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2023-08-15 20:13:18

奥林匹克运动会(希腊语:Ολυμπιακοu03af Αγu03ceνεu03c2;法语:Jeux olympiques;英语:Olympic Games)简称“奥运会”,是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的世界规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年一届,会期不超过16日,是目前世界上影响力最大的体育盛会,分为夏季奥林匹克运动会、夏季残疾人奥林匹克运动会、冬季奥林匹克运动会、冬季残疾人奥林匹克运动会、夏季青年奥林匹克运动会、冬季青年奥林匹克运动会、世界夏季特殊奥林匹克运动会、世界冬季特殊奥林匹克运动会、夏季聋人奥林匹克运动会、冬季聋人奥林匹克运动会。奥运会中,各个国家用运动交流各国文化,以及切磋体育技能,其目的是为了鼓励人们不断进行体育运动。




OlympicOlympic Game 奥运会
2023-08-09 12:27:411


奥运会用英语怎么说.Olympic Games
2023-08-09 12:27:5612


奥林匹克运动会用英语说:OlympicGames。奥林匹克运动会(希腊语:Ολυμπιακοu03af Αγu03ceνεu03c2,法语:Jeux olympiques,英语:Olympic Games,简称奥运会、奥运),是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的世界规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年一届,会期不超过16日,是世界上影响力最大的体育盛会。该运动会分为夏季奥林匹克运动会和冬季奥林匹克运动会,最早起源于古希腊,因为举办地在奥林匹亚而得名。古代奥林匹克运动会停办了1500年后,法国人顾拜旦于19世纪末提出举办现代奥林匹克运动会的倡议。从此,自1896年始每4年举办一次,只有在2次世界大战期间中断过三次。奥林匹克运动会是在奥林匹克主义指导下,以体育运动和四年一度的奥林匹克庆典——奥运会为主要活动内容,促进人的生理、心理和社会道德全面发展,沟通各国人民之间的相互了解,在全世界普及奥林匹克主义,维护世界和平的国际社会运动。奥林匹克运动包括以奥林匹克主义为核心的思想体系,以国际奥委会、国际单项体育联合会和各国奥委会为骨干的组织体系和以奥运会为周期的活动体系。
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奥运会Olympic Games 奥运会选拔赛Olympic trial 国际奥委会International Olympic Committee 奥运会会歌Olympic Anthem 奥运火炬Olympic torch 奥运会代表团Olympic delegation 奥运村Olympic village 组委会organization committee 开幕式opening ceremony 闭幕式closing ceremony 吉祥物mascot 颁奖台podium 其次,我们通过一些句子来增强对奥运会的了解。 The international Olympic Committee constituted itself on 23rd June 1894.国际奥委会于1894年6月23日成立。 The Olympic symbol, the five interlocking rings, represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of the athletes of the world at the Olympic Games.奥林匹克的标志是五个相连的圆环,它代表着五大洲的团结和全世界运动员在奥运会上相聚一堂。 The official languages of the IOC are French and English.国际奥委会的官方语言是法语和英语。 The Olympic flame is a symbol reminiscent of the ancient Olympic Games.奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。 The Olympic Games consist of the Games of the Olympiad and the Olympic Winter Games. Both take place every four years.奥运会包括夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会,它们都是每四年举办一次。 The Olympic Games shall be proclaimed open by the Head of State of the host country.奥运会由东道国国家元首宣布开幕。 The delegation parade in alphabetical order according to the language of the host country, except for Greece, which leads the parade, and for the host country which brings up the rear.代表团按东道国语言文字的字母顺序入场。希腊和东道国例外,希腊代表团第一个入场,东道国代表团最后一个入场。参考资料:
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1.The Olympic Games is held every 4 years .2.I have never gone hiking.3.LiuXiang won in the Men"s 110-meter hurdle race with the performence of 12.88 seconds.4..It seems that you"re right./ you seem to be right.5.sometimes /6.He is going here and there.7.All of us are cheering for Chinese much homework9.Each team including me has arrived.10.I used to have a walk after supper.11. I am used to getting up early.12. so many +可数名词复数 以上为本人自己翻译,希望采纳。。
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According to the International Olympic Committee, Olympic Games is the: major (SPORT), sub-items (DISCIPINES) and the lesser (EVENT). And the Athens Olympic Games, Beijing Olympic Games is the largest of 28, 28 which are: track and field, rowing, badminton, softball, basketball, football, boxing, canoeing, cycling, fencing, gymnastics, weightlifting, handball, Hockey, judo, wrestling, water projects, modern pentathlon, baseball, equestrian, taekwondo, tennis, table tennis, shooting, archery, triathlon, sailing and volleyball. Of these,There is no breakdown of sub-items are the most water projects, including swimming, synchronized swimming, diving and water polo sub-4. Although there is no breakdown of the track and field, there are the lesser of 46, in which the lesser of 24 men, 22 women, the lesser is the Olympic gold medal in the most. This was followed by swimming, although there is no breakdown, but there were 32 small, the 16 men and women. On the occasion of the Olympic Committee to conduct a more in-depth consultations.
2023-08-09 12:30:002


the Olympic Games。奥林匹克运动会(希腊语:Ολυμπιακοu03afΑγu03ceνεu03c2、法语:Jeux olympiques、英语:Olympic Games;中文简称“奥运会”),是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的世界规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年一届,会期不超过16日,是世界上影响力最大的体育盛会。简介奥运会分为夏季奥林匹克运动会、夏季残疾人奥林匹克运动会、冬季奥林匹克运动会、冬季残疾人奥林匹克运动会、夏季青年奥林匹克运动会、冬季青年奥林匹克运动会、世界夏季特殊奥林匹克运动会、世界冬季特殊奥林匹克运动会、夏季聋人奥林匹克运动会、冬季聋人奥林匹克运动会十个运动会。奥运会中,各个国家和地区用运动交流各国文化,以及切磋体育技能,其目的是鼓励人们不断进行体育运动。参考资料来源:百度百科-奥林匹克运动会
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奥运知识问答 一、 关于第一次奥运会: 1. When was the first Olympic Games held? 第一次奥运会是何时举行的? B.C.776 公元前776 2、.Where was it held? 第一次奥运会在哪里举行? Olympia, Greece 希腊/奥林匹亚城 二、 关于古代奥运会 1、.which city is the religious center in the ancient Greek world? A. .Olympia B. Spain C. the Black Sea D. Egypt 哪个城市是古希腊世界的宗教中心?A.奥林匹亚城 B. 西班牙 C.黑海 D.埃及 A. .Olympia 奥林匹亚城 2、Who could not compete in the ancient Olympics? 什么人不可以参加古代奥运会? A. men B. boy C. women C. women 妇女 3、At that time, what prizes did Olympic victors get? 古代奥运会上获胜的选手能得到何种奖励? A. a crown made from olive leaves B. money C. a medal A.一个由橄榄树叶做成的桂冠 B.钱 C.奖牌 A. a crown made from olive leaves。 一个由橄榄树叶做成的桂冠 三、关于奥运圣火: 1、Where did people get the Olympic flame for the first Olympic games? 第一次奥运会人们从哪里采集奥运圣火? Olympia奥林匹亚城 2、What was used to light the torch at that time? 那时侯用什么点燃火炬? The sun"s rays. 阳光 3、What does the torch relay stand for? 火炬传递意味着什么? Spirit, knowledge and life知识,生命和精神 4、When did the Olympic Torch Relay begin? 奥运火炬传递从什么时候开始? A.1942 B.1952 C.1962 1952 5、How many days will the torch relay last at the 28th Olympic Games? 第28界奥运会火炬传递将持续多少天? 78 days 78天 6、How many torchbearers will take part? 多少火炬手将参与这次传递? 3600 7、When will the Athens Olympic torch relay begin ? 2008奥运火炬的传递在什么时间举行? Mar.25,2008. 2008.3.25 8、Where will the torch relay begin ? 火炬接力起点在哪? Olympia奥林匹亚 Where will it end? 终点在哪? Beijing 北京 四、关于奥运五环: 1、what do the five interlocked rings stand for? 奥运的五环标志是什么含义? Africa, America, Asia, Australia and Europe./the five continents. 非洲,美洲,亚洲,大洋州和欧洲/五大洲 2、What are the colours of the five interlocked rings? 五环的颜色是什么? Blue, black, red, yellow and green 兰色,黑色,红色,黄色和绿色 五、关于奥运理念: 1、The Olympic motto is "Swifter, Higher, Stronger." Please put it into Chinese. 把奥林匹克格言”更快、更高、更强”翻成中文。 2、What is the most important thing in the Olympic Games? 奥林匹克运动会的信条是什么? “not to win but to take part” 重要的不是取胜,而是参加 3、What is the Olympic Spirit? 什么是奥运精神? The Olympic Spirit is the spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair play. 奥运精神是: 理解, 友爱, 团结和公平. 六、关于现代第一届奥运会: 1、Who is the founder of the modern Olympic Games? 现代奥运的发起者是谁? Coubertin 顾拜旦 2、When was the first modern Olympic Games held? 第一届现代奥运会是什么时候举行的? 1896 3、Where was the first modern Olympic Game held? 第一届现代奥运会在哪举行? Athens.雅典 七、关于现代奥运会: 1、What do the winners receive at the modern Olympic games ? 现代奥运会获胜者会受到何种奖赏? Gold, silver and bronze medals 金牌, 银牌和铜牌 2、How often are the Olympic games held? 奥林匹克比赛多少年举行一次? Every four years 4年 3、How many Olympic Games have been held? 28 Games 奥运会已举行了多少届? 28届 4、What happens in the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the Olympic Games? 开幕式和闭幕式有什么节目? Music,singing, dancing and fireworks. 音乐,歌曲,舞蹈,焰火。 5、What"s the significance? 有何意义? To discover the culture of the country hosting the Games. 发觉和表现举办国家的文化。 八、关于国际奥委会: 1、What does IOC stand for? IOC代表什么? IOC: the International Olympic Committee (June 23, 1894,Paris) 国际奥委会,于1894年6月23日在巴黎成立。 2、Where is it located? 座落在哪里? In Lausanne(洛桑), Switzerland 瑞士的洛桑。 3、Who is the first Chinese member of IOC? 国际奥委会的第一位中国成员是谁? Wang Zhengting 王正廷 4、How many Chinese have been elected as IOC members? 共有多少位中国人被选为国际奥委会成员? Before 1949,the Liberation of China, three Chinese were elected as IOC members. Kong Xiangxi(1939)was a famous one. 在1949年解放以前有三位,其中孔详熙是最有名的一位。 After the 1970s, four Chinese from the sport world were elected as IOC members. He Zhenliang is the most famous. 70年代以后,体坛有四位中国人被选为其成员,何振梁是最有名的一位。 九、关于马拉松: 1、What time can the marathon date back to? 马拉松可以追溯到何时? It can date back to the 5th century B.C.能追溯到公元前5世纪。 2、What was Marathon then? 那时马拉松是什么? It was a small town about 26 miles from the city of Athens in Greece. 是希腊的一个小镇,距雅典城26英里。 3、Where did the marathon come from? 马拉松运动的起源是什么? It came from the story in the 5th century B.C. how a herald named Phidippides ran the 26 miles from Marathon to Athens to announce the Greek victory and died on the spot. 它起源于公元前5世纪雅典长跑运动员费迪皮迪兹的故事,他以传令官的身份从马拉松到雅典跑了26英里宣告希腊在战争中的胜利,最后却牺牲生命。 4、What"s the distance the modern Olympic marathon covered? 现代奥林匹克马拉松全程有多长? Approximately 26 miles 大约26英里。 5、How long does it take for athletes to finish? 运动员要花多长时间跑完全程? It usually takes over 2 hours for athletes to finish. 通常要花2个多小时。 十、中国与奥运会: 1、When did China begin to take part in the Olympic Games? 中国何时起开始参加奥运会? China took part in the Olympic Games in 1928. 于1928年。 2、Where did China begin to take part in the Olympic Games? 中国在何地开始参加奥运会? In Holland.在荷兰。 3、In what sports do we Chinese do best? 中国人最擅长哪些运动项目? Badminton,(羽毛球) Diving,(跳水) Table tennis(乒乓球) Weightlifting(举重) 4、Who was China"s first medallist? 谁是中国第一个金牌获得者? Xu Haifeng 徐海峰 5、Who won the most gold medals at the Olympic games in Chinese history? 谁在中国的奥运史上赢得了最多的金牌? Deng yaping and Fu Mingxia. 邓亚平和伏明霞 6、Name five sports that will be included in the 28th Olympic games? 说出至少五种奥运会比赛项目 baseball; basketball; boxing; table tennis; diving, swimming, swimming and water polo 棒球,篮球,拳击, 乒乓球, 跳水、游泳, 水球, 7、What is the Beijing Olympic slogan? 北京申办奥运会的口号是什么 New Beijing, New Olympic. 新北京,新奥运 十一、关于北京奥运会标记: 1、What is the official emblem of Beijing 2008? 2008年北京奥运会的官方会徽是什么样的? "Chinese Seal-Dancing Beijing" 2、 What does it stand for? 它象征着什么? It stands for the name of the host city and represents a particularly significant Chinese style. 象征主办城市北京和重要的中国特色。 3、Name one of the four meanings of this emblem. 说出其四层含义之一 - Chinese culture, - the color of red China - Beijing welcomes friends from all over the world - to challenge the extreme and achieve the perfect and promote the Olympic motto of "Citius, Altius, Fortius (Faster, Higher, Stronger). 这一设计有以下四层含义: -----中国文化 -----红色中国 ----- 北京欢迎来自世界的朋友 ---- 挑战极限,挑战自我,“更快,更高,更强”。 4、会徽由奥运五环色构成,形似一个打太极拳的人形。图案如行云流水,和谐生动,充满运动感,象征世界人民团结、协作、交流、发展,携手共创新世纪;表达奥林匹克更快、更高、更强的体育精神。 Emblem The emblem resembles a person doing "taiji" (Tai Ch"I), symbolizing gracefulness, harmony, vitality and mobility as well as unity, cooperation, exchange and development. 十二、关于第29届奥运会: 1、When will be the Opening date and Closing date for the 29th Olympic Games? 第29届奥运会什么时候开始到什么时候结束? Aug.8,2008- Aug.21,2008 2008,8,8-----2008,8,21 2、Which Country will hold the 29th Olympic Games? 由哪个国家主办第29届奥运会? China 中华人民共和国 3、How many competition venues will there be in Beijing for the 29th Olympic Games? 第29届奥运会将有多少比赛场地? 37 4、2008年北京奥运会主题口号正式揭晓,中文口号为:同一个世界 同一个梦想;英文口号为:One World One Dream。 5、北京奥运会的三大理念: 绿色奥运(the Green Olympics)、科技奥运(the Scientific Games)、人文奥运(People"s Olympics)
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Towards the 2008 Olympic Games July 13, 2001, is for the Chinese nation will never forget the day. When Juan Antonio Samaranch at the microphone before the elderly, when the crisp out of the "Beijing" has been rung for the moment, we Chinese people are most proud of the moment. Our capital city of Beijing"s successful Olympic bid, some people may not know of a country"s Olympic bid is so important, the successful Olympic bid a symbol of a country"s rich and powerful in the international community on the advancement of! I recall that in xxx in the Athens Olympics, Chinese sports delegation at the Olympics on the final 32 gold medals and achieved the best results in history, ranked second in the gold medal count to five-star red flag of the rising again, We Kuashang sports power from the ranks. 2008, every Chinese people"s longing for 2008, is how exciting year! In looking forward, in the desire, the advent of 2008! 2008 in Beijing, earthshaking changes have taken place: a skyscraper拔地而起Zhuangzhuang, the neat rows of bright and spacious villa, one of the wide road leading to all directions. World-class stadium, hotel, waiting for foreign friends visit; Piaozhuo colored flags are everywhere; even with a wide variety of flowers open, Zhengqidouyan; men, women and children singing and dancing…… ah, Beijing, a joy of marine ! Looking forward, looking forward, the Chinese people are looking forward to the 2008 Olympics the day finally has arrived. All the Chinese people very excited, all the Chinese people have gathered together to see great Olympic Games, and some very early on to wait for the Coliseum. You Look , The Coliseum sea of people, friends in all corners of the globe gathered in this! Ah! 2008 Olympic Games opening ceremony started! At first, the venue is the Olympic flame, and then put the torch into the middle of the venues on the lawn, all on the black lights.全场with is the sound of the beast, reported Howl, host of a voice - this is ancient land, people in the struggle to survive…… and then a bouquet of recovery-down play, a one Shandingdongren . He reached the middle started performing venues Zuanmuquhuo. After the fire out, and so on, Liu Xiang can run Juzhuohuoba Raochang week, showing the joy of the west wind Dongfeng an overwhelming feeling. With the footsteps of his skull, his death raised the 1:38 model of the Great Wall. All together, such as the Great Wall, Liu Xiang can stand on the first beacon towers, take off the skins dress, put a bow and arrow step, the display of his body Jianzai meat, then he at least 5000 cc of FVC issued the most primitive cry To show through time and space forces. Finally, he points Juzhuohuoba a beacon towers, and the remaining beacon towers fell on the fire spread to the main torch on. At that time, fireworks full thousands of colored balls, decorated with fanatical "nest" stadium, the multicolored pyrotechnics, PCE Beijing"s night sky. "Oh - very good -" With people"s Cheers, to the exciting moment: Chinese athletes lit the Olympic flame, the 2008 Olympic Games began! States athletes in giant strides into the game. Opening ceremony of the scale of the event, each hand song is the Chinese people Zhuanghuaijilie, every dance is the Chinese people"s heroic unrestrained. Bear burning Olympic flame light up this five-star red flag fluttering high, faster, higher, stronger, to carry forward the Olympic spirit, a spirit of the Olympic sprint is the full release.一遍遍to five-star red flag flying over the stadium! Let the national anthem in Erpan一遍遍response! Let our hearts beat together with the national anthem! Let our hearts together with the national flag fly! Chong! Chong! Chong! Let us move forward Chong! ! ! After about one hour, the opening ceremony ended. Below start a sports game. To see a vigorous fight is about to begin, the athletes are also ready to start up.迎2008奥运 2001年7月13日,对于中华民族来说是永远不能忘记的日子。当萨马兰奇老人站在话筒前,当那一声清脆的“北京”响起的时刻,是我们中国人最骄傲的一刻。我们首都北京的申奥成功,有人可能并不知道申奥对于一个国家来说是如此的重要,申奥成功象征着一个国家的富饶与强大,在国际上社会地位的提高! 记得在xxx年雅典奥运会上,中国体育代表团在本届奥运上最终获得32枚金牌,取得历史上最好的成绩,名列金牌榜第二位,让五星红旗一次次的升起,使我们从此跨上体育强国的行列。 2008,是每个中国人的向往;2008,是个多么令人振奋的一年!在期盼中、在渴望中,2008年来临了! 2008年的北京,发生了翻天覆地的变化:一幢幢摩天大厦拔地而起,一排排整齐的别墅宽敞明亮,一条条宽阔的马路通向四面八方。世界一流的体育馆、宾馆,等待着各国朋友光临;到处都飘着各色彩旗;各种各样的鲜花竟相开放,争奇斗艳;男女老少载歌载舞……啊,北京,成了欢乐的海洋! 盼望着,盼望着,中国人所盼望的2008年奥运会这一天终于到来了.全中国人民兴奋不已,全中国老百姓有的聚集在一起看重大的奥运会,有的早早就到体育馆等候着.你瞧,体育馆人山人海,五湖四海的朋友都聚集在这了! 啊!2008年奥运会的开幕式正开始啦!一开始,是奥运圣火进场,然后就把火炬插场地中间的草坪上,全场就黑了灯。跟着就是全场的音响里传出野兽的嚎叫,主持人的声音出现了——这里是远古的土地,人们在为生存而挣扎……然后一束追光打下来,一个山顶洞人出现了。他走到场地中间开始表演钻木取火。等火出来之后,刘翔就可以举着火把绕场跑一周,展示东风压倒西风的喜悦之情。随着他跑过的脚步,他的身后升起了1:38的长城模型。等长城都起来后,刘翔就可以站到第一个烽火台上,脱下兽皮裙,摆个弓箭步,展示一下他浑身的腱子肉,然后用他最少5000cc的肺活量发出最原始的呐喊,以示穿越时空的力量。最后他举着火把点着一个烽火台,剩下的烽火台就一溜烟地把火传到主火炬上。这时,礼花四射成千上万只彩球,装点着狂热的“鸟巢”主体育场,五彩的烟火,染红了北京的夜空.“哦——太好了——”伴随着人们的欢呼,激动人心的一刻到了:中国运动员点燃了奥运圣火,2008年的奥运会拉开了帷幕!各国运动员昂首阔步走进比赛场地。开幕式规模宏大,每一手歌是中国人的壮怀激烈,每一场舞蹈是中国人的豪迈奔放。熊熊燃烧的奥林匹克圣火照耀这高高飘扬的五星红旗,更快、更高、更强,让奥运精神发扬光大,每一个冲刺都是奥林匹克精神的全力释放。让五星红旗一遍遍飘扬在体育馆上空吧!让国歌一遍遍在耳畔回响吧!让我们的心同国歌一起跳动吧!让我们的心同国旗一同飞翔吧!冲!冲!冲!让我们向前冲!!! 大约过了1个小时,开幕式结束了.下面开始进行体育项目比赛了.看一场轰轰烈烈的搏斗即将开始,运动员们也开始准备起来。
2023-08-09 12:31:021


boxing---拳击 canoe slalom---激流划船 canoe---赛艇 chess---象棋 cricket---板球 cycling---自行车 diving---跳水 downhill race---速降滑雪赛,滑降 dragon-boat racing---赛龙船 dressage---盛装舞步 equestrian---骑马 fencing---击剑 figure skating---花样滑冰 football(英语)/soccer(美语)---足球 freestyle----自由式 gliding; sailplaning---滑翔运动 golf----高尔夫球 Greece-Roman wrestling----古典式摔跤 gymnastic apparatus----体操器械 gymnastics----体操 handball-----手球 hockey----曲棍球 hold, lock-----揪钮 horizontal bar-----单杠 hurdles; hurdle race----跨栏比赛 huttlecock kicking---踢毽子 ice skating---滑冰 indoor---室内 item Archery---箭术 judo---柔道 jumping----障碍 kayak----皮划艇 mat exercises---垫上运动 modern pentathlon---现代五项运动 mountain bike---山地车 parallel bars---双杠 polo---马球 relative work---造型跳伞 relay race; relay---接力 rings----吊环 roller skating----滑旱冰 rowing-----划船 rugby---橄榄球 sailing--帆船 shooting---射击 side horse, pommelled horse---鞍马 ski jump---跳高滑雪 ski jumping competition---跳高滑雪比赛 ski---滑雪板 skiing---滑雪 slalom---障碍滑雪 softball---垒球 surfing---冲浪 swimming----游泳 table tennis---乒乓球 taekwondo---跆拳道 tennis----网球 toxophily---射箭 track---赛道 trampoline---蹦床 trapeze---秋千 triathlon---铁人三项 tug-of-war---拔河 volleyball---排球 badminton---羽毛球 baseball---棒球 basketball---篮球 walking; walking race---竞走 wall bars---肋木 water polo----水球 weightlifting ---举重 weights ---重量级 winter sports -----冬季运动 wrestling --- 摔交 yacht --- 游艇
2023-08-09 12:31:112


What do the Olympic rings mean? The colours of the interlinked Olympic rings were chosen by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) , to represent the union of the 5 continents , Australia , Africa , America , Asia and Europe and further signify the meeting of the worlds athletes at the Olympic Games. The plain white background of the Olympic flag is symbolic of peace throughout the games . The five colours of the rings from left to right are blue, black and red across the top with yellow and green along the bottom , these colours may be found on most flags of the world and officially hold no other particular significance , although some believe each colour represents a particular continent. Blue =Europe Yellow =Asia Black =Africa Green =Australia Red =America The Olympic rings are the official trademark of the I.O.C. 奥运五环代表什么? 国际奥委会选择五个相连的圆环作为其标志,并选择了相应的色彩。五个圆环代表五大洲:大洋洲、非洲、美洲、亚洲和欧洲。更深一层的意思是代表着全世界的运动员都聚集在奥林匹克运动会上。 朴素的白色背景寓意着和平。 五种颜色从左到右分别是:上方三个蓝、黑、红,下方黄和绿。这五种颜色都为各国国旗上的常见颜色,而且没有被赋予特殊含义。但是也有人认为,这五种颜色分别代表着五大洲。 蓝 =欧洲 黄 =亚洲 黑 =非洲 绿 =大洋州 红 =美洲
2023-08-09 12:31:192

关於奥运 英语文章

原文:The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing."With the motto "New Beijing, Great Olympics", Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics", a "Hi-tech Olympics" and the "People"s Olympics".Chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of Olympic ideal, support the efforts of Olympic Games to promote world peace. The Chinese Government and people are doing our the utmost/best to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, and shooting at the pageant with advocating Olympic ideal, sparkpluging world peace and enhancing the relationships among the world. Olympic spirit are gonna spread again in orient cultural ancient China.The government and people of China have always admired the purposes and principles of the Olympic spirit and supported the efforts made by the Olympics in promoting world peace. The Chinese government and people are doing our utmost in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. It is our hope to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the Olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization.译文:第29届奥运会在2008年授予市北京。 “座右铭”新北京,新奥运“ ,北京的承诺,举办一个”绿色奥运“ , ”高科技奥运会“和”人民的奥运会“ 。中国人民始终欣赏的宗旨和原则,奥林匹克理想,支持的努力,奥运会上为促进世界和平。中国政府和人民正在尽我们的最大/最佳准备为2008年北京奥运会,射击选美与倡导奥林匹克理想, sparkpluging世界的和平与提高之间的关系的世界。奥林匹克精神是在哪里蔓延,再次在东方的中国古代文化。有关中国政府和人民一向钦佩的宗旨和原则,也是奥林匹克精神的支持和所作的努力,奥运会在促进世界和平。中国政府和人民正在尽最大努力在为筹备2008年奥运会在北京举行。这是我们的希望,使其一次盛会,将弘扬奥林匹克精神,促进世界的和平与提高人民之间的友谊的世界,使奥林匹克精神将再次蓬勃发展,这一次在中国,一个东方的国家一个古老的文明。Beijing OlympicsOnce every four years,the greatest athletes from all over the world gather together in one city to take part in the biggest sporting even to nearth—the Olympic Games.The flame is car ried from one Games to the next.It never goes out.When China was chosen to hold the Olympic Games in 2008,the Chinese people were very happy.Beijing was lit up with celebrations that lasted for days.Everyone in China feels excited and proud that the year 2008 Olympics will be held in Beijing,China.The Olympic flame will be blazing in China then.Like every city holding the Olympics,Beijing will also build a“Olympic Village”with hotels for athletes and stadiums for the competition.Every Olympic Games now has a mascot.Beijing Organizing Committee of Olympic Games will introduce a new logo-designing and mascot no later than the end of this year.The slogan of Olympics is“faster,higher,stronger”.It means every competitor should try his best to win an Olympic gold medal.We"ll look forward to the year 2008 Beijing Olympics.北京奥运每隔四年,世界上最优秀的运动员们都会从四面八方云集到某一个城市,去参加全球最盛大的体育盛会———奥林匹克运动会。人们把奥林匹克圣火从一届圣会传到下一届圣会,它永不熄灭。当中国获得了主办2008年奥运会的资格时,中国人非常高兴。一连几天北京都被庆祝的灯火照耀得日夜通明。每一个中国人都感到激动和自豪:2008年的奥林匹克运动会将由中国北京举办。到那时奥林匹克的圣火将在中国熊熊燃烧。就像每一个主办奥运会的城市一样,北京也将建一个“奥运村”,里面有供运动员住宿的宾馆和举行比赛的场馆。现在每一届奥运会都会有一个吉祥物,北京奥运会组委会将最晚于2002年12月底推出一个新的会徽和吉祥物。奥林匹克的口号是:“更快、更高、更强”。它意味着每个运动员都应尽最大努力去赢得金牌。让我们翘首展望2008年中国北京举办奥运会的风采吧!
2023-08-09 12:31:281


China has its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty, People started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as THE origin of Ancient football. So now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today With a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-Greek, Indian and Chinese. Carrying the message “Share the peace, Share the Olympics. “ The flame will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, Travel the Great Wall and visit Taiwan and the 56 Ethnic communities who make up our society. On its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay. I am afraid I cannot prevent the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time. Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. Come and join us. Thank you. Thank you all. 二.With a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-Greek, Indian and Chinese. Carrying the message “Share the peace, Share the Olympics. “ The flame will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, Travel the Great Wall and visit Taiwan and the 56 Ethnic communities who make up our society. On its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay. I am afraid I cannot prevent the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time. Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. Come and join us. Thank you. Thank you all.
2023-08-09 12:31:363

急求 有关奥运的英语作文 50字

During the OlympicGames, I will watch the Table-Tennis Match and the Women Volleyball Match. Because I"m fond of table-tennis and volleyball. Our Table-Tennis Team and Women Volleyball are very strong and powerful. The matches will be very exciting. I can learn some skills as well. I maybe go to Beijing to be a voluteer. If I meet some foreign visitors, I will help them know more about our country. I think all people in China will be very excited. And each Chinese is proud of Beijing"s OlympicGames.
2023-08-09 12:31:582


给你推荐几个网站吧,应该都有中文翻译的: 第29届奥林匹克运动会官方网站: 北京申奥标志和2008年奥运会正式标志的英文说明: 奥运会运动项目名称汇总: 竞学网:
2023-08-09 12:32:072


火炬:torch 福娃:friendlies 志愿者:volunteer 鸟巢:bird"s nest 水立方:water cube winner 优胜者 record holder 纪录保持者 cut the record 打破纪录 record breaker 打破创造者 set a new record 创造新纪录 world record 世界纪录 champion 冠军 runner-up/the 2nd place 亚军 third place/the 3rd place 季军 medalist 奖牌获得者 gold medalist 金牌获得者 silver medalist 银牌获得者 bronze medalist 铜牌获得者 last eight 取得决赛权的八名选手 final result 决赛成绩 total points 总分 placement/ranking 名次,排名 final placing 决赛名次 medal tally 奖牌榜 lost to 败给 defeat 击败 win title 夺魁 go for gold 夺取金牌 defend title 卫冕 road to 进军 victory and ceremony/awarding ceremony 颁奖仪式 The victory ceremony for … will now take place 颁奖仪式现在开始 announce results 公布成绩 The medals will be presented in descending order-1st, 2nd, 3rd. 按第一名、第二名、第三名顺序颁发奖牌。 raise national flag and play national anthem 升国旗,奏国歌 mount the rostrum 登上颁奖台 sportsmanship trophy 风格奖 fair play trophy 公平竞赛奖 cup/trophy 奖杯 prize money 奖金 prize/trophy/award 奖品 awarding/ to present prize 颁发奖品 title 称号 undertake laps of honor 绕场一周向观众致意 国际奥委会 the International Olympic Committee (IOC) 申办城市 the bidding cities 候选城市 the candidate cities 申办2008年奥运会 bid for 2008 Olympics 主办2008年奥运会 host the 2008 Olympic Games 奥林匹克精神 the Olympic ideals; the Olympic spirit 世界奥林匹克日 the International Olympic Day 环境保护 protect the environment 北京四环路 the fourth ring road in Beijing 城市基础设施建设 the city"s infrastructure construction 最后的投票 make the final vote 绿色奥运 the Green Olympics 科技奥运 the Scientific Game
2023-08-09 12:32:171


2023-08-09 12:32:283


the tab of the special topic of Olimpics
2023-08-09 12:32:402


  让我来讲讲我心中的里约奥运会吧!这次夏季奥运会也是继2014年世界杯后又一巴西体育盛事。下面是奥运英语作文,欢迎阅读。   篇一:奥运英语作文   The night is the time to the whole of China one hundred dreams, is the most wonderful one night in 2008 in China. At eight o "clock the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, how exciting!   "Knocked..." This is the countdown. Two thousand and eight drummers, striking with his hand on the drum is not drum instruments, also can emit white light. The square is like dominoes, suddenly bright from here to there, and from there to the side in a flash. Suddenly, the whole square look from above into a digital countdown. 30, 20, 10, 9... Each it is so exciting, surprising, why these shimmering figures?   Look! That sky appeared 29 footprints, a symbol of the 29 olympiad is held.   篇二:奥运会英语作文   First of all, I send you the most high respect! I am a student in the remote mountainous areas, today I am very excited mood to write to you, want to talk about my mind. The 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, are you joy and brilliant.   On July 13, 2001, a red-letter day, an exciting day, when the international Olympic committee President Juan Antonio samaranch final: the 2008 Olympic Games host city is Beijing! I was excited, I couldn"t help jumped up. Although in remote mountainous areas, but through television, I saw the whole of China are boiling, their potential avalanche, earthquake shake the situation days.   篇三:关于奥运会的作文   Olympic Games is holy, it embodies the Chinese people"s expectations; Olympic Games is a symbol of peace, it is the common goal of the Chinese people, the people"s desire for peace, hope the world can be unified. So people are attaches great importance to the Olympics. Today, the Olympic Games finally opened in Beijing, more than one billion three hundred million of the common aspiration of the Chinese people finally realized. This is not only the common aspiration of the Chinese people, as well as the people of the world"s expectations.   篇四:关于奥运会的英语作文   That night, the frog cries also gradually lost. Also sweet smell of grass in the air, the fragrance of the flowers. The moon with me to sleep.    更多精彩内容请点击下一页
2023-08-09 12:33:291


开幕式opening ceremony 闭幕式closing ceremony 吉祥物mascot2008夏季奥运会 2008 summer Olympics 国际奥委会 the International Olympic Committee (IOC) 申办城市 the bidding cities 候选城市 the candidate cities 申办2008年奥运会 bid for 2008 Olympics 北京奥申委 Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bidding Committee (BOBCO) 主办2008年奥运会 host the 2008 Olympic Games 奥林匹克精神 the Olympic ideals; the Olympic spirit 世界奥林匹克日 the International Olympic Day 环境保护 protect the environment 北京四环路 the fourth ring road in Beijing 城市基础设施建设 the citys infrastructure construction 最后的投票 make the final vote 绿色奥运 the Green Olympics 科技奥运 the Scientific Games 节水龙头 water-saving taps 再生纸 recycled writing paper 废电池 used batteries 无氟冰箱 Freon-free refrigerators 闭路电视 close-circuit television 友好大使 the Goodwill Ambassador 长跑 a long-distance running
2023-08-09 12:33:373


  奥林匹克运动会简称“奥运会”,是国际奥林匹克委员会主办的世界规模最大的综合性运动会奥林匹克运动会发源于两千多年前的古希腊,因举办地在奥林匹亚而得名。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    奥林匹克英语说法:   Olympic    奥林匹克英语例句:   1. Olympic Ceremonies   奥林匹克仪式   2.The Olympic Games and the Formation of the Olympic Spirit;   奥林匹克运动与奥林匹克精神的形成   3. The special terms of OLYMPIC, OLYMPIAD, OLYMPIC GAMES and their abbreviations;   奥林匹克、奥林匹亚、奥林匹克运动会及其简称等专有名称;   4.Regulations on the Protection of Olympic Symbols   奥林匹克标志保护条例   5.International Centre for the Olympic Truce   奥林匹克休战国际中心   6.A celebration of the modern Olympic games.   现代奥林匹克运动会   7.Olympic badges are on the second floor.   奥林匹克徽章在二层。   8.No. @Olympic badges.   不。是“奥林匹克徽章”。   9.Yeah, ten Olympic badges.   是的,十枚奥林匹克徽章。   10.14.What is the Olympic Movement?   14.什么是奥林匹克运动?   11.National Olympic Sports Congress   全国奥林匹克运动大会   12.Indigenous Youth Cultural Olympics   土著青年文化奥林匹克   13.Olympic bronze alloy   奥林匹克矽青铜合金   14.Olympic Cultural Festival   奥林匹克文化节   15.What is the motto of the Olympic?   奥林匹克的格言是什么?   16.Olympic Winter Games   冬季奥林匹克运动会   17.China National Olympic mittee   中国奥林匹克委员会   18.International Olympic mittee   国际奥林匹克委员会
2023-08-09 12:33:471


Beijing is the capital of the People"s Republic of China . It covers 16,807 square kilometers. Mountainous areas occupy 10,417 square kilometers, accounting for 62% of the city"s landmass. The rest , 6,390 square kilometers or 38% of the total, is flatland. The municipality governs 16 urban districts and 2 rural counties.(conquest invade suburb) Beijing belongs to the warm temperate zone with a semi-humid climate. It has four distinctive seasons, with a short spring and autumn while summer and winter are long. January is the coldest month and July is the hottest month. History Beijing is home to Peking Man, one of the earliest human species that existed some 500,000 years ago. Historic records and archeological findings prove that 3,000 years ago. It was the capital of five dynasties – the Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming, and Qing. And since October 1,1949, Beijing has been the Capital of the People"s Republic of China.The international Olympic Committee constituted itself on 23rd June 1894. 国际奥委会于1894年6月23日成立。 The Olympic symbol, the five interlocking rings, represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of the athletes of the world at the Olympic Games. 奥林匹克的标志是五个相连的圆环,它代表着五大洲的团结和全世界运动员在奥运会上相聚一堂。 The official languages of the IOC are French and English. 国际奥委会的官方语言是法语和英语。 The Olympic flame is a symbol reminiscent of the ancient Olympic Games. 奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。 The Olympic Games consist of the Games of the Olympiad and the Olympic Winter Games. Both take place every four years. 奥运会包括夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会,它们都是每四年举办一次。 The Olympic Games shall be proclaimed open by the Head of State of the host country. 奥运会由东道国国家元首宣布开幕。 The delegation parade in alphabetical order according to the language of the host country, except for Greece, which leads the parade, and for the host country which brings up the rear. 代表团按东道国语言文字的字母顺序入场。希腊和东道国例外,希腊代表团第一个入场,东道国代表团最后一个入场。 One World One Dream 同一个梦想,同一个世界. The international Olympic Committee constituted itself on 23rd June 1894.国际奥委会于1894年6月23日成立。 The Olympic symbol, the five interlocking rings, represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of the athletes of the world at the Olympic Games.奥林匹克的标志是五个相连的圆环,它代表着五大洲的团结和全世界运动员在奥运会上相聚一堂。 The official languages of the IOC are French and English.国际奥委会的官方语言是法语和英语。 The Olympic flame is a symbol reminiscent of the ancient Olympic Games.奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。 The Olympic Games consist of the Games of the Olympiad and the Olympic Winter Games. Both take place every four years.奥运会包括夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会,它们都是每四年举办一次。 The Olympic Games shall be proclaimed open by the Head of State of the host country.奥运会由东道国国家元首宣布开幕。 The delegation parade in alphabetical order according to the language of the host country, except for Greece, which leads the parade, and for the host country which brings up the rear.代表团按东道国语言文字的字母顺序入场。希腊和东道国例外,希腊代表团第一个入场,东道国代表团最后一个入场。
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小学生迎奥运作文:北京奥运英语作文奥运英语作文>I e from Australia and have been studying in Beijng for nearly 2 years.I really want to be a volunteer for Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.I have the confidence to be an outstanding volunteer for the different posts,for I acquaint myself with the culture and history of Beijing,master the basic knowlege for Olympic Games professionally and have provided the volunteery service on the Sydeny Olympic Games. On the basis of my practice on the Sydeny Olympic Games,I believe I can be a good volunteer in 2008! 小学生迎奥运作文:北京奥运英语作文
2023-08-09 12:34:271


The Olympic EmblemEvery emblem of the Olympics tells a story. The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem "Chinese Seal, Dancing Beijing" is filled with Beijing"s hospitality and hopes, and carries the city"scommitment to the world.Spirit"Dancing Beijing" extends the totem of the Chinese nation. The form of a running human being stands for the beauty and magnificence of life. Its graceful curves are like the body of a wriggling dragon, relating the past and future of one same civilization; they are like rivers, carrying the century-old history and the nation"s pride; they are like veins, pulsing with vitality of life.The intrinsic values of sports -- athlete-centered and people-oriented - are well defined and upgraded in an artistic way in "the dance of Beijing." We sing if words fail to explain it all, and we dance if the singing does not explicitly tell the meaning.Vigorous Beijing is looking forward to the celebration in 2008 and the Olympics wait all mankind to dance together.The torch relay graphic is one of the key image elements for the torch relay of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The torch relay graphic together with the torch relay symbol, torch relay colours, torch relay fonts,and torch relay slogan, forms the basic image of the torch relay of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. These elements will be applied in the torch relay image & look designs, including the torch relay uniforms, torch relay convoy, torch relay publications and the city landscape design of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. They will create a unique visual image for the torch relay of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, spread Chinese culture and the torch relay theme, and build an excellent environment for the torch relay. The elements will create a celebrative atmosphere thoughout the cities which the relay will pass, promote the sanctity of the Olympic flame, encourage Torchbearers and Escorts Runners, enhance people"s experience of the torch relay, and to provide a visual setting for the recording and broadcasting or the torch relay to the world.logo design for volunteers of 2008 Olympic GamesThe heart-shaped and interlocking form , symbols the volunteers , the athletes, the Olympic family and all the guests linking heart by heart ,serving heart and soul, devoting themselves, adding luster for the Olympic movement.Jubilant dancing human form, displays the volunteers their volunteer spirit of dedication. Volunteers sincere smile , excellent service and friendly behavior will arouse every participants" spiritual resonance in the Olympic Games .The logo design for volunteers of 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, uses China"s unique traditional cultural forms - Chinese painting and calligraphy artistic style, which goes with the emblem of Beijing Olympic Games "Chinese Seal dancing Beijing" perfectly!A year year waited for we will see the futureAs soon as appoints the sweat to irrigate five kind of colorsDay after day the waiting mood even more rushesCreates the biggest stage most heroic timeThis land already prepared to turn on the runway which the dream took offLet the world the vision descend in ours bosomWe are ready all links the heart and the heart in the same placeWe are ready all links the day and the place in the same placeSurmounted own to win an honorable victoryMystery vainly hoped for which with the time mementoWe are readyA minute second waiting this quarter finally arrivesEverywhere bright fireworks in arrogant being in full bloomThis nationality already prepared to bring the smiling face to come to you to give regardsLet the world the vision descend in ours bosomLike the Five Olympic Rings from which they draw their color and inspiration, Fu wa will serve as the Official Mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, carrying a message of friendship and peace -- and good wishes from China -- to children all over the world.Designed to express the playful qualities of five little children who form an intimate circle of friends, Fuwa also embody the natural characteristics of four of China"s most popular animals -- the Fish, the Panda, the Tibetan Antelope, the Swallow -- and the Olympic Flame.Each of Fuwa has a rhyming two-syllable name -- a traditional way of expressing affection for children in China. Beibei is the Fish, Jingjing is the Panda, Huanhuan is the Olympic Flame, Yingying is the Tibetan Antelope and Nini is the Swallow.When you put their names together -- Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni -- they say "Welcome to Beijing," offering a warm invitation that reflects the mission of Fuwa as young ambassadors for the Olympic Games.Fuwa also embody both the landscape and the dreams and aspirations of people from every part of the vast country of China. In their origins and their headpieces, you can see the five elements of nature -- the sea, forest, fire, earth and sky -- all stylistically rendered in ways that represent the deep traditional influences of Chinese folk art and ornamentation.
2023-08-09 12:34:383


冬奥会英语是winter olympic games。冬奥会简介:冬季奥林匹克运动会简称为冬季奥运会、冬奥会。主要由全世界地区举行,是世界规模最大的冬季综合性运动会,每四年举办一届,1994年起与夏季奥林匹克运动会相间举行。参与国主要分布在世界各地,包括欧洲、非洲、美洲、亚洲、大洋洲。冬季奥运会最初规定每4年举行一次,与夏季奥运会在同年和同一国家举行。从1928年的第2届冬奥会开始,冬季奥运会与夏季奥运会的举办地点改在不同的国家举行。为冬奥会与夏奥会时间错开,故只有1992年冬奥会与1994年冬奥会相隔2年。冬奥会的项目:冬奥会的7个大项分别是:滑冰、冰球、冰壶、雪车、雪橇、滑雪、冬季两项。其中滑冰又分为了短道速滑、速度滑冰、花样滑冰3个分项;雪车又分为雪车、钢架雪车2个分项;滑雪分为高山滑雪、自由式滑雪、单板滑雪、跳台滑雪、越野滑雪、北欧两项6个分项,所以冬奥会一共有15个分项。winter olympic games的例句:1、On the Olympic Spirits Shown in 2006 Torino Winter Olympic Games.论2006都灵冬奥会展现出的奥林匹克精神。2、The first Winter Olympic Games was hold in Chamonid, France, 1924.1924年在法国的沙莫尼举办了第一届冬奥会。3、She won the individual gold medal at the Winter Olympics.她在冬奥会上获得了个人金牌。4、This Saturday the British star is going for gold in the Winter Olympics.本周六,这位英国明星将向冬奥会的金牌发起冲击。5、He is the nearest to a dead cert that Britain has in Albertville.他是英国在阿尔贝维尔冬奥会上最有希望夺取金牌的选手。6、The 2022 Olympic torch spirals upward to resemble two overlapping rising flames, with the outer one plated in silver to produce a striking contrast.2022年冬奥会火炬旋转上升,如双色“飞舞丝带”重叠,内部的红色丝带如火焰升起,与外部的银色丝带形成强烈的反差效果。
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Words of sports: Riding and Horse Riding 赛马riding 骑马racecourse, racetrack 跑马场,赛马场jockey, polo 马球rider 马球运动员show jumping competition 跳跃赛steeplechase 障碍赛fence 障碍trotter 快跑的马 Words of sports: Bicycle Motorcycle 自行车,摩托车car 车类运动velodrome, cycling stadium 自行车赛车场road race 公路赛race 计时赛chase 追逐赛motorcycle, motorbike 摩托车racing car 赛车racing driver 赛车驾驶员rally 汽车拉力赛Words of Sports: Water sports 水上运动swimming pool 游泳池swimming 游泳medley relay 混合泳crawl 爬泳breaststroke 蛙式backstroke 仰式freestyle 自由式butterfly (stroke) 蝶泳diving competition 跳水water polo 水球water skiing 水橇rowing 划船canoe 划艇boat race 赛艇yacht 游艇kayak 皮船sailing 帆船运动outboard boat 船外马达games and Competitions 球类运动football 足球rugby 橄榄球basketball 篮球volleyball 排球tennis 网球baseball 垒球handball 手球hockey 曲棍球golf 高尔夫球cricket 板球ice hockey 冰球goalkeeper 球门员centre kick 中线发球goal kick 球门发球throw in, line-out 边线发球to score a goal 射门得分to convert a try 对方球门线后触地得分batsman 板球运动员batter 击球运动员men"s singles 单打运动员in the mixed doubles 混合双打
2023-08-09 12:36:001


绿色奥运 The Green Olympics 科技奥运 The Scientific Games人文奥运 The Peoples Olympics
2023-08-09 12:36:084


1. When was the first Olympic Games held? 第一次奥运会是何时举行的? B.C.776 公元前776 2、.Where was it held? 第一次奥运会在哪里举行? Olympia, Greece 希腊/奥林匹亚城 二、 关于古代奥运会 1、.which city is the religious center in the ancient Greek world? A. .Olympia B. Spain C. the Black Sea D. Egypt 哪个城市是古希腊世界的宗教中心?A.奥林匹亚城 B. 西班牙 C.黑海 D.埃及 A. .Olympia 奥林匹亚城 2、Who could not compete in the ancient Olympics? 什么人不可以参加古代奥运会? A. men B. boy C. women C. women 妇女 3、At that time, what prizes did Olympic victors get? 古代奥运会上获胜的选手能得到何种奖励? A. a crown made from olive leaves B. money C. a medal A.一个由橄榄树叶做成的桂冠 B.钱 C.奖牌 A. a crown made from olive leaves。 一个由橄榄树叶做成的
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2023-08-09 12:36:253


当我刚才看到你的有关奥运英语演讲稿的问题时,回想起了2001年的21世纪杯全国英语演讲比赛,当年的主题是:Beijing 2008: the meaning of the Bid,最终来自北京语言文化大学的选手戚悦摘取了该场比赛的第一名。 第六届21世纪杯全国英语演讲比赛于2001年3月30日举办,地点是在北京国际会议中心。当时正值申请2008年北京奥运会(2001年北京时间7月13日22:10,北京获得第29届2008年奥运会主办权。那时候我正在上大学。当我们从收音机里面得到这个好消息时,欢呼声四起,当时那个激动啊!)因此英语演讲比赛的主题选择奥运会,其中的意义就不用多说了吧! 如果你感兴趣的话,可以买一套当年演讲比赛的磁带或者CD(都带有文字稿的)。 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: Bidding for the Olympic Games, in a way, an image-creating undertaking. The first and foremost thing is to let people fall in love with the city at first sight, attracting them by its unipue image. What image does Beijing intend to create for itself once it has the opportunity to host the 2008 Olympics? It is known to all that the Beijing Municipal Government has already set the theme for the future games: New Beijing, Great Olympics. For me, the 2008 Olympics will be a great green Olympics illuminated with two more special colors, yellow and red. First, yellow is a meaningful color. The Yellow River is China"s Mother River and the descendants of the Yellow Emperor. This color has a special origin and great significance for the Chinese people. Beijing is the capital of New China and previously the capital for nine dynasties in Chinese history. So, yellow will naturally add splendor to the 2008 Games. Secondly, the 2008 Olympics will be a red pageant.Red is another traditionally cherished color for the whole country. We adore red. On big occasions, we like to decorate our homes in red. It is the color of double happiness, representing joyous moments, auspiciousness, enthusiasm and prosperity. Red is one of the most suitable colors to describe the future of Beijing . Beijing , together with the whole country, is becoming more and more prosperous in the process of modernization. Should the 2008 Olympics be held in Beijing, the whole city will be a sea of red : the red torch,red flags, red flowers, and the radiant faces of millions of joyful people. Above all, the 2008 Olympics will be a green Olympics. Adding a green ingredient is essential in creating an appealing image, as we can"t deny the fact that Beijing, at the moment, is not as green a city as what we like it to be. Striving for an environmentally appealing city has become a central task for all the citizens of Beijing. Big efforts have been made in pollution control, replanting and beautification of the city. According to a project entitled" The Green Olympic Action Plan", between 1998 and 2007, Beijing, we have invested 100 billion RMB in preserving and protecting the environment. Some 12.5 million trees and over 1 million acres of grass will be planted along the Fourth Ring Road. By then, the city"s green area will make up 40% of its total. The city will also dredge its reservoirs used as a water supply to Beijing residents, controlling industrial pollution and moving out the 200 factories presently located within the city proper. Certainly, all of this is no easy task. But I am sure that all of us have confidence that we will realize these green goals. For now we have the full support and participation of the environmentally conscious citizens. Each citizen is showing great concern for every one of the steps the city government takes. As the saying goes, United, we stand, and a green Beijing will be achieved. When our aspiration becomes a reality, it will be a unique Olympics." New Beijing, Great Olympics"; will be weaved of these three superb colors: yellow, red and green. Let us welcome it and look forward to it! Thank you!参考资料:
2023-08-09 12:36:331


2023-08-09 12:36:563


welcome to Beijing
2023-08-09 12:37:162


OlympicsOlympic GamesSummer Olympics
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Sends an Olympic Games contestant"s letter
2023-08-09 12:37:564


市民奥运英语100句 I. Good Wishes 祝愿用语 1. Good Luck!祝你顺利(祝你好运)! 2. All the best!祝你万事如意! 3. Have a good trip! 旅途愉快! 4. Wish you a success!祝你成功! 5. Have a good day! 祝你今天开心! 6. I hope to see you soon.我希望不久见到你。 7. Congratulations! 祝贺(你)!/恭喜! 8. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 9. I wish you the best of health! 祝你身体健康! 10. Long live our friendship! 愿我们友谊长存! II. Asking for and offering help请求提供帮助 11. Could you help me? 你能帮助我吗? 12. Would you please do me a favor? 能帮我个忙吗? 13. Would you please give me a hand? 帮我个忙好吗? 14. What can I do for you? 您需要什么帮助? 15. Can(May)I help you? 我可以帮你吗? 16. Let me help you. 我来帮助你。 17. It"s very kind of you! 你真是太好啦! III. Asking the Way 问路 18. Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the station? 劳驾, 请问去车站怎么走? 19. Straight on. 一直往前走。 20. Go down this street. Then turn left. 沿这条街走下去, 然后朝左拐。 21. Turn right at the second crossing. 在第二个路口往右拐。 22. I"m sorry. I have no idea where it is. 对不起,我不知道它在哪儿。 23. Thank you all the same. 尽管如此, 还是要谢谢你。 24. Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗? 25. Yes. You"d better take a bus. 远,你最好坐公共汽车去。 26. It"s about 1 kilometer from here. 距这里约一公里。 27. Excuse me, does the Bus No. 4 stop at the China Trade Center? 劳驾, 4路公共汽车在国贸停吗? 28. How long is the ride? 坐车要用多长时间? 29. It will take about 20/twenty minutes. 大概需要20分钟。 30. Thank you very much. 非常感谢。It"s a pleasure. 乐意为您效劳。 IV. Shopping 购物用语 31. Can I help you? 您要买点什么? 32. Yes, I"d like to buy a book. 是的, 我要买本书。 33. Ok. Here you are. 行,给你。 34. How much is it? 多少钱? 35. It is seventeen yuan and fifty cents. 十七块五。 36. May I help you? 您要买什么? 37. Yes, I want to buy a shirt. 是的, 我想买一件衬衫。 38. What color/size/style do you want? 要什么颜色/尺寸/样子的? 39. A blue/red/green/yellow/white/black one. 蓝色的/红/绿/黄/白/黑 40. It"s wonderful. I like it very much. 真不错。我非常喜欢。 41. All right. I"ll take it. 好的, 我买这件衬衫。 42. Where can I pay? 在哪付款? 43. You can pay at the cashier over there. 您可以在那边的收银台付款。 44. Can I use my credit card? 我能使用信用卡吗? 45. Sure. Go ahead. 当然。请便。 46. Here"s your change/receipt. 这是找您的钱/给您的收据。 47. Thanks for your good service. 谢谢你的热情服务! 48. Do come again, please. 欢迎再来。 49. Thank you. 谢谢!You"re welcome. 不用谢。 V. Restaurant English 饭馆英语 50. May I have a look at the menu/wine list? 请给我看看菜谱/酒水单。 51. What"s the specialty of this restaurant? 这个餐馆的的招牌菜是什么? 52. Are you ready to order? 您现在可以点菜了吗? 53. I"d like something spicy. 我想吃些辣的东西。 54. What do you recommend? 有什么菜可以推荐一下吗? 55. The steak sounds good to me. 听起来牛排不错。 56. I"m full. I can"t eat any more. 我饱了,不能再吃了。 57. Bill, please. 劳驾,结帐。 58. Keep the change. 不用找零钱了。 VI. Time, Days and Months 时间、星期和月份 59. What time is it? 几点了? 60. It"s 6∶00 o"clock. 六点了。 61. Excuse me, could you tell me the time? 劳驾,请问现在几点了? 62. It"s half past ten. 现在十点半。 63. Excuse me, have you got the time, please? 对不起, 请问现在几点了? 64. It"s a quarter to nine. 现在差一刻九点。 65. What day is it today? 今天是星期几? 66. It"s Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday. 今天是星期天/周一/周二/周三/周四/周五/周六。 67. What"s the date today? 今天几号? 68. Today is Aug. 2nd. 今天是八月二号。 69. What month is it? 今天是几月份? 70. It"s January/Feburary/March/April/May/June/July/August/September /October/November/December. 现在是一月/二月/三月/四月/五月/六月/七月/八月/九月/十月/十一月/十二月。 71. When were you born? 你哪年初生的? 72. I was born in 1949/nineteen forty-nine. 我1949年初生的。 VII. Entertaining Guests 招待客人 73. Hello! 您好! How are you doing? 你好吗? 74. Hello! Welcome to our unit (home)! Sit down, please. 你好! 欢迎到我们单位(家)来!请坐。 75. Would you like a cigarette? 您吸烟吗? 76. No. Thanks. 不,我不吸烟。谢谢。 77. Would you like to drink something, coffee, tea or cola? 您想喝点儿什么,咖啡、茶,还是可乐? 78. Tea is fine with me. Thank you. 喝茶就行了。谢谢! 79. Help yourself to some fruits. 请随便吃点儿水果。 80. Give /Pass me a cup of tea/a glass of water, please! 请递给我一杯茶/。 81. Cheers! 干杯! 82. To our friendship! 为我们的友谊干杯! 83. Thanks a lot. 多谢。 VIII. Other Expressions 其它用语 84. What"s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样? 85. It"s fine today. 今天天气很好。 86. Lovely day, isn"t it? 天气很好,是吧? 87. Autumn is the best season here. 秋天是这里最好的季节。 88. Where are you from? 您是哪里人? 89. I"m from Hong Kong. 我是香港人。 90. Are you American? 你是美国人吗? 91. No, I"m Chinese. 不,我是中国人。 IX. Saying Goodbye 话别 92. When are you off? 你什么时候走? 93. I"m flying back on Sunday. 我星期天坐飞机回去。 94. Goodbye then and all the very best! 再见了, 祝你顺利! 95. Please say hello to your family. 请代问你的家人好。 96. I hope you"ll come back to China again! 希望你能再来中国! 97. I"ll do that. 我一定来。 98. See you again in the near future. 后会有期! 99. Take care. 多保重。 100. Goodbye! (See you!)再见! X. English Signs 英文标志 ON 开 OFF关 W.C.厕所 NO PARKING禁止停车 LEFT左 RIGHT右 ON SALE 降价 NO PASSING禁止通行 PULL拉 PUSH推 STOP! 停 NO SMOKING禁止吸烟 OPEN 营业 CLOSED 关门 DANGER危险
2023-08-09 12:38:031


火炬:torch 福娃:friendlies 志愿者:volunteer 鸟巢:bird"s nest 水立方:water cube winner 优胜者 record holder 纪录保持者 cut the record 打破纪录 record breaker 打破创造者 set a new record 创造新纪录 world record 世界纪录 champion 冠军 runner-up/the 2nd place 亚军 third place/the 3rd place 季军 medalist 奖牌获得者 gold medalist 金牌获得者 silver medalist 银牌获得者 bronze medalist 铜牌获得者 last eight 取得决赛权的八名选手 final result 决赛成绩 total points 总分 placement/ranking 名次,排名 final placing 决赛名次 medal tally 奖牌榜 lost to 败给 defeat 击败 win title 夺魁 go for gold 夺取金牌 defend title 卫冕 road to 进军 victory and ceremony/awarding ceremony 颁奖仪式 The victory ceremony for … will now take place 颁奖仪式现在开始 announce results 公布成绩 The medals will be presented in descending order-1st, 2nd, 3rd. 按第一名、第二名、第三名顺序颁发奖牌。 raise national flag and play national anthem 升国旗,奏国歌 mount the rostrum 登上颁奖台 sportsmanship trophy 风格奖 fair play trophy 公平竞赛奖 cup/trophy 奖杯 prize money 奖金 prize/trophy/award 奖品 awarding/ to present prize 颁发奖品 title 称号 undertake laps of honor 绕场一周向观众致意 国际奥委会 the International Olympic Committee (IOC) 申办城市 the bidding cities 候选城市 the candidate cities 申办2008年奥运会 bid for 2008 Olympics 主办2008年奥运会 host the 2008 Olympic Games 奥林匹克精神 the Olympic ideals; the Olympic spirit 世界奥林匹克日 the International Olympic Day 环境保护 protect the environment 北京四环路 the fourth ring road in Beijing 城市基础设施建设 the city"s infrastructure construction 最后的投票 make the final vote 绿色奥运 the Green Olympics 科技奥运 the Scientific Games
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迎奥运,讲文明,树新风Towards the Olympic Games, stressing civilization, and fostering new practices
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Summer is in the best of the Beijing Olympic Games
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给我邮箱 我发你
2023-08-09 12:38:503


Olympic Games athletes sports stadiums goal score goal keeper basketball swimming pool weight-lifting compete theme song national anthem flag torch audience sports fans coach Beijing host time out
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2016年里约热内卢奥运会-2016 Rio Summer Olympics2012年伦敦奥运会-2012 London Summer Olympics2008年北京夏季奥林匹克运动会-2008 Beijing Summer Olympics2004年雅典夏季奥林匹克运动会-AthensOlympic Games2000年悉尼夏季奥林匹克运动会-The 2000sydneyOlympic Games
2023-08-09 12:39:071


  关于08奥运的英语短文  The government and people of China have always admired the purposes and principles of the Olympic spirit and supported the efforts made by the Olympics in promoting world peace. The Chinese government and people are doing our utmost in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. It is our hope to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the Olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization.  中国人民一向赞赏奥林匹克精神的宗旨和原则,支持奥林匹克运动为促进世界和平所做的努力。中国政府和中国人民正全力以赴,做好2008年北京奥运会的筹备工作,力争把2008年奥运会办成一次弘扬奥林匹克精神、促进世界和平、增进各国人民友谊的盛会,让奥林匹克精神在中国这一东方文明古国 再次得到发扬。  Olympics in promoting world peace. The Chinese government and people are doing our utmost in preparation for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. It is our hope to make it a grand gathering that will carry forward the Olympic spirit, promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization  我和北京奥运  我盼望着2008年8月8日快点到来。这是北京奥运会开幕的日子,是世界体育大家庭聚会北京的日子,更是每一个中国人倍感骄傲的日子。  作为一个小主人,我真想成为一名光荣的奥运志愿者,可是到了那时,我还太小,不能成为一个真正的志愿者,但是,我依然可以为北京奥运会做出自己的贡献。  首先,作为一个北京市的小市民,我要用我的热情、我的笑容迎接每一个来自世界各地的外国朋友,展示出我们北京人友好好客的精神风貌,让外国朋友们通过每一张北京人的笑脸感受北京。  其次,我要更加努力的学习英语,在奥运会举办期间,能够用英语和外国朋友们说话、交流,为他们提供我力所能及的帮助,比如:做个小翻译、帮外国人指路等等,让外国朋友通过每一个北京人热情的帮助喜欢北京。  再次,我也要学习更多的有关北京、奥运的知识,将来可以为外国朋友介绍咱们美丽的北京,以及北京悠久的历史和灿烂的文化,要让他们通过和每一个北京人的交流更加了解北京,了解中国。  最后,我还要动员我身边的每一个同学,大家一起学习文明礼仪,一起加强和宣传环保意识,为北京奥运会办成一个真正的“绿色奥运、人文奥运、科技奥运”从我做起、从现在做起。  “同一个世界,同一个梦想”,我希望我的梦想能够变为现实。  Olympic Games and me  I am looking forward the Beijing Olympics on August 8, 2008 very much. This is the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games, and the day the world sports family gathering together, as well as the day Chinese people are really proud of.  As a small master, I really want to become a glorious Olympic volunteer, but I still too little to really become a volunteer. But I can still make contributions to the Beijing Olympic Games.  First of all, as a citizen of Beijing, I will use my enthusiasm and smile to greet every foreign friends from all over the world, and to show off our Beijingers" friendly and hospitable spirit so that every foreign friends will know the city by the faces. Next, I want to learn English harder so that during the Olympics I could speak to foreign friends and community in English, And do my best to help them, For example, be a little translator and to help foreigners when they ask way. Let them know China by the behaviors of us.  Again, I would like to learn more about Beijing"s Olympic and for the future to our foreign friends knowing more about our beautiful Beijing, as well as the long history and splendid culture, I would like to mobilize each and every one of my classmates, we will study together and civilize etiquette together to strengthen and promote environmental awareness for the Beijing Olympic Games into a true "Green Olympics, People"s Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics" from ourselves and from now on. "One world, one dream," I hope my dream will become a reality.
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奥运会 Olympic Games Olympics
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One World One Dream 同一个梦想,同一个世界. The international Olympic Committee constituted itself on 23rd June 1894.国际奥委会于1894年6月23日成立。 Aquatics(水上运动) Swimming 游泳 freestyle 自由泳 backstroke 仰泳 breaststroke 蛙泳 butterfly 蝶泳 individual medley 个人混合泳 freestyle relay 自由泳接力 medley relay 混合泳接力 Water polo 水球 Diving 跳水 10m platform event 十米跳台 3m springboard event 三米跳板 synchronised diving from 10 m platform 双人十米跳台 synchronised diving from 3 m springboard 双人三米跳板 Synchronised swimming 花样游泳 Archery(射箭) Individual events 个人赛 Team events 团体赛 Athletics(田径) Track 径赛 100 m, 200 m, 400 m 100米,200米,400米 800 m, 1,500 m, 5,000 m, 10,000 m 800米,1500米,5,000米,10,000米 110 m hurdles, 400 m hurdles 110米栏,400米栏 3,000 m steeplechase 3000米障碍赛 4 x 100 m relay, 4 x 400 m relay 4×100米接力,4×400米接力 Jumping 跳跃 high jump 跳高 pole vault 撑杆跳高 long jump 跳远 triple jump 三级跳远 Throwing 投掷 shot put 推铅球 discus 掷铁饼 hammer 掷链球 javelin 标枪 Decathlon 男子十项全能 Heptathlon 女子七项全能 Road events 公路赛 marathon 马拉松 walk 竞走 Ball Games(球类运动) Badminton 羽毛球 men"s singles 男子单打 women"s singles 女子单打 men"s doubles 男子双打 women"s doubles 女子双打 mixed doubles 混合双打 Baseball 棒球 Basketball 篮球 Football 足球 Handball 手球 Hockey / Field Hockey 曲棍球 Softball 垒球 Table Tennis 乒乓球 Tennis 网球 Volleyball 排球 Beach Volleyball 沙滩排球 Cycling(自行车) Road cycling 公路自行车赛 Track cycling 场地自行车赛 sprint 追逐赛 time trial 计时赛 points race 计分赛 pursuit 争先赛 Mountain bike 山地自行车赛 ----------------------------------------------------- 奥运会Olympic Games 奥运会选拔赛Olympic Trial 国际奥委会International Olympic Committee 奥运会会歌Olympic Anthem 奥运火炬Olympic Torch 奥运会代表团Olympic Delegation 奥运村Olympic Village 组委会organization committee 开幕式opening ceremony 闭幕式closing ceremony 吉祥物mascot 颁奖台podium 其次,我们通过一些句子来增强对奥运会的了解: The international Olympic Committee constituted itself on 23rd June 1894. 国际奥委会于1894年6月23日成立。 The Olympic symbol, the five interlocking rings, represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of the athletes of the world at the Olympic Games. 奥林匹克的标志是五个相连的圆环,它代表着五大洲的团结和全世界运动员在奥运会上相聚一堂。 The official languages of the IOC are French and English. 国际奥委会的官方语言是法语和英语。 The Olympic flame is a symbol reminiscent of the ancient Olympic Games. 奥运圣火是人们缅怀古代奥运会的象征。 The Olympic Games consist of the Games of the Olympiad and the Olympic Winter Games. Both take place every four years. 奥运会包括夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会,它们都是每四年举办一次。 The Olympic Games shall be proclaimed open by the Head of State of the host country. 奥运会由东道国国家元首宣布开幕。 The delegation parade in alphabetical order according to the language of the host country, except for Greece, which leads the parade, and for the host country which brings up the rear. 代表团按东道国语言文字的字母顺序入场。希腊和东道国例外,希腊代表团第一个入场,东道国代表团最后一个入场。
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