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2023-08-18 22:37:08

《吸血鬼日记》第一季的插曲大全 <岚 歌>

1 Closer To Love -- Mat Kearney

2 I Got A Round -- The Vampire Diaries

3 Gravity -- The Vampire Diaries

4 Chances -- Five for Fighting

5 Off Track -- The Features

6 This Is Beautiful -- Tyrone Well

7 Cut 吸血鬼日记插曲 --The Vampire Diaries

8 Come Back When You Can -- The Vampire Diaries

9 Yet -- Switchfoot

10 Sleep Alone 寂寞女声 -- The Vampire Diaries

11 BOOM -- Anjulie

12 Say (All I Need).mp3 -- OneRepublic

13 I m A Lady -- Santogold

14 I m Not Over -- Carolina Liar

15 Shadows Of Ourselves-- Thievery Corporation

16 all we are -- Matt Nathanson

17 Brightest Hour -- The Submarines

18 Temptation -- Moby

19 Down Down -- The Vampire Diaries

20 kids -- MGMT

21 siren song -- Bat For Lashes

22 Back ToMe -- The All-American Rejects

23 Running Up That Hill -- Placebo

24 Thinking of You.. -- Katy Perry

25 Consoler of the Lonely -- The Raconteurs

26 Help I am Alive -- Metric

27 Hang You From The Heavens -- The Dead Weather

28 White Lies -- death.

29 I am An Animal -- Neko Case

30 Heavy Cross -- The Gossip

31 Never say never --Fray

32 It is what it is --D跟E在酒吧的背景音乐~

33 All You Wanted--Sounds Under Radio 17集 知道Vicki死了时放的音乐

34 Green Day--21 Guns vicky Damon一起时的背景音乐

35 All I need ---within temptation Elena 和 Damon一起跳舞时候的背景音乐

36 Brick by boring brick--paramore


看过 早忘记了 不好意思



2023-08-11 02:07:271


placebo 安慰剂placebo 英 [plu0259u02c8si:bu0259u028a] 美 [plu0259u02c8si:bou028a] n. 安慰剂;宽心话;为死者所诵的晚祷词;(试验药物用的)无效对照剂 词汇难度:SAT / GRE 复数: placebos 1 N-COUNT (用于测试新药效力的)无效对照剂;(用以安慰想象自己得病的人的)安慰剂 A placebo is a substance with no effects that a doctor gives to a patient instead of a drug. Placebos are used when testing new drugs or sometimes when a patient has imagined their illness.
2023-08-11 02:07:351


Placebo: [ plə"si:bəu ] n. 安慰剂英英解释: 名词placebo:1. an innocuous or inert medication; given as a pacifier or to the control group in experiments on the efficacy of a drug2. (Roman Catholic Church) vespers of the office for the dead
2023-08-11 02:07:442


2023-08-11 02:07:541


2023-08-11 02:08:033


2023-08-11 02:08:192


2023-08-11 02:08:562


2023-08-11 02:09:041


2023-08-11 02:09:121


英国乐队~96年出道出过四张专集~(据官网介绍明年初会出新专集)主唱brain molko,很漂亮的男人!音乐走punk rock路线,也被认为是七十年代glamrock的继承人.欲知详情可以到这里:这是一个非官方的brian的中文fansclub,也可以到这里:他们的官方网站~前阵子市面上有他们的mtv以及巴黎演唱会卖~有兴趣可以买来看看~~很不错哦~~是我近来很喜欢的乐队~
2023-08-11 02:09:313


2023-08-11 02:09:392

求Placebo---My Sweet Prince的歌词的中文意思。

2023-08-11 02:09:472


Brian Molko Placebo的vocal与guitarist。生于1972年12月十日,双亲分别为苏格兰人及美国人.在他的孩提时代,由于父亲的工作上的缘故(国际银行家)所以一直没有固定的住所,从赖比瑞亚,黎巴嫩到卢森堡,都是他曾经住过的地方。 在卢森堡时,Brian被送到一间私立的美国学校.和其它学生不同的是,比起运动,他更醉心于戏剧.当时Stevan也是同一间学校的学生,但两人实际上却没有交谈过.并且在学校的众多人群中,Stefen是个很会运动的学生,Brian相形之下逊色了不少.在17岁的那一年,Brian到伦敦修读戏剧.当时他的父亲希望它能够跟随父亲的脚步,成为一名银行家.幸运的是,他比较想要在摇滚乐上有所成就. 此外,相较于他的音乐,媒体似乎把更多的焦点放在Brian枕边人的真面目,对于他的形象及[性向]的推测也越来越多.但毫无怀疑的,像先前的DAVID BOWIE一般,Brian早已经成为音乐舞台上最令人关注的角色之一了
2023-08-11 02:09:542

Placebo的《i know》 歌词

歌曲名:i know歌手:Placebo专辑:PlaceboI know, you love the song but not the singerI know, you"ve got me wrapped around your fingerI know, you want the sin without the sinnerI knowI knowI know, the past will catch you up as you run fasterI know, the last in line is always called a bastardI know, the past will catch you up as you run fasterI knowI knowI know, you cut me loose in contradictionI know, I"m all wrapped up in sweet attritionI know, it"s asking for your benedictionI knowI knowI know, the past will catch you up as you run fasterI know, the last in line is always called a bastardI know, the past will catch you up as you run fasterI knowI knowI know, the past will catch you up as you run fasterI know, the last in line is always called a bastardI know, the past will catch you up as you run fasterI knowI know.Placebo是英国1994年组建的一支摇滚乐队。Placebo 中文译名为“安慰剂”,乐队的名字 Placebo 取自拉丁语,含义是“我愿意”(唱赞美诗前所说的第一个词)。是一个三人乐团,主唱兼吉他手Brian Molko,鼓手Steve Forrest,以及Stefan Olsdal(贝司、吉他和键盘)。组队国籍:英国组建时间:1994风格类型Industrial(工业摇滚)Alternative Pop/Rock(另类流行/摇滚)Britpop(英伦摇滚)Neo-Glam(Neo-Glam)Punk Revival(复兴朋克)Punk-Pop(流行朋克)
2023-08-11 02:10:022

Placebo的《the crawl》 歌词

歌曲名:the crawl歌手:Placebo专辑:without you i m nothingPlacebo - The CrawlIt takes the pain awaythat could not make you stayit"s way to broke to fixno glue, no bag of tricksLay me down, the lie will unfurllay me down to crawl.Your smile would make me sneezewhen we were SiameseAmazing grace in hereI"d pay to have you near.Lay me down, the lie will unfurllay me down to crawl.Don"t go and lose your faceat some stranger"s placeand don"t forget to breatheand pay before you leaveLay me down, the lie will unfurllay me down to crawl.Lay me down, the lie will unfurllay me down to crawl.
2023-08-11 02:10:111

help to solve the problem?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 英语短文理解{急} how does the placebo work no one know.but the brain rules the body in many subconscious ways,including its control of the body"s major hormones and its subtle influnce over the immune it is possible that ,in ways yet unknown ,expectations about health or disease are sometimes translated into a bodily reaction that fulfils them.the power of there effects is hard to overstate. questionhow does placebo work? A it fights the virus in humman bodiesB it works through people"s mental power C it controls the hormones in humman bodies D it strngth the people"s immune syrtem 详细解释一下啊? 解析: 问题:placebo是如何起作用的? A它在人体内抵抗病毒 B它在人的精神心理上起作用 C它控制人体内荷尔蒙 D它加强人的免疫系统 答案应该是B 原文提到人的大脑通过许多潜意识的方式控制人的身体,比如控制荷尔蒙和对免疫系统的细微影响。人体里的一些reaction是满足健康和疾病上面的期望在下意识的情况下发生的。placebo或者这种潜意识里的能量是不能夸大。 刚查了下,placebo的意思是安慰剂,即一些本来没有病的人开的药,这样这题就更好理解了~呵呵
2023-08-11 02:10:191


心理暗示对人的行为的影响,有的只是“可乐喝百事还是可口”这等日常生活中的琐碎事,也有的却是决定人生走向,甚至生死存亡的。有时,它就是“压死骆驼的最后一根稻草”。可口可乐多年来营业额稳定超过百事。后来,神经科学家经过fMRI实验发现是由于可口可乐包装,标语吸引了年轻人对潮流的追求,造成他们在品尝味道时只要受到framing就会被暗示认为可口可乐味道更好。事实上,有这25%的人,单尝味道却坚定地选择百事。那是海马体和前额叶的兴奋。心理暗示能够很大程度上决定一个人的行为。“安慰剂效应”和“反安慰剂效应”安慰剂效应(placebo effect)指病人虽然获得无效的治疗,但由于“预料”或“相信”治疗有效,使得病情症状得到舒缓。出于主观的期望,我们会倾向于去“感受”到理想的结果。即使告知病人“安慰剂”的真相,这样的效应仍在被观察到。更明显的是,甚至医生的语气态度,诊室的环境,药剂的颜色都能影响效应的程度。心理因素导致人们近乎“迷信”这种治疗,并不停地去依赖它,进行自我安慰。心灵得到满足的同时,身体会开始自愈。激素和神经递质是其生物基础。更不用说本来就是由情绪因素引起或占一定影响比例的疾病。根据调查,患有慢性疼痛,抑郁,某些心脏疾病,胃溃疡,或某些胃炎,以及很多功能性疾病的病人,高达50%-60%的可以仅仅因安慰剂得到症状缓解。由于自我的心理暗示,人们去相信一种没有任何作用的药剂的神奇疗效。心理学研究发现,人们会不自觉地接受自己喜欢、钦佩、信任和崇拜的人的影响和暗示。这使人们能够接受智者的指导,作为“自我”完善的补充。这是暗示作用的积极面。   暗示也有消极的方面,那就是容易受人操纵、控制。心理暗示发挥作用的前提是“自我”的不完善和缺陷,那么如果一个人的“自我”不够成熟、坚定的话,这个人就很容易被别人的“暗示”占领和统治。这种人的人格本身存在着严重的依赖倾向。   暗示,作为一种心理疗法,有科学的基础和功效,对一些心因性疾病有一定的疗效,如口吃、厌食、哮喘、高血压、心动过速、神经性头痛、植物神经功能紊乱和更年期综合征等。积极正确的暗示疗法,通过调节人的神经内分泌,可以促进脑中有益的激素分泌,增强人的身体健康。而恶性的心理暗示,不仅不能医治疾病,反而会使受暗示者产生心理障碍,严重的会出现幻听、幻觉和幻视。在生活中,我们要多运用积极、在日常生活中,我们很容易受到外界一些观念或环境等的影响,从而造成情绪上的变化。心理暗示有正面和负面之分,如果为了避免一些痛苦的发生,可以运用一些自我暗示的方式,从而让自己可以对挫折有承受能力,并保持积极向上的精神状态。那么,心理暗示有哪些积极的作用?第一、心理暗示可以增强自信心每个人都有自己的优点和缺点,我们不应该为自己的缺点和过失来责怪自己,而应该客观地审视和认识自己,思考自己的长处和潜力,以激发出自信心。现实中,自信并不一定会让你成功,而失去自信必须会导致失败,所以,多进行一些正面的心理暗示,让自己增强信心,也许才会有成功的可能。第二、心理暗示可以优化自己的情绪情绪在生活中起着非常重要的作用,同样的事情可以从不同的角度看到,情绪也会不同,结果也会不同。改变问题的视角,情绪自然可以得到调整。我们应该学会把自己的情绪转移到最好的状态,当你心情紧张时,可以听轻音乐、或是唱一段小调和歌曲等,或到户外散步,听听青蛙的叫声,通过一些行为可以调整我们的心理,优化我们的情绪。第三、心理暗示可以减轻压力心态决定了我们对于不同事物,采取怎样的看法。如果感觉到自己受到不公正的待遇、或遇到无法解开的难题时,这会让我们产生很大的压力。而如果这时调整好心态,给自己一些积极的自我暗示,进入最佳的心理状态是非常重要的,这样可以激励自己迅速调整好心态,以一种平和的态度投入。第四、积极的暗示可激发潜能积极的暗示可以增强自己的信心,消除麻烦。消极的暗示刚会降低人们的信心,只会增加忧虑。所以当遇到困难时,应进行积极的自我暗示,自我鼓励、相信自己能做到。我能做到是很大的潜力激发,从而可以让自己取得很大的进步,迎接一些很大的挑战,不会担心解决不了问题。总而言之,积极的心理暗示是非常有必要的,何况我们正处于一种竞争激烈的时代,难免会遇到各种问题,这时如果能进行自我暗示,把我们的心态和情绪调整到最佳状态,就可以让自己冷静地处理问题,并且可以激发出自己的潜能。
2023-08-11 02:10:261

Placebo的《swallow》 歌词

歌曲名:swallow歌手:Placebo专辑:PlaceboConfiscaterazor bladeconfiscateheymarilynit kinda went like thisstay with mestay with mestopstop stammeringI uhI uhIIstopI forgot where I put itI can"t remember where I put itswallowswallowheyheywhatmarilynyeahIIwell Ikind ofit kinda went like thiskindastay with mestay with mestopstammeringstop stammeringI uhI uhIII forgotI forgotI uhI forgot where I put itI can"t remember where I put itswallowswallowmarilynmarilynIwell Istopit kinda went like thisstay with mestay with mestay with mestopstammeringstop stammeringI uhI uhIIstopstopI uhforgot where I put itI can"t remember where I put itswallowmarilynwell Iit kindakinda went like thisit wentlike this itstay stay with mestopstammeringstop stammeringI uhI uhI echo
2023-08-11 02:10:331


2023-08-11 02:10:546

placebo effect名词解释

placebo effect 安慰剂效应安慰剂效应 [ān wèi jì xiào yìng]安慰剂效应,指病人虽然获得无效的治疗,但却“预料”或“相信”治疗有效,而让病患症状得到舒缓的现象。又名伪药效应、假药效应、代设剂效应(英文:Placebo Effect,源自拉丁文placebo解“我将安慰”)安慰剂效应于1955年由毕阙博士提出,亦理解为“非特定效应”(non-specific effects)或受试者期望效应。
2023-08-11 02:11:091


早餐:少量的牛肉或鸡肉 1只鸡蛋和3个鸡蛋白(白水煮)1个苹果 午餐 200克牛肉或鸡肉 无脂或低脂 牛奶(超市里就有卖脱脂奶粉)3个鸡蛋白 蔬菜若干 晚上有条件的话,吃点虾. 在运动的时候吃点香蕉. 哪些食物可“制造”肌肉 肌肉,你可曾听说过可以“吃”出来?以下食物就有这个作用。 蜜糖冰茶:Memphis大学研究人员发现常吃这类粘稠食物的人体内葡萄糖含量可在较长时间内维持较高水平。因为它帮助肝糖的储存,而肝糖是肌肉的能量来源。 肉排:肉排比其他蛋白质更能“制造”肌肉。同时肉排也可帮助提高体内促睾丸激素氨基酸的含量。睾丸激素能增强你的负重能力并锻炼更多肌肉。 杏仁:杏仁中含有大量的镁。Western Washington大学的一项研究显示,增加镁的摄入增加的负重力要比服用placebo的效果强20%。 椰菜:椰菜中维生素C的含量在蔬菜中是最高的。半杯椰菜含有60毫克维生素C.研究发现补充维生素C的运动员训练后遭受的肌肉损伤比服用placebo 的运动员少。 糙米:与精米相比,糙米含有更多的精氨酸和赖氨酸。Houston大学的研究人员发现补充精氨酸和赖氨酸的人体内帮助肌肉生长的荷尔蒙比服用placebo的人要高21.5倍。 低脂冰激凌:不要完全拒绝巧克力,因为吃巧克力可补充镁。另外,你的二头肌、三头肌以及其他所有X头肌需要钙以正确执行神经传来的命令。而冰激凌可可提供钙,仅半杯冰激凌就含有63毫克钙。 ★更适合中国人长肌肉的饮食计划:)早餐(第一餐):少量的牛肉或鸡肉 1只鸡蛋和3个鸡蛋白(白水煮) 1杯豆浆或脱脂牛奶 1个馒头(可加红豆腐) 1个苹果 第二餐:2个柿子 4个蛋 1个甜马铃薯 午餐(第三餐):2碗米饭或3个馒头 200克牛肉或鸡肉 无脂或低脂 牛奶(超市里就有卖脱脂奶粉)或脱脂酸奶(很难买而且贵,不过有利于消化) 1个大苹 各类蔬菜(应人而意) 训练前(第四餐):4个蛋白 1个甜马玲薯 1个柿子 1杯乳清蛋白+肌酸 (以蛋白摄入为主) 训练后(第五餐):1个香蕉 半个西瓜或其它水果 1杯燕麦片如条件容许可改为宝莱的巨人增肌2000补给1杯 (以碳水化合物摄入为主。训练后碳水化合物摄入不足,机体就会动用肌肉中的蛋白质来为训练提 热量) 晚餐(第六餐):1碗面条或米饭 鱼200G或虾 尽量少用油最好清炖或蒸 第七餐:1杯蛋白饮品(如条件容许) 也可以脱脂奶粉代替
2023-08-11 02:11:161

Placebo的《plasticine》 歌词

歌曲名:plasticine歌手:Placebo专辑:sleeping with ghostsPlacebo - PlasticineBeauty lies inside the eyeof another youthful dreamThat doesn"t sell it"s soul for self-esteemThat"s not plasticineBeauty lies inside desireand every wayward heart redeemedThat doesn"t sell it"s soul for self-esteemThat"s not plasticineDon"t forget to be the way you areDon"t forget to be the way you areDon"t forget to be the way you areDon"t forget to be the way you areThe only thing you can rely onis that you can"t rely on anythingDon"t go and sell your soul for self-esteemDon"t be plasticineDon"t forget to be the way you areDon"t forget to be the way you areDon"t forget to be the way you areDon"t forget to be the way you areDon"t forget to be the way you areDon"t forget to be the way you areDon"t forget to be the way you areDon"t forget to be the way you areThe way you are...The way you are...The way you are...The way you are...
2023-08-11 02:11:241

Placebo的《I Feel You》 歌词

歌曲名:I Feel You歌手:Placebo专辑:CoversQueensberry - I Feel YouI tried so hard to get over itI tried so hard but I coulden"t quietI tried both this and thatbut this and that won"t get your backOh-oh-oh-ohI never thought I could let you gobut it"s time that I let you knowI"m not the supid kindyou showed me all the signsI clearly was too blindBut deep insideI can feel what you feelwhat you need is somerthing realI feel you,I feel youI can feel what you feellet me give you something realI feel you,I feel youI"ve got nothing left to hideLove means swallowing my prideI feel you,I feel youit"s a chemical insideI said it"s over but I liedI feel you,I feel youI know it"s wrong but I"ll take a riskwhat"s on my mind? Cann you take a guess?You wanted a virgin blessedthen me undressedWell,what comes next?Oh-oh-oh-ohI never thought I could let you gobut it"s time that I let you knowI"m not the sipid kindyou showed me all the signsI clearly was too blindBut deep insideI can feel what you feelwhat you need is somerthing realI feel you,I feel youI can feel what you feellet me give you something realI feel you,I feel youI"ve got nothing left to hideLove means swallowing my prideI feel you,I feel youit"s a chemical insideI said it"s over but I liedI feel you,I feel youI know I`m playing with firebut that won`t hold me backI know I`m playing with firebut that won`t hold me backI know I`m playing with firebut that won`t hold me backI can feelwhat you feelwhat you need is something realI feel you I feel youI can feelwhat you feellet me give you something realI feel you I feel youI`ve got nothing left to hidelove means swalloing my prideI feel you I feel youIt`s a chemical insideI said it`s over but I liedI feel you I feel youI know I`m playing with firebut that won`t hold me back(won`t hold me back)
2023-08-11 02:11:321

placebo respimat 是什么意思

Respimat 是一种用于慢性阻塞性肺疾病, 包括慢性支气管炎的新颖喷雾吸入器。Placebo 的意思是 安慰剂,也就是说这是一种无实际疗效的安慰剂喷雾吸入器。
2023-08-11 02:11:411

Placebo的《Daddy Cool》 歌词

歌曲名:Daddy Cool歌手:Placebo专辑:CoversDaddy CoolPlaceboCovers"Daddy Cool"by poppyranShe"s crazy like a foolWhat about it Daddy CoolI"m crazy like a foolWhat about it Daddy CoolDaddy, Daddy CoolDaddy, Daddy CoolDaddy, Daddy CoolDaddy, Daddy CoolShe"s crazy like a foolWhat about it Daddy CoolI"m crazy like a foolWhat about it Daddy CoolDaddy, Daddy CoolDaddy, Daddy CoolDaddy, Daddy CoolDaddy, Daddy Cool(spoken) She"s crazy about her daddyOh she believes in himShe loves her daddyShe"s crazy like a foolWhat about it Daddy CoolI"m crazy like a foolWhat about it Daddy CoolDaddy, Daddy CoolDaddy, Daddy CoolDaddy, Daddy CoolDaddy, Daddy Cool
2023-08-11 02:11:551


安慰剂效应,指病人虽然获得无效的治疗,但却“预料”或“相信”治疗有效,而让病患症状得到舒缓的现象。又名伪药效应、假药效应、代设剂效应(英文:Placebo Effect,源自拉丁文placebo解“我将安慰”)安慰剂效应于1955年由毕阙博士提出,亦理解为“非特定效应”(non-specific effects)或受试者期望效应。安慰剂效应于1955年由毕阙博士 (Henry K. Beecher)提出,亦理解为“非特定效应”(non-specific effects)或受试者期望效应。一个性质完全相反的效应亦同时存在——反安慰剂效应 (Nocebo effect):病人不相信治疗有效,可能会令病情恶化。反安慰剂效应(拉丁文nocebo解“我将伤害”)可以使用检测安慰剂效应相同的方法检测出来。例如一组服用无效药物的对照群组(control group),会出现病情恶化的现象。这个现象相信是由于接受药物的人士对于药物的效力抱有负面的态度,因而抵销了安慰剂效应,出现了反安慰剂效应。这个效应并不是由所服用的药物引起,而是基于病人心理上对康复的期望。我百度了解的,有用吗?
2023-08-11 02:12:182

double-blind, placebo-controlled

2023-08-11 02:12:283

Song To Say Goodbye 歌词

歌曲名:Song To Say Goodbye歌手:Placebo专辑:Placebo: We Come in PiecesSong To Say Good ByePlacebodana1023.52blog.netYou are one of God"s mistakes.You crying, tragic waste of skin.I"m well aware of how it aches.And you still won"t let me in.Now I"m breaking down your door,to try and save your swollen face.Though I don"t like you anymoreyou lying, trying waste of space.Before our innocence was lostyou were always one of thoseblessed with lucky 7s,and the voice that made me cry.My oh my.You were mother nature"s son.Someone to whom I could relate.Your needle and your damage done,remains a sordid twist of fate,now I"m trying to wake you up,to pull you from the liquid sky.Cause if I don"t we"ll both end upwith just your song to say goodbye.My oh my.A song to say goodbye,A song to say goodbye,A song to say,Before our innocence was lostyou were always one of thoseblessed with lucky 7"s,and a voice that made me cry.It"s a song to say goodbye.It"s a song to say goodbye.It"s a song to say goodbye.It"s a song to say goodbye.It"s a song to say goodbye.It"s a song to say goodbye.It"s a song to say goodbye.It"s a song to say goodbye.
2023-08-11 02:12:481


5其他人说不是这样的。他们说,安慰剂使希望得到更好的成为现实。安慰剂不会工作,如果病人知道它是安慰剂。这表明身体不被它愚弄。看来,如果患者认为他们得到了药物治疗,他们就有希望。他们觉得他们得到了帮助。这给了他们一个更强的将得到更好的,那就是帮助治疗他们。7对安慰剂的工作的医生的角色的例子可以看到在这项研究中。消化性溃疡出血的患者在两组。第一组告诉医生,他们得到了一个新的药物,它是希望,会给他们一些救济。第二组的护士告诉他们用了一种新的药物,但这也不太了解它如何工作。作为一个结果,第一组中的百分之70的人得到了更好的。只有百分之25的第二组的人有更好的。两组实际上已给定的相同的安慰剂。9测试是在罗马尼亚进行的150 60岁以上的人。他们把每组50人三组。第一组人什么也没给。第二组给予安慰剂。第三组给予真正的药物和说,这将有助于老年问题。(事实上,这不是老药物。)三组被研究了许多年。第一组无变化,村一直是老年人的方式。第二组(与安慰剂)有更好的健康和低死亡率。第三组(与真正的药物)表现出相同的结果,把placebo.11然而组,安慰剂的使用已为其他国家上百年众所周知的。在一些非洲国家,部落的医生已经知道了很长的时间,病人会如果他们认为他们会变得更好。许多“治疗”,他们似乎不能够使生病的人更好,但这种治疗12安慰剂的神奇力量似乎表明人类的头脑比我们认为。有人说你可以治愈你的身体,用你的心。而有趣的是,即使人们发誓说这是不可能的安慰剂痊愈了。
2023-08-11 02:12:583


哪些食物可[制造"肌肉肌肉.你可曾听说过可以[吃"出来?以下食物就有这个作用. 蜜糖冰茶:Memphis大学研究人员发现常吃这类粘稠食物的人体内葡萄糖含量可在较长时间内维持较高水平.因为它帮助肝糖的储存.而肝糖是肌肉的能量来源. 肉排:肉排比其他蛋白质更能[制造"肌肉.同时肉排也可帮助提高体内促睾丸激素氨基酸的含量.睾丸激素能增强你的负重能力并锻炼更多肌肉. 杏仁:杏仁中含有大量的镁.Western Washington大学的一项研究显示.增加镁的摄入增加的负重力要比服用placebo的效果强20%. 椰菜:椰菜中维生素C的含量在蔬菜中是最高的.半杯椰菜含有60毫克维生素C.研究发现补充维生素C的运动员训练后遭受的肌肉损伤比服用placebo 的运动员少. 糙米:与精米相比.糙米含有更多的精氨酸和赖氨酸.Houston大学的研究人员发现补充精氨酸和赖氨酸的人体内帮助肌肉生长的荷尔蒙比服用placebo的人要高21.5倍. 低脂冰激凌:不要完全拒绝巧克力.因为吃巧克力可补充镁.另外.你的二头肌.三头肌以及其他所有X头肌需要钙以正确执行神经传来的命令.而冰激凌可可提供钙.仅半杯冰激凌就含有63毫克钙. ★更适合中国人长肌肉的饮食计划:)早餐(第一餐):少量的牛肉或鸡肉 1只鸡蛋和3个鸡蛋白(白水煮) 1杯豆浆或脱脂牛奶 1个馒头(可加红豆腐) 1个苹果 第二餐:2个柿子 4个蛋 1个甜马铃薯 午餐(第三餐):2碗米饭或3个馒头 200克牛肉或鸡肉 无脂或低脂 牛奶(超市里就有卖脱脂奶粉)或脱脂酸奶(很难买而且贵.不过有利于消化) 1个大苹 各类蔬菜(应人而意) 训练前(第四餐):4个蛋白 1个甜马玲薯 1个柿子 1杯乳清蛋白+肌酸 (以蛋白摄入为主) 训练后(第五餐):1个香蕉 半个西瓜或其它水果 1杯燕麦片如条件容许可改为宝莱的巨人增肌2000补给1杯 (以碳水化合物摄入为主.训练后碳水化合物摄入不足.机体就会动用肌肉中的蛋白质来为训练提 热量) 晚餐(第六餐):1碗面条或米饭 鱼200G或虾 尽量少用油最好清炖或蒸 第七餐:1杯蛋白饮品(如条件容许) 也可以脱脂奶粉代替
2023-08-11 02:13:101


可以参考以下操作:1、如果先对两个剂量组合并,怎么计算SD;2、如果分别整理A30mg vs. Placebo, A60mg vs. Placebo,将它们看成2个研究进行合并,是否存在Placebo样本量重复利用的问题。3、先说后者,将Placebo样本量均分即可,此例中A30mg vs. Placebo, A60mg vs. Placebo,Placebo的样本量减半,均为10。如果出现对照组的样本量(N)为奇数,则拆分为(N-1)/2和(N+1)/2。对于第一点,可以将数据代入以下公式,计算两组合并后的SD。均值的计算就更简单:mean总 = (mean30mg * n1 + mean60mg * n2)/(n1 + n2)。作者:尔云间meta链接:来源:知乎著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。
2023-08-11 02:13:261


Placebo一支中性色彩浓厚的乐队,1994年组建于伦敦.国外有人说他们是GLAM化的Nirvana,也就是说,他们在音乐上和NIRVANA很相似,而形象上就比较女里女气一点. 乐队的创建者是主唱兼吉他手Brian Molko(美国和苏格兰的混血)和瑞典人贝司手Stefan Olsdal.乐队组建之初曾取名为Ashtray Heart,并受到80年代独立大牌Sonic Youth乐队的巨大影响. 96年,乐队的单曲Nancy Boy成为超级热门歌曲,并一直传唱至今.这首歌也使Placebo成为Brit-Pop运动中的巨大收益者之一. 之后他们的故事就全是出专集,巡演和搂钱了.所以列一下专集列表也差不多就够了. 专集列表 Placebo (1996) Without You I"m Nothing (1998) Black Market Music (2000) Sleeping With Ghosts (2003) Once More With Feeling - Singles 1996-2004 (2004
2023-08-11 02:14:191

Placebo的Running Up That Hill中文歌词歌名。

歌名:奔向那山It doesn"t hurt me.我没受到伤害.You wanna feel how it feels?你想知道受伤的感觉么?You wanna know, know that it doesn"t hurt me?你想知道我并没有受伤么?You wanna hear about the deal I"m making?你想听听我都作了什么交易么?You *be running up that hill*你应该奔向那山You and me *be running up that hill*我和你都应该奔向那山And if I only could,如果我可以,Make a deal with God,和上帝做一个交易, And get him to swap our places,让他和我们交换地方,Be running up that road,我们就可以奔向那路,Be running up that hill,我们就可以奔向那山,Be running up that building.我们就可以奔向那楼.If I only could, oh.如果我可以的话就好了,哦.You don"t want to hurt me,你不想伤害我,But see how deep the bullet lies.但却看到那颗子弹深深地嵌在我身体里.Unaware that I"m tearing you asunder.我没觉察到我正在撕碎你.There is thunder in our hearts, baby.在我们的心中有雷电,宝贝.So much hate for the ones we love?如此憎恨我们所爱的人么?Tell me, we both matter, don"t we?告诉我,我们都在乎对方,是么?You, *be running up that hill*你应该奔向那山You and me, *be running up that hill*我和你都应该奔向那山You and me won"t be unhappy.我和你都将不开心.And if I only could,如果我可以,Make a deal with God,和上帝做一个交易, And get him to swap our places,让他和我们交换地方,Be running up that road,我们就可以奔向那路,Be running up that hill,我们就可以奔向那山,Be running up that building.我们就可以奔向那楼.If I only could, oh.如果我可以的话就好了,哦."C"mon, baby, c"mon, c"mon, darling,加油,宝贝,加油,加油,亲爱的,Let me steal this moment from you now.让我现在从你那里偷走这时刻.C"mon, angel, c"mon, c"mon, darling,加油,天使,加油,加油,亲爱的,Let"s exchange the experience, oh."让我们相互交换体验,哦.And if I only could,如果我可以,Make a deal with God,和上帝做一个交易, And get him to swap our places,让他和我们交换地方,Be running up that road,我们就可以奔向那路,Be running up that hill,我们就可以奔向那山,With no problems. x2毫无问题."If I only could, be running up that hill." x7要是我可以奔向那山就好了.
2023-08-11 02:14:261

Placebo的《Holocaust》 歌词

歌曲名:Holocaust歌手:Placebo专辑:CoversHolocaustPlaceboCovers"Holocaust"by poppyranYour eyes are almost deadcan"t get out of bedAnd you can"t sleepYou"re sitting down to dressand you"re a messYou look in the mirrorYou look in your eyesThen you realizeEverybody goesleaving thosewho fall behindEverybody goesas far as they canThey don"t just careThey stood on the stairsLaughing at your airsYour mother"s deadShe said"Don"t be afraid"Your mother"s deadYou"re on your ownShe"s in her bedEverybody goesLeaving thoseWho fall behindEverybody goesAs far as they canThey don"t just careYou"re a wasted faceyou"re a sad-eyed lieYou"re a holocaust
2023-08-11 02:14:331


其实没有必要从食品添加剂中获得。食品添加剂少有苦味剂。苦不过黄连吗,一片10mg的黄连素片,足可使100g 的安慰剂苦味十足,而且色泽也看不出来泛黄色,这点剂量远比添加剂用量比小,而且很安全。谨供参考,我的建议在书籍中是查不到的,理论推敲和实践总结而已。
2023-08-11 02:14:432


人类历史上的医疗活动中使用最多的,不是药物,不是手术,也不是针灸,而是医生给病人的建议,这些建议很多时候可能比药物本身还重要,是个无形的药物,这种所谓无形的药物,就是人们常说的所谓“安慰剂”。 不知道“安慰剂”这个汉译是从什么时候开始使用的,但“Placebo”这个英文词汇却是有着悠久的历史,这是一个纯粹的英文词汇,而不象很多医学词汇都来自拉丁语,其含义是“我应当满意”。这个词汇在英语世界里已经存在上千年了,最早是教堂里为死者祷告时用的宗教专用词汇,以后世俗的民间社会开始使用,自十五世纪中叶开始,Placebo这个词汇就有了比较固定的含义,就是“使人愉快”的意思。 从十九世纪开始,随着药物化学工业的发展,人们开始思考药物的真实作用,是有用,还是没用。大夫给病人开药仅仅是为了满足病人“要吃药”的欲望,还是药物本身真的能给病人带来帮助。更广泛的说,就是要区别有形的药片与无形的“药物”在治疗中的差别,把医学活动与“信则灵”区分开来。 其实不仅仅是淀粉片或是糖片可以成为安慰剂,任何药物都可以是安慰剂,条件是该药用在不该用的病上,例如用青霉素治疗病毒感染引起的感冒上,这个时候青霉素就只起到安慰剂的作用。保健品很大程度上就是一个安慰剂,服用的人想,我花了钱了,说明上说这个东西吃了可以增强体质,改善健康,有病治病,没病防身,可以补钙排毒等等,
2023-08-11 02:14:531


一般情况下:安慰剂效应不会持续太长时间,对比时间可以比较,也与药物的毒性有关系,处方药和禁药几乎没有所谓安慰剂效应,还有一些经典药物也效果显著。安慰剂效应,指病人虽然获得无效的治疗,但却“预料”或“相信”治疗有效,而让病患症状得到舒缓的现象。又名伪药效应、假药效应、代设剂效应(英文:Placebo Effect,源自拉丁文placebo解“我将安慰”)安慰剂效应于1955年由毕阙博士提出,亦理解为“非特定效应”(non-specific effects)或受试者期望效应。心理咨询中的“安慰剂效应”指心理咨询者在咨询中向来访者提供“ 安慰剂”,使来访者由于期望而促进心理障碍减轻或病情好转的心理现象。心理咨询中的“ 安慰剂”包括心理病理性药物、生物意义上的中性物质、咨询者的形象、咨询者的言语和非言语技术及咨询环境的建构,咨询人员通过药物、药物替代、言行及环境暗示引导来访者对自己的改变和发展。总结如下:心理咨询与临床医学“ 安慰剂”的不同在于它更强调咨询者本身的形象、对来访者的引导和心理咨询环境的建设,他们对个体认知改变、心理适应和发展甚至比药物“安慰剂”的作用更大。有人认为这是一个值得注意地人类生理反应,但亦有人认为这是医学实验设计所产生的错觉。这个现象无论是否真的存在,科学家至今仍未能完全理解。
2023-08-11 02:15:021

Placebo的《Special K》 歌词

歌曲名:Special K歌手:Placebo专辑:Special KPlacebo - Special KComing up beyond beliefOn this coronary thiefMore than just a leitmotifMore chaotic, no reliefI"ll describe the way I feelWeeping wounds that never healCan the savior be for realOr are you just my seventh seal?No hesitation, no delayYou come on just like special KJust like I swallowed half my stashI never ever want to crashNo hesitation, no delayYou come on just like special KNow you"re back with dope demandI"m on sinking sandGravityNo escaping gravityGravityNo escaping... not for freeI fall down... hit the groundMake a heavy soundEvery time you seem to come aroundI"ll describe the way I feelYou"re my new Achilles heelCan this savior be for realOr are you just my seventh seal?No hesitation, no delayYou come on just like special KJust like I swallowed half my stashI never ever want to crashNo hesitation, no delayYou come on just like special KNow you"re back with dope demandI"m on sinking sandGravityNo escaping gravityGravityNo escaping... not for freeI fall down... hit the groundMake a heavy soundEvery time you seem to come aroundNo escaping gravityNo escaping gravityNo escaping gravityNo escaping gravityGravityGravityGravity
2023-08-11 02:15:151

Placebo的《Meds》 歌词

歌曲名:Meds歌手:Placebo专辑:Placebo: We Come in Pieces能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollI was alone, Falling free,Trying my best not to forgetWhat happened to us,What happened to me,What happened as I let it slip.I was confused by the powers that be,Forgetting names and faces.Passersby were looking at meAs if they could erase itBaby did you forget to take your meds?Baby did you forget to take your meds?I was alone,Staring over the ledge,Trying my best not to forgetAll manner of joyAll manner of gleeAnd our one heroic pledgeHow it mattered to us,How it mattered to me,And the consequencesI was confused,By the birds and the beesForgetting if I meant itBaby did you forget to take your meds?Baby did you forget to take your meds?Baby did you forget to take your meds?Baby did you forget to take your meds?And the Sex and the drugs and the complicationsAnd the Sex and the drugs and the complicationsAnd the Sex and the drugs and the complicationsAnd the Sex and the drugs and the complicationsBaby did you forget to take your meds?Baby did you forget to take your meds?Baby did you forget to take your meds?Baby did you forget to take your meds?Baby did you forget to take your meds?Baby did you forget to take your meds?I was alone,Falling free,Trying my best not to forget
2023-08-11 02:15:221

Placebo的《come home》 歌词

歌曲名:come home歌手:Placebo专辑:PlaceboStuck between the do or die,I feel emaciated.Hard to breathe I try and try,I"ll get asphyxiated.Swinging from the tallest height,with nothing left to hold on to.Every sky is blue, but not for me and you.Come home, come home, come home, come home.Glass and petrol vodka gin,it feels like breathing methane.Throw yourself from skin to skin,and still it doesn"t dull the pain.Vanish like a lipstick trace,it always blows me away.Every cloud is grey,with dreams of yesterday.Come home, come home, come home, come home,come home, come home, come home, come home.Always goes against the grain,and I can try and deny itGive a monkey half a brain,and still he"s bound to fry it.Now the happening scene is dead,I used to want to be there too.Every sky is blue, but not for me and you.Come home, come home, come home, come home,come home, come home, come home, come home.
2023-08-11 02:15:291

Placebo的《bionic》 歌词

歌曲名:bionic歌手:Placebo专辑:PlaceboHarder faster, forever after,harder faster, forever after,harder faster, forever after,forever after.None of you can make the grade,none of you can make the grade,none of you can make the grade,none of you can make the grade.Harder faster, forever after,harder faster, forever after,harder faster, forever after,forever after.None of you can make the grade,none of you can make the grade,none of you can make the grade,none of you can make the grade.
2023-08-11 02:15:471

placebo--pure morning歌词的中文意思

friend is hard to get, harder to keep and impossible to forget.
2023-08-11 02:15:583


在我看来心理暗示是非常可怕的,有好多得绝症的人明明可以积极配合治疗,然后得到很好的疗效,但是就是心理暗示的作用,让他们失去了最后的机会。心理暗示对人的行为的影响,有的只是“可乐喝百事还是可口”这等日常生活中的琐碎事,也有的却是决定人生走向,甚至生死存亡的。有时,它就是“压死骆驼的最后一根稻草”。可口可乐多年来营业额稳定超过百事。后来,神经科学家经过fMRI实验发现是由于可口可乐包装,标语吸引了年轻人对潮流的追求,造成他们在品尝味道时只要受到framing就会被暗示认为可口可乐味道更好。事实上,有这25%的人,单尝味道却坚定地选择百事。那是海马体和前额叶的兴奋。心理暗示能够很大程度上决定一个人的行为。“安慰剂效应”和“反安慰剂效应”安慰剂效应(placebo effect)指病人虽然获得无效的治疗,但由于“预料”或“相信”治疗有效,使得病情症状得到舒缓。出于主观的期望,我们会倾向于去“感受”到理想的结果。即使告知病人“安慰剂”的真相,这样的效应仍在被观察到。更明显的是,甚至医生的语气态度,诊室的环境,药剂的颜色都能影响效应的程度。心理因素导致人们近乎“迷信”这种治疗,并不停地去依赖它,进行自我安慰。心灵得到满足的同时,身体会开始自愈。激素和神经递质是其生物基础。更不用说本来就是由情绪因素引起或占一定影响比例的疾病。根据调查,患有慢性疼痛,抑郁,某些心脏疾病,胃溃疡,或某些胃炎,以及很多功能性疾病的病人,高达50%-60%的可以仅仅因安慰剂得到症状缓解。由于自我的心理暗示,人们去相信一种没有任何作用的药剂的神奇疗效。心理学研究发现,人们会不自觉地接受自己喜欢、钦佩、信任和崇拜的人的影响和暗示。这使人们能够接受智者的指导,作为“自我”完善的补充。这是暗示作用的积极面。  暗示也有消极的方面,那就是容易受人操纵、控制。心理暗示发挥作用的前提是“自我”的不完善和缺陷,那么如果一个人的“自我”不够成熟、坚定的话,这个人就很容易被别人的“暗示”占领和统治。这种人的人格本身存在着严重的依赖倾向。  暗示,作为一种心理疗法,有科学的基础和功效,对一些心因性疾病有一定的疗效,如口吃、厌食、哮喘、高血压、心动过速、神经性头痛、植物神经功能紊乱和更年期综合征等。积极正确的暗示疗法,通过调节人的神经内分泌,可以促进脑中有益的激素分泌,增强人的身体健康。而恶性的心理暗示,不仅不能医治疾病,反而会使受暗示者产生心理障碍,严重的会出现幻听、幻觉和幻视。在生活中,我们要多运用积极、在日常生活中,我们很容易受到外界一些观念或环境等的影响,从而造成情绪上的变化。心理暗示有正面和负面之分,如果为了避免一些痛苦的发生,可以运用一些自我暗示的方式,从而让自己可以对挫折有承受能力,并保持积极向上的精神状态。那么,心理暗示有哪些积极的作用?第一、心理暗示可以增强自信心每个人都有自己的优点和缺点,我们不应该为自己的缺点和过失来责怪自己,而应该客观地审视和认识自己,思考自己的长处和潜力,以激发出自信心。现实中,自信并不一定会让你成功,而失去自信必须会导致失败,所以,多进行一些正面的心理暗示,让自己增强信心,也许才会有成功的可能。第二、心理暗示可以优化自己的情绪情绪在生活中起着非常重要的作用,同样的事情可以从不同的角度看到,情绪也会不同,结果也会不同。改变问题的视角,情绪自然可以得到调整。我们应该学会把自己的情绪转移到最好的状态,当你心情紧张时,可以听轻音乐、或是唱一段小调和歌曲等,或到户外散步,听听青蛙的叫声,通过一些行为可以调整我们的心理,优化我们的情绪。第三、心理暗示可以减轻压力心态决定了我们对于不同事物,采取怎样的看法。如果感觉到自己受到不公正的待遇、或遇到无法解开的难题时,这会让我们产生很大的压力。而如果这时调整好心态,给自己一些积极的自我暗示,进入最佳的心理状态是非常重要的,这样可以激励自己迅速调整好心态,以一种平和的态度投入。第四、积极的暗示可激发潜能积极的暗示可以增强自己的信心,消除麻烦。消极的暗示刚会降低人们的信心,只会增加忧虑。所以当遇到困难时,应进行积极的自我暗示,自我鼓励、相信自己能做到。我能做到是很大的潜力激发,从而可以让自己取得很大的进步,迎接一些很大的挑战,不会担心解决不了问题。总而言之,积极的心理暗示是非常有必要的,何况我们正处于一种竞争激烈的时代,难免会遇到各种问题,这时如果能进行自我暗示,把我们的心态和情绪调整到最佳状态,就可以让自己冷静地处理问题,并且可以激发出自己的潜能。
2023-08-11 02:16:091


哪些食物可“制造”肌肉 肌肉,你可曾听说过可以“吃”出来?以下食物就有这个作用。 蜜糖冰茶:Memphis大学研究人员发现常吃这类粘稠食物的人体内葡萄糖含量可在较长时间内维持较高水平。因为它帮助肝糖的储存,而肝糖是肌肉的能量来源。 肉排:肉排比其他蛋白质更能“制造”肌肉。同时肉排也可帮助提高体内促睾丸激素氨基酸的含量。睾丸激素能增强你的负重能力并锻炼更多肌肉。 杏仁:杏仁中含有大量的镁。Western Washington大学的一项研究显示,增加镁的摄入增加的负重力要比服用placebo的效果强20%。 椰菜:椰菜中维生素C的含量在蔬菜中是最高的。半杯椰菜含有60毫克维生素C.研究发现补充维生素C的运动员训练后遭受的肌肉损伤比服用placebo 的运动员少。 糙米:与精米相比,糙米含有更多的精氨酸和赖氨酸。Houston大学的研究人员发现补充精氨酸和赖氨酸的人体内帮助肌肉生长的荷尔蒙比服用placebo的人要高21.5倍。 低脂冰激凌:不要完全拒绝巧克力,因为吃巧克力可补充镁。另外,你的二头肌、三头肌以及其他所有X头肌需要钙以正确执行神经传来的命令。而冰激凌可可提供钙,仅半杯冰激凌就含有63毫克钙。
2023-08-11 02:16:191

求placebo的《every you every me》的中文翻译

2023-08-11 02:16:272

placebo test 是什么意思统计学术语,字面翻译看不懂,谢谢

2023-08-11 02:16:372

is there really a doctor in the body ?谁能帮我搜到这篇文章

Is There a Doctor in the Body?1 When you go to the doctor, you like to come away with a prescription. It makes you feel better to know you will get some medicine. But the doctor knows that medicine is not always needed. Sometimes all a sick person needs is some reassurance that all will be well. In such cases the doctor may prescribe a placebo.2 A placebo is a sugar pill, a harmless shot, or an empty capsule. Even though they have no medicine in them, these things seem to make people well. The patient thinks it is medicine and begins to get better. How does this happen?3 The study of the placebo opens up new knowledge about the way the human body can heal itself. It is as if there was a doctor in each of us. The "doctor" will heal the body for us if we let it.4 But it is not yet known just how the placebo works to heal the body. Some people say it works because the human mind fools itself. These people say that if the mind is fooled into thinking it got medicine, then it will act as if it did, and the body will feel better.5 Other people say this is not so. They say that the placebo makes the wish to get better become reality. The placebo will not work if the patient knows it is a placebo. This shows that the body is not fooled by it. It seems that if patients think they have been given medicine, they will have hope. They feel that they are getting some help. This gives them a stronger will to get better, and that is what helps to heal them.6 Placebos do not always work. The success of this treatment seems to rest a lot with the relationship between the patient and the doctor. If the patient has a lot of trust in the doctor and if the doctor really wants to help the patient, then the placebo is more likely to work. So in a way, the doctor is the most powerful placebo of all.7 An example of the doctor"s role in making the placebo work can be seen in this study. Some patients with bleeding ulcers were put in two groups. The first group were told by a doctor that they had been given a new drug which, it was hoped, would give them some relief. The second group were told by a nurse that they had been given a new drug but that not much was known about how it would work. As a result, 70 percent of the people in the first group got much better. Only 25 percent of the people in the second group got better. And both groups had in fact been given the same thing a placebo.8 The placebo has been found to work with a lot of different cases. It helps such things as seasickness, coughs, colds, and even pain after an operation. And there was an experiment done to see if a placebo could help old people stay healthy and live longer.9 The test was done in Romania with 150 people over the age of 60. They were put in three groups with 50 people in each group. The first group were given nothing at all. The second group were given a placebo. The third group were given a real drug and told that it would help with the problems of old age. (In fact, it was not a drug for old age at all.) The three groups were studied for many years. The first group showed no changes from the way old people in that village had always been. The second group (with the placebo) had much better health and a lower death rate. The third group (with the real drug) showed much the same results as the group that took the placebo.10 A placebo can also have bad effects. If patients expect a bad reaction to medicine, then they will also show a bad reaction to the placebo. This would seem to show that a lot of how you react to medicine is in your mind rather than in your body. Some doctors still think that if the placebo can have bad effects it should never be used. They think there is still not enough known about it.11 And yet, the use of the placebo has been well known for hundreds of years in other countries. Tribal doctors in some African countries have known for a long time that patients will get better if they think they are going to. Many of the "treatments" they use do not seem able to make a sick person better, and yet such treatments work.12 The strange power of the placebo does seem to suggest that the human mind is stronger than we think it is. There are people who say you can heal your body by using your mind. And the interesting thing is that even people who swear this is not possible have been healed by a placebo.
2023-08-11 02:16:451


2023-08-11 02:17:054

Without You I M Nothing (Single Mix) (2004 Digital Remaster) (Feat. David Bowie) 歌词

歌曲名:Without You I M Nothing (Single Mix) (2004 Digital Remaster) (Feat. David Bowie)歌手:Placebo&David Bowie专辑:Bite Size PlaceboPlacebo - Without You I"m NothingStrange infatuation seems to grace the evening tide.I"ll take it by your side.Such imagination seems to help the feeling slide.I"ll take it by your side.Instant correlation sucks and breeds a pack of lies.I"ll take it by your side.Oversaturation curls the skin and tans the hide.I"ll take it by your side.tick - tock x3tick - tick - tick - tick - tick - tock - tickI"m unclean, a libertineAnd every time you vent your spleen,I seem to lose the power of speech,Your slipping slowly from my reach.You grow me like an evergreen,You never see the lonely me at allI...Take the plan, spin it sideways.I...Fall.Without you, I"m Nothing.Without you, I"m nothing.Without you, I"m nothing.Take the plan, spin it sideways.Without you, I"m nothing at all.
2023-08-11 02:17:391


2023-08-11 02:17:463