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你好,我也需要一份love is the drug的中英文歌词,谢谢。邮箱

2023-05-19 20:02:15


作词∶Bryan Ferry/Andrew Mackay 作词∶渡船/安德鲁·麦凯布莱恩。

作曲∶Bryan Ferry/Andrew Mackay 作曲∶渡船/安德鲁·麦凯布莱恩


T"aint no big t"ing 没有太大的"aint T "ing T

To wait for the bell to ring 要等到铃响了

T"aint no big t"ing 没有太大的"aint T "ing T

The toll of the bell 贝尔的人数

Aggravated ― spare for days 加重业余好几天了。- - - - - - -

I troll downtown the red light place 我巨魔市中心红灯的地方

Jump up bubble up ― what"s in store跳跃的泡沫——隐藏着什么

Love is the drug and I need to score 爱是毒品和我需要进球

Showing out showing out, hit and run 显示出来,显示出肇事逃逸

Boy meets girl where the beat goes on 男孩遇见女孩打下去的地方

Stitched up tight, can"t shake free 缝紧,不能动摇自由

Love is the drug got a hook on me 爱是药物有钩在我身上

Oh oh catch that buzz 哦哦,听清楚的嗡嗡声

Love is the drug I"m thinking of 爱是药物我想

Oh oh can"t you see 哦哦,难道你看不出来

Love is the drug for me爱是药物给我

Late that night I park my car 这天夜间停车

Stake my place in the singles bar 我家股份单打酒吧

Face to face, toe to toe Heart to heart as we hit the floor 面对面地交流,脚趾,以趾发自内心我们敲地板

Lumber up limbo down 下了地狱的木材

The locked embrace, the stumble round 那个锁着的怀抱,跌倒圆的

I say go, she say yes我说去,她说,是的

Dim the lights, you can guess the rest把灯光调暗,你可以想休息一下

Oh oh catch that buzz 哦哦,听清楚的嗡嗡声

Love is the drug I"m thinking of 爱是药物我想

Oh oh can"t you see 哦哦,难道你看不出来

Love is the drug with a hook in me 爱是药物钩钩住我

Oh oh catch that buzz Love is the drug 哦哦赶上那嗡嗡声爱是毒品

I"m thinking of Oh oh can"t you see 我在考虑哦哦,难道你看不出来

Love the drug for me 爱的药物给我




  Maybe I need some rehab, or maybe just need some sleep

  I"ve got a sick obsession, I"m seeing it in my dreams

  I"m looking down every alley, I"m making those desperate calls

  Im staying up all night hoping, Hit my head against the walls

  What you"ve got boy is hard to find

  i Think about it all the time

  I"m all strung up my heart is fried

  I just cant get you off my mind

  Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug

  Your love your love your love

  I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug

  Your love your love your love

  Won"t listen to any advice, mama"s telling me to think twice

  But left to my own devices i"m addicted its a crisis!

  My friends think I"ve gone crazy, my judgment is getting kinda hazy

  My status is gonna be affected if I keep it up like a love sick crackhead

  What you"ve got boy is hard to find

  i Think about it all about it all the time

  I"m all strung up my heart is fried

  I just cant get you off my mind

  Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug

  Your love your love your love

  I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug

  Your love your love your love

  I don"t care what people say

  The rush is worth the price I pay

  I get so high when you"re with me

  But crash and crave you when you leave away

  So I got a question;

  Do you want to have a summer party in my basement?

  Do I make your heart beat like a native drum?

  Is my love, your drug?

  (huh) Your drug? (huh) your drug? (huh) your drug?

  Is my love, your drug?

  Because your love, your love, your love, is my drug

  Your love your love your love

  I said your love, your love, your love, is my drug

  Your love your love your love (x2)























































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2023-01-09 08:39:122


加重英文是aggravate。作为动词的意思是加重;使恶化;激怒。词根助记:解析:ag 加强语气 + grav 沉重 + ate 构成动词 -> 使更加严重 -> aggravate 加剧。联想:aggravated adj. 加重的;恶化的。aggravating adj. 加重的;令人恼怒的。aggrandize v. 吹捧。aggregate v. 汇集 n. 集合 adj. 总计的。aggregation n. 聚集。allocate v. 分配;拨给。句子:1、Smoking will aggravate your disease.吸烟会加重你的疾病。2、I was aggravated by his rude words and behaviors.我被他粗鲁的言行激怒了。3、The emission of carbon dioxide aggravates the air pollution.二氧化碳的排放加剧了空气污染。4、He would only aggravate the injury by rubbing it.他揉擦伤口只会使伤势加重。
2023-01-09 08:39:211

怎样翻译 aggravated assault

aggravated assault中文翻译:强攻
2023-01-09 08:39:463


1、exacerbate 使问题、麻烦变得更糟,适用任何事体 Her mother"s interference exacerbated the difficulties in their marriage. 乱上添乱 Scratching exacerbates a skin rash. 常告诫孩子不要挠哈2、aggravate 基本同义,但主要用于病情,危局或险情 He aggravated his condition by leaving hospital too soon. 病情恶化3、aggravate 尚有“激怒”某人的用法,相当于 annoy,而 exacerbare 就相当专一了哈。 Why you come often to aggravate the deputy-director of your department.
2023-01-09 08:40:023


加剧aggravate; exacerbate; intensify; prick up
2023-01-09 08:40:272


  正常人的血压随内外环境变化在一定范围内波动。在整体人群,血压水平随年龄逐渐升高,以收缩压更为明显,但50岁后舒张压呈现下降趋势,脉压也随之加大。那么,你知道高血压的英语怎么说吗?   高血压的英语释义:   hypertension   high blood pressure   hyperpiesis   高血压的英语例句:   从这种药草提炼出来的精华对治疗高血压有效。   The essence drawn out from this medicinal herb is good for high blood pressure.   女性男性高血压患者需要更多强调高血压的控制。   Women with high blood pressure need more emphasis on hypertension control.   重新定义高血压,或许可帮助医生在更早期的阶段发现高血压。   Redefining hypertension may help physicians identify the disease earlier. 高血压的英文单词   高血压引起更多的高血压病。   Hypertension leads to more hypertension.   恶性高血压是最容易导致死亡的一种高血压。   Malignant hypertension is the most lethal form of hypertension.   成年人的血压若持续地高于正常范围,就是患有高血压。   Hypertension is persistent elevation of blood pressure above the normal range.   提示葛根素对高血压病有积极的治疗价值。   These results induced that puerarin has therapeutic value for hypertension.   脑出血是晚期高血压最严重的并发症。   Cerebral hemorrhage is the most serious late complications of hypertension.   他的生活方式容易使他患高血压。   His lifestyle predisposed him to high blood pressure.   玛丽:你有高血压?   Mary: Do you have hypertension?   医生说父亲得服这种新药治疗他的高血压。   The physician says that Father has to go on this new drug for his blood hypertension.   在那些高血压的人当中,69%正在接受治疗,然而,只有 45%的血压得到控制。   Of those with high blood pressure, 69% are receiving treatment, yet, only 45% have their blood pressure controlled.   还要考虑到你的健康风险,你是否有高胆固醇血症或者高血压?   Also consider your health risks. Do you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure?   三分之一的成人患有高血压,然而却有约 21%的人甚至不知道他们已患此病。   One in three adults has high blood pressure, yet, about 21% don"t even knowthey have it.   几乎所有人都需要低食盐的饮食,因为已有很多研究表明食盐能增加患高血压的风险。   Almost all of us could do with less salt, which has been shown to increase the riskof high blood pressure.   然而,这份 报告 也带来了一些关于高血压的好消息。   The report had some good news, however, about high blood pressure,.   但盐和几十种含有钠的化合物——盐里的一种元素,与高血压有关——在食品杂货店里从这一头到另一头的加工食品里无所不在。   But salt and dozens of compounds containing sodium — the element in salt linkedto hypertension — have become omnipresent in processed foods from one end ofthe grocery store to the other.   高血压和高胆固醇都是风险因素,但是每种疾病有自身的遗传风险因素,这些因素与环境影响(比如压力和饮食)相互作用。   Hypertension and high cholesterol levels are both risk factors, but each conditionhas its own set of genetic risk factors, which interact with environmental influencessuch as stress and diet.   研究人员还指出:中风的危险因素有许多,如高血压、肥胖和吸烟,这些危险因素可以改变,可是家史是无法改变的。   There are many risk factors for stroke, such as high blood pressure, obesity andsmoking. These risks factors can be changed, but family history cannot, they added. huzhangao.   如果你有太多的脂肪----特别是当它们集中在您的腰部的时候----那你正面临着诸如高血压、高胆固醇和糖尿病等健康问题的更高的风险。   If you have too much fat — especially if a lot of it is at your waist — you"re athigher risk for such health problems as high blood pressure, high bloodcholesterol and diabetes.   如果你有高血压或者患有心脏、眼睛、神经和肾脏之类的疾病,或者其他糖尿病并发症,在怀孕前,你需要先治疗它们,因为它们可能在怀孕期加重。   If you have high blood pressure or signs of heart, eye, nerve or kidney disease —or other diabetes complications that may be aggravated by pregnancy — youmay need treatment before conception.   然而瑟哈德里说,父母在65岁之前得中风影响最大的是那些具有高风险中风因素的子女,如患有高血压的子女。   However, the biggest effect of a parental stroke by age 65 is on offspring whohave a high stroke risk factor such as high blood pressure, Seshadri said. huzhangao.   数十年的研究表明,食用钠盐的习惯可能是导致高血压和心脏病的元凶。   Decades of research have suggested that our sodium habit is killing us viahypertension and heart disease.   所有受试者至少有一个患心脏病的风险因素,比如高血压,高胆固醇,糖尿病或严重超重。   All had at least one risk factor for heart disease. These include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes or being severely overweight.   眼科医生通过查看视网膜可以察觉出高血压的迹象。   Eye doctors can detect evidence of high blood pressure by looking at the retina   在老年人身上,其原因和其他冠心病问题是相同的:高血压,高胆固醇和吸烟。   In older people, the causes are the same as for other coronary problems:hypertension, high cholesterol and smoking.   它甚至能够导致像骨质疏松和高血压这样的健康问题。   It can even lead to health problems such as osteoporosis or high blood pressure.   实际上是发现你的体重是否已经到了可以导致高血压的程度。   Find out, in fact, if your weight is leading to high blood pressure.   高血压和高胆固醇可以控制。   Hypertension and high cholesterol can be controlled.
2023-01-09 08:40:361

日益加重 英文怎么讲

become worse with each passing day.
2023-01-09 08:40:522


亵智蒙尘,愚痴因缘愚痴是三毒之一,因为不敬佛经、不读佛经,造成无明由来的因缘Never put Buddhism books in unclean places to make them blasphemed by dust,Or Avidya(梵语,无明、愚痴) formed since immeasurable kalpas(无始劫以来) ago would be aggravated as a result.注:类似对联,上下文13词,尾韵齐同供参
2023-01-09 08:41:161


crimemurderkidnapstealrubberkidnappermurderercrime scenethief
2023-01-09 08:41:223


" Spring Festival just crossed every year, countryside worn-outsmall station on crammed full tens of thousands of farmers. They onlya goal, goes to the city. At the beginning of the 80"s, thecountryside reform, caused the great amount the farmer to liberatefrom the land, ran in abundance to the city looks for the work. Fromthat after, this kind of large-scale popular uprising continuouslymakes the city to feel the headache. This not only is because hascreated the enormous pressure to the city facility, moreover theyworried can initiate many societies to be contradictory, therefore theexternal labourer is often regarded as two and so on the citizen,cannot become the city peoples, the child cannot study in the city,but on the other hand, city and economic development zone developmentanxious need large quantities of labor forces to factory andconstruction work site. Moreover the government also felt if does notlet the farmer come out, lets them also get rich, city and countryside贫富差别 further will enlarge. But farmer"s disaffectionintensifies, can cause the society to be turbulent. "
2023-01-09 08:41:342


是here we go again—paramore 吗~
2023-01-09 08:41:433


720ilcs5/185)秒. 5月18日. 情节严重的抢劫行为. (a)某人犯抢劫罪加重时,他或她对财产的人或在场的另一个 使用武力或武力威胁迫在眉睫使用武力,同时表示口头或由他或她 行动的受害者,他或她是目前手持枪支或其他危险的武器, 包括一把刀,俱乐部,ax,还是打棍子. 这次进攻应适用,尽管它后来断定他或她有没有枪支或其他 危险武器,包括一把刀,俱乐部,ax,或是打棍子, 在他或她的身上时,他或她犯了抢劫. (5)某人犯抢劫罪加重时,他或她的财产,由一人或当着另 通过交付(注射,吸入摄食,移交占有权, 或任何其他方式)向受害者,他或她的同意,或通过威胁或欺骗, 而除了医疗用途,任何控制物质. (b)句. 情节严重的抢劫是一类的重罪. (资料来源:通膨90593,eff. 1999年1月1日; 90735,eff. 1998年8月11日; 91357,eff. 1999年7月29日).
2023-01-09 08:41:572

多变量图示法 | 切尔诺夫脸谱图

由于脸谱图有15个指标,而crime只有7个变量,因此有些变量由2个指标表示。总结如下: 脸高,眼宽,耳朵高度表示murder(谋杀); 脸宽,头发高度表示forcible_rape(强奸); 脸的结构,头发宽度表示robbery(抢劫); 嘴巴高度,头发发型表示aggravated_assault(恶意攻击); 嘴宽,鼻子高度表示burglary(夜盗); 微笑,鼻子宽度表示larceny_theft(盗窃); 眼高,耳朵宽度表示motor_vehicle_theft(机动车辆盗窃)。 如上图,我们很清楚地看到Arizona和California 的眼睛高度和耳朵宽度都比其他的大,证明再Arizona和California这两个地方的motor_vehicle_theft案件比其他地方多。 结果解释同上
2023-01-09 08:42:071

far away from和far from

2023-01-09 08:42:142

《Marshall Mathers》的歌词

歌词:Marshall Mathers [Eminem]You know I just don"t get itLast year I was nobodyThis year I"m sellin recordsNow everybody wants to come around like I owe em somethinHeh, the fuck you want from me, ten million dollars?Get the fuck out of hereChorus One: EminemYou see I"m, just Marshall Mathers (Marshall Mathers)I"m just a regular guy,I don"t know why all the fuss about me (fuss about me)Nobody ever gave a fuck before,all they did was doubt me (did was doubt me)Now everybody wanna run they mouthand try to take shots at me (take shots at me)[Eminem]Yo, you might see me joggin, you might see me walkinYou might see me walkin a dead rottweiler dogwith it"s head chopped off in the park with a spiked collarhollerin at him cause the son of a bitch won"t quit barkin(grrrr, ARF ARF) Or leanin out a window, with a cocked shotgunDrivin up the block in the car that they shot "Pac inLookin for Big"s killers, dressed in ridiculousblue and red like I don"t see what the big deal isDouble barrel twelve gauge bigger than Chris WallacePissed off, cause Biggie and "Pac just missed all thisWatchin all these cheap imitations get rich off "emand get dollars that shoulda been their"s like they switched walletsAnd amidst all this Crist" poppin and wristwatchesI had to sit back and just watch and just get nauseousand walk around with an empty bottle of Remi Martinstartin shit like some 26-year-old skinny Cartman ("God damnit!")I"m anti-Backstreet and Ricky Martinwith instincts to kill N"Sync, don"t get me startedThese fuckin brats can"t sing and Britney"s garbageWhat"s this bitch retarded? Gimme back my sixteen dollarsAll I see is sissies in magazines smilingWhatever happened to whylin out and bein violent?Whatever happened to catchin a good-ol" fashionedpassionate ass-whoopin and gettin your shoes coat and your hat tooken?New Kids on the Block, sucked a lot of dickBoy/girl groups make me sickAnd I can"t wait "til I catch all you faggots in publicI"ma love it.. (hahaha)Vanilla Ice don"t like me (uh-uh)Said some shit in Vibe to spite me (yup)Then went and dyed his hair just like me (hehe)A bunch of little kids wanna swear just like meand run around screamin, "I don"t care, just bite me" (nah nah)I think I was put here to annoy the worldand destroy your little 4-year-old boy or girlPlus I was put here to put fear in faggots who spray Faygo Root Beerand call themselves "Clowns" cause they look queerFaggot2Dope and Silent GayClaimin Detroit, when y"all live twenty miles away (fuckin punks)And I don"t wrestle, I"ll knock you fuckin faggots the fuck outAsk "em about the club they was at when they snuck outafter they ducked out the back when they saw us and bugged out(AHHH!) Ducked down and got paintballs shot at they truck, blaow!Look at y"all runnin your mouth againwhen you ain"t seen a fuckin Mile Road, South of 10And I don"t need help, from D-12, to beat up two femalesin make-up, who may try to scratch me with Lee Nails"Slim Anus," you damn right, Slim AnusI don"t get fucked in mine like you two little flaming faggots!Chorus Two: EminemCause I"m, just Marshall Mathers (Marshall Mathers)I"m not a wrestler guy,I"ll knock you out if you talk about me (you talk about me)Come and see me on the streets aloneif you assholes doubt me (assholes doubt me)And if you wanna run your mouththen come take your best shot at me (your best shot at me)[Eminem]Is it because you love me that y"all expect so much of me?You little groupie bitch, get off me, go fuck PuffyNow because of this blonde mop that"s on topand this fucked up head that I"ve got, I"ve gone pop?The underground just spunned around and did a 360Now these kids diss me and act like some big sissies"Oh, he just did some shit with Missy,so now he thinks he"s too big to do some shit with MC Get-Bizzy"My fuckin bitch mom"s suin for ten millionShe must want a dollar for every pill I"ve been stealinShit, where the fuck you think I picked up the habit?All I had to do was go in her room and lift up her mattressWhich is it bitch, Mrs. Briggs or Ms. Mathers?It doesn"t matter your {*attorney Fred Gibson"s a*} faggot!Talkin about I fabricated my pastHe"s just aggravated I won"t ejaculate in his ass (Uhh!)So tell me, what the hell is a fella to do?For every million I make, another relative suesFamily fightin and fussin over who wants to invite me to supperAll the sudden, I got 90 some cousins (Hey it"s me!)A half-brother and sister who never seen meor even bothered to call me until they saw me on TVNow everybody"s so happy and proudI"m finally allowed to step foot in my girlfriend"s houseHey-hey! And then to top it off, I walked to the newsstandto buy this cheap-ass little magazine with a food stampSkipped to the last page, flipped right fastand what do I see? A picture of my big white assOkay, let me give you motherfuckers some help:uhh, here - DOUBLE XL, DOUBLE XLNow your magazine shouldn"t have so much trouble to sellAhh fuck it, I"ll even buy a couple myselfChorus One (2X)
2023-01-09 08:42:276


2023-01-09 08:42:504


A poor intern was afflicted with a sinus [infection]. He hadn"t got enough medical [insurance] to cover the expense and therefore had to work overtime to earn a few bucks, which, in turn, aggravated his symptom. He had wished his [tutor] and others in the [software] company could show some [sympathy] and extend a little [elementary] [corporate] courtesy, yet [folks] around simply [challenged] the seriousness of his illness. The very misunderstood intern [predicted] a dire future, and desperately prayed for someone to let him off the [hook].
2023-01-09 08:43:061


2023-01-09 08:43:214


rob英 [rɒb] 美 [rɑːb]vt.抢劫;掠夺;盗取robbery英 [ˈrɒbəri] 美 [ˈrɑːbəri]n.盗窃;抢劫;掠夺
2023-01-09 08:43:368


一些经济评论员做之间的联系越来越多的贷款拖欠,事实上,美国的工人工作时间平均每周赚的钱不多。这是创造一个更加灵活、更加不稳定的劳动市场作为雇主无礼。一大段大段的北美雇员看到一个真正的下降,在过去的几年中收入。利率的上升所强加于2004年6月以来,美联储已经终于太沉重的抵押贷款有关的家庭收入。事实上上升支付拖欠不只局限在房地产领域:现在关注贷款及信用卡。 双重标准, 2007年8月有特殊的效果都在危机美国和欧洲。“在周五,在欧洲,10日在美国,一个不可思议的事情发生了:在24小时内银行变得太不可信的对方做任何相互借贷,使得中央银行介入。在4天的2007年8月14日,欧洲央行(ECB),[欧洲中央银行]泵近230亿欧元的liquidities打入市场。”美国联邦储备委员会扮演同样的事情。我们的动态响应和欧洲货币当局从而避免多发性破产。2007年12月,来自13个在共同行动,这一范围从未目睹之前,欧洲央行(ECB),联邦储备银行的英国,加拿大银行及瑞士国家银行(支持日本央行)再抽入拆借市场巨大的liquidities,表明了危机还没有结束。 在回应的美国和欧洲的政治和金融机构的流动性危机开始于2007年8月的响应强加在印尼官方的国际货币基金组织(IMF)的支持下,这些政府的时候,1997 - 1998年亚洲金融危机。第一种情况,美国和欧盟将liquidities拯救了银行,而在印度尼西亚、国际货币基金组织实施破产的银行在数十种拒绝让要么印尼中央银行、国际货币基金组织(IMF)本身liquidities借钱给他们。这在一个社会灾难和大量增加,因为在内部公共债务清偿债务的失败的私人银行被转移到印尼的状态。另一个巨大的差别:干的危机,美国货币当局自2007年8月降低利率(像他们一样在2001年和2004年5月),而国际货币基金组织(IMF)要求印尼政府提高利率,大大加重因素的危机。双重标准为南北
2023-01-09 08:44:333


the take-off of the occidental big shots and soap operas aggravates the invasion of foreign culture
2023-01-09 08:44:454


I am now in Dakar. Sorry I can"t type Chinese here.Dakar is in a tropical climate. but the urban cool breezes moderate the heat and humidity.The rainy season (June to November) brings heavy downpours along with strong southeastern winds.The dry season (December to May) is aggravated by the hot, dry winds.
2023-01-09 08:45:034


2023-01-09 08:45:182


Nowadays,the traffic situation is deteriorating because of the increasing cars and the rich people. People always complain the usualness traffic jam and the bus late. They make a lot of people being late for work or school. Increasing cars make our life esaier, but it also bring us some social problems. As a matter of fact, the traffic situation will be better if most of us follow the traffic rules.Or traffic department pay more attention on management. For people who live near their working place or school,they could choose bike instead of bus or car.
2023-01-09 08:45:263


Increase in common crime committed in the problem, involving a lot of arguments. Criminal law scholars in China studies, are generally limited to crimes with a common problem of Consequential Aggravated rarely increase the offenders involved in other areas, such as aggravated offense committed and the amount of increase. Common crimes committed in aggravating the problem, in fact, covers the theory and add to constitute the theory of common crime in many aspects, the two are closely related, inextricably linked. In this paper, a common crime committed in aggravating the problem outlined in the basic theory for the beginning, and then introduced Consequential Aggravated circumstances increase the offense, committed to increase the amount of these three cases, with different types of common crimes, the problems arising. Includes four parts. The first part of the problem. Put forward on the main points of this article, because of the heavier acts committed in an objective and subjective differences sins, crimes, and common practice, resulting in a different way, the resulting question is whether, in theory should be to build a common criminal add to the concept of guilty, with a view to conviction on a more equitable sentencing. The second part of the problem Consequential Aggravated common crime. Detailed in this section of Consequential Aggravated with different types of common elements of crime analysis, crime Consequential Aggravated summary of the common elements, and on this basis the problem of the different types of common crime listed Consequential Aggravated cases, be explained in detail. At the same time, the theory is basically at home and abroad focused on the common Consequential Aggravated crime issues through to say for sure that the negative, said partition, said that the decision of the investigation were to analyze the theoretical basis for the theory to the corresponding Analysis. The third and fourth part of a common crime committed aggravated the problem, increase the amount of common crime committed in the issue. These two parts is a common crime in the Consequential Aggravated discuss some basic theory on the basis of the analysis of cases to identify the exceptions. This article is not simply a theoretical elaboration, but the theory into practice, through case by means of an increase of common crime committed by a more detailed classification of the list through a typical case and analysis, in different circumstances, the start of the increase common crimes committed by the general solution of this proposition, with a view to innovation.哇,好难啊!呵呵
2023-01-09 08:45:382


中文:由于需要长时间让像机场关闭,飞机短缺的主要干扰,加快等均可能被证明不切实际的考虑有限的发动机为动力的飞机的性质。 然而,这种策略可以发挥重要的作用,当发生轻微的延迟,因为规模小,我们可以结合延误航班以及取消,如有必要,以便更有效地恢复性能下的系统中断。 本研究的目的是评估系统的最优轻微延误一个次优的,不能由内置的缓冲区operation.Given实际时空网国内航空公司的时候,我们运用数学编程技术吸收,构建解决方案上述models.The战略将作为模型内部方面的限制。 经常性延误可completely.Resolved在非经常性的情况下,通过内置的缓冲时间,但没有那么对于低票价,如西南,美西的低成本航空公司,并Delte快,利用率高的空气工艺品是不可避免的要在比较长的距离在三年对口飞往four.Furthermore底部line.On平均每个在这样的短途旅行的航空公司飞每五至六年的腿,地面保温时间与敌人航空器多站的时间表可能会持续20到30分钟,每个stop.Under这种情况下,延迟传播的问题只会加剧时,所有这些航空母舰后续航班延误。 1755年以美国西南航空公司的航班,例如,从奥克兰起飞的航班12:50,到达11:25时,在巴尔的摩通过三个停止20分钟,盐湖城25和-里诺圣路易斯20 sequence.The多站行程的执行情况的这么短的时间限制的理由会更加不安,如果有一个或多个非经常性延误,如空域拥挤,空中交通管制延误,机场关闭,飞机停止服务......等航空公司实时网络提供即时艾滋病双方航空公司的调度管理人员的事件时有参加系统或地方的传播原因包括不利气象条件,飞机故障,船员无故缺席,故障安全inspection.The此即时的主要目标,实时决策支持框架,是维持,尽管许多因素可能会降低的航班时间,尽管许多因素可能会减少正常运作的时间表的可能性的飞机,抵港及离港的航班正常运作时间路由。尽管航空公司调度的研究已经在最近几年流行的,很少的工作一直致力于实时中断情况下的决策支持框架。日语:それは、空港の闭锁や航空机の不足のような主要な摂动を容易にするために时间がかかるので、チラシを加速して航空机の限られたエンジンパワーの性质を考虑して非现実的かもしれない。 それにもかかわらず、この戦略は、マイナーな遅延が必要な场合は规模が小さいので、我々は、遅延便と同様にキャンセルと组み合わせることができますシステムの中断で回复の性能を可能にするために、発生することが重要な役割を果たすことができる。 本研究の目的は、评価するために、ビルドに组み込み、実际の时空间ネットワークをoperation.Given国内航空会社のバッファ时间で、我々が适用されます。数理计画法により吸収することはできませんマイナーな遅延のためのサブ最适解最适上记のmodels.The戦略は、モデル内の侧の制约とさせていただきます。 再発遅延は、非再発ものの场合、ビルトインのバッファ时间ではなく、これによってcompletely.Resolvedすることができる低运赁については、南西部、アメリカ西部のような低コスト航空会社、およびDelte Expressの使用率が高いエアクラフトは、グランド保持时间敌エアクラフトと、four.Furthermoreに3つの上を飞んで长距离対応と比较してこのような短距离の航空会社の下にある各マイレージサービスあたりの五から六の足を移动する下line.On平均をせざるを得ないマルチストップのスケジュールは、各stop.Underこのような状况で20〜30分间続くことが、遅延の伝播の问题は、悪化するときに航空母舰のすべてのこれらの遅延后続便。 南西航空会社のフライトを1755とると、例えば、フライトが12:50でオークランドから出発を介し23:25ボルティモアに到着三sequence.Theのセントルイス20 25 20分、ソルトレイクシティ、および- Renoを停止するこのような短い接地时间によって制限マルチストップ旅程の実行はあまり空域混雑、航空交通管制の遅延、空港の闭锁、サービスの航空机のうちのような1つまたは复数の非再発の遅延があるときは、邪魔される......等 航空会社のリアルタイムネットワークは、システムまたは伝播の原因で起きている事件有害な気象条件、航空机の故障、乗组员のunexcusedが存在しないことを含むがあるたびに航空会社のスケジュールマネージャに両侧に瞬时に援助を提供し、この実の内訳セキュリティinspection.Theの主要な目标时间意思决定支援のフレームワークは、时刻表を追いついての可能性を减少させるかもしれない多くの要因にもかかわらず、便の时间の可能性を减らすかもしれない多くの要因にもかかわらず、航空机、到着便の出発时间のルーティングの通常の操作を维持することです。航空会社のスケジュールの研究は、近年人気のされているが、ほとんどの仕事が中断で、リアルタイムの意思决定支援のフレームワークに専念してきました。
2023-01-09 08:45:486

far from与far的区别,far away from的用法

2023-01-09 08:46:142


surf the Internet sleep nine hours every nightbe bad forgo home after schooleat less meatgo to the dentisttwo days agobe angry wity tiredleaveplan to do sth.10 miles away from schoolWhat"s the day today?go to the concertin hospitalin some waysstop talking call the English centerget along well with sb.once to twice a week
2023-01-09 08:46:235

far from和far away from什么区别

2023-01-09 08:46:445


加重英文如下: [词典]    make or become heavier; increase the weight of; make or become more serious; aggravate; become heavier; flare-up; aggravation.参考例句:An award of aggravated damages if still compensatory加重性损害赔偿仍然是补偿性的。Loading the Barbell给杠铃加重Ice water aggravated my toothache.冰水使我的牙痛加重了。Jan dosed herself with medicines to stop the cold from getting worse简服药以防止感冒加重。The serious incident along the border increased our fears of the war.边境上的紧张局势加重了我们对战争的忧虑。Some sedatives produce the paradoxical effect of making the person more anxious.一些镇静剂适得其反,加重了患者的焦虑。The rent increase will hit the pockets of the poor.租金的提高将加重穷人的负担。He would only aggravate the injury by rubbing it.他揉擦伤口只会使伤势加重。As a result of gain weight, cadre system bear is aggravating.由于体重增加,骨骼系统负荷加重。I wouldn"t think of putting you to any further strain.我不想再加重你的负担了。
2023-01-09 08:47:081


翻译成英文是My condition is aggravated下图是翻译截图
2023-01-09 08:47:171


B alleviated alleviate 英[əˈli:vieɪt] 美[əˈliviˌet] vt. 减轻,缓和; [例句]Nowadays, a great deal can be done to alleviate back pain.如今,减轻背部疼痛可以有许多方法。
2023-01-09 08:47:261


2023-01-09 08:47:371

lack 的用法?

2023-01-09 08:47:482


都不对with the aggravating proliferation of guns
2023-01-09 08:47:571


Excellent teacher of erosion, aggravated the imbalance of education development
2023-01-09 08:48:052


George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron (22 January 1788 – 19 April 1824) was an English poet and a leading figure in Romanticism. Among Lord Byron"s best-known works are the narrative poems Childe Harold"s Pilgrimage and Don Juan. The latter remained incomplete on his death. He was regarded as one of the greatest European poets, and is still widely read.Lord Byron"s fame rests not only on his writings, but also on his life, which featured extravagant living, numerous love affairs, debts, separation, and allegations of incest and sodomy; he was famously described by Lady Caroline Lamb as "mad, bad, and dangerous to know". Byron served as a regional leader of Italy"s revolutionary organization the Carbonari in its struggle against Austria, and later travelled to fight against the Turks in the Greek War of Independence, for which the Greeks consider him a national hero. He died from fever in Missolonghi.His daughter Ada Lovelace, notable in her own right, collaborated with Charles Babbage on the analytical engine, a predecessor to modern computers.[Early life]Catherine Gordon, Byron"s motherByron was born in London, the son of Captain John "Mad Jack" Byron and his second wife, the former Catherine Gordon, heiress of Gight in Aberdeenshire. His paternal grandfather was Vice-Admiral John "Foulweather Jack" Byron, who had circumnavigated the globe, who was the younger brother of the 5th Baron Byron, known as "the Wicked Lord". He is one of the descendents of King Edward III of England.From Byron"s birth he suffered from a malformation of the right foot (clubfoot), causing a slight lameness, which resulted in lifelong misery for him, aggravated by the suspicion that with proper care it might have been cured. He was christened George Gordon after his maternal grandfather, George Gordon of Gight, a descendant of King James I. This grandfather committed suicide in 1779. Byron"s mother Catherine had to sell her land and title to pay her father"s debts. John Byron may have married Catherine for her money and, after squandering it, deserted her. Byron"s parents separated before his birth. Catherine moved back to Scotland shortly afterwards, where she raised her son in Aberdeen until 21 May 1798, when the death of his great-uncle made him the 6th Baron Byron, inheriting Newstead Abbey, rented to Lord Grey de Ruthyn during Byron"s adolescence.He received his formal education at Aberdeen Grammar School. In 1801 he was sent to Harrow, where he remained until 1805, when he proceeded to Trinity College, Cambridge. There he met and shortly fell deeply in love with a fifteen year old choirboy by the name of John Edleston. About his "protégé" he wrote, "He has been my almost constant associate since October, 1805, when I entered Trinity College. His voice first attracted my attention, his countenance fixed it, and his manners attached me to him for ever." Later, upon learning of his friend"s death, he wrote, "I have heard of a death the other day that shocked me more than any, of one whom I loved more than any, of one whom I loved more than I ever loved a living thing, and one who, I believe, loved me to the last." In his memory Byron composed Thyrza, a series of elegies, in which he changed the pronouns from masculine to feminine so as not to offend sensibilities.[Travels to the East]From 1809 to 1811, Byron went on the Grand Tour then customary for a young nobleman. The Napoleonic Wars forced him to avoid most of Europe, and he instead turned to the Orient, which had fascinated him from a young age anyway. Correspondence among his circle of Cambridge friends also makes clear that a key motive was the hope of homosexual experience. He travelled from England over Spain to Albania and spent a lot of time there and in Athens. While in Athens he had a torrid love affair with Nicolò Giraud, a boy of fifteen or sixteen who taught him Italian. In gratitude for the boy"s love Byron sent him to school at a monastery in Malta and bequeathed him seven thousand pounds sterling – almost double what he was later to spend refitting the Greek fleet. For most of the trip, he had a travelling companion in his friend John Cam Hobhouse. On this tour, the first two cantos of his epic poem Childe Harold"s Pilgrimage were written, though some of the more risqué passages, such as those touching on pederasty, were suppressed before publication.[1][Beginning of poetic career]Some early verses which he had published in 1806 were suppressed. He followed those in 1807 with Hours of Idleness, which the Edinburgh Review, a Whig periodical, savagely attacked. In reply, Byron sent forth English Bards and Scotch Reviewers (1809), which created considerable stir and shortly went through five editions. While some authors resented being satirized in its first edition, over time in subsequent editions it became a mark of prestige to be the target of Byron"s pen.After his return from his travels, the first two cantos of Childe Harold"s Pilgrimage were published in 1812, and were received with acclamation. In his own words, "I awoke one morning and found myself famous." He followed up his success with the poem"s last two cantos, as well as four equally celebrated Oriental Tales, The Giaour, The Bride of Abydos, The Corsair, and Lara, which established the Byronic hero. About the same time began his intimacy with his future biographer, Thomas Moore.[Political career]Byron eventually took his seat at the House of Lords in 1811, shortly after his return from the Levant, and made his first speech there on 27 February 1812. A strong advocate of social reform, he received particular praise as one of the few Parliamentary defenders of the Luddites. He also spoke in defence of the rights of Roman Catholics. These experiences inspired Byron to write political poems such as "Song for the Luddites" (1816) and "The Landlords" Interest" (1823). Examples of poems where he attacked his political opponents include "Wellington: The Best of the Cut-Throats" (1819) and "The Intellectual Eunuch Castlereagh" (1818).[Poetic works]Byron wrote prolifically.[3] In 1833 his publisher, John Murray, released the complete works in 17 octavo volumes, including a life by Thomas Moore. His magnum opus, Don Juan, a poem spanning 17 cantos, ranks as one of the most important long poems published in England since Milton"s Paradise Lost. Don Juan, Byron"s masterpiece, often called the epic of its time, has roots deep in literary tradition and, although regarded by early Victorians as somewhat shocking, equally involves itself with its own contemporary world at all levels – social, political, literary and ideological.Lord Byron (1803), as painted by Marie Louise Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun.The Byronic hero pervades much of Byron"s work. Scholars have traced the literary history of the Byronic hero from Milton, and many authors and artists of the Romantic movement show Byron"s influence -- during the 19th century and beyond. The Byronic hero presents an idealised but flawed character whose attributes include:having great talent exhibiting great passion having a distaste for society and social institutions expressing a lack of respect for rank and privilege thwarted in love by social constraint or death rebelling suffering exile hiding an unsavoury past ultimately, acting in a self-destructive manner
2023-01-09 08:48:141

英文“ 次贷”怎么说

There will always be people who"ll hurt you
2023-01-09 08:48:203


Hotel (novel)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaHotel is a 1965 novel by Arthur Hailey. It is the story of an independent New Orleans hotel, the St. Gregory, to regain profitability and avoid being assimilated into the O"Keefe chain of hotels. The St. Gregory is supposedly based on the Fairmont New Orleans.CharactersPeter McDermott, manager Warren Trent, proprietor Christine Francis, secretary to Warren Trent Aloysius Royce, administrative assistant to Warren Trent Curtis O"Keefe, owner of the O"Keefe chain Dorothy "Dodo" Lash, O"Keefe"s starlet companion Albert Wells, aging hotel guest The Duke and Duchess of Croydon, guests in the Presidential Suite Ogilvie, house detective Julius "Keycase" Milne, hotel thief The novel was adapted into a movie in 1967, and later into a television series.The main character is Peter McDermott, the general manager with a "past" who is trying to redeem himself. Although the lead man, he is only the first among equals as he tries to put out several fires at the same time: The Hotel"s unpayable (and unrenewable) mortage is due on Friday, necessitating its sale; the Duke and Duchess of Croydon are hiding out in the hotel from their responsibility for a gruesome hit-and-run accident; a hotel thief is operating in the building; a group of teen-aged boys create a major "incident" that is aggravated by the fact that they are the sons of the local banker, car dealer, and other town notables. All of these crises are resolved, some more expeditiously than others, and mostly to Peter"s satisfaction, although he has to share the spotlight with the perpetrators and others listed above.The multiple-plot line of Hotel is handled using an interesting modular format. The story is set over a period of five weekdays, Monday through Friday, featuring several events (and "leading characters") each day. This makes for a somewhat disjointed narrative, whose redeeming features are the inherent interest of most of the subplots, and the fact that "multiple causation" is common in the real world. No "channel-surfing" is necessary because the book does it for you.Hailey"s meticulous research means that he is big on telling details, especially regarding the dark side of the hotel: Meg Yetmein, the cleaning lady, "gets hers back" by smuggling out steaks under her clothing toward the end of her shift; Tom Earlshore, the fired bartender, does much the same by "skimming" liquor. There are other, deeper, darker secrets that aren"t fit to reveal to a family audience. But there is a lot of good here as well: A super-conscientious furnace man helps solve the Hotel"s most important mystery, and the building"s most neglected and long-suffering guest steps forward to the financial rescue of the Hotel.
2023-01-09 08:48:311


2023-01-09 08:48:372

lack 的用法 可以和in搭配么?

2023-01-09 08:48:451

far away 和far away from的区别

2023-01-09 08:48:501


中国历史。History of China The recorded history of China began in the 15th century BC when the Shang Dynasty started to use markings that evolved into the present Chinese characters. Turtle shells with markings reminiscent of ancient Chinese writing from the Shang Dynasty have been carbon dated to as early as 1500 BC.[1] Chinese civilization originated with city-states in the Yellow River (Huang He) valley. 221 BC is commonly accepted to be the year in which China became unified under a large kingdom or empire. In that year, Qin Shi Huang first united China. Successive dynasties in Chinese history developed bureaucratic systems that enabled the Emperor of China to control increasingly larger territory that reached maximum under the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty and Manchurian Qing Dynasty. The conventional view of Chinese history is that of a country alternating between periods of political unity and disunity and occasionally becoming dominated by foreign peoples, most of whom were assimilated into the Han Chinese population. Cultural and political influences from many parts of Asia, carried by successive waves of immigration, expansion, and assimilation, merged to create the Chinese culture. Xia Dynasty The historian Sima Qian (145 BC-90 BC) and the account in Chinese the Bamboo Annals date the founding of the Xia Dynasty to 4,200 years ago, but this date has not been corroborated. The Shang and Zhou people had existed within the Xia Dynasty since the beginning of Xia. They were Xia"s loyal vassals. The exact time of the Xia Dynasty is hard to define, but mainly focused on two options, either 431 years or 471 years. Shang Dynasty Remnants of advanced, stratified societies dating back to the Shang found in the Yellow River Valley.The earliest discovered written record of China"s past dates from the Shang Dynasty in perhaps the 13th century BC, and takes the form of inscriptions of divination records on the bones or shells of animals—the so-called oracle bones. Archaeological findings providing evidence for the existence of the Shang Dynasty, c 1600–1046 BC is divided into two sets. The first set, from the earlier Shang period (c 1600–1300 BC) comes from sources at Erligang, Zhengzhou and Shangcheng. The second set, from the later Shang or Yin (殷) period, consists of a large body of oracle bone writings. Anyang in modern day Henan has been confirmed as the last of the nine capitals of the Shang (c 1300–1046 BC). The Shang Dynasty featured 31 kings, from Tang of Shang to King Zhou of Shang; it was the longest dynasty in Chinese history. Zhou Dynasty Bronze ritual vessel, Western Zhou DynastyMain article: Zhou Dynasty By the end of the 2nd millennium BC, the Zhou Dynasty began to emerge in the Yellow River valley, overrunning the Shang. The Zhou appeared to have begun their rule under a semi-feudal system. The Zhou were a people who lived west of Shang, and the Zhou leader had been appointed "Western Protector" by the Shang. The ruler of the Zhou, King Wu, with the assistance of his brother, the Duke of Zhou, as regent managed to defeat the Shang at the Battle of Muye. The king of Zhou at this time invoked the concept of the Mandate of Heaven to legitimize his rule, a concept that would be influential for almost every successive dynasty. The Zhou initially moved their capital west to an area near modern Xi"an, near the Yellow River, but they would preside over a series of expansions into the Yangtze River valley. This would be the first of many population migrations from north to south in Chinese history. Spring and Autumn Period Chinese pu vessel with interlaced dragon design, Spring and Autumn Period.In the 8th century BC, power became decentralized during the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋时代), named after the influential Spring and Autumn Annals. In this period, local military leaders used by the Zhou began to assert their power and vie for hegemony. The situation was aggravated by the invasion of other peoples from the northwest, such as the Qin, forcing the Zhou to move their capital east to Luoyang. This marks the second large phase of the Zhou dynasty: the Eastern Zhou. In each of the hundreds of states that eventually arose, local strongmen held most of the political power and continued their subservience to the Zhou kings in name only. Local leaders for instance started using royal titles for themselves. The Hundred Schools of Thought (诸子百家,诸子百家) of Chinese philosophy blossomed during this period, and such influential intellectual movements as Confucianism (儒家), Taoism (道家), Legalism (法家) and Mohism (墨家) were founded, partly in response to the changing political world. The Spring and Autumn Period is marked by a falling apart of the central Zhou power. China now consists of hundreds of states, some only as large as a village with a fort.
2023-01-09 08:48:572

be far from和be far away from区别

2023-01-09 08:49:093


Vincent van Gogh, for whom color was the chief symbol of expression, was born in Groot-Zundert, Holland. The son of a pastor, brought up in a religious and cultured atmosphere, Vincent was highly emotional and lacked self-confidence. Between 1860 and 1880, when he finally decided to become an artist, van Gogh had had two unsuitable and unhappy romances and had worked unsuccessfully as a clerk in a bookstore, an art salesman, and a preacher in the Borinage (a dreary mining district in Belgium), where he was dismissed for overzealousness. He remained in Belgium to study art, determined to give happiness by creating beauty. The works of his early Dutch period are somber-toned, sharply lit, genre paintings of which the most famous is "The Potato Eaters" (1885). In that year van Gogh went to Antwerp where he discovered the works of Rubens and purchased many Japanese prints. In 1886 he went to Paris to join his brother Théo, the manager of Goupil"s gallery. In Paris, van Gogh studied with Cormon, inevitably met Pissarro, Monet, and Gauguin, and began to lighten his very dark palette and to paint in the short brushstrokes of the Impressionists. His nervous temperament made him a difficult companion and night-long discussions combined with painting all day undermined his health. He decided to go south to Arles where he hoped his friends would join him and help found a school of art. Gauguin did join him but with disastrous results. In a fit of epilepsy, van Gogh pursued his friend with an open razor, was stopped by Gauguin, but ended up cutting a portion of his ear lobe off. Van Gogh then began to alternate between fits of madness and lucidity and was sent to the asylum in Saint-Remy for treatment. In May of 1890, he seemed much better and went to live in Auvers-sur-Oise under the watchful eye of Dr. Gachet. Two months later he was dead, having shot himself "for the good of all." During his brief career he had sold one painting. Van Gogh"s finest works were produced in less than three years in a technique that grew more and more impassioned in brushstroke, in symbolic and intense color, in surface tension, and in the movement and vibration of form and line. Van Gogh"s inimitable fusion of form and content is powerful; dramatic, lyrically rhythmic, imaginative, and emotional, for the artist was completely absorbed in the effort to explain either his struggle against madness or his comprehension of the spiritual essence of man and nature.
2023-01-09 08:50:082


China is a frequent natural disasters and the country every year,in some areas drought,spate calamity,landslides,the frost,typhoons,the hail,the grass,waiting for disasters and pests and diseases should attack.the earthquake,disaster can also occur to the people"s lives and property incurred severe losses.because The humanity produces the activity not reasonably,has caused the environment worsening,the environment worsened suggestion or aggravated the natural disaster occurrence,but the natural disaster occurrence further destroyed the environment
2023-01-09 08:50:211


2023-01-09 08:50:273


bits of wood;filings;sawdust将木屑与玻璃渣被推入伤口以使其进一步感染。Infection was aggravated by forcing wood shavings and ground glass into the wounds.
2023-01-09 08:50:382

bonus 和 award 的区别

bonus n. 红利,奖金She"s very dissatisfied at not getting a bonus.她因未能获得奖金而深感不满。An unexpected bonus had revived the spirits of Keycase Milne.一笔意外的收入使奇开匙·米尔恩的精神重新振作起来。I licked my chops when I thought of that huge bonus.我一想到有那么一大笔红利就垂涎三尺。In addition to his salary, he has a bonus of 25 yuan per month.除工资外,他每月还有二十五元钱奖金The firm recognized Tom"s outstanding work by giving him an extra bonus.公司发给汤姆一笔额外奖金以表彰他工作出色.award n. 奖, 奖品; 奖学金; 奖状; 判决v. 赏给, 颁发I"ve received award letters from five universities!我已经收到了五所大学的奖学金通知!OOCL received a coveted Smithsonian Institute award for Innovation in 1999 for its groundbreaking achievements with IRIS-2"东方海外于1999年凭IRIS-2的创新成就,获颁发 ""Smithsonian Institute award for Innovation"" 奖项。"An award of aggravated damages if still compensatory.加重性损害赔偿仍然是补偿性的。Have you heard the good news about my award?你听到我获奖的好消息了吗?My best friend won the high school senior goof-off award.我最要好的朋友赢得高三的"游手好闲"奖。The loser"s scorn for the award is pure sour grape.失败者对奖品的轻视纯粹是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。根据句子自己理解吧,然后消化吸收,这样就永远不会忘记
2023-01-09 08:50:471


2023-01-09 08:50:536