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1,分期付款信用证,2 第一期货款3 分船运输 相对应的英语翻译

2023-08-18 01:10:17

1.分期付款信用证instalment L/C

2.第一期货款First (phase) payment

3.分船运输 Partial shipments


分期付款信用证: (L/C)Letter of credit of instalment payment

第一期货款: First futures fund

分船运输: Divide the ship to transport


1 分期付款信用证

Installment credit

2 第一期货款

First Futures

3 分船运输

- Shipping



2023-08-10 14:11:201


问题一:货款是什么意思? 打个比方: 你将要买套房子,但是你的资金不够,你可以向银行借钱。等你已经有了那套房子后在赚钱还给银行,也可以分期付款。这就可以说成还银行贷款。简单的说贷款就是向某人借款分期还给他/她的意思。 问题二:货款是什么? 不是吧,这个不需要解释的吧? 货款:买货物,当然要付钱拉,货款就是指买货的钱啊! 一般为什么要货款好像货款的表面意思是“借钱”收点利息的钱。回答: 不是很理解你的话,我在猜,你说的是贷款不是货款了.贷款才是借钱加收利息! 货款需要什么人?回答:买方,卖方 贷款需要什么人?回答:借方和贷方也就是债权人,债务人 问题三:货款什么意思 货款的中文解释 以下结果由汉典提供词典解释 基本解释 [payment for goods;money for buying or selling goods] 买方向卖方支付的钱款 详细解释 买卖货物的款子。 张周 《步履艰难的中国》第二章:“他亲自批示让 南昌 银行赔对方货款。” 苏辽 《民国匪祸录u30fb集团军司令遭匪伏击》:“两名船民均受伤,不敢再动,货款200馀元大洋,悉为土匪劫去。” 货款的英文翻译 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释 1.sums of money paid for goods; payment for goods 求采纳为满意回答。 问题四:购货款是什么意思 是指用于购进货物的款项。专用于购货 问题五:货款是什么意思 用于货物交易的钱 问题六:货款和贷款的意思不一样的吗?分别什么意思 不一样,货款可以贷款支付,贷款是银行提出申请 问题七:货款是什么意思 打个比方: 你将要买套房子,但是你的资金不够,你可以向银行借钱。等你已经有了那套房子后在赚钱还给银行,也可以分期付款。这就可以说成还银行贷款。简单的说贷款就是向某人借款分期还给他/她的意思。 问题八:贷款,货款,信款什么意思 贷款是银行或其他金融机构按一定利率和必须归还等条件出借货币资金的一种信用活动形式。 货款是买卖货物的钱款。 信用借款是指企业凭借自己的信誉从银行取得的借款。 问题九:费用转货款是什么意思 费用转货款就是指你为你的客户或是你的债主在做某某任务、交易或是某件事的时候所产盯的一些费用,你的客户不想现金或是支票、期票为你支付,而从你的货款里扣除相关的费用。 问题十:代收货款是什么意思通俗一点 代收货款就是货到付款,也就是平时所说的COD,寄件人把货物交给快递公司,快递公司 投递员在将寄件交给收货人的同时,收取货款,然后通过快递公司返给寄件人。
2023-08-10 14:11:331


pay for the goods to complish the payment of the goods
2023-08-10 14:11:452


We entrust/authorize XXcompany to charge for the goods on our behalf.
2023-08-10 14:12:062


请每周尽可能的分批支付部分货款英文翻译:Please pay partial payment as much as possible in every week.重点词汇释义:pay:付款; 偿还; 补偿; 有利; 支付; 给予; 工资; 薪水; 报答; 收费的; 需付费的partial payment:分批[部分]付款as much as possible:尽可能every:每; 每个; 所有可能的; 充足的week:一星期,周; 工作周每周英文:weekly; every week尽可能英文:as much as possible; to the best of one"s ability分批付款英文:pay by instalments; partial payment
2023-08-10 14:12:181


We expect payment in advance on first orders 我们希望第一次订货要求 预付货款 。 We expect payment in advance on first orders 第一次订购我们希望 预付货款 。 As the stock is pmited , we require payment in advanced 因存货有限,我们要求 预付货款 。 Article 27 receivables and prepayments shall include : notes receivable , accounts receivable , other receivables , accounts prepaid and prepaid expenses , etc 第二十七条应收及预付款项包括:应收票据、应收帐款、其它应收款、 预付货款 、待摊费用等。 Refers to assets which can be cashed in or spent or consumed in an operating cycle of one year or over one year , which includes cash , various deposits , short term investment , and receivable payments , and advance payments , stock , etc 指可以在一年或者超过一年的一个营业周期内变现或者耗用的资产,包括现金及各种存款、短期投资、应收及 预付货款 、存货等。 Working capital ( circulating assets ) : refers to assets which can be cashed in or spent or consumed in an operating cycle of one year or overone year , which includes cash , various deposits , short term investment , and receivable payments , and advance payments , stock , etc 流动资产:流动资产是指可以在一年或者超过一年的一个营业周期内变现或者耗用的资产,包括现金及各种存款、短期投资、应收及 预付货款 、存货等。 The covering letter of credit must reach the sellers days before shipment and is to remain vapd in china 15 days after the date of shipment , faipng which the sellers reserve the right to cancel this sales contract and to claim from the buyers for losses resulting therefrom 该信用证/装运指示/ 预付货款 必须在装船前开到/通知到/付到卖方,信用证的有效期应为装船期后15天,在中国到期,否则卖方有权取消本售货和约并保留因此而发生的一切损失的索赔权。
2023-08-10 14:12:411


2023-08-10 14:13:141


Please kindly send us a formal debit note for the damaged units instead of deducting payment directly , or else it may affect the foreigh exchange verfication by our government 中译“烦请发一张正式借记通知给我们(以便我们把损坏的产品的赔款支付给你) ,而不要直接在 应付货款 中扣除,否则有可能会影响我们的收汇核销。 5 if the buyer shall fail to pay when due any portion of the purchase price or any other payment required from the buyer to the seller under this contract , the warranty granted under section 1 . 1 may , at the seller " s option , be terminated 如果买方未能支付本合同项下所约定的、应由买方向卖方支付的任何部分的到期 应付货款 或任何其他付款,则卖方有权单方终止本第1 . 1条项下所授予的所有保证与补救措施。
2023-08-10 14:13:241


主要是财务术语有大概有:FA = Fixed Asset 固定资产IP= Investment Property 投资性房地产BS=Balance Sheet资产负债表P&L=Profit & Loss 损益CF=Cashflow 现金流GL= General Ledger 总账AP= Accounts payable 应付AR=Accounts Receivable 应收FS= Financial Statement 财务报告WP=Working Paper 工作底稿PR=Public Relation 公共关系NCI=Non-controlling interest 少数股东权益IFRS=International Financial Reporting Standard 国际财务报表准则GAAP=General Accepted Accounting Principles 一般公认会计准则CPA=Certified Public AccountantSA=Senior Accountant高级会计AM=Assistant Manager助理经理SM=Senior Manager 高级经理CFO=Chief Financial Officer 财务总监IPO= Initial Public Offerings 首次公开发行(首次上市)RPT=Related Party Transactions 关联公司交易SOP=Standard Operation Procedur 标准作业程序HKEX=Hong Kong Exchange & Clearing Limited 港交所AGM=Annual general meeting 年度股东大会RSU=Restricted share units 限售股OCI=Other comprehensive income 其他综合收益IRD=Inland revenue department 香港税务局ORM=Operational risk management运营风险管理
2023-08-10 14:14:051


2023-08-10 14:14:313


Our company still didn`t receive your payment
2023-08-10 14:15:094

代付货款 英文怎么说?

take one"s debts
2023-08-10 14:15:251


Receipt -- 收据 Dear ( ),-- 括号里一般填写sir/madam,即付订金的一方. We acknowledge that pre-payment USD1000( US Dollar One Thousand) is well received. Received by:( )-- 此处括号里一般填写收款人 Date:( ) -- 此处签上日期 另外,填写金额除了标注USD1000之外,一般还需特别注明英文数额大写,即US Dollar One Thousand,原因和中文是一样啦~ 希望能解决您的问题.
2023-08-10 14:15:381


how do you do! We send your XX (goods) received? ?Any quality problem? In addition, we also received the invoice? You see... Can we remit payment?
2023-08-10 14:15:461


原句:收回全部货款翻译:Take back all the money
2023-08-10 14:16:082


As for ** business,we"ve already received the remittance,but this still differs from the amount which we deserves,so that we cannot withdraw the amount from bank. The receivable amount is **,but we actually got **.Please kindly help to check this and inform us the reason,so we can get this amount smoothly.
2023-08-10 14:16:221


Please inform me of the time when the payment will be done. Just a general agenda will be helpful. Thank you. 问的不够具体,是要两个公司之间很正式的那种?还是一般很礼貌的咨询一下
2023-08-10 14:16:333

但没在到达港口前支付货款 英文怎么说

But not before the arrival of the port payment
2023-08-10 14:16:512

求英文句子的翻译,要婉转点的要如何表达: 请问何时帮我安排RT01的货款?

when will be the most convinient time for you to arrange the payment for RTO1?
2023-08-10 14:17:076

现A公司委托B公司支付给C公司货款 帮忙翻译英文,谢谢

Now A company entrust B company paid to C company payment for goods
2023-08-10 14:17:252

6月底即将到期货款对帐单 如何翻译成英文呢

6月底即将到期货款对帐单 The account statement on goods payment,which will expire by the end of June.
2023-08-10 14:17:341


问题一:款到发货 英文怎么翻译专业点 一、款到发货英文表示法如下: 1、Payment before Delivery 比较正式的用法 2、cash on delivery 法律上的用法 3、Pay First 口语方面比较用的多 二、款到发货定义: 款到发货 顾名思义就是先给钱再发货,途径有两种:现金交易和电子转账(包括汇款单、支票票据等),一般集团公司使用款到发货时要求对方签订合同,以减少采购风险。现在同样流行另一种采购方式为货到付款。 问题二:款到发货 ,,,,,,,,,英文怎么说 付款后交单是 documents against payment 即(D/P) 交单后再付款是documents against acceptance 即(D/A)CAD就是那个的缩洛词.CAD是cash against delivery  ni 问题三:DI-602LB路由器频繁断线原因? 20分 这个问题不好解决呀。 你想过没有你的路由器有问题呢? 问题四:财务英语款到发货如何写 PIA - Payment in advance Payment before Delivery CBD - Cash Before Delivery 问题五:款到三天内发货--用英语怎么讲 good will be shipped in 3 days after paying 问题六:收到款才能发货的英语怎么写 The payment has been received, we will arrange shipment tomorrow The payment has been received, but we have to send you the goods next week due to not enough一,款已经收到,我们将在明天安排发处。 二,款已经收到,但是货不足 需要在下周给您发货。 问题七:请问”款到发货”用简洁的英文怎么讲呢? 谢谢,很急! payment before delivery/ Delivery after payment 问题八:全款到帐后发货用英文怎么表达的 全款到帐后发货用英文 Full paragraph to account after delivery in English 问题九:收到货款后发货用英文怎么说 收到货款后发货 Shipment after receipt of payment 英 [?peim?nt] 美 [?pem?nt] n. 付款,支付; 报酬,报答; 偿还; 惩罚,报应; 问题十:急求:款到发货的英语 是的
2023-08-10 14:17:411


We are in January 26 shipment of the payment is also about to expire, with reference to the file inv, please arrange payment in time
2023-08-10 14:18:011


如果按上述贴主的说法,不合符外国人的语言习惯,故建议改成文雅一点的表达。I Would like to inform you that the payment already been transferred to your company bank account, please check it, thanks!即:我很高兴地通知您,我们已汇款贵司的银行账户,请查收,谢谢!_____________________________________________________________广州会计交流QQ:526647785广州达愿会计培训
2023-08-10 14:18:091


When will you pay me?
2023-08-10 14:18:173


Commercial banks are protected by law in duly recovery of principal and interest of the loans they extended 商业银行依法向借款人收回 到期贷款 的本金和利息,受法律保护。 Funds for inter - bank lending should be restricted to those idle funds after fully paying the deposit reserve funds , standing funds and the due loans to the people " s bank of china 拆出资金限于交足存款准备金、留足备付金和归还中国人民银行 到期贷款 之后的闲置资金。 For the duppcate construction projects , enterprises with heavy stockpiles , *** all - sized mines and factories which need to be closed , enterprises trying to evade repayment obpgations and industries with excess capacity , no new loans will be extended ; and the matured loans will be recalled 对重复建设的项目、生产积压产品的企业、需要关闭的小矿小厂、逃废债务的企业、需要压缩生产能力的行业等,要停止贷款并收回 到期贷款 。 Domestic automobile buying installment insurance , refer to a kind of property insurance in which an insurance pany will be pable to pay insurance money to the insured ( automobile dealers or financial institutions ) suffering loss due to automobile buyer " s failure to pay the money ( or loan ) within the period specified in automobile sales of contract ( or automobile loan contract ) according to the stipulations in the insurance popcy 近几年来,伴随著分期付款购车买卖的蓬勃发展,国内各保险公司相继开办了分期付款购车保险,承保因购车人拖欠到期车款或 到期贷款 给汽车销售厂家或汽车消费贷款金融机构带来的货款(贷款)损失。该险种的保险标的有别于传统财产保险的有形物体。
2023-08-10 14:18:241


全部的货款已经支付在11月请知悉Full payment has been made in November, please note
2023-08-10 14:18:331


Please resend me the payment for goods .
2023-08-10 14:18:433


According to our account receivables list, your company payment 10,000 dollars has already expired February
2023-08-10 14:18:512


问题一:"货款"用英语怎么说? payment for goods 问题二:货款付款情况英语怎么说 status of account receivable货款付款情况 status of goods payment 问题三:货款已付 英语怎么说 楼上的都不对 根据语境,应该是 The payment hs been made 用完成时强调,我已经付款了 问题四:公司已经收到这个货款”用英语怎么说 中文 公司已经收到这个货款” 英文翻译 The pany has received the payment 问题五:代收货款用英语怎么说 名词词组: collection of trade charges; collection payment on your behalf 动词词组:collect payment on your behalf 问题六:货款月结用英语怎么说 货款月结 Monthly payment of goods 货款月结 Monthly payment of goods
2023-08-10 14:19:111

预付款,到货款,初验款,终验款 用英语怎么翻译?

预付款,advance payment ; 到货款,the payment for good ; 初验款,the payment for spreliminary acceptance; 终验款,the paymet for final acceptance
2023-08-10 14:19:181

收到货款,用英语怎么说?可以说received payments吗??

eceived payment 例句:We could ship your order within ten days of receiving your payment,1,可以!,1,
2023-08-10 14:19:521

收到货款后发货 英文怎么说?

The goods will be shipped after receipt of payment
2023-08-10 14:21:2610


O/A 赊销 O/A(Open Account)
2023-08-10 14:22:024

货款已经收到 英文翻译

Goods Payment have arrived
2023-08-10 14:22:202

请求客户付款 - 英文 [10点]

"以免交期延误 请贵司尽快安排付款 当收到货款后 我们会马上寄出货品 谢谢" "To avoid delay in delivery please arrange payment as soon as possible your pany when the receipt of payment we will immediately send goods thank you" "货款已经收到 今天内会马上寄出 谢谢" "Payment has been received and will immediately be sent within today thank you" "如有任何疑问请通知我司" "If you have any questions please let me Division" "货品已安排寄出 请尽快付款到我司中国香港户口 银行资料已在附件上付上" Goods have been arranged sent as soon as possible the Secretary for payment to my Hong Kong account bank information and pay in the Annex" 参考: -- To avoid delay please arrange payment as soon as possible. Upon receipt of payment we will ship out the goods immediately. Thank you. We acknowledge the receipt of your payment and shall arrange shipment by today. Thank you. Should you have any question please feel free to contact us. The shipment is arranged. Please pay to our account in Hong Kong immediately. Bank information is attached.
2023-08-10 14:22:281

收到货款后25天内发货 英文怎么说

2023-08-10 14:22:3911


20% of the advanced payment
2023-08-10 14:23:067

6月底即将到期货款对帐单 如何翻译成英文呢

6月底即将到期货款对帐单: The statement of account payment soon to be due at the end of June或The statement of account payment due at the end of June对帐单statement of account
2023-08-10 14:23:201

分期付款 英文, 预付货款50%,余下的货到后付清,用英语怎么说,急急急

instalmentadvance payment 50%pay the balance after delivery
2023-08-10 14:23:431

中文翻译英文,谢谢 你好,我先查一下货款,货款到帐后我会联系DHL及时把货发给你,请放心!

Hello, my first check payment, the payment after I"ll contact the goods to your timely DHL, please rest assured!
2023-08-10 14:24:005


Payment terms:t/t 50% in advance then t/t the balance against B/L.
2023-08-10 14:24:173

买方以美金电汇方式支付货款给卖方,货到验收合格后30天内付清全款; 帮我翻译成英文

the buyer afford payment to seller by TT in USD,and paying all of the money when received and inspected your goods.
2023-08-10 14:24:264


Shipment after receipt of payment
2023-08-10 14:24:362


Do not pay the purchase price
2023-08-10 14:24:512


货款已到期The payment has expired
2023-08-10 14:25:091


Due to the end of this month for 2010, hope the expensive department can within this month will all this year"s payment paid. The following is the payment details, please prompt arrange payment, thank your understanding with support, and wish you a happy New Year.试试
2023-08-10 14:26:035


外贸付款方式术语如下:T/T的英文全称是“Telegraphic Transfer”,中文意思是“电汇”。一般客户委托银行汇款就是通过汇付,将资金转移出去。电汇(Telegraphic Transfer,俗称T/T)是其中一种比较普遍使用的方式,指通过SWIFT系统实现资金转移。D/A的英文全称是“DOCUMENTS AGAINST ACCEPTANCE”,中文意思是“承兑交单”。承兑交单(DOCUMENTS AGAINST ACCEPTANCE,简称D/A)指代收行凭进口方对远期汇票的承兑而交单的结算方式。L/C的英文全称是“Letter of Credit”,中文意思是“信用证”。信用证,是指银行根据进口人(买方)的请求,开给出口人(卖方)的一种保证承担支付货款责任的书面凭证。拓展资料:外贸常见的付款方式:1.付现:前者是指买方须于合同签订或订货时,或其后指定的时间内,按约定的方式,一般是通过银行,将全部货款汇付给卖方。后者是指买方应在货物装船前若干天,付清全部货款,作为卖方装船的条件。这种支付方式对卖方最为有利,但买方却要因此承担较大的风险,并积压资金,因此使用范围较窄,大都限于专为买方加工的特种商品或是买方急于求购的畅销商品的交易。2.交货付款:作为一种原则,指买方只有在卖方按指定地点交货时才承担付款责任。在这种情况下,卖方交货和买方付款互为条件。这种原则普遍适用于以实物交货为特征的各种买卖合同。例如,工厂交货合同、目的港船上交货合同 ,等等。作为一种支付方式,常见的“交货付款”条件是交货付现,指买方在卖方交货时即付现金。如合同中没有其他规定,交货付现一般是买方在接受货物后,通过银行将货款汇交卖方。
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2023-08-10 14:26:565


代受货款 英文: collection of trade charges
2023-08-10 14:27:132