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2023-08-22 17:20:58
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!


  自从最初版本(1994年DOS版)发行以来,Worms系列的游戏性特点基本上没有任何变化。携带武器的虫子战斗小组分散在一个随机生成或者预设的战场上,例如隐蔽、遍布裂缝的山洞或者一个岛屿等等。然后每个队伍依次控制它们虫子,利用方向键移动、鼠标选择武器——最终目标是消灭对立的虫子军队。几十种虫子可以使用的武器组成了破坏性和玩笑意味浓厚的军火库。除了常规战争中的一些武器,例如双管猎枪、地雷、乌兹冲锋枪、手榴弹、手枪、凝固汽油弹、火箭筒等等,玩家的虫子还可以召唤更加奇异的毁灭性武器。玩家可以使用棒球棒、绵羊炸弹、强大的疯牛、香蕉炸弹、喃喃自语的老妇、Monty Python(不列颠荒诞幽默喜剧剧团)风格的神圣手雷等更加古怪的武器。Street Fighter(街头霸王)的爱好者们会高兴地知道“波动拳”和“升龙拳”也在这个有趣的虫子世界,并且虫子们还佩带着Ryu的红头带。种类繁多的武器足以鼓励玩家施展各种各样的战术和计谋。
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!


自从最初版本(1994年DOS版)发行以来,Worms系列的游戏性特点基本上没有任何变化。携带武器的虫子战斗小组分散在一个随机生成或者预设的战场上,例如隐蔽、遍布裂缝的山洞或者一个岛屿等等。然后每个队伍依次控制它们虫子,利用方向键移动、鼠标选择武器——最终目标是消灭对立的虫子军队。几十种虫子可以使用的武器组成了破坏性和玩笑意味浓厚的军火库。除了常规战争中的一些武器,例如双管猎枪、地雷、乌兹冲锋枪、手榴弹、手枪、凝固汽油弹、火箭筒等等,玩家的虫子还可以召唤更加奇异的毁灭性武器。玩家可以使用棒球棒、绵羊炸弹、强大的疯牛、香蕉炸弹、喃喃自语的老妇、Monty Python(不列颠荒诞幽默喜剧剧团)风格的神圣手雷等更加古怪的武器。Street Fighter(街头霸王)的爱好者们会高兴地知道“波动拳”和“升龙拳”也在这个有趣的虫子世界,并且虫子们还佩带着Ryu的红头带。种类繁多的武器足以鼓励玩家施展各种各样的战术和计谋。
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!


自从最初版本(1994年DOS版)发行以来,Worms系列的游戏性特点基本上没有任何变化。携带武器的虫子战斗小组分散在一个随机生成或者预设的战场上,例如隐蔽、遍布裂缝的山洞或者一个岛屿等等。然后每个队伍依次控制它们虫子,利用方向键移动、鼠标选择武器——最终目标是消灭对立的虫子军队。几十种虫子可以使用的武器组成了破坏性和玩笑意味浓厚的军火库。除了常规战争中的一些武器,例如双管猎枪、地雷、乌兹冲锋枪、手榴弹、手枪、凝固汽油弹、火箭筒等等,玩家的虫子还可以召唤更加奇异的毁灭性武器。玩家可以使用棒球棒、绵羊炸弹、强大的疯牛、香蕉炸弹、喃喃自语的老妇、Monty Python(不列颠荒诞幽默喜剧剧团)风格的神圣手雷等更加古怪的武器。Street Fighter(街头霸王)的爱好者们会高兴地知道“波动拳”和“升龙拳”也在这个有趣的虫子世界,并且虫子们还佩带着Ryu的红头带。种类繁多的武器足以鼓励玩家施展各种各样的战术和计谋。


从1994年的“Worms”到2005年的“Worms 4: Mayhem(伤害)”一共有十一代:

Worms 4: Mayhem (2005)

Worms Forts: Under Siege (2004)

Worms 3D (2003)

Worms Blast (2002)

Worms World Party (2000)

Worms Armageddon (1999)

Worms 2 (1997)

World Rally Fever (1996)

Worms United (1996)

Worms Reinforcements (1995)

Worms (1994)



















2023-08-14 03:48:213


worm蠕虫的意思。释义:n. 蠕虫;寄生虫;肠虫;幼虫; 懦夫。 vt.蠕动,曲折行进(尤指通过狭窄或拥挤的地方),给(动物)驱肠虫。其他:第三人称单数:worms ;复数:worms ;现在分词:worming ;过去式:wormed ;过去分词:wormed 。双语例句1、But the worm also highlights the limitations of cyber-attacks.然而蠕虫病毒也凸显了网络攻击的局限性。2、He "s digging for something , maybe a worm.他在挖什么东西,可能是虫子。3、Ye have made your way from the worm to man , and much within you is still worm.你们已经完成由虫到人的进化,但很大程度上你们内在仍是虫。4、The worm causes liver damage that the body "s natural mechanisms must repair.这种蠕虫会引起身体的天然机制必须修理的肝损害。
2023-08-14 03:48:301


2023-08-14 03:48:494


chocolate worms巧克力蠕虫chocolate[英][u02c8tu0283u0252klu0259t][美][u02c8tu0283ɑ:klu0259t]n.巧克力; 巧克力糖; 巧克力色; adj.(含有)巧克力的; 巧克力色的; 复数:chocolateswormsn.虫( worm的名词复数 ); (昆虫的)幼虫; (人或动物体内的)寄生虫; 懦夫;
2023-08-14 03:49:292

worm什么意思中文 worm的意思

1、worm的意思: n.蠕虫; 寄生虫; 肠虫; 幼虫; 懦夫; vt.蠕动,曲折行进(尤指通过狭窄或拥挤的地方); 给(动物)驱肠虫; abbr.(= Write-Once Read Multiple ) 【计】一写多读光盘; 2、worm的读音:英[wu025cu02d0m],美[wu025cu02d0rm]。 3、[例句]Worms have a lifespan of a few months.蠕虫的寿命为几个月。 4、第三人称单数:worms 复数:worms 现在分词:worming 过去式:wormed 过去分词:wormed
2023-08-14 03:49:371


2023-08-14 03:50:151


2023-08-14 03:50:231


"Worms"是一个英语单词,可以指代多种含义。[wu025cu02d0rmz]:这是"worms"的标准英式英语发音。其中,"w"音是一个清辅音,"u025cu02d0"音是一个中元音,类似于英语单词"bird"中的"er"音,"m"音是一个鼻辅音,"z"音是一个清辅音。[wu0254u02d0rmz]:这是"worms"的美式英语发音。与英式英语发音相比,"u025cu02d0"音变为"u0254u02d0"音,类似于英语单词"caught"中的"au"音。在不同的语境下,"worms"可以有以下几种含义和解释:[名词] 虫子:指代一类无脊椎动物,身体柔软而圆长,通常有多节,如蠕虫、蚯蚓等。在这种情况下,"worms"的发音与上述的发音相对应。[名词] 计算机蠕虫:指代一种计算机程序,能够自我复制并传播到其他计算机系统中。在这种情况下,"worms"的发音与上述的发音相对应。[名词] 蠕动:指代一种缓慢而连续的运动,类似于虫子的爬行运动。在这种情况下,"worms"的发音与上述的发音相对应。
2023-08-14 03:50:311


因为worm 虫子是可数名词 复数是直接在后面加sworms
2023-08-14 03:50:543


2023-08-14 03:51:062

it is not surprising that _such_ little worms eat

2023-08-14 03:51:491

帮我翻译一下,急用 谢谢!

2023-08-14 03:52:112


2023-08-14 03:52:211


  虫子,“bug”。在计算机用语里表示“错误、故障”,指由于程序中存在的语法错误或逻辑错误而导致程序运行发生的错误。那么,你知道虫子的英文是什么吗?   虫子的英文释义:   worm   insect   bugs   bug   虫子的英文例句:   这些苹果生了很多虫子。   The apples are full of worms.   这狗长虫子。   The dog has worms.   她踩死了一只虫子。   She stamped on the insect and killed it.   很多鸟类都以虫子为食。   Many birds eat worms.   我觉得这虫子是蝴蝶的幼虫。   I think this worm is a larva of a butterfly.   蛇吃蟾蜍,蟾蜍吃虫子,虫子一点一点地咬青草。   The snake catches the toad that eats the insect that nibbles the green grass.   一只大黑虫子咬了小甲虫,而小甲虫又反嘴咬了那只大黑虫子。 虫子的英文单词   A big bug bit the little beetle but the little beetle bit the big bug back.   他把一只虫子放在一杯水里,另一只虫子放在一杯威士忌酒里。   He put one worm in a glass of water and another worm in a glass of whiskey.   记住,你能用苍蝇拍或锤子打死一只虫子,无论怎样虫子都死了。   Remember you can kill a mosquito with a fly swatter or a sledge hammer.   小鸟从木头中啄食虫子。   The bird pecked insects from the log.   这些喷雾剂能杀死这些虫子。   This spray will finish off the insects.   旅行者满脸都是被虫子叮咬的疙瘩。   The traveller"s face was covered with insect bites.   是的,外面那棵树是你的亲戚。同样的,所有的虫子和青草都是。   Yes, that tree outside is your relative, as is every bug and blade of grass.   一想到夏天,我的脑子里就想到那些虫子。   When I think of summer I think of all the bugs.   顺带说一下,如果你想吃苹果然后发现里边有一条虫(希望不是半条),你可以把它扔到一碗盐水里,这样可以杀掉虫子。   Incidentally, if you want to eat an apple and find a worm in it (and hopefully nothalf a worm), you can drop it in a bowl of salt water which will kill the worm.   虫子在我脑袋边飞来飞去,到处咬我,我十分讨厌他们。   Bugs swarming around my head, bugs biting me everywhere, I hate them all.   谁会得到虫子?   Who gets the worm?   他把这些虫子放进干净的泥土里,整个夏天一直给它们喂水、树叶和谷物。   Jody put the worms in clean dirt. He gave them water, leaves, and corn all summer.   怎么可以把这么臭的虫子放进你的嘴里?   How can you put those ugly worms into your mouth?   爸爸,这表明如果你喝酒的话,你身上就不会长虫子了。   Well, Dad, it shows that if you drink alcohol, you will not have worms.   我只要虫子!   I want bugs!   “我不愿意,我宁愿做一只青蛙,”查理嚷道,一只虫子从他鼻尖飞过,他伸出舌头,却没抓住。   “I want to be a frog!” He stuck out his tongue, missing a bug flying by the end ofhis nose.   所有生物都有生命和命运,即使是如蚂蚁那么微小的虫子,也是一样。   All living creatures have lives and fates, even a bug as lowly as an ant.   让你的孩子能停下来看看虫子,捡检树叶或者踩进路边的水坑。   Let your children stop and look at bugs, collect leaves or stomp in water puddles.   在偏振光照射下,混合物发出绿色和橙红色的光,使其看起来就如同一个受到亢奋的虫子攻击的棕榈丛。   Illuminated with polarized light, the compound glows with green and salmon huesthat give it the appearance of a palm thicket attacked by overzealous bugs.   必要的时候才冲洗厕所:这意味着不要把厕所当成垃圾桶,不要将纸巾和虫子这些东西扔在垃圾桶里,避免浪费水。   Only flush the toilet when necessary: this means to not use the toilet as agarbage can: throw out tissues and insects in the trash (or even compost bin) toavoid wasting water.   不论你采用什么 方法 ,不要将冬季衣物放进那些被虫子侵蚀的储存柜------除非你打算明年扔到这些衣物。   Whatever you do, don"t put winter clothes in storage areas that are bug-addled or dirty—unless you want to throw them out next year.   但是那年冬天乔迪没有把它们转移到一个温暖的地方,寒冬里虫子都冻死了。   But that winter he did not put them in a warm place. The cold weather killed all theworms.   这些虫子便会将数千个幼虫释放到水里。   The worm(s) then releases thousands of larvae (baby worms) into the water.
2023-08-14 03:52:291


从1994年的“Worms”到2005年的“Worms 4: Mayhem(伤害)”一共有十一代:  Worms 4: Mayhem (2005)  Worms Forts: Under Siege (2004)  Worms 3D (2003)  Worms Blast (2002)  Worms World Party (2000)  Worms Armageddon (1999)  Worms 2 (1997)  World Rally Fever (1996)  Worms United (1996)  Worms Reinforcements (1995)  Worms (1994)
2023-08-14 03:52:411


 1  中文名称:百战天虫之末日浩劫  英文名称:WormsArmageddon  资源类型:ISO  版本:  发行时间:1999年01月14日  开发商:Team17  地区:美国  语言:英语  2  中文名称:百战天虫:世界派对  英文名称:Worms:WorldParty  发行时间:2001年03月31日  地区:美国  语言:英语  发行商:TitusSoftware  开发商:Team17  以下几作都是3D的  3  Worms3D(百战天虫3D)  语言:多国语言,含英文  发行时间:2003年  游戏类型:3D回合制策略/动作  机器配置:Windows(安装DirectX),显卡支持Direct3D  制作厂商:Team17Software  发行厂商:SegaCorporation  4  中文名称:百战天虫:虫堡大作战  英文名称:WormsForts:UnderSeige  发行时间:2004年  制作发行:Acclaim  地区:美国  语言:英语  发行:Acclaim  开发:Team17  类型:strategy  5  中文名称:百战天虫4:伤害  英文名称:Worms4:Mayhem  版本:高压缩硬盘版  发行时间:2005年  制作发行:发行公司:Codemasters  制作公司:Team17  地区:美国  语言:英语这里是百战天虫全部游戏
2023-08-14 03:52:481


2023-08-14 03:52:551


那个好像就是百战天虫吧,在百战天虫里面有好多版本,由2D的还有3D的,我给你版本,你看看有没有你要的:2DWorms (1994)Worms Reinforcements (1996)World Rally Fever (1996)Worms United (1996)Worms: The Director"s Cut (1997)Worms 2 (1997)Worms Armageddon (1999)Worms World Party (2001)Worms: Open Warfare (2006)Worms: Open Warfare 2 (2007)Worms: A Space Oddity (2008)Worms 2: Armageddon (2009)Worms: Reloaded (2010)Worms: Battle Islands (2010)Worms: Special Edition (2011)2.5DWorms Revolution (2012)Worms Clan Wars (2013)Worms Battlefield (2014)3DWorms 3D (2003)Worms Forts: Under Siege (2004)Worms 4: Mayhem (2005)Worms: Ultimate Mayhem (2011)
2023-08-14 03:53:142

it is not surprising that__little worms eat __little grain. 为什么填such和so

such little是“如此小的”的意思,表示少时修饰可数名词;so little表示很少,通常修饰不可数名词。
2023-08-14 03:53:233


2023-08-14 03:53:392

求助,昨天买的Worms W.M.D打开一直黑屏 验证完整性了也不行

对于一些较老或组装的电脑,黑屏是比较容易出现的故障。电脑出现黑屏的硬件原因有多种,例如,显示器损坏、显卡损坏、显卡接触不良等。要排除黑屏故障,应采用排除、替换相结合的方法,其基本原则是先替换可疑性最大的电脑部件,可以按下列步骤分析故障原因。硬一、检查电脑部件是否安插入牢靠首先请检查显示器电缆是否牢固可靠地插入到主机接口中,然后再检查显卡与主板I/O插槽之间的接触是否良好。如有必要,请将显卡取下,重新安插一次,确保安插到位,接触良好。二、确认显示器是否损坏如果显示器和显卡安装牢靠,那么请换一台确认正常的显示器试一试。如果不再黑屏,那么原因是显示器可能损坏了。三、确认风扇是否有问题如果显示器未损坏,请进一步检查CPU风扇是否运转。如运转,可用万用表测量电压输出是否正常为±12V、±15V,若不正常可以换一个电源试一试。四、检测CPU、显卡和内存条如仍出现黑屏,则可将除CPU、显卡、内存条之外的所有组件取下,然后加电启动电脑。如果内存有故障,应会有报警声。如果不是内存原因,请换一个正常的CPU,开机重新检测。如仍出现黑屏,则只能换一个主板了,问题也应该出现在主板上。除了硬件方面的原因引起黑屏现象外,也有以下三个方面的“软”原因可能会引发“黑屏”。 软一、硬件加速设置过高硬件加速可以使得要处理大量图形的软件运行得更加流畅,但是如果电脑硬件加速设置得过高,则可能导致“黑屏”现象。为解决“黑屏”故障,请首先尝试降低硬件加速。1、单击Windows“开始”菜单,单击“控制面板”,然后双击“显示”。2、选择“疑难解答”选项卡,在“硬件加速”下,将滑块从“全”逐渐拖动到接近“无”的位置。3、单击“确定”按钮。二、禁用3D加速或升级显卡驱动程序如果Windows已为3D加速进行了配置,但显卡却不支持该功能,那么当运行游戏或多媒体程序时,可能会出现“黑屏”故障。1、单击“开始”,再单击“运行”,然后在“打开”框中键入“dxdiag”,并按下回车键。2、选择“显示”选项卡,在“DirectX功能”下单击“测试Direct 3D”按钮,以获得正确的Direct 3D功能。3、如果屏幕中没有出现一个旋转的立方体,则表明显卡不支持3D加速。此时,请单击“Direct 3D加速”后的“禁用”按钮,以禁用该功能。如果你的显卡不支持3D加速,除禁用该功能外,你还可与显卡生产厂商联系,更新驱动程序,以使其支持DirectX的3D加速。三、显卡的驱动程序与显卡不兼容DirectX安装程序可能会错误地检测显卡,并安装不能正常驱动的驱动程序,请确认使用的显卡驱动程序是否正确。1、单击“开始”,再单击“控制面板”,然后双击“系统”。2、选择“硬件”选项卡,单击“设备管理器”按钮,然后单击“显示卡”或者“显示适配器”前的“+”号,再右键单击其下的显示适配器,然后单击“属性”按钮。3、选择“驱动程序”选项卡,单击“驱动程序详细资料”按钮,以显示所使用的显卡驱动程序。如果所使用的驱动程序与显卡不兼容,那么你请在“驱动程序”选项卡中,单击“更新驱动程序”按钮,然后按屏幕指示操作,安装显卡新版本的驱动程序
2023-08-14 03:53:471

2018年高考英语北京卷 - 阅读理解C

Plastic-Eating Worms 吃塑料的蠕虫 Humans produce more than 300 million tons of plastic every year. Almost half of that winds up in landfills, and up to 12 million tons pollute the oceans. So far there is no effective way to get rid of it, but a new study suggests an answer may lie in the stomachs of some hungry worms. 人类每年生产超过3亿吨塑料,其中几乎一半被作为垃圾填埋, 多达1200万吨污染海洋。目前还没有有效的方法来消除它,但一项新的研究表明,答案可能在于一些饥饿蠕虫的胃。 Researchers in Spain and England recently found that the worms of the greater wax moth can break down polyethylene, which accounts for 40% of plastics. The team left 100 wax worms on a commercial polyethylene shopping bag for 12 hours, and the worms consumed and broke down about 92 milligrams, or almost 3% of it. To confirm that the worms" chewing alone was not responsible for the polyethylene breakdown, the researchers made some worms into paste and applied it to plastic films. 14 hours later the films had lost 13% of their mass--apparently broken down by enzymes from the worms" stomachs. Their findings were published in Current Biology in 2017. 西班牙和英国的研究人员最近发现,大蜡螟的蠕虫可以分解聚乙烯,聚乙烯占塑料的40%。研究小组将100只蜡虫蠕虫放在一个商用聚乙烯购物袋中12小时,这些蠕虫消耗并分解了约92毫克,约占总量的3%。为了证实蠕虫的咀嚼并不是聚乙烯分解的原因,研究人员将一些蠕虫制成糊状物并将其放置于塑料薄膜。14小时后,这些胶片失去了13%的质量——显然被蠕虫胃里的酶分解了。他们的发现发表在2017年的《当代生物学》上。 Federica Bertocchini, co-author of the study, says the worms" ability to break down their everyday food-beeswax--also allows them to break down plastic. "Wax is a complex mixture, but the basic bond in polyethylene, the carbon-carbon bond, is there as well, "she explains. "The wax worm evolved a method or system to break this bond. " 这项研究的合著者费德丽卡·贝尔托基尼说,蠕虫分解日常食物——蜂蜡的能力,也可以让它们分解塑料。“蜡是一种复杂的混合物,但聚乙烯中的基本键——碳碳键——也存在,”她解释道,“蜡虫进化出一种方法或系统来破坏这种键。” Jennifer Debruyn, a microbiologist at the University of Tennessee, who was not involved in the study, says it is not surprising that such worms can break down polyethylene. But compared with previous studies, she finds the speed of breaking down in this one exciting. The next step, DeBruyn says, will be to identify the cause of the breakdown. Is it an enzyme produced by the worm itself or by its gut microbes? 田纳西大学的微生物学家詹妮弗·德布鲁恩没有参与这项研究,她说,这种蠕虫可以破坏聚乙烯,这并不奇怪。但与之前的研究相比,她发现这次研究的分解速度令人兴奋。德布鲁恩说,下一步将是确定分解原因。这种酶是由蠕虫自身产生还是肠道微生物产生? Bertocchini agrees and hopes her team"s findings might one day help employ the enzyme to break down plastics in landfills. But she expects using the chemical in some kind of industrial process-not simply "millions of worms thrown on top of the plastic.” 贝尔托基尼对此表示同意,并希望她的研究小组的发现有朝一日能利用这种酶在垃圾填埋场分解塑料。但她希望在某种工业过程中使用这种化学物质,而不仅仅是将“数百万只蠕虫扔在塑料上”。
2023-08-14 03:53:541

。。birds eat worms,为什么前后加了s,多举几个例子?

你好,你问的是这个birds eat worms鸟吃虫。所有的鸟都吃虫,不是某一只吃,而其他的不吃,所以就用复数形式,而本次,如果是泛指的话,那就是 a bird eats Warmth。这时候指的是泛指,不是特指。
2023-08-14 03:54:022

book worms英语作文

BookwormThe term "bookworm" is used in two senses. The first refers to any type of insect which infests books, while the other refers to a person who enjoys books. The second may be used pejoratively, suggesting that the person has become obsessed with books. In the second sense, avid reading can certainly be hard on books, especially cheap paperbacks, but it is generally not as potentially damaging as insect infestation. The intended meaning is usually made clear by context.Different people have different standards about bookworms, often determined by their own reading habits. The term is often applies to children, especially shy children who spend much of their spare time reading. Adults, however, can certainly be bookworm as well, especially when they have a great deal of spare time on their hands. If you cannot leave the house without a book, you might be a bookworm. This is wspecially true if you pop the book open at every opportunity, ot of you have been known to read while walking dnow the streat, cooking ,or performing similar tasks.
2023-08-14 03:54:521


2023-08-14 03:55:281


2023-08-14 03:55:371


worm 英[wu025c:m]美[wu025am]n. 虫,蠕虫;(昆虫的)幼虫;寄生虫;懦夫vt.& vi. 蠕动,曲折行进;给(动物)驱肠虫;使缓慢前进第三人称单数:worms;过去分词:wormed;名词复数:worms;现在分词:wor...[例句]But the worm also highlights the limitations of cyber-attacks.然而蠕虫病毒也凸显了网络攻击的局限性。
2023-08-14 03:55:471


worm 英[wu025c:m] 美[wu025am]n. 虫,蠕虫;(昆虫的)幼虫;寄生虫;懦夫vt.& vi. 蠕动,曲折行进;给(动物)驱肠虫;使缓慢前进第三人称单数:worms;过去分词:wormed;名词复数:worms;现在分词:wor...[例句]But the worm also highlights the limitations of cyber-attacks.然而蠕虫病毒也凸显了网络攻击的局限性。
2023-08-14 03:55:571


2023-08-14 03:56:054


wormsworms n. 虫( worm的名词复数 ); (昆虫的) 幼虫; (人或动物体内的) 寄生虫; 懦夫; [例句]This tree has been eaten hollow by worms.
2023-08-14 03:56:151

chocolate worms是什么意思

chocolate worms巧克力蠕虫chocolate[英][u02c8tu0283u0252klu0259t][美][u02c8tu0283ɑ:klu0259t]n.巧克力; 巧克力糖; 巧克力色; adj.(含有)巧克力的; 巧克力色的; 复数:chocolateswormsn.虫( worm的名词复数 ); (昆虫的)幼虫; (人或动物体内的)寄生虫; 懦夫;
2023-08-14 03:56:501

The early birds gets the worms的作文 可以用中文,复制粘贴的不介意。要简单的记叙文

The early bird catches the worm The morning hours are the most precious period within a single day. We should not pass them up easily. Seize the time and do something useful.As an old saying says “The early bird catches the worm” reminds us that if people want to be successful and outstanding, they must plan ahead of time and make their efforts to overcome all the possible difficulties. Image that I am a bird. Every morning, I get up early. The sunshine is around me, I fly into the forest or field, I find big green worms sleeping on the leaves. They are my delicious food, Every day is lovely and comfortable. How happy I am. Then, let"s image that i"m another bird. When the sun rises in the sky highly, I have to get up because of hunger. I drag myself to find some food just for not being starving, but few worms can be found. I spend the day unhappily and hungrily. Now we understand, the proverb tell us to be hard-working, to do every thing early. In the usual day, we should work plan in advance, otherwise,if there was an accident, we will have no idea what should we do. Do things later than others in the first time, then we will behind them all the time, in the end, we lose, and we will be said have no ability by others,this situation will become more and more worse. On the contrary, if we planed in advance, and do them earlier, then we will be more satisfactory. For example, the Chinese athletes" excellent performance in 2010Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver is definitely the result of their early planning and hard training. If they don" t set the aim and word work, even though they have the best talents, they can"t compete with others and get more medals. In one word, the saying shows us the important of planning, working hard and constantly trying.Plan earlier, do earlier, we will be successful and outstanding.
2023-08-14 03:57:091

Waiting for the Worms 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting for the Worms歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:The WallOooo You cannot reach me now,Oooo No matter how you try.Goodbye cruel world, it"s over.Walk on by.Sitting in a bunker,He"s behind my wall,Waiting for the worms to come.In perfect isolation,Here behind my wall,Waiting for the worms to come.Waiting, to cut the deadwood,Waiting, to clean up the city.Waiting, to follow the worms.Waiting, to put on a black shirt.Waiting, to weed out the weaklings.Waiting, to smash in their windows and kick in their doors.Waiting, for the final solution to strengthen the strain.Waiting, to follow the worms.Waiting, to turn on the showers and fire the ovens.Waiting, for the queers and the coons and the Reds and the Jews.Waiting, to follow the worms.Would you like to see Britannia,Rule again,my friend ?All you have to do is follow the worm.Would you like to send our colored cousins,Home again, my friend ?All you need to do is follow the worms.
2023-08-14 03:57:161

Waiting For The Worms 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting For The Worms歌手:Roger Waters&The Bleeding Heart Band专辑:The Wall - Live In BerlinOooo You cannot reach me now,Oooo No matter how you try.Goodbye cruel world, it"s over.Walk on by.Sitting in a bunker,He"s behind my wall,Waiting for the worms to come.In perfect isolation,Here behind my wall,Waiting for the worms to come.Waiting, to cut the deadwood,Waiting, to clean up the city.Waiting, to follow the worms.Waiting, to put on a black shirt.Waiting, to weed out the weaklings.Waiting, to smash in their windows and kick in their doors.Waiting, for the final solution to strengthen the strain.Waiting, to follow the worms.Waiting, to turn on the showers and fire the ovens.Waiting, for the queers and the coons and the Reds and the Jews.Waiting, to follow the worms.Would you like to see Britannia,Rule again,my friend ?All you have to do is follow the worm.Would you like to send our colored cousins,Home again, my friend ?All you need to do is follow the worms.
2023-08-14 03:57:241

Waiting For The Worms (2011 - Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting For The Worms (2011 - Remaster)歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:The Wall (2011 - Remaster)Oooo You cannot reach me now,Oooo No matter how you try.Goodbye cruel world, it"s over.Walk on by.Sitting in a bunker,He"s behind my wall,Waiting for the worms to come.In perfect isolation,Here behind my wall,Waiting for the worms to come.Waiting, to cut the deadwood,Waiting, to clean up the city.Waiting, to follow the worms.Waiting, to put on a black shirt.Waiting, to weed out the weaklings.Waiting, to smash in their windows and kick in their doors.Waiting, for the final solution to strengthen the strain.Waiting, to follow the worms.Waiting, to turn on the showers and fire the ovens.Waiting, for the queers and the coons and the Reds and the Jews.Waiting, to follow the worms.Would you like to see Britannia,Rule again,my friend ?All you have to do is follow the worm.Would you like to send our colored cousins,Home again, my friend ?All you need to do is follow the worms.
2023-08-14 03:57:311

Waiting For The Worms 歌词

歌曲名:Waiting For The Worms歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:The Wall - Live (Nassau Coliseum NY 28.2.80)Oooo You cannot reach me now,Oooo No matter how you try.Goodbye cruel world, it"s over.Walk on by.Sitting in a bunker,He"s behind my wall,Waiting for the worms to come.In perfect isolation,Here behind my wall,Waiting for the worms to come.Waiting, to cut the deadwood,Waiting, to clean up the city.Waiting, to follow the worms.Waiting, to put on a black shirt.Waiting, to weed out the weaklings.Waiting, to smash in their windows and kick in their doors.Waiting, for the final solution to strengthen the strain.Waiting, to follow the worms.Waiting, to turn on the showers and fire the ovens.Waiting, for the queers and the coons and the Reds and the Jews.Waiting, to follow the worms.Would you like to see Britannia,Rule again,my friend ?All you have to do is follow the worm.Would you like to send our colored cousins,Home again, my friend ?All you need to do is follow the worms.
2023-08-14 03:57:391


2023-08-14 03:57:483


2023-08-14 03:57:561


dark dark sky is bowed黑黑的天空低垂bright bright stars feel sleepy亮亮的繁星想睡worms fly, worms fly虫儿飞虫儿飞who are you missing你在思念谁stars in the sky weep天上的星星流泪roses on the ground wither地上的玫瑰枯萎cold wind blows, cold wind blows冷风吹冷风吹as long as you with me只要有你陪worms fly, flowers sleep虫儿飞花儿睡a pair another pair only nice一双又一对才美not afraid of dark, just afraid of heartbreak不怕天黑只怕心碎no matter be tired or not不管累不累no matter also everywhere也不管东南西北
2023-08-14 03:58:062


2023-08-14 03:58:153

leafworms 怎么读

2023-08-14 03:58:331

《The Cheeseandthe Worms》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Cheese and the Worms》(Carlo Ginzburg)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: c95b书名:The Cheese and the Worms作者:Carlo Ginzburg译者:Anne C. Tedeschi豆瓣评分:9.3出版社:Johns Hopkins University Press出版年份:2013-9-4页数:224内容简介:A survey of popular culture in 16th century Italy. Ginzburg"s study The Cheese & The Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-century Miller, first published in 1976, is one of those fascinating micro-histories which explores the remote lives of unknown and forgotten people. The story of Menocchio is one of a peasant life of obscurity but also one of strange and powerful ideas – confused and half-baked even – but powerful enough to bring him into conflict with the Inquisition and thereafter to the final purgatorial flames.“I have said that, in my opinion, all was chaos … and out of that bulk a mass formed – just as cheese is made out of milk – and worms appeared in it, and these were the angels, and among that number of angels, there was also God, he too having been created out of that mass at the same time ….”作者简介:Carlo Ginzburg has taught at the University of Bologna, the University of California, Los Angeles, and the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. The recipient of the 2010 International Balzan Prize, he is author of The Night Battles: Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries and Clues, Myths, and the Historical Method, also published by Johns Hopkins.
2023-08-14 03:59:011


2023-08-14 03:59:212

English Question

2023-08-14 03:59:326


2023-08-14 03:59:518


你好!本人六级水平,已将你图片中的英文动手打出来,并一一翻译了出来,请见如下,任何不懂的地方,可以再追问,谢谢。This test conformed to the growth test described above, but the test endpoints were cocoon production after 28 d and the numbers of hatched juveniles after 56 d. Surviving worms were hand-sorted after 28 d, and the cocoons produced were returned and further incubated for another 28 d (total incubation time 56 d).(这次测试是遵循如上表述的成长测试规范来操作的,但测试的终点是茧生产后的28天和孵出幼56天后的数量。28天后所存活的蠕虫都会被分类。所繁殖出来的蚕茧会被送回繁殖地再孵化28天(即整个孵化时间是56天)Earthworm avoidance response test.This test was based on work proposed by Stephenson et al.(1998) and Schaefer(2004) but had been slightly modified here. This test method consisted of round opaque plastic containers(28 cm in diameter, 20cm in height) with six different chambers connected to a central chamber serving as the test arena(Fig.1) Plastic slides with holes(5 mm in diameter) separated each chamber from the neighboring unit. Plastic lids covered the test containers to prevent worms from escaping during each exposure period. (蚯蚓逃避测试,此测试是依据Stephenson et al在1998年的文献及2004年Schaefer的文献,但也稍有修改。测试的方法包含了不透明的圆塑料容器(直径为28厘米,高20厘米),容器中有六个不同的小格子,这六个小格子都连接在用作测试地的中心格子上(如图1),每个相邻格子之间都会由一个塑料板隔开,每个塑料板都有一个直径为5mm的洞。塑料盖用来盖住整个容器来避免蚯蚓在曝光期间逃出来。)Twendy earthworms were placed into the soilfree central chamber of each container. After they had migrated into the neighboring soil-filled chambers, the central chamber was closed with a pug. Free migration was now only possilbe between the chamber. After an incubation of 48 h, slides (without holes) were placed between the different chambers to prevent further worm movement between the compartments and the worms were extracted by hand-sorting from each chamber. The number of worms in soil of each chamber was the measured test endpoint.(放置二十条蚯蚓在每个容器的中心格子中,这些格子都是没有泥土的,当这些蚯蚓迁移到了隔壁有土壤的格子中时,中心格子就会被一块东西覆盖起来,这样蚯蚓就只能在其它格子之间迁移,48小时后,会用没有洞的塑料板替换掉有洞的塑料板放在每个格子之间来阻止蚯蚓在格子之间移动,然后将蚯蚓分别从每个格子中取出来并记录数据,这样每个有土壤的格子中蚯蚓的数量即是测量的终后环节。)
2023-08-14 04:00:182

is like a whole other bag of worms

这是一个比喻吧,心脏像蠕虫一样跳动而不再像是一个泵了 意思是说心脏有点出问题了,无力. like a bag of worms:(functioning) irregularly and without much power
2023-08-14 04:00:251

he birds can catch the worms for food_(easy)than before.

1 要改为副词的比较级,即more easily2 comfotablly , living , the most comfortable
2023-08-14 04:00:353


《GO EAT WORMS》(R.L. Stine)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:r4to书名:GO EAT WORMS作者:R.L. Stine豆瓣评分:6.1出版社:Scholastic出版年份:2004-12页数:144内容简介:Book DescriptionGoosebumps is a series of children"s horror fiction novellas created and authored by R. L. Stine. Sixty-two books were published under the Goosebumps umbrella title from 1992 to 1997, the last one being Monster Blood IV.Synopsis:They"re creepy and they"re crawly -- they"re totally disgusting! Obsessed with worms? That"s putting it mildly. Todd is so fascinated with worms, he keeps a worm farm in his basement! Most of all, Todd loves torturing his sister and her best friend with worms. Dropping them in their hair. Down their backs. Until one day, after cutting a worm in half, Todd notices something strange. The rest of the worms seem to be staring at him! Suddenly worms start showing up in the worst places for Todd. In his bed. In his homework. Even in his spaghetti!Book Dimension :length: (cm)19.5 width:(cm)13.5
2023-08-14 04:01:001

The early bird will catch worms是什么意思

2023-08-14 04:01:354