barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-22 12:48:09



1, 空闲时间, 闲暇

I have not a moment"s leisure.


He read books at his leisure.


2, 悠闲, 安逸

He likes leisure and hates work.

他喜欢安逸, 讨厌工作。





2023-08-13 17:08:332


累 然儿Lei sure
2023-08-13 17:09:205


2023-08-13 17:09:391

leisure 究竟怎么读这个英语单词,谁能教一下

2023-08-13 17:10:044


同样,在英文词义学的考证中,也可以看到相似的暗喻。英文“Leisure”一词来源于法语,法语来源于希腊语和拉丁语。在希腊语中“休闲”为“Skole”,拉丁语为“Scola”,意为休闲和教育,认为发展娱乐,从中得益,并与文化水平的提高相辅相成。这种精华涵义以一定的受教育程度为前提,至今还存在,并将有社会价值的娱乐区别于其他娱乐。可见英文中“Leisure”休息的成分很少,消遣的成分也不大,主要是指“必要劳动之余的自我发展”。表明了“休闲”一词所具有的独特的文化精神底蕴。“在拉丁语中,我们同样能找到这种排斥关系,因为,Otium(休闲、闲逸)的反意为Neg-otium (字面意为事务、商业、劳动)。”(参见[法]罗歇· 苏著,《休闲》,商务印书馆1996年版,第18页)亚里士多德在他的《政治学》一书中曾提出这样一个命题:“休闲才是一切事物环绕的中心。”(That leisure is the center -point about which everything revolves,引自 Josef Pieper ,Leisure The Basis of Culture P20)。在马克思眼中:“休闲”一是指“用于娱乐和休息的余暇时间”;二是指“发展智力,在精神上掌握自由的时间” ;是“非劳动时间”和“不被生产劳动所吸收的时间”,它包括“个人受教育的时间、发展智力的时间、履行社会职能的时间、进行社交活动的时间、自由运用体力和智力的时间。”(《马克思恩格斯全集》第26卷,第3 分册,第287页,人民出版社1975年版)休闲的一个重要方面,是把休闲从劳动状态与负有责任的其它活动中分离出来。这是人的生存整体的一个组成部分。在某种意义上,它与马斯洛的人的需求“五层次理论”中最高级的自我实现的理念相一致。旨在巡查精神世界中人的创造力和鉴赏力,通过休闲促使人对生活(生命)进行思索,有助于人的全面发展和个性的成熟,使人真正地走向自由。它的价值不在于提供物质财富或实用工具与技术,而是为人类构建意义的世界和守护精神的家园,使人类的心灵有所安顿、有所归依。它还以特有的精神理想赋予人的经济技术行为以真实的意义,使它与社会中占主导地位的政治、经济或科技力量保持一定的距离或相对的独立性,从而可以形成一种对社会发展进程有矫正、平衡、弥补等功能的人文精神力量。休闲经济是文化经济的一个主要组成。休闲零食也是促进文化经济的一种组成。
2023-08-13 17:10:391

LEISURE 鞋,是什么牌子?

2023-08-13 17:10:562


2023-08-13 17:11:301

leisure的权威释义 不要网上粘贴的

2023-08-13 17:11:393


leisuren.空闲时间;闲暇;悠闲;安逸是不可数名词,例如:Leisure is the time when you are not working and you can relax and do things that you enjoy. He could read all the national papers at his leisure. 他可以悠然阅读所有的全国性报纸。===希望能帮到你,若有疑问,可以追问=== 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)
2023-08-13 17:11:471


Leisure闲暇 by W.H.Davies(1871-1940) W.H.戴维斯(1871-1940)What is this life if, full of care, 生活会变成什么样,假如整日充满着忧患We have no time to stand and stare! 我们没时间去驻足欣赏 No time to stand beneath the boughs, 没时间去站在树枝底下And stare as long as sheep and cows. 像牛羊那样久久的凝视No time to see, when woods we pass, 没时间去细赏我们穿越的大森林Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. 那松鼠在草丛中把果实珍藏No time to see,in broad daylight, 没时间去想一想 为什么 Streams full of stars,like skies at night. 倒影在溪流中的星星 像晴空的夜晚No time to turn at Beauty"s glance, 没时间去细想 那佳人的回眸一瞥And watch her feet,how they can dance. 欣赏那脚 舞姿是多么擅长No time to wait till her mouth can 无暇等那佳人红唇轻启Enrich that smile her eyes began. 盈盈的笑眸更加动人A poor life this if, full of care,生活可悲可厌,倘若它充满着忧患We have no time to stand and stare. 我们没时间去驻足欣赏
2023-08-13 17:11:581


leisure空闲的;有闲的;业余的=近义词 available
2023-08-13 17:12:061


Leisure as relaxing at anywhere , 休闲可以在室内家里出外也行tourism is must be outing. 旅游就肯定是出外了另外旅游不一定能休闲
2023-08-13 17:12:251


leisure 侧重于休闲方式的娱乐 如leisure time recreation 侧重于趣味性的娱乐,激发人们的兴趣点 如 popular recreation 大众娱乐
2023-08-13 17:12:352


译文:真念一思 Leisure 闲 暇 威廉·亨利·戴维斯(1870-1940),英国乔治时期的著名诗人。生于英国威尔士蒙默思郡的新港市。他由祖父母扶养长大。11岁辍学,年轻时博览群书。曾在英国和美国各地流浪多年,1899年因跳火车失去双腿。后回到英国伦敦专心从事写作。1908年出版的The Autobiography of a Super-Tramp记述了他早年的流浪生活经历。婚后定居于Cotswold镇直至去世。一生创作诗歌800多首,先后出版诗集20本,均受到读者欢迎。不少诗歌都以城市为题。 英国威尔士抒情诗人。作过街头小贩和卖唱艺人。《超级流浪汉自传》是他最佳的散文作品。英国戏剧大师肖伯纳为他作序。戴维斯的诗歌创作,常具体的形象渲染以新颖亲切的幻想,诗中充满着不易解释的光和色的协调。 《Leisure闲暇》是他最负盛名的一首小诗。 全诗通过眼睛所捕捉到的自然风光之美的勾勒向我们揭示了一个朴素的道理;生活不是缺少美,而是缺少发现。通读全是,我们不难感受到质朴的文字在拨动着意思脱离世俗的恬淡,一种与自然相悦相拥的快感。 此诗与陶渊明的“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”有异曲同工之妙。田园生活的事情华裔背后透着劳作的艰辛,而戴维斯本人迫于生计大半生奔波旅途,其中自然景致的沐浴和身心所经受的煎熬,各种滋味也只有他本人能够体会。《闲暇》不是单纯地劝解人们脱离世务去和自然接近,其背后蕴藏着对生活的哲思,也许在左右为难的取舍之间,在所得和所失的权衡之间,我们才能真正感受生命之美。 更多精彩内容,尽在专题: 名诗我译 不断更新中,敬请关注赐教!
2023-08-13 17:12:431


2There will be more leisure. 3Which country will win the next world Cup 4那个tommrry是tomorrow吧 那就是What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow
2023-08-13 17:12:501


2023-08-13 17:13:251


1 因为拖鞋和手套都是成对出现,所以Slipper和racing glove后面都是加s作复数 2 休闲裤是casual pants 也可以说leisure trousers
2023-08-13 17:13:381


free time
2023-08-13 17:14:266


休闲时间 [词典] leisure time; [例句]现在人们有更多的休闲时间了。People have more leisure nowadays.
2023-08-13 17:14:501


century[英][u02c8sentu0283u0259ri][美][u02c8su025bntu0283u0259ri]n.百年,一世纪; 百个; (板球)一百分; <美>百元钞票; leisure[英][u02c8leu0292u0259(r)][美][u02c8li:u0292u0259r]n.闲暇; 悠闲; 空闲时间; 安逸; adj.闲暇的; 空闲的;
2023-08-13 17:15:081

leisure series是什么牌子衣服

leisure series并不是一个衣服的牌子,而是指服装中的一个系列。词汇解析:leisure 核心词汇 英 ["leu0292u0259(r)]     美 ["liu02d0u0292u0259r]    n. 闲暇;休闲Are you at leisure just now?你现在有空吗?Life today is compartmentalized into work and leisure.现今生活分成工作和闲暇两部分。词汇的同近义词ease 核心词汇 英 [iu02d0z]     美 [iu02d0z]    n. 容易;悠闲;安逸;自在v. 减轻;放松;缓和;缓慢移动He passed the test with ease.他轻而易举地考及格了。He is expected to win the game with ease.预计他在比赛中会轻易获胜。
2023-08-13 17:15:181


2023-08-13 17:15:403


leisure[英][u02c8leu0292u0259] [美][u02c8liu0292u025a, u02c8lu025bu0292u025a]这个单词英美发音有些差别,主要是后面的sure那里不同而已,你问到的eisure发什么音,这后面部分跟asia发音相似的,但leisure多加个l而已~其实也没什么规则的,你把lei跟中文字“雷”的音相似,然后sure跟中文字“雪”相似,记成是“雷雪”这样会比较容易呢!
2023-08-13 17:15:531


2023-08-13 17:17:455


2023-08-13 17:18:202


leisure的意思是闲暇。n. 闲暇;空闲;安逸adj. 空闲的;有闲的;业余的n. (Leisure)人名;(英)莱热leisure time 休闲时光.lei(累) + sure(真的、确实) => 确实累了,需要休闲、娱乐一下。例句:The leisure facilities are there for the use of guests.这些休闲设施是供客人使用的。The Leisure Center is a long and low modern building.休闲中心是一座狭长而低矮的现代建筑。
2023-08-13 17:18:281

leisure解释 leisure什么意思

1、leisure是一个英文单词,名词译为闲暇, 悠闲, 空闲时间, 安逸,形容词译为闲暇的, 空闲的。2、示例:You will be able to stroll at leisure through the gardens.您可在花园里闲逛。
2023-08-13 17:19:352


leisure的意思是闲暇。n. 闲暇;空闲;安逸adj. 空闲的;有闲的;业余的n. (Leisure)人名;(英)莱热leisure time 休闲时光.lei(累) + sure(真的、确实) => 确实累了,需要休闲、娱乐一下。例句:The leisure facilities are there for the use of guests.这些休闲设施是供客人使用的。The Leisure Center is a long and low modern building.休闲中心是一座狭长而低矮的现代建筑。
2023-08-13 17:19:441


2023-08-13 17:20:032


leisure是一个英文单词,名词译为闲暇, 悠闲, 空闲时间, 安逸,形容词译为闲暇的, 空闲的。例句:1.However,that comparison omits other relevant factors: leisure time, life expectancy, and economic inequality.(然而,这一比较忽略了其他相关因素:休闲时间、预期寿命和经济不平等。)2.The most popular leisure activity in Britain is going for a walk.(在英国最受欢迎的休闲活动是散步。)3.Nowadays, as the pace of life accelerates, people have less and less leisure time.(如今,随着生活节奏加快,人们的闲暇时间越来越少了。)4.There have been many news reports recently suggesting that the way young people spend their leisure time has been altered by modem technology.(最近有许多新闻报道在展现现代科技如何改变年轻人的休闲方式。)5.All inall,however,children"s leisure time dropped from 40% of the day in 1981 to25%.(然而,总的来说,儿童的休闲时间从1981年的40%下降到了25%。)6.Whale-watching has become a growth leisure industry.(观鲸业已成为一个快速发展的休闲产业。)
2023-08-13 17:20:112


2023-08-13 17:20:591


休闲度假的英文是:leisure. leisure:n.闲暇;空闲;休闲。 扩展资料   It was hard to draw clear lines of demarcation between work and leisure.   在工作和闲暇之间很难划出明确的"界限。   Please read it over at your leisure.   请你在闲暇时候读一读。   These days we have more money and more leisure to enjoy it.   如今我们有更多的钱和空闲时间来享受了。   I suggest you take the forms away and read them at your leisure.   我建议你把表格带回去有空慢慢看。   The exhibition is structured around the themes of work and leisure.   展览是围绕工作与休闲的主题来布置的。
2023-08-13 17:21:091

american leisure

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 老师要求做一个关于american leisure的presentation 希望有朋友可以提供相关的资料 当然 要e文的 解析: 以下是一篇专门讨论Aamerican leisure的新闻稿,绝无语法、拼写错误,望对你有帮助:)DOUG JOHNSON: What Americans do when they are not working? Well, the average *** spends almost o hours a day on household activities like cooking, cleaning and paying bills. How do we know? The Department of Labor has just released a study of how Americans use their time. The study confirmed something that many people already knew. Women spend more time on child care and housework than men do even when the women are employed. Men, however, spend more time at work. Men also spend more time on leisure activities and sports. They average five hours enty minutes a day, half an hour more than women. Leisure activities include things like watching television, seeing friends or exercising. Both men and women reported that they spent about half their leisure time watching television. Visiting friends and attending social events was the next most mon leisure activity for both sexes. Older Americans spent more of their leisure time watching TV and reading than younger people. Younger people reported spending more time with friends, using the puter and playing sports. In all, nieen percent of men and sixteen percent of women played sports on any given day. That was another finding of the Labor Department study. We did a little study of our own. We asked a few people how they spend their time outside of work. A student in a coffee shop in Washington, D.C., told us that she reads or studies for school. She also likes to run and swim. And she enjoys eating with friends or watching movies. When she"s at home, she enjoys cooking. A worker at a bookstore likes to experience the local nightlife. He enjoys meeting with his friends for drinks and food. He also goes dancing in clubs. When he wants a quiet night, he turns off his telephone and sleeps as long as he wants. And a professor at American University in Washington told us that she spends her free time on home repairs. "There is a lot to be done when you own your own house," she says. She and her hu *** and also enjoy movies. And on nice days, they walk in the woods or visit museums.
2023-08-13 17:21:351


2023-08-13 17:21:571


2023-08-13 17:22:085

leisure 在酒店管理中是什么意思

2023-08-13 17:22:261


2023-08-13 17:22:361

MICE & Leisure什么意思

Mice 是老鼠 mouse 的复数形式。 Leisure 空闲,闲暇
2023-08-13 17:22:462


2023-08-13 17:22:542

You can take the books with you and read themuff08 uff09your

【答案】:at one"s leisure“在……有空的时候”。注意区别:at leisure(作表语)“闲着”;(作状语)“从容地”。
2023-08-13 17:23:141

6. Call me when you are ___ leisure.A. on B. in C. at D. of

Cat leisureadv.空闲着, 从容地
2023-08-13 17:23:251


way of leisure
2023-08-13 17:23:443


2023-08-13 17:23:542

leisure is a growing industry.

e~~~貌似ielts的,only can offer you an ideado not give them a clear answer of this question, just say that modern teachnology made a easy way to people to enjoy themselves(then make some exps...take 200 words), after pick a word to make a turn, say that in some cases teachnology did make people lazy and less creative. At the end say something between agree and disagree.Good luck
2023-08-13 17:24:053

求:英文简短叙述-leisure in china.

By analyzing information from related national departments and information from society at large, as well as assigning weights to the calculating results, they finally conclude that Chinese leisure index is 64.7, or 1.2 points higher than that of last year. As Chinese people know more about leisure and there are more leisure activities available in China, and also as Chinese people will have more leisure time and their income further increases, it is expected that the leisure index in China will further increase in years to come. Statistics show that at present, Chinese people work for an average of 20.92 days, or 167.4 hours in a month, and their total number of working hours in a year reaches 2,008.8 hours. If compared with the United States, Britain or Japan, it can be seen that Chinese people"s leisure hours are relatively the same as people in those countries.Over half of the people in the survey feel that their leisure time did not decrease last year. In spite of this, people"s leisure time vary greatly among different social strata. For people working in IT sectors, and people working in government organizations or foreign-funded enterprises, their leisure time is least among all social groups, with 80% of them complaining that work has encroached on their leisure time. In general, Chinese people"s leisure time has increased. However, the leisure time of manual workers has increased while that of intellectuals, or mental workers, has decreased.
2023-08-13 17:24:131


2023-08-13 17:24:222

my leisure的150字英语作文 这个网页是my leisure activity的范文我在提供一篇:I would like to say,everyone has his own leisure time in college,though in NHC.I have stayed here for more than two months,and I know NHC is strict with students.Okay,I talk about other things,so,let me show you my point about lei- sure time. According to my class table,I have eight classes on Monday,Wednesday and Friday.So,in these days , I have little leisure time.However,I have time on Tuesday morning and Thursday.I will do some exercises during that time if no meeting for me.I like playing basketball and swimming,maybe sometimes i like jogging in the school.Anyway,study is my first job,so,I will separate my leisure time,when to do exercise,when to study. In my opinion,I suggest those people who don"t like sports should change your mind and take part in doing exercises.You know,it is very vital for us freshmen to keep our physically and mentally health.So,do more exercises if you have time , just running or swimming.That"s ok.Maybe the girls need to keep fit. I don"t know what the girls" idea.But,for boys,we like doing exercises.As far as I know,many boys like playing basketball not only in the PE,but in the afternoon,so do I. Anyway,we should deal with our study and activities well.Remember,learning is always the first.如果满意请采纳~
2023-08-13 17:24:441


2023-08-13 17:24:535

leisure time什么意思

2023-08-13 17:25:085

有没有关于“My leisure activities"的英语作文

Leisure Activities(2011/10/12英语作文)As we all know, the most important duty for us college students is study. We channel the majority of our energy and time into study everyday. Sometimes college students have little time to participate in and enjoy leisure activities. However, in my opinion, leisure activities are as important as study for every college student in daily life. After a whole day study, students" body and heart are tired, and it is harm to students" health. Therefore, college students should spend the member of their time taking part in leisure activities so that they can relax themselves and enjoy their lives.There are many ways to spend the spare time on leisure activities. Some people like playing basketball or football, another people may enjoy swimming or skating, others will be used to reading or listening music. Each one has his or her special style to engage in leisure activities. Take myself for example, I am mostly a stay-at-dormitory type, but I do love cycling. I used to ride my bicycle alone wondering around the Hang Zhou. I was enjoying the views and theexcitement of discovering new places. The heart when I cycled by myself was so delightful and the taste of freedom was fantastic. I was addicted to it. Whenever I decided to go further about a direction, I was always as excited as a kid who just got a new toy. My leisure activities make my heart peaceful and develop me positive attitudes towards life.In a word, I hope that everyone will take active part in leisure activities like me and enjoy personal life.
2023-08-13 17:25:262