barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-16 08:01:55

比上不足,比下有余worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst




It is not good to compare themselves to others. There will be others better or

worse than they are.


短语:1. not up to those above,but above those below

2.fall short of the best but be better than the worst

3.can pass muster



3. tolerable


less than the top one and more than the weaker one.



Deficiency, a lack
2023-08-09 19:13:494


The study is inadequate at present,
2023-08-09 19:14:211


问题一:“睡眠不足”英语怎么说 睡眠不足”的英文翻译_百度翻译 睡眠不足” Insufficient sleep 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译 insufficient_百度翻译 insufficient 英[??ns??f??nt] 美[??ns??f???nt] adj. 不足的,不够的; 绌; 亏短; 支绌; [例句]He decided there was insufficient evidence to justify criminal proceedings 他认定证据不充分无法提起刑事诉讼。 问题二:我每天睡眠不足,所以没精神的英语翻译 40分 Lack of sleep everyday, I am too tired to do English translation. 问题三:许多学生面临睡眠不足的问题用英语怎么说 Many students are faced with the problem of lack of sleep. 许多学生面临睡眠不足的问题。 问题四:我昨晚学习到半夜所以睡眠不足用英语怎么说 我昨晚学习到半夜所以睡眠不足 I learned to sleep in the middle of the night. 问题五:睡眠不足会得阿尔兹海默症用英语怎样说 睡眠不足会得阿尔兹海默症 Lack of sleep will have Alzheimer"s disease 睡眠不足会得阿尔兹海默症 Lack of sleep will have Alzheimer"s disease 问题六:睡眠时间不足 用英语怎么说 用haven"t got enough sleep就可以了哦, 希望对你有帮助O(∩_∩)O~ 问题七:写一篇关于学生睡眠不足的英语作文,八十词 It is known that some students have too much homework, and as a consequence of this they don"t get enough sleep during the night, then the next day they don"t have enough energy to focus during lessons. Also, students don"t have enough free time for social activites such as visiting the sports clubs, as a result, most of them can feel a lack of motivation when it es to revision and pleting homeworks, as well as being more and more passive. 目前很多学生都有大量的作业,因此他们晚上睡不够,然后下一天没有足够的精力在课堂上集中精神.还有,学生们没有足够的自由时间去参加社交活动,例如参见运动社团,因此他们在复习和做作业时会感到没有动力,还有变得越来越宅. 问题八:“睡眠不好”如何用英语地道表达 o that they could watch both contestants.
2023-08-09 19:14:371

数量不足 英文用哪一个

shortin shortshortfall
2023-08-09 19:14:542


美中不足A fly in the ointment
2023-08-09 19:15:042


You inpetent bungler ! 你这个 成事不足 败事有余的家伙! He is a man who will spoil rather than acppsh things . 他这个人 成事不足 ,坏事有余。 Once again the measure proved more provocative than effective . 这一措施又是 成事不足 ,败事有余。 I will bring a lawsuit against you, if you ask me any more such aggravating questions . 如果你再出这种 成事不足 ,败事有余的主意的话,我倒要跟你打一场官司。 L would sabotage , just pke you " re doing 有时候我跟你一样 成事不足 败事有余 L would sabotage , just pke you " re doing 有时候我跟你一样 成事不足 败事有余 That " s stobrod thewes , can " t do one good thing without addin " the bad , 斯托布罗?蒂维斯就是这样 成事不足 ,败事有余 You " d better leave the kitchen because you are just pke a bull in a china shop here 你最好离开厨房,因为你在这 成事不足 ,败事有余。 Making good affinity helps you attain good karma and dissolve bad causes and conditions . making bad affinity brings failure 结缘助成善业,化解恶因;结怨 成事不足 ,败事有余。 For instance , as an experienced putenant and leader , ming just seems to act too rash in most cases , it is as of the only thing he knows to do is to point his gun at the head of an unarmed person 最简单的例子莫过于姚天明一角。作为一个高级督察很难相信他的行径会这么鲁莽好像完全不懂思巧一样屡屡犯下莫名其妙的过失而且好像患有躁狂症终日只懂冲动地拔枪 成事不足 败事有馀。 On the contrary , our spiritual pfe at that time was monotonous , yet it was the most fulfilpng period of my pfe . it might have been a nightmare for master , though , because the few of us who were her disciples at the time were quite young 事实上那段修行生活规律得近乎单调,但却是我最感到充实的日子,不过对师父来说,却可能是一场噩梦,因为当时我们几个徒弟都是少不更事,做事懵懵懂懂,常常 成事不足 败事有馀。
2023-08-09 19:15:271

vivo蓝牙耳机电量不足英文 你知道了吗?

1、vivo蓝牙耳机电量不足英文 :Insufficient power of vivo Bluetooth headset。 2、vivo为一个专注于智能手机领域的手机品牌,vivo和追求乐趣、充满活力、年轻时尚的群体一起打造拥有卓越外观、专业级音质、极致影像、愉悦体验的智能产品,并将敢于追求极致、持续创造惊喜作为vivo的坚定追求。2014年vivo品牌的国际化之路全面开启,除中国大陆市场外,vivo进驻的海外市场包含印度、泰国、缅甸、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、越南和菲律宾。2016-2017年,vivo正式成为NBA中国官方合作伙伴。
2023-08-09 19:15:341


2023-08-09 19:15:451


Do you think of your company which deficiencies in operation and management?
2023-08-09 19:16:041


缺少的英语短语是be short of。 short: adj.短的;个子矮的; adv.缺少;不足;未达到; n.少量烈酒; vi.故意少给…的零头; 第三人称单数: short复数: shorts现在分词: shorting过去式: shorted过去分词: shorted比较级: shorter最高级: shortest 扩展资料   If you are versatile, then you"ll never be short of conversational topics.   如果你有多种学问,那么你谈话时就赛尔号盖亚那个印好不会缺少话题了。   But I never ran into any trouble because my friends had done their utmost to make sure that I would be short of nothing.   但是我不曾遇到一点困难,朋友们给我准备好了一切,使我不会缺少甚么。   All candidates will be required to take a short test.   所有候选者都要参加一次小测验。   I"d never let you go short of anything.   我什么都不会让你缺的。   Money was short at that time.   那时候,钱紧缺。
2023-08-09 19:16:141


In yesterday"s conversation,i meant that there were a lot of parking spaces in Shanghai,but cars were much more than that,that was why parking spaces were not enough.
2023-08-09 19:16:291


2023-08-09 19:16:404


受教育不足翻译结果:The lack of education
2023-08-09 19:16:481


2023-08-09 19:17:161


budget in red 更为地道
2023-08-09 19:17:323


人族:more lumber is required.兽族:we need more lumber.不死族:we demand additional lumber.精灵族:more lumber is required.(和人族一样,仔细听可以明显听到表被动的-ed) 以上的是本人从游戏中仔细听来的,望采纳。
2023-08-09 19:17:421


shortage 后者一般强调“能量,功能”的不足 1、题名应简明、具体、确切,能概括论文的特定内容,有助于选定关键词,符合编制题录、索引和检索的有关原则。
2023-08-09 19:18:301


Insufficient capital
2023-08-09 19:18:392


Some of my shortcomings have explosed during my working in the last year. For example, lack of carefulness and activeness in my working, and I am not good at communicating with other people yet. Thangk you.
2023-08-09 19:18:493

论文的一个小标题 “ 目前存在的不足之处” 英文怎么翻译更恰当

the short in presant
2023-08-09 19:19:015


2023-08-09 19:19:232

账户余额不足 请充值英文怎么说

2023-08-09 19:19:323


问题一:“缺点”或“不足” 用英语怎么说? shorting fault weak point defects,shorting, 其实缺点跟不足就是差不多的意思吗 记得采纳啊 问题二:不足 用英语怎么说? not enough 或者lack of 比如this 鸡uestion is lack of english skill... 问题三:不够新鲜用英文怎么翻译 not fresh enough 问题四:但是我认为这还不够完美用英文怎么说 But I think it is not perfect. 问题五:创造性不够用英语怎么说 in lack of creativity. 问题六:不足英文意思 一般情况下,不足,欠缺的英文翻译可以是:not enough(形容词,作表语), insufficient(形容词,作表语、定语), shortage(名词,作主语),lack(名词或动词,作主语或谓语)。 如果意思是不够完美的话,可以用imperfect (形容词,作表语或定语) ,或者用词组need to be improved, need improving也可以。比如说,我们的生活水平还有待提高:Our living standard needs to be improved. 问题七:太不够意思了,真不把我当朋友。用英文怎么说?? OH! You"re my fellow,you don"t treat me as a real friend! 问题八:认识到了自身的不足 用英语怎么翻译? realise the shortings of oneself 问题九:“缺点”或“不足” 用英语怎么说? shorting fault weak point defects,shorting, 其实缺点跟不足就是差不多的意思吗 记得采纳啊 问题十:不够新鲜用英文怎么翻译 not fresh enough
2023-08-09 19:19:511


一般情况下,不足,欠缺的英文翻译可以是:not enough(形容词,作表语), insufficient(形容词,作表语、定语), shortage(名词,作主语),lack(名词或动词,作主语或谓语)。 如果意思是不够完美的话,可以用imperfect (形容词,作表语或定语) ,或者用词组need to be improved, need improving也可以。比如说,我们的生活水平还有待提高:Our living standard needs to be improved.
2023-08-09 19:19:591


缺乏[quē fá]be short of; lack; deficiency; insufficiency汉英大词典be short of; lack; deficiency; insufficiency; be wanting in:缺乏常识be void of common sense; lack common sense;缺乏经验lack experience;缺乏勇气lack courage;缺乏信心be wanting in confidence;缺乏技能lack of skill;缺乏家教ill-bred; not properly brought up;缺乏能力be deficient in ability;缺乏现金lack of cash;缺乏锻炼lack of exercise (体育的); need tempering (思想的);缺乏战斗力have poor fighting capacity;缺乏劳动力be short of labour power;缺乏创造性的作品works that lacks originality;缺乏证据want of proof; absence of proof;缺乏资金be deficient in capital;缺乏资源be deficient in resources;他缺乏能力。He is to seek in ability.他缺乏礼貌。He is wanting in courtesy.
2023-08-09 19:20:112


问题一:“缺点”或“不足” 用英语怎么说? shorting fault weak point defects,shorting, 其实缺点跟不足就是差不多的意思吗 记得采纳啊 问题二:你是公主,我是骑士英文的英文翻译 You are the princess and I am a knight. 问题三:不足 用英语怎么说? not enough 或者lack of 比如this 鸡uestion is lack of english skill... 问题四:但是我认为这还不够完美用英文怎么说 But I think it is not perfect. 问题五:不足英文意思 一般情况下,不足,欠缺的英文翻译可以是:not enough(形容词,作表语), insufficient(形容词,作表语、定语), shortage(名词,作主语),lack(名词或动词,作主语或谓语)。 如果意思是不够完美的话,可以用imperfect (形容词,作表语或定语) ,或者用词组need to be improved, need improving也可以。比如说,我们的生活水平还有待提高:Our living standard needs to be improved. 问题六:缺点用英语怎么说 disadvantage或者shortage
2023-08-09 19:20:181


being short of sleep
2023-08-09 19:20:522


not enough to do ...是“不足以做某事”的意思. 当前面否定时,不定式动词的含义也否定了.切记!
2023-08-09 19:20:591


其实有很多表达方式:be short of hands,be understaffed /shorthanded /undermannedmanpower shortage
2023-08-09 19:21:212


1、库存 inventory,库存不足:in a short inventory 或者 the inventory is not enough for the supply。2、举个例子:这个产品的库存不多了,您要想要的话得抓紧时间了。可以这样翻译:Our inventory of this item is very low. You might consider confirming your order sooner and we will save this item for you.
2023-08-09 19:21:441


劳动力不足Labor shortagemanpower shortage
2023-08-09 19:22:022

不足之处 的 英文

defect; deficiency; shortcoming 都可以表示
2023-08-09 19:22:371


insufficient Balancenot sufficient funds
2023-08-09 19:22:483


Work Experience - Not Enough 经验不足
2023-08-09 19:22:551


2023-08-09 19:23:353


2023-08-09 19:23:422


I hope the teacher doesn"t mind my lack
2023-08-09 19:24:102


2023-08-09 19:24:312


  1、vivo蓝牙耳机电量不足英文 :Insufficient power of vivo Bluetooth headset。   2、vivo为一个专注于智能手机领域的手机品牌,vivo和追求乐趣、充满活力、年轻时尚的群体一起打造拥有卓越外观、专业级音质、极致影像、愉悦体验的智能产品,并将敢于追求极致、持续创造惊喜作为vivo的坚定追求。2014年vivo品牌的国际化之路全面开启,除中国大陆市场外,vivo进驻的海外市场包含印度、泰国、缅甸、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、越南和菲律宾。2016-2017年,vivo正式成为NBA中国官方合作伙伴。
2023-08-09 19:24:381


the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.;willing but unable;more than willing but lacking the power to;unable to do what one wants very much to do;one"s ability falls short of one"s wishes
2023-08-09 19:24:471


dissatisfied; discontented; resentful; be critical of; discontentment;[例句]食物和补给的不足造成士兵的不满。Lack of food and supplies caused disaffection among the soldiers
2023-08-09 19:25:081


more goldwe need more gold
2023-08-09 19:25:444


Friendship is one of the noblest and the most significant feeling between human being.【W】hen(每句开头都要大写) you are in dress , it can make you happy 【.】 (英文的排比句也一样是句号)【W】hen you are in difficuty it can call forth your courage and confidence to step out of all the troubles【.】【When】you 【lost】 your way, it 【enlighten you 】find the correct way 【and】go ahead. 注意大小写和标点符号,后面的,无特殊原因就不纠正了。【F】or 【example】【,】(必须有逗号)liubei finally become a wise emperor with guanyu 【"】(去掉) and zhangfei"s 【s】(应该是‘s)help.If without them, maybe liubei is just a ordinary person. (这里说的是如果没有他们的鼎立帮助,刘备只是一个普通人)It shows a fact that friendship is indispensable to every one. From the sample above, even liubei are exceedingly intelligent, but without guanyu and zhangfei he may not be success. To sum up, we can draw a conclusion from this, friendship is importantance to every person. We should value(是说尊重吗?respect ) friendship and get along well with every friend we have.That"s the only way, we can be a succeed and marvellous man.That"s the only way, our society will be much better for us.有些单词可能有很多含义。比如你文中用到的,smash 虽然有非常成功的意思,但是他最常用的一个意思是碾碎的,比如smashed potato,土豆泥。你可以想象smash man,在一个洋人的眼里应该是多恐怖的一个场面了吧。所以尽量不要用一些生僻的词,常用词的生僻含义更糟。还有就是标点符号,英文单词后面紧跟标点符号,没有空格,符号后面是空格,然后再是单字,如,This is a example. yes, it is.
2023-08-09 19:25:531


show me the money
2023-08-09 19:26:022


问题一:中医里所说的“气血不足”是什么意思 气血不足即中医学中的气虚和血虚。 气血不足的结果会导致脏腑功能的减退,引起早衰。气虚即脏腑功能衰退抗病能力差。气虚则畏寒肢冷、自汗、头晕耳鸣、精神萎靡、疲倦无力、心悸气短、发育迟缓。血虚可见面色无华萎黄、皮肤干燥、毛发枯萎、指甲干裂、视物昏花、手足麻木、失眠多梦、健忘心悸、精神恍惚。 气血不足属气血同病。气血亏虚则会形体失养,以神疲乏力、气短懒言、面色淡白或萎黄、头晕目眩、唇甲色淡、心悸失眠、舌淡脉弱等为常见证候。 看大夫调理 问题二:气血不足怎么解释 气血不足的意思是体内精气不足,导致血液循环不好,就像水泵泵力不够,水管没水出来那样~这样的话,身体的细胞得不到营养的补充,自然就有乏力,无精打采等症状~~女人的气血不足需要补血~男人的气血不足有可能是肾亏或虚导致的,需要补气~~根据身体情况来判断和治疗了~~ 问题三:老中医把脉说我气血不足怎么办 你好,根据你的提问,请问你验过血常规吗,贫血吗? 问题四:他们都说是气血不足请问气血不足吃什么药最好 你好,气血不足可吃八珍颗粒治疗。此药气血双补,疗效佳。还可吃黄芪党参蒸瘦肉,阿胶粉等。 问题五:中医说的气血不足,但又虚不受补是什么意思? 气血不足很容易理解,一个人气血不足可能表现在很多方面,脸色苍白、手脚冰凉、头发枯黄等等。虚不受补说明你应该是你吃补气血的药很容易上火,受不住补的功效。所以阿胶这些一般补气血的药是不合适你的。建议你服用抗衰灵试试,抗衰灵是延寿堂根据古代宫廷名方,用现代化技术制作出来的。功效既有补气血,又有润肠排毒,这样就可以大大缓解一般补气血药带来的上火问题。 问题六:今天去一个中医那里把脉说我气血不足,怎么办 多吃点红枣,慢慢补一下就好了,
2023-08-09 19:26:281


  英文翻译:  1、直译:His monthly cost of living is less than $500.  2、意译:He spends less than $500 on his life every month.  less than 为不足的意思。 cost of living 为生活费的意思。monthly与every month是每个月的意思。
2023-08-09 19:26:509


due to lack of orders, we would like to shift Feb"s orders to be produced end Dec or early Jan. Please approve.
2023-08-09 19:27:151


2023-08-09 19:27:236


你好!网上在线学习的优势和不足The advantages and disadvantages of online learning online
2023-08-09 19:27:401

美中不足的是。。。 英文翻译

老天,好多的,这里正好有,自己看看不懂的问我1. 美中不足的是空调不好,热得要命!The only thing that bothered was ill-working air condition.2. 美中不足的是实践还要滞后。Sadly, the implementation lags behind.3. 美中不足的是这里的天气。Maybe the only bad thing is the weather
2023-08-09 19:27:501