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我很崇拜他 用英语怎么说

2023-08-17 12:33:54
TAG: 英语

I admire him very much .










I admire him very much.


I worship him very much.


I adore him so much!


I am a worshiper of him

I worshipped him


I look up to him quite much



2023-08-10 08:42:003


  崇拜是个体对自身、他她人以及某外界事物所具有的高度的尊重、钦佩与信任。崇拜的相反心态为蔑视、嫉妒、自尊自重等,近似心态为崇尚、敬奉、甘拜下风、尊敬等。那么你知道崇拜用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    崇拜英语说法1:   worship   崇拜英语说法2:   adoration   崇拜英语说法3:   idolize   崇拜的英语例句:   她很崇拜她父亲。   She worships her father.   守财奴崇拜金钱。   A miser worships money.   印度上层种姓多数崇拜女神时母。   Most of the upper castes worship the Goddess Kali.   “拥有私人飞机的CEO们都崇拜他。   CEOs with their own private jets worship him.   她很崇拜他,听不进别人对他的批评。   She worshipped him and refused to listen to his critics.   他十分虔诚地崇拜女明星。   He adores this screen goddess with godliness.   她的书算不上畅销书,但有一定的崇拜者。   Her books aren"t bestsellers, but they have a certain cult following.   这小孩崇拜他的父亲。   The boy worshipped his father.   竹的生殖崇拜主要包括生殖器崇拜和生殖神崇拜。   Genitalia adoration is the initial stage.   那位女演员的崇拜者们伸长了脖子想看一看他们崇拜的偶像。   The fans of the actress craned their necks to catch a glimpse of their idol.   法老崇拜神。   The pharaohs worshipped the gods.   你会充满赞赏和崇拜之情。   Adoration and admiration will overwhelm you.   在崇拜产生时,花朵变成果子。   The flower bees fruit when it worships.   几乎所有的下属都崇拜她。   Nearly all her subordinates adored her.   富兰克林对表哥近乎崇拜的模仿   Franklin"s almost worshipful imitation of his cousin   庙宇:为崇拜神而建的大建筑。一般包括一个避难所和祭坛。   Temple: Edifice constructed for the worship of a deity. Features monly include a sanctuary and an altar.   但是英国,除了一小部分人外,也和美国一样地倾心于对金钱的崇拜!   England, except among minority, is almost as much given over to the worship of money as america.   爱情不在于精确地计算。不在于每一次新鲜的尝试。不在于错误和原谅。不在于盲目或崇拜。   Love doesn"t lie in the accurate calculating, new attempt, fault and forgiveness, or blindness and adoration.   Man crush描述的是一个直男对另一个男人怀有尊敬、仰慕以及崇拜情绪时表现出来的那种强烈感情,而这一切与性无关。   Man crush is a strong emotion a straight man shows when he respects, admires and idolizes another man, totally non-sexual.
2023-08-10 08:42:071


2023-08-10 08:42:173


2023-08-10 08:42:262


2023-08-10 08:42:341


adoration adore apotheosis enthrone praise venerate veneration worship这些都是崇拜的意思,具体用哪个,要看语境来选择。或用名词或用动词。
2023-08-10 08:42:465


I adoration /adore /apotheosis /enthrone /praise / venerate /veneration /worship him too/so/very much 崇拜:adoration /adore /apotheosis /enthrone /praise / venerate /veneration /worship 太、很、非常: too/so/very
2023-08-10 08:45:011


he is my idol
2023-08-10 08:45:105

最崇拜 英文翻译

Most worships
2023-08-10 08:45:274

请让我崇拜 英文翻译希望我的回答对你有帮助,你的选择是我的动力~~~~~
2023-08-10 08:45:365

我想翻译梁静茹的歌《崇拜》 歌词翻译成英语!要求准确度高,不要用在线翻译过来。

Your posture, your favor. I exist, your existence you thinks the love, is loved. you have spent freely my worship. I have lived, I loved. I do not manage. beloved enough to has been insane, hated to consider as finished is good. is possible, may, was really a pity. don"t happy how you actually dare with great difficulty? I also thought that we can be different with others. I also thought that impossible not to be able not to be impossible. your posture, your favor. I exist in yours existence you think the love, is loved. you have spent freely my worship , therefore understood, therefore leaves.therefore no longer to like liking existing outside you. the kite has the wind, the porpoise has the sea. I exist in mine existence.therefore understood, therefore leaves.therefore no longer to like loving. exist outside you.
2023-08-10 08:45:534


你好!崇拜一个人Worship a man
2023-08-10 08:46:132


在英文中,表达隐含爱意的词汇和短语有很多种。以下是一些常见的表达方式:1. Fondness(喜爱):表示对某人的喜欢或钟爱。2. Endearment(亲昵):用于表示亲密、亲爱的感情。3. Adore(崇拜):表示强烈的崇拜和喜欢。4. Infatuation(迷恋):暗示对某人感到强烈的吸引和迷恋。5. Affection(情感、喜爱):表示深深的喜爱和情感。6. Passion(激情、热爱):传达出强烈的热情和爱意。7. Devotion(忠诚、献身):表达出对某人的忠诚和倾心。此外,还可以使用一些表达爱意的短语,如:1. You mean the world to me.(你对我来说意义重大)2. I can"t imagine my life without you.(我无法想象没有你的生活)3. You are the sunshine of my life.(你是我生活中的阳光)4. I"m crazy about you.(我疯狂地喜欢你)5. You hold a special place in my heart.(你在我心中有特殊的地位)6. My love for you knows no bounds.(我对你的爱没有界限)7. I"m head over heels in love with you.(我深深地爱着你)这些表达方式可以用来传达隐含的爱意,但请注意,在不同的人际关系和文化背景下,理解和接受这些表达方式可能会有所不同。
2023-08-10 08:46:411


On Idol Worshipping在偶像崇拜中Idol worshipping is not a new phenomenon,but the recent cases of unreasonable behaviors conducted by some young people have made it a focus of attention again.偶像崇拜不是一个新现象,但最近一些年轻人的不合理行为让它再次成为关注的焦点。Especially,a young girl"s father has committed suicide just to wake up his daughter who is possessed by the idea of following her idol wherever he goes.特别是,一个年轻女孩的父亲自杀,只是为了唤醒他的女儿谁是附身的想法,跟随她的偶像,他去哪里。Some people argue that the mass media is to blame for the tragedy because it always shows a picture of glamorous movie stars.pop singers and all the other entertainers that young people desire to have.一些人认为大众媒体是悲剧的罪魁祸首,因为它总是展示迷人的电影明星的图片。流行歌手和年轻人渴望拥有的所有其他艺人。However,young people are just not mature enough to tell fact from fiction.Other people believe that it shows the weakness of our educational system.School pays much attention to students"studies and exams,but overlooks their psychological status.然而,年轻人还不够成熟,不能分辨事实和虚构。其他人认为这显示了我们教育系统的弱点。学校重视学生的学习和考试,却忽视了他们的心理状态。As far as I am concerned.the tragedy sends out an alarm signal to US all. The media,the school,the parents and even the youth themselves have to reflect on the issue and try to stop such kind of tragedy from happening again.就我而言。这一悲剧向美国所有人发出了警报。媒体,学校,父母,甚至年轻人自己都必须反思这个问题,并努力阻止这样的悲剧再次发生。
2023-08-10 08:47:031


I adore you very much
2023-08-10 08:47:195


Wind beneath my wings Bette Midler  It must have been cold there in my shadow  To never have sunlight on your face  You were content to let me shine, that"s your way  You always walked a step behind  So I was the one with all the glory  While you were the one with all the strain  A beautiful face without a name for so long  A beautiful smile to hide the pain  Did you ever know that you"re my hero?  And everything I would like to be?  I can fly higher than an eagle  For you are the wind beneath my wings  It might have appeared to go unnoticed  But I"ve got it all here in my heart  I want you to know I know the truth  ( of course I know it )  I would be nothing without you  Did you ever know that you"re my hero?  You"re everything I wish I could be  I could fly higher than an eagle  For you are the wind beneath my wings  Oh, the wind beneath my wings  You, you, you, you are the wind beneath my wings  Fly, fly, fly away. You let me fly so high  Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings  Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings  Fly, fly, fly high against the sky  So high I almost touch the sky  Thank you, thank you  Thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings 羽翼下的风 贝蒂蜜德勒  在我的影子下,一定很冷吧!?  阳光不曾照在你的脸庞  你总是心满意足的让我表现,你就是那样  你总是走在我身后  因此,我一人独享所有的荣耀  而你却背负著所有的疲惫  你有著美丽的脸庞,却一直默默无名  甜美的笑容掩饰了痛苦  你可知道你是我心目中的英雄?  是我想要学习的一切?  如今,我可以飞得比苍鹰更高  因为你是我羽翼下的风  也许是不愿被人注意到  但我已了然於心  我要你知道一切我都明白  (我当然明白)  没有你,我什麼都不是  你可知道你是我心目中的英雄?  是我想要学习的一切?  如今,我可以飞得比苍鹰更高  因为你是我羽翼下的风  啊!我羽翼下的风  你是我羽翼下的风  飞起来,你让我展翅高飞  你是我羽翼下的风  你是我羽翼下的风  飞啊!飞向天际  高得几乎可触摸到蓝天  谢谢你,谢谢你......  感谢上天,你是我羽翼下的风  原本是首乡村歌曲,因为被电影「情比姊妹深」选为主题曲,而再度受到欢迎。但贝蒂蜜德勒的重新诠释,赋予这首歌更感人的力量,才是主要原因。  该部电影是描述一对手足情深的姊妹,因为姊姊的牺牲奉献,使从事演艺事业的妹妹平步青云,无怨无悔的姊姊最后却罹患了癌症。  贝蒂蜜德勒,一位影歌双栖的女明星。擅长演夸张、嬉闹的喜剧,著名作品有「家有恶夫」、「大老婆俱乐部」、「女巫也疯狂」等。然而只要听过她唱的" The rose "、" From a distance "和" Wind beneath my wings "这些迷死人的歌,你很难想像这样一位女丑形象的演员,竟能唱出如此深情动人的歌。
2023-08-10 08:47:371


快乐happy(嗨皮)崇拜worship (我尔死细普)
2023-08-10 08:47:551

最崇拜的人 英文

I most admired person Starting from 1961, Lei Feng was invited to the field for regular reports, he has much more travel, more opportunities to serve the people, and people circulating this statement: "Lei Feng travel a thousand miles, a good thing to do for a train" . Lei Feng to go out once a transfer station in Shenyang, when a ticket gate and found a group of people around to see a middle-aged woman carrying a baby, the woman originally from Shandong Province to Jilin to see her husband, tickets and money lost. Lei Feng with their own allowance to buy a train ticket from Jilin hands stuffed sister, sister said with tears: "Big Brother, your name is which unit?" Lei Feng said: "My name is People"s Liberation Army, lived in China. "May day, rain go to Lei Feng Shenyang, his car to catch the early, 5:00 or so on up, with a few dry bread covered with raincoats on the road, and on the road and saw a woman back with a child, the hand also led a little girl struggling to walk to the station. Lei took off his raincoat draped over his sister who also picked up the little girl to accompany them to the station, on the train, the Lei Feng and see the little girl was shaking with cold and took off his own personal line of clothing to put on her, Lei Feng guess she did not eat the morning, put his band to give them bread to eat. Train to Shenyang, it was still raining, Lei Feng has been sent to their home. The woman said gratefully: "Comrade, how I can thank you!" Lei Feng Andong back, but also in Shenyang transfer. He grabs his backpack, over the underpass, I saw a gray-haired grandmother, leaning on a stick, the back of a big burden, it is difficult to step by step marching, Lei Feng stepped forward to ask: "Aunt, you go to Where to go? "for the elderly, said breathlessly:" I come from the relevant period to the Fushun see son! "Lei Feng 1 with their own boat, immediately took a large burden to, hand on the old man said:" go, ma"am, I send you to Fushun. "moved to an old people to praise him a good boy. Into the car, he found a seat to the aunt that he was standing next to, pulled out just bought to the bread, stuffed a hand in the aunt, grandmother push it and said: "Son, I"m not hungry, you eat ! "" You"re welcome, ma"am, eat! first pad pad hunger. "," child "in this affectionate terms, to the Lei Feng a great feeling, he felt like a pet name like his mother cried as cordial. His old man, and opened a homely old chatter. Said the old man, his son, the workers, out of several years. She is the first time, do not know where to live in the miles. Said, took out a letter, Lei Feng took a look at the above address he did not know, but he knows the eagerness of elderly people to find her son, said: "Aunt, you may rest assured, I will help you to find him." Lei Feng said to do, to Fushun, take up the burden of the elderly, the elderly totter, the East inquire, West inquired, looking for more than two hours, to find old son. 没分段
2023-08-10 08:48:051


Neutral 中立Friendly 友好Distinguished 尊敬Worship 崇拜
2023-08-10 08:48:281

崇拜李娜英语作文 谢谢

 Na Li is the most incredible tennis player of China.  李娜是中国最具实力的网球选手。  Up to now ,she got four single titles and two double titles of WTA, and what`s more she is the first chinese player who got the single title during the WTA tour.  到目前为止,他已经获得了四个单打冠军(作文地带提示:2011年6月5日又活得了法网冠军,单打冠军已超过5个)和两个WTA双打冠军。更为重要的是,她是唯一一位在WTA世界巡回赛上获得个人单打冠军的中国选手。  Besides she is the first top ten player of China who gets NO.7 right now.  除此之外,她在中国十大著名球员中排第七位。  In 2008 Beijing Olympics Game, she reached to semi final in the single game. And this year,she reached to the final of Australia open which was the first time for an Asian player to get into final of a grand slam"s single. And we believe that she can make more miracles in the future.  在2008年奥运会期间,他闯入单场半决赛。在同年,她还在澳网公开赛上唯一一位打入单打决赛的亚洲选手。我们相信,不远的未来,她会取得更为骄人的成绩!
2023-08-10 08:49:031


崇拜屠呦呦英语作文:The first of this year"s Nobel prizes has been awarded, for medicine, and it has gone to a trio of researchers for work against parasitic diseases.今年的诺贝尔奖首先授予医学奖,表彰三位研究人员在对抗寄生性疾病上作出的贡献。The Nobel Assembly of the Karolinska Institute has today awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medecine with one half jointly to William C. Campbell and Satoshi Omura for their discoveries concerning a novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites.今天卡罗林斯卡医学院诺贝尔大会颁发的2015年诺贝尔奖生理学或医学奖,一半由威廉坎贝尔和大村智获得,表彰其在对抗蛔虫寄生虫引起的感染中发现的新疗法。and the other half to Youyou Tu for her discoveries concerning a novel therapy against malaria.另一半授予屠呦呦,表彰其在对抗疟疾上发现的新型疗法。Youyou Tu"s discovery is perhaps the most remarkable, as a Chinese woman working in China, and using traditional Chinese medical records, she rediscovered an ancient plant-based treatment for malaria that worked where modern therapies failed.屠呦呦的发现也许是最为引人注目的,作为一名中国的工作者,根据中国传统医学史料,再次发现一种古老的植物治疗疟疾的疗法,现代医学都没有成功。
2023-08-10 08:49:341


崇拜: 1.worship 崇拜;敬仰 2.adore 崇拜,崇敬;敬重 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1.我并不崇拜那个影星. I am not a worshiper of that film star. 2.这小孩崇拜他的父亲. The boy worshipped his father. 3.她的书算不上畅销书,但有一定的崇拜者. Her books aren"t bestsellers,but they have a certain cult following. 4.他十分虔诚地崇拜女明星. He adores this screen goddess with godliness. 5.她很崇拜他,听不进别人对他的批评. She worshipped him and refused to listen to his critics. 6.玛里琳要的是爱而不是崇拜. Marilyn wanted to be loved,not lionized.
2023-08-10 08:50:051


adore worship如有错误请指正,谢谢。
2023-08-10 08:50:163


worship英 [u02c8wu025c:u0283u026ap] 美 [u02c8wu025c:ru0283u026ap] vt.崇拜,尊崇;爱慕worship英 [u02c8wu025c:u0283u026ap] 美 [u02c8wu025c:ru0283u026ap] vt.崇拜,尊崇;爱慕worship英 [u02c8wu025c:u0283u026ap] 美 [u02c8wu025c:ru0283u026ap] vt.崇拜,尊崇;爱慕
2023-08-10 08:50:351

声望的 尊敬,崇敬,崇拜 英文怎么说

2023-08-10 08:50:432


2023-08-10 08:50:554


问题一:偶像用英语怎么说? idol 问题二:我的偶像是用英语怎么说 My idol is 问题三:我的偶像 用英语怎么说? my idol 注:idol n. 偶像,崇拜物;幽灵;谬论;幻觉 名词复数:idols[例句]They may soon get a closer look at their idol. 他们很快就有机会亲密接触他们的偶像了。 问题四:偶像用英语怎么说 偶像 [词典] idol; image; Baal; God; fetish; [例句]传教士指责当地人崇拜偶像。 The missionaries rebuked the natives for worshipping images. 问题五:我的偶像的英文怎么说? 我的偶像:my idol idol [aidl] n. 偶像, 崇拜物, 幻象, [逻]谬论 习惯用语 make an idol of *** . 崇拜[迷信]某人[某物] make an idol of sth. 崇拜[迷信]某人[某物] e idol 因风度漂亮而备受女性观众欢迎的红演员 idols of the cave 由于离群索居, 性情怪僻 而产生的谬见 idols of the den 由于离群索居, 性情怪僻 而产生的谬见 idols of the forum 由于社会语言的影响而产生的谬见 idols of the market 由于社鼎语言的影响而产生的谬见 idols of the market-place 由于社会语言的影响而产生的谬见 idols of the theatre 由于传统观念而产生的谬见 idols of the tribe 由于一般人性或种族关系而产生的谬见 问题六:偶像用英语怎么读 idol英 [?au026adl] 美 [?a?dl] n.偶像,崇拜物;幽灵;谬论;幻觉 例句: You are my idol. 你是我的偶像! He became the idol of the New World. 他在新世界成了偶像。 问题七:偶像崇拜的英文怎么 idolatry n.偶像崇拜;盲目崇拜 问题八:怎么用英语说 把某人当做偶像一样崇拜 have somebody up on什么的 在Hannah Montana 里看到的 idol吗 问题九:用英语怎么说 太想见偶像" 太想见偶像 Too eager to see the idol 太想见偶像 Too eager to see the idol
2023-08-10 08:51:091


我好崇拜你哦! 英语翻译一下? I admire you so much !(so+adj. 而不是加动词,所以不能说 I worship you 还有 可以说 I am your fan.或者I am one of your fans.但楼上说法不对) 我很崇拜你用英语怎么说 I admire you very much 我很崇拜你因为你很优秀英文怎么拼怎么读 略 我很崇拜你么"英语怎么说 i admire you 或者i adore you you are my hero i am your fan我最崇拜你的英语怎么说 I admire you! “你是这个世界上我最崇拜的女人”英语怎么说? “你是这个世界上我最崇拜的女人= You are the woman in this world I adore most.
2023-08-10 08:51:251


The person I admire mostThe famous person I admire most is a popular Chinese actress named Luodan Wang. She is extremely friendly. Famous as she is, she never poses up with a poker face. Instead, she often takes the initiative to greet everyone with a shining smile like a sunflower. She works diligently. She always stays up late for her performance. Sometimes, she pulls an all-nighter. Her eyes look like a roadmap of London. I have learned so much from her about how to get along with others——to understand and respect each other; to focus on things we have in common and tolerate the difference. She never complains about others, just tries to find a solution. Thatu2019s the famous person I admire most.
2023-08-10 08:52:103

英语翻译 如题.请让我崇拜英语怎么说?在线急等···

Please let me worship(请让我崇拜) 一楼翻译的意思是:“请让我敬佩你!”不是您所需要的.
2023-08-10 08:52:171


Happy worship
2023-08-10 08:52:293


口语表达: Who do you admire most? 较正式的表达: Whom do you admire most?
2023-08-10 08:52:361


I admire my teacher,Mr. Moore. He is from USA. He is thirty-four years old now, but he is as lively and lovely as a big brother. He teaches us English and he tells us lots of stories about English world. We have seen a lot of pictures of USA, England, Australia and New Zealand from him. He is always ready to answer our questions. "Why do we speak different languages?" " Why do you come to China?" "Why do you use knives and forks at meals?" He stays with us after class,too. He is interested in Chinese cultures. He learns how to use chopsticks from us.He plays with us as well. He is a good basketball player. But, he wants to be a good pingpong player. He is always energetic. He is active in class and after class. All of us admire him very much.Look, he is here telling us how to make costumes for Halloween. The holiday is coming at the end of October in USA. Well,I have to go now and I will tell you more later about our teacher, Mr. Moore.
2023-08-10 08:52:471


When I was in high school,there was a teacher who taught me more than that in class.He was a very kind boy,4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography.We all liked to take his class,though geography was not our major course.What impressed me a lot was his grace.You could see him always smiling.He got angry only when we were too noisy in class.After class,he often played soccer with us.He used to be a very believable defender and never fouled on any of us.We all liked to call him "Teacher Miao" and he was just like a friend,not a teacher.His sonsy personality inspired me to be kind to everyone I met.That was my well-beloved "Teacher Miao" .当我在高中的时候,有一个老师教我比班里的其他人更多.他是一个非常善良的男孩,比我们大4年或5年,并教我们地理的.我们都喜欢他的课,虽然地理是不是我们的主要课程.给我留下深刻的印象很多是他 的恩典.你可以看到他总是微笑.他生气了,只有当我们在课堂上的时候.课后,他经常打与我们打球 .他曾经是一个非常可信的后卫,从来没有任何的疑问都喜欢称他为“教师苗族”,他只是一个朋友,并非只是一个老师 .他的个性启发了我要善待每个我所见过的人.那就是是我心爱的“教师苗”.
2023-08-10 08:52:561


在英文中,表达隐含爱意的词汇和短语有很多种。以下是一些常见的表达方式:1. Fondness(喜爱):表示对某人的喜欢或钟爱。2. Endearment(亲昵):用于表示亲密、亲爱的感情。3. Adore(崇拜):表示强烈的崇拜和喜欢。4. Infatuation(迷恋):暗示对某人感到强烈的吸引和迷恋。5. Affection(情感、喜爱):表示深深的喜爱和情感。6. Passion(激情、热爱):传达出强烈的热情和爱意。7. Devotion(忠诚、献身):表达出对某人的忠诚和倾心。此外,还可以使用一些表达爱意的短语,如:1. You mean the world to me.(你对我来说意义重大)2. I can"t imagine my life without you.(我无法想象没有你的生活)3. You are the sunshine of my life.(你是我生活中的阳光)4. I"m crazy about you.(我疯狂地喜欢你)5. You hold a special place in my heart.(你在我心中有特殊的地位)6. My love for you knows no bounds.(我对你的爱没有界限)7. I"m head over heels in love with you.(我深深地爱着你)这些表达方式可以用来传达隐含的爱意,但请注意,在不同的人际关系和文化背景下,理解和接受这些表达方式可能会有所不同。
2023-08-10 08:53:491


The person I admire mostpainstaking 辛苦 cleaner 清洁工人"I am very moved 。 I admire her so much,
2023-08-10 08:54:142


在英文中,表达隐含爱意的词汇和短语有很多种。以下是一些常见的表达方式:1. Fondness(喜爱):表示对某人的喜欢或钟爱。2. Endearment(亲昵):用于表示亲密、亲爱的感情。3. Adore(崇拜):表示强烈的崇拜和喜欢。4. Infatuation(迷恋):暗示对某人感到强烈的吸引和迷恋。5. Affection(情感、喜爱):表示深深的喜爱和情感。6. Passion(激情、热爱):传达出强烈的热情和爱意。7. Devotion(忠诚、献身):表达出对某人的忠诚和倾心。此外,还可以使用一些表达爱意的短语,如:1. You mean the world to me.(你对我来说意义重大)2. I can"t imagine my life without you.(我无法想象没有你的生活)3. You are the sunshine of my life.(你是我生活中的阳光)4. I"m crazy about you.(我疯狂地喜欢你)5. You hold a special place in my heart.(你在我心中有特殊的地位)6. My love for you knows no bounds.(我对你的爱没有界限)7. I"m head over heels in love with you.(我深深地爱着你)这些表达方式可以用来传达隐含的爱意,但请注意,在不同的人际关系和文化背景下,理解和接受这些表达方式可能会有所不同。
2023-08-10 08:54:211


2023-08-10 08:54:471


  每个人心目中都有自己崇拜的人,对于你来说,你最崇拜的人是谁?下面,我为你整理了崇拜的人小学英语作文,希望对你有帮助!   崇拜的人小学英语作文篇1   There are so many people around me,among them,I like my father the most.My father is a hero in my heart,when I have questions,he can answer me and tell   me something about them.My father also takes me to many places,like Shanghai,Beijingand so on.I am so happy when I am with my father,he is the best   崇拜的人小学英语作文篇2   There are so many people around me, among them, I like my father the most. My father is a hero in my heart, when I have questions, he can answer me and tell me something about them. My father also takes me to many places, like Shanghai,Beijingand so on. I am so happy when I am with my father, he is the best father.   在我周围有很多人,在他们当中,我最喜欢爸爸。我的爸爸在我心中是个英雄,当我有问题的时候,他能回答我并告诉我一些关于它们的事。我的爸爸也带我去很多地方像上海,北京等等。和爸爸在一起,我很开心,他是最好的爸爸。   崇拜的人小学英语作文篇3   My English teacher is Miss Hou, all the students like her so much. I am one of them, Miss Hou is the one I adore, she is so patient and kind to me. When I have question about English, she is pleased to explain the question, even though I still have question, she keeps answer them until I understand. Miss Hou is a great teacher.   我的英语老师是候老师,所有的学生都很喜欢她。我是其中的一员,侯老师是我崇拜的一个人,她很有耐心,对我很友好。当我对英语有问题时,她很乐意去解释,即使我还有问题,她一直在回答,知道我弄懂。侯老师是一位好老师。   崇拜的人小学英语作文篇4   I worship my dad most. Not only is he a highly educated and successful businessman, he is also a caring family man.   My dad was born and grew up in China. He is a highly educated professional who received his master"s degree from University of Cambridge in Uk. My dad is a very successful financial expert in China. Being a caring family man, my dad loves me and my mom; he shows great respect toward his parents.   Last and certainly not least, I worship my parents and love everybody in my family!   崇拜的人小学英语作文篇5   I worship my dad most. Not only is he a highly educated and successful businessman, he is also a caring family man.   My dad was born and grew up in China. He is a highly educated professional who received his master"s degree from University of Cambridge in Uk. My dad is a very successful financial expert in China. Being a caring family man, my dad loves me and my mom; he shows great respect toward his parents.
2023-08-10 08:54:571


Idol worshipping is not a new phenomenon. Every coin has two sides. Idolworship are both advantages and disadvantages.Somestudents hold the opinion that we need idols because idols can serve as ourrole models, which will surely motivate us to do well and achieve our goals. In fact, many celebrities have benefited from of their idol. However, some other students think thatworship not necessary. On the contrary, it can be waste of timeand money thus seriously affecting our studies and life. Not to mention some unhealthy worship may even be harmful both toothers and ourselves.In my opinion, a good idol as a spiritualpillar, like a light can light up our way.But we should handle both worship and study correctly.
2023-08-10 08:55:041

“我最崇拜的某人” 英语怎么翻译

sb. who I admire most
2023-08-10 08:55:273


屠呦呦为青蒿素治疗人类疟疾奠定了最重要的基础,得到国家和世界卫生组织的大力推广,挽救了全球范围特别是广大发展中国家数以百万计疟疾患者的生命,为人类治疗和控制这一重大寄生虫类传染病做出了革命性的贡献,也成为用科学方法促进中医药传承创新并走向世界最辉煌的范例。Tu youyou artemisinin treatment of human malaria laid the foundation for the most important, countries and the World Health Organization to promote, save the world especially developing countries millions of malaria patients life, for human treatment and control of the major parasitic infectious disease made a revolutionary contribution, has become to use scientific methods to promote the innovation of traditional Chinese medicine and to the world in a splendid paradigm.
2023-08-10 08:55:363


我最崇拜的人我最崇拜的人是妈妈,妈妈每天给我做饭,收拾房间洗碗洗衣服都是她干,最辛苦,所以我最崇拜妈妈。妈妈很关心我,妈妈对我最好。妈妈最伟大The person I worship mostThe person I worship most is my mother, she cooks for me everyday,she also cleans room, does dishes and washes clothes,and all are tough work, so I worship my mother most.Mom cares about me so much and is always nice with me. Mom is the greatest one to me.
2023-08-10 08:55:571


How ironic the two pictures are in describing one of the most widespread social phenomena concerning idol adoration! In the first picture, a young man writes the name of Beckham on his face. In the second picture, another young man spends 300 Yuan in dealing with his hair to make himself look like Beckham. The meaning conveyed in the two pictures reveals that in current China some young people are losing themselves. I am greatly shocked by the enthusiasm for this British football superstar shown by these two young men. Frankly speaking, things of this kind really happen among us. Some people, especially college students, do nothing but concentrate on imitating superstars. This does great harm to their study and growth. If we can"t stop the worsening of this tendency, our own culture will be damaged, and we ourselves will be the ultimate victims. From my point of view, a lot of measures should be taken to save our losing culture and re-find ourselves. In fact, some measures have already been taken. In my university, campaigns have been launched to educate people to pay more attention to our traditional culture and read more books instead of focusing on our appearances. As a result, we have witnessed some improvements but still there is a long way to go. 讽刺的是,这幅图描述了一种最为广泛的关于偶像崇拜的社会现象!在第一幅图中,一个年轻人在他脸上写上了贝克汉姆的名字。在另一幅图中,另一个年轻人花了300元钱打他的头发,使自己看起来像贝克汉姆。这两者传达的意思显示,在当前中国,有些年轻人正在失去自我。我对这名英国足球超级巨星的热情感到震惊,这是因为这两个年轻人所展示的。坦率地说,这种事情真的发生在我们中间。有些人,尤其是大学生,在模仿明星不集中。这对他们的学习和成长有很大的危害。如果我们不能阻止这一趋势的恶化,我们的文化将被破坏,我们自己将成为最终的受害者。从我的观点来看,我们应该采取许多措施来挽救我们的损失,重新找回自我。事实上,已经采取了一些措施。在我的大学里,运动是为了教育人们更加注重我们的传统文化,并阅读更多的书籍,而不是关注我们的外表。结果,我们看到了一些改进,但仍然有很长的路要走。
2023-08-10 08:56:041


最崇拜的人的英文表达是:"The person I admire the most"。以下是一段以此为主题的英文写作:The person I admire the most is my mother. She is a role model for me and has inspired me in many ways.My mother is a hardworking and selfless person. Despite the challenges she has faced, she never gives up and always remains positive. She taught me the importance of dedication and perseverance, and her work ethic has motivated me to push myself to achieve my goals.My mother also has a heart for helping others. She volunteers at a local charity and is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. Her selflessness has shown me the value of kindness and empathy.Overall, my mother"s strength, resilience, and compassion make her my greatest inspiration. I am grateful for everything she has done for me and aspire to be like her.中文翻译:我最崇拜的人是我的母亲。她是我的榜样,激发了我在许多方面的灵感。我的母亲是一个勤奋和无私的人。尽管她面临许多挑战,但她从不放弃,总是保持积极的态度。她教我奉献和毅力的重要性,她的职业道德激励我去追求我的目标。我的母亲也非常热心助人。她志愿参加当地的慈善机构,总是愿意伸出援手帮助有需要的人。她的无私表现出了善良和同情的价值。总的来说,我的母亲的坚强,韧性和同情心使她成为我最大的灵感。我感激她为我做的一切,渴望成为像她一样的人。以下是英语写作的注意事项:1、熟悉英语语法和拼写。正确的语法和拼写是写作的基础,因此需要提前学习和掌握。2、符合文章结构和表达逻辑。英语写作需要注重文章结构的完整性和表达逻辑的准确性,即要注意段落、句子结构的连贯性和衔接,以及合理的表达方式。3、多读多练。英语写作是一个需要不断练习的过程,需要多读多练习,以便提高自己的写作水平和语感,同时借鉴和吸取其他人的经验和写作技巧。4、注重用词和语境。英语写作需要注意用词准确、贴切,同时也需要注意与语境的协调和符合读者的需求。5、不断反复修改。英语写作需要不断反复修改,以减少语法和拼写错误,同时提高文章的完美度和语言表达能力。总之,英语写作需要夯实基础,注重结构和逻辑,多读多练,注重用词和语境,以及反复修改,希望以上的英语写作注意事项能对广大学生有所启示。
2023-08-10 08:56:111


  我最崇拜的人(The person I admire)—共两篇第一篇: When I was in high school, there was a teacher who taught me more than that in class.He was a very kind boy, 4 or 5 years older than us and taught us geography. We all liked to take his class, though geography was not our major course.What impressed me a lot was his grace.You could see him always smiling.He got angry only when we were too noisy in class.After class,he often played soccer with us.He used to be a very believable defender and never fouled on any of us.We all liked to call him "Teacher Miao" and he was just like a friend, not a teacher.His sonsy personality inspired me to be kind to everyone I met.That was my well-beloved "Teacher Miao".第二篇: I admire a person who called Chenhao .she is a famous actress.she is very beautiful and lovely.she was born on December 9th,1979,she is 28 years old this year.she is good at dancing,singing,playing flute,performing and so on.I think she is very promising.she had lots of best actress honours.she started performing when she was in the high school,her major was performance.she was the monitor ni her class.she was an excellent student at that time.she likes music too,so she started singing in 2005. she wasn"t successful at the begining,but she worked very hard and tried her best.she is famouse for a TV play callde"fenhongnvlang" she is an outgoing,forthight smart girl.I"m her fan.of course,I think I must learn form her.One day,she was wounded,but she stil worked with others,she is really earnest for her job.I think I must be earnest for my studies,and try my best to do something better,maybe I am not the best today,but I can do better tomorrow!      
2023-08-10 08:56:441

跪求 英语作文:我最崇拜的名人

The person I admire mostThe famous person I admire most is a popular Chinese actress named Luodan Wang. She is extremely friendly. Famous as she is, she never poses up with a poker face. Instead, she often takes the initiative to greet everyone with a shining smile like a sunflower. She works diligently. She always stays up late for her performance. Sometimes, she pulls an all-nighter. Her eyes look like a roadmap of London. I have learned so much from her about how to get along with others——to understand and respect each other; to focus on things we have in common and tolerate the difference. She never complains about others, just tries to find a solution. That"s the famous person I admire most.
2023-08-10 08:56:531

我崇拜的人 初三英语作文

The person who I admireWhether we still remember "the ground origin have no road, walk of person many also then became road" this sentence whose mouth out? Right! The answer is lu xun. Lu xun is my favorite person.Talking about lu xun, somehow, I always habit affectionately called him "sir". The first time I saw Mr Portrait was deeply attracted: sir, dressed in a long gown, fluffy hair rather disorderly, but very spirit, each a hair all straight up to one is yellow and thin face with those who make a person look after it will be difficult to forget the horoscope beard. That impressed me most of the eyes, small or Mr. But is god, eyes exude a hawk sharp, light, let a person feel no looking, but give a person infinite power.Mr Always with fatherly bosom tolerance us, waiting for us. Let us together out of the sea, with impetuous successors economist"s identity, with a heart don"t dye secular habit of heart, and his soul dialogue!
2023-08-10 08:57:031


问题一:“赞美”用英语怎么说? praise [preiz] n. 赞扬;称赞;荣耀;崇拜 vt. 赞美,歌颂;表扬 vi. 赞美;赞扬 Praise the Lord, Alleluia. 赞美主,哈利路亚。 问题二:“赞扬”用英语怎么说? mended赞扬 1.praise 2mend praise of 4pliment高度赞扬 1.belaud 2.think highly of大加赞扬 1.belaud推荐,赞扬 1mend赞扬,称赞 1.applaud 2.praise 问题三:“关于”用英语怎么说 With regard to. Concerning. About. In respect to. 都可以表示关于。 问题四:关于我们 用英语怎么说? about us regarding us 问题五:值得赞扬的英文怎么写 be worth praising 问题六:关于我英语怎么说 about me 问题七:得到了客户的肯定和赞扬 英文怎么说 obtain positive feedback from clients/customers 问题八:“关于什么达成共识”用英语怎么说? reached a consensus 1.The 穿wo parties have reached a consensus. 这两个政党达成了一致意见. There is broad consensus (of opinion) in the country on this issue. 对这一问题举国上下(舆论)普遍一致. 2.Achieves the mutual recognition about ......
2023-08-10 08:57:131

求 一篇80词左右的关于我崇拜的人的英语作文

The person I admireThere are many people that I admire.Among them I admire Zhang Haidi most.Have you heard of her?She was healthy when she was born.But when she was older,she became handicapped.She couldn"t walk.Every day she had to stay in bed.She was very sad.But she didn"t give up.She thought she should do something to help herself and our country.So she began to learn English and many other things.She can speak English very well and she also can translate English stories.Most people know her and learn from her.People are calling her a succssful woman.We all know it is hard to succeed.But if we keep on trying .I think nothing is impossible.
2023-08-10 08:57:232