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2023-08-22 21:08:05
TAG: 英语 翻译


1. Choose a suitable American drama

For example, Prison Break and Dr House are professional drama. Although the dramas are very interesting, but the professional nouns are not suitable to be used in our daily lives. A drama that is related to daily life can improve our English standard, therefore it is more suitable for learning English purpose.

2. Abandon subtitles

If you are depending on subtitles while you are watching American dramas, it will be hard to improve your English standard. The correct way is, after you watched a drama, you need to try to ignore the subtitles and repeat watching the drama for few times, if you persist on doing so, you can improve your English standard.

3. Once is not enough

If you only watch the drama once, it is not for English learning purpose, it can only be called as entertainment. If you want to learn English, you need to watch the drama repeatedly, listen carefully to what they said, understand the meaning of the sentence and use the words in your daily life.

4. Learn pure pronunciation

If you want to learn English from American drama, the most important is learning pure pronunciation. Listen carefully of the language habits of the characters and their pronunciation , you can understand better American customs.


1. Choose to suit oneself beauty drama

Prison break the house doctor "professional American play, although very good-looking, but one of the professional term not often used in life, and relatively lack of American TV can further enhance English level, more suitable for learning English.

2 the subtitles cast aside

If you are using American play learning time is very dependent on subtitles, then your English level is hard to improve. The right way is: after watching it again, try not to take any subtitles again see several times, keep doing this you will improve.

3. Watch it again is not enough

Look again simply cannot call to learn English, at best, only can call entertainment. If is holding the purpose of learning, must be repeated look, fine listen, understanding the meanings of the word, sentence order to just go.

4 the copy from pure beauty pronunciation

In the use of American play in the process of learning English is the most important is to imitate the pronunciation. Carefully experience beauty the various roles language habits and pronunciation, you can learn more about American culture.


1.Choose to suit oneself beauty drama

Prison break the house doctor "professional American play, although very good-looking, but one of the professional term not often used in life, and relatively lack of American TV can further enhance English level, more suitable for learning English.

2.Shif the subtitles cast aside

If you are using American play learning time is very dependent on subtitles, then your English level is hard to improve. The right way is: after watching it again, try not to take any subtitles again see several times, keep doing this you will improve.

3.Watch it again is not enough

Look again simply cannot call to learn English, at best, only can call entertainment. If is holding the purpose of learning, must be repeated look, fine listen, understanding the meanings of the word, sentence order to just go。

4.From the pure beauty copy pronunciation

In the use of American play in the process of learning English is the most important is to imitate the pronunciation. Carefully experience beauty the various roles language habits and pronunciation, you can learn more about American culture.



to go a step futher
2023-08-14 13:12:133


further,even/still further,even/still further more更进一步和再进一步好像在中文上没啥区别吧,你可以考虑:优选地,更优选地,进一步优选地
2023-08-14 13:12:251


问题一:谢谢回复,希望能得到进一步的消息用英语怎么说 Thank yo海 for your reply and look forward to receive further message. 如果帮到你,请记得采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢 问题二:值得进一步说明的是 英文怎么说? 不知道你是写文章呢,还是给老外发邮件? “值得”在这里不太适合用worth来直译,worth是指某些事值得付出什么代价。 我经常和老外邮件沟通,这里的值得有几种方式表达,如果是我觉得值得进一步说,我会说There are some details I"d like to give more ments,如果是我希望对方引起注意的,我会说“There"s something suppose to be further explained” 当然,如果用worth being 或者worth to be的语法,老外也能懂,但是会显得比较生硬 问题三:我要对你有进一步的了解. 英语怎么说 I have to know you more. I want to know you more. I need a further understanding toward you. I l揣ke to have a further understanding about you. 问题四:“更进一步地”,“再进一步地”的英语怎么说专利 “更进一步地”,“再进一步地”的的英文翻译_百度翻译 “更进一步地”,“再进一步地”的 Further, further 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译 further_百度翻译 further 英[?f?:e?(r)] 美[?f?:re?(r)] adj. 更多的; 更远的,较远的; 更进一步的,深一层的; adv. 进一步地; 更远地; 而且; vt. 促进,推动; 增进; [例句]They lacked the scientific personnel to develop the technical apparatus much further. 他们缺少能够进一步研发这一技术装置的科研人员。 [其他] 原型: far 第三人称单数:furthers 现在分词:furthering 过去式:furthered过去分词:furthered 问题五:“更进一步地说” 用英文如何表达? 你可以说,What"s more或者To be more important、As for a further me触t.诸如此类的。希望对你有帮助。。 问题六:专利文件中,“进一步地”、“更进一步地”、“再进一步地”的英语怎么说 further,even/still further,even/still further more 更进一步和再进一步好像在中文上没啥区别吧, 你可以考虑:优选地,更优选地,进一步优选地 问题七:值得进一步说明的是英文怎么说 Worthy of further explanation is 问题八:希望能得到进一步的消息用英语怎么说 希望能得到进一步的消息 翻译成英文是:I hope to get further information. 相关单词学习: further 英[?f?:e?(r)] 美[?f?:re?(r)] adj. 更多的; 更远的,较远的; 更进一步的,深一层的; adv. 进一步地; 更远地; 而且; vt. 促进,推动; 增进; [例句]They lacked the scientific personnel to develop the technical apparatus much further. 他们缺少能够进一步研发这一技术装置的科研人员。 [其他] 原型: far 第三人称单数:furthers 现在分词:furthering过去式:furthered 过去分词:furthered 问题九:目前我们还没有进一步的消息。英语怎么说 We have no further news at the moment 问题十:进一步指示的英语翻译 进一步指示用英语怎么说 Next instructions
2023-08-14 13:12:341


I am hoping for a progress on my study.
2023-08-14 13:12:459


这样further是更进一步的意思cooperation是合作所以further cooperation
2023-08-14 13:13:162

我要对你有进一步的了解. 英语怎么说

I would like to have a further understanding with you
2023-08-14 13:13:404


准确的翻译应该是:“100 foot bamboo pole heads, on further” “百尺竿头,更进一步”,出自一则佛教典故。据宋代释普济《五灯会元》记载,当时有位高僧名叫景岑,号招贤大师,其佛学造诣极高,常被各地请去传道讲经。一天,他应邀到佛寺讲经时,有僧人施礼请他解答关于佛教最高境界——十方世界的问题。为了说明十方世界究竟是怎么回事,招贤大师当场唱了一句偈语:“百尺竿头不动人,虽然得入未为真。百尺竿头须进步,十方世界是全身。”意为如果道行的修养到了百尺竿头那样的境地不再前进,那么,虽然了得,却还不是纯真,即使修到百足竿头的顶端,仍然不能松劲,绝对不能自满,也绝对不能中辍,继续用心去做,仔细去做,才会取得更大的进步 百尺竿头更进一步,语出自《景德传灯录》,讲的是景岑禅师的故事。   景岑禅师是唐朝时湖南长沙人,师从于南泉普愿(沩山),法号「招贤大师」,世人称为「长沙和尚」。   景岑禅师听了小和尚的汇报,作了一偈:“百尺竿头不动(坐的)人,虽然得入未为真;百尺竿头须进步,十方世界是全身。”   “百尺竿头不动”是很高的境界,是一种寻常人不易达成的豁然开朗。也许这就是顿悟,是由凡入圣境。到了这种境界,已然得窥法门,已经是“得入”了。当然,付出的艰苦和经验不一而足。这一点,我以为非常重要,世界虽大,人生的路也长,但并不是经常会有这种机会,有这样的感悟。大多时候,只是感觉在爬山,在往前走,而这种“一览众山小”的享受,只有在一定的巅峰才得体验。山外自然更有山,大家对此自然也有各自的理解,但我以为,要有这样的震憾,还是很不容易。   我理解,景岑禅师所说的,就是由圣入凡,出空入有,到生活中找回悟的价值来。山水海湖,十方世界,都是“真”意所在,都是烦恼即菩提的世界。洞山良价有一句偈正好做注脚:“人人尽欲出常流,折合还归炭里坐”。百尺竿头更进一步,就是要归炭里坐去。这又好比是顿悟后的渐修,到生活中去实践禅。景岑禅师的老师南泉普愿说死后愿做山下农家的水牯牛,这又是化我为万物了,也许正是“全身”所指。到了这样的境界,我想才真是无拘无束,无可无不可了。   于是想到陆游的诗“何方可化身千亿,一树梅花一放翁”,不知是不是有竹竿偈的意思在里面。   回过头来再一想,这竿本是要爬的,百尺的竿,爬上去自是不容易,再进一步,我想,多半还就是滑下来吧。
2023-08-14 13:13:481


Suggested that further review
2023-08-14 13:13:595


only by doubling our efforts can we achieve our goals.
2023-08-14 13:14:182


百尺竿头更进一步 [词典] make still further progress; [例句]目前中德合作已经达到历史新高度,但中国有句老话,百尺竿头更进一步。While China-Germany cooperation has reached a record level, we can do even better.
2023-08-14 13:14:251


It made me further undstand you
2023-08-14 13:14:367


人们的诚信意识需要进一步增强的英文People"s awareness of integrity needs to be further enhanced。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。
2023-08-14 13:15:051


People"s awareness of integrity needs to be further enhanced。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机介绍给英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响力。自17世纪以来,现代英语在英国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过各类这些国家的印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为国际主导语言之一,在许多地区和专业的环境下的语言也有主导地位,例如科学、导航和法律。
2023-08-14 13:15:131

在此基础上希望我们能够进一步合作 用英语怎么说?

(I) Hope we can further cooperate based on this foundation.
2023-08-14 13:15:534


hope we will have more chances to communicate
2023-08-14 13:16:045


2023-08-14 13:16:214


2023-08-14 13:16:293

我的英语口语水平有了进一步的提高 用英语怎么说

我的英语口语水平有了进一步的提高_有道翻译翻译结果:My spoken English has improved further
2023-08-14 13:16:392


Have lost, so the micro and difficult to; Born in like, so pure and and
2023-08-14 13:17:073


如果是在给老师的e-mail中写这句话,则可以直接说I hope you can give me a chance to do my further study.若要礼貌一点:I"ll appreciate,if you give me an opportunity to do my further study.如果是对第三人描述此事,则楼上的两句均可。
2023-08-14 13:17:187


My chance~!
2023-08-14 13:17:489


We currently have no further information.
2023-08-14 13:18:096


I dream of going furtherFurther away from my dreamTo mine dream furtherFrom my dream further
2023-08-14 13:18:454


should be a further research
2023-08-14 13:18:554

你好,关于报价问题我们还在商议之中,有进一步消息会尽快通知你,谢谢! 请问英文怎样译,急,谢谢了.

hello.questions about the Quote is under discussing.we will inform you as soon as possible if there is any futher news.
2023-08-14 13:19:031


1For English, I should try to2To this issue, we will further thinking3The two don"t conflict4This problem can reflect our real English ability
2023-08-14 13:19:134


2023-08-14 13:19:234


翻译hope to acquire further information
2023-08-14 13:19:481


进一步指示Further instructions
2023-08-14 13:19:561


进一步研究 [词典] further studies on; further investigations of; [例句]需要在更自然的条件下进行进一步研究。Further research is needed under rather more naturalistic conditions.
2023-08-14 13:20:061


to improve someone"s English
2023-08-14 13:20:212


I want to have a further study in English.
2023-08-14 13:20:334


准确的翻译应该是:“100 foot bamboo pole heads, on further” “百尺竿头,更进一步”,出自一则佛教典故。据宋代释普济《五灯会元》记载,当时有位高僧名叫景岑,号招贤大师,其佛学造诣极高,常被各地请去传道讲经。一天,他应邀到佛寺讲经时,有僧人施礼请他解答关于佛教最高境界——十方世界的问题。为了说明十方世界究竟是怎么回事,招贤大师当场唱了一句偈语:“百尺竿头不动人,虽然得入未为真。百尺竿头须进步,十方世界是全身。”意为如果道行的修养到了百尺竿头那样的境地不再前进,那么,虽然了得,却还不是纯真,即使修到百足竿头的顶端,仍然不能松劲,绝对不能自满,也绝对不能中辍,继续用心去做,仔细去做,才会取得更大的进步 百尺竿头更进一步,语出自《景德传灯录》,讲的是景岑禅师的故事。   景岑禅师是唐朝时湖南长沙人,师从于南泉普愿(沩山),法号「招贤大师」,世人称为「长沙和尚」。   景岑禅师听了小和尚的汇报,作了一偈:“百尺竿头不动(坐的)人,虽然得入未为真;百尺竿头须进步,十方世界是全身。”   “百尺竿头不动”是很高的境界,是一种寻常人不易达成的豁然开朗。也许这就是顿悟,是由凡入圣境。到了这种境界,已然得窥法门,已经是“得入”了。当然,付出的艰苦和经验不一而足。这一点,我以为非常重要,世界虽大,人生的路也长,但并不是经常会有这种机会,有这样的感悟。大多时候,只是感觉在爬山,在往前走,而这种“一览众山小”的享受,只有在一定的巅峰才得体验。山外自然更有山,大家对此自然也有各自的理解,但我以为,要有这样的震憾,还是很不容易。   我理解,景岑禅师所说的,就是由圣入凡,出空入有,到生活中找回悟的价值来。山水海湖,十方世界,都是“真”意所在,都是烦恼即菩提的世界。洞山良价有一句偈正好做注脚:“人人尽欲出常流,折合还归炭里坐”。百尺竿头更进一步,就是要归炭里坐去。这又好比是顿悟后的渐修,到生活中去实践禅。景岑禅师的老师南泉普愿说死后愿做山下农家的水牯牛,这又是化我为万物了,也许正是“全身”所指。到了这样的境界,我想才真是无拘无束,无可无不可了。   于是想到陆游的诗“何方可化身千亿,一树梅花一放翁”,不知是不是有竹竿偈的意思在里面。   回过头来再一想,这竿本是要爬的,百尺的竿,爬上去自是不容易,再进一步,我想,多半还就是滑下来吧。
2023-08-14 13:20:441

值得进一步说明的是 英文怎么说?

The worthy of further explanation is 或者简单一点可以:Worthy of Further explanation
2023-08-14 13:20:575


首先,这句话是【百尺竿头 更进一步】然后,英语可以说【Continuing success further】呵呵^_^
2023-08-14 13:21:162


丑陋:ugly 或者 bad-looking进一步学习:study further 或者 study more Learn further 或者 learnmore
2023-08-14 13:21:371


中文:期待我们的进一步交流英文:I look forward to our further communication
2023-08-14 13:21:461


first of all ,then ,next,finally
2023-08-14 13:21:562


2023-08-14 13:22:061


We will make a further follow-up the progress of the event
2023-08-14 13:22:172


Every success in the future
2023-08-14 13:22:282


I hope me to be able in the studies the further
2023-08-14 13:22:361

进一步明确了对后续工作的要求 英文怎么说?

Further defined the requirements for the following works.
2023-08-14 13:22:443


should be a further research
2023-08-14 13:22:521


“更进一步地说” 用英文如何表达? 你可以说,What"s more或者To be more important、As for a further me触t.诸如此类的。希望对你有帮助。。 更加适应的英文怎么说 Adapt more adjust fitsuit acclimatize oneself to acmodate be seasoned with 还有好多 更确切地说 用英文怎么说? or rather 甚至,更确切地. "从而更加的适应社会"用英语怎么说 So it can be more adapt to the society 更深入的了解,英语怎么说? 更深入的了解 deeper understanding 对.有更深的了解用英语怎么说 have a deeper understanding of...; know more about...; make ...out more deeply; understand...more deeply 从现在起,我会更加努力地学习。 用英语怎么说 从现在起,我会更加努力地学习。 From now on, I will study harder. 从现在起,我会更加努力地学习。 From now on, I will study harder. “更加需要”用英语怎么说?“人在A的时候比在B的时候更加需要朋友” People need friends more in A than in B
2023-08-14 13:23:001


Worthy of further explanation is
2023-08-14 13:23:202

希望你在新的职位上取得进一步的成功 英文表示

希望你在新的职位上取得进一步的成功I hope you get further success in your new position.
2023-08-14 13:23:311


projects whichare need to be discussed further
2023-08-14 13:23:403

"我市在欧影响力进一步扩大" 英文怎么说

Our city has a incearing impression upon European countires
2023-08-14 13:23:483


2023-08-14 13:24:011