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short races和short race的区别

2023-08-17 23:45:18

short races和short race的区别。

short races和short race的区别是races是名词race的复数形式,又是动词race的第三人称单数形式;



races怎么读 英语races怎么读

1、races英[u02c8reu026asu026az]美[u02c8reu026asu026az],n.赛跑; 速度竞赛; 竞争; 角逐; 赛马会;v.(和…)比赛; 参加比赛; 使比赛; 让…参加速度比赛; (使)快速移动,快速运转;race的第三人称单数和复数。 2、[例句]I came last but one in the race.我赛跑得了倒数第二名。
2023-08-10 13:37:551


races n. 人种; 赛马会; 种( race的名词复数 ); (速度) 比赛; (事件等的) 进行;[例句]At the 1968 Olympic Games she had won gold medals in races at 200, 400, and 800m.她在1968年的奥林匹克运动会上获得了200米、400米和800米赛跑金牌。
2023-08-10 13:38:041


race可用作名词,有种族,人种,赛跑等含义;可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,有参加比赛,剧烈跳动等含义。作为可数名词的含义是竞赛。复数形式是races. 扩展资料   例句:   I run so well I"m planning to enter some races.   我跑得如此快,正计划参加一些比赛。   Jockeys are forbidden to bet on the outcome of races.   职业赛马骑师们被禁止对比赛结果下注。   Now a special TV network gives live coverage of most races.   现在一个专门的电视网对大多数比赛进行现场报道。   Europe will be represented in all but two of the seven races.   7场比赛中除了2场之外,都将有欧洲的代表参加。   He races his cars, and rents them out for film, TV, and promo videos.   他用自己的车参加比赛,也用于出租拍电影、电视和广告片。
2023-08-10 13:38:121

races 中文 意思

2023-08-10 13:38:523


答案:C. 根据wonderful races!可知这里考查了感叹句,本句的中心词是 races,它是一个可数名词复数形式,wonderful 是一个形容词,在这里修饰 races,根据What+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语!故选C.
2023-08-10 13:39:021

The (races) are exciting.为什么填races

因为are,所以前面要填复数形式,exciting是形容物的race 比赛 ,复数形式是races翻译:这些比赛都令人兴奋。希望可以帮到您。
2023-08-10 13:39:141

watch boat races为什么race要加s?

这句话直接翻译就是 看赛船我们可以把修饰的结构“boat”去掉,这样好说明一点如果要表明“看比赛”,而又不是看某个特定的比赛,那么可数名词就一定要复数这句话如果是单纯的指这类活动,比如我喜欢看比赛,那就是I like watching races。没有the因为我并不特指某场具体的比赛,而是我喜欢所有的比赛,那么这个race当然要加复数一般没有直接watch race这种没有the(特指)也没有s(复数泛指)的形式至于是加the还是加复数s,那就要看语境啦,看特定的某一场赛船比赛就是the boat race,泛指所有赛船比赛就是boat races
2023-08-10 13:39:431


species 用于包括昆虫在内的所有生物(当然也可用于人类);races 只用于指人类种群。
2023-08-10 13:39:511


ual hour for breakfasting, Mr. Zimmerlein
2023-08-10 13:40:013


卡丁车 [词典] kart; go-kart; [例句]在公路上,我用左脚刹车,而且当然在卡丁车里我也这么做。On the road, I brake with my left foot, and of course I did it in karting.
2023-08-10 13:40:295

How many kinds of races are there in this passage

2023-08-10 13:40:474

watch boat races翻译

“Watch boat races” 的翻译可以是“观看赛艇比赛”。其中,“watch” 表示“观看、注视、注意、看守”等意思,常常用于表示观看某个活动或者注意某个事件的发展。例如,“I like to watch movies on weekends.”(我喜欢在周末看电影。)“The security guard is watching the entrance.”(保安正在守卫入口。)“Boat races” 则表示“赛艇比赛”,其中,“boat” 表示“船、小船、艇”等意思,而“races” 则表示“比赛、竞赛、赛跑”等意思。因此,“boat races” 具体指的是赛艇比赛活动。综上所述,“watch boat races” 的翻译是“观看赛艇比赛”,表示观看赛艇比赛这个活动。
2023-08-10 13:40:541

have dragon boat races 我知道是赛龙舟的意思,,但我想知道这句话用了什么语

2023-08-10 13:41:192

Bill thinks that the races were not that interes

比尔觉得比赛看起来没那么有趣。watch 其实是和races 搭配,观看比赛,因为这里是一个宾语从句,races 做了主语,所以把不定式放在形容词的后面。to do 在这样的句子中一般做表语,比如:There is plenty of beautiful music that isn"t hard to play.
2023-08-10 13:41:411

long races与long race的区别

long races 是复数,long race 是单数。long races 和 long race 都是形容词+名词构成的名词词组。前者表达多个“长时间竞赛”或者“远程竞赛”,后者表达一次“长时间竞赛”或者“远程竞赛”。后者用在句子里前面还应该用冠词(a 或 the)。例:Welcome to the starting line! It"s a long race. All participants will get a souvenir at finish line of the race.Timed training improves endurance in long races.
2023-08-10 13:41:491

为什么cases and races 的字母s都发/s/音,为什么不发/z/音?(解释一下)

2023-08-10 13:41:582


races的意思如下:1、race,[英][reu026as][美][res]。n.种,种族;(速度)比赛;(事件等的)进行;人种。vt.& vi.和…比速度;(使)参加比赛;(使)快速移动。vi.(因为害怕、兴奋等)急速跳动;运转过快;空转;疾行。请点击输入图片描述2、例句。The race ended,their feud dissolved。【竞赛结束,仇恨也烟消云散。】Race plays a powerful role。【种族扮演了一个重要角色。】We are in a race between economic recovery and economic nationalism。【我们现处于经济复苏与经济民族主义赛跑的时期。】请点击输入图片描述We chatted about the race。【我们聊了聊这次比赛。】The official timed race began on sunday。【正式计时赛于星期日拉开帷幕。】
2023-08-10 13:42:221


国际音标 ["reu026asis]
2023-08-10 13:43:034


race的过去式是:raced。race的详尽释义是n.(名词)赛跑竞赛,比赛人种,种族;民族门第赛马会,赛马种,属,类急流水道...的运行历程赛艇疾走。race的读音是英[re_s];美[re_s]。一、详尽释义n.(名词)赛跑竞赛,比赛人种,种族;民族门第赛马会,赛马种,属,类急流水道...的运行历程赛艇疾走v.(动词)(使)空转,猛转(使)疾走,(使)全速行进比速度,和?比速度(使)参加竞赛参加赛马(使)赛跑,和...赛跑竞走,竞赛疾走以赛马为业使拼命跑努力想跑过...为赛马输光(财产)和...竞赛使急走,使全速行进快速转动,急速跳动,运转过快二、英英释义Noun:any competition;"the race for the presidency"a contest of speed;"the race is to the swift"people who are believed to belong to the same genetic stock;"some biologists doubt that there are important genetic differences between races of human beings"(biology) a taxonomic group that is a division of a species; usually arises as a consequence of geographical isolation within a speciesthe flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propellera canal for a current of waterVerb:move fast;"He rushed down the hall to receive his guests""The cars raced down the street"compete in a race;"he is running the Marathon this year""let"s race and see who gets there first"to work as fast as possible towards a goal, sometimes in competition with others;"We are racing to find a cure for AIDS"cause to move fast or to rush or race;"The psychologist raced the rats through a long maze"三、词典解释1.(速度)比赛;竞赛Arace is a competition to see who is the fastest, for example in running, swimming, or driving.e.g. The women"srace was won by the American, Patti Sue Plumer.女子赛跑的冠军被美国人帕蒂·休·普卢默夺得。2.参赛;与?比赛If yourace, you take part in a race.e.g. In the 10 years I raced in Europe, 30 drivers were killed...在我10年的欧洲赛车生涯中,有30名车手丧生。e.g. They may even haveraced each other — but not regularly.他们甚至可能曾经相互比试过,只不过不是经常性的。3.赛马会The races are a series of horse races that are held in a particular place on a particular day. People go to watch and to bet on which horse will win.e.g. The high point of this trip was a day at the races.此行的高潮是去看赛马会的那一天。4.竞争;角逐Arace is a situation in which people or organizations compete with each other for power or control.e.g. Therace for the White House begins in earnest today...入主白宫的角逐今天正式开始。e.g. Therace is on to build up membership fast.举办这次竞赛是为了迅速招募成员。5.人种;种族Arace is one of the major groups which human beings can be divided into according to their physical features, such as the colour of their skin.e.g. The College welcomes students of all races, faiths, and nationalities...学院欢迎所有的学生,无论其种族、宗教信仰和国籍是什么。e.g. Discrimination by employers on the grounds ofrace and nationality was illegal.雇主以种族或国籍为由歧视员工是非法的。6.赶奔;疾走If yourace somewhere, you go there as quickly as possible.e.g. He raced across town to the State House building...他快速穿过市区赶往州议会大厦。e.g. The hares raced away out of sight.野兔飞奔而去,很快就看不见了。7.(向某种状态或位置)急速发展,快速移动If somethingraces towards a particular state or position, it moves very fast towards that state or position.race什么意思e.g. Do they realize we are racing towards complete economic collapse?...他们意识到我们的经济马上要彻底崩溃了吗?e.g. American economic growth raced ahead.美国的经济飞速增长。8.使(动物或车辆)参赛If yourace a vehicle or animal, you prepare it for races and make it take part in races.e.g. He still raced sports cars as often as he could.他仍然尽可能经常地参加赛车比赛。9.(尤指在面临困难或危险时大脑)飞速运转If your mindraces, or if thoughtsrace through your mind, you think very fast about something, especially when you are in a difficult or dangerous situation.e.g. I made sure I sounded calm but my mind was racing...我确保自己听上去很镇定,但脑筋却飞快地转着。e.g. Already her mind was racing ahead to the hundred and one things she had to do...她的脑子已经急速地转动起来,思考自己必须做的那一大堆事。10.(心脏因兴奋或害怕)快速搏动,剧烈跳动If your heartraces, it beats very quickly because you are excited or afraid.e.g. Her heart raced uncontrollably.她控制不住地心跳加速。11. see also: racing12.与时间赛跑;争分夺秒You describe a situation as arace against time when you have to work very fast in order to do something before a particular time, or before another thing happens.racee.g. An air force spokesman said the rescue operation was arace against time.一名空军发言人说这次营救行动是在和时间赛跑。四、例句Every morning he spent two hours training for the race.他每天早晨花两个小时练习赛跑。We are all involved in a rat race, whether we want to be or not.不管我们愿不愿意,我们都进行着激烈的竞争。The Chinese belong to the yellow race.中国人属于黄种人。He is against race prejudice.他反对种族歧视。He is a man of noble race.他是贵族出身。I"ll race you to the bus stop.我要和你赛一赛,看谁先跑到汽车站。Eight horses will race for the cup.将有八匹马参赛争夺奖杯。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)The various races are not sharply separated.各种族都不能截然分开。Race was a matter of importance to him.对于他来说,血统是很重要的。The students sat in at the administrative building to protest against discrimination of race.学生们在办公大楼静坐,抗议种族歧视。The human race is hammering at an economic problem.全人类都在钻研一个经济学问题。The human race and animals could have been getting along well together.人类与动物应可和睦相处。Which race does the plant fall under?这种植物应归到哪一属?Three fast runners entered the race, but Jim beat them all hollow.三名短跑运动员参加比赛,而吉姆把他们统统击败。He is determined to stick out the race even if he finishes last.他下定决心即使跑最后一名,也要坚持跑完。Bill burned himself out in the first part of the race and could not finish.比尔在比赛的第一赛程就耗尽了力气,结果无法跑完全程。The crowd cheered the runners on as they started on the last lap of the race.当运动员开始跑最后一圈时,观众为他们加油。Six students from No. 14 Middle School entered for the race.十四中的6个学生报名参加了赛跑。Fifty competitors have entered for the spring long-distance race.已经有50名选手报名参加春季长跑。We attempted a race.我们试图进行一次比赛。Have they announced when the race will begin?他们宣布比赛什么时候开始了吗?He gambled all his winning on the last race.他把所有赢得的钱都押在最后一场比赛上。Jim bore off most of the prizes at the races.吉姆获得了比赛的大部分奖项。Jim carried off most of the prizes at the races.吉姆夺得了比赛中的大部分奖牌。It"s been billed as the race of the year.海报上宣传这是本年度的大赛。We thought the horse would win, but he fell behind halfway through the race.我们曾认为这匹马会取胜,可是他在比赛中途落后了。Eight boats entered for the race.有8艘船报名参加划船比赛。They gambled on the result of a race.他们为比赛的结果打赌。His race is nearly run.他的气数将尽。He entered the mayoral race.他参加了市长竞选。We will have a race for monitor tomorrow.明天我们将竞选班长。The race for president has finished.总统竞选已经结束。用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)He"s a very good swimmer and often races.他是优秀的游泳选手,经常参加比赛。The children raced towards me.孩子们飞快地向我跑来。He jumped into his car and raced back home.他跳上他的汽车,急速开回家。Ships raced along on the river.船只在河上疾驶而过。Several days raced by.一晃几天过去了。The motor engine raced before it was shut off.汽车发动机关闭之前快速空转。S+~+to- vLet"s race to see what is happening.咱们跑去看看发生了什么事情。用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.My horse has hurt his toe so I can"t race him.我的马伤了脚趾,我不能把它投入比赛。Some medieval towns raced donkeys or buffaloes.有些中世纪的城市用驴子或水牛竞赛。I"ll race you home.我和你比赛看谁先到家。He raced his car across the desert.他开车驶过那片荒凉的沙漠。Don"t race the engine while it"s cold.马达冷却时不要快速空转它。六、经典引文Eddies and races..can become..violent.出自:LifeboatThe faded race of fallen leaves.出自:Sir W. ScottWriters to the papers are..a race on their own.出自:Jo GrimondAragorn raced down the..slope.出自:TolkienThe creek raced beside them..towards the..sea.出自:M. ShadboltAn ambulance..turned about..and raced off.出自:J. M. Coetzee七、词源解说☆ 1300年左右进入英语,直接源自古北欧语的ras,意为跑,冲。race的相关近义词nation、state、tribe、chase、competition、contention、contest、pursuit、compete、contest、dart、dash、fly、gallop、run、rush、tearrace的相关临近词racer、raccoon、RACEP、Racek、Racea、raceme、raceous、race up、racecar、racemic、racedin、racemus
2023-08-10 13:43:261

Camptown Races 歌词

歌曲名:Camptown Races歌手:Ray Anthony专辑:Sound SpectacularThe camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.The camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.
2023-08-10 13:45:101

Camptown Races 歌词

歌曲名:Camptown Races歌手:The Dave Brubeck.....专辑:Gone With The WindThe camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.The camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.
2023-08-10 13:45:201

we run long races and short races races为何是复数?

2023-08-10 13:45:291

she had a race ()her friends

2023-08-10 13:45:375

we can run long()选择题1race 2 races

we can run long race
2023-08-10 13:46:282

Camptown Races 歌词

歌曲名:Camptown Races歌手:Vince Guaraldi Trio专辑:Charlie Brown"S Holiday HitsThe camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.The camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.
2023-08-10 13:46:371

Camptown Races 歌词

歌曲名:Camptown Races歌手:Dave Brubeck专辑:The Very BestThe camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.The camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.
2023-08-10 13:46:471

英文词组 龙舟比赛 dragon boat races中的race为舍么加s

2023-08-10 13:47:051

Camptown Races 歌词

歌曲名:Camptown Races歌手:Freddie & The Dreamers专辑:The Ultimate CollectionThe camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.The camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.
2023-08-10 13:47:141

Camptown Races 歌词

歌曲名:Camptown Races歌手:Disneyland Children"S Sing-Along Chorus&Larry Groce专辑:Children"S Favorites, Vol. 2The camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.The camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.
2023-08-10 13:47:431

Camptown Races 歌词

歌曲名:Camptown Races歌手: Johnny Mercer& The Pied Pipers With Paul Weston & His Orchestra专辑:The Capitol Vaults CollectionThe camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.The camptown ladies sing this song, doo-dah! Doo-dah!The camptown track is five miles long. Oh doo-dah-day!I came down here with my hat caved in Doo-dah! Doo-dah!I go back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh doo-dah-day!Gonna run all right, gonna run all day.I bet my money on the bobtail rag. Somebody bet on the bay.
2023-08-10 13:47:521

off to the races 有没有忙于某事的意思?

2023-08-10 13:47:591

off to the races 有没有忙于某事的意思?

有. 事实上这是个惯用语(idioms),两个意思: ① an expression characterizing the activity or excitement that is just beginning.或者leaving for something interesting or exciting.表示好戏刚刚开始. 例句:The tour bus is out in front waiting and we"ve said goodbye to everyone.Looks like we"re off to the races. ② busy doing something.就是busy doing something,即忙于某事. 例句: If you make changes in the rules,the tax lawyers will be off to the races again.
2023-08-10 13:48:061

the first races为什么race要加s,谢谢

races n. 赛马会 不是race的复数形式
2023-08-10 13:48:431


2023-08-10 13:48:513

The Bird And The Bee的《The Races》 歌词

歌曲名:The Races歌手:The Bird And The Bee专辑:Please Clap Your Hands稲叶浩志 - THE RACE作词:稲叶浩志作曲:稲叶浩志编曲:稲叶浩志 大贺好修秋空の下でみんなで并んで位置についてよーいドンを闻いて始まったレースは今も脉々と続いてる何を竞い 谁と争う?数字に缚られ なぜかムラムラ何位になれば君は振り向いてくれるの?走れよ走れ 无様に煌めいて谁にも见えないあの白いテープを切ろう见事に転べよ転べ 泥にまみれ绮丽になれ笑って目指そう今世纪最强の木偶の坊上でもよろしい 下でもよろしい真ん中もよろしいおのれ自身をCHASE汗だくのFACE とこしえのRACE気づいた顷からかばんに入ってたあのものさしは何なんだろう谁もがそいつではかられて顺番が决まる胜ち组なの? 负け组なの?っていうか人生それだけしかないの?そのむなしさを时间でまぎらわすのはそろそろ无理走れよ走れ 无様に煌めいて谁にも见えないあの白いテープを切ろう见事に描けよ描け その心に映るもの迷わず手にした色を派手に涂りたくりゃいい前でもよろしい 後ろもよろしいまんまでよろしい自分だけのACE见つけてEMBRACE 见逃さないで上を目指し その先にはどんな世界があるというのでしょうそのさみしさを ごまかしても人はどこにも行けない走れよ走れ 无様に煌めいて谁にも见えないあの白いテープを切ろう见事に転べよ転べ 泥にまみれ绮丽になれ笑って目指そう今世纪最强の木偶の坊上でもよろしい 下でもよろしい真ん中もよろしいおのれ自身をCHASE汗だくのFACE とこしえのRACEおわり
2023-08-10 13:48:582

silly races什么意思

silly races的中文翻译silly races愚蠢的种族
2023-08-10 13:49:081

daily races

2023-08-10 13:49:162

off to the races 有没有忙于某事的意思?

有。事实上这是个惯用语(idioms),两个意思:① an expression characterizing the activity or excitement that is just beginning. 或者leaving for something interesting or exciting。 表示好戏刚刚开始。例句: The tour bus is out in front waiting and we"ve said goodbye to everyone. Looks like we"re off to the races.② busy doing something. 就是busy doing something, 即忙于某事。例句:If you make changes in the rules, the tax lawyers will be off to the races again.
2023-08-10 13:49:241

Bill thinks that the races were not that

2023-08-10 13:49:312

英语单项选择( )fantastic races they are!I enjoy them. A.How B.What C.What a D.How a

2023-08-10 13:49:422

i am good at running short races同义转换?

I do well in running short races.
2023-08-10 13:50:012


看龙舟赛的英文是watch the boat races。Watch的用法:1、watch的基本意思是“观看”“注视”,指用眼睛跟踪某物以观察到每一个动作、变化、危险迹象、机会等。引申可表示“照管”“守护,保卫”等,指明确需要警觉,做好防止危险发生的准备,强调连续性和职务性。2、watch既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、that从句或由疑问词引导的从句作宾语,还可接以不带to的动词不定式、现在分词或过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。用作不及物动词时,常与out、over等连用。3、watch接复合宾语时一般不可变为被动结构。4、watch用作名词时意思是“看守”,表示抽象的动作,也可指“看守者”“水手值班的一班”,旧时还可指“巡夜警察”。5、watch也可用作“表,手表”解。6、watch常与介词on,for,over连用。7、watch常与动词keep连用,其后接for,on,over时watch前可加也可不加不定冠词a,其后不接介词时,即keep watch作“站岗”“守业”解,watch前不可加不定冠词。watch的例句:1、I could sit and watch the river all day long.我可以整天坐在这里看那条河。2、Parents should control what their kids watch on television.父母应该限定孩子看什么样的电视节目。3、You need to reset your watch to local time.你需要把表调整到当地时间。4、By my watch it is two o"clock.我的表是两点钟。5、Thousands of people paid good money to watch the band perform.成千上万的人花很多钱去观看这支乐队的演出。
2023-08-10 13:50:221


2023-08-10 13:51:251

Off To The Races 歌词

歌曲名:Off To The Races歌手:Lana Del Rey专辑:Born To DieOff to the RacesLana Del ReyMy old man is a bad manBut I can"t deny the way he holds my handAnd he grabs me, he has me by my heartHe doesn"t mind I have a Las Vegas pastHe doesn"t mind I have a L.A crass way about meHe loves me with every beat of his cocaine heartSwimming poolWipe bikini off with my red nail polishGlimmering darlingWatch me in the swimming poolBright blue ripples, youSittin" sippin" on your black crystal, oh yeahLight of my life, fire of my loinsBe a good baby, do what I wantLight of my life, fire of my loinsGimme them gold coinsGimme them coinsAnd I"m off to the races, cases of Bacardi chasers,Chasin" me all over townCause he knows I"m wasted, facin"Time again on RikersIsland and I won"t get outBecause I"m crazy, babyI need you to come here and save meI"m your little scarlet, starletSinging in the garden,Kiss me on my open mouthReady for youMy old man is, a tough manBut he got a soul as sweet as blood red jamAnd he shows me, he knows me,every inch of my tar black soulHe doesn"t mind I have a flat, broke-down lifeIn fact he says he thinksit"s why he might like about me, admires meThe way I roll like a rolling stoneLikes to watch me in the glass room, bathroomChateau MarmontSlippin" on my red dress, putting on my make upGlass room, perfume, cognac, lilacFumes, says it feels like heaven to himLight of his life, fire of his loinsKeep me forever, tell me you own meLight of your life, fire of your loinsTell me you own me, gimme them coinsAnd I"m off to the races, cases of Bacardi chasersChasin" me all over townCause he knows I"m wasted, facin"Time again on RikersIsland and I won"t get outBecause I"m crazy, babyI need you to come here and save meI"m your little scarlet, starletSinging in the garden,Kiss me on my open mouthNow I"m off to the races, lacesLeather on my waist isTight and I am falling downI can see your face is, shamelessCipriani"s basementLove you, but I"m going downGod I"m so crazy, babyI"m sorry that I"m misbehavingI"m your little harlot, starletQueen of Coney IslandRaising hell all over townSorry "bout itMy old man is a thief, andI"m gonna stay and pray with him "til the endBut I trust in the decision of the Lord,To watch over usTake him when He may, if He mayI"m not afraid to sayThat I"d die without himWho else is gonna put up with me this wayI need you, I breathe you, I"ll never leave youThey would rue the day, I was alone without youYou"re lying with your gold chain onCigar hanging from your lipsI said Hon" you never looked so beautifulAs you do now my manAnd we"re off to the races, placesReady, set, the gate is downAnd now we"re going inTo Las Vegas, pay us,Casino Oasis,Honey it is time to spinBoy you"re so crazy, babyI love you foreverNot maybeYou are my one true loveYou are my one true loveYou are my one true love
2023-08-10 13:51:351

Ilike running long races这句话对吗?

2023-08-10 13:51:502

bill thinks that the races 翻译

Bill thinks that the races were not interesting to watch. 比尔认为,看比赛并不是有趣的
2023-08-10 13:51:571

名为marriage across nations的英语作文

At first, I want to answer this question. I think marriage across nations is OK, because it has already happened around us and it will be accepted by most of people as the time going. We are all people and we can communicate with each other using different languages. Although the people from different countries or different races have got different educations, we can understand that if they fall in love witheach other they can get married. Different culture background is just because they lived in different surrounding when they were young. If they really have true love, they can accept these “different”. I think there are have more and more marriage existing in our daily life. And we can become from not understanding to understanding. As we can get in touch with foreigners so frequently learning or working, maybe we can know them and understand them. So the older people will know the world and they can agree with the young people to marry with foreigners. I think marriage across nation or races must happen widely in the future. It is not only good for the lovers but also better for the worldto know each other. The world is really a big family and all of us live on the earth. We should live peaceably because it is our duty to do these. As people agree with my view, I think you must accept marriage across nations or races at the same time.There are many advantages: we can have a knowledge of another language and culture coming from another country or another race. We can understand “one world one family”.(百度的)
2023-08-10 13:52:051


2023-08-10 13:39:251


如何有效组织小组合作学习 萧伯纳有句名言:“两个人,每人有一个苹果,交换一下,仍是每人一个苹果;两个人,每人有一种思想,交换一下,每人就有两种思想”。这句话道出了我国新课程改革倡导的其中一种全新理念—--小组合作学习。那么,在课堂教学中,怎样才能有效地组织小组合作学习呢? 一、改进课堂教学方式 ,明确学习目的 传统的课堂教学是教师讲,学生听这一单向的传输方式,而小组合作学习是一种师生互动,生生互动,生本互动的多维交流的过程. 二、挖掘数学课本素材 ,探索自主创新方案 三、营造良好的课堂合作气氛 在合作学习活动中,教师与学生之间是平等的,不是服从与被服从的关系.教育家陶行知先生曾明确指出:“创造力最能发挥的条件是民主.当然在不民主的环境下,创造力也有表现,那仅是限于少数,而且不能充分发挥其天才,但如果要大量开发人之创造力,只有民主才能办到,只有民主的目的、民主的方法才能完成这样的大事.”教师应发扬教学民主,在分析问题、讨论问题中积极鼓励学生大胆质疑,提看法,使学生在合作学习中有“解放感”、“轻松感”.这样才能有利于学生在课堂上大胆提出问题,畅所欲言,集思广益,逐步形成宽松民主的课堂气氛,为学生之间、师生之间成功合作学习,创设良好的教学环境. 总之,“合作学习”是新课程所倡导的一种新的学习方式,在促进学生间的情感交流、互帮互学、共同提高,发挥学生学习的主动性方面起着积极的作用.作为教师我们要把学生当成主人,充分发挥教师的主导作用,把握最佳时机,组织引导学生开展小组合作学习,让小组合作学习更有成效. 合作学习是基础教育课程改革倡导的主要学习方式之一,是培养学生主动学习、合作能力的重要途径。实践表明,小组合作学习是提高化学课堂教学效率的有效途径。新课程标准已实施几年,作为一名初中化学教师,我一直在探讨化学学科的教学方法、教学手段和教学策略,优化课堂教学,提高教育教学水平。合作是人类相互作用的形式之一,是社会赖以生存和发展的动力,是人类生活不可缺少的组成部分。合作学习是21世纪学生学习的一种重要方式之一,它是在教师主导作用下,群体研讨,协作交流的一种学习方式,它能有效地改善学习环境,扩大参与面,提高参与度。在学习过程中,学生在与同学共同操作、互相讨论、交流中促进学习进步和智力发展。通过合作,有利于引导学生用不同的方式探讨和思考问题,培养其参与意识、创造意识,产生创新思维。合作学习以教育社会学、现代社会心理学、认知心理学、现代教育技术学等理论为基础,以研究与利用课堂教学中的人际关系为基点,以目标设计为先导,以师生、生生合作为基本动力,以小组活动为基本教学形式,以团体成绩为评价标准,以标准参照评价为基本手段,以大面积提高学生的学业成绩、改善班级内的心理气氛、形成学生良好的心理品质和社会技能为根本目标,是一种极富创意与实效的教学理论与策略体系,值得大家予以关注和研究。而合作学习,将是一种效益很高的学习方 式。合作学习也是化学新课程理念之一,是倡导探究性学习的重要组织形式。下面是我在化学教学中实施合作学习的几点心得。 一、创设一个和谐有效的合作学习模式 合作学习必须拥有互助、促进、分工、交流、加工五大要素,但这些要素不是学生天生就拥有的,而是要求教师有前期有效的指导以及精心的课堂设计,不经过这五大要素的流程,容易出现课堂秩序混乱,学生七嘴八舌,既无暇顾及其他人的发言,也无法判断出谁的思路严谨,谁的设想新颖,课堂气氛看似热闹,硝烟过后,痕迹全无。 (1)在课堂教学中,进行有效分组 1、教师要根据每个学生的基础、学习态度能力、兴趣爱好、特长等差异,有意识地将不同层次不同类别的学生按照“组间同质(兴趣相同),组内异质(能力不同)”的原则进行分组。切忌采用自由组合和随机组合,在合作学习过程中往往会出现兴趣相投的几个好朋友在一起时话题多,表面上讨论热烈,但海阔天空,影响学习目标达成。而且凑合的小组讨论不起来,参与率低下,目标不能达成,成为形式上合作。 这样建立的小组可以让学生在合作过程中做到组内合作,让每个学生在合作中都有自我展示的机会,组间平等竞争,协调发展。每个小组6——8人,多少取决于任务的性质、合适的时间、教师运用小组方法的经验等,要便于组内交流,也要便于初中年龄段学生的管理。 2、要培养学生团结协作的团队精神,要让学生清楚地意识到任何一个成员的表现都关系着小组的成败得失。为避免学生“袖手旁观”的情况发生,教师应参与到不同小组的合作学习中去,及时加以指导和点拨或及时给予肯定与表扬等,充分发挥教师的管理、调控作用,同时要对学习小组进行分工,落实职责。 (2)在自主学习时,进行“帮困扶贫” 后进生的成绩落后,大多数其实并不是智力问题,而是从小的不良学习习惯使然,教师应该积极动员,发挥学生的群体作用,进行一帮一配对,指定一些有责任心的优生对这些学生进行督促,制定详细的奖惩制度,以及学习计划,定期落实到位。在很多教学过程中,我们往往无法根据学生的特点和学习内容,灵活地组织学生的合作学习活动,也不能为学生的合作学习提供针对性的指导,教师有的时候只是提出一些没有思维容量,甚至是一些根本就不值得一提的问题,让学生参与这种合作学习,很容易导致合作学习的形式化、格式化,合作学习成为公开课上的“必备的做秀”,最终使得学生的合作学习沦为合“座”学习。 教师应作为引导者,告诉他们只有照顾和尊重他人才会得到他人的照顾和尊重,引导学生意识到小组合作交流也是学习,只有做好准备,才能有高质量的发言,只有学生间的充分交流、彼此倾听,才能达到互相学习、共同提高的目的,最终在合作交流中求得认识的统一、思想的共鸣、智能的发展。 二、把握小组合作的时机。 小组合作学习不是为了追求课堂教学形式的热热闹闹,课堂教学时间是有限的,因此教师一定要科学把握小组合作的时机。我在教学过程中采取合作学习大致有以下几个时候: (1)在进行比较、归纳、择优时开展小组合作学习。例如,我们在学习《实验室制取二氧化碳》原理时,就可以对课本上得到二氧化碳的实验进行比较、归纳选择出实验室制取二氧化碳的最佳方法。这时开展小组合作学习让学生将自己的见解面对面地用同龄人所理解的思路和语言交流,使学生不仅知道结果,更了解得出结论的过程。 (2)在学生思维受阻时开展小组合作学习。例如,在做一些稍难的计算题或实验题时,我总是让学生在座位上独立完成,首先完成任务的两个同学到黑板上相应的区域讨论相关问题,而未完成的同学继续独立完成相关任务,直至完成后再参与讨论。这样可以让学生在讨论争辩过程中互相启发,互相打开思路走出思维误区,较快、较好地寻求到解决问题的办法。 期刊文章分类查询,尽在期刊图书馆 (3)在做学生实验时开展小组合作学习,让学生在活动中学会分工负责,团结协作,培养他们的集体意识和互助意识。 (4)在进行概念辨析时开展小组合作学习。例如,在《物质构成的奥秘》教学中,应该引入以前所学的内容比如纯净物、混合物,加上刚学的单质、化合物、分子、原子等,自己完成一个完整的概念关系图,最后以小组为单位,进行等级评定,优秀的在全班推广,这样的操作我想比教师给出内容,学生记忆默写的效率要高很多。 三、明确目标、分工合作。 为使每一位学生都参与学习活动,积极交流、探求,充分发挥小组集体的互动互补作用,使学生在共同探讨、合作学习中以点带面,以优促差,共同提高。我给小组命名为“化学协作小组”,其宗旨是“互助、协作、竞争、发展”。各小组从组长到每位组员都分配有具体任务,但这并不意味就是合作学习,要切实地使全员参与到学习中来,关键还在于教师的组织和引导。小组长的组织作用至关重要,我每周都要进行一次组长培训,每次确定一个培训主题,如:怎样树立自己的威信、怎样组织讨论、如何帮助学习有困难的学生、指挥的技巧……有时也根据教学内容及实际情况及时调整,解决在讨论及实践中出现的问题。对于全体学生,也要教会他们合作学习的步骤与方法,如何发言、如何讨论、如何分工等等。目标具有引导和激励功能。要明确每节课的教学目标和小组合作目标。建立小组目标要明确具体,并依据学生实际。实践表明,通过自主和合作学习,几乎所有的组都能实现100%的当堂达标率。 明确教学目标,首先要准确把握课程标准,并根据学校和学生实际把课程标准具体化,变成学校的标准,这样才能把课标落到实处。还要清楚让学生学什么、学多少、学到什么程度,只有这样,教学才具有可操作性和可检测性。传统的教学是针对传统应试教育的,不利于学生综合素质的培养。实施小组合作学习,不仅有利于后进生的发展,也有利于尖子生的发展。面向全体、全面提高,说起来容易做起来难,但是运用小组合作的方法,就容易实现。因为在小组合作学习操作流程中,自学时间相对较长,有利于全体学生充分自学,这样后进生也能跟得上,学得明白;尖子生可以学得更加深入,为小组讲解做好准备;在交流环节,通过对子组互讲,小组精讲,可实现第一次合作提高;在展示环节,通过尖子生讲解,教师点拨,可实现第二次合作提高;在检测环节,子组互查,小组长复查,教师巡查,轻松解决了面向全体的问题。只有充分发挥学生的作用,才能培养和锻炼学生的能力。魏书生说的“只有懒老师才能培养出勤学生”就是这个道理。 四、设计具有阶梯性和挑战性的问题。 问题是学习的动因,贯穿于学习的始终。合作学习总是围绕某些问题来进行的,因而要精心设计讨论的问题,明确合作学习的任务,使学生的合作学习具有方向感、责任感。问题的设计要具有阶梯性,还要有一定的挑战性,这样有利于激发学生的主动性与小组学习活动的激情,发挥学习共同体的创造性。问题可以由教师提出,但是学生自己提出的问题会更切合合作探究的需求,教师要善于发现学生提出的有价值的问题,通过合作学习讨论解决这些问题,这才是有效的合作学习。 五、提高学生自主性学习的质量。 这是教学组织形式从传统转向合作学习过程中,很容易被忽略的一个问题。教师往往在布置完了班级学习目标后,就直接引导学生进入小组的讨论交流。学生虽然在小组中进行学习,但其心中的学习目标指向的是班级目标,而非小组目标和个人目标。每个学生所要完成的学习任务,也是班级中所有学生都要完成的无差别的任务,而非小组任务或个人任务。这就无法激发起学生在小组内进行相互合作学习的动机,也无法顾及每个学生的个体差异。教师不仅要让学生知道在某一堂课上自己的学习任务是什么,还要让学生了解自己的特长和不足,让学生知道自己在小组合作学习时担任什么角色最利于自己以及小组学习目标的达成。例如,动手能力强的学生可以装配仪器,观察能力强的学生可以观察并记录数据,分析能力强的学生可以进行数据处理,表达能力强的学生可以汇报小组成果。 六、先学后教,合作探究是小组合作学习高效的基本方法 现在的教学方法很多,但归纳起来主要有两种:先学后教,先教后练。先学后教,就是让学生自主学习、合作探究,凡是学生自己能学会的,教师坚决不教。先教后练,是先由教师讲解,然后学生练习巩固,这是传统的教学方法。在后进生的发展和自学能力、实践和创新能力、合作交往能力的培养方面缺点比较突出。在具体的教学方法上,听不如看,看不如做,做不如讲。什么是“会”?把自己所学的知识能够给别人讲明白才是“会”。小组合作学习中,要多安排对子组互讲,小组精讲。讲,不仅讲做法,还要讲根据。如在根据“化合价写化学式”一节教学,安排对子组互讲后全班展示讲,学生就会学得主动、学得扎实。另外,互讲的过程中要做好课堂纪律工作,否则事倍功半。 自学有利于学生形成终身学习能力;合作互学有利于培养学生合作交往能力,因此先学后教,合作探究应该成为高效小组合作学习的基本方法。 七、对学生合作做出合理评价。 为了进一步提高学生的集体观念,激励学生的合作兴趣和意识,保证小组合作学习取得理想的效果,使学生在小组集体中不仅个人努力上进,并且乐于与同学互相合作的良性机制的形成,就必须改变过去单纯鼓励个人竞争的做法和相应的评价方式,鼓励小组成员之间互相合作。在教学过程中对于课堂上设计的活动,我尽可能地让每组后进生先说说自己的想 法,然后让其他成员进行具有个性的发言,最后由组长进行小结。还有就是容易问题由学习稍差的同学答,难度大的由学优生回答;对于中等问题学习稍差的同学答对加高分,学优生答对加分少;也可由科代表根据题的难易程度抽号回答。为了避免课改初期学优生抢答,学差生不敢答的问题,可以在组内确定每人每天展示次数,同一个人多次展示时,少加分或不加分,其他人展示多加分,这样就能有效规避每组每次都是相同学生展示的弊病。当学生的合作学习活动结束时,教师应根据自己对合作学习的监控情况和合作学习小组对合作学习的反馈情况(包括口头的反馈和书面的反馈),采取一定的措施,对学生的合作学习进行评价。评价要以激励为主,强化学生有效的合作学习行为,促进学生今后更加有效地合作学习。评价要以小组评价为主,评价合作学习小组的学习质量和数量、合作过程和效果,并对有效合作、成功合作的小组进行表扬和奖励。将每一个小组成员的表现同合作学习小组的成绩紧密地联系在一起,使学生形成“组荣我荣”的观念,从而认识到相互合作、共同进步的意义。对合作学习的评价,也要适当关注小组成员。 总之,合作学习是新课程倡导的一种新的学习方式,有利于培养学生的合作精神和创新能力,提高学生学习的主动参与意识,促进学生全面和谐的发展。能够游刃有余的运用,开展有效的合作学习,还需要一个长期的不断的探索实践过程。
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