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你的英语越来越好了 怎么翻译

2023-08-16 16:35:11
TAG: 英语 翻译

your english is becoming better.

you speak english much better now.


you have improved your english speaking skill (notably)

看见上面很多人都说 “better and better"...跟你说一下,在现实生活中没有人说 "better and better" 只有 increasingly better, 或者是 significantly better,明显的好多了。


Your English becomes better and better.

Your English is being improved !


Your Oral English has a large progress than before.


your speaking english is getting much better


Your English is getting better and better.


English for you is easier day by day.


your english is more and more/increasingly better


your English is better and better


You did better on english now


Your oral english is getting better and better.




best wishes
2023-08-09 23:42:354

越来越好 英语 越来越好英语怎么写

2023-08-09 23:43:423


better and better
2023-08-09 23:43:593


2023-08-09 23:44:1812


越来越好:better and better越来越坏:worse and worse ... is getting better and better... is getting worse and worse.
2023-08-09 23:45:134


... is getting better and better... is getting worse and worse.
2023-08-09 23:45:234


我们会越来越好的英文:We will get better and better。越来越好的英文例句:现在我渐渐与校友们相处得越来越好了。I"m now slowly getting on better with the manager.1. I can see things just going onwards and upwards for us now. 我认为从现在起我们的境况只会 越来越好。2. From here on, it can only get better. 从此,情况只会越来越好 。3. The life is becoming better and better. 光景越来越好。4. I went and had a good dinner, feeling better all the time. 我去吃了一顿丰盛的晚餐, 心情越来越好。5. The lives of ordinary people are getting better and better. 老百姓的日子 越来越 好 了。
2023-08-09 23:45:301

”愿你今后越来越好“ 英语怎么说??

Wish you have brilliant future
2023-08-09 23:45:566


higher and higher, the higher, the better,more and more difficult,go to school on time
2023-08-09 23:46:347


成绩越来越好的英文是:My grades are getting better and better。主动完成作业新学期,孩子的作业都在学校里完成了,并且有不懂的题目也能够及时问老师,这样一来,孩子的学习效果就有了保障,集中辅导,对于老师来讲,对了解全班学生的学习情况也更及。老师能够看到学生作业不会的、做错的,也可以及时调整教学策略,补充教学内容。学生主动完成作业,一方面说明学习积极性比较高,另一方面说明学习态度也比较端正,孩子对学习有兴趣,教学才有发挥作用的可能性。如果孩子经常能够提出问题,说明孩子有动脑筋,有思考,这对于学习来讲也是相当重要的。有一句话是这么说的,没有问题就是最大的问题,所以,能够经常主动提问的小朋友学习上肯定是不差的。这里的问题并不是指课本练习册空着的题目。阅读虽不是汲取知识的唯一途径,但是对于学生来讲是获取知识的重要途径。能够静心阅读的人,说明其专注力是比较好的,能够读有所获的人,说明其理解力是比较好的,能够讲出所读的人,说明其表达能力是比较好的。
2023-08-09 23:46:501

我的英语会越来越好怎么说? my english is going to be better 是这么说吗

my english will get better and better. will 表示会的意思会更加准确 better and better 表示越来越好 better 只表示更好 get 有带有循序渐进的意味
2023-08-09 23:47:291


I am better and better in everything every day.
2023-08-09 23:47:451


it is becoming better and better.用进行式更好,说明在变化中
2023-08-09 23:48:116


I"ll be better
2023-08-09 23:49:237


Big house had a telephone smaller Feeling of getting better and better Holidays higher income The work of getting better and better Commodity prices have lived sperm Getting better and better mood The sky bluer water clearer the Getting better and better environment Hey ...... ...... more and more to getting better and better to ...... 奔头people will live in a step by step Would like to do you want to strive to do Getting better and better to ...... Getting better and better to ...... Getting better and better to ...... Well-being linked to smile every day, tip of brow Getting better and better Mother-in-law and a warm family Getting better and better life Children higher than sensible Getting better and better learning Friends are more of the same heart We getting better and better Road width of the heart of gas-shun Getting better and better days Hey ....... ...... getting better and better to come to getting better and better ...... The spirit of people living there are not significantly older It has been for you to be Getting better and better to ...... Getting better and better to ...... Getting better and better to ...... Well-being linked to smile every day, tip of brow
2023-08-09 23:49:561

你的英语将越来越好 英语

Your English will be better and better
2023-08-09 23:50:2110


With the help of the government, Liangshan is getting better and better.
2023-08-09 23:51:473


I wish you will become better and better^_^
2023-08-09 23:52:011

恭喜恭喜 祝生意越来越好 用英语怎么?

congratulations ,hope your business will be better day by day
2023-08-09 23:52:082


我祝你新的一年越来越好I wish you a new year better and better.我祝你新的一年越来越好I wish you a new year better and better.
2023-08-09 23:52:171


你好!我会越来越好I"ll get better and better
2023-08-09 23:52:262


With better and better quality of life,people pay more and more attention to health. 很高兴为你解答! 请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!
2023-08-09 23:52:331


ter shell charged with som
2023-08-09 23:52:432

学习越来越好 英文翻译

better and better in study
2023-08-09 23:53:042


Every day, each one thing, I am becoming better and better constantly .
2023-08-09 23:53:207


我们相信农民的生活会越来越好英文为We believe that the life of farmers will become better and better。农民(拼音:nóng mín),指长时期从事农业生产的人。语出《谷梁传·成公元年》:“古者有四民。有士民,有农民,有工民,有商民。即士农工商四民”。农民概念具有时间维特性。历史是一个时间长河。农民在历史之河中是一个动态的范畴。生产力是社会历史发展中最活跃的变量。在不同的历史时段,生产力要素结构是不同的。脱离生产力要素结构的抽象农民是不存在的。不同的生产力要素结构必然决定不同的农民存在形态。其次,农民概念具有空间维特性,在社会生产和生活的现实中,不同的地理空间由于资源环境等条件的不同,其生产力要素结构也会有所不同;所以,农民概念也具有空间特性。欧洲和亚洲的农民就具有地理空间因素的差别。再次,农民概念具有价值维特性。研究和解决农民问题,不管是学者,还是政府,总是要受到特定价值观的约束。为了推进国家经济和社会的发展,是采取工业优先发展的战略,还是采取农业优先发展的战略,反映的不仅仅是不同发展战略的问题,深层次是价值导向的问题。第四,农民概念具有领域维特性。农民概念的领域维特性主要是指在定义农民概念时,应考虑不同领域的情况。我们既可从制度领域内界定农民,如户籍制度;也可以从经济角度,如从农业等产业方面来考虑界定农民;还可以从文化角度来考虑定义农民。农民概念的四维特性表明,具体农民总是四维空间中的一个点。这四个维度的坐标名称分别是:时间、空间、价值、领域。这就要求我们在研究农民问题时,对研究对象应考虑四个维度;否则,只会增加问题的模糊度和解决问题的难度。农民的研究:一般来说,我们在研究农民问题时,随着对农民范畴四个维度的逐步减少和放宽,研究问题的难度和模糊度也将会相应增加。只有用四个维度同时去把握所研究的农民对象,才能使问题更清晰,研究结论也才能更准确。
2023-08-09 23:54:031


Hello,I am chief editor of the magazine called .Today is the 1st day of the publication.Nice to meet you!Hope this magazine a promising future.
2023-08-09 23:54:431


我希望我的英语会越来越好的 I hope my English proficiency will become better and better
2023-08-09 23:54:532


English is becoming more and more important
2023-08-09 23:55:0410


1。副词或形容词比较级加比较级句型:The+ 副词或形容词比较级+主语+谓语,the+ 副词或形容词比较级+主语+谓语.表示“ 越... 就越...” 例如: The more you study, the more you know. ”。你学的越多, 就知道的越多。The more,the better.越多越好。2。 形容词比较级/副词比较级 + and + 形容词比较级副词比较级 , 表示“ 越来越...".例如:Your English is getting better and better. 你的英语越来越好了。The car is cheaper and cheaper. 汽车越来越便宜。
2023-08-09 23:55:345


问题一:2015过得越来越好,用英语怎么翻译 2015过得越来越好 life will be better and better in 2015 问题二:我的英语越来越好 英文怎么说 My English gets better and better! 问题三:越来越好的英文怎么说 bee better and better 越来越好 双语例句 We must have faith in the3G in China because it will definitely bee better and better. 我们要对中国的3G有信心,因为这肯定对变得越来越好的。 Seeing our group bee better and better is my real happiness. 看到我们的小组发展的越来越好,这才是我真正的幸福! 问题四:我希望你越来越好 用英语怎么说 I wish you could be better and better. 问题五:“祝你英语越来越好”用英语怎么翻译? I wish you will bee better and better^_^ 问题六:我相信你会越来越好 英语怎么说 I think you will be better 钉and better
2023-08-09 23:59:231


你的英语变得越来越好了的英文翻译是Your English is getting better and better
2023-08-09 23:59:345


你好、可以这么说喔: New year wish you feel better and better, people more and more beautiful, more and more romantic life.采纳喔、谢谢你、祝福你永远永远幸福
2023-08-09 23:59:501

英语翻译 用英语如何表述“越来越好”是better and better吗?

是的,可以这么用,但在句中,“better and better”前面加“get” 例如: Things get better and better. 情况(形势)变得越来越好啦~ Your work is getting better and better. 你干得越来越好了.
2023-08-09 23:59:571

英语翻译 用英语如何表述“越来越好”是better and better吗?

是的,可以这么用,但在句中,“better and better”前面加“get” 例如: Things get better and better. 情况(形势)变得越来越好啦~ Your work is getting better and better. 你干得越来越好了.
2023-08-10 00:00:041


better and better nicer and nicer 求采纳么么哒
2023-08-10 00:00:561


I believe my life will be more and more better
2023-08-10 00:01:064


I hope my school can be better and better
2023-08-10 00:02:044

”愿你今后越来越好“ 英语怎么说??

2023-08-10 00:02:131


Life is getting better and better
2023-08-10 00:02:272


Everything will get better and better.
2023-08-10 00:02:401

随着社会的发展,人们的生活变得越来越好。 翻译成英语

People"s life is becoming better and better with the development of our society.
2023-08-10 00:02:5412


May myself study better
2023-08-10 00:03:214


Everything will get better and better.
2023-08-10 00:03:411


Will wish your business getting better in 2008.
2023-08-10 00:03:481

”愿你今后越来越好“ 英语怎么说??

2023-08-10 00:03:581


形容词或副词比较级 + and + 形容词或副词比较级如:better and better:越来越好 more and more:越来越多
2023-08-10 00:04:091


we will be better and better
2023-08-10 00:04:182


All is well
2023-08-10 00:04:295

英语怎么 说希望中国越来越好

Hoped China is more and more good
2023-08-10 00:04:476