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2023-08-20 20:47:51
TAG: 英语 政策

”法规与政策“可译为“laws and regulations and policies"。


It is about the effect of environmental management, environmental laws and regulations and environmental policies on the development of environmental protection industry.





"Law and policy"






Regulations and policies


Law and politics ,law法律法规,politics政策,regulations管控规定


policies and laws








尚赫?我一直在做的好好的,一年多了,现在是店长。喂信 zmm1160-------------------------------------------比例的基本性质 如果a:b=c:d,那么ad=bc 如果ad=bc,那么a:b=c:d 84 (2)合比性质 如果a/b=c/d,那么(a±b)/b=(c±d)/d 85 (3)等比性质 如果a/b=c/d=…=m/n(b+d+…+n≠0),那么 (a+c+…+m)/(b+d+…+n)=a/b
2023-08-11 22:50:512


问题一:符合规定 英文怎么说 翻译方式很多《要根据具体语境而定。例如: 设计符合规定。 The design 【conforms with the regulations】. 《21世纪大英汉词典》 但这些议员辩称,他们的所作所为符合规定。 These members argued that what they did 【was consistent with the rules】. 符合规定的软件鉴别材料。 Software identifying material 【is keeping with the rules】. . 不符合规定要求的,不得购进和使用。 Those pharmaceuticals that do not 【meet the requirements】 of relevant regulations shall not be purchased and used. 祝你开心如意! 问题二:法律规定的英语翻译 法律规定用英语怎么说 答案: improve relevant laws and regulations 例句: 中国将保持外资政策的连续性和稳定性,完善相关法律法规,为外商创造良好的投资环境。 China will maintain the continuity and stability of its FDI policy, improve relevant laws and regulations and create a sound investment climate for foreign businesses 问题三:法律法规 英语怎么说 law: 普通用词,泛指由最高当局所制订、立法机构所通过的任何成文或不成文的法规或条例。 constitution: 指治理国家或国家在处理内外政务时所遵循的基本法律和原则;也指规章规则的汇集。 regulation: 普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。 code: 指某一阶层或社会所遵守的一整套法典、法规或法则;也可指与某一特殊活动或主题有关的规则。 rule: 通常指机关、团体的规章、条例或比赛规则;也指对人行为、方法等所作的规定,还可指习俗所承认的规定。 act: 指经立法机构通过并由行政管理签署的法案。 问题四:规则一用英语怎么说 rule 1规则一 不要带书包Don"t bring your bag 希望采纳 问题五:公司规定 规定的英文怎么说 pany Policy pany Regula亥ion pany Prescript pany Provision “规定”有很多翻译,要看公司规定的范围来看用哪一个。 问题六:符合法律规定 英文怎么说 In conformity with the law 问题七:依照相关条款规定 英文怎么说 In accordance with the relevant provisions 问题八:执行规定的英语怎么说 obey the rules
2023-08-11 22:51:181

公司规定 规定的英文怎么说

2023-08-11 22:51:277


2023-08-11 22:51:411


遵照规定_有道翻译翻译结果:Comply with the provisions ofprovisions英 [pru0259"viu0292n]美 [pru0259"viu0292n]n. 规定(provision的复数);食品;预备v. 供应补给品;供应粮食(provision的三单形式)provisions 条款,规定,给养appropriation provisions 拨款条例implementary provisions 施行细则
2023-08-11 22:51:511


safety rules...
2023-08-11 22:52:013


我们的班级规定(our class rules)Every class has rules, like No smoking, No eating and No sleeping. Our class is not very good, because some students are talking when someone is speaking. In the class, we should observe others by rules. Now, I list some rules in class:1. No talking when someone is speaking.2. No sleeping in class.3. No eating or drinking in class.4. Be always on time.5. No playing in class.6. No laughing when someone makes a mistake.These rules are just my opinion, but I think if our class has such rules, we can study better.译文每个班级都有规定,比如不准吸烟、不准吃饭、不准睡觉。我们班不是很好,因为有些学生在讲话,而有人在讲话。在课堂上,我们应该遵守规则。现在,我在课堂上列出一些规则:1.有人说话时不要说话。2.上课不准睡觉。3.课堂上不准吃东西或喝酒。4.总是准时。5.上课不准玩。6.当有人犯错时,不要笑。这些规则只是我的意见,但我认为如果我们班有这样的规则,我们可以学习得更好。
2023-08-11 22:52:081

这是规定 英语怎么说

This is the regulation
2023-08-11 22:52:4110


2023-08-11 22:53:091

明文规定 用英文怎么说?

clearly-stated rules
2023-08-11 22:53:334


名词表达有lagal provisons on..., the provisions of the statute/law 动词表达有the law stipulates...,the law provides that...
2023-08-11 22:53:433


“除非另有规定”在英文合同中使用很频繁,从字面表面看是一些对例外情况的约定,实际上是对主句约定内容的特别强调。使用得当,可以起到强制性效果,但使用不当,可能被对方钻空子。这个概念有多种表达方式,如:除非合同另有约定、除非法律另有规定、除非双方另有商定等。 “除非合同另有规定”常见的用法包括: unless otherwise specified in the Contract Unless otherwise agreed herein Save as otherwise provided in this Contract Save insofar as the contract otherwise provides Save where the provisions of contract Except where otherwise provided except insofar as it is otherwise provided in the contract 等等。 Except as provided elsewhere 例The contractor shall make his own arrangements for the engagement of all labor, local or otherwise, and save insofar as the contract otherwise provides, for the transport, housing, feeding and payment thereof. 承包人必须自行安排雇佣所有当地和外地的劳工,并负责劳工的交通、食宿和工资,除本合同另有规定的例外。 例Unless otherwise specified in the credit, banks will reject a transport document issued by a forwarding agent. Provided that unless such transport document is the FIATA combined Transport Bill of Lading approved by the International Chamber of Commerce or otherwise the transport document indicates that it is issued by a forwarding agent acting as a carrier or an agent of a named carrier. 除非信用证另有规定,银行将拒受运输行出具的运输单据,但是有“国际运输商协会联合会”的联合运输提单或注明运输行作为承运人或某承运人的代理人出具的运输单据除外。 例Bank charges in respect of transfers are payable by the first beneficiary unless otherwise specified by the bank. The transferring bank shall have no obligations to effect the transfer until such charges are paid. 除非银行另有规定,有关转让的银行费用应由第一受益人支付。在该费用付清之前,转让行无办理转让的义务。
2023-08-11 22:54:062


制定规则的英语rule-making。制定规则的英语rule-making。rule-making的例句:The Authority may make rules regulating the procedure for appeals to the panel。房屋委员会须制定规则,以规定上诉小组审理上诉的程序。The expert database of the author can make rules to extract according to the specific circumstances,achieve fair,justice,open。作者所研制的专家库具有灵活多样,可按照具体情况灵活制定规则进行抽取,做到公平、公正、公开。学好英语的方法有培养兴趣、坚持每天学习、多听多说、扩大词汇量、阅读和写作1、培养兴趣:兴趣是最好的老师。尝试从自己感兴趣的领域入手,如电影、音乐、旅行等,通过这些途径学习英语,会让学习过程更加愉快。2、坚持每天学习:学习英语需要持之以恒。每天安排一定时间学习英语,无论是阅读、写作、听力还是口语,都要保持一定的练习量。3、多听多说:提高英语水平的关键是多听多说。可以通过收听英语广播、观看英语电影、参加英语角等方式,提高自己的英语听力和口语能力。4、扩大词汇量:词汇是语言的基础。每天学习一定数量的新单词,并尝试在日常生活中运用这些单词,可以有效提高英语水平。5、阅读和写作:阅读英文文章、书籍,可以提高英语阅读能力和写作水平。也可以积累大量的词汇和表达方式。
2023-08-11 22:54:221


规定饮食 [词典] diet; [例句]我努力做到了只吃规定饮食,不沾甜食。I managed to stick to the diet and keep off sweet foods
2023-08-11 22:55:041


Unless the contract stipulates otherwise注意事项:(1)、合同的基本条款要具备,尤其是交易的内容、履行方式和期限、违约责任要约定清楚。(2)、查阅国家对该交易有无特别规定,目的在于确定双方的权利义务是否合法有效。(3)、向律师事务所、公司法律顾问咨询相关业务的实际开展情况,了解业务发生纠纷的概率和纠纷的起因、种类,以便在订立合同时尽可能避免同样缺憾的发生。(4)、可能的话,通过行政机关的公证、律师见证和公证,通过相关机构的中介作用,使合同的内容尽可能完备。(5)、签署合同时合同表面要字迹清楚,整洁,推荐使用合同专用纸张打印。扩展资料合同形式,是指当事人合意的外在表现形式,是合同内容的载体。我国《合同法》第10条:当事人订立合同,有书面形式,口头形式和其他形式。法律,行政法规规定采用书面形式的,应该采用书面形式。当事人约定采用书面形式的,应当采用书面形式。经济合同的形式是指经济合同当事人之间明确权利义务的表达方式,也是当事人双方意思表示的表现方法。根据经济合同法规定,经济合同的形式主要有口头形式和书面形式两种。口头形式口头形式是指当事人双方用对话方式表达相互之间达成的协议。当事人在使用口头形式时,应注意只能是及时履行的经济合同,才能使用口头形式,否则不宜采用这种形式。书面形式书面形式是指当事人双方用书面方式表达相互之间通过协商一致而达成的协议。根据经济合同法的规定,凡是不能及时清结的经济合同,均应采用书面形式。在签订书面合同时,当事人应注意,除主合同之外,与主合同有关的电报、书信、图表等,也是合同的组成部分,应同主合同一起妥善保管。书面形式便于当事人履行,便于管理和监督,便于举证,是经济合同当事人使用的主要形式。参考资料来源:百度百科—合同
2023-08-11 22:55:151


Laboratory safety management regulations
2023-08-11 22:55:322


the length of medical leave is fixed according to the length of service of the employee in the company. It would be 3 months during the first year with 1 month added for every full-year of service completed, with a maximum of 24 months. The company reserves the right to terminate employment contract with any employee who is unable to perform whose duty after the period of medical leave.
2023-08-11 22:55:402

不符合规定, 英文怎么说

is against the regulation
2023-08-11 22:55:505


规定的英文是stipulate。读音:英[u02c8stu026apjuleu026at],美[u02c8stu026apjuleu026at]。释义:vi.规定;保证。vt.规定;保证。adj.有托叶的。变形:过去分词stipulated,过去分词stipulated,现在分词stipulating,第三人称单数stipulates。短语:law stipulate法律规制。Self Stipulate On-Off test自定断续测试。stipulate for规定。to stipulate规定;订明;明订。stipulate的例句1、The Constitution stipulate that women shall have equal rights with men in voting and being elected.宪法规定妇女和男子一样,有同等的选举权和被选举权。2、We stipulate that our salesgirl must be polite to customers .我们规定售货小姐们必须礼貌待客。3、Can you stipulate they would carry out the treaty?你能保证他们会执行该条约吗?4、The company fails to pay on the date stipulate in the contract.该公司没有按合同中规定的日期付款。
2023-08-11 22:56:171


2023-08-11 22:56:362


What are the rules/regulations of the school?
2023-08-11 22:57:023


2023-08-11 22:57:123

在图书馆里的规定 英文翻译

Rules in Library
2023-08-11 22:57:363


“除非另有规定”在英文合同中使用很频繁,从字面表面看是一些对例外情况的约定,实际上是对主句约定内容的特别强调。使用得当,可以起到强制性效果,但使用不当,可能被对方钻空子。这个概念有多种表达方式,如:除非合同另有约定、除非法律另有规定、除非双方另有商定等。 “除非合同另有规定”常见的用法包括: unless otherwise specified in the Contract Unless otherwise agreed herein Save as otherwise provided in this Contract Save insofar as the contract otherwise provides Save where the provisions of contract Except where otherwise provided except insofar as it is otherwise provided in the contract 等等。 Except as provided elsewhere 例The contractor shall make his own arrangements for the engagement of all labor, local or otherwise, and save insofar as the contract otherwise provides, for the transport, housing, feeding and payment thereof. 承包人必须自行安排雇佣所有当地和外地的劳工,并负责劳工的交通、食宿和工资,除本合同另有规定的例外。 例Unless otherwise specified in the credit, banks will reject a transport document issued by a forwarding agent. Provided that unless such transport document is the FIATA combined Transport Bill of Lading approved by the International Chamber of Commerce or otherwise the transport document indicates that it is issued by a forwarding agent acting as a carrier or an agent of a named carrier. 除非信用证另有规定,银行将拒受运输行出具的运输单据,但是有“国际运输商协会联合会”的联合运输提单或注明运输行作为承运人或某承运人的代理人出具的运输单据除外。 例Bank charges in respect of transfers are payable by the first beneficiary unless otherwise specified by the bank. The transferring bank shall have no obligations to effect the transfer until such charges are paid. 除非银行另有规定,有关转让的银行费用应由第一受益人支付。在该费用付清之前,转让行无办理转让的义务。
2023-08-11 22:57:452


Your carry-on Baggage must fit under the seat in front of you or in the overhead bin.For First and Business Class, the carry-on baggage shall not exceed 8kg per passenger. For Economy Class, the carry-on baggage shall not exceed 5kg(11 pounds) per passenger.For First and Business Class, up to two pieces of baggage are allowed per passenger. For Economy Class, only one piece is allowed per passenger. Each piece of carry-on baggage shall not exceed the maximum dimensions of 55cm (21”long) x 40cm (15”wide) x 20cm (7”high).Any item in excess of carry-on baggage size or allowance requirements as listed above will be required to travel as checked baggage.The following items shall not be carried in checked baggage nor carry-on baggage: Dangerous goods, firearms (excluding hunting and sporting rifles), military or police equipment (including the main components), knives, live animals, fresh perishable goods with distinct odors (e.g. seafood, durians, etc.)Prohibited items include firearms, ammunition, controlled knives and the likes; flammables, explosives, and poisonous and corrosive substances; radioactive and other hazardous materials; items which are harmful to the aircraft safety and prohibited from carriage by law, rules or government regulations; live animals; decomposed and fresh items of pungent odor, such as seafood, durian etc.; items whose packaging, shape, weight, volume or nature is not suitable for carriage; other items hazardous to air safety or prohibited by applicable laws, regulations or government decrees. Please contact us for further information.
2023-08-11 22:58:001


“除非另有规定”在英文合同中使用很频繁,从字面表面看是一些对例外情况的约定,实际上是对主句约定内容的特别强调。使用得当,可以起到强制性效果,但使用不当,可能被对方钻空子。这个概念有多种表达方式,如:除非合同另有约定、除非法律另有规定、除非双方另有商定等。 “除非合同另有规定”常见的用法包括: unless otherwise specified in the Contract Unless otherwise agreed herein Save as otherwise provided in this Contract Save insofar as the contract otherwise provides Save where the provisions of contract Except where otherwise provided except insofar as it is otherwise provided in the contract 等等。 Except as provided elsewhere 例The contractor shall make his own arrangements for the engagement of all labor, local or otherwise, and save insofar as the contract otherwise provides, for the transport, housing, feeding and payment thereof. 承包人必须自行安排雇佣所有当地和外地的劳工,并负责劳工的交通、食宿和工资,除本合同另有规定的例外。 例Unless otherwise specified in the credit, banks will reject a transport document issued by a forwarding agent. Provided that unless such transport document is the FIATA combined Transport Bill of Lading approved by the International Chamber of Commerce or otherwise the transport document indicates that it is issued by a forwarding agent acting as a carrier or an agent of a named carrier. 除非信用证另有规定,银行将拒受运输行出具的运输单据,但是有“国际运输商协会联合会”的联合运输提单或注明运输行作为承运人或某承运人的代理人出具的运输单据除外。 例Bank charges in respect of transfers are payable by the first beneficiary unless otherwise specified by the bank. The transferring bank shall have no obligations to effect the transfer until such charges are paid. 除非银行另有规定,有关转让的银行费用应由第一受益人支付。在该费用付清之前,转让行无办理转让的义务。
2023-08-11 22:58:092


violate the rule
2023-08-11 22:58:253


“除非另有规定”在英文合同中使用很频繁,从字面表面看是一些对例外情况的约定,实际上是对主句约定内容的特别强调。使用得当,可以起到强制性效果,但使用不当,可能被对方钻空子。这个概念有多种表达方式,如:除非合同另有约定、除非法律另有规定、除非双方另有商定等。 “除非合同另有规定”常见的用法包括: unless otherwise specified in the Contract Unless otherwise agreed herein Save as otherwise provided in this Contract Save insofar as the contract otherwise provides Save where the provisions of contract Except where otherwise provided except insofar as it is otherwise provided in the contract 等等。 Except as provided elsewhere 例The contractor shall make his own arrangements for the engagement of all labor, local or otherwise, and save insofar as the contract otherwise provides, for the transport, housing, feeding and payment thereof. 承包人必须自行安排雇佣所有当地和外地的劳工,并负责劳工的交通、食宿和工资,除本合同另有规定的例外。 例Unless otherwise specified in the credit, banks will reject a transport document issued by a forwarding agent. Provided that unless such transport document is the FIATA combined Transport Bill of Lading approved by the International Chamber of Commerce or otherwise the transport document indicates that it is issued by a forwarding agent acting as a carrier or an agent of a named carrier. 除非信用证另有规定,银行将拒受运输行出具的运输单据,但是有“国际运输商协会联合会”的联合运输提单或注明运输行作为承运人或某承运人的代理人出具的运输单据除外。 例Bank charges in respect of transfers are payable by the first beneficiary unless otherwise specified by the bank. The transferring bank shall have no obligations to effect the transfer until such charges are paid. 除非银行另有规定,有关转让的银行费用应由第一受益人支付。在该费用付清之前,转让行无办理转让的义务。
2023-08-11 22:58:462


Have many rules in your home? 翻译器翻译的结果
2023-08-11 22:59:022


用英语为宿舍说五条规定:Dormitory Rules:1). No smoking.2). No talking loudly after 10:30pm.3). Put litter into bin.4). Lock the door after leaving.5). Turn off light in the night.
2023-08-11 22:59:121


英文是:domestic discipline and family rules重点词汇:rules英[ru:lz]释义:n.[数]规则;条例(rule的复数形式)v.统治;支配;裁定(rule的第三人称单数形式)短语:Rules of Engagement交战规则;约会规则;约会法则;火线冲突扩展资料:词语辨析:constitution,regulation,code,rule这些名词均有“法同,法规”之意。1、constitution指治理国家或国家在处理内外政务时所遵循的基本法律和原则;也指规章规则的汇集。2、regulation普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。3、code指某一阶层或社会所遵守的一整套法典、法规或法则;也可指与某一特殊活动或主题有关的规则。4、rule通常指机关、团体的规章、条例或比赛规则;也指对人行为、方法等所作的规定,还可指习俗所承认的规定。
2023-08-11 22:59:191


规定每户人家只能有一个小孩Rule that each family can only have one child.规定 [guī dìng]n. stipulationvi. stipulate例句:The contract specifies red tiles, not slates, for the roof.合同规定屋顶用红瓦, 并非石板瓦。In 1991 the government set quality standards for the entire industry.1991年, 政府给整个工业规定了质量标准。希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!
2023-08-11 22:59:482


it contradicts our financial principal.
2023-08-11 23:00:074

每位员工都应该遵守公司的规定用英语怎么说be supposedto?

"每位员工都应该遵守公司的规定"可以用英语表达为:"Every employee should abide by the regulations of the company."
2023-08-11 23:00:261


英文日期分英式和美式。英式日期格式:日,月,年美式日期格式:月,日,年具体举例如下:1) 8th March,2004 或8 March,2004(英式)2) March 8th,2004 或March 8,2004 (美式)日期写法宜遵从下列规则:1)年份必须完全写明,不可用"04代替2004;2)月份必须用英文拼出或采用公认的简写,即 January (Jan.),February(Feb.),March(Mar.),April(Apr.),May,June,July,August (Aug.),September(Sept.),October(Oct.),November(Nov.),December(Dec.);3)日期可用序数词,如:1st,2nd,3rd,4th,...;也可用基数词,如:1,2,3,4,...。但美式大多采用后者;4)在年份和月日之间必须用逗号隔开;5)日期不可全部采用如7.12.2003或7/12/2003的阿拉伯数字书写,否则会引起误解。因为英美在这方面的习惯用法不同。按美国人习惯,上述日期为2003年7月12日,而按英国习惯则是2003年12月7日。6th April,1978 是英式英文的写法. April 6th, 1978 是美式英文的写法.(注意:日子和月份中间没有逗号.)6th,April,1978April 6th,1978April 6,1978 都正确关于日期的写法,应注意以下几点:①年份应完全写出,不能简写。②月份要用英文名称,不要用数字代替。③月份名称多用公认的缩写式。但 May, June, July, 因为较短,不可缩写。④写日期时,可用基数词1,2,3,4,5,……28,29,30,31等,也可用序数词 lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, ……28th, 29th, 30th, 31lst等。但最好用基数词,简单明了。日期可有下列几种写法:① Oct. 20, 2004② 10 May, 2004③ 3rd June, 2004④ Sept. 16th, 2004按美国习惯, ①最为通用日期的写法,月、日、年,月份用英文,日和年用阿拉伯数字。例如:2008年9月8日应写成:Sep. 8, 2008 或 09/08/2008
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1 Before entering the library, shoes should be taken off and put on the rack outside. 2 Silence must be kept in the library, anyone violating that rule will be advised to leave. 3 Playing in the library is not allowed. 4 Food and drink are not allowed in the library. 5 Resources of the library are not to be taken away without borrowing process. 6 School bags and books not belonging to the library are not allowed inside the library. Personal belongings can be put on the school bag shelf in the library. 7 Doing homework in the library is not allowed. All stationery, with the exception of those needed for information collection, should not be brought into the library. 8 Unless under very special circumstances, borrowing someone else"s library card is not allowed. Loss of library card should be reported to the library teacher and application should be made for replacement. 9 Books are to be returned on time. Late returns entail being fined. 10 Loss of or damages done to the resources of the library are to be paid for in full.
2023-08-11 23:01:021

“无论谁违背了这些规定 都会受到惩罚”英文

2023-08-11 23:01:091


  你知道计算规则的英语怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧。   计算规则的英文释义:   putation rule   计算规则的英文例句:   这些操作可以计算规则结果、赋值或呼叫其他服务。   These actions may pute rule results, assign values, or invoke other services.   这些不同方法的组合产生了三种截然不同的索赔手续费计算规则。   The bination of these different options creates three distinct claim handling charge calculation rules.   例如,如果有一个用例是进行一个房间预订,也必须有一个计算规则来确定房间费用。   For example, if there is a use case to make a room booking, there must also beputation rules to determine the room charges.   条约还包含了各种详细的定义和计算规则,以便于双方计算条约规定的核弹头限额。   It contains detailed definitions and counting rules that will help the partiescalculate the number of warheads that count under the treaty limits.   其中一大看点是使用DSL可以描述业务功能例如,在保险系统中的计算规则。   The big hype is around using a DSL to describe the business functionality for example, calculation rules in an insurance system.   完整的程式设计实现是基于分配处理器assignmenthandler的6,它允许任务根据任意的计算规则去查询使用者ID。   A fully programmatic implementation is based on an assignment handler 6, whichallows a task to find the user ID, based on the on arbitrary calculations.   被提升到各种乘方上,产生数字系统内基本计算规则的数字。   The number that is raised to various powers to generate the principal countingunits of a number system.   在 C/C++ 中,表示式是基于结合律、操作符的优先顺序和一组数学计算规则的。   In C/C++, expressions are based upon associativity, precedence of operators anda set of arithmetic promotion rules.   他的团队通常用这类模拟来理解大脑的高阶计算规则。   His team is using the simulation to try to understand the brain"s high-levelputational principles.   开发递回值的计算规则。使得连结的权重有了很好的解释。   Second, the development of recursive calculation rules. The weight makes thelink with good explanation.   指出随着下潜深度的增加,给现行的潜艇设计计算规则提出了挑战。   This paper put that increase of submergence depth challenges calculation rule ofsubmarine deˉsign.   本文首先提出了一组基于软体体系结构配置的测试标准及其计算规则。   In this paper, we firstly propose a set of configuration-based testing criteria and their putational rules.   一旦计算规则编码的价格,这是仍然有必要给予的应用条件,这个比率的网格。   Once the calcul rules of the encoded price, it is still necessary to give theapplication conditions of this rate grid.   为安装水管所进行的渠道开挖的工程量所用的计算规则条目,与为排水渠所开挖的工程量是相同的。   For example trench excavation for plumbing pipes are governed by the samerules of measurement as trench excavation for drain pipes.   在这种情况下,经济学家看到基本的计算规则现在与几百万的家庭发生碰撞的迹象。   In the dip, economists saw evidence that the basic laws of arithmetic are nowimpinging on millions of households.   通过计算规则隶属粗糙度,来表示诊断规则的置信程度。   The belief degree of diagnosis rules is determined by calculating the roughsubjection degree of reasoning rule.   介绍了有效数字的计算规则,对分析测试结果表达中的有效数字进行了介绍。讨论了《中国药典》中存在的有效数字问题。   The rules of calculation of effective digits in expression of result of *** ysis are introduced. The problems of effective digits in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia arediscussed.   针对商品的优先权值提出一个新的计算规则,给出面向寿险客户的目录分割问题模型,适用于寿险企业的市场营销。   It gives the priority value of product a new calculation rules and presents apolicyholder-oriented catalog segmentation model, makes it more suitable formarketing life insurance panies. kns50.   从计算规则列表里选择一个函式。函式指定合并区域的值如何连线。预设设定是求和函式。   Select a function from the Function list. The function specifies how the values ofthe consolidation ranges are linked. The Sum function is the default setting.   介绍了有效数字的计算规则,对分析测试结果表达中的有效数字进行了介绍。   The rules of calculation of effective digits in expression of result of *** ysis areintroduced.   本文设计了一种阻塞费用计算规则。   In this paper, we design a rule for calculating the block cost.   本文根据应力张量定义,利用张量计算规则及有关规定,给出剪应力互等定理的证明。   According to the definition of stress tensor and by means of the tensor calculationrule and the concerned stipulations the equivalent theorem of shearing stress isproved in this paper.   本文分析了这些问题,并给出了解决方案,提出了列举变数适值计算规则的程式码植入方案。   This article *** yzes these problems and presents the solutions of codeembedded in the rule of enumeration variable fitness calculation.   目的从功率谱估计和计算规则两方面对胃电慢波节律百分比的计算方法进行改进。   Objective To improve the estimation and the percentage ofelectrogastrogramEGGslow wave rhythm with power spectrum estimation andcalculation rule set.   不同机制的计算规则动词退化到布林规则和基于动词相似性的简单计算动词的精确推理方法将被给出。   Different mechani *** s of degenerating a putational verb rule into a Booleanrule are presented . Based onthe verb similarities of the simplest putationalverb reasoning method is given .   您可以获得关于在向栏位应用多个规则时计算规则的一些思路。   You can gain some idea of how rules are evaluated when you apply multiple rulesto a field.
2023-08-11 23:01:161


1.Seal"s specification, model The managed by the people non-Enterprise unit"s seal divides into the name seal, the administrative body seal and the special-purpose seal (special-purpose seal divides into steel seal, financial special-purpose chapter, contract special-purpose chapter and so on), is the circular. approves the registration by the State Council Civil administration department the managed by the people non-Enterprise unit, the name seal diameter is 4.5 centimeters, the administrative body seal diameter is 4.2 centimeters. Approves the registration by the place all levels of people"s government Civil administration department the managed by the people non-Enterprise unit, the name seal diameter is 4.2 centimeters, the administrative body seal diameter is 4 centimeters. The managed by the people non-Enterprise unit"s special-purpose seal must be smaller than the name seal and the diameter does not surpass 4.2 centimeters most greatly, most is smaller than 3 centimeters. managed by the people non-Enterprise unit"s seal, central publication five pointed star, outside five pointed star publication unit name, from left and right circumduction. And in administrative body seal"s administrative body name and financial special-purpose chapter, contract special-purpose Zhang Zhong finance special-purpose, contract special-purpose and so on inscriptions, publication under five pointed star, from left and right horizontal type-setting. 2.Seal"s name, writing, literary style The seal publication"s unit name, should be the managed by the people non-Enterprise unit"s legal name; National autonomous areas" managed by the people non-Enterprise unit"s seal must juxtapose the publication Chinese written language and the local general nationality writing; Has the international contact managed by the people non-Enterprise unit seal, needs to make by cutting the foreign language name, will approve the registration book Chinese name to translate into the corresponding foreign writing, compound publication Chinese written language and foreign language. in the seal India article"s Chinese character, must use the simplified Chinese character which the State Council announces, the typeface is a Song typeface. 3.Seal"s cutting examination procedure The managed by the people non-Enterprise unit makes by cutting the seal to in obtain the certificate of registry backward registration Regulatory body to propose written application and seal model, after authorization holds the agreement cutting seal introduction letter which and the certificate of registry the registration Regulatory body draws up after the locus county, the city (area) above the Public security organ handle engrave the procedure, only then makes by cutting. 4.Seal"s management and hands in for cancellation (one) the managed by the people non-Enterprise unit"s seal after the registration Regulatory body, the Public security organ sets up a file, only then begins using. (two) the managed by the people non-Enterprise unit must establish the perfect seal use control system, the seal must have the specialist to take care. To violates the stipulation use seal to create the serious results, must investigate that takes care of the person either owner"s administrative responsibility or the legal liability.when (three) the managed by the people non-Enterprise unit reasons and so on e"s registration, seal damage need to replace the seal, should arrive at the registration Regulatory body to return the original seal, makes by cutting according to this stipulated procedure application. (four) the managed by the people non-Enterprise unit seal loses, becomes invalid after the statement, may make by cutting according to this stipulated procedure application. Makes by cutting the seal should have the difference with the original seal. If the five pointed star both sides add the horizontal line.after (five) the managed by the people non-Enterprise unit handles the logging out registration, must return the complete seal the registration Regulatory body to seal promptly. (six) the managed by the people non-Enterprise unit is abolished, must capture its complete seal by the registration Regulatory body. (seven) registers the Regulatory body to capture the seal which and the managed by the people non-Enterprise unit returns, must register compiles a register, to deliver the local Public security organ to destroy. (eight) the managed by the people non-Enterprise unit has not handled to the Public security organ engraves the procedure to make by cutting the seal arbitrarily, imposes below 500 Yuan by the Public security organ to fine or the warning, and captures its illegal cutting the seal. (nine) to authorizes without the Public security organ, undertakes to manufacture the managed by the people non-Enterprise unit seal"s enterprise arbitrarily, the 25th second stipulation punishes by the Public security organ according to "the People"s Republic of China Public security Management Punishment Rule". 5Before this stipulation issue, according to the national concerned requirements tenable managed by the people non-Enterprise unit, in the managed by the people non-Enterprise unit reexamination registration process, through the reexamination registration, its seal specification, the model, the name, the writing, the literary style has conformed to this stipulation, after the registration Regulatory body sets up a file may continue to use; Does not tally should apply for the cutting; Through the reexamination registration should not the bring up all standing, return the original seal to the service Master unit, and registers by the service Master unit compiles a register, to deliver the local Public security organ to destroy. 6.This stipulation is put into force upon issuance.
2023-08-11 23:01:261


There are many rules in my home
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2023-08-11 23:02:161


博物馆的规定图标go to muesum
2023-08-11 23:02:262


Our school made the rule that students aren`t allowed to go to toilet in class.
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图书馆的规则英语6条有:1、Do not grab the seat for others, do not lie down in the seat, and do not smoke in the reading room.不要为他人抢占座位,不要在座位上躺卧,也不要在阅览室内吸烟。2、Please keep quiet in the reading area. Please mute your mobile phone before entering the reading area. Please keep cell phone calls outside.阅览区域内须保持安静,请在进入阅览区域前将手机调至静音状态;手机通话请到室外。3、It is strictly forbidden to hide, tear, paint, steal books or periodicals, violators will be dealt with according to relevant regulations.严禁藏匿、撕割、涂画、偷窃书刊资料,违者将按有关规定处理。4、Do not damage the catalog card when reading it. Don"t dot the book randomly.查阅目录卡片时,不可把目录卡片弄坏。不要在图书上随意圈点。5、Readers should dress neatly when they go to the library, turn off their mobile phones before entering the library, and do not wear vests or slippers when entering the library.读者上图书馆学习应衣着整洁,进图书馆前应自觉关手机,不能穿背心、拖鞋进图书馆。6、Sit and rise gently, and turn the pages gently.入座和起座要轻,翻书也要轻。
2023-08-11 23:02:431


你好,switch信用卡绑定流程:1、 首先到E-SHOP内先选一款游戏;2、 点选购入后点选上面的购物选项;3、 点进去后选第一个使用信用卡一次付清选项;4、进入到 信用卡输入页面输入信用卡或是VISA金融卡即可。操作环境:手机是红米k30 i,适用系统:MIUI 12.1.1首先下载E-SHOP(版本号为:V.然后注册登录上去,点选购入后点选上面的购物选项;点进去后选第一个使用信用卡一次付清选项;进入到 信用卡输入页面输入信用卡即可。1.NS,全名NINTENDO SWITCH,是任天堂游戏公司于2017年3月首发的旗舰产品,主机采用家用机掌机一体化设计。新机不锁区,支持1920*1080电视输出和1280*720掌上输出。2.港版NS于2017年3月3日发售,台版于12月1日发售。这是前社长岩田聪最后一部参与开发的硬件产品,该产品将成为未来任天堂娱乐事业蓝图的中心。NS首秀获得强烈反响,预告片YouTube首日播放量超一千万回,一度登顶YouTube播放榜首,风头压过美国大选。拓展资料:一:什么是信用卡1.信用卡又称贷记卡,是商业银行或信用卡公司向符合条件的消费者发行的信用凭证。表格是一张卡片,正面印有发卡机构名称、有效期、号码、持卡人姓名等,背面印有磁条和签名条。持有信用卡的消费者可以在专门的商业服务部门购物或消费,然后银行会与商户和持卡人进行结算。持卡人可在指定金额内透支。2.中国有关法律(全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于中华人民共和国刑法关于信用卡的规定的解释)所规定的信用卡,是指由商业银行或其他金融机构发行的电子支付卡。具有消费支付、信用贷款、转账结算、现金存取等全部或部分功能。 2017年12月1日,公共服务领域英文翻译写作标准正式实施,规定英文为信用卡标准的名称是信用卡。4.信用卡消费是一种非现金交易支付方式。消费时无需支付现金,到账当日还款。信用卡分为信用卡和准信用卡。信用卡是指持卡人有一定的信用额度,可以在信用额度内消费前还款的信用卡;准信用卡是指持卡人按规定存入一定数额的小额现金,当小额现金账户余额不足支付时,可以在规定的信用额度内透支的准信用卡。信用卡一般仅指信用卡。
2023-08-11 23:03:261

英语翻译 政府将更严厉地处罚违反限排规定的行为

毛病在于 “违反限排规定的行为”的翻译,在这句里处罚的是“人”的行为,所以英文的表达应该是处罚“人”而不是 “行为“。另外,”限排规定“翻译为 emission regulations 比较好。违反限排规定的行为应译为:people who violated the emission regulations (违反限排规定的人)或anyone who violated the emission regulations (任何违反限排规定的人)全句可译为:The government will punish anyone who violated the emission regulations more severely.
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2023-08-11 23:03:521


First, general rule The first article invitation foreign teacher comes the school teacher the main purpose is: Strengthens my school English discipline the construction; Enhances my school the quality of teaching and the scientific research level; Sharpens the student English spoken language human relations ability; Serves for my adjustment body development. The second article invitation foreign teacher"s basic principle is: Is, according to must invite, the enhancement management, is adopted by us. Second, teaching management Third article I the school promptly introduce our country"s educational policy, the policy, the teaching system, in the school basic situation, the school goal, the plan of instruction and English teaching question to the foreign teacher.The attention listens to their suggestions. The fourth article foreign teacher should defer to my school plan of instruction as well as the student situation carries on the teaching, and formulates the relatively nimble plan of instruction.Concrete teaching material selection consults the determination by the English section foreign teacher. Fifth article I the school assigns the specialist to be responsible for the foreign teacher routine work, all English teachers all are its assistant, English teacher want to attend a lecture frequently along with the hall, studies the specialized knowledge and the teaching method to the foreign teacher, and pays attention collects and accumulates the foreign teacher"s teaching material. Sixth article acts according to my school reality, my school determined foreign teacher each week teaches the hour is 12-15 study period, the foreign teacher also must accept to my school English teacher"s counselling work, as well as some my school arrangement temporary, correlation English teaching duty. The seventh article permission foreign teacher uses the different method to carry on the teaching, welcome them to give the comment and the suggestion to the teaching.But every is advantageous to the improvement teaching the also practical and feasible opinion and the suggestion must accept and put into practice.To unreasonable or cannot achieve temporarily, should explain patiently. The eighth article foreign teacher teaches the period, the school can arrange English teacher to attend a regular class frequently or the organization observes and emulates the teaching, understood the foreign teacher"s teaching request, carries on the quality of teaching inspection regularly, the guarantee plan of instruction implementation. The ninth article school provides the teaching scientific research essential books, the reference, the reference book and the teaching aid to the foreign teacher. The tenth article foreign teacher may participate in the school organization each kind take activities and so on teaching, scientific research as content vocational study and seminar.English section should frequently exchange the opinion with the foreign teacher, solves them promptly the question which meets in the teaching scientific research. 11th article respect foreign teacher"s religious belief, but does not allow them to carry on in the teaching does missionary work or the propaganda religion activity. 12th article in teaching, in case has the political viewpoint difference, should distinguish the different situation and the nature, processes properly.May frontage expound generally my viewpoint, solves, but the attention do not have to impose in the human.To intends to attack, the provocation political issue must veto a request, and reports promptly to the higher authority department responsible for the work. The 13th article foreign teacher in principle does not have to adjust the curriculum at will, does not have to egress the travel using the teaching time and the visit, the tour.In case the peculiar circumstance needs to adjust the class, must win the school department responsible for the work approval beforehand. Third, administration The 14th article foreign teacher touches on foreign affairs the management as well as the daily life management is responsible specifically by the school office, the school school administration office assists; The teaching management is responsible by the school school administration office, the school office assists. The 15th article foreign teacher should observe the school strictly the related rules and regulations, every because of events or because of sickness cannot the worker, be supposed to submit the written leave slip beforehand, and must win principal"s approval, because the foreign teacher because of events sickness temporarily leaves the school, still needs to obtain principal"s agreement.The foreign teacher is absent from class for no reason, or after has not granted leave leaves the school arbitrarily, the school should give the severe criticism, and regards the plot to deduct the corresponding wages.Circumstance serious, should according to hire the contract the stipulation execution, until dismisses. The 16th article foreign teacher may voluntary participation school organization"s each recreation, the sports.The school and English group needs for to enrich their service culture life to create the condition. 17th article forbid strictlys the foreign teacher working secretly in outside, the concurrent job.The offender will punish according to the related rule. Fourth, funds management 18th article according to National Foreign country Expert Bureau, the State Council introduces the overseas intelligence leading group and so on the department concerned the stipulation, the long-term foreign teacher is hiring the period wages treatment according to the school record, the title, the experience and the discipline nature decides, and enjoys cost-of-living allowances and so on traveling subsidy, general medical expense, housing and water and electricity. The 19th article foreign teacher"s wages, the cost-of-living allowance as well as "Foreign Teacher Hires other expense disbursement which Contract" on stipulated by the school to undertake. Fourth, the life manages the 20th foreign teacher to have to abide by the law China"s, the laws and regulations; Respects the Chinese people the cultural custom, the habits and customs and the religious belief.Does not have to make the damage in the Chinese people sentiment matter. Outside 21th article teaches in the dormitory not to have to stay overnight other people, the visit personnel must stay should register into touches on foreign affairs the guesthouse.Stays overnight secretly other people, in accordance with the situation will impose the education through criticism or the external affair disciplinary action. The 22th article fulfillment receives callers the registration system, after the school external affair work leading group agreed only then receives has the personnel who the appointment or receives the invitation.Has the matter to egress must return to school before evening ten o"clock, after ten o"clock, without are in charge of principal to agree, do not permit secretly and any visit personnel contact. 23th article does not have in the campus and so on public place smoking, the phlegm; Does not permit to put on the vest, the slipper enters the classroom.Forbid strictlys beside the time which stipulated in the school with the opposite sex student contacting. 24th article strict observance school regulation school discipline.Outside teaches to be supposed to be same with my school teaching and administrative staff, on, gets off work on time, does not have to be absent without leave, to be late or leaves early, has the matter to have first through to contact with the teacher to be in charge of principal to ask for leave, after the authorization only then leaves. 25th article daily necessities and the related facility and so on loving care computer, bicycle, the damage or losing must compensate. 26th after article assumes a post, how does my school related staff demonstrate uses the life facility, outside teaches to be supposed to study earnestly and to grasp; In relates under teacher"s leadership, to nearby bank start account, familiar places and so on post office, supermarket, theater, station. 27th article and the Chinese government teacher, the student respect mutually, live together in peace and harmony, in case the concrete question, should through contact with the teacher to the school external affair work leading group prompt reflection, solves properly. Outside 28th article teaches the daily work load not to surpass for 8 hours, each week work does not surpass 5 day.With school in English teacher together work. Outside 29th article each set teaches in the dormitory to provide the essential daily necessities, both sides connects with the inventory at the appointed time: The television (1), the telephone (1), the electric boiler (1), the kitchen equipment (1), drinks the hydraulic engine (1), the tableware (1), the single bed (1), on the bed the thing (1), the headstock (1), the writing desk (1), the chair (2), the closet (1), the desk lamp (1), showers the equipment (1), washer (1), television (1), refrigerator (1), air conditioning (1). Outside 30th article teaches to be possible to obtain the monthly salary Renminbi 3000 Yuan, the full two semesters provide the round-trip airplane ticket, if works a semester to provide the one-way airplane ticket. 31th article like needs the vehicle, should ahead of time one day through contact with the teacher to inform is in charge of principal, after waits the authorization only then to use.The attention rides in a carriage the security, maintains in the vehicle neat. Outside 32th article teaches to be possible in the school the free seeing a doctor, if must arrive the extracurricular seeing a doctor, should accompany by the school liaison officer, the medical service may settle account by its myself or pay first by the school, repays by myself.The medical insurance and the accident personal property are safe, takes care of oneself by the outside manual person. 33th article enjoys China"s normal holiday.Christmas day period, has a vacation 4 day.The school authorities organize 1-2 local time and the peripheral locality traveling, the expense bear by the school authorities.Teaches tour by outside which arranges voluntarily, all expenses take care of oneself by its myself, simultaneously must inform promptly is in charge of principal its traveling geographic name and the driving route. The 34th outside article school authorities ended for a month in the vacation to inform to teach, favors them to carry on the arrangement; The school authorities teach into the school and in outside hold separately to the timing welcome and see off party, is in charge of principal to speak, please outside teach to eat meal, outside teaches to the school in front of to request them to leave behind the related teaching material, and had finished after the semester outside a month submits to area Bureau of Education teaches in the school work appraisal situation. The 35th outside article school authorities assist to teach to handle the resident certificate (date of expiry to finish an after for month up to semester).Assists to prearrange it to leave the school bus (ship, machine) the ticket. Outside 36th article teaches after the school, it hires the relations with the school authorities also to relieve, the school no longer undertakes any responsibility to it. Fifth, the safety control 37th foreign teacher in arrives in my school for 12 hours, must arrive Suzhou External affair Department and the public security department verifies and handles the external affair personnel to temporarily reside the card. The 38th article school designation administrative personnel, the teaching assistant help the foreign teacher as soon as possible familiar work and the living conditions, understood the school the rules and regulations, explains the essential security general knowledge and the safe guard measure. The 39th article foreign teacher must in the apartment which provides in the school live, in the room cannot alone counsel the opposite sex student. The 40th article foreign teacher egresses when myself must lock the door, close the window, does not close the windows and doors to appear the security event not to undertake the responsibility by the foreign teacher. The 41th article school provides to the foreign teacher each kind of domestic electric appliances which uses in the apartment, before the use must by the school designation administrative personnel, the teaching assistant explain the demonstration, guarantees the use security.If in use process operation not when causes the facility damage, invests voluntarily by the foreign teacher the service, appears the person to harm the school authorities not to undertake the mistake. The 42th article foreign teacher cannot the back guy receive a telegram secretly in the apartment, the use high efficiency uses the electric appliance; Discovered the facility equipment has the question to have to report promptly to the school, the school sends the specialist to inspect the service, the prompt solution, guarantees the water, the electricity, the warm security. The 43th article school arrangement foreign teacher participates in the public relations or the social public welfare activity, must accompany by the specialist. The 44th article foreign teacher should undertake the responsibility in the extracurricular security by myself. The 45th article foreign teacher participates in outside the invitation contract the activity, after must by the school to agree and reports the correlation department to authorize only then to carry on. The 46th article this system completely matters concerned have not worked by the school foreign teacher the leading group to make the explanation and the arrangement.
2023-08-11 23:04:202