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"抱怨"的英文 W开头的 念起来和wine差不多 忽然忘了怎么拼了...

2023-08-15 20:28:21

whine: V-T/V-I

If someone whines, they complain in an annoying way about something unimportant.

(为小事) 令人厌烦地抱怨 [表不满]



2023-08-09 12:42:003


Bad weather!
2023-08-09 12:42:404


1. To my dear neighbour, it"s lovely to have a pet in the house, but it"s not so when it marks No.1 and No.2 around my place, don"t you think so?2. I would be appreciated if you could act fast to clean the materials your pet has left, or the guy who I am going to ask help for may take your pet away from you though usually they are not so fast to deal with things like this.
2023-08-09 12:42:492


It"s not good to complain too much.
2023-08-09 12:43:042

2023-08-09 12:43:111


抱怨天气很差的句子英文翻译_A sentence complaining about the bad weather
2023-08-09 12:43:201


2023-08-09 12:43:272


Complain too much of this bag is not so heavy抱怨太多了这个包没那么重
2023-08-09 12:43:471


我觉得是Don"t always complain about everything around you.即使它有否定含义用这个更好我认为
2023-08-09 12:43:585

没什么可抱怨的 用英文怎么说

nothing to complain 望采纳
2023-08-09 12:44:173


He listened patiently to the customers" complaints every time.他每次都耐心地听顾客的抱怨
2023-08-09 12:44:271


2023-08-09 12:44:395


Before the problem, instead of complaining and blaming others, it is better to make their own model, with practical actions to influence others
2023-08-09 12:44:594


Welcome back!
2023-08-09 12:45:194

英语no grumbling怎么翻译?

不要抱怨no grumbling
2023-08-09 12:45:4415


Many students complain that food is far from satisfactory .
2023-08-09 12:46:173


2023-08-09 12:46:284

如图,请教下这个英文句子中的“银行业抱怨……”,为什么是“ moan the banks”,而不是

the banks是主语,moan是谓语,是完全倒装,但特别的是它直接放在了宾语从句里面,而不是宾语从句后面。
2023-08-09 12:47:091


It is no use complaining,it is all on their own.
2023-08-09 12:47:213

这份工作吸引我的是可以学到好多新的东西 2 她让我生气的是抱怨太多 如何翻译成英文 用WHAT从句

2023-08-09 12:47:293


2023-08-09 12:47:362

不要总是抱怨,而应该尽量把困难当作挑战(instead of.....,try to..)翻译

Try to see all difficulties as challenges instead of ceaselessly complaining .
2023-08-09 12:47:443


抱怨 complain; grumble; murmur at: He is a grumbler. 他是一个爱抱怨的人. She complained that he did not work hard. 她抱怨他工作不努力.
2023-08-09 12:48:431


complainKK:[]DJ:[]vi.1.抱怨,发牢骚;诉说(病痛等)。[(+to/about/of)]I"vereallygotnothingtocomplainof.我确实没有什么可抱怨的。Hecomplainedtomeaboutthefood.他向我抱怨伙食不佳。2.控诉,投诉[(+to/about/of)]Hecomplainedtothepoliceoftheboysstealinghisapples.他向警方控告那些男孩偷他的苹果。抱怨;控诉[Y][+that]Hecomplainedthattheexamwastoohard.他抱怨考试太难了。complaintn.抱怨例句与用法:Ihaveacomplaintofthechest.我胸部不适。2.Youhavenocauseforcomplaint.你没有理由抱怨。3.Theroad-workscausedmuchcomplaintamonglocalresidents.修路引起周围居民很多怨言.4.Ihaveanumberofcomplaintsaboutthehotelroomyou"vegivenme.我对你给我的旅馆房间有几点不满意见.5.Youhavenocause/groundsforcomplaint.你没有理由抱怨.6.Shelodgedacomplaintaboutthenoise.她就噪音问题提出投诉.7.Ihaveacomplaint.我要投诉。8.Youhavenorealgroundsforcomplaint.你没有真正的理由发牢骚。英英解释:名词 同义词:ailment,ill2.(formerly)aloudcry(orrepeatedcries) expressionofgrievanceorresentment4.(civillaw)thefirstpleadingoftheplaintiffsettingoutthefactsonwhichtheclaimforreliefisbased5.(criminallaw)apleadingdescribingsomewrongoroffense同义词:charge
2023-08-09 12:48:521


2023-08-09 12:49:195


Dear Mr manager, I"m writing to complain about the service you had provided for me this February. My friends and I participated in your travel agency. However, we hadn"t recieved the perfect service you had promised. I want to tell you something about it. First of all, I felt really angry about the guide. She was so rude and unprofessional that she told us little about the tourist attractions.Besides, she just listened to the MP3 herself and was arbitrary about the touris" requirements. Secondly, the hotel was so bad that I could hardly eat the food and it was so noisy that I couldn"t sleep well those days which had a great impact on my travel. On top of these, you had asked us to pay for something we didn"t need and I think it was illegal. Therefore, I hope you can compensate for my loss. You can call me to talk about the details. I would be gratefull if this matter can have your immediate attention.
2023-08-09 12:50:001


The coldest day in this century. 本世纪最冷的一天。coldest cold(寒冷的)的最高级形式; [例句]This is the coldest winter I can remember.这是我记忆中最冷的一个冬天。[其他] 原型: cold
2023-08-09 12:50:511


"Paul is always complaining and doing nothing."
2023-08-09 12:50:592


别再无休止的抱怨了,这无济于事英文翻译:Stop endless complaining, it does not help the matter.或者:Stop ceaseless complainin, it won"t any help.重点词汇释义:无休止英文:endless; ceaseless抱怨英文:complain; grumble; murmur at; gripe; holler无济于事英文:be of no avail; a grain of wheat in a bushel of chaff; a pill to cure an earthquake; It does not help the matter.; of no use
2023-08-09 12:51:081


(中文意思)亲爱的邻居:你好!能和你做邻居我感到很荣幸。为了让我们未来的生活能更好些,我提出了一些建议希望你能接受。你们家的宠物常常随地大小便,我经常会觉得很恶心,很臭。这是一个很大的问题。希望你能及时采取措施,及时冲洗宠物的粪便。否者不仅会影响我们的关系,我还会去采取一些法律措施。谢谢,希望你能接受! 你的邻居(英文意思)Dear neighbors:Hello!And your neighbors can do so I feel very honored. In order for our future life can be better, I made some suggestions I hope you will find it acceptable.Your home anywhere in the world of pet urine often, I often feel nausea, very bad. This is a big problem.I hope you can take timely measures to wash pet droppings. Not only will not affect our relationship, I will try to take some legal measures.Thank you, hope you can accept it!Your neighbor希望你能满意。
2023-08-09 12:51:181


Dear Headmaster,I am a student of our school.I,d like to say something about the canteen service in our school. There are 3 advantages of canteen service in our school.First,our canteen is very clean,Second,the food is delicious,Third,the attitude of service is good. But it also has some disadvantages . Such as the price of the food is high, few variety to choose from,too long waiting time for buying food. In my opinion,we can invite our student to take part in the canteen for offering the help.We may let the student list the food they like to let the canteen to make it. I hope more and more student will like our canteen service.
2023-08-09 12:51:261


2023-08-09 12:52:102


抱怨bào yuàn 中文解释 - 英文翻译 抱怨的中文解释以下结果由汉典提供词典解释基本解释[complain;grumble] 心中怀有不满,责怪别人抱怨食堂的伙食不好详细解释1. 心怀怨恨。《晋书·刘毅传》:“诸受枉者,抱怨积直,独不蒙天地无私之德,而长壅蔽於邪人之铨。” 唐 骆宾王 《畴昔篇》:“ 邹衍 衔悲系 燕 狱, 李斯 抱怨拘 秦 桎。” 宋 范仲淹 《再奏辩滕宗谅张亢》:“陛下深居九重,当须察此物情,知其艰苦,岂可使狱吏为功,而劳抱怨。”2. 埋怨。 元 杨显之 《潇湘雨》楔子:“船便开,倘若有些不测,只不要抱怨我。”《警世通言·钝秀才一朝交泰》:“ 刘千户 不想自儿死生有命,到抱怨先生带累了。”《红楼梦》第一回:“主仆三人,日夜作些针线,帮着父亲用度。那 封肃 虽然每日抱怨,也无可奈何了。” 杨朔 《海·王禄小记》:“有时干脆不回家,守着电镐睡,惹得妻子抱怨他不懂情意。”
2023-08-09 12:52:201


真爱稍纵即逝,莫等老时空抱怨翻译英文为;True love are fleeting, and other old time and space to complain
2023-08-09 12:52:331


可以译为 “grievance”,作名词来用感到委屈则可以说 “feel wronged”
2023-08-09 12:53:011


2023-08-09 12:53:452

采取行动总是比抱怨更有用 ,,,的英文短文

Turn Complaints into SolutionsDespite the title, The No Complaining Rule, the goal is not to eliminate all complaining. Just mindless complaining that negatively impacts our health and happiness and sabotages our individual and team success. And the bigger goal is to turn complaints into solutions and positive actions. After all, every complaint represents an opportunity to turn something negative into a positive.While the title of my new book may make some think that I want to stifle complaining, in actuality, my approach is that people, teams and organization need to befriend complaining and make it work for us rather than against us.Instead of letting complaining generate negative energy, we can use it for a positive purpose. We can use our own complaints as a “signal” or “sign,” letting us know we are on the negative road and then in the next moment we can take a detour to get on the positive road. Every complaint has an opposite. Each time we catch ourselves complaining, we can say, “Okay, I donu2019t like this or Iu2019m not happy about this. So then, what do I want? What will make me happy? What thought will bring me peace instead of frustration? What positive actions can I take to rectify this complaint? What solution will address this problem?”We can use complaining as a catalyst for positive change and positive action in our own lives, at work, and in the world. The key is to turn complaints into solutions. In this spirit try this exercise.1. Take a blank sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle.2. On the left side write down your complaints about your life, your career, your work, and whatever else that irks you.3. On the right side next to each complaint write a solution or positive action you will take to address the complaint.4. Take Action5. Note that some might say that certain complaints are beyond their control, such as $4 a gallon for gas. In this case, really think about it and decide if there is something you can do to take action. We have more influence than we think. Often we just need to take action.6. For your team there is a team action plan in the back of The No Complaining Rule.Stay Positive!
2023-08-09 12:54:371


Don"t complain all the time, you should try to regard difficulty as a challenge.
2023-08-09 12:55:453


2023-08-09 12:55:541


To our repected customer: CarleyWe are very sorry and would like to apoligize for the incovenience that our water system has cause you. At that point, it was a cold winter and so the demand for hot water rised. That was why some customers lost their hot water. To resolve this probelem, we have installed a new water system to ensure that it does not happen again. Again, we apoligize for the inconvience. Thank You, Hotel Manager翻译:给我们致敬的客人: Carley我们非常抱歉也愿意为上一次应为没有热水而对你造成的不便道歉。在那个时候,正是寒冷的冬天。热水的要求上长。所以有些客人没有了热水。为了要解决这个问题,并且保证以后不会再发生这样的事 ,我们已经安装了一个新并且大的锅炉。再一次,我们对没有热水而对你造成的不便道歉。 谢谢, 酒店的经理
2023-08-09 12:56:031


遇到不顺心的事情,难免会有不满的情绪,总憋在心里也不是办法,适时发泄一下反而有助于健康。下面是两个发泄情绪时常用的词,不妨来看一看,也许看了你就能开心一点了呢。1. Just buy the damn boots.你就把那双该死的靴子给买下来吧。Damn 这个词听来有点不雅,但我每次看电视时却几乎都会听到一两次,所以我觉得这个词应该没有 f__k 和 s__t 那么糟糕 (这两个字在美国的电视上是会被消音的)。也因此在日常生活中使用 damn 应该还能被接受才对,当然真的要讲 damn 时还可以用 darn 来代替,就像是许多人用 shoot 来代替 s__t 一样。Damn 这个词除了用来咒骂之外 (Damn it!),最常见的用法就是拿来强调一种不耐烦或是不满意的感觉。例如你跟别人一起去买靴子,别人看了好半天就是没法作决定,这时失去耐心的你就可以说:Just buy the boots. 但是如果实在是看不下去了,则可以用更强烈的语气说:Just buy the damn boots. 再举一例,你正在吵架,结果还一直有人问你到底发生了什么事, 你就可以回他一句:Mind your own business. 或是更凶一点:Mind your own damn business. (管你自己的事吧。)Damn 在必须承认自己的错误但又想逞口舌之能时也很有用,可以表达出一种心不甘情不愿的态度。例如你跟别人辩论一件事情,结果到最后你发现对的人是他,错的人是你,你该怎么说呢? Ok. You are damn right. (好吧,算你对。) 如果你们正在讨论一个女孩子,但最后你不得不承认别人对她的了解远胜于你,则你可以服输地说:You know her damn well. (你真是太了解她了。)2. This one is a heck lot worse.这个东西烂多了。跟 damn 很类似,也同样常被拿来加强语气、发泄不满的还有一个词,就是 heck.。Heck 这个词原来是地狱 hell的意思,但是说 hell 太难听了,所以老美就发明了 heck 这个词。 Hell 和 heck 这类词基本上是用于抱怨,不耐烦,发脾气等负面用法的。在日常生活中的老美常用 hell 或 heck 来加强负面的语气,例如单讲 This one is a lot worse. 不够, 还要再用 heck 强调一下就变成了:This one is a heck lot worse. 十分常见的用法还有:What the heck is that? (那是什么鬼东西? ps. 通常是看到什么令你十分惊讶的东西。) What the heck are you standing here? (你站在这里作什么?) 或者是请人家滚出去:Get the heck out of here.需要注意的是,日常生活中讲的英文和写的英文绝对不能混在一起,像我们今天讲的这些都是口语常用词,但是你可不要把它用在写作中,否则被人骂后果自负。
2023-08-09 12:56:111


"Mrs. Smith complained to me that she always found with her daughter 16 can"t communicate."
2023-08-09 12:56:312


螃蟹的英文是crab。crab的释义:1、n.蟹;阴虱;起重机;绞车;吊车;蟹肉;巨蟹宫;巨蟹星座;阴虱(寄生)病。2、v.横行;作蟹行;捕蟹;捉蟹;抱怨;发牢骚;破坏;干扰;扰乱;使(飞机或船)作航向偏流修正。crab的短语搭配:1、炒螃蟹:fried crab meat.2、打螃蟹:cranky crabs.3、地刺,螃蟹:lurker.4、海螃蟹:sea-crab.5、河螃蟹:eriocheir sinensis;fresh-water crab.6、红螃蟹:red crab.7、活螃蟹:live crab.8、火螃蟹:fire crab.9、毛螃蟹:chizpurfle.10、赛螃蟹:imitation crab;crab meat styleegg.11、小螃蟹:young crab.12、蟹,螃蟹:crab.13、炸螃蟹:roast crab.14、蒸螃蟹:steamed crabs.15、螃蟹甲:younghusband jerusalemsage root.螃蟹的英文例句:1、I often go to the beach to catch shrimps and crabs.我经常到海滩去捉小虾和螃蟹。2、But i often go to the beach to catch shrimps and crabs.但我经常到海滩去捉小虾和螃蟹。3、The local people regard these crabs as a great delicacy.当地人认为这些螃蟹是珍馐美味。4、The skin on my face felt as hard as a crab"s back.我脸上的皮仿佛僵硬了,就象螃蟹的壳似的。5、The crab nipped my toe.螃蟹夹了我的脚趾。6、An old crab took the opportunity of saying to her daughter"ah,my dear!"一只老螃蟹趁机对它的女儿说,“啊,我的乖乖呀!”7、Crab beach volleyball games-4455 miniclip games.螃蟹沙滩排球攻略—4455小游戏网。8、I love seafood,especially shrimp and crabs.我好喜欢吃海鲜,尤其是虾子和螃蟹。9、Oh,oh,oh!a crab is biting my leg.哎唷,哎唷,哎唷!一只螃蟹咬住了我的腿。10、A crab nipped my toe while i was swimming.我游泳时,一只螃蟹钳住了我的脚指头。
2023-08-09 12:56:381


抱怨bào yuàn 中文解释 - 英文翻译 抱怨的中文解释以下结果由汉典提供词典解释基本解释[complain;grumble] 心中怀有不满,责怪别人抱怨食堂的伙食不好详细解释1. 心怀怨恨。《晋书·刘毅传》:“诸受枉者,抱怨积直,独不蒙天地无私之德,而长壅蔽於邪人之铨。” 唐 骆宾王 《畴昔篇》:“ 邹衍 衔悲系 燕 狱, 李斯 抱怨拘 秦 桎。” 宋 范仲淹 《再奏辩滕宗谅张亢》:“陛下深居九重,当须察此物情,知其艰苦,岂可使狱吏为功,而劳抱怨。”2. 埋怨。 元 杨显之 《潇湘雨》楔子:“船便开,倘若有些不测,只不要抱怨我。”《警世通言·钝秀才一朝交泰》:“ 刘千户 不想自儿死生有命,到抱怨先生带累了。”《红楼梦》第一回:“主仆三人,日夜作些针线,帮着父亲用度。那 封肃 虽然每日抱怨,也无可奈何了。” 杨朔 《海市·王禄小记》:“有时干脆不回家,守着电镐睡,惹得妻子抱怨他不懂情意。”
2023-08-09 12:57:401


no complaint, no disappointment, no fantasy
2023-08-09 12:57:523


"Mrs. Smith complained to me that she always found with her daughter 16 can"t communicate."
2023-08-09 12:58:012


2023-08-09 12:58:282


绩效考核系数是指根据员工的绩效表现对其基本工资进行调整的一个系数。它是绩效管理体系中的重要指标之一,用于评价员工的工作表现,并根据其表现对其工资进行奖励或惩罚。绩效考核系数通常是根据公司的绩效管理制度和绩效评价体系来确定的。绩效考核系数的计算方法通常为:绩效考核系数 = 基本工资 x 绩效系数其中,基本工资是员工的基础工资,绩效系数是根据员工的绩效评价得出的系数,通常在0.8到1.2之间,绩效评价越高,绩效系数越高。如果员工的绩效评价低于标准,绩效系数也可以低于1,从而影响其基本工资。以某员工的基本工资为4000元,绩效系数为1.1为例,计算该员工的绩效考核系数如下:绩效考核系数 = 4000元 x 1.1 = 4400元因此,该员工的绩效考核系数为1.1,其工资将根据此系数进行调整,增加至4400元。绩效考核系数的计算方法可能因公司的绩效管理制度和绩效评价体系而有所不同。在制定绩效考核系数时,公司应该考虑到员工的实际工作表现和市场行情,确保绩效考核系数的公正性和合理性,以激励员工积极工作,提高绩效水平。
2023-08-09 12:42:241


顶点 意思如下:顶点(1).最高点;极点。 茅盾 《子夜》十八:“这是三点多钟,太阳的威力正在顶点。” 魏巍 《东方》第三部第六章:“尤其在黎明之前的这段时刻,人们的困倦达到顶点。” 徐迟 《向着二十一世纪》:“当危机到了顶点,转变立即到来。”(2).比喻高潮。 茅盾 《新疆风土杂忆》:“男女二人,载歌载舞,歌为维语,音调颇柔美,时有顶点,则喜悦之情,洋洋欲溢,舞容亦婉约而雍穆。” 张天翼 《欢迎会》:“这下面本来是 赵国光 先生自己认为顶精采的地方。整出戏的顶点也就在这里。”(3).数学名词。三角形中顶角的两条边的交点或锥体的尖顶。简介在数学和计算机科学等领域,顶点在不同的学科中有不同的意义:1)在平面几何学中,顶点是指多边形两条边相交的地方,或指角的两条边的公共端点。2)在立体几何学中,顶点是指在多面体中三个或更多的面连接的地方。3)在图论中,顶点(vertex,node)可以理解为一个事物(object),而一张图则是由顶点的集合和顶点之间的连接构成的。4)在计算机绘图中,顶点是空间中的一个点,一般由它的坐标表示。两个点可以确定一条直线,三个点可以确定一个平面。5)在粒子物理学中,顶点是指粒子发生相互作用的点,例如LHC中两粒子对撞产生反应的那个点就是顶点。
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人工造雪机在造雪时,吸入大量的水而产生雪,因此这个“雪”是由“水”变化来的,属于凝固现象;凝固要放出热量. 故选:A.
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