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我相信有付出就有回报 用英文怎么说

2023-08-15 21:56:21

我相信有付出就有回报的英文:I believe that if you give something, it will pay off.


1、No effort, no return不作任何付出就有回报。

2、It doesn"t have to be paid back.付出不一定就有回报。

3、I believe that good people will be rewarded.我相信,好人终有报。

例句:I believe that there is a return to pay, so I have no scruples.我相信有付出就有回报,所以我无所顾忌。








I believe that everything will pay off~~我大学英语老师就是这么说的,很地道的说法~~~


没错,英语翻译很讲究灵活,不一定每个字都要体现出来,“付出”在这里就是隐含意思,everything will pay off,即任何事都会有回报的,说这句话的语境就是别人报怨工作难做或花费了很多时间太累了等等,而你说everything will pay off,告诉他“只要付出就会有回报”~~给以安慰和鼓励~

至于no pain ,no gain~~不劳不获,虽然从侧面来看表示的是同一个意思,但这句话使用时语境就不同了,因为它的侧重点在no上,当你看到别人比较懒不爱做事时,你对他说no pain ,no gain~~不劳不获哦·~劝他抓紧做事~~



I believe that as long as the pay will return







Only after you pay,you will be repaid.





2023-08-09 13:28:045


2023-08-09 13:28:221


Pay always return
2023-08-09 13:28:311

pay for 和pay back的区别?

pay的基本用法是:(1) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买……。例:I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month. 我每个月要付20英磅的房租。(2)pay for sth. 付……的钱。例:I have to pay for the book lost. 我不得不赔丢失的书款。(3)pay for sb. 替某人付钱。例:Don?蒺t worry!I"ll pay for you. 别担心, 我会给你付钱的。(4)pay sb. 付钱给某人。 例: They pay us every month.他们每月给我们报酬。(5)pay money back 还钱。例:May I borrow 12 yuan from you? I"ll pay it back next week. 你能借给我12块钱吗?下周还你。(6)pay off one"s money还清钱。
2023-08-09 13:29:194


dedication and return
2023-08-09 13:30:065


in return
2023-08-09 13:30:484

付出总会有回报 英语怎么说

No pains no gainsu3002
2023-08-09 13:31:286


索取与回报”用英语怎么翻译 Claims and returns “欢迎索取”用英语怎么说简明扼要? 欢迎索取 Wele to ask for —————————————————您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑; 如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳; 如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的影象点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。 ——————————————————————————————————祝您生活愉快! "索取"和"付出"英语怎么说? 很难找到对应的 用这个抚,索取:Demand 付出:dedication Never dedicate(+s) but ever(always) demand(+s) 主动: initiative(可作形容词和名词) 被动: passive(形容词)passivity(名词) 索要用英语怎么说 ask for 就是索要的意思 英语里向某人索取怎么说更委婉一点 nt before he wouldn"t have exchanged one of his nickels for his chances of a job, therefore his reply resolved itself into a sheepish grin; moreover—but of this hereafter—Shanley back E 不要索取,学会给予。用英语翻译 Don"t be given, but learn to give. Don"t take, but learn to give. 时间是先给予,之后再向你索取。请用英文翻译一下这句话,不要直译,内涵一点。谢谢~ 10分 让资料像空气一样远在天边,近在眼前! Wish data ,even if as a matter of far -off air away from us ,to be able to exist being close at hand . 只有实现检测资料的海量积累、关联分析、便捷应用才能让检测于业务象空气于生命一样价值无限。 Only the accumulation of a great deal of test data , correlation *** ysis and the convenient operation are acplished can we get to such magnitude that detection is to professional work as/ what air is to life , which is valued as boundlessness. 解释:根据汉语说话的语气翻译的还都是保持原文的那一大句话的英语才可能体现出汉语表达的真正意思,这是根据语言效果分析的,尽管如此还希望高手批评指正。 索要用英语怎么说如题 索要 [词典] ask for; [例句]赎金是通过电话索要的。 The ransom demand was made by telephone.
2023-08-09 13:31:421


做为回报In return
2023-08-09 13:31:534


我很高兴地看到你的努力得到了回报I am very pleased to see that your efforts got repayed.
2023-08-09 13:32:141


Sponsor returns例句他的到来会让赞助商们更有价值,他们的投资会获得更好的回报。This makes him more valuable to our sponsors and represents a better return on their重点词汇释义赞助商sponsor回报repay; report back on what has been done; bring back a report; requite; redound
2023-08-09 13:33:081


付出总有回报用英文就是There is always a return to pay.
2023-08-09 13:33:175


在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是我精心整理的回报社会英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 Facebook is the most popular social communicational software. People like to share their information in it and keep in touch with their friends. The founder of Facebook is a young handsome guy named Mark Zuckerberg. He was being a dad recently and he announced that he would donate 99 percent of his share for celebrating his girl"s coming. 99 percent of his share! That is such great amount. The public were so astonished by his decision. This young guy could only take out the small part of his share, but he took out nearly the all. His great grace could help a lot of people to improve their lives, even change their fate. There are a lot of rich people in the world, but only less people could make the great decision like Mark Zuckerberg. When the media asked him why he did this, he said he wanted to reture society and help the people who were in need of. This money was not necessary for him, but could change a lot of poor people"s fates and I wanted to help them. There is no doubt that Mark"s generous indeed will help a lot of people.
2023-08-09 13:33:401


After this ceremony, I think we study for the country rather than ourselves, and this is how we pay our country back
2023-08-09 13:33:591


now,we are young,so ihope we can study hard.not in order to repay parents, not in order to repay the teacher, but in order to repay more and more peaple. 现在我们都还很年轻,多以我希望我们都能好好学习,不是为了报答老师,不是为了报答父母,而是为了报答更多更多的人。   during the summer vacation, i played five days in ceramics factory work, and i find a terrible things, later if i still to work to do that,it is too bad. not make the work into high and low, everyone in the society has contributed, only contribution to human is different , such as einstein and shichuanxiang, they both make contributions to society, but its contribution is different. ceramic export only earn a little money, and only to solve their own food and clothing. 在这个暑假我打了5天的工,发现了一件很可怕的事情,如果将来我还在打工就太糟糕了。不是把工作分成高低贵贱,每个人在为社会做贡献,只是贡献不同,就像时传祥和爱迪生,他们都在为社会做贡献,但是贡献却不同。we all hope that the people around because we exist and can be more happiness, but when we can only do something for our livelihood,and those unfortunate people were still suffer at thethe bottom in the social, they did not because the existence of you and be able to look at the sun, and when you also found this, you will be sorry. 我们都希望周围的人能够因为我们的存在而更加幸福,但当我们只能为自己的生计而奔波,社会上那些不幸的人仍然在社会底层挣扎,他们并没有因为你的存在而得以看看太阳,并且当你也发现这点,你就会更加难过。   therefore, in order to avoid the tragedy, when we will be able to change destiny, study hard, improve our own quality, improve our own cultural level, is not only for our future can well-fed glut, more important is to be able to do our best contribution in the society, to realize their own value. 所以为了避免悲剧,在我们能改变命运的时候,努力学习,提高自身素质,提高自身文化水平,不仅仅是为了我们以后能够衣食,更重要的是能够在社会上限度地贡献,能够实现自己的自身价值。   hope the workers" work becouse us to be more easily and safely, social system can because of us to be more perfect, let more people enjoy freedom, equality, and enjoy life希望有一天工人们的工作能够因为我们更加安全、轻松,社会制度能够因为我们而更加完善,让更多的人享受到自由、平等,享受生活。
2023-08-09 13:34:061


not all the sinceres will be seen not all the pay will be repaid not all the tears have weight not all the wishes will fly if I left,can"t meet forever except -------you
2023-08-09 13:34:161


“pay”在发音上,它的读音为[pay],即/p/音与/eu026a/音的组合。它是一个常见的英语单词,它既可以作为动词使用,也可以作为名词使用。作为动词,pay的意思是支付或付款。它可以用来表示支付货款、工资、费用等。例如:I need to pay the bill for dinner tonight.(我需要支付今晚的晚餐账单。)The company pays its employees on a monthly basis.(公司按月支付员工工资。)此外,pay还可以表示付出代价或承担后果。例如:Success doesn"t come without hard work and dedication. You have to pay for it.(成功不是没有努力和奉献就能得到的,你必须为之付出代价。)He paid the price for his reckless behavior.(他为自己的鲁莽行为付出了代价。)作为名词,pay可以指代薪水、报酬或付款。例如:The company offers competitive pay and benefits.(该公司提供有竞争力的薪水和福利。)The pay for this job is quite low.(这份工作的报酬相当低。)此外,pay还可以构成一些常用的短语和表达方式,如pay off(得到回报或获得成功)、pay attention(注意)、pay a visit(拜访)等。总而言之,"pay"是一个常见的英语词汇,它的发音为[pay],表示支付、付出代价或承担后果,并且还可以用作名词表示薪水、报酬或付款。
2023-08-09 13:34:232


he not return
2023-08-09 13:35:115


If you work hard ,the God must stand by you
2023-08-09 13:35:2815

at the tip of是什么意思,pay back 和pay有什么区别呀

vt. 偿付(还击). 展开《21世纪大英汉词典》. 折叠《21世纪大英汉词典》 pay back 1. 偿付(借款等),还钱: 例句: He paid the money back promptly.他很快就把钱还了。 2. 报答,回报: 例句: I"ll pay her back for her hospitality by inviting her to dinner.我要请她吃饭以回报她的殷勤款待。 3. 还击;向…报复;处以…罚金;惩罚: 例句: He paid me back by refusing to talk to me.他对我进行报复,不跟我讲话。 英汉翻译 英英翻译 pay back n. 1. financial return or reward (especially returns equal to the initial investment) 2. the act of taking revenge (harming someone in retaliation for something harmful that they have done) especially in the next life v. 1. act or give recompense in recognition of someone"s behavior or actions 2. take vengeance on or get even 以上来源于: WordNet网络释义展开 折叠 pay back.. 1. 向…报复,回报复习冲刺:常考动词短语汇总 - 英语 ...try on试穿;pay back偿还;lose one"s job失业; ... 基于1277个网页 2. 偿还,还钱给(某人) [推荐]国家英语四级考试词组 ...pass out 失去知觉,昏倒 pay back 偿还,还钱给(某人);向…报复,回报 pay off 还清(债);付清工资解雇(某人);向…行贿;得到好结果,取得成功 ... 基于1217个网页 3. 偿还减负荷控制中,一旦结束控制,负荷将试图恢复到其控制前的用电水平,被滞后的电量需求将部分或全部偿还(Payback),从而导致后续用电需求增大。如果负荷偿还速度过快,或偿还量过大,可能产生“二次峰荷”。 基于1124个网页 4. 回报大学英语词组(3) ...pat sb. on the back 对某人表示赞许 pay back 偿还(借款等);回报 pay for 偿还;受到惩罚 ... 基于943个网页 pay back..向…报复,回报 | 偿还,还钱给(某人) | 偿还 | 回报 pay back 1. 向…报复,回报复习冲刺:常考动词短语汇总 - 英语 ...try on试穿;pay back偿还;lose one"s job失业; 基于1277个网页 2. 偿还,还钱给(某人) [推荐]国家英语四级考试词组 ...pass out 失去知觉,昏倒 pay back 偿还,还钱给(某人);向…报复,回报 pay off 还清(债);付清工资解雇(某人);向…行贿;得到好结果,取得成功 基于1217个网页 3. 偿还减负荷控制中,一旦结束控制,负荷将试图恢复到其控制前的用电水平,被滞后的电量需求将部分或全部偿还(Payback),从而导致后续用电需求增大。如果负荷偿还速度过快,或偿还量过大,可能产生“二次峰荷”。 基于1124个网页 4. 回报大学英语词组(3) ...pat sb. on the back 对某人表示赞许 pay back 偿还(借款等);回报 pay for 偿还;受到惩罚 基于943个网页 Energy Pay-back Time..能源回收期 Energy Pay-back Time..能源回收期 Energy Pay-back Time 能源回收期 除此之外,从图一可知道,矽薄膜太阳电池在能源回收期(Energy Pay-Back Time)也占有优势,所谓能源回收期便是制作一片太阳电池过程中所耗费的电力需此太阳电池发电多久来补回,若能源回收期愈长,等于是拿电 基于8个网页 product-pay-back scheme..以生产产品偿还的计划 product-pay-back scheme..以生产产品偿还的计划 product-pay-back scheme 以生产产品偿还的计划 石油词汇接龙 ...product-market strategy 产品-市场战略product-pay-back scheme 以生产产品偿还的计划production area 生产区 基于21个网页 Pay sb back in his own coin..以其人之道还治其人之身 Pay sb back in his own coin..以其人之道还治其人之身 Pay sb back in his own coin 以其人之道还治其人之身 中级口译常用短语 ...Out one"s coat according to one"s cloth 量入为出Pay sb back in his own coin 以其人之道还治其人之身Be hot under the collar 心烦意乱 基于14个网页 Pay One Back In His Own Coin..以其人之道还治其人之身 Pay One Back In His Own Coin..以其人之道还治其人之身 Pay One Back In His Own Coin 以其人之道还治其人之身 读幽默故事学英语词汇(五):图书:价格比较:琅琅比... ...A Warmhearted Girl Clerk热心的女办事员Pay One Back In His Own Coin以其人之道还治其人之身The Real Thing真东西 基于7个网页 Pay somebody back in his own coin..以其人之道,还治其人之身。 Pay somebody back in his own coin..以其人之道,还治其人之身。 Pay somebody back in his own coin 以其人之道,还治其人之身。 About 英语习语(weekly program... ...have one"s nose in sth.专心地阅读某物pay though the nose为某时花前过多plain as the nose on one"s face一清二楚 基于4个网页 dynamic investment pay-back period..动态投资回收期 dynamic investment pay-back period..动态投资回收期 dynamic investment pay-back period 动态投资回收期 动态投资回收期(dynamic investment pay-back period)是把投资项目各年的净现金流量按基准收益率折成现值之后,再来推算投资回收期,这就是它与静态投资回收期的根本区别。 基于3个网页 pay back..偿还,报复 pay back..偿还,报复 pay back 偿还,报复 网友评论:《危险人物》(Payback)思路.导演剪辑版.x264.720RE[HDTV-RE] 基于11个网页 Pay somebody back in somebody"s own coin..以牙还牙 Pay somebody back in somebody"s own coin..以牙还牙 Pay somebody back in somebody"s own coin 以牙还牙 在职攻读硕士学位全国联考人大出版社白洁主编 短语 ...Pay lip-service to 只说不做,唱高调Pay somebody back in somebody"s own coin 以牙还牙Peace and quiet 安宁 基于2个网页 Pay somebody back in his own coin.〖Hotline..一报还一报。 Pay somebody back in his own coin.〖Hotline..一报还一报。 Pay somebody back in his own coin.〖Hotline 一报还一报。 谚语(中英对照) ...Patience, time, and money overcome everything.〖Hotline〗耐心,时间和金钱可以征服一切。 Pay somebody back in his own coin.〖Hotline〗一报还一报。 Peace on earth and good will towards men.〖Hotline〗愿世界得太平,人间持善意。 基于6个网页 相关词组 隐藏相关词组
2023-08-09 13:35:551


  “将刺客周光 放回楚军,令他回报楚王 ,使他早早退兵。”下面我为大家带来回报的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   回报的英语意思   reward   回报的英语例句   对我们的善意和信任,他们以欺诈来回报。   Our kindness and trust was requited only with dishonesty on their part.   净利所有的费用都付清后投资所得的回报   The return received on an investment after all charges have been paid.   我们的投资专案利润回报很高。   Our investment accounts return a high rate of interest.   总回报是回报率加1。   The gross return is the return plus one.   努力工作,回报父母,回报自己。   Work hard to redound upon my parents and myself.   我希望自己的投资可以迅速产生回报。   I hope for a quick return on my investment.   有付出才有回报。   You have to pay before you are paid.   这两只股票并非都是低风险高回报。   Neither stock is for widows and orphans.   作为回报,使用者将支付一小笔费用。   In return the user will be paid a *** all fee.   回报的双语例句   1. Chandra was determined to bee a doctor and her persistence paid off.   钱德拉决心做一名医生,她的坚持不懈得到了回报。   2. She will be disappointed if her feelings are not returned.   如果她的感情得不到回报,她会感到非常失望。   3. Hard work and talent so often go unrecognised and unrewarded.   努力和天赋经常不被认可,也得不到回报。   4. Jenkins would reward all investors, no matter when they made their investment.   无论投资人何时投资,詹金斯都会让他们得到回报。   5. We are not in this to reap immense financial rewards.   我们从事这一行不是为了获得巨大的经济回报。   6. These are gestures of genuine friendship with no favours expected in return.   这是友谊的真正表现,不期待任何回报。   7. Their caution has been richly rewarded.   他们的谨慎得到了很好的回报。   8. The financial rewards justified the expenditure of effort.   经济上的回报证明付出的努力是值得的。   9. He was rewarded handsomely for his efforts.   他的付出获得了丰厚的回报。   10. They have been amply rewarded with huge salaries.   高额的薪水给了他们丰厚的回报。   11. Farmers are now paid to let their land lie fallow .   农民让土地休耕现在得到了回报。   12. His victory was seen as payback for all the hard work he"d put in during training.   他的胜利被视为训练期间所有辛苦的回报。   13. His persistence was finally rewarded when the insurance pany agreed to pay for the damage.   保险公司同意赔偿损失,他的坚持不懈终于得到了回报。   14. They are now reaping the rewards of all their hard work.   现在,他们的全部辛劳都得到了回报。   15. Managers are naturally biased towards projects showing a quick return.   管理人自然对短期内有回报的专案抱有偏爱.
2023-08-09 13:36:141


简单的说法:pay back.
2023-08-09 13:36:258


2023-08-09 13:36:451


2023-08-09 13:37:191


te that guard the entrances to the professions, to science, art, literature, agriculture
2023-08-09 13:37:362


付出:devote 回报:return感情:love ,emotion付出了我太多的感情 :i"ve devoted much to him.或者i"ve devoted too much to him.
2023-08-09 13:37:463


appreciatte the help from the society and repay
2023-08-09 13:38:085


2023-08-09 13:38:261


make contributions to my hometown
2023-08-09 13:38:343


One"s effort will pay off. 你千万不要泄气,迟早你的付出会有回报的. You mustn"t lose heart,sooner or later your effort will pay off. 我们期望这些投资会有一个好的回报. This is an investment from which we expect to reap a very good return. 你所付出的一切将会得到上帝的报答,上帝是公平的. Your hardworking will be rewarded by God one day.God is equal to everyone
2023-08-09 13:38:421


是In return
2023-08-09 13:38:534


2023-08-09 13:39:022


good pay
2023-08-09 13:39:134


All your efforts will be pay back.
2023-08-09 13:39:232


Little investment gives huge profits in return.
2023-08-09 13:39:312


我相信只要付出了努力就会有回报 I believe that as long as we make efforts we will be rewarde
2023-08-09 13:40:341


your effort will get paid someday.
2023-08-09 13:40:443


Our efforts would be rewarded
2023-08-09 13:40:541


repay (my/your) parents
2023-08-09 13:41:031


2023-08-09 13:41:124

英语翻译 努力你就会得到回报.这句话翻译成英文是什么?

You will be rewarded If you strive for your goals. 如果你为你的目标而努力,你就会得到回报. 希望可以帮到你 望采纳 谢谢
2023-08-09 13:41:191


Our efforts would be rewarded
2023-08-09 13:41:291


1,投资回报率投资回报率的英文名为Return on Investment ,缩写为ROI。 投资回报率(ROI)= (税前年利润/投资总额)*100%。企业从一项投资性商业活 动的投资中得到的经济回报,是衡量一个企业盈利状况所使用的比率,也是衡量一个企业经营效果和效率的一项综合性的指标。2,ROI(感兴趣区域)ROI(region of interest),感兴趣区域。在图像处理领域,感兴趣区域(ROI) 是从图像中选择的一个图像区域,这个区域是图像分析所关注的重点。圈定该区域以便进行进一步处理。使用ROI圈定想读的目标,可以减少处理时间,增加精度。3,ROI(广告相关理论)一个好的广告应当具备三个基本要素,即ROI:相关性原则(Relevance)、原创性原则(Originality)、震撼性原则(Impact),这三个要素被称之为广告的“鬼斧”。4,ROI(考核体系)ROI(Return on Investment)考核体系在上世纪初由美国杜邦公司首创并流行至今。该体系突破早期单纯评价销售额和利润的做法,揭示了一些具有重要意义的财务指标的内在联系,将净利润、总资产进行层层分解,从而系统地评价企业财务状况,并依此对企业绩效进行考核。
2023-08-09 13:41:561

我相信有付出就有回报 用英文怎么说

I believe that there is a return on pay
2023-08-09 13:42:362

‘只要有付出,就会有回报’ 的正确英文翻译是什么?

You"ll gain so long as you give.
2023-08-09 13:42:485


the kind persons get rewards
2023-08-09 13:43:224


没有风险就没有回报英文No reward without a risk.
2023-08-09 13:43:302


他所有单独的额外练习时间都得到了回报。英语:All of his extra training time have been paid off.
2023-08-09 13:43:381


All you have done for me, I will pay back with my true heart.
2023-08-09 13:43:461


Study hard to repay the motherland
2023-08-09 13:43:541