龙王:“全体龙族已将最硬的龙鳞都给了你。” 4.小云云:“哪吒是你什么人?”李靖:“他是我儿。 5.李靖:“爹一直对你很严,知道你心里有气,别在意别人的看法,你是谁,只有你自己说了才算。”哪吒:“别人的看法都是狗屁,你是谁只有你自己说了才算,这是爹教我的道理。” 6.哪吒:“去他个鸟命!我命由我,不由天!是魔是仙,我自己决定!” 7.哪吒:“三年是短了点,不过我也玩的挺开心的,今天是我生辰宴,都不准哭哦!我自己的命自己扛,不连累别人。” 8.哪吒:“白白搭上一条人命,你傻不傻?”敖丙:“不傻谁和你做朋友!” 9.太乙真人:“人是否能够改变命运,我不晓得。我只晓得,不认命是哪吒的命。” 10.申公豹:“人心中的成见就像一座大山,任你怎么努力也休想搬动。” 11.我是小妖怪,逍遥又自在,杀人不眨眼,吃人不放盐,一吃七八个,吃完就拉屎,拉屎上茅房,发现没有纸。 12.若命运不公,便和它奋斗到底。王者荣耀经典台词 1、与崇拜的偶像共舞,仿佛做梦。——公孙离 2、没有生命,为了最终的堕落与沉沦而降临世间。——铠 3、保持敬老的美德,能让你们避免被碾压!——墨子 4、会牵挂的叫亲人,能回去的是故乡。——裴擒虎 5、呵呵,干嘛这么想不开,非要在脸上贴个输字!——花木兰 6、智商太低会传染,离我远点。——诸葛亮 7、谁建造他,谁守望他,谁在枫叶的季节从他身畔归来?——公孙离 8、愿者上钩,这是多么痛彻的领悟啊!——姜子牙 9、每次喝醉,都是为了壮胆与你表白。——李白 10、王者背负,王者审判,王者不可阻挡。——亚瑟 11、想知道自己怎么死的吗,来,马上告诉你。——狄仁杰 12、此生不相见,动如参与商。——后羿 13、大小姐驾到,通通闪开。——孙尚香 14、点亮的星,不会轻易熄灭!——大乔 15、残余的力量,总比绝望更多!——苏烈 16、有些罪,不会消失;有些事,非做不可。——张飞 《极限挑战》经典台词 1、小猪啊,以后想不想来内地发展。我会派弟兄们过去的。 2、嫂夫人是不是特善良? 3、我认为人与人之间最基本的就是信任。 4、我们不能报警,我们不能抱紧紧。 5、人追着,狗叫着。孙红雷你还好是个演员。你要是干别的对社会一点好处都没有。 6、我现在还在桥上……想跳下去…… 7、不怕神一样的敌人,就怕猪一样的队友。 8、我要免费的度假! 9、你(孙红雷)智商够用嘛。 10、登上巅峰,就要疯癫一点。 11、我太傻了,全世界最傻的就是我。 12、我还只是个孩子! 13、爱的最好证明,就是信任。 14、从现在开始,不要相信任何人。 15、艺兴这孩子太乖了,我来抱一下。 16、等待被营救的5人,孤身奋战的大松鼠。为了兄弟们,冲刺!抛弃我!辜负我!背叛我!本篇文章来自资料管理下载。只要有难我仍会拼死相助,这个就叫兄弟。这个才叫兄弟! 17、害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无。 18、哥哥给我两根金条,因为我要赢。 19、抛弃我!辜负我!背叛我!只要有难我仍会拼死相助,这个就叫兄弟,这个才叫兄弟! 20、王迅已经是盘中餐啦,随便咽一下就可以。 21、世人都说阳光总在风雨后,却不知风雨也在阳光后。 22、只要有难我仍会拼死相助,这个就叫兄弟。这个才叫兄弟! 23、这世上会永远包容你的除了父母,还有真兄弟。 24、红雷今天你颜值也不好使了,颜值王简称颜王。 25、因为要么就不做,一做就要做到最好。 26、人生是一场站役,命运却时而反转。 27、比起胜利,收获友情更重要。 28、淡然,生活就是这样,但也总有爆发的时候,只有在爆发后,能重新拾起理性。 29、职场不需要同情,但想赢,先学会尊重对手。 30、这就是命。 功夫熊猫2经典台词 一切都不是偶然。 There are no accidents. 认为它特别,它就特别了。 To make something special ,you just ha一ve to believe its special. 何必躲呢,躲不过的。 One meets its destiny on the road he takes to a一void it Theres no charge for awesomeness or to attractiveness !! 牛人不收费,迷死人不偿命~ 着急的时候脑子也乱了,静下心来就好了。 Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear. 师傅:那你为什么不退出呢?你知道我一直想把你赶走,可你还是留下来了。 orrow is a mystery But today is a gift. That is why its called the present (the gift) 你不能走,真的武士决不会退却 you cannot lea一ve ,real warrior never quits. 乌龟:是的,看着这棵树, 我不能让树为我开花, 也不能让它提前结果 Yes,look at this tree Chivu(师傅) I can not make it boloosm and suits me, nor make it bear food before its time.宫崎骏《侧耳倾听》经典台词 1、因为你,我愿意成为一个更好的人,不想成为你的包袱,因此发奋努力,只是为了想要证明我足以与你相配。 2、只要有你在,我就会努力。 3、我写了之后才知道,光是想写是不够的,要学的东西还有很多很多。 4、因为你,我想要变成一个更好的人,不想成为你的负担,因此发奋,只是想证明我足以与你相配。 5、我想早一点见到你,结果就真的见到你了。 6、恋爱应该是双方扶持对方共同完成自己的目标,而不是虚幻的思想、肤浅的物质、和纸醉金迷的生活。 7、你将来愿意嫁给我吗? 8、我早就想,要这样载着你……翻山越岭。 9、其实很早以前,我就在图书馆的借书卡上注意到你了,你不知道我在图书馆有几次跟你擦肩而过吧,好几次我还曾经坐在你旁边。为了要让我的名字早点出现在借书卡上,我看了好多书。将来...我如果去了意大利,会不停地唱着你那首歌来努力的。 10、一个人生活,就得离开城镇,不带走一片云彩。让自己更坚强。 11、只要有你在我就会努力,我很高兴我尽了力,让我比以前更了解我自己。 12、我不要变成你的包袱,我也早就想好了,要在背后支持你。 13、真是奇迹,我真的见到你了。我想早一点见到你,心里不断的叫着你的名字,结果我想不到,居然真的见到你了,我们俩太有默契了。 14、我...我写了之后才发现,光是想写是不够的,要学的东西还有很多很多。但是...因为圣司一步步走的好快,我好想跟上他的脚步,我真的好害怕,好害怕。 15、人为什么会变呢?我以前明明很乖,而且很温柔的。最近却老是心神不宁,也不像以前那么活泼了,心里总是有个声音,好像在对我说事情才没那么简单,变得一点都不可爱。 16、我有种感觉,好像很久以前,就已经认识你了。有时候,又一直急着想要看到你,今天看到你,又觉得心里酸酸的。 17、你朝着自己的理想一步步的前进,我就跟傻瓜一样,只希望跟你念一样的高中就好了。 18、将来,我如果去了意大利,会不停的唱着你那首歌来努力的。 19、我想早一点见到你,心里不断的叫着你的名字,阿雯出来,结果我想不到居然真的见到你了,我们俩太有默契了。 20、阿雯,有件事,我...当然不是说马上啦,但是将来你愿意嫁给我吗? 21、一生至少该有一次 ,为了某个人而忘了自己 ,不求有结果 ,不求同行 ,不求曾经拥有 ,甚至不求你爱我 ,只求在我最美的年华里 ,遇到你 。 22、许多往事在眼前一幕一幕,变的那麼模糊, 曾经那麼坚信的,那麼执着的,一直相信著的, 其实什麼都没有,什麼都不是... 突然发现自己很傻,傻的不行。我发誓,我笑了,笑的眼泪都掉了。笑我们这麼傻, 我们总在重复著一些伤害,没有一个可以躲藏不被痛找到。却还一直傻傻的期待,到失望, 再期待,再失望... 23、我习惯了等待, 于是,在轮回中我无法抗拒的站回等待的原点。 我不知道,这样我还要等多久才能看到一个答案; 我不知道,如此我还能坚持的等待多久去等一个结果? 思念,很无力,那是因为我看不到思念的结果。 也许,思念不需结果, 它只是证明在心里有个人曾存在过。 是不是能给思念一份证书, 证明曾经它曾存在过? 24、似乎习惯了等待, 单纯的以为等待就会到来。 但却在等待中错过了, 那些可以幸福的幸福。 在失去时后悔, 为什么没有抓祝 其实等待本身就是一种可笑的错误。 明知道等待着一份不知能否到来的幸福··· 25、在一段时间我喜欢一段音乐, 听一段音乐我怀念一段时光。 坐在一段时光里怀念另一段时光的掌纹。 那时听着那歌会是怎样的心情? 那时的我们是否相遇? 是相遇还是错过? 还是, 没有结局的邂逅?名句作为警示自己的句子,希望以上《《哪吒之魔童降世》经典台词太燃太走心 若命运不公,便和它奋斗到底》内容对您有所帮助,如果还想获取更多名句内容可以点击 正能量心太的短句 专题。
2023-01-09 11:51:261

15个吊桶打水 歇后语

2023-01-09 11:51:322


我先回答前面几个吧UNIT61.I"d like to share the room with you. 2.You are studying abroad must adapt yourself to new manners and customs and different ways of thinking.3.If we think that"s unfair, we will bold speak up.4.We should not look down upon him. We first have to build up confidence to him, and then to help him to improve learning methods. 5.In order to bring the company built the first-class company, we should change passive to active.6.In order to let the status of women in society recognized, women made a long struggle. 我下次再来,这次没有时间了,如果你觉得我的答案可以,我下次再发
2023-01-09 11:51:434


从语言习惯来说,calm这个词没有否定前缀如果想形容人不冷静,可以说:impulsion n.冲动nervousness n.焦躁,紧张不安名词词组:being agitated 激动,不安being excited 兴奋,激动
2023-01-09 11:51:571

some 和certain的区别有哪些?

Some与certain的区别1.Some侧重说话人对所述之人或事不明确或一无所知,它只和单数名词连用,其前没有不定冠词。例如: Some person called on you when you were out.你出去时有个人来拜访你。There must be some reason for what he"s done.他这么做一定有某种理由。2.Certain多表示说话人对所述之人或事或知之不详或知而不言,它与单数名词连用时,其前必须加不定冠词。另外,表达此意时,certain还可以同复数名词连用,表示“某些”。例如:A certain person telephoned you while you were out.你出去时有个人给你打过电话。For certain reasons I"ll be unable to attend the meeting.由于某些原因我不能参加此次会议。3. 在单数普通名词前,a certain和some通常可以互换。在专有名词前通常用a certain,不用some. Some 可以和or…,or other,or another连用,表示未知的对象,而(a)certain没有这样的搭配。如:A certain Smith is waiting at the gate.有个叫史密斯的人正在门口正等着你。He used to work at some/a certain place in Guangzhou.他过去在广州某个地方工作。She won a competition in some newspaper or other她在某个报纸上获过奖。
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