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什么叫Verb Complementation Patterns, 注意,不是要翻译成中文,是介绍

2023-08-16 18:16:24



My mother is a doctor.

The sky is blue.

The boys are away during the morning.

My work is to prepare dinner.

One of my hobbies is making artificial flowers.

His lecture must have been very interesting.

The cat is under the table.


Different verbs can be followed by different kinds of word and structure. Some verbs can be followed by infinitives with or without to; some verbs can be followed by –ing forms; some by past participles; and some by clauses.

Many verbs can be followed by two or more of these structures. There is usually a difference of meaning.

Study the following sentences

She seems to have a problem. (NOT She seems having a problem. Seem cannot be followed by a to-infinitive.)

I must stop smoking. (NOT I must stop to smoke.)

I got my car stolen twice last year. (NOT I got my car stealing…)

I suggest consulting a specialist. OR I suggest that we consult a specialist. (NOT I suggest to consult a specialist.)

Many verbs can be followed by an object as well as a verb structure.

We all want you to be happy.

I must get the clock repaired.

Verb + object + complement

Some transitive verbs are followed by an object together with an expression that gives more information about the object.

She makes me nervous.

We thought him to be a fool.

She decided to paint her house pink.



2023-08-10 00:23:392


2023-08-10 00:23:588


bererevrevsverbverbs====== 动词 有 come,go,read,say,do,make,write, listen,dance,sing,,,,,
2023-08-10 00:24:151

英语上名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词、介词、数词 是什么意思

例句:1.I(人称代词主格) bought(实义动词) 3(数词) nice(形容词) books(名词复数) in(介词) the(定冠词) bookstore(名词). 2.They(人称代词主格) are(be动词) very(副词) useful(形容词) for(介词) me(人称代词宾格).自己写个句子,然后查每个单词,看他们各是什么词,试着分析。熟能生巧。
2023-08-10 00:24:246

2023-08-10 00:25:081

stative verbs有哪些

stative verbs(静态动词)表示状态通常不用于进行时态,以下是一些单词中常见的stative verbs:be(是)seem(似乎)feel(感觉)appear(出现)have(拥有)belong(属于)like(喜欢)dislike(不喜欢)love(爱)hate(讨厌)know(知道)understand(理解)believe(相信)think(想)recognize(认出)remember(记得)forget(忘记)需要注意的是,某些动词可以同时为stative verbs和Dynamic verb(动态动词),具体情况还需根据上下文确定
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2023-08-10 00:25:432

“non-action verbs”是什么意思?

non-action verbs非行为动词就这个意思丰富不了了
2023-08-10 00:26:031

英语,什么是nonaction verbs,这些单词有哪些

你好,他表示不能用进行时的动词。不能用进行时的动词1) 表示状态的动词,如be, seem, appear, become, get等。He is being a used-car dealer.(误)He is a used-car dealer.(正)She is seeming always about to smile.(误)She seems always about to smile.(正)2) 表示表示感觉或感情的词动词,如see(看见), hear(听见),feel(感觉出), taste(尝出),smell(闻到), seem, notice, hate, love, like, want, wish, refuse, prefer, forgive等。如:等。 The medicine is tasting bitter. (误)The medicine tastes bitter. (正)I was seeing a car passing by our house. (误)I saw a car passing by our house. (正)This cake smells wonderful.这蛋糕闻起来很香。(不说This cake is smelling...)He hears much better after an operation. 手术后他的听力强多了。(不说He is hearing...)这些动词之所以不用于进行时态,是因为这些感官的感觉是无意识的。如果这些动词表示有意识的行为,则可以用于进行时态。试比较:She was smelling scent at one counter while I was buying some medicine at another. 她在一个柜台闻着香水,我在另一个柜台买药。(因为此处smell为有意识的行为,所以用进行时态) The clerk sprayed her with some scent and she smelt like a scent shop herself the whole evening.店员给她的身上 喷了些香水,整个晚上她的身上像香水店一样散发着香气。(因为此处smell表示无意识的行为,所以不用进行时态)但是,如果这些动词词义改变,就可以用于进行时态。例如:① hearI shall be hearing some new applications for the choir this afternoon. 今天下午我将对新加入合唱队的人进行审听。(hear在此表示“审听”)② feel如果feel用来表示身体状况和心情,则可以用于进行时态和非进行时态。例如: How are you feeling now?(feel在此表示身体的感觉) How do you feel now? ③ seesee的有些用法不表示“视觉”,所以都可以用进行时态。如:He is seeing a new secretary.他正在会见秘书。He is seeing his mother home. 他送母亲回家。They are seeing to your matter now.他们正在处理你的事情。3)表示存在或所属拥有的词,如:exist, stay, remain, obtain, have, form, contain, own, possess, belong, contain, hold等。 Mr Zhu now has(possesses,owns)a very smart car. 朱先生现在有一部非常时髦的车。 This drawer contains(holds)all the love letters we own. 这抽屉装着我们所有的情书He is owning a luxurious car. (误)He owns a luxurious car. (正)The book is belonging to her. (误)The book belongs to her.(正)4) 表示思想状况、态度、认识,猜想或理解的动词,如believe, think, know, understand, agree, approve, consider, expect, forget, guess, hesitate, hope, imagine, mean, realize, remember, suppose(猜想), trust, want, wish, doubt (怀疑)
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你好,高兴帮助你。请采纳,谢谢!!!irregular verbs 意思是:不规则动词irregular 是regular的反义词, 意思是:不规则的verbs是verb的复数,意思是:动词
2023-08-10 00:26:201


谈谈情态动词(Modal Verbs)(一)   我们常见的英文动词有:及物动词(Transtive Verbs)、不及物动词(Intranstive Verbs)、助动词(Axiliary Verbs)、联系动词(Link Verbs /Copula)和情态动词(Modal Verbs)。其他还有:非谓语动词,如:动词不定式、动名词。   这回我们就来谈谈情态动词(Modal Verbs 注意Modal 不是 Model 喔)。   * 情态动词也可称为"情态助动词 (Modal Auxiliaries)",因为它和基本助动词(be,do, have)都属于助动词类。   * 情态动词和其他动词连用,可表示说话人的语气。   * 情态动词可表达建议、要求、可能和意愿等。   * 情态动词没有人称和数的变化。   * 常用的情态动词有:can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would这九大情态动词;其他的还有ought to, need, dare 等。   其实我们这里谈的情态动词,它的特征用法,有许多方面和助动词是一样的(请参阅《英文语法拉杂谈》助动词);但为了方便阅读,因此即使相同的部份,这里也同样列出。   一、情态动词的变化:(情态动词could,动词 to work)   1.1 简单型(Simple):表示现在或将来的状态   I could work (动词不可加 to ,如:to work.下同)   you could work he could work she could work it could work we could work they could work   1.2 完成式型 (Perfect):表示过去的状态   I could have worked (动词是 have + v-ed 过去分词。下同)   you could have worked he could have worked she could have worked it could have worked we could have worked they could have worked   1.3 进行式型 (Continuous):表示现在或将来还在进行的状态   I could be working (动词是be + v-ing 现在分词。下同)   you could be working he could be working she could be working it could be working we could be working they could be working   1.4 完成进行式型 (Perfect Continuous):表示过去正在进行的状态   I could have been working (动词是 have been + v-ing 现在分词。下同)   you could have been working he could have been working she could have been working it could have been working we could have been working they could have been working   二、情态动词的疑问句:   只要将情态动词移到主语(Subject)的前面,句尾加上问号。这样就成了疑问句。   1. She can work.(主语she, 情态动词 can,动词 work)   Can she work ? (这就是疑问句)   2. He would be working. (主语he, 情态动词 would,动词 be working)   Would he be working ?   3. They should have worked. (主语they, 情态动词should, 动词have worked)   Should they have worked ?   4. I could have been working. (主语 I, 情态动词 could, 动词 have been working)   Could I have been working ?   三、情态动词的否定句:   在情态动词的后面加上 not 就成了情太动词否定句。   1. She can work. She cannot work. (注意:can 和 not 须连在一起)(这就是否定句)   2. He would be working. He would not be working. (would not)   3. They should have worked. They should not have worked. (should not)   4. I could have been working. I could not have been working. (could not)   四、在口语中,否定情态动词的缩写法:   1. cannot —— can"t 2. could not —— couldn"t 3. might not —— mightn"t (很少用)   4. must not —— mustn"t 5. shall not —— shan"t (几乎没人用了)   6. should not —— shouldn"t 7. will not —— won"t (可不是 win"t 喔!)   8. would not —— wouldn"t   五、情态动词的否定疑问句:   将否定情态动词移到主语的前面,就成了否定疑问句。   1. Can she not work ? 或 Can"t she work ? (看出有什么不同吗?小心看看喔)   2. Would he not be working ? 或 Wouldn"t he be working ?   3. Should they not have worked ? 或 Shouldn"t they have worked ?   4. Could I not have been working ? 或 Couldn"t I have been working ?   六、情态动词的反问句:   看看下面的例子就明白啦,呵呵。   1. She can work. 反问句:She can work, can"t she ?   2. He would be working. 反问句:He would be working, wouldn"t he ?   3. They should have worked. 反问句:They should have worked, shouldn"t they ?   4. I could have been working. 反问句:I could have been working, couldn"t I ?   就谈这些了,但我们还未进入正题哩,哎呀呀……   谈谈情态动词(Modal Verbs)(二)   上回在谈到情态动词的变化中,只举了以情态动词 could 为例子的变化。其他的情态动词(would, should, might……)都可依此类推。   七、九大情态动词的时态关系:   1.  现在式 can —— 过去式 could 2.  现在式 may —— 过去式 might 3.  现在式 shall —— 过去式 should 4.  现在式 will —— 过去式 would 5.  现在式 must —— 过去式 must (其实must 和 ought 都是没有时态的)   八、情态动词的用法:表示"可能"或"预测"(Can,Could,Will,Would,Shall,Should,Must,Ought to)   8.1  can 和 could 用于表示"可能"或"预测":   1. He can"t be at home. (否定句)   他不可能在家。   2. Can the news be true ? (将情态动词 can 置于主语 the news 前就成疑问句)   这消息可能是真的吗?   3. Anybody can make mistake. (只表示理论上的可能性)   任何人都可能犯错误。   4. At that time we thought the story could not be true. (表示过去的可能性)   那时我们认为所说的故事不可能是真的。   5. An accident can happen if you do this. (表示事情肯定会发生)   如果你这样做,可能会发生意外。   8.2 may 和 might 用于表示"事实上的可能性"或"预测":   1. It may rain tomorrow. (表示可能会发生)   明天可能会下雨。   2. It may snow later this afternoon. (表示预测)   今天下午可能会下雪。   3. You might be right. (表示有可能)   你可能是对的。   4. It is possible he may have called while we were out. (现在完成式型may have called)   当我们出门后,他有可能会打电话来。   5. Sam might have taken the money, but it seems unlikely. (过去完成式型might have taken)   钱可能会是Sam拿走的,但又不太像。   6. If you took some exercise, you might not be so fat. (might 用于条件句)   要是你锻炼锻炼,可能不会这样胖。   7. Electric irons could be dangerous; they might give you a severe shock.(这里的might表示可能性比may 小一些)   电熨斗会有危险的,它可能使你受到严重的电击。   8.3 will 和 would 用于表示"预测"或"习惯性":   1. I think he will be all right now. (will be 表示一定会)   我想他现在一定好了。   2. That would be his mother. (would be 表示肯定是)   那肯定是他母亲。   3. He will sit there hour after hour looking at the river. (will 表示经常的)   他经常一连几个小时坐在那儿看着河水。   4. He would come to see me when he was in London. (would 表示习惯地)   他在伦敦时,常来看望我。   8.4 shall 和 should 用于表示"必定":   1. I shall be rich one day. (shall be )   总有一天我发达的。   2. That should be Sam and his mother. (should be)   那准是Sam 和他的母亲。   8.5 must 用于表示"必定","必会":   1. This must be good for you. (must be 肯定)   这肯定对你是有益的。   2. All mankind must die. (表示必然会发生的事)   所有的人一定会死的。   3. Mustn"t there be a mistake ? (mustn"t 多用于疑问句)   那肯定会有错误吗?   8.6 ought to 用于表示"想必会"(语气较must 弱):   1. They ought to be there by now.他们想必已到那儿了。   2. He ought to stop smoking.他不要抽烟了。   由于情态动词也是一个难缠的东东,写得好乱,真没办法 :-(   谈谈情态动词(Modal Verbs)(三)   九、情态动词的用法:表示"许可"、"请求"(Can, Could, Will, Would, Shall, Should, May, Might, Must)   9.1 can 和 could 用于表示"许可"、"请求":   1. Can I go with you ? (请求)   我能跟你一起走吗?   2. Father said I could go to cinema. (表示过去的许可)   爸爸说我可以去看电影。   3. Could I ask you something ? (请求,用 could 比 can 更婉转)   我可以问你一件事吗?   4. You can come in. (表示允许,常见于口语)   你可以进来。   5. You cannot smoke in the meeting room. (cannot 表示"禁止")   会议室里不许吸烟。   6. Can"t you do it now ? (表示反问)   你不能现在做吗?   9.2 will 和 would 用于表示"请求"   1. Will you kindly tell me the way to the post office ? (表示客气请求)   请问到邮局怎么走?   2. Would you give me your address ? (用 would 比 will 表示更客气)   请你告诉我你的地址,好吗?   9.3 shall 和 should 用于第一人称,表示征求对方的意见   1. Shall we talk?   我们谈谈好吗?   2. What should we do next ? (用should 比 shall 表示更客气)   下一步我们该怎么做?   3. Shall he come to see you ? (用于第三人称疑问句)   要不要他来看你?   9.4 may 和 might 用于表示"许可"(口语中多用 can )   1. You may take a walk. (表示给予许可)   你可以散散步。   2. You might read the story for me. (比may更婉转)   是否请给我读一读这故事。   3. May I make a suggestion ?   我可以提个建议吗?   4. Might I take a look of your work ?   我看看您的大作行吗?   5. Students may not make noise in the library. (may not 表示不许可或禁止)   学生不得在图书馆里吵闹。   6. If I may say so, you are not right. (用于条件句,表示请求)   你是不对的,如果我可以这么说的话。   9.5 must 用于表示"禁止","不准":   1. Cars must not be parked here. (must not表示不许可)   此地不准停车。   2. All of you mustn"t fishing in the pool. (must not 语气方面比 may not 更强)   你们不准在池里钓鱼。   各位看官,看完给个意见吧,may you?   谈谈情态动词(Modal Verbs)(四)   十、情态动词的用法:表示“应该”、“必须”   (Shall, Should, May, Might, Must, Ought to)   10.1 Shall 和 Should 用于表示“必须”:   1. Each member shall wear a name card. (表示规定)   每一个会员必须配带名卡。   2. I should answer his letter as soon as possible. (表示应该)   我应该尽快给他回信。   3. You shouldn"t judge a man always by the clothes. (shouldn"t “不应该”含有劝告的意思)   你不应该总是以貌取人。   4. The rules shall take effect on Jan. 1st. (shall 用于规章等,表示义务和规定)   新规则于一月一日起生效。   10.2 May 和 Might 用于表示“应该"(多用于法律等条文,一般上多用 shall ):   1. Payment may be paid by check. (表示规定)   应以支票付款。   2. You might ask before you use my computer. (might表示应该)   你应该先问过再使用我的电脑。   10.3 Must 用于表示“必须”、“务必”:   1. You must keep the place clean. (务必)   你务必保持地方干净。   2. We must obey orders. (表示有义务)   我们必须服从命令。   3. Must I pay now ? (用于疑问句) (如回答不必时,需用 needn"t 或 don"t have to)   我现在就得付款吗?   10.4 Ought to 用于表示“应该”(强调客观上):(大多情况可用 should 代替)   1. You ought to go to see the doctor. (ought to 的语气比must 弱)   你应该去看看医生。   2. You oughtn"t (ought not) to smoke so much. (oughtn"t 用于否定句)   你不应该抽这么多烟。   3. Ought you to smoke so much? (用于疑问句)   你应该抽这么多烟吗?   不知怎的,总觉得有点意兴阑珊。再见吧。   谈谈情态动词(Modal Verbs)(五)   十一、 情态动词的用法:表示“意图”、“打算”   (will, would, shall, should)   11.1 will 和 would 用于表示某种意图:   1. I"ll will call you as soon as possible. (will 主要用于第一人称)   我会尽快打电话给你。   2. Will you accept this invitation ? (用would 则表示得客气)   你愿意接受这邀请吗?   3. Who will do the job ? (用于条件句,可用于各种人称)   谁愿意做这事?   4. We won"t (will not) stay here too long. (will not 表示不愿)   我们不愿呆在这里太久。   11.2 shall 和 should 用于表示说话人的意图:   1. We shan"t (shall not) to if it rains. (shall not 也可用 will not)   如果下雨,我们就不打算走了。   2. I shan"t go with you. (shall 只用在第一人称)   我不打算和你一同走。   十二、 情态动词的用法:表示“意愿”   (will, would, shall, should)   12.1 will 和 would :   1. She will do it if you ask her. (表示主语的意愿)   如果你问她,她会做的。   2. Would you have another cup of tea ? (用 would 比 will 客气)   你想再来一杯茶吗?   3. Will you have some cookies ? (will 用于疑问句,表示问人是否愿意)   你想吃些烤饼吗?   4. If he will he can do it. (will 用于条件句,用于第二、三人称)   如果他愿意,他会做的。   5. Would you excuse me ? (would 表示婉转语气)   你能原谅我吗?   12.2 shall 和 should :   1. He shall get his allowance. (注意是he shall, 表示说话人的意愿)   他会拿到他的津贴的。   2. You should sit here as long as you like.只要你乐意,坐多久能行。   3. Shall you go to school with me ? (疑问句中,表示问对方的意愿)   你愿意和我一起到学校去吗?   十三、情态动词的用法:表示“决心”   (will, would, shall, would)   13.1  will 和 would :   1. I will stop smoking. (will 表示主语 I 的决心。不能用 I"ll)   我决心戒烟了。   2. He will come whenever you say. (will 表示主语he 一定会做)   你什么时候说,他一定会来的。   3. He would not let me try .他不肯让我去试。   4. If you will go, you may go at once. (用于条件句,用于第二、三人称)   如果你非走不可,你可以马上就走。   13.2 shall 和 should :   1. You shall complete your lesson. (shall 表示说话人的决心。shall 须重读)   你应该完成你的课程。   2. No one shall stop me. (shall 重读)   任何人也不能阻止我。   3. You shall obey chairman. (shall 用于肯定句。shall 重读。只能用于第二、三人称)   我要你服从主席。
2023-08-10 00:26:281


英文不规则动词三态变化 整理来罗!英文不规则动词叫做Irregular Verbs,也就是现在式、过去式、过去分词,可能都不太一样,并不是在动词尾巴加上-ed 就可以了,而是要去记住它的三态变化的,这种就叫做英文不规则动词。 本篇文章整理各种英文不规则动词的三态变化,并按照英文字母排列。 1.什么是英文不规则动词? 既然有不规则动词(Irregular Verbs),那就有规则动词(regular verbs)啦! 规则动词(regular verbs)例如work,work的三态分别为: Work – worked – worked 过去式跟过去分词,只要分别在字尾加上ed就可以了,这就是规则动词(regular verbs)。 而不规则动词(Irregular Verbs)例如Go,Go的三态分别为: Go -went – gone Go的过去式跟过去分词,并不是在字尾加上ed那么简单,而是不规则变化的,这种英文动词就是不规则动词(Irregular Verbs)。 而学英文,一定要记住英文不规则动词的三态变化,否则你在听别人讲英文的时候,会以为对方讲的是一个新的单字,其实对方可能只是在讲某个动词的过去式,或是过去分词而已,而你因为没有记住英文不规则动词的三态变化,可能会以为是一个新的单字而产生困扰喔! 2.英文不规则动词三态变化(Irregular Verbs)整理 下面整理英文不规则动词三态各种变化,赶快记下来吧! 下方左至右顺序依次为:现在式 – 过去式 – 过去分词: awake – awoke – awoken be – was, were – been beat – beat – beaten bee – became – bee begin – began – begun bend – bent – bent bite – bit – bitten blow – blew – blown break – broke – broken bring – brought – brought burn – burned or burnt – burned or burnt buy – bought – bought catch – caught – caught choose – chose – chosen e – came – e dig – dug – dug do – did – done draw – drew – drawn dream – dreamed or dreamt – dreamed or dreamt drive – drove – driven drink – drank – drunk eat – ate – eaten fall – fell – fallen feel – felt – felt fight – fought – fought find – found – found fly -flew -flown fet -fot -fotten five -fave -fiven freeze -froze -frozen get -got -got (gotten) give -gave -given go -went -gone grow -grew -grown hang -hung -hung have -had -had hear -heard -heard hide -hid -hidden hold -held -held keep -kept -kept know -knew -known lay -laid -laid lead -led -led learn -learned or learnt -learned or learnt leave -left -left lend -lent -lent lie -lay -lain lose -lost -lost make -made -made mean -meant -meant meet -met -met pay -paid -paid put -put -put read -read -read(现在式跟过去式发音不同喔) ride -rode -ridden ring -rang -rung rise -rose -risen run -ran -run say -said -said see- saw -seen sell -sold -sold send -sent- sent show -showed -showed or shown sing -sang -sung sink -sank -sunk sit -sat -sat sleep – slept- slept speak -spoke -spoken spend -spent -spent stand -stood -stood swim -swam -swum take -took -taken teach -taught -taught tear -tore -torn tell -told -told think -thought -thought throw -threw -thrown understand -understood -understood wake -woke -woken wear -wore -worn win -won- won write -wrote -written 另外,英文副词跟连接词的所有用法,可以参考下面文章: 上面就是常见的英文不规则动词三态变化整理,赶快记住吧,下次就不会以为是一个新的单字啦! 不规则动词, 不规则动词 三态, 不规则动词 三态变化, 不规则动词 型态, 不规则动词 英文, 英文 不规则动词
2023-08-10 00:26:351

英语,什么是nonaction verbs,这些单词有哪些?

就是那些不能表示正在进行的动作的词(也就是不能用现在进行时)non-action verb 通常反映一个事物的状态,常用的有like, seem, appear, taste, sound等等。例句:Mr. Tactful is seeming like a nice guy.(Wrong!)Mr. Tactful seems like a nice guy.(Correct)This salad is tasting delicious.(Wrong!)This salad tastes delicious.(Correct)I am liking banana cream pie.(Wrong!)I like banana cream pie.(Correct)
2023-08-10 00:26:461


“自主动词”翻译(1)volitional verb (2)controllable verbs (3)self-determination verbs “非自主动词”翻译?(1)nonvolitional verbs (2)of the none self-determination verbs (3) none self-determination verbs (4) the none self-determination verbs
2023-08-10 00:26:532


名词 Nouns(n.):表示人或事物的名称。动词 Verbs:(vi.vt.):表示动作或状态。形容词Adj"ectives(a.):表示人或事物的特征。副词 Ad"verb`s(adv.):修饰动词,形容词或其它副词。代词 Pro"noun`s(pron.):代替名词,数词等。介词 Prep`osit"ions(prep.):表示名词,代词和其它词的关系。数词 Nu"merals(num.):表示数量或顺序。冠词:冠词 Ar"ticles(art.):限制名词的意义,只有3个:不定冠词 a,an(在元音开头的名词前),主要用来表示不肯定的“某一个或任何一个”,一般与单数可数名词联用。定冠词 the,the (在元音开头的名词前),主要用来表示指定的人或事物,以区别同类中其他的人或事物.相当于汉语中的“那个,那些,这个这些”.它既可以和单数名词,复数名词连用,又可以和不可数名词连用.
2023-08-10 00:27:011

片语动词 (Phrasal verbs)|take off、hold up、fill out、blow up

很多片语动词(phrasal verbs)通常一字多义,在阅读文章或收看电视节目时,我们时常需要很快地判断出在某个语境之下的片语动词所拥有的涵义,以免要花很长时间阅读或跟不上剧情。 Go Natural English的讲师Gabby Wallace在影片中提出了四个日常生活常见的片语动词:take off、hold up、fill out、blow up,下次见到这些片语动词时,就可以一句后面所接的受词来理解整个句子罗! 1. Take off 脱去(衣物)、(飞机)起飞 e.g. Please take off your shoes before you e in. 进来之前请先脱掉你的鞋子。 e.g. The plane will take off on time. 飞机将准时起飞。 2. Hold up 延误、抬起来、抢劫 e.g. The airplane hold up on departure. 这班飞机延误起飞。 e.g. Please hold up your right hand. 请举起你的右手。 e.g. Those people in the photos held up the bank last night. 照片中的那些人昨晚抢劫银行。 3. Fill out 填写 (申请书等)、发胖 e.g. She fills out a form before the interview. 她在面试之前先填写了表格。 4. Blow up 炸毁;勃然大怒 e.g. The criminal blew up the building. 那位罪犯炸毁了整栋大楼。 e.g. His mom blew up about his words. 他的妈妈因为他的话而大发脾气。 blow up, blow up 中文, blow up 意思, blow up 用法, blow up 翻译, blow up 英文例句, fill out, fill out 中文, fill out 意思, fill out 用法, fill out 翻译, fill out 英文例句, hold up, hold up 中文, hold up 意思, hold up 用法, hold up 翻译, hold up 英文例句, phrasal verb, take off, take off 中文, take off 意思, take off 片语, take off 用法, take off 英文例句, 勃然大怒 英文, 填写 英文, 延误 英文, 抢劫 英文, 炸毁 英文, 发胖 英文, 起飞 英文
2023-08-10 00:27:251


2023-08-10 00:28:043


2023-08-10 00:28:323


v在英语里代表动词,是verb的简写。相关的词类还有vt是及物动词的缩写(verbtransitive);Ⅵ是不及物动词缩写(intransitive verb)o
2023-08-10 00:29:379

irregular verbs是什么意思?

irregular verbs的意思是不规则动词,就是指过去式和过去分词不是按照一般规则变化的动词。不规则动词有很多,例如:begin, 过去式和过去分词都是began.see, 过去式是saw, 过去分词是seen.take, 过去式是took, 过去分词是taken.
2023-08-10 00:30:141

八年级下册牛津英语lrregular verbs的翻译

2023-08-10 00:30:255

irregular verbs是什么意思

irregular verbs:不规则动词
2023-08-10 00:30:462


2023-08-10 00:31:111


stative verbs(静态动词)表示状态通常不用于进行时态,以下是一些单词中常见的stative verbs:be(是)seem(似乎)feel(感觉)appear(出现)have(拥有)belong(属于)like(喜欢)dislike(不喜欢)love(爱)hate(讨厌)know(知道)understand(理解)believe(相信)think(想)recognize(认出)remember(记得)forget(忘记)需要注意的是,某些动词可以同时为stative verbs和Dynamic verb(动态动词),具体情况还需根据上下文确定
2023-08-10 00:31:181

谁能为我讲解下非行为动词(Non-Action Verbs)

情态动词 can must should will would could shall be动词 be is am are was were 感官动词 如 sound feel taste look smell ... 用于进行时要根据语境和时态而定,表示正在进行的动作就用进行时
2023-08-10 00:31:462


stative verbs(静态动词)表示状态通常不用于进行时态,以下是一些单词中常见的stative verbs:be(是)seem(似乎)feel(感觉)appear(出现)have(拥有)belong(属于)like(喜欢)dislike(不喜欢)love(爱)hate(讨厌)know(知道)understand(理解)believe(相信)think(想)recognize(认出)remember(记得)forget(忘记)需要注意的是,某些动词可以同时为stative verbs和Dynamic verb(动态动词),具体情况还需根据上下文确定
2023-08-10 00:31:531


谈谈情态动词(modal verbs)(一) 我们常见的英文动词有:及物动词(transtive verbs)、不及物动词(intranstive verbs)、助动词(axiliary verbs)、联系动词(link verbs /copula)和情态动词(modal verbs)。其他还有:非谓语动词,如:动词不定式、动名词。 这回我们就来谈谈情态动词(modal verbs 注意modal 不是 model 喔)。 * 情态动词也可称为"情态助动词 (modal auxiliaries)",因为它和基本助动词(be, do, have)都属于助动词类。 * 情态动词和其他动词连用,可表示说话人的语气。 * 情态动词可表达建议、要求、可能和意愿等。 * 情态动词没有人称和数的变化。 * 常用的情态动词有:can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would 这九大情态动词;其他的还有ought to, need, dare 等。 其实我们这里谈的情态动词,它的特征用法,有许多方面和助动词是一样的(请参阅 《英文语法拉杂谈》助动词);但为了方便阅读,因此即使相同的部份,这里也同样列 出。 一、情态动词的变化:(情态动词could,动词 to work) 1.1 简单型(simple):表示现在或将来的状态  i could work (动词不可加 to ,如:to work。下同)  you could work  he could work  she could work  it could work  we could work  they could work 1.2 完成式型 (perfect):表示过去的状态  i could have worked (动词是 have + v-ed 过去分词。下同)  you could have worked  he could have worked  she could have worked  it could have worked  we could have worked  they could have worked 1.3 进行式型 (continuous):表示现在或将来还在进行的状态  i could be working (动词是be + v-ing 现在分词。下同)  you could be working  he could be working  she could be working  it could be working  we could be working  they could be working 1.4 完成进行式型 (perfect continuous):表示过去正在进行的状态  i could have been working (动词是 have been + v-ing 现在分词。下同)  you could have been working  he could have been working  she could have been working  it could have been working  we could have been working  they could have been working 二、情态动词的疑问句: 只要将情态动词移到主语(subject)的前面,句尾加上问号。这样就成了疑问句。 1. she can work.(主语she, 情态动词 can,动词 work)   can she work ? (这就是疑问句) 2. he would be working. (主语he, 情态动词 would,动词 be working)   would he be working ? 3. they should have worked. (主语they, 情态动词should, 动词have worked)   should they have worked ? 4. i could have been working. (主语 i, 情态动词 could, 动词 have been working)   could i have been working ? 三、情态动词的否定句: 在情态动词的后面加上 not 就成了情太动词否定句。 1. she can work.   she cannot work. (注意:can 和 not 须连在一起)(这就是否定句) 2. he would be working.   he would not be working. (would not) 3. they should have worked.    they should not have worked. (should not) 4. i could have been working.    i could not have been working. (could not) 四、在口语中,否定情态动词的缩写法: 1. cannot ---- canu2019t 2. could not ---- couldnu2019t 3. might not ---- mightnu2019t (很少用) 4. must not ---- mustnu2019t 5. shall not ---- shanu2019t (几乎没人用了) 6. should not ---- shouldnu2019t 7. will not ---- wonu2019t (可不是 winu2019t 喔!) 8. would not ---- wouldnu2019t 五、情态动词的否定疑问句: 将否定情态动词移到主语的前面,就成了否定疑问句。 1. can she not work ? 或 canu2019t she work ? (看出有什么不同吗?小心看看喔) 2. would he not be working ? 或 wouldnu2019t he be working ? 3. should they not have worked ? 或 shouldnu2019t they have worked ? 4. could i not have been working ? 或 couldnu2019t i have been working ? 六、情态动词的反问句 : 看看下面的例子就明白啦,呵呵。 1. she can work. 反问句:she can work, canu2019t she ? 2. he would be working. 反问句:he would be working, wouldnu2019t he ? 3. they should have worked. 反问句:they should have worked, shouldnu2019t they ? 4. i could have been working. 反问句:i could have been working, couldnu2019t i ? 就谈这些了,但我们还未进入正题哩,哎呀呀…… 谈谈情态动词(modal verbs)(二) 上回在谈到情态动词的变化中,只举了以情态动词 could 为例子的变化。其他的情态 动词(would, should, might...)都可依此类推。 七、九大情态动词的时态关系 : 1.  现在式 can -- 过去式 could 2.  现在式 may -- 过去式 might 3.  现在式 shall -- 过去式 should 4.  现在式 will -- 过去式 would 5.  现在式 must -- 过去式 must (其实must 和 ought 都是没有时态的) 八、情态动词的用法:表示"可能"或"预测"   (can,could,will,would,shall,should,must,ought to) 8.1  can 和 could 用于表示"可能"或"预测": 1. he canu2019t be at home. (否定句)   他不可能在家。 2. can the news be true ? (将情态动词 can 置于主语 the news 前就成疑问句)   这消息可能是真的吗? 3. anybody can make mistake. (只表示理论上的可能性)   任何人都可能犯错误。 4. at that time we thought the story could not be true. (表示过去的可能性)   那时我们认为所说的故事不可能是真的。 5. an accident can happen if you do this. (表示事情肯定会发生)   如果你这样做,可能会发生意外。 8.2 may 和 might 用于表示"事实上的可能性"或"预测": 1. it may rain tomorrow. (表示可能会发生)   明天可能会下雨。 2. it may snow later this afternoon. (表示预测)   今天下午可能会下雪。 3. you might be right. (表示有可能)   你可能是对的。 4. it is possible he may have called while we were out. (现在完成式型may have called)   当我们出门后,他有可能会打电话来。 5. sam might have taken the money, but it seems unlikely. (过去完成式型 might have taken)   钱可能会是sam拿走的,但又不太像。 6. if you took some exercise, you might not be so fat. (might 用于条件句)   要是你锻炼锻炼,可能不会这样胖。 7. electric irons could be dangerous; they might give you a severe shock. (这里的might表示可能性比may 小一些)   电熨斗会有危险的,它可能使你受到严重的电击。 8.3 will 和 would 用于表示"预测"或"习惯性": 1. i think he will be all right now. (will be 表示一定会)   我想他现在一定好了。 2. that would be his mother. (would be 表示肯定是)   那肯定是他母亲。 3. he will sit there hour after hour looking at the river. (will 表示经常 的)    他经常一连几个小时坐在那儿看着河水。 4. he would come to see me when he was in london. (would 表示习惯地)    他在伦敦时,常来看望我。 8.4 shall 和 should 用于表示"必定": 1. i shall be rich one day. (shall be )   总有一天我发达的。 2. that should be sam and his mother. (should be)   那准是sam 和他的母亲。 8.5 must 用于表示"必定","必会": 1. this must be good for you. (must be 肯定)   这肯定对你是有益的。 2. all mankind must die. (表示必然会发生的事)    所有的人一定会死的。 3. mustnu2019t there be a mistake ? (mustnu2019t 多用于疑问句)    那肯定会有错误吗? 8.6 ought to 用于表示"想必会"(语气较must 弱): 1. they ought to be there by now.   他们想必已到那儿了。 2. he ought to stop smoking.    他最好不要抽烟了。 由于情态动词也是一个难缠的东东,写得好乱,真没办法 :-( 谈谈情态动词(modal verbs)(三) 九、情态动词的用法:表示"许可"、"请求"   (can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must) 9.1 can 和 could 用于表示"许可"、"请求": 1. can i go with you ? (请求)   我能跟你一起走吗? 2. father said i could go to cinema. (表示过去的许可)   爸爸说我可以去看电影。 3. could i ask you something ? (请求,用 could 比 can 更婉转)   我可以问你一件事吗? 4. you can come in. (表示允许,常见于口语)   你可以进来。 5. you cannot smoke in the meeting room. (cannot 表示"禁止")   会议室里不许吸烟。 6. canu2019t you do it now ? (表示反问)   你不能现在做吗? 9.2 will 和 would 用于表示"请求" 1. will you kindly tell me the way to the post office ? (表示客气请求)   请问到邮局怎么走? 2. would you give me your address ? (用 would 比 will 表示更客气)   请你告诉我你的地址,好吗? 9.3 shall 和 should 用于第一人称,表示征求对方的意见 1. shall we talk?   我们谈谈好吗? 2. what should we do next ? (用should 比 shall 表示更客气)   下一步我们该怎么做? 3. shall he come to see you ? (用于第三人称疑问句)   要不要他来看你? 9.4 may 和 might 用于表示"许可"(口语中多用 can ) 1. you may take a walk. (表示给予许可)   你可以散散步。 2. you might read the story for me. (比may更婉转)   是否请给我读一读这故事。 3. may i make a suggestion ?    我可以提个建议吗? 4. might i take a look of your work ?   我看看您的大作行吗? 5. students may not make noise in the library. (may not 表示不许可或禁止)   学生不得在图书馆里吵闹。 6. if i may say so, you are not right. (用于条件句,表示请求)   你是不对的,如果我可以这么说的话。 9.5 must 用于表示"禁止","不准": 1. cars must not be parked here. (must not表示不许可)   此地不准停车。 2. all of you mustnu2019t fishing in the pool. (must not 语气方面比 may not 更 强)   你们不准在池里钓鱼。 各位看官,看完给个意见吧,may you? 谈谈情态动词(modal verbs)(四) 十、情态动词的用法:表示“应该”、“必须”   (shall, should, may, might, must, ought to) 10.1 shall 和 should 用于表示“必须”: 1. each member shall wear a name card. (表示规定)   每一个会员必须配带名卡。 2. i should answer his letter as soon as possible. (表示应该)   我应该尽快给他回信。 3. you shouldnu2019t judge a man always by the clothes. (shouldnu2019t “不应该”含 有劝告的意思)   你不应该总是以貌取人。 4. the rules shall take effect on jan. 1st. (shall 用于规章等,表示义务和 规定)   新规则于一月一日起生效。 10.2 may 和 might 用于表示“应该"(多用于法律等条文,一般上多用 shall ): 1. payment may be paid by check. (表示规定)   应以支票付款。 2. you might ask before you use my computer. (might表示应该)   你应该先问过再使用我的电脑。 10.3 must 用于表示“必须”、“务必”: 1. you must keep the place clean. (务必)   你务必保持地方干净。 2. we must obey orders. (表示有义务)   我们必须服从命令。 3. must i pay now ? (用于疑问句) (如回答不必时,需用 neednu2019t 或 donu2019t have to)   我现在就得付款吗? 10.4 ought to 用于表示“应该”(强调客观上):(大多情况可用 should 代替) 1. you ought to go to see the doctor. (ought to 的语气比must 弱)   你应该去看看医生。 2. you oughtnu2019t (ought not) to smoke so much. (oughtnu2019t 用于否定句)   你不应该抽这么多烟。 3. ought you to smoke so much? (用于疑问句)   你应该抽这么多烟吗? 不知怎的,总觉得有点意兴阑珊。再见吧。 谈谈情态动词(modal verbs)(五) 十一、 情态动词的用法:表示“意图”、“打算” (will, would, shall, should) 11.1 will 和 would 用于表示某种意图: 1. iu2019ll will call you as soon as possible. (will 主要用于第一人称)   我会尽快打电话给你。 2. will you accept this invitation ? (用would 则表示得客气)    你愿意接受这邀请吗? 3. who will do the job ? (用于条件句,可用于各种人称)    谁愿意做这事? 4. we wonu2019t (will not) stay here too long. (will not 表示不愿)   我们不愿呆在这里太久。 11.2 shall 和 should 用于表示说话人的意图: 1. we shanu2019t (shall not) to if it rains. (shall not 也可用 will not)   如果下雨,我们就不打算走了。 2. i shanu2019t go with you. (shall 只用在第一人称)   我不打算和你一同走。 十二、 情态动词的用法:表示“意愿”    (will, would, shall, should) 12.1 will 和 would : 1. she will do it if you ask her. (表示主语的意愿)    如果你问她,她会做的。 2. would you have another cup of tea ? (用 would 比 will 客气)    你想再来一杯茶吗? 3. will you have some cookies ? (will 用于疑问句,表示问人是否愿意)   你想吃些烤饼吗? 4. if he will he can do it. (will 用于条件句,用于第二、三人称)   如果他愿意,他会做的。 5. would you excuse me ? (would 表示婉转语气)   你能原谅我吗? 12.2 shall 和 should : 1. he shall get his allowance. (注意是he shall, 表示说话人的意愿)    他会拿到他的津贴的。 2. you should sit here as long as you like.    只要你乐意,坐多久能行。 3. shall you go to school with me ? (疑问句中,表示问对方的意愿)    你愿意和我一起到学校去吗? 十三、情态动词的用法:表示“决心”    (will, would, shall, would) 13.1  will 和 would : 1. i will stop smoking. (will 表示主语 i 的决心。不能用 iu2019ll)    我决心戒烟了。 2. he will come whenever you say. (will 表示主语he 一定会做)    你什么时候说,他一定会来的。 3. he would not let me try .    他不肯让我去试。 4. if you will go, you may go at once. (用于条件句,用于第二、三人称)    如果你非走不可,你可以马上就走。 13.2 shall 和 should : 1. you shall complete your lesson. (shall 表示说话人的决心。shall 须重读)    你应该完成你的课程。 2. no one shall stop me. (shall 重读)    任何人也不能阻止我。 3. you shall obey chairman. (shall 用于肯定句。shall 重读。只能用于第二、三人称)    我要你服从主席。 情态动词就谈这些了。看看自己也觉得写得不太满意,目前也只能是这样了。
2023-08-10 00:32:181


stative verbs(静态动词)表示状态通常不用于进行时态,以下是一些单词中常见的stative verbs:be(是)seem(似乎)feel(感觉)appear(出现)have(拥有)belong(属于)like(喜欢)dislike(不喜欢)love(爱)hate(讨厌)know(知道)understand(理解)believe(相信)think(想)recognize(认出)remember(记得)forget(忘记)需要注意的是,某些动词可以同时为stative verbs和Dynamic verb(动态动词),具体情况还需根据上下文确定
2023-08-10 00:32:271

咩叫 verb to be 呀 ??

(1) Verb to be 系助动词中最重要的一类,包括有: is am are was were be being 和 been 用来帮助 verb + ing 去组成 continuous tense (e.g. He is kicking the ball) 或帮助 verb 的 过去分词 (past participle) 去组成 passive voice (e.g. The ball is kicked by him)。 Verb to be 本身亦可以用作 main verb 例如: He is a soccer player; they were part of the soccer team; he is being silly. (2) 助动词: Auxiliary Verbs (or helping verbs): 总共 二十三 个,分为四类: 1) verb to be: is am are was were be been being 2) verb to have: have has had 3) verb to do (dummy): do does did 4) modal verbs: can could must shall should will would may might *(ought to used to) 参考:
2023-08-10 00:32:521

stative verbs有哪些?

stative verbs(静态动词)表示状态通常不用于进行时态,以下是一些单词中常见的stative verbs:be(是)seem(似乎)feel(感觉)appear(出现)have(拥有)belong(属于)like(喜欢)dislike(不喜欢)love(爱)hate(讨厌)know(知道)understand(理解)believe(相信)think(想)recognize(认出)remember(记得)forget(忘记)需要注意的是,某些动词可以同时为stative verbs和Dynamic verb(动态动词),具体情况还需根据上下文确定
2023-08-10 00:32:591

regular verbs意思

regular verbs:规则动词irregular verbs:不规则动词
2023-08-10 00:33:271


irregular verbs不规则动词irregular verbs不规则动词; 例句:1.It turned out he was only interested in her German irregular verbs.2.The frequency rule appears not to be restricted to irregular verbs, however
2023-08-10 00:33:482


stative verbs(静态动词)表示状态通常不用于进行时态,以下是一些单词中常见的stative verbs:be(是)seem(似乎)feel(感觉)appear(出现)have(拥有)belong(属于)like(喜欢)dislike(不喜欢)love(爱)hate(讨厌)know(知道)understand(理解)believe(相信)think(想)recognize(认出)remember(记得)forget(忘记)需要注意的是,某些动词可以同时为stative verbs和Dynamic verb(动态动词),具体情况还需根据上下文确定
2023-08-10 00:33:551

一个英文问题 - 一句有两个动词?

In fact there is only one verb in each sentence. In your examples *** ile feel and want are actually not verbs they are all infinitives without to. After the verbs make or let the infinitives without to are used. That"s why they are mistaken as "verbs". But they are not "verbs" they are infinitives. Other similar sentences:You help me work = You help me to work. Go get the book = Go and get the book. = Go to get the book 当主动作main verb与另一动作infinitive=to+verb. 必定是即时/同时存在时. 就要将"to"隠藏. 因为to+verb=infintive的时态特性是迟于主动词. 若不隠藏就有矛盾. 举例某些动词(vt) hear-see-watch-notice-observe-feel-let-make等动词 后面的[不定词]短语 "to"要隠藏. eg. I hear a bird (to) sing in the tree. ......Yesterday I saw him (to) fly a kite. 主动词之后那个是[infinitive不定词without (to).不是 verb.
2023-08-10 00:34:201

什么叫finite verbs(限定动词)?

限定动词又叫谓语动词,在句中充当谓语,在人称和数上必须和主语保持一致,同时还表现出时态、语态和语气的变化。例如:I play basketball.He plays basketball.They played basketball yesterday.The cars are made in China.英语上根据动词在句法上是否受到主语的限定,英语动词有可以分为限定动词(Finite Forms of Verbs)和非限定动词(Non-Finite Forms of Verbs)。非限定动词,又叫非谓语动词,在句中不能单独充当谓语(但可以和情态动词或助动词一起充当谓语),它们不受主语的限定,没有人称和数的变化,具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,在句中可以充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语等。同时非限定动词也保留了动词的部分特征,有时态和语态的变化,也可以有自己的宾语、表语、状语等,构成非限定动词短语,在逻辑意义上也有其动作的执行者或承受者,叫非限定动词的逻辑主语(Logical Subjects)。英语非限定动词有三种基本形式:不定式(Infinitives)、现在分词(-ing分词)(ing Participles)和过去分词(即-ed分词)(ed Participles)。不定式:I was delighted to meet him.现在分词:He walked down the hill, singing softly to himself. 过去分词:She can"t make herself understood in English.
2023-08-10 00:34:301

什么叫finite verbs(限定动词)

限定动词又叫谓语动词,在句中充当谓语,在人称和数上必须和主语保持一致,同时还表现出时态、语态和语气的变化。例如:I play basketball.He plays basketball.They played basketball yesterday.The cars are made in China.英语上根据动词在句法上是否受到主语的限定,英语动词有可以分为限定动词(Finite Forms of Verbs)和非限定动词(Non-Finite Forms of Verbs)。非限定动词,又叫非谓语动词,在句中不能单独充当谓语(但可以和情态动词或助动词一起充当谓语),它们不受主语的限定,没有人称和数的变化,具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,在句中可以充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、补足语等。同时非限定动词也保留了动词的部分特征,有时态和语态的变化,也可以有自己的宾语、表语、状语等,构成非限定动词短语,在逻辑意义上也有其动作的执行者或承受者,叫非限定动词的逻辑主语(Logical Subjects)。英语非限定动词有三种基本形式:不定式(Infinitives)、现在分词(-ing分词)(ing Participles)和过去分词(即-ed分词)(ed Participles)。不定式:I was delighted to meet him.现在分词:He walked down the hill, singing softly to himself. 过去分词:She can"t make herself understood in English.
2023-08-10 00:34:381


名词 Nouns(n.):表示人或事物的名称。动词 Verbs:(vi.vt.):表示动作或状态。形容词Adj"ectives(a.):表示人或事物的特征。副词 Ad"verb`s(adv.):修饰动词,形容词或其它副词。代词 Pro"noun`s(pron.):代替名词,数词等。介词 Prep`osit"ions(prep.):表示名词,代词和其它词的关系。数词 Nu"merals(num.):表示数量或顺序。冠词:冠词 Ar"ticles(art.):限制名词的意义,只有3个:不定冠词 a,an(在元音开头的名词前),主要用来表示不肯定的“某一个或任何一个”,一般与单数可数名词联用。定冠词 the,the (在元音开头的名词前),主要用来表示指定的人或事物,以区别同类中其他的人或事物.相当于汉语中的“那个,那些,这个这些”.它既可以和单数名词,复数名词连用,又可以和不可数名词连用.
2023-08-10 00:34:471

verb to be and verb to do

Verb to be - am are is ( present tense) was were (past tense) Verb to do - all verb ie do play sing go eat sleep e verb to do 有verb 但系verb to be都有 e.g. Are they speaking Japanese? 9 are = verb to be + verb + ing (because this sentence is present continuous tense) e.g. Do they speak Japanese ? do and speak are verbs (verb to do ) e.g. Do you enjoy going to cinema?do and enjoy are verbs (verb to do) gong to cinema - noun phrase = 东西 Verb (grammar) is a word or group of words that expresses an action (such as speak) an event (such as going) or a state (such as exist:) Verb to be has regular/irregular verbs; It has tritive/intritive verbs; It has phrasal verb:-speak---speaking---spoke--spoken----->speaking Japanese It has another phrasal verb=go---going---went---gone----->going to cinema. Verbal as adj. are relating to words:-eg:-The job applicant RTHK-HK must have good verbal skills this Summer Holidays ! Non-verbal munications me the expressions of the face gestures bodies efor the TVB interviews. The spoken written me a verbal agreement/warning/crying as a verbal (oral) instructions.When relating to verbs:-eg:- a verbal noun might find a gerund to be a noun in the form of the present participle of a verb (that is ending in --ing) eg:-speaking in the sentence:-I prefered speaking alone.It me the act of speaking thoughts in this way=soliloquy=monologue:-"To be or not to be ...." is the playwright"s use of soliloquy=monologue. Words that expresses an action such as can dare depend enjoy likely all modal verbs must=have got to ;must not don"t have to need shall/will should/ought/had better should/would used to wish/------are Grammar Point and are some of the meaning of verb to do.
2023-08-10 00:35:011


每个英文句子都可以过多一个动词. 不一定过要多过一个subject. 一个subject可以有两个 verbs. A pound verb consists of o or more verbs joined by a conjunction and having the same subject. 例如: She traveled and lectured much of her life. Mother will sell or rent the house. "It was terring" said Sam who changed his mind signed a long term contract. [这句子有run-on sentence not quite right.] 这句子有四个 verbs 分别是 was said changed 和 signed. 只有 said 是 main verb. 又是 reporting verb 因为有 direct speech. "was" 是 verb of the direct speech. "changed" 和 "signed" 是 verbs of the adjective clause. terring不是verb 是 adjective. RUN-ON SENTENCE: it is not an easy game we go 1-0 down. ~ grammatically wrong. 严格来说 这句子是文法上的错误. In English we call it “Run-on sentence.” A run-on sentence consists of o or more sentences separated only by a ma or by no mark of punctuation. It is not an easy game and we go 1-0 down. (correct) It is not an easy game; we go 1-0 down. (correct) Use a semi-colon in this case. Use a semi-colon beeen independent clauses in a sentence if they are not joined by and but or nor for yet. I came I saw I conquered. – by Julius Caesar 这句子是文法错误 虽然讲者是凯撒大帝 翻译不理文法 直译. said is a verb. And "who changed his mind signed a long term contract" is describing Sam and it "s seperated. it is not an easy game we go 1-0 down. it"s alright to have 2 verbs in this case and it involve o main clause. {Main clause} {Main clause}. Main clause = Subject + Verb + Object. by Jeffrey cytc-jeffrey.blogspot/
2023-08-10 00:35:081


1.情态助动词包括will,would,shall,should,can,could,may,might,must,need,dare,ought to,used to等,后接原形不定式。2.情态助动词不受主语的人称和数的限制。3.两个情态助动词不能连用。快采纳哟,不明还可以追问的,嘻嘻!
2023-08-10 00:35:192

什么是linking verbs?举几个例子。

系动词(一)系动词包括be动词和半系动词。(二)半系动词的用法:1. 常见的半系动词有:get (变得), turn (变得), grow (变得), become (变得), fall (变得), look (看起来), sound (听起来), feel (摸起来), smell (闻起来), taste (尝起来), keep (保持), stay (保持), remain (保持), seem (似乎)等。2. 半系动词的特点: (1)半系动词在疑问、否定、倒装时,跟实义动词一样,都是借助于助动词。如 Do they look young? (疑问) / I didn"t feel very well yesterday. (否定) / That sounds interesting, doesn"t it? (倒装)(2)半系动词后面可接形容词,这一点是实义动词所不具备的,它更象be动词,所以被称作半系动词。如 The cake tastes delicious. (3)半系动词通常不用被动语态。如 The house looks big.
2023-08-10 00:35:411

为什么英语有些句子要用is、are、was,有些就不用呢。例如she is a beautiful girl!

谓语动词永远必须都要有的 你看到有哪些没有啊
2023-08-10 00:36:579


时态 1.一般现在时 (1)表示经常发生的动作或事情,通常用 “usually, often, every day, sometimes,always,never”等词。 (2)基本结构: I / You / We / They He / She / It 肯定句(Positive) 动词原形(V) 动词第三人称单数形式(V+S) 否定句(Negative) don"t + 动词 doesn"t + 动词原形 一般疑问句(Yes/No) Do… ? Yes, I do. Does…(动词原形)…?No,she doesn"t. 特殊疑问句(wh-) What do …? How does she…(动词原形)…? (3) 动词第三人称单数形式 a. Most verbs +s walk-walks b. Verbs ending in a consonant +y -y +ies fly-flies c. Verbs ending in s, sh, ch or x +es watch-watches d. Others do-does ,have-has, go-goes 2.现在进行时, (1)表示正在发生的动作,通常用“now,look”. (2)基本形式: be + 动词+ing eg: I am(not) doing my homework. You/We/They are(not) reading. He/She/It is(not) eating. What are you doing? Is he reading? (3)动词的现在分词形式(do+ing) Most verbs +ing walk—walking Verbs ending in e -e + ing come—coming Short verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant Double consonant run-running swim-swimming 3. 一般过去时态 (1) 表示过去已经发生的事情,通常用 “last week, just now, yesterday”等词。 (2) be 动词的过去式: am/is—was are—were I/He/she/it was(not)…. You/we/they were…. 一般疑问句was, were 放在句首。 (3)过去式基本结构 肯定句(Positive) 动词过去式 I went shopping last night. 否定句(Negative) Didn"t + 动词原形 I didn"t go shopping last night. 一般疑问句(Yes/No) Did …+ 动词原形…? Did you go shopping last night? 特殊疑问句(wh-) What did…+ 动词原形…? What did you do last night? (4)动词过去式的变化: 规则动词的变化: 一般动词 +ed planted,watered,climbed 以不发音的e结尾 +d liked 辅音字母加y结尾 -y+ ied study—studied, cry- cried 重读闭音节单词,末尾只有一个辅音字母 双写最后一个字母+ed stop –stopped plan - planned 不规则动词的变化: 原形 过去式 原形 过去式 原形 过去式 原形 过去式 sweep swept teach taught have had go went keep kept think thought do did find found sleep slept buy bought eat ate say said feel felt drink drank is/am was take took read read give gave are were mean meant put put sing sang drive drove meet met cut cut begin began speak spoke make made let let ring rang write wrote see saw fly flew run ran ride rode come came draw drew sit sat hear heard tell told grow grew learn learned/ learnt get got know knew 4.一般将来时 一般将来时表示将来打算做的事或将要发生的事情。常常与tomorrow, next Sunday等时间状语连用。 结构:be going to +动词原形 例如:I"m going to visit my grandpa next week.
2023-08-10 00:37:151

plural verbs 和 singular verbs 是什么意思啊??

2023-08-10 00:37:255


maybe不是情态动词,它是一个副词。副词(Adverb)是一类用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或整个句子的词汇。它们通常用来描述或限定动作、状态或描述性的词语,以增添更多的信息、细节或程度。副词在句子中的位置可以灵活变化,通常放在要修饰的动词、形容词或其他副词之前或之后。"Maybe"用来表示一种不确定的可能性或推测,常用于句子中,表达一种或许会发生或存在的情况。情态动词(modal verbs)是一类特殊的动词,包括can(能够)、could(可以、能够)、may(可能)、might(可能)、shall(将、应该)、should(应该)、will(将要)、would(将、愿意)、must(必须)等。这些动词用来表示说话人对某个动作或状态的态度、推测、意愿、能力、许可或义务。情态动词常用于提问和提供建议。例如,"can" 用于询问是否有能力做某事,"could" 用于提供礼貌的请求。这有助于有效的沟通和交流。情态动词还可以表示某人的义务和必要性。例如,"must" 表示必须,"should" 表示应该。通过使用这些情态动词,说话者可以强调某种责任或义务。情态动词重要性情态动词在英语中扮演着重要的角色,它们对于表达说话者的态度、推测、意愿、能力、许可或义务等具有关键作用。情态动词可以帮助说话者表达对某个动作或状态的态度和情感。例如,"can" 表示能力,"should" 表示建议,"must" 表示必须。通过使用适当的情态动词,说话者可以传达自己对事物的看法和态度。情态动词用来表示对某件事情的可能性和推测。例如,"might" 表示可能性,"could" 表示能力和可能性,"may" 表示可能性和允许。这样,说话者可以对不确定的情况进行猜测或假设。情态动词可以表示某人的能力或某事的许可。例如,"can" 表示能力,"may" 表示许可。通过这些情态动词,说话者可以表达自己或他人的能力和权限。
2023-08-10 00:37:411

non-action verbs是指哪些词?

can must should will would could shall be
2023-08-10 00:38:084

初三上册英语irregular verbs的汉语意思

irregular verbs 不规则动词 irregular[英][u026au02c8regju0259lu0259(r)][美][u026au02c8ru025bɡju0259lu025a] adj.不规则的,不对称的; 无规律的; 不合规范的,不合法的; 不规则变化的; n.非正规军军人; 不规则物; 不合规格的产品; 。
2023-08-10 00:38:181


meaning for me, a pastor who has conscience for me,
2023-08-10 00:38:283


英语单词中由动词原形转变为过去式和过去分词时不按词尾加“-ed”之变化规则者叫做不规则动词(irregular verbs)。现代英语新生成的动词都归入“-ed”的规则变化,例如:park→parked (停车——1864)fax→faxed (以传真传送——1979)e-mail→e-mailed (以电脑网络传送——1982)(所附年次为最早用例出现年次——O.E.D.)因此,不规则动词可以说都是古英语动词的不规则变化因其常用度很高而一直沿用到今天者,所以我们今天在学习英语时绝对无法规避,也不可能规避这些不规则动词。从英语的演变来看,不规则动词就是强势动词(strong verbs)--即其词形变化全依其本身之语音(尤其是元音)变化来进行而不借助词尾的变化。例如: 原形  过去式  过去分词  buy(买)  bought  bought  sing(唱)  sang  sung  speak(讲)  spoke  spoken  我们学习不规则动词的时候,最有效的方法就是要针对这种词形变化的现象,了解其变化的型式,发出声音背念,使其能自然地融入我们的speaking和writing,这样才能说确实地把不规则动词学会了。注:与强势动词相对,须借助“-ed”之词尾来进行词形变化的规则动词就叫做弱势动词(weak verbs)。
2023-08-10 00:38:521

model verb 和modal verb是什么意思

情态动词(Model Verbs),又称情态助动词(ModelAuxiliaries),表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度,或表示主观设想。情态动词(Modal verb),本身有一定的词义,表示语气的单词。但是情态动词不能独立作谓语,只能和动词原形一起构成谓语。情态动词用在行为动词前,表示说话人对这一动作或状态的看法或主观设想。 情态动词虽然数量不多,但用途广泛,英文中常见的有: can (could), may (might), must, need, ought to, dare (dared), shall (should), will (would)。情态动词是不能独立做谓语,情态动词后面要跟动词原形。
2023-08-10 00:39:261