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2023-08-15 09:28:58
TAG: 英语 加班

I worked overtime today.I got home just now.




加班的英语是:work overtime;work an extra shift;work extra hours。work overtime的英音是:/wu025cu02d0k u02c8u0259u028avu0259tau026am/,美音是/wu025cu02d0rk u02c8ou028avu0259rtau026am/。含有加班的双语例句1、他会为了完成工作无偿加班。He would work overtime, without pay, to finish a job.2、要讲道理呀!我们不能每天晚上都加班到很晚呀。Be reasonable! We can"t work late every night.3、要是叫我星期天加班,我就辞职不干了。If I were asked to work on Sundays, I should resign.4、开夜车加班我愿意,但周末休息没商量。I"ll work till late in the evening, but my weekends are sacrosanct.
2023-08-09 06:48:091


Work overtime/Overtime work加班Overtime表示超时,超时工作自然就是指加班了。Work overtime是“加班”最常见的英语说法,也可以直接 讲它的缩写 “OT”,有人把加班说成extra work,是不准确的,额外工作不一定就得加班,加班也不一定是额外工作。例句:①They"re working overtime to get the job done on time.他们加班是为了准时完成工作。②You must know our working hours are very long and overtime work is frequent.你必须知道我们的工作时长非常长,并且加班非常频繁。
2023-08-09 06:48:321


2023-08-09 06:49:545


  加班,是指在规定的工作时间外,延长工作时间、休息日工作又不能安排补休的或法定休假日工作的。那么你知道加班用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起来学习一下加班的英语知识吧。   加班的英语说法   overtime   work extra hours   加班的相关 短语   加班车 extra bus   加班费 overtime pay; overtime cost   加班时间 overhours   加班时数 overtime hours   加班的英语例句   1. Since I started to work longer hours things have gone steadily downhill.   自从我开始加班以来,事情日趋恶化。   2. He would work overtime, without pay, to finish a job.   他会为了完成工作无偿加班。   3. They"ll have to make up time lost during the strike.   他们不得不加班弥补罢工耽误的时间。   4. I"ll work till late in the evening, but my weekends are sacrosanct.   开夜车加班我愿意,但周末休息没商量。   5. These new orders for our manufactures will mean working overtime.   这些订购我们产品的新订单意味着要加班.   6. The union has imposed a ban on overtime.   工会制定了超时加班的禁令.   7. He never complained about working overtime.   他从来不因加班而抱怨.   8. Doctors work excessive unpaid overtime.   医生过度加班却无报酬.   9. High marginal tax rates may act as a disincentive to working longer hours.   高额的边际税率可能会对加班起到抑制作用。   10. The drafting committee worked through the night in a vain attempt to finish on schedule.   起草委员会为按计划完成草案已通宵加班,但结果仍是徒劳。   11. Union leaders had urged miners to vote in favour of an overtime ban.   工会领导人呼吁矿工投票支持加班禁令。   12. The weather has brought such a demand for beer that one brewery will operate over the weekend.   天气状况使得对啤酒的需求大增,一家啤酒厂周末要加班了。   13. He concocted a story about working late at the office, but I knew he was going drinking with his brother.   他编造了一个在办公室加班的 故事 , 不过我知道他和他兄弟喝酒去了.   14. I"m sorry that I wasn"t able to work overtime yesterday.   很抱歉我昨天没能加班.   15. Most member countries have already legislated against excessive overtime.   大多数成员国均已立法禁止超时加班。   加班的英语相关阅读:六成白领"自愿"被加班   An online survey has found that working Chinese people spend 8.66 hours at work on average, and 60 percent of those who took the survey noted they "voluntarily work extra hours," Chutian Metropolitan Daily reported.   据《楚天都市报》报道,一项网络调查显示,我国 职场 人平均日工作时间为8.66小时,六成受访者表示是“自愿加班”。   Report on Average Index of Working People in China 2012 found people, especially those working in private companies, are under pressure to appear diligent or face termination for "lack of devotion."   《2012年度中国职场人平衡指数 调研 报告 》称,职场人尤其是在私企工作的人群表示有压力,需要“装勤恳”否则就会因“缺乏奉献精神”面临解职。   Moreover, only a small number of companies offer compensation or rewards for employees" overtime work.   另外,仅有少数公司会补偿或奖励员工的加班行为。   HR experts at noted an employee can work 36 extra hours per month at most, according to China"s labor law, and employees can turn to a labor arbitrary agency for help if they are forced to work extra hours.   智联招聘人力资源专家表示,我国《劳动法》规定每月可以加班的最长时间是36小时。假如企业总强迫员工加班,那么员工可以向劳动仲裁机构反映。 猜你喜欢: 1. 关于“加班”的10个英语对话 2. 加班调休通知范文 3. 工厂加班通告怎么写 4. 加班的心情说说 5. 加班管理规定 6. 加班请示格式范文
2023-08-09 06:50:241


加班overtime他会为了完成工作无偿加班。He would work overtime, without pay, to finish a job 大公司的员工有相当一部分薪酬来自奖金和加班费。Workers in big firms receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of bonusesand overtime.
2023-08-09 06:51:081


日语:残业 ざんぎょう zann gyowu英语:overtime work
2023-08-09 06:51:182


what time will it end today? what time can get off overwork today? what will we eat tonight? Are you OK going home alone? Are you free tomorrow?
2023-08-09 06:51:371

我还在办公室加班 英语怎么说

1 now though it was very late, but I was still in the office to work overtime. 2 you last night in overtime? The company has a lot of things 3. Every day we work overtime. 4 her tomorrow night on the night shift, I want to pick her up after work. I want to send her to work. 5 you are working? I need to give you something to eat? / send something to drink?
2023-08-09 06:51:483

这个星期要加班 英语怎么说

This week to work overtime,Next week, okay?
2023-08-09 06:51:573

你要加班吗 英语

do u need to work overtime? and will your boss pay you the money for overtime?
2023-08-09 06:52:082


2023-08-09 06:52:161


Have three times the salary holidays to work overtime?
2023-08-09 06:52:242


boss: the world is so big, do you want to quit job to see the outside world?employee: no, sirboss: if you have enough money, would you like quiting job to travel the world?employee: erh...,I"ve not got that enough money yet.boss: so, if I ask you for an overtime work tonight, you"d do me this favor, right?employ: is there any overtime payment?boss: no, but you can be watching computer in office with monthly salary, instead of seeing the world without money.
2023-08-09 06:52:311

我今天晚上要加班 用英语怎么说

I want to work overtime tonight
2023-08-09 06:52:413

加班工资/加班费 的英语怎么说

加班工资/加班费 overtime pay税前工资 in front of tax wages税后工资 after tax wages出差补助 travels on official business the subsidy养老保险 old-age insurance医疗保险 medical insurance住房公积金 housing common reserve fund外来人口综合保险 non-native population synthesis insurance
2023-08-09 06:53:001


如果你下班之前临时接到了上司的一封邮件,里面有“OT”出现,那你要注意了,千万别急着下班,恭喜你“喜提”加班~在日常的邮件还有会话当中,总会遇到使用英文的缩写,讲话的时候也常常夹带一些英文单词。今天我就跟大家聊聊邮件中那些常见的英文缩写,一定要有所了解,不然就要闹笑话了!OT我们先从“OT”说起,原以为朝九晚五是工作常态,上班后才知道996才是常态,加班是必不可少的,“加班”你要这样表达:Work overtime是“加班”最常见的英语说法,也可以直接用它的缩写 “OT”,有人把加班说成extra work,是不准确的,额外工作不一定就得加班,加班也不一定是额外工作。They"re working overtime to get the job done on time.他们加班是为了准时完成工作。You must know our working hours are very long and overtime work is frequent.你必须知道我们的工作时长非常长,并且加班非常频繁。有些公司会给相应的加班费,这个词还是有了解的必要的,跟HR沟通的时候可以提前询问加班是否有应得的加班费:overtime pay (加班费)If I put in extra hours, I can receive overtime pay.如果我加班(工作), 我可以领加班费。NB如果你收到邮件的时候看到了“NB”这个用法,可不要一脸疑惑,它可不是你想象中的意思~NB=Nota Bene=特别注意、划重点NB. You should read this post more than once.划重点,这篇文章你得多读几遍~遇到“NB”可要注意了,其后面跟着的往往都是比较重要的内容。TBD职场新人在工作中经常听到这样的对话:“给客户的邮件记得CC我,告诉客户合同签订时间还TBD。”是不是有小同学以为TBD是“听不懂”这么理解可就尴尬了!TBD=to be determined=待确认,待定The exact date for returning to the office is TBD.到单位上班的具体时间待定。经常用于商务场合,发出会议邀请或告知行程的时候,如果地点或者时间还没有最终确定,可以写上TBD,告诉对方会另行通知,待确定。相似的表达还有“TBA”:TBA=to be announced (待定、待通知)The time that you can leave your house is TBA.什么时候时候可以出门有待通知。FYIFYI=for your information所表达的意思也是相近的,就是表示“供你参考”的意思。常常会出现在邮件当中,如果在协助同事工作的时候,只需要你提供一份文件,正文没有特别要写的,就可以附上:FYI.还有一种表达方式与其相似:FYR=For Your Reference (供您参考的信息)This is the PnL report for last month, FYR.这是上个月的营收损益表,供您参考。FYI与FYR都有“供您参考”的意思,也常用于英文的Email沟通。有所不同的是,FYI还可用于表达“按您的需要,提供这些资讯给你,供您参考”的意思,而FYR不行。前者FYI提供的是精准的信息,后者FYR提供的是相关或类似信息作为参考。写英文邮件,最重要的是:Keep it as simple as possible. 在这个基础上掌握一些经典“套路”,你的邮件会写得又好又快。
2023-08-09 06:53:071


2023-08-09 06:53:221


这个说法也是对的,但是还有一个短语也表 示加班-clean the desk!字面意思看来是清理桌子,我们把这个desk当作是办公桌,可能就相对好理解了。所以,下次如果老外同事对你说他要 clean the desk,不要错以为他是要打扫为生哦:)英美人地道表达:Iu2019m working late tonight. So have dinner without me.抱怨加班的英语口语对话Complaining about overtimeA: You wonu2019t believe whou2019s been elected to do overtime on the Baker account! Me! Iu2019ve already logged in 20 hours of overtime!A:你想象不到谁被选中加班做贝克项目了。我!我已经加了20小时班了。B: Wow! Why so much? I thought they were getting you an assistant.A: They were supposed to, but so far nobodyu2019s turned up, and Iu2019m left on my own to do the work. This is the first break Iu2019ve had all day.A:应该是。可是到目前为止还没有人来呢,只剩我一人在做这事。这是我一天来头一次休息。B: Theyu2019re really running you into the ground. Why donu2019t you ask for some time off? You could take a long weekend and go away somewhere.腾讯微博热点评论:1. 比加班更痛苦的就是天天加班,比天天加班更更痛苦的就是天天无偿加班!西瓜和西米:圣诞加班,元旦加班。这忙碌的一年终于在加班中结束,而新的一年又以加班开始。加班跨年,想想也还不错,至少我也跨了!CQ清风过境:做财务的从来就不会有元旦,元旦加班的苦逼们!ZZ幺儿:元旦加班,睡眠不足,质量不好,偶今天本来值班却倒下了,哎!看来我真的要倒在工作岗位上了哦。飞将军-:今天是元旦加班第二天,重庆天寒地冻,但办公室内却是七颗滚烫的心,还有被精彩所激发的期待。  
2023-08-09 06:53:301


Will you work over time tonight?
2023-08-09 06:53:464

讨厌加班 英语怎么说?

1. We really, really hate working overtime, especially when unpaid.2. I have an extra shift tomorrow night. I just hate working overtime at night.3. He got a little worked up because I woke him up.4. What I did about this thing is inappropriate. I won"t do it again.5. (参见2)6. Who are you working with overtime tonight?
2023-08-09 06:53:573


working along???
2023-08-09 06:54:214

我正在在加班 用英语怎么说

i am working now
2023-08-09 06:54:592


以下是 整理的《职场英语口语对话:加班和福利待遇》,希望大家喜欢! 一、句型 1、I have been in your shoes before我也经历过和你相同的状况。 A: Bobby took the promotion that Ishould be get B: I have been in your shoes before .It"s a dog eat dog world,you have to face the reality。 这是个竞争激烈的世界,你要面对现实。 A:Working overtime everyday makes me tired and down。 每天加班令人疲备而且情绪低落 B: I"ve been in your shoes before. 2、You are the boss=It"s up to you 你做主,你说了算。 A: What are you going to eat? Noodles or fast food? B: You are the boss. A: Would you be interested in watching movie with me tonight? B: Sure,of course.I"d like to. A:What movie do you want to see? B: You are the boss. 3、Come again我没听错吧(没听清楚对方的话,请他再说一遍) 4、how come? 表示惊讶,为什么呀?= why A:I haven"t been so happy since I"ve come to Rocky。 B: How come? A: Guess what I"m going to do tonight? B: No idea,tell me. A: Winne asks me to dinner with her. B:Come again.^_^ 5、What put that idea in your head? 你为什么那么想呢?(对别人的想法不理解) A: I want to take taekwondo class。 B: What put that idea in your head? A: I"ve always been interested in taekwondo, also winnie is going to take that course. B: Apparently,the latter is the main reason. ^_^ 6、You"d be surprised。你要做好心里准备,你会很惊讶的。 A: Guess how much bobby paid for his girlfriend"s valentine"s gift. B:??? A:You"d be surprised,10,000RMB B: I can"t believe it. 7、It can"t be.很惊讶的消息= It"s incredible.这怎么可能 = I can"t believe it.=it"s impossible 难以置信的。 Are you kidding? A:I saw a frog as big as a dog。 B:You must be kidding. 8、You haven"t been yourself.你不太对劲。 You haven"t been yourself in the past few days,are you OK? 9、It"s always darkest before dawn否极泰来 Believe me things will get better相信我,一切都会好起来的. 10、Now you are cooking你现在做的很好,做的有模有样,鼓励、称赞别人. 二、gossip句型,场景对话 1、one of my favourite我最喜欢的事情之一 Chocolate is one of my favourite ice-cream flavors. Watching movie is one of my favourite avocations. 2、Is that right? 是这样吗? 3、It"s never too late It"s never too late to learn english. It"s never too late to quit smoking. 4、Whatever works怎么样都行啊. Whatever works for him works for me他行我也行,他没问题我也没问题. 5、not only ...but also Benson is not only smart but also good looking as well.不仅聪明而且相貌堂堂. 6、I can tell看的出来,我知道 I can tell the boss is mad,because he has already fired three people since this morning。 7、What is with the sad face?你怎么看起来不太高兴啊? 8、Just between you and me只有你我知道 How much do you get paid,你薪水是多少啊,just between you and me 9、The whole nine yards一应俱全,一切准备妥当&什么都不缺 福利待遇话题的对话:Tom (T) and Jim(J) T: What"s with the sad face? J: To tell you the truth,I just heard that one of our best sales Bobby has decided to quit / Bobby"s gonna quit. T: How come? J: Apparently, Bobby feels that the company isn"t giving him all the benefits that he deserves. T: That"s nonsense.简直莫名其妙 I heard that your company offered the best benefits in this industry. J: That"s what I thought (I think so).我也是这么认为啊。 T: I guess it wasn"t good enough for him.我想还是不能满足他. J: Just between you and me, our company offers insurance保险、stock option配股、paid leave 带薪休假、retirement plan退休计划 the whole nine yards。 T: You"ve lost a good worker,why don"t you think about me? just kidding
2023-08-09 06:55:061


OT againOT on and onOT never endendless OT真惨...
2023-08-09 06:55:162

我还在办公室加班 英语怎么说

2023-08-09 06:55:251


加班工资 call-back pay; overtime wage; [例句]我支付你双倍加班工资。I"ll give you double pay for working overtime
2023-08-09 06:55:461


I was busy with some extra work at the weekend.
2023-08-09 06:55:542

英语翻译 对于日常说的我正在上班,我下班了,我周六加班呢等,英语如何表达最地道? 请造几个句子

我正在上班 I"m working now. 我下班了 I"m off duty. 我周六加班 I work overtime on Saurday. 我正在加班不能回家.I am overtime working now ,so I can"t go home.
2023-08-09 06:56:011


1.very organized
2023-08-09 06:56:161

你要加班吗 英语

Do you want to work overtime? and will your boos pay the extra for overtime?
2023-08-09 06:56:262

关于stadying overtime的英语作文

Stadying overtime坚定的加班 Stadying overtime is a big problem.坚定的加班会是个大问题。I think it will give you some health problem.我觉得它也给人们带来了健康的问题。So I was not approve for this.所以,我不赞成过度加班。I think that the body is the first important stuff,if you have had the good body,you can do anything.我认为第一,加班对身体不好。And I also think that stady overtime you will haven"t to much insprit to do something,and not efficient.并且我也认为过度的加班导致了不能够使人集中注意力在你的工作上(因为已经过于劳累),(这么说来它)也是没有效率的。I think that if you have had more work,you can stady overtime,but not often.我认为如果你有更多的工作,你可以坚定的决定加班,但是,不是经常。If you also can"t finish your work,I think that you should be pay attention to taking your working skills,got some experience,you also can ask for your colleauge.如果你还是没有完成你的工作,我觉得你应该需要注意你的工作技巧和得到一些好的工作经验,你也可以请教你的同事。But if you come to a new company,I think that perhaps you should be work overtime for two months to six months.I don"t like working overtime too much,but I think that sometimes is ok.But you should be try to finish your work at your working time,I think that it"s a good idea.但是,如果你来到了一家新公司,我想可能在2个月到6个月的时间里,过度加班是需要的。我不喜欢过度的加班,但是,我认为有时候适当的一些加班还是需要的(若你无法及时完成你的工作)。但是,我觉得你应该还是要尽可能的在你的工作时间完成你的工作,我想它不失为一个好点子。
2023-08-09 06:56:351


I"m willing to work overtime or go on a business trip.
2023-08-09 06:56:441


I hope someone accompany me to work overtime
2023-08-09 06:56:524


加班extra work,事假,private affair leave病假sick leave,缺勤,absence from duty 迟到,late早退leave early
2023-08-09 06:57:121

英语翻译: 今天我又得加班,估计八点(晚上)才能离开.

I have to work overtime, may leave at 8:00pm
2023-08-09 06:57:223


Have three times the salary holidays to work overtime?
2023-08-09 06:57:332


don"t worryuff01the workers are working in extra hours.
2023-08-09 06:57:414

对老师加班多的看法 用英语

2023-08-09 06:57:511


when did you stayed up last night?
2023-08-09 06:58:004


i am very sorry to tell you that we cannot play basketball tomorrow because that i have to go to work
2023-08-09 06:58:116


work very late
2023-08-09 06:58:383


如今,生活节奏越来越快,对那些生活和工作在一线城市的年轻人来说尤甚。情况好的从事的都是朝九晚五加双休的工作,情况坏的就不用多说了,加班肯定是家常便饭,来自身体和精神的双重压力有时会让他们发出“累成狗了”诸如此类的吐槽。今天给大家分享一些关于“工作忙”,“累成狗”的英语表达,一起来学习一下:工作很忙I am very busy at work如果你想表达“我工作很忙”,可千万不要直接说“My work is very busy”听到这样的说法,可能要被老外嘲笑了,很忙的是我们自己并非“work”,要搞清楚主语是谁哦!正确的表达是:I am very busy at work.其他几种地道表达:We all have those days that pass like a whirlwind.我们都忙得不可开交。I don"t get a free moment to catch my breath.我都没有时间喘口气。Snowed underSnowed under 这个短语其实和“snow 雪”并没有什么关系。在英语里,人们常用这个表达来形容“忙得不可开交”。我们都想要通过努力工作获得更多的薪资,那么努力工作怎么说呢?最简单的表达就是“work hard”了,还有几种地道表达:work like a dog像狗一样努力工作,在国外,像狗一样并不是贬义词,而是说狗代表着忠诚,也是说工作非常努力。My brother worked like a dog to become successful.我哥哥为了让自己更成功,工作很努力。work your fingers to the bone从手指到骨节都在工作,那一定是“非常努力地工作”的意思咯~I worked my fingers to the bone to give my children a good life.我为了给我的孩子们一个好的生活,兢兢业业、恪尽职守!
2023-08-09 06:58:462

加班单 英语 加班单正确的说法是什么? 是overtime sheet么?

2023-08-09 06:58:531

普通加班工资为平时的1.5倍,双休日为2倍,节假为3倍 翻成英语怎么翻啊?

Legal overtime wage is 1.5 times of the basic for weekday,2 times for weekend and 3 times for statuory holiday. 我们的验厂报告就是这样描述的.供参考
2023-08-09 06:59:001

extra section 用英语解释下~ 谢谢

2023-08-09 06:59:097


we pay the overtimepayment by 1.5 times.
2023-08-09 07:00:041


Apply after overtime to make up before the rest
2023-08-09 07:00:142


员工加班调休统计表 Overtime overtime compensation tables已休调休 Have been paid leave
2023-08-09 07:00:211


If someone laughs at you, what will you do? Yesterday,some workers refused to work overtime.(or work extra shifts)
2023-08-09 07:00:281


加班后回家的打车费Overtime to go home after a taxi fee
2023-08-09 07:00:361