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《今天你要嫁给我》里面英文 here we go join in the houes dt

2023-08-16 00:44:06


jolin在屋子里 jolin是蔡依林的英文名

陶喆在屋子里 DT就是DAVID TAO的意思,DAVID TAO是陶喆的英文名



Would you like to marry me? 你愿意嫁给我吗?
2023-08-09 14:44:374


Will you marry me?
2023-08-09 14:44:487

嫁给我 翻译英文

marry me
2023-08-09 14:45:097


Please marry me !
2023-08-09 14:45:282


嫁我和娶我在英语是一样的:Marry me 就像我老师说过,英语的一个词就可以翻译成很多意思,和汉语不一样
2023-08-09 14:45:361


2023-08-09 14:45:464


marry me
2023-08-09 14:46:109


嫁给我吧是 pleasemarryme我要娶你是 I"mgoingtomarryyou第一个marry是嫁的意思第二个marry是和什么结婚的意思第一个是祈使句,表示请求第二个是主谓宾结构
2023-08-09 14:46:451


will you marry me, all languages ?
2023-08-09 14:47:051


就是:Please allow me to marry you.
2023-08-09 14:47:121


How soon can you narry me?
2023-08-09 14:47:311

你下辈子愿意嫁给我么 英文怎么说

Will you marry me the other life ?
2023-08-09 14:47:427


Baby,i love you so much!To me, you are themost beautiful girl in the world ,just like my goddess.I hope I can have the honour to propose marriage to you,will you marry me?
2023-08-09 14:48:166

你愿意嫁给我吗? 英文 是 Would you like to marry me? 为什么回答是 yes,i do

2023-08-09 14:48:345


Marry me!嫁给我!
2023-08-09 14:48:503


Are you going to get married to me?
2023-08-09 14:49:113

我想嫁给你 用英语怎么说

i want to marry you.
2023-08-09 14:49:2211


u250f (^u03c9^)=u261e
2023-08-09 14:49:516


2023-08-09 14:50:089

求一首英文歌 歌词意思大概是 罗密欧说朱丽叶嫁给我吧 等等

Taylor Swift 的《Love story》,很好听的歌,MV拍的非常美!!
2023-08-09 14:50:273


2023-08-09 14:50:355


1、认识你的第一天,我就被你的眼神所征服,那时候我已知道,我已经是你一生的俘虏! The first day I met you, I was conquered by your eyes. At that time, I knew that I had been a prisoner of your life! 2、只因你太美好令我无法坦白说出我爱你。 Just because you are so beautiful that I can"t confess that I love you. 3、人说相思苦,离人心上苦缠绵。我说相思难,山高路远难相见。一点愁感慨万千,红豆应无言。 People say that acacia is bitter, and they are bitter and lingering in their hearts. I say it"s hard to miss each other. It"s hard to see each other on a long way. A little sorrow, a thousand regrets, red beans should be speechless. 4、世界上有那么多的城镇,城镇有那么多的酒馆,她却走进了我的。 There are so many towns in the world, so many pubs in the town, but she walked into mine. 5、你的剧本里,我甘心做你的配角。前提是,这个配角是无可代替的。 I"m willing to be your supporting role in your play. The premise is that this supporting role is irreplaceable. 6、一辈子和你在一起,才叫将来,换了别人,那叫将就。 A lifetime together with you is called the future. If you change someone, it"s called making do. 7、初升的朝阳我可以错过,落日的余辉我可以错过,只有你我不能错过,你是我今生无悔的选择! I can miss the rising sun, I can miss the afterglow of the setting sun, only you and I can"t miss, you are my regretless choice in this life! 8、爱你,这是真的,爱你的眼睛,大而明亮。爱你的唇,温柔而又香醇。爱你的一切,渴望拥有你。 Love you, it"s true, love your eyes, big and bright. Love your lips, gentle and mellow. Love all of you and long to have you. 9、在你的心里,我不渴望占有全部!在我心里,你永远是我的全部!爱将我们融在了一起。 In your heart, I don"t want to have it all! In my heart, you are all to me forever! Love brings us together. 10、我是你菜里的盐,没有我一切就失去了味道。我是你冬天里的太阳,夏天里的冰棒,阴天的大雨伞。 I am the salt in your dish. Without me, everything will lose its flavor. I am your sun in winter, popsicle in summer, umbrella in cloudy day. 11、玫瑰,你的;巧克力,你的;钻戒,你的;你,我的。 Rose, your; chocolate, your; diamond ring, your; you, mine. 12、我喜欢你,决不是一时兴起,更不是说说而已。时光会是我爱你的最美证明。 I like you not for a moment, let alone for a moment. Time will be the most beautiful proof that I love you. 13、心已经被撕碎,散在空气里飞,像花朵已枯萎,无法再次收回。 The heart has been torn, scattered in the air, like flowers have withered, can not be recovered. 14、我到底该有多爱你,以至于我每分每秒都在想你。 How much I should love you, so that I think of you every minute and second. 15、我心里有个小秘密你想不想知道?让风悄悄告诉你,我喜欢你,真的好喜欢。 I have a little secret in my heart do you want to know? Let the wind tell you quietly, I like you, really like. 16、看到你的微笑我就会满足,见到你快乐我会知足,当幸福降临在你身上时,我会默默的为你祝福。 I will be satisfied to see your smile, I will be satisfied to see you happy, when happiness comes to you, I will silently bless you. 17、如果这份爱要用我的生命来交换的话,我愿意,如果这份爱让我只能再活一天,我愿意! If this love wants to use my life to exchange, I am willing, if this love lets me only live another day, I am willing! 18、天上星亮晶晶,认识你很开心;星空里万颗心,有一颗是我心;想我时看星星数星星等流星,记得天天要开心。 It"s very happy to know you because of the bright stars in the sky. Among the ten thousand hearts in the sky, one is my heart. When you think of me, look at the stars, count the stars and other meteors, and remember to be happy every day. 19、我对于你,只是场意外;你对于我,却是一场爱情。 I am only an accident to you, but you are a love to me. 20、亲爱的老公记住了:如果结婚後老公在情人节不送花给老婆,老婆就在家里的花瓶里插上一把青菜。 Dear husband remembers: if the husband doesn"t send flowers to his wife on Valentine"s day after marriage, the wife will put a green vegetable in the vase at home. 21、是因为爱才悄悄的躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的是默默的情怀;今天我终于鼓起勇气,向你表达我的爱。 It"s because of love that I dodge quietly. What I dodge is my figure. What I can"t dodge is my silent feelings. Today, I finally summon up my courage to express my love to you. 22、爱情是一种脑力劳动,婚姻是一种体力劳动。爱情仿佛打桥牌,全靠算计;婚姻仿佛打麻将,全靠运气。 Love is a kind of mental labor, marriage is a kind of physical labor. Love is like playing bridge, all by calculation; marriage is like playing mahjong, all by luck. 23、如果爱上你也算是一种错,我深信这会是生命中最美丽的错,我情愿错一辈子。 If falling in love with you is also a kind of mistake, I am convinced that it will be the most beautiful mistake in life, and I would like to be wrong for a lifetime. 24、抱着你是一种快乐,吻着你是一种陶醉,爱着你是一种刻骨铭心,所以我会用我的一生来换取这份感觉! Holding you is a kind of happiness, kissing you is a kind of intoxication, loving you is a kind of unforgettable, so I will exchange my life for this feeling! 25、不要让我孤独,不要给我寂寞,过度的孤独与寂寞会让我无止地伤感与悲痛。 Don"t let me alone, don"t give me loneliness, excessive loneliness and loneliness will make me sad and sad endlessly. 26、让你哭到撕心裂肺的那个人,是你最爱的人。让你笑到没心没肺那个人,是最爱你的人。 The one who makes you cry is the one you love the most. Let you laugh to heartless that person, is the most love you. 27、为你倾尽所有的情,为你灌入所有的爱。 Pour out all the love for you, pour in all the love for you. 28、只要你愿意,当你失落失意的时候,最需要一个肩膊的时候,告诉我,我会立即出现。 As long as you want, when you are frustrated and need one shoulder most, tell me that I will appear immediately. 29、你有权拒绝我的爱,但你不能蔑视我的爱,因为那是一颗真诚地为你跳动的心。 You have the right to refuse my love, but you can"t despise my love, because it is a heart beating for you sincerely. 30、我永远会记得曾和你在一起的那些日子。开心、快乐、幸福、失落、伤心、痛苦的所有日子。很想你,很想你。 I will always remember those days when I was with you. Happy, happy, happy, lost, sad, painful all the days. Miss you very much, miss you very much. 31、等待不是为了你能回来而是让自己找借口不离开。 Waiting is not for you to come back, but for yourself to find an excuse not to leave. 32、我能给的不多,但至少我能给你一个专一的我。 I can not give much, but at least I can give you a single me. 33、你于我就像冬天里的一堆烤火,不敢靠得太近,怕被你烫着,又不敢离得太远,怕感到一个人的寂寞寒冷! You are like a fire in winter. You don"t dare to get close to me. You don"t dare to burn you. You don"t dare to stay too far away. You are afraid to feel lonely and cold! 34、我的人生曾经寂寥。我曾经身处茫茫人海,却宁愿孑然一身。直至遇见你。 My life used to be lonely. I used to be in a sea of people, but I would rather be alone. Until I met you. 35、你在,春华秋实夏蝉冬雪;你不在,春夏秋冬。 You are in, spring, summer, autumn, winter and snow cicadas; you are not in, spring, summer, autumn and winter. 36、你让我哭了,你让我笑了,你让我冲动后一切才明白,不能离开你,不能没有你,不能够分分钟钟找不到你! You make me cry, you make me laugh, you make me impulsive, then everything will understand, can"t leave you, can"t find you in minutes! 37、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。 Love makes people forget time, time also makes people forget love. 38、爱一个人是不求回报的。但是我却要你给我回报,让我在有生之年把我的爱全部送给你。 There is no reward for loving someone. But I want you to give me back, let me give you all my love in my lifetime. 39、和其他人都只是余生,只有和你才是未来。 And others are only the rest of their lives, only with you is the future. 40、要不是因为爱着你,怎么会夜深还没睡意;要不是因为爱着你,怎会不经意就叹息,全世界只有你不懂我爱你! If it"s not for loving you, how can I not fall asleep at night? If it"s not for loving you, how can I sigh casually? You are the only one in the world who doesn"t understand that I love you! 41、不是我喜欢的样子你都有,而是你所有的样子我都喜欢。 Not all the things I like, but all the things I like. 42、茫茫人海,凭你的名字导航;凄凄寒夜,握你的名字取暖;漫漫人生,携你的名字同游。 The vast sea of people, with your name navigation; sad cold night, hold your name heating; long life, with your name travel. 43、我不要你的全部,我只要你的无名指,我不能给你我的全部,只有一个结婚戒指。 I don"t want all of you, I just want your ring finger, I can"t give you all of me, only one wedding ring. 44、嫁给我吧!嫁给我以后,我就是世界上第二幸福的人,因为世界上第一幸福的人就是你。 Please marry me! After marrying me, I am the second happiest person in the world, because the first happiest person in the world is you. 45、如果爱情是一朵花,就让它开在我心里,败在我心里,深埋在我心里。 If love is a flower, let it open in my heart, lose in my heart, and deeply buried in my heart. 46、想见你,在吞云吐月的疾风后,在日复一日的寻常里。 I want to see you, after the gale of swallowing clouds and spitting out the moon, in the ordinary day after day. 47、我说过的三个谎话,我以后再也不吃辣了,再也不熬夜了,和再也不喜欢你了。 I told three lies. I will never eat spicy food, stay up late, or like you any more. 48、一直冷待虚幻的爱情,一直以为自己不在意,只是因为你,我才身不由己;只是因为你,我才掉进爱的陷井! Always cold treat unreal love, always think that they don"t care, just because of you, I can"t help it; just because of you, I just fall into the trap of love! 49、有你,我的生活才充满快乐。今晚我们共进晚餐吧? With you, my life is full of happiness. Shall we have dinner tonight? 50、相遇总是点点头,想说总是难开口,视线相交的一瞬间,我已感觉到你的温柔。 Meet always nods, want to say always difficult to open mouth, sight intersects the moment, I already felt your gentleness.
2023-08-09 14:50:501

泰勒。斯威夫特的《love story的英文歌词和翻译!

love story歌手:Taylor Swift作词:Taylor Swift作曲:Taylor Swift歌词:We were both young when I first saw you第一次见到你的时候我们都很年轻I close my eyes and the flashback starts我闭上眼晴那一幕又闪现了I"m standing there on a balcony in summer air我站在那里在一个阳台上乘凉See the lights" see the party" the ball gowns看这灯光看着舞会和那些礼服See you make your way through the crowd我看见你穿过拥挤的人群I"ll be waiting" all there"s left to do is run我等待着这一天现在唯一能做的就是逃离You"ll be the prince and I"ll be this princess你就会成为王子而我也将会是公主It"s a love story这是一个爱情故事Baby" just say yes亲爱的你只需答应我So I sneak out to the garden to see you于是我偷偷地到公园去见你We keep quiet "cause we"re dead if they knew我们保持低调因为被他们知道的话我们就死定了So close your eyes" escape this town for a little while所以请闭上你的眼睛 从这个城逃出去哪怕只是短暂的一会"Cause you were Romeo" I was a scarlet letter因为你是罗密欧我就像红字里的女主角和你有世仇不能在一起Romeo save me I"ve been feeling so alone罗密欧救救我我感到很孤单I"ll keep waiting for you but you never come我将一直等你可是你从没来过Is this in my head" I don"t know what to think这是在我的脑海我不知道该怎么想he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring他跪在地上并掏出一枚戒指Marry me Juliet you"ll never have to be alone朱丽叶嫁给我 我不会再让你孤单I love you and that"s all I really know我爱你那是我非常确信的I talked to your dad you"ll pick out a white dress我已经和你爸爸谈过了你将穿上白色的婚纱It"s a love story这是一个爱情故事Baby" just say yes亲爱的你只需答应我Oh" oh" oh哦哦哦We were both young when I first saw you第一次见到你的时候我们都很年轻扩展资料:《Love Story》是由美国乡村流行乐女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特演唱的一首乡村歌曲,词曲由泰勒·斯威夫特创作,该歌曲作为推广专辑的首支单曲,于2008年9月12日通过大机器唱片公司发行,后被收录在泰勒·斯威夫特于2008年11月11日发行的第二张录音室专辑《Fearless》。2007年底,环球唱片公司率先为泰勒·斯威夫特在非乡村类的主流电台和电视台进行了大力推广,并且为她制定了乡村、流行和摇滚的跨界音乐定位和发展路线。在创作这首歌时,泰勒的父母强烈反对她和一个男生交往,泰勒得到了来自莎士比亚的经典悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的灵感,她回到房间、关上门,坐在卧室的地板上花了20分钟写下这首歌。然而,泰勒并没有借用莎士比亚的悲剧结尾,而是自己书写了一个不同的结局。
2023-08-09 14:50:591


Will you marry me
2023-08-09 14:51:483


问题一:你愿意嫁给我吗?用英语怎么说 will you marry me? Susan,你愿意嫁给我吗? -- 英汉 - 辞典例句 Bassanio turned to Portia and said, @Dear lady, will you be mine? 巴塞尼奥转身对波西亚说:“亲爱的小姐,你愿意嫁给我吗?” -- 新世界名著-威尼斯商人 - The Merchant of Venice (2) Brad and I always played Hangman while we waited and that night, we were playing our usual game. As I guessed the letters and the words started to form themselves, a sentence emerged: Will you marry me? 上菜前我们俩总是玩一种叫“刽子手”的猜字游戏。那天晚上,我们也没例外。我猜着猜着,字母和词逐渐组成一个句子:你愿意嫁给我吗? -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络] Miss Leslie, he said, hurrying, I only have a moment to talk. I want to say something important in that moment: Will you be my wife? I haven" t had time to show you, but I really do love you. Speak quickly please -- there"s the telephone. “莱斯利小姐,”他急匆匆地说,“我只有一小会儿时间跟您聊聊。有件重要的事要跟您说:您愿意嫁给我吗?我没有时间向您详细地表白,但我真的爱你。请您快说话――我那边有个电话要接。” 问题二:你愿意嫁给我吗?用英语怎么说 Would you marry me 问题三:你愿意嫁给我吗? 翻译成英文。 第二个比较好,用would提问是专用于征求别人意见的。 祝学习进步O(∩_∩)O 若有疑问,请指出,希望能和你一起探讨~ 如果认为我的回答好的话,请及时采纳,谢谢! 问题四:你愿意嫁给我吗?英文怎么翻译 Would you marry me? 问题五:你愿意嫁给我吗英文 Will you marry me?/ Would you marry me? 最好不过了 问题六:你愿意嫁给我吗 英文怎么拼写? 10分 Do you marry with me? 问题七:你愿意嫁给我吗?我愿意。英语怎么说 只回答Yes就行了,I do 和I will 都是在婚礼上才用到的…
2023-08-09 14:52:061


嫁我和娶我在英语是一样的:Marry me 就像我老师说过,英语的一个词就可以翻译成很多意思,和汉语不一样
2023-08-09 14:52:171


为您解答Would you marry me?Will you marry me?Marry me, would you?Marry me,will you?都可以
2023-08-09 14:52:403


Would you marry me? = 嫁给我好吗? Will you marry me ? = 你会嫁给我吗? Do you marry me ? = 你会(不时重复)嫁给我吗? Will you... / Would you... 用于征询请求,两者意思相同,然后者语气较为婉转有礼。如 Will you pass me the sugar? / Would you like a cup of tea? Do you...则为 Simple Present Tense,有不时重复的意思;通常用来询问别人可有不时做某件事,如 Do you go to church? / Do you like fishing? 然用于求婚则并不适合,且似乎怪异了点儿。 希望对你有帮助! "你会嫁给我吗"英文 = 1. would you marry me ? use "would" is more polite for asking a question; e.g. "would u pls help me?" is better than "do you help me?" but both sentences are correct. 参考: living in USA 咁Can you marry me呢? will you marry me? it is better
2023-08-09 14:52:551


wife,marry me,OK?
2023-08-09 14:53:068


will u marry me?
2023-08-09 14:53:403


Bruno Mars - Marry YouIt"s a beautiful night 夜色如此美丽we"re looking for something dumb to do让我们做些可爱的蠢事吧!hey baby i think i wanna marry you我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice是因为你的眼神迷离或是因为你的舞跳的太蹁跹who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you这些都无所谓宝贝,我只想和你结婚well i know this little chapel on the boulevard我知道林荫小道上有一座小教堂we can go我们可以去no one will know没有人会察觉oh come on girl来吧姑娘who cares if we"re trashed没人在乎我们是否烂醉如泥got a pocket full of cash we can blow我们带着满满的现金shots of patrol把最贵的鸡尾酒挥霍殆尽and it"s on girl这就来了姑娘don"t say no no no no no别说不不不..just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah快说好好好..and we"ll go go go go go我们这就走走走..if you"re ready,like i"m ready只要你和我一样迫不及待cos it"s a beautiful night 夜色如此美丽we"re looking for something dumb to do让我们做些可爱的蠢事hey baby i think i wanna marry you我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice是因为你的眼神迷离或是因为你的舞跳的太蹁跹who cares baby,i think i wanna marry you这些都无所谓宝贝,我只想和你结婚I"ll go get a ring let the choir bells sing like oooh我会把戒指带来然后让婚礼钟声响起So whatcha wanna do?那你打算怎么做呢?Let"s just run girl.我们逃跑吧,女孩If we wake up and you wanna break up that"s cool.但如果我们梦醒了你决定要分手那也没关系No, I won"t blame you;我不会怪你It was fun girl.因为我们有过欢乐时光don"t say no no no no no别说不不不..just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah快说好好好..and we"ll go go go go go我们这就走走走..if you"re ready,like i"m ready只要你和我一样迫不及待oh ~哇哦~just say i do告诉我你愿意tell me right now baby告诉我宝贝tell me right now baby,baby现在就告诉我宝贝just say i do告诉我你愿意tell me right now baby告诉我宝贝tell me right now baby,baby现在就告诉我宝贝oh ~哇哦~it"s a beautiful night夜色如此美丽we"re looking for something dumb to do让我们做些可爱的蠢事hey baby i think i wanna marry you我的宝贝我只想和你结婚is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice是因为你的眼神迷离或是因为你的舞跳的太蹁跹who cares baby, i think i wanna marry you这些都无所谓宝贝,我只想和你结婚
2023-08-09 14:53:481


Spring the warm flower opens carries off the winter the sad breeze to blow romantic breath each love song to fill the significance I on in this moment to see suddenly suddenly you spring the warm flower fragrance carries off love bird which the winter the hunger and cold breeze blows outside the purpose in coming to sing loudly pulls closer we to be away from me on in this moment to fall in love with you to listen to me suddenly to say the hand connecting rod will walk with me the creation happy life yesterday you without enough time tomorrow to be able together to be a pity today marries well to me jolin in the house dt(david tao) in the house our love in the house How did the summer day enthusiasm move the spring the sluggish sunlight to shine content family each love song to be able to cancel recollection back then me was knew you in the winter the sad conclusion autumn lonely breeze blew the spicy missing bird high to sing not to have painstakingly to leave depart from this moment me to want to hug you to listen to me to say the hand connecting rod will pass through the stability life with me yesterday you without enough time tomorrow to be able together to be a pity today you must marry to me listen to me to say the hand connecting rod we walk together your life give me yesterday do not turn head tomorrow to have to arrive the elderly you to have to marry today to me are listening the assembly hall ding we in front of God and the relatives and friends the testimonyThis to nannvsheng had to tie for the husbands and wives did not must forget all these is how is sacred you to want the life and death sadness and happiness forever and she is treasuring her to respect her together to comfort her to protect her two people simultaneously to establish the content family you to be willing to make yes i do like this! 望楼主采纳!采纳哦
2023-08-09 14:53:551


2023-08-09 14:54:021


都用Would you marry me?即可
2023-08-09 14:54:114


We got married 是 我们结婚了We"re getting married. 是 我们就要结婚了活泼的?Hands to come with me yesterday it was too late tomorrow will be a pity that today you"re going to marry me中文是手牵手跟我一起走 昨天已来不及 明天就会可惜 今天你要嫁给我 还有一句You are my permanent home你是我永远的家
2023-08-09 14:54:342


We got married . .*★*..*★ *.* ★★ * ★ ."‘*. . ` . .
2023-08-09 14:54:455


2023-08-09 14:55:054


bruno Mars的marry you
2023-08-09 14:55:162


1.求教:“我们结婚了”翻译成英语怎么说 We got married 是 我们结婚了 We"re getting married. 是 我们就要结婚了 Hands to e with me yesterday it was too late tomorrow will be a pity that today you"re going to marry me 中文是手牵手跟我一起走 昨天已来不及 明天就会可惜 今天你要嫁给我 还有一句 You are my permanent home 你是我永远的家 2.我们结婚吧 英语怎么说 Let"s get married. 例句: Just wait for the time, the feeling is just fine, let"s get married! 等时间刚刚好,感情刚刚好,我们结婚吧! get married的用法 1、释义 结婚 2、例句 I hope one day we will get married then have couples of kids. 我希望我们总有一天能订婚, 结婚, 然后有一堆的小孩。 扩展资料 关于结婚的其他单词 1、anniversary - the day of your wedding, celebrated by married couples 纪念日——夫妻一起庆祝结婚的日子 Our anniversary is ing up next week. What should I get her? 我们的结婚纪念日下周就要到了。我该给她买什么好呢? 2、marriage - the state of being married 结婚——已婚的状态 Their marriage is very good. They"ve been married for twenty years. 他们的婚姻十分美满。他们结婚已经二十年了。 3、wedding - the ceremony during which people get married 婚礼——结婚时举行的仪式 The wedding was lovely. I couldn"t help crying a little. 他们的婚礼布置得好可爱。我都忍不住流泪了。 4、matrimony - the state of being married (used less monly than "marriage") 结婚——已婚的状态(比marriage使用的频率小) The matrimony withheld the test of time. 婚姻要经受得住时间的考验。
2023-08-09 14:55:371


2023-08-09 14:56:211


一个广为流传的关于王子变成青蛙的故事经常被讲给孩子们听。当青蛙请求一位公主吻他时,公主因为青蛙太丑而拒绝。但青蛙最终得到了亲吻,变回了一个英俊的王子,然后公主答应嫁给他。这个故事蕴涵着一个强烈的寓意:外表漂亮有的时候不算数。当你听到这个故事时,你有没有开始幻想你就是那个王子,并且得到你的公主的吻呢? 有很多话语你想听到,而你却永远不会从你想听到他(她)说出的那个人那里听到这些话,可是,不要封闭你的双耳,以免听不到有人用发自心底的声音对你说出它。一团鲜花代表一段狂热冲动的爱情;一束鲜花代表一份简单纯洁的爱情;一朵鲜花则代表一生一世的承诺!一句粗心的话可能会引起冲突;一句残酷的话可能会毁灭一个生命;一句及时的话可能会减轻压力;一句示爱的话可能会给你永远的幸福。本期教你如何用情书表达你的爱。 肉麻 *** 第一式: 范文摘要: You"re the girl in my dream. 你是我梦中的女孩。 I"m thinking of you every second. 我时时刻刻都想着你。 It is universally acknowledged that you are indispensible to me. 全世界都知道你是我不可或缺的。 Loving you is closely to my life. 爱与我的生活息息相关。 I have searched a thousand years. And I have cried a thousand tears. I found everything I need. You are everything to me. 我寻觅了千万年,我哭泣了千万次,我已经找到了需要的一切,你就是我的一切。 For years I had been searching for that perfect fantasy. But I find it in my arms right now. You are all to me. 我已经寻找了多年,为了那个美丽的梦想,但是现在,我发现它就在我的臂弯里,你就是我的全部。 When I met you I knew I would forever be by your side -- forever your partner and forever your love. 当我遇到你的那一刻 我知道我将永远在你身边! I asked God for a rose & he gave me a garden. I ask God for a drop of water & he gave me an ocean. I asked God for an angel & he gave me you! One day you ask me: what"s more important to you me or your life? I"ll say my life and you"ll go and leave without even knowing that you are my life. My eyes are hurting because I can"t see you. My arms are empty because I can"t hold you. My lips are cold because I can"t kiss you. My heart is breaking because I"m not with you. 我问上帝要一朵玫瑰,他给了我一座花园;我问上帝要一滴水,他给了我一片海洋;我问上帝要一个天师,他把你给了我!有一天你问我:我和你的生活哪个更重要?我的答案是后者,那你将会离开,你甚至不知道你就是我的生命全部。我的眼睛看不见因为我看不到你,我的膀子空空的因为我不能抱着你,我的嘴唇冷冷的因为我不能亲吻你,我的心碎了因为你不在我身边。 推荐指数: 绝杀秘笈:爱你已经成了我生活中的一部分了,情人看了保证感动到腿软,"执子之手,与子偕老",被爱人温暖的手牵着,在人生路上前行,即使苦难险阻,依然觉得甜蜜幸福。如果平时不太会说话的人可以适用这款爱情的表白。 风险后果:这个是不错,可惜似乎离现实生活遥远了点,比较适合爱做梦的王子与公主们。 浪漫无边第二式: 范文摘要:英语浪漫爱情短消息 Honey how do I live without you? I miss you every minute and every second. Within you I lose myself without you I find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。 You are the one I have been looking for. 你就是我一直在追寻的幸福。 I can think of nothing else but your dazzling *** ile. 我的脑海中除了你那迷人的微笑什么都没有。 I will always keep a warm place in my heart for you. 在我心里永远有一块最温暖的地方属于你。 My heart beats for you every day. I am inspired by you every minute and I worry about you every second. It is wonderful to have you in my life. 每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动,每一秒都为你担心。有你的感觉真好。 推荐指数: 绝杀秘笈:甜蜜度满分,爱得死去活来,颇有琼瑶小说的精神,大概传短信的人最后没累死成,旁边的人已经肉麻到快爆毙了吧!想得出如此诗情画意的肉麻点子,如果能配合一点小蜡烛,或一首齐秦《月亮代表我的心》,那种效果一定爆好!哈哈! 风险后果:这个可能会过于浪漫,过于肉麻了,一定要注意你身边的人,防止他们因为你的过度肉麻而受不了,被你的小浪漫感染而晕死过去! 幽默无痕第三式: 范文摘要: Every beat of my heart loudly cries your name I want so much to be with you oh please please feel the same. 内心的每一次跳动,都在呼喊你的名字。我是如此渴望和你在一起,噢,希望你,希望你,能有同样的感觉。 I am looking for a word. I am looking for a whole new word. I am looking for a word. I am looking for a word that nobody knows. I am looking for a word. I am looking for a word that you are the best! 我在寻找一句话,我在寻找一句全新的话。我在寻找一句话,我在寻找一句没人知道的话。我在寻找一句话,我在寻找一句话说......你是最好的! If you are the wind I am the sand. If you are the shoe I am the brush. If you don"t love me I just wanna die. 如果你是风,我就是沙; 如果你是鞋,我就是刷; 如果你不爱我哦,我就会死。 推荐指数: 绝杀秘笈:幽默诙谐是这个类型的特点,如果你是个外向幽默的人极力推荐这种类型的表白,最后一个的风沙、鞋刷组合的表白不禁让人联想到《还珠格格》里面的一首歌"你是风儿,我是沙,缠缠绵绵绕天涯",哈哈。 风险后果:英国阿伯丁大学公布的一项研究结果发现,真诚、直接的表白是最有效的求爱表白方式。如果你不那么灵活机动,不推荐用这款,小心因为说话不到位而对方觉得你不够真诚,聪明反被聪明误。 贫嘴无度第四式: 范文摘要:Your eyes close I die; your eyes open I e back alive. Your eyes close and open again and again I die and e back time after time. (你的眼睛闭上,我的魂就飞;你的眼睛睁开,我的魂又回;你眼睛眨呀眨,我就死去活来千百回。)  推荐指数: 绝杀秘笈:当对方因为英语的语言障碍而产生的沟通障碍时,追求者写出的这种Chinglish往往会瞬间拉近双方的距离,在忍俊不禁之余,女孩在内心深处会产生对你这种不摆架子、不装高手的做法的赞赏和感谢--毕竟大家英语都很滥! 风险后果:如果碰上一个对英语修养身高的书香门第大家闺秀出身名门的女才子,你就惨了。她会送给你对于不学无术者的最高惩罚就是,把这封情书送给她那在大学英语系做英文教授的父亲,后者会在被气得浑身发抖之后将这封信妥善保管准备在第二天的英文课当作史上最拙劣英文写作典型,在全班同学嘲笑一个课时(45分钟)之后,最后一字不留地读给每一个人--当然包括你的用中文书写的情书作者的署名 欠扁欠揍第五式: 范文摘要: I will not beat you not scold you but torture you with all my love. 不打你,不骂你,专用感情折磨你! Grow old along with me the best is yet to be. 与我白头偕老,是最美好的事。 I love you not because of who you are but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 Thank me for loving you no way anyone has ever tried. 从来没有一个人像我这样爱你,谢谢我! My dearest can I call you like this? If you agree don"t phone me; if not please send me this message "I miss you so much." 亲爱的:我可以这样称呼你吗?如果你同意就不要给我打电话;如果不同意就给我发一个"我非常想你"的短信。 If you want a cute baby and you are still worried about this then I will advice that you marry me! 假如你想要一个可爱的baby,假如你还为这事犹豫,那我给你提很好的建议--嫁给我吧! My family name is "I" first name is "love you" and surname is "miss you"; my cognomen is "understand you" appellation is "feel badly about you" epithet is "think of you" book name is "dream of you" nickname is "chase you". You can call me I kiss you. 本人姓我!名爱你!字想你!大名叫懂你!芳名叫疼你!乳名叫念你!书名叫梦你!外号叫追你!你可以叫我吻你。 推荐指数: 绝杀秘笈:看似平凡,却具有让感情沦陷的杀伤力,而且越往后看越令人小鹿乱撞,果然功夫了得! 风险后果:除非真的有把握对方爱你,否则不要轻易尝试这种方式,不然可能会得到反效果。
2023-08-09 14:56:531


问题一:爱情用英文怎么表示? ◆不同语境中的爱情有不同的措词: 男女间的爱情用:love 热烈的爱情 fervent love; 甜蜜的爱情 sweet affection; 伪装的爱情 spurious affection 永恒的爱情 an undying affection; 庸俗的爱情 vulgar affection; 转瞬即逝的爱情 fleeting love; 问题二:表达爱情的语句用英语怎么写? 10分 I love you so much that I can do everything for you. 我太爱你,所以可以为你做任何事. love me,love my dog. 爱屋及乌 my heart just for you. 我的心只有你. you are always in my mind. 你的影子总是浮现在我脑海中 will you marry me? 嫁给我,好吗? I would like to look after you all you life. 我愿意照顾你一生一世. you are unique for me. 你对我来说很特别. I will treasure you all my life 我会用一生来珍惜你 问题三:谁帮我想个能向对方表达爱情的英语啊?还要翻译的! i wanna be your girl (歌词)挺经典的 还有告白的稍微那个温存点的 I love you not because who you are,but because who I am when I am with you.我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前是谁。 2.No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is,won"t make you cry.没有男人或女人值得你流泪,值得的那位不会让你哭泣。 3.Atrue friend is some one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.一个真正的朋友是向你伸出手,触动你心灵的人。 4.The worst way to miss some one is to be sitting right beside him knowing you can"t have him.想念一个人最糟糕的方式就是坐在他身旁,而知道你不能拥有他。 5.Never frown,even when you are sad,because youn ever know who is falling in love with your *** ile.就算你不快乐也不要皱眉,因为你永远不知道谁会爱上你的笑容。 6.To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.在世界上你可能只是某人,但对于某人你可能是世界。 7.Don"t cry because it is over, *** ile because it happened.不要因为完结而哭泣,要为曾经发生而微笑。 8.Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you.在你尝试了解他人和盼望他人了解你之前,先把你变成一个更好的人和了解自己的人。 9.Don"t try so hard,the best things e when you lease expect them to.不要太努力去找,最好的事情是在最预计不到的时候出现的。 10.Life is apure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us.生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在 好像有点肉麻。嘿嘿。还有呢 这些是真的经典:: 1、Believe me, I was prepared for everything, except you. 2、-May be I was a bird in another life. -If you are a bird, I"m a bird. 出自《手札情缘》 3、You plete me.你使我完美起来 You had me at Hello.在第一次见面时你就拥有了我 4、I love that you are the last person I wanna talk to before I gonna sleep. 我希望你是我社交前最想聊天的那......>> 问题四:对女友说的爱情英语句子 1我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美. No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world. 2为什么幸福总是擦肩而过,偶尔想你的时候….就让….回忆来陪我. Why I have never catched the happiness? Whenever I want you ,I will be acpanyed by the memory of... 3爱情…在指缝间承诺 指缝….在爱情下交缠. Love ,promised between the fingers Finger rift,twisted in the love 4与你保持着一种暖昧的关系,怕自己会爱上你,怕你离开后,我会流泪 When keeping the ambiguity with you ,I fear I will fall in love with you, and I fear I will cry after your leaving. 5当香烟爱上(_火柴时,就注定受到伤害 When a cigarette falls in love with a match,it is destined to be hurt 6 Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes. 爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。 7 If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. 假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。 8 Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again. 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。 9 I need him like I need the air to breathe. 我需要他,正如我需要呼吸空气。 10 If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me. 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。 11 Love is a vine that grows into our hearts. 爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。 12 If I know what love is, it is because of you. 因为你,我懂得了爱。 问题五:表达爱意的英文怎么说?不要我爱你太土了。 I miss you everyday. 同学你好,如果问题已解决,记得右上角采纳哦~~~您的采纳是对我的肯定~谢谢哦 问题六:如何用英文来“委婉”表达爱意要是英文,还一定要委婉 The bigger it rained, the faster he ran.
2023-08-09 14:57:001

你愿意嫁给我吗 和你愿意娶我吗的英文翻译一样吗?是什么

2023-08-09 14:57:103


你能嫁给我吗? Will you marry me? 我想要你做我的妻子:愿意嫁给我吗? I want you for my wife:will you marry me? 我说,你能嫁给我吗? I said,will you marry me?BE MY WIFE!
2023-08-09 14:57:182


1. 你愿意嫁给我吗 英文怎么拼写 刚好以前摘抄的一些句子,呵呵。很地道的英语哦。marry只是最通俗的说法,求婚嘛,当然要与众不同。 用英文求婚 1.We"ve been going out for quite some time now? 你可以用它来告诉同伴,你正发狂地爱着他/她.2.I want to settle down. settle down 是定居,安定的意思。表明你想和爱人一起安定下来。 3.You are my soul-mate. soul-mate 意思是说性情相投的伙伴尤指异性,心心相印。对对方说你是我心灵的伴侣,也暗含着想与对方结为连理的意思。只是意思含蓄点罢了。 4.I"m ready for a life-long mitment. mitment是承诺,承担义务的意思,life-long是一生的意思。一生的承诺当然是指结婚拉。表明,你想和她共度余生。 5.Let"s tie the knot. knot在英语中是(绳等的)结,tie是系的意思。让我们把绳子打结,缠在一起。在中文里就是说让我们打个同心结。也就是说让我们结婚的意思啊。 如果你想很直接的表明你的求婚,那就参照上面人的说法,单膝下跪,送上戒指,说一句:愿意嫁给我吗?呵呵。 中国人应该还是喜欢中文的求婚语言,我是指正式的求婚场合。 如果在短信啊,QQ,这些非正式场合,不妨用我送上的哦。呵呵。
2023-08-09 14:57:281

英文结婚誓言唯美句子 婚礼英文短句唯美句子

要说起这个结婚誓词,也是有很唯美的誓词了,想要自己的誓词与众不同,那就来几句英文誓词,婚礼的英文短句了解一下。 一、英文结婚誓词唯美句子: 1、Mountains and rivers can block people from each other, but they can"t block heart from heart. No matter you go to the ends of the world, my heart will always accompany you.山川河流可以使人与人互相阻隔,却无法将心与心阻隔,无论你走到天涯海角,我的心永远陪伴着你。 2、If there are ten thousand people in the world who love you, there must be me in it. If there is only one person in the world who loves you, that person must be me.如果世界上有一万个人爱你,那里面一定有我,如果世界上只有一个人爱你,那人一定是我。 3、Because of you, I have been happy; because of you, I have been confused; because of you, I have been hurt; because of you, this life without regret.因为你,我曾经快乐;因为你,我曾经迷惑;因为你,我曾经受伤;因为有你,此生无悔。 4、You"ve met 10 million people in thousands, but none of them have touched you. Then you meet someone and your life changes. I met you, and my life changed!你在千千遇到了一千万人,但他们都没有碰过你。然后你遇到了一个人,你的生活改变了。我遇见了你,然后我的生活改变了! 5、If you are by my side, I will marry you; if there is an afterlife, I want you to marry me; if you walk by my side, I will not miss you.如果你在我身边,我会娶你;如果有来生,我要你嫁给我;如果你走过我身旁,我一定不会错过你。 6、Please remember my name. When you are short of comfort, I want you to remember that I am the one who misses you at that time. I am the one who cares about you. I am the one who likes you!请你想起我的名字,在你缺少安慰的时候,我要你记得,我就是那个时刻惦念你的人,我就是那个,关心你的人,我就是喜欢你的人! 7、Marry me is the best choice of your life, I will give you a happy family, give you a warm embrace, give you a romantic life!嫁给我是你一生最佳的选择,我会给你一个幸福的家庭,给你一个温暖的怀抱,给你一个浪漫人生! 8、Because of luck, whether in your life blue or rainy season, I will only leave you turn around, you put up a blue sky is not wronged! 因为有缘,无论在你生命中的天蓝还是雨季,我永远只有离你一转身的距离,为你撑起一片不委屈的天空! 9、I carved the left hand, right hand says you, my heart is filled with love, when the palm of our hand, have mutual affinity, everyone will see -- I love you! 左手刻着我,右手写着你,心中充满爱,当我们掌心相对,心心相印时,所有的人都会看到——我爱你! 10、The world will be wonderful, you have made the calm lake water ripple, you have to know the taste of missing you, have you learned the meaning of passion! 有了你世界会变得很精彩,有了你平静的湖水泛起波澜,有了你才知思念的滋味,有了你懂得了激情的内涵! 二、婚礼英文短句唯美句子: 1、I want to marry you.我想和你结婚了。 2、Your future happiness is portrayed by me.你以后的幸福由我刻画。 3、Honey, let"s go to Ireland to get married. OK? Because divorce is illegal.亲爱的,我们一起去爱尔兰结婚好不好。因为那里离婚是犯法。 4、True love can make time stop. One love love, a lifetime to remember love, let us be deeply to reminisce! 真挚的感情可以令时间凝滞。一次爱情的邂逅,一段用一生去铭记的爱恋,让我们永远深深为之追忆! 5、I sincerely pray that God will not let me leave you, let me followyou, because where you go, I will go, because where you stay, I will stay. Whatyou love is what I love, and your Lord is my Lord. Where you die, I"ll bury itwith you, and maybe ask me to do more, but no matter what happens, you and Iwill live and die together. 我真诚地祈求上帝让我不要离开你,让我跟随你后面,因为你去哪里我就去哪里,因为你留在哪里我就留在哪里。你所爱的就是我所爱的,你的主就是我的主。你死的地方,我会和你一起埋在那里,也许会要求我做更多,但无论发生什么,你我生死与共。 6、I carved the left hand, right handsays you, my heart is filled with love, when the palm of our hand, have mutualaffinity, everyone will see -- I love you!右手刻你,左手刻我,心有爱,我们手心相握,心连心,所有人祝福我们——我爱你! 7、I (the name of the bride), please be my husband, companion in my life, myonly lover. I will cherish our feelings and love you now, in the future andforever. I believe in you and respect you. I will laugh and cry with you. Iwill love you faithfully, no matter whether the future is good or bad,difficult or happy, I will accompany you through. No matter what kind of life Iwant to live, I will be here. Just as I stretch out my hand for you to hold, Iwill give you my life. So ask for advice for the rest of your life.我(新娘的名字),请做我的丈夫,我生命中的伴侣,我唯一的爱人。我会珍惜我们的感情,爱你现在,将来和永远。我相信你,尊重你。我会和你一起欢笑和哭泣。我会忠诚地爱你,无论未来是好是坏,是困难还是幸福,我都会陪你度过。不管我想过什么样的生活,我都会在这里。就在我伸出手让你握住的时候,我将把我的生命献给你。所以在你的余生请指教。 总结: 英文誓词就介绍到这里了,是不是感觉将誓词用英文说出来,还有那么一丝唯美的感觉。
2023-08-09 14:57:361


Will you marry me?
2023-08-09 14:58:146

我能娶你的英文是I can wife you吗?

2023-08-09 14:58:317


英文:Will you marry me ?密码 .-- .. .-.. .-.. -.-- --- ..- -- .- .-. .-. -.-- -- . ?拼音:ni yuan yi jia gei wo me ?密码 -. .. -.-- ..- .- -. -.-- .. .--- .. .- --. . .. .-- --- -- . ?
2023-08-09 14:59:071


【 #英语资源# 导语】喜欢,就是淡淡的爱。爱,就是深深的喜欢。以下是由 无 整理的有关爱情告白的英文句子【三篇】,欢迎阅读! 【篇一】有关爱情告白的英文句子   1、何时能牵你的手,共看海天成一色?   When can you hold your hand and see the sky and the sea as one?   2、这个世界上还没有那个人像你那么神经!那么痴情的爱着我。所以,我决定今生要娶你!   No one in the world is so nervous as you are! Then love me with love. So, I decided to marry you this life!   3、做不了你的太阳,就让我做你的影子。   Can"t do your sun, let me be your shadow.   4、牵你的手,朝朝暮暮,牵你的手,等待明天,牵你的手,走过今生,牵你的手,生生世世。   Hold your hand, every morning and evening, hold your hand, waiting for tomorrow, hold your hand, through life, hold your hand, generation after generation.   5、只有你知我的情绪,也只有你能带给我情绪。   Only you know my emotions, and only you can bring me emotions.   6、玫瑰,你的;巧克力,你的;钻戒,你的;你,我的。   Roses, yours, chocolates, yours, diamond rings, yours, yours, mine.   7、离开了你,我只有死亡!   Without you, I"m only dead!   8、总是想念着你,虽然我们无法共同拥有每分每秒。   Always thinking of you, though we can"t share every minute.   9、喜欢你也许是我错了,爱上你我真的变了许多!傻瓜,我爱你!   Like you, maybe I was wrong, falling in love with you, I really changed a lot! Fool, I love you!   10、你的信息我舍不得删掉,你的笑脸我不能忘掉,你的真情我已知道,我心跳的声音不想让你听到!   Your information I hate to delete, your smiling face I can"t forget, your true feelings I already know, my heart beat sound don"t want you to hear!   11、与你相识是一种缘,与你相恋是一种美,与你相伴是一种福,我愿和你相伴到永远。   Acquaintance with you is a kind of edge, and you fell in love with is a kind of beauty, with your company is a blessing, I would like to accompany you forever.   12、给你一个心里的家,累了,我永远在等你   Give you a heart home, tired, I"ll always be waiting for you   13、我是你的小小狗,你是我的小小骨头,就算掉进臭水沟,我也捡回叼着走。   You are my little dog, you are my little bones, even fell into the gutter, I also go back beak.   14、情人节,我愿做一条鱼,任你红烧、白煮、清蒸,然后躺在你温柔的胃里。   Valentine"s day, I would like to be a fish, as you braised, boiled, steamed, and then lie in your gentle stomach.   15、爱你,藏在我心里,暖在你心!   Love you, hide in my heart, warm in your heart!   16、我不知道人类为什么得结婚?!不如让我们一起研究看看,让我们合法地结合吧!   I don"t know why humans have to get married! Why don"t we look at it together and let us legally combine it?!   17、不知道爱你算不算是一个贴心的理由。   I do not know love you, is not a good reason.   18、喜欢,就是淡淡的爱。爱,就是深深的喜欢。我希望以后可以不用送你回家,而是我们一起回我们的家。   Like, is just a touch of love. Love is liking deeply. I hope I won"t have to take you home later, but we"ll go back to our home together.   19、在雨夜里思念的远方的人以及往日种种情怀一同复活了起来。   In the rainy night, longing for the distant people and all sorts of feelings in the past have risen together.   20、你就是我最困难时的那位永远支持我的人!   You are the one who supports me the most when I am in trouble! 【篇二】有关爱情告白的英文句子   1、我的世界只有你懂。   My world only you understand.   2、我要幸福的昏倒了!   I"m going to faint!   3、请你当我手心里的宝。   Ask you to be the treasure in my palm.   4、我已经有喜欢的人了。   I already have a favorite person.   5、就把你深深藏在我心中。   You hide in my heart deeply.   6、每个恋爱中的人都是诗人。   Every man is a poet.   7、我想要和你一起慢慢变老。   I want to grow old with you.   8、我希望睡前最后看到的是你。   I hope to see you at the end of the bed.   9、对你,不管阴晴圆缺,也不变。   For you, no matter now, nor.   10、难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿?   Do you fear a love fool.?   11、过得好么?希望世界因你而美丽!   Did you have a good? Hope the world is beautiful because of you!   12、爱情不仅仅是感情,它也是艺术。   Love is not only a feeling, it is also an art.   13、我想未来我一定会天天陪你上市场。   I think the future I will accompany you every day on the market.   14、我爱你的心是直到世界末日也不变。   I love your heart until the end of the world is not the same.   15、我感觉到你的真诚,谢谢你的真诚。   I feel your sincerity, thank you for your sincerity.   16、和你在一起只是我不想给任何人机会!   With you just I don"t want to give anyone the chance!   17、一颗驿动的心,记载着你的点点滴滴。   A restless heart, recorded your bit by bit.   18、在我心中任何时刻都只有想你!爱你!   At any moment in my heart, I just want to think of you! Love you!   19、没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。   Every day without you is like a book without pages.   20、曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引我走出寂寞。   Ever lost in the heart, is you pull me out of loneliness. 【篇三】有关爱情告白的英文句子   1、就把你深深藏在我心中。   You hide in my heart deeply.   2、幸福!只存在你我相聚时刻…   Happiness! There is only you and I together time...   3、和你在一起只是我不想给任何人机会。   With you just I don"t want to give anyone the chance.   4、亲爱的,你能嫁给我吗我嫁给你也行!   Honey, can you marry me, I"ll marry you!   5、不知道爱你算不算是一个贴心的理由?   Don"t know love you count is a close reason?   6、能够遇见你,对我来说是的幸福。   To meet you, for me, is the greatest happiness.   7、曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引我走出寂寞。   Ever lost in the heart, is you pull me out of loneliness.   8、给你一个心里的家,累了,我永远在等你   Give you a heart of the home, tired, I will always wait for you   9、生命里,最舍不得的那一页,总是藏得最深。   Life, the most reluctant to the one page, always hide the deepest.   10、爱一个人,就要相信自己能给她的幸福!   To love a person, you must believe that you can give her the greatest happiness!   11、首先,我要感谢上帝,让我又在这里遇上了你。   First of all, I would like to thank God, let me in here to meet you.   12、你是我生命中所能经历的,最最深切的感觉!!   You are my life, the most profound feeling!!   13、我想对你爱恋的极短诗篇升华为漫长的生活散文。   I want to love you very short poems for the sublimation of life essays.   14、不是恋爱的感觉让我幸福而是爱上你的感觉让我幸福。   It"s not being in love that makes me happy, but is being in love with you.   15、爱之火,在我俩的心中燃起,从此我俩将被熔在一块。   The fire of love, in the hearts of both of us, we will be fused in a.   16、我之所以活到现在的全部意义,就是为了此刻能与你相遇。   The reason I live now is to meet you at this moment.   17、我的前世也许是只鸟。—如果你是一只鸟,那我也是一只鸟。   Maybe I was a bird in a previous life. If you were a bird, I am a bird, too.   18、你可知我百年的孤寂只为你一人守候,千夜的恋歌只为你一人而唱。   You know my loneliness is only one person waiting for you, thousands of my sweet songs are only sung for you.   19、没有你,我的天空少了一片色彩;没有你,我的世界多了一种思念。   Without you, my sky is missing a color; without you, my world is a kind of missing.   20、给我一次机会,我会让你生活在阳光里,我会为你成为只属于你的太阳。   Give me a chance, I will let you live in the sun, I will for you to become only belong to your sun.
2023-08-09 14:59:141