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2023-08-13 19:26:21












financial crisis
2023-08-08 15:30:087


经济状况的英语是Economic situation。短语搭配:economic development经济发展;经济开发。economic growth[经]经济增长,经济成长。economic system经济体制;经济体系,经济系统;经济制度。economic globalization经济全球化,全球化。economic benefit经济效益。economic geography经济地理,经济地理。economic geology经济地质学,经济地质学。economic crisis经济危机,经济危机了。例句:1、The agreement is essential to spurring economic growth around the world.这项协议对于促进世界经济的增长是至关重要的。2、Our future prosperity depends on economic growth.我们未来的繁荣昌盛依赖经济的发展。3、Economic growth is expected to average 2% next year.明年经济增长预计平均可达2%。4、It is difficult to find work in the present economic climate.在目前这种经济大气候下很难找到工作。5、The new trade agreement should facilitate more rapid economic growth.新贸易协定应当会加快经济发展。
2023-08-08 15:30:231

Great Recession是什么意思

n.1. 后退;退回[U]2. 凹处[C]3. (经济的)衰退;衰退期[C][U]His factory closed down during the period of economic recession.他的工厂在经济衰退时期关闭了。4. (唱师班等的)退场[U]
2023-08-08 15:31:072

要不是经济危机 他们能找到更好的工作 用英语怎么说

They could have found better jobs but for the economic crisis 是金融危机的意思。
2023-08-08 15:31:152


搬家的原因是不适应气候。经济危机。法语资源少?表语从句。reason 不跟because连用
2023-08-08 15:31:234


Facing the global financial crisis, the sharp drop in market demand, reduced orders, the companies are looking for in the economic environment to survive the crisis, development, and the way in an invincible position.不知道怎么样!!
2023-08-08 15:31:451


lower revenue and inflation,expand investment for basic construction, sustain stabilization of large enterprises,enlarge supports to moderate and small enterprises.improvement if climate,research and design for rebirth resources,eincome adjustment
2023-08-08 15:31:543


The year, 2009, is absolutely special to us the senior 3 students, because we are sitting for the National University Entrance Examination before long. Besides, the global financial crisis is continuing, resulting in the serious unemployment through the world.During the special time, we have to consider the university majors we are going to apply for, which were more or less infulenced by the crisis. As a result, some questions always run in our minds. For example, how to apply for the majiot in the future? What kind of major can help us get rid of or avoid such crisis?However, it is almost three months away form the examination and application. Above everything else, nowadays we must devote ourselves to study, and try our best to become qualified students. Only in this way can we achieve our ideal to make great contributions to our society
2023-08-08 15:32:041


恐惧和厌恶正在蔓延的迹象挂载,经济正处于危险之中失去平衡。工业生产预计将下降,第三季度突出的困境,陷入困境的汽车制造商以及制造商,家具,建筑材料和其他货物,造成沉重的打击,崩溃的房地产市场。 稳定金融市场是一个关键的第一步,但即使他们稳定下来,我们希望他们能更广泛的经济复苏不会马上发生, “伯南克,美联储主席说,纽约经济俱乐部。 世界各国领导人的最经济强国,八国集团表示,他们将在“不久的将来”的全球首脑会议,以解决金融危机。该集团包括美国,日本,德国,法国,英国,意大利,加拿大和俄罗斯。目前的金融危机开始于一年多前在美国时,宽松的贷款标准的某些住房抵押回家栖息。赎回暴涨,按揭证券恶化和金融公司积累了巨大损失。
2023-08-08 15:32:141


2023-08-08 15:32:242


Today"s college students face choices unheard of years ago. Terms like two way selection, self-employment are not new to them. Many students swarm into job market or look every talent fair for potential employers. The concept of selling oneself rather than hiding oneself is well accepted by students. Hunting a job is no small matter. Instead, it is probably one of the most, if not the most, important decisions any of would-be graduates can make in a lifetime. Therefore, they are very serious and cautious when that time comes. It is something that the society has taught them. 翻译:当代大学生面临的选择几年前闻所未闻的。诸如双向选择,自主就业并不是新的。许多学生涌入就业市场或寻找每一个人才公平的潜在雇主。的概念,而不是卖自己隐藏自己是乐于接受的学生。 狩猎工作无小事。相反,它可能是一个最,如果不是最重要的决定,任何可能的毕业生可以在一生。因此,他们都非常认真和谨慎的时刻。这是说,社会给了他们。 检测语言—阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语盖尔文(爱尔兰)荷兰语加泰罗尼亚文(西班牙)捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯拉维尼亚文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文 > 阿尔巴尼亚文阿拉伯文爱沙尼亚语保加利亚文波兰语朝鲜语丹麦语德语俄语法语菲律宾文芬兰语盖尔文(爱尔兰)荷兰语加泰罗尼亚文(西班牙)捷克语克罗地亚文拉脱维亚语立陶宛语罗马尼亚语马耳他文挪威语葡萄牙语日语瑞典语塞尔维亚文斯拉维尼亚文斯洛伐克文泰文土耳其文乌克兰文西班牙语希伯来语希腊语匈牙利语意大利语印度文印尼文英语越南文中文(繁体)中文(简体) 互换
2023-08-08 15:32:341

帮忙编一段关于经济危机的英语对话 有分奖励

A: Hi, what happened to you? You don"t look very well.嗨,你怎么了?看起来不怎么好。B: No, of course. My daughter is going to graduate from university the next year. She majors in forign commerce, who knows what job she can find.当然不好了。我女儿明年大学毕业,专业是对外贸易,谁知道她能找到什么工作啊。A: Why? It is a hot major, isn"t it? China needs this kind of talents badly.为什么?那是热门专业,不是吗?中国十分需要这类人才。B: You know the world is under the economy crisis, commerce is not hot any more. I"d rather she majored in medicine or education and become a doctor or a teacher.你也知道世界现处于经济危机中,商业再也不热门了。我更希望她学医或教育,当医生或者老师。A: These sorts of work do provide a guarantee, but don"t you think they are too flat for young people? Everyday is same, the people around you are similar, and you will not have any chance to experience a new life style. 这类工作确实可以提供保障,但你不觉得对年轻人来说太单调么?每天的生活都一样,周围的人也相似,而且再也没有体验新生活方式的机会。B: I just can not stop worrying about her, I"d rather she live a peaceful life. 我只是无法不担心她,我更希望她有个平静的生活。A: Don"t worry, the world cannot go without ecomomy even during this hard a period. People have seen the backruptcy of so many big companies, they need the talents to be more practical to foresee the crisis and prevent the world from it, but not to disappear.不用担心。即使处于这样艰难的时期,世界也离不开经济。人们已目睹众多大企业破产,他们希望商业人才更加实事求是,能够预见并阻止经济危机的发生,而不是希望他们消失。B: Oh, that is true, the forign commercial talents is still in need, the influenced companies need to stand up again, Chinese commercials need to choose forign partners more cautiously, As long as the world needs China.哦,确实如此。对外贸易人才仍然是必要的,受影响的公司需要复活,中国需要更加谨慎地选择外商伙伴。毕竟世界需要中国。A: Yeah, trade with forign countries is still necessary, and the crisis will surely close in the future.是啊,对外贸易仍然必要,而且经济危机将来总会结束。B: Oh, I look forward for that day, maybe the crisis would provide my daughter a chance to have a sane attitude about her career and not to follow the old road to ruin. 哦,我盼望那一天。也许经济危机可以提供给我女儿一个理智对待自己的事业,不重蹈覆辙的机会。
2023-08-08 15:32:431


2023-08-08 15:33:053


金融危机的原理如下:随着人类技术的进步,区域的观念开始模糊,世界是一个互相依赖的共同体,我依赖你生产的袜子,你可能依赖我生产的矿石。 在一个岛上有一群人,岛上除了几样产量不大的生活必需品以外什么也生产不了,岛上的居民用一种叫RMB的贝壳,作为钱来花,就是椰子一个3贝壳,淡水一桶5贝壳等等。这时大家想生活的好一点,可是岛上又生产不出这么多东东。于是就想用自己的劳动力和别人换。 这个岛不远处有一个大岛,上面什么都有,人家使用一种叫做USD的贝壳做交易,于是小岛上的居民就到大岛上的工厂游说,我们这里工资低,原料便宜,没有土地使用费用,还免税,到我们这里来投资吧。大岛上的有钱人觉的有道理就试着在小岛上开了一些工厂,可是马上问题就出现了,小岛上RMB和大岛上的USD是2:1的,也就是说在小岛卖2个贝壳的东东在大岛也要卖1个贝壳。大岛虽然有许多劣势但是因为工厂多,上下游配套的运输成本低,加上工人熟练,成本和小岛的产品没有太大的价格差。这个时侯小岛的酋长就想出了一个办法,让岛上的巫师忽悠大家,小岛上的贝壳和大岛上的不一样,大岛上的有神力,所以值钱,我们的贝壳和他们的贝壳要8:1才合理。大家一听原来是酱紫呀,于是就用自己的8个贝壳换大岛上的一个贝壳了。这样小岛上的物价和工资就是大岛上的八分之一了,大岛上的公司就纷纷到小岛上来设厂,赚了大钱,他们把钱汇回大岛上发展科技,然后再把发展好的产品在小岛生产。这样过了30年。。。。。。 慢慢的大岛上的工厂就越来越少了,全变成了科研基地,同时出现了为科研基地里的人服务的行业,像剃头呀餐馆呀驴友呀医院等等,当然还有HD区,呵呵。大岛上的居民有好多钱,而且他们知道小岛上的工厂可以为他们未来带来更多的钱,于是他们就拼命的借钱炒房子、炒股票、炒花生!!!反正有什么炒什么!物价开始飞涨了!小岛上的酋长一看呵呵赚钱的机会来了,赶快串通巫师,又把RMB和USD的价格定在了6:1,这样小岛的产品也普涨了25%。突然有一天大岛的人们发现所有的东东都炒不上去了,因为没有人接手呀,东西太贵,卖不掉了,于是赶快竞相压价,想把自己的东东卖掉,市场上一下全是东东没有买主。小岛上的工厂主一看自己生产的东东卖不掉了。只好关了工厂回大岛去。这一下小岛可炸了窝喽!辛辛苦苦30年一夜回到解放前!都是可恶的酋长和巫师搞的鬼,去找他们算账!!!这时候酋长和巫师更着急,怎么办呢?眼看着自己舒适的生活不保了。这时候巫师出了个主意。。。第二天酋长宣布进行一个聪明绝顶潇洒盖世全无敌的4万亿贝壳救市计划,就是让所有岛民都到岛上搬石头运到海边,再从海边把石头搬回来,每人每天1000 RMB贝壳,工资由酋长出!!!小岛的居民们马上激动万分统统流下了热泪,在歌颂了英明的领导,并跳了一段草裙舞以后就回家了。总算是解了酋长和巫师的燃眉之急,可是长此以往酋长虽然FB,也没有这么多贝壳往里填呀!巫师这时候又想出了一招。。。又过了一天,巫师出面了,他把大家召集起来说:“哎呀!我昨天被驴踢了,在朦胧中来到了仙界,见到了神仙mm,神仙mm说我们的贝壳和大岛的贝壳要20:1呀!要不然就有天灾海啸了!”大伙儿一听可吓坏了,赶紧按巫师说的做,这样小岛的贝壳和大岛的贝壳就是20:1了。。。 话说大岛的商人自从从小岛撤资之后回到大岛,每日精神恍惚,想想自己在小岛的生活那是多么惬意呀!每天XO喝着,鲍鱼吃着,还有小岛的美女陪着,何其快哉!现在又是何等凄惨!这一日收听大岛上的胡诌广播电台的广播,广播里说小岛为了预防海啸,已经将贝壳的比值降到20:1了,东西卖的好好好便宜呀!!!他赶快算了算,咦!要是这么便宜的话,在小岛设厂还是有赚的,于是他赶紧回去又在小岛设厂了。这时候小岛的居民听说工厂又开了,纷纷回到工厂上班,那个大岛的商人又赚到了,大岛的科研机构也重开了,于是循环又开始了。。。。
2023-08-08 15:33:151

请英语达人帮小弟翻译 谢谢

Under the background of the American economic crisis in the adjustment of industrial structure2008 global economic crisis over to the economic development of our country is having an extremely negative influence, but the crisis in China, especially for the opportunity also means in the adjustment of industrial structure is the historic chance. In the global economy is mainly the crisis of the influence of different level, especially in the developed countries, such as Europe, under the impact of crisis of sanity in a crisis, the global economy under the impact of the industry faces. But China will seize the opportunity, using all the favorable conditions for the complete industrial structure adjustment and optimization. Especially in the industrial structure adjustment to the green, discards the dross and selects the essential high direction, our business into new era. This is the inheritance of the economics from asked the relatively rational analysis.[Key words] the economic crisis, opportunity, industrial structure adjustmentFrom the perspective WenWan retail learn antique pricing strategyWith the rise of collection hot, the broad masses of the continuous joined the ranks of the collector, not only is antique, has certain value of handicraft is WenWan miscellaneous also entered the collectors. And WenWan "antique" also formed a large industry, the market in formation and constantly improve, industry scale expands unceasingly. However, due to the particularity of commodity attribute antiques, WenWan antique not energy production, so its pricing is very difficult. In this field of study is a blank, therefore, this paper, from the perspective of retail WenWan antique pricing strategies for scientific analysis. From the Angle of the market for antique rationally assessment and prediction for the market. This paper analyzed the problems..Keywords] WenWan antiques. Collect. Retail. Pricing. strategy
2023-08-08 15:33:244


的一生经历无数次选择,即无数次机会的把握。正确的选择可以造就生命中灿烂的前程,错误的选择可以毁掉生命的梦想而感受遗憾的苦果。因此,选择是欢娱的过程,选择是痛苦的过程,选择是悲怆的过程。 选择需要高深的思维功底,选择需要切合实际的判断能力,选择需要谨慎的态度,选择需要果断的决断,选择需要充足的时间。 选择是主动的,自主的,可以尽情地选择;选择又是被动的被迫的,不得不选择,不能不去选择或者是说别无选择。 选择是双方的,既要选择又要被选择。 有空间宽裕的选择,有余地狭小的选择,有轻而易举的选择,有要付出代价和牺牲的选择。 世间不存在十全十美的选择,但是世间万物正是在选择中进化,缺少选择就缺少生命和历史,就会缺少发展的韵律。 我们渴望选择,我们拥有选择。
2023-08-08 15:33:321


This worldwide economic crisis has been sweeping the world, no country can stay safe alone
2023-08-08 15:33:494


Bush to Push Free Trade at Upcoming Economic Summit 布什将在经济峰会中提倡自由贸易 U.S. President George Bush talked Saturday about the agenda for next month"s international economic summit at the White House. 美国总统布什星期六谈论了下个月在白宫举行的国际经济高峰会议的议程。 President Bush devoted his weekly radio address to previewing his meeting with other leaders of the so-called Group of 20 nations on the global economic crisis. 布什总统利用每周例行的广播讲话向听众介绍了他跟所谓20国集团中其他领导人开会商讨全球经济危机的安排。 "During the summit we will discuss the causes of the problems in our financial systems, review the progress being made to address the current crisis, and begin developing principles of reform for regulatory bodies in institutions related to our financial sectors," he said. 布什说:“在这次峰会期间,我们将讨论我们金融系统出现问题的原因,审议在解决目前这场危机过程中正在取得的进展,并着手制定与我们的金融部门相关的管制机构改革的原则。” Earlier in the week, Mr. Bush invited leaders of wealthy nations and the heads of major developing economies to the White House on November 15, to focus on the global financial crisis. Administration officials see the summit as the first in a series of meetings on the global economy. The president said Saturday the meeting will give world leaders a chance to sit in one room and discuss the situation. 这个星期早些时候,布什邀请富裕国家领导人和主要发展中经济实体的首脑11月15号到白宫,重点讨论全球性金融危机问题。布什政府官员认为,这次峰会在一系列有关全球经济的会议中是首开先例的。布什总统星期六说,这次会议给世界各国领导人提供了一个机会,大家得以会聚一堂,共商目前的局势。 "While the specific solutions pursued by every country may not be the same, agreeing on a common set of principles will be an essential step towards preventing similar crises in the future," he said. 布什说:“尽管每个国家执行的具体方案可能各不相同,但是各国就一套普遍适用的原则达成共识是防止今后发生类似危机的必要步骤。” The summit will include the leading industrialized nations, plus emerging economies such as Brazil, India, China and South Africa. Mr. Bush said he will push hard for the principles of free trade. 参加这次峰会的有主要工业化国家,加上巴西、印度、中国和南非等新兴经济体。布什说他将努力推行自由贸易原则。 "Open market policies have lifted standards of living and helped millions of people around the world escape the grip of poverty," he said. "These policies have shown themselves time and time again to be the surest path to creating jobs, increasing commerce and fostering progress. And this moment of global economic uncertainty would be precisely the wrong time to reject such proven methods for creating prosperity and hope." 布什说:“开放市场的政策提高了人民的生活水平,帮助世界各地几百万人摆脱贫穷的束缚。这些政策一再自我证明,它们是创造就业机会、促进商业以及鼓励发展的最可靠途径。在全球经济目前处在不确定性的时刻,拒绝这些已经得到验证的创造繁荣和希望的途径,绝对是不合时宜的。” White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said earlier in the week both presidential candidates, John McCain and Barack Obama, have been informed about plans for the initial summit. She said there was no decision on whether the winner of the November 4 election will attend. 白宫新闻秘书佩里诺这个星期早些时候说,约翰.麦凯恩和巴拉克.奥巴马这两位总统候选人已经被告知这个首次峰会的各项安排。她说,还没有决定11月4号总统选举的获胜者是否出席这次峰会。
2023-08-08 15:33:591


第一道,题目本意应该是经济危机已经发生了,所以不能选择消除;第二道,是的,省略了 it is ,left是过去式的,修饰illness的是后面的全部,that引导的句子是一个修饰illness的同位语从句。
2023-08-08 15:34:092


选B。这句话的主句是The economy crisis and the outcome put pressure on the world. Outcome 后面的短语是修饰outcome的,意思是“经济危机所带来的后果”。其实要解决这个问题,最重要的是先分析句子的主干,然后再看空白处是什么成分,就OK啦
2023-08-08 15:34:314


2023-08-08 15:34:416


D, 时态在后面动词发生之前的,因此选用完成时。
2023-08-08 15:35:006


Since high school, Arielle Napier has occasionally made items like a bed-sized quilt or belts as Christmas presents for friends. 从高中时候开始,Arielle Napier 就有时候做一些床大小的被单和一些皮带什么的作为圣诞节礼物送给朋友This year, facing a worse-than-ever economy, the 27-year-old is forgoing store-bought gifts entirely and giving friends and family everything from her own photography to handmade hats. 今年,遭遇了糟糕的经济危机,27岁的Arielle Napier 放弃什么东西都完全从商店购买而是根据自己根据照片做一些帽子送给朋友和家人,In doing so, Napier"s joining a small-but-growing group of consumers who are trying to make Christmas this year a wholly handmade holiday. While the movement to buy and receive handmade gifts was already growing, it is getting an extra boost from the economic downturn . 为了这样中,Arielle Napier 加入了一个小但是很流行的消费群体,他们努力让今年的圣诞节成为一个全手工的节日。 当购买和收到的都是完全手工制造的礼物的时刻,经济危机完全真正地进入了低潮期The handmade and craft movement, encouraged by an online organization of do-it-yourselfers, is half an effort to save money and half a desire to avoid the in-your-face consumerism .Whatever the reason, observers say it"s gaining steam. 自己制造运动,是被一个在先的DIY组织发起的,大概有一半是想省钱,另一半期望不丢面子的消费者。 不管什么原因,观察家说这个运动获得了空前的响应Thousands of people have added their names to a holiday petition online, promising to give only items they"ve made themselves or handmade items that they"ve purchased, while asking friends and family to do the same. 成千上万的人已经把他们的名字加入到了一个节日在线调查中,承诺所有的礼物都会完全是买了以后自己手工制造,同时也要求他们自己的朋友和家人也这样做Joan Holleran, a consumer behavior expert, said the handmade movement is an extension of people"s desire to simplify and seek control over their lives—the combination of which has caused them to rethink gift-giving in recent years. Joan Holleran是一个消费者行为专家,他说手工制造运动是人们期望简单化和寻求生活控制的一种延伸发展,这些已经导致消费者重新思考近些年的送礼But with the economy in trouble, Holleran said she expected even more personalized and handmade gifts to find themselves in stockings and under Christmas trees. 伴随着经济危机,Holleran说她希望更多的个性化的和手工制造的礼物在商店和圣诞树下出现, “The economy is really hitting home and forcing people to think‘how can I keep this gift-giving still meaningful on a tighter budget "”she said.“And personalizing it and giving that gift of time and our craft really is so much appreciated.”经济危机已经确确实实地影响到每一个家庭,逼的人们不得不去思考:怎么能让这些礼物既少花钱又变的有意义。 她说:礼物的唯一性和时代性让手工制造的这些礼物更有意义
2023-08-08 15:35:191

中国该如何应对金融危机 英语作文

2023-08-08 15:35:303


head into 是逆着,迎着。。。的意思,
2023-08-08 15:35:415


2023-08-08 15:36:144

经济危机对日常生活的影响 英语

I love
2023-08-08 15:36:382


Fear and loathing is spreading as signs mount that the economy is in danger of losing its balance. Industrial production is expected to have dropped in the third quarter, underscoring the plight of troubled auto makers as well as manufacturers of furniture, construction materials and other goods that have been hard hit by the collapse of the housing market. Stabilization of the financial markets is a critical first step, but even if they stabilize as we hope they will, broader economic recovery will not happen right away," Ben Bernanke, Fed Chairman, told the Economic Club of New York. Leaders of the world"s top economic powers, the G8, said they would meet "in the near future" for a global summit to tackle the financial crisis. The group comprises the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Canada and Russia. The current financial crisis began more than a year ago in the United States when lax lending standards on certain home mortgages came home to roost. Foreclosures skyrocketed, mortgage securities soured and financial companies racked up huge losses.
2023-08-08 15:36:472


高考英语任务型阅读高频率单词词组一.名词(可数名词或以复数形式出现)cause 原因effect结果,影响,效果process过程process过程consequence结局,后果development进展.发展process过程clue线索evidence证据,物证 instruction说明,指令,指示connection联系,连接conclusion结论judgement判断(力)proof证据,证明analysis分析explanation解释,说明comparison比较example例子sample样品point论点,要点focus焦点argument议论,论据,理由solution解决办法,答案description描述fact事实reason理由excuse借口procedure程序,手续step步骤method(way)方法measure措施means方法,手段,工具program(me)节目单,议程,计划日程progress进步proposal提议,建议suggestion建议proportion比例part组成部分,零件message口信,短信,旨意information信息,消息material材料,素材detail细节,详情purpose目的,意图goal目的,目标advantage优势,长处,有利条件disadvantage不利条件equipment设备instrument器材situation形势,局势condition条件,状况,形势view观点,见解attitude态度destination目的地route路线,航线course过程,经过.课程subject科目,学科direction方向directions用法,指示,说明书tips提示,建议 number数目 figure数字,形状,图形 organization组织 structure结构,构造 function功能 principle原理,原则 institute团体,机构 announcement通知,公告 features特征 measurement计量 state状态,形态 shape形态 size大小,尺寸,型号 height高度 weight重量 length长度 width宽度 depth深度 amount(quantity)数量 quality质量 type, variety,sort,kind类型,种类 form形式 style风格,款式,式样 businessman商人 manager经理 nationality民族,国籍 sex性别 male男性 female女性 occupation(job)职业,工作 profession职业 address地址 location位置,场所,方位 position位置,方位,地位,身份,职位 staff职员 scene场面,现场 spot场所,地点 climate气候 surroundings周围环境 scenery风景,景色 landscape风景,地貌 interests兴趣 hobbies业余爱好 preference偏爱(物),喜好 sense感觉,感受,意识 feeling感觉,感情 affection情感,爱情 emotion情绪,情感 passion激情,热情 expectation期待,希望 intention意图,打算 action动作,行动 behaviour举止,行为,习惯 nature自然,天性,本性,性质 character性格 characteristic特征 memories回忆,往事 degree度数,程度,等级学位 grade年级,成绩,评语 mark分数,成绩 content内容,目录 items项目,条目 experience经历,经验 times(ages)时代,时期 period(一段)时期,时间 partner合作者,伙伴 relative亲戚,亲属 courage勇气,胆量 pressure压力 discouragement灰心,气馁 discovery发现,被发现之事 supplies供应(品) offers提供,出价income收入 expense开支,开销,花费export(s)出口(商品) import(s)进口(商品)rate税率,费率 tax税price价格 cost(s)代价,价格,成本profit利润 loss亏损product产品,产量 production生产,产品consumption消费 consumer消费者customer顾客 complainant投诉者demand 要求complaints 投诉conflict 冲突,矛盾settlement 解决treatment 处理,治疗events重大事件 influence影响(力 ) significance意义 achievement成就difference差异 similarity相似,相同agreement意义一致 disagreement分歧usage用法 caution注意(事项) demand要求 reply回答,回复ability能力possibility可能性attempt尝试experiment试验average平均数total总计,总数speed速度frequency频率disaster灾难survivor幸存者rescue营救,救助prevention预防(方案)damages损失,损害deaths死亡(事例)flood洪水,水灾drought旱灾population 人口employment就业unemployment失业,失业率,失业人数survey调查data数据,资料strategy策略policy政策applicant申请者,应征者,志愿者volunteer志愿者,自愿参加者organizer组织者participant参与者tradition传统religion宗教stage阶段,舞台level水平fault缺点,毛病feature特征range范围,(价格,气温等变化)幅度subhealthy 亚健康resources 资源source 源头,来源,出处reaction 反应二、动词(或以动名词,过去式形式出现)increase增加decrease降低,下降reduce减少remove除掉,移去,转移absorb吸收release释放measure测量weigh称......(重)sort 分类rise上升drop下降win取胜,赢lose失去,输掉(比赛等)attract吸引imagine想象rebuilt重建invent发明discovery 发现create创造found建立,成立form形成,养成develop培养,开发change改变reform改革cover覆盖,采访,涵盖record记录break破坏,打破destroy破坏,毁掉damage损坏ruin毁灭spread传播,扩散broadcast广播inform通知announce宣布,通报expand扩展,扩大strengthen加强settle 解决,平息三.形容词/副词successful成功的satisfied满意的disappointed失望的essential基本的,不可或缺的,重要的natural自然的man-made人造的artificial人工的,人造的imaginary想象的considerable可考虑的considerate体贴的possible可能的potential潜在的positive积极的,正面的negative消极的负面的wide宽的broad宽阔的narrow窄的physical身体的,体力的mental精神的,心理的physically在身体方面,mentally从身体上,在精神(心理)上healthy健康的disabled残疾的terrible可怕的horrible恐怖的,可怕的surprising令人惊讶的astonishing令人吃惊的amazed感到惊讶的scared害怕的nervous(upset)紧张的(不安定)comfortable舒适的relaxed放松的miserable悲惨的lovely可爱的naughty淘气的,顽皮的accessible(easygoing)容易相处的,平易近人的arbitrary固执的,武断的ancient古代的modern现代的cultural文化的historical历史的national全国性的personal个人的private私人的,私立的public公共的convenient方便的,便捷的available可利用的,有空的,可得到的extremely及其,非常frequently经常,频繁地strictly严格地fiercely剧烈地cautiously小心地,谨慎地casually随意地,不拘小节地home 家,国内abroad 国外optimistic乐观的pessimistic悲观的permanent 永久的,不变的temporary 临时的,暂时的regular 固定的,定期的四、短语词汇travel agent 旅行代理人travel agency 旅行社employment agency 职业介绍所advertising agent广告代理商possible solutions 可能的解决办法application form 申请表mental disorder 精神错乱mental trouble/problem 心理障碍crime rates 犯罪率public opinion 舆论a speed limit 速度限制financial/economic crisis 金融/经济危机economic growth 经济增长national economy 国民经济economic stimulus bill经济刺激方案essential qualification 必备的资格reasonable price合理的价格attractive price 诱人的价格issue price 发行价格promotion ambassador 形象大使promotion campaign 推广活动,促销活动traditional activities 传统活动tip-top talent 拔尖人才talents exchange 人才交流talent bank/ brain bank 人才库reserve of talents人才储备brain drain 人才流失the personnel market 人才市场on-the-job training 岗位培训white heat 白热化white paper 白皮书the global economic slowdown 全球经济下滑/放缓issue of common concern共同关心的问题space tourism 太空游junk e-mail 垃圾邮件anti-virus software 防病毒软件separate waste collection 垃圾分类收集cheer-leader / rooter king 拉拉队长marathon campaign 马拉松式竞选活动refugee camp 难民营engage in writing 爬格子,潜心写作recycled paper 再生环保纸instant food; convenience food 方便食品environment-friendly battery 环保电池environment-friendly car环保汽车chief justice 大法官visiting scholar 访问学者job hunter 求职者attached middle school附属中学white agriculture 白色农业disaster-affected area受灾地区accompanying satellite 伴飞卫星 return satellite返回式卫星air defense force防空部队sample survey 抽样调查viewing rate 收视率coverage rate 覆盖率regional cooperation 区域合作geological disaster 地质灾害generation gap 代沟mouse potato 电脑迷electronic pet 电子宠物electric currency; =electric money电子货币electronic commerce; e-business; e-commerce电子商务cultural diversity 文化多样性biological diversity 生物多样性source of the information 消息来源radiation treatment 放疗I smell a rat. 感到不妙sense of personal achievement 个人成就感wait-and-see attitude观望态度business forecasting商业预测summit conference首脑会议
2023-08-08 15:36:581


1.Although these were good students,___had a score above 60. A. someone B,none C.everyone D no noe这是由于上下文语义的需要。although虽然 ,下面就要转折。说明成绩不好2.Are you firmly against any independence move by Taiwan?--Of course .That"s___our basic interest lies.A. Why B. when C.where D.what这道题考察从句,lie是一个不及物动词,不带宾语。根据句意需要地点状语。 3.__global financial crisis is___challenge for the whole world .Confidence,cooperation and responsibility are keys to overcoming the crisis.A. A;the B. A; a C.The,the D.the;a 这道题考察冠词。特指这次经济危机,对全球是一个挑战4.There is nothing more I can try__you to stay ,so I wish you good luck.A. persuading B. being persuaded be persuaded persuade. try to do不定式作目的状语。
2023-08-08 15:37:091


Lasting more than one years, the American housing market crisis gradually extended to the whole financial system to be a financial crisis all over the world, in which progress every conuntry is included.Being customed by market economy, most western countries are not convenient to rely on the government input to survive this crisis, but they have no other alternatives.Basicly, there are at least two things for governments to do in this crisis. First, enough fund should be prepared to ganrantee the stablity of the whole financial system. Maintaining the steady of the financial system is becoming one of the most important things in today"s economic system because a healthy fiancial system is the basic of healthy financing and investment. It is difficult for the growth of the substantial economy with the lack of the financing support.Second, there must be some changes in the whole financial system which should be organised by governments. If the traditional investment method is proved to be inefficient in current economic situation, the old financial system would require some improvement. For example, when the investment banks bankrupted in the financial crisis, the American government gave this organisation up soon to protect the investors as well as other financial institutions.Moreover, many other measures thould be taken by governments including maintaining the stability for the commercial market and the normal life of residents referring to low unemployment.
2023-08-08 15:37:181


At present, our country"s economic crisis, the employment situation is not optimistic! While we on the surface, as many people said, affected by the economic crisis is not deep. But the economic crisis affect our real economy, so that our corporate entity, especially in low-end export manufacturing value chain, has been seriously hit, resulting in exports, corporate down-sizing. In the West, the economic crisis, mainly affecting their financial sector, the impact on the real economy is relatively small. When the economic crisis, our business started to withstand the pressure, layoffs, and so was the criticism of society, together with university enrollment in recent years has brought an increasing number of university graduates, so that is the employment problem, in particular the employment of university students has become an urgent need to properly resolve the problem. The outbreak of the financial crisis fairly gentle to the original employment situation of university students poured a pot of cold water. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, "2009 Social Blue Book" shows that in 2008 the national unemployment rate has more than 12% of university students. According to the survey, compared with a year earlier, in 2008, a number of major colleges and universities come to the school reduce the number of employers recruiting 20% -40%, students, and Qian Yuelv quality of employment has declined. Human Resources and Social Security figures show that in 2009, the number of university graduates in China will reach 6.1 million. By then, the problem of employment of university students will be more prominent. In 2009, more than 7 million graduates need to solve the employment problem, while the economic crisis makes the difficult employment worse. Premier Wen Jiabao said: he was most worried about one thing worries employment of university students. We can see that the severe employment situation of university students. The Government indicated that employment of college graduates must be placed in the first employment. This is good in college students "first career post-employment", salary is expected to fall lower and lower, and even a "zero pay" the phenomenon of job-seekers, employment why so hard to do? The key is the lack of sufficient work to promote employment. 4000 billion in government aid, and not be able to increase job opportunities mainly for private economic entities, so the short-term results and is not very significant. Solve the employment problem and can not rely on government, schools also have certain responsibilities. Beihang president Li Wei, said the school is now thought of a way: Beihang annual funding more than 10 million, can not be allowed to graduate as part of the past two three years, to take research assistants, research assistants the way to stay in school, on the one hand to complete school research to increase their skills, on the other hand, reduce the social burdens and stress. If so, at least one-fourth to one-third of graduates from leaving. There is a problem, the Ministry of Finance need to agree funding for the school year of employment with the graduates and give them into the social insurance. But this is a long-term investment? I do not know yet time to prove. The face of the employment situation is not optimistic, and many people choose Articles by! Some people say that this is a kind of escapism, evading responsibility, the practice, there is a certain truth in it. However PubMed really resolve anything, though, three years later how to do? At that time people crowding together high-end, employment is still difficult, even harder than it is now, how to do, we going to continue to do 考博 Caixing. As a college student facing graduation, under immense pressure. At this point, to do their long-term career planning is the most important, make their life in accordance with career planning and development continue. Articles by rational choice of employment, or can not follow the crowd. Not to say that the economic crisis comes, you have to go to PubMed, you can take part in vocational skills training, ah, or their own businesses. But the key is your own choice. The economic crisis came, and many students complain about working hard to find today, graduation means that tomorrow"s unemployment and so on. The problem that we still do not see through the employment situation is bad in itself, that is, the economic crisis came to make a bad situation even more, so we think that employment is not good, put all the blame to the economic crisis. Employment is the ultimate way out for their own choices, choose the good in order to have direction.
2023-08-08 15:37:251

高手翻译考研英语哦 菜鸟勿进

2023-08-08 15:37:473

英语问题求解答 高手来

2023-08-08 15:37:555


2023-08-08 15:38:113

2023-08-08 15:38:211


金融危机能使全球经济萧条使实体经济受影响波及房产 买房按经济规律说跌 问题于现全各政府始救房市 管担经济滑怕利益受损房价能止跌升 楼主要密切观察发现始涨买吧 假房首付要月供经济萧条断收入源严重
2023-08-08 15:38:301

我有一些关于经济学的英语问题 需要帮助希望能在 晚上 有答复 如果回答的事英文 给200分

2023-08-08 15:38:393


时间 4月8日(周三)4月9日(周四) 4月10日(周五) 4月11日(周六)已备演讲主题 From College to Career: Coping with Job-hunting Pressure in the Economic Slowdown面对“经济危机”下的大学生就业问题 Our Changing Way of Living with the Times: Initiative vs. Convenience从时代的发展看人类生活方式改变:主动性与便利性 具体时间安排 比赛上半场:8:30 -12:00比赛下半场:13:30 – 17:00 比赛上半场:8:30 -12:00比赛下半场:13:30 – 17:00 论坛上半场:8:30 -11:40论坛下半场:13:00 – 17:00地点 上海复旦大学复宣酒店四楼报告厅 上海复旦皇冠假日酒店皇冠大宴会厅 上海复旦大学复宣酒店四楼报告厅 酒店地址 上海市杨浦区国定路400号总机:021-65103903 上海市杨浦区邯郸路199号 总机:021-55529999 上海市杨浦区国定路400号总机:021-65103903
2023-08-08 15:38:491


22.The students was just about to give up the questions, when suddenly he found the answer.当他突然找到答案时,那些学生又放弃了提问。23.When there are small children around, it is necessary to put bottles of pills out of reach. 有小孩子在周围,有必要把药瓶放到他们接触不到的地方。24.The sight of blood always makes him feel sick. 他经常晕血。25.In Britain, the best season of the year is probably late spring. 在英国,大概去年的春天是最美好的季节了。26.Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as ordinary sickness. 药品只有贸易回涵盖了传统药品。27.This hotel charges $ 60 for a single room with bath. 这间旅馆带有洗澡间的单人房要60元28.Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only added to his confusion. 尽管关于这个项目的资料他从头到尾看过了,但他依然很难理解这个问题,她的解释只会增加他的迷惑。29.A completely new situation will arise when the examination system comes into existence. 当考试体制存在下来,一个全新的情况跟这发生了。30.It took him several months to breed the wild horse. 他花了几个月时间去饲养野马。
2023-08-08 15:39:015

英语句子,高分求翻译。 汉译英,不要机器

1. Chinese at present employment condition extremely not bright, I feel pessimistic to China"s employment situation.2. Excessively many labor forces and the too few post have decided such situation.3. The college education popularization also lets present the university student felt the employment the pressure, very many university students wait for jobs in the home.4. Very many people expected obtains a stable post, therefore some schools, official"s employment advertise is often fully occupied.5. 08 year economic crises even more intensified this phenomenon, but along with the economical anabiosis, the situation has the change for the better now. 不知道这行不?
2023-08-08 15:39:304


1. 社会活动从未耽误她的学习.(in the way) Social activities never get in the way of her studies. 2. 很明显,自然灾害是造成这个国家经济危机的原因.(crisis) Natual disasters obviously have contributed to the country"s economic crisis. 3. 与他促膝长谈之后,她的怀疑消失了.(melt away) After a long heart-to heart talk with him, her suspicion melted away.
2023-08-08 15:39:381


2023-08-08 15:39:463


问题一:请问 “ 我自学了经济学相关的课程” 用英语怎么说? 应该是前者 I studied economics related courses by myself 问题二:“我自学了经济学相关的课程”用英语怎么说 我自学了经济学相关的课程 I learned the economy-related courses by myself. 问题三:“ 我自学了经济学相关的课程” 用英语怎么说 我自学了经济学相关的课程 I learnt relevant causes of Economics by myself. 问题四:“完成了JA经济学的课程”翻成英语怎么说 peleted the JA Economic courses peleted 还可以用Acplish;Fullfill;Finish;Get through 等等 问题五:大学课程"政治经济学"英语怎么说 政治经济学 Political economy 政治经济学 Political economy 问题六:“用经济学智慧解读中国”这一门课翻译成地道英文应该是什么呢? 经济矢量的合成和资源的有效配置王见定李颖伯{摘要}按照传统的经济学理论,经济变量是以标量的形式出现的。本文提出:经济变量实质上是一种矢量。但又不同于物理学中的矢量,有其自身的合成规律。资源的有效配置其实是经济矢量合成的一种形式。本文以一些实例对经济矢量合成的法则进行说明,并进一步阐述这一理论在经济活动中的指导意义。(内容简介:经济学新理论)4吨混凝土和1吨盘钢构成一个5吨的混恁土构件;一个缸的发动机、一个底盘、一个车身构成一辆轿车;一个显像管、一个复杂的线路和一个壳体构成一个精美的电视机;一个美容师半个小时的劳务加上对各种美容美发器械及化妆品的使用,产生了一个时髦的发型;一位外科大夫4个小时的手术以及四个同事的合作、医疗器械和各种药物的使用完成了一个心脏手术.这些都是经济矢量合成的事例。混凝土4吨和1吨盘钢是两种不同的经济变量,像这样既有大小又有一定流向的经济变量,我们定义为经济矢量。4吨混凝土和1吨盘钢构成了一个5吨的混凝土构件,可以看成两种经济矢量的合成。它们之间的比例是一定的,是由构件的用途决定的,而且这种比例将随着生产的发展而变化(当然在一段时间内是相对稳定的)。如果现在有5吨混凝土和1吨盘钢,也只能构成5吨的混凝土构件,多生产的1吨混凝土在这一组合中是无用的。这就是经济矢量的合成法则。这个法则对于不同的经济矢量之间是不同的。这种经经济矢量的合成可以在多个经济矢量中进行。例如一个发动机、二个车身、二个底盘也只能构成一辆轿车,其中的一个车身、一个底盘是多余的。以上例子已说明了经济矢量概念是客观的,也说明经济矢量是按一定法则合成而产生社会的综合效益。这种法则在一定时期具有相对稳定性,它取决于合成商品和劳务的质量要求,也取决于届时的生产水平。通常,我们在经济学教科书中见到的资源的有效配置,实际上也可看成是一种经济矢量合成的实例,有效的含义就在于不进行多余的生产。当然一种商品和劳务是否是有效的,还取决于价格和周围的环境。例如:一辆奔驰轿车,就它的发动机、底盘、车身以及其他一切配套设施都是可以说是一种资源的有效配置,但其10万美元的价格,相对一般市民来说,就不能说是完全有效的。而对于中产阶级来说却可以看成是一种有效的配置。或者就环境而言,在经济发达国家的美国、西欧它可能是一种资源的有效配置(当然也不能超过一定的数量)。而在那些经济正处在发展中乃至落后的地区,它就不能算是一种资源的有效配置。世界上,任何国家,不管它是发达的国家,还是发展中的国家,都面临着对资源的有效开发和对资源的有效配置。资源不同程度的无效开发和无效配置,将造成有效资源的大量浪费、环境的严重污染乃至经济危机。近20年来,社会主义国家都面临着计划经济向市场经济的过渡,就实质而言,就是对各种资源进行更有效的开发,对各种资源进行更有效的配置。目前我国进行的下岗再就业工程实质上就是全国范围内进行的各种资源的有效配置活动。所谓新的经济增长点,就是某些地区、某企业、某产品基本上达到了某些资源的有效配置。我们认为,当这种有效配置的覆盖面达到50%的时候,由于经济活动的惯性,全国经济将出现全面好转,展示强大的生命力。就一个地区而言,整个经济活动达到80%的有效将是非常理想的,100%的有效是不存在的,既使是在发达国家美国也至少有20%的无效生产,它需要通过调整,甚至破产来达到有效。参考文献{1}SamueclsonandNordhaus:“Economics”,12th,Ed,McGraw-Hillco.NewYorK,1985.{2}Parkins:“Modem.Macroec......>> 问题七:女孩子 *** 么 5分 不好好学习成天研究这个干啥呢?~ 女的也 *** ``````````````` HOHO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2023-08-08 15:39:541

关于国际贸易的英语论文 急!

Protectionism Doesn"t Pay The global financial crisis is no doubt a catalyst for trade protectionism. As the world economy deteriorates, some countries try to boost growth prospects by erecting trade barriers. China calls on these governments not to replay history and revert to protectionism and economic isolationism.Previous global economic crises were usually accompanied by frequent trade disputes. The United States" erection of large-scale tariffs in 1930, for example, triggered a retaliatory global trade war. During the two oil shocks in the 1970s and 1980s, trade frictions emerged when major economies attempted to increase exports by depreciating their currencies. And in the wake of the 1997 Asian financial crisis, there was a notable uptick in antidumping actions, countervailing duties and other protectionist measures.The financial crisis is now spilling over into the real economy, hitting sectors like manufacturing and services. In almost all countries, factories are closing and unemployment is rising, creating political pressure and social problems. More and more governments are strengthening intervention in their economies under the excuse of "economic security" and protecting vulnerable domestic industries to curb imports from other countries, especially those in emerging markets.Trade protectionism differs from legally acceptable measures to protect trade. It is an abuse of remedies provided by multilateral trade rules. This kind of protectionism is morphing into more complex and disguised forms, ranging from conventional tariff and nontariff barriers to technical barriers to trade, industry standards and industry protectionism.With the economic crisis worsening, caution must be taken even in employing trade protection measures consistent with World Trade Organization rules. At the Group of 20 Financial Summit in November 2008, world leaders called for countries to resist trade protectionism and committed themselves to refraining from erecting new barriers to trade and investment, a message strongly echoed by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit at the end of last year, and the World Economic Forum held in Davos last month.History tells us that trade protection measures hurt not only other countries, but eventually the country that erected that trade barrier in the first place.To counter the Great Depression, the U.S. adopted the Smoot-Hawley Act in 1930, which raised import duties of over 20,000 foreign products significantly and provoked protectionist retaliation from other countries. Faced with that crisis, other countries pursued beggar-thy-neighbor policies that slashed global trade volumes from $36 billion in 1929 to $12 billion in 1932. Among the victims, not the least was the U.S. itself, where exports shrank from $5.2 billion in 1929 to $1.2 billion in 1932. Even in the U.S., the Smoot-Hawley Act was widely believed to be a catalyst that aggravated the effects of Great Depression.Global trade is now in dire straits. Thanks to shrinking external demand caused by the economic crisis, major trading countries have seen their export growth tumble or have suffered huge contractions. Germany"s exports dropped 10.6% in November 2008, compared to the same period the prior year -- the highest one-month drop since 1990. China also experienced negative export growth in November, and a 17.5% decline last month, when compared to the prior year. Protectionist policies would make things even worse and the consequences would be hard to predict.In the heat of the crisis, it"s critical that all countries refrain from pointing fingers at each other or pursuing their own interests at the expense of others. The financial crisis reflects a chronic illness resulting from global economic structural imbalance and financial risk accumulation, and there is no quick fix to this malady. The fundamental interest of every country is to step up consultation and cooperation and keep international trade smoothly flowing. Healthy international trade can help revive the world economy. During the Great Depression, the U.S. recovered from its economic woes because the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration implemented the New Deal and shunned protectionism.Today"s unprecedented financial crisis has inflicted a severe impact on China and other countries as well. China"s economic growth has slowed, exports have plunged and unemployment pressure has mounted. Yet even so, China still firmly believes that trade protectionism isn"t a solution to the world"s problems. In 2008, amid a contraction in global trade, China imported $1.133 trillion worth of goods from countries around the world -- an 18.5% increase over the prior year. These imports are boosting the economic development of China"s trading partners. Since the crisis broke out, the Chinese government has decisively put forward a series of measures aiming at stimulating domestic demand. Given the size and openness of our country, the growth in China"s domestic markets can be translated into greater market potential and investment opportunities for other countries. This year China will continue to increase imports and send buying missions abroad for large-scale purchase of equipment, products and technology.China has always championed our mutually beneficial opening-up policy and advocated international economic cooperation. We maintain that the Doha Round of global trade negotiations should be taken forward in a way that meets the interests of members and complies with the multilateral trading system already established. China is ready to stand together with all nations in the world to face up to the challenges of today, tackle the financial crisis through cooperation and guide the world economy into a new period of prosperity.贸易保护主义无法拯救世界经济对贸易保护主义来说,全球金融危机无疑是一针催化剂。近一时期,随着全球经济形势恶化,一些国家自危、自利、自保倾向抬头。有识之士为此感到忧虑,呼吁各国在出台经济刺激计划时,一定要防止贸易保护主义和经济孤立主义的历史重演。历次全球经济危机往往都伴随着贸易争端的高发。1930年美国政府大范围提高关税,引发了全球范围报复性贸易战。上世纪七八十年代两次石油危机时,主要国家放任货币贬值以扩大出口的作法引发了贸易摩擦。1997年亚洲金融危机之后,全球反倾销、反补贴和保障措施案件明显增多。当前,金融危机已蔓延到制造业、服务业等实体经济领域,各国工厂倒闭剧增,失业率上升,政治压力和社会问题接踵而至。越来越多国家以“经济安全”和保护本国虚弱产业为由加强政府对经济的干预,阻挠其他国家特别是新兴国家企业出口。贸易保护主义不同于正当的贸易保护措施,它是对多边贸易规则中救济措施的滥用。从传统的关税和非关税壁垒,到技术性贸易壁垒、行业标准等,以及产业保护主义,当前贸易保护主义的形式更加复杂多样,隐蔽性更强。在危机加剧的背景下,即使符合WTO规则的保护措施也应慎用,这已成为各国共识。在2008年11月举行的G20金融峰会上,各国领导人同声呼吁抵制贸易保护主义,承诺在未来一年内,避免设置新的贸易和投资壁垒。年底的APEC领导人会议和今年初的世界经济论坛达沃斯年会,再次发出了反对保护主义强音。历史是一面镜子。任何针对他国的贸易保护举措,不仅会损害对方,最终也会伤及自身。经验告诉我们,大规模的贸易保护措施将使金融危机下本已严峻的经济形势更加困难。1930年美国为了应对经济危机,颁发了《斯姆特-霍利关税法》,大幅提高超过2万种外国商品的进口关税,结果引起了其他国家的贸易保护主义报复。面对危机,各国以邻为壑,全球贸易总额大幅缩减,从1929年的360亿美元缩小到1932年的120亿美元,美国自身也深受其害,出口总额从1929年的52亿美元左右缩减到1932年的12亿美元。这一法案即使在美国国内也被普遍认为是大萧条加剧的催化剂。如今全球贸易形势已相当严峻:经济危机导致外需衰退,各主要贸易国的出口增速已急剧下滑,甚至出现大幅萎缩。德国08年11月份出口额较前月大幅下滑10.6%,为1990年以来的最大单月降幅。中国08年11月以来出口连续出现负增长,其中09年1月出口下降了17.5%。如果未来贸易保护主义泛滥,使严峻的形势雪上加霜,造成的后果很难预料。我们应该认真思索,这样的后果世界能否承受,又是否值得承受?危机当头,重要的是各国携手共克时艰,而非互相指责,以邻为壑。金融危机是全球经济结构失衡、金融风险积聚长期积累的结果,解决问题也不可能一蹴而就。当前加强磋商、增强合作,保持国际贸易渠道畅通,才符合各国的根本利益。国际贸易的健康发展,是推动世界经济复苏的重要力量。当年罗斯福政府实行新政,与贸易保护主义决裂,带领美国经济走出低谷,推动了全球经济的增长。在这场前所未有的世界金融危机中,中国与其他国家一样都受到严重冲击。去年第三季度以来,经济增速放缓,出口大幅下滑,就业压力加大。即便如此,中国仍坚定认为,贸易保护主义是条死胡同。在全球贸易萎缩的情况下,2008年中国从各国进口11331亿美元的商品,增长18.5%,促进了贸易伙伴的经济发展。危机爆发以来,中国政府果断出台了一系列扩大内需的措施。作为一个开放的大国,中国内需的提升可为其他国家提供更大的市场空间和更多的投资机会。今年,中国将继续扩大进口,积极组织企业采购团,赴海外大规模采购,进口设备、商品和技术。中国始终奉行互利共赢的开放战略,倡导国际经济合作。我们主张积极推进符合各国利益与多边贸易体制的多哈回合谈判。中国愿与世界各国一道,以开放迎接挑战,以合作应对危机,共克时艰,推动世界经济走向新的繁荣。
2023-08-08 15:40:041


Expectations Mixed Before Global Summit in London 人们对伦敦20国峰会结果期待不一 . Written by Tom Rivers 记者:里弗斯 Just days before world leaders gather in London for a key summit on the global economic crisis, expectations vary widely. 再过几天世界一些国家领导人就要聚首英国伦敦,就全球经济危机举行重要峰会,人们对这次峰会所抱的期望非常不同。 On the streets of London this weekend, people vented their fears, frustrations and anger at the bankers and the politicians they see as responsible for the economic woes they are feeling in their daily lives. 这个周末,人们在伦敦各条大街上表达他们的担忧、困惑,发泄他们对银行家和政界人士的愤怒,他们认为这些银行家和政界人士应该为他们在日常生活中经受的经济困难承担责任。 "We have had depressions," the protestor said. "We have had recessions. It is a boom and bust cycle that we are having and people are starting to get fed up with it." 这位示威者说:“我们经历过萧条,我们经历过衰退。我们现在正经历的是一个繁荣和衰退交替的周期,但人们开始厌倦了。” But the big question leading up to the G20 summit is, will there be genuine unity in addressing the world economic crisis? 但是在20国集团峰会开幕之前一个重要问题是,这次峰会在解决世界经济危机问题上是否能真正做到同心协力。 British Foreign Secretary David Miliband stressed that nice words alone would not do, but real substance must come out of the meeting. 英国外交大臣米利班德强调,光说得好听不能解决问题,这次峰会必须拿出实际的东西来。 "This is about trying to tackle an exceptional economic crisis, far beyond the financial system and set in place measures, measures that really do make a difference," Miliband said. 米利班德说:“这次峰会要对付的是一次非常特殊的经济危机,而绝不仅仅是金融体制的问题,要拿出一些措施,一些确实能带来变化的措施。” A difference not only now, Miliband says, but also in the long term. 米利班德说,这种变化不仅是眼前的,而且是长远的。 Interviewed on the BBC, the influential billionaire investor George Soros delivered a somber assessment. He said the summit would represent a "make or break" moment for the world economy. 著名的投资人、亿万富翁索罗斯接受英国广播公司采访时对20国集团峰会发表了比较悲观评语。他说,这次峰会可能预示世界经济处在一个“成败”的关头。
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自从美国雷曼兄弟公司的倒闭引发华尔街的“骚乱”后,金融危机这个词开始在大家的口中传播开来。看china daily的人都会发现,现在它每天的内容中,无形中多了一项,那就是经济危机在各国的表现情况:传谷歌裁员一万;股市高开低走未上2000;央行大幅下调存款利息;中国经济增长预期下调等等。
2023-08-08 15:40:404


2023-08-08 15:41:131


二战后的美国经济情况 第一阶段,战争结束后,经过恢复与改造,到20世纪五六十年代,经济持续发展,西部、南部呈现繁荣景象; 第二阶段,面对危机与“通胀”,经过调整,80年代中期以后,经济形势好转,但债务负担沉重; 第三阶段,通过调整政策,90年代以来,经济持续稳定发展,进入新经济时代。 第四阶段,2007年到2009年的全球性金融危机,对美国经济造成重创,进入低迷期。 二战后美国的经济发展及其特点 第二次世界大战后,美国的经济实力骤然增长,在资本主义世界经济中占有全面的优势。在完成了由战时经济向和平时期转变之后,美国经济从20世纪50年代起在上述优势地位的基础上进一步持续增长。从1955至1968年,美国的国民生产总值以每年4%的速度增长。虽然在同一时期西欧各国和日本的整体经济增长速度赶上了美国(法国为5.7%、联邦德国为5.1%、日本为7.2%、英国为2.8%),但是战后美国经济在相当长的一个时期中仍占有优势地位。特别值得注意的是该时期美国经济曾经出现连续106个月的持续增长,这一记录直至90年代出现所谓的“新经济”之后才被打破。 美国战后经济的迅速发展和优势地位的保持在很大程度上得益于美国联邦 *** 对经济的干预。战后美国 *** 对经济的干预不是表现在采取工业国有化的形式,而是运用财政和金融手段对资本主义的再生产进行干预。其主要特点是不断地依靠增加国家预算中的财政支出,依靠军事定货和对垄断组织甚至中小私营企业实行优惠税率来 *** 生产,增加社会固定资本投资。虽然美国没有在战后实行工业国有化,其经济体制仍保持着较为典型的资本主义私有制,但是,美国联邦 *** 在战后对许多新兴的工业部门、重大科研专案、现代化公共设施进行大量的投资。比如美国 *** 对发展原子能工业的投资,从1945年至1970年共计175亿美元;对宇航工业的投资,从60年代末起每年投入50多亿美元。美国 *** 之所以如此做,是因为战后科技革命的需要。科学技术是生产力,科学技术的发展对战后美国的经济繁荣有直接的作用,然而,对新科技产业部门的投资风险高,因此战后美国 *** 就主动出面承担起对这些部门的投资任务。美国 *** 在战后对经济的干预还表现在,为了维持高出口水平,一方面在“援外”专案下通过国家购买进行出口,另一方面对某些美国产品的出口实行补贴。在“援外”专案下提供的出口在美国出口比重中,1949年占46%,50年代占30%左右,60年代占20%左右。此外,美国 *** 还通过在全国范围内建立科研和教育网点,推行社会保障政策等,在缓和国内阶级矛盾的同时,进一步促进生产力的发展。 战后美国经济的发展具有一系列新特点。 1、首先,从50~60年代,美国经济增长出现了一个西方经济学家所称的“黄金时代”。美国的国民生产总值经过“黄金时代”的发展从1961年的5 233亿美元上升到1971年的10 634亿美元;1965~1970年美国的工业生产以18%的速度增长。1970年美国拥有世界煤产量的25%,原油产量的21%,钢产量的25%。1971年美国拥有汽车1.11亿辆,83%的家庭至少拥有一辆汽车。1970年美国农产品比1950年增长了2倍,一个农民能养活47.1个人。战后美国经济增长出现“黄金时代”的主要原因为:(1)上述已经提到的美国联邦 *** 对经济加强了干预;(2)为应付冷战而加强的国民经济军事化极大地 *** 了经济的增长;(3)战后技术革命推动了经济的迅速发展;(4)利用战后的经济优势地位,扩大商品输出和资本输出,充分利用国外的廉价资源,其中特别是石油资源,从而极大地获取高额利润;(5)战后美国的国内政治局面相当稳定。 2、其次,战后美国经济发展的重心逐渐向西部和南部转移。美国传统的工业区在东北部,随着战后新兴工业的迅速发展,没有传统工业负担的美国西部和南部,由于拥有新兴工业的原料——石油而特别适宜于诸如飞机制造业、石油工业和石油化工等新兴产业的发展。与此同时,美国西部和南部的新财团也骤然兴起,在经济乃至政治上与传统的东北部财团形成激烈的竞争。比如太平洋沿岸的加利福尼亚的资本家,形成了加利福尼亚财团,控制了美国最大的银行——美洲银行;而南部的得克萨斯州由于战时石油开采和军事工业的扩建也形成了得克萨斯财团。加利福尼亚财团在50年代就已成为美国的第三大财团,其实力仅次于摩根财团和洛克菲勒财团。得克萨斯财团的实力虽然差一些,但是它经常和其他财团结盟与东北部的老财团如摩根和洛克菲勒财团展开对抗。美国西部和南部经济实力的增长,以及西部和南部新财团的兴起,对美国的政治也产生巨大影响。第二次世界大战之前,美国历届 *** 的大权主要由东北部的财团操纵,但是这种政治局面在战后开始发生变化,西部和南部的财团逐渐在政治上与东北部的财团展开竞争。美国的政治权力不再由“多雪地带”的东北部独占,西部和南部的“阳光地带”开始分享政治权力。 3、再次,现代跨国公司在美国兴起。跨国公司在20世纪上半期就已出现,但是直到第二次世界大战前,早期的跨国公司还是以区域性地区为重点,其经济实力和业务经营的多样化也没有达到现代跨国公司的地步。战后,现代跨国公司首先在美国获得空前的发展,对美国乃至世界经济的发展起到了举足轻重的影响。现代跨国公司首先在美国飞速发展的原因是:(1)美国在战后凭借其经济、政治和军事上的绝对优势地位,掌握了世界经济的领导权。美国的垄断企业因此可以自由地向海外扩张,充分地利用全球资源和世界市场,通过直接投资,以投资代替出口,扩大并保持在世界市场上的绝对份额,从而赢得高额利润。(2)美国 *** 对待企业特别是对待大公司采取十分宽容的态度。从19世纪末20世纪初开始,美国经历了三次企业兼并的浪潮。第一次兼并浪潮发生于 19、20世纪之交,主要为同一产业部门的大企业吞并小企业。第二次兼并浪潮发生在20世纪20年代,其特点是从控制生产开始,到控制原料的供应和加工,直至最终控制销售市场。第三次兼并浪潮就发生在二战后,从50年代中期至70年代,其特点为混合合并,即在产品的生产和销售上互不联络的企业进行合并和吞并,从而形成混合联合公司。这样的混合联合公司从一开始就不是仅以争夺美国国内市场为主要目标,而是以世界市场为导向,为世界市场设计商品,根据全球资源(物质资源和人力资源)的不同分布情况,同时在几个国家生产,并把自己的金融和销售战略瞄准世界市场。由此,通过战后混合兼并的美国大公司纷纷成为现代跨国公司。它们拥有钜额的资本、广泛的经营范围,并且其业务经营强调“全球战略”,因此可以获取庞大的利润。例如美国通用汽车公司原先的主业是制造汽车,但是第二次世界大战后该公司除了制造汽车,还制造飞机发动机、洲际导弹、潜艇、宇宙飞船和家用电器等,并且在全球范围内设立子公司,形成全球性的生产和销售网路,以降低成本和提高利润。美国国际电话电报公司在60年代合并了120个不同的工商企业,并将业务扩充套件至全球,在海外的57个国家中建立150余家子公司,经营范围也扩大到面包和食品、人造纤维和纺织、建筑、旅游、印刷和出版、金融和保险等行业和部门,当然电话和通讯业依然是该公司的主业。 4、最后,战后美国的经济危机的烈度大大减低。从第二次世界大战结束到60年代末,美国没有出现过1929~1933年那样的经济大危机,但是曾经经历过5次经济衰退(或者可以说发生过5次一般的经济危机)。战后美国经历的第一次经济衰退是在1948~1949年,其间工业生产下降了8.3%,失业率达5%。第二次经济衰退从1953年8月延续至1954年8月,工业生产的幅度下降 9.1%,失业率达6.2%。第三次经济衰退从1957年7月起到1958年4月止,时间虽比较短,但是程度却比较严重,工业生产骤然下降13.5%,失业率高达7.5%。1960年2月到1961年2月美国发生了战后的第四次经济衰退。工业生产下降8.6%,失业率为7%左右。1969年10月到1970年11月美国发生了战后的第五次经济衰退。工业生产下降8.1%,失业率达7%以上。从上述一系列数字可见,虽然战后美国经济并没有摆脱资本主义经济固有的周期性回圈,经济危机或经济衰退依然相隔一段时间就要出现一次,但是经济危机的烈度都不很大,比如工业生产下降幅度基本在10%以下,只有一次在13.5%,但恰恰这次持续的时间最短。另一方面,战后美国 *** 对经济危机都实行了一系列凯恩斯主义的反危机手段,即运用赤字财政,通过膨胀通货, *** 总需求,从而抑制经济危机的破坏程度,避免大量的企业在危机中倒闭,同时控制失业率的急剧攀升,稳定社会秩序。当然,美国 *** 的这些国家干预的办法,在解决危机的同时,不可避免地造成了国债大增,通货膨胀有增无减,以至于积重难返,对20世纪70年代的美国经济产生强烈的负面影响。 09年美国经济情况? 专家预言说09年美国经济会复苏,失业率会降低,随着失业率的降低,通货膨胀率会提高一些的。怎么说呢,这种business circle是没办法避免的。 我的经济课教授还劝大家晚点毕业呢,躲过这次经济萧条 二战后的美国经济 靠什么走出低谷 美国在二战后经济管理方面的重大转折:美国等西方资本主义国家在战前频频暴发经济危机,即由于完全相信“市场万能论”,不能看到市场的盲目性导致某一领域的生产过重过剩超过了市场的购买力而导致经济严重失控和下滑。 二战时美国和苏联是同盟国家,美国在大量援助苏联的同时也派驻了大量专家帮助苏联进行管理,这些专家在苏期间发现以前一直被资本主义嘲笑和蔑视的计划经济管理体制下虽然严重地制约生产能力的发展,但也有其好处,即可以完全避免由于市场的盲目性导致的经济危机。于是在战后美国认真研究了计划经济的优点并放弃了战前的“市场万能论”,改为以市场经济为主导,国家进行巨集观调控的政策。(类拟于今天中国的论调,但美国并非以行政命令为巨集观调控手段,而是以提高或降低调控行业的贷款利率为手段) 在动用了“看不见的手”进行经济调控后,大大提高了美国的经济管理能力和水平,使得美国经济在战后进入了高速发展阶段。 概述二战后美国经济发展的情况 战后美国经济经历了一个曲折起伏的发展过程。由于以原子能技术、航空航天技术、电子计算机技术发展为标志的新科技革命的兴起,美国经济进入了高度现代化的发展阶段,加上现代企业组织的新发展、国家或国际垄断组织的新发展及跨国公司的迅速崛起,美国开始向后工业社会和资讯化社会转变,并始终站在资本主义世界的高峰。 二战后美国经济大体可以划分为五个阶段: 第一阶段 (战后--1973) 持续发展期(发展的“黄金时代”) 西部、南部呈现繁荣景象 *** 加强了对经济的干预;国民经济的军事化极大地 *** 了经济的增长(越南战争);战后新技术革命的推动(主要原因);利用战后经济优势地位,大力拓展世界市场(如现代跨国公司的兴起);利用国外廉价资源如石油,极大地获取高额利润;战后国内政治局面的相当稳定。 第二阶段 (1974--1982) 经济衰退期 经济危机与“滞胀” 石油危机、生产停滞、通货膨胀、失业严重、物价上涨等 根本原因在于资本主义的内在矛盾无法解决(凯恩斯主义的失灵);美国在越战时期采取不恰当的巨集观经济政策;第三世界与之利益的冲突与对抗;资本主义之间的竞争与抗衡(日本与西欧的崛起) 第三阶段 (1983--1990) 调整复苏期 经济持续低速增长、通货膨胀率和失业率显著降低;但债务负担沉重 经济政策的调整;现代科技的迅速发展和广泛应用;加强国际合作和政策协调,改善美国商品在国际市场上与日本、西德的竞争地位,增强在国际市场上的竞争力;国际上一些客观有利因素如石油及原料价格的下跌。 第四阶段 (1991--2001) 改革繁荣期 经济持续稳定繁荣高速发展,进入新经济时代(零通货膨胀下的充分就业) 克林顿 *** “巨集观调控、微观自主”政策的实施;高新技术的开发和利用(资讯产业飞速发展);经济全球化的影响;正确的货币政策以及良好的投资环境;国际国内良好的政治环境。 第五阶段 (2002年以来) 新一轮的经济衰退期 十字路口的美国经济,未来的发展还处在不确定状态中。 资本主义的内在矛盾;10年繁荣所隐藏的一系列失衡现象的累积效应(股市泡沫、投资过渡、监管消弱、债务膨胀、逆差扩大、两极分化、垄断加强等);2001年的9·11事件,有从外部打击了美国经济 综观战后50多年的发展,可以发现美国的经济地位呈现相对下降趋势。随着西欧、日本的相对强盛,加上发展中国家的崛起,战后初期美国经济的绝对优势已经不复存在。美国由世界最大的债权国变成最大的债务国,国内生产总值占世界的比重不断缩小,国际贸易地位逐年下降。但我们也应该看到,美国经济地位下降是相对的,而不是绝对的,支撑美国经济繁荣的因素仍在起一定作用,美国经济表现为“强盛”与“衰弱”并存的两重性。在今后相当长的时间里,美国对世界经济仍具有决定性的影响力。 二战后美国经济的发展,是资本主义生产关系的自我调整与科技进步的必然结果,是美国在国际事务中扮演重要角色的根本原因。“科学技术是第一生产力”在此得到了充分证明。 如何评价二战后美国经济 二战后美国经济的发展,大体可以划分为三个阶段:第一阶段,战争结束后,经过恢复与改造,到20世纪五六十年代,经济持续发展,西部、南部呈现繁荣景象;第二阶段,面对危机与“通胀”,经过调整,80年代中期以后,经济形势好转,但债务负担沉重;第三阶段,通过调整政策,90年代以来,经济持续稳定发展,进入新经济时代。 介绍一下二战后美国经济发展的具体情况? 二战后是美国经济高速发展的阶段!不知你所说的衰落是如何定义?美国战后经济只有发展的低谷并末出现过衰落。 值得一提的是美国在二战后经济管理方面的重大转折:美国等西方资本主义国家在战前频频暴发经济危机,即由于完全相信“市场万能论”,不能看到市场的盲目性导致某一领域的生产过重过剩超过了市场的购买力而导致经济严重失控和下滑。 二战时美国和苏联是同盟国家,美国在大量援助苏联的同时也派驻了大量专家帮助苏联进行管理,这些专家在苏期间发现以前一直被资本主义嘲笑和蔑视的计划经济管理体制下虽然严重地制约生产能力的发展,但也有其好处,即可以完全避免由于市场的盲目性导致的经济危机。于是在战后美国认真研究了计划经济的优点并放弃了战前的“市场万能论”,改为以市场经济为主导,国家进行巨集观调控的政策。(类拟于今天中国的论调,但美国并非以行政命令为巨集观调控手段,而是以提高或降低调控行业的贷款利率为手段) 在动用了“看不见的手”进行经济调控后,大大提高了美国的经济管理能力和水平,使得美国经济在战后进入了高速发展阶段。 英国在二战前和二战后经济情况如何英语作文 World War II was a global military conflict which involved a majority of the world"s nations, including all of the great powers, anized into o opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. The war involved the mobilization of over 100 million military personnel, making it the most widespread war in history. In a state of "total war", the major participants placed their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities at the service of the war effort, erasing the distinction beeen civilian and military resources. 为什么美国经济情况与原油的价格走势呈反比 因为原油的计较是以美元为标准的,当美国经济好时,美元指数升高,同样美金可以买到更多的原油,相对原油来说,就是一种贬值 二战后克里顿改革前美国经济发展状况如何? 在20世纪50/60年代,资本主义世界迎来了另一个发展的黄金时代,战后的西德和日本迅速复兴,而经济霸主美国却相对缓慢,原因是朝鲜战争和越南战争的消耗和失败的影响,国内的反战示威游行和工人罢工 二战后中国,日本,美国经济发展的程序 美国就不用说了,二战中的战胜国,原本就发了N多的战争财,一战中得到最多的是钱,二战中得到最多的是国际地位,因为第一个制造出原子弹,用核威慑和核讹诈政策在国际上永远保持第一强国的地位.后来又第一个把载人航天飞船送到月球上(当然,也有说是假的,不管是真是假,在当时是起了非常大的作用的),加上二战中放出很多战争贷款(尤其是英国),战后的第一强国地位无可质疑. 日本在二战以后,美国根本就是全力扶植日本的经济建设。理由很简单,因为日本所处的地方,离中国和苏联(当时美国最在意的两个社会主义制度的国家)很近,既然蒋介石打输了内战逃到台湾,那么美国在亚洲的扶植物件就只有选择日本了。因此,日本在战后,得到了美国诸多帮助,经济可以飞速发展,直到仅次于美国的世界第二经济体。但是,日本能爬到这个位置,除了外界因素以外,内在原因才是根本。要知道在二战以前,日本的经济就已经很强大了,不然怎么去发动战争?所以,第一日本在战后有基础,就算工业设施,厂房都被毁了,人才还有,先进的理念还在,也就是所谓的软体实力,加上美国提供的硬体,自然恢复经济不成问题。而后能不断进步直到广场协议以前,日本经济的腾飞,离不开他们自身的一些特点,比如能吃苦,做事认真,虚心学习,热爱创新,职业,有危机感,目光远大(后两点尤为重要,从 *** 到大财团,都有着完备的建设计划和目标,以及持续性的执行能力。之所以日本能出这么多世界500强,而中国没有,决定性的差距就是意识观念上的差距和连贯性)当然不可否认,中国的经济受到文革打击中断10年,但是如果相比较的话,二战后日本 *** 投入在经济建设上的精力要远远大过当时的中国 *** ,这种差距是全方位的,也是经验上的差距。 总之,一个小小的岛国经济能如此发达的原因是很多的,客观因素当然不可避免,至少在二战以后,因为冷战的原因,中国当时的经济发展出了文革以外,还受到很多西方国家的限制。但是,内在的差距,仍然不能避开。。超过美国的经济排在世界第一,只有两种可能,第一是美国同俄罗斯发生战争,受到核武器攻击;第二是美国再次发生像上世纪30年代初的大萧条,同时中国可以奇迹般的避免牵连。除此之外,正常状态下,只要中国依然是社会主义国家,西方国家就绝对不会给你这样一个机会。最好的例子就是苏联。
2023-08-08 15:41:231