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2023-08-21 22:11:29
TAG: 英语

翻译为:I want to smoke. 满意请采纳,谢谢!



2023-08-12 18:54:211


2023-08-12 18:54:323


小吃 snak
2023-08-12 18:55:044


2023-08-12 18:55:485


2023-08-12 18:56:041

smoke 用什么副词修饰

2023-08-12 18:56:323


2023-08-12 18:56:523


smoke[英][smu0259u028ak][美][smok]n.烟; 吸烟; vi.冒烟; 抽烟; 快速; vt.用烟熏制; 吸(烟),抽;
2023-08-12 18:57:001


2023-08-12 18:57:552


2023-08-12 18:58:054


2023-08-12 18:58:211


smoke是不可数名词smoke[英][sm??k][美][smo?k]n.烟; 吸烟; vi.冒烟; 抽烟; 快速; vt.用烟熏制; 吸(烟),抽; 第三人称单数:smokes过去分词:smoked现在进行时:smoking过去式:smoked例句:1.Do you mind if I smoke? 你不介意我抽根烟吧?
2023-08-12 18:58:401


  很多人明知道抽烟有害健康,却还是任由自己抽烟,这样不利于我们的身体健康。那么你知道抽烟的英文是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的抽烟的英文,希望大家喜欢!   抽烟的英文   smoke   smoking   smoke常见用法   n. 烟;抽烟;无常的事物   v. 吸烟;以烟熏;冒烟   用作名词   The stove let out a puff of smoke.   炉子里冒出一股烟。   The smoke from chimney is spreading out in the sky.   烟囱冒出的烟正在空中散开。   The smoke of the burning house could be seen many blocks away.   着火的房子的冒出的烟在几个街区外都能看到。   They stopped work to have a smoke.   他们停下工作吸口烟。   用作动词   It"s against the rules of the school to smoke.   吸烟是违反校规的。   You are advised not to smoke during pregnancy.   怀孕期间你最好不要吸烟。   They had to smoke the plants in a greenhouse .   他们只好用烟熏温室里的植物。   The stove is smoking badly.   那炉子烟冒得很厉害。   Smoking的造句   1. Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease.   吸烟会大大增加罹患心血管和呼吸道疾病的风险。   2. Smoking is now banned in many places of work.   现在许多工作场所禁止吸烟。   3. Well, parenthetically, I was trying to quit smoking at the time.   嗯,插一句,我那时正在努力戒烟。   4. 10,000 deaths a year from chronic lung disease are attributable to smoking.   吸烟导致每年有1万人死于慢性肺病。   5. I"ve been told to lose weight and stop smoking.   我被告知要减肥并戒烟。   6. She beseeched him to cut his drinking and his smoking.   她哀求他戒掉烟酒。   7. Ramesh had reclined his seat and was lying back smoking.   拉梅什把椅背调低,倚在上面吸烟。   8. Jackson said her boss became increasingly depressed and reverted to smoking heavily.   杰克逊说她的老板情绪越来越低落,又开始拼命抽烟了。   9. A hypnotherapist will hypnotize you and will stop you from smoking.   一位催眠治疗师将对你实施催眠,从而帮你戒烟。   10. Most people who smoke began smoking in their teens.
2023-08-12 18:58:471

fume 和 smoke 有什么区别

牛津高阶上解释: fume : smoke ,gas ,or sth similar that smells strongly or is dangerous to breathe in(浓烈的或有害的)烟,气,汽 。smoke:the grey ,white or black gas that is produced by sth burning.烟 汽车尾气的烟之类的。fume通译为臭烟,是颗粒直径小于1微米的固体颗粒。smoke翻译为烟,是颗粒直径小于1微米的固体或者液体颗粒。
2023-08-12 18:59:021


smoke是不可数名词smoke[英][smu0259u028ak][美][smou028ak]n.烟; 吸烟; vi.冒烟; 抽烟; 快速; vt.用烟熏制; 吸(烟),抽; 第三人称单数:smokes过去分词:smoked现在进行时:smoking过去式:smoked例句:1.Do you mind if I smoke? 你不介意我抽根烟吧?
2023-08-12 18:59:121


2023-08-12 18:59:191


2023-08-12 18:59:288


烟!烟!烟! (卷烟) 现在我一个人的心脏的黄金 以及如何绅士我已经告诉 善良的一个人说,甚至不会伤害跳蚤 但是,如果我和某种性质会见 该名男子是谁发明的香烟 我想谋杀儿子的枪中的第一个学位 这不是cuz我不吸烟"时间自己 我不认为这会损害我的健康 本人抽烟"时间25年,我还没有死 但是,尼古丁的奴隶都是一样的 在pettin党或纸牌游戏 一切爱,而他们已经停止卷烟 合唱 烟,烟雾,烟雾卷烟 粉扑,粉扑,粉扑,直到您吹自己死刑。 告诉圣彼得在金门 你不愿意让他等待, 你刚才总得有另一个卷烟。 在一场比赛的机会,其他夜晚 老圣母院财富是好的和正确的 国王和王后,他们不断comin "约 噢,我是hittin "时间好, bettin " "时间高 但是我没有工作布拉夫某家伙 他不停地callin "和layin "他的钱了 见,他会提高我然后我想提高他 和我想说给他的好友亚得下沉或游泳 最后打电话给我,但没有提高赌注! Hmmph !我说的追杀令全帕尔-我得到你! 他说: “我会付了一两分钟 但是现在,我只是爱的另一种香烟。 “ 合唱 现在,其他晚上我有一个日期 与可爱的小女孩在51个国家 高繁殖,小区,花式小圣母院 她说,她是爱我,它给我seemd 事情sorta就像假设是 因此,我们携手漫步下跌爱好者巷 她是一个很长的路从一大块冰 和我们pettin党是布莱恩真正漂亮 和我的想法我可能会一直存在尚未 所以,我给她一个吻和一个小挤压 然后她说: “约翰尼,对不起,请 但我总得有一支香烟。 “ 合唱
2023-08-12 18:59:511


2023-08-12 18:59:593


smoke英语意思是:抽烟。smoke英 [sməʊk]     美 [smoʊk]    n.烟;抽烟;无常的事物。v.吸烟;以烟熏;冒烟。The smoke of the burning house could be seen many blocks away.着火的房子的冒出的烟在几个街区外都能看到。They stopped work to have a smoke.他们停下工作吸口烟。语法:smoke的基本意思是指燃烧中产生的“烟”,用作不可数名词。smoke在口语中也可指“吸烟或抽烟”的动作或过程,一般用单数形式;在非正式用语中还可指“香烟”,用作可数名词。smoke的基本意思是“冒烟”,是不及物动词;引申则表示“抽烟”“吸烟”,可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词;smoke还可表示“用烟熏制(肉、鱼、香肠等)”,多用作及物动词。
2023-08-12 19:00:411


2023-08-12 19:01:141


smoke现在分词是:smoking。smoke汉语翻译:n. 烟, 雾气, 烟熏剂, 抽烟, 烟色;vi. 吸烟, 冒烟, 弥漫;vt. 以烟熏, 抽烟而导致...【医】 烟, 烟尘;相关词组:like smoke;smoke oneself ill;go up in smoke。名词 smoke:1、a cloud of fine particles suspended in a gas。同义词:fume。2、a hot vapor containing fine particles of carbon being produced by combustion。同义词:smoking。3、an indication of some hidden activity。4、something with no concrete substance。5、tobacco leaves that have been made into a cylinder。同义词:roll of tobacco。6、street names for marijuana;同义词:pot, grass, green goddess, dope, weed, gage, sess, sens, skunk, locoweed, Mary Jane。7、the act of smoking tobacco or other substances。同义词:smoking。8、(baseball) a pitch thrown with maximum velocity。同义词:fastball, heater, hummer, bullet。
2023-08-12 19:02:251

smoke是什么意思 smoke的意思是什么

2023-08-12 19:02:441


smoke 英[smu0259u028ak] 美[smok] n. 烟;吸烟 vi. 冒烟;抽烟;快速 vt. 用烟熏制;吸(烟),抽 [例句]How risky is secondhand smoke?二手烟到底有多危险?2.They smoke more than women. 他们抽烟比女人多。 3.Place smoke detectors in every room. 在每个房间安装烟雾探测器。 4.You can no longer smoke in pubs. 你不再能够在酒吧里吸烟。 5.She lit a cigarette and began to smoke. 她点着一只烟开始抽起来。
2023-08-12 19:02:561


smoke的过去式如下:解释:烟,抽烟,冒烟美式读音:smou028ak英式读音:smu0259u028ak过去式:smoked过去分词:smoked现在分词:smoking第三人称单数:smokes复数:smokesn.烟;抽烟;无常的事物vi.冒烟,吸烟;抽烟;弥漫vt.吸烟;抽例句:1、Minors are prohibited from buying smokes.未成年人禁止购买香烟。2、The house that had been smoking on had turned to ashes in the end.那所一直冒烟的房屋最后成为了灰烬。3、The person next to me smokes, and I can"t stand it.我旁边的那个人抽烟,我受不了。4、People smoke fish to preserve them.人们把鱼熏制一下以便保存。5、My father used to smoke a packet of cigarettes a day.我父亲以前每天抽一包烟。
2023-08-12 19:03:041


smoke意思是燃烧所产生的烟,烟雾;吸烟,抽烟。短语:smoke vent排烟口、排烟孔、排烟道。Smoke Sensor烟雾传感器。smoke point烟点、发烟点abatement of smoke消减烟雾、除烟、消烟。smoke pollution烟污染、烟气污染、煤烟污染。Smoke Density烟密度、烟浓度。smoke damper烟气挡板、炳门、烟气调节风门、防烟挡板。Smoke Gets In Your Eyes情雾迷蒙你的眼。同根词:smoking准许吸烟的;smoky冒烟的、烟熏味的、熏着;smoked熏制的;smokeless无烟的、不冒烟的;smoking冒着烟;smoking抽烟、冒气;smoker吸烟者、薰制工;smoking吸烟、冒烟(smoke的现在分词);smoked用烟处理(smoke的过去分词)。smoke的例句:1、Someone came out for a smoke.有人为了吸烟而出来了。2、He blew a ring of blue smoke.他吐出了一圈蓝烟。3、How many do you smoke a day?你一天吸多少支烟?4、Seriously,I only smoke in the evenings.说真的,我只在晚上抽烟。5、They wouldn"t allow me to smoke.他们不会允许我抽烟。
2023-08-12 19:03:271


smoke现在分词是:smoking。名词 smoke:1、a cloud of fine particles suspended in a gas。同义词:fume。2、a hot vapor containing fine particles of carbon being produced by combustion。同义词:smoking。3、an indication of some hidden activity。4、something with no concrete substance。5、tobacco leaves that have been made into a cylinder。同义词:roll of tobacco。6、street names for marijuana;同义词:pot, grass, green goddess, dope, weed, gage, sess, sens, skunk, locoweed, Mary Jane。7、the act of smoking tobacco or other substances。同义词:smoking。8、(baseball) a pitch thrown with maximum velocity。同义词:fastball, heater, hummer, bullet。
2023-08-12 19:04:411


2023-08-12 19:05:362


2023-08-12 19:05:452


2023-08-12 19:07:003

smoke 作名词表示什么?

smoke英[sməʊk]美[smoʊk]释义:n. 烟;抽烟;无常的事物vi. 冒烟,吸烟;抽烟;弥漫vt. 吸烟;抽
2023-08-12 19:07:291


烟雾的英文为:smoke.smoke:n.烟;大城市;抽烟;雪茄;香烟。smog:n.阴霾;烟雾。mist:n.薄雾;轻雾;霭;水汽;水蒸气;视线模糊不清;模糊泪眼;迷雾。短语搭配:1、烟雾病。moyamoya disease.2、烟雾弹。smoke grenade.3、化学烟雾。chemical smog.4、烟雾弥漫。be full of smoke; be enveloped in smog.5、烟雾机。fog machine.6、烟雾报警器。smoke alarm.7、烟雾信号。smoke signal.8、烟雾室。smog chamber.9、烟雾传感器。smoke sensor.10、烟雾发生器。fog generator; smoke machine.双语例句:1、Photochemical smog.光化学的烟雾。2、Smog oBscured our view.烟雾模糊了我们的视野。3、Los Angeles - type smog.洛杉矶型烟雾。4、Exhaust pipes throwing off fumes.排气管排出烟雾。5、The smog persisted throughout the day.烟雾终日不散。6、The houses look dingy in a smoky city.在烟雾满布的城中,房屋看起来都很脏。7、I won"t go out as long as there is heavy smog.只要有浓重烟雾,我就不外出。8、The air is polluted with the smother of traffic and industrial smog.空气被令人窒息的车辆废气和工业烟雾污染了。
2023-08-12 19:07:371

Whale的《Smoke》 歌词

歌曲名:Smoke歌手:Whale专辑:All Disco Dance Must End In Broken BonesArtist: Natalie ImbrugliaAlbum : Left Of The Middle (1998)Song : SmokeMy lullaby,hung out to dryWhat"s up with thatIt"s overWhere are you dadMum"s lookin" sadWhat"s up with thatIt"s dark in hereWhy bleeding is breathingYou"re hiding , underneath the smoke in the roomTry , bleeding is believingI used toMy mouth is dryForgot how to cryWhat"s up with thatYou"re hurting meI"m running fastCan"t hide the pastWhat"s up with thatYou"re pushing meWhy , bleeding is breathingYou"re hiding , underneath the smoke in the roomTry , bleeding is believingI used toI used toWhy , bleeding is breathingYou"re hiding , underneath the smoke in the roomTry , bleeding is breathingI saw you crawling on the floorWhy , bleeding is breathingYou"re hiding , underneath the smoke in the roomTry , bleeding is breathingI saw you crawling to the doorWhy , bleeding is breathingYou"re hiding , underneath the smoke in the roomTry , bleeding is breathingI saw you falling on the floor
2023-08-12 19:08:261

medeski& Martin & Wood的《Smoke》 歌词

歌曲名:Smoke歌手:medeski& Martin & Wood专辑:UninvisibleMy lullaby,hung out to dryWhat"s up with thatIt"s overWhere are you dadMum"s lookin" sadWhat"s up with thatIt"s dark in hereWhy bleeding is breathingYou"re hiding , underneath the smoke in the roomTry , bleeding is believingI used toMy mouth is dryForgot how to cryWhat"s up with thatYou"re hurting meI"m running fastCan"t hide the pastWhat"s up with thatYou"re pushing meWhy , bleeding is breathingYou"re hiding , underneath the smoke in the roomTry , bleeding is believingI used toI used toWhy , bleeding is breathingYou"re hiding , underneath the smoke in the roomTry , bleeding is breathingI saw you crawling on the floorWhy , bleeding is breathingYou"re hiding , underneath the smoke in the roomTry , bleeding is breathingI saw you crawling to the doorWhy , bleeding is breathingYou"re hiding , underneath the smoke in the roomTry , bleeding is breathingI saw you falling on the floor
2023-08-12 19:08:451


抽烟 思眸克
2023-08-12 19:08:522


抽烟英文:smoke。smoke词义:n.烟;大城市;抽烟;雪茄;香烟。v.冒烟;冒气;熏制;开枪杀死;取笑;戏弄;吸烟;吸毒品;用烟熏黑或染成烟灰色;烟熏消毒。短语搭配:抽烟斗smoke a pipe;puff at one"s pipe.抽烟过度smoke to excess.背地里抽烟smoke on the sly.抽烟袋smoke a pipe.抽烟的嗜好habit of smoking.告诫某人不要抽烟admonish sb against smoking.染上抽烟的习惯take up the smoking habit.双语例句:1、人们在电视上看到他们的“英雄”喝酒抽烟。People watch their "heroes" on TV drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes.2、在中国,在别人吃完饭之前,人们不能抽烟。In China, people cannot smoke before other people finish eating.3、医生特别关照他不要再抽烟。The doctor told him specifically not to smoke any more.4、他小时候曾偷偷地抽烟。He used to smoke on the sly when he was a boy.5、他们不停地抽烟,弄得屋子里乌烟瘴气的。They puffed away at their pipes, filling the room with tobacco fumes. / They puffed away at their pipes, turning the room into a living hell.
2023-08-12 19:09:001


冒烟:fumy/reeky/smoky冒烟量smoke冒烟的fumy冒烟smoking冒烟特性smoking冒烟的火smokey冒烟的烟蒂smoking冒烟喷出belch冒烟流星余迹smoke井下经年冒烟的火standing冒着烟smokily例句:烟囱里冒着黑烟。Black smoke is rising from the chimney. / The chimney is belching black smoke.
2023-08-12 19:11:061


Do you wanna smokeuff1f
2023-08-12 19:11:265


be smoking
2023-08-12 19:11:435

smoke 和 public是什么意思

smoke 吸烟public 公共场合
2023-08-12 19:12:094


As we all know ,smoking is bad for our health. But unfortunately more and more young people have got into the habit of smoking ,even some students at school.It is often seen that some students are smoking during breaks or after school.I think this will affect their study because smoking will make them not concentrate on their study. Besides it will do harm to their health. So i think people should get rid of this bad habit.
2023-08-12 19:12:191


smoke 动词smoking 动名词或现在分词
2023-08-12 19:12:271


2023-08-12 19:12:385


地漏是越来越多,有水封,磁铁,弹簧,直通式地漏,反重力原理设计的地漏,很不是好选择的。厕所里的地漏有臭味要怎么处理呢?买最好是买好的品牌的地漏,在质量方面会更有保障的。这样比较不会返臭的的。 选地漏的两个要点为:第一,结构合理和便于清理。结构合理包括水封的深度必须达到5厘米以上;便于清理是因为地漏排除的是地面水,常会卷入一些头发、污泥、沙粒等污物。第二,要能达到防臭,防虫的功能。 厕所里的地漏有臭味怎么办?上面的分享对你有没有一点帮助呢?还有就行改造地漏,请选择专业的瓦工师傅,尤其是专门从事地漏安装,地漏口改造,设计新地漏的师傅团队,对地漏的维护就多了一层保障。这样的话就是会比较麻烦一些的。
2023-08-12 18:55:362


2023-08-12 18:55:376


2023-08-12 18:55:401


2023-08-12 18:55:431


no. you are contain illegal in this section that you have responsibilities to against your name. lucifer means a new type demon will be rebirth in the gravestone place that means terrible nightmare will be coming soon to you. the better you did not use this name as your real name that is impolite.
2023-08-12 18:55:355


2023-08-12 18:55:2910


2023-08-12 18:55:274