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2023-08-14 11:56:58
TAG: 金属


金属是晶体,在晶体内部金属离子按序排列。当不存在外电场时,金属离子可以在品格内通过空位而变换位置,这种金属离子运动称为自扩散。因为任一靠近邻近空位的离子有相同的概率和空位交换位置,所以自扩散的结果并不产生质量输运。当有直流电流通过金属导体时,由于电场的作用就使金属离子产生定向运动,即金属离子的迁移现象。电迁移伴随着质量的输运。 所谓金属电迁移失效,通常是指金属层因金属离子的迁移在局部区域由质量堆积(Pileup)而出现小丘(Hillock s)或品须,或由质量亏损出现空洞(Voids)而造成的器件或互连性能退化或失效。通常在高温、强电场下引起。不同的金属产生金属化电迁移的条件是不同的。




您好:无效双语对照词典结果:void[英][vu0254u026ad][美][vu0254u026ad]adj.空的,空虚的,没人住的; (职位)空缺着的; 无效的; n.太空,宇宙空间; 空位,空隙; 空虚感,寂寞的心情; vt.使无效; 宣布…作废; 取消; 排泄; 第三人称单数:voids过去分词:voided复数:voids现在进行时:voiding过去式:voided以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Peer-to-peer websites have filled the void. 对等网站已经填补了空白。----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-08-08 23:45:231

solder mask lpi 是什么东西

solder mask就是阻焊层,是为了把焊盘露出来用的,也就是通常说的绿油层,实际上就是在绿油层上挖孔,把焊盘等不需要绿油盖住的地方露出来(俗称开窗...)Solder层是要把PAD露出来....voids就是过孔...solder mask voids 就是开了窗的过孔呗...一般很多电源过孔会开窗...CGND过孔会开窗....
2023-08-08 23:45:451


八面体间隙和四面体间隙是固体材料中原子或离子之间的空隙或间隔。它们的区别在于原子或离子排列的方式和空隙的形状。八面体间隙(Octahedral Voids):八面体间隙是指由于八面体排列的原子或离子而形成的空隙。在八面体结构中,一个中心原子或离子被六个邻近原子或离子所包围,形成一个八面体结构。八面体间隙位于八面体的中心,形状类似于一个小的八面体。八面体间隙通常由较大的离子填充。四面体间隙(Tetrahedral Voids):四面体间隙是指由于四面体排列的原子或离子而形成的空隙。在四面体结构中,一个中心原子或离子被四个邻近原子或离子所包围,形成一个四面体结构。四面体间隙位于四面体的中心,形状类似于一个小的四面体。四面体间隙通常由较小的离子填充。总结起来,八面体间隙由八面体排列的原子或离子形成,形状类似于一个小的八面体,而四面体间隙由四面体排列的原子或离子形成,形状类似于一个小的四面体。这些间隙的存在对于描述晶体结构和理解物质的性质具有重要意义。
2023-08-08 23:45:541

铸件阀门中,有个缺陷 叫 砂气孔。。 请问各位大虾门 ,这个怎么翻译成英文。 机器翻译不要。。万分感谢

wash and blowhole,你可以咨询下洛阳冠宁,专业做阀门的。
2023-08-08 23:46:033

brep with voids是什么意思?

2023-08-08 23:46:111


浴火银河2》全高清版Windows将于2012年8年推出,除了以盒装发售外,更可于Steam 及Origin下载 。   在《浴火银河2》中,玩家可扮演太空雇佣兵Keith T. Maxwell,透过驾驶太空船,执行一系列的任务,击退外星种族Voids,以保持星系间的和平。   游戏以太空战争为主轴,结合商品购买系统,玩家可通过买卖超过170种的商品,协助完成各项太空任务。华丽和逼真的太空背境,超过100个各有特色的太空站,与20多个星系,为您的太空冒险旅程提供了广阔的平台。种类繁多的武器,如冲击枪、自动攻击大炮、激光枪,是您执行太空任务的最佳装备。   《浴火银河2》以故事形式串连,剧情引人入胜,配合细致的3D画面,加上高流畅度,为玩家打造一个崭新的太空游戏体验。 游戏简介  能力超卓的太空冒险家Keith T. Maxwell在银河上面对强劲而神秘的对手:外星种族。当他逐步揭开此外星种族的神秘面纱时,他已身入虎穴,将自己的性命抛于脑后。立刻加入这跨越不同星系的冒险旅程,与Keith一起经历当中的挑战及乐趣,包括震撼的爆炸场面、太空盗的侵袭、与外星种族的激烈交战,整个旅程中还交织著浪漫的邂逅。 游戏剧情  故事的主人公周旋在四个太空种族的战争之间,他们分别为Terran、Mido、Nivelian及Vossk。由于一个驱动器的故障,使太空冒险英雄Keith T. Maxwell穿越了时间及空间,当他醒来后,他处身35年后的银河某一角落,并意识到在这段时间内,四周的环境已改变了很多,今非昔比。无情的外敌Voids正袭击太空,并利用高端的虫洞技术劫掠四个种族的货舰及护航舰。不同种族之间的局势持续紧张,Keith是唯一一个能拯救太空的人。
2023-08-08 23:46:201


2023-08-08 23:46:421


windows下面最简单的办法就是调用:x0dx0asystem("color F0");x0dx0a这样就黑底白字了!!!x0dx0a以下是color命令的帮助:x0dx0a设置默认的控制台前景和背景颜色。x0dx0ax0dx0aCOLOR [attr]x0dx0ax0dx0a attr 指定控制台输出的颜色属性x0dx0ax0dx0a颜色属性由两个十六进制数字指定 -- 第一个为背景,第二个则为x0dx0a前景。每个数字可以为以下任何值之一:x0dx0ax0dx0a 0 = 黑色 8 = 灰色x0dx0a 1 = 蓝色 9 = 淡蓝色x0dx0a 2 = 绿色 A = 淡绿色x0dx0a 3 = 浅绿色 B = 淡浅绿色x0dx0a 4 = 红色 C = 淡红色x0dx0a 5 = 紫色 D = 淡紫色x0dx0a 6 = 黄色 E = 淡黄色x0dx0a 7 = 白色 F = 亮白色x0dx0ax0dx0a如果没有给定任何参数,该命令会将颜色还原到 CMD.EXE 启动时x0dx0a的颜色。这个值来自当前控制台窗口、/T 命令行开关或x0dx0aDefaultColor 注册表值。x0dx0ax0dx0a如果用相同的前景和背景颜色来执行 COLOR 命令,COLOR 命令x0dx0a会将 ERRORLEVEL 设置为 1。x0dx0ax0dx0a例如: "COLOR fc" 在亮白色上产生亮红色x0dx0ax0dx0a如果你不想用color来做那么x0dx0ax0dx0aTC 下可以这么做:x0dx0a在开始的时候要调用graphics.h这个头文件x0dx0ax0dx0a setbackcolor() 设置背景颜色函数x0dx0ax0dx0a功能: 函数setbackcolor()把当前调色板颜色的第一个值改成指定的颜色值,以设置背景颜色。x0dx0a用法: 此函数调用方式为void setbackcolor(int color);x0dx0a说明: 参数color为指定的背景色,其有效值可以是颜色符号名,也可以是色彩值。表1-8列出了背景颜色供选取。x0dx0ax0dx0a表1-8 背景颜色值x0dx0a-----------------------------------------------------------------x0dx0a 颜色符号名 色彩值 颜色符号名 色彩值x0dx0a-----------------------------------------------------------------x0dx0a BLACK(黑色) 0 DARKGRAY(深灰) 8x0dx0a BLUE(蓝色) 1 LIGHTBLUE(淡蓝) 9x0dx0a GREEN(绿色) 2 LIGHTGREEN(淡绿) 10x0dx0a CYAN(青色) 3 LIGHTCYAN(淡青) 11x0dx0a RED(红色) 4 LIGHTRED(淡红) 12x0dx0a MAGENTA(品红) 5 LIGHTMAGENTA(粉红) 13x0dx0a BROWN(棕色) 6 YELLOW(黄色) 14x0dx0a LIGHTGRAY(淡灰) 7 WHITE(白色) 15x0dx0a-----------------------------------------------------------------x0dx0a 调用该函数,将改变整个屏幕的颜色,如果新的背景色与原来屏幕的图形颜色相同,尽管图形信息不会丢失,但是看不见图形了。如果所选背景色为对比鲜明的颜色,看不见的图形就会重新清晰地显现出来。x0dx0ax0dx0a 这个函数的头文件为graphics.hx0dx0ax0dx0a返回值: 无x0dx0ax0dx0a例: 把背景色置为淡蓝色x0dx0ax0dx0a setbackcolor(LIGHTBLUE);x0dx0ax0dx0a设置前景色(文字颜色)x0dx0a setcolor() 设置颜色函数x0dx0ax0dx0a功能: 函数setcolor()设置当前绘图颜色(或称做前景色)。x0dx0a用法: 该函数调用方式为voids setcolor(int color);x0dx0a说明: 参数color为选择的当前绘图颜色。在高分辨率显示模式下,选取的color是实际色彩值,也可以用颜色符号名表示。如果已经摇篮函数setpalette()改变了调色板色彩值,那么符号名就不可能产生预期作用了。x0dx0a 在低分辨率显示模式(320X200)下,选取的color是调色板颜色号,不是实际色彩值。x0dx0a 此函数相应的头文件为graphics.hx0dx0a返回值: 无x0dx0ax0dx0a例: 设置16种不同的颜色,显示16段直线:x0dx0ax0dx0a#includex0dx0avoid main()x0dx0a{x0dx0a int driver,mode;x0dx0a int i;x0dx0a driver=DETECT;x0dx0a mode=0;x0dx0a initgraph(&driver,&mode,"");x0dx0a moveto(0,200);x0dx0a for(i=0;i<16;i++)x0dx0a {x0dx0a setcolor(i);x0dx0a linerel(20,0);x0dx0a }x0dx0a getch();x0dx0a restorecrtmode();x0dx0a}x0dx0ax0dx0aVC 下面可以用x0dx0aSetConsoleTextAttribute这个Window SDK API
2023-08-08 23:46:491


一般来说X-Ray照出来的影像都只是简单的2D投影画面,用它来检查短路很容易,但用它来检查空焊就难倒了不少人,因为每苛求看起来都是圆的,实在看不出来有没有空焊。BGA锡球变大造成空焊首先想想同一个BGA IC的锡球应该都是一样的大小,其中如果有些锡球是空焊,有些球是焊锡完整,那这两种焊锡的形状是否会有些不一样?答案是肯定的,试想同样体积的锡球经过压缩后,好的焊锡会有一部份锡球的锡分散到PCB的焊垫(pad)而使焊球变小;有空焊的锡球则不会,锡球经过压缩后反而会使锡球变大。导通孔(vias)导至锡量不足的空焊另外一种空焊现象是锡量不足,这种现象通常发生在焊垫有导通孔(via)的时候,因为锡球流经回流焊(Reflow)时部分的锡会因为毛细现象(wicking)流进导通孔而造成锡量不足,有时候导通孔在焊垫旁也会造成这样的问题。这时候从X-Ray上看出来的球体就会变小,锡量被导通孔吃到掉太多就会空焊。通常我们不建议导通孔做在焊垫上,焊垫旁的导通孔也要用绿漆(solder mask)盖起来锡球内有气泡产生空焊还有一种BGA空焊形成的原因是锡球中有气泡(voids),根据IPC7095的规范,一般电子业适用于 Class 1 ,其所有气泡的孔直径加起来,不可以超过BGA直径的60%。 如果气泡太大就会造成空焊或焊锡断裂的现象。Class1:适用于一般消费性电子产品。BGA的气泡要求要不得大于60%(直径)或36%(面积)。Class2:适用于商业/工业用的电子产品。BGA的气泡要求要不得大于42%(直径)或20.25%(面积)。Class3:适用于军用/医疗用的电子产品。
2023-08-08 23:47:191

以“How to protect ourselves in an earthquake”为题,写一

2023-08-08 23:47:302


Secondly, child, I hope that you are a pragmatic person. Life is too short, and there are too many fake things in the world, you can get dazzled very easily, and at last achieve nothing. If you were a pretty girl, there would be many boys doting you when you were young, which causes you to get things too easily, and this would put you in shallowness and pretense; If you were an extraordinarily smart boy, you would think that you could achieve many great things and be put in frivolousness. Remember that everyone has his or her own limits. Living in this world, it is enough to do just one thing well. Writing a good book, being a good housewife.Do not underestimate ordinary people, do not be opportunistic, do not tackle something that you cannot do. You will know when you grow up, doing something well is too hard, but do not ever give up. You have to learn to cherish love. Whether it"s a man or a woman, a family or a friend, to have met them was not easy. You will have many misunderstandings and conflicts when making friends, but you should think, the world is so big, how many people will you find that will walk with you throughout your life? You have to understand that friends will someday leave you. If there is someone that will stay by your side, listen to you, talk to you, you should be grateful. You should love yourself and love others, you have to know others and know yourself. Your heart should be as soft as the riverflow, your eyes should be as enchanting as the spring. You should learn to cry, learn to sit alone in the dark and listen to music. You should learn to appreciate tragedies, for they can enrich your soul. No matter how the world changes, the qualities of a man remain unchanged : upright, brave, independant. I hope that you are an outstanding person.PS: 不知道“墙内墙外”是否理解正确, 我理解为“亲人或不是亲人”
2023-08-08 23:47:404


Crystal system given = triclinicShort Inter D-H..H-D H4WA .. H3WA .. 1.88 AngD-H Without Acceptor O3W - H3WB ... Please CheckD-H Without Acceptor O5W - H5WA ... Please CheckD-H Without Acceptor O5W - H5WB ... Please CheckStructure Contains Solvent Accessible VOIDS of . 124 Ang3C类错误_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full Low ....... 0.978 NoteMinimum Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error) ... Please CheckMedium Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error) ... Please CheckMaximum Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error) ... Please CheckRatio of Maximum / Minimum Residual Density .... 2.60 Why ?Low Bond Precision on C-C Bonds ............... 0.0153 Ang.Short Inter D-H..H-D H1WB .. H4WB .. 2.10 Ang.
2023-08-08 23:47:471

求翻译:采矿专业英语。 Cut-and-fill mining

2023-08-08 23:47:551


2023-08-08 23:48:151


2023-08-08 23:48:256


2023-08-08 23:48:391


2023-08-08 23:48:481


2023-08-08 23:48:596


2023-08-08 23:49:242

PCB中 solder mask voids 是什么意思

2023-08-08 23:50:273


我只有周六有空英文:I"m only free on Saturday 。我的周末英语作文一:I am going to have a wonderful weekend.My best friend invited me to her birthday Party which will not end until Saturday noon.Then, I will spend the rest of the day hanging out in the mall with my cousin.On Sunday, we are leaving for the country to visit my grandparents.I haven"t visit them for a long time and I miss them very much.I really look forward to my weekend.我的周末英语作文二:most people have their own plans for the weekend, especially our students。 for example, when wanla when homework! when cram schools, etc。, are included in the schedule。 occasionally, of course, the plan will be broken, people do not often any brains scheme can not change fast。of course, i am no exception。 every friday night, i caught the mother came home, his shoes, voids, and quickly put the package lists a weekend plan to, in order to play for a computer。often, i would think, if the learning so they must attack, so efforts to seize the moment, there is no need to worry good results? after the game had finished addiction, the mother began urging me homework, though only the span of a few minutes, my mother can not be let go。 ten p。m。 to half past ten, is back english time after time to turn off the lights to sleep。
2023-08-08 23:50:462


电迁移通常是指在电场的作用下导电离子运动造成元件或电路失效的现象。分别为发生在相邻导体表面的如常见的银离子迁移和发生在金属导体内部的金属化电子迁移。 铝导线的电迁移是金属化电子迁移。 金属是晶体,在晶体内部金属离子按序排列。当不存在外电场时,金属离子可以在品格内通过空位而变换位置,这种金属离子运动称为自扩散。因为任一靠近邻近空位的离子有相同的概率和空位交换位置,所以自扩散的结果并不产生质量输运。当有直流电流通过金属导体时,南于电场的作用就使金属离子产生定向运动,即金属离子的迁移现象。电迁移伴随着质量的输运。 所谓金属电迁移失效,通常是指金属层因金属离子的迁移在局部区域由质量堆积(Pileup)而出现小丘(Hillock s)或品须,或由质量亏损出现空洞(Voids)而造成的器件或互连性能退化或失效。通常在高温、强电场下引起。不同的金属产生金属化电迁移的条件是不同的。
2023-08-08 23:51:161


2023-08-08 23:51:276


请以这份为准 可以用以下其一: 请以这份为准 因上一份内容有错误 Please treat this document as correct as there are mistakes in the contents of the previous one. 请以这份为准 不要理会上一份 Please refer only to this document and ignore the previous one. 2012-02-07 18:37:17 补充: This document supersedes the previous one.本文件取代以前那一份。似乎没有「请以这份为准」的全部意思。 "上一份有错 所以这份准确"是不同于"以新版文件取代过气了的旧版本*"。所以译法不同才表达得出来。 *例可参考slideshare/Dominque23/october-2006-this-document-supersedes-all-previous-versions w3/TR/x11/ byc8111,您曾经接触过 *** 部门要把些之前发出的文件取替吗?因为这个字眼 *** 部门会较为常用,而我也曾经接触过,所以才知道。(supersede 是指代替、取代、接替、废弃等意思) I"m sorry my last document appeared to have some mistakes. This is theUpdated and official document. I"m sorry for any inconvenience caused. 参考: Myself This is the official copy and voids all previous versions of the document. 「请以这份为准」 This supersedes all previous document(s). or This corrected document supersedes all previous documents. 2012-02-07 17:44:01 补充: 苗克阿肯 how r u ? Yeah superseded me "took place of....." It"s a very mon word to use & not only the . issue exclusively. I believe this is the right word to use for this question. 参考: Self
2023-08-08 23:51:491


2023-08-08 23:51:581

输入实部和虚部,求该复数 C语言

楼上几位光说不写~~~~~~~#includevoidsddf(intx1,inty1,intx2,inty2);voidsubf(intx1,intx2,inty1,inty2);voidmulf(intx1,intx2,inty1,inty2);voidprtf(inta,intb);voidmain(){intx1,y1,x2,y2;printf("输入复数a的实部x1=");scanf("%d",&x1);printf("输入复数a的虚部y1=");scanf("%d",&y1);printf("输入复数b的实部x2=");scanf("%d",&x2);printf("输入复数b的虚部y2=");scanf("%d",&y2);printf(" ");sddf(x1,y1,x2,y2);subf(x1,y1,x2,y2);mulf(x1,y1,x2,y2);}voidprtf(inta,intb)/*输出函数*/{printf("%d",a);printf("+");printf("(%d",b);printf("i) ");}voidsddf(intx1,inty1,intx2,inty2)/*加运算*/{inta,b;a=x1+x2;b=y1+y2;printf("复数之和为:");prtf(a,b);}voidsubf(intx1,intx2,inty1,inty2)/*减运算*/{inta,intb;a=x1-x2;b=y1-y2;printf("复数之差为");prtf(a,b);}voidmulf(intx1,intx2,inty1,inty2)/*乘积运算*/{inta,b;a=x1*x2-y1*y2;b=x1*y2+x2*y1;printf("复数之积为:");prtf(a,b);}
2023-08-08 23:52:091


windows下面最简单的办法就是调用:system("color F0");这样就黑底白字了!!!以下是color命令的帮助:设置默认的控制台前景和背景颜色。COLOR [attr] attr 指定控制台输出的颜色属性颜色属性由两个十六进制数字指定 -- 第一个为背景,第二个则为前景。每个数字可以为以下任何值之一: 0 = 黑色 8 = 灰色 1 = 蓝色 9 = 淡蓝色 2 = 绿色 A = 淡绿色 3 = 浅绿色 B = 淡浅绿色 4 = 红色 C = 淡红色 5 = 紫色 D = 淡紫色 6 = 黄色 E = 淡黄色 7 = 白色 F = 亮白色如果没有给定任何参数,该命令会将颜色还原到 CMD.EXE 启动时的颜色。这个值来自当前控制台窗口、/T 命令行开关或DefaultColor 注册表值。如果用相同的前景和背景颜色来执行 COLOR 命令,COLOR 命令会将 ERRORLEVEL 设置为 1。例如: "COLOR fc" 在亮白色上产生亮红色如果你不想用color来做那么TC 下可以这么做:在开始的时候要调用graphics.h这个头文件 setbackcolor() 设置背景颜色函数功能: 函数setbackcolor()把当前调色板颜色的第一个值改成指定的颜色值,以设置背景颜色。用法: 此函数调用方式为void setbackcolor(int color);说明: 参数color为指定的背景色,其有效值可以是颜色符号名,也可以是色彩值。表1-8列出了背景颜色供选取。表1-8 背景颜色值----------------------------------------------------------------- 颜色符号名 色彩值 颜色符号名 色彩值----------------------------------------------------------------- BLACK(黑色) 0 DARKGRAY(深灰) 8 BLUE(蓝色) 1 LIGHTBLUE(淡蓝) 9 GREEN(绿色) 2 LIGHTGREEN(淡绿) 10 CYAN(青色) 3 LIGHTCYAN(淡青) 11 RED(红色) 4 LIGHTRED(淡红) 12 MAGENTA(品红) 5 LIGHTMAGENTA(粉红) 13 BROWN(棕色) 6 YELLOW(黄色) 14 LIGHTGRAY(淡灰) 7 WHITE(白色) 15----------------------------------------------------------------- 调用该函数,将改变整个屏幕的颜色,如果新的背景色与原来屏幕的图形颜色相同,尽管图形信息不会丢失,但是看不见图形了。如果所选背景色为对比鲜明的颜色,看不见的图形就会重新清晰地显现出来。 这个函数的头文件为graphics.h返回值: 无例: 把背景色置为淡蓝色 setbackcolor(LIGHTBLUE);设置前景色(文字颜色) setcolor() 设置颜色函数功能: 函数setcolor()设置当前绘图颜色(或称做前景色)。用法: 该函数调用方式为voids setcolor(int color);说明: 参数color为选择的当前绘图颜色。在高分辨率显示模式下,选取的color是实际色彩值,也可以用颜色符号名表示。如果已经摇篮函数setpalette()改变了调色板色彩值,那么符号名就不可能产生预期作用了。 在低分辨率显示模式(320X200)下,选取的color是调色板颜色号,不是实际色彩值。 此函数相应的头文件为graphics.h返回值: 无例: 设置16种不同的颜色,显示16段直线:#include<graphics.h>void main(){ int driver,mode; int i; driver=DETECT; mode=0; initgraph(&driver,&mode,""); moveto(0,200); for(i=0;i<16;i++) { setcolor(i); linerel(20,0); } getch(); restorecrtmode();}VC 下面可以用SetConsoleTextAttribute这个Window SDK API
2023-08-08 23:52:181


sts that sagged like sacks of suet covered with
2023-08-08 23:52:383


Crystal system given = triclinicShort Inter D-H..H-D H4WA .. H3WA .. 1.88 AngD-H Without Acceptor O3W - H3WB ... Please CheckD-H Without Acceptor O5W - H5WA ... Please CheckD-H Without Acceptor O5W - H5WB ... Please CheckStructure Contains Solvent Accessible VOIDS of . 124 Ang3C类错误_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full Low ....... 0.978 NoteMinimum Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error) ... Please CheckMedium Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error) ... Please CheckMaximum Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error) ... Please CheckRatio of Maximum / Minimum Residual Density .... 2.60 Why ?Low Bond Precision on C-C Bonds ............... 0.0153 Ang.Short Inter D-H..H-D H1WB .. H4WB .. 2.10 Ang.
2023-08-08 23:52:501

under the gravel skies 歌词

歌曲名:under the gravel skies歌手:charlotte martin专辑:veinsIf you"re gone, I can still hear your voiceLittle voids making an anti-noisePowerless, I need to rest a whileYou were indelicate on my mindBut out of the black poolsI"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveDo you dare there to give me your eyes?Kissing me under the gravel skiesWon"t feel right if I run after youBut I know one of us has to moveBut out of the black poolsI"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveCause I still love youI"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveStay a whileStay til forever endsDont give upLet the desire sink inIn this room: a door to the open roadIn this room: lovers cannot let goBut out of the black poolsI"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveCause I still love youI"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveOut of (out of)The black pools (the black pools)I"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveCause I (cause i)Still love you (still love you)I"ve risen upI"ve risen up above
2023-08-08 23:52:571


. 0. Please Check Structure Contains Solvent Accessible VOIDS of .Crystal system given = triclinic Short Inter D-H. Please Check Ratio of Maximum . Please Check Medium Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error) . 124 Ang3 C类错误 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full Low ..10 Ang.60 Why ..? Low Bond Precision on C-C Bonds .; Minimum Residual Density . 2. Short Inter D-H..88 Ang D-H Without Acceptor O3W - H3WB .. 0.0153 Ang..H-D H1WB Please Check D-H Without Acceptor O5W - H5WB .. 2 H4WB ..H-D H4WA . H3WA . 1. Please Check D-H Without Acceptor O5W - H5WA ..978 Note Minimum Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error) .. Please Check Maximum Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error)
2023-08-08 23:53:481


Lords and Judges(王者与审判者)Unlock all Trophies 解锁所有奖杯By the book(循规蹈矩)Find 60 audio notes 找到60个语音笔记My private stash(我的私藏)Get 12 special weapons 得到12种特殊武器Harkyn collection(Harkyn的收藏)Collected 20 armor sets 收集20套装备Way of the cleric(牧师之路)Complete the game as Cleric 以牧师职业完成游戏Way of the rogue(盗贼之路)Complete the game as Rogue 以盗贼职业完成游戏Way of the warrior(战士之路)Complete the game as Warrior 以战士职业完成游戏Against all odds(如此艰难)Defeat any Boss without taking damage 无伤打败任意一个BOSSGo breaking my heart(来伤我心)Collected 9 Tyrant Hearts 收集9个暴君之心Human skull(人类骷髅头)Collected 25 Human Skulls 收集25个人类骷髅头Only after Disaster(灾难之后)Defeat the Worshiper 打败崇拜者Not a question of can or can"t(这不是一个能或不能的问题)Defeat the Annihilator 打败歼灭者Hard shell, soft core(外强中干)Defeat the Commander 打败指挥官Thousands of candles(灯烛辉煌)Defeat the Guardian 打败守护者So that"s a Lord!(就这也算个王!)Defeat First Warden 打败第一典狱长No time for losers(永不言败)Defeat the Champion 打败捍卫者Seal the gate(封印大门)Defeat the Infiltrator 打败渗透者Anger is a gift(愤怒是一种天赋)Defeat the Beast 打败野兽Two against one(二欺一)Defeat Lost Brothers 打败失落兄弟He speaks in riddles(他用谜语说话)Meet the Blacksmith 遇到铁匠Treasure left alone(留下财宝)Loot all Treasure Chambers 搜刮所有宝箱Are you not entertained?(你不乐在其中吗?)Complete all Proving Grounds 完成所有试验场No one can hear you scream(没人能听到你叫喊)Complete all Infinite Voids 完成所有无限虚空Strong with this one(它使你强大)Unlock all spells for one class 解锁所有魔法的第一级Give him power(给他力量)Buy your first Attribute or Spell Point 购买你的第一个属性点数或魔法点数It"s bound to take your life(必取你命)Die for the first time 第一次死亡Myself again(我还是我)Retrieve lost experience by collecting your ghost 捡回灵魂,拿回经验Bookworm(书虫)Find a note that someone left behind 找到一个某人留下的笔记Extra strong(特强)Upgrade the Health Potions 升级血瓶All in(赌上所有)Defeat a boss with at least 20000 unspent experience 携带20000经验打败一个BOSSCouldn"t have done it myself(臣妾做不到)Let a boss destroy the statue during fight 在战斗中让BOSS摧毁雕像Good with weapons(善用武器)Collect all weapon types 收集到所有类型的武器Killing monsters(杀戮怪兽)Kill all types of enemies at least once 杀死所有种类的怪物各至少一次This! Is! Keystone!(这!是!重点!)Kick an enemy into his death 用踢击使一个怪物死亡He who protect us(保护我们的人)Met Antanas 遇到AntanasThe real Lords starts here(真王始于此)Entered the Rhogar realm 进入Rhogar王国Shout at the gods(怒喝神明)Met Adyr 遇到AdyrNow we"re talking(现在我来劲了)Found the Gauntlet 找到金属手套I feel lucky(我觉得幸运)Purified the sword of the unlucky grave robber 净化不幸盗墓者的剑Fool of a Tuck(一塔克的傻瓜)Throw a corpse down the bottomless pit in Catacombs 扔一具尸体到地下墓穴的无底洞Take my hand(牵手)Cut off Monk"s arm 砍掉僧侣的胳膊I saw everything(我看到了一切)Entered 15 secret rooms 进入15个秘密房间Do unto others...(己所不欲)Killed the First Warden with the Warden Greatsword 用典狱长大剑杀死第一典狱长She was the last woman here(她曾是这里的最后一个女人)Showed mercy to an imprisoned monster 宽恕一个被囚禁的怪物God is dead(神明已死)Led humans to victory 带领人类走向胜利Faith is weakness(信仰既弱点)Led Rhogar to victory 带领Rhogar走向胜利Whole world in his hands(只手遮天)Bring balance to both realms 为两个国家带来和谐
2023-08-08 23:53:551


注1。完成:亮镍铬SC2的铁/ ni20b Cr R(。0008“厚),ASTM b456-11.2。删除所有Chrome flash.3.plating是无空隙或watermarksnote1.epoxy涂层规范产品:该hx622n53系统:混合颜色:黑色partocle尺寸:35-50微米薄膜平均厚度:0.002“- 0.004”外观:sandtexgloss 4±2单位60°光泽计SG:1.49硬度:H(ASTM D3363)的影响:140in-1b 140。直接,in-1b.reverse盐雾:ASTM B117湿度:ASTM d2247conical芯:3 / 16“(ASTM d522)都是免费的2.holes环氧coating3.remove所有焊渣环氧coating4.epoxy涂层之前要无水印,水泡和污染物
2023-08-08 23:54:141


Crystal system given = triclinicShort Inter D-H..H-D H4WA .. H3WA .. 1.88 AngD-H Without Acceptor O3W - H3WB ... Please CheckD-H Without Acceptor O5W - H5WA ... Please CheckD-H Without Acceptor O5W - H5WB ... Please CheckStructure Contains Solvent Accessible VOIDS of . 124 Ang3C类错误_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full Low ....... 0.978 NoteMinimum Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error) ... Please CheckMedium Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error) ... Please CheckMaximum Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error) ... Please CheckRatio of Maximum / Minimum Residual Density .... 2.60 Why ?Low Bond Precision on C-C Bonds ............... 0.0153 Ang.Short Inter D-H..H-D H1WB .. H4WB .. 2.10 Ang.
2023-08-08 23:54:231

英文翻译 建筑类--2

仍然存在着混凝土结构今天发了言,罗马人。现代水泥是发达国家在18世纪。结合比例的金额石灰,铁,硅,氧化铝,并烧毁他们在旋转炉或窑(图6.4 )约三零零零吨创造了今天奇摩波特兰水泥。该产品从窑称为熟料。要达到最后的可用产品水泥,熟料,是地上一个很好的一致性。袋装水泥是在94 - 1B签证袋或出售由吨散装。该类型的水泥显示在表6.1 。混凝土是一种混合物,包含水泥,砂,砾石,水和添加剂,通常。水泥是材料的原因,其他的成分,坚持一个另一个。水是需要事业的水泥,以水合物。具体的不硬化干燥,但水化。总结用来制造混凝土应均匀梯度提供一个良好的T “型111的所有位之间的个别件总结。沙子将填补小位在组合。差距分级总量是有一定的颗粒大小,完全或大部分缺席。缺乏两个或两个以上的连续大小可以建立隔离的问题,与混凝土配合比。数额所用的水混合,不应过度,因为多余的水份蒸发,最终,留下小空隙,在空间,它一旦被占领。数额水是由指定的水/水泥的比例,耗水量在有关金额水泥。水/水泥的比例,是指比例按重量计算的自由水含量,以水泥的内容。它已久的接受一个低游离水/水泥的比例,在一个混凝土配合比是必不可少的具体随后的强度和耐久性。有很多不同的添加剂及他们用于多种用途,改变颜色的混凝土,以缩短或延长时间,为混凝土硬化。
2023-08-08 23:54:412


2023-08-08 23:55:053


舱底bottom of a ship"s hold例句:储罐衬里和管道用涂料:压载水舱和饮水舱;舱底、湿空舱和排水管。Tank Linings and pipe Coatings:Ballast and potable water tanks;Bilges, wet voids and drainage pipes.
2023-08-08 23:55:121


自1993年以来,共发表SCI论文90余篇。H-index: 16。近期发表的部分论文如下:[1]X. F. Li, B. Zhao, T. Zhang, H. F. He, Q. Zhang, D. W. Yang, Z. Q. Chen*, X. F. Tang, Order-disorder transition in clathrate Ba6Ge25studied by positronannihilation. Applied Surface Science, 342, 42-46 (2015)[2]N. Qi, Z. Q. Chen*, A. Uedono, Molecular motion and relaxation below glass transition temperature in poly (methyl methacrylate) studied by positron annihilation. Radiation Physics & Chemistry, 108, 81-86 (2015)[3]T. Zhang, K. Zhou, X. F. Li, Z. Q. Chen*, X. L. Su and X. F. Tang, Structural transition of partially Ba-filled thermoelectric CoSb3 investigated by positron annihilation spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Physics 117, 055103 (2015)[4]X. F. Li, Z. Q. Chen*, C. Liu, H. J. Zhang and A. Kawasuso, Enhanced damage buildup in C+-implanted GaN film studied by a monoenergetic positron beam. Journal of Applied Physics 117, 085706 (2015)[5]H. F. He, X. F. Li, Z. Q. Chen*, Y. Zheng, D. W. Yang, and X. F. Tang, Interplay between Point Defects and Thermal Conductivity of Chemically Synthesized Bi2Te3 Nanocrystals Studied by Positron Annihilation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118, 22389-22394 (2014)[6]T. Li, D. W. Liu, H. Y. Dai, H. W. Xiang, Z. P. Chen, H. F. He, Z. Q. Chen, Effect of defect on the nonlinear and dielectric property of Ca(1–x)SrxCu3Ti4O12 ceramics synthesized by sol–gel process. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 599, 145-149 (2014)[7]M. Jiang, X. D. Xue, Z. Q. Chen*, Y. D. Liu, H. W. Liang, H. J. Zhang, A. Kawasuso, Defects and acceptor centers in ZnO introduced by C+-implantation. Journal of Materials Science, 49, 1994-1999 (2014)[8]M. Jiang, L. L. Liu, Z. Wang, Z. Q. Chen*, Microstructure of ZnO-Li2CO3 compound studied by positron annihilation spectroscopy. Physca Status Solidi (a) 211, 206-212 (2014)[9]Z. W. Liu, H. J. Zhang, Z. Q. Chen*, Monolayer dispersion of CoO on Al2O3 probed by positronium atom. Applied Surface Science, 293, 326-331 (2014)[10]B. Zou, Z.Q. Chen*, C.H. Liu, J.H. Chen, Microstructure evolution of heavily deformed AA5083 Al–Mg alloy studied by positron annihilation spectroscopy. Applied Surface Science, 296, 154-157 (2014)[11]B. Zou, Z.Q. Chen*, C.H. Liu, J.H. Chen, Vacancy–Mg complexes and their evolution in early stages of aging of Al–Mg based alloys. Applied Surface Science, 298, 50-55 (2014)[12]D. D. Wang, N. Qi, M. Jiang, Z. Q. Chen*, Defects versus grain size effects on the ferromagnetism of ZrO2 nanocrystals clarified by positron annihilation, Applied Physics Letters, 102, 042407 (2013).[13]M. Jiang, D. D. Wang, Z. Q. Chen*, S. Kimura, Y. Yamashita, A. Mori, and A. Uedono, Chemical effect of Si+ ions on the implantation-induced defects in ZnO studied by a slow positron beam, Journal of Applied Physics, 113, 043506 (2013)[14]C. Y. Li, H. J. Zhang, Z. Q. Chen*, Reaction between NiO and Al2O3 in NiO/r-Al2O3 catalysts probed by positronium atom, Applied Surface Science, 266, 17-21 (2013)[15]Qi Ning, Jia Yan-Lin, Liu Hui-Qun, Yi Dan-Qing, Z. Q. Chen*, Evolution of Defects in Deformed Cu-Ni-Si Alloys during Isochronal Annealing Studied by Positron Annihilation, Chinese Physics Letters, 29, 127803 (2012)[16]H. J. Zhang, Z. Q. Chen*, and S. J. Wang, Monolayer dispersion of NiO in NiO/Al2O3 catalysts probed by positronium atom, Journal of Chemical Physics, 136, 034701 (2012)[17]M. Jiang, D. D. Wang, B. Zou, Z. Q. Chen*, A. Kawasuso, and T. Sekiguchi, Effect of high temperature annealing on defects and optical properties of ZnO single crystals, Phys. Status Solidi A 11, 2126 (2012)[18]Zhi-Yuan Chen, Z. Q. Chen*, B. Zou, X. G. Zhao, Z. Tang, and S. J. Wang, Defect mediated ferromagnetism in Ni-doped ZnO nanocrystals evidenced by positron annihilation spectroscopy, Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 083905 (2012)[19]D. D. Wang, Z. Q. Chen*, C. Y. Li, X. F. Li, C. Y. Cao, Z. Tang, Correlation between ferromagnetism and defects in MgO nanocrystals studied by positron annihilation, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 407, 2665-2669 (2012) (他引1次)[20]S. H. Huang, Z. Q. Chen*, H. J. Zhang, Three-gamma annihilation of ortho-positronium in NiO/γ-Al2O3 catalysts detected by positron lifetime and coincidence Doppler broadening measurements, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 81, 791-795 (2012)[21]Zhang Hong-Jun, Liu Zhe-Wen, Z. Q. Chen*, S. J. Wang, Chemical Quenching of Positronium in CuO/Al2O3 Catalysts, Chinese Physics letters, 28, 017802 (2011)[22]Qi Ning, Wang Yuan-Wei, Wang Dong, Wang Dan-Dan, Z. Q. Chen*, Positron annihilation study of the microstructure of Co doped ZnO nanocrystals, Acta Phys. Sin. 60, 107805 (2011)) (他引2次)[23]Zhi-Yuan Chen, Z. Q. Chen*, D. D. Wang, S. J. Wang, Correlation between interfacial defects and ferromagnetism of BaTiO3 nanocrystals studied by positron annihilation, Applied Surface Science, 258, 19-23 (2011) (他引4次)[24]Dong Wang, Z. Q. Chen*, D. D. Wang, J. Gong, C.Y. Cao, Z. Tang, L.R. Huang, Effect of thermal annealing on the structure and magnetism of Fe-doped ZnO nanocrystals synthesized by solid state reaction, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 322, 3642-3647 (2010) (他引7次)[25]C. Li, H.J. Zhang, Z. Q. Chen*, Chemical quenching of positronium in Fe2O3/Al2O3 catalysts, Applied Surface Science, 256, 6801-6804 (2010)[26]H. J. Zhang, Z. Q. Chen*, S. J. Wang, A. Kawasuso and N. Morishita, Spin conversion of positronium in NiO/Al2O3 catalysts observed by coincidence Doppler broadening technique, Phys. Rev. B 82, 035439 (2010)[27]D. Wang, Z. Q. Chen*, D. D. Wang, N. Qi, J. Gong, C. Y. Cao, and Z. Tang, Positron Annihilation study of the interfacial defects in ZnO nanocrystals: Correlation with ferromagnetism, J. Appl. Phys. 107, 023524 (2010) (他引25次)[28]D. Wang, Z. Q. Chen*, F. Zhou, W. Lu, M. Maekawa, A. Kawasuso, Ferromagnetism and microstructure in Fe+-implanted ZnO, Applied Surface Science, 255, 9371-9375 (2009) (他引3次)[29]Z. Q. Chen, K. Betsuyaku, A. Kawasuso, Vacancy defects in electron-irradiated ZnO studied by Doppler broadening of annihilation radiation, Phys. Rev. B 77, 113204 (2008) (他引16次)[30]Z. Q. Chen, M. Maekawa, A. Kawasuso, and H. Naramoto, Ion species dependence of the implantation-induced defects in ZnO studied by a slow positron beam, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 4, 3646 (2007) (他引1次)[31]X. Q. Meng, Z. Q. Chen, P. Jin, Z. G. Wang, and Long Wei, Defects around self-organized InAs quantum dots measured by slow positron beam, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 093510 (2007) (他引4次)[32]Z. Q. Chen, S. J. Wang, M. Maekawa, A. Kawasuso, H. Naramoto, X. L. Yuan, and T. Sekiguchi, Thermal evolution of defects in as-grown and electron-irradiated ZnO studied by positron annihilation, Phys. Rev. B 75, 245206 (2007) (他引37次)[33]Z. Q. Chen, A. Kawasuso, Vacancy-type defects induced by He-implantation in ZnO studied by a slow positron beam, Acta Phys. Sin. 55, 4353 (2006) (他引1次)[34]Z. Q. Chen, M. Maekawa, A. Kawasuso, S. Sakai, and H. Naramoto, Annealing process of ion-implantation-induced defects in ZnO: Chemical effect of the ion species, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 093507 (2006) (他引33次)[35]Z. Q. Chen, M. Maekawa, A. Kawasuso Energy Variable Slow Positron Beam Study of Li+-Implantation-Induced Defects in ZnO, Chinese Physics Letters, 23, 675 (2006) (他引3次)[36]Z. Q. Chen, M. Maekawa, A. Kawasuso, S. Sakai, and H. Naramoto, Electron Irradiation Induced Defects in ZnO Studied by Positron Annihilation, Physica B 376-377, 722 (2006) (他引12次)[37]Z. Q. Chen, M. Maekawa, A. Kawasuso, R. Suzuki, and T. Ohdaira, Interaction of nitrogen with vacancy defects in N+-implanted ZnO studied using a slow positron beam. Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 091910 (2005) (他引18次)[38]Z. Q. Chen, A. Kawasuso, Y. Xu, H. 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Starved Thermal on GroundPlane 在PCB中是什么意思

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Crystal system given = triclinicShort Inter D-H..H-D H4WA .. H3WA .. 1.88 AngD-H Without Acceptor O3W - H3WB ... Please CheckD-H Without Acceptor O5W - H5WA ... Please CheckD-H Without Acceptor O5W - H5WB ... Please CheckStructure Contains Solvent Accessible VOIDS of . 124 Ang3C类错误_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full Low ....... 0.978 NoteMinimum Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error) ... Please CheckMedium Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error) ... Please CheckMaximum Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error) ... Please CheckRatio of Maximum / Minimum Residual Density .... 2.60 Why ?Low Bond Precision on C-C Bonds ............... 0.0153 Ang.Short Inter D-H..H-D H1WB .. H4WB .. 2.10 Ang.
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买主知道这意向书正在发行(发行日期) atalking科技有限公司,充当他们的代表,可以向卖方的代表。 这项意向书是目前唯一活跃的意向书,并一直独家提供atalking科技股份有限公司为释放合同草案。这个意向书任何空隙和所有其他意向书,目前流通的数量和产品。 买主是美国的理解是,任何和所有的优惠和/或合同均受成功验证卖方的资金和卖方说了这样的书面许可,以进行软探针买方的账号。 (这些条文必须包含对意向书,由买方) 此致敬礼(文件必须签字买方代表) 买方的初始:卖方的缩写:
2023-08-08 23:56:003


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2023-08-08 23:56:292

void volume中文翻译

Standard test method for carbon black - void volume 炭黑压缩容积指数的标准试验方法 The damage evolution law obtained from the model is related to the void volume fraction , the void shape , as well as triaxiapty stress 进而采用hill自治方法,得到了珠光体材料宏观损伤本构描述,并发展了相应的数值方法与程序。 Influences of initial damage on development of spalpng damage have been indicated by *** yzing the distribution of void number density , the cumulative percentage of void volume and the volume fraction of the different - seize voids 通过分析孔洞数密度分布、孔洞体积累积百分比、不同大小孔洞所占体积份额的计算结果,指出初始损伤对损伤演化有直接影响。
2023-08-08 23:56:371


Crystal system given = triclinic Short Inter D-H..H-D H4WA .. H3WA .. 1.88 Ang D-H Without Acceptor O3W - H3WB Please Check D-H Without Acceptor O5W - H5WA Please Check D-H Without Acceptor O5W - H5WB Please Check Structure Contains Solvent Accessible VOIDS of . 124 Ang3 C类错误 _diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full Low . 0.978 Note Minimum Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error) Please Check Medium Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error) Please Check Maximum Crystal Dimension Missing (or Error) Please Check Ratio of Maximum / Minimum Residual Density . 2.60 Why ? Low Bond Precision on C-C Bonds 0.0153 Ang. Short Inter D-H..H-D H1WB .. H4WB .. 2.10 Ang.
2023-08-08 23:56:511


  每个计算机都至少拥有一个作业系统,那么现在主要为三足鼎立,window、Linux、Unix作业系统,当然还有其他的系统,它们分别有什么特点呢,下面由我为大家整理了简述几种计算机网路作业系统的相关知识,希望对大家有帮助!   简述几种计算机网路作业系统一Windows类   这类作业系统是由Microsoft公司开发的。微软公司的Windows系统不仅在个人作业系统中占有绝对优势,它在网路作业系统中具有非常重要的地位。在区域网中,微软的网路作业系统主要有:WindowsNT4.0Serve、Windows2000Server/AdvanceServer,以及最新的Windows2003Server/AdvanceServer等,工作站系统可以采用任一Windows或非Windows作业系统。   WindowsNT4.0系统,它几乎成为中、小型企业区域网的标准作业系统,一是它继承了Windows家族统一的介面,使用起来更加容易;二是它的功能比较强大,基本上能满足所有中、小型企业的各项网路需求。   Windows2000Server产品家族建立于强大的WindowsNT技术之上,集成了基于标准的目录、Web、应用程式、通讯、档案和列印服务。这些服务具备高可靠性和高效的管理,并且支援最新的网路硬体技术,从而提供了实现商务应用和与Internet整合的最佳基础。   简述几种计算机网路作业系统二Linux   Linux是由芬兰赫尔辛基大学的学生LinusB.TorvoIds在1992年首创,Linux是一个免费的,提供原始码的作业系统。后来在全世界各地由成千上万的Internet上的自由软体开发者协同开发,不断完善。经过7年的发展,它已经步入了成熟阶段,广泛应用到从Internet伺服器到使用者的桌面,从图形工作站到PDA的各种领域。Linux下有大量的免费应用软体,从系统工具、开发工具、网路应用,到休闲娱乐、游戏、到更多,效能价格比高。更重要的是,它是安装在个人电脑上可兼性比较高的作业系统。   它是一种新型的网路作业系统,最大的特点就是原始码开放,可以免费得到许多应用程式。目前也有中文版本的Linux,如红帽子REDHAT,红旗Linux等。在国内得到了使用者充分的肯定,主要体现在它的安全性和稳定性方面,它与Unix有许多类似之处。但目前这类作业系统仍主要应用于中、高档伺服器中。   简述几种计算机网路作业系统三Unix系统   最初的Unix作业系统是1969年由ATST贝尔实验室的汤普逊Thompson、里奇Ritchie等人在PDP-7上开发成功的16位微机作业系统。它经历了从开发、发展、不断演变和获得广泛应用以致逐渐成为工作站等小型机的标准作业系统的演变过程。   目前常用的UNIX系统版本主要有:Unix网路作业系统的版本有:ATST和SCO的UnixSVR3.2、SVR4.0和SVR4.2等。支援网路档案系统服务,提供资料等应用,功能强大,由ATST和SCO公司推出。   这种网路作业系统稳定和安全效能非常好,但由于它多数是以命令方式来进行操作的,不容易掌握,因此小型区域网基本不使用Unix作为网路作业系统,Unix一般用于大型的网站或大型的企、事业区域网中。Unix网路作业系统历史悠久,其良好的网路管理功能已为广大网路使用者所接受,拥有丰富的应用软体的支援。   相关阅读:作业系统常见故障核心知识   1、程序与执行绪   1 程序与执行绪的概念   程序:是一定功能的程式关于某个资料 *** 的一次执行活动,程序是系统进行资源排程和分配的独立单位。   执行绪:是程序的实体,是CPU排程和分派的基本单位,它是比程序更小的能独立执行的基本单位。   2 程序与执行绪的关系   a. 一个执行绪可以建立和撤销另一个执行绪,一个程序中可以多个执行绪并发执行;   b. 相对程序而言,执行绪更加接近于执行体的概念,多个执行绪可以共享同一个程序的资源,每个执行绪还有自己私有的桟空间并拥有独立的执行序列。   c. 程序有独立的地址空间,在保护模式下,程序崩溃时不会对其他程序有影响。执行绪有自己的堆桟和区域性变数,但是执行绪之间没有独立的地址空间,所以一个执行绪的死亡就相当于程序的死亡。因此,多程序的程式比多执行绪的程式具有更好的健壮性,但是程序间切换耗费资源较大,大约是执行绪间切换的十倍,所以多执行绪拥有更高的效率   执行绪和程序的区别联络:   1,程序:子程序是父程序的复制品。子程序获得父程序资料空间、堆和栈的复制品。   2,执行绪:相对与程序而言,执行绪是一个更加接近与执行体的概念,它可以与同进程的其他执行绪共享资料,但拥有自己的栈空间,拥有独立的执行序列。   两者都可以提高程式的并发度,提高程式执行效率和响应时间。   执行绪和程序在使用上各有优缺点:执行绪执行开销小,但不利于资源管理和保护;而程序正相反。同时,执行绪适合于在SMP机器上执行,而程序则可以跨机器迁移。   根本区别就一点:用多程序每个程序有自己的地址空间address space,执行绪则共享地址空间。所有其它区别都是由此而来的:   1、速度:执行绪产生的速度快,执行绪间的通讯快、切换快等,因为他们在同一个地址空间内。   2、资源利用率:执行绪的资源利用率比较好也是因为他们在同一个地址空间内。   3、同步问题:执行绪使用公共变数/记忆体时需要使用同步机制还是因为他们在同一个地址空间内   2、程序间通讯   程序间通讯主要有:管道、系统IPC讯息伫列、讯号量、共享储存和socket。   管道主要分为普通管道、流管道、命名管道。   管道是一种半双工的通讯方式,资料只能单项流动,并且只能在具有亲缘关系的程序间流动,程序的亲缘关系通常是父子程序   命名管道也是半双工的通讯方式,它允许无亲缘关系的程序间进行通讯 讯号量是一个计数器,用来控制多个程序对资源的访问,它通常作为一种锁机制。   讯息伫列是讯息的连结串列,存放在核心中并由讯息伫列识别符号标识。   讯号是一种比较复杂的通讯方式,用于通知接收程序某个事件已经发生。   共享记忆体就是对映一段能被其它程序访问的记忆体,这段共享记忆体由一个程序建立,但是多个程序可以访问。   3、缓冲区溢位   概念: 缓冲区溢位是指计算机向缓冲区填写的资料超过了缓冲区的容量,资料覆盖在其他合法区域上。   危害: 程式崩溃,导致拒绝服务;跳转并执行一段恶意程式码   注:缓冲区溢位的原因是程式设计师没有对输入资料进行检查。   4、死锁   1 概念:在两个及两个程序并发执行的过程中,有的执行绪持有了一部分资源,又在等待其他程序持有的资源,资源的互相持有和等待就导致了程序死锁。   2 死锁产生的四个条件ACID:   互斥性: 一个资源只能被一个程序持有   请求和保持:一个程序因请求资源而阻塞导致原来持有的资源得不到释放   不可剥夺: 程序未完成功能之前,不可强制释放当前所持有的资源   环路等待: 若干程序之间形成环路等待资源的情形   3 解决死锁的方法:   解决死锁的基本思路就是破坏死锁产生的四个必要条件   解决死锁的基本方法如下:   预防死锁、避免死锁、检测死锁、解除死锁   解决四多的常用策略如下:   鸵鸟策略、预防策略、避免策略、检测与解除死锁   5、程序排程的策略   FCFS先来先服务、优先顺序、时间片轮转、多级反馈   6、程序同步的方式   原子操作、讯号量、自旋锁管程、会合、分散式系统
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Dear friends:You are good! I live in * * city of a primary school student. I often see on television, because of poor children deprived of schooling. From your eyes I see the desire to learn, to the hope of a better life, so I can not forget a long time.Then a short pencil and has to hold a rubber, and it has no voids computation book, without do not touch my heart. The poor classroom, broken tables and chairs and the front of the classroom branches on the bell, all made me feel so happy. I have a bright and spacious classrooms, a new schoolbag. Such a superior environment and your environment compared to, I feel something is missing. What is missing? I think, should be a kind of spirit, a kind of keep on carving, for the spirit of progress. You are walking in the mountains from afar, a rugged road, a road muddy, in order to be able to put into the ocean of knowledge, let oneself have a better tomorrow. However, the reality is always disappointed you all once again, but we shared a great mother, it is our country. The motherland will not forget, all national grandparents, uncles and aunts have not forgotten you, and even as far as the overseas Chinese are concerned about you. All of us have a common wish, we hope that through the donor, can let you back, walked into the classroom, can let you one step closer to your ideal. Let us use our knowledge, to participate in the construction and development of our country. I believe, in the near future, impoverished area will be less and less, all the children could happily go to school.Friends in the distance, I care about you, we all take part in the "hand in hand"," a gang of one" activity, let us work together, to have a better tomorrow refueling!
2023-08-08 23:57:151


交通工具: vehicles交通: transportation汽车: car电单车: motorcycle脚踏车: bicycle巴士: bus计程车: taxi/ cab货车: van罗里: Lorry火车: train飞机: aeroplane/ airplane直升机: helicopter船: ship舟: boat
2023-08-08 23:46:292


漂白粉的失效多是因为长期暴晒导致的,这是因为其有效的化学成分被分解的原因。漂白粉的有效成分是次氯酸钙 ,所以,漂白粉失效应该从次氯酸根的角度分析 Ca(ClO)2+CO2+H2O=CaCO3+HClO(强酸制弱酸) 2Hclo=2Hcl+O2↑ 次氯酸根都没有了,当然就失效了
2023-08-08 23:46:252