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2023-08-20 23:54:34
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2023-08-12 01:02:521

A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.―Mark Twain 谎言传遍半个地球的时候,真相还在穿鞋。 ——马克·吐温 There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self. —Ernest Hemingway 优于别人并非高尚;今日之你优于昨日之你,才是真正的高尚。 ——欧内斯特·海明威 Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people. 大智论道,中智论事,小智论人。 Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. ―Mark Twain 不要和愚蠢之人争辩,他们会把你拉低到他们的水平,然后用经验打败你。 ——马克·吐温 Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is. ―Maxim Gorky 你把幸福捧在手里,看似微不足道,但一旦放手,你便立刻感觉到它的重要与珍贵。 ——马克西姆·高尔基 Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image. 行为是面镜子,反射出每个人的真实自我。 Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. –Winston Churchill 勇气是能站起来侃侃而谈。勇气也是能坐下来静静倾听。 ——温斯顿·丘吉尔Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. –Mark Twain 每当你发现自己和大多数人站在一边时,你就该停下来反思一下。 ——马克·吐温 Nobody can hurt me without my permission. —Mahatma Gandhi 没有人能不经我的允许伤害我。 ——圣雄甘地 The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. —Mark Twain 人生中最重要的两个日子:出生那天和找到出生意义那天。 ——马克·吐温 Hurt me with the truth. Don"t comfort me with a lie. —Rihanna 宁愿用真相伤害我,也不要用谎言安慰我。 ——蕾哈娜 It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. —J.K. Rowling 展现我们真正自我的不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。 ——J·K·罗琳 Once you"ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you. —George R.R. Martin 只要你正视自己的弱点,就没人能利用它们来对付你。 ——乔治·雷蒙德·理查德·马丁 There are rich people, and there are those who have money. They are not the same people. —Coco Chanel 世上有富有的人,也有有钱的人。他们不是一类人。 ——可可·香奈儿
2023-08-12 01:03:011


var quote = quotes[rand1]改 var quote = quotes[rand2]
2023-08-12 01:03:092


Math.floor(Math.random()*8+1)); //0~9之间的,就是1-8 x 是你想要的条数<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Hide var rand1 = Math.floor(Math.random()*x+1));quotes = new Array quotes[1] = "123123" quotes[2] = "12322222" quotes[3] = "655555555555" quotes[4] = "666666666" quotes[5] = "7777777" quotes[6] = "8888" quotes[7] = "999" quotes[8] = "0000" quotes[9] = "222" quotes[0] = "111"....quotes[x] = "11145345"var quote = quotes[rand1] //--> </script> 应该可以,没尝试~~~
2023-08-12 01:03:171


看美剧学英语应该是大家都熟知方法了,轻松愉快看剧的同时还能培养语感,提升英语,简直不要太优秀。(当然,想要真正学好英语也不是简单刷美剧就OK的。) 因为一些文化背景的差异,不理解一些手势的意思,以及不熟悉常用俚语,我在刚开始刷美剧的时候,就经常会遇到get不到的笑点。听到配音里观众的大笑,我只能一脸懵:哪里好笑? 所以我整理了美剧中的5个高频手势,也是很多中国学习者不容易理解的手势。大家一起来涨知识吧! 1.Cross one"s fingers. 这个手势象征着十字架,十字架在西方代表上帝,所以cross one"s fingers有‘祝福"、‘祈求好运"的意思,用来 表达祝福,祝愿一切顺利。 手势做法: 这个手势做起来很简单,把中指放在食指上,作有点像十字架的交叉状即可。2.手势引号—air quotes这个手势因为动作像兔子的耳朵,又被叫做兔耳手势。它的英文表达是air quotes。quotes是引号的意思。所以这个手势就是起到引号的作用,表示所说的话不是表达真正的想法( 讽刺嘲笑 )或者表示在 引用别人的话 。 手势做法: 两手举起与肩宽,手与眼睛同高,双手食指中指伸出,在开始引用前把手指弯曲放回,说完后再弯曲一次手指;当然,如果为了表示讽刺嘲笑的意思,你还可以同时挤眉弄眼来辅以配合。 注意: 这个手势在我们中国看起来会有卖萌的意思,但它在西方尤其英语国家用来表示引号,和我们中国的用法是不同的。3.我爱你U0001f91f手势“我爱你”手势应该是美剧和生活中最常见的手势之一。“我爱你”手势其实由三个部分组成:只伸出食指表示“I”, 伸出食指和大拇指,表示“L”(LOVE), 伸出大拇指和小指,表示“Y”(YOU), 简化连起来伸出大拇指、食指和小指U0001f91f就是 I Love You。 手势做法:将 大拇指 和食指、小指伸出来。记得大拇指是要伸出来,不然就会和“摇滚”手势混淆。(摇滚手势见下图)4.摇滚手势(金属礼) 摇滚手势专业名词叫“金属礼”,用来表示对乐队的赞扬和鼓励。是原Black Sabbath的主唱Ronnie James Dio率先推广的。金属礼是金属和摇滚乐队、乐迷在现场经常使用的一种手势,在不同的文化中具有不同的含义。 手势做法:正确的金属礼是把大拇指、中指、无名指贴紧,食指和小指伸出。 注意: 在许多地中海和拉丁美洲国家,如阿根廷、巴西、哥伦比亚、法国等国家,当这个手势指向某人并来回转动时,意味着给别人戴绿帽子。5.Lips are sealed这个手势在《老友记》有出现过,但我忘记是哪一集了。意思比较容易理解,是把嘴巴拉链拉上,封住嘴巴的意思。表示 闭嘴 或者 保守秘密 不说出去。 手势做法: 大拇指和食指捏在一起(就像捏住拉链的动作),然后放在嘴巴一边沿着嘴唇呈拉链状拉到另一边。 这五个手势你都get到了吗?下次看美剧记得用上哦,当然如果能运用到日常交流中就更棒了。我是羊小阳,生在秋分却喜欢夏天的姑娘。喜欢英语和文字。这是我第一篇分享英语知识的文章,喜欢就帮我点个赞吧,谢谢支持。
2023-08-12 01:03:241


2023-08-12 01:03:311


2023-08-12 01:03:391

翻译Famous Quotes(名言)

1."It"s 容易演奏您必须做的任一音乐instrument:all 将接触正确的钥匙在正确的时间并且仪器将演奏itself"-Johann Sebastian Bach(Composer) 您坐与一个好女孩为二的2."When, 您认为这是唯一minute.But 当您坐在一个热的火炉一分钟, 您认为这是二hours.That"s relativity." 阿尔伯特・Einstein(Scientist)
2023-08-12 01:03:582


2023-08-12 01:04:062

为什么from which=that ?应该等于where... 您“高二英语语法简单问题.谢谢大家./” 的回答... 谢谢

from which=that 谁教你的?
2023-08-12 01:04:244

FXCM-MT4出现off quotes是什么原因

  Off quotes英文意思是停止下单的意思。意思是FXCM的福汇市价已经变更,投资者需要重新下单。那么什么情况会出现提示市价已变重现下单呢。主要是下面两个原因导致的:  第一:您在使用MT4平台时没有进行过“最大偏差”的设置,或者是您设置的“最大偏差”数值过小。  第二:您的网络信号可能不够流畅,信号差导致链接不稳定也是主要的原因之一。  解决方法:  您首先检查一下自己的网络链接,顺便用360网络测速器,测一下您的网速,确保您的网络链接没有问题,网络顺畅后。打开MT4交易平台,设置“最大偏差”或者调高数值。另外请您注意,外汇的10意味着1个点,而CFD农产品期货类10就代表着10个点。这里面是一定区分度的。  按照以上方法,FXCM福汇市价已变,重现下单off quotes如何解决的问题您已经了解了。如果还有什么疑问的话,请随时咨询福汇在中国最大的外汇中文服务商——通汇国际。福汇支持人民币银联入金,每月都有独家赠金活动,期待您的咨询。
2023-08-12 01:04:331


2023-08-12 01:04:401

If you think education is expensive, try estimating the cost of ignorance.如果你认为教育很昂贵,那试试估计无知的代价。 He who opens a school door, closes a prison. —Victor Hugo 谁若是开办了一所学校,他便是关闭了一座监狱。 ——维克多·雨果 The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you. 学习的美好之处就在于没有人可以夺走。 Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. 教育是未来的通行证,因为明天属于今天为之做准备的人。 To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark. —Victor Hugo 学会阅读就是点燃篝火,拼出的每个音节都是火花。 ——维克多·雨果 The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you"ll go. —Dr. Seuss 读万卷书,知万事理。明万事理,行万里路。 ——苏斯博士Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. –Henry Ford 任何停止学习的人都已经老了,无论是20岁还是80岁。坚持学习的人永远年轻,人生最美好的事就是保持年轻的心。 ——亨利·福特 Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. —Nelson Mandela 教育是最有力的武器,你可以用它来改变世界。 ——纳尔逊·曼德拉 All the world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind. 对于求知欲强的人来说,整个世界就是一个实验室。 Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn. —Benjamin Franklin 无知并不可耻,可耻的是不肯学习。 ——本杰明·富兰克林 Learning never exhausts the mind. —Leonardo da Vinci 学习永不会使心灵劳累。 ——莱昂纳多·达·芬奇 One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world. —Malala Yousafzai 一个孩子,一名老师,一本书,一支笔,就可以改变世界。 ——马拉拉·优素福扎伊 Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. —Thomas H. Huxley 尽可能广泛地涉猎各门学问,并且尽可能深入地择一钻研。 ——托马斯·亨利·赫胥黎 Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. 当一个人忘记了在学校学到的东西后,剩下的东西就是教育。 Making mistakes simply means you are learning faster. 犯错只意味着你学得更快。 I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma. 学无止境,墓碑将是我的毕业证书。
2023-08-12 01:04:481

js怎样把数组随机的值 出现过一次了 就不再出现第二次了。代码如下

2023-08-12 01:04:551

Quotes Left在外贸中是什么意思

2023-08-12 01:05:052

The wonderful feeling that love is it has made a niche for itself almost everywhere. Right from movies and novels to poems and songs love is by far the most popular subject in the world and creative people seldom think ice before flirting with it. So how can such a wonderful concept not make it to the realms of quotes? There is no dearth of love quotes either right from a new beginning to a tragic end - all the facets of love have been captured. Given below is a pilation of some famous quotes about love which will put forth yet another amazing facet of this concept before you. 爱情是一种美妙的感觉,几乎能够在所有的地方找到它的落脚点。从电影、小说到诗、歌,爱情是世界上最受欢迎的主题。当陷入其中时,有创造性的人几乎很少三思。所以在格言里怎能没有奇妙的表述吗?从一开始恋爱到悲剧的收场,这里也不乏爱情的名言——因为这里面已经包含了爱情的所有元素。下面给出了一些关于爱情的名言。 "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tzu “被人深深的爱,会给你力量:深深的爱上某人,会给你勇气。”——老子。 "True love is when everything in the world is going wrong all you have to do is look at that special person and suddenly everything in the world is right again! - Anonymous “真爱就是,当世界将要混乱,而你所要做的就是看着那个特别的人,突然间,世界又恢复正常了!”——无名氏 "What greater thing is there for o human souls than to feel that they are joined for life? (there) to strengthen each other (and) to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories." - Gee Eliot “难道有比两个心灵感觉到他们生命交汇在一起更重要的事情吗?每个人在这无声的记忆里都获得了力量。”——乔治 艾略特 "I love you not because of who you are but because of who I am when I am with you." - Roy Croft “我不是因为你是谁而爱你,而是因为我能够知道和你在一起时我是谁。”—— 罗伊 克罗特 "Take time to be sure but be sure not to take too much time." - Anonymous “花点时间来确定,但(我)确信不会花费很多时间。”——无名氏 "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all." - Samuel Butler “比起没有失去任何东西而言,曾经爱过并且失去爱要好得多。”—— 塞缪尔 巴尔特 "The essence of love begins when infatuation ends." - Anonymous “当迷恋结束时,真正的爱情就开始了。”——无名氏 "Nothing hurts more than realizing he meant everything to you and you meant nothing to him." - Anonymous “伤害不曾有除非你意识到他对你来说意味着一切,而你对他而言什么都不是。”——无名氏 "Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away; and all the things I want to say can find no voice. Then in silence I can only hope my eyes will speak my heart." - Robert Sexton “有时,你几乎他走我的呼吸;而我欲说无言。然后,静静的,我仅仅希望我的眼睛能够代表我的心在说话。”——罗伯特 赛克特 "Let your love be like the misty rains ing softly but flooding the river." - Malagasy Proverb “让你的爱像濛濛细雨一样,轻轻地来,但像洪水一样涌向江海。”——马达加斯加谚语
2023-08-12 01:05:121


你这段代码的功能是每次随机显示出一个城市,但是写得很差,我给你修改和注释如下:<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- //下面这行定义所有可能的城市为一个数组,使用逗号隔开,你可以调整和修改var quotes = new Array("北京","上海","广州","哈尔滨","长春","武汉","沈阳","大连","呼和浩特","成都");//下面这行产生一个随机数,Math.random()的结果在0~1之间,乘以数组的个数并取整以后就是数组范围内的随机数var rand1 = parseInt(Math.random()*quotes.length);//下面这行取出随机数的城市var quote = quotes[rand1];//下面这行输出城市document.write( quote );// --> </script>
2023-08-12 01:05:311

quotable quote 怎么翻译最好,为什么?

2023-08-12 01:05:413


2023-08-12 01:05:491

A Collection of Quotes (Chapter 1 , Getting Things Done)

在修辞学家眼中,箴言(Maxim)被当作一种“辞格”,也就是说话表达的格调或者风格,但是亚里士多德并不是这么看待箴言的,他认为箴言是一种公共说理手段,在《修辞学》第二部分第二十一章里有针对箴言的专门讨论。对于任何一个合格的公民来说,公共说理是一种必备的能力,因此箴言作为一种说理的手段也应当得到我们每个人的重视。 There is on thing we can do, and the happiest people are those who can do it to the limit of their ability. We can be completely present. We can be all here. We can give…our attention to the opportunity before us. (Mark Van Doren) Life is denied by a lack of attention, whether it be to cleaning windows or trying to write a masterpiece. (Nadia Boulanger) Trying too hard sabotage boat speed. Trying becomes striving and striving undoes itself. Social climbers strive to be aristocrats but their efforts prove them no such thing. Aristocrats do not strive; they have already arrived. Swing is a state of arrival. (Craig Lambert) Your ability to generate power is directly proportional to your ability to relax . If your mind is empty, it is always ready for anything; it is open for everything. (Snhunryu Suzuki) Clearing the mind to being open and appropriately response is the key. Imagine throwing a pebble into a still pond. Water is what it is, and does what it does. It can overwhelm, but it"s not overwhelmed. It can be still, but it is not impatient. It can be forced to change course, but it is not frustrated. Anything that cause you to overreact or underreact can control you, and often does. Most people give either more or less attention to things than they deserve. You must use your mind to get things off your mind . Rule your mind or it will rule you. There is usually an inverse relationship between how much something is on your mind and how much it"s getting done. There is no reason to ever have the same thought twice, unless you like that thought. Everything you"ve told yourself you ought to do, it thinks you should be doing right now. Frankly, as soon as you have two things to do stored only in your mind, you"ve generated personal failure, because you can"t do them both at the same time. Think like a man of action , act like a man of thought.(Henry Bergson) The ancestor of every action is a thought. (Ralph Waldo Emerson) People think a lot but most of that thinking is of a problem, project , or situation——not about it. Thinking toward outcome and action does not happen without a consciously focused effort. Reacting is automatic, but thinking is not. In knowledge work , the task is not given; it has to be determined. ‘What are the expected results from this work?" is the key question in making knowledge workers productive. And it is a question that demand risky decisions. There is no right answer; there are choice instead. (Peter Drucker) We need to transform all the** “stuff”** we"ve attracted and accumulated into a clear inventory of meaningful actions, projects, and usable information. Thought is useful when it motivates action and a hindrance when it substitutes for action.
2023-08-12 01:05:561


1.使用任何ODBC兼容的数据库2、很方便的插入到你现有的ASP程序中 如何保存更新内容呢? 数据库结构:(一共三个字段)QuoteID(Long ),Quote(String ),Author(String) 下面一个技巧是如何让更新显示在任意一个页面上呢? 我们只要把更新内容和作者当返回值送给调用的页面即可。代码如下,其中logic是一个随机数,表示随机从数据库中显示哪个记录: <% Sub GetQuote(byVal strQuote, byval strAuthor) Dim intMaxID& Dim intRecordID dim strSQL& Dim oConn& Dim oRS set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") oConn.Open "Database=mydb;DSN=Quotes;UID=sa;Password=;" strSQL = "SELECT MaxID=max(QuoteId) from Quotes" Set oRS = oConn.Execute(strSQL) If oRS.EOF Then strQuote = "站长太懒了,今天没有更新内容." strAuthor = "呵呵" Exit Sub Else intMaxID = oRS("MaxID") End If Randomize intRecordID= Int(Rnd * intMaxID) + 1 strSQL = "Select * from quotes where QuoteID=" & intRecordID & ";" Set oRS = oConn.Execute(strSQL) If oRS.EOF Then strQuote = "站长太懒了,今天没有更新内容." strAuthor = "呵呵" Exit Sub Else oRS.MoveFirst strQuote = oRS("Quote") strAuthor = oRS("Author") End If oRS.Close oConn.Close Set oRS = Nothing set oConn = Nothing End Sub %> 其实在程序中如果使用一个嵌套的SQL能够提高性能,例如这样Select * from Quotes where QuoteID = (Select int ( RND * Max(QuoteID) ) from Quotes ); 可是问题是有些数据库的随机数函数是RAND而不是RND,如果要是你自己用的话,那当然可以使用这句话代替我上面介绍的方法,可别忘了,要是别人的数据库不支持RAND怎么办,呵呵。 现在我们将上面的代码保存到一个名叫quotes.inc的文件中来,下面就举一个如何调用它的例子把: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>例子</TITLE> <!--#include virtual = "" --> </HEAD> <BODY> <BR><BR> <% Dim strQuote Dim strAuthor GetQuote(strQuote, strAuthor) %> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=6 CELLSPACING=5 BGCOLOR="#000000" WIDTH=500> <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCCC"> <TD ALIGN=CENTER> <B>"<% =strQuote %>" <BR>--<I><% =strAuthor %></I></B> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <BR><BR> </BODY> </HTML> 其实你可以再加强点它的功能:1.可以在子过程中给返回的字符串带上格式,这样显示会更加漂亮2。将这个代码做成一个组件来调用3。使用一个文本文件来代替数据库4。将SQL放到存储过程中去
2023-08-12 01:06:031

第3周:浪潮之巅与硅谷之谜 | 一年读书300本

用一小时时间速读,用一生时间精读 这是无悔在2017年阅读的第15~17本书 第3周关键词:吴军 对的,就是那个得到里开 <硅谷来信> 专栏的吴军,就是与那个在专业味极强的制药圈里首讲哲学的吴军同名同姓的吴军。 这两本书中介绍了非常多的硅谷以及美国的科技企业,把它当成故事集也可以,把它当成科技信息文集也可以。在一个集中的时间里能读到那么多耳熟能详的科技公司的故事,着实过瘾。IBM、英特尔、思科、雅虎、惠普、摩托罗拉,等等。 读《浪潮之巅》,真的就像享受在海里冲浪一样,一波又一波,冲到浪尖,又随后不可避免的随波而下。 读书原来也能让公司变得更加立体起来。 赶上做一次弄潮儿,就有可能功成名就,难得的是能赶上一次又一次。书里就介绍了这样的三家公司:诺基亚、3M和GE。 3M和GE现在在其各个领域里依然是不可撼动的霸主,但是如今的诺基亚已落到其又一个低谷之内,不知是否能再一次的完成华丽变身。 读书时不禁又想到存量这个概念,那些死守着赚钱的存量不放的,好多都被拍死在沙滩上了,也就是遭遇了"创新者的窘境"。看来日子好的时候一定要有心思舍得扔东西,是非常重要的思维模式。 作者完成书的时候,如今当红的那些科技明星公司有的刚刚诞生或是刚刚起步,比如Facebook,LinkedIn,Uber和Airbnb,因而书中并没有对这些公司有任何介绍。不知作者是否有计划,再出一个第三册呢? 书中的公司多数位于硅谷,于是乎,不可避免的要聊一聊同样位于硅谷的斯坦福大学。到底是斯坦福成就了硅谷还是硅谷成就了斯坦福?没有那么绝对的黑就是黑白就是白的事儿,在这一点上,《硅谷之谜》介绍得更多。 在斯坦福大学这一节中,我感受最深、最想分享的是下面这段话: 看完这本书,对斯坦福的好印象又加深了一层。 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 《硅谷之谜》其实更像是《浪潮之巅》的姊妹篇。 《浪潮之巅》是从时间和公司这两个维度,绘制了一幅以硅谷为中心的企业长卷,《硅谷之谜》则是以硅谷这个地方为核心,从不同角度剖析了是什么原因让硅谷成为硅谷。 硅谷的叛逆精神独树一帜。为何特殊,只因对叛逆的宽容。从A跳到B,带去了在A时的技术,在其他地方,早就上法庭打官司了,但是在硅谷却不会。硅谷更像是一个庞大的超级航母式企业,所谓的人才流动,只是从这个超级企业的左手换到右手而已。在叛逆精神下,没那么多的心理负担,省了多少的沟通成本,释放了多少的创新活力啊。 读过LinkedIn的《联盟》,对联盟这种新的雇佣关系很是欣赏。《硅谷之谜》里对此也有阐述,这样看来,是硅谷早早孵育了新型的雇佣关系这种文化,而LinkedIn将其发扬光大,并汇总成书。 契约合作关系是未来的合作趋势,只会越来越多,越早领悟并认同以及实践这个,越早受益。尤其是过几年后00后都要杀入职场了~~ 作者提到了信息时代的三论:控制论、信息论和系统论。比较理论化,我自己一时还没消化完全。但一个观点我很赞同,就是这些理论给出了全新的思维方式,也即全新的方法论。如作者所言: 对比中国,非常相似的就是深圳这座城市。深圳没有多深的大工业时代基础和历史积淀,人口也是相当的多元化,同时也是非常鼓励创新。不得不说,当下的深圳是个打拼的好地方。 如果想好好的了解硅谷,就来看看这本《硅谷之谜》吧! PS:吴军老师的另外两个系列,大学之路和文明之光,已经列到之后的读书清单里了。 这是QUOTES的分割线 Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn. -- Mahatma Gandhi
2023-08-12 01:06:101

php.ini “magic_quotes_gpc”配置问题

2023-08-12 01:06:171


2023-08-12 01:06:251


css quotes属性用于设置嵌套引用的引号类型。所有主流浏览器都支持quotes属性,但IE8需要定义!DOCTYPE才支持quotes属性。css quotes属性怎么用?quotes属性设置嵌套引用(embedded quotation)的引号类型。可以设置的属性值:●none:规定 "content" 属性的 "open-quote" 和 "close-quote" 的值不会产生任何引号。●string string string string:定义要使用的引号。前两个值规定第一级引用嵌套,后两个值规定下一级引号嵌套。●inherit 规定应该从父元素继承 quotes 属性的值。引号字符说明:所有浏览器都支持 quotes 属性。注释:如果已规定 !DOCTYPE,那么 Internet Explorer 8 (以及更高版本)支持 quotes 属性。css quotes属性 示例<!DOCTYPE><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"> <style type="text/css">q:lang(en){quotes: """ """ """ """}</style></head><body><p><q>This is a <q>big</q> quote.</q></p><p><b>注释:</b>如果已规定 !DOCTYPE,那么 Internet Explorer 8 (以及更高版本)支持 quotes 属性。</p></body></html>效果图:
2023-08-12 01:06:461


2023-08-12 01:07:081

quotes,sayings about communication英文的演讲用

He that converses not knows nothing. 不和人交谈的人一无所知。 Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. 读书使人渊博,交谈使人机敏,写作使人严谨。 Think with the wise, but talk with the vulgar. 同智者一起考虑,与俗人一起交谈。A boaster and a liar are cousins-german. 吹牛与说谎本是同宗。Fine words dress ill deeds. 漂亮的言词可以掩饰恶劣的行为。First think, and then speak. 先想后说。Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice. 要多听少说。He that knows not how to hold his tongue knows not how to talk.不知缄口的不善言。
2023-08-12 01:07:271

Quotes on Friendship and Kindness

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they are not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they are not so bad. True friendship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom known until it be lost. Do not walk in front of me, I may not follow. Do not walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend. You have two hands. One to help yourself, the second to help others. Since I was young, I have always known this: Life damages us, every one. We can not escape that damage. But now, I am also learning this: We can be mended. We mend each other. Kindness is like snow; it beautifies everything it covers. Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth. All for one and one for all. Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Carry out a random act of kindness, with no exception of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.
2023-08-12 01:07:341


My logic is undeniable
2023-08-12 01:07:443

关于Bid-Ask Quotes的问题,谢谢

2023-08-12 01:07:532


courage over timidity, of the appetit
2023-08-12 01:08:322


2023-08-12 01:09:345

php.ini “magic_quotes_gpc”配置问题

2023-08-12 01:09:521


My favorite motto
2023-08-12 01:10:047


2023-08-12 01:10:236


2023-08-12 01:11:163

python3.6中使用tushare get_realtime_quotes 报错Http 400

2023-08-12 01:11:241

1.Scrapy爬虫之静态网页爬取之一 了解response.xpath()

我们直接看例子: 网址: 1. xpath提取方法: 用谷歌浏览器打开网页,右键检查,选中标签-copy-copyxpath 2.如何得到网页信息: 在jupyter中的terminal中(jupyter中的termimal不能运行在windows系统中) 输入 scrapy shell 会有请求信息返回,返回response对象,里面包含网页所有信息。 楼主安装了3.6的anaconda,但是里面没集成scrapy框架。但是也安装了python2.7,里面成功安装了scrapy(添加环境变量了,命令行任意位置识别scrapy命令,不添加环境变量的话,只在它的文件夹下识别这个命令)。打开windows命令行,同样键入:scrapy shell 会有请求信息返回。[s]开头 如下: response是请求后所返回的对象,200说明返回正确 要验证表达式对不对,会返回一个对象叫response,这个response包含了这个网页的所有内容: 3.如何自己写xpath获取同一标签下的所有信息:
2023-08-12 01:11:321

“Spot Quotes”在国际贸易中的解释是什么?

2023-08-12 01:11:481


2023-08-12 01:12:115


1、创建①单引号"或双引号"例,var1 = "Hello World!"②三引号"""三引号允许一个字符串跨多行,字符串中可以包含换行符、制表符以及其他特殊字符2、截取字符串①索引:使用方括号来截取字符串[]从0开始编号也可以从末尾开始提取,最后一个-1例:var1 = "Hello World!"print "var1[0]: ", var1[0] ->var1[0]: H②分片:左边是下边界(包含下边界);右边是上边界(不包括上边界);中间用冒号分隔下边界省略表示0,下边界省略表示分片对象的长度例,s="spam" print "s[:-1]" ->"spa"3、修改字符串字符串不能直接修改其中的字符!!利用合并、分片来建立并赋值给新的字符串可以将结果赋值给最初的变量名4、查找子字符的位置变量名.index("需要找的子字符串‘)变量名.index(范围,"需要找的子字符串‘)或("需要找的子字符串‘,范围)5、判断某元素是否在字符串里面"元素‘in "字符串‘或"元素‘not in "字符串‘将会输出true/false6、字符串运算符+字符串连接/中间留个空格*字符串重复输出7、转义字符\反斜杠符号"单引号"双引号 换行​
2023-08-12 01:12:293

8088汇编语言一直出现(2) unterminated string: " (2) mismatched or misplaced quotes 代码如下

2023-08-12 01:13:161


yeah .TO be or not to be ,this is a question
2023-08-12 01:13:273


主语NBN Co"s construction chief Patrick Flannigan 谓语quit宾语just daysended在这里是个动词 after之后是一个完整的句子saying是定语从句 隐形主语是NBN Co"s construction chief Patrick Flannigan
2023-08-12 01:13:367


2023-08-12 01:14:011


SQL注入攻击是黑客攻击网站最常用的手段。如果你的站点没有使用严格的用户输入检验,那么常容易遭到SQL注入攻击。SQL注入攻击通常通过给站点数据库提交不良的数据或查询语句来实现,很可能使数据库中的纪录遭到暴露,更改或被删除。为了防止SQL注入攻击,PHP自带一个功能可以对输入的字符串进行处理,可以在较底层对输入进行安全上的初步处理,也即Magic Quotes。(php.ini magic_quotes_gpc)。如果magic_quotes_gpc选项启用,那么输入的字符串中的单引号,双引号和其它一些字符前将会被自动加 上反斜杠/。但Magic Quotes并不是一个很通用的解决方案,没能屏蔽所有有潜在危险的字符,并且在许多服务器上Magic Quotes并没有被启用。所以,我们还需要使用其它多种方法来防止SQL注入。许多数据库本身就提供这种输入数据处理功能。例如PHP的MySQL操作函数中有addslashes()、 mysql_real_escape_string()、mysql_escape_string()等函数,可将特殊字符和可能引起数据库操作出错的字 符转义。那么这三个功能函数之间有什么却别呢?下面我们就来详细讲述下。虽然国内很多PHP程序员仍在依靠addslashes防止SQL注入,还是建议大家加强中文防止SQL注入的检查。addslashes的问题在 于黑客 可以用0xbf27来代替单引号,而addslashes只是将0xbf27修改为0xbf5c27,成为一个有效的多字节字符,其中的0xbf5c仍会 被看作是单引号,所以addslashes无法成功拦截。当然addslashes也不是毫无用处,它是用于单字节字符串的处理,多字节字符还是用mysql_real_escape_string吧。另外对于php手册中get_magic_quotes_gpc的举例:if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {$lastname = addslashes($_POST[‘lastname"]);} else {$lastname = $_POST[‘lastname"];}最好对magic_quotes_gpc已经开放的情况下,还是对$_POST["lastname"]进行检查一下。再说下mysql_real_escape_string和mysql_escape_string这2个函数的区别:mysql_real_escape_string 必须在(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5)的情况下才能使用。否则只能用 mysql_escape_string ,两者的区别是:mysql_real_escape_string 考虑到连接的当前字符集,而mysql_escape_string 不考虑。总结一下:* addslashes() 是强行加/;* mysql_real_escape_string() 会判断字符集,但是对PHP版本有要求;* mysql_escape_string不考虑连接的当前字符集。dz中的防止sql注入就是用addslashes这个函数,同时在dthmlspecialchars这个函数中有进行一些替换$string = preg_replace("/&((#(/d{3,5}|x[a-fA-F0-9]{4}));)/", "&//1",这个替换解决了注入的问题,同时也解决了中文乱码的一些问题推荐学习:PHP视频教程
2023-08-12 01:14:081


2023-08-12 01:14:306

PHP中 get_magic_quotes_gpc() 函数作用是什么?

get_magic_quotes_gpc 取得 PHP 环境变量 magic_quotes_gpc 的值。 语法: long get_magic_quotes_gpc(void); 返回值: 长整数 函数种类: PHP 系统功能 内容说明 本函数取得 PHP 环境配置的变量 magic_quotes_gpc (GPC, Get/Post/Cookie) 值。返回 0 表示关闭本功能;返回 1 表示本功能打开。当 magic_quotes_gpc 打开时,所有的 " (单引号), " (双引号), (反斜线) and 空字符会自动转为含有反斜线的溢出字符。 参考 get_magic_quotes_runtime() set_magic_quotes_runtime()
2023-08-12 01:14:461


1.英语句子NiCetomeetyoutoo怎么读 Nice to meet you too的读音是: 英:[nais tu: mi:t ju:tu:] 美: [nau026as tu mit ju tu] Nice to meet you too译为:我也很高兴认识你 双语例句 1、Hi, Tom, nice to meet you too. 你好,汤姆。很高兴见到你! 2、Nice to meet you too, Mr Wang. 见到你我也很高兴!王先生。 扩展资料 重点词汇 nice to meet you很高兴见到你 英式音标: [nau026as] [tuu02d0] [miu02d0t] [juu02d0] 美式音标: [nau026as] [tuu02cctu0259] [mit] [ju] 例句: 1.Good morning. Nice to meet you and thanks for being with us this weekend 早上好!见到你真高兴,感谢你和我们共度这个周末。 2."Nice to meet you," said Michael. "Same here," said Mary Ann “很高兴见到你,”迈克尔说。“我也是,”玛丽·安说。 2.经典离别英文诗句 Now I have to say fareware. “Welcome ever smiles,And farewell goes out sighing.” William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet, 1564-1616) Similar Quotes. “That farewell kiss which resembles greeting, that last glance of love which becomes the sharpest pang of sorrow.” George Eliot quotes (English Victorian Novelist. Pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans, 1819-1880) “Sweets to the sweet: farewell!” William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet, 1564-1616) “Don"t be dismayed at goodbyes, a farewell is necessary before you can meet again and meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.” Richard Bach quotes (American Writer, author of "Jonathan Livingston Seagull", b.1936)。 “Here"s to the bright New Year, and a fond farewell to the old; here"s to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold.” “Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.” J.R.R. Tolkien quotes (English Writer and Author of richly inventive epic fantasy The Lord of the Rings, 1892-1973) “Farewell the tranquil mind; farewell content!Farewell the plumed troop and the big wars That make ambition virtue!” William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet, 1564-1616) “The play is done; the curtain drops,Slow falling to the prompter"s bell A moment yet the actor stops And looks around to say farewell.It is an irksome word and task:And when he"s laughed and said his say,He shows, as he removes the mask,A face that"s anything but gay.” William Makepeace Thackeray quotes (Indian born English Author and Novelist of "Vanity Fair", 1811-1863) “Never say goodbye, say farewell.” “Every day I shall put my papers in order and every day I shall say farewell. And the real farewell, when it comes, will only be a small outward confirmation of what has been accomplished within me from day to day.” Etty Hilsum quotes “Farewell -- farewell,For I am weary of the weight of time.” William Butler Yeats quotes (Irish prose Writer, Dramatist and Poet. Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923. 1865-1939) “Farewell happy fields / Where joy for ever dwells: Hail horrors, hail!” John Milton quotes (English Poet, Historian and Scholar. Ranks second, only to Shakespeare, among English poets. 1608-1674) “Farewell! a long farewell to all my greatness!” William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet, 1564-1616) “Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again.” William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet, 1564-1616) “Man"s feelings are always purest and most glowing in the hour of meeting and of farewell” Jean Paul Richter quotes (German Novelist and humorist, 1763-1825) “Farewell, fair cruelty.” William Shakespeare quotes (English Dramatist, Playwright and Poet, 1564-1616) “The return makes one love the farewell” Alfred De Musset quotes (French Romantic poet and playwright, 1810-1857) “So farewell Hope, and with Hope farewell Fear, Farewell Remorse: all Good to me is lost; Evil be thou my Good” John Milton quotes (English Poet, Historian and Scholar. Ranks second, only to Shakespeare, among English poets. 1608-1674) If I should meet thee, After long years, How should I greet thee? With silence and tears. —(Britain) George Gordon Byron Thinking of each other is just like a thread connecting both you on the one end and me on the other end.。
2023-08-12 01:14:531


直接在php.ini文件里加上这个就可以了magic_quotes_gpc = Off
2023-08-12 01:15:011