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2023-08-22 08:09:56
TAG: 英语



very good 英[ˈveri ɡud] 美[ˈvɛri ɡʊd]

adv. 很好; 大好;

[例句]She"s not a very good influence on the youth of this country.



very good


really not bad



it"s okaynot bad
2023-08-13 05:24:309

不错 用英文怎么说

RightNot badGood YesGreat
2023-08-13 05:25:293


nice; excellent; great; good; fantastic
2023-08-13 05:25:361


very good uff0cwell doneuff0cnot bad
2023-08-13 05:25:4813


Not bad.
2023-08-13 05:26:247


问题一:【还不错】用英语怎么说 还不错 Not bad 问题二:还不错,英文怎么说,谢谢 It"s ok It"s not bad It"s quite good Good 还不错 有不同的含义: 稍高于一般的,尚好,良好的,令人满意的,过得去的, 可以的, ... 究竟哪个翻译最精确要看说者的本意 问题三:你说的不错 英语怎么说 You"re right I like what you said. 问题四:你英文说的不错英语怎么说 You speak English well. You oral English is very good. 问题五:我的英语不错 用英语怎么说 I study English well. 问题六:“看起来不错”用英语怎么说? 不错好像不是good/well/nice/great吧?。。。 不错=alright "looks alright"-看起来不错 问题七:“干得好,不错,好样的”英文怎么说? 非常地道了!最后一个不对 nice doning,没有这样表达的 问题八:非常好用英语怎么说 20分 您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。 原句:非常好 翻译: very go珐d;beyond pare;as good as wheat;tiptop;very well;fin; 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。 问题九:拍的不错挺好看,英语怎么说的 拍打 [词典] beat; pat; flap; slap; flutter; [例句]它们拍打着翅膀飞走了。 Beating their wings they flew off
2023-08-13 05:26:401

很不错 英文?

2023-08-13 05:26:503


“不错的选择”用英文:A good choice.重点词汇释义不错right; correct; not bad; ok选择choice; choose; select; opt双语例句1、我和女儿都认为这是个不错的选择。Both my daughter and I agreed this was a good choice. 2、就目前来看,这是一个不错的选择。Currently, this is a not bad choice in practice. 3、因为马尔代夫环水,我想我会吃些海鲜,海鲜会是个不错的选择。I think I will have some seafood since Maldives is surrounded by water.
2023-08-13 05:27:181


不错 that"s great太有才 you"re genius鄙视你 kiss my ass
2023-08-13 05:27:284


not bad 不错
2023-08-13 05:27:384


2023-08-13 05:28:275


It sounds good. It sounds not bad.
2023-08-13 05:28:563


译成英语为:1 notbad2 wellenough你的采纳我的动力希望我能继续帮你
2023-08-13 05:29:131


very well/ not bad/so terrible
2023-08-13 05:29:212


Overall not bad
2023-08-13 05:29:315


YOU speak Chinese well
2023-08-13 05:29:518


feel good
2023-08-13 05:30:096


问题一:“干得好,不错,好样的”英文怎么说? 非常地道了!最后一个不对 nice doning,没有这样表达的 问题二:干的好用英文怎么说 10分 well done 问题三:“干得好!”用英文怎么说? good job, well done, perfect, excellent, bravo, man!!!! 越往后越口语化,特别是最后一个在美国其实很常用,看到别人干得很漂亮,hey, man!功!当然,对女的不适用。 问题四:做得好用英语怎么说? well done英[wel d?n] 美[w?l d?n] [释义]做得不错; [网络]全熟; 你干得非常好; 全熟是; [例句]They were still slightly bemused but at the end of the conversation they were like, ‘ well done ". 他们仍略感困惑,但在谈话结束时,他们大多会对我说,‘做得不错"。 问题五:最好不要那样做用英语怎么说? you" better not do that 问题六:在英语方面做得很好的翻译英语 在英语方面做得很好的翻译英语 she is good at english be good at 英[bi: ud ?t] 美[bi ?d ?t] v. 擅长; 健; 精通; 熟谙; [网络] 擅长于; 在某方面擅长; 擅长...; [例句]No one expects you to be good at everything. 没人会指望你什么都擅长。 进行更多翻译 问题七:“在某方面做的更好”用英语怎么说? 在某方面做的更好 Done in a better被认为应该、拿走、身份证、帮助别人、获得足够的锻炼、职业足球运动员、昨天夜里、开始上课、溜冰马拉松、一双溜冰鞋。Should be considered, taken, identity cards, to help others, receive adequate training, professional football player, last night, the beginning of class, ice-skating marathon, a pair of skates. 问题八:最好是这样英语怎么说 要有前后文吧,不然很难知道你到底指哪方面最好是这样. 如果对方说他会怎么样做,你用严肃的语气说最好是这样的话,英文应该是Yo锭"d better do.
2023-08-13 05:30:231


译成英语为:1 notbad2 wellenough你的采纳我的动力希望我能继续帮你
2023-08-13 05:30:321


2023-08-13 05:31:095


not bad
2023-08-13 05:31:265


Looks good
2023-08-13 05:31:424


英文不错吖!English is good!
2023-08-13 05:31:512


好:good不错:not bad很有意思:Interesting无聊:boring
2023-08-13 05:31:591


2023-08-13 05:32:317


well done; Good job; You did a very good job
2023-08-13 05:32:552


你好!觉得很不错I think it"s good.
2023-08-13 05:33:031


  不错,是指高于一般的,好、对、可以。表示肯定、正确。那么你知道不错用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    不错英语说法1:   right    不错英语说法2:   not bad    不错英语说法3:   good    不错的英语例句:   你的眼力不错。   You"ve made a good choice.   我认为我考得不错。   I think I did OK in the exam.   这听上去挺不错的。   It sounds quite all right.   你看这不错吧,海伦?   That all right with you, Helen?   还不错,谢谢。   OK, thanks.   我们吃了顿很不错的午餐。   We had a very tolerable lunch.   她相当不错,但还不能与他母亲相比。   She is pretty good, but she can"t hold a candle to her mother.   他一直都干得不错,这也表示球队也一直运转不错。   He has been doing well and it also shows the team has been doing well.   不错,不错,这一天看来总算不是太差呢。   This might not turn out to be such a bad day after all.   最近几周我们的表现不错,我们的杯赛状态一直不错。   We have looked good in recent weeks and our cup form has been good.   “但是伙食不错,”他补充道。“没错,”潘蒂埃里表示同意。   "But it"s good grub," he added. "You"re right," Pantieri assented.   亚马逊公司称,WiFi关闭状态下,电池可用8小时;一直看电影的话,电池可用7.5小时,这听起来还算不错。   The company says you "ll get 8 hours of battery life in between charges with WiFi off and 7.5 hours of battery life of straight movie-viewing, which sounds about right.   我的英语说得不错,但是口音很重。   I spoke rather good, but heavily accented English.   他安慰自己说,伊曼纽尔看上去是个不错的男孩,会是女儿的好玩伴。   He consoled himself that Emmanuel looked like a nice boy, who could be a good playmate for his daughter.   它的视觉效果相当不错,部分原因在于书中有16页精美的彩色照片和数百张雅致的黑白图像。   It looks good, thanks in part to 16 pages of beautiful color photographs and hundreds of tasteful black-and-white images.   我们在Dynamics上进行了两笔收购,每一笔花费刚过十亿&相信我,它们看起来真的不错。   Dynamics, we did two acquisitions, each just over a billion& believe you me, they look really good.   一代Pebble是一款不错的设备,但它的设计充满了休闲运动感,而许多买家希望看到更百搭的设计。   The pebble was a good first device, but its casual sporty design left more than a few shoppers seeking a more versatile look.   而对于乔布斯最伟大的成就iPad,盖茨的评价只有简单的一句话:“还不错。”   Meanwhile, gates summed up one of jobs "greatest achievements, the iPad, by saying simply, “ it" s okay. ”   大的方面,你不妨花几天时间弄懂初创企业相关法律法规&这里推荐一本不错的入门书籍。   More generally, it "s a good idea to spend a few days getting smart about startup-related law u2013 this is a good book to start with.   我们为此调查了一些分析师,他们给出的预测不如IDC和高德纳的乐观,但也算不错了。   In that context, the estimates coming in from our survey of analysts look worse than IDC "s and Gartner" s, but not as bad as they might.
2023-08-13 05:33:221


2023-08-13 05:33:385


问题一:还不错,英文怎么说,谢谢 It"s ok It"s not bad It"s quite good Good 还不错 有不同的含义: 稍高于一般的,尚好,良好的,令人满意的,过得去的, 可以的, ... 究竟哪个翻译最精确要看说者的本意 问题二:非常好用英语怎么说 20分 您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。 原句:非常好 翻译: very go珐d;beyond pare;as good as wheat;tiptop;very well;fin; 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。 问题三:非常好用英语怎么翻译 Very good 问题四:我的英语不错 用英语怎么说 I study English well. 问题五:你英语说的很好。用英语怎么翻译 You speak fluent English. or Your spoken English is very good. or Your oral English is very good. 祝你开心如意! 问题六:你英文说的不错英语怎么说 You speak English well. You oral English is very good. 问题七:“太好了”用英语怎么说?多写几种啊 Great! That"s great! Very very nice! Fantastic! Wonderful! It"s wonderful! Amazing! Really good! 【其他应用】: 1.Good to hear that. 太好了。 2.Sounds terrific. 太好了。 3.How nice! 太好了! 4.Splendid! 太好了! 5.This is really neat! 太好了! 6.Very good, Mr Chen. 太好了,陈先生。 7.That would be lovely. 那太好了! 8.It is very kind of you. 您太好了。 9.That would be nice of you. 那太好了! 10 That sounds great. 那太好了。 ……等等 问题八:非常好用英文怎么说 very good! excelent! great! worderful! 问题九:“干得好,不错,好样的”英文怎么说? 非常地道了!最后一个不对 nice doning,没有这样表达的 问题十:“比较好”用英语怎么说 口语中的比较好是:1、It"s not bad 。 2、Not too bad 3、Fair to middl常ng 4、Jesus Is Just Alright
2023-08-13 05:33:551


问题一:【还不错】用英语怎么说 还不错 Not bad 问题二:还好用英语怎么说 还好 not bad Ok (Okay), so far. 目前还好。 Do you feel alright? 您还好吗? Yes, not too bad, thanks. 还好,谢谢。 Quite well, thank you. 还好。谢谢。 Did you have a nice day so far? 怎么样,今天这大半天过得还好吗? I feel tolerably well today. 我今天还好。 问题三:【还不错】用英语怎么说 还不错 well enough; not so dusty; not bad; 问题四:看起来还不错英文怎么说 看起来还不错_ 有道词典 It looks good. 问题五:怎么说呢,都还好。用英语怎么说 How to say it, all right. 问题六:“还好”用英语怎么说 just so so. that"s all right. 问题七:还好 用英语怎么说?! not bad all right ok so-so 以上四个都行 问题八:这个星期我过得还不错的英文怎么说 i was well in this week 求采纳
2023-08-13 05:34:021


【还不错】用英语怎么说 还不错 Not bad 还好用英语怎么说 还好 not badOk (Okay), so far. 目前还好。 Do you feel alright? 您还好吗? Yes, not too bad, thanks. 还好,谢谢。 Quite well, thank you. 还好。谢谢。 Did you have a nice day so far? 怎么样,今天这大半天过得还好吗? I feel tolerably well today. 我今天还好。 还好 用英语怎么说?! not bad all right ok so-so 以上四个都行 看起来还不错 英文怎么说 看起来不错It looks nice 听起来不错是sounds good 日文是:见たところ悪くありません 请问“我认为效果还不错”英语怎么翻译? I think it is quite effective. I think there"s quite an effect. I think the effect is quite close to the desired / expected I think the result is quite OK. 怎么说呢,都还好。用英语怎么说 How to say it, all right. “还好”用英语怎么说 just so so. that"s all right.
2023-08-13 05:34:091


它看起来不错,用英语可以这样说:It looks good.解析:核心词语/句式:看起来:look,它是一个系动词,后面可加形容词;不错,好:nice;看起来不错:look nice.“it”是第三人称单数,因此,动词“look"用第三人称单数形式“looks”.整句话合起来就是“It looks nice”,即“看起来不错”。可以用来描述人和景,和吃的,可以用来称赞他人
2023-08-13 05:34:171


你好!还不错Not bad
2023-08-13 05:34:381


您的问题很简单.百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句:真不错 翻译:Nice one ;It"s wonderful.I like it very much ;Marvelous 这还真不错That"s real good 钱真不错Geld ist schoen 真不错啊So fine 听起来真不错That sounds really nice;It sound good;Sounds good;It Sounds So Good 这个主意真不错that"s a good idea 那感觉真不错That smells wonderful 手气真不错Feeling Really Lucky 你干得真不错I admire your work 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译.
2023-08-13 05:34:471


2023-08-13 05:34:565


大家都说了我就补充一下把1楼正解2楼错误 YOUR ENGLISH SPEAKING IS VERY GOOD这是高级点的说法QQ719964405
2023-08-13 05:35:265


sound good !(语气一般)听起来不错! sound great !(语气加重一些 )听起来很棒! sound fantastic !(语气更重)听起来妙极了!
2023-08-13 05:36:031


问题一:英语学得好用英文怎么说 study English well 问题二:英语学得很好用英语怎么说? well 因为是修饰动词 “学”,要用副词的,good只是形容词,well才是副词。 问题三:“我一定要学好英语”用英语怎么说? I must study English well. 问题四:学好英语很容易 英语怎么说 It"s easy to learn English well.学好英语很容易 There is a library between the bank and the supermarket. 在银行和超市之间有一个图书馆 There is no bus from my home to school. So I ride my bike to school. 所以我骑自行车去上学 My dream is to go to the Disneyland with my friends.我的梦想是和朋友一起去迪斯尼乐园 问题五:她英语学的不错用英语怎么说 She learns English well. Her English is good. She is good at Engish. She does well in English. 这几种表达都可以 问题六:好好学习的英语怎么说呀? 都可以,但get down to study应改为get down to studying study hard是努力学习贰意思 get down to 表示开始认真着手一件事,后面可以跟名词或doing 问题七:你英语学的不错 怎么翻译成英文? You learn English very well. You have a good study of English. 都可以 问题八:学好英语用英文怎么说 30分 学好英语: learn English well 例句: It is important to【 learn English well】. 学好英语很重要。 I think you can埂【learn English well 】. 我想你能学好英语。 望采纳,祝开心! 问题九:学好英语是很重要的用英语怎么说 It"s important to learn english well. 保证正确率,望采纳 如有疑问,请追问
2023-08-13 05:36:191


那听起来不错英语:That sounds good。重点词汇:sound,英语单词,名词、动词、形容词、副词。1、作名词时意为“声音;噪音;音响;海峡;听力范围;医用探子;无线电广播;音响效果”。2、作动词时意为“(使)发声;听起来;鸣警报;听(诊);回响;探测;试探;宣告;(医)用探子检查;(尤指鲸鱼)潜入深海”。3、作形容词时意为“合理的;无损的;有能力的;充足的;彻底的;熟睡的;资金充实的;(非正式)非常棒的;严厉的;健全的”。4、作副词时意为“彻底地,酣畅地”。双语例句:1、I like the sight and the sound.我喜欢那里的景色和声音。2、Or you like the sound should be put on it.或者放你喜欢的声音应该就可以了。3、I did not sound like that at all!我听起来根本不是那样的!
2023-08-13 05:36:291


Very good,念的话念“歪瑞顾得”
2023-08-13 05:36:451


不错好像不是good/well/nice/great吧?。。。不错=alright"looks alright"-看起来不错
2023-08-13 05:36:541


Better to be all right
2023-08-13 05:37:035


2023-08-13 05:37:191

看起来还不错 英文怎么说

看起来不错It looks nice听起来不错是sounds good 日文是:见たところ悪くありません
2023-08-13 05:37:414


这句话的英语是Yes, the shoes sounds good。
2023-08-13 05:37:524


我真的很不错I am really good
2023-08-13 05:38:012


“干得好,不错,好样的”英文Well done, not bad, awesome!
2023-08-13 05:38:171


您的问题很简单.百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句:真不错 翻译:Nice one ;It"s wonderful.I like it very much ;Marvelous 这还真不错That"s real good 钱真不错Geld ist schoen 真不错啊So fine 听起来真不错That sounds really nice;It sound good;Sounds good;It Sounds So Good 这个主意真不错that"s a good idea 那感觉真不错That smells wonderful 手气真不错Feeling Really Lucky 你干得真不错I admire your work 百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译.
2023-08-13 05:38:241


2023-08-13 05:39:233