barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-16 00:44:16




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// 路由权限过滤

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_self.$router.push({ path: "/ops_menu_sever_manage"});





type: "warning"


// _self.$router.push({ path: "/login"});



} else {







push up 什么意思

push up 推push up英音:["pus u028cp]美音:["puu0283 u028cp]词典解释push up1. 向上推祝你开心!O(∩_∩)O~
2023-08-09 14:46:112

push up什么意思

push up(n.)俯卧撑(v.)提高俯卧撑(英文:push-up;Press-up。中国大陆称作俯卧撑,中国台湾地区称作伏地挺身,港澳地区称作掌上压),常见的健身运动有助于增加胸大肌锻炼效果。在日常锻炼和体育课上,特别是在军事体能训练中是一项基本训练。俯卧撑主要锻炼上肢、腰部及腹部的肌肉,尤其是胸肌。是很简单易行却十分有效的力量训练手段。初学者练习俯卧撑可以进行两组,每组15到20下;有一定基础的运动者则可做3组,每组20下;高水平人士可以尝试4组30到50下的俯卧撑锻炼。要做到俯卧撑的一个完美起始姿势,身体必须保持从肩膀到脚踝成一条直线,双臂应该放在胸部位置,两手相距略宽于肩膀。这样可以确保每个动作都能更有效锻炼肱三头肌。做俯卧撑时,应该用2到3秒时间来充分下降身体,最终胸部距离地面应该是2到3厘米距离左右;然后,要马上用力撑起,回到起始位置。如果做不到一个完整的俯卧撑,也可以膝盖着地。这也是当正式的俯卧撑已经无法完成,而又想继续锻炼时可以选择的方法。俯卧撑主要锻炼的肌肉群肱三头肌,同时还锻炼三角肌前束、前锯肌和喙肱肌及身体的其他部位。其主要作用是提高上肢、胸部、腰背和腹部的肌肉力量。一般情况下可以分两种呼吸方式:一种是每次俯卧时吸气(只能用鼻),撑时就呼气(可以用鼻和口)。另一种是多次俯卧撑一次吸气,多次俯卧撑一次呼气,适合较高水平的训练者。以感觉不到呼吸难受为准,注意不同的训练可以使用不同的呼吸方式来调节身体状况。
2023-08-09 14:46:181


push up增加;提高;向上推更多数学里表示上升的函数图像。[网络短语]push up 俯卧撑,抬高,向上推push-up storage 上推存储器,上推储存器Push Higher Up 防线压上,压上----------------------------------------------谢谢采纳哦
2023-08-09 14:46:481

be given push up

push up 也可以用做名词短语 push-up: n.伏地挺身,增高,提高 原句表示 油价的升高 动词push-up: 1.push upward 同义词:push up 2.push upward 同义词:thrust,push up
2023-08-09 14:46:551

句子结构分析:考研真题2002text3第二段中的一句话:The oil price was given another push up ....

这句话是被动式。主语是:the oil price:油价谓语是:was given:被赋予而another push up(再次推高)是give的宾语。全句译文:由于伊拉克暂缓出口石油,本周的(国际)油价被再次推高。
2023-08-09 14:47:062

push up out of the way翻译

push up = 推高 out of the way = 非同寻常的 合在一起就是你书中的那个意思了
2023-08-09 14:47:151

push up stand怎么用

2023-08-09 14:47:352


2023-08-09 14:47:491


2023-08-09 14:48:081


2023-08-09 14:48:196


I Don"t Believe in the Devil歌手:Erik Corona所属专辑:A Minimal Story作曲 : T. Magnussons
2023-08-09 14:49:064


2016-2017学年下学期高一外研第55期参考答案及解析Book 4 Module 6 参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 BAACA 6-10ABCAB 11-15 ACCAB 16-20ACABA 21-25 ADCAA 26-30 ABDCB31-35 DDBCC 36-40BFAEG 41-45 BBDCA 46-50BDABD51-55 ACCBA 56-60 BBACA61. away 62.personal 63. To prove 64.continued 65. on 66.looking 67. that / who 68.It 69. how 70.equally短文改错:71. ... help us knew ... knew → know72. Chat online ... Chat→ Chatting73. ... after the class ... 去掉the74. ... too much information ... information后加that75. ... like violent ... violent → violence76. ... very much ... very→ so77. ... doing harm to ... doing → do 78. In conclusions ...conclusions→ conclusion79. ... so we should ... so → but80. ... make good use for ... for → ofOne possible version:Crop circlesCrop circles are worldwide phenomena,existing mainly in Europe and North America, most created during spring orsummer night. Flattened crops appear in various patterns that are found ingrain fields.Some people believe that these circles musthave been made by aliens who have come to earth. While some people think thatthe circles might have been designed by local people to develop their tourism andmake more money. Though researchers have secretly set up cameras in fieldsattempting to find out how these circles formed, nothing yet has been recorded.So far who makes the circles and how theyare made remain a mystery.部分解析阅读理解:A篇(旅游)本文是应用文。文章介绍了美国阿肯色州温泉国家公园。21. A。细节理解题。根据Great Springs中的The areabecame a national park in 1921可知,美国温泉国家公园成立于1921年。22. D。细节理解题。根据Great Springs部分中的You can alsodrink the spring water from special fountains可知应选D项。23. C。细节理解题。根据Fees & Passes部分中的Your stay islimited to 14 days at a time可知,在美国温泉国家公园露营一次最多只能停留14天。24. A。细节理解题。根据Fees & Passes部分中的There is noentrance fee for the park可知,美国温泉国家公园没有门票费。B篇(周围的人)本文是记叙文。文章讲述了小女孩通过销售自制蜂蜜柠檬汁来帮助那些处于危难之中的蜜蜂。25. A。推理判断题。根据第一段中的I learned that bees help make the food we eat because of theirpollination ...we wouldn"t have cheese without pollination, either可知,女孩通过了解蜜蜂认识到了蜜蜂的重要性。26. A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的The bad news is that bees are struggling to survive. Many are dying... What would happen if there were no more bees? I wanted to help可知,蜜蜂的处境很危险,作者对此很担忧,因此打算卖柠檬汁来帮助蜜蜂。27. B。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的I wanted to help bees all year round及I love helping to save bees可知,小女孩喜欢帮助蜜蜂,她富有爱心、很善良。28. D。标题归纳题。根据文中小女孩为救蜜蜂而萌生出销售自制蜂蜜柠檬汁的想法及文章最后一句It"s the sweetest feeling ever可知D项适合作标题。C篇(语言学习)本文是记叙文。文章介绍了三个人去国外当交换生学习语言的经历及感受。29. C。细节理解题。根据Frank中的It also helped melearn the kind of Spanish that people use when they"re speaking, rather thanthe language from books可知,弗兰克在西班牙的交换生经历让他学到了地道的西班牙语。30. B。细节理解题。根据Alice中的made me a much moreconfident person可知,爱丽丝在法国的交换生经历帮助她提高了自信。31. D。推理判断题。根据Ellen中的I"d certainlyrecommend it to other students studying languages,Frank中的If I had theopportunity, I"d certainly take part in another language exchange和Alice中的I would certainlyrecommend an exchange可知,三个人都认为他们的交换生经历是有益的。D篇(自然)本文是说明文。美国加州的赛马场盐湖常年干旱,而上面的石头为什么会移动呢?科学家已经破解了这一自然之谜。32. D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的Racetrack Playa, the waterless lakebed和第四段中的No river flows into the playa可知,赛马场盐湖经常是干涸的。33. B。推理判断题。根据第三段中的They were not allowed to move or change anything of the existingplaya stones可知,死亡谷国家公园不允许科学家在赛马场盐湖的石头上使用全球定位系统。34. C。细节理解题。根据第四段中的Driven by light winds, the sheets push up against rocks可知,两位科学家认为,石头周围形成的冰在风的作用下使得石头移动。35. C。词义猜测题。由最后一段可知,能够让石头移动的条件非常特殊,很少出现,所以可推断episodic应该是“偶尔发生”的意思。七选五:话题:社会本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了影响人们幸福的因素。36. B。B项与上文的Some argue that themain reason people do the things they do is to become happier. Others arguethat happiness is a basic human right呼应,且与下文的问句What really makes people happy并列,道出本文要讨论的主题。37. F。根据划线处的上一句Social scientists usually count happiness simply by asking how happypeople are可知,科学家通过询问人们的幸福指数来计算幸福。38. A。根据本段中的People in parts of the country with nicer weather said they weremore satisfied with their lives可知,该段主要介绍了天气与幸福的关系。39. E。根据划线处的下一句If you have a home, food and clothes, extra money doesn"t make youhappier可知,有很多的钱并不一定就会更幸福。40. G。根据划线处的上一句Having close relationships with people — family and friends可知,人际关系好的人会更幸福。故G项符合此处语境。完形填空:话题:体育本文是记叙文。文章讲述了斯蒂文带伤为篮球队勇敢而战并最终取得胜利的经历。41. B。根据下文中的Steven"s team needed to ... them all if they were going to the statefinals可知,今年的比赛打得“更艰辛(harder)”。42. B。43. D。根据文中的Steven"s teamneeded to ... them all if they were going to the state finals可知,斯蒂文的篮球队必须“打赢(win)”剩下的三场“比赛(games)”才能进入总决赛。44. C。根据下文中的before the final quarter可知,临近比赛“结束(end)”,斯蒂文的球队还落后六分。45. A。根据下文中的Steven looked at the injury on his knee可知,斯蒂文摔伤了他的“膝盖(knee)”。46. B。根据下文中的Steven looked at the injury on his knee可知,斯蒂文的教练问他是否可以继续“比赛(play)”。47. D。根据下文中斯蒂文继续比赛的内容可知,他跟教练说自己“挺好的(fine)”。48. A。根据下文中的He could risk hurting his knee even more可知,斯蒂文知道自己所做决定会带来的“危险(risks)”。49. B。根据下文中的not playing可知,斯蒂文也可以“选择(choose)”不继续比赛。50. D。根据上文中的He knew that not playing might cause his team可知,斯蒂文退赛有可能会导致他的球队“输掉(lose)”比赛。51. A。根据下文中的play through the pain可知,斯蒂文“决定(decided)”继续参加比赛。52. C。根据下文中的he was going to win this game可知,斯蒂文“觉得(felt)”他们会赢了这场比赛。53. C。根据文中斯蒂文为球队勇敢而战的经历可知,他“爱(loved)”这支球队。54. B。根据上文中的he caught the ball可知,对方“球队(team)”的失误让斯蒂文拿到了球。55. A。根据上文中的threw the ball into the hoop可知,斯蒂文进球了所以他朝教练“微笑(smiled)”。56. B。根据上文中的threw the ball into the hoop可知,斯蒂文打得很“好(well)”。57. B。根据下文中的scored a three point shot及Steven"s team was only one point behind可知,斯蒂文“甚至(even)”投中了一颗三分球。58. A。59. C。根据文中的the pain in hisknee and ran forward可知,斯蒂文“不顾(ignored)”自己膝盖上的伤痛,奋力“向前(headed)”冲去。60. A。根据文中斯蒂文为球队荣誉而带伤打球的经历可知,他的决定很“勇敢(daring)”。语法填空:61. away。考查固定搭配。give away意为“赠送,分发”。 62. personal。考查形容词。设空处作定语修饰things,意为“个人的”,故填personal。 63. To prove。考查不定式作状语的用法。设空处在句中作目的状语,故填To prove。64. continued。考查一般过去时。由时间状语when the year ended可知,此处描述的是过去的事情,故填continued。65. on。考查介词。on holiday意为“度假”。 66. looking。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作介词for的宾语,故填looking。 67. that / who。考查关系代词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰先行词young people,且在从句中作主语,故填that/ who。 68. It。考查it的用法。设空处在句中作形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句,故填It。69. how。考查疑问副词。how much意为“多少”。 70. equally。考查副词。设空处修饰形容词important,表示“同样地”,故填equally。[选做题参考答案及解析]参考答案1-5 DABAD 6-10ACCBB解析A篇(自然)本文是记叙文。文章介绍了一只经常偷商店里的油炸马铃薯片的海鸥。1. D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的But Sid is no ordinary thief. He is a seagull可知,Sid与普通小偷的不同之处在于它是一只海鸥。2. A。推理判断题。根据第二段中的The seagull waits until there are no customers in the shop and thedoor is open ... the seagull walks in and steals from the shop可知,Sid会等待合适的时机进店偷东西。3. B。推理判断题。第三段中野生动物园发言人推测了Sid在商店扒窃的原因。4. A。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的Sid was given his name by the people in the area. Some of the localseven go into the shop to pay for the crisps可知,当地人很喜欢Sid。5. D。推理判断题。文章讲述了一只海鸥经常偷商店里的油炸马铃薯片的故事,由此可知该文章可能是选自自然版块的一篇文章。B篇(社会)本文是说明文。在洛杉矶一个地下停车场的施工现场发现大量冰河时代的化石。6. A。推理判断题。根据第二段中的The new parking lot sits right next to the La Brea Tar Pits及making La Brea a rich collection of fossils可知,这些化石的发现没有让科学家大吃一惊是因为在它们周围已经发现了很多化石。7. C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的The biggest surprise was Zed, a huge male Columbian mammoth可知,最让科学家惊喜的发现是一头雄性哥伦比亚猛犸象化石。8. C。段落大意题。根据该段对如何发现哥伦比亚猛犸象化石的介绍可知应选C项。9. B。推理判断题。根据第四段中的workers cut out whole parts of ground ... moved 23 boxes from theparking lot to a safe location next door可知,工人把化石连土一起完整地搬到了一个安全的地方。10. B。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的They"ve already found the bones of giant camels and snakes, turtles,and even fossil insects and plants可知,这个项目发现了许多化石,收获颇丰。
2023-08-09 14:50:061


2023-08-09 14:50:174


2023-08-09 14:50:258


你好,push可做短暂性动词,也可做持续性动词例1:The woman pushed back her chair and stood up.(短暂性动词)那女人把椅子向后一推,站了起来。例2:Tropical storm Marco is pushing northward up Florida"s coast. (持续性动词)热带风暴“马可”正沿佛罗里达海岸向北推进。如果还有其他英语方面的问题可以在weibo上问我,我的weibo是 英语小张
2023-08-09 14:50:501

She was going to push him up.是什么意思

She was going to push him up.她打算把他推上去。
2023-08-09 14:51:003

chuchucha chuchucha 是哪首歌 英文歌 男歌手

I"m at a payphone trying to call home我电话亭里尝试给家打电话All of my change I"ve spent on you给你我花去了所有的零钱Where are the times gone时间流逝Baby it"s all wrong宝贝,全错了Where are the plans we made for two我们的二人世界的计划哪去了Yeah, I, I know it"s hard to remember是的,我,我知道这很难记起The people we used to be我们原先的样子It"s even harder to picture更难的是想象That you"re not here next to me你不在我身旁You said it"s too late to make it你说太迟了But is it too late to try?但是真的太迟去试一下吗And then that time that you wasted你耗费在我们一起的时间All of our bridges burnt down我们没有回头路可走I"ve wasted my nights我度过的夜晚You turned out the lights你照亮了它Now I"m paralyzed现在我麻木了Still stucked in that time还停留在我们称知于爱的时光when we called it love称知于爱的时光But even the sun sets in paradise即使阳光撒在天堂I"m at a payphone trying to call home我电话亭里尝试给家打电话All of my change i"ve spent on you给你我花去了所有的零钱Where are the times gone baby时间流逝It"s all wrong, we"re at the place we made for two宝贝,全错了,我们的二人世界的计划哪去了If happy ever after did exist如果快乐确实存在I would still be holding you like this我还是会像这样和你相拥And all those fairytales are full of sh-t那些童话故事是骗人的One more stupid love song I"ll be sick再来一首白痴爱情歌曲我会厌倦You turned your back on tomorrow你不会给明天机会Cause you forgot yesterday因为你忘记了昨天I gave you my love to borrow我让你借给我的爱But just gave it away但是你却把它丢出来You can"t expect me to be fine你不能期待我会没事I don"t expect you to care我不期待你会介意I know I said it before我知道我已经说过But all of our bridges burnt down但是我们已经没有回头路可走I"ve wasted my nights我度过的夜晚You turned out the lights你照亮了它Now I"m paralyzed现在我麻木了Still stucked in that time还停留在我们when we called it love称知于爱的时光But even the sun sets in paradise即使阳光撒在天堂I"m at a payphone trying to call home我电话亭里尝试给家打电话All of my change I"ve spent on you给你我花去了所有的零钱Where are the times gone baby时间流逝It"s all wrong, we"re at the place we made for two宝贝,全错了,我们的二人世界的计划哪去了If happy ever after did exist如果快乐确实存在I would still be holding you like this我还是会像这样和你相拥And all those fairytales are full of shit那些童话故事是骗人的One more stupid love song I"ll be sick再来一首白痴爱情歌曲我会厌倦Now I"m at a payphone现在我在电话亭里Now fuck that shit够了I"ll be right here我会spending all this money while you sitting round花光所有这些钱,当你坐在那里想弄明白Wondering why wasn"t you who came out from nothing为什么从头开始的不是你Made it from the bottom从低做起Now when you see me I"m strutting现在你看到我这么出色And all of my cause a way to push up a button我所有的车都有一个按钮Telling me the chances I blew up or whatever you call it提醒我错过的机遇,或随便你称它们做什么Switched the number to my phone换掉我的手机号码So you never can call it这样你就永远不能打给我了Don"t need my name, or my show我的表演不需刻意you can tell it I"m ballin"你可以看得出我在狂欢What a shame coulda got picked多可惜你错过了这些漂亮的机会Had a really good game but you missed your last shot本可以开心的玩乐但你错过了最后的机会So you talk about who you see at the top所以你现在可以谈论跟你在一起的人成功了Or what you could"ve saw或你本来可以得到的东西But sad to say it"s over for it但可悲的是这些结束了,因为Phantom roll out valet open doors错觉停止,门被打开了Where"s the car way, got what you was looking for得到了你想要的Now ask me who they want现在他们需要的是我So you can go take that little piece of sh-t with you你可以走了,记得带着那块垃圾一起走I"m at a payphone trying to call home我电话亭里尝试给家打电话All of my change I"ve spent on you给你我花去了所有的零钱Where are the times gone baby时间流逝It"s all wrong, we"re at the place we made for two宝贝,全错了,我们的二人世界的计划哪去了If happy ever after did exist如果快乐确实存在I would still be holding you like this我还是会像这样和你相拥And all these fairytales are full of shit那些童话故事是骗人的One more stupid love song I"ll be sick再来一首白痴爱情歌曲我会厌倦Now I"m at a payphone现在我在电话亭里
2023-08-09 14:51:071

keep doing和keep to do的区别

keep 后接doing 的结构.keep doing sth.保持,一直做某事如:keep reading,一直在阅读.没有keep to do 的结构,但是有keep to sth.的结构.保持,坚持,这个to 是介词.如keep to your idea.相当于stick to.
2023-08-09 14:51:189

速卖通泳衣push up是什么意思

推上去push up推上去,增高,提高; 顶; [英][puu0283 u028cp][美][pu028au0283 u028cp]
2023-08-09 14:52:201

spinning stretch sit-up push-up

旋转运动 伸展运动 蹲起 俯卧撑
2023-08-09 14:52:283

KJ-52的《Push Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Push Up歌手:KJ-52专辑:The Yearbook: The Missing Pages (Deluxe Edition)「PUSH」歌∶BECCA収録∶TOKYO-O-INGWhen my white lies turn black, I"ll be goneI gave you my last chance todayThere"s no one around to help me move onI thought it was better this wayForgive me if I don"t make a soundI gave you everything and now I"m outWith nothing left to givePush It just slows me downAll I have you tookIt never comes back aroundYou push And I won"t let you in"Cuz I won"t ever winIf you push me nowI"m so far gone out here on my ownI was lost in your somewhereNever thought I"d feel so aloneBut you drove me thereand now I know there"s nothing left to givePush It just slows me downAll I have you tookIt never comes back aroundYou push And I won"t let you in"Cuz I won"t ever winIf you push me nowI took my head out of the sandI took my heart out of your handsWhy can"t we put this to restCuz there"s nothing leftThere"s nothing leftPush It just slows me downAll I have you tookIt never comes back aroundYou push And I won"t let you in"Cuz I won"t ever winIf you push me nowYou push It just slows me downAll I have you tookIt never comes back aroundYou push And I won"t let you in"Cuz I won"t ever winIf you push me now【 おわり 】
2023-08-09 14:52:351


push oneself 给自己施加压力
2023-08-09 14:52:443

push up out of the way

2023-08-09 14:52:531

Push Up On Me 歌词

歌曲名:Push Up On Me歌手:Rihanna专辑:Good Girl Gone BadPush Up On Merihannawe break, break, we break, breakwe break, break, we"re breaking downwe break, break, we break, breakwe break, break, we"re breaking downIt"s getting later baby, and I"m getting curiousnobody s looking at us, i feel deliriouscause the beat gonna chase my bodyshaking aside my bonesand you pushin all my buttons, takin me outta my zoneThe way that you stare, starts a fire in mecome up to my room you sexy little thingand let"s play a game, I won"t be a teaseI ll show you the boom , my sexy little thingI wish you would push up on meI wish you would push up on meI wish you would light me upand say you want me push up on meI wish you would push up on meI wish you would push up on meI wish you would light me upand say you want me push up on meI know many guys just like ya, extremely confidentgot so much flavour with you like you re the perfect manyou wanna make me chase ya like its a complimentbut let s get right down to itI can be the girl that can break you downThe way that you stare, starts a fire in mecome up to my room you sexy little thingand let s play a game, I won t be a teaseI ll show you the boom , my sexy little thingI wish you would push up on meI wish you would push up on meI wish you would light me upand say you want me push up on meI wish you would push up on meI wish you would push up on meI wish you would light me upand say you want me push up on mewe break, break, we break, breakwe break, break we re breaking downwe break, break, we break, breakwe break, break we re breaking downI wanna see how you move itshow me , show me how you do ityou really got me on it , I must confessbaby there ain t nothing to itbaby who you think you re foolingyou wanna come get me outta my dressThe way that you stare, starts a fire in mecome up to my room you sexy little thingand let s play a game, I won t be a teaseI ll show you the boom , my sexy little thingI wish you would push up on meI wish you would push up on meI wish you would light me upand say you want me push up on meI wish you would push up on meI wish you would push up on meI wish you would light me upand say you want me push up on mewe break, break, we break, breakwe break, break we re breaking downwe break, break, we break, breakwe break, break we re breaking down
2023-08-09 14:53:001

什么中文能译成Push Up Bikini

2023-08-09 14:53:071

push up on me什么意思?

Push Up On Me 情趣游戏这是网络释义
2023-08-09 14:53:271


2023-08-09 14:53:362

Pussy control 歌词

歌曲名:Pussy control歌手:Prince专辑:Crystal BallPrince - P ControlNuestra presentacion especial comenzara en breve{Our special presentation will start shortly}Pero antes un mensaje de nuestros auspiciadores{But first a message from our sponsors}Uh, yeahUhGood mornin" ladies and gentlemen ("What hotel number is she in?")Boys and motherfuckin" girls ("319, 319" "Cool")This is your captain with no name speakin"And I"m here 2 rock your worldWith a tale that will soon be classicAbout a woman U already knowNo prostitute she, but the mayor of your brainPussy Control (Are U ready?)Aaah, Pussy Control, ohAaah, Pussy Control, ohOur story begins in a schoolyardA little girl skipping rope with her friendsA tisket, a tasket, no lunch in her basketJust school books 4 the fight she would be inOne day over this hoodieShe got beat 4 some clothes and a repWith her chin up, she scolded "All y"all"s moldedWhen I"m rich, on your neck I will step"And step she did 2 the straight A"sThen college, a master degreeShe hired the heifers that jumped herAnd made everyone of them work 4 free?No! Why?So what if my sisters are triflin"?They just don"t knowShe said "Mama didn"t tell"em what she told me"Girl, U need Pussy Control"" (Are U ready?)Aaah, Pussy Control, ohAaah, Pussy Control, ohVerse 2Pussy got bank in her pocketsBefore she got dick in her drawersIf brother didn"t have good "n" plenty of his ownIn love Pussy never did fallAnd this fool named Trick wanna stick herUh, talkin" more shit than a bit"Bout how he gonna make Pussy a starIf she come and sing a lick on his hitPussy said "Nigga, U crazy if U don"t knowEvery woman in the world ain"t a freakU can go platinum 4 timesStill couldn"t make what I make in a weekSo push up on somebody that wanna hear thatCuz this somebody here don"t wanna knowBoy, U better act like U understandWhen U roll with Pussy Control" (Are U ready?)Aaah, Pussy Control, ohAaah, Pussy Control, ohBreakdown(Are U ready 4 the best Pussy U ever felt?) {x2}With one more verse 2 the storyI need another piece of your earI wanna hip U all 2 the reasonI"m known as the Player of the YearCuz I met this girl named PussyAt the club - International BallsShe was rollin" 4-deep3 sisters and a weepy-eyed white girl drivin" a HogI pulled up right beside herAnd my electric top went downI said "Motherfucker, I know your reputationAnd I"m astounded that U"re hereI fear U"re lonely and U want 2 knowA 12 o"clock straight up niggaThat don"t give a shit that U"re Pussy ControlWell I"m that nigga, at least I wanna beBut it"s gonna be hard as hell2 keep my mind off a bodyThat would make every rich manWant 2 sell, sell, sell (75, we need another.. 85, 85 here, sold!)Can I tell U what I"m thinkin" that U already know?U need a motherfucker that respects your name"Now say it, Pussy Control (Are U ready?)Aaah, Pussy Control, ohAaah, Pussy Control, ohAnd the moral of this motherfucker isLadies, make"em act like they knowU are, was, and always will be Pussy Control (Are U ready?)Peace and be wild (Aaah, Pussy Control)Say what, huh? (Oh)Oh no, don"t U think about callin" her a ho (Are U ready?)U juvenile delinquentBest sit your ass downTalkin" about Pussy ControlHuh, can U dig it?Aaah, Pussy Control (Are U ready?)Oh (Are U ready?)Aaah, Pussy Control (Are U ready?)Oh (Are U ready?)
2023-08-09 14:54:241

使用git push时,提示up-to-date

第一次在Google Code上弄项目,注册完毕后,尝试增加一个新文件用以测试Git是否好好工作。结果在Push的时候却显示"Every up-to-date",检查文件时却发现实际上一个都没更新上去。因为对Git不够熟悉,因此只好Googling. 进行一番搜索后找到原因如下: Why does Git refuse to push, saying “everything up to date”? git push with no additional arguments only pushes branches that exist in the remote already. If the remote repository is empty, nothing will be pushed. In this case, explicitly specify a branch to push, e.g. git push master. 也就是说一开始git服务器仓库是完全空的,不包含任何一个分支(branch),因此刚开始Push时需要指定一个。 执行git remote -v后看到自己的remote端名字为origin: 因此在本地commit后,再执行 git push origin master 即可。 -------------------2019-01-01--------------- 其实只要查看一下你本地工作区中是否有修改的文件,可以通过一系列add, commit , push 操作进行提交。
2023-08-09 14:54:341

一首歌词里有let me see you舞曲 节奏感很强 求歌名。

是不是 I MISS YOU 啊?
2023-08-09 14:54:4314

千百万分钟 泰语歌歌词 push唱的

  SiStar-Push Push  听译:香草布丁  Push Push Baby,Oh Push Baby  Push Push Baby Just like SISTAR  Push Push Baby,Oh Push Baby  Push Push Baby(Made by brave sound)  push push baby 曼木达耐就(hey)  push push baby boy( i want SISTAR)  push push baby 带口门买love(hey)  push push baby boy  (push push baby boy)  wake up wake up come on ju努努豆 wake up  come去掉哈吉嘛 一批闹耐送吧radar  内购 内购 hi宝莫来度呢内购  难嫩度古宝达也啵 we the B.E.S.T SISTAR  welcome welcome to the new new new new world  一嘎moon节卡米度古票卡 hey no no no more  noping noping (耐进)闹不顾wink哈几  baby i might take you higher  囊梦嘎达嫩girl sexy a baby girl  闹 酷吧进高 套包了吉度莫拉  难 Say达嫩girl sexy的baby girl  no嫩节巴金girl 一节那门把达把教  push push baby 曼木达耐就(hey)  push push baby boy( i want SISTAR)  push push baby 带口门买love(hey)  push push baby boy  (push push baby boy)  keep on pushing me耐麻木卡教吧  we gonna steal your heart 那白扫不大古  一等里德麻木恰嘛那 i can"t stop  碰恰嫩呢麻木恰嘛那 i won"t stop  keep pushing keep pushing 西吉莫西 keep on dashing  SISTAR等fashion i"m on fire  难怒古宝等flyer  怒度要耐ge木度西搜里扣巧  古那搜你麻么古巧  度基滴答答耐度古巧 i got you  i got got got got got you  囊梦嘎达嫩girl sexy a baby girl  闹 酷吧进高 套包了吉度莫拉  难 Say达嫩girl sexy的baby girl  no嫩节巴金girl 一节那门把达把教  push push baby 曼木达耐就(hey)  push push baby boy( i want SISTAR)  push push baby 带口门买love(hey)  push push baby boy  (push push baby boy)  eh o eh o eh o eh o eh o eh o boy(boy)  eh o eh o eh o eh o eh o eh o boy boy boy boy boy  push push baby oh push baby  push push baby just like SISTAR  push push baby oh push baby  push push baby (Made by brave sound)  The End
2023-08-09 14:55:271

Salt-N-Pepa的《Push It》 歌词

歌曲名:Push It歌手:Salt-N-Pepa专辑:Girls" Night OutAh, push itAh, push itOooh, baby, babyBaby, babyOooh, baby, babyBaby, babyGet up on this!Ow! Baby!Salt and Pepa"s here!Now wait a minute, y"allThis dance ain"t for everybodyOnly the sexy peopleSo all you fly mothers, get on out there and danceDance, I said!]Salt and Pepa"s here, and we"re in effectWant you to push it, babeCoolin" by day then at night working up a sweatC"mon girls, let"s go show the guys that we knowHow to become number one in a hot party showNow push itAh, push it - push it goodAh, push it - push it real goodAh, push it - push it goodAh, push it - p-push it real goodHey! Ow!Push it good!Oooh, baby, babyBaby, babyOooh, baby, babyBaby, babyPush it goodPush it real goodAh, push itAh, push itYo, yo, yo, yo, baby-popYeah, you come here, gimme a kissBetter make it fast or else I"m gonna get pissedCan"t you hear the music"s pumpin" hard like I wish you would?Now push itPush it goodPush it real goodPush it goodP-push it real goodAh, push itGet up on this!Boy, you really got me goingYou got me so I don"t know what I"m doingAh, push it
2023-08-09 14:55:351


Qiniu 七牛问题解答 很多用户不懂怎么写上传完成后的处理事件。我带大家来写个。 问题解决方案 1,首先要在如下的main.js中做如下的配置修改。 /*global Qiniu *//*global plupload *//*global FileProgress *//*global hljs */$(function() { var uploader = Qiniu.uploader({ runtimes: "html5,flash,html4", browse_button: "pickfiles", container: "container", drop_element: "container", max_file_size: "100mb", flash_swf_url: "js/plupload/Moxie.swf", dragdrop: true, chunk_size: "4mb", uptoken_url: "servlet/responseHandler", domain: $("#domain").val(), // downtoken_url: "/downtoken", // unique_names: true, // save_key: true, // x_vars: { // "id": "1234", // "time": function(up, file) { // var time = (new Date()).getTime(); // // do something with "time" // return time; // }, // }, auto_start: true, init: { "FilesAdded": function(up, files) { $("table").show(); $("#success").hide(); plupload.each(files, function(file) { var progress = new FileProgress(file, "fsUploadProgress"); progress.setStatus("缁?澶?绶?..."); }); }, "BeforeUpload": function(up, file) { var progress = new FileProgress(file, "fsUploadProgress"); var chunk_size = plupload.parseSize(this.getOption("chunk_size")); if (up.runtime === "html5" && chunk_size) { progress.setChunkProgess(chunk_size); } }, "UploadProgress": function(up, file) { var progress = new FileProgress(file, "fsUploadProgress"); var chunk_size = plupload.parseSize(this.getOption("chunk_size")); progress.setProgress(file.percent + "%",, chunk_size); }, "UploadComplete": function() { $("#success").show(); // alert("woaini"); // var v = 4, // document.getElementById("woaini").outerHTML = "woaini"; // alert("wobuai"); }, "FileUploaded": function(up, file, info) { var progress = new FileProgress(file, "fsUploadProgress"); progress.setComplete(up, info); }, "Error": function(up, err, errTip) { $("table").show(); var progress = new FileProgress(err.file, "fsUploadProgress"); progress.setError(); progress.setStatus(errTip); } // , // "Key": function(up, file) { // var key = ""; // // do something with key // return key // } } }); uploader.bind("FileUploaded", function() { console.log("hello man,a file is uploaded"); }); $("#container").on( "dragenter", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $("#container").addClass("draging"); e.stopPropagation(); } ).on("drop", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $("#container").removeClass("draging"); e.stopPropagation(); }).on("dragleave", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $("#container").removeClass("draging"); e.stopPropagation(); }).on("dragover", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $("#container").addClass("draging"); e.stopPropagation(); }); $("#show_code").on("click", function() { $("#myModal-code").modal(); $("pre code").each(function(i, e) { hljs.highlightBlock(e); }); }); $("body").on("click", "table button.btn", function() { $(this).parents("tr").next().toggle(); }); var getRotate = function(url) { if (!url) { return 0; } var arr = url.split("/"); for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) { if (arr[i] === "rotate") { return parseInt(arr[i + 1], 10); } } return 0; }; $("#myModal-img .modal-body-footer").find("a").on("click", function() { var img = $("#myModal-img").find(".modal-body img"); var key ="key"); var oldUrl = img.attr("src"); var originHeight = parseInt("h"), 10); var fopArr = []; var rotate = getRotate(oldUrl); if (!$(this).hasClass("no-disable-click")) { $(this).addClass("disabled").siblings().removeClass("disabled"); if ($(this).data("imagemogr") !== "no-rotate") { fopArr.push({ "fop": "imageMogr2", "auto-orient": true, "strip": true, "rotate": rotate, "format": "png" }); } } else { $(this).siblings().removeClass("disabled"); var imageMogr = $(this).data("imagemogr"); if (imageMogr === "left") { rotate = rotate - 90 < 0 ? 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2023-08-09 14:55:441


uniapp官方推送文档:UniPush使用指南 - DCloud问答 1 unipush其实就是dcloud帮你集成了个推的sdk到uniapp内部,本质是dcloud帮你做了二次封装,你不需要去个推官网集成App端的推送sdk(服务端需要去个推集成服务端的sdk,但有个大方向就是服务端一定要使用 透传模板 ),你也不需要去个推申请账号,而是直接用dcloud的账号就好了。 2 在线消息、离线消息、透传消息的区别 在线消息(推送):指App在前台或App刚退到后台但时间不长还没有被杀死进程的状态 离线消息(推送):指App根本就没有打开或App打开了又被杀死了,离线消息本质是手机厂商自己实现的手机系统级的长连接 透传消息:也叫应用内消息或自定义消息,本质是个推自己实现的长连接 1 华为手机必须用自有证书云打包才能实现离线推送 2 小米手机用云打包或自定义调试基座打包都能实现离线推送 3 oppo和vivo如果要实现离线推送,必须先上架oppo和vivo的官方应用商店才能实现离线推送 因为华为手机必须用自有证书才能实现离线推送的关系,其他小米手机,ov也就跟着统一使用自有证书来打包了 首先证书里存储的是一些用于表明开发者身份的信息,就是类似一个身份证的东西,为了证明你是你,对于App来说就是给App签名用的,一个证书可以签名多个App。 自有证书,字面意思,就是自己拥有的证书,对于uniapp来说,如果你的应用安全性不高或者根本用不到推送功能,那么你可以直接选择用dcloud的公共测试证书来打包。 只要你需要实现华为手机的离线消息推送,那么你就一定需要制作一个自有证书,只要制作一个,就可以一劳永逸。 如果你需要支持华为手机的离线推送,那么必须制作一个签名证书,一般情况下,你只要做推送功能的,不支持华为说不过去,所以别管那么多直接做一个证书就完事。 Android平台签名证书(.keystore)生成指南 - DCloud问答 使用Windows电脑制作自有证书的过程中,注意记录好你的证书别名,证书私钥密码,因为打包的时候需要填写。 根据上面制作证书的文档,你可以获取到形如下面样子的两个值 sha1是需要填写在dcloud开发者后台的,sha256是需要填写在华为开放平台后台 SHA1: 29:13:A2:70:8A:97:EE:72:12:8B:61:5A:68:B0:59:43:87:58:AC:42 SHA256: 16:EC:B2:F1:DC:14:BD:2B:4E:E2:4F:03:45:74:17:84:83:D4:B7:58:96:B5:CE:86:46:E9:37:45:07:DD:BC:A8 在华为后台配置sha256的时候,复制到输入框后一定要点击右侧的蓝色小对勾,不然保存不上。 小米的配置没啥可说的,直接创建应用就可以了,然后启用一下推送,注意所有包名要写一致,把appid等相关信息复制到dcloud后台,小米的配置就完事了。 下面是华为: 华为创建应用的时候包名也要统一。 数据存储位置选中国就可以,sha256这里就填你自有证书获取到的sha256 如果找不到sha256,可能你需要点到我的项目而不是我的应用。 然后登录dcloud开发者后台 注意这里的pkgName就是包名的意思,这里把华为小米的appid等信息分别填入保存。 这里的安卓应用签名就是你自有证书的sha1值,如果你的sha1值和下面那行写的一样,那么恭喜你写错了,iOS BundleId就是iOS的包名,建议安卓和iOS包名统一。 以上都配置完毕后,用透传消息来测试离线推送。 除了intent格式需要注意,其他都随便写字符串就可以。 intent:#Intent;action=android.intent.action.oppopush;launchFlags=0x14000000;component=你的包名/io.dcloud.PandoraEntry;S.UP-OL-SU=true;S.title=测试标题;S.content=测试内容;S.payload=test;end 把“你的包名”四个字改成你的包名,其他不要改。 然后你把打包好的App安装到手机上,不出意外的话,你就会收到推送了。
2023-08-09 14:56:031

A new campaign to ban smoking in taxis is part of a wider push to clean up the city’s image bef..

小题1: found小题2: from小题3: have been placed小题4: which小题5: both小题6: closely小题7:. to relax小题8:it小题9:a小题10:Despite 小题1:[解析] 过去分词作定语,表示“被发现抽烟的司机”。[答案] found小题2:[解析] 动词与介词的固定搭配,be banned from doing sth.意思是“被禁止做”。[答案] from小题3:[解析] 已经被放置,现在完成时态的被动语态。[答案] have been placed小题4:[解析] which引导非限定性定语从句。[答案] which小题5:[解析] 根据上下文的意义,这项运动是对司机和乘客双方都有好处的,所以填both。[答案] both小题6:[解析] 修饰动词monitor,用副词closely,表示接近地、严密地(监控)。[答案] closely小题7:[解析] 动词不定式作目的状语,许多出租车司机吸烟的目的是为了放松。[答案] to relax小题8:[解析] it在这里充当admitted后面的宾语从句中的形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式to achieve a total smoke ban in a short time。[答案] it小题9:[解析] 不定冠词的用法,表示“一个,一段”。[答案] a小题10:[解析] 表示“尽管,虽然”。[答案] Despite
2023-08-09 14:56:171


2023-08-09 14:56:272

young love的《Give Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Give Up歌手:young love专辑:Too Young To Fight ItCSS - Give UpStop!OkYou can press itYou can push but it will always be the sameand I"ve been waiting so longAnyway... how does it feel to be free again?I want to fall in love againI want to feel the summer flameYou know I really want to stayI have to go it"s just getting lateCheck out!the doorI"m out!Alright.Give up on thisdon"t give up on youGive up on medon"t give up on usGive up on medon"t give up on youGive up on thisdon"t give up on usNight are so longFast run the daysChunky as a lifetimeWrapped inside a cageMagnificationTasting new sensationBody explorationTiny declarationsI wanna run to the milky wayHow many games do we have to play?It"s a new face but it looks the sameJust send me back to AmsterdamAnd if you see me cyringsee me beggingsee me lying,all right now!And if you see me drinkingsee me calling in the morningAll right nowAll right nowAll right nowGive up on thisdon"t give up on youGive up on medon"t give up on usGive up on medon"t give up on youGive up on thisdon"t give up on usJust waking upIt"s hard to sayI just feel I am not the sameBlending all the coffeeLaughting at a partyActing like it"s normalFeeling all the borredomThis time I wont make any mistakesWill you forget who I am?Everything changes in a dayMy heart reminds it"s you I crave!And if you see me cyringsee me beggingsee me lying,all right now!And if you see me drinkingsee me calling in the morningAll right nowAll right nowAll right nowLife is just too seriousIf won"t be mysteriousLife is just too seriousIf won"t be mysteriousLife is just too seriousIf won"t be mysteriousLife is just too shortYou know what it cost.Life is just too seriousIf won"t be mysteriousLife is just too seriousIf won"t be mysteriousLife is just too seriousIf won"t be mysteriousLife is just too shortYou know what it cost.
2023-08-09 14:56:351


2023-08-09 14:56:454


Wiz Khalifa – Roll Up
2023-08-09 14:57:001


2023-08-09 14:57:082

Sly & The Family Stone的《Fun》 歌词

  Sly & The Family Stone的《Fun》 歌词:  歌名:Fun  所属专辑:Greatest Hits  演唱:Sly & the Family Stone  歌词:  [Girls:] Fun[Boys:] When I party I party heartyFun is on my mind[Girls:] Fun[Boys:] Put a smile on your faceLeave that bummer behind[Girls:] Fun[Boys:] There"s a sister and there"s a brotherHavin" fun with each other[Girls:] Fun[Boys:] Daddy always hangs up the boysHe just wants to party with mother[Freddie:] A private thought cannot be boughtBut you know what you have to do"Socketh unto othersAs you would have them socketh to you"[Girls:] Fun[Boys:] When I party I party heartyFun is on my mind[Girls:] Fun[Boys:] Put a smile on your faceLeave that bummer behind[Girls:] Fun[Boys:] There"s a sister and there"s a brotherHavin" fun with each other[Girls:] Fun[Boys:] Daddy always hangs up the voiceHe just wants to party with mother[Girls:] Fun [x8][Boys:] When I party I party heartyFun is on my mindPut a smile on your faceLeave that bummer behind
2023-08-09 14:57:152

Fever (Hoochy Papa Space Race Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Fever (Hoochy Papa Space Race Remix)歌手:Julie Dennis专辑:Fever (Club Mixes)Bullet For My Valentine - FeverIt"s hot as hell in hereEverybody wants to lose controlThe music"s turned up loud, the lightsWe"ll turn them lowWound up like a hurricaneAnd my head"s about to explodeCan"t wait to self-destruct, can"t wait to let it go(Woah-oh) She hits the stage(Woah-oh) She makes me craveSo come and get my money (Woah-oh-oh-oh)I can feel your fever, taking overCan you see your fever, taking over meI can feel your fever, taking overGot a dirty feeling, and you"re the remedyWoah Come on!So I"m looking for a spark I"ve got a body to re-igniteDon"t worry you won"t get burned so don"tDon"t put up a fightPush hard to breaking pointAnd I"m ready to overloadNo limits and no regretsIt"s time to sell my soul(Woah-oh) You"re all I want(Woah-oh) You"re all I needSo come and take my money (Woah-oh-oh-oh)I can feel your fever, taking overCan you see your fever, taking over meI can feel your fever, taking overGot a dirty feeling, and you"re the remedyAnd you"re the remedy!Come here you naughty girlYou"re such a teaseYou look so beautifulDown on your kneesKeep on those high heel shoesRip off all your clothesYou smell so fucking good it makes me lose control!Losing control! (You"re all I want)Selling my soul! (You"re all I need)Losing control! (You"re all I want)I CAN"T LET YOU GO!Woah-oh-oh-ohI can feel your fever, taking overCan you see your fever, taking over meI can feel your fever, taking overGot a dirty feeling, and you"re the remedyAnd you"re the remedyYou are THE REMEDY!
2023-08-09 14:57:341

Just stand up!的歌词(中英对照)

Beyonce:The heart is stronger than you think心比你想象的要更加强壮It"s like it can go through anything它能克服任何困难And even when you think it can"t it finds a way to still push on, though甚至当你认为它不能继续坚持时Carrie:Sometimes you want to run away有时你想要逃离一切Ain"t got the patience for the pain不是内心没有煎熬And if you don"t believe it look into your heart the beat goes on如果你不相信,听听你的心脏,它仍在跳动Rihanna and Miley Cyrus:I"m tellin" you that那么我要告诉你Things get better一切都会好起来的Through whatever无论如何If you fall, dust it off, don"t let up如果你跌倒了,掸掉身上的灰尘,不要气馁Nicole Scherzinger:Don"t you know you can go be your own miracle你不知道你也可以创造奇迹吗Beyonce:You need to know你需要知道【CHORUS】Sheryl:If the mind keeps thinking you"ve had enough如果你总是在认为你勇气不足But the heart keeps telling you don"t give up但是内心总是告诉你别放弃Sheryl/Beyonce:Who are we to be questioning, wondering是谁在对我们质疑what is what它是什么Don"t give up别放弃THROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!经历了这一切,你就可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光Fergie:It"s like we all have better days就像我们大家都有更好的明天Problems getting all up in your face所有问题会在你的面前得到解决Leona:Just because you go through it只是因为你经历过Fergie:Don"t mean it got to take control, no这不意味着它被你所控,不Leona:You ain"t gotta find no hiding place你是否找不到庇护之地Keyshia:Because the heart can beat the hate因为爱可以战胜仇恨Leona:Don"t wanna let your mind keep playin" you别让你的思想玩弄你于股掌之中Keyshia:And sayin" you can"t go on并且告诉你不能继续Rihanna:I"m tellin" you that那么我要告诉你Miley:Things get better一切都会好起来的Through whatever无论如何Rihanna:If you fall如果你跌倒了Miley:Dust if off, don"t let up掸掉身上的灰尘,不要气馁LeAnn:Don"t you know你不知道Natasha:You can go你也可以LeAnn:Be your own创造自己的Natasha:Miracle奇迹Carrie:You need to know你需要知道【Ensemble: CHORUS】If the mind keeps thinking you"ve had enough如果你总是在认为你勇气不足(Melissa: adlibs)But the heart keeps telling you don"t give up但是内心总是告诉你别放弃(Melissa: adlibs)Who are we to be questioning, wondering是谁在对我们质疑What is what它是什么Don"t give up别放弃(Melissa: adlibs)THROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!经历了这一切,你就可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光IF WE ALL, JUST STAND UP!如果我们都能如此,我们就都可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光Mary:You don"t gotta be a prisoner in your mind你不能做你心中的囚犯Ciara:If you fall, dust it off如果你跌倒了,掸掉身上的灰尘Mary:You can live your life你可以过自己的日子Rihanna/Carrie:Yeah是的Mary:Let your heart be your guide让你的心做你的向导Rihanna/Carrie:Yeah yeah yeah没错Mariah:And you will know that you"re good if you trust in the good然后你会体会到如果你相信它是好的那么你也会很好Ashanti:Everything will be alright, yeah一切都是那么美好,对啊Light up the dark, if you follow your heart点亮黑暗,如果你遁循着你的心Mary:And it will get better然后它就会好起来的Mariah:Through whatever无论如何【Ensemble: CHORUS】If the mind keeps thinking you"ve had enough如果你总是在认为你勇气不足But the heart keeps telling you don"t give up但是内心总是告诉你别放弃Who are we to be questioning, wondering是谁在对我们质疑What is what它是什么Don"t give up别放弃THROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!经历了这一切,你就可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光【Ensemble: CHORUS】If the mind keeps thinking you"ve had enough如果你总是在认为你勇气不足But the heart keeps telling you don"t give up但是内心总是告诉你别放弃Who are we to be questioning, wondering是谁在对我们质疑What is what它是什么Don"t give up别放弃THROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!经历了这一切,你就可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光Fergie:You got it in you, find it within你通过自身努力办到了,发现它的内在You got it in now, find it within now你现在办到了,并且发现它的实质You got it in you, find it within你通过自身努力办到了,发现它的内在You got it in now, find it within now你现在办到了,并且发现它的实质You got it in you, find it within你通过自身努力办到了,发现它的内在Find it within you, find it within发现它的实质,发现它的实质Everyone:THROUGH IT ALL, JUST STAND UP!经历了这一切,你就可以挺胸抬头,面对阳光现场版:站位顺序(注:LeAnn Rimes Melissa Etheridge Sheryl Crow 未到场;Nicole Scherzinger 替补上场。)从左到右依次为Keyshia Cole,Fergie,Leona Lewis,Ciara,Carrie Underwood,Mariah Carey,Mary J. Blige,Beyonce,Miley Cyrus ,Rihanna,Ashanti,Natasha Bedingfield,Nicole Scherzinger
2023-08-09 14:57:451

git add . git push -u origin master 然后就提示:Branch master set up to track remote branch master

没做git commit
2023-08-09 14:58:012

push 艾薇儿 歌词 中文翻译

Been seein" too much of you lately最近真的见面太多次And you"re starting to get on my nerves.一次比一次看到你更加要我紧张This is exactly what happened last timeAnd it"s not what we deserve这样的感觉真不应该 可是还是发生啦 就上次诺It"s a, it"s a waste of my time lately.And I"m running out of words.这样的近况我真是无语了 简直是浪费我时间的事If it"s really meant to be如果我们注定是在一起的Than you can find a way to see那么你很便当就会发现的 Maybe you should just shut up也许你就是应该闭嘴了Even when it gets tough即使我们感情艰难起来了Baby "cause this is love.Babe, 可这就是爱情And you know when push comes to shove你也懂的要是感情濒临悬崖It"s gonna take the both of us我们两个可都逃不掉Baby, this is loveBaby, this is loveLoveLoveLoveIt"s really great to be with you帮你在一起感觉就是超好This is how I spend my life我就是想一直这么过日子的But I"m capable of taking care of myself可是要知道我可以自己好好过So if you fuck this up than go take a hike所以你帮我拗断之后就滚远点呆到凉快的角落去It"s a waste of my time Shakin" it up,从这段感情里醒悟过来是浪费时间的行为Goin" out to search if it"s really meant to beThen you could find a way to see到外面逛逛,看看我们是不是真的能在一起然后 你自然就会知道了Maybe you should just shut upEven when it gets toughBaby "cause this is love.And you know when push comes to shoveIt"s gonna take the both of usBaby, this is loveBaby, this is loveYou and meWe can both start over你我完全可以重新开始Just the two of usWe can get a little closer就我们两个 还可以靠得更近So follow meHonestlyAnd you will see - Yeah所以真心地跟着我哼哼你总会发现的 噢耶Maybe you should just shut upEven when it gets toughBaby "cause this is love.And you know when push comes to shoveIt"s gonna take the both of usBaby, this is loveBaby, this is loveMaybe you should just shut upEven when it gets toughBaby "cause this is love.And you know when push comes to shoveIt"s gonna take the both of usBaby, this is loveBaby, this is loveLoveLoveLove参考资料:FROM YIYO"S HEAD
2023-08-09 14:58:092

Our car________ and we had to push it off the road. Auff0ebroke down Buff0ebroke up Cuff0ebroke out D

A词义辨析题。句意:我们的车出故障了我们不得不把车推离道路。A.brokedown 出故障B.brokeup解体C.brokeout爆发 D.brokeaway脱离 根据语境选A
2023-08-09 14:58:161


push uptowards
2023-08-09 14:58:371

考研真题2002text3第二段中的一句话 given another push up this week

push 这里是名词,give sth a push up 涨价
2023-08-09 14:58:451


2023-08-09 14:59:152

can anyone tell me where to download the song "push up" for free?

2023-08-09 14:59:273