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I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery什么意思

2023-08-18 12:15:50









































misery痛苦痛苦 [ tòng kǔ ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义[ tòng kǔ ]身体或精神感到非常难受:~的生活。得了这种病,非常~。
2023-08-10 20:11:531


2023-08-10 20:12:142

Hide的《MISERY》 歌词

歌曲名:MISERY歌手:Hide专辑:We Love hide~The Best in The World~MISERY作词者名 hide作曲者名 hideハレルヤ ラ ミゼラブルDo you wanna show me how low & low?SAY ハレルヤ君の痛み うれしそうに 羽根を広げて舞い降りてくる昼の光は 君の伤を抱いて 优しく広げてゆくハレルヤ ラ ミゼラブル 星の叹き闻けばハレルヤ ラ ミゼラブル ほんの小さな事だろう夜の闇に落ちてゆけば 忘れてしまう事なのかも揺れる思い つかのまの梦 小さな悲剧降る星の数 数えたら 泣くのに饱きたろう笑う月の苍さ 伤をなでて 闭じてゆくStay free your misery降りそそぐ悲しみを その腕の中に抱きしめてKiss your misery枯れるまで踊るだろう 全て受け止めるよ このままStay free my misery. Stay free my misery.Stay free my misery.Stay free my misery. 炸裂する痛みが 駆けぬけるだけの风ならばStay free my misery. 雨のち晴れを待とう ほら 君の涙を食べちゃおう悲しいと言うならば 空の青ささえも届かないもどかしさに 君は泣くんだろう君の小さな身体包んでる梦は 痛みを饮みこみ 鲜やかになるStay free my misery. 手を伸ばせば感じる その痛み両手で受けとめてStay free your misery.爱しさを 憎しみを 全て受け止めて そのままStay free your misery.枯れるまで踊るだろう 全て受けとめて この空の下で 君が笑うI wanna show you how low & low?SAY ハレルヤ!
2023-08-10 20:12:341

《Misery Green Day Warning》中英文歌词

《Misery》演唱:Green Day所属专辑:《Warning》唱片公司:Reprise Records发行时间:2000-10-03歌词:Virginia was a lot lizard from F.L.A. 佛吉尼亚离佛罗里达可不近 She had a compound fracture in the trunk 但她在卡车里与司机达成了协议 It started when she ran away 这一切要从她离家出走的时候说起 Thumbs out on the interstate She hitched a ride to misery 她在州际公路上搭上了通向苦难的车 "Mr. Whirly" had a catastrophic incident 威利先生遭到了一次灾难般的事故 He fell into the city by the bay 他从港口进入了城市生活 He liquidated his estate 他需要清算一下自己的财产 Now he sleeps upon the Haight Panhandling misery 现在他要在黑格与他的烦恼一起入睡了 He"s gonna get high high high 他即将要发达了 When he"s low low low 当他在最低谷的时候 The fire burns from better days 好日子的烟花还没散去 And she screams why oh why 她向我大吼为什么 I said I don"t know 我说我不知道 The catastrophic hymnes from yesterday of misery 这是旋律 昨日的灾难 Well Vinnie was a hustler out of Amsterdam 文尼是个阿姆斯特丹来的妓女 He ran the drug cartel in "Tinseltown" 他在好莱坞嗑药 They found him in a Cadillac 他们发现他在一辆卡迪拉克里 Bludgered with a baseball bat 拿着一根棒球棍 In the name of misery 以苦难的名义 And Gina hit the road to New York City 吉纳向纽约出发 Mysteriously the night Vinnie croaked 一个神秘的夜晚文尼被杀了 She stopped in Vegas to elope 她跑到拉斯维加斯去私奔 With Virgina and the dope 带着佛吉尼亚的毒品 And kissed the bride eternally 永远亲吻着新娘 And they"re gonna get high high high 他们会转运的 When they"re low low low 尽管现在情况很糟 The fire burns from better days 昨日的烟花还未散去 And he screamed why oh why 她大叫为什么 I said I don"t know 我说我不知道 The catastrophic hymns from yesterday of misery 这是旋律 昨日的灾难 Hell hounds on your trail now once again ...boy 小子,地狱又一次向你招手了 It"s groping on your leg until it sleeps 它抓住了你的腿 The emptiness will fill your soul with sorrow 悲伤会充斥着你的灵魂 Because it"s not what you make it"s what you leave 因为这不是你所创造的而是你所要逃避的 And we"re gonna get high high high 我们即将要发达了 When we"re low low low 即使我们现在在最低谷 The fire burns from better days 好日子的烟花还没散去 And she screams why oh why 她向我大吼为什么 I said I don"t know 我说我不知道 The catastrophic hymns from yesterday 这是旋律 昨日的 Of misery 灾难
2023-08-10 20:13:032


中文名字:危情十日幅面:35毫米遮幅宽银幕系统混音:Dolby制作成本:$20,000,000 (estimated)摄影机:Panavision Cameras and Lenses摄制格式:35 mm洗印格式:35 mm胶片长度:2937 m 1. Castle Rock Entertainment [美国]2. Nelson Entertainment [美国]特技制作公司:1. K.N.B. Effects Group [美国] (special makeup effects)其他公司:1. Jo Anne Kane Music Services [美国] music preparation2. Nancy Seltzer & Associates publicity3. Pacific Title [美国] titles and opticals4. Skywalker Sound South re-recording facilities5. TAJ Soundworks [美国] foley by 1. Ascot Elite Entertainment Group [瑞士] (1991) (Switzerland) (theatrical)2. 哥伦比亚影片公司 [美国] (1991) (Switzerland) (theatrical)3. 哥伦比亚三星家庭视频公司 [美国] (USA) (VHS)4. Image Entertainment Inc. [美国] (USA) (laserdisc)5. Jugendfilm-Verleih GmbH [德国] (1991) (Germany) (theatrical)6. 米高梅家庭娱乐公司 [德国] (2001) (Germany) (DVD)7. 米高梅联美家庭娱乐 [美国] (USA) (DVD)8. 米高梅 [美国] (video)9. PolyGram Home Video [美国] (USA) (DVD)10. PolyGram Video [德国] (1999) (Germany) (DVD)11. Transmundo Films [阿根廷] (Argentina)12. Transmundo Home Video (THV) [阿根廷] (Argentina)13. Union Générale Cinématographique (UGC) [法国] (Argentina) 美国 USA 1990年11月30日阿根廷 Argentina 1991年1月17日法国 France 1991年2月13日瑞士 Switzerland 1991年2月22日......(French speaking region)瑞典 Sweden 1991年2月22日澳大利亚 Australia 1991年3月28日荷兰 Netherlands 1991年3月29日德国 Germany 1991年4月25日瑞士 Switzerland 1991年4月26日......(German speaking region)英国 UK 1991年5月10日芬兰 Finland 1991年7月26日 安妮是畅销小说作家保罗的头号读者,对他的小说疯狂着迷。一天,保罗遇上交通事故,幸得安妮相救,并对他悉心照料。只是一切开始变得不寻常起来,保罗发现自己好像被安妮软禁一样,伤势良久也没痊愈……原来因为保罗欲专注撰写自传而终止小说创作,安妮难以接受,神经渐渐失常的安妮逼迫保罗销毁自传的手抄本,继续创作她赖以生存的精神食粮,而小说的结束也代表着保罗生命的终结…… 斯蒂芬·金有一种善于从日常生活中挖掘恐怖元素的才能。他从自己的个人生活中提取这些看似再正常不过的微量元素,然后再竭尽所能地将这些元素放大推进到恐怖异常的程度。《危情十日》即是斯蒂芬·金放大生活的典型。斯蒂芬·金称这本小说的灵感来自他粉丝们的抱怨——他们说金不再写那些早期的恐怖题材了;于是他就写了这本小说作为对他的粉丝们的回答。但实际上,安妮·威克斯这个人物却比闹鬼的房子或得了狂犬病的狗更恐怖。这是部十足的心理恐怖片,影片中两个人物主要在一座密闭的房子里展开冲突,这更提供了一种心理上的幽闭恐怖感,而随着安妮的逐渐精神错乱,影片的基调也变得越来越森冷。片中并没有充斥着血淋淋的鲜血,真正的恐怖元素隐藏在个人的脑海,以及所引发的一系列联想,而这才是恐怖电影的精髓所在。因为斯蒂芬·金以前的小说改编成电影都不是那么成功,因此这次制片人找到威廉·高曼来写剧本。虽然高曼保留了小说的情节,但却错过了最重要的部分:进入主角保罗·谢尔登的内心,让观众感受到他的痛苦、他遭受的磨难,以及他的恐惧。因此,根据剧本拍摄的电影只抓住了皮毛,而詹姆斯·凯恩角色的被动性也无法改变这一事实。而且为了增加悬念,高曼还对故事情节做了些调整,如果这些调整能保持斯蒂芬·金小说的独特性和原创性自然无可非议,但它们却起到了相反的效果:仅仅使得这个故事常规化和传统化。但令人欣慰的是,《危情十日》依然不失为一部好看的电影。小说原著带有斯蒂芬·金强烈的个人色彩,而导演罗伯·雷恩则谦逊地表示,他仅仅是把“故事带上了银幕”。此前,罗伯·雷恩曾成功地将斯蒂芬·金的另一部青少年题材的小说《伴我同行》搬上银幕。《危情十日》的故事十分精彩自然,紧紧抓住了人心。导演罗伯·雷恩处理这部由“二人一屋”所构成的影片具有高度的戏剧张力,极好地在视觉上突出了孤绝感,安妮的房间在上一秒种还像家庭式的温暖和温馨,而在下一场景就变得黑暗而寒冷。斯蒂芬·金为安妮这个女人发明出的对付作家的方法是如此的骇人听闻,对于演员来说不啻是一个陷阱:要求演员进行夸张的表演。詹姆斯·凯恩和凯西·贝茨组成了一对迷人的组合,演出了斗智斗力的精彩对手戏。詹姆斯·凯恩的表演也可圈可点,虽然大部分时间他都盖着毯子躺在床上。他在影片里是一个疯狂妇女的不幸的俘虏,是被动和受控于人的。凯西·贝茨的角色则是全片的核心所在,有着反复无常的性格,能从甜蜜的关怀迅速转向野蛮的斥责。她的表演是影片最有力和最吸引人的地方。她表现得机警而特别,成功地扮演了一个有精神分裂症的女人。即使是一个普通的眼神,她也能有效地传达出焦虑、恐怖、疯狂、敏感和错乱。她的出色演技使她当之无愧地获得1990年奥斯卡最佳女主角奖,证明了在这个美貌主宰的行业里要获取成功并不非得靠容貌。 ·斯蒂芬·金的小说原著里,安妮为了防止保罗逃跑,将他的脚砍了下来。编剧威廉·高曼(William Goldman)声称,他之所以决定将书改编成电影就是因为这可怕的一幕,而且想看到观众看到这一幕时会有什么反应。但是罗伯·雷恩和Andrew Scheinman却对剧本做了改动,他们改变了折磨保罗的方式:用大锤敲打使脚踝骨折。高曼对这一改变一直持反对意见,直到他看到电影才没再说什么。·影片耗资两千一百万美元。·斯蒂芬·金打字机上的“N”键有问题,就像影片中詹姆斯·凯恩用的那台打字机一样。·凯西·贝茨所扮演角色的首要人选曾是安杰丽卡·休斯顿(Anjelica Huston),但被她拒绝了。·据威廉·高曼的《四部电影剧本》(Four Screenplays)一书记载,影片的主要角色保罗·谢尔登(Paul Sheldon),曾考虑过以下人选:威廉·赫特(William Hurt)、凯文·克莱恩(Kevin Kline)、迈克尔·道格拉斯(Michael Douglas)、哈里森·福特(Harrison Ford)、达斯汀·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)、罗伯特·德尼罗(Robert De Niro)、阿尔·帕西诺(Al Pacino)、理查德·德莱福斯(Richard Dreyfuss)、吉恩·哈克曼(Gene Hackman)、罗伯特·雷德福(Robert Redford)及沃伦·比蒂(Warren Beatty),但他们所有人都拒绝了。·据说,原来电影中有这么一个镜头:凯西·贝茨用割草机反复地在人体上碾过而将一个年轻的警察杀死,但这个镜头被剪掉了,凯西·贝茨因此非常失望,而导演罗伯·雷恩却这样解释:他之所以将这个镜头剪去是因为他担心观众会发笑。·杰克·尼科尔森是保罗·谢尔登一角的主要人选,但在经历了库布里克的《闪灵》之后,他不想在根据斯蒂芬·金的另一恐怖小说改编的电影里再体验恐怖。·影片里有这样一句话:“有个家伙在附近的一家旅馆发了疯。”这指的是另一部根据斯蒂芬·金小说改编的电影《闪灵》。·影片里商店放的录像《当哈利碰上莎莉》,也是该片导演罗伯·雷恩拍摄的。·影片中出版主要角色保罗·谢尔登小说的是维金出版社(Viking),而斯蒂芬·金的小说实际也由这家出版社出版。穿帮镜头连续性:当安妮把汤向保罗扔去时,汤的颜色从红色变成了橙色。事实错误:保罗·谢尔登驾的车两次被说成是1965年的福特野马,但实际上他驾驶的车是1966年出产的。剧组或道具穿帮:当保罗第一次在厨房里时,在给刀具的特写镜头时,可以看到一个工作人员的身影投射到角落里的炉子上。音效不同步:影片快结尾时,保罗·谢尔登以为他已将安妮杀死,便爬过打碎在地上的香槟酒瓶碎片向门口爬去,但这时却听不到碎玻璃在地板上拖刮的声音。人物错误(或许是制作者有预谋的错误):当保罗看安妮的剪贴薄时,她的名字在新闻大写的标题处是Anne M. Wilkes,但标题下照片的说明却是Anne C. Wilkes。启发性错误:在保罗责备安妮买了错误的打印纸、而安妮因此冲着他狂叫的那一节里,她咆哮着冲出房间使劲地撞上房门,因此使得“道具摇晃不已”:而一堵真实的墙从来不会因为房门的冲击而前后摇晃。连续性:影片快结尾时,保罗同安妮撕打在一起,他把自己的手指伸进她的眼睛里使得她血流满面;但在下一个镜头里,在他将她打倒在地板上时,她的眼睛下面却没有血。 第一次看这部电影已经是十几年前了,虽然当时并不知道Stephen King乃何许人也,但女主角神经质地微笑着抡起大锤的一幕着实给我留下了阴影,以至于对剧情几乎没有什么深刻的印象,还经常把这部片子和两年后的另一部卖座恐怖片《晃动摇篮的手》(The Hand That Rocks the Cradle)混为一谈,天知道这两部电影除了同为惊悚片之外,几乎毫无什么共同之处了。Misery可谓是作家个人生活的放大。史蒂芬金的书迷们抱怨他再也不写以前那种恐怖小说了,于是他就写了这部Misery作为回答。(这句是抄的:D)金的小说总是植根于他的真实生活,他酷爱把故事情境设定在阴冷的缅因州,又常把遭受鬼魂或疯狂书迷迫害的作家写成主角,而本书中疯狂的女粉丝,应该就是用无形的手迫使作家不断重复自我的书迷们的缩影了。剧情非常简单,作家Paul曾经爱着自己笔下坚强勇敢的主人公misery,但当写作成为一种商业行为而无法表达真实的自我时,他让misery难产而死,然后重拾当年的激情,开始写作自己的自传。自传完成的当天,倒霉的Paul在暴风雪中出了车祸,醒来时已经躺在了一间可以饱览雪景的小屋里,还有个和蔼又虔诚的中年女人Annie自称是他的头号粉丝,对他照顾的无微不至,可是时间一天天过去,Annie不但隔绝了他与外界的联系,还在发现他扼杀了misery之后暴露了歇斯底里的另一面,以令人毛骨悚然的温柔手段强迫他让misery复活,不从?大铁锤伺候!可怜的Paul忍辱负重,跟Annie斗智斗勇,终于逃出了魔窟,却也对“头号粉丝”这个词产生了阴影,Annie的影子似乎挥之不去……与其他峰回路转、跌宕起伏的惊悚片比起来,这个剧情似乎过于平淡了,只是因为演员们的精湛演技,这部电影才没有沦为另一部失败的斯蒂芬金改编作品。Kathy Bates完全演活了Annie这个双面人,她上一秒钟还在甜蜜温柔地关心着Paul,下一秒钟就可以愤怒野蛮地指责甚至虐待他,她的一举一动,甚至一个眼神,都让你看到这个女人的疯狂、焦虑、敏感、错乱,正因为在Misery中的精彩出演,使得貌不惊人的Kathy Bates得到了当年的奥斯卡和金球奖双料影后,绝对是名至实归。与她相比,Paul的饰演者James Caan则没有得到太多的表现机会,导演似乎并不关注这个被害者的内心世界,尽管如此,他仍然让我们看到了不同于Godfather中莽撞冲动的Sonny Corleone的另一面。影片中另一对出色的演员便是老警长夫妇了,俩人以斗嘴来交流感情,可谓打情骂俏的最高境界:)因此,尽管改编平平,但众多演技派的精彩演出使得这部电影仍然值得一看。 罗伯·莱纳 Rob Reiner男, 生于1947年3月6日 ,美国纽约星座: 双鱼座罗伯·莱纳以演员起家,却因执导的第一部电影《摇滚万岁》(1984) 而成名,为自己在好莱坞界赢得具有票房潜力的商业导演之美名;尤其以两部在评论界倍受好评、票房上亦获成功的喜剧《公主新娘》(1987) 及《当哈利碰上莎莉》(1989) 最受人瞩目;此外,青少年电影《犯贱情人》(1985)、由史蒂芬·金的惊悚小说改编而成的《危情十日》(1990) 证明他有尝试各种影片类型的能力。作品年表怦然心动/Flipped(2010)遗愿清单/The Bucket List(2007)棒球小英雄/Everyone"s Hero(2006)流言蜚语/Rumor Has It…(2005)好莱坞百年百部经典电影/AFI"s 100 Years, 100 "Movie Quotes": The Greatest Lines from American Film(2005)告诉他们你是谁/Tell Them Who You Are(2004) 凯西·贝茨 凯西·贝茨1948年生于田纳西州孟菲斯,大学时主修戏剧,毕业后赴纽约谋生。凯西-贝兹肤如凝胶,丰满、微微撅起的嘴唇,再加上一双蓝中带绿的眼睛,实在是个迷人的尤物。但她一度被越来越肥的趋势所困拢,粗壮的腰身受到一些评论家主要是约翰-西蒙的嘲笑,这可是作为一名演员的大忌。可凯西-贝兹不为所动,坚持了下来。更重要的是她能根据角色的需要,通过自身的个性魅力,演什么象什么,改变了观众对她外形的看法。坚毅又非常平民化的凯西终有所收获,拍出了一部部精采影片,成为影史上十大卖座女影星第4名。1971年走上银幕,处女作为《逃家》,并为该片主题曲作词。1976年参加外百老汇舞台演出,1983年以《晚安,母亲》获得托尼奖最佳女主角。贝兹浑身戏感,愈是怪异的角色愈勇于尝试。因外形受限,虽有多次演出电影的机会,但始终不能出人头地。直至1990年等到了一个仿如为她量身订造的绝佳角色,在《危情十日》中饰演一个迷恋作家的超级书迷,一举夺下奥斯卡及金球奖双料后冠,自此成为演技派明星。1997年她出演了影片《泰坦尼克号》,这影片成为当年的票房冠军。2002年她又出演了影片《关于施密特》,与杰克·尼克尔森一起成功奉献了这部成功的影片。2004年她在成龙主演的《环游世界八十天》中出演了角色,2005年出演了影片《流言蜚语》。詹姆斯·凯恩 詹姆斯·凯恩1940年3月26日生于美国纽约,高中时代曾是运动好手。大学毕业后开始在纽约的剧场登台演出,而后也参演了多部电视剧。1963年踏上银幕,在银幕处女作《爱玛姑娘》中充当一个不起眼的角色,打拼了十余年均无大突破,直至1972年在科波拉的名片《教父》中饰演火爆凶猛的教父长子桑尼,身价才扶摇直上,成为独当一面的明星。1980年首执导简推出《傲骨柔情》,但反应平平。凯恩90年代的作品以《米赛丽》和《昨天、今日、永远》中的表现最为出色。曾与Dee Jay Mattis、Sheila Ryan、Ingrid Hajed有过三段婚姻,先后育有一女二子。1995年与现任妻子Linda Stokes再婚,育有两子。近年参演的作品有2000年的《枪之道》和《家族情仇》,2003年的《狗城》和《圣诞精灵》等。理查德·法恩斯沃斯Richard Farnsworth男, 生于1920年9月1日美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶逝世于2000年10月6日 (美国新墨西哥州林肯,开枪自杀)星座: 处女座作品年表第73届奥斯卡颁奖典礼/The 73rd Annual Academy Awards(2001)清秀佳人:未完的故事/Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story(2000)史崔特先生的故事/The Straight Story(1999)最好的朋友/Best Friends for Life(1998)新灵犬莱西/Lassie(1994)逃亡之路/The Getaway(1994)
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2023-08-10 20:14:111

The Moffatts的《Misery》 歌词

歌曲名:Misery歌手:The Moffatts专辑:Chapter 1: A New BeginningI cry myself asleep tonightcause I can not hold you tightI wish I could see you tomorrowTo take all this sorrowWhen I touch youCan you feel itWhen I need youCan you give itWhen I look in your eyesCan you see meWhen I fallWill you catch meCatch meCatch meMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feelMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feelThese tears on my faceAre for youI wish that I couldHold you, touch you, feel youMy heart is bleeding can"t you seeI wish you could hold me, touch me, feel meWhen I touch youCan you feel itWhen I need youCan you give itWhen I look in your eyesCan you see meWhen I fallWill you catch meCatch meCatch meMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feelMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feelMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feelMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feel
2023-08-10 20:14:251

Misery_Green Day 的一首歌,帮我翻译一下歌词,谢谢!

弗吉尼亚州是一个很大的蜥蜴从F.L.A. 她有一种化合物骨折躯干 开始时,她逃跑 大拇指上的州际 她结婚乘车前往苦难 “旋先生”的灾难性事件 他落入城市的海湾 他的遗产清算 现在,他睡的海特 行乞的苦难 他一定获得高高高 当他的低很低很低 火灾烧伤更好的天 她尖叫,为什么啊,为什么 我说我不知道 灾难性从昨天hymnes 苦难 井大奖是一个骗子的阿姆斯特丹 他跑到了贩毒集团的“好莱坞” 他们发现他在凯迪拉克 Bludgered用棒球棍 在名称的苦难 吉娜和打击的道路纽约市 神秘的夜晚大奖低沉 她停在拉斯维加斯私奔 随着弗吉尼亚州及涂料 并亲吻新娘永远 和他们一定获得高高高 当他们正在低很低很低 火灾烧伤更好的天 他尖叫,为什么啊,为什么 我说我不知道 灾难性的赞美诗从昨天 苦难 地狱猎犬在您的线索现在再次男孩... 这是摸索着在您的腿,直到睡觉 空虚将填补你的灵魂与悲哀 因为这不仅是你那是你离开 我们也一定获得高高高 当我们很低很低很低 火灾烧伤更好的天 她尖叫,为什么啊,为什么 我说我不知道 灾难性的赞美诗从昨天 苦难囧
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2023-08-10 20:14:411

hide的 MISERY 罗马音歌词

  Misery :  Hareruya ra mizeraburu  Do you wanna show me how low and low?  Hareruya ra mizeraburu  Do you wanna show me how low and low?  Hareruya ra mizeraburu  Do you wanna show me how low and low?  Hareruya ra mizeraburu  Do you wanna show me how low and low?  Say hareruya  Kimi no itami ureshisou ni  Hane wo hirogete maiorite kuru  Hiru no hikari kimi no kizu wo daite  Yasashiku hirogete yuku  Hareruya ra mizeraburu  Hoshi no nageki kikeba  Hareruya ra mizeraburu  Hon no chiisana koto darou  Say hareruya  Yoru no yami ni ochite yukeba  Wasurete shimau koto na no ka mo  Yureru omoi tsukanoma no yume  Chiisana higeki  Furu hoshi no kazu kazoetara  Naku no ni akitarou  Warau tsuki no aosa kizu wo nadete tojite yuku  Stay free your misery  Furisosogu kanashimi wo  Sono ude no naka ni dakishimete  Kiss your misery  Kareru made odoru darou  Subete uke tomeru yo kono mama  Stay free my misery stay free my misery  Stay free my misery  Stay free my misery  Sakuretsu suru itami ga  Kake nukeru dake n kaze naraba  Stay free my misery  Ame nochi hare wo matou  Hora kimi no namida wo tabechaou  Kanashii to iu naraba sora no aosa sae mo  Todokanai modokashisa ni  Kimi wa nakun darou  Kimi no chiisana karada tsutsunderu yume wa  Itami wo nomikomi azayaka ni naru  Stay free my misery  Te wo nobaseba kanjiru  Sono itami ryoute de uke tomete  Stay free your misery  Itoshisa wo nikushimi wo  Subete uke tomete sono mama  (Stay free your misery)  Stay free my misery  Furisosogu kanashimi wo  Sono ude no naka ni dakishimete  Stay free your misery  Kareru made odoru darou  Subete uke tomete kono sora no shita de kimi ga warau  Hareruya ra mizeraburu  I wanna show you how low and low  Hareruya ra mizeraburu  Do you wanna show me how low and low?  Hareruya ra mizeraburu  I wanna show you how low and low  Hareruya ra mizeraburu  Do you wanna show me how low and low?  Say hareruya!  MISERY  ハレルヤ ラ ミゼラブル Do you wanna show me how low&low?  ハレルヤ ラ ミゼラブル Do you wanna show me how low&low?  SAY ハレルヤ  君の痛み うれしそうに 羽を広げて舞い降りてくる  昼の光 君の伤を抱いて 优しく広げてゆく  ハレルヤ ラ ミゼラブル 星の叹きを闻けば  ハレルヤ ラ ミゼラブル ほんの小さな事だろう  SAY ハレルヤ  夜の暗に落ちてゆけば 忘れてしまう事なのかも  揺れる思い つかの间の梦 小さな悲剧  降る星の数 数えたら 泣くのに饱きたろう  笑う月の苍さ 伤をなでて 闭じてゆく  Stay free your misery 降りそそぐ悲しみを その腕の中に抱きしめて  Kiss your misery 枯れるまで踊るだろう 全て受けとめるよ このまま  Stay free my misery Stay free my misery Stay free my misery  Stay free my misery 炸裂する痛みが 駆けぬけるだけの风ならば  Stay free my misery 雨のち晴れを待とう ほら 君の涙を食べちゃおう  悲しいと言うならば 空の青ささえも  届かないもどかしさに 君は泣くんだろう  君の小さな身体包んでる梦は 痛みを饮みこみ 鲜やかになる  Stay free my misery 手を伸ばせば感じる その痛みを両手で受け止めて  Stay free your misery 爱しさを 憎しみを 全て受けとめて そのまま  Stay free your misery  Stay free my misery 降りそそぐ悲しみを その腕の中に抱きしめて  Stay free your misery 枯れるまで踊るだろう  全て受けとめて この空の下で 君が笑う  ハレルヤ ラ ミゼラブル I wanna show you how low&low  ハレルヤ ラ ミゼラブル Do you wanna show me how low&low?  ハレルヤ ラ ミゼラブル I wanna show you how low&low  ハレルヤ ラ ミゼラブル Do you wanna show me how low&low?
2023-08-10 20:15:021

一个M开头的英文单词 发音近似米子瑞 表示痛苦的意思 求解

misery名词 n. 1.痛苦;不幸;悲惨;穷困;苦难[U][C]She felt most severely the miseries of mankind. 她极为强烈地感受到了人类的种种苦难。 I have told you all my misery. 我已经告诉了你我的一切痛苦。 2.【英】【口】讨厌的人,老发牢骚的人[C]
2023-08-10 20:15:092

distress suffering agony misery翻译成中文,以及其含义有什么不同

distressn. 悲痛;危难,不幸;贫困;[法]扣押财物; vt. 使痛苦,使忧伤;[法]扣押(财物);使贫困sufferingn. 受苦,遭难;苦楚,苦难;令人痛苦的事; v. 受苦(suffer的现在分词);蒙受; adj. 受苦的;患病的;agonyn. 极大的痛苦;苦恼,烦闷;临死的挣扎;(感情的)迸发;miseryn. 痛苦;不幸;穷困;悲惨的境遇;
2023-08-10 20:15:171


2023-08-10 20:15:362

My sister is suffering the()of unemployment right now A.misery Bmiseries 选哪个帮忙解释?

2023-08-10 20:15:472


misery歌手:fripSide所属专辑:彼女たちの响歌词:大事(だいじ)なもの无(な)くして 希望(きぼう)を忘(わす)れる日々(ひび)にいつしか目(め)をそむけて 见(み)えない振(ふ)りを続(つづ)けてたあの日(ひ)の出逢(であ)いなんてなければ 仆(ぼく)はこのままひとりで生(い)きられると ずっと思(おも)えたはずなのに仆(ぼく)に触(ふ)れたその手(て)は 温(あたた)かく懐(なつ)かしくてでも君(きみ)はとても远(とお)く 追(お)いかけるほど离(はな)されて求(もと)めてるのは小(ちい)さな言叶(ことば) 真実(ほんとう)の君(きみ)の嗫(ささや)きそれさえあれば仆(ぼく)はよかった 変(か)わらない想(おも)いを誓(ちかい)えた…冷(つめ)たく苍(あお)い月(つき)が 心(こころ)をそっと照(て)らして黄金(こがね)に揺(ゆ)れる髪(かみ)は 君(きみ)の迷(まよ)いによく似(に)てたどこだを见(み)つめている 淋(さび)しそうな横颜(よこがお)に惹(ひ)かれていく仆(ぼく)だから 爱(いと)しさがまた溢(あふ)れてく欲(ほ)しかったのは本当(ほんとう)の涙(なみだ) 纯粋(じゅんすい)な愿(ねが)いの欠片(かけら)きっとそのあと君(きみ)は笑(わら)える どんなに哀(かな)しい明日(あす)でも失(うしな)うことに怯(おび)えてるのは 仆(ぼく)よりも君(きみ)の方(ほう)だね大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)だよ? いつでも仆(ぼく)は 谁(だれ)より近(ちか)くにいるから…By 龙求(もと)めてるのは小(ちい)さな言叶(ことば) 真実(ほんとう)の君(きみ)の嗫(ささや)きそれさえあれば仆(ぼく)はよかった 変(か)わらない想(おも)いを誓(ちかい)えた抱(だ)きしめたのは优(やさ)しく强(つよ)く 泣(な)いていた素颜(すがお)の君(きみ)を隠(かく)されていた无垢(むく)な瞳(ひとみ)は 汚(けが)れない想(おも)いで渗(にじ)んだ…失(うしな)うことに怯(おび)えてるのは…大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)だよ? いつでも仆(ぼく)は…FIN
2023-08-10 20:15:562

miss misery歌词及翻译

I"ll fake it through the dayWith some help from johnny walker redSend the poison rain down the drainTo put bad thoughts in my headTwo tickets torn in halfAnd a lot of nothing to doDo you miss me, miss miseryLike you say you do?A man in the parkRead the lines in my handTold me i"m strongHardly ever wrong i said man you meanYou had plans for both of usThat involved a trip out of townTo a place i"ve seen in a magazineThat you left lying aroundI don"t have you with me butI keep a good attitudeDo you miss me, miss miseryLike you say you do?I know you"d rather see me goneThan to see me the way that i amBut i am in the life anywayNext door the tv"s flashingBlue frames on the wallIt"s a comedy of errors, you seeIt"s about taking a fallTo vanish into oblivionIs easy to doAnd i try to be but you know meI come back when you want me toDo you miss me miss miseryLike you say you do?
2023-08-10 20:16:052

miss the misery 歌词的中文翻译

2023-08-10 20:16:134

求歌曲 Misery Business 的歌词加中文翻译

I"m in the business of misery, let"s take it from the topShe"s got a body like an hourglass that"s ticking like a clockIt"s a matter of time before we all run out...When I thought he was mine, she caught him by the mouthI waited eight long months我在业务的苦难,让我们是否可以从顶部她有一个机构,像一个沙漏认为的一样,滴答的时钟这是一个时间的问题之前,我们都一发不可收拾... 当我以为他是排雷,她被他的口i等待8个月的长期She finally set him freeI told him I couldn"t lie, he was the only one for meTwo weeks and we had caught on fireShe"s got it out for me, but I wear the biggest smileWhoa... I never meant to bragBut I got him where I want him nowWhoa... it was never my intention to bragTo steal it all away from you nowBut God does it feel so goodParamore她最后一套他的自由我告诉他,我不能说谎,他是唯一一个对我来说两个星期,我们赶上的防火她的得到它为我,但我穿的最大的微笑哎呀...我从来没有意思吹嘘但我得到他的地方,我想他现在哎呀...这是从来没有,我打算吹嘘窃取这一切远离你现在但上帝是否感觉很好帕拉莫尔"Cause I got him where I want him nowAnd if you could then you know you would"Cause God it just feels so...It just feels so goodSecond chances: they don"t never matter, people never changeOnce a whore, you"re nothing more, I"m sorry that"ll never changeAnd about forgiveness, we"re both supposed to have exchangedI"m sorry honey, but I"m passing up, now look this way"原因我得到他的地方,我想他现在如果然后,您可以,你知道你会"上帝的原因,只是觉得,所以... 它只是觉得那么好第二次机会:他们不从来没有的事,人们决不会改变一旦妓女,您没有什么更多的,我很抱歉,永远不会改变约宽恕我们,都假定有交换我很抱歉,蜂蜜,但我通过了,现在看这种方式Well there"s a million other girls who do it just like youLooking as innocent as possible to get to whoThey want and what they like, it"s easy if you do it rightWell I refuse, I refuse, I refuse!Whoa... I never meant to bragBut I got him where I want him nowWhoa... it was never my intention to bragTo steal it all away from you now"Cause I got him where I want him right now以及有一个亿的其他女孩谁这样做,就像你展望无辜的,尽量去谁他们想要什么,他们想,人们很容易如果你这样做的权利以及我拒绝,我拒绝,我拒绝! 哎呀...我从来没有意思吹嘘但我得到他的地方,我想他现在哎呀...这是从来没有,我打算吹嘘窃取这一切远离你现在"原因我得到他的地方,我想他现在的权利And if you could then you know you would"Cause God it just feels so...It just feels so good ...I watched his wildest dreams come trueNot one of them involving youJust watch my wildest dreams come trueNot one of them involving ...Whoa, I never meant to brag如果然后,您可以,你知道你会"上帝的原因,只是觉得,所以... 它只是觉得那么好... 我看了他的梦想成真不,其中一人涉及您只是看我的梦想成真不,其中一人涉及... 哎呀,我从来没有意思吹嘘But I got him where I want him now ...Whoa... I never meant to bragBut I got him where I want him nowWhoa... it was never my intention to bragTo steal it all away from you nowBut God does it feel so good"Cause I got him where I want him nowAnd if you could then you know you would"Cause God it just feels so...It just feels so good但我得到他的地方,我想他现在... 哎呀...我从来没有意思吹嘘但我得到他的地方,我想他现在哎呀...这是从来没有,我打算吹嘘窃取这一切远离你现在但上帝是否感觉很好"原因我得到他的地方,我想他现在如果然后,您可以,你知道你会"上帝的原因,只是觉得,所以... 它只是觉得那么好
2023-08-10 20:16:221

Maroon 5 的《Misery》 的中英对照歌词?

So scared of breaking itBut you won"t let it bend亵渎你我之情愫仍使我惊恐万分而你却也不愿重复这尴尬的处境And I wrote two hundred lettersI won"t ever send我写了两百封信解释但始终没有寄Somehow it is cut so muchDeeper then they seem我开始感到噩耗的来临犹如预期 You"d rather cover upI"d rather let them be你试图掩饰 但怎奈木已成舟So let me beAnd I"ll set you free就这样吧 你随便I am in miseryThere ain"t no otherWho can comfort me我经历了没人经历过的痛苦与绝望又怎能有人给我安慰Why won"t you answer me?Your solace is slowly killing me你为什么不直接一点说是与不是含糊其辞的言语实在要了我的命Girl you really got me badYou really got me bad告诉你 你伤了我的自尊心I"m gonna get you backGonna get you back我要让你重回我的怀抱Your salty skin and howIt mixes in with mine你的痛苦怎么能和我比The way it feels to beCompletely intertwined紧紧深陷 纠葛难以摆脱It"s not that I didn"t careIt"s that I didn"t know不是我不在乎 是我从没有这样想过It"s not what I didn"t feel,It"s what I didn"t show不是我没有感觉是我不知道怎样表达才能让你明白So let me beand I"ll set you free就这样吧 你随便Say your faith is shakenYou may be mistaken你说你可能是一时糊涂犯了个错You keep me wide awake andWaiting for the sun还给自己留后路 让我有一线希望I"m desperate and confusedSo far away from you你让我心乱如麻 越来越不敢相信你I"m getting hereDon"t care where I have to go我自己决定吧 你别管我会干什么Why do you do what you do to me, yeahWhy won"t you answer me, answer me yeah你怎么对我这样为什么不直接一点说是与不是Why do you do what you do to me yeahWhy won"t you answer me, answer me yeah你怎么对我这样为什么不直接一点说是与不是
2023-08-10 20:16:482

Soul Asylum的《Misery》 歌词

歌曲名:Misery歌手:Soul Asylum专辑:After The Flood: Live From The Grand Forks PromI cry myself asleep tonightcause I can not hold you tightI wish I could see you tomorrowTo take all this sorrowWhen I touch youCan you feel itWhen I need youCan you give itWhen I look in your eyesCan you see meWhen I fallWill you catch meCatch meCatch meMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feelMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feelThese tears on my faceAre for youI wish that I couldHold you, touch you, feel youMy heart is bleeding can"t you seeI wish you could hold me, touch me, feel meWhen I touch youCan you feel itWhen I need youCan you give itWhen I look in your eyesCan you see meWhen I fallWill you catch meCatch meCatch meMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feelMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feelMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feelMisery is what I feelWhen your not aroundSo I can"t hearMisery is what I feelIs what I feel
2023-08-10 20:16:561


很简单,follow me!!!miss错过+every每天(mis+ery)每一天,每一次都在错过,这超级痛苦,悲惨的好吧啊啊啊misery:痛苦,穷困,悲惨遭遇
2023-08-10 20:17:031

green day 《misery》歌词及翻译谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

MISERY 苦难之旅 Virginia was a lot lizard from FLA 佛吉尼亚离佛罗里达可不近 She had a compound fracture in the trunk 但她在卡车里与司机达成了协议 It started when she ran away 这一切要从她离家出走的时候说起 Thumbs out on the interstate She hitched a ride to misery 她在州际公路上搭上了通向苦难的车 Mr. Whirly had a catastrophic incident 威利先生遭到了一次灾难般的事故 He fell into the city by the bay 他从港口进入了城市生活 He liquidated his estate 他需要清算一下自己的财产 Now he sleeps upon the Haight panhandling misery 现在他要在Haight与他的烦恼一起入睡了 And he"s gonna get high-igh-igh 他即将要发达了 When he"s low low low 当他在最低谷的时候 The fire burns from better days 好日子的烟花还没散去 And she screams why oh why 她向我大吼为什么 I said I don"t know 我说我不知道 The catastrophic hymns from yesterday Of misery 这是昨日的灾难的旋律 Well Vinnie was a hustler out of Amsterdam Vinnie是个阿姆斯特丹来的妓女 He ran the drug cartel in Tinseltown 他在好莱坞嗑药 They found him in a Cadillac 他们发现他在一辆卡迪拉克里 bludgeoned with a baseball bat 拿着一根棒球棍 In the name of misery 以苦难的名义 And Gina hit the road to New York City Gina向纽约出发 Mysteriously the night Vinnie croaked 一个神秘的夜晚Vinnie被杀了 She stopped in Vegas to elope 她跑到拉斯维加斯去私奔 With Virginia and the dope 带着佛吉尼亚的毒品 And kissed the bride eternally 永远亲吻着新娘 And they"re gonna get high-igh-igh 他们会转运的 When they"re low low low 尽管现在情况很糟 The fire burns from better days 昨日的烟花还未散去 And she screamed why oh why 她大叫为什么 I said I don"t know 我说我不知道 The catastrophic hymns from yesterday Of misery 这是昨日的灾难的旋律 Hell hounds on your trail now once again boy 小子,地狱又一次向你招手了 It"s groping on your leg until it sleeps 它抓住了你的腿 The emptiness will fill your soul with sorrow 悲伤会充斥着你的灵魂 Cause it"s not what you make it"s what you leave 因为这不是你所创造的 而是你所要逃避的 And he"s gonna get high-igh-igh 我们即将要发达了 When he"s low low low 即使我们现在在最低谷 The fire burns from better days 好日子的烟花还没散去 And she screams why oh why 她向我大吼为什么 I said I don"t know 我说我不知道 The catastrophic hymns from yesterday Of misery 这是昨日的灾难的旋律
2023-08-10 20:17:101

Bodeans的《Misery》 歌词

歌曲名:Misery歌手:Bodeans专辑:Love & Hope & Sex & Dreams [Deluxe Edition]Miserysinger-pinkShadows are fallin" all over townAnother night and these blues got me downOh, misery! i sure could use some companySince he"s been gone i ain"t been the sameI carry the weight like an old ball and chainGuess its all meant to beFor love to cause me miseryOh misery! oh misery!Tell me why does my heart make a fool of meSeems its my destinyFor love to cause me miseryAnd, oh! i"ve been down this road beforeWith a passion that turns into painAnd each i saw love walk out the doorI swore never get caught againBut ain"t it true? it takes what it takesAnd sometime we get too smart to leaveOne more heartache for meAnother night of miseryOh! and oh misery! oh misery!Tell me why does my heart make a fool of meOh misery! oh misery!Tell me why, why, why, why, why, why does thisHeart make a fool of meSeems its my destinyFor love to cause misery, ohMiseryGuess its all meant to beFor love to cause me misery, oh, no, yeahMisery
2023-08-10 20:17:181

Good Charlotte的《Misery》 歌词

歌曲名:Misery歌手:Good Charlotte专辑:Good Morning RevivalMiseryGood CharlotteGood Morning RevivalMisery LyricsGood CharlotteTake a look aroundDon"t you see itSee that you are the only real face in the roomNo one here has a clue what your feelin"Don"t feel badKeep your sadness aliveLook at all these happy peopleLiving their livesLook at all these plastic peopleThere"s nothing insideLook at all these shallow peopleTelling their liesLook at all these empty people, peopleDon"t you knowThe Misery loves companyYeah I heardThe Misery was looking for meHappiness, is a face that don"t look good on meYeah I heardThe Misery comes looking for meWhoa, misery"s my companyWhoa, misery is looking for meLooking for meThe hands are up nowEverybody"s singin"Everybody"s movin"They program their feelingsThey"re syncronizing,And criticizingDon"t feel badKeep your sadness aliveLook at all these happy peopleLiving their livesLook at all these plastic peopleThey"re dying insideLook at all these shallow peopleTelling their liesLook at all these empty people, peopleDon"t you knowThe misery loves companyYeah I heardThe misery was looking for meHappiness, is a face that don"t look good on meYeah I heardThe Misery comes looking for meWhoa, misery"s my companyWhoa, misery is looking for meDon"t you know this misery loves meDon"t you know this misery loves meDon"t you know this misery loves meDon"t you know this misery loves meLoves meSo you"re tired of runnin"You"re tired of hurtingYou"re tired of living in their liesYou"re tired of listeningYou"re tired of hurtingKeep your sadness alive, aliveDon"t you knowThe misery loves companyYeah I heardThe misery was looking for meHappiness, is a face that don"t look good on meYeah I heardThe misery comes looking for meDon"t you knowMisery loves companyYeah I heardThe misery was looking for meHappiness,is a face that don"t look good on meYeah I heardThe misery comes looking for meWhoa, misery"s my companyWhoa, misery is looking for me
2023-08-10 20:17:251


So scared of breaking itBut you won"t let it bend亵渎你我之情愫仍使我惊恐万分而你却也不愿重复这尴尬的处境And I wrote two hundred lettersI won"t ever send我写了两百封信解释但始终没有寄Somehow it is cut so muchDeeper then they seem我开始感到噩耗的来临犹如预期 You"d rather cover upI"d rather let them be你试图掩饰 但怎奈木已成舟So let me beAnd I"ll set you free就这样吧 你随便I am in miseryThere ain"t no otherWho can comfort me我经历了没人经历过的痛苦与绝望又怎能有人给我安慰Why won"t you answer me?Your solace is slowly killing me你为什么不直接一点说是与不是含糊其辞的言语实在要了我的命Girl you really got me badYou really got me bad告诉你 你伤了我的自尊心I"m gonna get you backGonna get you back我要让你重回我的怀抱Your salty skin and howIt mixes in with mine你的痛苦怎么能和我比The way it feels to beCompletely intertwined紧紧深陷 纠葛难以摆脱It"s not that I didn"t careIt"s that I didn"t know不是我不在乎 是我从没有这样想过It"s not what I didn"t feel,It"s what I didn"t show不是我没有感觉是我不知道怎样表达才能让你明白So let me beand I"ll set you free就这样吧 你随便Say your faith is shakenYou may be mistaken你说你可能是一时糊涂犯了个错You keep me wide awake and
2023-08-10 20:18:011


listen to the thythm of the falling rain,telling me just what a fool i"ve been.i wish that it would go and let me cry in vain,and let me be alone again.rain please tell me now, does that seem fair for her to steal my heart away when she don"t care?i can"t love another when my heart"s somewhere far away.rain and tears are the same but in the sun you"ve got to play the game when you cry in winter time you can"t pretend it"s nothing but the rain how many times i"ve seen tears coming from your blue eyes rain and tears are the same but in the sun you"ve got to play the game 哗啦啦啦啦下雨了看到大家都在跑叭叭叭叭叭计程车他们的生意是特别好哗啦啦啦啦淋湿了好多人脸上嘛失去了笑无奈何望著天叹叹气把头摇感觉天色不对最好把雨伞带好不要等雨来了见你又躲又跑轰隆隆隆隆打雷了胆小的人都不敢跑无奈何望著天叹叹气把头摇咱二人做阵拿著一支小雨伞雨越大我来照顾你你来照顾我虽然双人行相偎遇著风雨这呢大崁坎小路又歹行咱著小心行你甲我做阵拿著一支小雨伞雨越大渥甲淡糊糊心情也快活三月里的小雨淅沥沥沥沥沥淅沥沥沥下个不停山谷里的小溪哗啦啦啦啦啦哗啦啦啦流不停小雨为谁飘小溪为谁流带著满怀的凄清请问小溪谁带我追寻追寻那一颗爱我的心i"ll never let you see the way my broken heart is hurting me i"ve got my pride and i know how to hide all the sorrow and pain i"ll do my crying in the rain if i wait for cloudy skies you won"t know the rain from the tears in my eyes you"ll never know that i still love you so though the heartaches remain i"ll do my crying in the rain raindrops falling from heaven will never wash away my misery but since we"re not together i"ll wait for stormy weather to hide these tears i hope you"ll never see 在黄昏的天空我看到那彩带一样的迷蒙是你可爱的笑容跟著我走在雨中我们去看那迷蒙的天空在这雨的季节中季节雨别笑我什么都不懂我知道爱就像一场梦季节雨别笑我什么都不懂我知道爱就像季节雨消失无踪啊....说真的我不是故意看见你和她在街头伫立我在犹豫该不该逃避还是让你看见我在这里天空间飘来的雨从眼里滑落到心里我在怀疑该不该躲你该不该躲这场雨大雨就要开始不停的下我的心我的心已经完全的没有主张带我到没有爱情的地方喔......大雨就要开始不停的下我的心我的心已经完全的失去方向带我到没有爱情的地方苦苦的这一杯酒淡淡的没有滋味你悄悄的就这样走一句话都没有说我到底是那里做错让你如此对待我你悄悄的离开我可知我心已被你带走小雨来的正是时候代表我流不出的眼泪小雨来的正是时候冲淡我对你的思念小雨来的正是时候小雨来的正是时候小雨来的正是时候小雨来的正是时候偶而飘来一阵雨点点洒落了满地也许雨一停我就能再见到你也许雨该一直下不停朦胧的眼朦胧的雨脸上交横的是泪是雨我在街头伫立心中已经有了决定却不知小雨是否能把你打醒雨一直下气氛不算融洽在同个屋檐下你渐渐感到心在变化你爱著他也许也带著恨吧青春耗了一大半原来只是陪他玩耍就是爱到深处才怨他舍不舍得都断了吧那是从来都没有后路的悬崖就是爱到深处才由他碎了心也要放得下难道忘了那
2023-08-10 20:18:091

想知道‘My Friend Of Misery’的详细翻译……

2023-08-10 20:18:162

Misery Machine 歌词

歌曲名:Misery Machine歌手:Marilyn Manson专辑:LiveMisery Machine英文歌词第一站Man in the front got a sinister grin, careen down highway 666We wanna go, crush the slow, as the pitchfork bends the needles growMy arms are wheels, my legs are wheels, my blood is pavementWe"re gonna ride to the abbey of thelema, to the abbey of thelema, blood is pavementThe grill in the front is my sinister grin, bugs in my teeth make me sick sick sickThe objects may be larger than they appear in the mirrorMy arms are wheels, my legs are wheels, my blood is pavementWe"re gonna ride to the abbey of thelema, to the abbey of thelema, blood is pavementWhen you ride you"re ridden, when you ride you"re riddenI am fueled with the filth and fury, Do what I will, I will hurry thereMy arms are wheels, my legs are wheels, my blood is pavementMy arms are wheels, my legs are wheels, my blood is pavementMy arms are wheels, my legs are wheels, my blood is pavementMy arms are wheels, my legs are wheels, my blood is pavementMy arms are wheels, my legs are wheels, my blood is pavement
2023-08-10 20:18:241

Miss Misery 歌词

歌曲名:Miss Misery歌手:Elliott Smith专辑:Good Will Hunting (Music from the Miramax Motion Picture)I"ll fake it through the dayWith some help from johnny walker redSend the poison rain down the drainTo put bad thoughts in my headTwo tickets torn in halfAnd a lot of nothing to doDo you miss me, miss miseryLike you say you do?A man in the parkRead the lines in my handTold me i"m strongHardly ever wrong i said man you meanYou had plans for both of usThat involved a trip out of townTo a place i"ve seen in a magazineThat you left lying aroundI don"t have you with me butI keep a good attitudeDo you miss me, miss miseryLike you say you do?I know you"d rather see me goneThan to see me the way that i amBut i am in the life anywayNext door the tv"s flashingBlue frames on the wallIt"s a comedy of errors, you seeIt"s about taking a fallTo vanish into oblivionIs easy to doAnd i try to be but you know meI come back when you want me toDo you miss me miss miseryLike you say you do?
2023-08-10 20:18:311

Sweet Misery 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Misery歌手:Ferlin Husky专辑:Capitol Collectors SeriesI was lostAnd you were foundYou seemed toStand on solid groundI was weakAnd you were strongAnd me and my guitarWe strummed along, ohSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meI was blindBut oh, how you could seeYou saw the beauty in everythingEverything and meI would cryAnd you would smileYou"d stay with meA little whileSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meAnd in my heart I see, ohWhat you"re doing to meAnd in my heart I see, ohJust how you wanted it to beSweet miseryOh, whoaSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meAnd in my heart I see, ohWhat you"re doing to meAnd in my heart I see, ohJust how you wanted it to beSweet miseryI was weakAnd you were strongAnd me and my guitarWe strummed along
2023-08-10 20:18:381

Miss The Misery 歌词

歌曲名:Miss The Misery歌手:Foo Fighters专辑:Real Steel - Music From The Motion Picturealbum: Wasting Lightreleased on April 12, 2011Oh!Oh!If I had my wayIf I had to loseWouldn"t take back one thingNever had much to chooseThen it dawned on meComing down on youLike a cold sky raining under a burning moonYou"ve waited all your lifeYour wish is coming trueBless your heart for beating me right outta youMiss the miseryNeed a reason for a changeNeed a reason to explainSo turn it on againDon"t change your mindYou"re wasting lightGet in and let"sGo!Go!What a nice long leashWhat a nice tight nooseNever worked for me but sure does look good on youYou"ve waited all your lifeYour wish is coming trueBless your heart for beating me right outta youMiss the miseryNeed a reason for a changeNeed a reason to refrainSo turn it on againDon"t change your mindYou"re wasting lightGet in and let"sGo!Go!Miss the miseryGimme a reason for a changeMiss the miseryGimme a reason to refrainMiss your misery any dayMiss your misery any dayCome on and turn it on for MEDon"t change your mindYou"re wasting lightDon"t make this rightDon"t make this rightGet in and let"sGo!Go!
2023-08-10 20:18:451

The Mall & Misery 歌词

歌曲名:The Mall & Misery歌手:Broken Bells专辑:Broken BellsBroken Bells - The Mall & MiseryUse your intuitionIt"s all you"ve gotKeys are revvingThere"s a dozen locksStanding your waySo goes the gold ageTo your entire lifeDigging for a wayYou cast a spellGrab a path from all the things they sellBut they don"t let goJust thought you should knowKeep them awayI know what I knowBut nothing will fill the holeSo let your mind go (Let my mind go)Straight down the run wayDoes one want toGet more used to?The mall and misery (The mall and the misery)The dead mouths it costs to be aliveOh she lies half burningFrom the batting crowsYou"re falling a lambWhat you"ve never been toldThere"s a new worldSomewhere a good girlLives and breathesPart of her opened the callow mindAudio has stolen the morning tideThere"s a dark timeThis is a dark lifeFeel your heart
2023-08-10 20:19:041


2023-08-10 20:20:063

Sweet Misery 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Misery歌手:Martha Reeves专辑:Martha ReeevesI was lostAnd you were foundYou seemed toStand on solid groundI was weakAnd you were strongAnd me and my guitarWe strummed along, ohSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meI was blindBut oh, how you could seeYou saw the beauty in everythingEverything and meI would cryAnd you would smileYou"d stay with meA little whileSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meAnd in my heart I see, ohWhat you"re doing to meAnd in my heart I see, ohJust how you wanted it to beSweet miseryOh, whoaSweet miseryYou cause meThat"s what you called meSweet miseryYou cause meAnd in my heart I see, ohWhat you"re doing to meAnd in my heart I see, ohJust how you wanted it to beSweet miseryI was weakAnd you were strongAnd me and my guitarWe strummed along
2023-08-10 20:20:141


2023-08-10 20:20:231

请问, Miserlou 这个词是什么意思?

2023-08-10 20:20:312


  现代汉语 反义词 在修辞上具有很重要的作用。反义词的正确辨析与熟练掌握、运用,可以充分发挥词语的质表义功能,提高我们运用语言的能力.新学期即将来临,童鞋们将又面临一轮的复习,以下是我收集整理的关于 痛苦 的反义词,希望对你有用!    痛苦 相关的反义词:   快乐 幸福 欢乐   中文解释   [agony;pain;suffering]   指人感到难过   他心中就像与情人永别那样痛苦   如:使精神或身体感到非常难受的事   解除令人痛苦的婚约   [ache]∶疼痛苦楚   英文解释   pain;suffering;agony;misery;   例句:   你所承受的痛苦频率高还是低?   Do you have high or low ratio of pain?   但后果是明显和令人痛苦的。   But the consequences were overt and painful.   他痛苦地计算水星轨道并且有一场近乎完美的匹配。   He calculated painfully the orbit of mercury and there was a near perfect match.   我无法想出有其他语言能比这句话更让人陷入痛苦而永久的哀伤。   I can"t think of another phrase capable of causing more misery and permanent unhappiness.   婚外情最终会导致不幸和痛苦。   Affairs ultimately lead to misery and suffering.
2023-08-10 20:20:381

Misery loves company是什么意思

2023-08-10 20:21:002

Misery Signals的《Migrate》 歌词

歌曲名:Migrate歌手:Misery Signals专辑:MirrorsMariah Carey&T-Pain - MigrateBounce, bounce, bounce, bounceKeep it movin... BounceKeep it movin... BounceKeep it movin... BounceKeep it movin... BounceOnce again nothin" jumpin" up in yo place,Sick of your berry buzzin" all in my face,Way too much to tolerate,Time to roll,Y"all know I gots to migrate.Speed dial connecting me to Rae-Rae (Hey)Click in Shawntae and Mae-Mae (Hey)Treat it as a holiday,Cause he"s a wrap,Y"all know I had to migrate.See I"m on my way home,Cause my jeans, yeah they fit,But it might benefitMe to throw something on,To feature my hips,And steal the show.Soon as we walk through the door,Fellas be grabbin" at us like yo,Tryin" to get us going off the Patron,We sippin" Grigio... slow.If your neck and your wrist coordinate,Hair braided or faded okay,We can move this back to my place,It"s time to migrate.From my car into the club we migrate,From the bar to V.I.P. we migrate,From the party to the after party, migrate,After party to hotel, migrate.As we proceed getting buzzed,The envious ones,Hatin" but they can"t take they eyes off us,But we don"t see none of that,They playin" my jam,And the floor is packed,So ya"ll need to migrate up out the door.We clickin" glasses,Compliments of the club,Raise they status,So you know they show us love,Everywhere we go,They gon" flock,Them boys migrate to where it"s hot.(It"s hot, it"s hot)Soon as we walk through the door,Fellas be grabbin" at us like yo,Tryin" to get us going off the Patron,We sippin" Grigio... slow.If you"re inked up, thuggin"That"s what I like,Face body and Lamborghini outside,Obviously boy you"re qualified,Otherwise, migrate.From my car into the club we migrate,From the bar to V.I.P. we migrate,From the party to the after party, migrate,After party to hotel, migrate.This is where it beginsAnd ends at the very same time,T-Pain the main man of the hour,Got a flow that"ll flex yo tire,Got stacks plus I"m back with Mariah.(Mariah laughs)But I gotta migrate to bar,From the bar to the flo",From the flo" to the car,From the car to the crib,Then back to the club,We can migrate it all night,And mini coupe sittin on dubs.Whatcha waitin" on,I can"t stand in one place,I need that Patron and I,Hate when I don"t get it my way,So don"t wait for me to buy drinks,Or you gon" dehydrate,It"s time to migrate.Soon as I"m walkin" through the door,They know I"m from the 8-5-0,I need three bottles of that Patron,I can make the Chevrolet grease up slow,If your ... and your ... coordinate,Tell it to me like it ain"t OK,We can move this back to my place,Shawty best believe, it"s time to migrate.Soon as we walk through the door,Fellas be grabbin" at us like yo,Tryin" to get us going off the Patron,We sippin" Grigio... slow.If you"re inked up, thuggin"That"s what I like,Face body and Lamborghini outside,Obviously boy you"re qualified,Otherwise, Migrate.(Bye)Keep it movin... BounceKeep it movin... BounceKeep it movin... BounceKeep it movin... Bounce
2023-08-10 20:21:191


2023-08-10 20:22:302

英语谚语:Misery makes strange bedfellows 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Misery makes strange bedfellows 中文意思: 患难时不择友。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: He that would live in peace and rest must hear and see and say the best 要想太太平平,生活安定,必须耳聪目明,善言动听。 He that would the daughter win must with the mother first begin 欲得女儿欢,先遂其母意。 He warms too near that burns 取暖太近火,会被火灼伤。 He who avoids temptation avoids the sin 避诱惑,免罪恶。 He who blames one to his face is a hero but he who backbites is a coward 当面责人是英雄,背后中伤是懦夫。 He who buys what he does not need will often need what he cannot buy 平时随便买,需时无钱买。 He who cannot hold his peace will never live at ease 嘴巴不紧,生活不宁。 He who can suppress a moment"s anger may prevent a day of sorrow 能忍一时气,可免一日优。 He who despises *** all things seldom grows rich 小钱不计,大钱不聚。 He who does no good does evil enough 好事不做,坏事做绝。 英语谚语: Misery makes strange bedfellows 中文意思: 患难时不择友。
2023-08-10 20:22:451


树藤 林欣彤
2023-08-10 20:22:544

Misery Signals的《Nothing》 歌词

歌曲名:Nothing歌手:Misery Signals专辑:ControllerVan Morrison - No ThingPeople come and people goOne monkey don"t stop no showI"m getting too tired to start all over againCos it ain"t gonna change no thingThere"s just all of this here landBeen trampled on by manAnd all around me, all these birds of preyAnd all I"m trying to do is just get by one more dayOnly a fool would ever think things could ever be the sameOnly a fool would surmise everyone is saneI watch them come and goI"m fed up with the status quoAnd I"m feeling too tired to start all over againCos I know that it ain"t gonna change no thingOnly a fool could think that things would ever be simple againOnly a fool would surmise everyone is the sameSo I watch them come and goI don"t have time for the status quoI say blessed be and I"m on my way, on my wayCos it ain"t gonna change no thing, no, no, no, no, no, noWell it ain"t gonna change no thing, yeah, yeah, yeahWell it ain"t gonna change no thing
2023-08-10 20:23:211


2023-08-10 20:23:471

求An Experiment in Misery,这篇短文的中文翻译。

2023-08-10 20:23:554

Bare Grace Misery 歌词

歌曲名:Bare Grace Misery歌手:NightwishBare Grace MiseryArtist(Band):NightwishSweet boy, come inI am the dark side of youDie for my sinsLike the One once didCinnamon bedFor your unashamed appetiteA figuranteThis dance will hurt like hellOh, bare grace miseryJust a child without a fairytale am IDark but so lovelyA Little Match Girl freezing in the snowLove lying, enticing(Bare grace misery)Crowning the moment(Bare grace misery)This is what I amBare grace for the end of daysRomantic scentSpoiled Lucrece lies warm for youThere`s no such priestThat can pray me to heavenWhen done with meForget if you think I feel ashamedA wild thingNever felt sorry for anything
2023-08-10 20:24:051


perhaps:状语no other thing:主语has:谓语动词such power:谓语的宾语to lift the poor out of his poverty:不定式做宾语补足语。后面这几段,很难给句子成分定义。如果说这句话里省略了什么,就是在从the wretched开始,每个在不定式中没有动词的主语之前,省略了 to lift还有out of,后面那部分完整的说法是to lift the wretched out of his misery, to lift the sick out of his suffering.整句翻译:我本能想用古汉语去翻译,不过为了让你看懂原样翻译,不修饰可能没什么有这种力量,把穷人从贫穷里抬出来,把可怜人从可怜里抬出来,让有负担的人忘记负担,把病人从病痛里抬出来,把悲伤的人从悲伤里抬出来(像书一样,这四个字按中文语法应该放在句首:没什么有书那样的力量)
2023-08-10 20:24:133


全名:勒布朗-雷蒙-詹姆斯(LeBron Raymone James)生日:1984年12月30日出生地:美国俄亥俄州阿克伦 (Akron OHIO) 毕业院校: 圣文森特-圣玛丽中学 (St. Vincent-St. Mary HS)身高: 2.03米/6英尺8英寸体重: 113.4公斤/250磅绰号:老北京 小皇帝 KING JAMES选秀:2003年NBA选秀首轮第一顺位球衣号码:骑士队:23号 热队:6号 国家队:6号
2023-08-10 20:21:088


2023-08-10 20:21:103


  1, Electronic Net:  * Participants:Total 10 persons - 4 artificial lead net person,6 artificial help person;  * Equipment:Electronic Net  Rules:  * While conducting electricity the net, the net hole that 4 people lead can"t be same, most a challenge of the hole of the first floor net hole in the most can use two people;  * While conducting electricity the net, need this to lead the net if touch to run into the net line, make it send out the caution sound,, the person re- leads the net;  * Reach the mark principle:Four people pass all and smoothly for successful.  2, place a substitute by subterfuge:  * Attend the number:Total 8 people, can be shouted the password by the senior clerk moreover;  * Game prop:8 high and hollow steel pipe  * Attend an everybody"s left hand each keep one stick, round a, is apart from to one meter or so;  * Start the password descend reach after,8 people turn to move at the same time, releasing the stick in hand to take hold of the left side personnel"s stick, namely everybody all keeps the stick within the original left side personnel"s hand;  * Reach the mark principle:Press this operation to carry on successfully 5 times for success, once the stick drops the ground then for failure, then need from the first.  3, lie on the back to rise:  * Attend the number:Total 10 people,5 among those peoples rise,5 people press the leg;  * Game prop:A breadth a mat of ① , a thick tube of ②  * After 5 personnels who do to lie on the back to rise need to hold tight the brain together of long stick carry on to rise at the same time;  * Reach the mark principle:Hold tight the long pole to carry on lie on the back to rise the number to amount to 10 at the same time for successful.  4, the isolated island begs to living:  * Attend the number:Total 7 people;  * Game prop:A piece of square wooden board  * At the same time 7 people are on the wooden board the persistence stands 10 seconds;  * At wooden board up stand, any part of the 7 people"s body can"t touch the ground;  * Reach the mark principle:Stand to attain 10 seconds together for successful.  5, remote control:  * Attend the number:Total 2 people, an among those for lead the net person, an artificial it control from a distance;  * Game prop:① The prop square that the charged barbed wire net use in ground, the ② hides an eyeshade;  * Lead the net person"s eye uses to hide the eyeshade to receive up after, at another one person language guide line under pass the mesh;  * The circuit lead is lengthways, from the mesh on carrying to pass another smoothly on carry, if the half-way has the bell 铛 to ring out to then mean to touch to touch, then needing afresh again come;  * Reach the mark principle:At did not touch to touch under pass smoothly for successful.  6, the 巧 connects the colourful bead:  * Attend the number:Total 3 people, an among those persons catch the ball, one person throws the ball, one person picks up the ball;  * Game prop:A transparent tube of ① ;5 planks with a piece of and transparent ping-pong ③ of ②  * From throw the ball the person put the ball throws the transparent plank one by one in order, the ball needs to fall into the transparent tube that catch the ball hand"s take after play inside, can"t directly into the transparent tube, needing to fall into after play the ball;  * Catch the ball the person can"t touch the transparent tube to run into the ground;  * Reach the mark principle:Put 5 balls all into the transparent tube under the condition of not violate the rules.
2023-08-10 20:21:061