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2023-08-21 22:19:46
TAG: 英语



Always being determined and having a clinging attitude towards ambition are my unique advantages on others.


In the event of successfully getting through the interview, can you guarantee me abundant time for the health test, training, organising the meeting and other events during the period between 15th July and 15th September


In the event of my being a substitute volunteer, I could guarantee to obey all your arrangement in no questions, and frankly accept the announcement.


If I am succeeding in being the volunteer, I promise to have no problem whatsoever to bear my responsibilities that assigned to me, and continue to remain my passion.


If I am succeeding in being the volunteer, I am going to buy a new pair of shoes for my mother after the first payment made by my employer, as a payback for her kindness and favour of nursing me.

问题补充:还有 金融专业大三的学生 怎么说?

University student in BSc Finance, Junior (这个是美国用),英国可以用:year 3或者Final year


speciality qualification






1. My firm belief advantage is the attitude and dedication.

2, such as through the interview, I can guarantee that on July 15 to September 15 period and to have ample time to time to participate in the relevant medical, training, preparations for the General Assembly, and organizational activities;

3, as I become a substitute volunteer, I can guarantee no complaints arrangements to unconditional submission, and frankly to accept the results;

4, such as the successful election to the volunteers, no complaints and unconditional guarantee arrangements subject to status and to maintain enthusiasm for the work;

5, such as the successful election to the volunteers working to get subsidies, intended to give my mother(因该是我的妈妈,不是她的妈妈,所以应该是my mother.)a pair of new shoes, and repay the upbringing of her ex.

金融专业大三的学生:Junior financial professionals to students

专业证书:Professional Certificate

二楼的那人翻译的很好,就是第五句那是以你的口气来翻译这篇文章所以应该是my mother)

My advantage is a firm belief in the attitude and dedication.

2, such as through the interview, I can guarantee that on July 15 to September 15 period and to have ample time to time to participate in the relevant medical, training, preparations for the General Assembly, and organizational activities;

3, as I become a substitute volunteer, I can guarantee no complaints arrangements to unconditional submission, and frankly to accept the results;

4, such as the successful election to the volunteers, no complaints and unconditional guarantee arrangements subject to status and to maintain enthusiasm for the work;

5, such as the successful election to the volunteers working to get subsidies, intended to give her mother a pair of new shoes, and repay the upbringing of her ex.

Junior financial professionals to students。。。。Professional Certificate。。。我的才最正规



Always being determined and having a clinging attitude towards ambition are my unique advantages on others.


In the event of successfully getting through the interview, can you guarantee me abundant time for the health test, training, organising the meeting and other events during the period between 15th July and 15th September


In the event of my being a substitute volunteer, I could guarantee to obey all your arrangement in no questions, and frankly accept the announcement.


If I am succeeding in being the volunteer, I promise to have no problem whatsoever to bear my responsibilities that assigned to me, and continue to remain my passion.


If I am succeeding in being the volunteer, I am going to buy a new pair of shoes for my mother after the first payment made by my employer, as a payback for her kindness and favour of nursing me.

问题补充:还有 金融专业大三的学生 怎么说?

University student in BSc Finance, Junior (这个是美国用),英国可以用:year 3或者Final year

My advantage is a firm belief in the attitude and dedication.

2, such as through the interview, I can guarantee that on July 15 to September 15 period and to have ample time to time to participate in the relevant medical, training, preparations for the General Assembly, and organizational activities;

3, as I become a substitute volunteer, I can guarantee no complaints arrangements to unconditional submission, and frankly to accept the results;

4, such as the successful election to the volunteers, no complaints and unconditional guarantee arrangements subject to status and to maintain enthusiasm for the work;

5, such as the successful election to the volunteers working to get subsidies, intended to give her mother a pair of new shoes, and repay the upbringing of her ex.

Emergency, some good points!

金融专业大三的学生Junior financial professionals to students

“专业证书”Professional Certificate



1. My firm belief advantage is the attitude and dedication.

2, such as through the interview, I can guarantee that on July 15 to September 15 period and to have ample time to time to participate in the relevant medical, training, preparations for the General Assembly, and organizational activities;

3, as I become a substitute volunteer, I can guarantee no complaints arrangements to unconditional submission, and frankly to accept the results;

4, such as the successful election to the volunteers, no complaints and unconditional guarantee arrangements subject to status and to maintain enthusiasm for the work;

5, such as the successful election to the volunteers working to get subsidies, intended to give my mother(因该是我的妈妈,不是她的妈妈,所以应该是my mother.)a pair of new shoes, and repay the upbringing of her ex.

金融专业大三的学生:Junior financial professionals to students

专业证书:Professional Certificate

二楼的那人翻译的很好,就是第五句那是以你的口气来翻译这篇文章所以应该是my mother)






3,两套书推荐你学: 一:自己找个从基础学的课本,你自己选择,这个没有好坏之分,因为很基础.二: 买新概念英文教材.一共4册.第一册开始背诵课文.这样培养语感.我相信你如果能把第一册所有课文背熟之后,一定受益匪浅,更或可以来这里解答很多问题了.我背了整整4册!嘎嘎!









hello how are you ?

i am fine thank you and you ?

i am fine too






My advantages include a high determination and a never-give-up attitude towards both life and work

If i"m lucky enough to pass the interview, i promise i am able to participate in the relavant medical inspection,trianing,the arrangements for the conference and the orgnization of the event etc.

If i become a substitute volunteer,不翻了,感觉应ran翻译的最好,这个就是要简洁,那个谁翻译是手动的,但是如果在面试里面太矫揉造作了

还有证书应该是profession certificate

打中文的是搜 复制 粘贴的 你只要看到my firm belief的肯定是机译,楼主好运,建议投票设最佳答案








My advantage is a firm belief in the attitude and dedication.

2, such as through the interview, I can guarantee that on July 15 to September 15 period and to have ample time to time to participate in the relevant medical, training, preparations for the General Assembly, and organizational activities;

3, as I become a substitute volunteer, I can guarantee no complaints arrangements to unconditional submission, and frankly to accept the results;

4, such as the successful election to the volunteers, no complaints and unconditional guarantee arrangements subject to status and to maintain enthusiasm for the work;

5, such as the successful election to the volunteers working to get subsidies, intended to give her mother a pair of new shoes, and repay the upbringing of her ex.

Emergency, some good points!

金融专业大三的学生Junior financial professionals to students

“专业证书”Professional Certificate


My advantage is a firm belief in the attitude and dedication.

2, such as through the interview, I can guarantee that on July 15 to September 15 period and to have ample time to time to participate in the relevant medical, training, preparations for the General Assembly, and organizational activities;

3, as I become a substitute volunteer, I can guarantee no complaints arrangements to unconditional submission, and frankly to accept the results;

4, such as the successful election to the volunteers, no complaints and unconditional guarantee arrangements subject to status and to maintain enthusiasm for the work;

5, such as the successful election to the volunteers working to get subsidies, intended to give her mother a pair of new shoes, and repay the upbringing of her ex.

Junior financial professionals to students。。。。Professional Certificate。。。我的才最正规


My advantage is a firm belief in the attitude and dedication.

2, such as through the interview, I can guarantee that on July 15 to September 15 period and to have ample time to time to participate in the relevant medical, training, preparations for the General Assembly, and organizational activities;

3, as I become a substitute volunteer, I can guarantee no complaints arrangements to unconditional submission, and frankly to accept the results;

4, such as the successful election to the volunteers, no complaints and unconditional guarantee arrangements subject to status and to maintain enthusiasm for the work;

5, such as the successful election to the volunteers working to get subsidies, intended to give her mother a pair of new shoes, and repay the upbringing of her ex.

Emergency, some good points!


1.金融专业大三的学生:a Junior major in Finance

2.专业证书:Professional Qualification


I am a graduate from XXX university,I am looking forward to joining in the organization of volunteers who help others with our best hard work.

I have a stable attitude toward succeed and am very confident about what I am doing.I have the ability of coorperation and the spirits of teamwork.

When having access to the interview,I can assure that I will spend enough time and efforts on related medical examination,trainings,preparation and organized activities during 15th,July to 15th,September.

If I am arranged as a substitute volunteer, I shall be also very happy to contribute myself to help doing the job.

Immediately being a volunteer,I will buy my mother and father two pairs of shoes as a reward to them for giving me so much love.

Thank you,that"s my inner voice.




你千万别用它们的 他们的是自动翻译 地瓜很多 你写了 一定会残的。


such as through the interview....

满地打滚~ 太tm有喜感了


the attitude and dedication are my advantages.


go home!



即使 [jíshǐ] 1. even 2. even if 3. even though 4. if 即使 〈连〉たとい,たとえ,よしんば,かりに. 即使 [jí shǐ] 1 even;even if;even though 2 即使, 如果 [rú guǒ]: 见“如果”. 3 即使, 纵然 [zòng rán], 哪怕 [nǎ pà], 任凭 [rèn píng]: 它们均为连词, 都可以表示假设让步关系. “即使”兼用于口语和书面语, 除了同“也”呼应表示假设让步, 还可同“但是”、“却”等配合, 有强调以假设为前提的转折关系的作用和强调没有例外的意思. 4 纵然”是书面语. 5 哪怕”多用于口语, 6 任凭”表示“排除性的条件(无论怎么说)”, 7 即使, 虽然 [suī rán]: 见“虽然”.
2023-08-12 18:57:341


即使 [jíshǐ] 1. even 2. even if 3. even though 4. if 即使 〈连〉たとい,たとえ,よしんば,かりに。 即使 [jí shǐ] 1 even;even if;even though 2 即使, 如果 [rú guǒ]: 见“如果”。 3 即使, 纵然 [zòng rán], 哪怕 [nǎ pà], 任凭 [rèn píng]: 它们均为连词, 都可以表示假设让步关系。 “即使”兼用于口语和书面语, 除了同“也”呼应表示假设让步, 还可同“但是”、“却”等配合, 有强调以假设为前提的转折关系的作用和强调没有例外的意思。 4 纵然”是书面语。 5 哪怕”多用于口语, 6 任凭”表示“排除性的条件(无论怎么说)”, 7 即使, 虽然 [suī rán]: 见“虽然”。
2023-08-12 18:57:441


2023-08-12 18:58:143


基本信息 词目:即使 拼音:jíshǐ 英文:[even if;even though;granted that] 释义:表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 例如:即使败了一阵也没有关系,全局还没有失尽编辑本段基本解释 [even if;even though;granted that] ——表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 即使败了一阵又如何?全局还没有失尽
2023-08-12 18:58:221


2023-08-12 18:58:382


notwithstanding,这个才是正确的即使 [jí shǐ]even though even if相关解释:if be it so the face of e"en although be it that 例句:即使他这么说,你大可不必相信他。Even if he said so, you need not believe him.即使下雨我们也要去。We"ll go even if it rains.即使这工作要花掉我六个星期的时间,我仍决心要把它完成。Even if it will take me six weeks, I am determined to finish the job.海词广告: 学外语,交外国真朋友 “薪满意足”我信韦博08 Dict.CN 在线词典 更多解释句酷双语例句 即使"A wife would be no good to him now."“即使他现在有妻子,也不顶用。”-- 英汉 - 辞典例句Delay is not permissible, even for a single day.不得延误, 即使一日亦不可.-- 英汉 - 辞典例句Even the cheapest was priced at 5.即使最便宜的也标价5英镑.-- 英汉 - 辞典例句He doesn"t lie in even on Sunday.即使在星期天他也不睡懒觉。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句He is none the happier for his great wealth.即使他有钱,却一点也不快乐。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句He will come on time even though it rains.即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句It"s best to err on the safe side.即使错,最好也错在谨慎上面。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句It was a worthwhile attempt even though it failed to achieve its aim.这个尝试即使没有达到目的还是值得的。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句It would be too late, even if the weather had cleared up.即使天气好转,也已经太迟了。-- 英汉 - 辞典例句There is often tax evasion in the case of customs duties.即使关税,也经常发生逃税
2023-08-12 18:58:491


even if
2023-08-12 18:59:066


无论 no matter what; soever; whether; regardless of 即使 although; even if; even though; if 虽然 although; despit; ehowbeitnot; withstanding; though; while
2023-08-12 18:59:401


英文中though可以加在句尾吗?=========可以的。 尤其是在英语口语中。勤学好问 天天进步!
2023-08-12 18:59:481


2023-08-12 19:00:141


21、所见 袁枚
2023-08-12 19:00:254

英文中 "因为"和"所以" "即使"和"但是" 为什么不可以连用

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2023-08-12 19:00:457


even so
2023-08-12 19:01:209


2023-08-12 19:01:566


even so
2023-08-12 19:02:267


not even you.
2023-08-12 19:02:486


Liu Si
2023-08-12 19:03:056


即使说抱歉 Even to say sorry; I feel regret that I don"t have the ability to change anybody, I couldn"t even make a little kid to say "sorry". I am so ashamed. 我恨自己没有能力改变这一切,我甚至无法让一个做错事的孩子说一声“对不起”,我很惭愧。
2023-08-12 19:04:031


就算是Believe,中间也藏了一个lie;就算是Friend,还是免不了会end;就算是Lover,还是可能会over;就算是Wife,心里也夹杂着if…… 让人欣慰的是: 就算是完全impossible,但还藏着个possible, 即便是Forget,也曾经get…
2023-08-12 19:04:112


我看了 上面的回答是对的
2023-08-12 19:04:282


Melodia:Icouldbeeverythingyouneed(我可以变成你想要的任何东西) say,whatyouwannahear(说你想听的任何话语) Sodon"tsaysorry(所以不要说抱歉) HowlongIhavetowait(到底要我等多久) Icouldbeeverythingyouneed(我可以变成你想要的任何东西) change,ifyouwanttosee(做你想看到的任何改变) Sodon"tsaysorry(所以不要说抱歉) Babytakemeaway(宝贝,请带我走) 徐良:Sorry,OHBabycan"tyousee(抱歉,噢,宝贝难道你还不明白) Whatcanyoudoforme(你已经不能为我做什么了) YouknowwhatyoumeantomeSorry,(其实你明白我说抱歉的意思) Icanonlysaythesorry(我只能说抱歉) Howdoyouthink.Idon"tcare(你想怎么样,我已经不在乎了) Sorry,OHBabycan"tyousee(抱歉,噢,宝贝难道你还不明白) Whatcanyoudoforme(你已经不能为我做什么了) youknowwhatyoumeantomeSorry,(其实你明白我说抱歉的意思) Icanonlysaythesorry(我只能说抱歉) Howdoyouthink.Idon"tcare.(你想怎么样,我已经不在乎了) 我已经不需要知道你的心情今天好不好 一个人自由的无聊房间空荡荡荡荡的傻笑 时间已不再重要咖啡店的下午刚好 只是味道有点点点点点的糟糕 也许该换一杯饮料也许该脱一件外套 也许该找个朋友像你一样不停的吵闹 为何我拼命寻找甩掉了所有的烦恼 该来的快乐我却看不到听不到 Melodia:Icouldbeeverythingyouneed(我可以变成你想要的任何东西) say,whatyouwannahear(说你想听的任何话语) Sodon"tsaysorry(所以不要说抱歉) HowlongIhavetowait(到底要我等多久) Icouldbeeverythingyouneed(我可以变成你想要的任何东西) change,ifyouwanttosee(做你想看到的任何改变) Sodon"tsaysorry(所以不要说抱歉) Babytakemeaway(宝贝请带我走) Icouldbeeverythingyouneed(我可以变成你想要的任何东西) say,whatyouwannahear(说你想听的任何话语) Sodon"tsaysorry(所以不要说抱歉) HowlongIhavetowait(到底要我等多久) Icouldbeeverythingyouneed(我可以变成你想要的任何东西) change,ifyouwanttosee(做你想看到的任何改变) Sodon"tsaysorry(所以不要说抱歉) Babytakemeaway(宝贝请带我走) 徐良:Sorry,OHBabycan"tyousee(抱歉,噢,宝贝难道你还不明白) Whatcanyoudoforme(你已经不能为我做什么了) YouknowwhatyoumeantomeSorry,(其实你明白我说抱歉的意思) Icanonlysaythesorry(我只能说抱歉) Howdoyouthink.Idon"tcare.(你想怎么样,我已经不在乎了) Sorry,OHBabycan"tyousee(抱歉,噢,宝贝难道你还不明白) Whatcanyoudoforme(你已经不能为我做什么了) YouknowwhatyoumeantomeSorry,(其实你明白我说抱歉的意思) Icanonlysaythesorry(我只能说抱歉) Howdoyouthink.Idon"tcare.(你想怎么样,我已经不在乎了) 我已经不需要知道你的心情今天好不好一个人自由的无聊 房间空荡荡荡荡的傻笑 时间已不再重要咖啡店的下午刚好 ]只是味道有点点点点点的糟糕 也许该换一杯饮料也许该脱一件外套 也许该找个朋友像你一样不停的吵闹 为何我拼命寻找甩掉了所有的烦恼 该来的快乐我却看不到听不到 Melodia:Icouldbeeverythingyouneed(我可以变成你想要的任何东西) say,whatyouwannahear(说你想听的任何话语) Sodon"tsaysorry(所以不要说抱歉) HowlongIhavetowait(到底要我等多久) Icouldbeeverythingyouneed(我可以变成你想要的任何东西) change,ifyouwanttosee(做你想看到的任何改变) Sodon"tsaysorry(所以不要说抱歉) Babytakemeaway(宝贝请带我走) Icouldbeeverythingyouneed(我可以变成你想要的任何东西) say,whatyouwannahear(说你想听的任何话语) Sodon"tsaysorry(所以不要说抱歉) HowlongIhavetowait(到底要我等多久) Icouldbeeverythingyouneed(我可以变成你想要的任何东西) change,ifyouwanttosee(做你想看到的任何改变)
2023-08-12 19:04:391


即使 [jíshǐ] 1. even 2. even if 3. even though 4. if 即使 〈连〉たとい,たとえ,よしんば,かりに. 即使 [jí shǐ] 1 even;even if;even though 2 即使, 如果 [rú guǒ]: 见“如果”. 3 即使, 纵然 [zòng rán], 哪怕 [nǎ pà], 任凭 [rèn píng]: 它们均为连词, 都可以表示假设让步关系. “即使”兼用于口语和书面语, 除了同“也”呼应表示假设让步, 还可同“但是”、“却”等配合, 有强调以假设为前提的转折关系的作用和强调没有例外的意思. 4 纵然”是书面语. 5 哪怕”多用于口语, 6 任凭”表示“排除性的条件(无论怎么说)”, 7 即使, 虽然 [suī rán]: 见“虽然”.
2023-08-12 19:04:571


问题一:即使的意思是什么? 精锐教育莘庄中心语文老师温馨提示:表示承认某种事实,表示假设的让步,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 问题二:即使是什么意思 基本信息 词目:即使 拼音:jíshǐ 英文:[even if;even though;granted that] 释义:表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 例如:即使败了一阵也没有关系,全局还没有失尽 编辑本段 基本解释 [even if;even though;granted that] ――表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 即使败了一阵又如何?全局还没有失尽 问题三:即使和即便区别的意思? 即使 jí shǐ 连词,表示假设的让步:~我们的工作取得了很大的成绩,也不能骄傲自满ㄧ~你当时在场,恐怕也没有别的办法。‘即使 "所表示的条件,可以是尚未实现的事情,也可以是与既成事实相反的事情。 即便 jíbiàn DD用来加强语气,指即使;纵使 即便你有理,也不该发脾气啊! 问题四:即时是什么意思 就是打完折的价 他们的门市价(就是酒店标价)一般都是黄金周的价格 过了黄金周就会在这个价格的基础上打折 你去酒店订房 他们就会说;我们的房间现在打完折元 问题五:即 和既是什么意思 即: 1.就是:知识~力量。 2.当时或当地:~日。~刻。~席。~景。在~。~兴(xìng )。 3.就,便:黎明~起。 4.假如,倘若:~使。~便(biàn )。~或。~令。 5.靠近:不~不离。 6.到,开始从事:~位。 既: 1.动作已经完了:~往不咎。~而。 2.已经:~成事实。~定。 3.常与顶且”、“又”连用,表示两者并列:~快又好。 问题六:即时的意思是什么 当下;立刻。 问题七:纵使和即使的意思有什么区别 纵使,在作连接分句、表示假设的让步,即在偏句提出某种情况时与即使相同。 例如:冰心 《往事()》八:“除夕的梦纵使不灵验,万一能梦见,也是慰情聊胜无。” 但纵使还有放纵、听任的意思,即使没有这个义项。例如,范文澜、蔡美彪等《中国通史》第四编第五章第二节:“各地权贵也经常纵使家奴侵渔商铺,名为和市,其实胁取。”
2023-08-12 19:05:041


问题一:即使的意思是什么? 精锐教育莘庄中心语文老师温馨提示:表示承认某种事实,表示假设的让步,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 问题二:即使是什么意思 基本信息 词目:即使 拼音:jíshǐ 英文:[even if;even though;granted that] 释义:表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 例如:即使败了一阵也没有关系,全局还没有失尽 编辑本段 基本解释 [even if;even though;granted that] ――表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 即使败了一阵又如何?全局还没有失尽 问题三:即使和即便区别的意思? 即使 jí shǐ 连词,表示假设的让步:~我们的工作取得了很大的成绩,也不能骄傲自满ㄧ~你当时在场,恐怕也没有别的办法。‘即使 "所表示的条件,可以是尚未实现的事情,也可以是与既成事实相反的事情。 即便 jíbiàn DD用来加强语气,指即使;纵使 即便你有理,也不该发脾气啊! 问题四:即时是什么意思 就是打完折的价 他们的门市价(就是酒店标价)一般都是黄金周的价格 过了黄金周就会在这个价格的基础上打折 你去酒店订房 他们就会说;我们的房间现在打完折元 问题五:即 和既是什么意思 即: 1.就是:知识~力量。 2.当时或当地:~日。~刻。~席。~景。在~。~兴(xìng )。 3.就,便:黎明~起。 4.假如,倘若:~使。~便(biàn )。~或。~令。 5.靠近:不~不离。 6.到,开始从事:~位。 既: 1.动作已经完了:~往不咎。~而。 2.已经:~成事实。~定。 3.常与顶且”、“又”连用,表示两者并列:~快又好。 问题六:即时的意思是什么 当下;立刻。 问题七:纵使和即使的意思有什么区别 纵使,在作连接分句、表示假设的让步,即在偏句提出某种情况时与即使相同。 例如:冰心 《往事()》八:“除夕的梦纵使不灵验,万一能梦见,也是慰情聊胜无。” 但纵使还有放纵、听任的意思,即使没有这个义项。例如,范文澜、蔡美彪等《中国通史》第四编第五章第二节:“各地权贵也经常纵使家奴侵渔商铺,名为和市,其实胁取。”
2023-08-12 19:05:111


词目:即使 拼音:jíshǐ 英文:[even if;even though;granted that] 释义:表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 例如:即使败了一阵又如何?全局还没有失尽 同义词:就算,哪怕
2023-08-12 19:05:201


问题一:即使和即便区别的意思? 即使 jí shǐ 连词,表示假设的让步:~我们的工作取得了很大的成绩,也不能骄傲自满ㄧ~你当时在场,恐怕也没有别的办法。‘即使 "所表示的条件,可以是尚未实现的事情,也可以是与既成事实相反的事情。 即便 jíbiàn DD用来加强语气,指即使;纵使 即便你有理,也不该发脾气啊! 问题二:即使的意思是什么? 精锐教育莘庄中心语文老师温馨提示:表示承认某种事实,表示假设的让步,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 问题三:即使是什么意思 基本信息 词目:即使 拼音:jíshǐ 英文:[even if;even though;granted that] 释义:表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 例如:即使败了一阵也没有关系,全局还没有失尽 编辑本段 基本解释 [even if;even though;granted that] ――表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论 即使败了一阵又如何?全局还没有失尽 问题四:即使和既使的区别 应该说只有“即使”这个词而没有“既使”这个词。 “即使”是连词,表示假设的让步。以进一步证实或者加强主句的意思。 例如:即使你取得了很好的成绩,也没有任何骄傲的理由。 问题五:即使的意思。 即使 [ jí shǐ ] 基本释义 --表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用也呼应,说出结论 问题六:即使的意思是什么 即使,表示假设的让步。在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论。语出裴松之注引三国魏鱼豢《魏略》:“ 丁掾 ,好士也,即使其两目盲,尚当与女,何况但眇?” [even if;even though;granted that] ――表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论。 即使败了一阵又如何?全局还没有失尽。 问题七:即使意思是什么 即使,表示假设的让步。在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论。 语出裴松之注引三国魏鱼豢《魏略》:“ 丁掾 ,好士也,即使其两目盲,尚当与女,何况但眇?” 问题八:隐约雷鸣 阴霾天空 即使天无雨 我亦留此地 什么意思 这个出自《万叶集》雷神短歌. 总共两句 隐约雷鸣 阴霾天空 但盼风雨来 能留你在此 隐约雷鸣,阴霾天空,即使天无雨,我亦留此地. 是讲爱情的.第一句是女生的角度,第二句是男生的角度.就是希望对方留下来,对方也有这样的心意的意思. 问题九:纵然和“即使”“虽然”意思是一样的吗? 释意相近 但后两者用法不同 虽然 常与但是相连用 表示承认某事为事实 但另一件事并不因前一件事成立 即使表假设的让步 可以是未完成的事 也可以是与既成事实相反的事情 纵然的意思大抵和即使相同
2023-08-12 19:05:311


即使even if虽然although然后then
2023-08-12 19:05:381


I"ll never beg you even if you succeed.
2023-08-12 19:06:147


Around the corner,yet miles away. I will come again,my love,Tho" it were ten thousand miles.
2023-08-12 19:06:391


英文翻译为:即使天下雨我们仍然得去学校。Even if it rains we still have to go to school.即使天下雨Even if it rains例句:即使天下雨,我也得去火车站接他们。I have to go to the railway station to meet them even if it rains.
2023-08-12 19:06:461


2023-08-12 19:06:561

即使失败也没关系 英文

It doesn"t matter if it ends up in failure.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O
2023-08-12 19:07:031


anyway 应该是吧
2023-08-12 19:07:121


2023-08-12 19:07:211


发现自己的问题即使改正.Find your own problems even if you correct them.
2023-08-12 19:07:281


Fish only seven seconds to remember, even if the sea can also be covered with tears鱼仅有七秒钟记忆,即使泪尽大海也能遮掩
2023-08-12 19:07:351


Some things, even if the effort can not do!
2023-08-12 19:07:477


Don"t ever let somebody tell you you can"t do something, not even me.别让别人告诉你你成不了才,即使是我也不行。出处:电影《当幸福来敲门》除此之外,此电影还有一些经典台词:No.1You have a dream. You got to protect it.如果你有梦想,就要守护它。got to 不得不;必须 = have toNo.2 People can"t do something by themselves, they wanna tell you you cannot do it.当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会告诉你说,你也不行。can"t = cannot(更正式一些)wanna = want toNo.3 You want something. Go get it. Period.你想要什么的话,就去努力得到!就这么简单。No.4 Maybe happiness is something that we can only pursue. And maybe we can actually never have it no matter what.幸福或许是我们只能努力去追寻的,又或是无论怎么样都得不到的。pursue 追逐;追求
2023-08-12 19:08:041


Even though we are seperated,I still love you.
2023-08-12 19:08:455


Even the God can not sentence me. no one can judge me even if the God
2023-08-12 19:09:003


我想待在你身边即使不说话I want to stay by your side, even if you don"t talk.我想待在你身边即使不说话I want to stay by your side, even if you don"t talk.
2023-08-12 19:09:091


这个句子的英文翻译是:I hope to lie on the sunflower, even if depressed, still facing the sun.
2023-08-12 19:09:162


Even now I have nothing but I will try 即使现在的我一无所有但是我会努力
2023-08-12 19:09:241

这英语是使役用法吗?句子结构怎么划分?it may make him feel rude

是。it主语may make谓语him宾语feel rude宾补
2023-08-12 19:09:346


She Loves Me(She Don"t Love You)Lyrics:Mickey Jaco Music:Mickey JacoWell, now I can see your dancin" every dance with herAnd it seems to me your dancin" much too close to herWhen you sat down at our table you sat next to herBut I know that it"s true she loves me, she don"t love you.Chorus:Let me tell you friend I"m wise to your liesYou"ve been tellin" me that I"m the guy for herAnd every little thing you do and sayIs givin" you away you"re in love with her.Well, just one more dance with her and friend you"re gonna seeWhat it"s like to hit the floor and do a little dance with me.Here"s your coat and there"s the door I think you better leave"Cause she just told me it"s true she loves me, she don"t love you."Cause she just told me it"s true she loves me, she don"t love you...她爱我(她不爱你)【即使现在分别】歌词:米奇雅科音乐:米奇雅科好了,现在我可以看到与她的每一个舞蹈跳舞它似乎我跳舞太接近她当你坐在我们的桌子,你坐在她旁边但我知道那是真的,她爱我,她不爱你。合唱:让我告诉你的朋友,我很明智的,你的谎言你一直在告诉我,我为她的家伙而你说的每一件小事是得到安宁“你走你爱上了她。好了,只是多一个舞蹈与她的朋友,你会看到砸在地板上,跟我做一个小舞是什么样子。这里是你的外衣,有门,我觉得你最好离开“因为她刚刚告诉我这是真的,她爱我,她不爱你。“因为她刚刚告诉我这是真的,她爱我,她不爱你...
2023-08-12 19:10:351


Everything will become better, even though it is not today.
2023-08-12 19:10:463

只要自己努力过了,即使失败也没有遗憾 英文翻译

If you have worked hard, there will be no regret even if you fail.
2023-08-12 19:10:545


词目:即使拼音:jí shǐ注音:ㄐㄧˊ ㄕㄧˇ英文:[even if;even though;granted that]释义:表示承认某种事实,暂让一步,在正句里常用“也”呼应,说出结论例如:即使败了一阵也没有关系,全局还没有失尽。
2023-08-12 19:11:111


2023-08-12 19:11:234