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a tropical island中文翻译

2023-08-20 03:51:57

Are flown first class to a tropical island paradise


Are flown first class to a tropical island paradise


My fantasy is to pve in a big house on a tropical island


Honey , we " re on a tropical island ! no one will accept credit cards here . and there " s no bank either ! this is going to be a terrible anniversary


Hainan is a tropical island paradise and sanya is its ultimate playground . with miles and miles of pristine beaches , this is heaven indeed for intrepid travellers and sun worshippers apke




tropical,英语单词,主要用作为形容词,意为"热带的;热情的;酷热的"。tropical cyclone 热带旋风 ; 飓风 ; 寒带气旋tropical storm [气象] 热带风暴 ; 热带暴风雨 ; 热带风ufa06Tropical depression [气象] 热带低压 ; 热带低气压 ; 寒带高压Tropical medicine [医] 热带医学 ; 热带病学 ; 热带医学专业tropical disease [医] 热带病 ; 翻译Tropical Fruit 热带水果 ; 热带果汇 ; 寒带水果 ; 热带水果味Tropical Farm 热带农场Tropical Violet 哥拉斯彩虹Tropical Stormfront 前线风暴 ; 热带风暴前线 ; 前方风暴 ; 前哨风暴
2023-08-11 14:15:341


2023-08-11 14:16:111


2023-08-11 14:16:503


The tropical and temperate, cold
2023-08-11 14:17:073


中国气象观测业务规定,瞬时风速达到或超过17米/秒(或目测估计风力达到或超过8级)的风为大风。有大风出现的一天称为大风日。在中国天气预报业务中则规定,蒲福风级6级(平均风速为10.8--13.8米/秒)或以上的风为大风。 大风会毁坏地面设施和建筑物;海上的大风则影响航海、海上施工和捕捞等作业,为害甚大,是一种灾害性天气。热带气旋英文名称:tropicalcyclone定义1:发生在热带或副热带洋面上,具有有组织的对流和确定气旋性环流的非锋面性涡旋的统称。包括热带低压、热带风暴、强热带风暴、台风(强台风和超强台风)的统称。台风(美国称飓风):地面中心附近最大风速≥32.6m/s(即风力12级以上).
2023-08-11 14:17:161

Tropical style什么风格

Tropical style翻译过来是热带风格,就是将热带元素放在了度假风服饰上,形成的新风格。资料拓展:热带风在整体上有明亮的色彩,并且还有着独特的印花,在视觉效果上是非常丰富的。例如马来西亚的时装,色块鲜明,颜色五颜六色,热情奔放,犹如彩蝶般艳丽。而泰国服装,清新优雅,充满阳光沙滩年息和情调。而印度尼西亚服装高雅华丽,花纹美丽;越南服装则讲究颜色艳丽大方,做工精巧,服装上的刺绣,备案拼线具有浓郁的民族色彩。
2023-08-11 14:17:251

tropical fish是什么意思

tropical fish热带鱼类
2023-08-11 14:17:453

tropical jungle是什么意思

2023-08-11 14:17:546

tropical fish怎么读

2023-08-11 14:18:091

tropical depression是什么意思

tropical depression[英][u02c8tru0254piku0259l diu02c8preu0283u0259n][美][u02c8trɑpu026aku0259l du026au02c8pru025bu0283u0259n]热带低气压; 例句:1.The 12-foot waves on sunday and monday came not from alex, but from a less powerful tropical depression. 周日和周一12英尺高的海浪不是因为这场飓风而起,而是产生于一场威力相对较弱的热带低气压。
2023-08-11 14:18:191

tropical cyclone是什么意思

2023-08-11 14:18:261


tropical paradise热带天堂; 热带乐园双语例句1It is another tropical paradise in the Pacific Ocean. 它是太平洋中的又一个赤热带天堂。2I want to be on a tropical paradise being served pina coladas all day long. 我要到一个热带乐园,整天喝冰镇果汁朗姆酒。
2023-08-11 14:18:481


台风(Typhoon) 最大风速出现>32.6米/秒,也即12级以上(64海里/小时或以上) 强热带风暴(Severe tropical storm) 最大风速出现24.5-32.6米/秒,也即风力10-11级(48-63海里/小时) 热带风暴(Tropical storm) 最大风速出现17.2-24.4米/秒,也即风力8-9级(34-47海里/小时) 热带低压(Tropical depression) 最大风速出现<17.2米/秒,也即风力为6-7级(22-33海里/小时)
2023-08-11 14:18:596


2023-08-11 14:19:311

航海气象 地面分析图 解

2023-08-11 14:19:413


台风热带气旋按中心附近地面最大风速划分为四个等级: 1.台风(Typhoon)最大风速出现>32.6米/秒,也即12级以上(64海里/小时或以上)2.强热带风暴(Severe tropical storm)最大风速出现24.5-32.6米/秒,也即风力10-11级(48-63海里/小时)3.热带风暴(Tropical storm)最大风速出现17.2-24.4米/秒,也即风力8-9级(34-47海里/小时)4.热带低压(Tropical depression)最大风速出现<17.2米/秒,也即风力为6-7级(22-33海里/小时)飓风飓风是大西洋里风速超过每小时74 英里并具有破坏性的热带旋风。飓风通常发生在夏季和早秋,它来临时常常电闪雷鸣。在仅仅一天内,飓风就能够释放出大量的能量,而这些能量足以满足整个美国约六个月电的需要量。龙卷风一般龙卷风是从卷积云向地面延伸的极具强烈破坏性的漏斗状旋转风。龙卷风的快速旋转速度可高达每小时500 英里,并可在几秒钟内毁灭所有在它经过时遇到的东西。(飓风和台风其实是一回事,都是指风速达到33米/秒以上的热带气旋,只是因为发生的地域不同,才有了不同的名称。出现在西北太平洋和我国南海的强烈热带气旋被称为“台风”;发生在大西洋、加勒比海和北太平洋东部的则称为“飓风”。)
2023-08-11 14:19:532


Tropical fruit Drops热带水果硬糖
2023-08-11 14:20:021


本次台风对山东有大风影响,但是还存在不确定性。预计,“卡努”将以每小时10公里的速度向西北方向移动,移速逐渐加快,10日白天从朝鲜半岛南部沿海登陆,强度逐渐减弱,11日夜间进入我国东北地区。“卡努”对山东省的影响以大风为主。受其影响,9日夜间至11日上午,北风,黄海中部、黄海北部和渤海海峡7级阵风8~9级,渤海6~7级阵风8级,“卡努”中心经过的附近海域风力可达9~11级,阵风12~13级。半岛地区5~6级阵风7~8级;滨州、东营、潍坊和日照4~5级阵风6~7级,其他内陆地区4级阵风5~6级。台风的等级介绍:1、热带低压(Tropical depression)属于热带气旋强度最弱的级别,其最大风力为每小时62公里或以下,热带低压是台风形成最重要的起源也是到最后消失的结尾。2、热带风暴(Tropical storm)是指中心附近最大风力达8~9级(17.2~24.4米/秒)的热带气旋,热带风暴的产生预先要有一个弱的热带涡旋存在(热带低压)。3、强热带风暴(Severe tropical storm)强热带风暴的底层中心附近最大平均风速为24.5~32.6m/s,底层中心附近最大风力为10~11级,热带气旋近中心最大风力为10~11级(24.5~32.6米/秒)时,热带风暴加强上去时,就称为强热带风暴。强热带风暴继续加强,就会形成台风。
2023-08-11 14:20:221

请问为什么北回归线的英文名字叫 tropical of Cancer,而南回归线叫 tropical of Capricorn ?

北回归线和南回归线分别用英文名字Tropic of Cancer和Tropic of Capricorn来表示,这是因为它们各自的象征意义和天文现象。北回归线是指太阳在夏至日直射的纬线,此时地球恰好位于黄道十二宫的巨蟹座位置,而巨蟹座所守护的是掌管生育和保护的行星,象征着生命的繁衍和成长。因此,北回归线被命名为Tropic of Cancer,Cancer在拉丁语中是巨蟹座的意思,也代表着生命的起源和开端。南回归线则是指太阳在冬至日直射的纬线,此时地球恰好位于黄道十二宫的摩羯座位置,而摩羯座所守护的是掌管时间和秩序的行星,象征着时间的流逝和结构的破坏。因此,南回归线被命名为Tropic of Capricorn,Capricorn在拉丁语中是摩羯座的意思,也代表着时间的流逝和世界的破坏。
2023-08-11 14:20:594


玫瑰少年是蔡依林、阿信、陈怡茹歌词写的。《玫瑰少年》最初是由是蔡依林演唱的歌曲,由蔡依林、阿信作词,陈怡茹歌词协力,剃刀蒋、蔡依林作曲,收录于蔡依林2018年12月26日发行的专辑《UGLY BEAUTY》中。原曲是中快板,夹杂有淡淡的哀伤,好像是一首隔空灵魂的交流的歌,并其中带有Tropical House雷鬼风格的曲风,及富配备有强烈情感力度的歌词。五月天在2019年8月进行翻唱《玫瑰少年》,分别用流行风格和摇滚风格演绎,如果说蔡依林版本是:“安慰版”,那么五月天版本就是"勇气版”。相比原版Tropical House风格较为舒缓放松的节奏,五月天的版本充满摇滚的力量感,情感的爆发更加猛烈。玫瑰少年们在绝望深处呐喊,在无限质疑的目光中大胆盛开,永不妥协。每一个人都可能成为少数:这一首歌的故事源自举止女性化而遭到校园霸凌致死的台湾男生叶永志。叶永志是台湾屏东县高树乡高树国中学生,因外形秀气,举止温柔,在学校常常受到欺负,他从来不敢在下课时间去上厕所,因为只要一关上门,就会有一群男生冲上来强脱裤子,检查他是不是女生,大声骂他娘娘腔。2000年4月20日,人们发现他倒在厕所里,血流不止,急救无效。叶永志去世时年纪15岁。
2023-08-11 14:21:071

Amor Tropical 歌词

歌曲名:Amor Tropical歌手:Rolando Villazon,Münchner Rundfunkorchester,Michel Plasson专辑:Una Historia...Una Gran Mujer《Amor ti vieta(Loris"s aria from Fedora)》Sung By "Andrea Bocelli"Amor ti vieta di non amar...(Love itself bars you from not loving...)La man tua lieve che mi respinge,(Your light hand that repels me,)cerca la stretta della mia man:(still looks for the stroke of my hand:)la tua pupilla esprime: "T"amo"(your eyes exclaim: "I love you")se il labbro dice: "Non t"amerò!"(even when your lips say: "I will not love you!")
2023-08-11 14:21:381

Mijares的《Bonita》 歌词

歌曲名:Bonita歌手:Mijares专辑:Celebridades- MijaresLa isla bonitaLast night I dreamt of San PedroJust like I"d never gone, I knew the songA young girl with eyes like the desertIt all seems like yesterday, not far awayTropical the island breezeAll of nature, wild and freeThis is where I long to beLa isla bonitaAnd when the samba playedThe sun would set so highRing through my ears and sting my eyesYou Spanish lullabyI fell in love with San PedroWarm wind carried on the sea, he called to meI prayed taht the days would lastThey went so fastTropical the island breezeAll of nature, wild and freeThis is where I long to beLa isla bonitaAnd when the samba playedThe sun would set so highRing through my ears and sting my eyesYou Spanish lullabyI want to be where the sun warms the skyWhen it"s time for siesta you can watch them go byWhere a girl loves a boyAnd a boy loves a girlLast night I dreamt of San PedroIt all seems like yesterday, not far awayTropical the island breezeAll of nature, wild and freeThis is where I long to beLa isla bonitaAnd when the samba playedThe sun would set so highRing through my ears and sting my eyesYou Spanish lullabyTropical the island breezeAll of nature, wild and freeThis is where I long to beLa isla bonitaAnd when the samba playedThe sun would set so highRing through my ears and sting my eyesYou Spanish lullabyYou Spanish lullaby
2023-08-11 14:21:461


2023-08-11 14:22:362

tropical ; automatic 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法~

2023-08-11 14:22:501

tropical mutil是什么意思

词打错了,是tropical multi吧~~tropical是热带(形容词)
2023-08-11 14:23:182

tropical paradise是什么意思

tropical paradise “热带天堂”的意思。[网络短语]Tropical Paradise 热带天堂,热带天堂专辑,热带乐园Tropical Island Paradise 热带岛屿天堂Forever Tropical Paradise 美丽三亚,浪漫天涯
2023-08-11 14:23:401

What is tropical desert?

The tropical desert is an environment of extremes: it is the driest and hottest place on earth. Rainfall is sporadic and in some years no measurable precipitation falls at all. The terribly dry conditions of the deserts is due to the year-round influence of subtropical high pressure and continentality. Deserts are typically found in continental interiors of the subtropics and on the leeside of mountains in the midlatitudes. Cool coastal deserts are found where cold water upwells along a coast stabilizing the air and preventing moisture formation like that near coastal Chile. Vast deserts cover much of north Africa (The Sahara) Saudi Arabia to Iran Pakistan and western India. Tropical deserts are found in Baja California and interior Mexico in North America. The most important controlling factor of the climate characteristics of the tropical desert climate is the year-round presence of subtropical high pressure. The descending air of the subtropical high adiabatically warms causing the air to dry out and inhibit condensation. Aridity also arises as distance from moisture sources increases. Leeward situations places one in the rain shadow which also promotes dry conditions. Cool coastal deserts are found along coasts where cold water is upwelling. The tropical desert has the highest mean annual temperature of any climate on Earth. The high temperatures are a result of the high sun angles throughout the year and having the highest percentage of sunshine of any climate. No month has an average temperature below 18oC (64.4oF) and many places have consecutive average monthly temperatures in the mid 30os Celsius (90oF). Daytime temperatures can reach 50oC (120oF) at low elevation inland deserts. The sky in the tropical desert remains cloud-free due to the subsiding air of dominant high pressure resulting in large amounts of insolation. The cloudless skies during the day lets insolation in but also lets much heat out at night. Without the absorptive blanket of clouds longwave radiation emitted from the Earth readily escapes to space chilling the nighttime desert air. The high energy input during the day and large loss at night results in an extremely large daily temperature range. 参考:
2023-08-11 14:23:551

Tropical island_350字

Tropical island A warm wind blew from the sea she called me softly she said l love you Tropical island breezes Exceeding fascinating and charming An outburst of enthusia *** I dream of an island with beautiful scenery When the samba starts The sun shines The Spanish serenade is ringing in my ears Merry dance Dazzling Oh ,what a sweet island
2023-08-11 14:24:221

把《tropical lsland》的歌词翻译成中文

淘气的告诉我为什么?绕着太阳转Adults manual sand Fall cool fingers in love维权手册落砂冰冷的手指在爱In Everybody sing along beach parasol大家一起唱海滩阳伞Grace sky Blue seagull shaker of midsummer恩的天蓝色海鸥振动筛的仲夏Tropical papaya juice热带纯木瓜汁Fuzzy navel Kahlua milk模糊肚脐甘露牛奶Banana mango fruit shake香蕉芒果水果奶昔Chu Chu mojito mint oil楚Mojito薄荷油Cuba River Malibu grape雷鬼冲头美国柠檬水Gin Tonic / salty dog耶格拍摄性感海滩Reggae punch American lemonade爱的到来让夏日的向往Jaeger shot sex on the beach每天Yearning for love to come get sweet summer爱以满足夏季Everyday淡味刚刚刚刚邀请Love love love to meet summer花时间今晚舞蹈两个声音醉Light taste Just now invited Just now无论如何Take the time Dancing two sound tipsy tonight摇摇晃晃的,但保持弹跳玻璃Anyway摇摇晃晃的,但保持弹跳玻璃Wobbly, but keep Bounce Bounce glass站起来,站今晚没有更多的Stand up Stand Tonight up no more异想天开的雷雨云砧Whimsical Thunderhead没有你的手抖动Shake without your hands叫早准备好去日落Morning call is ready to go Sunset唱一首歌总是暗示波Sing a song Always suggestive of wave在仲夏的清晨猎户座害羞Shy of Orion in midsummer morning你想要什么?Do you want? Flapper and What挡板和什么挡板和什么Malibu orange Moscow Mule马里布橙莫斯科骡子Margarita de Shan gaff玛格丽特德山斜桁Blue Martini Hawaii redeye蓝马蒂尼夏威夷红眼Lime in the Ku Ku drink tequila在Ku Ku喝龙舌兰莱姆China blue screwdriver中国蓝螺丝刀Gimlet soda at锐利的苏打水Peach fizz Mai Tai Chichi spumoni桃子菲士埋汰琪琪冰淇淋Mimosa Kitty shochu含羞草凯蒂烧酒Yearning for love to come get sweet summer爱的到来让夏日的向往Everyday每天Love love love to meet summer爱以满足夏季Light taste Just now invited Just now淡味刚刚刚刚邀请Take the time Dancing two sound tipsy tonight花时间今晚舞蹈两个声音醉Anyway无论如何Wobbly, but keep Bounce Bounce glass摇摇晃晃的,但保持弹跳玻璃Stand up Stand Tonight up no more站起来,站今晚没有更多的Don"t fancy Summer invisible sun不喜欢夏天的看不见的太阳If you want to love the beach this flickering burning如果你想要爱海滩这闪烁的燃烧On the far side of the green mountain Iasi near the tree另一边的绿山雅西附近的树The perfect situation after drinking Dance rock饮用舞岩后完美的情况I love you love me more我爱你更爱我Love will come to see more爱会看到更多Right Right now now现在我们的Yearning for love to come get sweet summer爱的到来让夏日的向往Everyday每天Love love love to meet summer爱以满足夏季Light taste Just now invited Just now淡味刚刚刚刚邀请Take the time Dancing two sound tipsy tonight花时间今晚舞蹈两个声音醉Anyway无论如何Wobbly, but keep Bounce Bounce glass摇摇晃晃的,但保持弹跳玻璃Stand up Stand Tonight up no more站起来,站今晚没有更多的
2023-08-11 14:24:301

英语:完形填空Tropical rain forests(热带雨林) are found in Asia,Africa,?

half any cloud heat only,2,half all cloud health only,3,half,any,cold,heat,?.,0,英语:完形填空 Tropical rain forests(热带雨林) are found in Asia,Africa,South America,Central America,and many other islands.Almost h______of the total area of the world"s rain forests is in Brazil.(巴西) Tropical rain forests got at least 70 inches of rain every year and have more kinds of plants and animals than a______ other kind of forest.There are a lot of plants in a tropical rain forest.They absorb(吸收) water in the air.With the help of the sunlight,the water is brought to the sky and bee c_______.Then the water fall down to the ground.It is rain. The tropical rain forest is a place of h_______ and water.So it is the perfect home for more than 15 million types of plants and animals.Some of the animals can live o_______ in the tropical rain forest.
2023-08-11 14:24:371


win7能同时搜索多个文件名,你在搜索栏直接搜“ 文件名 OR 文件名 OR 文件名 OR ??”x0dx0a注意OR必须用大写。 x0dx0ax0dx0a另外给你附上win7搜索的一些指令:x0dx0aANDx0dx0a tropical AND islandx0dx0a 查找同时包含“tropical”和“island”这两个单词(即使这两个单词位于文件中的不同位置)的文件。x0dx0a x0dx0aNOTx0dx0a tropical NOT islandx0dx0a 查找包含“tropical”但不包含“island”单词的文件。x0dx0a x0dx0aORx0dx0a tropical OR islandx0dx0a 查找包含“tropical”或“island”单词的文件。x0dx0a x0dx0a引号x0dx0a "tropical island"x0dx0a 查找包含与“tropical island”完全相同的短语的文件。x0dx0a x0dx0a括号x0dx0a (tropical island)x0dx0a 查找同时包含“tropical”和“island”这两个单词(以任意顺序排列)的文件。x0dx0a x0dx0a>x0dx0a 日期: > 01/05/06x0dx0a 查找其属性晚于(或大于)某个特定值的文件,例如,日期晚于 2006 年 1 月 5 日。x0dx0a x0dx0a<x0dx0a 大小:< 4 MBx0dx0a 查找其属性小于(或早于)某个特定值的文件,例如,文件大小小于 4 MB。(您也可指定其他大小,例如 KB 和 GB。)
2023-08-11 14:24:471


  我也喜欢她,,  那些人对咱重庆的偏见~~~~~~~~!  La isla bonita  歌手:Madonna 专辑:True Blue  Last night I dreamt of San Pedro  Just like I"d never gone, I knew the song  A young girl with eyes like the desert  It all seems like yesterday, not far away  Chorus  Tropical the island breeze  All of nature, wild and free  This is where I long to be  La isla bonita  And when the samba played  The sun would set so high  Ring through my ears and sting my eyes  You Spanish lullaby  I fell in love with San Pedro  Warm wind carried on the sea, he called to me  Te dijo te amo  I prayed that the days would last  They went so fast  Tropical the island breeze  All of nature, wild and free  This is where I long to be  La isla bonita  And when the samba played  The sun would set so high  Ring through my ears and sting my eyes  You Spanish lullaby  I want to be where the sun warms the sky  When it"s time for siesta you can watch them go by  Beautiful faces, no cares in this world  Where a girl loves a boy  And a boy loves a girl  Last night I dreamt of San Pedro  It all seems like yesterday, not far away  Tropical the island breeze  All of nature, wild and free  This is where I long to be  La isla bonita  And when the samba played  The sun would set so high  Ring through my ears and sting my eyes  You Spanish lullaby  Tropical the island breeze  All of nature, wild and free  This is where I long to be  La isla bonita  And when the samba played  The sun would set so high  Ring through my ears and sting my eyes  You Spanish lullaby  Tropical the island breeze  All of nature, wild and free  This is where I long to be  La isla bonita  And when the samba played  The sun would set so high  Ring through my ears and sting my eyes  You Spanish lullaby
2023-08-11 14:24:541

一些关于Polar Climate 和 Tropical Climate 的资料和中国东南部分的气候的资料 要是英语的

Polar ClimateNear the North and South Poles it is so cold that when the snow falls is does not melt, but gradually accumulates over hundreds and thousands of years to make thick ice sheets. The ice sheets in the Southern Hemisphere are much larger than in the Northern Hemisphere, covering the entire continent of Antarctic. In the North by contrast, ice sheets are restricted mainly to Greenland. Most of the Arctic Circle surrounding the North Pole is ocean, and the seawater freezes to form sea ice, rarely more than a few tens of metres thick.The cold polar climates can experience very low temperature indeed. This is because for half the year, the Sun does not rise above the horizon. A temperature of -88°C was once reported in Antarctica. Since the air in polar regions is so cold, it contains very little moisture. Such dry air means that there is very little snowfall. Polar climates can be as dry as the hot deserts.Tropical ClimateMuch of the equatorial belt within the tropical climate zone experiences hot and humid weather. There is abundant rainfall due to the active vertical uplift or convection of air that takes place there, and during certain periods, thunderstorms can occur every day. Nevertheless, this belt still receives considerable sunshine, and with the excessive rainfall, provides ideal growing conditions for luxuriant vegetation. The principal regions with a tropical climate are the Amazon Basin in Brazil, the Congo Basin in West Africa and Indonesia.Because a substantial part of the Sun"s heat is used up in evaporation and rain formation, temperatures in the tropics rarely exceed 35°C; a daytime maximum of 32°C is more common. At night the abundant cloud cover restricts heat loss, and minimum temperatures fall no lower than about 22°C. This high level of temperature is maintained with little variation throughout the year. The seasons, so far as they do exist, are distinguished not as warm and cold periods but by variation of rainfall and cloudiness. Greatest rainfall occurs when the Sun at midday is overhead. On the equator this occurs twice a year in March and September, and consequently there are two wet and two dry seasons. Further away from the equator, the two rainy seasons merge into one, and the climate becomes more monsoonal, with one wet season and one dry season. In the Northern Hemisphere, the wet season occurs from May to July, in the Southern Hemisphere from November to February.中国东南部资料可以登陆 上面有很详细的资料.希望对你有帮助可以提供免费在线人工翻译服务.
2023-08-11 14:25:021


LA ISLA BONITA -- 风光秀丽的小岛 Last night I dreamt of San Pedro Just like I"d never gone, I knew the song A young girl with eyes like the desert It all seems like yesterday, not far away Chorus Tropical the island breeze All of nature, wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita And when the samba played The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes You Spanish lullaby I fell in love with San Pedro Warm wind carried on the sea, he called to me Te dijo te amo I prayed taht the days would last They went so fast Tropical the island breeze All of nature, wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita And when the samba played The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes You Spanish lullaby I want to be where the sun warms the sky When it"s time for siesta you can watch them go by Beautiful faces, no cares in this world Where a girl loves a boy And a boy loves a girl Last night I dreamt of San Pedro It all seems like yesterday, not far away Tropical the island breeze All of nature, wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita And when the samba played The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes You Spanish lullaby Tropical the island breeze All of nature, wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita And when the samba played The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes You Spanish lullaby Tropical the island breeze All of nature, wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita And when the samba played The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes You Spanish lullaby
2023-08-11 14:25:561

请教英语高手~~~ lovely huge tropical fish 请问这三个形容词为什么要这样排啊?

tropical fish翻译过来就是热带鱼的意思。还有另一个理解的意思尤来,那就是热带鱼有一些鱼种是雌雄同体,到一定的条件就能任意繁殖,这话用到人类身上,所以被人理解为人妖。
2023-08-11 14:26:085

英语问题请教:a climate

2023-08-11 14:26:296


2023-08-11 14:26:581

la isla bonita歌词

歌词中有西班牙语La isla bonitaLast night I dreamt of San PedroJust like I d never gone, I knew the songA young girl with eyes like the desertIt all seems like yesterday, not far awayChorus Tropical the island breezeAll of nature, wild and freeThis is where I long to beLa isla bonitaAnd when the samba playedThe sun would set so highRing through my ears and sting my eyesYou Spanish lullabyI fell in love with San PedroWarm wind carried on the sea, he called to meTe dijo te amoI prayed taht the days would lastThey went so fastTropical the island breezeAll of nature, wild and freeThis is where I long to beLa isla bonitaAnd when the samba playedThe sun would set so highRing through my ears and sting my eyesYou Spanish lullabyI want to be where the sun warms the skyWhen it s time for siesta you can watch them go byBeautiful faces, no cares in this worldWhere a girl loves a boy And a boy loves a girlLast night I dreamt of San PedroIt all seems like yesterday, not far awayTropical the island breezeAll of nature, wild and freeThis is where I long to beLa isla bonitaAnd when the samba playedThe sun would set so highRing through my ears and sting my eyesYou Spanish lullabyTropical the island breezeAll of nature, wild and freeThis is where I long to beLa isla bonitaAnd when the samba playedThe sun would set so highRing through my ears and sting my eyesYou Spanish lullabyYou Spanish lullabyYou Spanish lullaby
2023-08-11 14:27:332


2023-08-11 14:27:425


2023-08-11 14:27:571


橙色cmky值为 M:60 Y:100橙色,是电磁波的可视光部分中的长波,波长大约为590~610nm。界于红色和黄色之间的混合色。又称桔黄或桔色。橙色是欢快活泼的光辉色彩,是暖色系中最温暖的色。自然界中,橙柚、玉米、鲜花果实、霞光、灯彩,都有丰富的橙色。因其具有明亮、华丽、健康、兴奋、温暖、欢乐、辉煌、以及容易动人的色感,喜作装饰色。橙色系颜色橘Tangerine 、柿子橙 Persimmon 、橙Orange、阳橙Sun orange 、热带橙Tropical orange 、蜜橙Honey orange、杏黄Apricot…橙色是欢快活泼的光辉色彩,是暖色系中最温暖的色,它使人联想到金色的秋天,橙色(8张)丰硕的果实,是一种富足、快乐而幸福的颜色。橙色稍稍混入黑色或白色,会变成一种稳重、含蓄又明快的暖色,但混入较多的黑色,就成为一种烧焦的色;橙色中加入较多的白色会带来一种甜腻的感觉。橙色在空气中的穿透力仅次于红色,而色感较红色更暖,最鲜明的橙色应该是色彩中感受最暖的色,能给人有庄严、尊贵、神秘等感觉,所以基本上属于心理色性。历史上许多权贵和宗教界都用以装点自己,现代社会上往往作为标志色和宣传色。不过也是容易造成视觉疲劳的色。
2023-08-11 14:28:071

求热带雨林的英文文章 急用! 要15句以内的 越简单越好 帮个忙急用!!

The tropical rain forest is a forest of tall trees in a region of year-round warmth.An average of 50 to 260 inches (125 to 660 cm.) of rain falls yearly. Rain forests belong to the tropical wet climate group.The temperature in a rain forest rarely gets higher than 93 °F (34 °C) or drops below 68 °F (20 °C); average humidity is between 77 and 88%; rainfall is often more than 100 inches a year.There is usually a brief season of less rain.In monsoonal areas,there is a real dry season.Almost all rain forests lie near the equator. Rainforests now cover less than 6% of Earth"s land surface.Scientists estimate that more than half of all the world"s plant and animal species live in tropical rain forests.Tropical rainforests produce 40% of Earth"s oxygen. A tropical rain forest has more kinds of trees than any other area in the world.Scientists have counted about 100 to 300 species in one 2 1/2-acre (1-hectare) area in South America.Seventy percent of the plants in the rainforest are trees. About 1/4 of all the medicines we use come from rainforest plants.Curare comes from a tropical vine,and is used as an anesthetic and to relax muscles during surgery.Quinine,from the cinchona tree,is used to treat malaria.A person with lymphocytic leukemia has a 99% chance that the disease will go into remission because of the rosy periwinkle.More than 1,400 varieties of tropical plants are thought to be potential cures for cancer. All tropical rain forests resemble one another in some ways.Many of the trees have straight trunks that don"t branch out for 100 feet or more.There is no sense in growing branches below the canopy where there is little light.The majority of the trees have smooth,thin bark because there is no need to protect the them from water loss and freezing temperatures.It also makes it difficult for epiphytes and plant parasites to get a hold on the trunks.The bark of different species is so similar that it is difficult to identify a tree by its bark.Many trees can only be identified by their flowers. Despite these differences,each of the three largest rainforests--the American,the African,and the Asian--has a different group of animal and plant species.Each rain forest has many species of monkeys,all of which differ from the species of the other two rain forests.In addition,different areas of the same rain forest may have different species.Many kinds of trees that grow in the mountains of the Amazon rain forest do not grow in the lowlands of that same forest.
2023-08-11 14:28:271


台风(英语:Typhoon)是西北太平洋的亚洲国家或地区对热带气旋的称呼。按世界气象组织定义,在气象学上,台风是热带气旋分级中的最高一个分级。而分级是按照热带气旋中心附近最大风力来进行的。国际惯例依据其中心附近最大风力分为:热带低压(Tropicaldepression),最大风速6~7 级,(10.8~17.1 m/s);热带风暴(Tropicalstorm),最大风速8~9 级,(17.2~24.4m/s);强热带风暴(Severe tropical storm),最大风速10~11 级,(24.5~32.6m/s);台风(Ty-phoon),最大风速12~13级,(32.7~41.4m/s);强台风(severe typhoon),最大风速14~15级(41.5~50.9m/s);超强台风(Super Typhoon),最大风速≥16级(≥51.0m/s)。
2023-08-11 14:28:362


2023-08-11 14:28:573

塞班岛Tropical Blend Spa的电话号码是多少

Tropical Blend Spa的电话号码是+1670-287-6197,如果去那边旅游找不到景点的具体位置,可以拨打+1670-287-6197咨询景点的具体位置信息。Tropical Blend Spa周边还有很多景点、酒店、餐厅,比如:景点圣母露蒂斯圣地与Tropical Blend Spa距离0.92km塔帕丘山与Tropical Blend Spa距离1.24km鳄鱼头海滩与Tropical Blend Spa距离3.06km酒店Maya之家民宿5分店与Tropical Blend Spa距离0.99km顶峰360度海景别墅与Tropical Blend Spa距离1.17km布鲁森花园与Tropical Blend Spa距离1.54km餐厅Monster Pizza与Tropical Blend Spa距离4.01kmHimawari与Tropical Blend Spa距离4.06kmHard Rock Cafe与Tropical Blend Spa距离4.3km。
2023-08-11 14:29:351

谁能把麦当娜的《风光秀丽的小岛—La isla bonita》翻译一下!

2023-08-11 14:29:441

Last night I dreamt of San Pedro 是哪首歌中的歌词?

歌曲的名字叫《La isla bonita》歌词如下Last night I dreamt of San PedroJust like I"d never gone, I knew the songA young girl with eyes like the desertIt all seems like yesterday, not far awayChorusTropical the island breezeAll of nature, wild and freeThis is where I long to beLa isla bonitaAnd when the samba playedThe sun would set so highRing through my ears and sting my eyesYou Spanish lullabyI fell in love with San PedroWarm wind carried on the sea, he called to meTe dijo te amoI prayed taht the days would lastThey went so fastTropical the island breezeAll of nature, wild and freeThis is where I long to beLa isla bonitaAnd when the samba playedThe sun would set so highRing through my ears and sting my eyesYou Spanish lullabyI want to be where the sun warms the skyWhen it"s time for siesta you can watch them go byBeautiful faces, no cares in this worldWhere a girl loves a boyAnd a boy loves a girlLast night I dreamt of San PedroIt all seems like yesterday, not far awayTropical the island breezeAll of nature, wild and freeThis is where I long to beLa isla bonitaAnd when the samba playedThe sun would set so highRing through my ears and sting my eyesYou Spanish lullabyTropical the island breezeAll of nature, wild and freeThis is where I long to beLa isla bonitaAnd when the samba playedThe sun would set so highRing through my ears and sting my eyesYou Spanish lullabyTropical the island breezeAll of nature, wild and freeThis is where I long to beLa isla bonitaAnd when the samba playedThe sun would set so highRing through my ears and sting my eyesYou Spanish lullaby
2023-08-11 14:29:551


台风是赤道以北,国际换日线以西,亚太国家或地区对热带气旋的一个分级。在气象学上,按世界气象组织定义,热带气旋中心持续风速达到12级(即64节或以上、32.7m/s或以上,又或者118km/hr或以上)称为飓风(Hurricane)或其他在地近义字。世界气象组织及日本气象厅均以此为热带气旋的最高级别,但部分气象部门会按需要而设立更高级别,如中国国家气象中心及香港天文台之强台风、超强台风,台湾中央气象局之强烈台风,以及美国联合台风警报中心的超级台风。广义上,“台风”这个词并非一种热带气旋强度。在台湾、日本等地,将中心持续风速每秒17.2米或以上的热带气旋(包括世界气象组织定义中的热带风暴、强烈热带风暴和台风)均称台风。在非正式场合,“台风”甚至直接泛指热带气旋本身。扩展资料:台风分类过去我国习惯称形成于26℃以上热带洋面上的热带气旋(Tropical cyclones)为台风,按照其强度,分为六个等级:热带低压、热带风暴、强热带风暴、台风、强台风和超强台风。根据中国气象局“关于实施热带气旋等级国家标准”GBT 19201-2006的通知,热带气旋按中心附近地面最大风力划分为六个等级:热带低压(Tropical depression),最大风力6~7级,(10.8~17.1米/秒);热带风暴(Tropical storm),最大风力8~9级,(17.2~24.4米/秒);强热带风暴(Severe tropical storm),最大风力10~11级,(24.5~32.6米/秒);台风(Typhoon),最大风力12~13级,(32.7~41.4米/秒);强台风(Severe typhoon),最大风力14~15级(41.5~50.9米/秒);超强台风(Super Typhoon),最大风力≥16级(≥51.0米/秒)。参考资料来源:百度百科-台风
2023-08-11 14:30:041

热带鱼 英文怎么说

tropical fish
2023-08-11 14:30:222


2023-08-11 14:30:291