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pussy and money and weed

2023-08-16 00:44:33











weed英 [wi:d]美 [wid]n.杂草; 大麻; 废物; 烟草vt.给…除杂草; 除(草); 消除vi.除草复数: weeds过去式: weeded过去分词: weeded现在分词: weeding第三人称单数: weeds派生词:weeder weedless更多资料1. He saw the phosphorescence of the Gulf weed in the water. 他看见马尾藻在水中发出的磷光。来自《简明英汉词典》2. Isn"t it absurd to plant crops and not weed the fields? 种庄稼不除草不是见鬼么?来自《现代汉英综合大词典》3. Tomorrow I have to weed the garden. 我明天得给花园除草。来自《简明英汉词典》4. The gardener estimated that it would take him four hours to weed the garden. 园丁估计他给花园除草需要四个小时。来自《简明英汉词典》5. Please help me weed the garden. 请帮我清除园里的草。来自辞典例句
2023-08-09 14:49:061


野草你妹= =。。weed就是大麻的意思= =是普通人的用语。。。professional管weed叫marijuana= =!!
2023-08-09 14:49:217


weed 英[wi:d] 美[wid] n. 杂草;大麻;废物;烟草 vt. 给…除杂草;除(草);消除 vi. 除草 [例句]Weed scientists are urging farmers to alternate glyphosate with other herbicides.杂草学家们正在督促农民去用其他的除草剂来替代草甘膦。
2023-08-09 14:49:381


杂草;野草 A weed is a wild plant that grows in gardens or fields of crops and prevents the plants that you want from growing properly.所以应该是可数
2023-08-09 14:49:482


2023-08-09 14:49:581


mother是母亲的意思,weed是一个长句子的缩写。mother的基本意思是“母亲,妈妈”,也可用作对年长妇女的尊称。“weed”是“Women Enthusiastic Education Development”的缩写,意思是“妇女积极发展教育”。mother用于比喻可指“根由,本源”,作此解时,其后常接of加名词或代词。weed所代表的英文单词,其对应的中文拼音、详细解释以及在英语中的流行度和相关分类、应用领域及应用示例等。
2023-08-09 14:50:051


2023-08-09 14:50:133


2023-08-09 14:50:233

翻译,u want some weed ?

2023-08-09 14:50:3410


2023-08-09 14:51:124


2023-08-09 14:51:221


yeah, also, MJ, grass, email me for weed,
2023-08-09 14:51:304

Weed ciggrate! 谁帮我翻译一下这个单词

2023-08-09 14:51:384

联合利华首席营销官Keith Weed解读: 联合利华是如何平衡创意与产品销售

苦恼的是,同样是这十年市场营销方面却得到不一样的结果,整体市场份额都在萎缩。来源:02adage编译: London H@DamnDigital (转载请注明来自:02DamnDigital)销售量和产品创意两个重担都落在首席市场官和通讯Keith Weed身上。2010年联合利华CEO Paul Polman就将Keith Weed位列公司高管并成为执行董事会的一员。当Weed先生开心于看到这个绩效结果——上半年销售量就增长了7%使得联合利华在其竞争对手中位列前茅——但是Weed先生还不满意。Weed先生说,“我们刚刚好找到了平衡,我们在创意之路上还能走的更远。”联合利华去年的品牌战略是“Crafting Brands for Life”,意在延续之前的品牌逻辑继续传递品牌的魔力。不走寻常路的Weed先生打破了既是他前任也是他朋友的Simon Clift的老路子,干脆直接的沿着自己“广告效果测试”的逻辑走下去了。公司里有许多退休的老员工和一些高官都私下表示不看好Weed先生进行广告效果测试的这个决定。这是近期的一个漫长的争议:一些循规蹈矩的消费品类高官认为做广告就是为了卖出商品。同时,公司创意部和市场部的一些员工认为提前测试有滋生慢怠工作的可能。这是不容争辩的事实“我增加了试播广告的预算这一举措得到很多议论,”Weed先生说,“我是有足够的把握,十足的把握,能证明我们试播过的广告会比没有试播过对市场销量的好处更多,这是不容置疑的。”也就是说,Weed先生承认公司的高管有时候因为错误的运用了广告试播方法而对这个举措(不奏效)而失望。Weed先生说:“如果你仅仅把试播当成需不需要走过的大门,事实上你在错误的使用这个方法。我们已经有大方向。我们有市场策略,有市场细分。同时,我们还有判断力和基本理论以及一系列前提和框架。所以对于我来说,有这么八件事是要考虑到的。”即使现在有很多问题亟待解决,但是也很难把结果都归咎在公司身上。从最近的报告里回顾联合利华近十年的表现,Sanford C. Bernstein的分析专家Andrew Wood说,公司已经从2002年到2008年的不断失去全球市场份额走出来,过去三年都在不断占据新的市场份额。根据Bernstein分析显示,从2001年到05年之间,公司在全球主打的产品从低端产品上升为高端。而在去年,公司在食品类销量排在行业中游,在美肤和个人护理方面排在雅诗兰黛后面位列第二,在家庭护理领域将位列第一。当谈到产品创意方面,当Weed先生对于联合利华在2011年得奖表现不满意时,他这回对于联合利华团队今年在国际广告节上横扫22座奖杯十分开心。Weed先生说“我对于戛纳的创意效果奖垂涎已久”。这个由BBH为AXE打造的campaign,在Weed先生看来可以被誉为全球广告类奖项的基石。Weed先生也同样为Dove的广告创新而骄傲。这个由Ogilvy& Mather伦敦操刀完成的app,荣获了电子类和PR类的大奖。通过此款应用,可以让Facebook的用户随意抹掉那些他们认为会让女士们对自己外貌感到不悦的广告。联合利华“为生活提供更多更好的品牌”(Crafting Brands for Life)大概是所有企业全球战略描述中唯一一个,既包容了天马行空的创造力同时又平衡了传统消费品模式定位的管理。Marc Mathieu,过去曾就职于可口可乐去年出任联合利华的高级营销副总裁,强调了选择“制造crafting”这个词的原因。Mathieu 先生说,“如果你只是想不费劲的变个戏法,那这次你头一回不能如愿。你需要演练,重复,学习进而让这个可行。你得先找一个你信任的人预演一遍,要是一个可靠的朋友而不是会随便打击你,只会说这样很愚蠢的人。之后你要做的就是准备在50个人面前变这个戏法。这也是为什么我们采用工艺形象化,这样人们会理解魔法不是随便偶然就能发生的。我们让魔法按照我们所想的发生。”Mathieu先生还强调了另一个联合利华的平衡的做法:一方面引进外面的人才,同时还要保留相当一部分本身的企业文化。“Paul打开门说"我们需要新的人才进来,"”Mathieu先生说“这是个好事,否则我也不会在这里了。”一个重大因素在起作用联合利华向来都乐于开拓视野听取一些专家意见,Mathieu先生认为:“在这同时你需要一个文化来糅合这些专家的意见,因为越是顶尖的专家越会带来一些顶尖的软肋,你需要一个团队和内在的文化对接这些专家。”这也是为什么Weed先生接手后,联合利华加大了在市场培训这一块的支出。还有另一个很重要的起作用的原因是联合利华要跟上已经在出现的数字营销的步伐。当然对于联合利华来说,近年来伦敦的市场营销的中心是很明显在转移的,一些关心公司的人看到公司局部调整仍然加入很多复杂的东西,不论如何Mathieu先生还是看出来平衡在起作用。Mathieu 先生说:“可口可乐曾经也在亚特兰大的中心”并且被一个单一的品牌管理。在联合利华,Mathieu先生看到了更多总部之外的营销人员和跨品牌营销的影响。他说:“我们不再生活在同一个世界,伟大的市场营销出生在西方,会兜售并植根到东方。”
2023-08-09 14:51:461

katt williams weed remix歌词,英文的,我一定要英文的。中文请不要回答

2023-08-09 14:52:153

weed strawberry是“给草莓除草”的意思吗?

2023-08-09 14:52:245


CAD:<魔法科高校的劣等生>中魔法师使用的魔法辅助器的简称,即术式辅助演算机:让魔法发动简略化的辅助器,内部记录有魔法启动的程序。种类泛多,形态各异。分为泛用型、转化型、固定型、武装一体型四种。花冠(bloom) 一等生 魔法能力较高杂草(weed) 二等生灵子放射光过敏症:可以认知灵子甚至能看见精灵色调
2023-08-09 14:52:531

求问what音标中的(hw)和weed中的(w)有和区别 汉语表达

2023-08-09 14:53:012

smoke weed everyday这句是什么意思?

也就是每天吸烟。。这里weed 是烟草的意思。。不是光“草”的意思!
2023-08-09 14:53:564

keep calm and smoke weed什么意思

2023-08-09 14:54:055

we climb the moun tains on the weed,改为一般疑问句怎么写?

Do you climb the mountains on the weed?
2023-08-09 14:54:233


2023-08-09 14:54:301

sea sedge和seasweed区别

尽管都可以翻译为海苔,但属于不同的植物门类。  sea sedge 是多年生有根有叶有花的草本植物  seaweed 是无根无叶无花的藻类植物。
2023-08-09 14:54:452

in a weed 和 after a week的区别

in --------用在将来时after -----用于过去时
2023-08-09 14:54:545


2023-08-09 14:55:211

smoke weed什么意思

"Smoke weed" 是一个常见的英语短语,其中 "smoke" 指的是吸烟的行为,"weed" 则是指大麻(marijuana)或大麻制品。因此,"smoke weed" 的字面意思就是 "吸食大麻"。大麻是一种来源于大麻植物(Cannabis sativa)的草本植物,它的花朵和叶子中含有一种化学物质称为 THC(delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol)。THC 是大麻中的主要活性成分,具有精神活性和药理效应。因此,吸食大麻可以引发一系列的身体和心理效应。吸食大麻通常是通过将大麻制品卷成香烟,然后点燃并吸入烟雾的方式进行。这种方法使得大麻中的THC能够被吸入到肺部,然后通过血液循环进入大脑。一旦THC进入大脑,它会与大脑中的CB1受体结合,从而影响神经递质的释放和神经信号的传递,导致各种身体和心理效应。吸食大麻后的效应因个人而异,也取决于大麻的品种和THC含量。一般来说,大麻可以引起欣快感、放松、幻觉、改变时间感知、增加食欲等。然而,它也可能导致注意力和记忆力减退、协调能力下降、心跳加快、焦虑、恐慌和心理依赖等不良效应。需要注意的是,尽管一些国家或地区已经合法化或部分合法化大麻的使用,但在许多国家和地区,吸食大麻仍然被视为非法行为。吸食大麻可能涉及违法行为,并可能导致法律后果。
2023-08-09 14:55:361


2023-08-09 14:55:561


野草 除草
2023-08-09 14:56:443


weed是可数名词,weeds是weed的复数形式weeds 英[wi:dz] 美[wi:dz] n. 水草; (寡妇的) 丧服,黑纱带; 杂草( weed的名词复数 ); 烟草; 大麻烟; v. 除杂草( weed的第三人称单数 ); 说笑话,开玩笑( jest的过去式和过去分词 ); 很早的; [例句]Mustard is grown in the field when weeds are there, rather than when the growing crops are there.芥菜要在地里长杂草而不是长庄稼时种植。[其他] 原型: weed
2023-08-09 14:56:541


weed /wi:d/ noun, verb ■ 1 [C] a wild plant growing where it is not wanted, especially among crops or garden plants 杂草,野草(尤指庄稼或花园中的)2 [U] any wild plant without flowers that grows in water and forms a green floating mass 水草 3 the weed [sing.] (humorous) tobacco or cigarettes 烟草;烟叶;香烟;烟卷 : I wish I could give up the weed (= stop smoking). 但愿我能把烟戒掉。 4 [U] (informal) the drug cannabis 大麻烟 5 [C] (BrE, informal, disapproving) a person with a weak character or body 懦弱的人;体弱的人
2023-08-09 14:57:091


2023-08-09 14:57:192


2023-08-09 14:57:281


2023-08-09 14:57:382

smoke weed eceryday这句英文是什么意思

everyday. 每天吸烟,不过,这个烟,指的是叶子。
2023-08-09 14:57:561


weed out remove as useless or hurtful;sort out淘汰;剔除The exam helps to weed out unsatisfactory candidates.考试有助于淘汰令人不满意的候选者。
2023-08-09 14:58:222

Weed Flower 歌词

歌曲名:Weed Flower歌手:マリア专辑:MERCI VOX仆ら 试されて 少しずつ覚える人を爱すこと 许すこと 伤みも本当は 臆病だって ずっと 言えないまま强がりの 笑颜を见せて 心 隠してた咲き夸る 梦の花青空を 见上げたら少し泣いても いつか笑う 仆が叶えていく大丈夫 いつだってつぼみなら 开くからきっと时间は待ってくれるよ前を向いて 歩いていく Weed flowerWeed flower作词:伊藤绿作曲:渡辺泰司歌:マリア君が 不安な日 侧にいる约束手と手 繋いだら 温もりが伝わるいつまでも 不器用なんて ほんと 君らしいけど弱音さえ 抱きしめるから 一绪にゆこうよ咲き夸る 君の花季节ごと 色を変え背筋をのばし 未来见てる 仆が守っていく大丈夫 いつだって小さな実 种になるきっと淋しさ知った分だけ优しくなる 强くなれる雨が降れば 大地が润い 阳が射せば 空をめざし育っていくよ谁も 见てない路地裏でも生きる そう 大きく咲け 思うまま咲き夸る 梦の花青空を 见上げたら少し泣いても いつか笑う 仆が叶えていく大丈夫 いつだってつぼみなら 开くからきっと时间は待ってくれるよ前を向いて 歩いていく Weed flower~END~
2023-08-09 14:58:291

Bone Thugs-N-Harmony的《Weed Song》 歌词

歌曲名:Weed Song歌手:Bone Thugs-N-Harmony专辑:BtnhresurrectionWe came across the North Sea with our carriers on our kneesWound up in some holding camp somewhere outside Leeds.Because we do not care to fight, my friends - we are the weeds.Because we got no homes they call us smelly refugees.Ah.We are weeds, vegetation, dense undergrowth.Thru" cracks in the pavement: there weeds will grow - the places you don"t go.This cut-price dairy produce that turns our bones to dust.You want some entertainment?Go on, shove it up me - if you must.Make believe you"re so turned on by planting trees & shrubsBut you come round to visit us when you fancy booze "n" drugs.Ah.We are weeds, vegetation, dense undergrowth.Thru" cracks in the pavement: there weeds will grow - the places you don"t go..If you think it"s a crimeWe"d like to get you out of your mind.It"s just a matter of time, yeahWe"d like to get you out of your mind.Gonna cut you down in your prime, yeahWe"d like to get you out of your mind.For a little time: for all time.
2023-08-09 14:58:361

Planet Of Weed 歌词

歌曲名:Planet Of Weed歌手:Fountains of Wayne专辑:Traffic And WeatherPlanet Of WeedFountains Of WayneTraffic and WeatherFountains Of Wayne - Planet Of Weedloving wm, always :)I"ve got everything I needHere on the Planet of WeedThere"s not much going onBut it"s just my speedThere"s no hatred and no greedHere on the Planet of WeedEveryone gets alongIt"s quite pleasant indeedOh baby babyWon"t you come with meSet your mind at easeSet your spirit freeWhat a wonderful life we could leadTogetherOn the Planet of WeedWe"ve got magazines to readWe"ve got Doritos to eatSo lay back on the couchAnd kick up your feetThere"s a movie on TVI"ve been meaning to seeIt"s by Oliver StoneOh baby babyWon"t you come with meSet your mind at easeSet your spirit freeWhat a wonderful life we could leadTogetherForeverLife is betterOn the Planet of Weed-- End --
2023-08-09 14:58:451


2023-08-09 14:58:541

clean up和weed out

clean up和weed out区别如下:clean up 意思是“打扫干净,整理好”,是对某物进行整理和打扫,使其变得更加干净。clean out意思是“扫除,清除,打扫干净”,是将某物上脏物扫除掉,将其扔掉,从而达到干净的效果。例如:I will clean my old books up.我要把我的旧书整理干净。I will clean my old books out.我要把我的旧书都清理掉。
2023-08-09 14:59:232

求Last weed英语过去时作文,45个词左右就行了!急要!!!(注:是Last weed!)

Last weedMy last weed was in a winter with my best weed brothers. We turned the music volume up to 200 timed crazy, so it equalled HIGH... Suddently was a knock which came very unfriendly, we were all scared. It was me walked to the door, and when I opened, It was my parents with policman...@小鼠拨土
2023-08-09 14:59:301

Young, Wild & Free (Feat. Bruno Mars) 歌词

歌曲名:Young, Wild & Free (Feat. Bruno Mars)歌手:Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa专辑:Young, Wild & FreeWiz Khalifa Ft.Snoop Dogg – Young, Wild & FreeSo what we get drunkSo what we smoke weedWe"re just having funWe don"t care who seesSo what we go outThat"s how its supposed to beLiving young and wild and freeUh, Uh huhSo what I keep "em rolled upSaggin" my pants not caring what I showKeep it real with my n-ggasKeep it player for the hoesAnd look clean dont it?Washed it the other day, watch how you lean on itGive me some 501"s jeans on and roll joints bigger than King Kong"s fingersAnd smoke them hoes down "till they stingersYou a class clown and if I skip for the day I"m with you b-tch smokin" grade ASo what we get drunkSo what we smoke weedWe"re just having funWe don"t care who seesSo what we go outThat"s how its supposed to beLiving young and wild and freeYeah, uh you know what?It"s like I"m 17 againPeach fuzz on my faceLookin", on the caseTryna find a hella tasteOh My God, I"m on the chaseChevy, its gettin" kinda heavy, relevant, sellin" itDippin" away, time keep slippin" awayZip in the safe, flippin" for payTippin" like I"m drippin" in paintUp front four blunts, like "Khalifa put the weed in a J"So what we get drunkSo what we smoke weedWe"re just having funWe don"t care who seesSo what we go outThat"s how its supposed to beLiving young and wild and freeYea, roll one, smoke oneWhen you live like this you"re supposed to partyRoll one, smoke one, and we all just having funSo we just, roll one, smoke oneWhen you live like this you"re supposed to partyRoll one, smoke one, and we all just having funSo what we get drunkSo what we smoke weedWe"re just having funWe don"t care who seesSo what we go outThat"s how its supposed to beLiving young and wild and freeSo what we get drunkSo what we smoke weedWe"re just having funWe don"t care who seesSo what we go outThat"s how its supposed to beLiving young and wild and freeyeahurh
2023-08-09 14:59:401

求Wishing Weed-Jason Reeves的歌词,谢谢。

歌词: I picked a wishing weed beneath your mother"s treeand i asked it to bring you back to methen a dragonfly took it to the skyand it rode on the wind until it caught your eyeAnd i"m never gonna get over younot cause i can"t, cause i don"t want toi"m gonna get you back if it"s the only thing i doi"m never gonna get over you..I took the secret path to where i saw you lastand a sparrow dropped a letter to me as it passedthere was a simple sketch of a heart in redand it broke me when i opened it cause all it said was"i"m never gonna get over younot cause i can"t, cause i don"t want toyou know it"s true that i"m gonna get you backif it"s the only thing i doi"m never gonna get over you.."of all the lovers found and lostand never seen againyou"re the only one that runsrepeating through my head..."i"m never gonna get over younot cause i can"t, cause i don"t want toyou know it"s true that i"m gonna get you backif it"s the only thing i doi"m never gonna get over you.."
2023-08-09 14:59:503

i only roll with him so i can smoke up all his weed 歌词是什么歌

twisted nerve 这是一首曲 词是另填的
2023-08-09 15:00:002

on、at、in 这些怎么用

I"M at someplace at weekends=at the week end不管什么情况都用AT WEEK ENDS,ON用在星期和日子,IN用在月份和年
2023-08-09 15:00:082


2023-08-09 15:00:151

Smoke Some Weed 歌词

歌曲名:Smoke Some Weed歌手:Ice Cube专辑:Laugh Now, Cry LaterSmoke Some Weedice cubeSmoke some weedIce Cube motherfuckerWest coast motherfuckerSmoke some weedGeorge Bush, George Clinton, Bill ClintonChris Farley, Chris Rock, Bob MarleyRick James, knew how to throw a partySmoke some weedSnoop Dogg, all the way to Cheech & ChongCypress Hill, Robert Downey hit the bongRicky Williams, fuck how Miami feelinSmoke some weedThis is West coast nigga thinkinCalifornia quicksand got a nigga sinkinI can give a fuck what you niggaz drinkinSmoke some weedThis is West coast nigga thinkinCalifornia quicksand got a nigga sinkinI can give a fuck what you bitches drinkinSmoke some weedIf you a baller, nigga I"m a hall of famerLion tamer, with two fo"-fifth flamersUnderstand, that yo" life"s in dangerDidn"t your momma, tell you not to talk to strangersLil" nigga, I"m the Hillside StranglerHave a banger, callin for the Lone RangerMost rappers, they wanna fuck sangersI"m a nigga, that wanna bone T"PengaG4, pull it up out the hangerA lil" somethin, to fuel you niggaz angerThe swine, I"m your face rearrangerIn a mansion cause Jesus born in a mangerMotherfucker, belong on Jerry SprangerI"m a gangsta, up in your CD changerI"ll gank ya, for 20 bucks then I"ll thank yaPolice, still get the middle fangerThis is West coast nigga thinkinCalifornia quicksand got a nigga sinkinI can give a fuck what you niggaz drinkinSmoke some weedThis is West coast nigga thinkinCalifornia quicksand got a nigga sinkinI can give a fuck what you bitches drinkinSmoke some weedLil" niggaz, don"t try this at homeMomma in the bathroom leave her ass aloneCause she probably takin chronic straight to the domeGo play you lil" fucker, stop bein grownDave Chappelle, 50 million and a throneWith a big Zulu bitch, nigga gettin blownWatch your tone, if your wear CoppertoneGo back to Africa used to be a theme songI"m in the zone, do anybody got a zoneI ain"t your poppa, but daddy is a rolling stoneYouse a clone, who don"t know the shit you onUnless it"s on, a motherfuckin ringtoneI"m in {?}, with two bottles of PatronYou need a loan, to fuck with the Family StoneNigga go on, tell "em Ice Cube is homeGorilla niggaz, here come King KongThis is West coast nigga thinkinCalifornia quicksand got a nigga sinkinI can give a fuck what you niggaz drinkinSmoke some weedThis is West coast nigga thinkinCalifornia quicksand got a nigga sinkinI can give a fuck what you bitches drinkinSmoke some weedIce Cube motherfuckerWest coast motherfuckerSmoke some weed
2023-08-09 15:00:381

英语一般疑问句,肯定回答是什么意思?比如They will have a party next weed.请您解答,解释一下,谢谢。

yes,they will
2023-08-09 15:00:483

Smoke Some Weed 歌词

歌曲名:Smoke Some Weed歌手:Ice Cube专辑:Laugh Now, Cry LaterSmoke Some Weedice cubeSmoke some weedIce Cube motherfuckerWest coast motherfuckerSmoke some weedGeorge Bush, George Clinton, Bill ClintonChris Farley, Chris Rock, Bob MarleyRick James, knew how to throw a partySmoke some weedSnoop Dogg, all the way to Cheech & ChongCypress Hill, Robert Downey hit the bongRicky Williams, fuck how Miami feelinSmoke some weedThis is West coast nigga thinkinCalifornia quicksand got a nigga sinkinI can give a fuck what you niggaz drinkinSmoke some weedThis is West coast nigga thinkinCalifornia quicksand got a nigga sinkinI can give a fuck what you bitches drinkinSmoke some weedIf you a baller, nigga I"m a hall of famerLion tamer, with two fo"-fifth flamersUnderstand, that yo" life"s in dangerDidn"t your momma, tell you not to talk to strangersLil" nigga, I"m the Hillside StranglerHave a banger, callin for the Lone RangerMost rappers, they wanna fuck sangersI"m a nigga, that wanna bone T"PengaG4, pull it up out the hangerA lil" somethin, to fuel you niggaz angerThe swine, I"m your face rearrangerIn a mansion cause Jesus born in a mangerMotherfucker, belong on Jerry SprangerI"m a gangsta, up in your CD changerI"ll gank ya, for 20 bucks then I"ll thank yaPolice, still get the middle fangerThis is West coast nigga thinkinCalifornia quicksand got a nigga sinkinI can give a fuck what you niggaz drinkinSmoke some weedThis is West coast nigga thinkinCalifornia quicksand got a nigga sinkinI can give a fuck what you bitches drinkinSmoke some weedLil" niggaz, don"t try this at homeMomma in the bathroom leave her ass aloneCause she probably takin chronic straight to the domeGo play you lil" fucker, stop bein grownDave Chappelle, 50 million and a throneWith a big Zulu bitch, nigga gettin blownWatch your tone, if your wear CoppertoneGo back to Africa used to be a theme songI"m in the zone, do anybody got a zoneI ain"t your poppa, but daddy is a rolling stoneYouse a clone, who don"t know the shit you onUnless it"s on, a motherfuckin ringtoneI"m in {?}, with two bottles of PatronYou need a loan, to fuck with the Family StoneNigga go on, tell "em Ice Cube is homeGorilla niggaz, here come King KongThis is West coast nigga thinkinCalifornia quicksand got a nigga sinkinI can give a fuck what you niggaz drinkinSmoke some weedThis is West coast nigga thinkinCalifornia quicksand got a nigga sinkinI can give a fuck what you bitches drinkinSmoke some weedIce Cube motherfuckerWest coast motherfuckerSmoke some weed
2023-08-09 15:00:551


2023-08-09 15:01:041