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just lick it什么意思

2023-08-19 21:45:14

just lick it




2023-08-11 12:25:443


2023-08-11 12:26:061


lickKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 舔,舐;舔吃[O8]The cat is licking its fur.猫在舔身上的毛。2. (波浪)轻拍,轻打;(火焰)吞卷The flames were licking the warehouse.火焰正吞卷仓库。3. 【口】(作为惩罚而)揍,打4. 【口】打败;克服;超越It was easy for our team to lick theirs.我们队很容易打败他们队。5. 【口】使困惑It licks me how he did it.我真弄不懂他是怎么做成的。vi.1. 舔,舐2. (波浪)轻拍,轻打;(火焰)窜,烧The flames are licking out of windows.火舌正往窗户外面窜。3. 急速运动n.1. 舔,舐[S1]He gave the stamp a lick.他舔了舔邮票。2. 少量[S][(+of)]3. 【口】速度;快速[S]The car was moving at a great lick.汽车以高速行驶
2023-08-11 12:26:161


lick 英[lɪk] 美[lɪk] vt. 舔; <口>打败; vt. 轻轻拍打; 战胜; n. 舔; 一舐的量,少量; [例句]She folded up her letter, licking the envelope flap with relish她把信折好,用力舔了舔信封的折口。[其他] 第三人称单数:licks 现在分词:licking 过去式:licked 过去分词:licked
2023-08-11 12:26:371


"lick" 是一个英语词汇,可以用作名词或动词。作为名词,"lick" 指的是一次舔或轻触的动作。这个词常用于描述动物用舌头舔某物的动作,如狗舔手、猫舔毛等。在非动物相关的语境下,"lick" 可以形容轻微的触碰或舔动作,例如 "a lick of ice cream"(一口冰淇淋)或 "a quick lick of paint"(一个快速的涂漆动作)。作为动词,"lick" 的意思取决于具体的使用情况:舔:"lick" 可以指用舌头轻触或舔某物表面。例如,"The dog licked its paw"(狗舔了一下爪子)。接受:"lick" 可以表示接受某种惩罚、挑战或困难。例如,"He had to lick his wounds after the defeat"(他在失败后不得不承受打击)。打败:"lick" 也可以用来形容战胜或击败对手。例如,"He finally licked his opponent in the chess game"(他最终在国际象棋比赛中击败了对手)。高效地完成:"lick" 还可以表示迅速或顺利地完成某项任务或工作。例如,"She licked the project and submitted it ahead of schedule"(她迅速完成了这个项目,并提前提交了)。需要注意的是,在一些口语或俚语中,"lick" 还有其他的意思和用法。因此,具体语境会对其含义产生影响。综上所述,"lick" 这个词根据不同的用法可以作为名词或动词。作为名词,它表示一次舔或轻触的动作;作为动词,它可以指舔、接受困难、打败对手或高效地完成任务。具体含义取决于上下文的使用。
2023-08-11 12:26:451


lick的意思是:舔。Lick,英语单词,及物动词、不及物动词、名词,作及物动词时意为“舔;卷过;鞭打;(非正式)战胜”,作不及物动词时意为“舔;轻轻拍打”,作名词时意为“舔;打;少许;人名;(英、匈)利克”。短语搭配:1、salt lick:盐渍地;盐碱地。2、lick up:吞没;领纸;舔足;吞噬者。3、Paint Lick:油漆舌舐;街道地址。4、lick two:舔两个;舔两。5、Buff Lick:地址;城市。双语例句:1、She folded up her letter,licking the envelope flap with relish.她把信折好,用力舔了舔信封的折口。2、He might be able to lick us all in a fair fight.如果公平较量,他也许能将我们所有人都轻易打败。3、The fire came roaring through the kitchen ceiling and sentits red tongues licking into the entrance hall.大火蔓烧过厨房的天花板咆哮而来,红色的火舌朝门厅内卷去。
2023-08-11 12:27:081

lick是什么意思 lick的意思

1、Lick,英语单词,及物动词、不及物动词、名词,作及物动词时意为“舔;卷过;鞭打;(非正式)战胜”,作不及物动词时意为“舔;轻轻拍打”,作名词时意为“舔;打;少许;人名;(英、匈)利克”。 2、单词发音:英[lu026ak]美[lu026ak]
2023-08-11 12:27:291


2023-08-11 12:27:511

《割绳子2》新角色Lick详细介绍 详解怎么玩

2023-08-11 12:28:171


2023-08-11 12:28:301


licked的意思是舔。基本解释:v.舔(lick的过去式和过去分词);〈口〉打败;(波浪)轻拍;(火焰)吞卷。词语用法:v.(动词),lick的基本意思是“舔”,其主语可以是动物或人。引申可表示“打”“打败”,指占上风而使失败者处于完全屈从、无能为力的境况。lick多用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。lick有时也可用作不及物动词,意为“走”“匆忙”。单词音标:英式:[lɪkt]。美式:[lɪkt]。相关例句:1.The dog licked my hand when I offered it a treat.当我给它零食时,狗舔了我的手。2.She licked the ice cream off her fingers with delight.她高兴地舔掉手指上的冰淇淋。3.The child licked the lollipop until there was nothing left.孩子舔着棒棒糖,直到一点也没有剩下。4.The cat licked its paws clean after grooming itself.猫梳洗完毕后舔干净了它的爪子。5.He licked his lips in anticipation of the delicious meal.他满怀期待地舔了舔嘴唇,准备享用美味的饭菜。
2023-08-11 12:28:381


2023-08-11 12:29:592


2023-08-11 12:30:074


2023-08-11 12:30:151

Lick me什么意思?

2023-08-11 12:30:263


2023-08-11 12:30:521

Why not try your lick downtown, Bob? That’s ___A___ the best jobs are.

2023-08-11 12:30:592


语出《庄子.列御寇》:“秦王有病召医,破痈溃痤者得车一乘,舐痔者得车五乘。” 又 东汉 王符《潜夫论.贤难》:“邓通幸于文帝,尽心而不违,吮痈而无难色,”比喻谄媚巴结权贵的卑劣行为。
2023-08-11 12:31:103

lick dog是什么意思啊

答:舔狗lick:舔 ; 舔吃 ; 舔着喝 ; 掠过 ; 舔食 ; 轻松战胜 ; 一点儿 ; 小过门dog:狗的意思舔狗,网络流行词,意思是指对方对自己没有好感,还一再地放下尊严地用热脸去贴冷屁股的人。舔狗的出现其实也挺正常,很多男生或者女生是比较不懂恋爱的,也没怎么接触过女生,而且他的性格可能不是很张扬,有点内向,怕得罪别人,有点讨好型人格,缺乏恋爱思维,这类男生或者是女生往往容易一心一意地付出自己的情感,无条件地讨好对方,导致自己在情感关系当中处于下风的,这类人在情感关系当中就属于吃力不讨好,在当下社会就很容易被认为是舔狗。但是我们也要认识到这是一个非常错误的行为,在没有认清对方的同时也看轻了自己所以我们一定要保持理性,去追求爱情也需要在互相尊重的立场上进行
2023-08-11 12:31:181

dick-licker 什么意思

dick=男性生殖器lick=舔-er=人(很多动词后面加er就会变成名词,是指做这个事情的人,不过很多都是口语或者不正式的说法)也就是说:dick licker=舔jiji的人(另外看用的场合有一点拍马屁的意思)另外,一般来说口x交的口语是“head”或者是“blow job”,而不是dick licker。
2023-08-11 12:32:171

lick you是什么意思?

2023-08-11 12:32:464


1. 你喜欢什么动物 I Like Pandas I like animals very much.I usually go to the zoo to see animals on weekends. My favorite animal is panda,they are so cute.They have o big and black eyes,they are very shy,so if I want to see them,I have to be quiet.They like to eat bamboo.Do you know where do pandas e from?They are from China.Do you like them?Go to the zoo to see them. 2. 你喜欢什么动物 I like the rabbit I like a lot of animals. but I like the rabbit, because it is really cute,It has a long long ears, red eyes, and short legs, it likes to eat vegetables, It favourite food is carrots,I like the rabbit very much. 采纳我吧 3. 书面表达 你喜欢什么动物 I like dog beacuse I think dog is only one of animals best one forever that"s what I think and dog is very good like when a person gave to the dog something to eat and the dog well think this person is a god but when a person gave cat some thing to eat and the cat well thing they are the god. And some dog even prettier then cat that"s what I think. And some dog also have very good *** elling then the other I like dog most.。 4. animals i like作文120字 I like animals very much. My favorite animal is panda, but I also like other animals. I like pandas best. Because I think they are very interesting and cute. I like tigers and penguins, too. Because I think tigers are kind of cute,and I think penguins are very beauitful. I dislike lions, because I think lions are too ugly. I think animals are our friend. 5. 以I love 为题写一片你喜欢的动物的短文不少于六句话(英语) My family has a dog, called Han Han. It is a Scottish Collie, very strong, is male. Every time I came home from school, it will run over to lick my nose. Sometimes while I do not pay attention, put I fell to the ground and kept licking me where to lick, where to lick, I lick it too was laughing, I had to surrender. It is a lovely dog, my best friend, my good friend from *** all to large, from its birth to now, it has acpanied me for 8 years. It now has its home, with its own lovely children, six *** all dogs. Because the dog too much, I had the heart to give the neighbors three dogs, although they do not live together, but we will go out every day walking the dog, the neighbors, too. Every evening, they all play together, all running together, I believe they will both cherish it every evening. This is my dog, I love my dog, and you like them?作文网(e79fa5e9819331333335343964zuowen.zxxk)原创作文 未经允许禁止转载。 6. I like 动物 英语作文50次7年级我喜欢兔子 I like animals. Therefore going to the zoo is my favorite passtime. I also keep five animal pets. I keep a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a guinea pig and a hamster. I feed them regularly with good animal food. I walk my dog and cats everyday。 7. 四年级的i like dog作文 I like dogs very much. Because they are very honesty. I think dogs are people"s good friend. I have a dog. I call it "Dolly". It is 3 years old. It is white. It has o big eyes, and its eyes are brown. It has four shourt legs. It likes paly balls. I like play with it. It always walk after me. I go to the park, it goes after me. I go to the supermarket, it goes after me. I go to the gardern, it goes after me. It is so cute, I like it. (希望我的回答对您有帮助,请放心采纳。) 8. I like animal英语作文 I want to tell you something about my favourite of all the animals, I like giant pandas best. Giant pandas are beautiful black and white animal. When a giant panda was born, it looked like a white mouse and when it grows up, it looks like a bear. I think it looks lovely. It usually eats bamboo shoots and leaves. I hear that giant pandas ate meat long long ago but now they never eat meat. It lives in bamboo forests so it can climb trees. I like it because it can make me happy. Many people say China is famous for the dragon, but I don"t think so. I think China is famous for giant pandas. The Chinese government often sends one or o giant pandas to the other countries as a present. This year, the Chinese government sent o giant pandas-- Tuantuan and Yuanyuan to Taiwan. They live in the zoo now and they are popular and wele in Taiwan. A lot of tourists to Taiwan would like to go and see them. But the number of giant pandas is getting *** aller and *** aller. Many hunters kill them for their fur and farmers change the nature reserves to make more farmlands. I think giant pandas need our help. We should take actions to protect animals. Encouraging hunters and farmers to leave reserves is the most important. Though I"m still a student, I can write to newspapers and magazines about protecting animals. I hope animals can live a happy life.。 9. 以I like写一篇作文,60字,学霸们帮帮忙 Smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. But I consider reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have. Reading books is very important. First of all, it is knowledge that makes society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge. Furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life enjoyable. One is never too old to learn. No matter what time you rcalize the importance of reading books, you can enjoy it during the rest of your life time. Love books, for they are your best friends. 读书的好处 有人说世界上钱最好,我认为读书最好,而且读书是无价宝。 读书是很重要的。首先,知识使社会进步,通过读书你可以得到各种知识,另外,读书使你成为一个合格人才,使你生活愉快。 活到老学到老。不管你什么时候意识到读书的重要性,你都可以享受到余生读书的乐趣。热爱书吧,书是你的挚友
2023-08-11 12:33:051


2023-08-11 12:33:472

舔怎么读 拼音

舔,中国汉字,拼音为tiǎn,形声,从舌,忝声。意指用舌头接触东西或取东西。舔也有使…湿润的意思。释义〈动〉1、形声。从舌,忝声。本义:以舌取食。2、同本义 [lick]。如:舔舕(吐出舌头的样子);舔粥碗;舔干净;舔邮票;舔笔。3、使…湿润[moisten]。 如:舔舔嘴唇。4、中国象棋用语,将和帅吃对方棋子称为“舔”。5、五笔码: 舔 TDGN6、〈形〉网络上时常用作形容词。词组舔屁股tiǎn pì gu〖bootlick近似“拍马屁”,比“拍马屁”更低下,更卑劣。例:两个委员给章龙喜投了舔屁股的黑心票。舔食tiǎn shí〖lick用舌头或好像用舌头舔吃。部分地区读作 lia,比如舔屏幕lia屏幕。例句孩子们正舔吃着冰糕。他舔舔干焦的嘴唇,点了点头。他把邮票舔了一下。狗舔水坑中的水喝。猫把奶舔干净了。那狗耷拉着脑袋溜掉,去舔伤口去了。它蹲下来,弄干净嘴,又舔着自己的脚爪。他们在黑暗中围着它东探西摸,仿佛一群小狗围着母狗在给它舔伤口。那只猫蜷着它那弯弯的尾巴,用舌头舔着嘴角,贼头贼脑地溜下楼去。
2023-08-11 12:34:131

布兰妮的“Lick My Baby Back Behind”歌曲中文意思是什么?下面是全文

2023-08-11 12:36:033


2023-08-11 12:36:143


lick 英[lu026ak] 美[lu026ak] vt. 舔; <口>打败; vt. 轻轻拍打; 战胜; n. 舔; 一舐的量,少量; [例句]She folded up her letter, licking the envelope flap with relish她把信折好,用力舔了舔信封的折口。[其他] 第三人称单数:licks 现在分词:licking 过去式:licked 过去分词:licked
2023-08-11 12:39:181


lick:v.舔;舔吃;舔着喝;掠过;(火舌)舔食; n.舔;一点儿(涂料);(吉他演奏的歌曲)小过门 扩展资料   We thought we had them licked.   我们以为已经轻易地把他们对付过去了。   The cat licked up the milk.   猫把牛奶舔光了。   The flames were now licking at their feet.   火焰现正在他们脚下蔓延。
2023-08-11 12:39:261


lick不算是脏话,lick的读音:英 [lu026ak];美 [lu026ak]释义:vt.舔;打败;vt.& vi.轻轻拍打;战胜;n.舔;一舐的量,少量变形:过去式:licked过去分词:licked现在分词:licking第三人称单数:licks短语;lick about在…附近拍打;lick at拍打着;lick at the seawall拍打着防波堤lick into shape使…合格;lick off从…上用舌头舔掉;lick off one"s lips从唇上舔掉短语:1.The kitty licked up the milk.小猫舔光了牛奶。2.Waves lick the side of a boat.浪花轻拍着小舟的船舷。3.It was easy for our team to lick theirs.我们队很容易打败他们队。4.He gave the bowl a thorough lick.他把饭碗舔得一干二净。
2023-08-11 12:39:341


2023-08-11 12:41:161


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2023-08-11 12:41:341


因为它是不及物动词,后面不能直接接名词, 所以要加to
2023-08-11 12:42:252


licked是lick的过去分词lick美 [lu026ak]英 [lu026ak]v.打败;舐;〈口〉鞭打;舐吃n.舐;速力;些许;〈美〉野兽跑去舐盐的盐渍地幼儿园小班;装置例句筛选1.He sat down and wiped his mouth and licked his pads.它蹲下来,弄干净嘴,又舔着自己的脚爪。2.The buildings were licked up by the flames.建筑物被火焰吞没了。
2023-08-11 12:43:041

lick it中文是什么意思

lick it 网络 舔它; lick 英[lu026ak] 美[lu026ak] vt. 舔; <口>打败; vt. 轻轻拍打; 战胜; n. 舔; 一舐的量,少量; [例句]She folded up her letter, licking the envelope flap with relish她把信折好,用力舔了舔信封的折口。[其他] 第三人称单数:licks 现在分词:licking 过去式:licked 过去分词:licked
2023-08-11 12:44:321


打错了= =?
2023-08-11 12:44:412

Lick me什么意思?

舔我;赢;击倒。1.Baby are you ready to lick me sexy uh uh?(宝贝,准备好舔性感的我了吗?)2. If you lick me, you may take what money I have.如果你赢我,你可拿走我所有的钱。3. As God is my witness, they`re not going to lick me.老天为我作证,这些困难不会击倒我.
2023-08-11 12:45:311

I like to see it lap the milesAnd lick the valleys up

I like to see it lap the milesAnd lick the valleys up,And stop to feed itself at tanks我喜欢看它一泻千里的样子看它轻抚山谷在池边顿足小憩And then, prodigious, stepAround a pile of mountains,绕过层叠的山峦又汹涌前行And, supercilious, peerIn shanties by the sides of roads在路边的木屋中傲然俯视众生And then a quarry pareTo fit its sides穿过形状各异的险峰一石激起千层碎浪And crawl betweenComplaining all the while又在络绎不绝的低诉中悄然匍匐in horrid, hooting stanza;Then chase itself down hillAnd neigh like Boanerger在大自然的骇人嗥叫声中冲下山坡追逐自我也会像野兽一样嘶鸣Then, punctual as a starStop-docile and omnipotentAt its own stable door然后,如天上星辰般守时在它自己永恒的门前温柔而驯服地安静下来
2023-08-11 12:46:061


Water-based ink
2023-08-11 12:46:354


2023-08-11 12:46:452怎么读

He then put the big melon on.
2023-08-11 12:46:521


中文:我有一只小狗,它的颜色是白色的,非常可爱,它的腿很短,看起来像一只猫。翻译:I have a puppy, its color is white, it is very cute, its legs are very short, it looks like a cat.
2023-08-11 12:47:0213

Frodus的《Explosions》 歌词

歌曲名:Explosions歌手:Frodus专辑:Conglomerate InternationalMarques Houston - ExplosionOoooooooo(Na na na na na )Ooooooooo(Na na na na na )Ooooooooo(Na na na na na )Ooooooooo(Na na na na na )Marques HoustonMattress musicOooooooooooTake oneHere we are you and me all alone in this roomDoing things that only grown folks doI"m grabbing you, you grabbing meYour body"s hereI can"t believe it either one us can even breatheNow I am like a rocketGoing into orbitAnd girl you are the cometSo come let me explore itShould we count down(down down down )5,4,3,2,1ExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)ExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)When are body"s get to touchin BabyDon"t hold backI love it when we"re making contactExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)Here we are you and me all alone in this roomDoing things that only grown folks doI"l l lick licklick lick licklick lick licklick until I cover every inch of youNow I am like a rocketGoing into orbitAnd girl you are the cometSo come let me explore itShould we count down(down down down )5,4,3,2,1ExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)ExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)When are body"s get to touchinDon"t hold backI love it when we"re making contactExplosionExplosionExplosionFeels like big bumps going all around ya(ooooooooo)And everything"s falling down around yaOh babyBut we can"t be fakeSee the look on your faceAnd it"s telling me that you love itTelling me that you need itOh girl here it comes againExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)ExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)When are body"s get to touchin BabyDon"t hold backI love it when we"re making contactExplosionExplosionExplosion(ooooooooo)4ever R&B OR制作
2023-08-11 12:47:441


2023-08-11 12:48:393

想找一首英文歌曲dj歌词!其中有 fuck me hard !fuck me well !完整版歌词!高手帮忙!打完有加分谢谢!

歌曲名为《Juicy Pen》,作者:DJ OZI歌词如下:Ozi - Juicy Pen This is one DJ you don"t wanna fuck with If you want to be my friend Put my dick in your hand Move it left, move it right Try to lick, suck on it Here I am, touch me girl Play with me everyday Try to guess what I am I"m your friend, juicy pen Put my dick in your hand I"m your friend, juicy pen Put my dick in your hand This is one DJ you don"t wanna fuck with If you want to be my friend Put my dick in your hand Move it left, move it right Try to lick, suck on it Here I am, touch me girl Play with me everyday Try to guess what I am I"m your friend, juicy pen If you want to be my boy Lick my pussy for my joy Lick it up, lick it down Lick my pussy all around Here I am, I"m your girl Do me right, be my man Fuck me hard, fuck me well I"ll be nice, I"m your girl If you want to be my boy Lick my pussy for my joy Lick it up, lick it down Lick my pussy all around Here I am, I"m your girl Do me right, be my man Fuck me hard, fuck me well I"ll be nice, I"m your girl Lick my pussy all around Be my man, fuck me hard Fuck me hard, fuck me well I"ll be nice, I"m your girl If you want to be my friend Put my dick in your hand Move it left, move it right Try to lick, suck on it Here I am, touch me girl Play with me everyday Try to guess what I am I"m your friend, juicy pen If you want to be my boy Lick my pussy for my joy Lick it up, lick it down Lick my pussy all around Here I am, I"m your girl Do me right, be my man Fuck me hard, fuck me well I"ll be nice, I"m your girl I"ll be nice, I"m your girl [ Hot Girls Vocal Mix ] If you want to be my friend Put my dick in your hand Move it left, move it right Try to lick, suck on it Here I am, touch me girl Play with me everyday Try to guess what I am I"m your friend, juicy pen This is one DJ you don"t wanna fuck with If you want to be my friend Put my dick in your hand Move it left, move it right Try to lick, suck on it Here I am, touch me girlPlay with me everyday Try to guess what I am I"m your friend, juicy pen If you want to be my friend Put my dick in your hand Move it left, move it right Try to lick, suck on it Here I am, touch me girl Play with me everyday Try to guess what I am I"m your friend, juicy pen Put my dick in your hand I"m your friend, juicy pen Put my dick in your hand This is one DJ you don"t wanna fuck with If you want to be my friend Put my dick in your hand Move it left, move it right Try to lick, suck on it Here I am, touch me girl Play with me everyday Try to guess what I am I"m your friend, juicy pen If you want to be my friend Lick my pussy as I say Lick me up, lick me down Lick my pussy all around Here I am, I"m your girl Do me right, be my man Fuck me hard, fuck me well I"ll be nice, I"m your girl If you want to be my friend Lick my pussy as I say Lick me up, lick me down Lick my pussy all around Here I am, I"m your girl Do me right, be my man Fuck me hard, fuck me well I"ll be nice, I"m your girl Lick my pussy all around Be my man, fuck me hard Fuck me hard, fuck me well I"ll be nice, I"m your girl If you want to be my friend Put my dick in your hand Move it left, move it right Try to lick, suck on it Here I am, touch me girl Play with me everyday Try to guess what I am I"m your friend, juicy pen If you want to be my friend Lick my pussy as I say Lick me up, lick me down Lick my pussy all around Here I am, I"m your girl Do me right, be my man Fuck me hard, fuck me well I"ll be nice, I"m your girl
2023-08-11 12:48:471


2023-08-11 12:48:565

丰田卡罗拉shft lick是什么意思

SHIFT LOCK是锁定档位的意思。就是无论你怎么加油都会锁定在当前档位下,一般超车时候用。
2023-08-11 12:49:122


2023-08-11 12:49:191


2023-08-11 12:32:051


性别控制主要包括两个方面,即受精之前和受精之后。前者是通过对精子的体外干预,使在受精之时便决定了后代的性别。后者是通过对胚胎性别进行鉴定,从而获得所需性别的后代。性别控制技术在畜牧生产中具有重要意义,首先,控制后代的性别比例可增加选种强度,加快畜禽育种进程,同时也可提高珍稀动物的繁殖、保种进程;其次,通过控制胚胎性别可以及时克服牛胚胎移植中出现的异性双生不育的现象;第三,可使受性别限制的生产性状(如泌乳、产蛋)和受性别影响的生产性状(如生长速度)的生产能力得到充分发挥,从而获得最大经济效益;第四,可以防止性连锁遗传疾病,迅速降低伴性有害基因在群体中的频率。 (1)生物学原理哺乳动物精子的遗传物质以致密的单倍体染色质形态存在于精子细胞核内,因X、Y性染色体相差很大,致使两性精子DNA总含量可相差3%~4%。这就是人们多年以来梦想通过重量或密度的不同来分离两性精子而达到性别控制的惟一根据。但由于不同发育时期的精子尾部和顶体的大小差异往往会掩盖染色质含量的微弱差异,故较大的Y精子很可能会重于较小的X精子。所以,依据整个精子的重量或密度来分离两性精子的方法一般不会很理想。目前,最可靠的分离精子方法是根据X和Y精子的DNA含量存在差异的原理,利用改良的流动细胞测定仪分离X和Y精子。(2)流式细胞仪工作原理流式细胞仪由液流系统、光学系统、分选系统和数据处理系统等所组成,能够定量测定精子等多种单个细胞的细胞膜、胞浆以及核内的多种物质,而且具有测定快速、精确、多参数的特点。利用流式细胞仪进行精子分离前,先将可与DNA结合的荧光素染料(Hoechst33342)与稀释的精液共同培养;分离时,精液首先以极高的速度喷出,形成一个个极微小的液滴,存在于微滴中的单个精子因受到激光照射而产生出相应的光散射信号和某种颜色的荧光信号,前者的强弱反映精子细胞的大小、形态等,后者是由与DNA链定量结合的染料受到某种波长的光的激发而发射出来的,光学系统通过分析测出该精子的DNA含量,从而识别出其类型并以图表的形式在计算机上直观地显示出来;接着,分选系统依精子的类型分别施加以正负不同的电荷,使它们在电场中断续向前运行时定向偏转于不同的电极,这样,X精子和Y精子就可被分别收集到不同的容器中而予以分离,不含精子的微滴以及类型不能被识别的模糊精子会被仪器弃掉。(3)优缺点我们知道,精子核是被细胞质高度地包裹着,而哺乳物的精子又是不对称的,故精子因激光照射而发荧光时,如果精子的定位不正确,从半透明的扁平面发出的真正反映X精子和Y精子DNA差异的荧光与从精子边缘发射出的荧光相比则会显得更加微弱,甚至于检测系统不能分辨,这样定位不正确的绝大部分精子就会被认为不可辨别而弃掉,这是影响流式细胞分类仪精度的一个重要原因。由于精卵结合时就决定胎儿的性别,所以精子分离会最大限度地节约人力、物力和财力且不会损伤胚胎,随着技术进步,精子的分离速度已经达到了1.1×10E7个,而分离纯度则稳定在90%左右,可以说这是一种很有前途的方法。 (1)生物学原理哺乳动物Y染色体上存在性别决区(Sexdeter-miningregionofY),即SRY基因,它位于Y染色体短臂,从着丝粒到端粒与拟常染色体区相邻的35kp的范围内。人们将携带SRY基因的一段基因组片段导入XX小鼠胚胎,实现了由雌性向雄性的性反转,证明了SRY基因确为哺乳动物的性别主宰基因。人类的SRY基因只有一个外显子,长850bp,该基因有一个多聚腺苷酸位点和两个转录起始点,其间是一个可读框,可编码204个氨基酸,其中包含可编码79个氨基酸的保守区-HMG盒。SRY基因在哺乳动物间具有高度的同源性,如牛和小鼠的SRY基因有75%的同源性,同人有95%的同源性。而HMG盒的保守性更大,绵羊、牛、山羊和小鼠的HMG盒中有一段完全相同的190bp的序列,这是我们进行引物设计的重要依据。除SRY基因外,Y染色体上锌指结构基因(ZFY)和其在X染色体上的同源序列ZFX基因对于哺乳动物的性别鉴定均具有重要意义。另外,人们也曾利用奶牛染色体成釉蛋白基因、人类Y染色体a类卫星序列进行过性别鉴定的研究。(2)方法聚合酶链式反应(PCR)法因其特异性强、灵敏度高、快速、简便、经济等优点,在家畜早期胚胎的性别鉴定中占有越来越重要的位置,其实质就是Y-染色体特异性片段或Y-染色体上的性别决定基因的检测技术,即通过在一定条件下进行PCR扩增反应合成Y-染色体上特异性片段来进行胚胎性别鉴定,能扩增出目标片段的胚胎即为雄性胚胎,否则即为雌性胚胎。由于PCR极为灵敏,所以只要从胚胎中取出几个细胞就可以进行性别鉴定,与核型分析法相比,其对性别鉴定后胚胎移植妊娠率的影响已很低了。用PCR鉴定家畜胚胎的性别其主要程序为:①胚胎的获取:冷冻胚胎、刚从供体牛回收的鲜胚或体外受精培养的胚胎都可以用来鉴定性别;②引物的设计;③用显微操作或徒手从胚胎中取出几个细胞,处理后进行PCR扩增;④电泳检测。根据引物的对数、扩增的特异片段和EB加入的时间不同,PCR法又可分为以下几种:①双扩增根据Y染色体上的性别决定基因或特异性片段设计引物,同时设计一对公母共有基因引物作为内对照,避免假阳性的发生;能同时扩增出Y-染色体上相应片段和公母共有基因片段的胚胎即为雄性胚胎,而只能扩增出共有基因片段的胚胎即为雌性胚胎。②单扩增只用一对引物,只扩增SRY基因、成釉蛋白基因、ZFY基因或Y染色体a类卫星序列,此种方法虽然节省引物,但是排除不了假阳性和假阴性的干扰。这里要说明的一点是,曾溢滔等曾设计一个双扩增实验证明Y染色体a类卫星序列可用于人类的性别鉴定,至于是否适用于其他动物的性别鉴定还有待研究。③联合扩增 由于ZFX与ZFY有较大的同源性,故我们可以利用同源区的共同引物ZFXY和各自特异引物共三种引物进行扩增,这样,电泳检测时,雄性DNA会出现两条带而雌性DNA只出现一条带。另外,徐亚欧等人发现公牛的ZFY基因扩增片段上有两个Pstl酶切位点,ZFX基因则没有,所以前者电泳时会现出现3个片段,这也为扩增后检验提供了一种方法。④直接观察法此种方法是在进行扩增之前向微量离心管中直接加入适量的EB,待扩增后,将微量离心管置于紫外灯下直接观察,荧光较强者为雄性胚胎。此种方法可以减少鉴别所需时间,但较高浓度的引物会产生一定的背景荧光。 从目前来看,流式细胞器分类法和PCR扩增法是较准确而发展前景广阔的两种性别控制方法。但是,前者由于分离速度太慢和一部分精子类型不能被识别而影响其在生产中的应用,目前需要解决的关键问题是提高分离准确率和分离速度,并同时加强体外受精和显微授精技术的研究,来提高分离精子的利用率。运用PCR技术鉴定胚胎性别,关键是进一步研究简易快速的胚胎切割取样技术、胚胎性别鉴定的PCR试剂盒以及取样胚胎的冷冻保存技术,才能进入推广应用阶段。我们有理由相信,随着相关技术的迅猛发展,性别控制技术在畜牧生产中将会得到广泛应用。
2023-08-11 12:31:591