barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-15 15:24:13
TAG: 英文


订舱费booking charge

报关费customs clearance fee

操作劳务费labour fee or handling charge

商检换单费exchange fee for CIP

换单费D/O fee

拆箱费De-vanning charge

港杂费port sur-charge

电放费B/L surrender fee

冲关费emergent declearation change

海关查验费customs inspection fee

待时费waiting charge

仓储费storage fee







货代 这个用英语怎么说

freight forwarding
2023-08-09 10:43:234


货代这个词语用英语表达翻译为 : freight forwarding
2023-08-09 10:43:331


2023-08-09 10:43:454


直接上 没具体规范试 标准 最低4级 看得懂合同就可以
2023-08-09 10:43:573

指定货代 英语怎么说?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 指定货代:Nominated Forwarder 指定货: Nominated Cargo
2023-08-09 10:44:181


指定货代Appointed forwarder指定货代Appointed forwarder
2023-08-09 10:44:281


3、Transportation 运输   1)运输的定义   英文原文:Transportation is the operational area of logistics that geographically moves and positions inventory.   注释:operational: 操作的,运作的 geographically: 地理学上地,地理上地   中文意思:运输是物流的营运范围,是对库存物资空间上的移动和定位。   2)运输方面的需求可以通过三个基本途径来满足:   a) A private fleet of equipment may be operated. 可通过私营运输设备(注释:private: 私人的,私有的 fleet: 船队)   b)Contracts may be arranged with dedicated transport specialists. 也可通过与专业运输公司签订合同来满足运输的需求(注释:arrange: 安排,安置 dedicated: 专门的,专注的 specialist: 专家,专门的公司)   c)An enterprise may engage the services of a wide variety of carriers that provide different transportation services on a per shipment basis. 企业也可能雇佣不同的承运人来提供服务,这些承运人可以根据每次装运提供不同的运输服务。 (注释:enterprise:企业,公司 engage: 从事,雇佣 a variety of: 多种的)   3)评估运输绩效的的三个基本因素   英文原文:From the logistical system viewpoint, three factors are fundamental to transportation performance: cost, speed, and consistency. In designing a logistical system, a delicate balance must be maintained between transportation cost and service quality. Finding and managing the desired transportation mix across the supply chain is a primary responsibility of logistics.   注释:viewpoint: 观点,看法 factor: 因素,要素fundamental: 基本的,根本的,重要的,基础的 consistency: 连贯性,一致性,连结,连合 delicate: 精巧的,微妙的 balance: 平衡,权衡 service quality: 服务质量   中文意思:从物流系统的观点来看,评估运输绩效的三个基本因素是:成本、速度和连贯性。在规划一个物流系统时,必须巧妙地平衡运输成本与服务质量。在整个供应链的过程中发现和安排需要的运输是从事物流的一个首要的职责。   历年考题:   From the logistical system viewpoint, three factors are fundamental to transportation performance, these are ( ) --2006年多选题   A. consistency   B. cost   C. speed   D. housing   答案:ABC   分析:从物流系统角度来看,运输履行重要的因素是连贯性、成本和时间。
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2-5 课文:The original B/L are proof of ownership of goods, one of which must be surrendered to the carrier at destination, duly endorsed by the title holder in the goods in exchange for the goods or the delivery order.   注释:proof: 证据,凭证 ownership: 所有权,物主身份 surrender: 交出,让与,交给,在这里我们引申为“放单”的意思 in exchange for: 交换, 以此易彼 delivery order: 提货单   课文意思:正本提单是货物所有权的证明,他们其中的一份必须在目的地放单给承运人,通过货物所有权持有者正式背书,交换货物或者提货单。   2-6 课文:When one of the originals being surrendered to the carrier, the others become invalid.   注释:invalid: 无效的,失效的   课文意思:当其中一份正本提单放单给承运人后,其余的正本提单就自动失效。   2-7 课文:In some cases, a shipper may request a “full set” of “original” bills of lading, rather than just one original document.   注释:case: 事,情形,案例 request: 要求,请求 full set: 全套 rather than: 胜于,在这里意为“而不是”   课文意思:在某些情况下,托运人可能要求全套的正本提单,而不是仅其中一份正本单据。   2-8 课文:A set contains at least two originals. In practice, a set of three originals is the most common.   注释:at least: 至少 in practice: 实际上 a set of: 一组,一套 common: 普通的,公共的   课文意思:一套正本提单至少一式两份。实际上,通常一套正本提单,一式三份。   2-9 课文:The number of original bills of lading (B/L) may be expressed as 3/3 (read as ‘three of three") or 2/2 (read as ‘two of two").
2023-08-09 10:44:441

货代或船代英语里经常会出现book space这一词组,其意思是?

订购仓位。book是预订或订购的意思。space空间或位置大小的意思。同类例子有book a ticket(订票)。
2023-08-09 10:44:521


过夜压车 的英文翻译 Overnight carovernight 英[u02ccu0259u028avu0259u02c8nau026at] 美[u02ccou028avu0259ru02c8nau026at] adv. 在晚上; 在夜里; 突然; 很快; adj. 一整夜的; 晚上的; 突然的; 很快的; n. 前一天的晚上; 一夜的逗留; [例句]The weather remained calm overnight整晚都悄然无风。[其他] 第三人称单数:overnights 复数:overnights 现在分词:overnighting过去式:overnighted 过去分词:overnighted
2023-08-09 10:45:121

货代 英语翻译,请进

2023-08-09 10:45:223


拿去不谢!主要海运术语的中英文解释A/W 全水路 All WaterANER 亚洲北美东行运费协定 Asia NorthAmerica EastboundRateB/L 海运提单 Bill of LadingB/R 买价 Buying RateBAF 燃油附加费 Bunker AdjustmentFactorC&F 成本加海运费 COST AND FREIGHTC.C 运费到付 CollectC.S.C 货柜服务费 Container Service ChargeC.Y. 货柜场 Container YardC/(CNEE) 收货人 ConsigneeC/O 产地证 Certificate of OriginCAF 货币汇率附加费 Currency Adjustment FactorCFS 散货仓库 Container Freight StationCFS/CFS 散装交货(起点/终点)CHB 报关行 Customs House BrokerCIF 成本,保险加海运费 COST,INSURANCE,FRIGHTCIP 运费、保险费付至目的地 Carriage and Insurance Paid ToCOMM 商品 CommodityCPT 运费付至目的地 Carriage Paid ToCTNR 柜子 ContainerCY/CY 整柜交货(起点/终点)D/A 承兑交单 Document Against AcceptanceD/O 到港通知 Delivery OrderD/P 付款交单 Document Against PaymentDAF 边境交货 Delivered At FrontierDDC 目的港码头费 Destination Delivery ChargeDDP 完税后交货 Delivered Duty PaidDDU 未完税交货 Delivered Duty UnpaidDEQ 目的港码头交货 Delivered Ex QuayDES 目的港船上交货 Delivered Ex ShipDoc# 文件号码 Document NumberEPS 设备位置附加费 Equipment Position SurchargesEx 工厂交货 Work/ExFactoryF/F 货运代理 Freight ForwarderFAF 燃料附加费 Fuel AdjustmentFactorFAK 各种货品 Freight All KindFAS 装运港船边交货 Free Alongside ShipFCA 货交承运人 Free CarrierFCL 整柜 Full Container LoadFeeder Vessel/Lighter 驳船航次FEU 40‘柜型 Forty-Foot Equivalent Unit 40"FMC 联邦海事委员会 Federal Maritime CommissionFOB 船上交货 Free On BoardGRI 全面涨价 General RateIncreaseH/C 代理费 Handling ChargeHBL 子提单 House B/LI/S 内销售 Inside SalesIA 各别调价 Independent ActionL/C 信用证 Letter of CreditLand Bridge 陆桥LCL 拼柜 Less Than Container LoadM/T 尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费) Measurement TonMB/L 主提单 Master Bill Of LoadingMLB 小陆桥,自一港到另一港口 Minni Land BridgeMother Vessel 主线船MTD 多式联运单据 Multimodal Transport DocumentN/F 通知人 NotifyNVOCC 无船承运人 Non Vessel OperatingCommon CarrierO/F 海运费 Ocean FreightOBL 海运提单 Ocean (or original )B/LOCP 货主自行安排运到内陆点 Overland Continental PointOP 操作 OperationORC 本地收货费用(广东省收取) Origen Recevie ChargesP.P 预付 PrepaidPCS 港口拥挤附加费 Port Congestion SurchargePOD 目地港 Port Of DestinationPOL 装运港 Port Of LoadingPSS 旺季附加费 Peak Season SuchargesS/(Shpr) 发货人 ShipperS/C 售货合同 Sales ContractS/O 装货指示书 Shipping OrderS/R 卖价 Selling RateS/S Spread Sheet Spread SheetSC 服务合同 Service ContractSSL 船公司 Steam Ship LineT.O.C 码头操作费 Terminal Operations OptionT.R.C 码头收柜费 Terminal Receiving ChargeT/S 转船,转运 Trans-ShipT/T 航程 Transit TimeTEU 20‘柜型 Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit 20"THC 码头操作费(香港收取) Terminal Handling ChargesTTL 总共 TotalTVC/ TVR 定期定量合同 Time Volume Contract/ RateVOCC 船公司 Vessel Operating Common CarrierW/M 即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费 Weight or Measurement tonW/T 重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费) Weight TonYAS 码头附加费 Yard Surcharges
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15. 驳运费如果有驳运费, 不管在起运点还是终点站,承运人承担时间,风险和费用。转移货船第一次从锚地等待到转移至码头,或者货船起锚至码头所使用的时间,不管哪种快,应该是货主的责任,所用时间不算入卸货时间。但是,货船从码头移动到另一个码头所用的时间,算作承运人的责任,所用时间算入卸货时间。大概意思,也许词汇不太专业。
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13、滞期和速遣费率无论装运港或卸货港,滞期费率以及船舶滞留期由船东宣布,速遣是滞期费的一半。滞期费或速遣费在卸货后30天内确定。Vessel"s nomination 指船舶滞留期14、代理双方同意,船东的代理在装运港,租船人的代理在卸货港提供有竞争力的代理费和港口使费PDA=PROPROFORMA DISBURSEMENT ACCOUNT 港口使费
2023-08-09 10:45:591

空运货代 英语翻译

客户要求空运做DDP服务 送货上门的 关税客户付
2023-08-09 10:46:082


国贸、货代常用词汇 submitted at 2006-3-25 10:46:05 1、 CFR (cost and freight) 成本加运费价2、 T/T (telegraphic transfer)电汇3、 D/P (document against payment) 付款交单4、 D/A (document against acceptance) 承兑交单5、 C.O (certificate of origin) 一般原产地证6、 G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences) 普惠制7、 CTN/CTNS (carton/cartons) 纸箱8、 PCE/PCS (piece/pieces) 只、个、支等9、 DL/DLS (dollar/dollars) 美元10、 DOZ/DZ (dozen) 一打11、 PKG (package) 一包,一捆,一扎,一件等12、 WT (weight) 重量13、 G.W. (gross weight) 毛重14、 N.W. (net weight) 净重15、 C/D (customs declaration) 报关单16、 EA (each) 每个,各17、 W (with) 具有18、 w/o (without) 没有19、 FAC (facsimile) 传真20、 IMP (import) 进口21、 EXP(export) 出口22、 MAX (maximum) 最大的、最大限度的23、MIN (minimum) 最小的,最低限度24、 M 或MED (medium) 中等,中级的25、 M/V(merchant vessel) 商船26、 S.S (steamship) 船运27、 MT或M/T (metric ton) 公吨28、 DOC (document) 文件、单据29、 INT(international) 国际的30、 P/L (packing list) 装箱单、明细表31、 INV (invoice) 发票32、 PCT (percent) 百分比33、 REF (reference) 参考、查价34、 EMS (express mail special) 特快传递35、 STL (style) 式样、款式、类型36、 T或LTX或TX (telex) 电传37、 RMB(renminbi) 人民币38、 S/M (shipping marks) 装船标记39、 PR或PRC(price) 价格40、 PUR (purchase)购买、购货41、 S/C(sales contract) 销售确认书42、 L/C (letter of credit) 信用证43、 B/L (bill of lading) 提单44、 FOB (free on board) 离岸价45、 CIF (cost, insurance & freight) 成本、保险加运费价货代英语小词库---------航空运输常见英文缩略词1. T.A.T (Train、Air、Truck简称)。我国空运出口货物通常采用陆空联运方式,陆空陆联运是火车、飞机和卡车的联合运输 2. ICAO:(International Civil Aviation Organization) 国际民用航空组织 3. IATA: (International Air Transportation Association ,) 国际航空运输协会 4. FIATA:国际货运代理协会联合会 5. Freighter/All cargo:全货机。此类飞机仅限于货物运输 6. Passenger:客机。在这种飞机上,旅客占用主舱,下舱用于装载货物 7. Mixed /Combination: 客货混装机 8. LOADING CHARTS:装载表 9.PALLET:集装板;IGLOOL:集装棚;CANTAINER:集装箱 10. LOCAL TIME :当地时间 11.TIME ZONE:时区 12、International Time Calculator 国际时间计算表 13、Bank and Public Holidays 银行和公众节日 14、Airline of the world 世界上航空公司 15、Airline Designators Codes 航空公司两字代码 16、Airline Code numbers 航空公司三字代码 17、City/airport codes 城市/机场三字代码 18、Flight routings 航线 19、Aircraft codes---飞机机型代码 20、AC animal container,动物容器费 21、AS assembly service fee,集装服务费 22、AW air waybill fee,货运单费 23、CD clearance and handling-destination,目的站办理海关手续和处理费 24、CH clearance and handling,始发站办理海关手续和处理费 25、DB disbursement fee,货物运费到付手续费 26、FC charge collect fee,货物运费到付手续费 27、GT government tax,政府税 28、IN insurance premium,代办保险手续费 29、LA live animal,活体动物处理费 30、MA miscellaneous-due agent,代理人收取的杂项费 31、MC miscellaneous-due carrier,承运人收取的杂项费 32、MO miscellaneous,杂项费,如牛栏、马厩的租用费 33、MZ miscellaneous-due issuing carrier ,制单承运人收取的杂项费 34、PK packaging,货物包装费 35、PU pick-up,货物提取费 36、RA dangerous goods fee,危险物品处理费 37、SD surface charge-destination,目的站地面运输费 38、SO storage-origin,始发站仓储费 39、SR surface charge-origin,始发站地面运费 40、SU storage-destination,目的站仓储费 41、TR transit,过境费 42、TX taxes,税款 43、UH ULD-handling,集装设备处理费 44、SLI-----Shipper"s Letter Of Instruction 空运货物收运的重要文件-货物委托书 45、.发货人/托运人Shipper 46、.收货人Consignee 47、始发地机场Airport of departure 48、PREPAID发货人付费 49、COLLECT收货人在收货时付款
2023-08-09 10:46:291

货代基础英语 我英语水平较差

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2023-08-09 10:48:054


判断题   1. “unclean on board” is indicated on the B/L means that the goods is not clean.   答案:错   2. The figure like 11/7/2008 in British English will be understood as July 11, 2008, while in American English will be understood as November 7, 2008. ( )   答案:正确   3. If the goods are in order, but the documents are not correct, the issuing bank has the rights to refuse to pay the seller. ( )   答案:正确   4. The written permission granted by the customs authorities to allow the vessel which has brought any imports or has loaded exports to leave the port is Entry Inwards. ( )   答案:错   5. The Specific Commodity Rates are higher than General Cargo Rates. ( )   答案:错   多项选择题   1. Container freight rates mainly include: (  )   A. tramp rate   B. liner freight rate   C. FAK   D. CBR   答案:CD   2. Logistics is the process of ( ) from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements.   A. inventory   B. goods   C. information   D. services   答案:BCD   3. Multimodal transport has the following advantages: ( )   A. Minimizing time loss   B. Providing faster transit of goods   C. Saving costs   D. Reducing cost of exports.   答案:ABCD   4. Under CMR convention, the carrier is liability of: ( )   A. the acts and omissions of his agents   B. any wrongful act or neglect of the consignor   C. inherent vice of the goods   D. loss of or damage to the goods during the time he takes the goods   答案:AD   5. Which of the following trade terms may be used multi-modal transport.   A. CIP   B. CIF   C. FCA   D. CPT   答案:ACD   完形填空   An international contract should be executed through four basic steps: pre-preparation for contract, contract negotiation, _1_ and contract execution, and each steps includes detail procedures, an international seller must have good knowledge of the following steps: firstly we should seek _2_and contact the certain customers who have demands indeed. The second steps we need negotiate with customers about the price, products, service etc. In this step we should make an _3_ to our customers, and the costumers will make a confirmation of _4_or non-acceptance. After all essential factors of contract are confirmed, we should sign contract with our customer. The last step is execution of contract, in this step we need arrange shipment, prepare relative shipment documents and effect insurance if any etc. Of course our customer should also make _5_by L/C or T/T according to the contract stipulations.   1.   A. contract performance   B. contract signing   C. contract payment   D. contract shipment   2.   A. market   B. product   C. customer   D. seller   3.   A. inquire   B. counteroffer   C. offer   D. acceptance   4.   A. inquire   B. acceptance   C. offer   D. quotation   5.   A. customs clearance   B. payment   C. shipment   D. production   答案:BCCBB   The latest edition of “Inconterms”is “Inconterms 2000”,which was amended in July1999 by _6_and published in January 1, 2000. The “Inconterms 2000” includes 13 different international trade terms. They specify at which point the risk of loss and/or damage passes from the seller to buyer as well as which party pays for specific activities. FOB, _7_ and CIF are the traditional three trade terms among them, which are most widely used in international trade. Like CIF, the _8_ must pay the costs and freight and insurance necessary to bring the goods to the named port of destination. While the new three terms FCA, CPT and CIP developed on the basis of the traditional ones. The traditional three terms can be used only for sea or inland waterway transport and the new three terms can be used for any mode of transport especially _9_. Take CPT and CFR for example, the major difference is that CFR can only be used for sea and inland waterway transport, while CPT can be used for any mode of transport, if the parties do not intend to deliver the goods across the ship"s rail, the _10_ term is preferred.   6.   A. ICC   B. WTO   C. FIATA   D. United Nation   7.   A. CFR   B. CPT   C. FCA   D. CIP   8.   A. Carrier   B. Seller   C. Buyer   D. Consignee   9.   A. sea transport   B. air transport   C. road transport   D. muti-model transport   10.   A. CFR   B. CPT   C. FCA   D. CIP   答案:6-10 AABDB
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外贸频道。 1. SC service contract 服务合同   2. B/N booking note 托运单   3. S/O shipping order 装货单,也称下货纸、关单   4. M/R mate"s receipt收货单,也称大副收据   5. M/F manifest 载货清单,也称舱单   6. S/P stowage plan货物积载图,也称船图、舱图   7. D/O delivery order 提货单,也称小提单   8. MSDS maritime shipping document of safety 危险货物安全资料卡   9. D/R dock"s receipt场站收据   10. EIR(E/R) equipment interchange receipt 设备交接单   11. CLP container load plan集装箱装箱单   12. SOF statement of facts 装卸事实记录   13. B/L bill of lading提单   14. HB/L house bill of lading 代理行提单,或称子提单、分提单、货代提单、无船承运人提单、仓至仓提单等   15. Sea B/L (Master B/L, Ocean B/L, Memo B/L) 海运提单,或称母提单、主提单、船公司提单、备忘提单等   16. On board B/L, Shipped B/L 已装船提单   17. Received for Shipment B/L 收货待运提单   18. Straight B/L 记名提单   19. Open B/L (Blank B/L, Bearer B/L) 不记名提单   20. Order B/L 指示提单
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跟单员 Merchandiser单证员 documention Specialist 货代员 freight and forwarding agent 商务师 Business Specialist
2023-08-09 10:48:571


过夜压车 Overnight car overnight 英[u02ccu0259u028avu0259u02c8nau026at] 美[u02ccou028avu0259ru02c8nau026at] adv. 在晚上; 在夜里; 突然; 很快; adj. 一整夜的; 晚上的; 突然的; 很快的; n. 前一天的晚上; 一夜的逗留; [例句]The weather remained calm overnight整晚都悄然无风。[其他] 第三人称单数:overnights 复数:overnights 现在分词:overnighting过去式:overnighted 过去分词:overnighted
2023-08-09 10:49:281


You are using your own forwarder or we need to help you find forwarder
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2023-08-09 10:49:493

货代 直单 英语怎么说

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2023-08-09 10:50:112


货代订舱和舱位The freight booking and shipping space
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Our goods are ready for delivery, please arrange the sea shipment and let me know the detailed contact information of your forwarder.以上英文可以直接使用。你只需要知道他货代的联系方式就行了,具体出货的事可以直接跟货代联系。个人见解,欢迎采纳哦。
2023-08-09 10:51:511


2023-08-09 10:52:011


2023-08-09 10:52:112


1 because it is to advance shipment, benefiting foreign, so they need to open bill when booking 2. No mistake about 3 to 4 for the customer, single, dual bills to delete single 5. Should make lists 6 on price, ship company in long-term cooperation relations, unable to offer customers and then change also reserve shall be made and customer requirements, after payment to open 9 after shipment, Singapore, so fill to request to open port charges 10. Customers are no confirmation 11.he didn"t confirm bill rises
2023-08-09 10:52:204


2023-08-09 10:52:304


你好!货代在催外贸提单确认Forwarder"s confirmation of foreign trade bill of lading
2023-08-09 10:52:371


2023-08-09 10:52:471


2023-08-09 10:52:583


2023-08-09 10:53:062


2023-08-09 10:53:281


2023-08-09 10:53:383


2023-08-09 10:53:462


2023-08-09 10:53:583


According to what I know,we have alreadly provided us with the information which we should provide ,and all other information need to be provided by you,that"s what we are always doing.
2023-08-09 10:54:071


2023-08-09 10:54:183


I"ve checked my bank account, but the money is not there yet. I"ll keep checking the bank account the following days. Please be assured that I"ll have the goods delivered as soon as the money is transfered.
2023-08-09 10:54:261