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2023-08-14 02:50:40

















大家都知道 “差别,不同” 的翻译是difference, 但是我想问一下“ 差距” 用地道的英语怎么说

2023-08-08 18:17:006


差距拉大The widening gap between the 差距 [词典] disparity; difference; (差别程度) gap; [例句]对双方合作的问题,两位各自所持的看法差距甚大。There was a wide gap between the views of the two statesmen on the bilateral cooperation.
2023-08-08 18:17:191


bad 或者 terrible
2023-08-08 18:17:304


And... There is a big gap
2023-08-08 18:17:495


This is the gapThat"s the difference
2023-08-08 18:18:072


gap between the rich and the poor
2023-08-08 18:18:519


our distance
2023-08-08 18:19:124


the gap between them
2023-08-08 18:19:223

他和Jack的差距 很小 英语表达

there is a little/big difference between Jack and him
2023-08-08 18:19:322


what is the distance between you and me? how long is the distance between you and me ? 【支持问问,支持bingo,乐于帮忙是我们的宗旨,谢谢】
2023-08-08 18:19:401


2023-08-08 18:20:002

怎么用英语表达: A和B只有一点点差距

AN and B only have a little margin
2023-08-08 18:20:108


There"s too much difference between our heights.
2023-08-08 18:20:281


2023-08-08 18:20:385


there is always the gap between dreaming and reality.
2023-08-08 18:20:576


我们必须努力缩小贫富差距英语翻译:We must work hard to close the gap between the rich and the poor。我国当前仍旧存在贫富差距不断扩大的社会现象,这不仅直接影响了经济的可持续增长,也不利于社会公平、社会公正秩序的建立,影响到了社会主义和谐社会的建立,本文从完善收入分配制度、发挥好税收调解机制的作用等方面分析了缩小贫富差距的对策。有关贫富差距问题对策1、建立劳动力自由流动机制。消除对农民弱势群体,城市贫困群体的就业歧视和择业差别,对吸纳低保户、残疾人就业的企事业单位,政府出台相应的优惠政策,从项目建设用地、税收缴纳,技术扶持笔方面子以支持。2、大力发展教育事业。提高低收入群体就业能力,减少由于个人知识水平造成的贫富差距现象。在市场经济中,提高教育水平是改善收入分配状况的一条重要途径。例如:对农村生源和城镇贫困家庭的学生就读高等院校时实行学费优惠制度,在就业时进行就业指导,建立健全失业登记人员再就业培训;农业知识专项培训等。3、统筹东西部发展,缩小地区差异。实现东西部经济协调发展,对于东部地区,着重发展外向型、高科技型产业;对于中西部地区充分利用资源优势,发展资源加工型和劳动密集型产业。加大对西部地区的基础设施,技术,教育的财政支持,加强东西部经贸合作,在缩小东西差导的基础上逐步缩小贫富差距。
2023-08-08 18:21:131


There exsist gaps among people
2023-08-08 18:21:396


the gap between the rich and poor is still huge
2023-08-08 18:21:555


Due to the gap between parents and children
2023-08-08 18:22:137


ice to his lectures; and now, here it was nec
2023-08-08 18:22:482


The ability strenght differs extremely
2023-08-08 18:22:595


差异是什么意思 差异[chāyì] [名]差别;不同之处。 例如:这里早晚气温有很大的差异 | 两种不同文化的差异。 附:哲学上,差异是表征事物相互区别和自身区别的哲学范畴。又称差别。差异分为外在差异和内在差异。外在差异是事物彼此间的不同点;内在差异是事物内部具有的对立因素和对立趋势,即事物自身尚未激化的矛盾。 有一定差距是什么意思 不是一个水平的,一方比一方差不少 人与人之间的差距什么英语什么意思 人与人之间的差距 the difference / distance among people 差别和区别 有什么不同的意思? 差别是说不同类之间的比较 区别是说同类的 相差无异是什么意思 就是基本上是一样的,相差就是指其中的差别,异就是指不同,无自然是指没有,综合起来就是其中的差别没有什么不同。 贫富差距是什么意思? 贫富差距就是富人越来越富,穷人越来越穷,社会越来越不公平越来越不稳定,突发事件越来越多人人就会失去安全感。 我突然觉得我们之间真的有差距是什么意思 你才大一,这种恋爱的事情谁也说不准的,她的父母不同意是因为觉得女孩子还小,会吃亏的,家长不同意也很正常,我也是女孩子,我今年大三了,跟男朋友在一起四年多了,大学一直没有在一个学校,现在感情也很好啊,如果你们真心爱着对方,那么就... 工作目标与预计差距是什么意思 自己先订立一个目标,比如产能达到多少,出勤率多少,升职升到哪里,预计差距就是分析在实现目标过程中可能产生的困难和不具备条件,那么就会导致目标偏移。
2023-08-08 18:23:151


The reasons for income differential between residents in China mainly consist of historic,systematic,institutional and policy causes.Some people hold the belief that income differential is reasonable....
2023-08-08 18:23:241


英语同学之间的差距主要表现在以下几个方面:1. 词汇量:词汇量的丰富程度决定了同学们是否能够流畅地表达想法和思路。词汇量较小的同学会在交流和表达上遇到困难。2. 语法:语法是英语表达中的重要组成部分,同学们的语法水平决定了他们能否正确地表达思想和观点。3. 听力和口语能力:当然,听力和口语能力是英语学习的重要方面,同学之间的听力和口语差距会影响他们之间的交流和合作能力。4. 阅读能力:阅读是英语学习的重要环节,包括灵活运用各种阅读策略、理解文章意思和抓住重点。学生们之间的阅读能力差异也会影响他们的学习和交流。总之,英语同学之间的差距,主要表现在词汇量、语法、听力和口语以及阅读能力等方面,这些方面的差距也会影响同学们之间的交流和合作,因此我们需要注重英语学习的全面性和系统性。
2023-08-08 18:23:311


2023-08-08 18:23:393


2023-08-08 18:23:472


2023-08-08 18:23:541


First, cultural differences from the cutlery to use point of viewSecond, cultural differences from the point of seating arrangementsThird, cultural differences from the point of dining atmosphere
2023-08-08 18:24:241


2023-08-08 18:24:3511


A is far away from B...
2023-08-08 18:25:033

年龄差距 用英语怎么说???

We have age gap.
2023-08-08 18:25:152


There is gap between the contrast, there is a gap between the power 有对比才有差距,有差距才有动力
2023-08-08 18:25:221

英语作文 城乡教育差距

Education   Aducation is not an end,but a means to an end.In other words,we do not educate children only for educating them.Our purpose is to fit them for life.   In some modern countries it has been fashionable to think that free education for all can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation.But we can already see that free education for all is not enough.We find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees refusing to do what they think is "low"work, fact,working with one"s hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries.But we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor~we can live without education,but we die if we have no food.If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses,we should get terrible diseases in our towns.   In fact,when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life,it means that we must be educated in such a way that,firstly,each of us can do whatever work is suited to his brains and ability and,secondly,that we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society,and that it is very bad to be ashamed of one"s work.Only such a type of education can be considered valuable to society.
2023-08-08 18:25:411


I have thought we have a small difference between each other.
2023-08-08 18:25:491


The gap between the ideal and realityCan you narrow the gap between the ideal and reality? It"s the matter many people want to solve. However, there is just so little people can answer the problem. Many of us cannot balance the relationship between ideal and reality.Some are lost in their dreams and never want to live in reality. They really don"t know what they want or not. Maybe, they really don"t have an aim. Let alone a life"s goal. Some don"t know what they will do for they have so many goals of life. They haven"t realized that "A man"s life is limited". The rest ,a little of the whole people in this world, know what they want, what they should do. And they have a plan to make their dreams, or aims come true.We can see the differences between these three groups of people. What"s the difference?The success can walk from ideal to reality. Everyone has his or her dreams. Everyone is a great thinker. Everyone is special. People in this world have their own responsibility to others .You need to know that If you want to realize you dreams, you need to help others to make their dreams come true. Win-win is the key to success. Even there is a big gap between your ideals and realities, there"s a way to solve it and make your ideals into reality.We should never give up our ideals. The process of struggling for our ideals is so meaningful to our lives. One of the key elements of life is striving to build our own lives. We need ideals because they can give us a direction to find our way to success. We also should not ignore the importance of knowing the reality of life. In our ideals, there may be just one person. But in the reality, we should interact with different people and deal with many different things in front of us. There is a real gap between your ideals and realities. Fortunately, we can do our best to narrow the gap. Although there is a long way to come to the place full of flowers and applause, we have the ability to try our best to get to them. Last, I want to say is there is no real contradictory between ideals and realities if you really do the right thing, right job. In turn, if do wrong things, you may lose a great many opportunities to reach the place you want and be a success.
2023-08-08 18:25:581

英语作文 城乡教育差距

Education  Aducation is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for educating them. Our purpose is to fit them for life.  In some modern countries it has been fashionable to think that free education for all can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. But we can already see that free education for all is not enough.We find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees refusing to do what they think is "low"work, and. in fact, working with one"s hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries. But we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor~ we can live without education,but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we should get terrible diseases in our towns.  In fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life, it means that we must be educated in such a way that, firstly, each of us can do whatever work is suited to his brains and ability and, secondly, that we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and that it is very bad to be ashamed of one"s work. Only such a type of education can be considered valuable to society.
2023-08-08 18:26:051


I study at a university in Bejing. I can see that the students came from different backgrounds. I can see by the way they dressed and the stationery they have. A rich student wears branded clothings and uses high-tech stationery. Ipad and Ipod are very common to them. During the weekend, when they leave university or come back to university campus, you can see the rich students arrive in big posh cars. These students are likely the "FuErdai" or "GuanErDai". On the other hand, a poor student would dress more simple and very humble in their behaviour. Their parents are likely from the working class or farmers in the rural areas.
2023-08-08 18:26:151

没有区别 用英语怎么说?

没有区别,用英语可以这样表达:There is no differencemake no difference
2023-08-08 18:26:2314

英语翻译 每天跟他朝夕相处,为什么差距就这么大呢?

I am with him everyday yet there exists a gulf between us.
2023-08-08 18:27:033


there is a big difference between xx and xx
2023-08-08 18:27:383


This year we are a few years old?
2023-08-08 18:27:552


2023-08-08 18:28:256


四级要求是3000到4000左右,六级是4000到5000左右, 不难的。
2023-08-08 18:28:557

英语议论文 年龄差距不影响友谊的英语名言

  Without a friend the world is a wilderness. 没有朋友,世界就等於一片荒野。  When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow. 朋友的要求不要拖。  We can live without our friends, but not without our neighbours. 生活可无友,邻居不能无。  We can live without a brother, but not without a friend. 我们生活中可以没有兄弟,但不能没有朋友。  Trust not the praise of a friend, nor the contempt of an enemy. 不要信赖朋友的赞扬,也不要仇敌的轻蔑放在心上。  To preserve a friend three things are required: to honour him present, praise him absent, and assist him in his necessities. 维持友谊需要三点∶当面尊重他,背后赞扬他,需要时帮助他。  Everything is good when new, but friend when old. 东西新的好,朋友老的好。  Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen. 书籍如朋友,应该少而精。  Between friends all is common. 朋友之间不分彼此。  Better an open enemy than a false friend. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。  Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public. 在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。  A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. 广交友,无深交。  A friend is not so soon gotten as lost. 交友慢,失友快。  A friend is never known till a man has need. 不到患难时,永远不能认识真正的朋友。  A friend is best found in adversity. 患难见真友。  A friend is a second self. 朋友是另一个我。  A friend in court is better than a penny in purse. 囊中有钱,不如朝中有友。  A faithful friend is hard to find. 益友难得。  A bosom friend afar brings distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻
2023-08-08 18:29:451


  考友们都准备好英语六级考试了吗?本文“2017年12月英语六级作文:城乡差距”,跟着来了解一下吧。要相信只要自己有足够的实力,无论考什么都不会害怕!   2017年12月英语六级作文:城乡差距   Some findings have revealed that cities around the world are growing large. Could you outline the possible causes and predict consequences?   概述:城市化是一个越来越受关注的社会问题。城市化(urbanization or urban sprawl)是指农村地区建立城镇,或者是城市不断地向农村扩展(expansive growth of a metropolitan area)。    题目解析:   城市化的原因:   u2022人口增加和移民(an unprecedented population growth and migration)造成基础设备不足(devoid of basic amenities),导致原有的基础经费不足,城市条件恶化(urban decay),于是城市居民开 始迁居城外,导致城市的扩展;   u2022随着经济的发展和家庭收人的提高(strong economy and increasing household incomes),人们 开始喜欢低密度的住宅区(strong preference for lower-density housing);同时,由于人们可以 支付得起汽车等交通的费用(able to afford the automobile),这也使得人们更易迁居城外;   u2022城市规划不当(bad city planning)导致道路的建设和基础设施的扩建(construction of roads and the provision of infrastructure)与地区统筹发展不协调(unplanned development),最终使得城市 居民迁居城外。   城市化所造成的影响:   u2022环境影响(environmental impact):郊区的景观千篇一律(monotonous suburban landscapes);空 气污染,有害健康(ill-health due to air pollution generated by traffic);   u2022社会影响(social impact):城市人口流动增大(high mobility)会导致犯罪率的上升(a surge in the crime rate),人们不会有社区的感觉(sense of community),人与人之间的关系比较短暂 (abbreviated),社区的团结和价值不复存在(loss of community spirit and values);   u2022经济影响(economic impact):在郊区建设基础设施导致政府财政压力(adverse fiscal impacts),对基础设施的要求不能够被满足(unmet demand on infrastructure);交通堵塞(traffic congestion )影响工作效率,延误商品和服务的输送(delay the delivery of goods and services)。    范文   Of those issues that have concerned the government, academics and the public throughout the world, urban sprawl is one of the most prominent. There are conflicting views toward this growing trend. While it has been taken as a positive development in many newly emerging cities, it is increasingly perceived as a threat to rural environment and considered as a trigger for numerous urban problems. The objective of this essay is to evaluate the forces behind this trend and its consequences.   Population growth is widely recognized as the primary reason. The room in the city centre is so limited that it fails to provide enough housing to accommodate an ever-growing population. Another problem that has intensified in the inner city is infrastructure shortage and poor conditions of buildings. Lack amenities, such as water and electricity supply, waste disposal, swage treatment, to name but a few, has left no choice to urban dwellers but to resettle in the suburbs, where they have easier access to new facilities.   City dwellers are not always moving outward unwillingly. The continued increase in household incomes gives renewed impetus to urban development. People nowadays have higher expectations for quality of life and a growing appetite for lower-density housing with a larger open space. It is possibly the main reason why the real estate market has its focus now on the outskirts of the city, but not on the centre. In the meantime, the affordability and ubiquity of car ownership has made transport a less serious concern for those living in suburbs. They can commute daily between the place of work and the place of residence with ease.   The sustained expansion of cities will make a marked impact on the society in several dimensions. The high traffic volume between suburbs and urban areas would cause severe air pollution and reduce the lands suitable for farming. Urban sprawl requires large developments, causing areas to lose some of their unique qualities and characteristics. From the economic perspective, the relocation of a high population in suburbs will pose adverse fiscal impacts on the local government in infrastructure construction. To those who used to live in suburbs, the inflow of new inhabitants would damage the community spirit and make relations between neighbours fragile.   Urban sprawl is, therefore, a trend which has a strong effect on the environment, communities and government budgeting. When urban decay and citizens" desire for higher standard of living make this trend irreversible, the emphasis should be placed on planned and sustainable development.
2023-08-08 18:29:581


2023-08-08 18:30:131


2023-08-08 18:31:061


问题一:差异是什么意思 差异[chāyì] [名]差别;不同之处。 例如:这里早晚气温有很大的差异 | 两种不同文化的差异。 附: 哲学上,差异是表征事物相互区别和自身区别的哲学范畴。又称差别。差异分为外在差异和内在差异。外在差异是事物彼此间的不同点;内在差异是事物内部具有的对立因素和对立趋势,即事物自身尚未激化的矛盾。 问题二:和跟差是什么意思? 和就是两个数字相加的结果,差就是两个数相减的结果(不过这里是大数减小数) 问题三:社会的差距是什么意思? 个人的看法是,在同等付出的条件下,个人和集体的福利待遇、权益、权利等各方面实际所能享受到的,包括物质、经济、精神上的等等。 问题四:阶级差距是什么意思? 富人与穷人的差距 问题五:性能差距什么意思 是的,固态硬盘客观条件相同情况下容量跟读写速度成正比,当然一般情况下不需要1t的固态硬盘,因为你的系统程度主要主宰了你计算机整体的运行速度和关键程序打开速度,你用游戏塞满固态也是可以的,但是毫无疑问它对于你的帮助比较微小,而大容量固态又很贵。所以一般123就够了,而且哪怕是128的固态都已经远远超过任何机械硬盘的读写速度了。 问题六:工作目标与预计差距是什么意思 自己先订立一个目标,比如产能达到多少,出勤率多少,升职升到哪里,预计差距就是分析在实现目标过程中可能产生的困难和不具备条件,那么就会导致目标偏移。 问题七:贫富差距是什么意思? 贫富差距就是富人越来越富,穷人越来越穷,社会越来越不公平越来越不稳定,突发事件越来越多人人就会失去安全感。 问题八:人与人之间的差距什么英语什么意思 人与人之间的差距 the difference / distance among people 问题九:知名与著名意思的差别 一般说来,“著名”比“知名”程度要深些,有时也取决于用这个词的人主观愿望。 “著名”一般指在本行业取得行业公认的成就,比如国家一级演员,出演过多部影视作品、获得多项相关专业奖项等等。 而“知名”的意思是声名为世所知。犹出名。
2023-08-08 18:31:241


一般来说四级和六级水平相差 100分。如果四级五百分,那么六级很有可能就是四百的样子对于英语基础中等偏上的人来说,四级裸考.上五百是轻轻松松的事,那么对于基础较差的人,他们需要通过记单词刷题等方式才能过500。从另一方面来说,四级裸考上500的同学如果在完全没有准备的情况下做一套六级真题的时候,其中很少有上500的,但是他们能够低分飘425。那么考四级°都需要认真备考的学生呢?他们必须要备考六级,不要把自己四级500和其他四级裸考过500的学生比,那是他们的水”,而这是你的汗水。说句实话,就算你们四数一样,但是并不能代表你们的实力。另外,四级接近500其实算不上高分,除非你是发挥失常。我高考英语128,英专生,裸考四级530。我说的裸考是没有为四级花过一分钱买资料,没有记过一一个单词,更没有看过任何作文模板,也没有了解过翻译题。
2023-08-08 18:31:441


2023-08-08 18:32:0013