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2023-08-15 20:12:21




问题一:把...和...混淆 用英语怎么说 mistake sth with sth 问题二:混淆用英语怎么说 混淆 confusion,mix up,confuse 问题三:建筑节能的效果 建筑主体采用钢框架结构,可100%回收与重复利用;建筑表面采用双层玻璃的智能型呼吸式幕墙,利用液压通风系统让风在两层玻璃之间形成的空腔内流动,以降低夏季室内温度,方便通风换气;屋面采用倒置式节能屋面和上人屋顶绿化系统,墙面大面积种植绿化植物,有效的防止太阳辐射,调节局部生态环境。区域内建有生态雨水收集系统,把地面、屋顶的雨水收集起来,注入人工湖, 改善微系统环境,创造良好的人文景观,同时,收集起来的雨水经过处理还可以用 来洗车、浇灌;水处理系统中采用毛管渗滤污水处理技术,充分利用土壤的毛细血管表面张力原理,实现污水的有效处理和净化;区域内的路灯都装有太阳能光电板,白天吸收太阳能,以储备晚储所耗的电能;连接各个建筑物之间的道路被架起一段距离,把道路人为地与草坪隔开,保证道路下面的生物流畅地交流。这些先进技术的运用将有效改变目前传统的办公方式中人流密集、资源浪费、空气污染的弊端. 问题四:1 把..区分开。 2把..弄混淆 3 免除 4 盯着 用英语怎么说 1distinguish A with B 2confuse A with B 3to excuse (from) 4stare at 问题五:我把和他混淆 用英文怎么说 把我和他混淆 People have mistaken me for h珐m. mistake A for B.----把A当成B了
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容易混淆的英语语法。1. since vs. for“since”和“for”的用法都与时间有关不同的是前者要与时间点一起使用,比如Monday、January和2009;后者则是与时间段一起使用,比如30 minutes、6 months和10 years“for”可以用于所有时态;而“since”通常用于完成时。“He jogs for 1 hour everyday.”这句话中“for”后面跟着的就是一段时间;“He"s been jogging since 7am.”这句话中“since”后面跟着的就是一个时间点。2. fewer vs. less“fewer”和“less”适用的名词类型是完全相反的“fewer”适用于可数名词,比如books、cars、people或者cups而“less”则适用于不可数名词,比如love、water、electricity或者information。举个例子:你可以说“This parking lot is too crowded. I wish there were fewer cars.”句子里的car是可数名词,所以前面用“fewer”修饰;你也可以说“I wish you would turn off the lights, so we could use less electricity.”,这里的electricity是不可数名词,所以用“less”来修饰。
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21.aid, help, assist   用作动词均可表“帮助”。   aid为正式用词,help最常用。   assist最正式,表示协助某人做某事,尤指在体力上或具体事务上帮助和扶持。如:She employed a woman to assist her with the housework. (她雇了一名妇女帮她做家务。)   22.alive, living, live   alive 指虽有死的可能,但仍活着,一般只作表语。   living可用于人或物,作定语时可前可后。   live只做前置定语,用于动物和个别事物前。   23.almost, nearly   一般说来,almost比nearly 表示的意思更接近“开始”、“完成” (目标)等。   在all, every, always 前,两者都可用。如:He is almost (nearly) smoking. (他几乎每天抽烟。)   almost可同never, no, nobody, none, nothing 连用,而nearly却不能。如:Almost no one believed her. (几乎没人相信他。)   24.alone, lonely   alone只表“独自”的客观状态,没有感情色彩,只作表语;lonely表“孤独”,:“寂寞”,能作定语和表语。如:When she is left alone, she feels lonely. (剩下她一人时她就感到寂寞。)   alone, only均可表“只有”,但alone须置于被修饰词之后,only往往置于被修饰词前。如:He alone (Only he) can remember the story. (只有他才能记起这段经历。)   25.already, all ready   already已经(副词)。如:The plane had already landed before we got to the airport.   all ready准备好的(作表语)。如:We were all ready to leave when the telephone rang.   26.alter, change   作不及物动词时,两者可通用。   北京尚博学校提醒你,词汇记忆需要持之以恒。   作及物动词时,alter是对局部,表面的改变,而change则是对本质的,全面的,彻底的改变。如:Can you alter the dress? (你会改做这件衣服吗?)Can you change the dress?(你能给我更换这件衣服吗?)   27.altogether, all together   altogether总计,总共。如:Altogether there are six of us. (我们总计六人。)   all together 全都在一起。如:We played the game all together. (我们大家都一起来玩游戏吧。)   28.amaze, astonish, surprise   都可作及物动词,意思相近,一般都是以事物作主语,人称作宾语。   amaze强调“使惊讶”,有时还有“惊叹”,“佩服”等意。   astonish表示“使大吃一惊”,“几乎使人无法相信”之意。   surprise只表“出乎意料之外”。   29.among, between   among 在……中间(三者或三者以上之间)。如:Our house is hidden among trees.   between在两者之间。如:It is easy to distinguish between a Japanese and a Chinese.   30.announce, declare (   announce指宣布公众期望或与公众有关的事情,含有预告的意味。如:The government announced that they would pay their debts. (政府宣布将偿还债务。)   declare指正式负责地宣布,声明,通常用于庄重的场合。如:The judge declared him guilty.(法官宣布他有罪。)   31.annoy, bother, trouble, disturb   annoy指外界的干扰令人讨厌或无法忍受,或指某人故意去妨碍别人。   bother打扰,麻烦,指给人行动带来不便或身心上带来痛苦。如:May I trouble you with a few questions?   disturb打扰,扰乱,指使正常秩序或一时的安定受到破坏,精力一时不能集中。如:I am sorry to disturb you.   32.answer, reply, respond   用作动词,都可表“回答”,“答复”。   answer是常用词,后可接letter(回信),question(回答问题),doorbell(开门),telephone(接电话),advertisement(应征广告)等。   reply较正式,一般只作不及物动词,可与to连用。如:He has replied to my letter.(他回答了我信中提的问题。)   respond作“回答”解,用得较少,也同to 搭配。如:He quickly responded to the question. (他很快就回答了问题。)   另外,respond还可表“对……反应”,“响应”。   33. appreciate, enjoy   appreciate指对事物有深刻的理解能力并能鉴赏。   enjoy是一般用语,仅指感官或智力上的满足,“享受”的意味较强。   34. approve, prove   approve(1)赞成,同意。如:I don"t approve of wasting time.(我不赞成浪费时间。)   (2)批准,通过。如:The minister approved the building plan. 部长批准了建筑计划。   prove和approve词形相似,prove是“证明”,“表明是”等。   35. argue, debate, dispute   argue着重“说理”,“论证”,“企图说明”,且后可接that引导的从句。   debate着重双方各自陈述理由,尤其是“公开地”、“正式地”辩论。如:The subject was hotly debated.   dispute着重就分歧进行热烈的“争论”,含有“相持不下”或“未得到解决”的意味。如:He disputed with his wife on household expenses.   36. arise, rise, raise   arise表无形的东西(如困难,问题等)“出现”,“发生”。   rise指具体事物的“上升”,“升起”,也是不及物动词。如:The sun rises in the east.(太阳从东边升起。)   raise为及物动词,“使……上升”,“举起”等。如:He raised his hand.(他举了手。)   37. assure, ensure, insure   assure以十分肯定的语气向别人保证某事一定会发生,后需连用人称代词或指人的名词作宾语。   ensure表普通的“保证”。   insure表“保险”,有时同ensure可以换用。   38. awake, wake, waken   都可作动词。   awake既可及物,也可不及物,多用于比喻。   wake常指“睡醒”,多为不及物动词。   waken多用作及物动词,常指“吵醒”,“惊醒”。   39. await, wait   await是及物动词。如:I await your further instructions.   wait“等”、“等候”,是不及物动词,后常接介词for。如:I will wait for you at the school gate.   40. award, prize, reward   award, reward作动词。award意为“授予(奖品,奖金等)”,后面可跟双宾语;reward意为“报酬”,“酬谢”,只能跟人或以人的行为作宾语。   award, prize, reward作名词时,award常指奖金,奖品;prize多指在竞赛、竞争中获胜所赢得的奖;reward则指为某项劳动或行为所付的酬金。
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英语常用易混淆单词/词组的区别用法一、how much和how many的区别用法how much和how many的区别:how much用来询问事物的数量,后接不可数名词;how many用来询问事物的数量,后接可数名词复数。how much和how many的区别1、所修饰词不同how much用来修饰不可数名词,表示数量,也可单独使用。how many用来修饰可数名词的复数,它的句式是:How many+复数名词+一般疑问句+?例句:How much milk is there in the glass?玻璃杯里有多少牛奶?How many books are there on the desk?有多少本书在桌子上?2、用法不同How much 表示多少钱,用来问价格。例句:How much is this dress?这个连衣裙多少钱?How many 表示多少,用来问数量。例句:How many apples do you have?你有多少苹果?二、in和on的区别用法当我们表示某些东西被其他东西所包围时使用“in”这个词。而“on”用于描述物体被放置在其他物体上方或外部的情况。in可表时间,表地点,表手段、方法、材料。on表示时间、地点、方位等。in和on区别一、意思不同in:prep. 在 ... 里;在 ... 地方;在 ... 期间on:prep. 在 ... 之上二、用法不同in: in着重一段时间的过程,常用于重复动作或延续动作。in表示从现在时间算起推移到将来的一段时间之后,一般与将来时态连用。例句:He is a layman in economics.他对经济学一窍不通。on:表示“在物体的表面上”,只能用on的表达方式有on the next morning,on the following。例句:The spider is walking on the ceiling.蜘蛛在天花板上爬行。三、侧重点不同in:表示“在其中”。on:表示“在表面”。三、if和whether的区别用法if和whether的区别:if和whether在宾语从句中,都表“是否”,可换用,if更口语。
2023-08-09 12:17:301

把...和...混淆 用英语怎么说

mix sth up with sth
2023-08-09 12:17:495


《高中英语语法-三组易混淆的英语词汇》由留学英语组我整理(。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 三组易混淆的英语词汇 Fault, possession, purpose 都是常用的英语词汇,其相关词组有的只差一个介词,有的只差一个冠词,看上去非常相似,但词义和用法完全不同。本文旨在通过对 at fault / in fault / to a fault, in possession of / in the possession of 和 on purpose / to the purpose / to no purpose 三组词的辨析,帮助学生了解其不同的意义并掌握相关的用法。 Fault 有两个基本的意思。 1 , 缺点,故障: I like him despite his faults. ( 虽然他有种种缺点,但我仍然喜欢他。 ) The fire was caused by electrical fault. ( 火灾是由电路故障引起的。 ) 2 ,过错,过失: We"ve missed the plane and it"s all your fault! ( 我们误了飞机,这都是你的过错! ) 学习 fault 的时候,要注意区别 at fault, in fault 和 to a fault 的不同意义。 At fault 表示 in the wrong, at a loss ( 出错,茫然 ) . 比如: My memory was at fault. ( 我记错了;我忘记了 ) In fault 的意思是 guilty, to blame ( 过失,责备 ) : You are much in fault. ( 这可全是你的过错。 ) To a fault 的意思是 excessively ( 过分地 ) : He is generous to a fault. ( 他过于慷慨 ) . 另外,还应该注意 fault 和 mistake 的区别 . Fault 指人性格或办事方式上的缺点: Ryden idolized his daughter so much that he could see her faults. ( 雷登非常溺爱女儿,以致看不到她的缺点。 ) mistake 指意见,想法及行为上的错误。比如: I"m afraid you"ve made a mistake. My name is Mary Taylor. Mrs. Taylor. ( 我想你大概搞错了。我的名字叫玛丽。泰尔,也就是泰乐夫人。 ) 下面讲的 Possession 有三个基本意思: 1 ,领有,持有,具有: The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel. ( 去国外旅行需要持有护照。 ) 2 ,(多数复数)所有物,财产: He lost all his possession in the fire. ( 他在火灾中损失了所有的财产。 ) 3 ,属地,殖民地: The former colonial possessions are now independent state. ( 以前的许多殖民地现已成为独立的国家。 ) 对于 possession 一词,应注意 in possession of 和 in the possession of 的区别。 In possession of 意为 possessing, having in one"s possession, 指在某人手中,但所有权非某人所有。 In the possession of 的意思是 possessed of , held by, 指为某人所有,即所有权属于某人。 In possession of 为一时占有, in the possession of 为永久所有。比如: He is in the possession of its author. ( 这本书的第一版所有权归其作者。 ) 另外, possession 的动词形式是 possess. 应了解 be possessed with 和 be possessed of 不同的用法。 Be possessed with 表示被某种想法迷住心窍: He is possessed with the idea that someone is persecuting him. ( 他老是觉得有人迫害他。 ) be possessed of 表示拥有,享有: He was possessed of great self-confidence. ( 他有很强的自信心。 ) 最后说 purpose. 它的基本意思是: 1 ,目的,意图: What is the purpose of the meeting? ( 会议的目的是什么? ) 2 ,意志,毅力,决心: Her approach to the job lacks purpose. ( 她干这项工作缺乏毅力。 ) 学习的难点在于区分 on purpose, to the purpose, to no purpose 的不同用法。 On purpose 的意思是 “有意地,故意地”: If you joke with him he"ll think you are insulting him on purpose. ( 你和他开玩笑,他会认为你在有意羞辱他。 ) To the purpose 表示“中肯”: He spoke nothing to the purpose. ( 他说的一点都不得要领。 ) To no purpose 表示“无效,没有作用”: we begged him not to go out in the storm, but to no purpose. ( 我们恳求他暴风雨天不要外出,但毫无作用。 ) 英语中类似 at fault / in fault / to a fault; in possession of / in the possession of 和 on purpose / to the purpose / to no purpose 这样的易混词组还很多。这些词组形相似,但意义迥然不同;平时学习。应注意多观察,多积累;长期坚持,一定会对英语词汇的学习与应用大有裨益。 《高中英语语法-三组易混淆的英语词汇》由留学英语组我整理(
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在初中英语学习阶段,有一些易混淆的单词。这些单词在拼写、发音和词义上存在一定的相似性,容易导致学生在使用时产生混淆。以下是一些初中易混淆的英语单词:1. manage和management:两个单词都有“管理”的意思,但 "manage" 表示个人亲自处理某事,而 "management" 则表示管理、经营或控制某事的过程。2. memory和memorial:前者是“记忆”的意思,后者是“纪念”的意思。虽然两个单词拼写相近,但词义有很大差别。3. routine和regular:前者意为“例行公事”,而后者意为“规则的”。虽然两个单词的词义不同,但在日常使用中容易混淆。mit和commitment:前者是“承诺、投身”的意思,后者是“承诺、投入”的意思。两个单词在词义和用法上有所不同。pare和comparison:前者意为“比较、对照”,而后者意为“比较、对照后的结果”。虽然两个单词拼写相近,但词义和用法有明显区别。6. engage和engagement:前者是“从事、参加”的意思,而后者是“订婚、约会”的意思。虽然两个单词拼写相近,但词义和用法有很大差别。7. exist和existence:前者意为“存在”,后者意为“存在状态、生活方式”。两个单词在词义和用法上有所不同。为了避免在使用这些单词时产生混淆,建议学生在学习过程中加强对这些单词的词义、用法和例句的理解和记忆。通过多读、多写、多听、多说,逐步提高对这些单词的辨识度和熟练度。
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  导语:/u0254u02d0/和/u025cu02d0/是一对比较容易混淆的元音,尤其当前面的辅音是圆唇的/w/时,比如work和walk,被列为“最难听清”的单词对之一。本篇我们将从基本元音/u025cu02d0/出发,仔细分辨/u0254u02d0/和/u025cu02d0/的区别,帮你摆脱被误解的尴尬。   [发音对比]   关于/u025cu02d0/的发音要领,我们在“英语音标这样说 first 元音 / u025cu02d0 /”和“英语音标别混淆 girl 还是 gull”两篇文章里详细介绍了。因为我们通常认为/u025cu02d0/的`发音唇形、舌位和下颌都是在最放松的位置,所以从这个音开始,体会这三个主要发音器官的移动,会更容易到位。   1、按照/u025cu02d0/的发音要领,发出“迟疑音”:er。。。;   2、嘴唇收圆向前稍突出;   3、下颌微微打开;   4、舌身向后拉,舌根稍抬起;   5、想象口腔中形成一个圆柱形的气流通道,振动声带,发出/u0254u02d0/的声音。   以下这张图片可以清楚地看到两个元音间唇形和舌位的变化。   [单词对比]   four fur;   torn turn;   warm worm;   walker worker;   [短句对比]   Sheu2018s got four。 / Sheu2019s got fur。   Itu2018s a torn sign。 / Itu2019s a turn sign。   I wouldnu2018t like warm soup。 / I wouldnu2019t like worm soup。   Heu2018s a fast walker。 / Heu2019s a fast worker。
2023-08-09 12:18:501


persuade说服advise 劝说,不一定说服了;另一个意思是建议advice是advise的名词,建议suggest建议,与advise 同义,同用法,后面接句子是用虚拟语气journey旅行,旅程travel旅游,trip短途旅行voyage航海,海上旅行
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《高中英语语法-五句容易混淆的口语》由英语我整理,更多请访问:。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 五句容易混淆的口语 1. School is open 与 the school is open : school is open ( 或 schools are open) 是指u2018学校开学u2019 (classes are in session) ,这里的 open 是形容词, school 前面不加冠词 the ,意味整个中小学的 school system 。但是 the school is open ,多指学校的建筑物开放着,但没有学生上课。 同理: He goes to school. 是指他去上学读书受教育,而 He goes to the school. 又指他去学校的建筑物(看朋友、参观等)。 但是 The store is open. 是指店在营业中( = Business is going on. ),而 The store is closed. 又是指店暂时不营业。假如店是永久性的u2018关门大吉u2019,就应该说: The store was closed down. (permanently) 不过 closed 当形容词时,又有u2018保守u2019( conservative )或受某种u2018限制u2019( restricted )的意思。 例如: This is a closed community. (这是一个保守的社区。)(由于宗教信仰等原因,美国有的社区不欢迎外来的人。) 2. Thick skin 与 thin skin : thick skin 是指一个人不害羞,冷静,好脾气 (insensitive,calm or good temper) ,但是 thin skin 是指很敏感 (very sensitive) ,易发怒,易激动的人。 例如: He has thin ( 或 thick) skin. ( 当名词用 ) = He is thin-skinned ( 或 thick-skinnd).( 当形容词用 ) Many American politicians are very thick-skinned. ( 许多美国政客是冷静不易发怒的。 ) thick skin 不是咱们中国人所谓u2018厚脸皮u2019u2018不要脸u2019的意思。对老外来说,往往还是一种恭维呢!而 thin skin 恰好又相反。 3. To turn the tables 与 under the table : turn the tables 意思是扭转局面,作出反击或反告( to turn around or to reverse the accusation toward accuser ),但是 under the table 是指做贿赂等违法的事情( do something illegal )。 例如: In court she turned the tables of prosecution toward him. (在法院她反而控告他。) Some politicians accepted brides under the table. (一些政客违法地接受贿赂。) 4. To be attracted to 与 to be attracted by : 这都是指u2018被吸引住u2019,不过介系词用 to 时,后面通常不说理由,但介词用 by 时,后面多半说明吸引的原因。 例如: She was attracted to him. (她被他吸引住。)(但没有说明原因 ) = She found herself attracted to him. = He attracted her. ; 说白些,就是 = She liked him.; 同理 He was attracted to her.( 他被她吸引住。 ) = He found himself attracted to her. = She attracted him.; 也就是: = He liked her. 但是如果说: She was attracted by his good-look. ( 她被他的英俊外表吸住了。 ) He was attracted by her beauty ( 或 charm 或 body). (always) ( 他被她的美貌或身材而吸引。 ) 就是因为用 by 时,后面多半都说明吸引的理由。 5. Talk back to (someone) 与 turn (one""s) back on (someone) : to talk back to someone 意思是对某人u2018回嘴u2019( to defy ),多半指小孩。而 to turn one""s back on someone 系指不喜欢某人( dislike someone )。例如: the boy talks back to his mother all the time. (这男孩对他母亲老是回嘴。) 至于 to be on ( one""s ) back about ( something )又有对某事u2018唠叨u2019 (nagging )的意思。 例如: His mother is always on his back about diet. (他妈妈常为了饮食对他唠叨。) 《高中英语语法-五句容易混淆的口语》由英语我整理,更多请访问:
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2017年公共英语听力常见易混淆词汇   导语:英语中有很多型近的词汇,不少考生会混淆,下面是我收集整理的听力常见易混淆词汇,欢迎参考!   Part One   1. pull (拖)--- full (满的)   2. race (赛跑)--- rice (大米)   3. sad (悲伤的)--- side (边)   4. sell (卖)---- shall (将要)   5. sheep (绵羊)--- ship (轮船)   6. shirt (衬衣)--- skirt (裙子)   7. short (矮的)--- shout (喊叫)   8. sing (唱歌)---- thing (事情)   9. smell (闻)--- smile (微笑)   10. street (街道)--- straight (直的)   11. than (比)--- then (那时)   12. team (队)--- term (学期)   13. thick (厚的`)--- think (想)   14. thirty (三十)---- thirsty (口渴的)   15. watch (手表)--- wash (洗)   16. what (什么)--- water (水)   17. word (单词)--- world (世界)   Part Two   1. May (五月)--- may (也许)   2. Miss (小姐)--- miss (错过)   3. Green (格林)--- green (绿色的)   4. China (中国)--- china (瓷器)   5. Brown (布朗)--- brown (棕色的)   6. White (怀特)--- white (白色的)   7. along (沿着)---- alone (单独地)   8. back (后面)--- bike (自行车)   9. cold (寒冷的)--- could (能)   10. fail (失败)--- fill (装满)   11. great (伟大的)--- grade (年级)   12. house (房子)--- horse (马)   13. lend (借出)--- land (土地)   14. left (左)--- lift (电梯)   15. light (轻的;灯)--- night (晚上)   16. lesson (课)---- listen (听)   17. month (月)---- mouth (嘴)   18. parent (父/母亲)--- present (礼物)   19. play (玩)--- plane (飞机) ;
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《中考英语容易混淆的单词和词组解析(三)》由留学liuxue86.com我整理。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 在初中英语学习或中考中经常会遇到一些汉语意义相近,或英语形式相似的词或短语以及句型。只有真正了解意思才能做到准确无误。希望以下的练习有助于你的归纳。 Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms. 21. cabbage/fish 1) I bought lots of ___________ yesterday. 2) ___________ was served after the first course. 3) They caught several frogs, crabs and ___________ in the river yesterday. 4) I think you"d better eat some more ___________ vegetables are good for you. 22. can/may/must 1) We ___________ follow the instructions when we use the computers. 2) ___________ I have a look at your photos? 3) I thought I ___________ smell something burning. 23. die of/die from 1) Nowadays more people ___________ car accidents on high ways. 2) In fact the little baby ___________ a fever last night. 24. drop/fall 1) The vase ___________ and broke. 2) Jenny"s voice ___________ as the class teacher entered the classroom. 25. elderly/elder/older 1) Air pollution can cause respiratory problems, especially in children and the ___________. 2) My ___________ brother is ten years ___________ than I. 26. electricity/electric/electrician/electronic/electrical 1) Make sure that lights and other ___________ appliances are turned off when not needed. 2) Avoiding using ___________ dictionary while doing some reading. 3) Simon"s father used to be an ___________. 4) I got an ___________ shock from that faulty light switch when I was fourteen. 5) Don"t leave the TV on, it wastes ___________. 27. excited/exciting All of us were ___________ at the ___________ news yesterday. 28. fall/feel 1) The doctor ___________ my forehead and said, "You have got a high fever. " 2) Many trees ___________ in the sand storm last night. 29. asleep/sleepy/sleep/sleeping 1) The driver felt ___________ last night, so he fell ___________as soon as he lay in bed. 2) When do you go to ___________every day? 3) I took a ___________-car to Beijing last Friday. 30. find out/find/discover/invent/look for/search for 1) Columbus ___________America in 1492. 2) Do you know who first ___________clock? 3) Jane ___________her key to the drawer everywhere just now, but she couldn"t ___________it. 4) Please try to ___________who broke the window. 5) The police ___________the criminals for hours this morning. 参考答案与解析 21.cabbage和fish这类词,在煮熟之前是可数的,但做成菜以后就是不可数了。 1)此句的含义为“昨天我买了许多大白菜”,所以答案是cabbages。 2)此句的含义为“鱼是上的第二道菜”,所以答案是Fish。 3)此句的含义为“昨天他们在河里抓了些青蛙、螃蟹和一些鱼”,答案是fishes,因 为指各种不同的鱼。 4)此句的含义为“我认为你最好多吃些卷心菜。蔬菜对你有好处。”所以答案是 cabbage。 22.can表示一种能力;may表示一种可能性;must表示一种责任。 1)此句的含义为“当我们使用计算机时,我们必须按照用法说明。”所以选must。 2)此句的含义为“我可以看一下你的照片吗?”所以答案是May。 3)此句的含义为“我想我能闻到东西烧焦了。”所以答案是could。 23.die of是指自然死亡,die from而是指死于天灾人祸 1)此句的含义为“现在更多的人死于公路上的车祸。”所以答案是die from。 2)此句的含义为“事实上那个小孩昨晚死于高烧。”所以答案是died of。 24. drop的意思为“使某物落下”,而fall的意思为“落下、跌下,(强度)变弱” 1)此句的意思为“花瓶落了下来,碎了。”所以答案是fell。 2)此句的含义为“当老师进入教室的时候,詹尼的声音小了下来。”所以答案是 dropped。 25. elderly= aged是指老年人,elderly较为客气、尊重;elder是指(人,尤其是家庭中两个关系密切的成员)年龄较大的,年长的,用作定语;older用于人或事物,常用在比较级中。 1)此句的含义为“空气污染容易导致呼吸道的疾病,尤其是老人和孩子。”所以答 案是elderly。 2) brother是指兄弟;than又是比较级的标志,所以答案是elder,older。 26. electric发电的、使用电力的;electrical电的、与电有关的;electricity电;electronic电子的;electrician电工 1)家用电器的表达为“electrical appliances=electronic equipment”,所以答案是electrical。 2)“好易通”,“文曲星”这类属于电子词典,所以答案是electronic。 3)此句的含义为“西蒙的父亲是一位电工”,所以答案是electrician。 4) electric shock是一个固定短语,意思是“触电”,所以答案是electric。 5)此句的含义为“不要把电视开着,这样的话费电”,所以答案是electricity。 27.以-ed结尾的形容词和以-ing结尾的形容词意义不同,前者用来修饰人物,而后者 用来修饰事物、事件。 人对兴奋的消息感到兴奋。所以答案是excited,exciting。 28.fall(fell,fallen)落下、跌落;feel( felt,felt)摸、触、触摸;感觉到、感受到 1)此句的意思为“医生摸摸我的头后说,你发烧了。”所以答案是felt。 2)此句的意思为“许多树在沙尘暴中倒下。”所以答案是fell。 29.asleep是一个形容词用作表语,意思为“睡着、熟睡”,常常出现的短语为:fall asleep,be fast asleep,be sound asleep;sleepy是形容词,意思为“困的、欲睡的”常用的短语为:feel sleepy,look sleepy;sleep既作动词又作名词。 1)此句的含义为“那个司机昨天感觉很累,所以他一上床就睡着了。”所以答案是 sleepy,asleep。 2) go to sleep是个词组,意为睡觉,所以答案是sleep。 3) sleeping-car是一种固定的表达,意思为“卧车”,所以答案是sleeping。 30.find找到;find out搞清楚、弄明白;discover发现(某事、某地);invent创造、发明; look for寻找;search for搜查(某人)、细查(某人或某处)以搜寻某人(某物) 1)此句的含义为“1492年,哥伦布发现了美洲。”所以答案是discovered。 2)此句的含义为“你知道是谁发明了手表?”所以答案是invented。 3)看得出此句中的人物在到处找东西,可是找不到。所以答案是looked for,find。 4)此句的含义为“请查一下谁砸了窗?”所以答案是find out。 5)警察花了几个小时在搜查罪犯。所以答案是searched for。 《中考英语容易混淆的单词和词组解析(三)》由留学liuxue86.com我整理
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音标中he 和she后半部分都是/I:/读起来差不多,包括许多中学生,高中生常常也会随口说错而引起老师不满
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|s|后的辅音,如|d|,|p|,这些要读成爆破音,也就是|d| 读成|t|, |b|读成|p|。这是规律,要记着。
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81. formally, formerly   formally正式地。如:We were required to dress formally for the party.   formerly从前。如:Formerly he worked in a factory, but now he is a teacher.   82. frank, honest, sincere   都与坦率有关。   frank直率的,坦白的,着重表达自己的情感和想法时没有保留。如:To be frank with you, I do not know the answer myself.(老实说,我自己也不知道答案。)   honest诚实的,正直的,指遵守正直等道德准则。如:We want your honest opinion, not empty compliments.(我们需要你的诚心恳的意见,而不是空洞的恭维。)   Sincere诚挚的,诚恳的,强调出自内心的真心实意。如:Please accept this as a token of my sincere gratitude.(请接受这份表示我真诚感谢的礼物。)   83. gaze, stare, glance, glimpse   都与“看”有关。   gaze“凝视”,强调由于惊奇、兴趣,目不转睛地注视。   Stare强调由于好奇、害怕或无意地睁大眼睛盯着看看。   glare“怒视”,是凶狠地含有威胁地盯着看。   glimpse“一瞥”,是短暂而急促地看,含有意地匆匆地看一眼,现多用作名词。   [注意]一般表示“看”的单词大多同at搭配构成短,但glimpse却有catch (have) a glimpse of这一搭配。   84. genius, gift, talent   都有天才之意。   genius天才,是这三词中程度的词。如:Shakespeare was a man of great genius.   gift天赋,比“天才”的意义要弱一点,可用复数。如:He is a man of many gifts.(他多才多艺。)   talent才能,一般不用复数,指通过学习和勤奋掌握的本领、技术和其他的活动能力。如:As a novelist, he shows great talent in characterization.(作为小说家,他在描写人物方面显出很大的才能。)   85. get, achieve, acquire, attain, gain, obtain   均可表“获得”。   get用得最广,可指以各种方式获得各种东西。如:Where can I get enough information?(我从哪儿能得到足够的资料?)   achieve多指克服困难后取得胜利,成功,强调“得到”这一结果。如:He achieved his ambition in the end.(他最终实现了他的抱负。)   acquire指通过本身的努力逐渐获得知识、能力和荣誉等。如:acquire knowledge(获得知识)。   attain为正式用词,多用于庄重场合,主要指通过努力达到重要目的或得到珍贵的东西。如:The scientist attained great fame by a new discovery.(那科学家由于一次新发现而出了名。)   gain多指付出极大努力后获得或赢得给自己带来优势的东西。如:They gained the victory after a bloody battle.(浴血奋战后他们赢得了胜利。)   obtain多指凭努力或恳求得到急需或很想得到的东西。如:Howard had failed to obtain a scholarship.(霍华德没能得到奖学金。)   86. grasp, seize, snatch   都有“抓”的意思。   grasp为常用词,是用适度的力量抓牢。   seize是突然用力抓住。   snatch“攫取”,指出其不意地,突然一把抓住并拿向自己。   87. hanged, hung   hang, hanged, hanged吊死。如:He hanged himself when he failed.   Hang, hung, hung悬挂。如:His pictures were hung in the museum.   88. haste, hurry, speed   都与速度有关。   haste急速,急忙,多指人的动作迅速和匆忙。如:I felt no haste to depart.(我不急着走。)   hurry急忙,匆忙,常表示混乱,焦急和忙乱的意思。如:I forgot to pay my bill in my hurry.   Speed迅速,快,不暗示忙乱或焦急。如:More haste, less speed.(欲速则不达。)  89. hard, hardly   hard努力地。如:Take it easy. You"ve been working too hard.   hardly几乎不,简直不。如:The children can hardly wait to hear the news.   90. home, house   home家。如:East or west, home is best.   House房子,住宅。如:Our new house is quite near the station.   91. equal, equivalent, identical, same   皆含相同,相等之意。   equal相同的,相等的,特指“数量,价值等”相同。如:Their ages are equal.   equivalent相等的,特指“价值,效力,意义”等相同的。如:This sentence is equivalent to that.   identical相同的,相等的,侧重于某一细节上完全相同。如:She wore the identical dress on both occasions.   identical相同的,相等的,侧重于某一细节上完全相同。如:She wore the identical dress on both occasion.(她在两种场合穿同样的衣服。)   same相同的,表示在质量、类型、外表或意义上相同,而实际上有差异。如:He is of about the same age as you.   92. imaginable, imaginary, imaginative   都是与想象有关的形容词。   imaginable可以想象得到的。如:This is the only solution imaginable.(这是惟一想得出的解决办法。)   imaginary假想的,虚构的。如:an imaginary character in a story(故事里的虚构人物)   imaginative富于想象力力的。如:an imaginative artist(想像力丰定的艺术家)   93. indifferent, different   indifferent冷漠的,不关心的,同to搭配。如:He was indifferent to his personal appearance.(他从前不注意自己的外表。)   different跟……不一样,同from搭配。如:This book is different from that one.(这本书跟那本不一样。)   北京尚博学校提醒你,词汇记忆需要持之以恒!   94. industrial, industrious   industrial工业的,产业的。如:Italy is becoming an industrial nation.(意大利逐步成为工业国。)   industrious勤劳的,勤奋的。如:He is an industrious student.(他是个用功的学生。)  95. influence, effect   都有“影响”之意。   influence可作动词、名词,指对某人的思想行为、性格等产生影响。如:She was influenced by her middle school teachers.(她受中学时的老师影响。)   effect用作动词意为“造成”,“产生”,用作名词强调由于影响而产生特殊效果。如:The effects of the medicine are very good.(药效很好。)   96. intention, idea, purpose   intention主要指个人心里产生的做某事欲望或得到某物的想法,常见的搭配是have the intention of doing something.   Idea指“意见”,“见解”。   Purpose意为“目的”,着重于实现目的的决心和待付出的努力。如:For what purpose do you learn English?(你学英文的目的是什么?)   97. last, latest, final, ultimate   last最后的,与first相对,还可指“上一次的”。如:My seat is in the last row.   latest最近的,指时间上。如:the latest news(消息)   final最后的,指在一系列的事物中是最后的,而且是结论性的,决定性的。如:The judgment has become final.(这已是最后的判断。)   ultimate 最终的,最后的,用于正式场合,含有的和最有权威的结果。如:He never considered the ultimate result of his action.(他从未考虑其行为的后果。)   98. lay, lie   lay放,搁。如:Lay the book on the desk.(把书放在桌上。)   lie(躺)的过去式和过去分词分别为lay, lain; lie(说谎)的过去式和过去分词为lied, lied; lay作动词时的过去式和过去分词是laid, laid。   99. literal, literary, literate   literal文字上的,字面的。如:a literal interpretation of a passage(对一段文章的字面解释)   literary文学的。如:literary works(文学作品)   literary有文化的(反义词是illiterate),如:people applying for the job should be computer literate.(申请这份工作的人应会使用电脑。)   100.manufacture, make, produce   manufacture制造,加工,较正式,通常表示把原料经过一定程度制成产品,多指使用机器大批生产。如:This textile factory manufactures cloth of good quality.(这家纺织厂生产优质布料。)   make做,制造,最常用词,使用较广泛。如:She can make cakes.   Produce生产,制造,着重产品的数量。如:The chemical works produced 5,000 tons of chemical fertilizer last year.(这家化工厂去年生产了5000吨化肥。)
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41. base, basis :   base表事物的下部的底部,多用于具体事物。   basis多用于比喻,主要指命题的基础。如:His ideas have no   basis in reality.(他的意见缺乏现实基础。)   42. beat, win :   beat表在比赛和战斗中打败对手,后接对手作宾语。   Win作及物动词时,其宾语为游戏、比赛、战斗、奖金等名词。如   :He has won the race.(他赢得了赛跑的胜利。)   43. beneath, below, under   beneath表示同表面接触,与on 相对。Below表示“在下面,低于   ”,与above相对。 :   under表示“在……正下方”与over相对。   44. beside, besides   beside在……旁边。如:Come and sit beside me.   besides除……之外。如:I have two other umbrellas besides   this one. :   45. big, great, large   big强调体积,质量,容量和重量大。如:a big box。Big也有抽   象意义,指重大的事件或行为。如:a big mistake   great带感情色彩,多指程度和质量,指具体事物或人时,表“突   出”,“引人注目”。如:a great man   large多指面积,数目或数量大。如:a large population, a   large number等。   46. bloom, blossom   bloom多指供观赏植物的开花。如:The roses are blooming.   blossom多指果树等植物的开花。如:The apple trees are   blossoming. :   47. borrow, lend   borrow借入。如:Can I borrow your pen for a moment?   lend把……借给。如:Can you lend me your bike?   48. bring, take   bring带来。如:Bring me some water, please.   take拿走。如:Shall I take some flowers when I go and see   her?   49. calculate, compute, estimate   calculate通常指用数学方法进行比较复杂,难度较大的精确计算   。如:You can"t expect a schoolboy to calculate distances in   astronomy.:   compute常指比较简单的运算。如:It was computed that two   thirds of the students in the class passed the examination.   estimate估计,常指对数量、成本等事先进行判断或估计。如:   Some farmers asked the weatherman to estimate next year"s   rainfall. :   50. cheat, deceive, trick   cheat欺骗,常用词,主要指为了自己的利益欺骗人。   deceive表示隐瞒真相或以假相骗人。如:The boy deceived the   teacher by lying.   trick哄骗,表示耍手段进行欺骗,强调在行骗时使用计策,有时也指并非出于恶意的欺骗。如:Tom cleverly tricked his mother into approval.   51. childish, childlike   childish幼稚的。如:It was very childish of him to lose   his temper over something so unimportant.   childlike孩子般天真的。如:When she won the gold medal,   there was childlike smile on her face.   52. choose, pick, select, elect   choose是一常用词,表一般的“选择”。   北京尚博学校提醒你,词汇记忆需要持之以恒!   pick通常用于不需要认真权衡,对比就能做出决定。   select侧重“在同类的许多东西中,进行有斟酌的精选”。   elect指选举或用其他方法推选人。   53. cloth, clothing   cloth布。如:I need three yards of cloth to make a suit.   clothing衣服(总称)。如:You"d better give all the old   clothing away. :   54. complex, complicated   均可表“复杂”。   complex为常用词。   complicated为正式用词,表由于组成部分太多,相互关系太复杂   而不能理解,语气很强。   55. compose, consist, constitute   compose为常用词,常用被动语态,如用主动语态,主语应用复数   形式。如:Twelve men compose a jury.(十二人组成陪审团。)   consist表一个整体由几个部分组成(只能用主动语态)。如:The   United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Island.(   联合王国是由大不列颠及北爱尔兰组  成。)   constitute为正式用词,与consist相反,表由哪些部分构成整体   。如:Twelve months constitute a year.(一年有十二个月。)   56. considerable, considerate   considerable相当多的,可观的。如:He met a considerable   amount of trouble.(他遇到了许多麻烦。)   considerate 考虑周到的,体谅的。如:It was considerate of   you not to trouble us.(你真体贴人,不打扰我们。)   57. consistent, constant, continual, continuous   consistent一致的,符合的。如:His action is always   consistent with his words.   constant不断的,表示持续和惯常的重现,往往没有变化。如:He   attributes his health to his constant exercise.   continual频频的,不停的,时断时续,中间可有间歇。如:   Continual smoking is bad for health.   continuous不断延伸的,连续不断的,强调中间无间断。如:   Everything in the universe undergoes continuous development   and change. :   58. crack, crash   crack(使)破裂,砸开。如:I can crack it, but I can"t   break it. (我能把它弄裂,但不能把它弄破。)   crash摔坏,坠毁。如:The plane crashed shortly after the   take-off.(飞机起飞不久就坠毁了。)   59. crawl, creep   crawl多指蛇,虫类等身体沿地面或其他表面的动作。如:There   is an insect crawling up your back. (有一虫子正在你的背上往上   爬。) :   creep多指哺乳动物或人等用四肢爬行的动物偷偷摸摸无声缓慢的   前行动作。如:They arrived late and crept into the classroom.(   我们迟到了,便悄悄地溜进教室。)   60. cure, treat   cure治愈,医治。如:The medicine will cure of your   disease.(这药能治好你的病。)   cure表示治好,treat只表示“给……治病”。
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(1)那些动词后用原形动词(infinitive without “to” )? 动词后用原形动词(infinitive without “to”)的有: behold(12 世纪前用字,现代英文中极少用),bid, feel, have, hear, let, make, observe, perceive, see, watch, 另help后,可用to(英式英文)或不用to(美式英文)。 (2) play piano or play the piano? 弹奏或演奏乐噐,在乐噐之前要加定冠词 the. 例如:He plays the organ in the church on Sundays. She practices playing the violin almost every day. (3)sometime vs. some time vs. sometimes 1. sometime: (过去的)某一时候;来日,改天 例如:I stayed in Taichung sometime last summer. 去年夏天某个时候,我待过台中。 例如:I"ll go to Taichung to see you sometime next summer. 明年夏天某个时候,我 去台中看你。 2. some time: 一段时间 例如:I stayed in Taichung (for) some time last summer. 去年夏天,我在台中待过一段时间。 3. sometimes: 有时候 例如:Sometimes I go to Taichung for business. 有时候我去台中出差。 (4)What a beautiful girl she is! vs. How beautiful a girl she is! 两句都是惊叹句,意思一样,只是一用what, 一用how开始。如用what开始,则是 what a + 形容词;如用how开始,则是how + 形容词。 (5) I have just received a letter from my father vs. I just received a letter from my father Just当刚才或方才(a moment ago)解释时,英式英文用现在完成式,美式英文用简单过去式。但just now(刚才)不论英式英文或美式英文均用简单过去式。 例如:I received a letter from him just now. (6) go to bed vs. go to sleep go to bed 是就寝,go to sleep是入睡。我们可以确知自己几时、几分、甚致几秒就寝,但却无法确知自己几时、几分入睡。 例如:I always go to bed at 11 o"clock every night. I don"t know when I went to sleep last night. (7) ago vs. before ago 是现在的过去多久时间before是过去的过去多久时间。 例如:He transferred to another university two years ago. transferred是过去式,是从说这句话时推算two years ago. He told me that he had transferred to another university two years before. told是过去式,had transferred是过去里的过去(past in the past),因为它发生在过去式told之前,此时时态要用过去完成式,并用before, 否则他可能是两年前或三年前告诉(told)我,加两年或三年便是四年或五年了,而非两年前。 此外,在直接句改为间直接句时,如直接句中有 ago,间直接句中要改为 before. 例如:Direct: Joy said, “I read that novel a year ago.” Indirect: Joy said that she had read that novel a year before. (8) The house which I went into is big. vs. The house into which I went is big. The house which I went into is big. 是一般的英文。 The house into which I went is big. 如将into 放在which之前,即是该句的加强句。 此外亦可写为The house that I went into is big.( 非正式英文。) 但如写为The house into that I went is big.因为that 作关系代名词用时,前面不得用前置词。 (9) 形容词子句中关代用 that 时与名词子句如何区分? 1. The fact THAT she has inner grace(内在美) is more important. 2. The fact THAT we must recognize is the lack of respect for the old. 3. I like the student THAT is gentle and respectful.(彬彬有礼) 第一句中THAT是连接词,连接The fact与 she has inner grace. THAT she has inner grace是名词子句,作the fact的同位语,而且 she has inner grace可独立成句。 在名词子句中的THAT也称为名词子句的符号 (the sign of noun clause)。 第二句中THAT是关系代名词,作为recognize的受词,亦可用which代替它成为: That fact WHICH we must recognize is the lack of respect for the old. 第三句中THAT也是关系代名词,作为is gentle and respectful的主词 第二、三句中we must recognize(无受词)及is gentle and respectful(无主词) 均无法独立成句。 区分两者的方法是: a. THAT在附属子句中是否作主词或受词,如果是,则是形容词子句。 b. THAT在附属子句中如果既非主词,又非受词,只有连接功能时,则是名词子句。 摘译自拙著p.134, Practical English Grammar and Rhetoric(实用英文文法与修辞. 第九版第五刷) (10) on Taiwan vs. in Taiwan 在岛上的「在」用 on英国人用 on但亦可用 in. Taiwan 是一个岛,所以用on 或in. 例如:He lives in (on ) Taiwan. 通常身在台湾的人说: “We live in Taiwan.” 身不在台湾的人说: “They live on Taiwan.” (11)always vs. never always & never 均为频率副词 (adverbs of frequency),我们用百分比来细分它们的差异: always—100% all of the time usually—80% most of the time often—50% much of the time sometimes—30% some of the time seldom—almost never never—not at any time (12)everyday 是形容词 例如:everyday life, everyday dialogue, everyday clothes(便服), etc. She wears everyday clothes every day after retirement. He practices everyday English dialogue with his brother every day. every day 是副词词组或名词词组在句子中作副词用 例如:He goes to the park for a walk every day.( 副词词组) Generally speaking, every day is a fine day in summer. (名词词组) (13)eat one"s words vs. break one"s words eat one"s words 失言,为说错话而道歉,承认自己的错误 例如:He ate his words at the meeting twice. break one"s words 食言 例如:He never breaks his words. 他从不食言,他从不爽约. (14) aim at vs. aim to aim at + ving 企图,意欲,瞄准目标 例如:Henry aimed at passing the Joint College Entrance Examination. aim + to企图,意欲,瞄准目标 例如:Henry aimed to pass the Joint College Entrance Examination. (15)名词food一字是可数或不可数名词? A. food 指食物通称时,是不可数名词,例如:food and drink(食物与饮料)。但指食物种类时是可数名词,例如: 1. Milk is a valuable food. 2. She eats the plainest of foods. (她吃最清淡的食物) 3. My students eat too many sweet foods, like cakes and pastry. 其它如health foods(各种保健食品),baby foods (各种婴儿食品)等。
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take 带走,bring带来,carry不具有方向性,肩挑,手提,fetch 去拿来,双方向性
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新生一年级,开学的首要学习任务是在两个月内熟悉汉语拼音的听说读写。 这是学习语文的重要基础。.为了避免与一年级英语口语学习中所遇到的英文字母的认读所产生的混淆,而这个混淆是必然的,加上这三组的读音也是相似的。而我们英语老师所做的就是把这个必然的混淆的程度和次数尽可能地减少。教学内容:G和JM和NS和X三组英文字母的认读教学目标:能熟练地认读G和JM和NS和X教学重难点:这三组字母是26个字母中发音经常混淆的字母教学准备:一张汉堡包的图片、一张蛇的图片、案例实录教学过程:一、导入以讲故事的形式引入,因为幼儿园通常以讲故事展开教学。同学们就纷纷举手。当学生说出自己的名字后,再进一步引入:每个人也有自己说话的声音,现在我们来做一个游戏:请一位同学站到老师面前,背对同学们,然后请另外一位同学随便地说一句话,让那位背对同学们的学生看能不能猜出是哪个同学在说话。于是,同学们又纷纷拥跃地举手参与。游戏地结果:前对同学位的几位学生都能听出说话的同学,并叫出他/她的名字。二、呈现:通过这个实验游戏在引起学生的兴趣上呈现教学内容。先小结刚才的游戏的实验结果:每个人有自己的名字,也有自己独有说话的声音。其实英文字母和我们人一样,也有自己的名字,也是它自己独有的说话的声音。说到这里,同学们更是好奇地注意着老师所说,这样起到吸引注意力的作用。继续以故事引入,这两位小朋友也很喜欢吃汉堡包,一个名字叫M, 一个叫N形容M吃汉堡包时(M的读音), 形容N吃汉堡包时(N的读音),孩子们都很感兴趣,然后叫他们学着M和N吃汉堡时是怎样表示好吃的。呈现S和X:呈现蛇的图片和单词,把SNAKE中的E、K、A、N逐一擦去,这时孩子们就发出S这个字母原来就藏在蛇里,用形象记忆法使孩子们印象深刻。引出:蛇叫S, 当两条蛇相碰时,打架了,两条蛇缠在一起,就发出X的声音。然后让学生也去模仿一条蛇的声音,两条蛇打架时的声音。这些孩子们都很感兴趣。呈现:G和J: G喝水比较斯文,小口小口地喝(通过看老师的嘴形和发音),但J喝水却是大口大口地喝(嘴形是咧开状),说到这,有的学生也尝试拿起自己的水瓶来试试,这时老师就提了一个要求:小口小口地喝或是大口大口地喝。让学生通过嘴形去认读这组字母。最后,还告诉学生,G的小朋友g和J的小朋友j都是小淘气,平时总喜欢把小脚伸出来。目的是让学生形象地记住他们的小写。当听到平时总喜欢把小脚伸出来,这时有些学生就跟着把自己的脚也伸到通道上,老师也来个及时的教育,g和J是小淘气,我们不当小淘气,不能把脚伸出来,如果我们把脚伸出来,会把其他的同学绊倒,这是很危险的。三。巩固和发展(1)学生快速认读三组字母(以抽取的形式)(2)让学生在找出藏在图片中的M、N、S、X、G、J案例分析(1)用拟人化故事激发学生学习的兴趣,吸引他们的注意力。(2)突破认读难点M和N,N的发音用舌头压在唇齿间(4) 在以后的课堂时,一说到这几个字母,大部分同学这三组字母是印象深刻地不足:故事化的教学方法弱化了浸入式的全英文教学。解决方法(1)TPR教学法在认读M和N时,除了让老师看学生的口形,还要让学生看老师的M和N手势的区别,在认读S和X时,夸张X的发音是在喉咙里的受阻后而发出的,并通过S形的手势和X的手势使学生区别(3)用形象记忆法加深学生对字母的认读结语(1)英文字母的认读的教学要创设童趣的情景,以适应刚从幼儿园和新生一年级的年龄特征。(2)但因故事化的教学弱化了浸入式的全英文教学。凡事都不可两全其美,有舍也有得。
2023-08-09 12:21:511


I上下有短横 l不是 很容易分奇怪,百度显示有问题。看起来一样,一般都能直接分辨的
2023-08-09 12:22:014


46. no more than:同样不;仅仅,只有 e.g. This book is no more interesting than that one. It is no more than empty talk. not more than:不比……更,不如;至多 e.g. He is not more clever than you are. There were not more than 5 factories in our city before liberation. 47. on sale:出售的;廉价出售 e.g. Many new farm tools are on sale in this store. I got this book on sale; it was very cheap. for sale:出售的,上市的 e.g. I shall put these goods up for sale. 在作“出售的”的意思的时候,on sale和for sale还是有一些不同的,一般来说,for sale多指物主亲自或委托代理人经手出售,而on sale通常表示店里的货物是供出售的。 48. once again:再一次 e.g. I want to try this once again. once and again:一再 e.g. I have told him once and again not to do that. 49. out of question:毫无疑问,必定 e.g. Out of question, this plan can be fulfilled ahead of time. out of the question:不可能的 e.g. What you propose is out of the question. 50. refer to:提及,涉及 e.g. I would like to refer back to the first of my three points. refer to…as:称作,叫做 e.g. Coal is often referred to as food for industry. 51. search sb.:认真搜查某人身体 e.g. They searched him but nothing was found on him. search for sb.:搜查某地为找到某人 e.g. They searched for him everywhere but failed. 52. settle down:落下;定居 e.g. The dust slowly settled down. He has settled down in the countryside. settle down to:专心致力于;逐渐习惯于 e.g. He settled down to his homework. They settled down to a new job. 53. speak for itself:不言而喻 e.g. One does not to be told that this fact speaks for itself. speak for oneself:发表本人的意见 e.g. What others think I do not know, I can only speak for myself. 54. submit to:屈服于 e.g. He has to submit to an operation. submit…to:提交 e.g. They must submit the case to the court.
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初中英语常用易混淆词组 如put on put up put out 之类

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mix up 混淆
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容易混淆的英语单词有:1、Altar:祭坛/Alter:更改。2、Amoral:无道德的/Immoral:邪恶的。3、Appraise:评估/Apprise:告知。4、Assent:同意/Ascent:上升。5、Brake:制动器/Break:破坏。6、Breathe:呼吸/Breath:气息。7、Capitol:国会大厦/Capital:首都。8、Cite:引用/Site:位置。9、Coarse:粗糙的/ Course:课程。10、Complement:补充/Compliment:恭维。11、Council:委员会/Counsel:劝告。12、Definite:明确的/Definitive:决定性的。13、Desert:沙漠/Dessert:甜点。14、Device:设备/Devise:计划。15、Draft:草稿/Draught:一饮。16、Elicit:引出/Illicit:非法的。17、Eminent:受人尊崇的/Imminent:即将发生的。18、Envelop:包围/Envelope:信封。19、Faint:晕倒/Feint:佯攻。20、Forth:计算机语言的一种/Fourth:第四。
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容易混淆的高考英语词汇大全   在高考英语中,有很多易混易错英语词汇,很多人都搞不懂!下面我整理了一些容易混淆的高考英语词汇,希望能给大家提供一些帮助。   1. clothes, cloth, clothing   clothes统指各种衣服,谓语动词永远是复数, cloth指布,为不可数名词 clothing 服装的总称,指一件衣服用a piece of, an article of   2. amount, number   amount后接不可数名词, number后接可数名词 a number of students   3. sound, voice, noise   sound自然界各种各样的声音,voice人的嗓音,noise噪音I hate the loud noise outside.   4. cause, reason   cause 指造成某一事实或现象的直接原因,后接of sth./doing sth,reason用来解释某种现象或结果的理由,后接for sth./doing sth. the reason for being late   5. exercise, exercises, practice exercise运动,锻炼(不可数),exercises练习(可数),practice(反复做的)练习 Practice makes perfect.   6. officer, official   officer部队的军官,official政府官员 an army officer   7. work, job   二者均指工作。work不可数,job可数 a good job   8. cook, cooker   cook厨师,cooker厨具 He is a good cook.   9. problem, question   problem常和困难连系,前面的动词常为think about, solve, raise,question常和疑问连系,多和ask, answer连用   10. a number of, the number of   a number of许多,谓语动词用复数。the number of…的数目,谓语动词用单数。The number of students is increasing.   11. chick, chicken   二者均可指小鸡,chicken还可以当鸡肉 The chicken is delicious.   12. trip, journey, travel, voyage   travel是最常用的,trip指短期的旅途,journey指稍长的旅途,voyage指海上航行 a three-day trip   13. in front of, in the front of   in front of范围外的前面,in the front of范围内的前面 In the front of the room sits a boy.   14. three of us, the three of us   three of us我们(不止三个)中的`三个,the three of us我们三个(就三个人)The three of us---Tom, Jack and I went to the cinema.   15. by bus, on the bus   by bus表手段,方式,不用冠词,on the bus表范围 They went there by bus.   16. for a moment, for the moment   for a moment 片刻,一会儿,for the moment暂时,一时 Thinking for a moment, he agreed.   17. in a word, in words   in a word总之,一句话, in words口头上 In a word, you are right.   18. in place of, in the place of   in place of代替,in the place of在…地方 A new building is built in the place of the old one.   19. go to sea, by sea, by the sea   go to sea当海员,出航,by sea乘船,由海路, by the sea在海边 go by sea   20. the doctor and teacher, the doctor and the teacher   the doctor and teacher指一个人,既是医生又是老师,the doctor and the teacher两个人,一个医生和一个老师 the doctor and teacher is   21. in office, in the office   in office在职的,in the office在办公室里 He is in office, not out of office.   22. in charge of, in the charge of   in charge of管理,负责照料, in the charge of由……照料 He is in charge of the matter. The matter is in the charge of her.   23. out of question, out of the question   out of question毫无疑问的,out of the question不可能的   24. a second, the second   a second又一,再一,the second第…… He won the second prize.   25. by day, by the day   by day白天,by the day按天计算 The workers are paid by the day.   26. it, one   it同一物体,one同类不同一 I lost my pen. I have to buy a new one.   27. none, nothing, no one   none强调有多少,nothing, no one强调有没有,nothing指物,no one指人 --- How many…/How much…? --- None.   28. other, another   other后接名词复数,another后接名词单数 other students, another student   29. not a little, not a bit   not a little非常,not a bit一点也不 I"m not a bit tired. 我一点儿也不累。   30. many, much, a lot of   many和可数名词连用,much和不可数名词连用,a lot of可数,不可数均可,但不用于否定句 I haven"t many books.   31. no, not   no=not a/any no friend=not a/any friend no water=not any water   32. no more than, not more than   no more than相当于only,仅仅,只有,not more than 至多,不超过   33. tall, high   tall常指人或动物,high常指物体 He is tall.   34. fast, quickly   fast侧重于指人或物体具有运动速度快的特点,quickly侧重指某事完成或发生的快 run fast, answer the question quickly   35. high, highly   high具体的高,highly抽象的高,高度的 think highly of   36. sleeping, asleep, sleepy   sleeping正在睡觉,asleep睡着,熟睡,只能做表语,sleepy困的,有睡意的 a sleeping baby The baby is asleep. I"m sleepy.   37. respectful, respectable   respectful尊敬,有礼貌,respectable可敬的,值得尊敬的 be respectful to the aged   38. pleasant, pleased, pleasing   pleasant常用作定语,pleased, pleasing常用作表语,pleased主语常为人,pleasing主语常为物 a pleasant trip The trip is pleasing.   39. close, closely   close接近,靠近,closely紧紧地,紧密地 closely connected, stand close   40. ill, sick   ill做表语,sick定,表均可 a sick boy   41. good, well   good形容词,well副词,但指身体状况是形容词 He is well again.   42. hard, hardly   hard努力,hardly几乎不 work hard I can hardly believe it.   43. late, lately   late迟,晚,lately最近,近来 I haven"t seen him lately.   44. living, alive, live, lively   living, alive, live均为活着的,living定表均可,alive定表均可,定语后置,live只能做定语,lively意为活波的 all the living people=all the people alive   45. excited, exciting   excited使人兴奋的,exciting令人兴奋的 I"m excited. The news is exciting.   46. deep, deeply   deep具体的深,deeply抽象的深,深深地 deeply moved, dig deep   47. before long, long before   before long不久以后,long before很久以前 not long before = before long   48. instead, instead of   instead是副词,放在句首或句末,instead of是介词短语,放在句中He didn"t see a film. Instead he watched TV. He watched TV instead of seeing a film.   49. too much, much too   too much 后接不可数名词,much too后接形容词 much too heavy   50. raise, rise   raise及物动词,rise不及物动词 The sun rises in the east.
2023-08-09 12:23:571


以前谈过了动词形态的错误,这种错误屡见不鲜,是英语错误中常见的一种。因为这缘故,很多英语考试,都会有一项动词形式选择或改正的试题。   从观察所得,动词形态错误的一个原因是不规则动词的混淆所引起的。   这里便举些例子谈谈。   一 Hang   这动词有两个主要意思,就是“悬挂”和“吊死”。前者的过去式和过去分词是hung,如:   ① Mr Lim hung a newly bought oil painting on the wall.   ② Who has hung the dirty clothes on the tree?   Hang当“吊死”时用,它的过去式和过去分词是hanged,如:   ③ The prisoner hanged himself in the prison.   ④ Drug-traffickers, if arrested, will be hanged.   如果贸贸然用hung代替hanged或以hanged取代hung就会令人莫名其妙,如:   ⑤ The murderer was caught and hung.   ⑥ How can such a nice painting be hanged in the kitchen?   二 Lie   这动词的常见意思是“说谎”和“躺下”。前者的过去式和过去分词是lied;后者的是lay和lain.   若不小心,把两个动词的形式搞乱了,很可能会有这样的错误:   ⑦ The puppy lied on the carpet and slept.   ⑧ Have you lain to your good friend?   ⑦里的应为lay;⑧里的是lied.   提到lay,它也是原动词,意思是“生产”或“摆设”;过去式和过去分词都是laid,如:   ⑨ That hen has laid its first egg.   ⑩ Mother laid the table for dinner.   三 Speed   当“急驰”时,这动词的过去式和过去分词是sped;和up连用当 “加速”解时,则用speeded,如:   The boy ran out of doors and sped down the main road.   The new scheme has speeded up the administrative process.   四 Bear   这动词有几个意思,包括“生产”和“出生”,过去形式是bore ,过去分词是born/borne,如:   Pat has borne two lovely children.   Lily was born after Singapore"s independence.   Born只用在“出生”这意思上,其余的要用borne,如:   The Government"s investments abroad have borne fruit.(结果)   David has borne with the unfriendly criticisms with tremendous courage.(忍受)
2023-08-09 12:24:141


英语易混淆的单词音标   导语:/u0254u02d0/和/u025cu02d0/是一对比较容易混淆的元音,尤其当前面的辅音是圆唇的/w/时,比如work和walk,被列为“最难听清”的单词对之一。本篇我们将从基本元音/u025cu02d0/出发,仔细分辨/u0254u02d0/和/u025cu02d0/的"区别,帮你摆脱被误解的尴尬。   [发音对比]   关于/u025cu02d0/的发音要领,我们在“英语音标这样说 first 元音 / u025cu02d0 /”和“英语音标别混淆 girl 还是 gull”两篇文章里详细介绍了。因为我们通常认为/u025cu02d0/的发音唇形、舌位和下颌都是在最放松的位置,所以从这个音开始,体会这三个主要发音器官的移动,会更容易到位。   1、按照/u025cu02d0/的发音要领,发出“迟疑音”:er。。。;   2、嘴唇收圆向前稍突出;   3、下颌微微打开;   4、舌身向后拉,舌根稍抬起;   5、想象口腔中形成一个圆柱形的气流通道,振动声带,发出/u0254u02d0/的声音。   以下这张图片可以清楚地看到两个元音间唇形和舌位的变化。   [单词对比]   four fur;   torn turn;   warm worm;   walker worker;   [短句对比]   Sheu2018s got four。 / Sheu2019s got fur。   Itu2018s a torn sign。 / Itu2019s a turn sign。   I wouldnu2018t like warm soup。 / I wouldnu2019t like worm soup。   Heu2018s a fast walker。 / Heu2019s a fast worker。 ;
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英语考研听力考试中易混淆的词语及其表达法   1) a big time:尽兴,高兴的时刻   e.g. I had a big time there.   the big time:第一流,最高级   e.g. Don"t worry, you are in the big time now.   2) according to:按照,根据   e.g. They were commended or criticized according to their work.   according as:随……而定   e.g. The thermometer rises or falls according as the air is hot or cold.   3) admit to:承认   e.g. I have to admit to a dislike for modern music.   admit sb.(in) to:允许某人进入某地或加入某组织、行业   e.g. They have admitted me into their club.   4) all for:完全赞成   e.g. I am all for holding a meeting to discuss it.   for all:尽管   e.g. They could not open the box for all their forces.   5) all in all:总的说来   e.g. All in all, it is a success.   all in:疲倦,筋疲力尽   e.g. He was all in, but he stuck it out.   6) as it is (was):照目前的情况来看   e.g. As it is, we shall be able to complete our task in time.   as it were:可以说,姑且这样说   e.g. He is, as it were, a walking dictionary.   7) as much as:几乎,实际上   e.g. By running away he as much as admitted that he had taken the money.   as much…as:与……一样多   e.g. It is as much our responsibility as yours.   8) as well:也,还是……为好   e.g. He gave me advice, and money as well.   Since you have begun to do it, you may as well finish it.   as well as:不仅……而且,除……之外   e.g. With television, we see a picture as well as hearing sound.   Small towns as well as big cities are being rapidly industrialized.   9) at one time从前某个时期   e.g. At one time, we met frequently.   at a time:每次,一次   e.g. You can borrow only two books at a time.   10) attach to:属于,归因于   e.g. No blame attaches to him.   attach oneself to:参加,加入   e.g. He attached himself to the group of climbers.   11) be a credit to:为……增光   e.g. I hope you will be a credit to your school.   do credit to:为……增进荣誉   e.g. This piece of work does credit to you.   12) bear in mind:记住   e.g. I hope you will bear in mind all I am saying.   have in mind:考虑   e.g. Don"t give your confidence to others regarding the plan you have in mind.   13) begin with:以……为起点   e.g. He advised me to begin with something easy.   to begin with:首先   e.g. To begin with, we must consider the problem from all sides.   14) build up:逐步建成,增强   e.g. They are trying hard to build up an independent economy.   He went for an ocean voyage and built up his health.   build on:以……为基础,依赖   e.g. Let"s build on your idea.   We shall build on your supporting us.   15) by day:在白天   e.g. Most of them work by day and study by night.   by the day:(指工作报酬等)按日计算   e.g. Will you pay me by the day or by the hour?   16) can but只好……罢了   e.g. We can but try to make him see how unreasonable he has been.   cannot but:不得不,禁不住   e.g. I cannot but tell her the truth.(=I cannot help telling her the truth)   17) come forth:出现,发行   e.g. Many new things are coming forth..   Do you know that a set of new stamps has come forth?   come forward:自告奋勇,提出供讨论   They have come forward with an offer to help.   The matter was deferred at last evening"s meeting, but will come forward at our next session.   18) compare … to比拟(指出其中的相似点)   e.g. Man"s life is often compared to a candle.   compare … with:把……和……相比(指出其不同之处)   e.g. He compared his camera with mine.   19) consist in:包含在……中   e.g. Happiness consists in good health.   consist of:由……组成   e.g. The apartment consisted of two rooms and a kitchen.   20) end on:两端相碰,正对   e.g. The two ships collided each other end on.   We shouldn"t place the bicycles end on.   on end:竖着,连续地,不断地   e.g. Place the box on end.   She often works for 20 hours on end.   21) familiar to:某事为某人熟知   e.g. There were facts not familiar to me.   familiar with:熟悉或通晓某事   e.g. He is familiar with English, German and French..   22) feel for sb.:同情某人,为某人难过   e.g. I feel for you in your sorrow.   feel for sth:(用手、脚、棍子等)摸索,寻找某物   e.g. She felt under the pillow for her watch.   23) for a moment:片刻,一会儿   e.g. She was silent for a moment, weighing in her mind the pros and cons.   for the moment:此刻、暂时   e.g. I cannot recall his name for the moment.   24) get down:下去,下来;写下来   e.g. The bus was so jammed that I could not get down.   Here"s the telephone number I got down for you.   get down to:认真着手进行处理   e.g. It is no good shirking the job, it will have to be got down to.   25) get into trouble with sb.:遭到某人的(训斥等)   e.g. Poor Tom is always getting into trouble with the boss.   get sb. into trouble:使某人陷入困境   e.g. The letter got me into trouble.   26) give sb. a hand:帮助某人或参与某人做某事   e.g. Give me a hand with the cleaning, please.   give sb. one"s hand:与某人握手   e.g. She gave me her hand and wished me a good trip.   27) go through:检查,搜查;通过,穿过   e.g. They went through our luggage at the customs.   It took us a whole week to go through the great forest.   go through with:把……坚持到底   e.g. We should go through with the experiment now we"ve started.   28) good for:有益于   e.g. This book is good for your English study.   for good:永久地   e.g. The lost money was gone for good.   29) have a fancy for:爱好,喜爱   e.g. She has a fancy for nice clothes.   have a fancy that:猜想,认为   e.g. I have a fancy that he will come tonight.   30) head up:领头;领导   e.g. A band headed up the parade.   Mr. Jones will head up the new business.   heads up:注意,小心   e.g. Heads up, now! You can do better than that.   31) in a way:在某种程度上   e.g. In a way, it is an important book.   in the way:妨碍,挡路   I will visit you next weekend if there is nothing in the way.   32) in black:穿黑色衣服   e.g. Arabian women are always dressed in black clothes.   in the black:赢利,赚钱   New production methods put the company in the black.   33) in charge of:负责   e.g. Who is in charge of this work?   in the charge of:照护   e.g. The patients are in the charge of the nurse.   34) in hand:控制   e.g. There was a little rioting, but the police soon had the situation in hand.   hand in:递交,交给   e.g. He handed in his resignation in protest against it.   35) in one"s honor:向……表示敬意或感谢   e.g. The day was kept as a holiday in honor of victory.   on one"s honor:用人格担保   e.g. We were on our honor not to cheat on the exam.   36) in possession of:占有   e.g. He is in possession of this house.   in the possession of:被占有   e.g. The keys are in the possession of the door keeper.   37) in spirit:在内心,在精神上   e.g. In spirit, at least, these laws were very fair.   in spirits:情绪或心情(好、坏等)   e.g. He is in poor spirits because of his failing in the exam.   38) keep up:继续,保持   e.g. They entered into a correspondence which was kept up for almost ten years.   keep up with:与……齐步前进,跟上   e.g. With their help, he has kept up with the class.   39) look about:环视   e.g. He looked about him with great interest.   look about for:四处寻找   e.g. She was looking about for the key she had just lost.   40) look up:向上看   e.g. He looked up and nodded to me.   look up to:尊敬   e.g. It must be rewarding to be looked up to by so many people.   41) make one"s way:开路   e.g. As soon as he saw us, the teacher made his way through the crowd to greet us.   make one"s way to:向……走去   e.g. In the evening we made our way to the appointed meeting place.   42) measure to:测量到某一精度   e.g. Measure this part to mm.   measure up to:够得上,可以匹敌   e.g. The new techniques measure up to advanced world standard.   43) more than:很,非常   e.g. He was more than upset by the accident.   more…than:比……更   e.g. I regarded her more highly than me.   44) much as:虽然   e.g. Much as I should like to go, I can"t go right now.   as much:同样的或同样多少的   e.g. You have always helped me and I will always do as much for you.   45. no less than:不亚于,竟达……之多   e.g. There were no less than one hundred people at the meeting.   not less than:不比……差,至少   e.g. There were not less than one hundred people at the meeting.   请大家注意区分以上两句的差别,第一句是指“竟达100人之多”,第二句则是“至少有100人”,要明白no less than是一种强调说法,它和not less than的区别在于事先假定的程度或是数量有所不同,no less than在某种意义上说来没有超过的意思,而not less than可能会超过,这种表达方式正好与no more than以及not more than相反。   46. no more than:同样不;仅仅,只有   e.g. This book is no more interesting than that one.   It is no more than empty talk.   not more than:不比……更,不如;至多   e.g. He is not more clever than you are.   There were not more than 5 factories in our city before liberation.   47. on sale:出售的;廉价出售   e.g. Many new farm tools are on sale in this store.   I got this book on sale; it was very cheap.   for sale:出售的,上市的   e.g. I shall put these goods up for sale.   在作“出售的`”的意思的时候,on sale和for sale还是有一些不同的,一般来说,for sale多指物主亲自或委托代理人经手出售,而on sale通常表示店里的货物是供出售的。   48. once again:再一次   e.g. I want to try this once again.   once and again:一再   e.g. I have told him once and again not to do that.   49. out of question:毫无疑问,必定   e.g. Out of question, this plan can be fulfilled ahead of time.   out of the question:不可能的   e.g. What you propose is out of the question.   50. refer to:提及,涉及   e.g. I would like to refer back to the first of my three points.   refer to…as:称作,叫做   e.g. Coal is often referred to as food for industry.   51. search sb.:认真搜查某人身体   e.g. They searched him but nothing was found on him.   search for sb.:搜查某地为找到某人   e.g. They searched for him everywhere but failed.   52. settle down:落下;定居   e.g. The dust slowly settled down.   He has settled down in the countryside.   settle down to:专心致力于;逐渐习惯于   e.g. He settled down to his homework.   They settled down to a new job.   53. speak for itself:不言而喻   e.g. One does not to be told that this fact speaks for itself.   speak for oneself:发表本人的意见   e.g. What others think I do not know, I can only speak for myself.   54. submit to:屈服于   e.g. He has to submit to an operation.   submit…to:提交   e.g. They must submit the case to the court. ;
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  2.affect v 影响, 假装 effect n 结果, 影响   3.adapt 适应 adopt 采用 adept 内行   4.angel 天使 angle 角度   5.dairy 牛奶厂 diary 日记   6.contend 奋斗, 斗争 content 内容, 满足的   7.context 上下文 contest 竞争, 比赛   8.principal 校长, 主要的 principle 原则   9.implicit 含蓄的 explicit 明白的   10.dessert 甜食 desert 沙漠 v 放弃   11.pat 轻拍 tap 轻打 slap 掌击 rap 敲,打   12.descent n 向下, 血统 descend v 向下   13.sweet 甜的 sweat 汗水   14.later 后来 latter 后者   15.extensive 广泛的 intensive 深刻的   16.aural 听力的 oral 口头的   17.abroad 国外 aboard 上(船,飞机)   18.altar 祭坛 alter 改变   19.assent 同意 ascent 上升 accent 口音   20.pray 祈祷 prey 猎物   21.chicken 鸡 kitchen 厨房   22.monkey 猴子 donkey 驴   23.chore 家务活 chord 和弦   24.clash (金属)幢击声 crash 碰幢,坠落 crush 压坏   25.compliment 赞美 complement 附加物   26.confirm 确认 conform 使顺从 接触 contract 合同 contrast 对照   28.council 议会 counsel 忠告 consul 领事   29.crow 乌鸦 crown 王冠   30.dose 一剂药 doze 打盹   31.drawn draw 过去分词 drown 溺水   32.immoral 不道德 的 immortal 不朽的   33.mortal 不死的model 模特   34.medal 勋章metal 金属 mental 神经的   35.scare 惊吓 scarce 缺乏的   36.drought 天旱 draught 通风   37.except 除外 expect 期望excerpt 选录 exempt 免除   38.floor 地板 flour 面粉   39.march 三月, 前进 match 比赛   40.patent 专利 potent 有力的   41.police 警察 policy 政策   42.protest * protect 保护   43.story 故事 storey 楼层   44.strike 打 strict 严格的   45.through 通过 thought think 过去分词   46.steal 偷 steel 钢   47.strive 努力 stride 大步走   48.stationery 文具 stationary 固定的   49.loose 松的 lose 丢失 loss n 损失 lost lose过去式   50.capitol 大厦 capital 首都   51.casual 随便的 causal 表原因的   52.extend 延伸 extent 长度 extant 现存的   53.personnel 人事 personal 个人的   54.grim 严酷的 grime 污点   55.crayon 蜡笔 canyon 山谷   56.recent 最近 resent 生气 视觉 version 译本   58.delicate 微妙的 dedicate 献身   59.idle 空闲的 idol 偶像   60.induce 促使,劝诱 deduce 推测 reduce 减少 seduce 诱使   61.lapse 流逝 elapse 消逝 eclipse 日食   62.rude 粗鲁的 crude 天然的   63.resource 资源 recourse 求援   64.stripe 条纹 strip 条 trip 旅行   65.area 区域 era 时代   66.badge 徽章 bandage 绷带   67.blush 脸红 flush 发红(脸)   68.bride 新娘 bribe 贿赂   69.growl 咆哮 howl 狼叫   70.dime 一角 dim 暗淡的   71.dizzy 眼花缭乱 dazzle 使眼花   72.brown 褐色 brow 眼眉 blow 打击   73.carton 纸板盒 cartoon 动画   74.decline 下降 recline 放置 incline 倾斜   75.exclaim 呼喊 proclaim 宣布 acclaim 欢呼 declaim 朗诵   76.edict 法令 indict 控告   77.perfuse 泼洒 profuse 浪费的   78.median 中央的,中线的 medium 媒体 撕 ripe 熟的   80.wench 绞车 wrench 扭伤   81.confidant 知己 confident 有信心的   82.dreg 渣滓 drag 拖拉   83.faint 失去知觉 feint 佯攻   84.imprudence 轻率 impudence 无耻   85.specie 硬币 species 种类   86.hanger 钩子 hangar 棚厂 hunger 饥饿   87.suite 一(套,批) suit一套衣服   88.cock公鸡clock时钟   89.amoral unmoral immoral 同义 不道德的 税
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词组 释义 造句 keep off (使)不接近;挡开 He drew the curtain to keep the sun off. take off ①脱下;移去 He took off his raincoat and took out the key. ②起飞 The plane will take off soon. get off 下车 he get off the bus stop. turn off 关掉 Turn off the light before you leave. put off 推迟;拖延 Don"t put off till tomorrow what can be done today. show off 卖弄;炫耀 Those boys always show off their sports skills to the girls. see... off 为…送行 He saw his friend off at the bus station. live on 靠...生活 He still lived on his parents after graduation. depend on 依靠;信赖 You can depend on him. rely on 依靠,信赖;信任 You may rely on me to help you. get on 1.进展 Everything was getting on very well. 2.登(车);上(马) he gets on the bus put on 1.上演,演出 She took off the old dress and put on a new one. 2.穿上 please put on your clothes go on 1.继续下去 If he goes on like this he"ll lose his job 2.发生 What"s going on here? hold on 继续;坚持;保持 The speaker held on for a full hour. spend on 在---方面花费 l spent all the evening on my homework. be keen on 喜爱,爱好;渴望 Mrs. Miller is very keen on art. come on 跟着来 You"d better go now, and I"ll come on later. turn on 打开;发动 Will you turn on the radio? try on 试穿 Will you try on the coat? work out 解决; 确定 Can you work out on the map where we are now turn out 结果是;证明是 The party turned out to be very successful. sell out 卖光 The shop sold out all their shirts. take out 1.取出 The doctor has taken my bad tooth out 2.扣除;除去 The train fare has already been taken out from his salary. put out 熄灭 Put out the fire before going to bed 2.使不方便,打扰 Her parents felt put out when she brought some classmates to stay over. point out 指出 He pointed out the mistake to me. pick out 挑选出;拣出 Let me pick out some good ones for you. look out 1.小心;注意 If you don"t look out, you may fall on the ice. 2.往外看 look out the window go out 外出;熄灭 She"s gone out for a walk find out 找出;发现;查明 The police found the murderer out. ask for 1.要,要求 The miners are asking for another increase in pay. 2.找人 There"s an old man at the door, asking for you. be bad for 有害于 It is bad for us to eat the junk food. be famous for 以……而著名 Spain used to be famous for its strong armada. be ready for 为...做好准备 The order will be ready for delivery next week. care for 1.喜欢 She does not care for skating . 2.照顾 We must care for eacher other. leave for 出发去(某地) Are you going to leave for Beijing look for 寻觅 He began to look for another position. pay for 付钱 Can you pay for your education? prepare for 准备 How do you prepare for your tests? praise for 称赞 he always appreciated praise for his work. search for 寻找 I searched for you all days wait for 等待 I waitfor her answer. dress up 打扮 My friends and I always dressup at Halloween. get up 起床 I usually getup early . grow up 长大 Plants grow up towards the sunlight. look up 1.往上看 He looked up with a quizzical look on his face. 2.查寻 You can lookup this word in the vocabulary. pick up 捡起 l pickup a purse on the street put up 举起; 抬起 Putup your hands! shut up 闭嘴 Shutup! Leave me alone please! stay up 熬夜 They sometimes stayup all night. take up 从事于 When did he take up football? turn up 网上调 .Please turnup the radio a bit. wake up 醒来 I usually wakeup early think of 想想 What do you thinkof this arrangement? be afraid of 害怕 Mary is afraidof dogs. be fond of 喜欢 .He has fondof travelling be made up of 由…组成 London is madeupof 32 boroughs. be proud of 骄傲 You should beproudof your achievements. be full of 充满 The future seems to befullof hope. consist of 由…构成 A week consistof seven days die of 死于 Many people die of famine every year. dream of 梦想 Many boys dreamof becoming pilots. get rid of 清楚 Could you getridof the bad habit of smoking? get tired of 疲倦 Tell me if you gettiredof driving and we"ll change over. hear of 听到 I could hear croaking of the frogs . in charge of 主管,负责 He is in charge of recreation. in favour of 赞成 I am infavourof the suggestion instead of 代替 We made Tom monitor insteadof her. make fun of 开玩笑 Don"t makefunof the disabled! out of date 过期 These sets of machines were outofdate. run out of 用尽 We have runoutof sugar. take care of 照顾 They certainly carefully takecareof child. take charge of 负责 John will takechargeof the next meeting. take hold of 控制住 He did not let his anger takeholdof him. think of 想想 What did you thinkof the steak? with the help of 在..帮助下 I finished the work withthehelpofthe comrades.
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1第一个我没看懂= = 你内俩词儿是什么啊?? 不过 Please see the list as below和 Please see the list below 都对 The list is as below 不对的 在这里below是要直接加在名词之后2 attached 是动词的过去时或者被动语态, 不能加the的 而且也不能当名词来用。 而attachment 是名词所以才是 see the attachment3 第一个是正确的 如果你把这整句话简化的话 就变成了 pls be noted the deadline is today. 但是第二个就变成了 pls be noted the project is today. 你需要的是deadline 为主语 而不是 project.如果还有不明白的接着问哈 = = 纯手打地~
2023-08-09 12:25:221

初中英语 易混淆的短语

1:forget to do forget doing forget to do忘记去干...事(还没干) forget doing忘记干了...事(已经干了)2:stop to dostop doing stop to do停下来去干 ...事(两个动作) stop doing停止干...事(一个动作)3:fewa fewlittlea little few a few 修饰可数名词 littlea little修饰不可数名词 a fewa little表肯定,意思是“有几个” fewlittle表否定,意思是“没几个”4:turn on urn off urn up urn down turn on打开 turn off关闭 turn up开大 turn down关小5:either or either noroth and either or或者...或者... neither nor既不...也不... both and两个都6:no one one no one没一个 后只跟人 none没一个 后既可跟人 又可跟物看见...人干了...事 see...doing...看见...人正在干...事8:put onput upput offput out put on穿...(指穿的动作) put up建造... put off张贴... put ou熄灭...9:alsoeither oo 三个单词都是“也”的意思 also用于句中 either用于否定句末 too用于肯定句末
2023-08-09 12:25:341


again, and told them they wid not care; he could walk
2023-08-09 12:25:442


多音节有:taxi subway motorbike highway ambulance fireengine policecar January September November
2023-08-09 12:26:075


America n 美国;美洲 American adj 美国的;美洲的;美国人(的)Japan n. 日本 Japanese a. 日本的,日本人的, n. 日本人,日语Japanese(pl.)Australia n. 澳洲;澳大利亚 Australian n.& adj 澳大利亚人;澳大利亚的China n. 中国 Chinese n.﹠adj. 中文,中国人;中国的,Chinese (pl.)raise (raised raised)vt. 使升高; 饲养rise (rose, risen) vi. 上升,上涨fall(fell fallen) v 落下;跌落 feel(felt felt) v. 感到;觉得lay (laid, laid) vt. 放,搁 lie (lay, lain) v. 躺;卧;平放;位于 lying visit n.& vt. 参观,访问,拜访 visitor n. 访问者,参观者play v. 玩;打(球);游戏;播放 player n.lead (led, led) v. 领导,带领 leader n. 领袖,领导人 farm n. 农场;农庄 farmer n. 农夫;农场主cook v. 烹调;煮; cook n. 炊事员wait vi. 等,等候 waiter waitingforeign adj 外国的、对外的 foreigner n 外国人own a. 自己的 v. 拥有,所有 owner n. 物主,所有人win(won, won) n. 获胜,赢得 winner n. 获胜者sing (sang, sung) v. 唱,唱歌 singer n.speak (spoke,spoken) v. 说,讲;谈话;发言 speaker n. 演讲人,演说家drive n.& (drove driven)v. 驾驶;driver n.invent vt. 发明,创造 invention n. 发明,创造 inventorscience n. 科学,自然科学 scientist n. 科学家art n. 美术;艺术;艺术品 artist n 艺术家;画家bad adj. 坏的;劣质的 badly adv. ill adj. worse worstlittle (less, least) a. 小的,少的many much (more,most) pron. 许多人(或物)good和well 更好的better 最好的besteast n. eastern adj. 东部的; south n. 南方;南部 southern a. 南部的,南方的north a. 北的;朝北的;从北来的 northern a. 北方的,北部的west n. 西部;西方 western a. 西方的,西部的 cloud n. cloudy adj. 多云的;阴天的rain n. 雨,雨水 vi. 下雨 rainy a. 下雨的;多雨的sun n. 太阳,阳光 sunny a. 晴朗的;阳光充足的wind n. 风 windy a. 有风的,多风的snow n.雪 snow v. snowy adj. noise n. 声音,噪声,喧闹声 noisy adj. fun n. 娱乐;有趣; funny adj. 有趣的;好玩的health n. 健康 healthy adj. 健康的;强健的sleep v. 睡觉 asleep adj 睡着的 sleepy adj. 困的empty v.;排空;倒出 empty adj. 空的close v. closed adj. 关闭;近的;接近的; worry n.& v. 烦恼,担忧,发怒;困扰 worried adj.relax v. (使)放松,轻松 relaxed adj.crowd v. 挤满;充满;拥挤;群聚 crowded adj. 拥挤的interest n. 兴趣,利息 interesting a. 有趣的 intersted adj.excited adj. 激动的;兴奋的 exciting adj. 令人激动的;振奋人心的follow v 跟随;追随; 遵守规则 following adj. 下列的;下述的help v.& n. 帮助;援助 helpful adj. 有帮助的home adv. 家 homeless adj. 无家可归use n.& vt.使用, used a. 用过的;旧的;二手的 useful a. 有用的,thank vt. 感谢,致谢,道谢 thank n(复)感谢,谢意thankful adj. lose (lost, lost) vt. 失去,丢失 lost adj. missing adj. gone adj. care v.关心;关注;在意 careful adj carefully adv.wonder v.,想知道 n. 惊讶, wonderful a. 美妙的,精彩的; wonderfully n.& vt. 爱;热爱;很喜欢 lovely a. 美好的,可爱的 luck n. 运气,好运 lucky a. 运气好,侥幸 luckily adv.succeed vi. 成功 success n. 成功 successful a. 成功的,有成就的please v.使人高兴pleased a. 高兴的 pleasure n. 高兴,愉快 pleasant adj.eight num. 八 eighthnine num. 九 ninth num. 第九ninety num. 九十 ninetiethtwelve num. 十二 twelfth num. 第十二 twenty num. 二十 twentieth num. 第二十foot n 脚、足 feet tooth (复 teeth) n. 牙齿month n. 月,月份 monthsmouth n. 嘴,口 mouthsmouse (pl. mice) n. 鼠,耗子;(计算机)鼠标 photo n. 照片 photospiano n. 钢琴 pianostomato n. 西红柿,番茄 tomatoespotato n. 土豆,马铃薯potatoeshero n. 英雄 heroessheep (复sheep) n. (绵)羊leaf (复 leaves) n. (树,菜)叶woman( 复women) n. 妇女,女人children n. (child的复数)孩子们German 德国人 Germans(pl.)build n.& v. 体格;体形;建造;建筑 building n 建筑物;楼房 cross v. 横过,穿过 across prep. crossing n.clean adj.清洁的,干净的; clean v.打扫;清除full adj. 吃饱的;过饱的; 满的 fill v.hard adj. 辛苦的;努力的; 坚硬的; hard adv.努力地ill adj. 生病的、不健康的 illness n. 疾病、身体不适include v. 包括;包含 including prep. 包含seat n. 座位,座 sit v.pronounce vt. 发音 pronunciation n. 发音 proud a. 自豪的; 骄傲的 pride n.late a. 晚的,迟的 ad. 晚地,迟地 latermedical a. 医学的,医疗的 medicine pron. 一(个,只……)(pl. ones) num. 一once n.& ad. 一次,一度,从前 conj. 一旦 firstopen a. 开着的,开口的 vt. 开,打开polite a. 有礼貌的,有教养的 politely adv.quiet a. 安静的;寂静的 quitelysad a. (使人)悲伤的 sadly adv.real a. 真实的,确实的 really ad. 真正地;到底;确实happy adj. 愉快的;高兴的;满意的 happily adv.angry adj 愤怒的;生气的 angrily adv.easy adj. easily adv. 容易地;简单地 clear adj. clearly adv. 清楚地;明显地safe adj. 安全的 safety n. 安全,保险 safely adv.they them their theirs pron. 他(或她、它)们的 themselves 他/她/它们自己mean(meant,meant) vt. 意思是,意指 meaning n. 意思,含意swim (swam, swum) vi. 游泳,游 swimming n. 游泳forget(forgot forgotten) v 忘记 forgetful adj.sell (sold, sold) v. 卖,售 sale n. 卖,出售meet (met, met) vt. n. 遇见, meeting n. 会;集会;prefer 更喜欢 preferrrd preferred preferringgrow(grew grown) v 生长、成长; 种植 growingbegin(began begun) v 开始 beginning n. 开始break(broke broken ) v 打破;违背 broken adj.wake(woke, woken) v. 醒, awake adj.happen v. 发生 happened happenedeat (ate eaten)v. 吃feed(fed fed) v. & n. 喂养、饲养;动物的食物;饲料fly(flew flown) v 飞行; 放(飞机,风筝模型等) ride (rode,ridden) v. 骑(马、自行车);乘车 n. 乘车旅行 ring (rang, rung) v.(钟、铃等)响;打电话 n. 电话,铃声 pay (paid, paid) v. 付钱,给……报酬show (showed, shown 或 showed) v. 给……看,出示,显示steal (stole, stolen) vt. 偷, 窃取say (said, said) vt. 说,讲wear(wore, worn) v. 穿,戴
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物质名词、抽象名词均属不可数名词.前面不能加不定冠词a / an,词尾也不能加-s.请牢记下列典型的不可数名词. news 消息 information 信息 advice 忠告;建议 progress 进步;进展 knowledge 知识 weather天气 fun 乐趣 equipment 设备 English 英语 furniture 家具 wealth 财富 damage 损坏 traffic 交通、车辆及行人 baggage/luggage 行李 clothing 衣服;衣着 work 工作 homework 家庭作业 housework 家务 说明: 1.部分抽象名词可与a/an连用,此时词义发生变化,表示某种事或人.这些词有:surprise,pleasure,shock,honour,help,success等.当这类词在句中作表语,作宾补及在介词as之后,词义会发生变化,通常要加a/an. 2.paper表示“纸”时是不可数名词,表示“报纸;论文;试卷;文件”时是可数名词.
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一、把二外&英语的发音弄清楚 语言之间有相似的地方,但是更多的是不同,发音、单词也如此。 在最开始学习的时候,把基础打牢是非常重要的。二、切记不要零基础同时学两门以上语言 与其想几个月内想掌握多国外语,不如从头开始脚踏实地把一门外语先学会吧,至少学到日常交流无障碍的程度。如果想要几天就能听懂一门新的外语更是不可能,你在短期内想要得太多,就会什么都学不好。 如果你想成为会说八国语言的人,至少需要几年的时间去积累的。 三、总结语言学习中类似、不同的地方 。你可以准备一本笔记本,把自己经常混淆的单词记录下来,抽空复习,多练习几次,渐渐就不会混淆啦。 四、该背的语法、单词还是得背 偷过的懒,以后都要付出更多倍汗水来偿还。
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【 #新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语之所以经久不衰是因为以其全新的教学理念,有趣的课文内容和全面的技能训练,为英语学习者排忧解难,深受广大英语学习者的欢迎和喜爱。想要学好英语的你,怎能错过?快来加入学习吧! 为您提供了以下内容,希望能够为大家学习新概念英语提供帮助! 在学习英语动词时,一些初学者常碰到大量易混淆的同义词,下面就几组常用的动词加以比较。 rise,raise,arise,arouse: “rise” 是不及物动词,过去式为rose,过去分词为risen,其基本词义“上升,上涨”。 ● The sun rises in the east. ● A good idea rose in my mind. “raise” 是及物规则动词,“举起,提高”。 ● He raised his voice to make himself heard. ● The boy can raise the heavy stone. “arise”,是不及物动词,过去式为arose,过去分词arisen,其语义为“出现,发生” 。 ● His curiosity arose due to the question his mother asked. “arouse”是及物动词,过去式和过去分词为aroused,其语义为“唤醒,引起” arouse somebody from sleep 把某人唤醒 arouse suspicion 引起怀疑lay,lie,lie : “lay”及物动词,“放置,生蛋”,过去式与过去分词为 “laid” I"ve laid the book on the self. The hen lays an egg every day. “lie”不及物动词“位于,平躺”,过去式为“lay”过去分词 “lain” He lay on the floor and slept soundly. Beijing lies in the north of China. “lie”及物动词“说谎”,它是规则动词。 He lied to his teacher. sit,seat : “sit”不及物动词,过去式与过去分词均为 “sat”。 He sat in the classroom reading newspaper. “seat”及物动词,“使就坐”“容纳”。 He seats himself here. He is seated there. He seats the baby on his knees. The hall will seat 5000 people. affect,effect : “affect” 及物动词,“对……有影响,感动,触及” The relations between then will be affected. “effect” 及物动词, “导致,造成,带来(变化),产生” The changes in methods effected some improvement in his study. hang (hanged, hanged) / (hung, hung) 当 hang过去式与过去分词为 “hanged”,其含义是“绞死”;而当hang的过去式与过去分词为“hung”时,其含义是“悬挂”。 The man was hanged for murder. He hung his coat on the hook. borrow,lend “borrow”借入 “borrow sth. from ...” “lend”(lent, lent) 借出 “lend sb. sth” 或 “lend sth. To sb.” take,bring,fetch : “take”(took, taken) 及物动词“拿走” “bring”(brought, brought) 及物动词“带走” “fetch”及物动词,“去取回来”receive,accept : “receive” 客观上收到 “accept” 主观上愿意接受 I received his gift, but I wouldn"t like to accept it. fit, suit :“适合” “fit” 指“尺寸”的适合 “suit” 指“款式,花样等”的适合 The dress doesn"t fit me. It is too long. Blue is the color that suits her well. answer,reply :“回答” “answer” — vt. “reply” — vi 须和 “to”连用 “you needn"t know it.” He answered. So far, they haven"t answered / replied to our questions. spend, cost, take :“花费” “spend” (spent, spent) 花“时间,金钱”主语须是人。 He spend 5 hours writing the article. “cost” (cost, cost) 花费“金钱,时间,劳力”可接双宾,主语须是“物” The book cost me $20 and 2 days. “take” 通常指花“时间”主语须是“某种事情” It takes me 20 minuter to go to school. The work took me longer than I expected. assure,ensure : “assure” 使放心 assure sb. of sth. assure sb. that... I can assure you of my honesty. “ensure” 保证 ensure sth.(其后不能接人称) ensure that ensure doing sth. I can ensure his safety. He ensured that he finished the job in time. He ensured coming back later. 百分重点:如ensure 含义为“保护,使安全”,其结构为: ensure sb from / against sth. He ensured the boy from drowning. beat, defeat, win — vt: “beat” (beat, beaten) 战胜,打败比赛,辩论中的对手 He beat John at chess yesterday. “defeat”“击败”敌军,入侵者,整个球队 They defeated the enemy in that battle. “win” (won, won)“赢得比赛”win over sb.(赢了某人) The football team won the match. damage,destroy,hurt,spoil,wound,injure: 以上六个词中,“hurt” 可作及物,不及物动词外,其余五个均为及物动词。 “damage” —— 损坏(害)(有修复的可能性) “destroy” —— 摧毁,打破(希望,计划)毁灭(无修复的可能性) “hurt” —— 伤害(感情或身体某一部位)痛疼 “spoil” —— 破坏,糟蹋(晚会,旅游,参观等)宠爱,惯怀(孩子) “wound” —— 使受伤(枪伤,刀伤) “injure” —— 使受伤 e.g. Don"t spoil your son too much. The man has destroyed the girl"s life all her hopes. Some houses were damaged in the earthquake. I don"t mean to hurt you. He was injured in the accident. It was dangerous because he was wounded seriously in the war. 测试精编: 1. His newly-published novel is quite a success ________ a good income from the reading public. A. ensuring him B. assuring him C. assuring him of D. assuring him about 2. Before discussing the steps in detail, ________. A. a general principle should be laid down. B. I should like to lie down a general principle C. I"d like to lay down a general principle D. a general principle lies. 3. The typewriter ________. A. was laying on the table, where it had laid all week. B. was lying on the table, where it had laid all week. C. was laying on the table, where it had been laid all week. D. was lying on the table, where it had been laid all week. 4. Up till now, these problems have been ________ for centuries. A. laying dormant B. laying dormantly C. lying dormant D. lain dormantly 5. During the period of inflation, the value of money drops as ________. A. prices rise B. prices arise C. the price is rising D. prices are raised 6. When all the students ________, the professor began his lecture. A. seated B. sit C. were seated D. seat 7. My watch ________ five o"clock. A. says B. tells C. speaks D. talks 8. “Oh, glad to see you, John.” “What ________ you to this city?” A. carries B. brings C. takes D. makes 9. “He has been working very hard recently.” “Because the burden of a big family has been ________ on his shoulder.” A. bear B. borne C. born D. bore 10. The visiting delegates were urged to ________. A. talk at liberty B. state their open minds C. make individual expressions D. speak freely
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孩子学英文会和拼音会混淆吗?许多家长希望孩子能早一点学英语,但又担心英语字母与汉语拼音混淆,不敢让孩子学,拼音会与字母混淆吗?对绝大多数孩子来讲,这种担心是不必要的,拼音并不会与英语字母混淆。 拼音与英语字母隶属于两个完全不同的语言系统。 无论是汉语拼音,还是英语字母,它们都不是完全孤立地存在与出现,而是出现在汉语、英语两种语言环境中。当某一环境出现时,孩子首先受到这种环境的影响,自觉不自觉地把拼音或字母放在这个大环境中,进而加以区别,而不至于混淆。 在这个年龄段的孩子学英语时我们只是着重进行听说训练,主要从培养孩子的兴趣和顾及孩子的接受能力入手,在教授时我们多用形体教学和字母操,让孩子根据字母的形状和所学到的动作来牢记字母发音,来定格这是英文字母而不是汉语拼音。 实践证明由于语境不同,绝大多数孩子能够很容易的区分字母和拼音,就像认识“银行和行走”中的多音字一样简单。 少数孩子会短暂的把拼音说成字母或把字母说成拼音,随着老师的纠正或时间的自然推移,他们会清楚的区分字母和拼音。从更高的角度上讲,孩子弄混字母和拼音是孩子的权利,老师和家长的责任正是让孩子从混走向不混,千万不要因为怕混而耽误孩子英语的学习,这种耽误是很难弥补的。学英语不学abc就像学音乐不学123,学算术不学123。没有人因为怕孩子弄混了音乐123和算术123而不让孩子不学哪一样。 专家解答: 家长之所以提出这个问题,是因为组成汉语拼音的26个字母和英语的26个字母在发音和写法上都有相似之处。但是, 每一种语言都具有独立的语音体系,彼此是不会混淆的。 就好像同样的阿拉伯数字,在数学课上读作1,2,3(yi er san),在音乐课上,就要读作1,2,3(do re mi),英语课上又要读作1,2,3(one two three), 数学教师不会对学生说1(do)+2(re)=3(mi), 音乐老师也不会指着五线谱让学生唱1,2,3(yi er san)。 世界上很多语种都在使用这套A-Z这套字母,如法语、德语等。但 每一种语言都具有独立的语言体系,拼音与英语字母隶属于两个完全不同的语言系统。 观察了解一下我们身边的正在学习英语的4-8岁这个年龄段的儿童,你会发现由于语境不同,绝大多数的孩子能够很容易的区分字母和拼音,就像认识"银行和行走”中的多音字一样简单。可能在学习初期,少部分孩子会短暂的把拼音说成字母或把字母说成拼音,但是随着老师的纠正或时间的自然推移,他们会很快清楚的区分字母和拼音。 其实 少儿学英语的天分是相当高的,只要老师和家长加以正确的引导,很少会把英语字母和汉语拼音混起来的 。因此当我们在孩子的英语学习初期,发现这样的问题,也不用担心,孩子刚一接触,偶尔会弄混字母和拼音也是正常的,老师和家长的责任正是让孩子从混走向不混,千万不要因为怕混而耽误孩子英语的学习,这种耽误是很难弥补的。
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  大学英语四级考试易混淆近义词总结   1. accomplish vt. 完成   achieve vt. 获得(成就)   attain vt. 达到(目标)   2. accordingly adv. (自然而平常的因果)于是,据此   consequently adv. (未必必然之)结果,因此(=as a result)   hence adv. (为强调前因之)因而,所以,这样(thus)   therefore adv. (作为必然结果/结论)因此(because of this)   3. accurate adj. (话、计算等)准确,精确的   exact adj. (数字、细节)与事实/标准相符的",确切的   precise adj. 精确严密的,严谨无误的   4. accuse v. 控告(~sb. of…)   charge v. 控告(~sb . with…)   scold v. 责备(~sb. for…)   sentence v. 判处徒刑(~sb. for…)   5. acknowledge v. 公开承认(本来否认之事)~ a secret   admit v. 不情愿、被迫承认(真实性)~ a statement   confess v. 认错,招供 ~ (to); ~ a crime   6. accomplish vt. 完成   achieve vt. 获得   attain vt. 达到   7. accordingly adv. 于是,据此   consequently adv. 结果,因此   hence adv. 因而,所以,这样   therefore adv. 因此   8. accurate adj. 准确,精确的   exact adj. 与事实/标准相符的,确切的   precise adj. 精确严密的,严谨无误的   9. accuse v. 控告   charge v. 控告   scold v. 责备   sentence v. 判处徒刑   10. acknowledge v. 公开承认~ a secret   admit v. 不情愿、被迫承认~ a statement   confess v. 认错,招供 ~ ; ~ a crime
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  虽然我是英语专业,但真的觉得好怪,只能说下面那道题实在奇葩……上面那个,很显然是“没去,我没有被邀请。”  至于下面那个,你确定答案是“ I was invited ”?  如果是,那可能是因为两个题的标点不一样。第一题的是逗号,顺接前面的No ;第二题是句号,和No不是一句话,是说“我没去。(虽然)被邀请了。”  呃…… who knows……
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如何处理孩子对英文字母和汉语拼音发生混淆的问题,这也是很多家长在孩子学习英语的过程中问得比较多的一件事.我经常对这些家长讲:这其实是一个不是问题的问题.下面分几个方面来谈一下我的看法.一、对于大多数孩子而言,这种担心是没有必要的.英文字母和汉语拼音确有相似的地方,如果让孩子独立学习,刚开始时确实会有出错的情况.但在老师教学的过程当中,会凸现出它们各自不同的特点,孩子自然会分别接收它们的信息.当孩子对两种字母产生迷惑时,我们可以告诉孩子:这是英文字母,那是汉语拼音,在英语里要念“ABC”,在汉语里应读“啊哦呃”,它们是不一样的.这样一个正常的教学过程下来,绝大部分孩子都不会在这方面有什么问题.在教学中,我多用形体语言和字母操来教孩子学习字母,同时配以正确的发音,使字母形状和发音建立直接的联系,在孩子大脑中永久定格:看到字母自然联系起发音,听到发音自然想到字母.二、英文字母和汉语拼音属于两个不同的语系,他们都不是孤立的存在和出现的,而是在各自的语言环境当中与其他内容有机的联系在一起的.[/b]在孩子置身于某一种体系的语言环境当中时,它会自觉不自觉地受到这种环境的影响,进而去适应这种语言环境的要求,很自然的按照接收到的语言信息进行认读,不至于混淆.三、实践也证明,对于绝大多数孩子而言,汉语拼音和英文字母是很容易区分的,就像我们汉语中的多音字,“会计”和“会议”,“子弹”和“弹力”,“银行”和 “行走”,“重量”和“重复”,只要学会了,就不会把它们搞混.四、有时候,出现错误的孩子不是因为不懂,而是熟练度不够.当他们看到英文字母“A”时,想不起它的发音,就临时用汉语拼音“啊”来救急,诸如此类.解决这个问题的办法是先让孩子把其中一种背熟,随便拿出一个就能正确认读,然后再背熟另一种,这样各归各的体系,孩子大脑中对这两种发音的概念清楚明了,自然就不会混淆.五、或许有个别孩子偶尔还是会读错,对此也不必太着急,随着老师与家长的不断纠正和时间的推移,正确的发音不断冲击他的大脑,慢慢自然就会像正确读音靠拢,最后完全正确.值得一提的是,有些父母由于担心孩子会出现这种混淆,甚至让孩子暂停一种语言的学习,这是不可取的.从另外一种角度来讲,孩子出不出错是他的权力,而老师和家长的责任是要把知识和技能无保留的传授给孩子,让他们由不懂到懂,从混淆到不混淆.我们不会因为孩子字写得难看就不让他学语文,不会因为声音难听就不让他开口讲话,同样也不能因为担心孩子会混淆英文字母和汉语拼音就不让他学英语.
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成考学位英语词汇中易混淆词 一

成人本科学位英语考试,除了《成人英语三级词汇手册》列出的词之外,我们学习词汇时还应注意容易混淆的词。英语中有些词,词形和读音相近,但意义却不同;有些同义词,基本意义相同,但内涵的意义有很大差异。我们必须在广泛阅读的基础上,仔细观察每一个词在不同上下文中的含义和用法,从而学会正确使用它。, capable, competent   able为常用词,指具有做某事所需的力量,技巧,知识与时间等,一般下效率无关,用作   定语表示能力超出平均水平。如:A cat is able to see in the dark. (猫在黑暗中能看见   东西。)   capable 指满足一般要求的能力,可以是表现出来的,也可是潜在的,搭配是be capable   of +doing.用作定语,表示的能力没有able表示的能力强。如:He is capable of running a   mile in a minute. (他能在一分钟内跑完一英里。)He is a very capable doctor. (他是   一位很好的大夫。)   competent 指“胜任”,“合格”,或受过专业技术等训练的,但不是超群的能力。如:   A doctor should be competent to treat many diseases. (医生应该能治多种病。)   2.aboard, abroad, board, broad   aboard 在船(或飞机,车)上。如:I never went aboard a ship.   abroad 副词,在国外或海外。如:He often goes abroad.   board 为动词,上(船,飞机,车)。如:The passengers are boarding the plane   now.   broad 为形容词,宽广的。如:He has very broad shoulders.   3.accept, receive   accept 接受,receive“接到”,“收到”。如:I received an invitation   yesterday, but I didn‘t accept it. (昨天我收到了一个请柬,但并没有接受邀请。)   4.accident, incident, event   accident事故。如:a traffic accident (交通事故)   incident“附带事件”,在政治上特指引起国际争端或战争的事件,事变。   event “事件”,指特别重要的事件,通常是由以前的努力而产生的结果,也指国家和社   会的事件。   5. accomplish, complete, finish, achieve, attain   accomplish表成功,强调完成的结果而不是过程。如:Because of his hard word,   things are accomplished. (由于他的努力,事情都已完成了。)   complete 表示积极的完成,更具体地指建筑、工程等的完成。如:Has he complete his   novel yet? (他的小说写完了吗?)   finish 最常用,后接动词的-ing形式,表示在一个活动的连续过程中完成了最后的一步或   阶段。如:I‘ll finish the job alone. (我要独自完成这项工作。)   achieve 完成,实现,强调通过努力而达到目的。如:You will achieve success if   you work hard.   Attain达到,实现,常用于一般人的能力不易达到的目的。如:Greater efforts are   needed before we can attain our goals.   6.accurate, correct, exact, precise   accurate准确的,精确的。如:Clocks in railway stations should be accurate.   (火车站的钟应该是准确的。)   correct“正确的”,指符合一定的标准或准则,含有“无错误的”意味。它的反义词是   incorrect, wrong.   exact“精确的”,“恰好的”,比“大体上正确”更进一步,表“丝毫不差”。   它的反义词是inexact.   precise强调“精确”,“精密”。   7.accuse, charge, sue   accuse 指责,指控,常与of 搭配。如:His boss accused him of carelessness.   charge 常与with搭配。如:The police charged the driver with reckless driving.   sue 常与for 搭配。如:Smith sued his neighbor for damaging his house.   8.achieve, acquire, require, inquire   achieve(成功地)完成,实现。如:He will never achieve anything unless he   works harder. (如他不努力工作,将会一事无成。)   acquire取得,获得,学到。如:acquire knowledge (获得知识)   inquire打听,询问。如:inquire a person‘s name(问一个人的姓名)   require需要。如:We require more help. (我们需要更多的帮助。)   9.act, action, deed   act 用作名词时,与action, deed均可表“行为”,“举动”。Act指时间较短的个人行   动或行为,强调结果。如:The farmer caught the boys in the act of stealing his   apples. (农夫在孩子们正偷他的苹果时把他们抓住了。)   action较正式,往往指不止包含一个步骤,且持续时间较长的行为或行动,强调行为的过   程。如:Actions are more important than words. (行动比语言更重要。)   deed为正式用语,多指伟大的,显著的,感人的行为。如:They thanked him for his   good deeds. (他们感谢他做的好事。)   10.actual, true, real, genuine   actual 意为“实际的”,“现实的”,指所形容的事物在事实上已经发生或存在,而不是   仅在理论上可能发生或存在的。   true“真实的”,指与实际相符,而非虚假。   genuine “真的”,“非冒充的”,“货真价实的”,强调正宗而非冒牌。   11.adequate, enough, sufficient   adequate 足够的,指数量多,适合需要的数量。   enough足够的,指数量多,足够满足某种目的或愿望。   sufficient同enough,常可互换使用。但sufficient指数量多,足够满足某种需要,在口   语中常用enough,在书面语中常用sufficient,在不易肯定时多用enough.Enough可放在被修饰   名词后,且可作副词,sufficient则不可这么用。   12.admit, confess   两者都表“承认”。   admit指大胆地承认以前试图不论或推诿的坏事。如:John has admitted to breaking   the window. (约翰已承认打破了窗玻璃。)   Confess常指承认错误,罪行等。如:The thief confessed his crime to the police.   (小偷向警察承认了罪行。)   13.advice,advise   advice劝告(名词)。如:I want to give you some advice.   advise劝告(动词)。如:What do you advise me to do?   14.adopt, adapt   adopt (1)收养。如:Since they have no children of their own, they decided   to adopt a little girl. (他们自己没有孩子,所以决定收养一个小女孩。)(2)采纳,   采用,通过。如:He adopted our suggestion.(他采纳了我们的建议。)   adopt与adapt词形相近,后者的意思是“使适合”,“改编”等。   15.advance, proceed, progress   均可表“前进”。   advance表向一个特定的目的地,在一定的时间或空间内稳定地向前运动。如:Napoleon   ‘s army advanced on Moscow. (拿破仑的军队向莫斯科挺进。)   proceed强调从一处向另一处的运动,常表停顿后继续前进。如:They proceeded from   London to Paris. (他们从伦敦往巴黎前进。)   peogress 多表自然过程,指生长,发展等稳定地或循环往复地前进。如:The year is   progressing, it will soon be summer. (光阴似箭,很快又是夏天了。)   16.advantage, benefit, profit   advantage 常指一种使某人处于比其他人相对有利的地位,机会或时机。如:He had the   advantage of good education. (受过良好的教育对他十分有利。)   profit 多指报偿或报偿性的收入。如Did you make any profit last year?   (你去年赚钱了吗?)   benefit 指物质利益或精神方面的好处。如:I get no personal benefit from the   business.(我个人从这家企业中并不获益。)   17.advise, convince, persuade   均可表“劝说”。   advise表建议,规劝某人应该做某事或如何做。如:He advised me to put my money   in the bank. (他劝我把钱存入银行。)   convince指向某人陈述事实,运用推理或逻辑证明使某人信服。如:We convinced   Smith to go by train rather than plane. (我们说服了史密斯乘火车而不乘飞机前往。)   persuade指用感情说服某人去做某事。如:I persuaded him to go back to work.   (我说服他回去工作了。)   18.affect, effect   affect影响(动词)。如Smoking affects health.   effect效果,影响(名词)。如:Government policy will not have any effect on us.   19.afford, provide, supply   都有“提供,供给”的意思。   afford一般只用于抽象事物。   provide 和supply意思相同,两个词都和with连用,构成provide /supply somebody   with something的结构。   20.agree, consent   agree 为常用词。如:Do you agree to the condition? (你同意这个条件吗?)   consent为正式用词,多用于上下级的关系,表示同意别人的要求或请求。如:Did the   king consent to your plan?(国王同意你的计划吗?)   21.aid, help, assist   用作动词均可表“帮助”。   aid为正式用词,help最常用。   assist最正式,表示协助某人做某事,尤指在体力上或具体事务上帮助和扶持。如:She   employed a woman to assist her with the housework. (她雇了一名妇女帮她做家务。)   22.alive, living, live   alive 指虽有死的可能,但仍活着,一般只作表语。   living可用于人或物,作定语时可前可后。   live只做前置定语,用于动物和个别事物前。   23.almost, nearly   一般说来,almost比nearly 表示的意思更接近“开始”、“完成” (目标)等。   在all, every, always 前,两者都可用。如:He is almost (nearly) smoking.   (他几乎每天抽烟。)   almost可同never, no, nobody, none, nothing 连用,而nearly却不能。如:   Almost no one believed her. (几乎没人相信他。)   24.alone, lonely   alone只表“独自”的客观状态,没有感情色彩,只作表语;lonely表“孤独”,:“寂   寞“,能作定语和表语。如:When she is left alone, she feels lonely. (剩下她一人时   她就感到寂寞。)   alone, only均可表“只有”,但alone须置于被修饰词之后,only往往置于被修饰词前。   如:He alone (Only he) can remember the story. (只有他才能记起这段经历。)   25.already, all ready   already已经(副词)。如:The plane had already landed before we got to the   airport.   all ready准备好的(作表语)。如:We were all ready to leave when the telephone   rang.
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