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An Unlucky Day 英语作文

2023-08-18 13:21:13

It was an unlucky day! In the morning, it was 7 a.m. when I got up. I washed my face hurriedly and rushed to school without eating breakfast. When I arrived at the school gate, I found that I did not bring my school bag! I had to run back home. On the way home, I was knocked by a bike. When I went back school again, the bell rang. Teacher has started the class. I sat down but I found I did not bring my pen! Alas, how unlucky the day was!







unlucky的读音:英 [u028cnu02c8lu028cki];美 [u028cnu02c8lu028cki]释义:adj.不幸运的,倒霉的;不吉祥的;不顺利的;不凑巧的同义词辨析:disastrous着重不可避免和后果严重。unhappy多用于表示心理状态,指由于不满意或遇到一般性倒霉事而感到不愉快。unfortunate语气较强,多指因命运不佳,意外不幸或事业失败、生活处于困境等而感到不幸。unlucky指因缺少或一时无机遇,虽作了努力,但事不从心,感到失意。例句:1.She was unlucky to catch a cold on the first day of her holiday.她太倒霉了,休假第一天就感冒了。2.It was quite unlucky for anyone to be stolen from.对任何人来说,家中失窃绝非幸事。3.It"s considered unlucky to walk under a ladder.从梯子下面走过被认为是不吉利的。
2023-08-10 20:45:151


2023-08-10 20:45:541

是be unlucky还是be unlickily

是be unlucky,因为be是动词,后面加形容词
2023-08-10 20:46:022

unlucky 和luckless的区别

unlucky 和luckless的区别两个单词词义相差不大. 前者程度比后者轻. 前者指倒霉事, 后者指不幸的事件.unlucky adj. 不幸运的,倒霉的; 不吉祥的; 不顺利的; 不凑巧的;luckless adj. 不幸的;
2023-08-10 20:47:101


luckyadj.幸运的, 吉祥的, 侥幸的unluckyadj.不幸的, 不吉利的, 不祥的, 使人感到不足
2023-08-10 20:48:303

麻烦帮忙看一下这段英语中 unlucky是形容词,怎么放在of后,这是形容词的什么用法?

形容词作名词的用法 表那一类
2023-08-10 20:48:402

unlucky,she broke her leg.为什么是unlucky不是unluckily?

答:之所以本句用unlucky,是因为 unlucky用作表语,表示原因的,相当于一个原因状语从句,即As/Because she was unlucky.而unluckily 一般只是用作状语的。这个英语句子可以这么理解:As she was unlucky, she broke heer leg.
2023-08-10 20:48:501


2023-08-10 20:48:591


AN 。。。。。。。。。。
2023-08-10 20:49:093


2023-08-10 20:49:181

哪些英语单词会变形? 比如luck—lucky—luckily unlucky—unlcuky

nation - national - international - internationally
2023-08-10 20:49:403


多音节词的比较级和最高级是直接在前面加墨和mostunlucky 的比较级和最高级是 more unlucky和 most unlucky
2023-08-10 20:49:471


要用an 用冠词a 还是an 要看紧跟冠词后的那个词的第一个音标或者发音,不看字母的. 这里unlucky 发啊的音,是元音,所以要用an 比如hour也用an, university,虽然第一个字母是u,但是它发 由的音,不是元音,所以用a. 如有疑惑请继续提问. 如果觉得我的回答对您有帮助,请及时采纳哦.
2023-08-10 20:49:561


blue day
2023-08-10 20:50:248


2023-08-10 20:50:401

unluckly 是什么意思

好像没有这个词吧? 有unlucky和unluckily,两者的词根都是luck(luck运气, 幸运; 好运;吉祥之物, 带来运气的东西 bad [hard, ill, tough] luck 不幸, 倒霉 good luck 幸运),前者是luck的形容词的反义词,后者是luck的副词的反义词。
2023-08-10 20:50:521

How unlucky it is losing the horse这句话怎么分析?

这是一个感叹句,it 是形式主语,真正主语是动名词短语losing the horse, is是系动词谓语,unlucky形容词作表语,How是感叹词修饰unlucky。整个句子汉语意思是:丢了这马真不走运!
2023-08-10 20:51:081

my unlucky day是什么意思

my unlucky day I"ve never been late for school,but yeterday I came very close.My alarm clock didn"t go off,by the time I got up ,it was very later than before.When I got to school,I realized that I had left the homewok at home.And my teacher was angry with me,I failed to pass the math exam when I got the math testpaper.On my way home I knocked a women while riding the bike,because I was always thinking about what happened today. What a unlucky day!我的倒霉的一天我上学从来没有迟到过,但是昨天我差点。我的闹钟没有响,我起床的时候,很晚。当我到学校的时候,我才发现我把作业在家里。和我的老师对我很生气,我没有通过数学考试,当我拿到数学试卷。我在回家的路上碰了一个女人而骑自行车,因为我总是想着今天发生的事情。什么倒霉的一天!
2023-08-10 20:51:431

请以:MY MOST UNLUCKY DAY为题写一篇英语作文。(谢谢各位!我急用啊!)

Today is my most unlucky day.I got up late because of my stomachache.When I got up,I didn"t take my umbrella.I rush to the bus stop,but I found that I didn"t take the money!When I got to school,the classes was begin.After I sitting on my chair,I found that I didn"t bring my text book,and I didn"t take my meals.After school,I couldn"t enter home because I forgot to take my keys.Today is a really unlucky day!本文系个人根据中文意思原创,望采纳!
2023-08-10 20:51:521

be born unlucky 为什么不用 be born unluckily

be born 后面加形容词是固定用法,如born free 生来自由等。
2023-08-10 20:52:022

it is considered unlucky for anyone liveing to eat it里为什么动词后面跟个形容词?

consider it(形式宾语) +形容词(宾补 )+ todo something =lt is considered +形容词to do something
2023-08-10 20:52:123


my unlucky day I"ve never been late for school,but yeterday I came very close.My alarm clock didn"t go off,by the time I got up ,it was very later than before.When I got to school,I realized that I had left the homewok at home.And my teacher was angry with me,I failed to pass the math exam when I got the math testpaper.On my way home I knocked a women while riding the bike,because I was always thinking about what happened today. What a unlucky day!
2023-08-10 20:53:262


口语: Bullshit!
2023-08-10 20:54:057


形容词形式unlucky。 unlucky:adj.不幸的;倒霉的;不顺利的;不吉利的 扩展资料   Some people think it is unlucky to look at a new moon through glass.   有些人认为透过玻璃看新月是不吉利的`。   Owen was unlucky not to score on two occasions   欧文不幸两次都没有进球。   Others were unlucky victims of falling debris.   其他人都是不幸为坠落的瓦砾残片所伤。
2023-08-10 20:55:191


unluckily。名词:unluckiness,副词:unluckily,形容词比较级;unluckier,最高级:unluckiest。形容词:luckya运气好的,侥幸的; 兆头好的,吉祥的。
2023-08-10 20:55:351


2023-08-10 20:55:421

lucky luckily luck 区别是什么 在句首用unlucky 不可以吗,一定要用unluckily

luck:n(名词).1.运气2.好运,幸运3.机遇;命运;运气 vi(动词).1.交好运,走运 lucky:adj(形容词).1.幸运的,侥幸的,吉利的2.带来好运的 3.好运带来的 luckily:adv(副词).1.幸运地 句首用adv
2023-08-10 20:55:501

求一英语作文 unlucky day》 60词左右?

An unlucky day   The rising sun flamed the eastern sky.The clouds rolled away and the sun came out.  It was a beautiful,sunny day.Dolla went to a park by bike at 11:00 in the morning.She was very happy and parked her bike beside a tree.But she didn"t know while she was riding her bike,a man was following her,and wanted to steal her bike.  Fitful icy wind blew the trees.Unlucky things were ing quietly.   The man hid in the trees.Then he found a chance to steal the bike.While Dolla was seeing some people swimming in the sea,the man stole her bike in silence.   An hour later,Dolla found out that her bike had been stolen.She was upset and very worried.So she called the police and waited for someone to help her.She didn"t know what to do.   Now,she does nothing but crying.   This story tells us,we should take care of our things when we get out.Don"t be punctious until your things have been stolen.,4,An unlucky day     The rising sun flamed the eastern sky. The clouds rolled away and the sun came out.     It was a beautiful, sunny day. Dolla went to a park by bike at 11:00 in the morning. She...,2,An unlucky day     The rising sun flamed the eastern sky. The clouds rolled away and the sun came out.     It was a beautiful, sunny day. Dolla went to a park by bike at 11:00 in the morning. She...,1,
2023-08-10 20:55:581


2023-08-10 20:56:173

____,He had an accident.前面为什么不用unlucky而用Unluckily?

修饰句子用副词 unluckily 不幸的是Unluckily ,he had an accident.不幸的是他发生了一个交通事故。
2023-08-10 20:56:241


要用an用冠词a 还是an 要看紧跟冠词后的那个词的第一个音标或者发音,不看字母的。这里unlucky 发啊的音,是元音,所以要用an比如hour也用an,university,虽然第一个字母是u,但是它发 由的音,不是元音,所以用a。如有疑惑请继续提问。如果觉得我的回答对您有帮助,请及时采纳哦。
2023-08-10 20:56:331

2023-08-10 20:57:011

1.He is down on his luck.请问down 是什么词性? 副词吗?

2023-08-10 20:57:106

my unlucky day的翻译是:

my unlucky day I"ve never been late for school,but yeterday I came very close.My alarm clock didn"t go off,by the time I got up ,it was very later than before.When I got to school,I realized that I had left the homewok at home.And my teacher was angry with me,I failed to pass the math exam when I got the math testpaper.On my way home I knocked a women while riding the bike,because I was always thinking about what happened today. What a unlucky day!我的倒霉的一天我上学从来没有迟到过,但是昨天我差点。我的闹钟没有响,我起床的时候,很晚。当我到学校的时候,我才发现我把作业在家里。和我的老师对我很生气,我没有通过数学考试,当我拿到数学试卷。我在回家的路上碰了一个女人而骑自行车,因为我总是想着今天发生的事情。什么倒霉的一天!
2023-08-10 20:57:351

求初音的《unhappy refain》的中文歌词和罗马歌词

アンハッピーリフレイン (Unhappy Refrain)作词:wowaka(现実逃避P) 作曲:wowaka(现実逃避P) 编曲:wowaka(现実逃避P) 歌:初音ミク 散弾铳とテレキャスター 言叶の整列、アンハッピーsandan juu to terekyasuta kotoba no seiretsu unhappy単身、都会の町并み 撃ち込んだ音、嫌いですか?tanshin tokai no machinami uchi kon da oto kirai desuka散弹枪和Telecaster 言语整齐排列,Unhappy单身、都会的并列街景 射击的声音,你不喜欢吗? 声が溃れるまで歌って 何度の时间を棒に振ったkoe ga tsubure rumade utatte nando no jikan wo bou ni futtaやっとのこと手に入れたアンタ 手离す訳にいかないでしょyattonokoto teniire ta anta tebanasu wake niikanaidesho唱到声音溃烂为止 浪费了无数次的时间终於得到想要的东西的你 应该不可能会放开手吧「ワンマンライブ大成功!」 头の中は少女漫画wanmanraibu daiseikou atama no naka wa shoujomanga残弾、既に无くなった 此处で一度引き返そうかzan dan sudeni naku natta koko de ichido biki kaeso uka「一人LIVE大成功!」脑子里演著少女漫画残弹,早就已经都没了 要在这里倒回一次吗そっと置いた丁度良い都合を 何度も拾い上げてたんだsotto oita choudoyoi tsugou wo nando mo hiroi age tetandaみっともない暮らしにもうバイバイ そろそろ迎えが来るのでしょ?mittomonai kurashi nimou baibai sorosoro mukae ga kuru nodesho将悄悄放下的正巧时机 无数次的捡了起来已对烂透了的生活说了拜拜 差不多该来接我了吧?间违い探しばかりふらふらmachigai sagashi bakarifurafura振り返り方、教えて顶戴よfurikaeri hou oshie te choudai yo足りないものはもう无い、もう无いtari naimonohamou nai mou naiそうかい? そうかい、そうかいsoukai soukai soukai不停大家来找碴昏昏沉沉回头的方法,请你教教我吧不足的事物已经没了,已经没了是这样吗? 是这样吗、是这样吗言うならそれは、それはラッキーiu narasoreha, soreha rakki缲り返しの三十九秒 廻り廻っていたら 见えた、それはハッピー?kurikaeshi no sanjuu kyuu byou mawari mawatte itara mie ta soreha happy纳得なんてするはずないわ!nattoku nantesuruhazunaiwaどんだけ音を重ねたって 终わりも始まりもやっては来ないなdondake oto wo omone tatte owari mo hajimari moyatteha konai naつまりつまり意味はないのtsumaritsumari imi hanainoどうやらアンタもわかっちゃいないな?douyara anta mowakacchainaina要说的话那就是、那就是Lucky不停重来的三十九秒 在转呀转的时候 看到的,那就是Happy?怎麼可能会接受嘛!不管声音怎麼重叠 开始或结束也都不会来的也就说也就说是没意义的看来你也不懂嘛? 画面の向こう 落ちていったgamen no mukou ochi teitta逆さまのガール、おとなのせかい。sakasa mano gaaru otonanosekai画面彼方 落下的上下颠倒的女孩,大人的世界。散弾铳とテレキャスター 言叶も无いよなアンラッキーsandan juu to terekyasuta kotoba mo nai yona anrakki満身创痍 ゲームオーバーmanshinsoui ge muo baa目に见えて嫌そうな感じですね?meni mie te iya souna kanji desune散弹枪和Telecaster 看也无言的Unlucky满身疮痍 Gameover看得见的令人讨厌的感觉对吧? 散々踬いたソレは もう一回を谛めたsanzan zuma zuita sore wa mou ikkai wo akirame ta転がりつつも勘违った そこでアンタが笑ってたんだkoroga ritsutsumo kanchigatta sokode anta ga waratte tanda狼狈不堪的那个 放弃了再试一次在翻滚的同时也搞错了 在那里你笑了出来ワンマンライブ大成功 祭りの後のセンチメンタルwanmanraibu daiseikou matsuri no nochino senchimentaru満场一致解散だ 此处で一度里返そうかmanjouicchi kaisan da koko de ichido urakaeso uka一人LIVE大成功 祭典过後的一阵感伤全场一致解散 在这里反转一次吧声が溃れるまで歌って 何度の时间を棒に振ってkoe ga tsubure rumade utatte nando no jikan wo bou ni futteやっとのこと手に入れたアンタ ねえ、ご机嫌は如何ですかyattonokoto teniire ta anta nee go kigen wa ika desuka唱到声音溃烂为止 浪费了无数次的时间终於得到想要的东西的你 呐,你感觉如何啊良くない梦の続きそわそわyoku nai yume no tsuduki sowasowa间违え方を忘れたその末路machigae houwo wasure tasono matsuroなりたいものを顶戴、顶戴naritaimonowo choudai choudai「もう无い。」mou naiそうかい?そうかい?soukai soukai不太好的梦的延续令人焦躁忘了错误方向的那条末路给我你想成为的东西、给我「已经没了。」是这样吗?是这样吗?どうしてそれが、それがハッピーdoushitesorega sorega happy虚ろ目の午前四时 迷い迷って 辿り著いたそこがハッピー?utsuro meno gozen yoji mayoi mayotte tadori tsui tasokoga happyこんなに疲れているのになあkonnani tsukare teirunoninaaどうしてこれが、これがハッピーdoushitekorega korega happy终わりも见えない道に寝そべってowari mo mie nai michi ni neso betteぐらりぐらり崩れちゃうわgurarigurari kuzure chauwaどうやらアンタの姿が邪魔でdouyara anta no sugata ga jama de为什麼那就是,那就是Happy目光涣散的凌晨四点 迷惘迷惘著 抵达到的那处就是Happy?明明就这麼累啊为什麼这就是,这就是Happy横躺在也看不见终点的道上用力摇晃崩塌了啊看来你的身影还真麻烦言うならそれは、それはハッピーiu narasoreha sorewa happy缲り返しの三十九秒 廻り廻っていたら 见えた、それはラッキー?kurikaeshi no sanjuu kyuu byou mawari mawatte itara mie ta soreha rakkiなんだか不思议と报われないなあnandaka fushigi to mukuwa renainaaただ音を重ねたって 终わりも始まりもやっては来ないなtada oto wo omone tatte owari mo hajimari moyatteha konai naつまりつまり意味は无いよ!tsumaritsumari imi wa nai yoそうだね今すぐ飞び降りようsoudane ima sugu tobiori you要说的话那就是、那就是Happy不停重来的三十九秒 在转呀转的时候 看到的,那就是Lucky?还真是不可思议与毫无回报啊只是让声音重叠 开始或结束也都不会来的也就说也就说是没意义的啦!说得对呢现在马上就跳下去吧画面の向こう 落ちていったgamen no mukou ochi teitta逆さまのガール、おとなのせかい。sakasa mano gaaru otonanosekaiそれは? soreha画面彼方 落下的上下颠倒的女孩,大人的世界。那个是?
2023-08-10 20:57:432


unhappier, unhappiest
2023-08-10 20:57:545


1.unable TrAERg2.uncertain 不确定的3.unknown 不出名的 未知的4.unsatisfactory 不满意的5.unstable 不稳定的;5.unusual 不稳定的;7.unhappy 不幸的8.unwilling 不愿意的9.unsuitable 不合适的;10unfit 不合适的;11.unkind 不善良的;12unlikely *449 ;13.unpaid 末付清的;14.unlucky 不幸运的;15.unnecessary 不必要的”;
2023-08-10 20:58:101

九年级英语作文mary unlucky day

  My Most Unlucky Day Today was my most unlucky day. I stayed up until 1:00 am because of an NBA match.My alarm clock didn"t go off this morning. After I got up, I found it was 7:30 am. I hurried to the bus station, but the early bus had already left. I had all the way to my school. But just them, I found I was wearing the wrong shoes. They were different. But I had no time. When I got to school, I realized that I had left my backpack at home. Just then,the bell for class rang. I had to walk into the classroom without my backpack and without breakfast. Then the teacher came to me. He stood before me for a few seconds. At last he went away shaking his head.
2023-08-10 20:58:321

unluchy 比较级

2023-08-10 20:58:403

初三英语作文MY lucky/unlucky day

It was already 7:10 when I got up this morning. I washed up hurriedly and rushed to school without eating breakfast. When I reached the school gate, I realized I forgot the schoolbag. The only thing I could do then was to return home. On the way home, a dog bit me. And when I arrived at school again and walked into the classroom, class had already begun. I sat down,but found that I forgot my pen! Oops! What an unlucky day! 今天早晨我起床时已经7点10分了。我匆匆洗了把脸,没吃早饭就朝学校奔奉。当我到达学校门口时,我发现我忘了带书包。只好又返回家。在回家的路上,我又被狗咬了一口。唉,真倒霉。当我再次赶到学校走进教室后,课已经开始了。我坐了下来,却发现我忘记带钢笔!噢!多么不走运的一天啊!
2023-08-10 20:58:491

《my unlucky day 》英语作文

2023-08-10 20:58:593

请以:MY MOST UNLUCKY DAY为题写一篇英语作文。(谢谢各位!我急用啊!)

2023-08-10 20:59:061


感恩是一种生活的重要理念,一个伟大的wisdom.It是不可能的,任何人都可以幸运和成功,只要时间,因为他在世界上的生命。我们应该学会如何勇敢地面对失败,并设法解决它。 我认为我们应该感谢生活每当我们失败还是不幸。只有这样,才能发现自己的缺点和不足时,癫痫失败。我们也可以得到安慰和温暖的时候,我们是不幸的。感恩是一种以唱我们的生活,从中送来刚刚从我们的爱和希望。
2023-08-10 20:59:282

my unlucky day作文写昨天

My Unlucky DayTaday I got up so late that I can"t arrival at school on time.Unfortunately I also forgot taking the homework to school,Besides,I got a fail in math,which make me unhappy and discouraged. What"s more,I bumped against a man on the way to my home.How unlucky today!
2023-08-10 20:59:371

写篇英语作文《My Unlucky Day》 60个词左右

My unlucky day Yesterday I got up late, so I had to really rush. I rode my bike to school. By the time I got to school, I realized it was Sunday. Then I went to my friend"s home, and talk with him. In the afternoon, I ate lunch with my grandparents. Then I went to home at 16:00. After dinner, I watched TV and went to bed.What an unluck day!
2023-08-10 20:59:591

以an unlucky day为题写一篇英语作文

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2023-08-10 21:00:092

请问以下英文字的反义词是什么? economical inexpensive 2.false artificial made-up fake apparent formal ideal personal unreal imaginary 3.找不到 4.unlucky 5.diminutive *** all tiny secure 7.找不到 8.找不到 9zy 10.找不到 2008-07-21 09:02:03 补充: 希望帮倒你!!! 参考: 字典 1. Cheap 2. fake 3.great 4.unlucky 5. *** all 7.careless 8. fun 9. lazy 10.impress expensive: cheap real: fake unreal terrible: (Not available for this one) lucky: unlucky unfortunate huge: *** all tiny dangerous: safe secure careful: careless boring: interesting appealing attractive hardworking: lazy disgusted: delighted pleased ^^ Hope my wers help. 1. expensive -> economical 2. real -> imaginary 虚构 幻想的 3. terrible -> good 4. lucky -> unlucky 5. huge -> *** all 6. dangerous -> safe 7. careful -> careless 8. boring -> interesting 9. hardworking -> lazy 10. disgusted 恶心 -> pleased 满意的 反义词: 1.expensive = cheap 2.real = fake 3.terrible = wonderful 4.lucky = fatal 5.huge = tiny 6.dangerous = safe 7.careful = careless 8.boring = exciting 9.hardworking = lazy 10.disgusted = cheered 1. Cheap 2. Fake 3. lovely 4. unlucky 5. tiny 6. safe 7. careless 8. interesting 9. lazy 10. pleased
2023-08-10 21:00:161


2023-08-10 21:00:504

求一英语作文 题目《An unlucky day》 是初中的,60词左右

The rising sun flamed the eastern sky. The clouds rolled away and the sun came out.   It was a beautiful, sunny day. Dolla went to a park by bike at 11:00 in the morning. She was very happy and parked her bike beside a tree. But she didn"t know while she was riding her bike, a man was following her, and wanted to steal her bike.  Fitful icy wind blew the trees. Unlucky things were coming quietly.  The man hid in the trees. Then he found a chance to steal the bike. While Dolla was seeing some people swimming in the sea, the man stole her bike in silence.  An hour later, Dolla found out that her bike had been stolen. She was upset and very worried. So she called the police and waited for someone to help her. She didn"t know what to do.  Now, she does nothing but crying.  This story tells us, we should take care of our things when we get out. Don"t be compunctious until your things have been stolen.
2023-08-10 21:01:001

since 13 was an unlucky number,nobody live in room 13.13是个不吉利的数字,没

2023-08-10 21:01:083