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2023-08-22 16:23:51
TAG: 英文 单词

餐 [几种含义] 动词(吃饭) eat:eat one"s fill或glut;饱餐dine together; 或have a Dutch treat;聚餐名词(饭食) food; meal:light meal;便餐snack;快餐量词(饮食的顿数) regular meal:three meals a day一日三...



2023-08-14 01:43:313


dine together
2023-08-14 01:44:555


聚餐可以翻译成:"get-together dinner"get-together with a dinner
2023-08-14 01:45:211


a family get-together
2023-08-14 01:45:335


2023-08-14 01:46:592


In the New Year"s eve, family will gather together to eat dinner.谢谢,望采纳!
2023-08-14 01:47:094


餐 [几种含义] 动词 (吃饭) eat: eat one"s fill或glut;饱餐 dine together; 或have a Dutch treat;聚餐 名词 (饭食) food; meal: light meal; 便餐 snack; 快餐 量词 (饮食的顿数) regular meal: three meals a day 一日三餐 希望我的回答 对你有所帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你:天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ...
2023-08-14 01:47:251


聚餐英语口语对话   闲暇时候,邀上三两好友聚餐,岂不美哉。下面是我整理的关于聚餐的英语口语,希望能帮到大家!   1. It is down the street.   在街尾那边。   A: We"re going to the buffet at the new restaurant.   我们要去新开的餐厅吃自助餐。   B: Is it the one down the street?   要去街上的那家吗?   2. It is all you-can-eat.   是自助餐。   A: We"re going to the Japanese restaurant.   我们要去那家日本料理餐厅。   B: It is all you-can-eat?   那里是自助餐吗?   3. Where are we gonna go this time?   我们这次要上哪儿去?   A: Where are we gonna go this time?   我们这次要上哪儿去?   B: We"re going to that KTV, and the buffet there is very nice.   去那家KTV好了,它们的自助餐很不错喔。   4. Tom is gonna give us a ride.   Tom要载我们一程。   A: Jenny, hurry up. Tom is going to give us a ride to the restaurant.   Jenny快一点!Tom要载我们一程。   B: OK. I"m coming!   好啦,我马上来!   5. What"s the occasion?   这是什么场合呢?   A: What"s the occasion of the gathering?   这次聚会的`原因是什么呢?   B:It"s to celebrate Jane"s getting a promotion.   庆祝Jane升职。   6. I need a drink.   我需要喝一杯。   A: Corinna, I need a drink, let"s go out tonight!   Corinna我需要喝一杯,晚上出来坐坐吧。   B: Let"s call up our buddies and have some beers.   那我打个电话通知大家出来一起喝几杯啤酒。   7. Do you know...?   你知道......吗?   A: Do you know Laura got a new boyfriend?   你知道Laura交新男朋友了吗?   B: Are we gonna gossip all night long? It"s boring!   我们整晚都要聊这些八卦吗?太无聊了!   8. I really like...   我真的喜欢......   A: I really like my new job.   我真的喜欢这份新工作。   B: You said so last time!   你上次也说过一样的话!   9. Don"t drink and drive!   开车不喝酒,喝酒不开车!   A: David, I"ll call a cab for you!   David,我帮你叫出租车   B: I know, don"t drink and drive.   我知道,酒后不开车。 ;
2023-08-14 01:47:341


Eat reunion meal
2023-08-14 01:47:502

家庭聚餐 英语作文

The Family Reunion家庭聚餐The day before the sheep year, everyone is busy with the big meal, all the family members get together and have the dinner. People pay special attention to it, for they have the less time to get reunited. My family talks so happily and we enjoy the precious moment. The family reunion is so important for all the people, no matter how busy they are, they will come home for the dinner.在羊年到来的前一天,每个人都在为一顿大餐在忙着,家庭所有的成员都聚集在一起,来吃一顿晚饭。人们很重视这顿饭,因为他们很少有时间聚集在一起。我的家人聊得很开心,我们享受着这个宝贵的时刻。家庭聚会对于所有的人来说都是很重要的,无论人们多忙,都会为了这顿饭回来。望采纳,谢谢!^_^
2023-08-14 01:48:091


Dear All,Our boss would like to invite us to have lunch at the 6th floor of Zhangda Plaza, please kindly notice that.Thanks and best regards.XXX
2023-08-14 01:48:203


Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune . 1.春节是中国最最重要的节日.2.春节前一天的晚上,一家人都聚在一起吃晚饭.3.许多人都喜欢(在这时候)放炮竹.4.饺子是传统的食物. 5.小孩子非常喜欢这个节日,因为他们能吃到很多美味的食物,穿漂亮的衣服.6.他们还能收到父母给的压岁钱.7这些钱能给孩子带来好运.8人民也会把新年的画挂在墙上,为了来年的好运
2023-08-14 01:48:421


Students how glad much worry about dinnerIn today"s society, "a dinner" has already become a kind of fashion, but don"t know, "since when dinner" has become quite popular in university campus and the noun. What is "dinner?" Why "dinner?" Maybe it is not so easy as you think, the advantages and disadvantages of multi-booting system are worthy of our consideration and discussed.According to the survey, today"s university students party there are four main types:1. Laoxiang. This is a freshman many students will soon meet a dinner party. "Home" in country since ancient times, is worth drink on the table and everybody to speak with the memories of revenge, anecdotes, mutual warm home a foreign body in the lonely heart homesick. Say "villagers will come to different students, it has very important meaning.2 all societies or organization. Mass organizations, as an integral part of the campus life, everybody is an unforgettable experience and precious. Everyone is different from the academy, different specialty, can enter the same club or organization, from no relationship to struggle together, everybody is congenial, this is a kind of luck. If you still can together, the absolute can harvest dinner unexpected friendship.3 class dinner. College and high school big difference is to classmates, but usually except meet outside the class, almost no chance. Each fellowship dinner is a good way.4 dormitory for dinner. When a man with his college life, the most profound impression of absolute muscles are the four years. Especially in college to stay in the dormitory rather long time, feeling is deeper. Maybe a little theme, brothers or sisters will said, "go, go to rub a".Consequently, dinner is indeed improve every aspect of friendship is a good way. But then again, have dinner will be mixed, the disadvantages of does a lot.First is spending problem. According to the survey, the first of the random meals per capita consumption of about 25 yuan. 25 yuan for an ordinary consumption level of students, the cost is almost four days. But in today"s more than 90% of the college life source or parents is basically. Since it is the party, always can"t too shabby, somehow also go to a restaurant, a decent slightly spending will rise. A sophomore student told the author once a month, he attended a dinner up to five times, just over half got results, living is overdrawn. And every student"s family background and origin, some conditions in different conditions of the students had bad life very nervous, can meet the collective dinners, and embarrassed to evade, this will feel powerless to parry. Especially, either party many dormitory "AA" or "grill please," rounds down, each person is absolutely not spend a small number.Second is the ideological problems. Now you can earn money, almost all the money and friendship will advance is an organic whole repeatedly, and even some also make some fair-weather friends ", this is the social bad style of college students" ideological and a erosion, let originally pure friendship more secular flavor.Another problem is that diet, safety problems. The dinner was almost all boys to girls also easy to drink, and this will undoubtedly battling for everybody"s health damage. And the food hygiene quality usually outside school canteen so as to ensure that this is a body disadvantage.Anyhow, dinner on students has its advantages and disadvantages, we do not reject dinner, but to achieve healthy reasonable meals, let we can improve our party through the true greatness of friendship.
2023-08-14 01:48:523

最后一次聚餐 英语怎么说

the last dinner
2023-08-14 01:49:025


2023-08-14 01:49:182


晚宴: banquet,在句子中也可以直接翻译成dinner,或dinner party午宴:luncheon,其实在句子中可以直接翻译成lunch,也可以翻译成lunch party
2023-08-14 01:49:281

约翰和朋友们在春天野外聚餐时的场景以A Picnic in Spring为题50个单词英文小短文

你好!请让我来给你写写。【表达概要】这个题材的书面表达是学生比较常见的。在表达过程中,你注意把“场景”写出来,短文就符合要求了。为了活泼生动,你不一定要写所有人都在不断的“吃”,再适当加上一些“活动”,短文就写活了。【范文提供】下面的短文是我自己写的,绝无抄袭。仅供参考。 A Picnic in SpringIt"s spring now. Today is sunny and warm. John and his friends are having a picnic in a nature park. They are listening to music. John is eating delicious food. Mike is drinking juice. Amy and Joe are dancing. Ann is taking pictures. They are happy.【温馨提示】你勤练习,多写几次,可能更容易领悟。
2023-08-14 01:49:441


2023-08-14 01:49:522


我们正在以一种传统的家庭聚餐的方式在春节的前夜庆祝春节。We are celebrating Spring Festival on the eve of Spring Festival in a traditional family dinner.
2023-08-14 01:50:051


2023-08-14 01:50:121


野外聚餐增知识Field dinners gain knowledge野外聚餐增知识我们兴奋地来到了梦寐以求的乌江河坝。宽阔的一片草地上,横七竖八地躺着奇形怪状的石头;乌江水是那样的清澈,倒映着天上蓝蓝的云,旁边绿绿的树,真是天时、地利、人和呀!之前所受的累,到了这里也消得差不多了。我们背着沉重的物品在河坝选了一个地方。这个地方四周有平稳的大石头,这是搭灶的最好地方。卸下器具,休息了一会儿,饥饿的我们赶紧动手了。有三个女同学去洗菜,剩下的搭灶,煮火锅底料。不巧,我正分配到搭灶这个关键任务中去了。“在这里吧!”我说。“不行,高度不一致,锅容易倒”彭荟洁说。“那怎么办?”我着急说。“我也不知道呀!”她失望地低下了头。我们为这事又争吵又伤脑筋,真不知道该怎么办。郎老师看见我们不动工,走了过来,说:“你们还没有搭灶吗?我来帮你们搭吧!”说着,郎老师搬着石头小心翼翼地走到了一块平坦的草地上,把石头放在了那里……过了一会儿,用石头围成的三角形摆出来了。我仔细看着石头,想了一会儿,知道了:三角形是最牢固的,用石头围成的三角形灶当然也牢不可破了。我们又忙起来,把底料煮起来了。可是,现在又面临了一个难题。“张馨月,这个火怎么老是烧不旺呀!”要不,先烧一点纸。”彭荟洁嚷嚷着Picnics increase knowledge we excitedly came to the dream of Wujiang dam. Wide a piece of grass, prostrate grotesque stones; Wujiang River water is so clear, reflecting the sky blue cloud, next to the green trees, really is the day, geography, and ah! Before the tired, to here is almost the same. We are carrying heavy items in the dam to choose a place. The place is surrounded by a large stone, which is the best place to build a kitchen. The rest of the equipment, a little rest, we quickly began to hunger. There are three female students to wash dishes, and the rest of the cooking stove, cooking pot bottom material. Unfortunately, I was assigned to this critical task to take the kitchen. "Here it is!" I say. "No, the height is not the same, the pot is easy to fall," Peng Huijie said. "And what about that?" I"m anxious to say. "I don"t know," I don"t know!" She bowed her head in despair. We were arguing and thinking about it, I really don"t know what to do. Lang teacher see we don"t start, walked over and said: "you still do not take the kitchen? Let me give you a ride!" Said, Lang teacher to move the stone carefully to a flat on the grass, where the stone...... After a while, the triangle that was made of stone came out. I looked carefully at the stone, thought for a moment and know: the triangle is the most solid, surrounded by stone triangular stove, of course, is indestructible. We"re busy, and we"re cooking up the bottom. But now it faces a difficult problem. "Zhang Xinyue, the fire is always burning!" Otherwise, burn a bit of paper first." Peng Huijie shoutedmach!”我们齐声高喊。只见任老师把木材放在灶内的两边,这样才能有空间加柴,然后燃一点纸扔进去,燃烧了一会再用扇子扇,那火非常旺。烧了一会儿,任老师又将灶中间的火挖空,让空气进得去,火要有充足的氧气才能烧得旺。任老师烧完火以后又到其它组去了。火越来越小,我去拔些干草,彭荟洁来看火。过了一会儿,等我过来,火已经灭了。我回忆起任老师点火的过程学起他来,点燃了火,我还用扇子扇了,可是火还是没有任老师烧得旺。我找出一根棍子在灶内乱戳,试着将中间挖空让空气充足,火烧得旺盛。“住手,火扑灭的,让我来吧!”郎老师笑着说,郎老师拿起一支柴当主架,架在灶内,然后再架起第二根、第三根,火又变得旺起来。我灵机一动,把任老师和郎老师的方法合二为一。在柴火里找了一根细长的柴在框架结构的柴中,把中间挖空了,再用扇子扇,火就更旺。经过这么长的时间,我一直待在灶旁边,眼睛熏得泪都冒出来了,可是心里挺高兴了。这一次野炊活动让我亲身体味到野外的生存知识和用木头燃火旺的技术,真是让我受益匪浅。学到了框架知识和烧旺火的知识!Mach! "We shouted in unison. I saw the teacher put wood on both sides of the stove, so that there is room to add firewood, and then fired a little piece of paper thrown into the fire for a while and then fan fan, the fire is very busy. Was on fire for a short time, teachers will be in the middle of the stove fire, hollowing, let air into to, the fire will have enough oxygen to Wang burned. After the fire, the teacher went to the other groups. The fire is getting smaller and smaller, I"m going to pull some hay, Peng Huijie came to see the fire. After a while, when I came over, the fire was out. I recall his teacher ignition process to learn, lit the fire, I also use the fan fan, but the fire is still not teacher Wang burned. I find a stick in the local civil strife tried to stamp, hollowed out for sufficient air and fire exuberant. "Stop, fire, let me!" Lang teacher smiled and said, Lang teacher picked up a zeidan main frame, frame in the stove, and then build the second and third, fire and become prosperous. I had an idea, to be made one method of teachers and teacher Lang. The firewood for a slender wood structure in the framework of wood in the middle of a hollowed out, and a fan, fire hotter. After such a long time, I always stay beside the stove, eyes Xunde tears are coming out, but was very happy. This time the picnic let me personally appreciate to outdoor survival knowledge and use wood burning fire prosperous technology, really let me benefit bandit is shallow. Learn the knowledge and knowledge of fire burning!
2023-08-14 01:50:321


  就餐礼仪英文   1.Pull out chairs to seat the women when you are eating together.   进餐时帮助女士入座。   2.Do not sit down before all the ladies are seated.   在女士未入座之前不要抢先入座。   3.Pull your chair up and sit clos   e to the table after sitting down.   入座后将椅子靠近餐桌。   4.It is customary to say grace before the meal begins in many Christian homes. Watch the host or hostess. If they bow their heads, join them.   很多__家庭进餐前有祷告的习惯。注意观察主人或主妇,如果他们低下头去,你也应随从他们。   5.When the hostess takes her napkin, open your napkin in half and lay it across your lap.   女主人拿起餐巾时,你也应拿起餐巾,打开一半,摊放在膝盖上。   6.When eating with silverware, begin from the outside piece, then knife and fork for the second course and so on. The pieces closest to the plate are for the last course.   使用餐具吃饭时,首先从最外侧开始,刀和叉是用来吃第二道菜及以后的菜的。最靠近盘子的餐具要留到最后用。   7.When having soup, move the spoon away from you to spoon out the soup. When a little remains, you may raise slightly the side of the bowl close to you.   用匙舀汤时,匙要从里往外舀。汤快喝完了时,可将汤盘近身一侧抬高一点。   8. Cut large pieces of food, such as steak or chops, into small pieces all at one time.   把大块食物,如牛排或排骨,一次切成若干小块。   9. Use you knife close to the fork. This way, it is a lot easier to cut meat.   刀要靠近叉使用,这样更容易切割。   10. Put your knife and fork diagonally on the further side of the plate when you have finished eating something. Do not place them leaning on the plate. The knife should always be placed the sharp edge in.   吃完东西时将刀叉对角放齐,置于盘子外侧。不要靠在盘子上,而且刀刃应该向里。   11. In在美国,切完东西时,你可以放下刀,用右手拿起叉来吃饭;在欧洲,你可以左手拿叉,用叉的背面将食物送到嘴里,这样有利于叉的边缘放较硬的食物,上面再放较软的食物。   12.You can choose whichever you like.   你可以自由选择你喜欢的食物。   各国用餐礼仪大不同   1. SEATING ETIQUETTE   Your host may have seating arrangements in mind, so you should allow him to direct you to your seat. As the host, you should suggest the seating arrangements. In a restaurant, the guest of honor should sit in the best seat at the table. Usually that is one with the back of the chair to the wall. Once the guest of honor"s seat is determined, the host should sit to her left. Other people are then offered seats around the table.   在中国,大家都习惯进去一家餐厅直接坐下来等服务员来点餐。在美国一般都在前台,有的时候人多,就在门口等waiter or waitress来带你入座。   2. NAPKIN ETIQUETTE   At informal meals, place the napkin in your lap immediately upon seating. During formal occasions, before unfolding the napkin, wait for the hostess to remove her napkin from the table and unfold it in her lap.   Read more table manners tips for using your napkin in the napkin etiquettesection.   我们小时候看电视,外国人都把餐巾塞在领口。然而,在美国,餐巾是放在大腿上的。   3. FOOD SERVICE ETIQUETTE   During service of a formal dinner, the food is brought to each diner at the table; the server presents the platter or bowl on the diner"s left. At a more casual meal, either the host dishes the food onto guests" plates for them to pass around the table or the diners help themselves to the food and pass it to others as necessary.   在国内,大家都是一起吃。在美国则是分餐制。每个人吃自己盘子里的,偶尔前菜大家会分着吃。所以服务员会是不是问你吃好了没有。如果你说你吃完了,服务员就会把你的菜撤走,即使你只吃了一口。。。   4. THE TABLE SETTING   Deciding which knife, fork, or spoon to use is made easier by the outside-in table manners rule – using utensils on the outside first and working your way inward.   餐具的使用顺序有点复杂,比如吃沙拉的刀叉和吃牛排正餐的刀叉是不一样的。喝汤和吃甜品的勺子也是不一样的。基本上从大小就可以分辨。但是小旋子觉得与其记这么复杂的东西,不如在用餐的时候,很礼貌的问服务员:It"s my first time to dine in a high end restaurant. I am so confused about all these table settings. Can you please tell me which one I should start with?   5. WHEN TO START EATING   At a small table of only two to four people, wait until everyone else has been served before starting to eat. At a formal or business meal, you should either wait until everyone is served to start or begin when the host asks you to.   咱们国内的风俗也是差不多,等人齐了再点菜,再开动。美国是,等每个人各自点的菜都上齐了,再开动。   6. HANDLING UTENSILS   The continental table manners style prevails at all meals, formal and informal, because it is a natural, non-disruptive way to eat.   Hold your fork in your left hand, tines downward.   Hold your knife in your right hand, an inch or two above the plate.   Extend your index finger along the top of the blade.   Use your fork to spear and lift food to your mouth.   If your knife is not needed, it remains on the table.   7. PASSING THE FOOD   Pass to the right. One diner either holds the dish as the next diner takes some food, or he hands it to the person, who then serves herself. Any heavy or awkward dishes are put on the table with each pass. Special rules apply topassing salt and pepper and passing bread and butter.   美国人聚餐一般不share.但如果是家庭或者亲朋好友聚餐,大家还是会分享自己的食物的。   8. RESTING UTENSILS   When you pause to take a sip of your beverage or to speak with someone, rest your utensils by placing your knife and fork on your plate near the center, slightly angled in an inverted V and with the tips of the knife and fork pointing toward each other.   9. MEALS END   At a formal affair, plates are removed by a professional staff. But as most informal meals are served without help, the hostess clears the plates, often with the help of a guest or two. At a family meal, members clear their own plates.   8和9一起说。尤其在餐厅用餐时,当我们中途去洗手间和我们吃完了的时候,餐具的摆放是不一样的。很多朋友第一次在美国吃西餐,去了一趟洗手间,回来的时候自己的食物已经被收走。为了避免这样的悲剧,请看下图:   10. GET THE BILL   After you and your friends finish your food, you can go ahead and get your bill. Just say to the waiter/waitress: Check, please./Can/May I please have my check/bill?   中国是没有给小费的习惯。但是在美国,几乎在任何服务业都要给小费。快餐店除外。小费给多少,不同城市,不同州,最低标准都会不一样。详细的请自行百度Google. 还是那句话,如果是在美国的普通餐厅用餐,不要太在意。但是如果去领导,教授的家里用餐,以上的很多细节到家千万不要忘了哦!
2023-08-14 01:51:211


2023-08-14 01:51:385


We sing Christmas, we decorated the Christmas tree, we exchange gifts together, finally, we held a special dinner.
2023-08-14 01:52:112


吃饭含义:(进餐) 英文:eat或have (eat、take)a meal:短句:invite sb. to dinner;请客吃饭I feel like a meal.我想吃饭。例句Can the fruit eat after have a meal?在吃饭后可以吃水果吗?
2023-08-14 01:52:227


家庭聚餐的英文:Family dinner。 dinner: n.(中午或晚上吃的)正餐,主餐;宴会; 复数: dinners 扩展资料   Everyone follows the custom of family dinner and reunion religiously every year.   大家每年都会遵循家庭聚餐和团聚传统。   You must be home for dinner, mind.   记住,你一定得回来吃饭。   She has elevated the dinner party into an art form.   她把宴会办得犹如一种艺术。   Could you set the table for dinner?   你把餐具摆好,准备开饭,好吗?
2023-08-14 01:53:111


问题一:家庭聚会 用英文怎么说 。 family reunion f福mily gathering family party 问题二:家庭聚会用英语怎么说 FAMILY REUNION 问题三:家庭聚会英文叫什么 家庭聚会 [词典] Family Party; [例句]全家人都来参加了这次盛大的家庭聚会。 The whole family was there for this big family reunion. 问题四:我们将有一顿丰盛的家庭聚餐用英语怎么说怎么写 We will have a rich family brunch 问题五:在春节前的晚上,我们总是有一顿大的家庭聚餐用英语怎么说 We often have a big dinner with family members on Spring Festival"s Eve. 问题六:英语作文写一写家庭聚餐时你想要吃的东西 the current or a certain
2023-08-14 01:53:311


家庭聚餐_释义:family dinner party网络:家庭聚餐 A Family Get-Together农村家庭聚餐 rural family dinner节日家庭聚餐 festive family feast
2023-08-14 01:53:411


餐 [几种含义] 动词(吃饭) eat:eat one"s fill或glut;饱餐dine together; 或have a Dutch treat;聚餐名词(饭食) food; meal:light meal;便餐snack;快餐量词(饮食的顿数) regular meal:three meals a day一日三...
2023-08-14 01:53:481


get together at weekend
2023-08-14 01:53:583


Student patty
2023-08-14 01:54:063


员工聚餐department banquet或者staff banquet
2023-08-14 01:55:031


Have a dinner party with work mates
2023-08-14 01:55:141


2023-08-14 01:55:242


let"s get together for lunch next saturday
2023-08-14 01:55:323


邀请函,邀请客户聚餐Invitation to invite customers to dinner
2023-08-14 01:55:402


department banquet
2023-08-14 01:55:501


On New Year"s Eve, we have a big family dinner.在除夕之夜,我们举行了大型的家庭聚餐在:On 除夕之夜:New Year"s EVE 我们举行:we have 大型家庭聚餐:a big family dinner 求采纳
2023-08-14 01:56:011

六年级英语作文 家庭聚餐

Candy : Mommy, when will we have dinner? I"m starving. Mother : Soon, honey. We have to wait for grandmom and grandpa. Candy : Aren"t they in Canada for the World"s Exhibition? Mother : They were, but they will join us for dinner today. Mike : Hi, Mom. I"d like you to meet my girlfriend, Jill Lee. Jill, this is my mother. Jill : How do you do, Mrs. Miller. Mother : How do you do, Jill. I"m glad you can join us. (To Mike) Ask your father to come downstairs. I need his help. (To Jill) Make yourself at home, Jill. Jill : I will, Mrs. Miller. (The door bell rings.) Candy : I"ll get it....Grandmom! Grandpa! Grand-Parents : Hello, my little princess. Mother : (They embrace each other.) How was your flight? Grandmom : It was tiring!...Look who is here! Mike! (They embrace.) You"ve grown taller and stronger since I last saw you. And who is this beautiful young lady? Mike : She"s my girlfriend. Jill, come meet my grandmom. Jill : How do you do. Candy : Could we have dinner now, Mommy? Mother : OK, Candy. Go upstairs and tell Daddy that everybody"s here. Then come help me set the table. Candy : All right, Mommy.
2023-08-14 01:56:401


She will go to panic with friends this week.
2023-08-14 01:56:472

六年级英语作文 家庭聚餐

Every year around August, everyone of my family is busy with the big meal, all the family members get together and have the dinner. People pay special attention to it, for they have the less time to get reunited. My family talk so happily and we enjoy the precious moment. The family reunion is so important for all of us, no matter how busy we are, we will come home for the dinner. And I can talk with my cousin, I"ve been missing her very much!
2023-08-14 01:56:571


Tom"s family was holding a large evening party.It was to celebrate Tom"s thirteenth birthday.At about six o"clock,the doorbell rang.Jim,Tom"s best friend,arrived with a big birthday gift.Tom opened it in front of Jim and thanked him for the gift.When he opened the box,he got a big surprise.It was a toy robot.Tom always wanted to buy a toy robot,and now his dream was realized.He was both excited at the gift and grateful to Jim.Jim was happy,too.He knew what Tom liked best.Mike,Tom"s another friend,was a bit late for the party.It was because of the heavy traffic.After all the guests arrived,the big dinner started.The boys chatted,sang,and enjoyed the happy time.Tom was especially happy with so many good friends around.He wished that he could have such a party again when he was to celebrate his fourteenth birthday.
2023-08-14 01:57:071


A: I will have a party on Saturday. Would you like to come?B: Sounds great! I will come. What time?A: It will start at 7:00 in the evening.B: Where is the party?A: At my home.B: Ok, I will be there. Thank you!A: See you then.B: See you.
2023-08-14 01:57:142


the day for family dinner
2023-08-14 01:57:223


Dear ***, Next Friday, June,25th is my birthday. I thought it would be pleasant to have some of my friends here to have a celebrate party. Will you come? We"ll have dancing from nine until midnight, and then cut the birthday cake! Both ### and I are very eager to have you here, so don"t disappoint us! Affectionately yours, &&&& June,18th如果帮到你,记得采纳好评哦,O(∩_∩)O谢谢了,祝你开心!
2023-08-14 01:57:321


Wash hands frequently , keep hygiene and ventilation , and have fewer meals
2023-08-14 01:57:401

zhang li是一家公司的秘书,邀请客户聚餐的一篇英文作文

Dear Customer,We would like to invite you to a dinner party held by our firm. You will meet the senior executives and other clients of our firm at the party. We guarantee that night will be happy and enjoyable.We look forward to seeing you on Saturday. Please bring this invitation with you; it is necessary for admittance.Yours SincerelyZhangli-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------供您参考!谢谢!
2023-08-14 01:58:261

英语作文 家人聚餐吃饭,随着智能机的流行,出现了怪现象

Nowadays, with the increasing popularity of smart phones (智能手机), it is not unusual to find a group of people sitting around the table, each playing with their smart phones separately instead of talking with each other face to face. As is vividly shown in the picture, the old lady is serving the table disappointedly, with all the other family members absorbed in their electronic products.There are several reasons accounting for this phenomenon. Some people may lack the ability to communicate with others or the common interest while others claim that it"s a good way to relieve stress and embarrassment in social communications. Naturally, there are still others who are heavy smart phone users and fail to break away from the addiction.As far as I"m concerned, it is essential for us to build closer social bonds through face-to-face conversations when getting together with our relatives, friends, classmates and colleagues. I strongly recommend that you put away your smart phones in such occasions not only to show respect for others but also to enjoy the gatherings and improve your communicative skills as well. 试题分析:这是一篇看图作文,反映了因为智能手机的流行,人们忽视了现实社会的人与人交流的问题,写作时要认真读图,不要仅仅对图画进行描述,也要添加些内容,使文章看起来更充实,要组成一篇通顺连贯的短文。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,一定要契合给出的开头,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。
2023-08-14 01:58:351


In spring festival,all our village people dine together,it is a very hilarious scene,full of happy laughters and cheerful voices.
2023-08-14 01:58:431


lunch/dinner gathering
2023-08-14 01:58:513