barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-14 14:22:38



1、系统方式 2、表空间方式 3、用户方式 4、表方式。









imp user/pass file=d:ible_db.dmp log=d:dible_db.log fromuser=user1 touser=user

1. 获取帮助

imp help=y

2. 导入一个完整数据库

imp system/manager file=bible_db log=dible_db full=y ignore=y

3. 导入一个或一组指定用户所属的全部表、索引和其他对象

imp system/manager file=seapark log=seapark fromuser=seapark

imp system/manager file=seapark log=seapark fromuser=(seapark,amy,amyc,harold)

4. 将一个用户所属的数据导入另一个用户

imp system/manager file=tank log=tank fromuser=seapark touser=seapark_copy

imp system/manager file=tank log=tank fromuser=(seapark,amy) touser=(seapark1, amy1)

5. 导入一个表

imp system/manager file=tank log=tank fromuser=seapark TABLES=(a,b)

6. 从多个文件导入

imp system/manager file=(paycheck_1,paycheck_2,paycheck_3,paycheck_4) log=paycheck, filesize=1G full=y

7. 使用参数文件

imp system/manager parfile=bible_tables.par


#Import the sample tables used for the Oracle8i Database Administrator"s


fromuser=seapark touser=seapark_copy file=seapark log=seapark_import






2023-08-09 00:53:293

英语paycheck to paycheck怎么翻译?

2023-08-09 00:53:4111


salary 起源于 给士兵买盐的报酬,和salt 相关。十五世纪后引申出“薪水”的意思。paycheck 起源于 20世纪初,是pay+check “支付+支票”。随后引申为“薪水”的意思。
2023-08-09 00:54:141


  Donny: Hey,杨琳!我们晚上要去吃饭,do you want to come along?   Yanglin: 哎,我想去!可就是……没钱!   Donny: Hmm? Didn"t you just get a new job?   Yanglin:别提了,我是典型的月光族。每次一发工资,缴缴房租,再跟朋友吃吃饭,再到商场买买东西……钱就不知不觉用完啦!话说,这月光族用英语怎么说?   Donny: hmm,月光族可以说live from paycheck to paycheck。   Yanglin: live from paycheck to paycheck?   Donny: 对,paycheck就是支票。在美国,很多工资是由支票的.形式发给你的。所以 live from paycheck topaycheck, 就是形容盼着下一张工资单过日子。   Yanglin: 这么说来,我可真是live from paycheck topaycheck!典型的月光族!不过这个月,我去夏威夷花了好大一笔钱,所以就更没闲钱了。这种开销特别大的旅行啊什么的,用英语怎么说呢?   Donny: You can say: My vacation in Hawaii broke the bank.   YL: 我懂了,break the bank就是形容某件东西特别贵。比如上星期,我想买LV的包,男朋友就跟我说,We can"t affordthis purse, it will break the bank.(我们买不起这个包,实在太贵了。)   Donny: 对!你还可以说,this purse will max out my credit card. 也是特别贵的意思。   YL: 这个说法形象!Max out somebody"s credit card, 刷爆信用卡!Did you ever max out yourcredit card?   Donny: Me? I would never do that! Now let"s see what you"ve learnedtoday!   Yanglin: 第一,月光族的生活方式叫live from paycheck to paycheck;第二,非常昂贵可以说break thebank;第三,刷爆信用卡,叫max out somebody"s credit card.
2023-08-09 00:54:211


2023-08-09 00:54:317


2023-08-09 00:54:556

i live from paycheck to paycheck 什么意思

2023-08-09 00:55:232

英语句子 最后一句I lived from paycheck to paycheck . 什么意

2023-08-09 00:56:573


记忆裂痕 Paycheck (2003)
2023-08-09 00:57:085


电影:压榨 主题曲:She"s All I Got 歌手:jerry williams插曲:Who Were You Thinkin" Of片尾曲:Rainy Day Woman
2023-08-09 00:57:307

求一部科幻片 有个时间机器把人传回过去旅游!然后一个人踩死了一只蝴蝶世界就改变了叫什么名字

2023-08-09 00:57:478


记忆裂痕 Paycheck(2003)导演: 吴宇森编剧: 詹姆斯·迪恩 James Dean主演: 本·阿弗莱克 / 乌玛·瑟曼 / 艾伦·艾克哈特 / 保罗·吉亚玛提 / 科鲁姆·费奥瑞类型:动作 / 科幻 / 悬疑 / 惊悚官方网站:http://www.paycheckmovie.com制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期:2003-12-25(美国)片长:119 分钟又名: 致命报酬 / 空头支票工程师詹宁斯(本·阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck饰)是个高科技天才。他屡屡受聘于各种项目研究,获得丰厚酬劳,但为了高度保密,条件是完工后他必须被删掉大脑中的短期记忆。此次詹宁斯的任务报酬达到了天价,而他必须花费长达几年的时间投身于这个新产品研发。当产品完工后,令人意外的事情发生了。詹宁斯竟然没有得到承诺的报酬,取而代之的是一个信封,里面装着一封他自愿放弃酬劳的声明。詹宁斯大为惊讶,当他要查个水落石出时,却发觉麻烦惹得越来越大了。联邦调查局和公司的老板都对他穷追不舍,要把他置于死地。这一系列神秘的事件,更让詹宁斯相信,背后肯定有着不为人知的真相。果然,一场周密的阴谋随着他的追查渐渐浮出水面。
2023-08-09 00:58:141


exp/imp 下面介绍的是导入导出的实例,向导入导出看实例基本上就可以完成,因为导入导出很简单。数据导出:1 将数据库TEST完全导出,用户名system 密码manager 导出到D:daochu.dmp中 exp system/manager@TEST file=d:daochu.dmp full=y2 将数据库中system用户与sys用户的表导出 exp system/manager@TEST file=d:daochu.dmp owner=(system,sys)3 将数据库中的表table1 、table2导出 exp system/manager@TEST file=d:daochu.dmp tables=(table1,table2) 4 将数据库中的表table1中的字段filed1以"00"打头的数据导出 exp system/manager@TEST file=d:daochu.dmp tables=(table1) query=" where filed1 like "00%"" 上面是常用的导出,对于压缩我不太在意,用winzip把dmp文件可以很好的压缩。 不过在上面命令后面 加上 compress=y 就可以了数据的导入1 将D:daochu.dmp 中的数据导入 TEST数据库中。 imp system/manager@TEST file=d:daochu.dmp 上面可能有点问题,因为有的表已经存在,然后它就报错,对该表就不进行导入。 在后面加上 ignore=y 就可以了。2 将d:daochu.dmp中的表table1 导入imp system/manager@TEST file=d:daochu.dmp tables=(table1)
2023-08-09 00:58:244


2023-08-09 00:58:333


片头曲:She"s All I Got歌手:Johnny Paycheck所属专辑:The Essential
2023-08-09 00:58:436

美国移民入境行李准备 不能带这些入境

  移民美国生活,要登陆前应该怎么准备行李物品呢?美国的海关入境检查非常严格,在准备行李时大家要注意哪些东西能带哪些东西不能带,快和的我一起来看看吧。    美国入境需要带哪些物品   1毕业证、学位证、工作经历证明等。   2.护照,各种公证书。   3.电器 美国的电压为110V,与国内不一样,带电器时须详细了解该电器电压是否适用。   4.手机国内手机的频段为GSM900/1800,而北美地区通信网络领域使用的网段是PCS850/1900,非三频手机在美国不适用。4.住宿和接机问题。   5.检疫 可在国内一些指定医院注射疫苗并做体检,也可到美国后再处理。   6.药 带上日常必需的药品,如感冒药、胃药、消炎药等等,美国医药分家,药品索费甚高。   7.出国前最好到眼科、牙科把眼镜、牙齿等弄好,在美国眼科、牙科的费用昂贵,且大部分费用不含在保险内。   8.驾照美国各州对驾照有不同的考试要求和标准。国内已有驾照者可申请国际驾照后赴美短期使用,再于当地考驾照;无驾照者,可与国内先联系驾车,赴美后再考。   9.批汇批汇是指个人因私出国用汇,简单的说,就是可以用人民币在国内指定银行直接兑换外币。现金只需携带一至两千既可,以免遗失。   10.出关 国家规定出国所能携带的美金现金最高不得超过5000,否则得与没收,但汇票及旅行支票则不限额。   11.美国银行开户抵美后应速至附近银行开户。开户时可将随身携带的汇票、旅行支票的等个人汇票及现金存入该户头以策安全。开户后请银行提供个人详细账户信息,以备家人将来汇款。   12.少量现金:应随身携带少量现金,以备无法刷银行卡时使用;也可以在国内的银行办理汇票,到美国后存入银行。一万美金以上现金在入关时要申报海关,可以用护照去当地银行办理一张银行卡,把带去的现金存进去,此卡可以消费也可以取现金(没有手续费)。    必备物品清单   服饰:主要以休闲装为主,另外备一套正装、皮鞋。   生活用品:如果带眼睛,最好携带一副备用的眼睛以及配眼睛素材资料的英语版本。   床上用品:被子和枕头可以放压缩袋抽真空后再带,或者索性去那里买。准备被罩和床单时注意买大一点,因为美国的床只有四种大小,除了TWIN SIZE窄,相当于单人床意外,FULL SIZE已经相当于国内双人床了,而QUEEN SIZE和KING SIZE还要大。   药品:常用的小药品还是从国内带来比较合适,(比如感冒药、退烧药、止泻药、创可贴、体温表、红花油、止痛药、眼药水等,因为在美国买很贵。)但是要注意药品的保质期。   相反,国内贵重的药品美国可以买到,因为一般都买了医疗保险,能够报销。   如果有定期服用的处方药,最好携带充分的药量及英语处方。   厨房用品:电饭煲之类的不要带,美国的电压是110V的,拿了也不能用,况且美国的也不贵。需要注意的是:中国的三孔插座为三个互成120°的长形插孔,而美国为一个圆形加两个平行的长形,如如果拿了电器去美国,并且是叁爪插头,建议去买个插头转换器。   电子产品:大型电脑、电视,美国都比中国便宜。但小型电器(如电脑配件鼠标,摄像头、移动硬盘等美国就贵很多。)需要提醒:绝对不要带盗版光碟,特别是光盘封面还有英文的操作系统之类的软件,如果被海关抽检查到,罚金之重会超乎你的想象。   文化用品:可以考虑带本双语词典或者电子词典更好。书比较重,建议不要带很多,否则行李超重机场罚钱很贵,而且很多资料可以在网上找到,美国的图书馆备书也相当齐全。如果实在要带,倒不如等下次回国后再带些去,因为第一年未必用得上很多专业书籍。   适量现金:(一般来说,从入境之日起,需要等2个月才能拿到社会安全卡,在拿到的2周后才会有第一张paycheck,因此你所带的钱要足以支付你两个半月甚至是三个月的开销。最好是$3000,还要备好$5,$10的零钱。)   通讯录:特别是在美国接待你的人的打电话、系里的电话,在美国亲友的电话,学校和宿舍的具体地址,邮编和电话,行李箱和邮箱的密码等。还有,就是不同区域电话的拨打方式。   眼镜:美国配眼镜必须要有医生验光后开证明,隐形眼镜也需要先验光拿证明,整套下来也是略麻烦还要额外花钱。所以带1-2副眼镜来,需要带隐形眼镜的也可以考虑。注:第二付眼镜是用来应急的,美国这边验光加配镜少说四五天,多说七八天。   考出来驾照:除了在纽约芝加哥等大城市外,会开车和不会开车就是完全两种不同的生活。强烈建议在出国前把驾照考出来。在美国直接考驾照比较容易,但是多在国内开开车技术会更有保障。    需要准备信用卡吗   出国留学,钱是自然少不了。很多拿到签证的学生都会有疑问,是否需要在国内办一张信用卡带到美国去?答案是不用,即使带了也尽量少用。   主要原因一是在国内办的国际信用卡或借记卡在国外使用的时候,即使手续费很低,持卡人也要承担每一笔交易产生的外汇买卖差的损失。第二,抵达美国后早一点开立自己的银行帐户,早一点办理自己的信用卡对以后的生活甚至工作都有好处。    银行开户很简单   在美国银行开户需要提供的材料主要有:证件两个,可以是护照,美国驾照,学生证(及I20),银行卡,工卡,美国身份证(DMV可办理)等,有效的合法签证或居留证明,居住地点,联系电话,工作单位或在读学校等,当然还有钱。    银行账户有两类   留学生和新移民常用的银行帐户主要有两类,储蓄帐户(SavingAccount)和支票账户(CheckingAccount),如果将来在美国长期居住则可以考虑各类投资帐户。支票帐户相当于国内的活期帐户,可以随时存取,有息支票帐户一般会要求帐户保持在一定的金额以上,否则每月会收取几十美元的帐户维护费。建议留学生开无息支票账户,这种账户一般没有帐户余额的要求或者要求很低。   在美国使用支票的地方很多,在商场或超市买东西支票也可以当现金使用,所以开帐户时可以买几本支票备用(也可以以后再定)。很多银行有免费支票,如果要选个性化图案的支票需要加钱,开户时尽量选择适合自己经济条件且使用方便的帐户。开通帐户后会给一张ATM卡(相当于国内的借记卡),ATM卡在刷卡消费时需要输入密码。   我最喜欢的是在超市购物用ATM卡付钱时可以要求CashBack,意思是除了付货款,我还要一些现金,这些都从我的卡里扣了。这样我不需要再为了取现金跑出去找提款机,商家也相当于把现金转到了商场的帐户,对双方都非常方便,而且不需要付手续费。    美国入境禁止携带物品整理概括如下:   一、携带1万美金或等值货币以上的,须在美国海关申报表上如实填写,否则会被扣留。放心,上报不会收你税,只是登记一下。美国是无外汇管制国家。金子以前是有限制的,现在没有了,各种金币,金条都可以,没有数量限制。   二、盗版的美国书籍及录音、录影带,仿冒品,包括仿冒的美国名牌服装、鞋帽、电子产品等商品,一律严禁携带,一经发现罚款额可高达数千甚至是上万美元,甚至还会摊上官司。   三、手提行李中的液体、喷雾剂或发胶容器,大小必须等于或小于100毫升。所有容器必须密封装入容量为一升的透明塑料袋中,每人限带一个塑料袋。塑料袋容量不得超过1升,即大约为20X20厘米或15X25厘米。抵达安检处时,您必须交出仍随身携带的超过100毫升的任何液体、喷雾剂和发胶,包括这类免税商品。超过100毫升的容器应装入托运行李包或不带走。容量超过100毫升的半满容器不能携带。新规定还将在安检流程中新增随机搜身检查。   四、每位成年人,可带0.95公升的酒免税进入美国,也可以免税带300支香烟或50支雪茄,或1.35公斤的烟叶(非古巴产的)。数量超出限额的这些物品入境,必须缴纳逾额的关税。   五、各种肉类、未加工皮革或动物毛皮,非经特许,任何人不能携带入境。所有的鸡鸭鹅猪牛羊鹿马肉都不可以. 不管是不是密封的, 还是真空的,还是套了几十个塑料袋,也不管你是肉松,还是肠,还是月饼里面的,饼干夹的,火腿,罐头,腌肉,酱肉,鲜肉,熏肉,肉干,肉饼,肉粽子,含肉的方便面、非罐装或腌熏之鱼类及鱼子、禽蛋u2022u2022u2022u2022u2022u2022等等,都不允许带入。   六、不要带任何种类的鲜果、蔬菜、草木、种子或植物产品入境。特殊需要的,必须获得特许。实施这种规定的理由是,不单在美国,就是世界许多国家,都在大力防止昆虫和植物病虫害由一国蔓延至另一个国家。因此,昆虫除标本外是不允许带进美国的。   七、一般常用的处方中西药可携带通过安检处,但有时可能要求您出示需求证明。中药类产品必须是无寄生类植物。珍贵的中药材如蛇胆、豹骨、虎皮、鹿茸等属于保育类动物,严禁携入美国,寄生类植物如兔丝子、石斛等也禁止携入,含可卡因类禁止,作为中药的陈皮也在禁止之列。   八、某些受美国制裁的特定国家的产品——包括朝鲜或古巴的产品,都不能带进美国。   当然,各种毒品、军火弹药及各类易燃易爆的危险物品,也在禁止之列。   如果不知道情况,带进来了违禁品,如果你带了违法的, 只要你报了, 一般是没收, 很少有罚款。如果你不报,查到你了, 就没准了,甚至会坐牢。还要提醒大家美国的入境要求也会发生变化,比如最近美国交通运输安全管理局自911事件以来,首次允许旅客携带长度不得超过2.36英寸,宽度不超过0.5英寸小型刀具上飞机。   入境物品海关是规定是不断增加的,通常根据没收的东西进行检测,有问题的一定会添加上去,禁止入境的。
2023-08-09 00:59:071

400分求助 英语

goodgood 把分把我!!我是那个小妹妹。
2023-08-09 00:59:267


  帽子是戴在头上的,帽子的款式多样。关于帽子的英语俚语有不少,下面就跟着我来看看吧。   一   at the drop of a hat.   At the drop of a hat从字面上来解释就是:一旦帽子落地。这实际上也是一个讯号的意思。也就是说,一有讯号就马上行动。这个说法可能是来自以前的决斗。在决斗的时候,裁判员一般都是举著帽子,然后突然把它往地下一扔,作为决斗双方可以开始开枪的讯号。但是,at the drop of a hat现在已经和开枪没有关系了,它的意思现在已经变成指一个脾气一触即发的人。   例句: Tom Atkins is usually a good-hearted friendly guy. But he has one problem -- a hot temper. Say something he doesn"t agree with, and he"ll start a loud argument at the drop of a hat.   汤姆.阿特金斯平时总是很好心,也很友好。但是,他有一个问题,那就是脾气太急燥。谁要是说一些和他意见不同的话,他可以马上大声嚷嚷,跟人家争辩。   二   Hat in hand.   Hat是帽子,hand是手。Hat in hand从字面上来理解就是手里拿着帽子。可是,作为俗语,它的含义就要比表面现象深刻多了。Hat in hand这个俗语是几百年前遗传下来的。当时,大多数国家的社会都分成普通老百姓,以及地主、贵族和统治国家的国王等有权势的人。那时候,每当一个农民或一个普通工人见到这些高官显贵的时候,他们一般都要脱下帽子表示敬意,好像这些人都比他们高一等似的。当然,现在的社会组合已经很不相同了。在当前,hat in hand的含义很简单。意思就是:在逼不得已的情况下去求人帮忙,然而又感到难以开口、很难堪。   例句: With our new baby and my wife sick, my paycheck just isn"t enough for my family to live on. With business so bad, I hate to do it, but I have to go to my boss hat in hand and beg for more money.   我们的孩子刚出生,我妻子又在生病,我的工资根本不够我们开销的。我实在没办法,不得不去求我的老板帮忙,请他再给我一点钱。现在生意很不景气,我真是不愿意这么做。   三   To wear two hats at a time.   To wear就是"穿戴"的意思。To wear two hats at a time就是一个人同时戴两顶帽子。这当然是从字面上来解释。在实际生活中,你碰到过什么人同时戴两顶帽子的吗?恐怕没有吧。但是,你会听到美国人说某人同时戴两顶帽子的。那这是什么意思呢?To wear two hats at a time是指一个人同时担任两个职务。   例句: They"re so shorthanded at my cousin Joe"s office that he has to wear two hats. He was already a Vice President, but now he is also the treasurer because the old treasurer quit and they can"t afford to hire a replacement.   我表兄乔伊的公司人手很少,他不得不同时担任两个职务。他本来就是副总裁,现在他还得负责管理财务,因为原来负责财务的人辞职了,而他们又没有钱另外雇用一个人来接替他。   四   to pass the hat.   To pass在这里是传递的意思。以前,美国教堂在礼拜结束前总是用一顶帽子在教徒当中一个个地传递过去,希望人们为教堂捐钱。现在的教堂已经不再用帽子了,而是用一个铜制或银制的盘子来代替了。但是,to pass the hat现在超越了宗教的色彩,应用到日常生活中去了,意思就是让大家捐钱为一个同事解决意外的灾难。   例句: When Bill Brown"s baby daughter was hurt in that auto accident last week, we passed the hat around the office and collected three hundred dollars to help pay the doctor"s bill.   当比尔.布朗的小女儿上星期在车祸里受伤以后,我们在办公室里募捐了三百多美元,来帮助比尔付医疗费。   五   to take one"s hat off.   以前,每当一个人做了什么值得赞扬的事,人们往往会拿下头上戴的帽子,对那个人表示敬意。现在已经没有人戴帽子,因此这种举动也不存在了。可是,这个俗语还是经常用的,表示致敬、钦佩。   例句: I sure take my hat off to my boss. I don"t know how in the world he did it, but somehow he pulled some tricks out of the hat and got us five million dollars to save the business.   我真是要对我的老板致敬。不知道他是怎么想出来的办法,但是他真是出人意外地弄到了五百万美元,从而挽救了我们的公司。
2023-08-09 00:59:551


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2023-08-09 01:00:564


《记忆裂痕》Paycheck (2003) ,又名《致命报酬》祝你观影愉快!
2023-08-09 01:01:053


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2023-08-09 01:01:306


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 1. He si sick."sick"在这里是"变态"的意思吗? 2. paycheck /pay 有什么区别,平时的工作薪金哪个更为地道呢? 3. Feeling my mind.是"和我的想法一样"的意思吗? 4. AC表示"电"平时美国人生活口语中经常用吗?5. 5G是5万元的意思吧中,但这个G代表哪个单词? 6. I want these blown up.一般说把照片放大不是"enlarge"吗,到底哪个更地道呢? 7. I am looking for sth very specific.这句话是"我和清楚我在找什么"吗?这个specific修饰的是sth还是整个句子? 8. Are you having second thought?可以翻译成"你是不是后悔了吗" 解析: 是看《越狱》? 1. He si sick."sick"在这里是"变态"的意思吗? 是 越狱里面那个被砍的手的,经常被人说SICK 2. paycheck /pay 有什么区别,平时的工作薪金哪个更为地道呢? 听paycheck更多,感觉更地道 3. Feeling my mind.是"和我的想法一样"的意思吗? 这个我在CSI里的台词听到过,大概原句是“Do you feel me?"回答的那个人说,如果我发现你在撒谎,那就轮到"you feel me" 了,我认为是“你明白我意思了吗?” 4. AC表示"电"平时美国人生活口语中经常用吗? DC是直流电,AC是交流电,如果是越狱里的电刑,用的是交流,因为给人带来的痛苦比直流小(最早是用直流,其中细节自已去查查吧) 5. 5G是5万元的意思吧中,但这个G代表哪个单词? 我也听过多次,没去深究,总算让我问到了 G = thousand so, 1 G means one thousand dollars 6. I want these blown up.一般说把照片放大不是"enlarge"吗,到底哪个更地道呢? 这个我没注意到,是在哪个场景情节里的? 7. I am looking for sth very specific.这句话是"我和清楚我在找什么"吗?这个specific修饰的是sth还是整个句子? 修饰的是sth, 我找的是很特殊的东西(这句好象是Scofield在衣服店里找衣服,他对前来的店员说的) 8. Are you having second thought?可以翻译成"你是不是后悔了吗" 你的翻译是意译吧,应该也行,另我觉得也可认为是“你改变主意了吗?
2023-08-09 01:01:591


  就是记忆裂痕  记忆裂痕  【中文片名】《致命报酬》  【又名】《记忆裂痕》、《空头支票》  【英文片名】《paycheck》  【导演】吴宇森John Woo  【原著】菲利普·迪克Philip K. Dick  【编剧】迪恩·乔格瑞斯Dean Georgaris  【主演】  本·阿弗莱克Ben Affleck - Michael Jennings  乌玛·瑟曼Uma Thurman - Rachel  阿伦·艾克哈特Aaron Eckhart - Rethrick  科姆·菲尔Colm Feore  凯瑟琳·莫利斯Kathryn Morris  【类型】动作/科幻/惊悚 片长:119分钟  【级别】PG-13(动作暴力场面及粗口)  【发行】派拉蒙影片公司  【上映日期】2003年12月25日  【影片简介】  剧情  迈克·简宁斯(本·阿弗雷克饰)正在被追杀,但是他却不知道为什么会被追杀。作为一名受雇于致力于顶级机密项目研究的高科技公司的计算机天才,简宁斯在每做完一个项目后,都会按例行惯例接受短期的记忆删除程序,其目的是保证项目中的机密信息不会被泄露。虽然代价是巨大的,但是报酬也是丰厚的,这次他所负责的是一个为期三年的机密项目,公司保证在项目完成后给予他44亿美元的天价报酬。  但是当简宁斯从洗脑程序中苏醒过来之后,他所得到的并不是那张44亿美元的巨额支票,而是一个装着证明他自愿放弃任何报酬声明的神秘信封。由于记忆已经失去,他没有任何办法验证此言的真假。所以信封成了他惟一的线索,随着线索的逐渐增多,FBI的探员也开始出现在他的生活中。  简宁斯终于知道了事情的复杂性,没有兑现的支票之后隐藏着不可告人的秘密。在与他一起工作了三年的同事雷切尔(乌玛·瑟曼饰)的帮助下,简宁斯必须与时间赛跑,在被灭口之前将脑海中紊乱的记忆碎片全部拼回原位,恢复昔日的记忆,并揭开谜团背后的巨大黑幕……  【另一版本简介】  迈克尔·简宁斯(本·阿弗莱克饰)是一个极具天赋的电脑工程师,受雇于一家专门进行研究机密工作的高科技公司。他接受了一份协议,在研究工作完成之后,他将获得八位数的高额酬金,代价是删除工作期间的记忆,以防止资料外泄。当迈克尔消除记忆之后,他得到的却不是事先协商好的高额美元,而是一个装有香烟、剃须膏和手表等日常杂物的普通公文纸袋。该公司同时通知迈克尔,是他主动放弃了几千万美元的酬劳。在完全丧失了两年的记忆之后,迈克尔已经失去了证明是否是自己放弃了这笔钱的能力。但是事情不光是钱那么简单,联邦警探因为莫名的原因前来抓捕他,而他昔日的老板也派出杀手不惜一切代价地追杀他。迈克尔渐渐意识到在自己身上肯定发生了不同寻常的事情。真相淹没在迈克尔为数不多的琐碎记忆之中,多亏有和他共同生活多年的爱人雷切尔(乌玛·瑟曼饰)的鼎力相助。两人携手合作,赶在前雇主雷吉米(埃仁·艾克哈特饰)派人杀害他之前解开了这段记忆裂痕之谜……  经过一连串惊险刺激的生死逃亡之后,真相开始浮出水面。八位数高薪泡汤后换来的那堆看似无用的杂物,正是迈克尔当初精心安排用来提醒自己的线索,这些杂物帮助他回忆起过去的一切。原来迈克尔的研究内容和预测未来息息相关……  【作者简介】  本片根据著名科幻作家菲利普·K·迪克(Philip K. Dick)1953年发表的同名短篇小说改编。迪克的作品数量虽然不算多,却无疑是当代科幻小说界最著名的元老之一,他的作品被改编成电影的比例非常之高,影迷们所熟悉的几部作品包括《银翼杀手》、《全面回忆》和《少数派报告》,看过这些电影的都应该知道,这几部影片还有本片在内,其主人公的记忆都被抹去或者篡改,无知和有知,已知和未知,这些和人脑记忆有关的题材是迪克最衷爱的创作灵感。 《记忆裂痕》一片的拍摄预算超过1亿美元,该片的导演原本锁定为因《红龙》而知名的布莱特·瑞纳,但后来却因他临时改变主意接下新版《超人》的导演工作而临阵换人,当时考虑了多个人选,但是谁也没想到,派拉蒙公司会最后签下了擅长执导动作片的香港导演吴宇森,这也成了吴进军好莱坞后的第一部科幻作品。这部片子对他的意义非常重大,因为要在好莱坞取得真正的成就,那至少必须拿出一部在票房和口碑上都成功的科幻电影,而之前因为二战背景《风语者》惨遭“滑铁卢”,甚至连累到米高梅电影公司的股票大跌,所以吴宇森需要一部票房大作来证明他还没有到江郎才尽的时候,本片的成败也直接影响着好莱坞片商对他下一部反应华工生活的史诗巨制《命运之土》(Land of Destiny)的投资热忱。  【演员表】  乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman .... Dr. Rachel Porter  本·阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck .... Michael Jennings  阿伦·艾克哈特 Aaron Eckhart .... James Rethrick  保罗·吉亚玛提 Paul Giamatti....Jimmy  Claudette Mink .... Sara Rethrick  马克·布兰顿 Mark Brandon .... Lottery Host  克里斯塔·艾伦 Krista Allen .... Holographic Woman  Lori Barrera .... Nursery Customer  Jason Calder .... Wolfe Goon  约翰·卡斯尼 John Cassini .... Agent Mitchell  弗尔维奥·希希尔 Fulvio Cecere .... Agent Fuman  Robert Clark .... Member of String Quartet  Joe Coyle .... School Teacher (uncredited)  Kendall Cross .... Scientist  阿隆·道格拉斯 Aaron Douglas .... Scientist #3 (uncredited)  柯姆·菲尔 Colm Feore .... John Wolf  【动作大师回归强力动作片】  本片由香港著名动作片导演吴宇森执导。他从执导《终极标靶》开始打入好莱坞,此后还拍摄了由约翰·特拉沃尔塔主演的《断箭》、尼古拉斯·凯奇和约翰·特拉沃尔塔主演的《变脸》、汤姆·克鲁斯主演的《碟中谍Ⅱ》等影片为他带来“亿万票房大导”的美誉,成为好莱坞电影界地位最崇高的华人导演之一。  与注重真实体现火爆、刺激场面的好莱坞电影相比,吴氏动作片更关心如何拍摄出暴力场面的意境美。吴宇森导演的动作片被国外媒体评价为:“动作片带来新的情感深度”。以动作片见长的吴大导演,去年一改往日硬朗打斗的动作片风格,导演了二战题材影片《风语战士》。今番他再次回归动作片路线,在悬疑惊险的剧情中平衡贯穿浪漫爱情线索,融合了科幻、悬疑等类型,借助于计算机技术,大玩惊险刺激的暴力美学游戏。  【演员阵容强大】  1、酷男本·阿弗莱克一展英姿  该片的主演本·阿弗莱克在1997年参演了凯文·史密斯的一部低成本电影《追逐艾米》而在圣丹斯电影节上崭露头角。同年,他与好友马特·达蒙合作担任编剧并出演的《心灵捕手》被评为当年金球奖和奥斯卡奖最佳编剧。他参演的《珍珠港》在中国创下了票房过亿的好成绩。面貌英俊且实力不凡的本可以说是星途无限,他先后被评为新一届“全世界最美丽的50人”、“新世纪10大偶像明星”、“电影圈前十位酷男”。去年更因一部《超胆侠》而一跃成为票房巨星,在这部影片中他既要舞棍,还要玩飞车,更要玩命被火车追,且看他如何巧妙脱身,化险为夷。  2、好莱坞有史以来最美的女人之一加盟助阵  刚刚在鬼才导演昆汀·塔伦蒂诺新作《杀死比尔》中大显身手的乌玛·瑟曼出任该片的女主角。虽然她本身表示并不喜欢血腥、暴力的武打场面,但是对于吴导能令银幕上呈现的暴力产生美感表示由衷的赞叹。瑟曼被某杂志评为好莱坞有史以来最美的女人之一,对于她的美,人们又众口不一。人们用像谜一样吸引着我们的斯芬克斯之美来形容乌玛·瑟曼:她不是非常美丽,尽管她很美丽;她也不是绝顶聪明,尽管她很聪明;但是她把美丽与智慧恰到好处地同时成为了她的拥有。乌玛还是法国著名的化妆品公司兰蔻(LANCOME)新款香水“玫瑰奇迹”的广告代言人,这是对美的要求极为苛刻的法国人第一次选中一名美国明星作为其品牌的诠释者。她还是好莱坞戏路最广的女星之一,无论是焦虑脆弱的女病人、放浪形骸的黑帮老大情妇、貌美如花却心如蛇蝎的“毒藤女”、还是美丽优雅的女作家,她都能诠释得让人信服,此片中她将作为本·阿弗莱克的女友,同他一起冲锋陷阵。
2023-08-09 01:02:071


好莱坞庄园 Hollywoodland (2006)   Man About Town (2005)   新泽西爱未眠 Jersey Girl (2004)   Remembering the Future: Paycheck & the Worlds of Philip K. Dick (2004)   煎熬圣诞节 Surviving Christmas (2004)   记忆裂痕 Paycheck (2003)   夜魔侠 Daredevil (2003)   鸳鸯绑匪 Gigli (2003)   恐惧的总和 The Sum of All Fears (2002)   变线人生 Changing Lanes (2002)   撞翻缘姻路 Third Wheel, The (2002)   杰伊与鲍伯的回击 Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)   珍珠港 Pearl Harbor (2001)   驯鹿游戏 Reindeer Games (2000)   缘来是你 Bounce (2000)   Joseph: King of Dreams (2000)   1999 MTV Movie Awards (1999)   爱情万人迷 200 Cigarettes (1999)   自然的力量 Forces of Nature (1999)   怒犯天条 Dogma (1999)   幻觉 Phantoms (1998)   第70届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 70th Annual Academy Awards, The (1998)   世界末日 Armageddon (1998)   心灵捕手 Good Will Hunting (1997)   猜·情·寻 Chasing Amy (1997)   青春迷航 Going All the Way (1997)   光荣的迷惑 Glory Daze (1996)   耍酷一族 Mallrats (1995)   校园风云 School Ties (1992)   导演作品   I Killed My Lesbian Wife, Hung Her on a Meat Hook, and Now I Have a Three-Picture Deal at Disney (1993)   编剧作品   心灵捕手 Good Will Hunting (1997)
2023-08-09 01:02:161


薪水英文是salary;pay;wages。短语:1、工资,薪水salary.2、薪水,报酬emolument.3、薪水册payroll.4、薪水袋packet;pay envelope.5、薪水单pay slip/envelop.6、薪水好wellpaid.7、薪水帐pay list.8、薪水账。pay list.9、支付薪水的支票,薪水paycheck.10、不拿薪水unsalaried.例句:1、He gets commission on top of his salary.他除了薪水之外还得到佣金。2、The salary they pay me is none too high.他们付给我的薪水不太高。3、How does she get by on such a small salary?她靠那么一点儿薪水怎么过活?4、His salary is low and he gets few luxuries.他的薪水低,很少买奢侈品。5、I can not afford to run a car on my salary.凭我的薪水我是开不起汽车的。6、The cost was stopped out of my salary.那一笔费用已经由我的薪水中扣除了。7、The salesman gets expenses besides his salary.推销员除了薪水外还得津贴。8、Did you try cutting your own fat salary?你想过停发你自己的优厚薪水了吗?9、He will get his pay every week as before.像以前一样他每周还可以领到薪水。10、I want to speak to her in the matter of my salary.我想跟她谈谈我的薪水问题。
2023-08-09 01:02:351

Oracle 数据库导出 exp命令,报错:

oracle 数据库服务正常不?
2023-08-09 01:03:223

如何在sql server下导出dmp文件

肯定不行呀。你可以吧sqlserver导出为 .sql的文件,然后再导入到oracle,然后用oracle导出为dmp
2023-08-09 01:03:343


exp和imp1. 获取帮助 imp help=y2. 导入一个完整数据库imp system/manager file=bible_db log=dible_db full=y ignore=y3. 导入一个或一组指定用户所属的全部表、索引和其他对象imp system/manager file=seapark log=seapark fromuser=seapark imp system/manager file=seapark log=seapark fromuser=(seapark,amy,amyc,harold)4. 将一个用户所属的数据导入另一个用户imp system/manager file=tank log=tank fromuser=seapark touser=seapark_copyimp system/manager file=tank log=tank fromuser=(seapark,amy)touser=(seapark1, amy1)5. 导入一个表imp system/manager file=tank log=tank fromuser=seapark TABLES=(a,b)6. 从多个文件导入imp system/manager file=(paycheck_1,paycheck_2,paycheck_3,paycheck_4) log=paycheck, filesize=1G full=y7. 使用参数文件imp system/manager parfile=bible_tables.parbible_tables.par参数文件:#Import the sample tables used for the Oracle8i Database Administrator"s Bible. fromuser=seapark touser=seapark_copy file=seapark log=seapark_import8. 增量导入imp system./manager inctype= RECTORE FULL=Y FILE=A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. 获取帮助 exp help=y2. 导出一个完整数据库exp system/manager file=bible_db log=dible_db full=y3. 导出数据库定义而不导出数据exp system/manager file=bible_db log=dible_db full=y rows=n4. 导出一个或一组指定用户所属的全部表、索引和其他对象exp system/manager file=seapark log=seapark owner=seaparkexp system/manager file=seapark log=seapark owner=(seapark,amy,amyc,harold)注意:在导出用户时,尽管已经得到了这个用户的所有对象,但是还是不能得到这些对象引用的任何同义词。解决方法是用以下的SQL*Plus命令创建一个脚本文件,运行这个脚本文件可以获得一个重建seapark所属对象的全部公共同义词的可执行脚本,然后在目标数据库上运行该脚本就可重建同义词了。SET LINESIZE 132SET PAGESIZE 0SET TRIMSPOOL ONSPOOL c:seapark.synSELECT "Create public synonym "||synonym_name||" for "||table_owner||"."||table_name||";"FROM dba_synonymsWHERE table_owner = "SEAPARK" AND owner = "PUBLIC";SPOOL OFF5. 导出一个或多个指定表exp seapark/seapark file=tank log=tank tables=tankexp system/manager file=tank log=tank tables=seapark.tankexp system/manager file=tank log=tank tables=(seapark.tank,amy.artist)6. 估计导出文件的大小全部表总字节数:SELECT sum(bytes) FROM dba_segments WHERE segment_type = "TABLE";seapark用户所属表的总字节数:SELECT sum(bytes)FROM dba_segmentsWHERE owner = "SEAPARK"AND segment_type = "TABLE";seapark用户下的aquatic_animal表的字节数:SELECT sum(bytes)FROM dba_segmentsWHERE owner = "SEAPARK"AND segment_type = "TABLE"AND segment_name = "AQUATIC_ANIMAL";7. 导出表数据的子集(oracle8i以上)NT系统:exp system/manager query="Where salad_type="FRUIT"" tables=amy.salad_type file=fruit log=fruitUNIX系统:exp system/manager query="Where salad_type="FRUIT"" tables=amy.salad_type file=fruit log=fruit8. 用多个文件分割一个导出文件exp system/manager file=(paycheck_1,paycheck_2,paycheck_3,paycheck_4)log=paycheck, filesize=1G tables=hr.paycheck9. 使用参数文件exp system/manager parfile=bible_tables.parbible_tables.par参数文件:#Export the sample tables used for the Oracle8i Database Administrator"s Bible.file=bible_tableslog=bible_tablestables=(amy.artistamy.booksseapark.checkupseapark.items)10. 增量导出“完全”增量导出(complete),即备份整个数据库 exp system/manager inctype=complete file=990702.dmp“增量型”增量导出(incremental),即备份上一次备份后改变的数据 exp system/manager inctype=incremental file=990702.dmp“累计型”增量导出(cumulative),即备份上一次“完全”导出之后改变的数据 exp system/manager inctype=cumulative file=990702.dmp
2023-08-09 01:03:441

The Night Before 歌词

歌曲名:The Night Before歌手:Beatle Jazz专辑:All You NeedSittin up on the roofSneakin a smoke by the chimneyCheckin out the moonAnd the city lightsHe takes off his flannel shirtAnd drapes it around her shouldersSlides up behind her and holds on tightAnd she saysI dont want this night to endWhy does it have to endTomorrow she"ll be rollin down I-10Baton Rouge, LSU18 years in her rearviewHe"s got a friday paycheck lined up down the blockAt daddy"s shopIt aint much but its a jobTheyve been dreadin this moment all summer longThe night beforeLife goes onOoohA tear falls off her cheek andRight when it hits his arm he saysCome on babyLets get outta hereThey take one last drive around townAnd man itAlready looks differentHe bangs the wheel and saysLife aint fairAnd this growin up stuff man I dont knowI just dont wanna let you goTomorrow shell be rollin down I10 Baton RougeLSU18 years in her rearviewHes got a friday paycheck lined up down the blockAt daddie shopIt aint much but its a jobTheyve been dreadin this moment all summer longThe night beforeLife goes onYeah thats what my momma told meAnd just like those kidsI didnt wanna listen to no oneYea theres nothin you can doTheres nothin you can sayAnd I know how it feels when love goes awayTomorrow shell be rollin down I10 Baton RougeLSU18 years and hurry ya doHes got a friday paycheck lined up down the blockAt daddies shopIt aint much but its a jobTheyve been dreadin this moment all summer longBut here it isThey dont have longThe night beforeLife goes onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnYeah e yeah e yeah e yeah e yeahhhh
2023-08-09 01:03:521


ver the past 15 years,researchers have studied the connection between money and happiness. Their findings shatter many misconceptions. Here are five of the most surprising results. 1. Everyone needs a few luxuries to be happy. A six-figure income affords a family many pleasures-- a more luxurious home, perhaps a trip to Disneyland or a fancier car. But do such things make you happier? Pleasure is not the same as happiness. Pleasure is a temporary release. Happiness comes from experiences in which one"s mental and emotional energies are invested. Just as happy families value pleasures that involve personal effort, so they value possessions that have personal meaning, like Grandma"s wedding ring. Unhappy people,however, are more likely to prize possessions because of their cost or utility, a car that handles well or an expensive necklace. 2. Happiness is a permanent vacation. Would you quit your job if you didn" t need the money?Many Americans said quitting work was an important reason to be rich. Yet researchers find that work is one of life"s chief satisfactions for people. A job, studies show, is more than a paycheck. Doing something well can increase confidence and self-worth. 3. A big raise would make you happy. If jobs are so important, wouldn"t salary size be a gauge of job satisfaction? Americans think so. A survey found that almost 70 percent of the respondents said they would be happier if their families had twice as much household income. Yet studies show that job satisfaction comes less from how much people earn than from the challenge of their jobs and the control they are able to exert. Work that doesn"t engage a person will never seem rewarding, no matter how lucrative it becomes. 4. Nothing comforts like cash. In times of crisis--a debilitating illness or loss of one"s home--money can come in pretty handy. But for all its benefits, it cannot fortify you against the inevitable pain and sadness that follow the crisis. For that, researchers say, you need close friendships. "Human beings are hard-wired to be social animals". "They"re not built to handle things alone." 5. Happiness and wealth aren"t mutually exclusive. It"s possible to have both--or neither. But most believe that those who have happiness, in the long run, have more.Even author Oscar Wilde agreed: "Ordinary riches can be stolen from a man. Real riches cannot. In the treasury house of your soul, there are infinitely precious things that may notbe taken from you."
2023-08-09 01:04:141


导出sql文件。如果你是不考虑其他因素的话,步骤如下---安装PL/SQL,或者toad,以下用PL/SQL做示例1. 新建oracle用户,不要使用系统默认用户2. 使用plsql链接oracle3. 打开你的sql文件4. 执行文件5. 如果要创建新数据库,可以使用9i以后版本中的DABASE 助手。有问题再联系。
2023-08-09 01:04:243


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 精打细算 1.careful and meticulous calculation 2.calculate carefully and budget strictly 3.Meticulous plan all expenditures精打细算的购物者; an economical shopper; 你母亲非常能精打细算。 Your mom can sure stretch a dollar. 在制定家庭预算时学会精打细算 learned to practice economy in making out the household budget. 在制定家庭预算时学会精打细算 Learned to practice economy in making out the household budget. 节俭的花钱或使用物质资料时精打细算 Practicing or marked by economy,as in the expenditure of money or the use of material resources. 我丈夫失业后,我们一直精打细算过日子。 We"ve been living on a shoestring since my hu *** and lost his job. 我们精打细算就能买辆新汽车了。 If we budget carefully,we"ll be able to afford a new car. 财政预算上节俭以延长使用;对工资进行精打细算 stretch a budget; stretch a paycheck. 他们花了几年的时间,精打细算,省吃俭用,终于使航海度假成为现实。 It took years of planning and saving, but their sea-going vacation came true at last.
2023-08-09 01:04:321


the proceeds credited into the account
2023-08-09 01:04:423


Hello respected judges and dear audience!Today I would like to talk to you about how to save money. As a student, we usually have to manage our finances within a limited allowance and living expenses. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to save money, which can not only help us better manage our finances, but also cultivate a thrifty and rational consumption habit.Firstly, we should look for opportunities to save money in our daily lives. For example, we can choose to cook our own meals instead of eating out frequently. This not only reduces expenses but also ensures our food safety and health. Additionally, we can choose to use public transportation instead of taking taxis or driving ourselves, which can save a lot of transportation expenses.Secondly, we should learn to consume rationally. Before purchasing any goods, we need to consider our own needs and budget, and avoid blindly following trends or buying unnecessary items. For example, we don"t need to buy expensive clothes or electronics just to pursue fashion. Instead, we can choose to purchase goods with better quality and more affordable prices, which can not only meet our needs but also save unnecessary expenses.Finally, we can also look for other ways to save money. For example, we can actively use coupons or participate in discount activities to purchase discounted goods or services. In addition, we can choose to use second-hand goods or rental services, which can greatly reduce our expenses.In conclusion, learning how to save money is not only a good habit but also a manifestation of rational consumption. We should look for opportunities to save money in our daily lives, consume rationally, and look for other ways to save money. I believe that as long as we do it with care, we can definitely save more money and achieve our dreams and goals.Thank you all!汉语意思如下:尊敬的评委,亲爱的观众们,大家好!今天我想和大家谈一谈如何省钱。作为一名学生,我们通常都需要在有限的零花钱和生活费中度过日子。因此,学会如何省钱非常重要,不仅可以帮助我们更好地管理我们的财务,而且可以养成一种节俭和理性的消费习惯。首先,我们应该从日常生活中寻找省钱的机会。例如,我们可以选择自己煮饭,而不是经常在外面吃饭。这不仅可以减少花费,而且还可以保证我们的食品安全和健康。此外,我们还可以选择使用公共交通工具,而不是经常乘坐出租车或者自己开车,这样可以节省不少的交通费用。其次,我们应该学会理性消费。在购买任何商品之前,我们需要考虑自己的需求和预算,避免盲目跟风或者购买不必要的商品。例如,我们不需要为了追求时尚而购买昂贵的服装或者电子产品。相反,我们可以选择购买质量更好、价格更实惠的商品,这样既可以满足我们的需求,又可以节省不必要的花费。最后,我们还可以寻找其他省钱的方法。例如,我们可以积极利用优惠券或者打折活动,购买优惠的商品或者服务。此外,我们还可以选择使用二手商品或者租赁服务,这样可以大大降低我们的花费。总之,学会如何省钱不仅是一种好习惯,也是一种理性消费的体现。我们应该从日常生活中寻找省钱的机会,理性消费,寻找其他省钱的方法。相信只要我们用心去做,一定可以省下更多的钱,实现自己的梦想和目标。谢谢大家!
2023-08-09 01:05:201

超人前传第二季第二集中生物老师 狄赛尔的扮演者

Krista Allen火热的生物教师,登场于第二季的第二集,终极黑寡妇外加热辣尤物,就是她开发了ck的热光眼(Heat Version)
2023-08-09 01:05:291


恢复文件时需要用imp命令。可根据自己的实际需要进行以下恢复操作。1. 获取帮助 imp help=y2. 导入一个完整数据库imp system/manager file=bible_db log=dible_db full=y ignore=y3. 导入一个或一组指定用户所属的全部表、索引和其他对象imp system/manager file=seapark log=seapark fromuser=seapark imp system/manager file=seapark log=seapark fromuser=(seapark,amy,amyc,harold)4. 将一个用户所属的数据导入另一个用户imp system/manager file=tank log=tank fromuser=seapark touser=seapark_copyimp system/manager file=tank log=tank fromuser=(seapark,amy) touser=(seapark1, amy1)5. 导入一个表imp system/manager file=tank log=tank fromuser=seapark TABLES=(a,b)6. 从多个文件导入imp system/manager file=(paycheck_1,paycheck_2,paycheck_3,paycheck_4) log=paycheck, filesize=1G full=y7. 使用参数文件imp system/manager parfile=bible_tables.parbible_tables.par参数文件:#Import the sample tables used for the Oracle8i Database Administrator"s Bible. fromuser=seapark touser=seapark_copy file=seapark log=seapark_import8. 增量导入imp system./manager inctype= RECTORE FULL=Y FILE=A
2023-08-09 01:05:532


  怎么写好 英语 作文 呢?大家不妨多看几篇150字的英语作文,积累素材,练习写作。以下是我为大家整理的,英语作文150字,希望大家喜欢。   150字的英语作文一   In times of crisis--a debilitating illness or loss of one"s home--money can come in pretty handy.   But for all its benefits, it cannot fortify you against the inevitable pain and sadness that follow the crisis.   For that, researchers say, you need close friendships. "Human beings are hard-wired to be social animals".   "They"re not built to handle things alone."   150字的英语作文二   If jobs are so important, wouldn"t salary size be a gauge of job satisfaction?   Americans think so. A survey found that almost 70 percent of the respondents said they would be happier if their families had twice as much household income.   Yet studies show that job satisfaction comes less from how much people earn than from the challenge of their jobs and the control they are able to exert.   Work that doesn"t engage a person will never seem rewarding, no matter how lucrative it becomes.   150字的英语作文三   Philosophers rarely necessary because of the money because they believe that money can bring happiness is very limited.   As Epicurus said: more money will not be more than happy to make money has been achieved limited level.   Whether this understanding, it is because they have another way to enjoy a happy, have a mind.   It is the joy and spirit of comparison, the material can bring the joy of showing its limited only to the spirit of happiness can be unlimited.   Therefore, the sage is a common feature: on the one hand, as happy to see the limited material, the material will be able to at least enable them to meet; On the other hand, because the spirit of boundless desire to be happy, no amount of material does not allow them to meet.   150字的英语作文四   A six-figure income affords a family many pleasures-- a more luxurious home, perhaps a trip to Disneyland or a fancier car. But do such things make you happier?   Pleasure is not the same as happiness. Pleasure is a temporary release.   Happiness comes from experiences in which one"s mental and emotional energies are invested.   Just as happy families value pleasures that involve personal effort, so they value possessions that have personal meaning, like Grandma"s wedding ring.   Unhappy people,however, are more likely to prize possessions because of their cost or utility, a car that handles well or an expensive necklace.   Happiness is a permanent vacation.Would you quit your job if you didn" t need the money?Many Americans said quitting work was an important reason to be rich. Yet researchers find that work is one of life"s chief satisfactions for people.   A job, studies show, is more than a paycheck. Doing something well can increase confidence and self-worth.英语作文150字相关推荐: 1. 初中150字英语作文 2. 100~150字英语美文 3. 高中英语作文自我介绍150字 4. 初中150字英文作文 5. 求职信英语作文150字
2023-08-09 01:06:021


你好, guwanzai42强烈推荐。典型的议论文格式,不乏轻松的口吻,讲述了日常生活中省钱的几个小妙方,例如养成记账的习惯,开立储蓄账户等。希望能帮得上你的忙。How to Save MoneySaving money is one of those tasks that"s so much easier said than done. There"s more to it than spending less money . How much money will you save, where will you put it, and how can you make sure it stays there? Here"s how to set realistic goals, keep your spending in check, and pay yourself first.1.Set savings goals.For short-term goals, this is easy. If you want to buy a video game, find out how much it costs; if you want to buy a house, determine how much of a down payment you"ll need.2.Establish a timeframe. For example: "I want to be able to buy a house two years from today." Set a particular date for accomplishing shorter-term goals, and make sure the goal is attainable within that time period. If it"s not attainable, you"ll just get discouraged. 3.Figure out how much you"ll have to save per week, per month, or per paycheck to attain each of your savings goals. Take each thing you want to save for and figure out how much you need to start saving now. 4.Keep a record of yourexpenses. What you save falls between two activities and their difference: how much you make and how much you spend. Since you have more control over how much you spend, it"s wise to take a critical look at your expenses. 5.Make a budget. Once you"ve managed to balance your earnings with your savings goals and spending, write down a budget so you"ll know each month or each paycheck how much you can spend on any given thing or category of things.6.Open an interest-bearing savings account. It"s a lot easier to keep track of your savings if you have them separate from your spending money. You can also usually get better interest on savings accounts than on checking accounts (if you get interest on your checking account at all).
2023-08-09 01:06:131

Financial Freedom

The trap of just for live Money. It rips families apart, ruins marriages, and keeps people from pursuing their dreams. Money troubles inject unnecessary stress, anxiety, and arguments into our daily lives, which keeps us in perpetual discontent. We never seem to have enough, and, living paycheck to paycheck, we can"t ever get ahead. We—Joshua & Ryan—know first hand. The road to financial freedom was a long trek for both of us. Even though we had prestigious six-figure careers, we struggled with money back then; and we weren"t financially free for a long time. In fact, it wasn"t until we walked away from those careers (after devising a plan, of course) that we discovered how to get out of debt, how to eliminate unnecessary expenses, how to plan for our future, how to master our finances. While we all need to make money to live—and there"s certainly nothing wrong with earning a great salary— taking control of your financial life involves much more than adjusting your income upward. It involves making repeated good decisions with the resources you have, changing your financial habits, and living deliberately. None of which is inherently easy, especially under the tyranny of today"s instant-gratification culture, but fortunately, regaining control of your finances is simple. A few years ago, overwhelmed by money"s rapacious tug on our lives, the two of us decided to change; we decided to take back control of our finances and our lives. These are the five steps we took, and they are the same principles we use today to ensure that we"ll never again struggle with money. Most of us have no idea where our money is going. We think we know, but we don"t really know. This is doubly true for those of us who are married or live with a significant other. Ergo, the first step toward financial freedom is establishing a written monthly budget. Note the three key words here: written, monthly, and budget. Most of us hear the word invest and we panic. Investing seems so complicated, so abstruse, so not-something-I-can-wrap-my-head- around. Well, instead of thinking of it as investing money , think of it as paying your future self . And with today"s online tools, you needn"t be overwhelmed—investing is easier than ever. Anyone can (and must) do it? Investment is so easy and is also so difficult, if you want to learn to invest I can teach you As for Joshua & Ryan, we use online services like Vanguard, Betterment, and Wealthfront for our personal savings, planning, and investing accounts. Using these services, which usually cost nothing to set up and have no minimum balance requirements, we"ve learned how to invest in our future selves by setting aside a percentage of our income without even noticing it"s gone. We also keep our Safety Nets in these online accounts. We do this for two reasons: 1) the money is liquid, which means we have instant access to our Safety Net if we _need_it, and 2) when the money is sitting in a separate account, it is less tempting to access than if it"s in our bank accounts (plus it earns a better interest rate in a safe, conservative way). We invest our money into four separate buckets using the aforementioned online software: Safety Net, Retirement Fund, House Fund, and Wealth-Building Fund. (For complete details, see our Retirement Planning article, in which we break down how we, as minimalists, plan for retirement and other financial objectives, using screenshots and real-world examples, including statistics and personal figures.) I invest money into different investment accounts: Like Stocks and funds, it does these because I am a professional investor. Right now is the best time to start planning for your future. Whether you"re planning for retirement, wanting to start a business, saving for a home, building a larger Safety Net, or focusing on long-term wealth- building, _now_is the best time to begin. Not next week, not even tomorrow, today . Even if you have no money to invest, you _must_devise a plan to begin investing in your future self. The best way to do this is to automate your investments using an online service like the ones we mentioned above, which takes the guesswork out of investing. The future won"t wait. Do it today. Even if that means 1% of your income, or even $20 a month, to start. Your future self will thank you. Contrary to what some academics might tell you, there is no such thing as “good debt.” Let"s say that again (read it out loud): THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS GOOD DEBT. True, some debt is worse than other debt, but it"s never “good.” The truth is: you will not feel free until you are debt-free. The debtor is always a slave to the lender. Besides, it feels pretty amazing to have no car payments, no credit-card payments, and no student-loan payments looming in the shadows of your lifestyle. Throughout our twenties, we both had excessive piles of debt—more than six-figures each. It was a debilitating feeling—a complete loss of freedom. Although there are no magic bullets, the strategy we"ve seen work best is Dave Ramsey"s Total Money Makeover , a detailed, step-by-step formula that both of us used to create a detailed plan, cut-up our credit cards, and face our debts head-on. Of course, minimalism was a key component in our own journeys toward financial freedom. By clearing the clutter from our lives, we were able to focus on eliminating debt, changing our habits, and making better decisions with fewer resources. We also learned that by simplifying—by identifying which material possessions weren"t adding value to our lives—we were able to more quickly become debt-free by selling more than _half_our stuff locally (yard sales, consignment shops, flea markets) and online No, minimalism is not about deprivation, we don"t want anyone to “live without” in the name of minimalism, but sometimes it makes sense to temporarily deprive ourselves of ephemeral satisfaction when we are attempting to move our lives in a better direction. For example, We both jettisoned our cable subscriptions, satellite radio, and other superfluous bills that saved us hundreds of dollars each month. We also did “strange” things like deliver pizzas, work overtime, and find other ways to supplement our income in the short-term so we could pay off our debts faster. Plus, we sold hundreds of items—electronics, furniture, clothes, DVDs, books, collectables, tools, yard equipment— that weren"t essential, and we used that money to further pay down our debts. Basically, anything that wasn"t nailed to the floor found its way to eBay. Now everything we own serves a purpose or brings us joy, and we don"t miss any of the trinkets of yesteryear. The shortest path toward freedom is: appreciating what you already have. One of the best ways to find gratitude for the gifts you"ve already been given is to change your perspective. To do so, donate your most precious asset: your time. Bring your family to a local soup kitchen, food bank, or homeless shelter. Tutor less-privileged children in your city. Help the elderly with groceries or in-home care. There are more resources than ever to help you contribute beyond yourself in a meaningful way; just do an Internet search for volunteer opportunities in your area. Whatever you do to build your contribution muscle, it needn"t be grandiose; it need only contribute to someone else"s life. If you do this for a few weeks, you"ll realize that your financial problems are tiny compared to many of the problems in the world around you. By discovering the smallness of your financial woes, you"ll feel empowered to take massive action and beat the crap out of your relatively miniature problems. In a short period of time—two or three years—your entire life can radically transform from what it is today. All it takes is a plan (which you now have), determination (i.e., turning your shoulds into musts), and consistent action in the right direction. You are now equipped with a recipe to make outstanding financial changes. You are obviously welcome to add your own ingredients to taste, but when it comes to true financial freedom, these five ingredients—budget, invest, eliminate debt, minimize, contribute—are nonnegotiable. All five are necessary. Yes, you still have a considerable amount of research and planning and hard work ahead of you; but most important, you have to take action today. Diligence is paramount.
2023-08-09 01:06:361


【 #英语口语# 导语】将英语口语的训练拓展到生活的方方面面,就像我们平时用汉语说话那样广泛普遍。只要是学过的单词、学过的语法,只要我们可以用英语进行交谈就多说多交流多切磋,这样的学习才能“培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音语调基础”,那么拖布英语口语怎么说呢?以下是由 整理发布,一起来了解下吧! 【篇一】拖布英语口语怎么说   mop   sawdust   例句:   I " ll get the mop and bucket   我去拿拖布和桶。   You think her hair look like a wet dust mop , go on and tell her so . i do   如果你觉得他的头发像个又湿又脏的拖布,那就像我这样,告诉她好了   Use a floorcloth without dripping to mop in the direction of the floor , and try to avoid a sharp increase of water content   用不滴水的拖布顺地板方向拖擦,避免含水率剧增。   Use a floorcloth without dripping to mop in the direction of the foundation line , and try to avoid a sharp increase of water content   用不滴水的拖布顺地脚线方向拖擦,避免含水率剧增。   Clean with a damp mop and neutral detergent for every month . reparation in time if the tile undermind   每月进行一次清洁,用拖布或其它工具将中性洗涤剂涂抹在地面上进行清洁,若有划痕,应修复   Non - woven products , clothing material include woolen cloth for collar bottom , feather cotton , wool chest cotton , drag cloth , brush car cloth   -羊毛领底呢弹羽棉羊毛胸棉拖布擦车布人造革基布等无纺制品 【篇二】抹布英语怎么说   rag   cloth   例句:   She went over the room with a duster .   她用抹布把房间擦得干干净净。   The garageman"s hands clutched the rag more tightly .   那个车库工人的手把抹布攒得更紧了。   We removed the accumulated filth of years from it with a cloth-brush .   我们用抹布擦去了它上面的积垢。   Give the furniture a rub with the dust cloth before the guests arrive .   在客人到达以前,用抹布把家具擦一擦!   The waiter nodded his head and swept the crumbs from the table with the cloth .   侍者点点头,用抹布揩掉桌上的面包屑。   A waiter came with a cloth and picked up the glasses and mopped off the table .   一个侍者拿着一块抹布走过来,捡起杯子,擦净桌子。   The mop absorbed all the water that was on the floor   抹布将地上的水都吸干了。   You have a vinyl tablecloth on your kitchen table   你的厨房桌子上有一条抹布 【篇三】拖把英语怎么说   mop   ◇拖把柄 mopstick   例句:   Luckily, there is a mop in the corner .   还算凑巧,墙角有一个拖把。   You try to take my mop . you try to take my floor   你在用我的拖把你在拖我的地板   Floor mops should not be used for cleaning the vomitus   -切勿以拖把清理呕吐物。   That " s gonna stain . we " re gonna need a mop   这会沾污地板的。我们需要一个拖把。   - i have a mop , ryan . - you " ve got a mop , bro   -我有拖把了ryan -你有拖把了兄弟   I have a mop , ryan . - you " ve got a mop , bro   我有拖把了ryan -你有拖把了兄弟   Ann soaked up the water on the floor with a mop   小安用拖把将地板上的水吸乾。   We could use a sponge , a towel or a mop   我们可以用一块海绵、一条毛巾或一只拖把。 【篇四】拖地用英语怎么说   to mothe floor   tomopthefloor   例句:   She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground .   她穿着一身拖地长裙。   I swept, mopped, dusted .   我扫地、拖地、擦灰。   The gentleman he addressed got up, saying in an indolent way, "oh really?" and dawdled to the hearthrug where mr. bounderby stood .   他所叫的这位绅士站了起来,懒洋洋地说道:“呵,真的吗?”然后又慢拖拖地走到壁炉前,庞得贝正站在那儿的地毯上。   Tidy away long cables and clear passage ways   收拾好过长的拖地电线,弃掉多馀杂物   Mop the floors , spank the brat , pick up the paycheck on friday   拖地,管小孩,星期五拿支票   Tina : ok , but we have to sweep and mop the floor first   蒂娜:好,但我们必须先扫地和拖地。   Then she went back to cleaning the floor   然后辛普森太太继续拖地。
2023-08-09 01:06:431

求翻译一下这篇课文 急急急 拜托大家

2023-08-09 01:06:501


Finding Balance Between Work and Life 在工作和生活中间找到平衡 After the illness, then death, of a close family friend within a much too short six week period of time, I began to ponder the fragility of life and the limited time we have here on earth… When faced withour own mortality, many of us wonder if we have made the right choicesabout our lives and what other paths we could have chosen. 在短短的六个星期内,经历了一个亲朋好友的病痛,死亡之后,我就开始思考生命的脆弱,以及我们到底有多少有限的时间。当我们面临死亡的那一刻,我们中的大部分人都想知道在一生中做出的选择是否都是正确的,如若不然,我们还有些什么样的其他选择。 Consider Options 考虑其他的选择 It is important to takethe time to consider our options and to evaluate the choices so that wehave time to work, time to play and time to make sure our life is asfulfilling as it can be. After all, the time we do have to "get itright" is limited. Sister Jean C. Peters, CSJ says in the CSJ Newsline"I do not suggest that hard work has no place in our lives, but itcannot have the only place. A sense of leisure and a spirit of playneed space in us as well". 花一些时间去考虑、评估我们做出的选择是很重要的,因为这样我们才有时间去工作,娱乐,才能确保我们的生活过得最充实。毕竟,我们能够"做对"的时间是有限的。Jean C.Peters在CSJ新闻纵横上说:"虽然我不并不建议生命中不要努力工作,但是努力工作也不应该占据生活中的唯一位置。我们也需要一点悠闲的时间,一种游戏的精神。"Achieve Balance 达到平衡 How do we achievebalance in our lives? It takes planning and it takes action. A friendof mine recently downgraded her job, cut her hours (and her paycheck)so she could pick up her daughter from school several times a week. Itwasn"t easy, but, she set up a budget and, with planning, calculatedhow she could live on her reduced income. 在生活中我们怎么才能达到平衡呢?要有计划和行动。最近我有一位朋友,减少了自己的工作量,工作时间和薪水,为的是每周有时间去学校接女儿放学。这是很不容易的,但是她制定了一份预算计划,合理地分配了符合缩水后薪水的生活消费。 Flexible Work Options 灵活的工作选择 Flexibleschedule is another option. Working some hours in the office and somehours at home allows for more time with the family. Spending some of mywork hours at home has benefited my employer - we now have emailcoverage on evenings and weekends rather than strictly during officehours. For those of us who do work from home setting limits isimportant. For some telecommuters, designated office hours have helpedmanage their time. Job Sharing is an another alternative - two peoplecan often share one position.
2023-08-09 01:06:581


翻译成英文是Agency tax reporting下图是翻译截图
2023-08-09 01:07:181


Do you hate it when you really need money, but your wallet is empty? Well, thanks to spending wisely and saving, this can be stopped. Here are a few tips:1 Most people spend above their limit by using credit cards. Learn and know how to eliminate these debt pits by budgeting wisely and sticking to it. Pay on time. Pay your balance on or before they are due to avoid late fees. It will also prevent the raise of your interest rates. Try pay cash instead of breaking your budget with the swipe of plastic object.2 Save more by making a percentage of your paycheck to a savings account. Find for the best deal. While your bank may offer a 1%-2% interest rate, online banking institutions can offer as much as 5%.3 Sometimes your paycheck just doesn"t cut it. In these situations, you may consider relying on lending options, i.e. short-term payday loan.You borrow only the amount you can pay back. Keep in mind, the interest rate for emergency cash advances are much lower than bounced check fees, high-rate credit cards or NSF fees.4 There are resources for those who need help with money or credit issues. Research online for tips on how to live smart and save. Consult a credit counselor, visit the finance section from the library or bookstore, or share your situation with family and close friends or family.
2023-08-09 01:07:311

求翻译一下这篇课文 急急急 拜托大家

2023-08-09 01:07:391


1.Money and HappinessPhilosophers rarely necessary because of the money because they believe that money can bring happiness is very limited. As Epicurus said: more money will not be more than happy to make money has been achieved limited level. Whether this understanding, it is because they have another way to enjoy a happy, have a mind. It is the joy and spirit of comparison, the material can bring the joy of showing its limited only to the spirit of happiness can be unlimited. Therefore, the sage is a common feature: on the one hand, as happy to see the limited material, the material will be able to at least enable them to meet; On the other hand, because the spirit of boundless desire to be happy, no amount of material does not allow them to meet(金钱和快乐 哲学家很少的钱,因为他们相信金钱可以带来幸福是很有限的。像伊壁鸠鲁说:更多的钱不会很乐意让钱已经取得了有限的水平。这是否理解,这是因为他们有另一种方式去享受幸福,有一个想法。它的欢乐和精神的比较,可以带来欢乐的材料只显示出它的精神可以无限快乐。因此,圣人是一种常见的特征:一方面,高兴地看到这个有限的资料,资料能够使他们能够满足最少;另一方面,因为圣灵的无限的快乐,再多的资料不允许他们见面)2.Everyone needs a few luxuries to be happy.A six-figure income affords a family many pleasures-- a more luxurious home, perhaps a trip to Disneyland or a fancier car. But do such things make you happier?Pleasure is not the same as happiness. Pleasure is a temporary release.Happiness comes from experiences in which one"s mental and emotional energies are invested.Just as happy families value pleasures that involve personal effort, so they value possessions that have personal meaning, like Grandma"s wedding ring. Unhappy people,however, are more likely to prize possessions because of their cost or utility, a car that handles well or an expensive necklace. Happiness is a permanent vacation.Would you quit your job if you didn" t need the money?Many Americans said quitting work was an important reason to be rich. Yet researchers find that work is one of life"s chief satisfactions for people.A job, studies show, is more than a paycheck. Doing something well can increase confidence and self-worth.(每个人都需要一些奢侈品要快乐。 6位数的收入提供一个家庭的许多乐趣——一个更豪华的家园,或者一个去迪斯尼乐园的旅行或一个更漂亮的车。但做这样的事情会让你感到开心吗? 快乐是不一样的幸福。快乐是一种暂时释放。 幸福来自经验的精神和情感能量的投资。 正如幸福的家庭价值的享乐,涉及个人的努力,所以他们价值的财产,如有个人的意义,奶奶的结婚戒指。然而,不幸的人更容易珍藏,因为他们的费用或工具,处理好一辆昂贵的项链或。 幸福是一种永久性的假期。 你会辞职,如果你根本不需要钱吗许多美国人说戒烟的工作是一项重要的原因是丰富的。不过,调查人员发现,工作是生活中的主要满足感的人。 一份工作,研究表明,不仅仅是一种薪水。做些好能增加信心与自我价值感。)3.A big raise would make you happy.If jobs are so important, wouldn"t salary size be a gauge of job satisfaction? Americans think so. A survey found that almost 70 percent of the respondents said they would be happier if their families had twice as much household income. Yet studies show that job satisfaction comes less from how much people earn than from the challenge of their jobs and the control they are able to exert. Work that doesn"t engage a person will never seem rewarding, no matter how lucrative it becomes.(一个大的提高会让你快乐。 如果工作是非常重要的,不会是一个表的薪水大小的工作满意吗?美国人是这样认为的。一项调查显示,70%的受访者表示他们会更快乐,如果他们的家人有两倍的家庭收入。但研究表明工作满足感少挣多少人从他们的工作和挑战的控制,他们都能发挥作用。工作,引不起的人永远不会似乎是有益的,无论多么有利揭下了。它变小了。)4. Nothing comforts like cash.In times of crisis--a debilitating illness or loss of one"s home--money can come in pretty handy. But for all its benefits, it cannot fortify you against the inevitable pain and sadness that follow the crisis. For that, researchers say, you need close friendships. "Human beings are hard-wired to be social animals". "They"re not built to handle things alone."(没有感到安慰的现金。 在危机时刻——一种破坏性疾病或丧失家园——钱可以很方便。但是它的好处,它不能提高你对不可避免的痛苦和悲伤,遵循的危机。那,研究人员说,你需要密切友谊。“人类天生是群居动物。”“他们不是建成单枪匹马。”)
2023-08-09 01:07:481


2023-08-09 01:07:593