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2023-08-22 10:28:58























The friendship between pottery and iron is like a deep river. It has been flowing for thousands of years, and it will continue to flow in the future. Pottery and iron have different characteristics, but they are complementary to each other. Pottery is fragile and delicate, while iron is strong and durable. Pottery can be used to make beautiful and delicate decorations, while iron can be used to make tools for daily use. The combination of pottery and iron can create a variety of beautiful and practical products, which is the source of the friendship between pottery and iron.



2023-08-13 11:07:585


陶器英文是pottery。陶器是指以粘土为胎,经过手捏、轮制、模塑等方法加工成型后,在800—1000℃高温下焙烧而成的器具,坯体不透明,有微孔,具有吸水性,叩之声音不清。相关例句1、我一直在上陶器制作技术课。I"ve been taking classes in pottery.2、这是一件典型的罗马陶器。This is a typical example of Roman pottery.3、考古学家在挖掘现场的最下层发现了陶器。Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site.4、陶器已装箱运往美国。The pottery was packed in boxes and shipped to the US.5、几乎每个教室都有彩色的陶器。Almost every classroom has coloured pieces of pottery.
2023-08-13 11:08:141


第二个单词拼写错误了,你应该想说的是pottery和porcelain的区别吧,这两个都有陶瓷的意思,但它们又有一定的区别。potteryn. 陶器; 陶器厂[作坊]; <集合词>陶器类; 陶器制造(术)复数: potteries形近词: littery patters lottery totters hatteryporcelainn. 瓷,瓷器;adj. 瓷制的; 精美的; 脆的,易碎的;复数:porcelains 两者的区别:porcelain瓷器,广义上的瓷,是总称Pottery陶瓷,也可以指制陶工厂
2023-08-13 11:10:441

陶 英文怎么写

2023-08-13 11:10:543


pottery n. 陶器;陶器厂;陶器制造术 pottery就是陶器的意思,不可数名词(用作可数名词时事‘制陶厂"的意思)。 扩展资料   例句:   The plastic arts include sculpture, pottery and painting.   造型艺术包括雕塑、陶艺和绘画。   Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site.   考古学家在挖掘现场的最下层发现了陶器。   Buttons and clay pottery?   纽扣和陶土?
2023-08-13 11:11:011


pottery n.(总称)陶器, 陶器制造术 earthenwaren.[U] [集合称]瓦器,陶器 adj. 瓦器 [陶器] (制) 的 · an earthenware pot 陶壶
2023-08-13 11:11:212

porcelain 与 ceramic 还有 pottery 及 terracotta的区别?跟陶与瓷怎么区分?

porcelain瓷器,广义上的瓷,是总称 ceramic是陶器,也可以指一种制陶艺术 Pottery陶瓷,也可以指制陶工厂 terracotta是指一种特殊制陶的特殊原料---赤土或赤陶 陶一般以一种易熔粘土制造.在某些情况下也可以在粘土中加入熟料或砂与之混合,以减少收缩.这些制品的烧成温度变动很大,要依据粘土的化学组成所含杂质的性质与多少而定.以之制造砖瓦,如气孔率过高,则坯体的抗冻性能不好,过低叉不易挂住砂浆,所以吸水率一般要保持5~15%之间.烧成后坯体的颜色,决定于粘土中着色氧化物的含量和烧成气氛,在氧化焰中烧成多呈黄色或红色,在还原焰中烧成则多呈青色或黑色.我国建筑材料中的青砖,即是用含有Fe2O3的黄色或红色粘土为原料,在临近止火时用还原焰煅烧,使Fe203还原为FeON成青色,陶器可分为普通陶器(cmmon,pottery)和精陶器(Fineearthenware)两类.普通陶器即指土陶盆.罐、缸、瓮.以及耐火砖等具有多孔性着色坯体的制品. 瓷 随着制陶工具的逐步改善,工艺水平的不断提高以及对制陶原料的深入了解,人们渐渐烧制出一些初步达到瓷器标准,但在一些方面又不够完善的器物,这就是原始青瓷.瓷化程度较高,胎色有灰白、灰黄、青灰、灰红及肉红;釉子润泽,以青色为主,也有蓝、绿、酱、褐、黄等颜色.装饰品种极为丰富,有釉下彩斑、釉下彩绘、印花、贴花、贴花彩斑、刻划、雕刻、镂空等. 由此可见 瓷器和陶器虽然是两种不同的物质,但是两者间存在着密切的联系.如果没有制陶术的发明及陶器制作技术不断改进所取得的经验,瓷器是不可能单独发明的.瓷器的发明是我们的祖先在长期制陶过程中,不断认识原材料的性能,总结烧成技术,积累丰富经验,从而产生量变到质变的结果. 有关陶器与瓷器的区别主要有如下几点: 一、烧成温度不同 陶器烧成温度一般都低于瓷器,最低甚至达到800℃以下,最高可达1100℃左右.瓷器的烧成温度则比较高,大都在1200℃以上,甚至有的达到1400℃左右. 二、坚硬程度不同 陶器烧成温度低,坯体并未完全烧结,敲击时声音发问,胎体硬度较差,有的甚至可以用钢刀划出沟痕.瓷器的烧成温度高,胎体基本烧结,敲击时声音清脆,胎体表面用一般钢刀很难划出沟痕. 三、使用原料不同 陶器使用一般黏土即可制坯烧成,瓷器则需要选择特定的材料,以高岭上作坯.烧成温度在陶器所需要的温度阶段,则可成为陶器,例如古代的白陶就是如此烧成的.高岭土在烧制瓷器所需要的温度下,所制的坯体则成为瓷器.但是一般制作陶器的黏土制成的坯体,在烧到1200℃时,则不可能成为瓷器,会被烧熔为玻璃质. 四、透明度不同 陶器的坯体即使比较薄也不具备半透明的特点.例如龙山文化的黑陶,薄如蛋壳,却并不透明.瓷器的胎体无论薄厚,都具有半透明的特点. 五、釉料不同 陶器有不挂釉和挂釉的两种,挂釉的陶器釉料在较低的烧成温度时即可熔融.瓷器的釉料有两种,既可在高温下与胎体一次烧成,也可在高温素烧胎上再挂低温釉,第二次低温烧成. 以上几个方面中,最主要的条件是原材料和烧成温度,其他几个条件,都与这两条密切相关.因此,制陶工匠一旦掌握了烧成温度的技术,并认识到高岭土与一般黏土的区别,便具备了发明瓷器的条件. (在下鄙陋,希望能给你帮上忙)
2023-08-13 11:11:291


  用陶土烧制的器皿叫陶器,用瓷土烧制的器皿叫瓷器。陶瓷则是陶器,炻器和瓷器的总称。凡是用陶土和瓷土这两种不同性质的粘土为原料,经过配料、成型、干燥、焙烧等工艺流程制成的器物都可以叫陶瓷。那么你知道陶瓷用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    陶瓷的英语说法1:   ceramics    陶瓷的英语说法2:   pottery    陶瓷的相关短语:   陶瓷刀 Ceramic knife ; Ceramic knives ; Ceramic blade ; cerami   金属陶瓷 cermet ; ceramic metal ; metal ceramic ; ceramal   陶瓷电容 Ceramic capacitor ; MLCC ; Ceramic Disc and Plate ; Ceramic Cap   陶瓷金属 Ceramic metal ; ceramal ; cermet ; ceramel   陶瓷工程 ceramic engineering ; ceramic works ; Ceramic Sciences and Engineering ; CeramEng   高温陶瓷 refractory china ; pyroceramic ; high temperature ceramics ; refractory ceramics   陶瓷配件 ceramic fitting ; nbsp   氧化铝陶瓷 alumina ceramics ; aluminum oxide ceramics ; alumina whiteware ; corundum   生物陶瓷 bioceramics ; biological ceramics ; Biomedical Ceramics    陶瓷的英语例句:   1. Exquisite china soup dishes reposed on silver plates.   银盘子上面摆放着精制的陶瓷汤盘。   2. an exhibition of ceramics by Picasso   毕加索陶瓷作品展   3. Some ceramic works of art are shown in this exhibition.   这次展览会上展出了一些陶瓷艺术品.   4. This represents the highest achievement of Chinese ceramics.   这代表了中国陶瓷的最高成就.   5. Common ceramic elements are barium titanate and lead zirconate - titanate.   普通的陶瓷元件分别是钛酸钡和锆钛酸铅.   6. The second type is a ceramic - based coating marketed by Magnaflux Corp.   第二种类型是由Magnaflux公司出售的一种陶瓷基脆性涂料.   7. The main classes of materials are metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites.   材料的主要分类为金属 、 高聚物, 陶瓷, 及合成材料.   8. Ceramic elements are made by pressing and sintering finely powdered material s.   陶瓷元件是将仔细研磨的材料经过加压和烧结制成.   9. The first utilizes a blend of finely ground ceramic powders.   第一种用的是一种磨细的陶瓷粉末混合物.   10. All our glass and china is kept in the cupboard.   我们所有的玻璃和陶瓷器皿都放在柜橱里.   11. The roofs are covered with more than 1,056,000 Swedish made ceramic tiles in white and cream.   屋顶为瑞典制造的105.6万多块陶瓷所覆盖,呈乳白色.   12. Traditionally, the term " ceramic " referred to materials produced by baking moist clay to form hard solids.   习惯上, “ 陶瓷 ” 一词是指潮湿粘土经烘焙生成的坚硬固体.   13. I went over to one of the stalls and examined porcelain vases and flowered tea - sets.   我走到一个货摊的前面,仔细察看着陶瓷花瓶和饰有花纹的茶具.   14. Working at the wheel, the ceramist rounded out the form, and the bowl appeared finished.   认真研究了轮状物后, 陶瓷技师把模具制成圆形, 后来碗就出现了.   15. Development of the ferroelectric ceramics in recent years has led to superior detection ability.   近代所发明的铁电陶瓷具有优良的检测能力.
2023-08-13 11:11:361


2023-08-13 11:11:513


pottery就是陶器的意思,不可数名词(用作可数名词时事‘制陶厂"的意思) ceramics有制陶术的意思,当陶器讲的时候多用复数.
2023-08-13 11:12:001

crockery, ware , pottery的区别 crockery, ware , pot

指陶器时crockery使用最为广泛,主要指粘土烧制的物品,物品的范围也广。pottery来源于pot一词,所以范围不比前者,特别指通过手工制作的陶瓷品或工艺品。而ware使用最为宽泛,不仅指陶器,一般器具都可用如hardware software等
2023-08-13 11:12:111


是关于儿童的吗?形我就不说了,按图一点一点做,星数够高就行色彩要具体说一下,那种蓝色是由浅蓝和深蓝调的,需要购买彩虹 云 小鸡 因为彩红是两行,所以可运叠加的来进行重叠。以构成黄绿相的小条。双层红黄也同样道理,而小鸡则是云里的太阳,有了这技,五星就不在话下了,只充份掌握重叠和调色的技巧,才通过只后的关卡。就这些 求最佳!!!
2023-08-13 11:12:191


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2023-08-13 11:12:472


a crock with a narrow opening
2023-08-13 11:12:587

pottery made in chinapottery was made in China的区别?

pottery made in China是一个名词短语“中国制造的陶器”,其中made in China 是过去分词短语做后置定语修饰前面的名词pottery;Pottery was made in China. 则是一个句子“陶器是在中国制造的”。该句为一般过去时,被动语态。
2023-08-13 11:13:151


pottery就是陶器的意思,不可数名词(用作可数名词时事‘制陶厂"的意思) ceramics有制陶术的意思,当陶器讲的时候多用复数.
2023-08-13 11:14:181


2023-08-13 11:14:261


2023-08-13 11:14:331


波特双语对照词典结果:potter[英]["pu0252tu0259(r)][美]["pɑ:tu0259r]n.陶工; 制陶工人; v.稀里糊涂地混日子; 慢条斯理地走,闲逛; 混(日子),浪费(时间); 第三人称单数:potters过去分词:pottered复数:potters现在进行时:pottering过去式:pottered
2023-08-13 11:14:432


porcelain is a special type of clay either white or grey, to which kaolin (a white firing stiff clay) and white China stone (finely decayed granite, washed and prepared as small white blocks) is added. When fired at temperatures of 1,280°C and over (up to 1,400°C was achieved by the Chinese), the body vitrifies, ie it becomes completely impermeable. Glazes can be applied for the first firing, or the vessel can be decorated with a low-firing glaze and put back into the kiln a second isAlthough it wasn"t made in Europe until the 18th century, china was developed over 100 years ago in, not surprisingly, China. Once synonymous with porcelain, China is made when kaolin is mixed with petuntse, two forms of decomposed granite which fuse together in a very hot kiln to produce translucent clayware. If the item is opaque it is known as pottery. Bone china was developed by the English in the mid 18th century.
2023-08-13 11:14:543


2023-08-13 11:15:011


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2023-08-13 11:15:191


2023-08-13 11:15:381


See the ocarina, there are a lot of people think of China very ancient musical instrument that Xun, in Taiwan and Hongkong, the ocarina alias called Yang xun. These two kinds of musical instruments appeared although very old, but China Xun of the history is much longer, but it does not think the ocarina is affected by the development of the China xun. Due to the specific conditions of the primitive society and from around the unearthed pottery, the production technology and who should not be taught, but found by people in different regions in their production and life practice and invention.A long history of the musical instruments. In 1973, the number of holes in the Hemudu Site of Yuyao, Zhejiang, had been unearthed. The bird bone carbon fourteen detection, has seven thousand years of history, the experts identified, that they are the first civilian to trap birds hunting tools. Part of the bone post, still can be blown into simple tones, and like birds. In addition, the oldest is Chinese Xun unearthed here, but only one of the holes, no holes, only made a sound.In South America Ecuador unearthed a number of instruments made of clay, in around 2000 BC, the analysis found that, when the level of making people of clay and reached a high level, these instruments are confirmed and some of them are not toys, can play simple music. After development, in the 500 BC to 600 years, the Maya made the pottery flute can play a complete scale.The ocarina from America to Europe is in the period of Spanish occupation, in 1527, a number of Mexico"s Aztec artist Charles V to court performance on the use of a band of ocarina. Performance was a great success, to the presence of everyone left a deep impression, they become famous, often to Europe around the show, so that more people recognize this musical instrument.The ocarina in the name of the ocarina source, there is a small village in northern Italy named juzeppe budurio Baker, often with his low temperature oven firing pottery toys and some new things, he once fired a toy as a top egg shaped like the neck, because it is like a common Gosling daily life in shape, so it is named "Ocarina", the Italy dialect is the "goose". The ocarina English name "Ocarina" is from here, okali, Na Di, the name of a common use today.With the development of free trade and the industrial revolution, the kingdom of Italy was formed in 1861, 1860 GiuseppeDonati in Italy established the first factory began production of the original ocarina, their popular Ocarina was reformed, now see Italy ten hole Ocarina is in the future. The studio has had several transfers, and is still in production.During the first and second world wars, the Ocarina of small size, easy to play, in order to boost morale, the U.S. Army became popular on the instrument, in order to facilitate mass production, generally using gypsum or plastic material, shape by shape and the shape of sweet potato gosling. In the "17 cell" this film can be seen on the ocarina of.With the popularity of the ocarina, 1963 made the first four holes in the London JohnTaylor ocarina, four different sizes of holes like binary array, can be combined in sixteen different states, with the first few holes to achieve more sound. Different fingering and sequential fingering before, using the cross fingering, in addition can also be extended to 5 holes, 6 holes and even more, the range also increased. Now the popular Six Ocarina is based on it.In Japan, at the time of the high school students in the Ming Tian Di in Tokyo, Germany Expo for the first time to see the Italian style pottery flute, left a deep impression on him, which produced a great interest. In 1928 to enter the Tokyo University of the Arts Department of carving learning, began making ocarina, and the improvement of the Italian ocarina, to become a regular instrument, it is now we see the twelve hole Japanese Ocarina ocarina, in Japan, has a name, called the native flute. With the popularity of the twelve hole Japanese style ceramic flute in Japan, there have been many famous pottery flute players. Mune Jiro is one of them, his hometown of the original scenery has appeared in many martial arts film and television drama filmed in Hongkong and Taiwan.The first popular in Taiwan is Peru style craft Ocarina Ocarina sounds, but not play a scale, and later improved, now Taiwan has become the main style of ocarina, in China, called Taiwan ocarina, shaped like a conventional drip or heart-shaped style, also has a variety of deformation Ocarina varieties. In Taiwan there are many places making Ocarina places, such as Nantou County, Kaohsiung, the cauldron of OCARINA FLUTE, Tang Shanbian and Zong Hantao flute, Ocarina is sincere and so many, which is designed by Chen Jinxu Cheng Ocarina Ocarina varieties, six standard fingering and popular is not the same. Speaking of the development of Taiwan pottery flute, there is a person can not say that this is Mr. You Xuezhi, in Taiwan to promote the pottery flute played a big role, so far out a lot of pottery flute music record.In Chinese, Ocarina is mainly affected by the impact of Taiwan, including the name of Ocarinas also follows the Taiwan. In recent years there have been a lot of Ocarina makers, which is part of the original main production of pottery Xun, and
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2023-08-13 11:15:551


2023-08-13 11:16:041


一起做陶瓷(Let"s Create! Pottery)是一款颇具创意的休闲游戏,玩家可以充分发挥自己的想象力来制作属于自己的陶器,从泥塑到烧制再到绘制图案,最后还可以拍卖个好价钱。这款游戏首先发布在iOS平台,不过现在已经成功移植到Android平台。 一起做陶瓷(Let"s Create! Pottery)是一款颇具创意的休闲游戏,玩家可以充分发挥自己的想象力来制作属于自己的陶器,从泥塑到烧制再到绘制图案,最后还可以拍卖个好价钱。这款游戏首先发布在iOS平台,不过现在已经成功移植到Android平台。一起做陶瓷评测环境:简单手势完成泥塑初次进入游戏,会有简单的操作介绍。如下图所示,在瓶身内上下拖动可以增高或降低陶罐的高度,水平方向由外向内拖动,可以缩减瓶身的宽度,反之由内向外拖动则可以增加瓶身宽度。操作过程中药注意不能拖动要缓慢,越着急快速的拖动,反而效果不好。泥塑过程的简单操作说明在泥塑过程中,重力感应也是有一定效果的,竖直手机操作,陶罐也会变得直立起来,而平放手机则会有一定的俯视视角。重力感应会改变视角烧制当对陶罐的造型比较满意的时候,点击屏幕右下角的firing图标,就可以将土胚放到窑中烧制。不过不用担心,只需几秒钟烧制过程就完成了。烧制完成的陶器造型十分逼真,甚至可以看到瓶口的细小的裂纹。烧制陶器拍卖作品在成品界面点击右下角的拍卖图标,可以将作品拍卖。最开始的作品由于造型和装饰等都很简单,只能卖到几十元,而随着陶器的造型及上色等越来越复杂,买家也会飙升。看着自己辛苦制作的陶器卖出一个好价钱,既高兴又有些不舍。卖出陶器后,我们可以去商店购买颜料、装饰等,用来制作更加漂亮的陶器。作品拍卖商店中出售各种装饰配件为作品上色及添加纹理当玩家从商店买来颜料及装饰纹理后,就可以在陶器烧制完成后做进一步的美化。经过精心上色及绘制后的陶罐相比光秃秃的陶罐不仅看上去更加美观,在拍卖时也可以显著提高价格。美化自己的陶罐任务模式除了自由自在的DIY之外,一起做陶瓷也提供了任务模式。打开收件箱(inbox),你会看到要求制作陶罐的电子邮件,并且还会附带上期望的陶罐效果图。玩家要尽量依照效果图制作,相似度越高被给予的评价就会越高。制作完成后将陶罐寄给来信者,紧接着又会收到后续作品的效果图。当然,任务难度会越来越大,所需的配件也会越来越多,虽然完成任务也会有金钱奖励,但玩家还需要赚些外快来购买装饰配件,忙的不亦乐乎。制作过程中可以随时查看效果图进行比对总结一起做陶瓷(Let"s Create! Pottery)是一款相当有趣的休闲类游戏,用户只需划动几下屏幕,就可以塑造出各种各样的属于自己的陶器,并且不会占用过多时间,只需短短几分钟即可。优点:1)自由发挥,打造属于自己的创意陶器;2)操作简单;3)装饰配件丰富。缺点:1)3D游戏画面,耗电较高。
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2023-08-13 11:16:211

porcelain 和 ceramic的区别

2023-08-13 11:16:343


陶艺作品曾获《全国第八届陶瓷创新设计评比》优秀奖并《楚天创新设计评比》及《中南之星艺术设计大赛》优秀奖项。2008年陶艺作品入选《全国第二届新秀陶艺家作品展》2008年参加第43届国际陶艺学会大会(IAC)西安2009陶艺作品入选《中国陶艺一百家》作品集,陕西人民出版社出版2009年陶艺作品入选《隔岸观火—2009中韩陶艺交流展》武汉美术馆2009年陶艺作品入选《湖北省第三届湖北现代陶艺展》2010年陶艺作品入选《2010中国景德镇当代国际陶艺展》2010年陶艺作品《金星》被中国陶瓷博物馆收藏2010年陶艺作品《MARS-1》被景德镇陶瓷博物馆收藏2010年现代陶艺论文获得第九届全国陶瓷艺术与设计创新评比金奖2011年陶艺作品入选《二次元-宁波国际陶艺展》2011年陶艺作品入选《2011高岭国际陶艺展》2012年陶艺作品参加《Start2012-武汉青年艺术家邀请展》2012年陶艺作品入选《2012中日韩国际陶艺展》Zhang Qi :China Ceramic Industrial Association (CCIA), Hubei Pottery Art Director2001 Graduated from Hubei Academy of Fine Arts mural professionalSince 2002, Ren Wuhan University of Technology South Campus Arts TeacherSince 1997, he studied under Professor Li Zhengwen study in ceramics, from 2003 onwards under the guidance of Professor Li Zhengwen pottery studio set up, mainly in ceramics, container shape, murals, sculptures and teaching landscape work. Ceramic works won Innovation of the Eighth ceramic design competitions, Award of Excellence and creative design competitions Chutian and South Star Art Design Competition Outstanding Awards.Pottery works in 2008 was selected Rookie Second National Exhibition of ceramic artistsIn 2008 to participate in the 43rd International Ceramics Society Conference (IAC) in Xi"an2009 ceramic works appeared in the Chinese Ceramics 100 portfolio, Shaanxi People"s Publishing House2009 ceramic works selected for standing on the sidelines -2 009 Korean Ceramics Exhibition Wuhan Museum2009 ceramic works appeared in the Third Hubei Province Hubei Modern Ceramics ExhibitionCeramic worksin 2010was selected2010 ChinaJingdezhenInternational CeramicExhibitionof ContemporaryCeramic worksin 2010by the ChineseCeramicsMuseumPapersreceivedin 2010the Ninthmodern ceramicsceramic artand design innovations withthe NationalGoldrating
2023-08-13 11:17:021


2023-08-13 11:17:1912


dark-red enameled pottery
2023-08-13 11:17:545


问题一:骨瓷好还是象牙瓷好? 骨瓷好。所谓骨瓷,是于1794年由英国人发明的。因在其黏土中加入牛、羊等食草动物骨灰(以牛骨粉为佳)而得名,是环保的绿色消费,品骨瓷是世界上公认的最高档瓷种。 问题二:骨质瓷,象牙瓷哪个贵?买餐具哪种好? 当然是象牙瓷比较贵,如果是当餐具使用的话还是建议买骨质瓷,不易损坏,可微波。 问题三:骨瓷和象牙白瓷哪个好 骨瓷的好一些,因为材质的选用要高档一下,做出来的东西也不一样。 象牙白瓷如果是选用餐具的话就有点不健康了,里面有化学成分太多 骨瓷相对比较健康环保。 问题四:20分~~什么是象牙瓷?? 中国三大瓷都介绍 景德镇陶瓷介绍 悠久的制瓷历史 中华向号瓷之国,景德镇历称瓷之都。瓷器是中国的伟大发明,瓷器是中国古代文明的象征,而景德镇又是这个瓷器之国的代表。外国人的瓷器称中国之名,又是瓷器之称。 莹莹白玉瓷,漫漫瓷都路。作为被人武称为“瓷都”的景德镇,制瓷历史悠久。 史书记载:“新平冶陶,始于汉世(景德镇古代叫新平镇)。早在汉代,当时的这个地区就已可能在商周原始瓷器的基础上,烧制出器表施有釉的“青瓷器”。这样,景德镇地区的制瓷历史已有两千年。 史书上的景瓷生产 据有关史料记载,汉代以后的景德镇地区,已有各种各样的瓷器生产。晋代时,有个叫赵慨的人,曾为当时景德镇地区瓷器质量的提高作出过巨大贡献,因而被后世人尊称为师主,历朝立庙祭祀。到了3公元583年,南朝的皇帝陈叔宝为了造豪华的庭台楼阁,下诏令要这里窑户烧造雕镂精巧的陶瓷柱,以供皇家使用。隋代,隋炀帝又要这里造狮象大兽两座献给皇宫。这说明当时的景德镇地区制瓷业已有相当的技艺水平,瓷器产品有了较大的影响。 强盛的唐帝国建立之后,高祖李渊武德年间(公元618-626年),当时又叫昌南镇的景德镇地区瓷业生产有了更大的发展,出了两个出名的制瓷人物,一个叫陶玉,一个叫霍仲初,他们所造的瓷器莹如玉土惟白壤,体稍薄,色素润,送到京都出售,被称为假玉器,轰动市场,皇帝下令作贡品,于是昌南瓷名天下。 蜚声中外的德化瓷器 福建德化县是我国著名的陶瓷产区,也是外销瓷器的重要基地。 德化瓷业已有一千多年的悠久历史。瓷器质地洁白坚硬,工艺精良、造型雅致,色泽莹润。 远在宋、元时代就进入国际瓷坛,蜚声海内外。曾与江西景德镇、湖南醴陵并称为中国“三 大瓷都”。 宋元时代,德化瓷器随着泉州港商业的繁荣和海外贸易的发展而畅销海外。现已发现了30 多处宋元时代瓷窑遗址,在东南亚、东非一些国家和地区也发现不少当时德化瓷的遗物,就是历史的见证。北宋时代德化以碗砰仑窑为代表的窑场,其制瓷工艺已采用轮制、模印和胎接成型的技术。以龙窑大量烧制青瓷、青白瓷、白瓷的各式碗、盘、杯、碟、瓶、罐、壶、盒、洗、花瓶;少量烧制黑釉茶碗等。使用刻花、划花和印花等装饰手法,于瓷器表面饰以莲瓣、牡丹、云水、蕉叶、缠枝花卉等花纹以及篾纹、菊瓣、葵纹、麦穗、卷草等几十种饰纹。这些产品在日本、菲律宾、泰国、马来西亚、印度尼西亚等地都有发现。到南宋时,瓷窑烧制技术又有新发展,烧制的白瓷,器型大,胎体薄,釉色滋润,白度度,透光度强,已达到秀高的水平。宋末元初,德化瓷窑有很大的改进,出现了一种介于龙窑和阶级窑(又称蛋式窑)之间,较易控制烧成火争的“鸡笼窑”。开始改变宋初以来使用还原烧成的老技术进入采用氧化烧成新技术阶段。此时窑场的生产规模亦有很大扩展,1976年考古发掘的屈斗宫宋代窑炉遗址,坡长达57.1米,共有17间窑室,这样大型的古窑炉,实为全国所罕见。这一时期的瓷釉,已经出现白中闪黄或泛红的新产品,瓷雕佛像已很流行。外销瓷仍占瓷器贸易的主要地位。 元代意大利著名旅行家马可u30fb波罗在他的行记中,曾盛选德化“瓷市甚多”、 “制作精美”、“购价甚贱”,并把德化瓷器带回意大利。据英国首任驻大使艾惕思到德化参观后证实,至今意大利博物馆还保留一件马氏当年带的德化家春岭窑的 小花插作品。 迨至明代,德化瓷业进入新的发展时期。无论是器物造型、烧制技术、产品质量、生产品种、工艺水平,装饰艺术等方面的综合发展水平都远在宋元之......>> 问题五:帮我解释一下"普通高白瓷"和"镁质瓷",急用!!! 普通高白瓷Normal High Whiteness Porcelain 镁质瓷,氧化镁瓷 magnesia porcelain -------------------- 陶瓷质地和类型 Qualities & Types of Pottery White Body 白胎 碧玉细炻器 jasper 薄胎瓷 thin china / egg-shell porcelain 彩陶器,釉陶 faience 陈设瓷,摆设瓷 display china / ornamental porcelain 瓷 porcelain, china (China ‘中国"来自"Chin""秦",在英文中"中国"和"瓷"同一单词) 赤陶 terracotta, terracotta, red earthenware 代尔夫精陶 delft 德化陶瓷 Te-hua porcelain, Dehua pottery 高温陶瓷 refractory china 低温陶瓷low-fired porcelain 工业陶瓷 industrial ceramics 工艺瓷,美术瓷,艺术瓷 art porcelain, art and craft china, art pottery, artistic china 骨瓷 bone china 古瓷ancient porcelain 官瓷 mandarin porcelain 光瓷 lusterware 黑色陶器 basalt 裂变瓷 crackled porcelain 裂纹瓷 crazed china 米色陶器 creamware 青瓷 celadon 青花瓷 blue and white porcelain 轻质瓷、轻瓷 light china 日用瓷 household china, table ware 软瓷 soft porcelain 杀菌陶瓷 antiseptic pottery 绳纹陶器 Rope figure pottery 施釉陶器 slipware 粗瓷 stoneware 素彩瓷 plain porcelain 陶 earthenware 陶瓷 pottery 无釉陶、陶瓷素烧坯 biscuit, unglazed ware 锡釉陶 majolica 细瓷 fine china 硬瓷 hard porcelain 赭色粘土陶器 terra sigillata 紫砂 purple granulated, purple sand, terra-cotta 长石瓷feldspar porcelain 瓷牙;牙科用瓷dental porcelain 瓷质纱网装饰瓷器lace work porcelain 电瓷electrical porcelain 雕塑瓷;象牙色帕利安瓷statuary porcelain 高铝瓷high-alumina porcelain 锆质瓷zircon porcelain 滑石瓷 steatite porcelain 化学瓷chemical porcelain 尖晶石瓷spinel porcelain 堇青石瓷cordierite porcelain 镁橄榄石瓷forsterite porcelain 镁质瓷;氧化镁瓷 magnesia porcelain 莫来石瓷mullite porcelain 耐热瓷器refractory ......>> 问题六:邯郸的瓷器 邯郸陶瓷源远流长,唐宋时期这里就有了著名的磁州窑,如今这里是全国著名的陶瓷综合产区。邯郸陶瓷集团总公司年产日用瓷3.17亿件、工业2000万件,产品行销世界60多个国家。邯郸日用瓷形成了以黄(象牙瓷、华玉瓷)、白(白玫瓷、强化瓷)、青(青花瓷)、黑(花釉艺术瓷)为主要特色的现代风格。 生产地点主要为武安,峰峰矿区,邯郸县和磁县. 产品出口! 企业主要有: 1国林陶瓷(邯郸)有限公司 国林陶瓷(邯郸)有限公司由原邯郸陶瓷集团第四瓷厂改制而成,现有职工2500余名,年生产日用瓷8500万件,年销售收入2.5亿元,年实现利税1500万元,主要产品有强化瓷系列,佳美瓷和骨质瓷。产品畅销欧美、非洲、澳洲、东南亚等40多个国家和地区及国内星级宾馆、酒店。力力商标是河北省著名商标,力力牌系列日用瓷是河北省首批重点名牌产品和国家日用陶瓷质量监督检验中心监制产品,也是河北省首家荣获原产地标记的产品,公司是ISO9001质量体系认证企业,技术力量雄厚,装备精湛。强化瓷及釉中彩系列产品是国家级重点新产品,先后多次荣获国家及省部级科技进步奖、质量管理奖及优秀新产品奖,2000年企业荣获全国“五一”劳动奖状。 2邯郸华玉瓷业有限责任公司 邯郸华玉公司现有日用瓷生产线8条,其中总厂4条,分厂3条,晶玉分厂1条(已与英国韦基吾德公司合作)。设备完善、工艺技术先进,可生产各种中、高档宾馆、饭店、微波炉等日用强化瓷、骨质瓷、炻瓷及釉中彩瓷. 3邯郸陶瓷集团有限责任公司 在被誉为“北国瓷都”的瓷州窑文化底蕴基础上发展上发展而来的邯郸陶瓷集团总公司,是享有自营出口的大型企业集团,现旗下属单位32家,职工总数2万人,年产日用1.5亿件,其中出口八千万件,设备精良,产品齐全,主要工厂已通过ISO9002国际认证,产品有普通白瓷,象牙瓷,强化瓷,骨质瓷和炻瓷等,适用于微波炉、洗碗机。无铅、无毒,率先踏入健康陶瓷行列,与很多知名的海外客户保持着长期友好的合作关系,产品远销56个国家和地区。
2023-08-13 11:18:131


2023-08-13 11:19:291


2023-08-13 11:19:514

一起玩陶艺吧(Pottery)这个游戏第10关 怎么过 求详细

2023-08-13 11:19:591


在小时候 用英语怎么说 作为一个短语可以说when I was young,作为一个名词,可以用childhood。 iciba 爱词霸,金山公司提供的,很好的在线翻译工具,提供各种版本的字典,包括专业用语,除了英语还有日语等语言的翻译以及全文翻译。 小时候的英文怎么说? When I was young当我小时候 在我小时候用英语怎么说 when I was a child 在我们小时候用英语怎么说 when we are youngwhen we are children 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*) 小时候的我用英语怎么说 10分 When I was young. 童年用英文怎么说 childhood 幼年时期, 童年时期. Her early childhood had been very happy. 她的童年生活的初期曾是很幸福的。 infancy 婴儿期, 幼年 boyhood (男姓的)童年, 少年时代 tender age 小时候不懂家的好 用英文怎么翻译 I didn"t realized the good meaning of my home when i was little. 小时候玩的一些游戏英语要怎么翻译?急,全部家当都给大家了! 捏泥巴 pottery make 打仗 fight 打玻璃弹子 billiards 吹肥皂泡 blow bubbles 玩弹弓 slingshot 抽陀螺 spinning top 过家家 play house 跳橡皮筋 elastic dance 躲猫猫 hide and seek 木头人 wooden boy 画老人 depiction 溜溜球 yo-yo 撒游戏棒 sticks 打纸板(翻纸板)cards 斗鸡 gamecock 扯铃 jingle bell 滚铁球 iron ball roller 跳房子 hopscotch 采桑葚 mulberry picking踢毽子 kicking shuttlecock 积木 toy bricks 竹蜻蜓 dragonfly 老鹰捉小鸡 catch me if you can 丢手帕 run after me 小时候,我们从未去过国外英文怎么翻译 When we were young, we never went overseas. 在我们年轻(小)时候,我们从未去过国外。 As children, we never been abroad. 小时候,我们从未去过外国。
2023-08-13 11:20:091


唐三彩 Tang Tricolo(u)r [陶瓷]
2023-08-13 11:20:202


  教师在引导学生阅读课内外经典美文的过程中,要提高学生认知、感悟、模仿经典美文的写作技能,让学生在持之以恒的经典美文阅读。下面我整理了七年级下册英语美文,希望大家喜欢!  七年级下册英语美文摘抄   busy忙   Once upon a time a very strong woodcutter asked for a job in a timber merchant, and he got it. The pay was really good and so were the work conditions. For that reason, the woodcutter was determined to do his best.   从前,有一个健壮的伐 木工 人到木材商那里找工作。他得到了一份工作,报酬非常高,而且工作条件也非常好。因此,伐木工决心要尽最大努力工作。   His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he was supposed to work.   老板给了他一把斧头,并带他看了他的工作地点。   The first day, the woodcutter brought 18 trees.   第一天,伐木工带回了18棵树。   "Congratulations," the boss said. "Go on that way!"   “祝贺你!”老板说:“就这么干,继续!”   Very motivated by the boss"s words, the woodcutter tried harder the next day, but he could only bring 10 trees. Day after day he was bringing less and less trees.   老板的话给了伐木工极大的鼓舞。第二天,他更加努力地干活,但却只带回了15棵树。第三天,他干得更起劲儿了,但是只带回了10棵树。日复一日,他带回的树越来越少。   "I must be losing my strength," the woodcutter thought.He went to the boss and apologized, saying that he could not understand what was going on.   伐木工想:“我一定是力量不够了。”他找到老板,怀着歉意说自己也不知道是怎么了。   "When was the last time you sharpened your axe?" the boss asked.   老板问道:“你上一次是在什么时候磨的斧子?”   "Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to cut trees..."   “磨斧子?我没有时候磨斧子。我一直忙着砍树呢。。。”   七年级下册英语美文鉴赏   The Gold Chain金链   Once upon a time, there was a poor fisherman who always dreamed of becoming rich. He wished to become a millionaire, and so did his wife.   很久以前,有个贫穷的渔夫,他总是梦想着能够发大财,希望自己能够成为百万富翁,他妻子也是如此。   He had heard from some old men before, that several ships loaded with diamonds and gold had once sunk in the nearby seashore.   他曾听一些年长者说过,以前有几艘载满金银珠宝的船只沉没在附近的海域。   Because of this, for a long time he kept searching that whole area for this treasure.   因此,长期以来,他一直在这一带的海域里搜寻着金银珠宝。   One day, while he was sitting on the boat daydreaming, he suddenly felt that the fishing rod was being weighed down by a heavy object.   有一天,正当他坐在船上想入非非时,忽然感到钓线被非常沉重的东西拖住了。   He excitedly pulled hard at it, and what he saw made him exclaim,“Wow! A big, shiny gold chain!”   他非常兴奋,使劲地往上拉,当鱼线拖出水面时,他不禁大声尖叫起来:“哇!金光闪闪的长金链!”   He pulled hard at the gold chain to get it into the boat, but there seemed to be no end to it. His boat started to get over-loaded and the sea water filled his boat.   他拼命地把金链子往船上拖,可是似乎没有尽头。他的小船超载了,海水开始灌进船舱。   However, he had begun dreaming of a big house, a big piece of land and buying horses and cows...He kept pulling in the chain though the boat kept sinking.   然而,他却依旧没完没了地做着黄粱美梦:可以买一幢大房子,置一大片稻田,再买下几头牛、几匹马u2026u2026尽管小船一直往下沉,他却依然拖着金链。   The boat was finally submerged and he struggled to stay afloat. Unfortunately his feet were entangled in the gold chain and he drowned.   最后,小船终于沉下去了,落入水中的他拼命挣扎想游出水面。不幸的是,他的双脚被金链死死缠住,淹死了。   七年级下册英语美文赏析   The Potter陶工   Once there was a very religious and skillful potter whose pottery was well-known far and wide. However, he was not satisfied with his finely crafted but fragile pottery. He thought if the pottery made by him could be unbreakable, his reputation and his business would be even better. He prayed hard to God to grant his wish for unbreakable pottery. 从前,有个虔诚信仰宗教、技艺高超的陶工,他制作的陶器远近闻名。可是,他对自己精心制作的陶器并不满意,因为陶器很容易碎。他心想,要是他制作的陶器永远摔不破,那么他的声誉就会更高,买卖就会更兴隆。于是,他便向上帝祷告,苦苦祈求上帝让他实现他制作的陶器打不破的愿望。   One night, he dreamt that God said to him, "If you are sure you won"t regret it, I will make your wish come true." The potter said, "Yes, God, I am sure that I will not regret it." The next morning, the first thing the potter did when he woke up was to test whether God had granted his wish. In his workshop, he used the clay to craft a pot. Then he dried it under the sun. When the pot was dried, he lifted it and dashed it to the floor. The pot did not break! The potter was filled with joy. The news of the unbreakable pots made by the potter spread very fast. People from all over the world rushed here for his pottery. He became very rich and famous.   一天夜里,他梦见上帝对他说:“如果你确信自己将来不后悔,我就让你实现这一愿望。” 陶工说:“是的,上帝,我决不后悔。”第二天早晨,陶工醒来后做的第一件事就是要检验一下上帝是否满足了他的愿望。他来到陶器制作室,用粘土做了一个罐子,然后把它放在阳光下晒。罐子晒干后,他便举起它使劲往地上摔去,罐子果然完好无损。陶工满心欢喜。陶工制作的罐子摔不破的消息,很快传开了。四面八方的人们都纷纷赶来抢购他的陶器,他因此赚了好多钱,名声大振。   But, the good fortune did not last. After a while, his business slowed down. Although everybody kept praising his product, whoever bought one did not need to buy another again because the pots were unbreakable. The business got poorer by the day, as did his financial status. He now kept praying to God to let him recover his original pottery. One night, he dreamt that God appeared to him. Tearfully, he begged God to forgive him for his foolishness. God said, "Because you admit your mistake, I will forgive you and make your latest wish come true." So from then onwards, the potter"s original pottery was once again in great demand.   但是,好景不长。没过多久,他的生意就清淡了下来。虽然大家对他的陶器赞不绝口,但是,由于他制作的陶器永远摔不破,所以买一个就无需再买了。生意一天天地萧条,他的经济状况也每况愈下。现在他只好不断地向上帝祷告,希望上帝能恢复他原来那样的陶器。一天晚上,陶工又梦见了上帝,他眼泪汪汪地祈求上帝原谅他的愚蠢无知。上帝说:“既然你承认自己错了,我就原谅你,也满足你最近的愿望。” 从那时起,陶工制作的陶器又变成原来那样一摔就破了,人们对陶器的需求大增,陶工的生意也再次兴隆起来。
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:一周年:纸婚 Paper Wedding 二周年:棉婚 Cotton Wedding 三周年:皮婚、皮革婚Leather Wedding 四周年:毅婚、花果婚 Silk Wedding 五周年:木婚 Wood Wedding 六周年:铁婚、糖婚 Iron Wedding 七周年:铜婚、毛婚 Copper Wedding 八周年:陶器婚、铜婚Appliance Wedding 九周年:柳婚、陶婚 Pottery Wedding 十周年:锡婚 Tin Wedding 十一周年:钢婚 Steel Wedding 十二周年:绕仁婚、丝婚 Linen Wedding 十三周年:花边婚 Lace Wedding 十四周年:象牙婚 Ivory Wedding 十五周年:水晶婚 Crystal Wedding 二十周年:搪瓷婚、磁婚 China Wedding 二十五周年:银婚 Silver Wedding 三十周年:珠婚、珍珠婚Pearl Wedding 三十五周年:珊瑚婚 (碧玉婚) Coral(Jade)Wedding 四十周年 红宝石婚 Rudy Wedding 四十五周年 蓝宝石婚 Sapphiye Wedding 五十周年 金 婚 Golden Wedding 五十五周年 翠玉婚 Emerald Wedding 六十周年 钻石婚 Diamond Wedding
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Tang Tri-colored Glazed Pottery
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normal Hihg Whire Porcelain 普通高白瓷magnesia porcelain 镁质瓷
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第一年是纸婚(意思是一张纸印的婚姻关系,比喻最初结合薄如纸,要小心保护!)Paper wedding第二年棉婚(加厚一点,尚须磨炼!)Cotton wedding第三年皮革婚(开始有点韧性)Leather wedding第四年花果婚 (有花有果)第五年木婚(硬了心,已经坚韧起来)Wood wedding水晶婚第六年铁婚(夫妇感情如铁般坚硬永固) Iron or Sugar Candy wedding第七年铜婚(比铁更不会生锈,坚不可摧) Copper wedding第八年陶婚(如陶瓷般美丽,并须呵护)Pottery wedding第九年柳婚 (像垂柳一样,风吹雨打都不怕。)Willow wedding第十年锡婚 (锡器般坚固,不易跌破。)Tin wedding第十一年钢婚 (如钢铁般坚硬,今生不变。)Steel wedding第十二年链婚 (像铁链一样,心心相扣)Linen wedding第十三年花边婚 (多姿多彩,多样化的生活)Lace wedding第十四年象牙婚(时间愈久,色泽愈光亮美丽)Ivory wedding第十五年水晶婚 (透明清澈而光彩夺目)Crystal wedding以后每5年一个名称:第二十年 瓷婚 (光滑无暇,需呵护,不让跌破)China wedding第二十五年 银婚 (已有恒久价值,是婚后第一个大庆典)Silver wedding第三十年 珍珠婚 (像珍珠般浑圆 ,美丽和珍贵)Pearls wedding第三十五年珊瑚婚(嫣红而宝贵,生色出众)Coral wedding第四十年 红宝石婚 (名贵难得,色泽永恒)Ruby wedding第四十五年 蓝宝石婚 (珍贵灿烂,值得珍惜)Sapphire wedding第五十年 金婚 (至高无上,婚后第二大庆典,情如金坚,爱情历久弥新)Golden wedding第五十五年翡翠婚(如翡翠玉石,人生难求)Emerald wedding第六十年 钻石婚(夫妻一生中最大的一次结婚典庆,珍奇罕有,今生无悔,是最隆重庆典)
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