barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 20:05:36









  解释清楚 put across ; argumake clear ; get across ; Make clear

  法律解释 statutory interpretation ; legal interpretation ; interpretation of statutes ; interpretation of law

  司法解释 judicial interpretation ; judicial explanation ; judicial interpretation of law ; Constitutional interpretation

  解释解脱 release ; releottom

  不解释 Not explained ; Don"t explain

  无条件解释 unconditional interpretation

  审判解释 judicial interpretation ; trial interpretation


  1. Herr Kohler wanted an explanation for what he described as "slanderous" remarks.


  2. This basic utilitarian model gives a relatively unsophisticated account of human behaviour.


  3. The opposition Conservative Party put a different interpretation on the figures.


  4. Her aggressiveness made it difficult for him to explain his own feelings.


  5. Somewhat ingenuously, he explains how the crime may be accomplished.


  6. Ministers should be called to account for their actions.


  7. He explained somewhat unconvincingly that the company was paying for everything.


  8. For some inexplicable reason she was attracted to Patrick.


  9. The union has written to Zurich asking for clarification of the situation.


  10. I would qualify that by putting it into context.


  11. Before she ran away, she left a note explaining her actions.


  12. It is possible that there"s an explanation for all this.


  13. McKen criticises the lack of explication of what the term "areas" means.


  14. He mumbled some lame excuse about having gone to sleep.


  15. Don"t sign anything until your solicitor has explained the contract to you.




2023-01-09 09:59:526


2023-01-09 10:00:293


  积极指努力进取的;热心的,跟“消极”相对。如:他对于社会工作一向很积极。那么你知道积极用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    积极英语说法1:   positive    积极英语说法2:   activity    积极的相关短语:   积极防御 active defense ; active defence ; proactive defence ; active self-defense   积极心态 PMA ; Positive mental attitude ; Gary Neal ; positive mind   积极进取 Aggressive ; STRIVING TO BE BETTER ; Aggressiveness ; ACTIVE   积极热情 Enthusiasm to work ; Enthusiasm ; Active warm ; Active and enthusiastic   积极情绪 Positive emotion ; positive mood ; positive affect ; positive mental   讨论积极 Participation in discussion   积极肯定 Yes ; positive evaluation ; active and positive   积极情感 positive affect ; Positive emotion ; active emotion ; positive affection   积极压力 Eustress    积极的英语例句:   1. The Prime Minister has promised that Israel will play a constructive role.   首相承诺以色列将发挥积极的作用。   2. Government initiatives to help young people have been inadequate.   政府在积极帮助年轻人方面做得还不够。   3. The agreement should have very positive results in the long term.   从长远来看,这个协议将会产生非常积极的影响。   4. We look for applicants who are numerate, computer-literate and energetic self-starters.   我们对求职者的要求是具备运算能力,熟练使用电脑,精力充沛而且工作积极主动。   5. We decided that in the game we would be physical and aggressive.   我们决定在比赛中积极拼抢,大胆进攻。   6. I want our organization to be less reactive and more proactive.   我希望我们的组织少一些被动反应,多一些积极主动。   7. She worked indefatigably and enthusiastically to interest the young in music.   为了激发年轻人对音乐的兴趣,她一直孜孜不倦、积极热情地工作。   8. I am happy and free, in good health, gay and cheerful.   我快活自由,身体健康,积极乐观。   9. British history of the 19th century is peopled by energetic reformers.   19世纪英国史上积极改革者层出不穷。   10. Mr Burns has actively campaigned against a hostel being set up here.   伯恩斯先生积极活动,反对在这儿建青年旅舍。   11. I was quite sulky, so I didn"t take part in much.   我很烦,所以没有积极参与。   12. An active and expansive market economy is a necessary condition for progress.   积极扩张的市场经济是发展的必要条件。   13. The influence of someone like David York will be priceless.   像大卫·约克这样的人能带来非常积极的影响。   14. They were rightly praised for their thrift and enterprise.   他们勤俭节约,积极进取,得到了当之无愧的赞扬。   15. This energy could be much better spent taking some positive action.   这些精力若用于采取某些积极行动的话,可能会更值得。
2023-01-09 10:00:451

“团结,务实,诚信,创新,拼搏,进取” 用英文怎么说?

2023-01-09 10:00:552


虐 cruel tyrannical disaster calamity catastrophe 短语 虐打maul 谐虐farcicality 八虐hachigyaku 侵 虐aggressiveness
2023-01-09 10:01:041


是不是aggressiveness竞争性的 好斗的
2023-01-09 10:01:102


任性 ren xing 1.willful; capricious; wayward; headstrong; self-willed
2023-01-09 10:02:057

敬业 进取 包容 创新 怎么翻译 ?要比较官方比较正式的翻译。

patriotism,innovation,forgiveness,virtue 这是官方的翻译
2023-01-09 10:02:314

创新 拼搏 务实 高效 英文

全要名词 的话就是这样了:  Innovation ,struggling , pragmatic , efficiency
2023-01-09 10:02:473


A.Responsibility责任心B.Good sportsmanship良好的体育精神C.Wariness警惕性D.Initiative主动性E.Concern for physical appearance注重外表F.Originality原创性G.Cleanliness整洁H.Practicality--don"t be too eager实用性--切勿操之过急I.Prepare for the future为将来做打算J.Practicality--what"s done is done切实性--木已成舟K.Privacy隐私L.Persistence毅力M.Diligence勤奋N.Thriftiness--spend monry carefully勤俭--注意理财O.Thriftiness--save time节省时间P.Prevention采取预防措施Q.Frugality节俭R.Aggressiveness进取心
2023-01-09 10:02:596

求帮忙翻译corporate tax aggressiveness 的意思

2023-01-09 10:03:234


这世界就像是一个巨大且精细的机器,每一个零件都有各自的位置,没有一个是多余的,每一个存在都必定有其理由。或许有些在舒适的位置,有些在激烈的位置,这些都是造物主在创造时就已经设定好的程序;每一个零件都拥有自己特定的轨迹,如此这般,各行其路。可是并不是所有的零件都会找到自己应在的位置,这个群体发生了迷失、错乱,他们甚至忘记了自己的使命。或许勤勤恳恳过完这一生,可慢慢的就被这个运行规则给锤了下去,被同化,不再找寻,并且心安理得告诉自己本应如此,因为他们终究没有呆在自己应该呆的位置上,忘记了出生前的神谕。要知道,上帝不会让一朵花成为瀑布,也不会让一棵树成为溪流。生活在这个星球上的我们,都有自己的位置,也被赋予了很多的属性,是懂事偶尔乖张的女儿、温柔贤淑的母亲、和蔼可亲偶尔严肃的班主任、担当尽责的父亲等等……这些都是社会赋予我们的属性,作为一种关系、一种纽带,让我们与这个世界更加亲密无间。同样在日常生活中,我们也会被贴上很多的标签,这些标签是外在的一些群体或是个人赋予我们的,究其本质,这是外在在窥的我们一知半解情况下,对我们进行的标签归类,也可以说是茶余饭后的谈资。有些人是比较在意的,对其而言,这是肯定也是支持,对于这种正向的标签也是无可厚非;一种对比情况是,某某同学,就喜欢别人对她的夸赞,或是服饰或是妆容,这并没有什么大碍,可是如果这个人对自己没有什么认知,仅仅靠着他人的奉承过活且以此为乐,如此这般,也就如此了;同时生活中也会有很多的负面标签。在他人只能由表面去说教的时候,也就只能去说一些很肤浅、甚至片面的言论,这就表明我们最好不要随便去评价别人的什么负面事情,每个人自然会有其不得已的原因;或许真的就是掌握的知识不是太充足,但这并不应该成为那些自诩所谓聪明人士去说教的资本。如果无法理解的话,那就请尊重;对别人随便下标签这种行为并非无知,只是自知不足。此处就彰显了“自我意识”的重要性,有些人的私人领域被侵占,他们甚至都没有意识到,这种情况就有些可悲,明明是自己拥有的正当的作为一个人的尊严,被侵占后连自己都不知悉。同时,还会可能出现这种一样情况,有些自我意识不太强的群体,别人的负面评价会让其自动形成一个负面的标签。之前一个小伙伴向我抱怨道,又被××训斥,心情真的很差。此时问题就出现了,这位小伙伴把某某的说教定义为了训斥或者说是批评。一旦她形成了这样的思想观念,那她就陷入了一种自我的藩篱。她感觉自己有些受伤,为什么呢?因为她主动接受了他人给她的标签,本质就是她选择进行自我伤害。伤害的谁,伤害的是自己的心,甚至可以说是自己主动揽来了硝烟与利剑,然后告诉自己:哎,真的好受伤。这种情况,应对方法有三类,类比于皮球,这只球瘪了(主动揽来硝烟与利剑),这只球纹丝不动(自我反思,客观应对),这只球炸了(这评价我完全不接受)。 我们要做那只纹丝不动的球。不要对对方的话语下标签,保持一颗中立清明的心。如果针对的是事,那就反思下自己,我哪儿做的不对并且积极回复去改正;又或者是深思熟虑后这并不是自己的错,然后就应该据理力争,并非是咄咄逼人,只是为了捍卫自己的一角小小的澄澈的天空。这是一种对自己心灵负责的表现,心灵是无辜的,它不应该为一个自我意识不足的主人去承担利剑。 适当的攻击性是被允许的,此处指的并非是毫无缘由的去伤害他人,而是努力捍卫自己心灵领地的一种成熟的表现。在中文中,大家总以为攻击性是言语或肢体的攻击。 但是,在英文里,攻击性的单词是 Aggressiveness,并非贬义 ,是中性、甚至是褒义的。除了侵略、攻击的含义,还有一个受欢迎的含义:有进取心。是叫你真正做你自己,不要压抑你自己的需求,去呵护好自己的那颗心。
2023-01-09 10:03:381

会计英语翻译 “The Effect of Tax Aggressiveness on Investment Efficiency”是 什么意思

2023-01-09 10:03:511


a little bit too Chglish. No need to use so many complex sentences. One or two good sentences is enough.Try to get rid of the Chinese way of thinking and it is better to be correct than to be complicated but wrong wording.Maybe try it again. To be simpe but not weird first.Good luck
2023-01-09 10:04:162


2023-01-09 10:04:2710


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.d 9.d 10.a
2023-01-09 10:05:041

全新版大学英语视听阅读2 第四单元Shark Alley课文翻译。。谢谢! !

如需编辑回答或插入图片,请点击标题到问题详情页全新版大学英语视听阅读2 第四单元…Shark Alley(2012-04-25 09:04:45) 标签: 杂谈 Part 1I. BII. 1. Biologist Brady Barr and shark researcher Ryan Johnson.2. Is baiting the sharks conditioning these creatures to think of humans as food?3. To obtain more shark activity for their customers.4. They think the sharks will learn to think of people as food.Part 2I. G C E A III. 1. In the morning. 2. Case-diving operators 3. Decoys 4. The natural prey5. attract 6. Aggressiveness 7. Rate 8. Score Part 3I. 1.Brady Barr, 2.interacted with, cage, 4.direction, 5.lost sight of6.massive head, 7. Silently reappeared, 8. Trapped, 9.escapeII. 1. Arrival of boats 2. Monitor the sharks" behavior 3. Appears4. slip 5. Leave the cagePart 4I. A B DII. 1C 2A 3B 1 hunting, 2 conditioned, 3 interaction, 4 opportunity这个是鲨鱼湾课后习题的答案。。。
2023-01-09 10:05:101


简谈大师辜鸿铭的“啰嗦” 大家知道,大师辜鸿铭先生的英文是无可挑剔的。连语言大师林语堂先生也对辜鸿铭先生的英文深表钦佩:“在我国人中,辜鸿铭的英文文字确乎超越出众,凡二百年未见出其右者,不论遣词用字功夫,皆属上乘而无疑问”。 但是,最近在网上的一些评论中,却看到一些人觉得辜鸿铭先生的英文有些啰嗦。愕然之余,细想之后,也多少理解了这些说法的依据。因为辜鸿铭先生在其文章,譬如《中国人的精神》“The Spirit of the Chinese People”(他自译为《春秋大义》)一文中,不断地重复使用一些词语,这难免给人留下啰嗦的印象。 不过,正如那句名言“一千人眼中就有一千个哈姆雷特”一样(There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people"s eyes. 或If there are a thousand readers, there must be a thousand Hamlets.等 )。即使同一篇文章,不同的读者会从不同的侧面读出其不同味道,并产生不同感受。我个人读辜鸿铭先生的文章,刚开始时,也曾短暂地有过啰嗦的感觉。但细读细思之后,不但不觉得啰嗦,反而认为这只不过是一种写作手法。这种遣词造句手法,与其说是啰嗦,倒不如说是一种强调和引导。后来,读的越多,越觉得后一种看法更为贴切。 那么,或许有朋友会问:“为什么能这样说呢?依据在哪里呢?道理又在哪里呢?” 至于说依据和道理,由于我不是专业的研究者,一时的确拿不出令人信服的论据。这里,我只是粗浅地谈谈自己的感受,供大家参考。 首先,我们不妨先设想一下辜鸿铭先生所处的时代。众所周知,那是上世纪的初期。那时的中国,可以说是落后的代名词,是受人欺辱的时代。那时的西方国家,不仅对中华文化无知,而且还充满了对中华文化的误解与偏见。要想对这些人,深入浅出地讲明讲透中华文化的精深与博大,而且是在短短的几篇文章,或一个演讲中,其实是一件很难的事。从常理上讲,对你面对一些无知而且充满偏见和误解的人时,要想说明问题,一些重复和强调,不仅需要,而且是必不可少的。 如果你能细读辜鸿铭先生的文章,你可能会发现,他的重复,绝对不是拖沓和冗长,而是层层推进,层层上升。如同盘山公路,虽说是一圈圈循环,但却是一圈圈上升。往往,不知不觉间,在这些不断的循环往复中,在你不断领略沿途风光的过程中,慢慢地把你带到了山顶。打开了你的视野,扩展了你的心胸,如同唐代诗人杜甫的《望岳》中诗句,“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”。从这个角度看,只有当你站在中华文化的顶峰时,你才能会发现西方文化的不足和瑕疵之处。正是辜鸿铭先生的文章,起到了这种效果。因此,他的文章在当时西方社会所引起的震惊和轰动,其实也是不难理解的。 也正是这种写作手法和功力,也就是说,在不断的重复与强调中,如剥丝抽茧,层层展开,慢慢上升,最后直至顶峰核心。才能使得辜鸿铭先生把中华文化这一庞大课题,在几篇不长的文章中,面对大量对东方文化无知的西方人,引经据典,博古论今,把中华文化讲述得这么全面完整,清晰透彻,浅显易懂。从整体效果上看,这哪里是啰嗦,这其实可以说是简洁与精炼,是全面而深刻。 为了更好的说明这一写作风格,我们不妨多看看其所写的一些文章,进一步体会其精髓。譬如,在《中国人的精神》一文的序言中,辜鸿铭先生在谈到美国人,英国人,法国人和中国人的区别时,他说: “The American people, I may be permitted to say here, find it difficult to understand the real Chinaman and the Chinese civilisation, because the American people, as a rule, are broad, simple, but not deep. The English cannot understand the real Chinaman and Chinese civilisation because the English, as a rule, are deep, simple, but not broad. The Germans again cannot understand the real Chinaman and the Chinese civilisation because the Germans, especially the educated Germans, as a rule, are deep, broad, but not simple. The French, well,—the French are the people, it seems to me, who can understand and has understood the real Chinaman and the Chinese civilisation best. The French, it is true, have not the depth of nature of the Germans nor the broadness of mind of the Americans nor the simplicity of mind of the English,—but the French, the French people have to a preeminent degree a quality of mind such as all the people I have mentioned above as a rule, have not,—a quality of mind which, above all things, is necessary in order to understand the real Chinaman and the Chinese civilisation ; a quality of mind viz: delicacy, For, in addition to the three characteristics of the real Chinaman and Chinese civilisation which I have already mentioned, I must here add one more, and that the chief characteristic, namely delicacy; delicacy to a preeminent degree such as you will find nowhere else except perhaps among the ancient Greeks and their civilisation”. (注:Chinaman 是那个年代对中国人的称呼方式?还是因有歧视含义,作者有意反用之以讥讽?本人不得而知,有研究的朋友不妨指点) 再如,同样在《中国人的精神》一文序言中,辜鸿铭先生在谈到文明时,他说: “Now in order to estimate the value of a civilisation, it seems to me, the question we must finally ask is not what great cities, what magnificent houses, what fine roads it has built and is able to build; what beautiful and comfortable furniture, what clever and useful implements, tools and instruments it has made and is able to make; no, not even what imstitutions, what arts and sciences it has invented: the question we must ask, in order to estimate the value of a civilisation,—is, what type of humanity, what kind of men and women it has been able to produce. In fact, the man and woman,—the type of human beings—which a civilisation produces, it is this which shows the essence, the personality, so to speak, the soul of that civilisation”. 看完这些,不知道你是觉得他啰嗦呢?还是觉得他在层层展开呢?我想,当你刚读一点时,你也许会感到他啰嗦,而当你越读越多时,你可能会越来越感到他是在引导,在强调,在层层展开,在步步推进。 如果你能赞同这些,我们不妨继续,当辜鸿铭先生谈到中国人的缺点时,他是这样说的: “ The real Chinaman may be coarse, but there is no grossness in his coarseness. The real Chinaman may be ugly, but there is no hideousness in his ugliness. The real Chinaman may be vulgar, but there is no aggressiveness, no blatancy in his vulgarity. The real Chinaman may be stupid, but there is no absurdity in his stupidity. The real Chinaman may be cunning, but there is no deep malignity in his cunning. In fact what I want to say is, that even in the faults and blemishes of body, mind and character of the real Chinaman, there is nothing which revolts you. It is seldom that you will find a real Chinaman of the old school, even of the lowest type, who is positively repulsive”. 看到这里,你嘴角会不会自然浮出微笑呢?当一个人文采斐然时,即使他的诡辩,或者,他的强词夺理,都会显得那么地可爱并且符合逻辑。 另外,辜鸿铭的另一个写作特点,就是在他的文章中,不断地,大量地引经据典,大量引用名人名言,而且通常是拉丁文,德文,法文等多种文字的原文引用。这些引用,不仅显示了他的博学,而且恰到好处。常常,这些引用,不但增强了他的文章的可读性与说服力,而且这些引用本身就能发人深省,令人回味无穷。譬如,他在《中国人的精神》一文的序言中,所引用歌德的一段话: Goethe says: "What a long way mankind must have travelled before they came to know how to deal gently even with sinners, to be merciful to law-breakers, and to be human even to the inhuman. Truly they were men of Divine nature who first taught this and who gave their lives for it in order to make the realisation of this possible and to hasten the practice of it. " 当你看到这里,你是否能想起电影“阿甘正传”中的那首歌呢?那首美国五、六十年代的流行男歌手Bob Dylan唱的歌— “Blowing In the Wind”。这里,请允许我将原歌词贴出: How many roads must a man walk down   Before you call him a man ?   How many seas must a white dove sail   Before she sleeps in the sand ?   Yes, how many times must the cannon balls fly   Before they"re forever banned ?   The answer my friend is blowin" in the wind   The answer is blowin" in the wind. Yes, how many years can a mountain exist   Before it"s washed to the sea ?   Yes, how many years can some people exist   Before they"re allowed to be free ?   Yes, how many times can a man turn his head   Pretending he just doesn"t see ?   The answer my friend is blowin" in the wind   The answer is blowin" in the wind. Yes, how many times must a man look up   Before he can see the sky ?   Yes, how many ears must one man have   Before he can hear people cry ?   Yes, how many deaths will it take till he knows   That too many people have died ?   The answer my friend is blowin" in the wind   The answer is blowin" in the wind. 我们不知道这首歌词的作者是否受到歌德的影响或启发,但是,我们不难发现这里的意义相通之处,特别是当我们读其第一小节时。由此,我们也不难能得知,所有文明的相通之处,其根本不过是人性而已。这也许是辜鸿铭先生或所有贤能之士想告诉我们的:文明来自人心。 总之,如果你能从整体上去体会辜鸿铭先生的文章,而不是在具体的字句上挑剔,你可能会发现,辜鸿铭先生的文章,其实并不啰嗦。因为他需要论述的内容过于庞大与精深,而他的读者又对他论述的主题过于无知和误解。所以,他只好使用简单,清晰而且深刻的话语来引导,来强调。这其实是一种写作风格,而正是这种写作风格,才使得他在他的不长的文章中,把他的论述主题讲述得如此地清晰透彻,从而获得了读者的认同并取得了成功。当时一位西方主教鄂方智,谈及辜鸿铭的英文造诣,曾经说过:“他用英文所写的文章,以英国人看来,可以和维多利亚时代任何大文豪相比,且毫无逊色之感”。如果我们能从整体效果上来看,这句评价其实是很中肯的,并不过分。
2023-01-09 10:05:151


1. Those who are successful got to know it earlier that everything should be striven by himself. 2. If you want others feel you are active, why not start earlier than other people. 3. Judge the situations and my your boss understand you. 4. Smart visions lead you a good future. 5. Try one"s best is a necessary personality. 6. Only the talents who keep on learning could pop up in this competitive society. 7. 75% of an achievement is determined by one"s aggressiveness, self-confidence and persistence. 8. Earlier start, full engagement, good thinking and strong cooperation. 9. Be brave and fair, strive for the No. 1 and dare to be different.That"s the end of ma answer.
2023-01-09 10:05:212


大学英语阅读理解   大学英语不比高中的英语,更要加强训练和理解,阅读理解更是如此,下面是我给大家提供的大学英语阅读理解的真题,希望能对大家有所帮助!   第一篇:   You never see them, but they"re with you every time you fly. They record where you"re going, how fast you"re traveling and whether everything on your airplane is functioning normally. Their ability to withstand almost any disaster makes them seem like something out of a comic book. They"re known as the black box.   When planes fall from the sky, as a Yemeni airliner did on its way to the Comoros Islands in the Indian Ocean June 30, 2009, the black box is the best bet for identifying what went wrong. So when a French submarine (潜水艇) detected the device"s homing signal five days later, the discovery marked a huge step toward determining the cause of a tragedy in which 152 passengers were killed.   In 1958, Australian scientist David Warren developed a flight-memory recorder that would track basic information like altitude and direction. That was the first model for a black box, which became a requirement on all US commercial flights by 1960. Early models often failed to withstand crashes, however, so in 1965 the device was completely redesigned and moved to the rear of the plane—the area least subject to impact—from its original position in the landing wells (起落架舱). That same year, the Federal Aviation Authority required that the boxes, which were never actually black, be painted orange or yellow to aid visibility.   Modern airplanes have two black boxes: a voice recorder, which tracks pilots" conversations,and a flight-data recorder, which monitors fuel levels, engine noises and other operating functions that help investigators reconstruct the aircraft"s final moments. Placed in an insulated (隔绝的) case and surrounded by quarter-inch-thick panels of stainless steel, the boxes can withstand massive force and temperatures up to 2 000°F. When submerged, they"re also able to emit signals from depths of 20 000 ft. Experts believe the boxes from Air France Flight 447, which crashed near Brazil on June 1, 2009, are in water nearly that deep, but statistics say they"re still likely to turn up. In the approximately 20 deep-sea crashes over the past 30 years, only one plane"s black boxes were never recovered.   57. What does the author say about the black box?   A) It ensures the normal functioning of an airplane.   B) The idea for its design comes from a comic book.   C) Its ability to ward off disasters is incredible.   D) It is an indispensable device on an airplane.   58. What information could be found from the black box on the Yemeni airliner?   A) Data for analyzing the cause of the crash.   B) The total number of passengers on board.   C) The scene of the crash and extent of the damage.   D) Homing signals sent by the pilot before the crash.   59. Why was the black box redesigned in 1965?   A) New materials became available by that time.   B) Too much space was needed for its installation.   C) The early models often got damaged in the crash.   D) The early models didn"t provide the needed data.   60. Why did the Federal Aviation Authority require the black boxes be painted orange or yellow?   A) To distinguish them from the color of the plane.   B) To caution people to handle them with care.   C) To make them easily identifiable.   D) To conform to international standards.   61. What do we know about the black boxes from Air France Flight 447?   A) There is still a good chance of their being recovered.   B) There is an urgent need for them to be restructured.   C) They have stopped sending homing signals.   D) They were destroyed somewhere near Brazil.   第二篇:   As you are probably aware, the latest job markets news isn"t good: Unemployment is still more than 9 percent, and new job growth has fallen close to zero. That"s bad for the economy, of course. And it may be especially discouraging if you happen to be looking for a job or hoping to change careers right now. But it actually shouldn"t matter to you nearly as much as you think.   That"s because job growth numbers don"t matter to job hunters as much as job turnover data. After all, existing jobs open up every day due to promotions, resignations, terminations, and retirements. (Yes, people are retiring even in this economy.) In both good times and bad, turnover creates more openings than economic growth does. Even in June of 2007, when the economy was still humming along, job growth was only 132,000, while turnover was 4.7 million!   And as it turns out, even today — with job growth near zero — over 4 million job hunters are being hired every month.   I don"t mean to imply that overall job growth doesn"t have an impact on one"s ability to land a job. It"s true that if total employment were higher, it would mean more jobs for all of us to choose from (and compete for). And it"s true that there are currently more people applying for each available job opening, regardless of whether it"s a new one or not.   But what often distinguishes those who land jobs from those who don"t is their ability to stay motivated. They"re willing to do the hard work of identifying their valuable skills; be creative about where and how to look; learn how to present themselves to potential employers; and keep going, even after repeated rejections. The Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that 2.7 million people who wanted and were available for work hadn"t looked within the last four weeks and were no longer even classified as unemployed.   So don"t let the headlines fool you into giving up. Four million people get hired every month in the U.S. You can be one of them.   57. The author tends to believe that high unemployment rate ______?   A) deprives many people of job opportunities.   B) prevents many people from changing careers.   C) should not stop people from looking for a job.   D) does not mean the U.S. economy is worsening.   58. Where do most job openings come from?   A) Job growth   B) Job turnover   C) Improved economy   D) Business expansion   59. What does the author say about overall job growth?   A) It doesn"t have much effect on individual job seekers.   B) It increases people"s confidence in the economy.   C) It gives a ray of hope to the unemployed.   D) It doesn"t mean greater job security for the employed.   60. What is the key to landing a job according to the author?   A) Education   B) Intelligence   C) Persistence   D) Experience   61. What do we learn from the passage about the unemployment figures in the US?   A) They clearly indicate how healthy the economy is.   B) They provide the public with the latest information.   C) They warn of the structural problems in the economy.   D) They exclude those who have stopped looking for a job.   第三篇:   Boys" schools are the perfect place to teach young men to express their emotions and are more likely to get involved in activities such as art, dance and music, according to research released today.   Far from the traditional image of a culture of aggressive masculinity in which students either sink or swim, the absence of girls gives boys the chance to develop without pressure to conform to a stereotype, the US study says.   Boys at single sex schools were said to be more likely to get involved in cultural and artistic activities that helped develop their emotional expressiveness, rather than feeling they had to conform to the "boy code" of hiding their emotions to be a "real man".   The findings of the study go against received wisdom that boys do better when taught alongside girls.   Tony Little, headmaster of Eton, warned that boys were being failed by the British education system because it had become too focused on girls. He criticized teachers for failing to recognize that boys are actually more emotional than girls.   The research argued that boys often perform badly in mixed schools because they become discouraged when their female peers do better earlier in speaking and reading skills.   But in single-sex schools teachers can tailor lessons to boys" learning style, letting them move around the classroom and getting them to compete in teams to prevent boredom, wrote the study"s author, Abigail James, of the University of Virginia.   Teachers could encourage boys to enjoy reading and writing with specifically "boy-focused" approaches such as themes and characters that appeal to them. Because boys generally have more acute vision, learn best through touch, and are physically more active, they need to be given "hands-on" lessons where they are allowed to walk around. "Boys in mixed schools view classical music as feminine and prefer the modern genre in which violence and sexism are major themes," James wrote.   Single-sex education also made it less likely that boys would feel they had to conform to a stereotype that men should be "masterful and in charge" in relationships. "In mixed schools, boys feel compelled to act like men before they understand themselves well enough to know what that means," the study reported.   57. The author believes that a single-sex school would ________.   A force boys to hide their emotions to be “real man”   B help to cultivate masculine aggressiveness in boys   C encourage boys to express their emotions more freely   D naturally reinforce in boys that traditional image of a man   58. It is commonly believed that in a mixed schools boys ________.   A perform relatively better   B grow up more healthily   C behave more responsibly   D receive a better education   59. What does Tony Little say about the British education system?   A It fails more boys than girls academically   B It focuses more on mixed school education   C It fails to give boys the attention they need   D It places more pressure on boys than on girls   60. According to Abigail James, one of the advantages of single-sex schools is ________.   A teaching can be tailored to suit the characteristics of boys   B boys can focus on their lessons without being distracted   C boys can choose to learn whatever they are interested in   D teaching can be designed to promote boys" team spirit   61. Which of the following is characteristic of boys according to Abigail James" report?   A They enjoy being in charge   B They conform to stereotypes   C They have sharper vision   D They are violent and sexist ;
2023-01-09 10:05:341


家庭领养狗的话要等到孩子们都到上学年龄。根据星期一出版的一份报道说,尽管这样,对于杜宾犬还是牧羊犬,家长们还是对它们考虑再三。 回顾下过去10年来在奥地利一个治疗中心治疗狗咬伤的那些情形发现,尽管10岁被狗咬伤者比10岁以上的多,但是1岁和只有几个月的被狗咬伤的就更多。 “家长们应该在孩子们到了上学年龄再买狗。”研究说。孩子们一般5、6岁上小学。 “通过相当长的一段时间,狗都是用独特的控制命令群居在一起的。鉴于这种群居体系,狗会把把新生儿和婴儿看成弱者。”研究补充说。 但是“适龄儿童当接近狗的时候,在自我保护行为方面进行了成功的训练。”在格拉茨医科大学的小儿外科系的研究得出这样的结论。 研究者们说,被牧羊犬或杜宾犬咬伤的相对危险性要比拉布拉多犬或杂种狗咬伤的几率高出5倍多。 报告补充说,在研究中所涵盖的狗咬伤事件中,没有一件是像铁杆派卫士那样主动去打狗的,可能是因为公众越来越意识到狗的攻击性。 研究发表在三月出版的“小儿科”上,这是一本美国小儿科学院的一份杂志。
2023-01-09 10:05:437


1.因为我的眼睛的我的态度,我的演讲或神情,我为短期数维持了一系列的工作,在厌恶方面离开一些, 被从其他点燃。 2. "也许那是什么对黑人感到错误 , " ,我说。 " 他们花太多时间。 " 3. 在我行动之前,在我说之前,我久在光学公司的办公室的外面的隔天早晨, 一定想,一定 "是的 , 先生或者不 , 先生 , " 说我一定行为表现我自己以便白人不认为我认为我当做他们如此好。 4. 我甚至试着保存我的声音低点的明暗,尝试从它抢走任何提议或泛音 fo 攻击性。 5. 我试着在一定程度上回答哪一会让他知道我会试着值得他正在做的。
2023-01-09 10:06:092


然而,除了积极的恋母情结是一个负面的(弗洛伊德1923年) ,其中发生在所有男孩在一定程度上。否定的复杂男孩开发出女性的态度,他的父亲和嫉妒和敌视他的母亲。弗洛伊德认为,如何确定结果,绝大多数男性或女性的身份,是一定程度的先天双性恋在每个人;他认为更遗传处置比大多数人相信。同性恋的病因尚不确定,但今天的普遍意见是,它是一个生物变异无关心理冲突在大多数情况下。弗洛伊德假设,在积极的恋母情结,男孩压制他的攻击,向他的父亲和他的吸引力,因为他的母亲的危险,阉割了他的父亲。否定的复杂男孩压制他爱他的父亲,因为有这样的关系的前提是牺牲,他的生殖器(弗洛伊德1918,1926 ) 。弗洛伊德描述的其他机制在发展同性恋,除了阉割焦虑:压抑男性竞争力( 1922年) ;自恋对象的选择,那里的孩子认同他的母亲和以自己的性对象;并保留色情意义的肛门区( 1905年) 。我认为,安德森有着强烈无意识女性身份已被压抑的,因为他的男性身份不会容忍它。我建议,确定了与安徒生的美人鱼的故事,并代表他的无意识的愿望和冲突。为了让孩子在负面恋母情结一样要爱一个女人,他必须首先接受阉割。要成为一个致命的美人鱼已经失去她的尾巴,并获得腿,这意味着每一步她是伴随着疼痛和出血。此外,她失去了她的声音由她的舌头削减下去.这是非常生动的表述去势。
2023-01-09 10:06:182


一扇窗户广阔地在明亮又阳光充足的天空之上打开。生活, 发闪烁之光捕获的瓶子那在它的半透明设计里面的日光。放置天空的蓝色的水晶的纯净在手的延伸里面。 一支触觉的瓶子哪一你将会想要玩。。。盒子与一道光的纯粹光线一起刺穿哪一横跨不同的瓶子的伸展按规定尺寸制作:90 或 50 毫升。在空气中,它的优雅像男人的出现唤醒孩童时期的感觉,熟悉的印象,推挤了而且再创了。一个简单的, 直接的嗅觉工程以高质量生肉成分制造: 八角茴香、香根草和光,琥珀色的木材。对孩童时期感觉的成熟回返。那正确地沉迷于淘气的,爱打趣和孩子似的梦。作新鲜空气的呼吸。。。从世界逃脱标准化行为,从力量竞争脱离 ,竞争和攻击性。忘记烦恼。天空的窗户广阔地打开在太阳的无限-湿透了蓝色。一条道路向地平线伸展,让的理想片刻去。看在:上面 一个儿童在天空写那邀请你离开让你的烦恼滑。一个手伸展直到风为止。空气变成一个球场。
2023-01-09 10:06:271


Napolean"s war is both aggressive and hegemonical. As for its aggressiveness, Napolean had turned parts of Belgium, Holland and Italy into the territory of France. Also he invaded into Egypt, hit Moscow and even desired to swallow up Spain. In addition, Napolean always forced the conquered countries to decrease custom or simply cancel it once seizing hold of them in order to dump the French goods into overseas markets more smoothly. Meanwhile, he captured the raw materials and treasure from those conquered countries. And all of those above benefited the development of France"s industry and commerce. Moreover, Napolean extended French compulsively in schools, increased the taxes, and abused conscription, spreading his invasion in Europe with the arm of flesh and material resources in the conquered counties. 总算翻完了~~~~好累~~~逐字逐句翻的~~~不敢说多好,但绝对没语法错误
2023-01-09 10:06:396

“团结,务实,诚信,创新,拼搏,进取” 用英文怎么说?

cohesion concrete trust innovation struggle aggressive
2023-01-09 10:07:064


虐crueltyrannicaldisastercalamitycatastrophe短语虐打maul谐虐farcicality八虐hachigyaku侵 虐aggressiveness
2023-01-09 10:07:201

创新 拼搏 务实 高效 英文

2023-01-09 10:07:261

网络适配器roaming aggressiveness什么意思,怎么设置网速最快而且稳定

2023-01-09 10:07:331


  一直盯着人家看是不礼貌的行为,而且会给人家添麻烦还让人产生排斥感。下面是我给大家整理的盯着看的英语短语,供大家参阅!   盯着看的英语短语篇1   1. Mahoney tried not to stare.   马奥尼尽力不去盯着看。   2. Do you like being stared at?   你喜欢被人盯着看 吗 ?   3. It"s rude to stare at people.   盯着看人不礼貌.   4. What are you gazing at?   你在凝视什么? stare指 “睁大眼睛、目不转睛地盯着看”,如:   5. The children gazed in wonder when they saw snow for the first time.   孩子们第一次见到下雪,都惊奇地盯着看.   6. They didn"t want people staring at them as they sat on the lawn, so they put up high walls.   他们不希望坐在草坪上时被别人盯着看,于是便筑起了高墙。   7. If you stared long enough and hard, you could even begin to hallucinate the appearance of small islands.   如果长时间目不转睛地盯着看,你甚至会产生幻觉,看到一些小岛的出现。   8. I had been peering at a computer print-out that made no sense at all.   我一直盯着看一张毫无意义的计算机打印稿。   9. I had an uneasy feeling that sb . was watching me.   有人在盯着看我,我感到挺不自在.   10. In the West people think it"s rude to stare at a person.   在西方,人们认为盯着看人是不礼貌的.   11. When turning suddenly, he caught my gaze fastened on his physiognomy.   他突然转过头来, 发现我盯着看他的面貌.   12. The man looked at them all as though he were memorizing them.   那人把他们盯着看,好象在使劲记住他们.   13. Her eyes dwell on him.   她盯着看他.   14. A battle is a veil through which it is not wise to peer.   战役是一层面纱,透过它盯着看是不明智的.   15. I had to stare at it for several seconds to figure out what it meant.   我不得不盯着看好几秒,去想这到底是什么意思.   盯着看的英语短语篇2   你喜欢被人盯着看吗?   Do you like being stared at?   我不在乎被人家盯着看,反正我们到这里也是来使劲看的。   I don"t mind being stared at. After all, we have come to stare too.   小楠希正在邻居家果园里填一个坑,他的邻居从栅栏那边盯着看。   Little Nancy was in the garden filling in a hole when her neighbor peered over the fence.   我盯着看他的身份牌。   I stare at his ID badge.   成千上万感到很害怕的观众盯着看,他们的心跳很快。   And thousands of terrified(badly frightened)watchers stared with their hearts beating fast.   被人家盯着看,这会使大多数人感到不舒服。   Most people become uncomfortable under the intense gaze of a stare.   我从我的提包中拿出一本欧洲宪法,她一直盯着看,就像看到鬼了一样。   She stared at the European version which I"d just pulled out of my bag, as if she"d just seen aghost.   色迷迷地看用失礼的、轻浮的或好色的方式盯着看。   To stare in an impertinent, flirtatious, or amorous manner.   我很不习惯被人盯着看。   I"m not used to being stared at yet.   一段视频显示,一个背着背包的20多岁男子蹲在那个女人身边为她止血。而拥挤的国际到港大厅里,其他人视而不见或只是在旁边盯着看。   A video shows a man who appears to be in his 20s with a backpack squatting over the womanand trying to staunch the bleeding while others in the crowded international arrivals hall walk byor stare.   我盯着看是因为他们的脸,如此不同而又如此相似的,近乎嘲讽的,超越常人的美丽。   I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful.   我考虑了一分钟,然后拿出一张白纸,把它写了下来盯着看。   I thought about it for a minute, and then got a fresh piece of paper and wrote it down. I staredat the words.   盯着看的英语短语篇3   不过大多数男子更希望接吻之前多一些眉目传情、双目交汇,而在接吻过程中他们则不喜欢被对方紧紧盯着看。   But, instead of being stared at during the kissing process, man hopes to get a sufficient eyes contact in advance.   可看的太多了:黄头发、金头发、袒露的乳沟、纹身、短袜和凉鞋、(是啊,我自己也要盯着看呢)雷朋眼镜、还有裸露的肩膀和短裤。   There is plenty to look at: ginger hair, blonde hair, cleavage, tattoos, socks and sandals (OK, soI"d stare at that too), Ray-Bans, shoulders and shorts.   某一位科学家说,人类受到使劲地盯视时会感到紧张,这其中的原因之一就在人类的生活学上的始祖身上:在类人猿中间,瞪着眼睛盯着看,就意味着要侵犯和要敌对。   One scientist suggests that perhaps one reason that man becomes tense under the force of astare is in his biological ancestors: in apes, a stare signifies aggressiveness and hostility.   他表示,甚至在北京,人们仍会盯着看,很多残疾人没有感受到自己的社会的成员,他们感到疏离。   Even in Beijing, people still stare, he says, and "a lot of disabled people don"t feel as if they aremembers of society. They feel alienated."   眼睛盯着看的壶永远不会开。 [正译] 心急锅不开。   A watched pot never boils. 如果我盯着看你使你不舒服了,我很抱歉。   made you feel uncomfortable.   你必须学会忍受将你的孩子带到公共场所时的羞辱。忽略那些周围人们盯着看的眼神,还有冷漠的议论。   You must learn to tolerate the humiliation of taking your child out in public. Try to ignore thestares and insensitive comments of the people around you.   可以被那么多人盯着看,那么多人。   To have so much looked at. By so many.   垂钓者:你已经盯着看了三个小时了,干嘛不自己钓呢?。   Angler: You"ve been watching me for three hours now. Why don"t you try yourself?   她会蜷缩着坐在椅子上,目光追寻着前方地板上的一道裂缝,盯着看了又看,眼睛发花,出了神。   She would huddle in a chair, gazing in front of her, wandering off in the dizzy pursuit of a crackalong the floor.   我想到如果我继续盯着看别人,我就会感到内疚,因为盯着看人是一种粗鲁的冒犯行为。   I thought I would feel guity if I continue to gaze at others, for it is rude and offended.   我想到如果我继续盯着看别人,我就会感到内疚,因为盯着看人是一种粗鲁的冒犯行为。   I thought I would feel guity if I continue to gaze at others, for it is rude and offended.
2023-01-09 10:07:421


为什么女孩不能像男孩那样考虑问题?Do you believe that only boys do well in science? Does it seem to you that girls have better vocabularies than boys? In your opinion, are boys better at building things? If your answer to each of those questions is "Yes," you are right, according to an article in Current Science. There are exceptions, but here are the facts. 您认为只有男孩才能在科学上有所建树吗?您觉得女孩驾驭词汇的能力比男孩强吗?依您之见,是不是男孩才最擅长创造一些东西?按着《现代科学》上刊登的一篇文章的观点,如果您对这些问题中的每个问题都回答说"是的,"那你就答对了。虽然有一些例外,但是下列事实却证实了你们的答案On the average, males score higher on tests that measure mathematical reasoning, mechanical ability, and problem-solving skills. Females show superior ability in tests measuring vocabulary, spelling, and memory. But these differences will probably not always exist. In the future, a person"s abilities may not be determined by sex. As one scientist says, "Nothing is impossible for a person to be or do." 平均说来,每逢在测试数学推理、机械修理的能力,测试解决问题的技巧时,男性的总分总是高于女性。女性在测试词汇量、拼写能力、记忆力方面表现出优越的才能。但是,很可能这些判别并不是永恒不变的。在将来,一个人各方面的才能并不是由性别来决定的。正如一位科学家所说的,"任何一个人只要你想成为一个什么样的人,只要你想做某件事,都不是不能成功的。"In several recent studies, young babies have been observed and tested to discover how different abilities are developed. A scientific team headed by Jerome Kagan, a psychologist at Harvard University, is studying the thinking ability of children 11 1/2 months old. The test is a simple one. The baby, while seated on its mother"s lap, watches a "show" on a small theater stage. 最近做了几次调查研究,观察并测试了很小的婴儿,以便发现不同的能力是怎样培养出来的。以哈佛大学的心理学家杰罗姆o卡根为首的科研组对一批11个半月大的婴儿的思考能力进行了观察。这种测试方法很简单。让婴儿坐在妈妈的大腿上,观看一个小剧场的舞台上的"表演"。In act 1 of the show, an orange-colored block is lifted from a blue box and moved slowly across the stage. Then it is returned to the box. This is repeated six times. Act 2 is similar, except that the orange block is smaller. Baby boys do not seem to notice the difference in the size of the block, but girls immediately become excited and begin to make noises that sound like language. They seem to be trying to talk. 在第1幕的演出中,把一块橙色的东西从一个蓝色的箱子中拿了起来,然后慢慢地横着从舞台一边移动到另一边。然后再把它放回箱子里去。这样重复做了六遍。这第2幕跟第1幕是相似的,除了那个橙色块小了一点。小男婴儿似乎没注意到这个"块"的大小有什么不同,可是女婴却都立刻激动起来并发现了听起来像是语言的声音。似乎是她们要和人们说话。It is known that bones, muscles, and nerves develop faster in baby girls. Usually, too, baby girls talk at an earlier age than boys do. Scientists think there is a physical reason for this. They believe that nerves in the left side of the brain develop faster in girls than in boys. And it is this side of the brain that strongly influences an individual"s ability to use words, to spell, and to remember things. 众所周知,女婴的骨骼、肌肉和神经都发育得比较快。大多数情况下,女婴也比男婴开始说话时间早。科学家们认为这是因为生理构造不同。他们认为女孩的脑的左侧的神经发育得比男孩快。正是脑的左侧,才强有力地影响着一个人的用词、拼写和记事的能力。By the time they start to school, therefore, little girls have an advantage that boys do not have. Girls are physically more ready to remember facts, to spell, and to read. These, of course, are skills that are important in elementary school. 因此,到了他们开始上学读书时,小女孩就有着男孩所不具备的优势。女孩在生理上就更善于记事、拼写和阅读。当然,这一切在小学阶段都是重要的技能。But what have the boys been doing in the years before starting school? They have been developing something called aggression. An aggressive person has courage and energy. He feels strong and independent. He is often the first one to start a fight. 但是在还没有开始上学之前的几年时间里,男孩子都在干些什么呢?他们都在逐渐养成一种被称为"好侵犯人"的性格。一个惯于侵犯他人的人都有勇气,有力气。他觉得自己身强力壮,凡事自作主张,经常是他,第一个挑起了打架。What produces aggression in little boys? It has long been assumed that aggression is caused by male hormones. Scientists today believe that male hormones are only part of the explanation, however. They say aggressiveness in boys is also caused by mothers. 是什么使小男孩产生了好侵犯人的性格?长期以来人们一直认为这种好侵犯人的性格是由于男性荷尔蒙引起的。可是,今天科学家们认为男性荷尔蒙只能说明一部分问题。科学家们说,男孩的侵略性也都是由母亲培养出来的。A team of psychologists discovered this by placing mothers and their one-year-old babies in a room filled with toys. The room had a wall through which the scientists could observe what happened without being seen. They took notes on everything the mothers and babies did. Here is a sample of those notes, taken during the observation of a baby boy and his mother:"Baby leans against mother. Looks up at her. She speaks to him. She turns him around. He walks away, picks up toy cat. Goes to mother, drops cat, and leans against her. Looks up at her. She turns him around." 一组心理学家。把母亲们和她们的一岁大的婴儿都放在一个到处都摆着玩具的房间里,结果就发现了这一事实。这个房间保留有一面墙,通过这面墙科学家们在墙外能观察到房间所发生的一切情况,却不能被房间里的人发现。他们对母亲们和婴儿们所做的一切都做了笔记。下面就是在观察一个男婴和他母亲的过程中,记下的笔记中的一个片断:"婴儿偎依着妈。(因为是速记,将虚词尽量删掉了--译者注)。他抬头看她。她跟他说话。她让他转过身去。他走开了,拣起一个玩具猫。回到妈那,他把猫扔了。偎依着她。他抬头看她。她又让他转过身去"。From such observations and from conversations with mothers, the scientists learned something about the treatment of baby boys and baby girls. While the mother keeps her daughter close to her, she trains her son to move away from her, to develop independence. 从几次这类的观察中,从历次同母亲们的谈话中,科学家们知道了对待男婴和女婴的不同方法。母亲尽量让她的女儿躲在自己怀里,可是她却训练她的儿子离开自己,去发展独立自主的精神。Consequently, it is easy to understand why little girls often perform school tasks better than boys, especially if the task requires sitting still, obeying commands, and accepting the teacher"s ideas. A girl may pass easily through the first few grades. While boys of her age bring home low marks, the girl may easily get good grades. Girls seem to have "better brains" in school. Why, then, do so few girls become great scientists? Why is the most important thinking in adult society done by men? 因而,这就很容易明白,为什么小女孩在完成学校布置的各项任务中,都比男孩做得好,特别是像要求静静坐在那里不动,服从命令听指挥、接受老师的思想这样的任务。每一个女孩上学后的头两三年级很容易就能通过考试关。女孩子很容易就能得到高分,而同龄的男孩拿回家的分数却很低。在校读书似乎是女孩的"脑子更好。"那么为什么,几乎很少有女孩能成为伟大的科学家。为什么在成年人最重要的思想都是由男人提出来的?According to scientists, the answer is aggression. Because boys are aggressive, they refuse to accept other people"s solutions; they insist upon solving problems for themselves. Thus, while little girls are getting high marks in school for remembering what the teacher has told them, little boys are learning to think in more independent ways. 根据科学家们的意见,答案就是"好侵犯他人"的性格。因为男孩都是好侵犯他人的,他们拒绝接受别人的决定。他们坚持要独立自主地解决问题。就这样,在小女孩因为能记住教师所讲的话而得到高分的时候,而小男孩却正在学习用更加独立自主的方法去考虑问题。In the adult world, the aggressive person is usually the one who gets the big salary, the great responsibility, the powerful job. And since males are trained at an early age to be aggressive, males are more often chosen for key positions. 在成年人中,凡好侵犯他人的人通常都是能得到很高的年薪,责任重大,大权在握的人。既然从小男性就被培养成好侵犯他人,上进心强,因而,男性也就更经常地被选拔到关键的岗位上来。Many people believe this situation is wrong. They think women could be successful in science and industry if they were trained to be independent and problem-solving, as boys are.许多人认为这种情况是错误的。他们认为假使妇女们也像男孩一样受过要独立要勇于解决问题这方面的训练,那么,妇女在科学和其他行业中也会像男孩一样取得成功的。
2023-01-09 10:07:481

联想energy efficiency aggressiveness怎么设置

操作方法:同时按住音量下+电源键2~3秒钟,即可成功截屏。截屏后的图片,可以在手机上的图库中进行查看,截屏的文件一般放在 存储卡/Pictures/Screenshots 文件夹中。如果不能就按照一个截屏软件!
2023-01-09 10:07:541


Labrador Retriever - AKC 标准 General Appearance The Labrador Retriever is a strongly built(紧凑身材), medium-sized, short-coupled, dog possessing(特有的) a sound, athletic(运动的), well-balanced conformation(构造) that enables(使它能够) it to function(职责) as a retrieving gun dog; the substance(主要作为) and soundness(稳固的) to hunt waterfowl(水禽) or upland(陆地猎物) game for long hours under difficult conditions(环境); the character(特性的综合) and quality(品质) to win in the show ring(衔回); and the temperament(性情温和的) to be a family companion(伙伴). Physical features(身体面部) and mental characteristics(特有的智商) should denote(指示) a dog bred to perform(执行任务) as an efficient(能干的) Retriever of game with a stable(稳定的) temperament(性情) suitable for(适合的) a variety of pursuits(变化性强的追击) beyond(较远的) the hunting environment. The most distinguishing(有区别的) characteristics(特有的) of the Labrador Retriever are its short(短), dense(密集的), weather resistant(抵抗低温的) coat; an "otter" tail(水獭尾); a clean-cut(干燥的) head with broad back skull(宽广的头盖) and moderate stop(中等的,适当的胸深); powerful jaws(强大的咬合力); and its "kind" friendly eyes, expressing character(反应敏捷), intelligence(极聪明的) and good temperament(性情). Above all, a Labrador Retriever must be well balanced, enabling it(使它能够) to move in the show ring(回转) or work in the field(旷野) with little or no effort(不费力的). The typical Labrador possesses(拥有) style and quality without over(过于) refinement(精致,文雅), and substance(实际上) without lumber(笨重的行走) or cloddiness. The Labrador is bred primarily(起初) as a working gun dog; structure and soundness(各方面的稳固) are of great importance. Size, Proportion and Substance(其比例与尺寸) Size(尺寸) - The height at the withers for a dog is 22-1/2 to 24-1/2 inches; for a bitch is 21-1/2 to 23-1/2 inches(公犬自马肩隆至地面22.5~24.5英寸; 母犬21.5~23.5英寸). Any variance greater(任意超过) than 1/2 inch above or below these heights is a disqualification(失格). Approximate(大约重量) weight of dogs and bitches in working condition(条件,环境): dogs 65 to 80 pounds; bitches 55 to 70 pounds. The minimum height ranges(高度范围) set forth(对外宣布) in the paragraph(段落) above shall not apply(不应用于) to dogs or bitches under twelve months of age(1岁以下). Proportion(比例) - Short-coupled(连接); length(长度) from the point of the shoulder(肩点) to the point of the rump(臀部点) is equal(等于) to or slightly(些许的) longer than the distance from the withers to the ground(马肩到地面). Distance from the elbow to the ground(肘到地面的高度) should be equal to one half of the height at the withers(胸深和腿长1:1). The brisket should extend to the elbows(胸深至肘部), but not perceptibly(不可以明显感觉) deeper. The body must be of sufficient length(足够长的) to permit a straight(准许的范围内), free and efficient stride(轻松不费力的大步行走); but the dog should never appear low and long or tall and leggy(不可显示出苦力的或优美而长的腿), in outline(轮廓). Substance - Substance and bone proportionate(骨架成比例) to the overall dog. Light,"weedy" individuals(过轻的个别体) are definitely incorrect(绝对错误的); equally objectionable(令人反感) are cloddy(土气的) lumbering(笨拙的) specimens(样本). Labrador Retrievers shall be shown(展现出) in working condition(工作环境条件下的) well-muscled(精干的肌肉) and without excess fat(多余的肥肉). Head(头部) Skull(头骨) - The skull should be wide(宽广); well developed(良好的发展) but without exaggeration(过于夸张). The skull and foreface(眼睛前面的部分) should be on parallel planes and of approximately equal length(额段突出和嘴平行或接近). There should be a moderate(适中的) stop-the brow(额段) slightly pronounced(些微的突出) so that the skull is not absolutely in a straight line with the nose(以至于头盖和口吻部并非绝对平行). The brow ridges(额段延伸) aid(帮助) in defining the stop(深度的定义). The head should be clean-cut(干燥) and free from fleshy cheeks(肥厚的面颊); the bony structure(骨瘦嶙峋的结构) of the skull chiseled beneath the eye(眼睛之下轮廓分明) with no prominence in the cheek(面颊部无显著突出物). The skull may show some median line(头骨位于中心线左右); the occipital bone(枕骨) is not conspicuous(显著的) in mature(成年的) dogs. Lips should not be squared off or pendulous(四方和下垂), but fall away(倾斜) in a curve toward(接近曲线) the throat. A wedge-shape(契形) head, or a head long and narrow(狭窄) in muzzle(鼻口部) and back skull(后头盖骨) is incorrect as are massive(厚重结实的), cheeky heads. The jaws(口) are powerful and free from snippiness(剪状) the muzzle neither long and narrow(长而狭窄) nor(也不) short and stubby(短而粗的). Nose - The nose should be wide(宽大) and the nostrils(鼻孔) well-developed(完全开放). The nose should be black on black or yellow dogs, and brown on chocolates. Nose color fading(退色) to a lighter shade(逐渐变浅) is not a fault. A thoroughly(完全) pink nose or one lacking in any pigment(缺少色素) is a disqualification(失格). Teeth - The teeth should be strong and regular(有序) with a scissors bite(剪状咬合); the lower teeth(下牙) just behind, but touching the inner side(里面的) of the upper incisors(上门牙). A level bite(平行咬合) is acceptable, but not desirable(令人满意的). Undershot(下鄂突出), overshot(上鄂突出), or misaligned(方向偏离) teeth are serious faults(严重缺陷). Full dentition(全齿) is preferred. Missing molars(臼齿) or pre-molars are serious faults. Ears - The ears should hang moderately(适度悬挂) close to the head, set rather far back(适当靠后), and somewhat(稍微) low on the skull; slightly(些微) above(上) eye level. Ears should not be large and heavy, but in proportion(均衡的) with the skull and reach(延伸) to the inside of the eye when pulled forward(向前底下). Eyes - Kind, friendly eyes imparting(抽象的给予) good temperament(气质), intelligence and alertness(聪明而机敏) are a hallmark(特点) of the breed. They should be of medium size, set well apart(分离), and neither protruding nor deep set(两眼不突出或深陷). Eye color should be brown in black and yellow Labradors, and brown or hazel(淡褐色) in chocolates. Black, or yellow eyes give a harsh expression(表现的粗糙,苛刻) and are undesirable(不受欢迎的). Small eyes, set close together or round prominent eyes(圆而突出) are not typical of the breed. Eye rims(眼眶) are black in black and yellow Labradors; and brown in chocolates. Eye rims without pigmentation(色素沉着) is a disqualification. Neck, Topline(被线) and Body Neck - The neck should be of proper length(静长度) to allow(准许) the dog to retrieve game easily. It should be muscular(强健的) and free from throatiness. The neck should rise(上升) strongly from the shoulders with a moderate arch(适度的拱形). A short, thick neck(粗厚的) or a "ewe" neck(母羊脖) is incorrect. Topline - The back is strong and the topline is level(水平) from the withers to the croup(臀部) when standing or moving(后背强健. 在运动中从马肩至后臀要求与地面水平). However, the loin(腰) should show evidence of(说明,表明) flexibility for athletic endeavor(运动中保持弹性). Body - The Labrador should be short-coupled, with good spring(弹性) of ribs tapering to a moderately wide chest(胸肋部宽广适度)(身体 - 短粗~~). The Labrador should not be narrow chested(胸不可过窄); giving the appearance(展现) of hollowness(空旷) between the front legs, nor(也不能) should it have a wide spreading, bulldog-like front(~~也不可过宽形似英牛). Correct chest conformation(正确胸部构造) will result(导致) in tapering(尖端细的) between the front legs that allows(准许) unrestricted forelimb movement(运动中前肢活动自如). Chest breadth(宽度) that is either(任一的) too wide or too narrow for efficient movement(运动中显现) and stamina(持久力) is incorrect. Slab-sided(厚平板面) individuals(个体的) are not typical of the breed; equally objectionable(反对的) are rotund(圆形) or barrel chested(桶形胸部) specimens(样式). The underline is almost straight(下线几乎平直), with little or no tuck-up(提起) in mature(成熟的) animals. Loins(腰) should be short, wide and strong; extending to well developed(延伸正确), powerful hindquarters(后腿及臀部). When viewed from the side, the Labrador Retriever shows a well-developed, but not exaggerated(夸张) fore chest(在胸部以前). Tail -The tail is a distinguishing(有区别的) feature(特色) of the breed. It should be very thick at the base(~~尾根厚), gradually tapering toward the tip(像尖端逐渐变细), of medium length(长度), and extending no longer than to the hock. The tail should be free from feathering(羽毛庄的) and clothed thickly(浓密的覆盖) all around with the Labrador"s short, dense coat(浓密的毛), thus(因而) having that peculiar rounded(罕见的圆形) appearance that has been described(描述) as the "otter" tail(水獭尾). The tail should follow the topline(于被线延伸) in repose or when in motion(休息或运动中). It may be carried gaily(欢快的摆动), but should not curl over the back(卷尾). Extremely(极端的) short tails or long thin(瘦的) tails are serious faults. The tail completes the balance(完全平衡的) of the Labrador by giving it a flowing line(平滑的流线) from the top of the head to the tip of the tail. Docking(下陷的) or otherwise altering(其他改变) the length(长度) or natural carriage(自然姿态) of the tail is a disqualification. Forequarters(一侧的前半部分) Forequarters should be muscular(强健的), well coordinated(协调) and balanced with the hindquarters(前躯肌肉感十足, 与后躯协调平衡.) . Shoulders - The shoulders are well laid-back, long and sloping, forming an angle with the upper arm of approximately 90 degrees that permits the dog to move his forelegs in an easy manner with strong forward reach(肩 - "肩位后置"良好, 长且倾斜~~与上臂构成角度约90度使其在运动中前腿活动自如伸展强劲到位). Ideally, the length of the shoulder blade should equal the length of the upper arm(理想肩胛长度与上臂长度相等). Straight shoulder blades, short upper arms or heavily muscled or loaded shoulders, all restricting free movement, are incorrect(肩胛过直, 上臂短促, 肩部肌肉凸凹...都会影响其自由运动~~不正确). Front Legs - When viewed from the front, the legs should be straight with good strong bone(前腿 - 从正前方看, 腿骨量充足直立于地面). Too much bone is as undesirable(不理想的) as too little bone, and short legged, heavy boned individuals are not typical of the breed(太粗太细太短过于沉重都不合标准). Viewed from the side, the elbows(肘) should be directly under the withers, and the front legs should be perpendicular to the ground and well under the body(从身体侧方看, 肘就在马肩隆垂线下. 前腿垂直地面~~). The elbows should be close to the ribs(肋骨) without looseness(双肘紧靠肋无间隙). Tied-in elbows(肘过紧) or being "out at the elbows"(手肘分离) interfere(妨碍) with free movement and are serious faults. Pasterns(胶) should be strong and short and should slope slightly(稍微溢出) from the perpendicular line of the leg(腿的垂直线). Feet are strong and compact(紧凑的), with well-arched toes(脚趾拱出) and well-developed pads(脚垫). Dew claws may be removed(狼趾去除). Splayed feet(指打开), hare feet(野兔指), knuckling(突球) over, or feet turning in or out are serious faults. Hindquarters(后躯) The Labrador"s hindquarters are broad(宽的), muscular(肌肉强健) and well-developed from the hip(臀) to the hock(飞节) with well-turned stifles and strong short hocks(后躯宽阔, 肌肉感~~~飞节短促强健). Viewed from the rear(后面), the hind legs are straight and parallel(从正后方看, 后腿直立并平行). Viewed from the side, the angulation of the rear legs is in balance with the front(侧看, 后腿角度与前腿相互平衡). The hind legs are strongly boned, muscled with moderate angulation at the stifle, and powerful, clearly defined thighs(后腿骨胳强劲, 肌肉感...膝部角度适当, 有力, 大腿轮廓清晰). The stifle is strong and there is no slippage(滑动) of the patellae(膝盖骨) while in motion or when standing. The hock joints(飞节连接点) are strong, well let down(完全放松) and do not slip or hyper-extend(完全伸展) while in motion or when standing. Angulation(角度) of both stifle(膝盖) and hock joint(踝关节) is such as to achieve the optimal(理想的) balance of drive and traction(动力和牵引). When standing the rear toes are only slightly behind the point of the rump(站立时后脚趾略微落于后臀垂线后). Over angulation produces a sloping topline not typical of the breed(整体角度产生倾斜背线不合标准). Feet are strong and compact(紧凑), with well-arched(拱形的) toes and well-developed pads(脚垫). Cow-hocks, spread hocks, sickle hocks and over-angulation are serious structural defects and are to be faulted(牛腿, 撇腿, 镰刀腿及角度夸张都是严重结构缺陷). Coat The coat is a distinctive feature(有特色的) of the Labrador Retriever. It should be short, straight and very dense(密集的), giving a fairly hard(相当硬) feeling to the hand. The Labrador should have a soft, weather-resistant(对气温有抵抗力) undercoat that provides protection(保护) from water, cold and all types of ground cover(地被植物) A slight wave down(轻微的波浪) the back is permissible(准许). Woolly coats(羊毛状), soft silky coats(丝质背毛), and sparse slick(少而丝般) coats are not typical of the breed, and should be severely penalized(严厉处罚). Color The Labrador Retriever coat colors are black, yellow and chocolate. Any other color or a combination(联合) of colors is a disqualification. A small white spot(点) on the chest is permissible, but not desirable(不令人满意的). White hairs from aging(老年后白毛) or scarring(疤痕累累) are not to be misinterpreted as brindling(斑纹的). Black - Blacks are all black. A black with brindle markings or a black with tan markings is a disqualification. Yellow - Yellows may range in color from fox-red to light cream, with variations(变异) in shading(留下阴影) on the ears, back, and underparts(下体) of the dog. Chocolate - Chocolates can vary in shade from light to dark chocolate. Chocolate with brindle or tan(日晒后的棕色) markings is a disqualification. Movement Movement of the Labrador Retriever should be free and effortless(不费力的). When watching a dog move toward(对于) oneself, there should be no sign(标记) of elbows out. Rather(宁可), the elbows should be held neatly(优美的) to the body with the legs not too close together. Moving straight forward(迅速的) without pacing or weaving(缓慢或迂回), the legs should form straight lines, with all parts moving in the same plane(同一平面). Upon viewing(从上看) the dog from the rear(后面), one should have the impression (印象)that the hind legs(后腿) move as nearly as possible in a parallel line(平行线) with the front legs. The hocks(后腿) should do their full share(以后腿力量为主要力量来源) of the work, flexing (绕曲)well, giving the appearance of power and strength(力量). When viewed from the side, the shoulders should move freely and effortlessly(自由而不费力), and the foreleg should reach forward(移动迅速) close to the ground with extension(延伸). A short, choppy(波浪起伏) movement or high knee(膝盖) action indicates(显示出) a straight shoulder(直的肩部); paddling(划桨) indicates(显示出) long, weak pasterns(虚弱的胶骨); and a short, stilted(踩高跷) rear gait(后观步态) indicates a straight rear assembly(直的集合); all are serious faults. Movement faults interfering(妨碍) with pe
2023-01-09 10:08:004

求问 finding that 后面是同位语吗

2023-01-09 10:08:151

普通高中必修3 短文阅读 Good or bad

私信我 所有问题都能解决
2023-01-09 10:08:252


英语阅读做题方法   阅读理解能力是英语考试考查的重点,自始至终占主导地位,并且有逐年增加的趋势。做好阅读理解,是获得英语高分的关键。下面就由我来跟大家介绍一下英语阅读的做题方法吧!   一、标准化的做题步骤   1. 阅读题干,了解文章主要内容。   2. 定位词定位信息区间,区间内重点阅读考点句。   3. 将原文信息和选项进行一一对应的比较。   分别展开讲解这三个步骤同学需要做的事情,和注意事项。   1. 阅读题干,了解文章主要内容。   考官一般会选择文章的重要信息出题,所以读完5个题干,很多情况下就能够大致了解一篇文章的主要内容。同学拿到一篇阅读不要先看文章,先看5个题干。然 后再通过做每一道题,顺便读到对应的文章信息。这样题目按顺序做,文章也能按顺序读完。同学在读题干的时候要注意三件事;   ① 不要读选项。   读选项一方面浪费时间,另一方面同学读选项是时一定会读到混淆选项。会对接下来的做题有影响。   ② 尝试找到文章主题词。   并不是每篇阅读都能在题干中找到主题词,但同学如果能发现某个词再5个题干中反复出现。这就是文章的主题词。接下来做题读文章时,注意包含主题词的句子。这种句子重要,可能会和正确答案有关。另外找到主题词对做题也会有帮助,下文会有解释。   ③ 注意每道题目的定位词。   先读完5道题干,对题目的定位有重要帮助。比如,大家做第二题的时候始终找不到定位,但是如果能先找到了第三题的定位,那么第二题查找就更容易了。   2. 定位词定位信息区间,区间内重点阅读考点句。   关于定位的注意事项在上篇细节题的讲解中已经详细提及过,同学再复习一遍:   ① 定位词。   尽量优先选择题干中的名词定位。形容词和动词更容易被改写或忽略。   ② 多个定位词定位。   同学谨记,不仅正确选项对应原文,绝大多数题干的信息其实也一一对应原文信息。所以同学尽量带着题干所有的信息,准确的定位到题干对应在原文的一句信 息。因为考官现在也了解我们的做题方式,所以如果同学只带着题干个别单词定位,很可能会定位到原文中考官设置的混淆信息。   ③ 顺序原则定位。   自从06年四级改革以来,四级阅读几 乎从来没出现过信息乱序的情况。也就是说第一题的信息区间,一定在第二题的前面。第三题的信息区间,一定在第二题的后面。所以同学如果第二题做不出来,千 万不要通读全文去理解,推测作者意图做题。可以先做第一题,再做第三题。两题之间的信息区间中,就隐藏着第二题的正确答案。   ④ 信息区间。   找到题干对应文章的一句信息之后,同学继续向下读,(在读到下道题信息出现之前)一般就可以找到正确选项对应的信息。   只有两种情况,同学需要向上找寻信息:   a。定位到的信息为数字串,或举例说明部分。   b。出现了逻辑关系词(therefore,so,as a result)或代词(that is,these are)   ⑤ 考点句。   考点句就是原文中,考官出正确答案那个句子。一般来说,这些句子就是文章中提示重要内容的一些信息。下面是总结的四级阅读中常见考点句的一些标志。(最常考的三个给同学做了标注)   and开头的句子。   含比较最高表达的句子。(rather than,most likely,绝对表达等)   *转折逻辑关系(but,however,yet,although等)   因果逻辑关系   *数字串或举例的前句和后句   *结论建议型语言(research indicates, report suggests等)   段落的首句末句第二句   段首代词   解释说明(,:--后的`解释说明部分)   3. 将原文信息和选项进行一一对应的比较。   关于一一对应,细节题的文章中也提及过。这里换一个2011年12月最鲜活的例子,让同学再熟悉下我们的做题口诀,一一对应。   原文:   Boys" schools are the perfect place to teach young men to express their emotions and involve them in activities such as art, dance and music。   Far from the traditional image of a culture of aggressive masculinity (阳刚), the absence of girls gives boys the chance to develop without pressure to conform to a stereotype. a US study says。   Boys at single-sex schools were said to be more likely to get involved in cultural and artistic activities that helped develop their emotional expressiveness, rather than feeling they had to conform to the "boy code" of hiding their emotions to be a "real man"。   选项:57. The author believes that a single-sex school would ____ 。   A) force boys to hide their emotions to be "real men"   B) help to cultivate masculine aggressiveness in boys   C) encourage boys to express their emotions more freely   D) naturally reinforce in boys the traditional image of a man   正确答案:C   同学一定要记住,一个答案之所以正确,就是因为它和原文信息形成了含义或语义成分的一一对应。single-sex school定位在文章第三段。C选项的encourage对应原文的helped develop,选项中的express their emotions对应原文中的emotional expressiveness,选项中的more freely对应原文中的more likely。一一对应,所以正确。   以上即是标准化的做题步骤,简单总结,读题干,定位,比较。   二、不认识单词的两个正确的思考方向   1. 比较原文和选项部分成分的对应。   我们讲过,正确答案和原文一一对应。所以即使同学不认识单词,没关系。只要认识一个两个重要单词也就足够做题了。   比如上文举的例子。即使同学原文中的信息大多不认识,但如果能发现选项的encourage对应原文的helped develop,选项中的express their emotions对应原文中的emotional expressiveness,即使只找到这么两处的语言对应,那么就找到了正确答案。   2. 通过段落或文章主题做题。   因为文章是想通的,句子和句子之间是有支撑与被支撑关系的。所以,如果同学做题原文一句话读不懂,可以看看这句话是不是被其他句子支撑,或者这句话是不 是在支撑一个主题句?找到支撑或者被支撑的句子,同样可以理解到相同的内容。这就是我们经常说的,通过细节可以做题,通过细节支撑的主题也可以做题。   再以上文举的例子来看:   这道题目通过第三段的细节做题完全没有问题。但是第三度读不懂怎么办?同学看第一段。第一段就是文章的主题句,是第三段这个细节内容所支撑的主题。文章第一句,Boys" schools are the perfect place to teach young men to express their emotions and involve them in activities such as art, dance and music。几乎也与C选项C) encourage boys to express their emotions more freely一一对应。找到第三段细节可以做题,找到细节支撑的主题同样可以做题。   接下来,同学会问,如何去找文章或段落的主题句?   文章或段落主题句子的标志:   1. 举例子的句子不是主题句,注意前后句   2. 问句不是主题句,注意问后句   3. 承上启下的后半句是主题句   4. 首段转折提示文章主题   5. 包含主题词的句子重点阅读   6. 包含主次之分的表达(not A, but B. A rather than B等)   7. 时间提示主题(recently, today等)   8. 定义型的句子(be called as, be known as, is, are等)   9. 强调型的句子(stress, focus, only等)   10. 总结型的句子(research indicates, study suggests等)   同学可能还会问,我怎么知道哪道题可能会和主题有关?   可能和主题有关的题目:   1. 主旨题。   2. 作者对文章主题词的观点或看法   3. 不对应文章细节信息的题目(或选项)   4. 全文第一题   5. 例证型题目   6. 推断题   7. 包含文章主题词的题目 ;
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Wang Meng is the athlete who I admire most. She is a genius player full of aggressiveness and personality . Her skating is rich in speed and wisdom.
2023-01-09 10:08:441


Television Violence and Children Thanks to the miracle of television the average American child watches 8,000 murders and 100,000 acts of violence before finishing elementary school (Early Concerns 113). Television violence is responsible for the increase in childhood violence. Watching violence is a popular form of entertainment, and watching it on television is the number one way that children are exposed to violence. Local news shows provide extensive converage of violent crimes in order to increase their ratings (Felson 96). Violence usually refers to physical aggression and aggression is usually defined as any behavior involving intent to harm another person (Sege 34). Television is a central feature of contemporary American life. American children spend more time watching television than they do in school. In 1989, the average child in the United States spent more time watching television than performing any other activity, except sleeping. In 1989 The Nielson Report on Television commented that children age 2 to 5 viewed approximately 27 hours of television per week. Children 6 to 11 years of age viewed more than 23 hours of television per week, and adolescents between 12 to 17 years of age viewed 22 hours of television per week (Sege 32). During the past several decades, violent programs have been steadily increasing in numbers on television screens. Many believe that there could be the possibility that a direct relationship exists between the violence witnessed on television and the increasingly violent behavior of children and adolescents (Palermo 23). Coming at a time when the homicide rate is rising six times faster than the population it is theorized that television violence does cause actual violence (Early Concerns 114). The year 1992 set an all-time record for violence in children"s shows, with an average of 32 violent acts per hour. The nightly dose of splattering blood, rapes, car wrecks and screaming victims on television has tripled in the last decade (Johnson 18). Only on television is there violence without pain. Sometimes, television violence is even supposed to be funny, but grownups know, or are supposed to know, that real violence causes lots of pain and sadness. A young gunshot victim is brought into an emergency room and he astonished his Doctors. He expressed surprise that his wound actually hurt. His Doctors first thought, “Boy! This boy is really stupid.” But it dawned on the Doctors that what the sees on television is that when the superhero gets shot in the arm, he uses that arm to hold onto a truck going 85 miles an hour around a corner. He overcomes the driver and shoots a couple of hundred people while he is at it. (Early Concerns 112) Another example of violence in children"s television is seen in the cartoon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This cartoon causes confusion between fantasy and reality. Several children really do think it is okay to use physical violence with other children because the Turtles do and the Turtles are the good guys (Early Concerns 115). Children"s cartoons are among the most violent shows on television, often exceeding 24 acts of violence per hour and earning high violence ratings from The National Coalition on Television Violence. Researchers say children"s aggressiveness increases measurably after viewing the cartoon violence of Bugs Bunny, Tom and Jerry and Woody Woodpecker, which are rated as very high violence with 55 or more acts of violence per episode. (Early Concerns 113). Just as children learn things from their older brothers and sisters, they also learn from their television heroes- even bad things. Some children who watch lots of violence on television learn to fight more and others learn to become victims. Many children learn that violence is fun to watch, even in real life. These kids encourage their friends to fight. When television characters use violence to solve their problems, then some children believe that it is okay then to use violence to solve problems that they might be having. As parents we want our children to solve their problems without fighting (Sege 33-35). Violence is a diverse problem and it is necessary to address it as such. There is no doubt that excessive and extended exposure to television violence may promote violence in some children. Television promotes violence because it hits children in a suggestible period of their life, when they lack the capacity to reflect and discriminate and to integrate what they see in the proper perspective and with objectivity (Felson 96). Professionals and parents must be aware of all sources of impute for their children. Not only peers, textbooks, teachers, and relatives, but also from the subtle “stranger” in the living room, the television. Television “talks” to our children daily with complex messages of fear and violence and only occasionally with messages of sharing, friendship, and concern for others (Johnson 18). Parents need to limit the amount and type of television that their children are watching. If children are allowed to watch violence on television, then most children will believe that violence out on the playground is acceptable behavior. Most children who spend a considerable amount of their time viewing television are irresponsible, need constant supervision, and lack social skills. These children replace their daily activities with other children with viewing television. Television usually reduces their attention span, portrays a reality far from real life, and corrupts their young minds (Johnson 18). Young people must learn at home and in school that violence is not a means of settling differences with others, as they have come to believe from watching television (Palermo 23). We, as parents, must discourage violence on television for our children"s safety and anyone who cares about children, and has access to them, needs to urge the children to stay away from the tube to keep societies youngest safe. There are some people who would argue that there are many non-violent television shows for children. Although this is true, the shows that they are speaking of are those such as Barney, Sesame Street, and Bear in the Big Blue House. These types of children"s shows are mainly for very young children. Older children quickly lose interest in these shows, and the more violent cartoons and action films capture their interest. The overall number of violent films far exceeds the number of nonviolent shows and it is very obvious that children will want to watch the more exciting, violent shows. Putting a child in front of a television is an easy way to keep them busy. However, it is also an easy way to lose control of a youngster if the content of what they are watching is not carefully monitored. Children learn many things by mimicking. A child who sees somebody enjoying an act of violence is more apt to try to re-create that act.
2023-01-09 10:08:501


Old soldiers never die Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, and Distinguished Members of the Congress: I stand on this rostrum with a sense of deep humility and great pride -- humility in the weight of those great American architects of our history who have stood here before me; pride in the reflection that this home of legislative debate represents human liberty in the purest form yet devised. Here are centered the hopes and aspirations and faith of the entire human race. I do not stand here as advocate for any partisan cause, for the issues are fundamental and reach quite beyond the realm of partisan consideration. They must be resolved on the highest plane of national interest if our course is to prove sound and our future protected. I trust, therefore, that you will do me the justice of receiving that which I have to say as solely expressing the considered viewpoint of a fellow American. I address you with neither rancor nor bitterness in the fading twilight of life, with but one purpose in mind: to serve my country. The issues are global and so interlocked that to consider the problems of one sector, oblivious to those of another, is but to court disaster for the whole. While Asia is commonly referred to as the Gateway to Europe, it is no less true that Europe is the Gateway to Asia, and the broad influence of the one cannot fail to have its impact upon the other. There are those who claim our strength is inadequate to protect on both fronts, that we cannot divide our effort. I can think of no greater expression of defeatism. If a potential enemy can divide his strength on two fronts, it is for us to counter his effort. The Communist threat is a global one. Its successful advance in one sector threatens the destruction of every other sector. You can not appease or otherwise surrender to communism in Asia without simultaneously undermining our efforts to halt its advance in Europe. Beyond pointing out these general truisms, I shall confine my discussion to the general areas of Asia. Before one may objectively assess the situation now existing there, he must comprehend something of Asia"s past and the revolutionary changes which have marked her course up to the present. Long exploited by the so-called colonial powers, with little opportunity to achieve any degree of social justice, individual dignity, or a higher standard of life such as guided our own noble administration in the Philippines, the peoples of Asia found their opportunity in the war just past to throw off the shackles of colonialism and now see the dawn of new opportunity, a heretofore unfelt dignity, and the self-respect of political freedom. Mustering half of the earth"s population, and 60 percent of its natural resources these peoples are rapidly consolidating a new force, both moral and material, with which to raise the living standard and erect adaptations of the design of modern progress to their own distinct cultural environments. Whether one adheres to the concept of colonization or not, this is the direction of Asian progress and it may not be stopped. It is a corollary to the shift of the world economic frontiers as the whole epicenter of world affairs rotates back toward the area whence it started. In this situation, it becomes vital that our own country orient its policies in consonance with this basic evolutionary condition rather than pursue a course blind to the reality that the colonial era is now past and the Asian peoples covet the right to shape their own free destiny. What they seek now is friendly guidance, understanding, and support -- not imperious direction -- the dignity of equality and not the shame of subjugation. Their pre-war standard of life, pitifully low, is infinitely lower now in the devastation left in war"s wake. World ideologies play little part in Asian thinking and are little understood. What the peoples strive for is the opportunity for a little more food in their stomachs, a little better clothing on their backs, a little firmer roof over their heads, and the realization of the normal nationalist urge for political freedom. These political-social conditions have but an indirect bearing upon our own national security, but do form a backdrop to contemporary planning which must be thoughtfully considered if we are to avoid the pitfalls of unrealism. Of more direct and immediately bearing upon our national security are the changes wrought in the strategic potential of the Pacific Ocean in the course of the past war. Prior thereto the western strategic frontier of the United States lay on the literal line of the Americas, with an exposed island salient extending out through Hawaii, Midway, and Guam to the Philippines. That salient proved not an outpost of strength but an avenue of weakness along which the enemy could and did attack. The Pacific was a potential area of advance for any predatory force intent upon striking at the bordering land areas. All this was changed by our Pacific victory. Our strategic frontier then shifted to embrace the entire Pacific Ocean, which became a vast moat to protect us as long as we held it. Indeed, it acts as a protective shield for all of the Americas and all free lands of the Pacific Ocean area. We control it to the shores of Asia by a chain of islands extending in an arc from the Aleutians to the Mariannas held by us and our free allies. From this island chain we can dominate with sea and air power every Asiatic port from Vladivostok to Singapore -- with sea and air power every port, as I said, from Vladivostok to Singapore -- and prevent any hostile movement into the Pacific. Any predatory attack from Asia must be an amphibious effort.* No amphibious force can be successful without control of the sea lanes and the air over those lanes in its avenue of advance. With naval and air supremacy and modest ground elements to defend bases, any major attack from continental Asia toward us or our friends in the Pacific would be doomed to failure. Under such conditions, the Pacific no longer represents menacing avenues of approach for a prospective invader. It assumes, instead, the friendly aspect of a peaceful lake. Our line of defense is a natural one and can be maintained with a minimum of military effort and expense. It envisions no attack against anyone, nor does it provide the bastions essential for offensive operations, but properly maintained, would be an invincible defense against aggression. The holding of this literal defense line in the western Pacific is entirely dependent upon holding all segments thereof; for any major breach of that line by an unfriendly power would render vulnerable to determined attack every other major segment. This is a military estimate as to which I have yet to find a military leader who will take exception. For that reason, I have strongly recommended in the past, as a matter of military urgency, that under no circumstances must Formosa fall under Communist control. Such an eventuality would at once threaten the freedom of the Philippines and the loss of Japan and might well force our western frontier back to the coast of California, Oregon and Washington. To understand the changes which now appear upon the Chinese mainland, one must understand the changes in Chinese character and culture over the past 50 years. China, up to 50 years ago, was completely non-homogenous, being compartmented into groups divided against each other. The war-making tendency was almost non-existent, as they still followed the tenets of the Confucian ideal of pacifist culture. At the turn of the century, under the regime of Chang Tso Lin, efforts toward greater homogeneity produced the start of a nationalist urge. This was further and more successfully developed under the leadership of Chiang Kai-Shek, but has been brought to its greatest fruition under the present regime to the point that it has now taken on the character of a united nationalism of increasingly dominant, aggressive tendencies. Through these past 50 years the Chinese people have thus become militarized in their concepts and in their ideals. They now constitute excellent soldiers, with competent staffs and commanders. This has produced a new and dominant power in Asia, which, for its own purposes, is allied with Soviet Russia but which in its own concepts and methods has become aggressively imperialistic, with a lust for expansion and increased power normal to this type of imperialism. There is little of the ideological concept either one way or another in the Chinese make-up. The standard of living is so low and the capital accumulation has been so thoroughly dissipated by war that the masses are desperate and eager to follow any leadership which seems to promise the alleviation of local stringencies. I have from the beginning believed that the Chinese Communists" support of the North Koreans was the dominant one. Their interests are, at present, parallel with those of the Soviet. But I believe that the aggressiveness recently displayed not only in Korea but also in Indo-China and Tibet and pointing potentially toward the South reflects predominantly the same lust for the expansion of power which has animated every would-be conqueror since the beginning of time. The Japanese people, since the war, have undergone the greatest reformation recorded in modern history. With a commendable will, eagerness to learn, and marked capacity to understand, they have, from the ashes left in war"s wake, erected in Japan an edifice dedicated to the supremacy of individual liberty and personal dignity; and in the ensuing process there has been created a truly representative government committed to the advance of political morality, freedom of economic enterprise, and social justice. Politically, economically, and socially Japan is now abreast of many free nations of the earth and will not again fail the universal trust. That it may be counted upon to wield a profoundly beneficial influence over the course of events in Asia is attested by the magnificent manner in which the Japanese people have met the recent challenge of war, unrest, and confusion surrounding them from the outside and checked communism within their own frontiers without the slightest slackening in their forward progress. I sent all four of our occupation divisions to the Korean battlefront without the slightest qualms as to the effect of the resulting power vacuum upon Japan. The results fully justified my faith. I know of no nation more serene, orderly, and industrious, nor in which higher hopes can be entertained for future constructive service in the advance of the human race. Of our former ward, the Philippines, we can look forward in confidence that the existing unrest will be corrected and a strong and healthy nation will grow in the longer aftermath of war"s terrible destructiveness. We must be patient and understanding and never fail them -- as in our hour of need, they did not fail us. A Christian nation, the Philippines stand as a mighty bulwark of Christianity in the Far East, and its capacity for high moral leadership in Asia is unlimited. On Formosa, the government of the Republic of China has had the opportunity to refute by action much of the malicious gossip which so undermined the strength of its leadership on the Chinese mainland. The Formosan people are receiving a just and enlightened administration with majority representation on the organs of government, and politically, economically, and socially they appear to be advancing along sound and constructive lines. With this brief insight into the surrounding areas, I now turn to the Korean conflict. While I was not consulted prior to the President"s decision to intervene in support of the Republic of Korea, that decision from a military standpoint, proved a sound one, as we hurled back the invader and decimated his forces. Our victory was complete, and our objectives within reach, when Red China intervened with numerically superior ground forces. This created a new war and an entirely new situation, a situation not contemplated when our forces were committed against the North Korean invaders; a situation which called for new decisions in the diplomatic sphere to permit the realistic adjustment of military strategy. Such decisions have not been forthcoming. While no man in his right mind would advocate sending our ground forces into continental China, and such was never given a thought, the new situation did urgently demand a drastic revision of strategic planning if our political aim was to defeat this new enemy as we had defeated the old. Apart from the military need, as I saw It, to neutralize the sanctuary protection given the enemy north of the Yalu, I felt that military necessity in the conduct of the war made necessary: first the intensification of our economic blockade against China; two the imposition of a naval blockade against the China coast; three removal of restrictions on air reconnaissance of China"s coastal areas and of Manchuria; four removal of restrictions on the forces of the Republic of China on Formosa, with logistical support to contribute to their effective operations against the common enemy. For entertaining these views, all professionally designed to support our forces committed to Korea and bring hostilities to an end with the least possible delay and at a saving of countless American and allied lives, I have been severely criticized in lay circles, principally abroad, despite my understanding that from a military standpoint the above views have been fully shared in the past by practically every military leader concerned with the Korean campaign, including our own Joint Chiefs of Staff. I called for reinforcements but was informed that reinforcements were not available. I made
2023-01-09 10:09:411


目前还没有 我也想找呢
2023-01-09 10:09:512


高尔基体磷蛋白3(GOLPH3)通过激活NF-κBκpathwaygolph3促进肝癌细胞在体外的这篇文章是受版权保护的攻击性促进肝癌细胞的侵袭性。保留所有权利研究肝癌发病机制中GOLPH3的作用,GOLPH3过表达或击倒GOLPH3 PLC和Huh7肝癌细胞建立(图2A)。引人注目的是,TUNEL和Annexin V-FITC检测表明,GOLPH3的过度表达赋予耐顺铂治疗的肝癌细胞凋亡(图2b-2c)。此外,转染肝癌细胞条件培养GOLPH3中表现出增加的能力,诱导鸡胚绒毛尿囊膜血管形成(CAM)试验(图3A)显示增加到人脐静脉内皮细胞(人脐静脉内皮细胞诱导的小管形成能力;图3b)。此外,在条件培养基培养的肝癌GOLPH3过度表达细胞,人脐静脉内皮细胞的侵袭能力相比,在控制细胞培养的肝癌细胞增多(图3c)。在与这些结果一致,我们观察到沉默GOLPH3诱导细胞凋亡和抑制血管生成(图2b-2c,3a-3c)。总的来说,这些结果表明,GOLPH3是vitro.golph3在肝癌细胞的致瘤性的重要作用,有助于肝癌的进展在体内GOLPH3促进肝癌的进展的能力,进一步研究使用在体内小鼠模型。首先,我们研究了影响GOLPH3肝癌细胞的致瘤性。结果表明,GOLPH3的表达显着增加锚地独立生长能力的PLC和软琼脂细胞Huh7,而沉默GOLPH3降低这种能力(图4A,补充图3a)。稳定GOLPH3过表达细胞增殖率显著增加,而击倒的内源性GOLPH3表达显着降低细胞增殖与相应的对照细胞,MTT法显示(图4b,补充图3b)。如图所示的4c-4d,GOLPH3表达Huh7细胞形成的肿瘤较大,并表现出较高的肿瘤重量本文受版权保护。保留所有权利与矢量控制肿瘤的比较。相反,通过GOLPH3沉默的细胞形成的肿瘤小于通过RNAi载体的对照细胞形成。免疫组织化学染色结果表明,GOLPH3的过度表达的肿瘤有增加的微血管密度(MVD)和低比例的TUNEL阳性细胞凋亡,而沉默的肿瘤有降低GOLPH3 MVD和TUNEL阳性细胞比例增加(如图4e)。总的来说,这些结果表明,GOLPH3有助于体内肿瘤细胞的进展
2023-01-09 10:10:001


A serious problem has arisen in recent several years that more and more college students abandon study because of their taking part-time jobs, so quite a few people are opposed to part-time jobs. However, taking part-time jobs has at least three benefits for college studens in my eyes. First, students can promote their study through part-time jobs. For instance, If a law student finds a part-time job in a law firm, his practice will enable him to better understand what he"s learned from books. What"s more, the part-time job can offer him opportunities to go beyond what he"s been taught in class, and he"ll learn something that doesn"t exist in books but in practice. Second, students can also accumulate work experiences through part-time jobs, which will benefit their future job-hunting. Actually, part-time jobs act as warm-up exercises for students to take full-time jobs after they graduate, and help them prepare for their future careers. In addition, as fresh blood in the society, graduated students are often unfavored in job-hunting markets for lack of practical work experiences. It"s easier to find jobs for those who have accumulated experiences in part-time jobs. Last but not the least, part-time jobs can partly relieve students" financial burden, especially those who are from poor families. College tution fees have greatly increased in the past ten years due to the new educational policy. Many students from poor families cannot afford college fees, and our bank system fail to loan college students as effectively as it does in developed countries, so taking part-time jobs becomes a way for them to meet their great expenses in campus lives. It"s an undenied fact that students break the balance between their jobs and studies, especially when they fall into conflict with each other. But I think students should spend their spare time taking part-time jobs. Only following this principle can they benefit from their part-time jobs. 一个严重的问题也出现在最近几年,越来越多的大学生放弃学习,因为他们打工,相当多的人反对兼职工作。然而,打工至少有三种好处大学学生在我的眼睛里。 首先,学生可以促进他们的研究通过做兼职工作。例如,如果一个法律专业学生找到一份兼职工作,他在一家律师事务所实习能使他能更好地了解他的了解,从书中。更重要的是,兼职工作可以提供给他的机会去超越他的教导在课堂上,他就会学到一些并不存在的书籍,但在实践中。 第二,学生也可以积累工作经验,通过做兼职工作,这将有利于他们未来的工作。事实上,兼职工作对学生充当热身练习要做全职工作毕业后,并帮助他们为将来做好准备的职业。此外,如新鲜的血液,在社会、毕业的学生经常在就业市场不良缺乏实际的工作经验。很容易找到工作,对于那些已经积累的经验在做兼职工作。 最后的但不是最不重要的,兼职工作可以部分地减轻学生的负担,尤其是那些来自贫困家庭。大学的学费已大大增加交学费在过去的10年中,由于新教育政策。许多学生来自贫困家庭支付不起大学学费,和我们的银行系统未能贷款大学生尽可能有效地在发达国家,所以打工成为他们来满足他们在校园生活开支巨大。 它是一种undenied事实之间的平衡学生打破他们的工作和学习,特别是当他们落入相互之间有冲突。但是我认为学生应该把业余时间打工。只有遵循此原则可以受益于他们的兼职工作。
2023-01-09 10:10:062

英语招聘广告格式怎么写 作业用

2023-01-09 10:10:374


一:well-honed多次例句:1.IF YOU think the Democrats" triumph will bring fresh young faces pushing a well-honed agenda, think again.如果你认为民主党的胜利会带来一些新的年轻的面孔,推出多次审慎的议程,那么请三思。二:反复well-honed例句:1.Rather they revert to well-honed assertions that China remains a developing country.相反,他们将话题转回到一个政府反复申明的说法,即中国仍然是一个发展中国家。三:精确的well-honed1.The Qatari authorities, using well-honed surveillance, arrested three Russian officials;卡塔尔官方利用精确的监视设备抓获了三名俄罗斯官员。四;well-honed 磨好的1.The Chinese winners bring well-honed efficiency and aggressiveness to comepetition in Amercia and other foreign markets.中国的胜利者们带着已经“磨好的”高效率和侵略性,进入美国和其它外国市场。五:well-honed表示技巧纯熟的 "An unsatisfying victory. Your moves are well-honed, but you cannot beat me with that hesitation in your heart. ""不是令人满意的胜利。你的技巧虽然纯熟,但是踌躇不定的话,是无法战胜我的。…… 具体的句子 具体的翻译 总的意思 也就是 磨了的 反复的 熟练的
2023-01-09 10:11:031


英语励志名言长句霸气   我们都知道名言是著名的话,一般指名人说的话。下面是我收集的英语励志名言长句霸气,欢迎大家参考。   英语励志名言长句霸气   1、只有不怕死的人才配活着。   Only not afraid dead of people alive.   2、子当为我击筑,我为子高歌。   When blow up for me, I to sing to the child.   3、手拿菜刀砍电线一路火花带闪电。   Holding a kitchen knife cut wire spark with lightning all the way.   4、这一秒不放弃,下一秒就会有希望。   This seconds don"t give up, next second will have hope.   5、男儿到死心如铁,看试手,补天裂!   Man to be like iron, see finally, crack repair day!   6、老子来到这个世上就没打算活着回去。   Lao tze came to this world don"t mean to back alive.   7、不悲伤,定会快乐。不犹豫,定会坚持。   Not sad, be happy. Don"t hesitate, will adhere to.   8、女人如衣服,但姐是你穿不出来的气质。   Woman such as clothes, but elder sister is you wear out of temperament.   9、天气冷得像个笑话,日子过得像句废话。   The weather is like a cold jokes, life like other nonsense.   10、我摇晃着向前走,哪怕血与骨散落一地。   I swung forward, even if blood and bones on the floor.   11、别低头,皇冠会掉。别流泪,贱会笑。   Don"t lower the head, the crown will fall. Don"t cry, bitch will laugh.   12、你既然认准一条道路何必去打听要走多久!   Why since you look for a way to find out how long to go!   13、饭局不是万能的,没有饭局是万万不能的。   Meal is not everything, there is no meal is you can do nothing.   14、生活就像便便,我们如屎壳郎一样陶醉其中。   Life is like poop, we like dung intoxicated.   15、这个世界本来就很脏,你有什么资格说悲伤。   This world is very dirty, what qualifications do you have to say sorrow.   16、我喜欢看人的眼睛,因为它会出卖人的情绪。   I like to see people"s eyes, for it will betray a person"s mood.   17、别在我面前犯贱,告诉你,你还没那个资格。   Don"t make mean, in front of me to tell you, you haven"t the qualification.   18、本是同根生,那些盲目的打砸愤青是闹哪出。   This is the same, those who blindly smashing fenqing which is make out.   19、别说你会改,阻碍我的步伐,浪费我的青春。   Don"t say you will change, hinder the pace of I, a waste of my youth.   20、现在沵是涐旳男人,沵不要再招惹别的女人。   Now you are E man, you don"t provoke the other woman.   21、多少人需要的不是爱情,只是一个暖心的陪伴。   How many people need is not love, just with a warm heart.   22、平凡是福,不思进取是罪,堕落等于罪上加罪。   Ordinary is a blessing, is a sin to be fallen added unto all our SINS is equal to.   23、本想让纸飞机带我飞进你心里,不料半路坠机。   This want paper airplane to fly me into your heart, but halfway a plane crash.   24、懂我的人,不必解释。不懂我的人,何必解释。   Understand me, don"t have to explain. Don"t understand me, why the need for explanation.   25、我会把每一次改变当做成长,哪怕是痛也值得。   I"ll take every change as grow, even if pain is worth it.   26、这座城市虽然大,但你朝他喊,总是会有回声的。   Although the city is big, but you shouted, there will always be the echo.   27、我不是有钱人的后代,但是我要做有钱人的祖宗。   I am not a rich man"s offspring, but I want to make a rich man"s ancestor.   28、总是要留一些滚烫的"眼泪,才能换来对爱的体会。   Always leave some hot tears, get understanding of love.   29、有时候也会想起你,没什么特别的,那只是回忆。   Sometimes I think of you, nothing special, it"s just memories.   30、放手不是不爱的借口,牵手才是天荒地老的永久。   To let go is not an excuse to not love, hand in hand is the permanent glebe"s old.   31、活着,就要善待自己,别跑到别人的生命当插曲。   Alive, be about to treat yourself, don"t run into someone"s life when episode.   32、不管现在有多么艰辛,我们也要做个生活的舞者。   No matter how hard now, we also want to be a dancer of life.   33、如果放弃太早,你永远都不知道自己会错过什么。   If you give up too early, you never know what you"re going to miss.   34、世界再没有战争连眼也没有泪,归零沦为陌生过路。   The world there is no war is not even the eye tears, zero a stranger passing.   35、不属于自己的东西,紧握在手里,只会弄痛我自己。   Does not belong to his own things, tightly in hand, will only hurt myself.   36、现在的我,你不好好珍惜,以后的我,你高攀不起。   Now of I, you don"t cherish, later of I, you have been.   37、别人说你变了,是因为你没有按照他的想法活罢了。   People say you have changed, because you did not live according to his idea.   38、活着不是要用眼泪博得同情,而是用汗水赢得掌声。   Live not to use tears for sympathy, but with the sweat won applause.   39、男人,请不要在你完完全全失去我后,才追悔莫及。   Man, please don"t after you have completely lose me, only to regret.   40、我现在很自由,没人束缚我,原谅我放荡不羁爱自由。   I"m free now, no one bound me, forgive me wanton love freedom.   41、有人说会哭的女人很懦弱,我说不会哭的女人是怪物。   Some people say that will cry of the woman be very weak, I said don"t cry woman is a monster.   42、借人之智,完善自己。学最好的别人,做最好的自己。   Borrow the wise people, perfect myself. Learn the best and be the best you can be.   43、如果你不努力争取你想要的,那你永远都不会拥有它。   If you don"t strive for what you want, you"ll never have it.   44、当看破一切的时候,才知道,其实失去比拥有更踏实。   When he who sees through all, just know, actually lose than having more dependable.   45、在俺们中国,俺们北京,住经济适用房的都是有钱人。   In our China, the ans Beijing, economy applicable room is rich.   46、找到一个对的人,是给自己以后的生命里最好的礼物。   Find a right person, is the best gift to his later life.   47、突然发现生命中好多不可或缺的人,走着走着就散了。   Suddenly found a lot in life indispensable, walk to spread.   48、现在经历的一切都是我成长路上的风景不管哭了笑了。   Experience everything now is I grew up on the road of scenery no matter cry smile.   49、相爱的两个人只要心里有对方就行,没必要时刻在一起。   Two people love each other as long as the heart have each other, it is not necessary to moment together.   50、成长道路谁都会受伤,我们才刚刚起航,必须学会坚强。   Growth path who will be injured, has just set sail, we must learn to be strong.   51、时光总令很多事改变,该庆幸总有人对你的情谊未改变。   Time always makes a lot of things to change, you glad someone to your friendship unchanged.   52、明明已经准备放弃你了是什么让你回到我身旁再次微笑。   Clearly what is ready to give up on you to let you go back to my side to smile again.   53、我站在悬崖边只是想欣赏风景,可是总有人想推我下去。   I stood at the edge of the cliff just want to enjoy the scenery, but someone will want to push me down.   54、我尝试着做一个有趣的人,后来跑偏了,成了一个逗逼。   I try to do an interesting person, later, the wandering, became a tease.   55、信任就像一张纸,揉皱了,即使抚平,也恢复不了原样。   Trust is like a piece of paper, crumple up, even if smooth, can restore the same.   56、最难受的是我们已经分开了,可你还是在我的记忆中嚣张。   Is the most uncomfortable we have separated, but you still in my memory on his high horse.   57、有缺点的战士终究是战士,宝贵的苍蝇也终究不过是苍蝇。   Disadvantages, of the warrior is valuable fly, after all, but is also fly.   58、命运如同一只不停旋转的陀螺,可以扭转他的,只有他自己。   Fate is like a spinning top, he can be reversed, only himself.   59、逆风的方向,更适合飞翔。我不怕万人阻挡,只怕自己投降。   Against the wind direction, more suitable for fly. I am not afraid of ten thousand people stop, afraid their surrender.   60、不要去抱怨生活对你的不公平,因为生活根本不知道你是谁!   Don"t complain about life unfair to you, because life don"t know who you are!   61、有些人值得等,如果一直等不到,等不到不用可惜那是幸运。   Some man or woman is worth, and so on, if you do not wait, wait for no pity that is lucky.   62、人生就像愤怒的小鸟,每次你失败的时候,总有几只猪在笑。   Life is like angry birds, every time you fail, there are always a few pig was laughing.   63、不属于我的东西,我不要。不是真心给我的东西,我不稀罕。   Does not belong to my things, I don"t. Not really give me something, I not rare.   64、我不是坚强的人,但我知道该坚强的时候,装也得装出坚强。   I am not a strong person, but I know that the strong, have to pretend to strong.   65、不属于我的东西,我不要;不是真心给我的东西,我不稀罕!   Does not belong to my things, I don"t; Not really give me something, I not rare!   66、不要哭,哭也不会有任何改变,这个世界从来不曾对任何人温柔。   Don"t cry, cry also won"t have any change, the world never to anyone gentleness.   67、走不进的世界就不要硬挤了,难为了别人,作践了自己,何必呢?   Go not into the world don"t hard crowded, difficult to others, humiliate yourself, why?   68、坚强并不只是在大是大非中不屈服,而也是在挫折前不改变自己。   Strong not only in the big is not not to yield, but also in front of the setback don"t change yourself.   69、人生在世就应该像柯南那样,有一种我走到哪就让别人死到哪的霸气。   Life should be like conan, there is a where I go let other people die of aggressiveness.   70、招手海边鸥鸟,看我胸中云梦,蒂芥近如何?楚越等闲耳,肝胆有风波。   Waved the seaside hagdon, watching clouds dream in my breast, tiffany mustard nearly? Chu more casually or ear, courage have a storm.   71、天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催,皇图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。   The world situation out of my generation, a into the river"s lake years make, huang think of figure and, be life a drunk.   72、时间在变,人也在变。有些事,不管我们如何努力,回不去就是回不去了。   Time is changing, people are changing. Some things, no matter how hard we, return not to go is can"t go back.   73、不要被任何人打乱自的脚步,因为没有谁会像你一样清楚和在乎自己梦想。   Don"t let anyone disturb the footsteps, because nobody will like you know and care about their dreams.   74、如果有天我们湮没在人潮中,庸碌一生,那是因为我们没有努力要活的丰盛。   If one day we lost in the crowd, commonplaces life, it is because we have no efforts to live rich. ;
2023-01-09 10:11:331

文章Escaping the daily grind for life as a house father

"You on vacation?" my neighbor asked.My 15-month-old son and I were passing her yard on our daily hike through the neighborhood. It was a weekday afternoon and I was the only working-age male in sight."I"m, uh . . . working out of my house now," I told her.Thus was born my favorite euphemism for house fatherhood, one of those new life-style occupations that is never merely mentioned. Explained, yes. Defended. Even rhapsodized about. Or in my case, fibbed about. I was tongue-tied then, but no longer. People are curious and I"ve learned to oblige.I joined up earlier this year when I quit my job--a dead-end, ulcer-producing affair that had dragged on interminably. I left to be with my son until something better came along. And if nothing did, I"d be with him indefinitely.This was no simple transition. I had never known a house father, never met one. I"d only read about them. They were another news magazine trend. Being a traditionalist, I never dreamed I"d take the plunge.But as the job got worse, I gave it serious thought. And more thought. And in the end, I still felt ambivalent. This was a radical change that seemed to carry as many drawbacks as benefits. My dislike for work finally pushed me over the edge. That, and the fact that we had enough money to get by.Escaping the treadmill was a bold stroke. I had shattered my lethargy and stopped whining, and for that I was proud.Some friends said they were envious. Of course they weren"t quitting one job without one waiting--the ultimate in middle-class taboos. That ran through my mind as I triumphantly, and without notice, tossed the letter of resignation on my boss" desk. Then I walked away wobbly-kneed.person besides Mama. It hurt when I couldn"t quiet his crying.I sensed that staying home would be therapeutic. The chronic competitiveness and aggressiveness that had served me well as a daily journalist would subside. Something better would emerge, something less obnoxious. My ulcer would heal. Instead of beating deadlines, I"d be doing something important for a change. This was heresy coming from a newspaper gypsy, but it rang true.There was unease, too. I"d be adrift, stripped of the home-office-home routine that had defined my existence for more than a decade. No more earning a living. No benchmarks. Time would be seamless. Would Friday afternoons feel the same?
2023-01-09 10:11:441


英语格言的励志短句大全   不要放弃,不要言败!下面是我整理的英语格言励志短句大全,希望对你有所帮助!   1、只有不怕死人才配活着。   Only not afraid dead of people alive。   2、子当为我击筑,我为子高歌。   When blow up for me, I to sing to the child。   3、手拿菜刀砍电线一路火花带闪电。   Holding a kitchen knife cut wire spark with lightning all the way。   4、这一秒不放弃,下一秒就会有希望。   This seconds don"t give up, next second will have hope。   5、男儿到死心如铁,看试手,补天裂!   Man to be like iron, see finally, crack repair day!   6、老子来到这个世上就没打算活着回去。   Lao tze came to this world don"t mean to back alive。   7、不悲伤,定会快乐。不犹豫,定会坚持。   Not sad, be happy。 Don"t hesitate, will adhere to。   8、女人如衣服,但姐是你穿不出来气质。   Woman such as clothes, but elder sister is you wear out of temperament。   9、天气冷得像个笑话,日子过得像句废话。   The weather is like a cold jokes, life like other nonsense。   10、我摇晃着向前走,哪怕血与骨散落一地。   I swung forward, even if blood and bones on the floor。   11、别低头,皇冠会掉。别流泪,人贱会笑。   Don"t lower the head, the crown will fall。 Don"t cry, bitch will laugh。   12、你既然认准一条道路何必去打听要走多久!   Why since you look for a way to find out how long to go!   13、饭局不是万能,没有饭局是万万不能。   Meal is not everything, there is no meal is you can do nothing。   14、生活就像便便,我们如屎壳郎一样陶醉其中。   Life is like poop, we like dung intoxicated。   15、这个世界本来就很脏,你有什么资格说悲伤。   This world is very dirty, what qualifications do you have to say sorrow。   16、我喜欢看人眼睛,因为它会出卖人情绪。   I like to see people"s eyes, for it will betray a person"s mood。   17、别在我面前犯贱,告诉你,你还没那个资格。   Don"t make mean, in front of me to tell you, you haven"t the qualification。   18、本是同根生,那些盲目打砸愤青是闹哪出。   This is the same, those who blindly smashing fenqing which is make out。   19、别说你会改,阻碍我步伐,浪费我青春。   Don"t say you will change, hinder the pace of I, a waste of my youth。   20、现在沵是涐旳男人,沵不要再招惹别女人。   Now you are E man, you don"t provoke the other woman。   21、多少人需要不是爱情,只是一个暖心陪伴。   How many people need is not love, just with a warm heart。   22、平凡是福,不思进取是罪,堕落等于罪上加罪。   Ordinary is a blessing, is a sin to be fallen added unto all our SINS is equal to。   23、本想让纸飞机带我飞进你心里,不料半路坠机。   This want paper airplane to fly me into your heart, but halfway a plane crash。   24、懂我人,不必解释。不懂我人,何必解释。   Understand me, don"t have to explain。 Don"t understand me, why the need for explanation。   25、我会把每一次改变当做成长,哪怕是痛也值得。   I"ll take every change as grow, even if pain is worth it。   26、这座城市虽然大,但你朝他喊,总是会有回声。   Although the city is big, but you shouted, there will always be the echo。   27、我不是有钱人后代,但是我要做有钱人祖宗。   I am not a rich man"s offspring, but I want to make a rich man"s ancestor。   28、总是要留一些滚烫眼泪,才能换来对爱体会。   Always leave some hot tears, get understanding of love。   29、有时候也会想起你,没什么特别,那只是回忆。   Sometimes I think of you, nothing special, it"s just memories。   30、放手不是不爱借口,牵手才是天荒地老永久。   To let go is not an excuse to not love, hand in hand is the permanent glebe"s old。   31、活着,就要善待自己,别跑到别人生命当插曲。   Alive, be about to treat yourself, don"t run into someone"s life when episode。   32、不管现在有多么艰辛,我们也要做个生活舞者。   No matter how hard now, we also want to be a dancer of life。   33、如果放弃太早,你永远都不知道自己会错过什么。   If you give up too early, you never know what you"re going to miss。   34、世界再没有战争连眼也没有泪,归零沦为陌生过路。   The world there is no war is not even the eye tears, zero a stranger passing。   35、不属于自己东西,紧握在手里,只会弄痛我自己。   Does not belong to his own things, tightly in hand, will only hurt myself。   36、现在我,你不好好珍惜,以后我,你高攀不起。   Now of I, you don"t cherish, later of I, you have been。   37、别人说你变了,是因为你没有按照他想法活罢了。   People say you have changed, because you did not live according to his idea。   38、活着不是要用眼泪博得同情,而是用汗水赢得掌声。   Live not to use tears for sympathy, but with the sweat won applause。   39、男人,请不要在你完完全全失去我后,才追悔莫及。   Man, please don"t after you have completely lose me, only to regret。   40、我现在很自由,没人束缚我,原谅我放荡不羁爱自由。   I"m free now, no one bound me, forgive me wanton love freedom。   41、有人说会哭女人很懦弱,我说不会哭女人是怪物。   Some people say that will cry of the woman be very weak, I said don"t cry woman is a monster。   42、借人之智,完善自己。学最好别人,做最好自己。   Borrow the wise people, perfect myself。 Learn the best and be the best you can be。   43、如果你不努力争取你想要,那你永远都不会拥有它。   If you don"t strive for what you want, you"ll never have it。   44、当看破一切时候,才知道,其实失去比拥有更踏实。   When he who sees through all, just know, actually lose than having more dependable。   45、在俺们中国,俺们北京,住经济适用房都是有钱人。   In our China, the ans Beijing, economy applicable room is rich。   46、找到一个对人,是给自己以后生命里最好礼物。   Find a right person, is the best gift to his later life。   47、突然发现生命中好多不可或缺人,走着走着就散了。   Suddenly found a lot in life indispensable, walk to spread。   48、现在经历一切都是我成长路上风景不管哭了笑了。   Experience everything now is I grew up on the road of scenery no matter cry smile。   49、相爱两个人只要心里有对方就行,没必要时刻在一起。   Two people love each other as long as the heart have each other, it is not necessary to moment together。   50、成长道路谁都会受伤,我们才刚刚起航,必须学会坚强。   Growth path who will be injured, has just set sail, we must learn to be strong。   51、时光总令很多事改变,该庆幸总有人对你情谊未改变。   Time always makes a lot of things to change, you glad someone to your friendship unchanged。   52、明明已经准备放弃你了是什么让你回到我身旁再次微笑。   Clearly what is ready to give up on you to let you go back to my side to smile again。   53、我站在悬崖边只是想欣赏风景,可是总有人想推我下去。   I stood at the edge of the cliff just want to enjoy the scenery, but someone will want to push me down。   54、我尝试着做一个有趣人,后来跑偏了,成了一个逗逼。   I try to do an interesting person, later, the wandering, became a tease。   55、信任就像一张纸,揉皱了,即使抚平,也恢复不了原样。   Trust is like a piece of paper, crumple up, even if smooth, can restore the same。   56、最难受是我们已经分开了,可你还是在我记忆中嚣张。   Is the most uncomfortable we have separated, but you still in my memory on his high horse。   57、有缺点战士终究是战士,宝贵苍蝇也终究不过是苍蝇。   Disadvantages, of the warrior is valuable fly, after all, but is also fly。   58、命运如同一只不停旋转陀螺,可以扭转他,只有他自己。   Fate is like a spinning top, he can be reversed, only himself。   59、逆风方向,更适合飞翔。我不怕万人阻挡,只怕自己投降。   Against the wind direction, more suitable for fly。 I am not afraid of ten thousand people stop, afraid their surrender。   60、不要去抱怨生活对你不公平,因为生活根本不知道你是谁!   Don"t complain about life unfair to you, because life don"t know who you are!   61、有些人值得等,如果一直等不到,等不到不用可惜那是幸运。   Some man or woman is worth, and so on, if you do not wait, wait for no pity that is lucky。   62、人生就像愤怒小鸟,每次你失败时候,总有几只猪在笑。   Life is like angry birds, every time you fail, there are always a few pig was laughing。   63、不属于我东西,我不要。不是真心给我东西,我不稀罕。   Does not belong to my things, I don"t。 Not really give me something, I not rare。   64、我不是坚强人,但我知道该坚强时候,装也得装出坚强。   I am not a strong person, but I know that the strong, have to pretend to strong。   65、不属于我东西,我不要;不是真心给我东西,我不稀罕!   Does not belong to my things, I don"t; Not really give me something, I not rare!   66、不要哭,哭也不会有任何改变,这个世界从来不曾对任何人温柔。   Don"t cry, cry also won"t have any change, the world never to anyone gentleness。   67、走不进世界就不要硬挤了,难为了别人,作践了自己,何必呢?   Go not into the world don"t hard crowded, difficult to others, humiliate yourself, why?   68、坚强并不只是在大是大非中不屈服,而也是在挫折前不改变自己。   Strong not only in the big is not not to yield, but also in front of the setback don"t change yourself。   69、人生在世就应该像柯南那样,有一种我走到哪就让别人死到哪霸气。   Life should be like conan, there is a where I go let other people die of aggressiveness。   70、招手海边鸥鸟,看我胸中云梦,蒂芥近如何?楚越等闲耳,肝胆有风波。   Waved the seaside hagdon, watching clouds dream in my breast, tiffany mustard nearly? Chu more casually or ear, courage have a storm。   71、天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催,皇图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。   The world situation out of my generation, a into the river"s lake years make, huang think of figure and, be life a drunk。   72、时间在变,人也在变。有些事,不管我们如何努力,回不去就是回不去了。   Time is changing, people are changing。 Some things, no matter how hard we, return not to go is can"t go back。   73、不要被任何人打乱自脚步,因为没有谁会像你一样清楚和在乎自己梦想。   Don"t let anyone disturb the footsteps, because nobody will like you know and care about their dreams。   74、如果有天我们湮没在人潮中,庸碌一生,那是因为我们没有努力要活丰盛。   If one day we lost in the crowd, commonplaces life, it is because we have no efforts to live rich。 ;
2023-01-09 10:11:511


1、只有不怕死的人才配活着。 Only not afraid dead of people alive. 2、子当为我击筑,我为子高歌。 When blow up for me, I to sing to the child. 3、手拿菜刀砍电线一路火花带闪电。 Holding a kitchen knife cut wire spark with lightning all the way. 4、这一秒不放弃,下一秒就会有希望。 This seconds don"t give up, next second will have hope. 5、男儿到死心如铁,看试手,补天裂! Man to be like iron, see finally, crack repair day! 6、老子来到这个世上就没打算活着回去。 Lao tze came to this world don"t mean to back alive. 7、不悲伤,定会快乐。不犹豫,定会坚持。 Not sad, be happy. Don"t hesitate, will adhere to. 8、女人如衣服,但姐是你穿不出来的气质。 Woman such as clothes, but elder sister is you wear out of temperament. 9、天气冷得像个笑话,日子过得像句废话。 The weather is like a cold jokes, life like other nonsense. 10、我摇晃着向前走,哪怕血与骨散落一地。 I swung forward, even if blood and bones on the floor. 11、别低头,皇冠会掉。别流泪,贱人会笑。 Don"t lower the head, the crown will fall. Don"t cry, bitch will laugh. 12、你既然认准一条道路何必去打听要走多久! Why since you look for a way to find out how long to go! 13、饭局不是万能的,没有饭局是万万不能的。 Meal is not everything, there is no meal is you can do nothing. 14、生活就像便便,我们如屎壳郎一样陶醉其中。 Life is like poop, we like dung intoxicated. 15、这个世界本来就很脏,你有什么资格说悲伤。 This world is very dirty, what qualifications do you have to say sorrow. 16、我喜欢看人的眼睛,因为它会出卖人的情绪。 I like to see people"s eyes, for it will betray a person"s mood. 17、别在我面前犯贱,告诉你,你还没那个资格。 Don"t make mean, in front of me to tell you, you haven"t the qualification. 18、本是同根生,那些盲目的打砸愤青是闹哪出。 This is the same, those who blindly smashing fenqing which is make out. 19、别说你会改,阻碍我的步伐,浪费我的青春。 Don"t say you will change, hinder the pace of I, a waste of my youth. 20、现在?是??男人,?不要再招惹别的女人。 Now you are E man, you don"t provoke the other woman. 21、多少人需要的不是爱情,只是一个暖心的陪伴。 How many people need is not love, just with a warm heart. 22、平凡是福,不思进取是罪,堕落等于罪上加罪。 Ordinary is a blessing, is a sin to be fallen added unto all our SINS is equal to. 23、本想让纸飞机带我飞进你心里,不料半路坠机。 This want paper airplane to fly me into your heart, but halfway a plane crash. 24、懂我的人,不必解释。不懂我的人,何必解释。 Understand me, don"t have to explain. Don"t understand me, why the need for explanation. 25、我会把每一次改变当做成长,哪怕是痛也值得。 I"ll take every change as grow, even if pain is worth it. 26、这座城市虽然大,但你朝他喊,总是会有回声的。 Although the city is big, but you shouted, there will always be the echo. 27、我不是有钱人的后代,但是我要做有钱人的祖宗。 I am not a rich man"s offspring, but I want to make a rich man"s ancestor. 28、总是要留一些滚烫的眼泪,才能换来对爱的体会。 Always leave some hot tears, get understanding of love. 29、有时候也会想起你,没什么特别的,那只是回忆。 Sometimes I think of you, nothing special, it"s just memories. 30、放手不是不爱的借口,牵手才是天荒地老的永久。 To let go is not an excuse to not love, hand in hand is the permanent glebe"s old. 31、活着,就要善待自己,别跑到别人的生命当插曲。 Alive, be about to treat yourself, don"t run into someone"s life when episode. 32、不管现在有多么艰辛,我们也要做个生活的舞者。 No matter how hard now, we also want to be a dancer of life. 33、如果放弃太早,你永远都不知道自己会错过什么。 If you give up too early, you never know what you"re going to miss. 34、世界再没有**连眼也没有泪,归零沦为陌生过路。 The world there is no war is not even the eye tears, zero a stranger passing. 35、不属于自己的东西,紧握在手里,只会弄痛我自己。 Does not belong to his own things, tightly in hand, will only hurt myself. 36、现在的我,你不好好珍惜,以后的我,你高攀不起。 Now of I, you don"t cherish, later of I, you have been. 37、别人说你变了,是因为你没有按照他的想法活罢了。 People say you have changed, because you did not live according to his idea. 38、活着不是要用眼泪博得同情,而是用汗水赢得掌声。 Live not to use tears for sympathy, but with the sweat won applause. 39、男人,请不要在你完完全全失去我后,才追悔莫及。 Man, please don"t after you have completely lose me, only to regret. 40、我现在很自由,没人束缚我,原谅我放荡不羁爱自由。 I"m free now, no one bound me, forgive me wanton love freedom. 41、有人说会哭的女人很懦弱,我说不会哭的女人是怪物。 Some people say that will cry of the woman be very weak, I said don"t cry woman is a monster. 42、借人之智,完善自己。学最好的别人,做最好的自己。 Borrow the wise people, perfect myself. Learn the best and be the best you can be. 43、如果你不努力争取你想要的,那你永远都不会拥有它。 If you don"t strive for what you want, you"ll never have it. 44、当看破一切的时候,才知道,其实失去比拥有更踏实。 When he who sees through all, just know, actually lose than having more dependable. 45、在俺们中国,俺们北京,住经济适用房的都是有钱人。 In our China, the ans Beijing, economy applicable room is rich. 46、找到一个对的人,是给自己以后的生命里最好的礼物。 Find a right person, is the best gift to his later life. 47、突然发现生命中好多不可或缺的人,走着走着就散了。 Suddenly found a lot in life indispensable, walk to sPad. 48、现在经历的一切都是我成长路上的风景不管哭了笑了。 Experience everything now is I grew up on the road of scenery no matter cry smile. 49、相爱的两个人只要心里有对方就行,没必要时刻在一起。 Two people love each other as long as the heart have each other, it is not necessary to moment together. 50、成长道路谁都会受伤,我们才刚刚起航,必须学会坚强。 Growth path who will be injured, has just set sail, we must learn to be strong. 51、时光总令很多事改变,该庆幸总有人对你的情谊未改变。 Time always makes a lot of things to change, you glad someone to your friendship unchanged. 52、明明已经准备放弃你了是什么让你回到我身旁再次微笑。 Clearly what is ready to give up on you to let you go back to my side to smile again. 53、我站在悬崖边只是想欣赏风景,可是总有人想推我下去。 I stood at the edge of the cliff just want to enjoy the scenery, but someone will want to push me down. 54、我尝试着做一个有趣的人,后来跑偏了,成了一个逗逼。 I try to do an interesting person, later, the wandering, became a tease. 55、信任就像一张纸,揉皱了,即使抚平,也恢复不了原样。 Trust is like a piece of paper, crumple up, even if smooth, can restore the same. 56、最难受的是我们已经分开了,可你还是在我的记忆中嚣张。 Is the most uncomfortable we have separated, but you still in my memory on his high horse. 57、有缺点的战士终究是战士,宝贵的苍蝇也终究不过是苍蝇。 Disadvantages, of the warrior is valuable fly, after all, but is also fly. 58、命运如同一只不停旋转的陀螺,可以扭转他的,只有他自己。 Fate is like a spinning top, he can be reversed, only himself. 59、逆风的方向,更适合飞翔。我不怕万人阻挡,只怕自己投降。 Against the wind direction, more suitable for fly. I am not afraid of ten thousand people stop, afraid their surrender. 60、不要去抱怨生活对你的不公平,因为生活根本不知道你是谁! Don"t complain about life unfair to you, because life don"t know who you are! 61、有些人值得等,如果一直等不到,等不到不用可惜那是幸运。 Some man or woman is worth, and so on, if you do not wait, wait for no pity that is lucky. 62、人生就像愤怒的小鸟,每次你失败的时候,总有几只猪在笑。 Life is like angry birds, every time you fail, there are always a few pig was laughing. 63、不属于我的东西,我不要。不是真心给我的东西,我不稀罕。 Does not belong to my things, I don"t. Not really give me something, I not rare. 64、我不是坚强的人,但我知道该坚强的时候,装也得装出坚强。 I am not a strong person, but I know that the strong, have to Ptend to strong. 65、不属于我的东西,我不要;不是真心给我的东西,我不稀罕! Does not belong to my things, I don"t; Not really give me something, I not rare! 66、不要哭,哭也不会有任何改变,这个世界从来不曾对任何人温柔。 Don"t cry, cry also won"t have any change, the world never to anyone gentleness. 67、走不进的世界就不要硬挤了,难为了别人,作践了自己,何必呢? Go not into the world don"t hard crowded, difficult to others, humiliate yourself, why? 68、坚强并不只是在大是大非中不屈服,而也是在挫折前不改变自己。 Strong not only in the big is not not to yield, but also in front of the setback don"t change yourself. 69、人生在世就应该像柯南那样,有一种我走到哪就让别人死到哪的霸气。 Life should be like conan, there is a where I go let other people die of aggressiveness. 70、招手海边鸥鸟,看我胸中云梦,蒂芥近如何?楚越等闲耳,肝胆有风波。 Waved the seaside hagdon, watching clouds dream in my breast, tiffany mustard nearly? Chu more casually or ear, courage have a storm. 71、天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催,皇图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 The world situation out of my generation, a into the river"s lake years make, huang think of figure and, be life a drunk. 72、时间在变,人也在变。有些事,不管我们如何努力,回不去就是回不去了。 Time is changing, people are changing. Some things, no matter how hard we, return not to go is can"t go back. 73、不要被任何人打乱自的脚步,因为没有谁会像你一样清楚和在乎自己梦想。 Don"t let anyone disturb the footsteps, because nobody will like you know and care about their dreams. 74、如果有天我们湮没在人潮中,庸碌一生,那是因为我们没有努力要活的丰盛。 If one day we lost in the crowd, commonplaces life, it is because we have no efforts to live rich.
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Success is an ideal for every young man.I"m not only full of enthusiasm and vigour,but also have the spirit of diligence and aggressiveness.
2023-01-09 10:12:274


不知道你想要什么类型的。。。。我有几篇阅读的推理题1. Nearly one in three subscribers to Financial Forecaster is a millionaire, and over half are in top management. Shouldn"t you subscribe to Financial Forecaster now?A reader who is neither a millionaire nor in top management would be most likely to act in accordance with the advertisement"s suggestion if he or she drew which of the following questionable conclusions invited by the advertisement? (A) Among finance-related periodicals. Financial Forecaster provides the most detailed financial information. (B) Top managers cannot do their jobs properly without reading Financial Forecaster. (C) The advertisement is placed where those who will be likely to read it are millionaires. (D) The subscribers mentioned were helped to become millionaires or join top management by reading Financial Forecaster. (E) Only those who will in fact become millionaires, or at least top managers, will read the advertisement.Questions 2-3 are based on the following. Contrary to the charges made by some of its opponents, the provisions of the new deficit-reduction law for indiscriminate cuts in the federal budget are justified. Opponents should remember that the New Deal pulled this country out of great economic troubles even though some of its programs were later found to be unconstitutional.2. The author"s method of attacking the charges of certain opponents of the new deficit-reduction law is to (A) attack the character of the opponents rather than their claim (B) imply an analogy between the law and some New Deal programs (C) point out that the opponents" claims imply a dilemma (D) show that the opponents" reasoning leads to an absurd conclusion (E) show that the New Deal also called for indiscriminate cuts in the federal budget3. The opponents could effectively defend their position against the author"s strategy by pointing out that (A) the expertise of those opposing the law is outstanding (B) the lack of justification for the new law does not imply that those who drew it up were either inept or immoral (C) the practical application of the new law will not entail indiscriminate budget cuts (D) economic troubles present at the time of the New Deal were equal in severity to those that have led to the present law (E) the fact that certain flawed programs or laws have improved the economy does not prove that every such program can do so4. In Millington, a city of 50,000 people, Mercedes Pedrosa, a realtor, calculated that a family with Millington"s median family income, $28,000 a year, could afford to buy Millington"s median-priced $77,000 house. This calculation was based on an 11.2 percent mortgage interest rate and on the realtor"s assumption that a family could only afford to pay up to 25 percent of its income for housing. Which of the following corrections of a figure appearing in the passage above, if it were the only correction that needed to be made, would yield a new calculation showing that even incomes below the median family income would enable families in Millington to afford Millington"s median-priced house? (A) Millington"s total population was 45,000 people. (B) Millington"s median annual family income was $27,000. (C) Millington"s median-priced house cost $80,000. (D) The rate at which people in Millington had to pay mortgage interest was only 10 percent. (E) Families in Millington could only afford to pay up to 22 percent of their annual income for housing.5. Psychological research indicates that college hockey and football players are more quickly moved to hostility and aggression than are college athletes in noncontact sports such as swimming. But the researchers" conclusion—that contact sports encourage and teach participants to be hostile and aggressive—is untenable. The football and hockey players were probably more hostile and aggressive to start with than the swimmers. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conclusion drawn by the psychological researchers? (A) The football and hockey players became more hostile and aggressive during the season and remained so during the off-season, whereas there was no increase in aggressiveness among the swimmers. (B) The football and hockey players, but not the swimmers, were aware at the start of the experiment that they were being tested for aggressiveness. (C) The same psychological research indicated that the football and hockey players had a great respect for cooperation and team play, whereas the swimmers were most concerned with excelling as individual competitors. (D) The research studies were designed to include no college athletes who participated in both contact and noncontact sports (E) Throughout the United States, more incidents of fan violence occur at baseball games than occur at hockey or football games.另外多说一句 四六级不考逻辑题。。。。不知道你要这干什么 1. D 2. B 3. E 4. D 5. A
2023-01-09 10:12:431