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2023-05-19 20:03:03

不要从字面去翻译,这个的意思是:带有进攻性的言语或小动作。如,一个高加索裔美国人如果问一个华裔美国人,“你在哪里出生?” 那这就是microaggressions的一种,因为这句话暗示了这个华裔美国人不是一个真正的美国人。

根据Greg Lukianoff和Jonathan Haidt的文章“The Coddling of the American Mind”来说,“Microaggressions are small actions or word choices that seem on their face to have no malicious intent but that are thought of as a kind of violence nonetheless.”


micro aggressions






aggression的意思是:侵犯;挑衅;侵略;侵犯行为;争斗;追名逐利。双语例句:1、He felt that his work was an admixture of aggression and creativity。他觉得他的工作是挑战性和创造性的结合。2、He called for an end to foreign aggression against his country。他呼吁停止对其国家的外来侵略。
2023-01-09 09:10:361


固定搭配如下:economic aggression 经济侵略 。displaced aggression 转向攻击转向攻击。air aggression 侵犯领空,空中侵袭。commercial aggression 商业侵略。local aggression 局部侵略 。non-aggression 不侵犯。mutual non-aggression 互不侵犯。单词解析:aggression读音:英 [əˈɡreʃn]   美 [əˈɡreʃn]。释义:好斗情绪。aggression词义宽泛,既可指武装入侵别国领土,又可指文化、经济等方面的侵略。侧重敌意行动和征服的企图。invasion多指具体的侵入或侵犯别国领土,也可用于指抽象事件。assault主要指突然而猛烈的进攻。attack普通用词,含义广,指事先不发警告,主动地向对方发起武力进攻或对言论等进行抨击。offensive多指进攻的态势,常指大规模的协同军事行动。
2023-01-09 09:10:481

aggress 与 invade 区别

aggress [简明英汉词典][E5^res]v.攻击, 侵犯invade [简明英汉词典][in5veid]vt.侵略, 侵袭, 拥挤词性不同
2023-01-09 09:11:063

attack aggression区别

attackvt.& vi.攻击,进攻,抨击n.攻击; 抨击; (队员等的)进攻; (疾病)侵袭vt.抨击; 非难; 侵袭; 损害aggressionn.侵略,侵略行为; 攻击,进攻aggression:词义宽泛,既可指武装入侵别国领土,又可指文化、经济等方面的侵略。侧重敌意行动和征服的企图。attack:普通用词,含义广,指事先不发警告,主动地向对方发起武力进攻或对言论等进行抨击。
2023-01-09 09:11:222


invasion一般是说领土上的侵犯In history, China has been invaded by many countries.aggression是说人的攻击性,人对人的侵犯Behavious of aggression shall not be tolerated in this ward.
2023-01-09 09:11:391


aggression是托福阅读OG第四篇。这个文章非常清楚地用黑体字标注出了三种研究方法,分别是The Biological Approach和The Psychodynamic Approach以及The Cognitive Approach,至此文章结构一目了然,同学们可以很清楚知道文章分成了三个部分,每一部分之间是并列关系。问题解决方法结构,典型文章是Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer,前四段介绍了Ogallala含水层的发现以及使用过度带来的问题,后两段就开始介绍治理的方法。aggression的结构托福阅读中aggression,开头第一段交代了:When one animal attacks another, it engages in the most obvious example of aggressive behavior. Psychologists have adopted several approaches to understanding aggressive behavior in people. 翻译:当一种动物攻击另一种动物时,它会做出最明显的攻击行为。心理学家采用了几种方法来理解人的攻击行为。
2023-01-09 09:11:452

aggression aggressiveness 区别

2023-01-09 09:12:052

aggression - n. an attack against a person or country 这句解释attack前为什么有an 谢谢

2023-01-09 09:12:133

aggressivement 和aggression 的区别

只有aggressiveness是攻击性 侵略性,代表一种性质。 aggression是侵略 攻击本身
2023-01-09 09:12:241


helped channel youthful aggression.帮助渠道年轻的侵略。aggression英 [ə"greʃ(ə)n] 美 [ə"ɡrɛʃən] aggression [ə"ɡreʃən]n.侵略;侵犯;侵袭;挑衅侵略行为;侵犯行为【精神病学】(因受挫或自卑而产生的)敌对行为(或态度),攻击行为,侵犯(或挑衅)行为
2023-01-09 09:12:341

哪位大神知道aggression against与aggression upon的区别啊?

aggression against Japan (反抗) 日本的侵略aggression upon Japan 对日本的侵略
2023-01-09 09:13:131


对于“steam engines”的解释为By holding in rather than venting "steam," we set the stage for future explosions.这一句。B项对应的是对于“steam engines”的解释,而题干中make the point that表示作者想表达的内容。由于解释这一句为negative的态度,所以作者想要表达的点应该是相反的positive一面,故选C对于make the point的理解很重要!
2023-01-09 09:13:181


defend Ameican and help korea 定语从句?这么短怎么翻
2023-01-09 09:13:244


ambitious:规模宏大的,热望的,矫饰的,华丽的,有抱负,有雄心 词类变化 ambitiously 副词 同义词 aspiring 例句 He is ambitious for social status. 他极欲获得社会地位. aggressive:侵略的,攻势的,挑衅的,气势汹汹的,积极进取的,精力旺盛的 词类变化 aggression 名词 aggressively 副词 aggressor 名词 反义词 defensive 同义词 warlike scrappy pugnacious offensive militant martial hostile combative belligerent bellicose
2023-01-09 09:13:381

instrumental aggression是什么意思

instrumental aggression工具性攻击双语对照词典结果:instrumental aggression[英][ˌɪnstruˈmentl əˈgreʃən][美][ˌɪnstrəˈmɛntl əˈɡrɛʃən]工具性攻击; .-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-01-09 09:13:551


Goalkeepers守门员 重要属性Positioning,位置感 handling,手控球 command of area指挥防守, agility,灵活 stamina,体能jumping,弹跳 reflex,反应 strength,力量 decisions决断 and aerial ability制空能力 次要属性Throwing手抛球, pace速度, concentration集中, composure镇定, bravery勇敢 and anticipation 预判 其他one on ones 一对一Centre backs中后卫 重要属性Positioning位置感, jumping弹跳, tackling铲球, marking盯人, aggression侵略, strength力量, bravery勇敢 and heading头球 次要属性Stamina体能, anticipation预判, determination决心, pace速度 and acceleration加速 其他concentration集中Fullbacks边后卫 重要属性Work rate工作投入, stamina体能, teamwork团队合作, decisions决断, positioning位置感 and acceleration加速 次要Determination决心, strength力量, crossing传中 and dribbling盘带 个人认为,铲球和盯人也重要。头球有更好。Defensive Midfielder防守中场 重要属性Tackling铲球, strength力量, aggression侵略性, marking盯人, stamina体能, work rate工作投入, teamwork团队合作 and decisions决断 次要Pace速度, passing传球, acceleration加速, determination决心, concentration集中, creativity创造Attacking Mids攻击型中场 重要属性Decisions决断, Creativity创造力, passing传球, off ball无球跑动, technique技术, finishing射门, work rate工作投入 次要Stamina体能, teamwork团队合作, flair才华, long shots远射, pace速度, acceleration加速Wingers边锋 重要属性Crossing传中, creativity创造, dribbling盘带, pace速度, acceleration加速, tackling铲球, balance平衡, technique技术, passing传球 次要 Finishing射门, long shots远射, teamwork团队合作, work rate工作投入, off ball无球跑动Forwards前锋 重要属性Creativity创造, finishing射门, off ball无球跑动, dribbling盘带, passing传球, technique技术, pace速度, acceleration加速 次要Teamwork,团队合作 flair才华, balance平衡, long shots远射, anticipation预判, crossing传中 其他建议composure镇定Strikers 中锋 重要属性finishing射门, off ball无球跑动, jumping弹跳, heading头球, anticipation预判, technique技术 次要属性Pace速度 aggression侵略性, acceleration加速, strength力量, long shots远射
2023-01-09 09:14:001

verbal aggression

2023-01-09 09:14:064


2023-01-09 09:14:249

external aggression是什么意思

2023-01-09 09:14:557

you are the victim of th e culture aggression是什么意思 准确点 如果别人用英文说你 怎样用...

You are the victim of the culture aggression字面意思:你是文化侵略的牺牲品/受害者。实际意思:你掌握的文化知识不纯粹、不地道。应答可以用You are at most the succession of the victim.你最多也就是牺牲品的继承人/延续。祝你开心如意!
2023-01-09 09:15:202


Cultural invasion "Aggression", referring to a country or nation has the purpose it has planned or acts of another nation to conquer. Therefore, the cultural invasion, we can be defined as a country or nation in its State or another nation through cultural transformation and transformation of thought and behavior to achieve the conquest. War, a country forced to change another country"s education, mandatory study invasion of the country a new generation of language, cultural invasion; peace time, the developed countries monopolize the cultural market of developing countries, and to change its national customs and impede their cultural heritage, which is the cultural invasion. The purpose of the cultural invasion has no more than two kinds: one is the economic benefits from the sale of cultural products to gain huge profits; the other is the political interests, to promote their own national culture and national ideology, to support their own in the international arena " the right to speak. " Cultural invasion is a country of another country have steps in a planned way to change the customs of the occupied people to change the culture and so on. To conquer a nation, we must conquer her culture, to conquer her culture, it is necessary to conquer the people of her, but her conquest of the people, the most effective means to conquer her children, only small changes in the children"s values, dilute their sense of national identity and pride, in order to enable them to succumb to foreign cultures, so that they finally abandoned their own nation, in order to achieve the purpose of the invaders. Foreign aggression against the Chinese nation has never stopped. During the war years, they are the instrument of aggression add aircraft artillery, at peace, their instrument is the culture of aggression. They can take advantage of all the cultural carriers, use of all can take advantage of the opportunity to vigorously implement its values, political ideas, cultural ideas, which is a "hidden" cultural aggression. And cultural and political aggression than aggression, military aggression, economic aggression of a more far-reaching harm to the country.
2023-01-09 09:15:291

长难句分析,新概念英语4. 21课文最后一行。

We still do;并列句 we all want a code to live in a world in which undeclared aggression , war, hypocrisy, chicanery, anarchy and impending immolation are part of our daily lives现在分词作状语 in which undeclared aggression , war, hypocrisy, chicanery, anarchy and impending immolation are part of our daily lives定语从句修饰world
2023-01-09 09:15:351


该contrbution动物研究心理学理论知识的动物研究有助于我们了解许多议题的心理,例如学习理论, egfrom斯金纳的老鼠和鸽子父母剥夺, egform哈洛的猕猴知觉, egfrom举行了海因的"小猫传送带" 语言习得, egfrom黑猩猩和大猩猩的研究侵略, egfrom行为学和生理学研究的其他物种畸形, egfrom塞利格曼的工作的准备恐惧和作用的经验教训无助depressin 实际应用动物调查结果,例如行为疗法teeatments和原则的基础上openrant和经典条件反射,如系统desnsitisation的phbias来自沃尔普工作的猫。 教育的基础上再次对behaviourists"discoveries学习使用动物。 实际使用的动物,例如动物佣工, egguide狗,猴家庭帮助,空中海上救援鸽子,警方毒品探测犬,所有训练用学习理论的原则。 军事工具, egthe利用受过训练的海豚提供地雷的hullls敌人船只或鸽子提供的信息。
2023-01-09 09:15:411


870部分,国际的军事的法庭的(法庭) 为了远东是现在开始,下一个,控诉将赠品他的关闭争论.女士和阁下,可敬的士师记和的成员法院,实足控告,参加forminglation? 和计划的实行,是共谋谁的计划是到建立日本的军事的, 政治的和经济的控制国家有在太平洋和印度大海,为了完成这goal.japan单独的或工作有象头脑的其他的国家inblakt()?在进攻的战争到subggate? 全部的谁是站立在他们的way.my控诉队和i,有提供更多的然后那? 明显到证明的分享控告在. 这些罪犯动作. throught文明的关历史, 没有人曾经看见humen性质是这样的偷看? 的coolcoty?和条barriety? 无数的人有死的和s? 想象不到的死到饲养日本的不知足的食欲为了扩充 . 在他们的动作,他们有挑战人文明,他们有挑战和平,和他们有挑战全部世界!他们的共同的目标,他们的罪犯目标,是到保险日本的皇帝的支配那儿有没有大于? 犯罪比测绘和执行的战争aggression.the的安全世界和它的人,是恐吓在这小块土地和破坏在这战争! 唯一的可能的外面的来 ? 哪个是伟大的苦楚世界faced.there为了我名字? 代表我的学院和结盟控诉学期严肃地请求国际的军事的的可敬的士师记
2023-01-09 09:15:473


从左到右依次是敏捷 侵略性 心理状态 协调 健康状态 逆足精度 逆足频度
2023-01-09 09:15:591

方舟:生存进化口哨指令有哪些 口哨指令一览

2023-01-09 09:16:481

aggressive 、expansionist是什么意思?

aggressive ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression攻击性的,好斗的expansionist[mass noun]the policy of territorial or economic expansion扩张主义;扩张政策
2023-01-09 09:16:533


a [art.一(个;件)] or [conj. 或者] an [art. 一(个,件,…)]able [adj. 有能力的;能干的]about [prep.关于] above [prep. 在…上面]accept [vt.接受] accident [n. 事故;意外的事] accuse [v.指控] across [横过;穿过] act [vi.(戏)表演 vt.扮演(角色);演出(戏)] activist [n.积极分子,活动分子]actor [n.男演员]add [vt.添加;增加]administration [n.管理部门,行政机关;管理]admit [vt.承认] adult [n.成年人,长成的动物]advise [vt.忠告;劝告;建议]affect [vt.影响] afraid [adj.害怕的]after [prep.在...以后]again [adv.再一次;再;又]against [prep. 对着;反对]age [n. 年龄]agency [n.某种机构] aggression [n.敌对的情绪或行为]ago [adv.以前]agree [vt. & vi. 同意;赞成]agriculture [n.农业;农学]aid [n.援助;救护]aim [n.目的;目标]air [n. 天空;空气]air [n. 天空;空气] force [vt.强迫;迫使]airplane [n.飞机]airport [n.机场,航空站]album [n.(收存照片、邮票等的)册子]alcohol [n.酒]alive [adj.活着的;存在的]all [pron.全部,一切]ally [n.盟国,同盟者,伙伴] almost [adv. 几乎;差不多]alone [adj. (只作表语)单独的]along [prep. 沿着]already [adv. 已经]also [adv.也]although [conj.尽管,虽然]always [adv.总是]ambassador [n.大使,使节] amend [vt.修正,改善,vi.改过自新]ammunition [n.军火,弹药]among [prep. 在…之中]amount [n.数量,数额]anarchy [n.无政府,混乱]ancestor [n.祖宗,祖先]ancient [adj.古代的;远古的]and [conj.和;而] anger [n.怒,愤怒]animal [n. 动物]anniversary [n.周年纪念(日)]announce [vt.宣告;宣布]another [adj. & pron. 再一(个)]answer [vt. & n. 回答]any [pron.任何]apologize [vi.道歉;谢罪]appeal [n.吸引力]appear [vi.出现]appoint [v.指定,确定]approve [v.认可,赞许]archeology [n.考古学]area [n.地区,区域]argue [vt.&vi.争论,争辩]arms [(arm):n. 手臂;胳膊]army [n.军队]around [adv. 在周围;在附近]arrest [v.逮捕 n.逮捕]arrive [vi.到达]art [n. 艺术;美术;艺术品]artillery [n.火炮,炮兵,炮术]as [adv. & conj. 像…一样]ash [n.灰,灰末] ask [v.问,询问]assist [v.帮助,协助]astronaut [n.宇航员]astronomy [n.天文学]asylum [n.避难所,庇护所]at [prep.在(几点钟)]atmosphere [n.氛围]attach [v.缚,贴,系,连接]attack [vt.&n.攻击;袭击]attempt [vt.试图;尝试]attend [vt.出席;参加]automobile [n. [美]汽车;机动车]autumn [n.秋天;秋季]average [adj.平均的]avoid [v.避免]awake [adj.醒着的]award [v.授予,给予 n.奖,奖品]away [adv. 离开]<B>baby [n. 婴儿]back [adv.回(原处);向后]bad [adj.坏的,有害的]balance [vt./n.平衡]ball [n.球]balloon [n.气球]ballot [n.选票]ban [n.&vt.禁止;禁令]bank [n.(河,海,湖的)堤,岸]bar [n.棒;杆]barrier [n.障碍]base [n.根据地;基地]battle [n.战役;战斗]be [prep.是(原形) v.是(原形)]beat [vt. 打败;敲打] beauty [n.美丽]because [conj. 因为]become [vi. 变得;成为]bed [n.床]before [prep.& conj.在...前; 在...以前]begin [v.开始]behind [prep.在...后面]believe [vt.&vi.相信;认为]bell [n. 铃;钟]belong [vi.属于;附属]below [prep. 在…以下]best [adj.&adv.最好的(地)]betray [v.背叛,出卖;有负于]better [adj.&adv.较好]between [prep. 在(两者)之间]big [adj.大的]bill [n.(美)钞票;纸币]biology [n.生物学]bird [n. 鸟]bite [n. vt.&vi.咬;叮]black [adj.黑色的]blame [vt.责备;责怪]blanket [n.毛毯;毯子]bleed [vi.出血;流血]blind [adj.瞎的]block [n.大块 vt.阻塞;阻挡]blood [n.血,血液]blow [vi. & vt. 吹]blue [adj.蓝色的]boat [n.小船;汽艇]body [n. 身体]boil [vi.&vt.煮]bomb [n.炸弹]bone [n.骨,骨头]book [n.书]border [n.边,边缘;边界](be born (bear): 〔生于]borrow [vt. 借]both [adj. & pron. 两个都]bottle [n.瓶子]bottom [n.底部;底]box [n.盒子;箱子]boy [n.男孩]boycott [vt.&n.联合抵制]brain [n.脑(子)]brave [adj.勇敢的]bread [n.面包]break [vt. & vi. 摔破;撕开]breathe [vi.呼吸]bridge [n. 桥]brief [a.简短的;简洁的]bright [adj.明亮的]bring [vt.拿来;带来;取来]broadcast [vt.广播]brother [n.兄;弟]brown [adj.褐色的;棕色的]budget [n.预算,收支预算]build [vt. 建造;建设]building [n. 建筑物]bullet [n.子弹]burn [vt. & vi. 烧;燃烧]burst [vi.突然发生]bury [vt.埋葬;葬]bus [n.公共汽车]business [n. 事务;商业;生意]busy [adj.忙(碌)的]but [conj.但是,可是]buy [vt.买]by [prep.在...旁;从...旁]<C>cabinet [n.贮藏橱]call [v.喊;叫;打电话]calm [a.镇静的;沉着的]camera [n.照相机]camp [vi.野营;宿营 n.营]campaign [n.运动]can [aux.v.能;能够]cancel [vt.抵消;取消]cancer [n.癌症]candidate [n.候选人]capital [n.首都]capitalism [n.资本主义,资本的集中]capture [v.捕获]car [n.汽车;小卧车]care [n. 照料;保护;小心]careful [adj.小心的;仔细的]carry [vt.拿;搬;带;提]case [n.情况;状况 n.箱(子);盒(子)] (court [n.法院;法庭])case [n.情况;状况 n.箱(子);盒(子)] (medical [adj.医学的;医疗的])cat [n.猫]catch [vt. 捉,抓住]cause [vt.促使;引起;使发生]ceasefire [n.停火,停战]celebrate [vt.庆祝]center [(cent):n.分]century [n. 世纪;百年]ceremony [n.典礼,仪式]chairman [n.主席]champion [n.冠军;捍卫者,拥护者]chance [n.机会;可能性]change [vt. & vi. 改变;更换]charge [vt.要求收费;索价 n.费用;价钱]chase [v.追逐,追赶]cheat [v.欺骗,作弊]cheer [vi.欢呼;喝采]chemicals [(chemical):n.化学物 adj.化学的]chemistry [n.化学]chief [adj.主要的;首要的]child [n. 小孩]children [n. (child的复数形式)]choose [vt. 选择]circle [n.圆;圈;环]citizen [n.公民;居民]city [n.市;城市;都市]civilian [n.平民 a.平民的]civil [adj.国内的] rights [(right):adj.对的,正确的] claim [v.声称]clash [n.碰撞声;抵触,冲突]clean [vt.弄干净 adj.清洁的]clear [adj.晴朗的;清楚的]clergy [n.牧师]climate [n.气候]climb [vt. & vi. 爬;攀登]clock [n.钟]close [vt.关;关闭]cloth [n.布;衣料]clothes [n. (pl.)衣服]cloud [n. 云]coal [n.煤]coalition [n.联盟;联合,条约,协定]coast [n.海岸;海滨]coffee [n.咖啡]cold [n.寒冷;感冒,伤风 adj.冷的,寒的]collect [vt.收集]college [n.学院]colony [n.殖民地;侨居地]color [vt.给...着色;涂色]combine [vt.使结合;使联合]come [vi.来]command [n.命令]comment [n.评论]committee [n.委员会]common [adj. 普通的;一般的]communicate [vi.交往 vt.传送]community [n.社区,社会]company []compare [vt.比较;对照]compete [vi.比赛;竞赛]complete [vt.完成;结束]complex [adj.难于理解或解释的;复杂的]compromise [n.妥协,折衷办法 v.妥协,折衷]computer [n.电子计算机]concern [n.忧虑,焦虑]condemn [v.谴责;判刑]condition [n.条件;状况] conference [n.(正式的)会议;讨论]confirm [v.证实,肯定]conflict [n.冲突]congratulate [vt.祝贺]Congress [美国国会]connect [vt.&vi.连接;把......联系起来]conservative [a.保守的,守旧的;不赶时髦的,传统的]consider [vt.考虑]constitution [n.体格;体质]contain [vt.包含;包括]container [(contain):vt.包含;包括]continent [n.大陆;大洲]continue [vi.&vt.继续]control [vt.控制]convention [n.习俗,惯例]cook [v.烹调,做饭 n.炊事员,厨师]cool [adj.凉的,凉爽的]cooperate [v.合作,协作;配合]copy [vt. 照搬;誊写]corn [n.谷物;玉米]correct [adj.正确的;对的]cost [vi. 值(多少)钱]cotton [n. & adj. 棉花(的)]count [vt.数;点数]country [n. 国家]court [n.法院;法庭]cover [vt. 盖;遮盖;n. 盖子]cow [n. 母牛;奶牛]crash [n.撞车,碰撞]create [vt.创造;造成]creature [n.生物(尤指动物)]credit [n.赊欠,赊账]crew [n.全体船员]crime [n.罪行]criminal [n.犯人]crisis [n.(重病的)转折点;危机]criticize [vt.批评;评论;非难]crops [(crop):n.庄稼]cross [vt. 越过,穿过]crowd [vt. 拥挤;群聚]crush [v.压垮,压倒,压服,镇压;压碎,碾碎]cry [vi. 哭;喊叫;n. 哭声]culture [n.文化]cure [vt.&n.治疗;痊愈]curfew [n.宵禁]current [adj.当前的;现今的]custom [n.习惯;风俗;习俗]customs [(custom):n.习惯;风俗;习俗]cut [vt. & vi. 切;割;砍]<D>dam [n.水坝;水闸]damage [n.&vt.毁坏;损害]dance [vi.跳舞]danger [n. 危险]dark [adj. 深(浓)色的]date [n.日期]daughter [n. 女儿]day [n.(一)天,(一)日]dead [adj. 死的;无生命的]deaf [adj.聋的]deal [n.量;数额 v.应付;处理]debate [n.辩论,讨论]debt [n.债务;欠款]decide [vi. & vt. 决定;下决心]declare [vt.断言;声明]decrease [v.减少]deep [adj. 深的;深厚的]defeat [vt.战胜;击败]defend [vt.防守;保卫]deficit [n.不足额]define [v.画出轮廓,勾勒]degree [n.度;度数;学位]delay [vt.&vi.推迟;耽搁]delegate [n.代表,委员,特派员]demand [vt.要求]democracy [n.民主]demonstrate [v.表明]denounce [vt.谴责,声讨;告发]deny [v.否认 v.拒绝]depend [vi.依靠;相信;信赖]deplore [v.悲叹,痛惜]deploy [v.展开,配置]depression [n.沮丧;消沉]describe [vt.描写,描述]desert [n.沙漠]design [vt.&n.设计;绘制]desire [vt.要求;期望 n.欲望]destroy [vt.破坏;毁坏]detail [n.细节]develop [vt. & vi. 发展;开发]device [n.装置,仪器]dictator [n.独裁者,命令者]die [vi. 死]diet [n.饮食]different [adj. 不同的]difficult [adj. 难的;困难的]dig [vi. & vt. 挖;掘]dinner [n.正餐]diplomat [n.外交官]direct [vt.&vi.导演] direction [n.方向;方位]dirt [n.污物;脏物;泥土地]disappear [vi.消失]disarm [v.1.缴械,解除武装2.缓和,消除(敌意,疑虑)]discover [vt.发现]discuss [vt.讨论;议论]disease [n.病;疾病]dismiss [v.开除,解雇;对…不予与理会或不屑一提]dispute [v.对…提出异议]dissident [adj.持不同意见者]distance [n.距离]dive [vi.跳水]divide [vt.&vi.分;划分]do [vt.做]doctor [n.医生,大夫]document [n.用文件证实或证明(某事)]dog [n.狗]dollar [n.元]door [n.门]down [adv.向下]dream [vt.&n.梦;梦想]drink [v.喝;饮]drive [v.驾驶;开(车)]drop [v.掉下;落下;投递]drown [vi.&vt.溺死;淹没]drug [n.药;药物]dry [adj. 干的;干燥的]during [prep. 在…之间]dust [n.灰尘;尘土]duty [n.责任;义务]<E>each [pron. & adj. 各个;每件]early [adv.早]earn [vt.挣得;赚得]earth [n. 土;泥;地球;大地]earthquake [n.地震]ease [v.缓和,减轻]east [n. & adj. 东;东方(的)]easy [adj. 容易的]eat [v.吃]ecology [n.生态]economy [n.经济]edge [n.边;边缘]education [n.教育;培养]effect [n.效果;作用]effort [n.努力;艰难的尝试]egg [n.蛋]either [adv. 也(不)]elect [v.选举]electricity [n.电;电流]embassy [n.大使馆]emergency [n.紧急情况]emotion [n.情感]employ [vt.雇用]empty [adj. 空的]end [n. 终点;结束;末尾]enemy [n.敌人;敌军]energy [n.精力;能量]enforce [v.实施,生效,执行;强加,强迫,迫使]engine [n.引擎;发动机]engineer [n.工程师;技师]enjoy [vt.欣赏;享受...乐趣]enough [adj. 足够的;充分的]enter [(ENT):耳鼻喉科]environment [n.环境]equal [adj.平等的;均等的]equipment [n.装备,设备]escape [vi.&n.逃跑;逃脱]especially [adv.特别,尤其]establish [v.使人接受(信仰、风俗、要求等)]estimate [v.估计]ethnic [adj.民族的;种族的]evaporate [v.消失,逐渐消散;(使液体或固体)蒸发,挥发]even [adv. 甚至;更]event [n.事件;大事]ever [adv. 曾经]every [adj.每一;每个]evidence [n.证据]evil [n.罪恶]exact [adj.准确的;严格的]examine [vt.检查;诊察]example [n. 例子;榜样]excellent [adj.极好的;优秀的]except [prep. 除…之外]exchange [v.交换]excuse [vt.原谅]execute [vt.执行,履行,实施]exercise [n. 练习]exile [vt.流放 n.被流放者]exist [vi.存在]expand [vt.(使)膨胀,(使)变大]expect [vt.盼望;认为]expel [vt.驱逐,开除;排出]experience [n.经验;经历]experiment [n.实验]exper
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2023-01-09 09:17:511


  大家都知道考bec需要积累大量的词汇,下面我就给大家带来bec词汇详 总结 ,希望你们喜欢。         商务英语 高级词汇总结(1)   hostile adjective 敌对的   impatience noun 急躁   polite adjective 有礼貌的,有教养的   abroad adjective, adverb 往国外/海外   announce verb 宣布,通告   battery noun 电池   acquaintance noun 熟人   available adjective 可获得的,/可探访的   career noun 事业,生涯,职业   confidential adjective 机密的,秘密的   detail noun 细节,详情   domestic adjective 国内的   exchange verb 交换,兑换   disabled adjective 伤残的   economy noun 经济实惠/节约 措施   line noun (产品的)类型,种别   order book noun 订货簿   outperform verb 做得比…好/胜过   plant noun 设备,工厂   output noun 产量,输出量   quotation noun 报价(单)   range noun 种类   rationalize verb 合理化   redundant adjective 多余的   shape noun 外型,体型   share noun 股份   shipping noun 运送   short-range adjective 短期的/短程的   suppliers plural noun 供应商   specifications plural noun 规格   stock noun 库存   substantial adjective 大量的/可观的   商务英语高级词汇总结(2)   break noun 休息,暂停   frequent adjective 时常发生的/频繁的   improve verb 改善,改进   physiotherapist noun 理疗医师   card noun 卡片,名片   stand noun 摊位,看台   discount noun 折扣   procurement noun 采购,获得   record verb 记录   rely on phrasal verb 依赖,信任   sales representative noun 销售代表   summarize verb 概述,总结   canteen noun 食堂   complain verb 抱怨,控诉   concerning preposition 关于   display verb 陈列,展览   eyesight noun 视力   handle verb 处理,操作   investigate verb 调查,研究   bug noun 小虫,臭虫, 病   old-fashioned adjective 老式的/过时的   procedure noun 程序,手续   raise verb 提出   recommend verb 推荐,介绍   regular adjective 定期的/规则的/经常的   Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) noun (肢体的)重复性劳损   replace verb 取代,替换   request noun 请求,要求   screen noun 屏,银幕   symptom noun 症状   union noun 联盟,协会   ventilate verb 使通风    商务英语高级词汇总结(3)   waste noun 废物,浪费   workforce noun 劳动力/职员总数   bill noun 帐单   bonus noun 奖金,红利   dash noun 破折号   deduct verb 扣除   increase verb 增加,增大   instead adverb 代替   invoice noun 发票,发货单   lot noun 许多   postpone verb 推迟,延迟   punctuation mark noun 标点符号   reduce verb 减少   afterthought noun 事后产生的想法/追悔   apostrophe noun 撇号   avoid verb 避免   brackets noun 括弧   carry out phrasal verb 执行/完成/实现   colon noun 冒号   comma noun 逗号   cost noun 成本   quotes noun 引号   doubt noun 怀疑,疑问   exclamation mark noun 感叹号   factory noun 工厂   full stop noun 句号   hyphen noun 连字符   inverted commas noun 引号   oblique noun 斜线符号   parenthesis noun 圆括号   period = full stop noun 句号   primary adjective 第一位的/主要的   damage verb 损害,损坏   repair verb 修理 ,修补   cable noun 电缆   misunderstand verb 误解,误会   mix up noun 混乱,问题   reel noun 卷轴,一卷   attorney US = lawyer noun 律师   clumsy adjective 笨拙的   inefficient adjective效率低/不能胜任的   pressure noun 压力   shortage noun 不足,缺乏   slip-up noun 疏忽,错误   slip someone"s mind 忘记   solicitor UK noun 律师   threat noun 威胁,恐吓   anticipate verb 预期,期望   inconvenience noun 麻烦/不方便之处   database noun 数据库,资料库   format noun 版式,格式   fuss noun 忙乱,大惊小怪   graphics noun 图形   one-stop adjective 一站式的   utility noun 效用,有用   asap abbreviation for 尽快   fault noun 过错,毛病,故障   inadequate adjective 不充分/不恰当的   package noun 包裹,包   withhold verb 使停止,抑制   A4 noun A4(纸)   negative noun (摄影等的)底片/负片   refund noun 偿还额,退款   alloy noun 合金   cost-effective adjective 有成本效益的,划算的   defect noun 过失,缺点   eliminate verb 排除,消除   line manager noun 生产线管理人员   mass-produce verb 大量生产   reject verb 拒绝,抵制,否决   商务英语高级词汇总结(4)   the brunt of 主要压力/正面冲撞   brand name noun 品牌名   coupon noun 商家的优待券   credit card noun 信用卡   bill noun esp. US 钞票   downturn noun 低迷时期   slowdown noun 生产放慢/减速   eurocheque noun 欧洲货币支票   increase verb 增加,增大   interest noun 利息   launch verb 发动/发起/投放市场   letter of credit noun 信用证   list price noun 价目表所列之价格   marginal adjective 少的/微不足道的   net noun 净利/价   oblique adjective 倾斜的   slash noun 斜线   pound noun 英镑   prestige noun 声望,威望   spreadsheet noun 空白表格程序,电子数据表   string noun 线,串   tax noun 税,税款   assess verb 评估,评定   bad debt noun 呆帐(收不回的帐)   disregard noun 漠视,忽视   face value noun 票面价值   owe verb 欠   recover verb 重新获得,恢复   gross adjective, adverb 总的,毛重的   gross noun 一罗   invoice noun 发票,发货单   merchandise noun 商品,货物   remittance noun 汇款,汇款额   inconsistent adjective 不一致/不协调的   irrevocable adjective 不可撤销的   particular adjective 特殊的/特别的   shipment noun 装运,货物   stipulate verb 规定   enclose verb 放入封套,装入   liquidate verb 清算   rectify verb 纠正   aggressive adjective 敢作敢为/侵略性的   aggression - noun 进攻,侵略   appointment noun 约会,指定   badge noun 徽章,证章   colleague noun 同事,同僚   head of department noun 部门经理   department- noun 部门,科,处   managing director noun 常务懂事   personnel noun 人员,职员   public relations noun 公共关系   sales office noun 营业部,销售部   sincere adjective 诚挚的,真诚的   small talk noun 闲聊   superior noun 长者,上级   surname noun 姓   vice-chairman noun 副主席   vice - prefix 副的   chairman - noun主席   visitor noun 访问者,来宾   visit - 拜访 ,参观   whereabouts noun 下落,行踪   aperitif noun 开胃酒   apparently 显然地   behaviour noun 行为,举止   chew over noun 考虑,详细讨论   counterpart noun 对等的人或物   demonstration noun 示范,实证   demonstrate – verb 示范,证明   disaster noun 灾难   manners plural noun 礼貌   offence noun 犯罪,冒犯   syllable noun 音节 商务英语高级词汇总结相关 文章 : 1. 2020年高级商务英语高频词汇干货总结! 2. bec商务英语高级词汇 3. 商务英语必备英语词汇总结 4. 2020年高级商务英语高频词汇干货收藏! 5. 120个商务英语常用词汇 6. 商务英语职称词汇 7. bec商务英语高级难度怎样 8. 关于bec中级高频词汇 9. 商务英语常用词汇 10. bec中级词汇
2023-01-09 09:18:041


  在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是我收集整理的高三英语作文7篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 高三英语作文 篇1   When I was in high school, there was a teacher who taught me more than that in was a very kind boy, 4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography.   We all liked to take his class, though geography was not our major course.   What impressed me a lot was his could see him always got angry only when we were too noisy in class,he often played soccer with used to be a very believable defender and never fouled on any of us.   We all liked to call him "Teacher Miao" and he was just like a friend, not a sonsy personality inspired me to be kind to everyone I was my well-beloved "Teacher Miao". 高三英语作文 篇2   ragon boat festival, often known as tuen ng festival or duan wu festival, is a traditional chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the chinese calendar. it is also known as the double fifth.[citation needed] it has since been celebrated, in various ways, in other parts of east asia as well, most notably korea.   the exact origins of duan wu are unclear, but one traditional view holds that the festival memorializes the chinese poet qu yuan of the warring states period. he committed uicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption of the chu government. the local people, knowing him to be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fishes to prevent them from eating qu"s body. they also sat on dragon boats, and tried to scare the fishes away by the thundering sound of drums aboard the boat and the fierce looking dragon-head in the front of the boat.   in the early years of the chinese republic, duan wu was also celebrated as "poets" day", due to qu yuan"s status as china"s first poet of personal renown.   today, people eat zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fishes) and race dragon boats in memory of qu"s dramatic death. 高三英语作文 篇3   Many high school students come to the sensible age, they are desire to be independent, but their parents still treat them like a small baby. When the parents come to the school, the children object to contact with their parents, because if they act like a baby, they will be mocked by the schoolmates. Actually, high school students are almost adults, they should take some action to let their parents realize that they have grown up. When at home, they should take responsibility, they can do some housework, and without their parents" supervise, they still can handle their own house chore. If their parents have seen this, they will have the idea that the kids have grown up and to be an adult, they can make their own decision. So the students need to be independent in home, to prove they are adults, thus the parents will let them go and have more private space.   很多高中生来到了敏感的年龄,他们渴望变得独立,但是他们的父母仍然把他们当做小孩子。当父母来到学校的时候,孩子们抵触和他们的父母接触,因为如果他们 表现得想个小孩子,会被同学取笑。实际上,高中生差不多是成年人了,他们应该行动起来,让父母发现他们已经长大了。当在家里的时候,他们应该负责,做一些 家务,没有父母的监督,也能解决自己的事务。如果父母看到这些,他们会意识到孩子已经长大,并开始成年,可以自己做决定。因此学生需要在家里需要独立,证 明自己已经长大,这样父母才会放手,给予他们更多私人的空间。 高三英语作文 篇4   献血,这个词不会陌生,但有多少人不敢献血。我说呢,献血,并没有那么可怕。   大家都知道,献血是一项慈善活动,献血是帮助那些病重的人,我觉得,献血不必那么格式化,反而要有亲和力。献血本身是一件助人为乐的善事,但因为有些人怕献血,可他们曾知道,他们的一滴血,能挽救多少人的生命,要知道,人的生命只有一次,你献了血,说不定有人从病魔手中逃了回来,你没有献出这宝贵的血,可能有人已经失去了生命。一来一去,相差两个生命呢,你难道忍心看别人熄灭了生命的蜡烛,却不献出那么一点血,你们知道吗的血,对我们是没有一点害处的,可对别人来讲,这是一条生命,甚至几十条。病人好了,他们的亲人多么感谢你啊;病人走了,虽然,他们的家人不会责怪你,但你已经失去了一个人本有的爱心。在我眼中,献血是光荣的,是骄傲的,是净化灵魂的,是考验爱心的.,是救死扶伤的,是助人的,是可贵的,是体现我们人与人之间友好。互助。团结的一次考试。我们考满分很简单,只需献出一点点的血,可有些人,就是无法突破这道关卡,人生的考试,只有这么简单,但要考100分,要的不止是知识,还有爱!   无偿献血的意义不在于献出的多少,关键在于你做了,你就考了100分,因为你是一个有爱的人,那些只有知识,没有爱的人,没法与你相提并论!   Blood donation, the word is not unfamiliar, but how many people dare not donate blood?. I say, donating blood isn"t that scary.   As you all know, blood donation is a charity activity, blood donation is to help those who are seriously ill, I think, blood donation does not need to be formatted, but to have affinity. The blood itself is a good help, but because some people are afraid of blood, but they know that a drop of blood. They can save the lives of many people, you know, only one person"s life, you gave blood, someone ran back from the hands of the disease, you don"t give the precious blood, someone may have lost their lives. Come and go, a difference of two lives, you don"t bear to see others put out the candle of life, but do not give it a little blood, you know the blood is not a little harm to us, but to others, this is a life, or even dozens of. The patient is well, thank you so much to their loved ones; the patient has gone, although their family will not blame you, but you have lost the love that one has. In my eyes, blood donation is glorious, is proud of, is the purification of the soul, is the test of love, is to help people, help others, is valuable, is the embodiment of our friendship between people. Mutual aid. An exam of unity. We test full marks is very simple, just give a little bit of blood, but some people, that is, can not break through the barrier, life test, only so simple, but to test 100 points, not only knowledge, but also love!   The significance of voluntary blood donation is not how much you give, but the key is that you do 100 points, because you are a person with love, those who only have knowledge and no love, can not be compared with you! 高三英语作文 篇5   To clone or not to clone, is that the question   Advanced technology has already pushed human being to edges,such as the production of weapons of mass destruction,the destruction of Ozone by Freon ,and the application of clone.The heated deabte over whether cloning technique should be used in human reproduc--   tion must be considered as a serious issue.   Clone, to a certain degree, is beneficial to mankind.Such disease as Parkinsons will possiblly be cured in the future in the hope of further applying of clone.However,the abuse of this technology will bring human being unthinkable destruction.   Since the declaration of the death of Dolly,we are more conscious of the inefficient procedure of clone.Acorrding to Dollys false legacy,the incidence of death among fetuses and offspring produced by cloning is much higher than it is through natural reproduction--roughly 10 times as high as normal before birth and 3 times as high after birth.And even you may argue that this technology will be perfected in the future, i dont see there is any point in whole--being cloning.   Many people consider this technology a promising one as to bring all human being to a new era in which all human reproduction will be accomplished by cloning.Thus scientists in some countries have already started their great plan to clone human.But lets think, what is the practical value in doing so?You may tell me that it can bring hope for those couples unable to have children because they might choose to have a copy of one of them rather than accept the gene intrusion from a doner.But imagine,if you have a child owning the same apperance as yours or your husbands, will you accept it without any uncomfort? 高三英语作文 篇6   I like Christmas, it is just like our Spring Festival.   Maybe the Spring Festival is much more important and interesting than Christmas, but I like Christmas Day better. Because we can spend time with our friends and classmates during Christmas. When it is snowy,   Christmas becomes much more lovely, just like in fairytales. I can imagine I am in a fairytale, the girl who sold the matches is my friend, the ugly duck becoming more and more beautiful and so on. What a beautiful place! So we can also call Christmas “Snowy Lovely Day.”   On Christmas Day, shops are red and green. There are so many Christmas cards, Christmas hats, Christmas dolls and many colourful things. So shops look very beautiful. We can give a card or a doll to our friends and say “Merry Christmas.” By the way, I think studying can also become much more interesting.   Christmas is coming, it also means a new year will come. Let"s study harder to welcome   我喜欢圣诞节,它就像我们的春节。   也许春节比圣诞节更重要和有趣的,但我更喜欢圣诞节。因为我们可以花时间与我们的朋友和同学在圣诞节。当它下雪的,   圣诞节变得更加可爱,就像在童话。我可以想象我在童话中,卖火柴的女孩是我的朋友,丑鸭越来越漂亮等等。一个美丽的地方!我们也可以叫圣诞“雪可爱的一天。”   在圣诞节这一天,商店是红色和绿色。有很多圣诞卡,圣诞帽、圣诞娃娃和许多五颜六色的东西。所以商店看起来很漂亮。我们可以给我们的朋友和一个卡或一个娃娃说“圣诞快乐。“顺便说一下,我觉得学习也可以变得更有趣。   圣诞节即将来临,这也意味着新的一年。让我们更加努力地学习,欢迎 高三英语作文 篇7   Traditional Culture Won"t Be Lost   It seems we are living in the conflict between modern and traditional cultures every day. Hearing the blaring of horns the moment you step out of your house, seeing the so called "pop" the moment you open your eyes, you can"t help thinking, "Will the traditional culture be gradually lost?"   Many people believe so. They may put right in front of you all the evidences they can dig out. They may argue that people are rushing to restaurants instead of cooking at home, listening to pop music but not traditional, wearing in a way people couldn"t imagine ten years ago. Modern people like the air of freedom, not to be restrained by traditions. They offer this long list, only trying to confirm that this world is full of fashion,competition and temptation and the traditional culture is fading and will be lost at last.   Though we are now living in a world in which undeclared aggression, war, hypocrisy, chicanery, anarchy are part of our daily life. Though this is a skeptical age, and our faith has weakened, our confidence in some aspects of the traditional culture should and would never be lost.   Wouldn"t you agree that our traditional culture is always credited with modesty, politeness and respectfulness, which have always been treasured for more than five thousand years?Even in this modern world, people still admire those with good manners, those who are polite to others or respectful to old people.   Wouldn"t you agree that our Chinese traditional music is beautiful and artistic and our Chinese tea culture is always an appealing treasure to people around the world?   So there may just be some changes in our lifestyle or our attitudes towards life, but little change occurs to some fundamental aspects of our traditional culture that people still treasure in heart.   The traditional culture will never be lost, I believe.
2023-01-09 09:18:101


2023-01-09 09:18:1614

这段怎么翻译呢 谁知道啊

PureProtect是一种优化结合三种强有力的情况:LYCOSKIN防御,得到了从番茄干细胞文化,保护皮肤不受污染、自由基和过早老化,延长细胞活力和长寿和加固的胞外基质。这种积极的集植物生物学知识和细胞培养的专门知识变为美容。重金属螯合能力的Lycoskin防御显著高于番茄果实提取液及生产phytochelatins由于受到番茄干细胞治疗与优化混合的天然化合物。Lycoskin防御从而违反污染,保护皮肤不受重金属毒性,以感谢其能力的细胞内,捆绑金属细胞外环境,避免他们的危险举动对重要的细胞结构和细胞外基质成分。此外,Lycoskin国防具有抗氧化活性和明显地降低了一定数量的活性氧自由基(重)引起的治疗由金属引起的氧化应激的生物标志。通过增加的表达和GADD45alpha sirtuin长寿,基因的DNA修复,Lycoskin保护核DNA,有助维持DNA完整性,甚至在重金属的压力。最后,它被证实能促进胶原合成型和III型的诱导和来帮助保持细胞外基质蛋白结构、保证皮肤完整性的up-regulation造成这种镍的矩阵金属蛋白酶和MMP9 MMP3 MMP1基因,。防污净化得到肽是自然栽培种子。被称为Nebeday,或“永不消逝”在非洲,外来栽培树广泛用于营养特性和它的豆荚它的药用的力量叶子和花朵。它的种子产量石油所使用的古代文明准备化妆品、医药和宗教的药膏。压伤的种子也即以其高能力净化污水。积极的peptidic有双重的活动。首先,它有能力保护细胞免受污染物污染的aggressions,显示出良好的防护性能,对汞镉。它也大大降低了诱导HSP 27(标记用于评价污染由于应力强度)的存在,从而论证香烟烟雾的战斗中疗效较好的污染压力。其次,它有效地净化肌肤,去除micro-particles便利asphyxiate皮肤的环境。临床研究表明,它能保护对肌肤的粒子污染,令肌肤清洁更容易。
2023-01-09 09:19:141


侵略,侵略行为; 攻击,进攻;
2023-01-09 09:19:273

invasion/ aggression有区别么

invasion一般是说领土上的侵犯In history, China has been invaded by many countries.aggression是说人的攻击性,人对人的侵犯Behavious of aggression shall not be tolerated in this ward.
2023-01-09 09:19:382

aggress 与 invade 区别

2023-01-09 09:19:471


2023-01-09 09:19:532


2023-01-09 09:20:161

resist aggression

句子有严重语法问题,有以下的两个改法: It is the lofty duty of every citizen to defend the motherland and resist aggression. 保卫祖国和抵抗侵略是每个市民的最高责任. The lofty duty of every citizen to defend the motherland is to resist aggression. 保卫祖国的最高责任是抵抗(别国的)侵略.
2023-01-09 09:20:321


你好!基本上所有的动物都有攻击性All animals have basically aggression
2023-01-09 09:20:371


ambitious:规模宏大的,热望的,矫饰的,华丽的,有抱负,有雄心 词类变化 ambitiously 副词 同义词 aspiring 例句 He is ambitious for social status. 他极欲获得社会地位. aggressive:侵略的,攻势的,挑衅的,气势汹汹的,积极进取的,精力旺盛的 词类变化 aggression 名词 aggressively 副词 aggressor 名词 反义词 defensive 同义词 warlike scrappy pugnacious offensive militant martial hostile combative belligerent bellicose
2023-01-09 09:20:461

帮忙从头到尾全部翻译下来 感激不尽

2023-01-09 09:20:523

Aggro是什么意思 《西语助手》西汉

Aggro是 aggravation 或 aggression 的俚语略称,意为恶化、侵略。
2023-01-09 09:21:031


颜色 Gray (灰)白色 积极:Elegance, humility, respect, reverence, stability, subtlety, timelessness, wisdom 消极:Anachronism, boredom, decay, decrepitude, dullness, dust, pollution, urban sprawlWhite 白色积极:Reverence, purity, snow, peace, innocence, cleanliness, simplicity, security, humility, marriage, sterility, winter消极:Coldness, sterility, clinicism, surrender, cowardice, fearfulness, winter, unimaginativeBlack 黑色积极:Modernity, power, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, style消极:Evil, death, fear, anonymity, anger, sadness, remorse, mourning, unhappiness, mysteryRed 红色积极:Passion, strength, energy, fire, love, sex, excitement, speed, heat, leadership, masculinity, power消极:Danger, fire, gaudiness, blood, war, anger, revolution, radicalism, aggression, stopBlue 蓝色积极:Seas, skies, peace, unity, harmony, tranquility, calmness, coolness, confidence, water, ice, loyalty, conservatism, dependability, cleanliness, technology, winter消极:Depression, coldness, conservatism, idealism, obscenity, ice, tackiness, winterGreen 绿色积极:Nature, spring, fertility, youth, environment, wealth, money (US), good luck, vigor, generosity, go, grass消极:Aggression, inexperience, envy, misfortune, jealousy, money, illness, greedYellow 黄色积极:Sunlight, joy, happiness, optimism, liberalism, idealism, wealth (gold), summer, hope, air消极:Cowardice, illness (quarantine), hazards, dishonesty, liberalism, avarice, ossification, weakness, greedPurple紫色积极:Sensuality, spirituality, creativity, wealth, royalty, nobility, ceremony, mystery, wisdom, enlightenment消极:Arrogance, flamboyance, gaudiness, mourning, profanity, exaggeration, confusionOrange 橙色积极:Buddhism, energy, balance, heat, fire, enthusiasm, flamboyance, playfulness消极:Aggression, arrogance, flamboyance, gaudiness, over emotion, warning, danger, fireBrown 铜色积极:Calm, depth, natural organisms, nature, richness, rusticism, stability, tradition消极:Anachronism, boorishness, dirt, dullness, filth, heaviness, poverty, roughness
2023-01-09 09:21:121


aggression n. 攻击、侵略aggregate v. (使)聚集还有很多,有木有更具体的要求?
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  高中英语单词A   a (an) art. 一(个、件……)   abandon v.抛弃,舍弃,放弃   ability n. 能力;才能   able a. 能够;有能力的   abnormal a. 反常的,变态的   aboard prep. 上(船,飞机,火车,汽车等)   abolish v. 废除,废止   abortion v. 人工流产,堕胎   about ad. 大约;到处;四处   prep. 关于;在各处;四处   above prep. 在……上面   a. 上面的 ad. 在……之上   abroad ad. 到(在)国外   absence n. 不在,缺席   abrupt a. 突然的,意外的,粗鲁   absent a. 缺席, 不在   absolute a. 完全,全部,绝对的   absorb v. 吸收,使全神贯注   abstract a./ n. 抽象的(作品)   absurd a.荒谬的,怪诞不经的   abundant a.大量,丰盛的,充裕的   abuse v.(酗酒)滥用,虐待,恶语   academic a. / n. 学术的,教学的   academy n.专科学院,(美)私立学校   accelerate v.(使)加速,加快   accent n. 口音,音调   accept vt. 接受   access n. / v. 通道,入径,存取(计算机文件)   accessible a. 可到达的,可接受的,易相处的)   accident n. 事故,意外的事   accommodation n.住宿,膳宿   accompany v. 陪同,陪伴,与…同时发生   accomplish v. 完成   according to ad. 按照,根据   account n. 账目;描述   accountant n. 会计,会计师   accumulate v. 积累,积聚   accuracy n. 准确,精确   accuse v. 正确无误的,精确的   accustomed a. 习惯于,惯常的   ache vi.& n. 痛,疼痛   achieve vt. 达到,取得   achievement n. 成就,成绩,功绩   acid a. 酸的   acknowledge v. 承认   acquaintance n. 熟人,(与某人)认识   acquire v. 获得,得到   acquisition n. 获得,得到   acre n. 英亩   across prep. 横过,穿过   act n. 法令,条例 v. (戏)表演,扮演(角色),演出(戏);行动,做事   action n. 行动   active a. 积极的,主动的   activity n. 活动   actor n. 男演员   actress n. 女演员   actual a. 实际的; 现实的   acute a.十分严重的,(病)急性的   AD n. 公元   ad (缩) =advertisement n.广告   adapt v. 使适应,适合,改编   adaptation n. 适应,改编本   add vt.添加,增加   addicted a. 上瘾,成瘾,入迷   addition n.增加;(算数用语)加   address n. 地址   adequate a. 合适的,合乎需要的   adjust v.调整,调节,适应,习惯   adjustment n. 调整,适应   administration n.管理,行政部门   admirable a.值得赞赏的,可钦佩的   admire v. 钦佩;羡慕   admission n. 准入, 接纳   admit vt. 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会)   adolescence n. 青春,青春期   adolescent n. 青少年   adopt v. 收养,领养   adore v. (不用于进行时)热爱,爱慕某人   adult n. 成年人   advance v. 推进,促进;前进   advantage n. 优点; 好处   adventure n. 冒险; 奇遇   advertise vt. 为……做广告   advertisement n. 广告   advice n. 忠告,劝告,建议   advise vt. 忠告,劝告,建议   advocate v. 拥护,支持,提倡   aeroplane n. (英)飞机   affair n. 事,事情   affect vt. 影响   affection n. 喜爱,钟爱   afford vt. 负担得起(……的费用);抽得出(时间);提供   afraid a. 害怕的;担心   Africa * n. 非洲   African a. 非洲的,非洲人的   n. 非洲人   after ad. 在后;后来prep. 在…之后;在 后面 conj. 在…以后   afternoon n. 下午,午后   afterward(s) ad. 后来   again ad. 再一次;再,又   against prep. 对着,反对   age n. 年龄;时代   agency n. 代理机构   agenda n. (会议)议程表,议事日程   agent n. 代理人,经济人   aggression n. 侵略   aggressive a. 侵略的;咄咄逼人   ago ad. 以前   agree v. 同意;应允   agreement n. 同意,一致;协定,协议   agricultural a. 农业的   agriculture n. 农业,农学   ahead ad. 在前,向前   aid n. 援助;救护;辅助器具   AIDS n. 艾滋病   aim n.目的;目标 v. 计划,打算;瞄准;针对   air n. 空气;大气   aircraft n. 飞机 (单复数同)   airline n. 航空公司;航空系统   airmail n. 航空邮件   airplane n. (美)飞机   airport n. 航空站,飞机场   airspace n.领空,(某国的)空域   alarm n. 警报   album n. 相册,影集,集邮簿   alcohol n. 含酒精饮料,酒   alcoholic a. / n. 含酒精的,酒鬼   algebra n. 代数   alike ad. 很相似地,同样地   alive a. 活着的,存在的   all ad. 全部地 a. 全(部);所有的;总;整 pron.全部;全体人员   allergic a. 过敏的,厌恶   alley n. 小巷,胡同   allocate v. 拨给,划归,分配…给   allow vt. 允许,准许   allowance n. 津贴,补助   almost ad. 几乎,差不多   alone a. 单独的,孤独的   along ad. 向前;和…一起;一同 prep. 沿着;顺着   alongside ad.在…旁边,与…同时   aloud ad. 大声地   alphabet n. 字母表,字母   already ad. 已经   also ad. 也   alternative a.可供替代,非传统的   although conj. 虽然,尽管   altitude n. 海拔高度   altogether ad. 总共   aluminium n. (化)铝   always ad. 总是;一直;永远   am v. be的人称形式之一 ?   a.m./A.M. ? n. 午前,上午   amateur a. 业余爱好的   amaze v. 惊奇,惊叹;震惊   amazing a.惊奇,惊叹的;震惊的   ambassador (ambassadress) n.大使   ambiguous a. 模棱两可的   ambition n.目标,野心,雄心,抱负   ambulance n. 救护车   America * n. 美国;美洲   American a. 美国的;美国人的n. 美国人   among prep. 在…中间;在(三个以上)之间   amount n. / v. 金额,数量,总计   ample a. 足够的,丰裕的   amuse vt. (使人)快乐,逗乐   amusement n. 娱乐   analyse v. 分析   analysis n. 分析,分析结果   ancestor n. 祖宗; 祖先   acchor v. / n. 锚,抛锚   ancient a. 古代的,古老的   and conj. 和;又;而   anecdote n. 逸事,趣闻   anger n. 怒,愤怒   angle n. 角度   angry a. 生气的,愤怒的   animal n. 动物   ankle n. 踝,踝关节   anniversary n. 周年纪念日   announce vt. 宣布,宣告   announcement n. 通告,通知   annoy vt. (使)烦恼   annual a. 每年的,年度的,一年一次的   another a. 再一;另一;别的;不同的 pron. 另一个   answer n.回答,答复;回信;答案 v.回答,答复;回信;(作出)答案   ant n. 蚂蚁   Antarctic a. 南极的   the Antarctic 南极   Antarctica * n. 南极洲   antique n. 古董   anxiety n. 担忧,焦虑   anxious a. 忧虑的,焦急的   any pron. (无论)哪一个;哪些 任何的;(用于疑问句、否定句)一些;什么   anybody pron. 任何人,无论谁   anyhow ad. 不管怎样   anyone pron. 任何人,无论谁   anything pron. 什么事(物);任何事(物)   anyway ad. 不管怎样   anywhere ad. 任何地方   apart ad, / a. 相隔,相距,除外   apartment n. (美)楼中单元房,一套房间;房间   apologize vi. 道歉,谢罪   apology n. 道歉;歉意   apparent a. 显而易见   appeal v. 上诉,申诉,吸引力   appear vi. 出现   appearance n. 出现,露面;容貌   appendix n. 附录,阑尾   appetite n. 食欲,胃口   applaud v. / n. 鼓掌,赞许,赞赏   apple n. 苹果   applicant n. 申请人   application n. 申请   apply v. 申请   appoint v. 任命,委任,安排,确定(时间,地点)   appointment n. 约会   appreciate v. 欣赏; 感激   appreciation n. 欣赏,鉴定,评估   approach n. / v. 靠近,接近,建议,要求   appropriate a. 合适的,恰当的   approve v.赞成,同意,批准,通过   approximately ad.近似,大约   apron n. (机场的)停机坪   arbitrary a. 随心所欲的,独裁的,专断的   arch n. 拱,拱门   architect n. 建筑师,设计师   architecture n.建筑学,建筑设计,风格   April n. 4月   Arab * a. 阿拉伯的 n. 阿拉伯人   Arabic a. 阿拉伯语的 n. 阿拉伯语   Arctic a. 北极的   the Arctic 北极   the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋   are v.(be) 是   area n. 面积;地域,地方,区域;范围,领域   argue vi. 争辩, 争论   argument n. 争论,辩论   arise (arose, arisen) vi. 起来,升起;出现   arithmetic n. 算术   arm n. 臂,支架 v. 以…装备,武装起来n. (美)武器,武力   armchair n. 扶手椅   army n. 军队   around ad. 在周围;在附近prep. 在……周围;大约   arrange v. 安排,布置   arrangement n. 安排,布置   arrest v. 逮捕,拘留   arrival n. 到来,到达   arrive vi. 到达;达到   arrow n. 箭;箭头   art n. 艺术,美术;技艺   article n.文章;东西,物品;冠词   artificial a. 人工的,人造的   artist n.艺术家   as?ad.& conj.像……一样;如同;因为 prep. 作为,当做   ash n. 灰; 灰末   ashamed a. 惭愧; 害臊   Asia * n. 亚洲   Asian a. 亚洲(人)的n. 亚洲人   aside ad. 在旁边   ask v. 问;请求,要求;邀请   asleep a. 睡着的,熟睡   aspect n. 方面,外观,外表   assess v.评价,评定(性质,质量)   assessment n. 看法,评价   assist v. 帮助,协助   assistance n. 帮助,援助,支持   assistant n. 助手,助理   associate v. 联想,联系   association n. 协会,社团,联系   assume v. 假定,假设   assumption n. 假定,假设   astonish vt. 使惊讶   astronaut n. 宇航员   astronomer n. 天文学家   astronomy n. 天文学   at prep.在(几点钟);在(某处)   athlete n. 运动员   athletic a. 健壮的,体育运动的   athletics n. 田径   Atlantic a. 大西洋的   the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋   atmosphere n. 大气;气氛   atom n. 原子,微粒   attach v. 把…固定,重视   attack vt. / n. 攻击,袭击   attain v.(经过努力)获得,得到   attempt vt. 试图,尝试   attend v. 看护,照料,服侍;出席,参加   attention n. 注意,关心   attentively ad. 注意地   attitude n. 态度,看法   attract v. 吸引,引起   attraction n. 吸引,爱慕   attractive a. 迷人的,有吸引力的   audience n. 观众,听众   authentic a. 真正的,真品的   author n. 作者,作家   authority n.权力,权威,威信,官方   automatic a. 自动的,机械的   autonomous a. 自治的,自主的   August n. 8月   aunt n. 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨   Australia * n. 澳洲;澳大利亚   Australian a. 澳洲的,澳大利亚人的 n. 澳大利亚人   autumn n. 秋天,秋季   available a. 可获得的,有空的   avenue n. 大道   average a.平均;普通的 n.平均数   avoid v. 避免,躲开,逃避   awake (awoke, awoken) v. 唤醒   a. 醒着的   award n. 奖品,奖励   aware a. 知道,意识到,发觉   away ad. 离开;远离   awesome a.令人惊叹,很困难的   awful a. 很坏的,极讨厌的   awkward a.令人尴尬,使人难堪的
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Goalkeepers守门员 重要属性Positioning,位置感 handling,手控球 command of area指挥防守, agility,灵活 stamina,体能jumping,弹跳 reflex,反应 strength,力量 decisions决断 and aerial ability制空能力 次要属性Throwing手抛球, pace速度, concentration集中, composure镇定, bravery勇敢 and anticipation 预判 其他one on ones 一对一Centre backs中后卫 重要属性Positioning位置感, jumping弹跳, tackling铲球, marking盯人, aggression侵略, strength力量, bravery勇敢 and heading头球 次要属性Stamina体能, anticipation预判, determination决心, pace速度 and acceleration加速 其他concentration集中Fullbacks边后卫 重要属性Work rate工作投入, stamina体能, teamwork团队合作, decisions决断, positioning位置感 and acceleration加速 次要Determination决心, strength力量, crossing传中 and dribbling盘带 个人认为,铲球和盯人也重要。头球有更好。Defensive Midfielder防守中场 重要属性Tackling铲球, strength力量, aggression侵略性, marking盯人, stamina体能, work rate工作投入, teamwork团队合作 and decisions决断 次要Pace速度, passing传球, acceleration加速, determination决心, concentration集中, creativity创造Attacking Mids攻击型中场 重要属性Decisions决断, Creativity创造力, passing传球, off ball无球跑动, technique技术, finishing射门, work rate工作投入 次要Stamina体能, teamwork团队合作, flair才华, long shots远射, pace速度, acceleration加速Wingers边锋 重要属性Crossing传中, creativity创造, dribbling盘带, pace速度, acceleration加速, tackling铲球, balance平衡, technique技术, passing传球 次要 Finishing射门, long shots远射, teamwork团队合作, work rate工作投入, off ball无球跑动Forwards前锋 重要属性Creativity创造, finishing射门, off ball无球跑动, dribbling盘带, passing传球, technique技术, pace速度, acceleration加速 次要Teamwork,团队合作 flair才华, balance平衡, long shots远射, anticipation预判, crossing传中 其他建议composure镇定Strikers 中锋 重要属性finishing射门, off ball无球跑动, jumping弹跳, heading头球, anticipation预判, technique技术 次要属性Pace速度 aggression侵略性, acceleration加速, strength力量, long shots远射
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Respects the sovereignty and the territorial integrity mutually, the mutual nonaggression, the noninterference in each other"s domestic affairs, the equality and mutual benefit, the peaceful coexistence.网上翻译的 可能不是很准 先凑合用一下吧
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