barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-15 20:41:51

Tone = 作者写东西时,他的文字所给的态度

Mood = 读者读某样东西,感受到的的心情


mood n. 心情;语气;气氛;坏心境

[例句]The public mood has changed.


tone n. [语]声调,语调;[画]色调,色泽,明暗;[乐]乐音,全音,全音程;[医...

vt. 使更健壮;定调;使变调子;[摄影术]给…上色

vi. 带有某种腔调;呈现某种色彩;(颜色)调和(与 with 连用)

[例句]The tone borders on snarky but never crass.




mood: [ mu:d ] n. 心情,情绪,语气
2023-08-09 12:45:253


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2023-08-09 12:46:136

mood 意思

2023-08-09 12:46:395


mood的名词形式,同义词,反义词本身就是名词mood 同义词: disposition feeling frame of mind humor nature phase temperamentmood 英[mu:d] 美[mud]n. 心情;语气;气氛;坏心境名词复数:moods
2023-08-09 12:46:552


问题一:美好的心情 美好的一天用英语怎么说 美好的心情 美好的一天 Good mood beautiful day 问题二:保持良好的心情用英文怎么说 保持良好的心情 To maintain a good mood 双语对照 双语例句 1 想成为一个健康的人,你应该保持良好的心情。 To be a healthy person, you should keep a good mood. sanmenxia.henan.teacher 2 你在这些事情上不能像你希望的那样操心,对你来说也许不太好受,但是节日期间保持良好心情却是至关重要。It can be difficult to accept that holiday projects may not get as much attention as you"d like, but maintaining peace of mind should be a high priority this season. 问题三:“我的心情”用英文怎么说 正式一点:my emotion 口语一点:my mood 文学一点:my sp骇rit(soul) 问题四:心情用英语怎么说 心情: 1. mood 2. (n) ones heart and mind 3. frame of mind Relative explainations: Ex罚mples: 1. 我现在心情很好。 I"m in a good mood. 2. 我昨天心情很愉快。 I was in a jovial mood yesterday. 3. 她有着快活的心情。 She has a playful mood. 4. 她太累了,没有心情跳舞。 She"s too tired and in no mood for dancing. 5. 我没心情和你聊天。 I am in no mood for chatting with you. 6. 我没有心情工作。 I am not in the vein for work. 7. 她那抑郁的心情一会儿就过去了。 Her feeling of depression was transient. 8. 我今天的心情不好。 I"m feeling blue today. 问题五:心情不美丽 的英文怎么翻译 翻译是:The mood is not beautiful. 句子解释: mood 英[mu:d] 美[mud] 鼎 n. 心情; 语气; 气氛; 坏心境; [例句]He is clearly in a good mood today 明摆着,他今天心情不错。 beautiful 英[?bju:t?fl] 美[?bjut?f?l] adj. 美丽的,美好的; 极好的; [例句]She was a very beautiful woman 她是个大美女。 问题六:今天的心情不是很美丽英语怎么写 My mood is not very beautiful today. 问题七:描写心情美好的英语句子 1.This is too good to be true.这简直不敢让人相信. 2.Nothing could be more wonderful.没有比这更让人高兴的了. 3.I made it!我成功了. 4.You did it.你干得不错. 5.I"m lucky.我运气好. 6.Thank heavens!谢天谢地. 7.I"m happy.我很高兴8.I"m ecstatic.我高兴得忘乎所以了. 9.I"m thrilled.我太激动了. 10.I"m in heaven.我好象到了天堂. 11.I"m glad to hear it.听到这个消息我很高兴. 12.I"ve never been this happy.我从没有这么高兴过. 13.That"s good news.真是个好消息. 14.I feel great.舒服极了. 15.I"m in a good mood today.我今天心情很好. 16.I"m walking on air.我高兴得飘飘欲仙. 17.I jumped for joy.我高兴得跳了起来. 问题八:美丽心情用英语怎么说 英文原文: The Good Mood ,Beautiful mood ,wonderful mood 英式音标: [e?] [g?d] [mu?d] [?bju?t?f?l; -f(?)l] [mu?d] , [u02c8w?nd?f?l; -f(?)l] [mu?d] 美式音标: [e?] [?d] [mud] [?bj?t?f?l] [mud] , [?w?nd?fl] [mud]
2023-08-09 12:47:151

Mood指心情是不可数名词,但好心情a good mood却带a 为什么 请浅显解释

你这种先入为主的认识本身就是错误的,所以你所理解的定义也是错误的,谁说mood在表示心情时是不可数名词?《Oxford Advance Learner"s English-Chinese Dictionary》认为mood在表示“情绪,心情”时是可数名词。词典解释:Mood [C] the way you feeling at a particular time
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2023-08-09 12:47:442

英语单词feeling mood spirit 有什么区别

1 feeling [04fi:li07]n.知觉I"ve lost all feeling in my hands.我的双手失去了知觉。感觉, 感触She had an uneasy feeling that they were still following her.她有一种他们仍在跟踪她的感觉。态度, 看法There seems to be a general feeling that the election will be held in June.似乎普遍的看法是这次选举将在六月份举行。同情, 体谅She has no feeling for the suffering of others.她对别人的痛苦没有同情心。激情He spoke with feeling(s) about the high rate of unemployment.他针对高失业率慷慨陈词。感情, 情绪His abrupt reply hurt our feelings.他粗鲁的回答伤了我们的感情。2 mood [mu:d]n.心情, 情绪You must change your mood.你一定要改变你的情绪才行。语气3 spirit [04spirit]n.精神, 心灵Cancer destroyed her body but not her spirit.癌症摧残了她的身体, 却摧毁不了她的精神。神灵, 幽灵He was one of the spirits in heaven.他是天国的精灵之一。情绪; 心情He felt in excellent spirits when he arrived home.他回到家里时情绪非常好。酒精; 烈酒The grocer sells wine and spirits.这位食品商出售葡萄酒和烈性酒。vt.秘密地带走The fact is that Paul kidnapped him and spirited him back to Russia.事实是, 保罗绑架了他并把他秘密地带回俄罗斯去了。
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2023-08-09 12:48:155


Mood(语气)是表示讲话人对说话内容的看法,在动词上会呈现不同的形式:陈述语气(the Indicative Mood)、祈使语气(the Imperative Mood),虚拟语气(the Subjunctive Mood)
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2023-08-09 12:49:142


What"s your mood today?
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2023-08-09 12:49:321

mood 是可数名词吗?

不是,mood,顾名思义心情,心情是情绪,不属于物品,没听说过in bad moods的吧,除非是三单,book和cows是可数的。但是milk和water也是不可数。明白了吗。
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2023-08-09 12:49:596


Depressed 沮丧Excited 兴奋Distressed 痛心The mood is unstable 情绪不稳定sad 难过 伤心happy 高兴 开心Moved 伤感
2023-08-09 12:50:263


modalityn. 形式;特征;形态Expressing or characterized by modality.modality for co-operationmoodn. 心情,情绪,语气His mood suddenly changed and he became calm.He"s in no mood for (telling) jokes/to tell jokes.都是名词,不知道这些是不是你说的所谓语法的区别。
2023-08-09 12:50:382


moodHow is your mood?用的对不对?
2023-08-09 12:50:4613

mood怎么读 英语mood怎么读

1、mood英[muu02d0d]美[muu02d0d],n.情绪; 心情; 气氛; 坏心境; 坏脾气; 氛围; 表达语气的动词屈折变化; (动词的)语气。 2、[例句]He is in a much better mood than usual.他的情绪比平时好多了。
2023-08-09 12:52:001

mood什么意思中文 mood的意思

1、mood是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“情绪,语气;心境;气氛;(Mood)人名;(英)穆德;(瑞典)莫德”。 2、短语搭配: mood disorder 心境障碍;情绪障碍;情绪病 indicative mood 陈述语气;直陈语气;陈述式;直述语气 Robert Mood 罗伯特·穆德;挪威少将穆德;穆德少将;负责人 mood stabilizer 情绪稳定剂;心境稳定剂;情感稳定剂;情绪稳定药
2023-08-09 12:53:581


I feel down.
2023-08-09 12:54:207


问题一:好心情用英语怎么说? good mood 问题二:有一个好心情 英文怎么说 急 Have a good mood 希望采纳 问题三:每天都有好心情用英文应该怎么讲 Every day will have a good mood . 顺便给你个别的 One today is worth two tomorrows.一个今天胜似两个明天。 问题四:愿你天天有个好心情用英语怎么说? Wish you happy everyday! 问题五:“希望你每天拥有好心情”用英语怎么说 Wish you be in a good mood everyda罚. Wish you a good mood everyday. Wish you be happy everyday. 问题六:‘天天好心情"用英语怎么说? keep happy everyday 问题七:保持良好的心情用英文怎么说 保持良好的心情 To maintain a good mood 双语对照 双语例句 1 想成为一个健康的人,你应该保持良好的心情。 To be a healthy person, you should keep a good mood. sanmenxia.henan.teacher 2 你在这些事情上不能像你希望的那样操心,对你来说也许不太好受,但是节日期间保持良好心情却是至关重要。It can be difficult to accept that holiday projects may not get as much attention as you"d like, but maintaining peace of mind should be a high priority this season. 问题八:“好心情”用英文怎么说 Good mood 注: mood 英 [mu:d] 美 [mud] n. 心情; 语气; 气氛; 坏心境; [例句]He is clearly in a good mood today. 明摆着,他今天心情不错。 [其他] 复数:moods 问题九:每天都有好心情用英文应该怎么讲 每天都有好心情 have a good mood every day;be happy every day更多释义>> [网络短语] 每天都有好心情 Every good feeling;Good mood every day
2023-08-09 12:54:431


  1、《mood》歌词如下:   女:   You got me feeling blue   总是有点烦 nothing I cant do   事情多到喘不过气   衣领勒到快要窒息   We got you in the mood   We got you in the mood   一觉睡到自然醒的感觉 good good   Hey stop 不要第一时间打开手机   Em em   丢开那堆破事 看看你的样子   黑眼圈大的快取代脸的位置   嗯嗯 思绪漫游外太空   嗯嗯 懒懒的泡在水中   嗯嗯 头轻轻跟这节奏   We got you in the mood   We got you in the mood   合:   We go party like na a na a   Moving like na a na a   不管发生什么 na a na a   Oh yeah feeling free   Hear the rhythm go jump with it jump with it   就应该 jump with it jump with it   全部放在一边 fine with it fine with it   Oh yeah feeling free   男:   Oh   Not my day of the week though   Cant breath 无人了解我的感受   Yeh yeh 无论开朗或者保守   放松一下今天就享受   Could be my last day Im fine with it fine with it   They be pointing fingers deal with it deal with it   Blessed for everything that happened till now   珍惜每一刻 ride with it ride with it   Lack of money lack of fame   Pubic doesnt even know my name   Its where I came from   You are not the same   I do it for my family do it for my dream   Try and try to make history   Hoping I can make the people scream   终点看不到但我一直向前走   说了不管是几天还是几年后   就是相信自己走的路 its right   今天不要再多废话 we gonna ride it like   合:   We go party like na a na a   Moving like na a na a   不管发生什么 na a na a   Oh yeah feeling free   Hear the rhythm go jump with it jump with it   就应该 jump with it jump with it   全部放在一边 fine with it fine with it   Oh yeah feeling free   Na a na a na a na a   Hear the rhythm go jump with it jump with it   就应该 jump with it jump with it   全部放在一边 fine with it fine with it   Oh yeah feeling free   2、《mood》是由孟佳、王嘉尔作词、作曲并演唱的一首歌曲。
2023-08-09 12:54:541

mood 是可数的吗?

2023-08-09 12:55:043

mood歌词 mood歌曲简介

1、《mood》歌词如下: 女: You got me feeling blue 总是有点烦 nothing I cant do 事情多到喘不过气 衣领勒到快要窒息 We got you in the mood We got you in the mood 一觉睡到自然醒的感觉 good good Hey stop 不要第一时间打开手机 Em em 丢开那堆破事 看看你的样子 黑眼圈大的快取代脸的位置 嗯嗯 思绪漫游外太空 嗯嗯 懒懒的泡在水中 嗯嗯 头轻轻跟这节奏 We got you in the mood We got you in the mood 合: We go party like na a na a Moving like na a na a 不管发生什么 na a na a Oh yeah feeling free Hear the rhythm go jump with it jump with it 就应该 jump with it jump with it 全部放在一边 fine with it fine with it Oh yeah feeling free 男: Oh Not my day of the week though Cant breath 无人了解我的感受 Yeh yeh 无论开朗或者保守 放松一下今天就享受 Could be my last day Im fine with it fine with it They be pointing fingers deal with it deal with it Blessed for everything that happened till now 珍惜每一刻 ride with it ride with it Lack of money lack of fame Pubic doesnt even know my name Its where I came from You are not the same I do it for my family do it for my dream Try and try to make history Hoping I can make the people scream 终点看不到但我一直向前走 说了不管是几天还是几年后 就是相信自己走的路 its right 今天不要再多废话 we gonna ride it like 合: We go party like na a na a Moving like na a na a 不管发生什么 na a na a Oh yeah feeling free Hear the rhythm go jump with it jump with it 就应该 jump with it jump with it 全部放在一边 fine with it fine with it Oh yeah feeling free Na a na a na a na a Hear the rhythm go jump with it jump with it 就应该 jump with it jump with it 全部放在一边 fine with it fine with it Oh yeah feeling free 2、《mood》是由孟佳、王嘉尔作词、作曲并演唱的一首歌曲。
2023-08-09 12:55:231

mood歌词 mood歌曲简介

1、《mood》歌词如下: 女: You got me feeling blue 总是有点烦 nothing I cant do 事情多到喘不过气 衣领勒到快要窒息 We got you in the mood We got you in the mood 一觉睡到自然醒的感觉 good good Hey stop 不要第一时间打开手机 Em em 丢开那堆破事 看看你的样子 黑眼圈大的快取代脸的位置 嗯嗯 思绪漫游外太空 嗯嗯 懒懒的泡在水中 嗯嗯 头轻轻跟这节奏 We got you in the mood We got you in the mood 合: We go party like na a na a Moving like na a na a 不管发生什么 na a na a Oh yeah feeling free Hear the rhythm go jump with it jump with it 就应该 jump with it jump with it 全部放在一边 fine with it fine with it Oh yeah feeling free 男: Oh Not my day of the week though Cant breath 无人了解我的感受 Yeh yeh 无论开朗或者保守 放松一下今天就享受 Could be my last day Im fine with it fine with it They be pointing fingers deal with it deal with it Blessed for everything that happened till now 珍惜每一刻 ride with it ride with it Lack of money lack of fame Pubic doesnt even know my name Its where I came from You are not the same I do it for my family do it for my dream Try and try to make history Hoping I can make the people scream 终点看不到但我一直向前走 说了不管是几天还是几年后 就是相信自己走的路 its right 今天不要再多废话 we gonna ride it like 合: We go party like na a na a Moving like na a na a 不管发生什么 na a na a Oh yeah feeling free Hear the rhythm go jump with it jump with it 就应该 jump with it jump with it 全部放在一边 fine with it fine with it Oh yeah feeling free Na a na a na a na a Hear the rhythm go jump with it jump with it 就应该 jump with it jump with it 全部放在一边 fine with it fine with it Oh yeah feeling free 2、《mood》是由孟佳、王嘉尔作词、作曲并演唱的一首歌曲。
2023-08-09 12:55:371


这个跟那个life是一样的,看使用者的情景.一般是不加s的.跟fish是一样的.fish的复数就是它本身,但你有时候也会见到fishes的用法,因为加了s,表示各种各样的... 比如:mood心情,moods各种各样的心情 fish 鱼 fishes各种各样的鱼 water水 waters各种各样的水(纯净水,矿泉水,河流水,地下水.)
2023-08-09 12:55:491


2023-08-09 12:55:584

英语语法中的tense , voice,mood是什么意思

英文中的动词最富于变化,有tense(时间),mood(语气),voice(语态),aspect(体,即动作完成程度)四种形式。动词的四种形式在大部分情况下都是配对出现的,比如,当口头或者笔头描述一个动作时,这个动作发生的时间,进行到什么地步,这个动作是主动还是被动,陈述祈使还是虚拟,关于此动作的这些性质都要展现出来(在有必要的情况下)。所以,动词是英文句法中最复杂的一个部分。在新概念二册中,很大的篇幅都和动词的这四个性质有关。 Tense即动作发生的时间,过去时,现在时,还是将来时。Voice即动作的语态,是主动进行还是被动进行。Aspect是动作的完成程度,正在进行还是已经完成了。Mood是动作的语气,陈述,祈使还是虚拟。分开来很好理解,杂糅在一起就比较复杂了。 当tense和aspect糅合在一起的时候,就有四种“现在进行”“现在完成”“现在完成”“过去完成”(将来时间暂时不予考虑,因为tense和time不一样,time有过去,现在,将来,而tense 没有将来,所谓的将来时是方便理解后来人加上去的)1:比如当一个动作是“昨晚8点正在进行”,那么此动作就要借助助动词be来展现“过去进行”了。2:比如当一个动作“从上周持续到现在都在进行,并且貌似还将持续下去”,那么就要借助助动词have来展现“现在完成”了。 比如一个动作“昨天已经结束了,但对今天或者未来还有影响”,那么还是要借助助动词have来展现“现在完成”。余威未了,可视为动作还在继续。 以上两种情况分别是现在完成的两个定义。3:在现在完成的基础上,于时间轴上把动作往后推移便得出过去完成。
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2023-08-09 12:56:543

Mood指心情是不可数名词,但好心情a good mood却带a 为什么 请浅显解释

2023-08-09 12:57:031


2023-08-09 12:57:122

spirit 和 mood 有什么区别?

spirit是指精神上,mood是指心理上的,或者表现在外在的. spirit是“精神”的意思,mood是“心情”的意思.
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2023-08-09 12:58:061


Mood 中位数检验可以用来检验两个或更多总体中位数的相等性,并(类似于 Kruskal-Wallis 检验)为单因子方差分析提供非参数备择。Mood 中位数检验有时也称为中位数检验或符号分值检验。Mood 中位数检验用于检验:H0:总体中位数全都相等与 H1:中位数并非全都相等Mood 中位数检验有一种假设是来自每个总体的数据都是独立的随机样本,且总体分布具有相同的形状。Mood 中位数检验在数据中遇到异常值和误差时健壮,特别适用于分析的初级阶段。Mood 中位数检验在遇到异常值时比 Kruskal-Wallis 检验健壮,但是对于来自许多分布
2023-08-09 12:58:151


temper 侧重于脾气暴躁与否mood 侧重于心情好坏与否
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2023-08-09 13:00:534

mood和spirit 有什么不同?大神们帮帮忙

im in a good mood. 我心情很好 she has high spirit. 她精神很振奋。 spirit倾向于灵魂,信念,内在,mood指的是思绪,心情 spirit n.精神, 心灵, 灵魂 [只用单]潮流, 风气; 影响; (法律、文件等的)精神实质 [只用单]气魄, 气概, 志气 [只用单]态度 [pl. ]情绪, 心情, 兴致 (具有某种精神[品质]的)人物, 人格 神灵, 幽灵, 鬼怪, 妖精 [pl.]烈酒; 酒精;【医】醑剂 disposition偏向于性情,气质 mood才是用的最多的 n.心情, 情绪; (精神)状态
2023-08-09 13:01:471


你好,北极星 polaris, 音译作 泡啦瑞思。望采纳
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SPL英文全称是Second Program Loader,“第二次装系统”,就是负责装载操作系统到RAM中。另外SPL还包括许多系统命令,如mtty中使用的命令等。SPL损坏了还可以用烧录器重写。
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2023-08-09 12:50:051