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2023-08-14 18:08:21


  剪纸(paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。 中国剪纸有_千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。特别是在 春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。 剪纸最常用的"颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地 很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物。


  Paper cutting is one of Chinau2019s most popular traditional folk arts. Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. During the Spring Festival and wedding celebrations, in particular, paper cuttings are used to decorate doors,windows and rooms in order to enhance the joyous atmosphere. The color most frequently used in paper cutting is red, which symbolizes health and prosperity. Chinese paper cutting is very popular around the world and it is often given as a present to foreign friends.



  1.这段文章中比较难的词语有“美化”、“居家环境”、“婚庆”、“装饰”等,这些词英文中没有明确对应的词,考生在翻译时应该抓住词的根本意思进行翻译。如“美化”可译为makeu2026more beautiful。

  2.分析句子结构,抓住主干。比如,第一句“剪纸( paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。”“剪纸”是主语,“是”是谓语,“中国最为流行的u2026u2026..之一”是表语,基本可以断定,本句转化为英文时是一个主系表结构的句子。


  4.剪纸有着悠久的历史,是传统的民间艺术形式:从整个句子来看该句有两个谓语动词,即“有着”和“是”,可将其中的“有着”翻译为with短语,即with a long history,"是”则用be动词来表示。“民间艺术”可译为folk art。

  5.中国人认为门上的红色剪纸可以给全家人带来好运和幸福:“认为”可译为believe,也可译为think或consider后可跟宾语从句。“给u2026带来u2026”可译为bringu2026to...,其他带有bring的常用的短语还有bring(培养,养有)、bring in(引起,介绍)、bring about(引起,导致)。


paper cutting翻译成中文

1、单词解释n.剪纸(艺术)2、短语短句英语剪纸English paper cutting苏州剪纸Suzhou paper cutting剪纸艺术展Paper cutting art exhibition英文作文剪纸有English composition paper cutting剪纸和灯笼Paper cutting and lanterns剪纸在有着悠久的历Paper cutting has a long history in China我喜欢剪纸I like paper cutting我的爱好是剪纸My hobby is paper cutting
2023-08-09 02:51:021


2023-08-09 02:51:2712


2023-08-09 02:51:511


剪纸是中国民间艺术的一种独特形式英语翻译:Paper cutting is a unigue form of folk arts in China.一、Paper1、含义:n. 纸;文件;报纸;论文;票据;壁纸。2、用法:paper的基本意思是“纸”,通常用作物质名词,不可数。如表示可数性,则须借助于单位词。“一小张纸”是a piece of paper; “一大张标准尺寸的纸”是a sheet of paper。paper作“写过字的纸”解时,是可数名词,有复数形式。She papered the walls of her room.她用纸裱糊她房间四周的墙壁。二、form1、含义:n. 形式;形状;表格;良好的健康状态;表现状态;常规。2、用法:form表示“形式”“形状”时,可用作可数名词或不可数名词。表示“表格”,是可数名词。作“情绪”“状态”解时,是不可数名词。Playing basketball is one form of physical exercise.打篮球是体育活动的一种形式。三、of1、含义:prep. 关于;... 的(表所属);出身于;由于。2、用法:直接源自古英语的of;最初源自原始日耳曼语的af,意为离开,分开。This is a photograph of my dog.这是一张我的狗的照片。四、folk1、含义:n. 人们;(某类或来自某个地方的)人;双亲;<口>大伙儿;民间音乐。2、用法:folk用作名词的基本意思是“人们”,指某一种族、民族或具有某种共同生活方式的普通村民; 是集合名词,美式英语中常在词尾加-s,而英式英语多不加,常与复数谓语动词连用。This is no place for young folk.这可不是年轻人该去的地方。五、China1、含义:n. 中国。2、用法:china的意思是“瓷器”,指瓷器、瓷盘、瓷碗的总称或瓷料。a piece of china表示“一件瓷器”, a set of china表示“一套瓷器”。Beijing is the capital of China.北京是中国的首都。
2023-08-09 02:52:461


Paper cut
2023-08-09 02:53:054

paper cutting可数吗

不可数。paper cutting:当意思是 剪纸艺术,表艺术类别,属于不可数名词,用单数;但是一张剪纸,两张剪纸。这个就是可数名词了。a piece of papercutting,a pair of papercutting。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机介绍给英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响力。自17世纪以来,现代英语在英国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过各类这些国家的印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为国际主导语言之一,在许多地区和专业的环境下的语言也有主导地位,例如科学、导航和法律。英语是按照分布面积而言最流行的语言,但母语者数量是世界第三,仅次于汉语、西班牙语。它是学习最广泛的第二语言,是近60个主权国家的官方语言或官方语言之一。与英语为母语的人相比,将其作为第二语言学习的人更多。它是英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国家的母语,在加勒比海、非洲和南亚被广泛使用。它是联合国、欧洲联盟以及许多其他世界和区域国际组织的官方语言之一。
2023-08-09 02:53:221


让我们剪纸。英语是: Let"s cut paper。cut,动词,剪。paper,名词,纸。
2023-08-09 02:54:141


2023-08-09 02:54:222

高中英语作文:剪纸艺术 Paper-cut Art

Many traditional arts are losing nowadays, because some of them have been replaced by the new machines and the scientific products. I feel so sorry about the losing arts, in my opinion, they are so classic and their charm will never fade away. Take my grandma for example. She is good at paper-cut which was inherited from her mother. But when comes to my mother"s generation, paper-cut seems to be kicked out, there are less people need it, so my mother doesn"t learn this skill. The paper-cut art is losing in my family. When I found my grandma had this skill, I was so surprised and curious about it. I asked my grandma to teach me this skill. During the process, I found this art was so great, I was attracted by it. Some traditional arts like paper-cup should be kept. 如今很多传统艺术正在消失,因为一些传统已经被新的机器和科学的产品所替代。对于正在消失的艺术,我感到抱歉,在我看来,他们是如此经典和有魅力,将永远不会消失。以我奶奶为例。她擅长剪纸,继承了她母亲。但是当到我母亲这一代,剪纸似乎被淘汰了,越来越少的人需要它,所以我的母亲不学习这个技能。剪纸艺术在我家中逐渐失去。当我发现我奶奶有这个技能的时候,我是如此的惊讶和好奇。我叫奶奶教我这个技能。在这个过程中,我发现这门艺术是如此之大,我被它吸引住了。一些传统艺术像剪纸应该被保持。
2023-08-09 02:54:291


  Let the Chinese traditional culture is profound, deep is far stream long. Today, I want to introduce the traditional culture is the paper-cut!  There are many kinds of paper-cut, such as: the window, like flowers, fireworks, shoes, flowers, door raft, bay state cloth, measures of worship, the paper-cut, QiFan paper-cut, the paper-cut characters, the paper-cut, pictures, etc. My times just introduce paper-cut pictures and characters and paper-cut QiFan paper-cut.  Paper-cut picture is on a piece of paper cut out a picture. You see first that "scholar", one is carrying on the reading a book, Mr. He is a scholar of the way, Look at this picture again, show peony "phoenix" is a phoenix on playing on a peony, like a child playing...  Paper-cut characters is first, and then take out a piece of paper on top of some Chinese cut out, still can cut art words! I have cut, very beautiful, not letter, you try! You look nice would say, because this is the prequel down?  I have done QiFan paper-cut, according to their way (is) I first took a 1 FenMi stick, grab a piece of paper, it into a triangular shape between yourself and see this cut (how) the final paper is stuck up again. Would you try and made!  China still has a lot of traditional culture, such as calligraphy, embroidery, etc. How, we Chinese have many traditional culture?  咱们的中国传统文化博大精深,渊远流长。今天,我要向大家介绍的就是传统文化——剪纸啦!  剪纸的种类有很多,比如:窗花、喜花、礼花、鞋花、门筏、湾州布影、斗香花、剪纸团花、剪纸旗幡、剪纸汉字、剪纸图画等等。我次就只介绍介绍剪纸图画、剪纸汉字和剪纸旗幡。  剪纸图画就是在一张纸上剪出一副画来。你先看看这幅“书生”,上面有一位正在拿着书在读的先生,一看他的样子就是一位书生;再看看这幅“凤凰戏牡丹”,上面有一只凤凰在一朵牡丹上玩耍,活像一个小孩在玩耍……  剪纸汉字也是先拿出一张纸,然后在上面剪出一些汉字,还可以剪艺术字呢!我也曾经剪过,非常的漂亮,不信,你自己试试!你看了准会说很好看,因为这是以前传下来的吗!  剪纸旗幡我也做过,(是照自己的方式做的)我先拿来一条1分米的棍子,再拿来一张纸,吧之间成一个三角形的形状,(自己看一下该剪多大)最后再把纸粘上去。就做成了,你试试吧!  中国还有很多传统文化,比如:书法、刺绣等等。怎么样,咱们中国是不是有很多传统文化?
2023-08-09 02:54:391


2023-08-09 02:54:473


中国剪纸艺术Chinese paper-cut art中国剪纸艺术作为一种民间艺术形式,现在已被广泛应用到设计的各个领域中。 Chinese paper-cut art as a form of folk art, has been widely applied to various areas of the design.
2023-08-09 02:54:572


2023-08-09 02:55:072


剪纸相关的英语口语   剪纸是中国的传统文化之一,下面是我整理的关于剪纸的英语口语,希望能帮到大家!   中国剪纸   李涛:   Hello! Mike. Already back? What did you buy at the market?   迈克.你好!已经回来了?你从市场上都买了些什么呀?   迈克:   A lot of stuffs. Chinese mountain-water paintings, clay figurines, seals, Weifang New Year pictures, and many papercuts!   很多东西.中国山水画.泥人.印章.潍坊年画和很多剪纸!   李涛:   You seem to have bought the whole market!   你好象把整个市场都买回来了!   迈克:   Yeah. I really wanted to do so. I love those handicrafts, especially the papercut.   是呀.我的确想那么做.我喜欢那些手工艺品.尤其是剪纸.   李涛:   Papercuts are all hand-made. Let me see the papercuts you bought. Fish, dog, tiger all animals?   剪纸是全手工制作的.让我看看你买的剪纸.鱼.狗.老虎--全是动物?   迈克:   I love animals! Besides, aren"t animals the main content of Chinese papercuts?   我喜欢动物!再说.难道动物不是中国剪纸的主题吗?   李涛:   All right. Animals, especially Chinese zodiac, are the most common theme in papercuts. But there are other themes, like plants, babies, legendary figures, etc.   是的.动物.尤其是十二生肖.是剪纸最常见的主题.但是也有其他主题.例如.植物.孩童.传说人物等.   迈克:   Then I will buy some tomorrow. Hey, Tao, can you make papercuts?   那我明天再去买一些.嘿.李涛.你会剪纸吗?   李涛:   Are you kidding? Papercuts are for women to make!   开玩笑.剪纸是女人干的`事情.   迈克:   Don`t be ridiculeous. The on-the-spot demonstration I saw yesterday at the market was done by a man.   别逗了.昨天我在市场看的现场表演就是一个男人表演的.   窗花   苏珊:   This is gorgeous! What is it? Why do you paste it on the window?   真漂亮!这是什么?你为什么要把它巾在窗户上?   林红:   This is a paper-cut. According to Chinese traditional custom, we like decorating home with paper-cuts on Spring Festival.   这是窗花.按照中国的传统.我们喜欢在春节用窗花来装饰家.   苏珊:   Oh.I see. Where did you buy it?I want one too.   原来是这样啊.你从哪里买的?我也想买一个.   林红:   An old lady living in the neighborhood gave me. She is said to be a master of paper cutting. I can ask for some more for you if you like.   邻居一个老太太给的.据说她是一位剪纸大师呢.如果你喜欢.我可以帮你向她再要一些.   苏珊:   Thank you! That is great. But, would it be too much trouble? I mean, it must cost much time and energy.   谢谢你!太好了.不过.是不是会很麻烦?我的意思是.做窗花肯定很费时费力.   林红:   It depends. Some kinds of paper-cuts do cost much time and energy: while some are easy to make. Papercut like this one is easy. With paper and scissors, the lady can make one in five minutes.   那倒不一定.有些的确很费时费力.有些则很容易做出来.像这个窗花这样的就很容易.只要有纸和剪刀.那位老太太五分钟就能剪一个.   苏珊:   It"s amazing! How about those difficult ones?   真不可思议!那些难做的窗花要怎么做啊?   林红:   Sometimes you have to draw the picture first and sometimes an engraving knife is needed. Sorry I`m not that clear about all these processions.   有时候得先把图案画出来.有时候还需要一把刻刀.不好意思 .我也不太明白制作过程.   苏珊:   That`s OK. Actually what I care about is when you can give me the papercut you have promised.   没什么.实际上我只关心你答应帮我要的窗花什么时候能给我.   林红:   You cannot wait? But I can! Oh, of course I`m kidding!   你等不及了?但我可以等!噢.我当然是开玩笑了! ;
2023-08-09 02:55:161


Paper-cut good wishes and blessings of the people"s life
2023-08-09 02:55:302


找一片初三20个单词关于剪纸的英语小作文 Chinese paper cut has a long history of over 2,000 years.It can be seen in different parts of China.Many people,no matter young or old,are fond of it. People in northern part of Chinado well in making paper cut.They cut paper into different shapes,like birds,animals,flowers and so on. I think Chinese paper cuts are not onlybeautiful but also very useful.People usually put them on doors or windowswhen they celebrate something happy,especially for the Spring Festival.More and more people are interested in it.I hope you"ll e to Chinato see more Chinese paper cuts one day. 对女孩子一下没有感觉了,怎么办?还得传宗接代 太爱!花心还不承认...........又想着要开始新的了!那你还担心什么嘛!用英语翻译这几句话(买个单词之间用空格格开)1:剪纸有1500对年的历史,形式有鸟话等。2剪纸作品 1, paper cutting of 1500 years of history, form a bird words, etc. 2 paper-cut works are mainly used for decoration walls, doors and Windows, etc. 3 the paper-cut works for people desire for a better life. 4: paper-cut in 2009 by the United Nations scientific organization on the world intangible cultural heritage 中国传统艺术的英语作文60个单词 China"s calligraphy is an ancient art and develops with the development of Chinese civilization.It has a long and profound history. Chinese scripts are generally divided into five categories:The seal character (zhuan),the official or clerical script (li),the regular script (kai),the running hand (xing) and the cursive hand (cao). Brush,paper,ink stick and ink stone,monly referred to as the "Four Treasures of the Study".If you want to have a good hand-writing,you must master these four tools well. 翻译: 中国书法是一个古老的艺术并伴随着中国的文明而发展着.它有着悠久而深远的历史. 中国书法主要有以下几种书写体:篆,隶,楷,行,草. 笔墨纸砚也叫文房四宝,如果想写出一手漂亮的书法,掌握这这四种工具就非常重要了.
2023-08-09 02:56:041


剪纸手工Paper cutting handwork,你好,本题已解答,如果满意请点右下角“采纳答案”。
2023-08-09 02:56:131


答案:Paper cutting sounds very easy. 这里是说客观事实用一般现在时,主语是剪纸Paper cutting是三单,听起来怎么样用系动词sound,故Paper cutting sounds,后加上形容词easy容易的,构成系表结构,加上very修饰easy,故答案是Paper cutting sounds very easy.
2023-08-09 02:56:231


2023-08-09 02:56:301

翻译成英语 剪纸是传统的技艺,它受到人们的喜爱.剪纸有各种形状,如人物,动物,

Paper-cut is one of the traditional technique, it is people"s favorite. Paper cutting has various shapes, such as figures, animals,
2023-08-09 02:56:391


2023-08-09 02:56:503


The paper-cut with various shapes, such as animal, flowers and related items Chinese history
2023-08-09 02:57:161


剪纸 [词典] [工美] paper-cut; scissor-cut; [例句]剪纸她很拿手。She"s good at making paper-cuts.
2023-08-09 02:58:222


问题一:剪纸课的英语怎么写 剪纸课 Paper cutting class cut的意思、解释 过去式:cut; 过去分词:cut; 现在分词:cutting; 复数形式:cuts; vt. & vi. 1. 切, 剪, 割, 削; (从某物上)切下; 将(某物)切开(或分割)2. 切;割;割破;划破 vt. 1. 削减2. 挖成; 刻成3. 使(某人)感到疼痛或痛苦4. (直线)与(另一条直线)相交5. 不出席, 不到场6. 灌制(唱片); 制作(激光唱片等)7. 切成;割成;剪成;削成;凿成 8. 剪短;修剪9. (割断绳子、某物等)让逃跑,释放 10. 剪裁11. 删剪;删节12. 剪切13. (让人停止做某事)14. 剪辑;剪接 15. 停止拍片(或录音、录像)16. (从感情上)伤害17. 开始长(新牙)18. 把(海洛因等)与另一种物质掺和 n. 1. 切, 割, 砍; 用刀等割的破口; 伤口;划口2. 减少, 降低; 删减3. 裁剪样式4. 伤感情的话或行为5. 理发;发型6. (衣服的)款式,式样7. (尤指钱的)份,份额 8. 删剪;删节9. (从动物躯体上)割下的一块肉 vi. 1. 可用于切割;能切割2. 可被切割3. 电影、无线电广播或电视切换画面;转换4. 旷(课);缺(课);逃学5. (为决定谁先出牌等)切牌,抽牌 问题二:剪纸用英语怎么说 剪纸 [词典] [工美] paper-cut; scissor-cut; [例句]剪纸她很拿手。 She"s good at making paper-cuts. 问题三:英语剪纸怎么说 papercutting
2023-08-09 02:58:291


paper cutting
2023-08-09 02:58:371


英语四级翻译剪纸范文   剪纸是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。下面是我整理的英语四级翻译题剪纸的范文,欢迎大家阅读!   原文:   剪纸(paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。 中国剪纸有_千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。特别是在 春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。 剪纸最常用的颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地 很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物。   参考翻译:   Paper cutting is one of Chinau2019s most popular traditional folk arts. Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. During the Spring Festival and wedding celebrations, in particular, paper cuttings are used to decorate doors,windows and rooms in order to enhance the joyous atmosphere. The color most frequently used in paper cutting is red, which symbolizes health and prosperity. Chinese paper cutting is very popular around the world and it is often given as a present to foreign friends.   难点注释   这段关于剪纸的小文章难词较多,长句较多,要想把它翻译准确、通顺,不仅需要考生的单词量和单词拼写过关,而且语法和句间逻辑关系的"把握以及中英文转化技巧的运用也很重要。   1.这段文章中比较难的词语有“美化”、“居家环境”、“婚庆”、“装饰”等,这些词英文中没有明确对应的词,考生在翻译时应该抓住词的根本意思进行翻译。如“美化”可译为makeu2026more beautiful。   2.分析句子结构,抓住主干。比如,第一句“剪纸( paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。”“剪纸”是主语,“是”是谓语,“中国最为流行的u2026u2026..之一”是表语,基本可以断定,本句转化为英文时是一个主系表结构的句子。   3.处理中文里的短句时,要抓住每句的主干,其他短句在翻译成英文时需要转变为定语从句、状语从句等,比如,“特别是在春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。”这句里面,“特别是在春节和婚庆期间”在翻译时可以译为本句的状语,“剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间”是句子的主干,“以增加喜庆的气氛”是本句的目的状语。因此,需要用状语从句和表目的的不定式结构来连接句子。   4.剪纸有着悠久的历史,是传统的民间艺术形式:从整个句子来看该句有两个谓语动词,即“有着”和“是”,可将其中的“有着”翻译为with短语,即with a long history,"是”则用be动词来表示。“民间艺术”可译为folk art。   5.中国人认为门上的红色剪纸可以给全家人带来好运和幸福:“认为”可译为believe,也可译为think或consider后可跟宾语从句。“给u2026带来u2026”可译为bringu2026to...,其他带有bring的常用的短语还有bring(培养,养有)、bring in(引起,介绍)、bring about(引起,导致)。 ;
2023-08-09 02:58:511


Chinese paper-cutChinese paper cutChinese Paper CuttingChinese paper-cutting以上是中国剪纸常见的英语表达方式。《So Easy智能外语》是一款集成了数字课程、课堂互动、综合测评、自主学习资源库等各类功能的软件,提供四六级英语多种专项训练(口语、语法、单词、翻译等),可以帮助学习者更好地提升四六级英语水平。此外,还提供综合评价,让学习者能够更全面地了解自己的学习情况,方便学习者做出更有效的调整。
2023-08-09 02:59:042


窗花: paper-cut for window decoration剪纸: paper-cut 鼻烟壶: snuff bottle中国结: Chinese Knots
2023-08-09 02:59:232


剪纸是中国民间艺术的一种独特形式英语翻译:Paper cutting is a unigue form of folk arts in China.一、Paper1、含义:n. 纸;文件;报纸;论文;票据;壁纸。2、用法:paper的基本意思是“纸”,通常用作物质名词,不可数。如表示可数性,则须借助于单位词。“一小张纸”是a piece of paper; “一大张标准尺寸的纸”是a sheet of paper。paper作“写过字的纸”解时,是可数名词,有复数形式。She papered the walls of her room.她用纸裱糊她房间四周的墙壁。二、form1、含义:n. 形式;形状;表格;良好的健康状态;表现状态;常规。2、用法:form表示“形式”“形状”时,可用作可数名词或不可数名词。表示“表格”,是可数名词。作“情绪”“状态”解时,是不可数名词。Playing basketball is one form of physical exercise.打篮球是体育活动的一种形式。三、of1、含义:prep. 关于;... 的(表所属);出身于;由于。2、用法:直接源自古英语的of;最初源自原始日耳曼语的af,意为离开,分开。This is a photograph of my dog.这是一张我的狗的照片。四、folk1、含义:n. 人们;(某类或来自某个地方的)人;双亲;<口>大伙儿;民间音乐。2、用法:folk用作名词的基本意思是“人们”,指某一种族、民族或具有某种共同生活方式的普通村民; 是集合名词,美式英语中常在词尾加-s,而英式英语多不加,常与复数谓语动词连用。This is no place for young folk.这可不是年轻人该去的地方。五、China1、含义:n. 中国。2、用法:china的意思是“瓷器”,指瓷器、瓷盘、瓷碗的总称或瓷料。a piece of china表示“一件瓷器”, a set of china表示“一套瓷器”。Beijing is the capital of China.北京是中国的首都。
2023-08-09 02:59:311


Jianzhi, or paper cutting, is a unique form of Chinese folk art. It involves using scissors or a knife to cut intricate designs out of paper, resulting in beautiful and delicate creations.Jianzhi has a long history in China, with the earliest known examples dating back to the 6th century. Originally, paper cutting was used for decorative purposes during festivals and ceremonies, as well as for religious and superstitious reasons.Today, paper cutting remains an important part of Chinese culture and is enjoyed by people of all ages. It is often used to decorate homes and public spaces during holidays and special occasions.One popular technique used in Jianzhi is the "positive-negative" method, where a design is created by cutting both the positive and negative spaces out of the paper. Another common technique is the "window flower" method, where a design is cut into a square or rectangular piece of paper, creating a delicate and intricate window decoration.Overall, Jianzhi is a unique and beautiful art form that continues to be cherished and celebrated in Chinese culture.
2023-08-09 03:00:102


1. , 写一篇关于介绍剪纸的英语作文 Chinese paper cut has a long history of over 2,000 years. It can be seen in different parts of China. Many people, no matter young or old, are fond of it. People in northern part of Chinado well in making paper cut. They cut paper into different shapes, like birds, animals, flowers and so on. I think Chinese paper cuts are not onlybeautiful but also very useful. People usually put them on doors or windowswhen they celebrate something happy, especially for the Spring Festival. More and more people are interested in it. I hope you"ll e to Chinato see more Chinese paper cuts one day. 2. 关于剪纸的英语作文50子 Let the Chinese traditional culture is profound, deep is far stream long. Today, I want to introduce the traditional culture is the paper-cut! There are many kinds of paper-cut, such as: the window, like flowers, fireworks, shoes, flowers, door raft, bay state cloth, measures of worship, the paper-cut, QiFan paper-cut, the paper-cut characters, the paper-cut, pictures, etc. My times just introduce paper-cut pictures and characters and paper-cut QiFan paper-cut. Paper-cut picture is on a piece of paper cut out a picture. You see first that "scholar", one is carrying on the reading a book, Mr. He is a scholar of the way, Look at this picture again, show peony "phoenix" is a phoenix on playing on a peony, like a child playing。 Paper-cut characters is first, and then take out a piece of paper on top of some Chinese cut out, still can cut art words! I have cut, very beautiful, not letter, you try! You look nice would say, because this is the prequel down? I have done QiFan paper-cut, according to their way (is) I first took a 1 FenMi stick, grab a piece of paper, it into a triangular shape beeen yourself and see this cut (how) the final paper is stuck up again. Would you try and made! China still has a lot of traditional culture, such as calligraphy, embroidery, etc. How, we Chinese have many traditional culture? 咱们的中国传统文化博大精深,渊远流长。今天,我要向大家介绍的就是传统文化——剪纸啦! 剪纸的种类有很多,比如:窗花、喜花、礼花、鞋花、门筏、湾州布影、斗香花、剪纸团花、剪纸旗幡、剪纸汉字、剪纸图画等等。 我次就只介绍介绍剪纸图画、剪纸汉字和剪纸旗幡。 剪纸图画就是在一张纸上剪出一副画来。 你先看看这幅“书生”,上面有一位正在拿着书在读的先生,一看他的样子就是一位书生;再看看这幅“凤凰戏牡丹”,上面有一只凤凰在一朵牡丹上玩耍,活像一个小孩在玩耍…… 剪纸汉字也是先拿出一张纸,然后在上面剪出一些汉字,还可以剪艺术字呢!我也曾经剪过,非常的漂亮,不信,你自己试试!你看了准会说很好看,因为这是以前传下来的吗! 剪纸旗幡我也做过,(是照自己的方式做的)我先拿来一条1分米的棍子,再拿来一张纸,吧之间成一个三角形的形状,(自己看一下该剪多大)最后再把纸粘上去。就做成了,你试试吧! 中国还有很多传统文化,比如:书法、刺绣等等。 怎么样,咱们中国是不是有很多传统文化?。 3. 关于剪纸的英语作文50子 Let the Chinese traditional culture is profound, deep is far stream long. Today, I want to introduce the traditional culture is the paper-cut! There are many kinds of paper-cut, such as: the window, like flowers, fireworks, shoes, flowers, door raft, bay state cloth, measures of worship, the paper-cut, QiFan paper-cut, the paper-cut characters, the paper-cut, pictures, etc. My times just introduce paper-cut pictures and characters and paper-cut QiFan paper-cut. Paper-cut picture is on a piece of paper cut out a picture. You see first that "scholar", one is carrying on the reading a book, Mr. He is a scholar of the way, Look at this picture again, show peony "phoenix" is a phoenix on playing on a peony, like a child playing。 Paper-cut characters is first, and then take out a piece of paper on top of some Chinese cut out, still can cut art words! I have cut, very beautiful, not letter, you try! You look nice would say, because this is the prequel down? I have done QiFan paper-cut, according to their way (is) I first took a 1 FenMi stick, grab a piece of paper, it into a triangular shape beeen yourself and see this cut (how) the final paper is stuck up again. Would you try and made! China still has a lot of traditional culture, such as calligraphy, embroidery, etc. How, we Chinese have many traditional culture? 咱们的中国传统文化博大精深,渊远流长。今天,我要向大家介绍的就是传统文化——剪纸啦! 剪纸的种类有很多,比如:窗花、喜花、礼花、鞋花、门筏、湾州布影、斗香花、剪纸团花、剪纸旗幡、剪纸汉字、剪纸图画等等。我次就只介绍介绍剪纸图画、剪纸汉字和剪纸旗幡。 剪纸图画就是在一张纸上剪出一副画来。你先看看这幅“书生”,上面有一位正在拿着书在读的先生,一看他的样子就是一位书生;再看看这幅“凤凰戏牡丹”,上面有一只凤凰在一朵牡丹上玩耍,活像一个小孩在玩耍…… 剪纸汉字也是先拿出一张纸,然后在上面剪出一些汉字,还可以剪艺术字呢!我也曾经剪过,非常的漂亮,不信,你自己试试!你看了准会说很好看,因为这是以前传下来的吗! 剪纸旗幡我也做过,(是照自己的方式做的)我先拿来一条1分米的棍子,再拿来一张纸,吧之间成一个三角形的形状,(自己看一下该剪多大)最后再把纸粘上去。就做成了,你试试吧! 中国还有很多传统文化,比如:书法、刺绣等等。怎么样,咱们中国是不是有很多传统文化? 4. 有关中国剪纸的英语作文 原发布者:阿笨和果子 中国剪纸ChinesePapercutsu2022Papercutsrefertohandicraft *** adebycuttingpaperwithscissorstoformdifferentpatternsandpastingthemonwalls,windows,doorsandceilings.u2022剪纸,顾名思义,就是用剪刀把纸剪出各种图形,并且把它们贴在墙上、窗户、门和天花板上的一种手工艺品。u2022Withtheirlonghistory,papercuts,whichoriginatedinChina,havebeenverypopularamongtheordinarypeopleofChina.ThefirstpapercutcanbetracedbacktotheNorthernandSouthernDynasties(386~581)period.TheinitiationandspreadofpapercutshadacloserelationshipwithChineseruralfestivals.Peoplepastedpapercutsonwalls,windowsanddoorsaeddingceremoniesorfestivalstoenhancethefestiveatmosphere.起源于中国的剪纸,历史悠久,一直深受中国老百姓的欢迎。第一幅剪纸作品可以追溯到南北朝时期(公元386-581).剪纸的产生和传播与中国农村的节日有着密切的联系。人们在婚礼或过节时在墙上、窗户、门上贴上剪纸以增强节庆的气氛。u2022Chinesepapercutsarerichincontent.Theauspiciousdesignssymbolizegoodluckandtheavoidanceofevil.Thechild,lotusandbottlegourddesignssuggestafamilywithalargenumberofchildrenandgrandchildren.Domesticbirds,l 5. 来篇关于中国剪纸的英语作文 The paper-cut is one of Chinese most popular folk art,may trace theA.D.for six centuries according to archaeology its history,but thepeople thought its reality starts the time to pare this also tohave early several hundred years.Paper-cut monly used to religiousrite,aspect and so on decoration and plastic arts.In past,the people make the dissimilar in shape and form physicalimage and the portrait after the monly used paper,buries togetherwith the dead or at the funeral burns,this custom beyond the borderChina sometimes still obviously.Paper-cut art generally all has thesymbolic significance,also is a this kind of ceremony part; Inaddition the paper-cut also serves as the sacrificial offeringancestor and the deity uses the offering the widget.Because its material is probably easy,the cost inexpensive,theeffect stands sees,the adaption surface is broad and generally iswele; Because it most suits the rural women leisure manufacture,both may do practical,and may beautify the life.Each place all cansee the paper-cut,even has formed the different place style school.The paper-cut not only has displayed populace"s esthetic hobby,and holding nationality"s social in-depth psychology,also is China mosthas one of characteristic people skills,its modelling characteristicespecially is worth studying.Now,the paper-cut are many is uses in to decorate.The paper-cut mayuse in to embellish the wall,the windows and doors,Fang Zhu,themirror,the lamp and the lantern and so on,also may make using of theembellishment for the present,even paper-cut itself also may bestowthe other people as the gift.People before also often makes thepaper-cut embroiders the flowered and the painting art model.The paper-cut is not but is by manually makes with the machine,themonly used method has o kinds:The scissors cut with the knifecut.。 6. 来篇关于中国剪纸的英语作文 The paper-cut is one of Chinese most popular folk art, may trace theA.D. for six centuries according to archaeology its history, but thepeople thought its reality starts the time to pare this also tohave early several hundred years. Paper-cut monly used to religiousrite, aspect and so on decoration and plastic arts. In past, the people make the dissimilar in shape and form physicalimage and the portrait after the monly used paper, buries togetherwith the dead or at the funeral burns, this custom beyond the borderChina sometimes still obviously. Paper-cut art generally all has thesymbolic significance, also is a this kind of ceremony part; Inaddition the paper-cut also serves as the sacrificial offeringancestor and the deity uses the offering the widget. Because its material is probably easy, the cost inexpensive, theeffect stands sees, the adaption surface is broad and generally iswele; Because it most suits the rural women leisure manufacture,both may do practical, and may beautify the life. Each place all cansee the paper-cut, even has formed the different place style school.The paper-cut not only has displayed populace"s esthetic hobby, and holding nationality"s social in-depth psychology, also is China mosthas one of characteristic people skills, its modelling characteristicespecially is worth studying. Now, the paper-cut are many is uses in to decorate. The paper-cut mayuse in to embellish the wall, the windows and doors, Fang Zhu, themirror, the lamp and the lantern and so on, also may make using of theembellishment for the present, even paper-cut itself also may bestowthe other people as the gift. People before also often makes thepaper-cut embroiders the flowered and the painting art model. The paper-cut is not but is by manually makes with the machine, themonly used method has o kinds: The scissors cut with the knifecut.。 7. 关于剪纸艺术的英语作文 Papercut is an art, but few understand it. Now I want to introduce to you the paper-cut! Paper-cut is one of the most popular folk art in China, according to the textual research, confirmed its history can be traced back to 1600 BC in 1100. Paper-cutting used for folk activities and religious ceremony. Now, paper cutting is more used to decorate, also can be used as a gift to friends and relatives. Because of the regional customs, history and culture, etc, throughout the country has different style, paper-cut and guangdong foshan paper-cut is one of them. Foshan paper-cut has a long history, originated in the song dynasty, Ming dynasty period. Since the Ming dynasty in foshan paper-cut art in the civil widely circulated, and exported to southeast Asian countries. Foshan paper-cut according to its production raw material ?。 8. 写剪窗花的英语作文怎么写 春节剪纸的来历 Is the traditional Chinese paper-cut folk art. It is a paper cut with scissors to a variety of decorative patterns, so called "paper-cut." From jOOzone. Originated in the Chinese paper-cutting. In the Han and Tang dynasties, that is, the use of non-governmental women"s silver and gold color silk cut flower for the decoration attached to the temples of culture. Later, during the festive season with a variety of colored paper cut flowers, stories such as animals or people, and pasted on the window called "window", posted on the door referred to as the "door sign" for the celebration known as the " hi to spend. " Tang Li Shangyin were "days that matter," the poem, the "golden thread for custom Jing Chuan-sheng, Jin wind from the ribbon-cutting people," the sentence, but also records the history of paper cutting. 请参考作文地带提供中文翻译: 剪纸是中国传统的民间艺术。它是用剪刀将纸剪成各种装饰图案,故称为“剪纸”。 剪纸起源于汉。在汉、唐时代,民间妇女即有使用金银箔和彩帛剪成花鸟贴在鬓角为饰的风尚。后来,在节日期间用彩色纸剪成各种花草、动物或人物故事等,贴在窗上的称为“窗花”,贴在门上的称为“门签”,用于喜庆的称为“喜花”。 唐诗人李商隐《人日即事》诗中,有“缕金作胜传荆俗,剪彩为人起晋风”之句,也记载了剪纸的历史。
2023-08-09 03:00:281


你好,楼主Paper cutting is a paper cut into a variety of patterns望采纳,谢谢。
2023-08-09 03:00:361

剪纸步骤的英语词汇 请问剪纸步骤的词汇又那些啊?比如:这里剪一刀,对折,沿着中线折.

1.Fold a sheet of paper.叠一张纸 2.Tore the paper carefully along the fold.沿折痕小心地裁开这张纸 3.Score the paper to make it easy to fold.在纸上先划好印子,以便折叠.
2023-08-09 03:00:441


window grille
2023-08-09 03:00:542

, 写一篇关于介绍剪纸的英语作文

Chinese paper cut has a long history of over 2,000 years. It can be seen in different parts of China. Many people, no matter young or old, are fond of it.People in northern part of Chinado well in making paper cut. They cut paper into different shapes, like birds, animals, flowers and so on.I think Chinese paper cuts are not onlybeautiful but also very useful. People usually put them on doors or windowswhen they celebrate something happy, especially for the Spring Festival. More and more people are interested in it. I hope you"ll come to Chinato see more Chinese paper cuts one day.
2023-08-09 03:01:211


Chinese paper cut has a long history of over 2,000 years. It can be seen in different parts of China. Many people, no matter young or old, are fond of it. People in northern part of Chinado well in making paper cut. They cut paper into different shapes, like birds, animals, flowers and so on. I think Chinese paper cuts are not onlybeautiful but also very useful. People usually put them on doors or windowswhen they celebrate something happy, especially for the Spring Festival. More and more people are interested in it. I hope you"ll e to Chinato see more Chinese paper cuts one day.   剪纸艺术是最古老的汉族民间艺术之一,作为一种镂空艺术,它能给人以视觉上以透空的感觉和艺术享受。剪纸用剪刀将纸剪成各种各样的图案,如窗花、门笺、墙花、顶棚花、灯花等。每逢过节或新婚喜庆,人们便将美丽鲜艳的剪纸贴在家中窗户、墙壁、门和灯笼上,节日的气氛也因此被烘托得更加热烈。在农村,剪纸通常是由妇女、姑娘们来做。在过去,剪纸几乎可以说是每个女孩所必须掌握的手工艺术,并且还被人们来品评新娘的一个标准。在中国南北方的剪纸艺术,通过一把剪刀,一张纸,就可以表达生活中的各种喜怒哀乐。 paper-cut art is one of the most ancient han chinese folk art, as a kind of hollow out art, it can give a person with the vision to the feeling of nearby and art enjoyment. paper cut with scissors to cut paper into all sorts of patterns, such as window, door depicting flowers, snuff, ceiling, wall, etc. whenever festivals or wedding celebrations, people will be beautiful colorful paper-cutting to stick on the windows, walls, doors and lanterns in the home, festive atmosphere foil as more warmly. in the countryside, paper cuttings are usually done by women and girls. in the past, paper-cutting is almost every girl must master the art by hand, and it has been a standard to evaluate the bride. in china north and south of paper-cut art, through a pair of scissors and a piece of paper, can express the life ?
2023-08-09 03:01:301


1. , 写一篇关于介绍剪纸的英语作文 Chinese paper cut has a long history of over 2,000 years. It can be seen in different parts of China. Many people, no matter young or old, are fond of it. People in northern part of Chinado well in making paper cut. They cut paper into different shapes, like birds, animals, flowers and so on. I think Chinese paper cuts are not onlybeautiful but also very useful. People usually put them on doors or windowswhen they celebrate something happy, especially for the Spring Festival. More and more people are interested in it. I hope you"ll e to Chinato see more Chinese paper cuts one day. 2. 剪纸 英文作文 急 1.Paper-cut depicted image lifelike, lifelike. Such as "seven fairies". Four fairy expression is different, dance dance, their arms enined by is lightsome and silky ribbons, are swing gently with the wind. And "squirrel vintage". Shook loose big tail little squirrel, *** all eyes riveted on purple YingYing of great grapes, away from other *** all animals give away. How exquisite paper-cutting! What a fondle admiringly. 2.A pair of scissors and a piece of paper, can make? After dexterous hands, it can bee exquisite design oh. Paper cutting has a long history, it can be traced back to the earliest han period. Then the folk women with tinsel and colored silks shear auspicious patterns ornamental such as, stick in face of both sides. Modern paper-cut mostly out of the hand of rural women, they cut the pattern is mostly farmers most yearned for something, such as: poultry, livestock, flowers, birds, crops, the stories and auspicious patterns, etc. Stick on the window is grilles, posted on the door is the door to sign, a few as wall flower, flower, hei flowers, ceiling and embroidery snuff pattern. Besides paper-cut are being used ancestor worship and offerings of ornamental. Fairy used Paper-cut tricks and place also have close relations, and the north paper-cut tricks are mostly opera characters, and the southern paper-cutting exquisite beauty, much as inwrought base. Paper-cut, you are the essence of traditional Chinese culture. 两个你可以找个简单的写(=^ ^=) 3. 关于剪纸的英语作文50子 Let the Chinese traditional culture is profound, deep is far stream long. Today, I want to introduce the traditional culture is the paper-cut! There are many kinds of paper-cut, such as: the window, like flowers, fireworks, shoes, flowers, door raft, bay state cloth, measures of worship, the paper-cut, QiFan paper-cut, the paper-cut characters, the paper-cut, pictures, etc. My times just introduce paper-cut pictures and characters and paper-cut QiFan paper-cut. Paper-cut picture is on a piece of paper cut out a picture. You see first that "scholar", one is carrying on the reading a book, Mr. He is a scholar of the way, Look at this picture again, show peony "phoenix" is a phoenix on playing on a peony, like a child playing。 Paper-cut characters is first, and then take out a piece of paper on top of some Chinese cut out, still can cut art words! I have cut, very beautiful, not letter, you try! You look nice would say, because this is the prequel down? I have done QiFan paper-cut, according to their way (is) I first took a 1 FenMi stick, grab a piece of paper, it into a triangular shape beeen yourself and see this cut (how) the final paper is stuck up again. Would you try and made! China still has a lot of traditional culture, such as calligraphy, embroidery, etc. How, we Chinese have many traditional culture? 咱们的中国传统文化博大精深,渊远流长。今天,我要向大家介绍的就是传统文化——剪纸啦! 剪纸的种类有很多,比如:窗花、喜花、礼花、鞋花、门筏、湾州布影、斗香花、剪纸团花、剪纸旗幡、剪纸汉字、剪纸图画等等。我次就只介绍介绍剪纸图画、剪纸汉字和剪纸旗幡。 剪纸图画就是在一张纸上剪出一副画来。你先看看这幅“书生”,上面有一位正在拿着书在读的先生,一看他的样子就是一位书生;再看看这幅“凤凰戏牡丹”,上面有一只凤凰在一朵牡丹上玩耍,活像一个小孩在玩耍…… 剪纸汉字也是先拿出一张纸,然后在上面剪出一些汉字,还可以剪艺术字呢!我也曾经剪过,非常的漂亮,不信,你自己试试!你看了准会说很好看,因为这是以前传下来的吗! 剪纸旗幡我也做过,(是照自己的方式做的)我先拿来一条1分米的棍子,再拿来一张纸,吧之间成一个三角形的形状,(自己看一下该剪多大)最后再把纸粘上去。就做成了,你试试吧! 中国还有很多传统文化,比如:书法、刺绣等等。怎么样,咱们中国是不是有很多传统文化? 4. 有关中国剪纸的英语作文 原发布者:阿笨和果子 中国剪纸ChinesePapercutsu2022Papercutsrefertohandicraft *** adebycuttingpaperwithscissorstoformdifferentpatternsandpastingthemonwalls,windows,doorsandceilings.u2022剪纸,顾名思义,就是用剪刀把纸剪出各种图形,并且把它们贴在墙上、窗户、门和天花板上的一种手工艺品。u2022Withtheirlonghistory,papercuts,whichoriginatedinChina,havebeenverypopularamongtheordinarypeopleofChina.ThefirstpapercutcanbetracedbacktotheNorthernandSouthernDynasties(386~581)period.TheinitiationandspreadofpapercutshadacloserelationshipwithChineseruralfestivals.Peoplepastedpapercutsonwalls,windowsanddoorsaeddingceremoniesorfestivalstoenhancethefestiveatmosphere.起源于中国的剪纸,历史悠久,一直深受中国老百姓的欢迎。第一幅剪纸作品可以追溯到南北朝时期(公元386-581).剪纸的产生和传播与中国农村的节日有着密切的联系。人们在婚礼或过节时在墙上、窗户、门上贴上剪纸以增强节庆的气氛。u2022Chinesepapercutsarerichincontent.Theauspiciousdesignssymbolizegoodluckandtheavoidanceofevil.Thechild,lotusandbottlegourddesignssuggestafamilywithalargenumberofchildrenandgrandchildren.Domesticbirds,l 5. 来篇关于中国剪纸的英语作文 The paper-cut is one of Chinese most popular folk art, may trace theA.D. for six centuries according to archaeology its history, but thepeople thought its reality starts the time to pare this also tohave early several hundred years. Paper-cut monly used to religiousrite, aspect and so on decoration and plastic arts. In past, the people make the dissimilar in shape and form physicalimage and the portrait after the monly used paper, buries togetherwith the dead or at the funeral burns, this custom beyond the borderChina sometimes still obviously. Paper-cut art generally all has thesymbolic significance, also is a this kind of ceremony part; Inaddition the paper-cut also serves as the sacrificial offeringancestor and the deity uses the offering the widget. Because its material is probably easy, the cost inexpensive, theeffect stands sees, the adaption surface is broad and generally iswele; Because it most suits the rural women leisure manufacture,both may do practical, and may beautify the life. Each place all cansee the paper-cut, even has formed the different place style school.The paper-cut not only has displayed populace"s esthetic hobby, and holding nationality"s social in-depth psychology, also is China mosthas one of characteristic people skills, its modelling characteristicespecially is worth studying. Now, the paper-cut are many is uses in to decorate. The paper-cut mayuse in to embellish the wall, the windows and doors, Fang Zhu, themirror, the lamp and the lantern and so on, also may make using of theembellishment for the present, even paper-cut itself also may bestowthe other people as the gift. People before also often makes thepaper-cut embroiders the flowered and the painting art model. The paper-cut is not but is by manually makes with the machine, themonly used method has o kinds: The scissors cut with the knifecut. 6. 来篇关于中国剪纸的英语作文 The paper-cut is one of Chinese most popular folk art, may trace theA.D. for six centuries according to archaeology its history, but thepeople thought its reality starts the time to pare this also tohave early several hundred years. Paper-cut monly used to religiousrite, aspect and so on decoration and plastic arts. In past, the people make the dissimilar in shape and form physicalimage and the portrait after the monly used paper, buries togetherwith the dead or at the funeral burns, this custom beyond the borderChina sometimes still obviously. Paper-cut art generally all has thesymbolic significance, also is a this kind of ceremony part; Inaddition the paper-cut also serves as the sacrificial offeringancestor and the deity uses the offering the widget. Because its material is probably easy, the cost inexpensive, theeffect stands sees, the adaption surface is broad and generally iswele; Because it most suits the rural women leisure manufacture,both may do practical, and may beautify the life. Each place all cansee the paper-cut, even has formed the different place style school.The paper-cut not only has displayed populace"s esthetic hobby, and holding nationality"s social in-depth psychology, also is China mosthas one of characteristic people skills, its modelling characteristicespecially is worth studying. Now, the paper-cut are many is uses in to decorate. The paper-cut mayuse in to embellish the wall, the windows and doors, Fang Zhu, themirror, the lamp and the lantern and so on, also may make using of theembellishment for the present, even paper-cut itself also may bestowthe other people as the gift. People before also often makes thepaper-cut embroiders the flowered and the painting art model. The paper-cut is not but is by manually makes with the machine, themonly used method has o kinds: The scissors cut with the knifecut.。 7. 有关中国剪纸的英语作文 最低0.27元开通文库会员,查看完整内容> 原发布者:阿笨和果子 中国剪纸ChinesePapercutsu2022Papercutsrefertohandicraft *** adebycuttingpaperwithscissorstoformdifferentpatternsandpastingthemonwalls,windows,doorsandceilings.u2022剪纸,顾名思义,就是用剪刀把纸剪出各种图形,并且把它们贴在墙上、窗户、门和天花板上的一种手工艺品。 u2022Withtheirlonghistory,papercuts,whichoriginatedinChina,havebeenverypopularamongtheordinarypeopleofChina.ThefirstpapercutcanbetracedbacktotheNorthernandSouthernDynasties(386~581)period.TheinitiationandspreadofpapercutshadacloserelationshipwithChineseruralfestivals.Peoplepastedpapercutsonwalls,windowsanddoorsaeddingceremoniesorfestivalstoenhancethefestiveatmosphere.起源于中国的剪纸,历史悠久,一直深受中国老百姓的欢迎。第一幅剪纸作品可以追溯到南北朝时期(公元386-581).剪纸的产生和传播与中国农村32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb931333433623736的节日有着密切的联系。 人们在婚礼或过节时在墙上、窗户、门上贴上剪纸以增强节庆的气氛。u2022Chinesepapercutsarerichincontent.Theauspiciousdesignssymbolizegoodluckandtheavoidanceofevil.Thechild,lotusandbottlegourddesignssuggestafamilywithalargenumberofchildrenandgrandchildren.Domesticbirds,l。
2023-08-09 03:01:371


剪纸课的英语 scissor_cut lessons
2023-08-09 03:01:452


Chinese paper cut has a long history of over 2,000 years. It can be seen in different parts of China. Many people, no matter young or old, are fond of it. People in northern part of Chinado well in making paper cut. They cut paper into different shapes, like birds, animals, flowers and so on.I think Chinese paper cuts are not onlybeautiful but also very useful. People usually put them on doors or windowswhen they celebrate something happy, especially for the Spring Festival. More and more people are interested in it. I hope you"ll come to Chinato see more Chinese paper cuts one day.
2023-08-09 03:01:541


Chinese Paper Cut  long history over 2,000 years  very popular in different parts of China, young or old, be fond of, do well in…  different shapes birds, animals, flowers…  Where do people put Chinese paper cuts?…  要求:  1. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;   2. 词数:80个左右。   参考答案:  Dear Eric,  You want to know about Chinese paper cut. Here I"m glad to tell you something about it.  Chinese paper cut has a long history of over 2,000 years. It can be seen in different parts of China. Many people, no matter young or old, are fond of it.  People in northern part of China do well in making paper cut. They cut paper into different shapes, like birds, animals, flowers and so on.  I think Chinese paper cuts are not only beautiful but also very useful. People usually put them on doors or windows when they celebrate something happy, especially for the Spring Festival. More and more people are interested in it. I hope you"ll come to China to see more Chinese paper cuts one day.
2023-08-09 03:02:032


My favorite traditional art is the Chinese paper cut.
2023-08-09 03:02:212


剪纸课Paper cutting class
2023-08-09 03:02:302


Chinese paper cut has a long history of over 2,000 years.It can be seen in different parts of China.Many people,no matter young or old,are fond of it.People in northern part of Chinado well in making paper cut.They cut paper into different shapes,like birds,animals,flowers and so on.I think Chinese paper cuts are not onlybeautiful but also very useful.People usually put them on doors or windowswhen they celebrate something happy,especially for the Spring Festival.More and more people are interested in it.I hope you"ll come to Chinato see more Chinese paper cuts one day.中国剪纸有2000多年的悠久历史。它可以在中国不同的地方看到,许多人,无论年轻人还是老年人,都喜欢它。在chinado井北部人们制作剪纸,剪成不同的形状,如鸟类、动物、花草等。我认为中国的剪纸不仅美而且很有用。人们通常把它们放在门上或windowswhen他们庆祝开心的事,尤其是春节。越来越多的人对它感兴趣。我希望你能来中国,看到更多的中国剪纸的一天。
2023-08-09 03:02:511


The paper-cut is one of the folks traditional decorative art which China popularizes the most. Probably because its so easy that, cost cheap, result stand and see, meet surface wide and welcome generally material; Because it suit rural produce leisure by woman, it acts as practibility can beautify life also most. All parts of the country can see paper-cuts , have even formed different local style schools . The paper-cut has not only displayed the masses" aesthetic hobby, and include and accumulating , It is one of the skills of the people that has the characteristic most in China too, its modelling characteristic especially deserves to be studied...Asamainformoffolkarts,Chinesepaper-cuthasalonghistory.Thechangeoftraditionalpaper-cutintothenewone ,greatchangeshavetakenplaceinculturalpsychologyandstandardsofbeautyappreciation,andallfolkarts,includingpaper-cut,arefacingseriouschallenges剪纸是中国传统装饰艺术的人们最普及。可能是因为它如此简单,成本便宜,结果站看看,见到面宽,欢迎一般材料;因为它适合农村生产休闲女人,它还充当实用性可以美化生活。全国各地的剪纸,甚至形成了不同地方风格的学校。剪纸不仅表现了群众的审美爱好,并包括和积累,这是人民的技能之一,大多数在中国很有特点,其造型特点尤其值得研究……中国民间剪纸作为民间美术的主体艺术,历史悠久、源远流长。传统剪纸到新剪纸的演化过程表明:在商品经济与现代思潮的冲击下,人们的文化心理与审美标准发生了巨大变化,包括剪纸在内的一切民间美术形式正面临着严峻挑战
2023-08-09 03:03:011


2023-08-09 03:03:112


Paper-cut good wishes and blessings of the people"s life
2023-08-09 03:03:191


2023-08-09 03:03:272

剪纸是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一 。翻译为英语

Paper cutting is one of the most popular traditional folk art forms in China.形容词多只能怪原句的定语太多了。art forms of folk tradition太别扭了。
2023-08-09 03:03:361


2023-08-09 03:03:441

拜求各位大神用英语翻译一下这段话 剪纸是中国民间一门有着近千年历史的独特艺术。它要求的材料很简单

Only paper and scissor are enough, first paper-cutting wins popular among village. From ancient china, lantern-making was famous customs for the festival and red-letter day coming, on great day ,the lanterns will be put up. The design & pattern of lanterns can be drawings, but more are come from pasted paper-cutting. All kinds of paper-cutting make a colorful with the light radiating
2023-08-09 03:04:081