barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-18 18:54:34

Recently a survey on “Do you take notes in class?” has been carried out among all the 2105 senior students in our school. According to the survey, 55% of the students surveyed often take notes in class, which helps to get their studies improved. However, 45% of them don?t take notes, some of whom think that listening to the teacher attentively is much more important than taking notes in class. Others want to take notes, but they can?t for lack of the skill,so they are badly in need of help from teachers. As far as I am concerned, since so many students don?t know how to take notes properly, teachers are supposed to focus more on improving students? skill of t



reasons No reasons
2023-08-11 00:06:582


“为什么”英文是“why”。单词:why释义:1、adv.为什么;(反问,表示不必)何必;……的原因2、int.哎呀,呦;呃3、n.原因,理由示例:英文:Why thepenaltygoalliesintheprevention?中文:在犯罪人为什么受到惩罚上,他是用功利主义进行解说的,刑罚目的在于预防。扩展资料:词组短语:nowhy 不为什么1、Doyou know why they like her? 你知道为什么他们喜欢她吗?2、I donot know why you like him. 我不知道,你为什么喜欢他。3、I donot know why they do it! 我不知道他们为什么要这么做!
2023-08-11 00:07:541


  想要问别人原因时,为什么的英文翻译就派上用场了,看看它有什么例句用法吧。下面是我给大家整理的为什么的英文怎么写,供大家参阅!   为什么的英文怎么写   why   adv. (用于问句)为什么; 为何; (反问,表示不必)何必; (说明理由)为什么;   int. 呵唷,哎呀,嗨;   n. 理由; 原因; 说明; 难解的问题;   变形 复数: whys   why的英语例句   Do you know why she hopped off so soon?   你知道她为什么那么快就走了吗?   Why not have a try?   为什么不试一试?   She never knew why they blackballed her from the club.   她从不知道为什么他们投反对票阻止她加入俱乐部。   Why have you singled out this incident for criticism?   你为什么单挑这件事批评呀?   Why do you keep silent?   你为什么不吭声?   No one could know why he did like that.   没有人知道他这样做的缘故。   Why let such trifles worry you so much?   这点小事你怎么就急得那样儿了。   But why didn"t you tell me sooner?   哎,你怎么不早跟我说呢?   I wonder why he tarried so long.   我不明白他为什么耽搁那么久。   Why not try again?   为何不再试一下?   Why do you begrudge her success?   你为什么嫉妒她的成功?   Do you know why he suddenly honied to you?   你知道他为什么突然对你变殷勤起来了吗?   Why do you suspect the truth of the information?   你为什么凭空怀疑这消息的真实性?   Why should you pick on me to do the chores?   你为什么非要挑我去干那些杂事呢?   why的双语例句   Do you know why the river narrows here?   你知道为什么河道在这儿会变窄吗?   She explained why she was late.   她解释她为什么迟到。   Why didn"t you confide the secret to me?   你为什么不向我透露这件秘密?   Why should it be put off till next month?   为什么非要挨到下个月不可?   Why, she is crying!   啊,她为什么哭啊 !   I wonder why you"re homed by the police.   我想知道你为什么让警察送你回家。   Why do you collect stamps?   你为什么要收藏邮票?   Why can"t they live together in peace?   他们为什么就不能和睦相处呢?   Why didn"t you telephone last night?   你昨天晚上为什么没打电话?   Why can"t that boy behave?   为什么那男孩不能守规矩呢?   I don"t know why she ritzed her friends recently.   我不知道她近来为什么对朋友们很冷淡。   He listed a few reasons why he was not interested in the project.   他列举了几条理由说明他为什么对这个项目不感兴趣。   Why don"t you drive over this morning?   为什么不在今天上午开车来我家呢?   You may have me up, why don"t you go?   你可以控告我呀,为什么不去啊?   
2023-08-11 00:09:291


2023-08-11 00:09:441

一定要有理由 英文怎么写?

there must be excuse
2023-08-11 00:10:031


(以某事为理由)use as an excuse;on the pretext of;on the excuse of:那淘气的男孩借口头疼, 离开了教室。The naughty boy left the classroom on the plea of a headache.一个人不应该借口缺乏经验来为其错误辩解。One should not plead inexperience in excuse of his mistake
2023-08-11 00:10:401


2023-08-11 00:11:054


别找借口、别找理由、别硬凹…英文 要怎么说?如果你身边有那种很喜欢牵拖的朋友,碰到问题就喜欢找理由、找借口,你该怎么用英文形容这样的朋友呢?别担心,本篇文章会教你几种口语说法,当你下次碰到有人很喜欢找理由的时候,就可以用这几句英文跟对方说。 如果你还不知道怎么用英文来形容那些很喜欢找理由、找借口的人,那就赶快来看这篇教学文章吧! 别找借口、别找理由、别硬凹…英文怎么说? 下面教学别找借口、别找理由、别硬凹…的各种英文说法。 内容目录 1.Stop making excuses. 别找借口、别找理由 excuse 是理由、借口的意思,Stop making excuses. 就是指叫别人不要再找理由啦! 例: You"re always making excuses for not helping me. 你总是找借口不帮助我。 例: Stop making excuses. 别找借口、别找理由。 例: He"s always making excuses for being late. 他总是为迟到找借口。 2.Quit looking for excuses! 别找借口了、别硬凹了 Quit 本身有停止的意思,looking for 则是常见的英文片语,意思是「寻找」的意思,所以 Quit looking for excuses! 就是指叫别人不要再找借口、找理由啦! 例: Quit looking for excuses! 别再找借口了。 当然,你也可以改成 Stop looking for excuses! 意思其实差不多。 当你遇到有人很爱找借口,找理由,你就可以用英文跟对方这样说。 总结 别找借口、别找理由、别硬凹…的口语英文说法,可以这样说。 1.Stop making excuses. 别找借口、别找理由 2.Quit looking for excuses! 别找借口了、别硬凹了 别找理由 英文, 别找借口 英文, 别硬凹 英文, 找理由 英文, 找借口 英文
2023-08-11 00:11:271


Filling in love with you without any reason
2023-08-11 00:11:493


2023-08-11 00:12:153


为什么的英文是why。why读音:英[waɪ],美[waɪ]。释义:adv.为什么;(反问,表示不必)何必;??的原因。int.哎呀,呦;呃。n.原因,理由。例句:Why are you here? You should be in your office.你为什么在这儿?你应该在办公室。复数:whys。短语:why ever究竟为什么。the how and the why方法和理由。Why not(+动词原型)为何。why的用法why作为疑问副词,引导特殊疑问句或省略的特殊疑问句,表示疑问,意思是“为什么”;后面跟不带to的动词不定式,意思是“为什么要?”,表示某一动作是不必要的或无意义的。why用作关系副词,意思是“为什么,为了什么的缘故、理由或目的”。可引导定语从句,可以单独用在reason的后面作为修饰语。why用作感叹词时,主要表示吃惊、承认、认可,如果对方提的问题过于简单,回答时可以用why来表示轻微的惊异,有时用来表示不耐烦、抗议或异议。
2023-08-11 00:12:401


2023-08-11 00:13:068


2023-08-11 00:13:573


2023-08-11 00:14:221


The reason for achievement
2023-08-11 00:14:442


I like the Spring Festival.Becase ......1, everyone can be happy.2, I can get many money.3, I can have a holiday.4, I can get up later.5, I can play the computer.我想这也是你喜欢春节的理由吧!!!
2023-08-11 00:15:203


2023-08-11 00:15:462


France is one of the largest countries in Europe. It is bordered by six countries – Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany to the north-east, Switzerland and Italy across the Alps to the south-east and Spain across the Pyrenees to the south-west. The UK is across the English Channel. France is regarded by many people as the geographical gateway to Europe. It has several large international airports, two of which are in the capital, Paris and many of which are served by budget airlines. Ferry terminals are located along the north, west and Mediterranean coasts. Visitors from the UK also have the option of taking the Channel Tunnel rail link.
2023-08-11 00:16:094

以什么什么为借口 英文怎么说?

2023-08-11 00:16:191


a reason that covers a multitude of sins!相信我,没错的
2023-08-11 00:16:274


love u u without a reason
2023-08-11 00:16:397


1, where we can bring you the newspaper? 2 He often read books in the library. 3 students after school and I like to play tennis, chat. sometimes eat at home. 5 He often to his fellow students in the online e-mail. He had to get up early every day 6. 7Miss. gao like and we are talking about her weekend. 8Jim play tennis 2 hours a day. 9 She likes to walk down the street, all the way to greet friends. 10 I spent about half an hour a day watching television. 11 my best friend Amy and I always talk or play together under a tree. 12 me and my friends always very happy. We are in possession of 13 books read in many books. 14 of my favorite courses in English and mathematics. 15 The Chinese people are good at English. 16 I am looking forward to seeing you again. 17 This is the museum open every day apart from Wednesday. 18 We should not watch too much TV. 19 I do not have enough time to clean the room
2023-08-11 00:16:551


这句话用英语可以这样表达:These are the reasons why I ride bike to school.
2023-08-11 00:17:031


2023-08-11 00:17:123


2023-08-11 00:17:205

想去英国的理由 英文300字

先写出汉语,在翻译成英语不更省事儿吗?You can do it!
2023-08-11 00:17:542


  都说事出必有因,可是很多时候我们都不需要理由。那么你知道是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的,希望大家喜欢!      No reason   No reason造句   1. You"ve no reason to reproach yourself, no reason to feel shame.   你没有理由自责,也没有理由感到惭愧。   2. Petter saw no reason to hurry the divorce along.   彼得认为没有必要加速离婚程序。   3. Their governments have no reason to "massage" the statistics.   他们的 *** 没有理由“窜改”这些资料。   4. No reason was given for the banning of the magazine.   杂志被无端取缔了。   5. The guards, he said, would punch them for no reason.   他说警卫会无缘无故殴打他们。   6. There is no reason why they cannot see off the Republican challenge.   他们没有理由在共和党的挑战中败北。   7. For no reason at all the two men started to laugh.   两个人莫名其妙地开始大笑。   8. There"s no reason why you can"t have a perfectly normal child.   你没有理由不能拥有一个完全正常的孩子。   9. There is no reason to di *** elieve him.   没有理由不相信他。   10. His boss often swore at him, sometimes for no reason at all.   老板经常骂他, 有时毫无理由.   reason常见用法   n.理由; 原因; 理性; 理智   vt.& vi.推理,思考; 争辩; 辩论; 向…解释   1. I really don"t see any reason for changing it.   我真的不明白为什么要改变它。   2. There"s a reason why women don"t read this stuff; it"s not funny.   女人不读这种东西是有原因的,它并不好笑。   3. To an extent, that is the reason for the meeting.   在某种程度上,那就是召开这次会议的原因。   4. The reason women are drinking is just because they like it.   女人喝酒只是因为她们喜欢喝。   5. The boss retains enormous influence by reason of his position.   老板由于自身的地位而一直有极大的影响力。   6. I"vebeen dragged back from Australia for no sufficient reason.   没有充分的理由,我就从澳大利亚被硬叫了回来。   7. The reason for my visit had obviously slipped his mind.   他显然已经忘掉了我的来意。   8. His reason had been permanently affected by what he had witnessed.   他所目睹的那一幕永久性地影响了他的神智。   9. You"ve no reason to reproach yourself, no reason to feel shame.   你没有理由自责,也没有理由感到惭愧。   10. Petter saw no reason to hurry the divorce along.   彼得认为没有必要加速离婚程序。
2023-08-11 00:18:031


喜欢一个人没有理由There is no reason to like a person
2023-08-11 00:18:112


there are three reasons that I like Chinese
2023-08-11 00:18:237

以什么什么为借口 英文怎么说?

2023-08-11 00:18:392


say to your english teater: but i do not like i have got no reason
2023-08-11 00:18:473


2023-08-11 00:19:181


without any reason
2023-08-11 00:19:452


很抱歉我不能写英文给你。但是我想用文字的方式来坚持到底。 天空是黑色的,酒吧的房间里有香烟的味道。我仿佛看到一衣着简素的女子站在吧台前很优雅的点燃一根香烟。她表情平淡的思考着。香烟在空气中弥漫着仿佛想要去寻找自己的那一份自由与渴望。 这是我对吸烟的简介。只是你能否看懂里面的故事,那是否就说明你也懂得我所写的文字。
2023-08-11 00:19:553


No reasonNo doubt
2023-08-11 00:20:0611


have reason to believe
2023-08-11 00:20:325


我对侄女出手的理由原因翻译英文是The reason why I hit my niece.《对侄女出手的理由》是由汪俊执导,周迅、黄磊、唐艺昕、涂松岩、刘莉莉领衔主演,周翊然、向涵之、吴彼、范世錡主演,秦海璐、韩童生、冯雷特别出演的家庭伦理剧。该剧根据伊北的同名小说改编。讲述了王素敏独自抚养两个女儿刘小敏、刘小捷长大,没想到女儿们却先后离婚的故事。该剧于2021年12月11日在湖南卫视播出,并在优酷视频同步播出。对于每个女人来说,生孩子是一次与神的较量。助产医生刘小敏深有体会,每次帮助孕妇生孩子,都是一次博奕。好不容易帮助一个孕妇生下孩子,刘小敏离开产妇室,去卫生间洗脸洗手,让自己从紧张的状态中走出来。三个女下属洗完手和脸后,开始有闲情议论孕妇的是非了。大家曾经看到一个上了年纪的男子来医院看望孕妇,发现此人是孕妇的丈夫,俩人年龄差别很大,三个女下属兴致高涨议论这件事情。刘小敏听得真切,面色严肃批评了三个女下属一顿。助产护士的职责是帮孕妇接生,做好自己份内的事情,不相关的事情不能议论。
2023-08-11 00:20:461

“借口” 英文?

2023-08-11 00:21:1812


1.英语在我的工作中一直是很重要的,它能给我带来更好的发展空间和更高的薪水。2.学好英语能扩大自己的社交范围,社交范围扩大了就能学到更多东西。3.学习英语可以提升个人素质。4.学英语能使自己的思维变得灵活,至少自己不停的在学习。5.学好英语以后对教育自己的孩子也很有帮助,可以从小时候就开始教他/她学习英语。1 English in my work has always been very important, it brought me a better development and higher wages. 2 to learn English to expand their social scope, expanding the scope of social networking can learn more things. 3 to learn English can enhance personal qualities. 4 to learn English to make their own way of thinking has become flexible, at least he kept in the study. 5. To learn English after their children for education is also helpful, from childhood began to teach him / her to learn English.
2023-08-11 00:21:461


2023-08-11 00:21:568

广东佛山小悦悦事件用英语写一篇作文 80词左右

I will tell you something about an accident which happened in Foshan, Guangdong. Just two years old girl who was wondered off on her way to find his brother. But unfortunately, she was run struck by a van (minibus) and after ten minutes later, she was run again by a light-duty-truck. The girl named Yueyue. Yueyue was dying, but none of the 18 people who saw Yueyue"s bloody body stopped to help her. At lat, with the help of the rubbish collector, Yueyue was sent to hospital. Many people was very angry about it when the event was published reports and initiated the activity” Stop Being Indifferent, Convey Warmth”. The activity asked the parents take the responsibility of taking good care of their children, and the passers-by should show their love to the misfortunes like this. We all need love ,love means giving and pays attention to others. If you want to get love, you must take an active part in the activity” Stop Being Indifferent, Convey Warmth”.
2023-08-11 00:18:551

the man was seized with terror . 这句话怎么翻译?

那个人被恐怖分子抓住了with 表伴随
2023-08-11 00:18:552


由Q=50-3P知 P=(50-Q)/3 因为总收益TR=PQ,对总收益求导等于边际收益MR 那么:PQ=(50-Q)Q/3 =50Q/3-Q^2/3 进行求导则有:MR=50/3-2/3Q
2023-08-11 00:18:564


I am the Terror that Flaps in the night.I am the winged Scourge thatpecks at your nigthmares.I Am Darkwing Duck!我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~我是在你噩梦中折磨你的带翅膀的蛔虫~我就是~飞天~德!I am the terror that flaps in the night,I am the ITCH that ITCH"s Your trigger finger!I AM DARKWING DUCK!!!!!我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~我是你食指上的牛皮癣~我就是~飞天~德!I am the terror that flaps in the night.I am the telephone operator that disconnects your phone call!I am Darwing Duck!我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~我是切断你电话的接线员~我就是~飞天~德!I am the terror that flaps in the night!I am the batteries that aren"t included.I am Darwing Duck!!!我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~我是没装弹药的大炮~我就是~飞天~德!I am the terror that flaps in the night.I am the bubble gum that clings to your shoe.I am Darwing Duck!!!我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~我是粘在你鞋底的口香糖~我就是~飞天~德!  I am the terror that flaps in the nightI am the wrongnumber that wakes you at 3 am.I am Darwing Duck!!!我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~我是凌晨三点把你吵醒的打错的电话~我就是~飞天~德!I am the terror that flaps in the nightI am the onions that stink in your eyesI am Darkwing Duck!我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~我是把你眼睛刺得流泪的洋葱头~我就是~飞天~德!I am the terror that flaps in the night.I am... obviously out of my trademark blue smoke.我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~我是……看来我招牌的蓝色烟雾用光了I am the terror that flaps in the night,I am a special news bulletin that interrupts your favorite show.I am Darkwing Duck!我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~我是打断你最喜欢的电视剧的特别插播新闻~我就是~飞天~德!I am the terror that flaps in the night,I am the low ratings that cancel your program.I am DARKWING DUCK!我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~我是终止你项目进展的低投票率~我就是~飞天~德!I am the terror that flaps in the night,I am the slug that slimes your Begonias.I am DARKWING DUCK!我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~我是趴在你海棠花上的鼻涕虫~我就是~飞天~德!I am the terror that flaps in the night.I am the chainsaw that cuts down the trees of crime.I am.....DARKWING DUCK!!!我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~我是砍掉罪恶之树的链锯~我就是~飞天~德!I am the terror that flaps in the night...I am the weirdo that sits next to you on the bus!I am DARKWING DUCK!!!我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~我是在公交车上紧挨着你的怪人~我就是~飞天~德!I am the terror that flaps in the night...I am the surprise you find in your cereal box!I am DARKWING DUCK!!!我是暗夜里飞翔的恐怖~我是你在麦片盒子里发现的惊喜~我就是~飞天~德!
2023-08-11 00:19:031


  埋线减肥的见效时间一直是众人所关注的一个焦点问题,因为只有这样才能够让求美者及时发现自己选择的方法是否有效果,那么,埋线减肥多久见效呢?为什么有的人利用这种方式减肥没有看到效果呢?下面一起来看看吧。  埋线减肥法多久见效  一般来说,做埋线减肥术是10-15天埋一次线(优点:免除了肥胖患者每天“针”一次的麻烦和痛苦),具体疗效一般埋线3次后渐渐出现,也就是说埋线减肥大概一个月后会有成效,大约瘦个4—6斤的样子。  不过,这也并不是意味着每个人做埋线减肥后都会有这样好的疗效,这也只是一种减肥方法而已,有些人做完埋线减肥术后完全没效果也是有可能的。  埋线减肥后为什么没效果  有些人做完埋线减肥后可能完全没有效果,这主要是因为一个是埋线期间没有控制好饮食,如吃了由于辛辣油腻刺激性的食物或睡眠不佳等;还有就是埋线前没有咨询好医师自己是否适合做埋线减肥术,因为埋线减肥术只是针对单纯性肥胖者,对病理性肥胖等根本没什么效果。  埋线减肥多久见效?上面就是这种方式减肥见效的时间和没有效果的原因,建议想要通过它来瘦身的朋友一定要确保这种方法适合自己。
2023-08-11 00:19:082


串联谐振主要是为电气设备做耐压试验,主要是交流耐压试验。该装置适用于10KV、35KV、110KV、220KV、500KV电力电缆交流耐压试验。串联谐振由变频控制器(即变频电源),励磁变压器,高压电抗器,高压分压器等组成。变频控制器主要作用是把幅值和频率都固定的380V或200V工频正弦交流电转变为幅值和频率可调的正弦波。苏性红颜 。直流电抗器接在变频系统的直流整流环节与逆变环节之间,主要用途是将叠加在直流电流上的交流分量限定在某一规定值,保持整流电流连续,减小电流脉冲值,使逆变环节运行更稳定及改善变频器的功率因数.在用串联谐振作耐压试验时,是必不可少的重要组成部分。
2023-08-11 00:18:544


TR=PQ 那么MR=d(PQ)/dQ 而在完全竞争的时候,P由市场决定,与Q无关 所以MR=P*dQ/dQ=P
2023-08-11 00:18:463


滤波电抗器的原理x0dx0a交流电经半波或全波整流后,其波形起伏变化很大,对于一些要求较高的场合,这样的电源是没法使用的。交流电流经电感线圈时,线圈会产生自感电动势,此电动势会随着电流波形的变化而变化,并总是要阻止原电动势的增大或减小,输入电流增大时,自感电动势会阻止电流增大,输入电流减小时,自感电动势会阻止电流减小,从而达到减小波形的起伏的作用。感抗等于电感和频率的积,当电流频率高到一定程度时,感抗就很大了,这样对于高频率交流电来说,电感就想当于是开路的,这样可以在电路中起到一个阻隔高频的作用,而让直流电流和低频的电流通过,也就是可以滤掉高频波。x0dx0a 滤波器是一种对信号有处理作用的器件或电路。x0dx0a滤波器分为有源滤波器和无源滤波器。x0dx0a主要作用是:让有用信号尽可能无衰减的通过,对无用信号尽可能大的衰减。 滤波器一般有两个端口,一个输入信号、一个输出信号x0dx0a利用这个特性可以选通通过滤波器的一个方波群或复合噪波,而得到一个特定频率的正弦波。x0dx0a滤波器是由电感器和电容器构成的网路,可使混合的交直流电流分开。电源整流器中,即借助此网路滤净脉动直流中的涟波,而获得比较纯净的直流输出。最基本的滤波器,是由一个电容器和一个电感器构成,称为L型滤波。所有各型的滤波器,都是集合L型单节滤波器而成。基本单节式滤波器由一个串联臂及一个并联臂所组成,串联臂为电感器,并联臂为电容器。在电源及声频电路中之滤波器,最通用者为L型及π型两种。x0dx0a滤波器选取x0dx0a几种低通原型滤波器是现代网络综合法设计滤波器的基础,各种低通、高通、带通、带阻滤波器大都是根据此特性推导出来的。正因如此,才使得滤波器的设计得以简化,精度得以提高。x0dx0a理想的低通滤波器应该能使所有低于截止频率的信号无损通过,而所有高于截止频率的信号都应该被无限的衰减,从而在幅频特性曲线上呈现矩形,故而也称为矩形滤波器(brick-wallfilter)。遗憾的是,如此理想的特性是无法实现的,所有的设计只不过是力图逼近矩形滤波器的特性而已。根据所选的逼近函数的不同,可以得到不同的响应。虽然逼近函数多种多样,但是考虑到实际电路的使用需求,我们通常会选用“巴特沃斯响应”或“切比雪夫响应”。x0dx0a“巴特沃斯响应”带通滤波器具有平坦的响应特性,而“切比雪夫响应”带通滤波器却具有更陡的衰减特性。所以具体选用何种特性,需要根据电路或系统的具体要求而定。但是,“切比雪夫响应”滤波器对于元件的变化最不敏感,而且兼具良好的选择性与很好的驻波特性(位于通带的中部),所以在一般的应用中,推荐使用“切比雪夫响应”滤波器。
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