barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-13 16:04:20





Out came his guest.

On the hill stood a little cottage that contained heaps of hay.

There lived an elderly lady whose husband died long ago.



Neither could he see through your plan.

So little did I know about him that I was easily taken in by his words.

Doesn"t her invitation appeal to you?

第一节 否定词提前倒装



Not only…(but also),        Not until(直到…..才),

No sooner….(than)(一…..就) Never/ Rarely/Seldom

Hardly/Scarcely… (when) Few/Little

Neither/Nor (也不)        Nwhere

At no time        Under no circumstances(决不)

On no account (决不)       In no way

其中not only, no sooner, hardly, scarcely 分别和but (also), than, when搭配使用,需注意:后一组词之后的部分不进行倒装,只有否定词之后的部分倒装

如:Hardly had I arrived home when it began to rain.

Not only was he able to enter the final round of the contest, but he came out first as well.

No sooner had I got any chance to speak than the clerk slammed the door in my face.

Seldom does he travel about.

Under no circumstances should you betray your own country.




---- was the first fully successful transatlantic cable finally laid.

(A) Not until 1866

(B) Until 1866, just

(C) Until 1866

(D) In 1866, not until


解释:由被动式was laid被名词短语分割开可知, 此句是个部分倒装句, 选项中只有A否定词提前可引导倒装句, 1866应是until的宾语, 故D不对; 此句正常语序应为: The first fully successful transatlantic cable was not finally laid until 1866.


Not until 1931 ---- the official anthem of the United States.

(A) “The Star-spangled Banner” did become

(B) when “The Star-spangled Banner” became

(C) did “The Star-spangled Banner” become

(D) became “The Star-spangled Banner”



第二节 介词、分词词组提前倒装


如:In the middle of the river floated the cluster of plants that she had cast.

Characteristic of an anarchist was her strong opposition to the government, which she had blamed for all the social injustices.

Lying on the grassland is a pretty girl in her early twenties.



Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent ----, or pronghorn.

(A) it is the American antelope

(B) the American antelope is

(C) is the American antelope

(D) the American antelope


解释:此句为形容词短语be typical of作表语前置引起的完全倒装句, 空白处缺少的实为倒装的主语和谓语动词, A B未倒装, 可首先排除; D无动词, 也可排除. 此句正常语序应为: The American antelope, or pronghorn, is typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent.


The glaciers that reached the Pacific Coast were valley glaciers, and between those tongues of ice ----that allowed the original forests to survive.

(A) that many sanctuaries were

(B) were many sanctuaries

(C) were there many sanctuaries

(D) there the many sanctuaries


解释:and是并列句的连接词,逗号前是分句一,and后是分句二. 因分句二中between引导的介词短语提前,空格处需要分句二倒装的主谓语,D无谓语,可先排除;A使原句只有从句无主句; C中there是多余的,只能选B

第三节 副词提前倒装


1. only + 副词(when, before, if, after等)

或only+介词状语(由in, under, by, on, after等引导)提前,必须部分倒装

如:Only then did he realize how stupid he had been.

Only after entering the store did Arthur realize that there was danger.

Only in the library can she concentrate on her study.

2. often, such, so等副词提前,部分倒装

如: So diligently did he work that he got hight scores on the final exam.

=He worked so diligently that he got hight scores on the final exam.

Such was his wish that the world would stay away from war forever.

Often did we go on a holiday in hot summer.


California relies heavily on income from crops, and so does Florida.



同理,体会一下neither, nor的倒装

He can"t dance, neither/nor can I.= I can"t, either.



3. in, out, down, up, away, off, here, there, over等副词提前,全部倒装

如:Off got the staggering gentlemen.

Here are the photos I took at the seaside.



 As inevitably as human culture has changed with the passing of time, so does the

          A      B     C        D






Only outside the Earth"s atmosphere ---- to attain extremely high velocities.

(A) to be safe for a space vessel

(B) is it safe for a space vessel

(C) for a space vessel to be safe

(D) a space vessel to be safe



第四节 疑问倒装


如:What part did he play in Hamlet?

Do you prefer tea or coffee?



Of the millions who saw Haley"s comet in 1986, how many people----long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century.

(A) will they live

(B) they will be living

(C) will live

(D) living


解释:此句是how many 引导的疑问句, 缺少倒装的谓语部分, 但因主语people已出现在句首疑问词之后, 不需要再进行主谓倒装. A B 中的they是people的重复, 没有必要; D 不能单独作谓语





1. 特殊疑问句中

(1)What is this?(全倒装)

(2)Which do you want?(部分倒装)

2. 一般疑问句

(1)Do you study English every day?(部分倒装)

(2)May I come in?

(3)Are you going to be a teacher?

特殊疑问句中,如果疑问词做主语或疑问词修饰主语时,句子不用倒装,即用陈述语序。例如:Who did it yesterday? Which guy can do this work?



1. What引导的感叹句

(1)What a happy life we have had!(宾语在主语前面)

(2)What a fine day it is!(表语在主语前面)

(3)What a shining example Comrade Lei Feng has set us!

2. How引导的感叹句

(1)How happy we are!(表语在前面)

(2)How hard they are working!(状语在前面)

(3)How nice a day it is!

3. 副词引导词引导的感叹句

(1)There comes the bus!

(2)In come the students!

(3)Off goes the worker!

What或how 引导的句子,主谓也有不倒装的。

What所强调的重点是名词,这一名词一般是表语或宾语,有时所强调的名词可能是主语。例如:What enormous crowd came!(《当代英语语法》中册P87)。What也可单独使用。例句:What she suffered in the old days!(《英语分类句型》P90)

How修饰形容词、副词或动词。有时how many的搭配也可修饰名词。For how many years have I waited! 该短语作状语。(《当代英语语法》)

副词引导词位于句首,一方面为了强调,另一方面使情景生动。主语是名词时,主谓倒装;如果主语是人称代词,主谓不倒装。例如:Away he went to the station!


1. Long live the king! (《最新实用英汉辞典》P769)

2. Long live the People"s Republic of China!

3. May you succeed! 祝你成功!

Long may he live! 愿他长命百岁!(《英华大辞典》P780)

4. Don"t you open the door. Don"t anyone open the door.(《当代英语语法》中册P85)



1. 主谓倒装

(1)Long long ago, there was a war between the birds and the beasts.

(2)Once upon a time there were six blind men in India.

(3)“Come along, then.” said the bird.

(4)...but toward the end there came the terrible storm...

2. 表语倒装

(1)Such was Albert Einstein,a simple man of great achievements.(全倒装句)

(2)Inside the pyramids are the rooms for the bodies of kings and queens.

(3)A very reliable person he is.(主语是人称代词时,主谓不倒装)(《英语分类句型》P400)

3. 宾语倒装

(1)Many happy hours she had spent planning for something nice for him.

(2)Twenty-one dollars they took for it.

(3)Not a single mistake did he make.

(4)Only a dictionary he never forgets to bring here.



(1)I take back what I said.

(2)...and the ship would have sunk with all board had it not been for the captain.(要是没有那位船长,就会连船带人都沉没了。)

(3)Were I you,I would go with him.

(4)Proud as these nobles are,he is afraid to see me.

(5)Not only was everything that he had taken away from him,but also his German citizenship.

(6)Hardly (Scarcely)had he sat down when the telephone rang.

(7)The harder you work, the greater will be your achievement.



(1)On the wall is a blackboard on which were written some words,“It is no use sitting here without listening to me.”(定语从句中,主语的同位语太长)

(2)They entered the classroom,in front of which sat a naughty boy.(使上下文紧密衔接)

(3)Gone forever are the days when the Chinese people were looked down upon by the foreigners.(主语加上定语后太长而表语短,所以表语在前面,强调句子平衡)





He banged the door angrily.
2023-08-08 13:34:592


2023-08-08 13:35:091


  如此的意思是像[前文]指出的或提出的方式或方法这样或那样;达到这个程度或达到这个范围。例句:江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。   如此的英语说法1:   so   如此的英语说法2:   such   如此的英语说法3:   Thus   如此的相关短语:   so considerate;   想得如此周到   Rightly so.   理当如此。   That"s how things stand.   情况就是如此。   So it appears.   似乎是如此。   I think so.   我想是如此。   如此的英语例句:   1. He actually became convinced that the nurses had an unanswerable case.   他实际上已经相信了护士们的情况确实如此。   2. Rather taken aback by such forwardness, I slammed down the phone.   如此无礼的言语让我火冒三丈,我砰的一下把电话挂了。   3. The government wilted in the face of such powerful pressure.    *** 面对如此大的压力,失去了信心。   4. It"s an affront to human dignity to keep someone alive like this.   如此维持一个人的生命是对人类尊严的冒犯。   5. Normally, such an outward display of affection is reserved for his mother.   通常,只有在母亲面前他的情感才会如此外露。   6. There are bound to be teething problems with something so new.   如此新鲜的事物刚开始必然会有些问题。   7. The ethnic populations are so intermingled that there"s bound to be conflict.   各民族人口如此杂居,肯定会发生冲突。   8. You will be remunerated and so will your staff.   你将得到酬劳,你的职员也如此。   9. The president insisted that he was acting out of passion, not opportuni *** .   总统坚持说他如此做是出于同情而不是为了投机。   10. He stopped and watched with amusement to see the child so absorbed.   他停下来,饶有兴趣地看着孩子如此投入。   11. Any action on the basis of such fragmentary evidence would be foolish.   基于如此不完整的证据采取的任何行动都是愚蠢的。   12. It was so humiliating, a terrible blow to my self-esteem.   这件事如此丢脸,深深地挫伤了我的自尊心。   13. Did you ever wonder how the top supermodels manage to look stunning?   难道你就没有想过那些超级名模是如何做到外表如此惊艳的吗?   14. The crime was so base that everyone wanted to hush it up.   这一罪行如此卑鄙 *** ,大家都不想声张出去。   15. Do women really share such stupid jokes? We suspect not.   女人们真的会觉得如此愚蠢的笑话好笑吗?我们想不会。
2023-08-08 13:35:481


《因为深爱,所以放手》(原版名Slammed)一书是[美]科林·胡佛 、 Colleen Hoover于2012年1月发表的一部小说1。2014年8月由南海出版公司出版。所有的幸福与不幸 都让人成长·荣登《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜·创下美国亚马逊史无前例的销售速度美国最受欢迎情感类作家 科林·胡佛简体中文版 首次登陆中国她笔下的故事,令全球3000万读者陷入泪海!
2023-08-08 13:35:551

when the stranger walked towards him,he fled,the door( )behind him. a .slammed b,slamming

slam 这里作不及物动词发出砰然声;啪嗒一声关闭the door slammed behind him. 如果slam 做及物动词 要改写成the door slamed by himthe door was slammed by him.从意思上理解,门在他后面发出砰地一声 这个时候他已经走远了 和门没有被动关系望采纳!祝学习进步!
2023-08-08 13:36:092


1 touch2 gladness3 useless4 slam5 against
2023-08-08 13:36:195

声带的英语翻译 声带用英语怎么说

声带vocal cords
2023-08-08 13:37:162


2023-08-08 13:37:2810


英[ˈdʒeɪsən] 美[ˈdʒesən].
2023-08-08 13:37:585

Eyes Forward 歌词

歌曲名:Eyes Forward歌手:Shawn McDonald专辑:The Analog SessionsShawn McDonald - Eyes Forward.Jumped in the car slammed on the gasGot to get away from here real fastThe enemy is breathing down my neckTrying to grab a hold and make me wreckHot on my tail trying to make me failTrying to take the wind up out of my sailTrying to run me off this road.Eyes forwardDon""t look at whats behindEyes forwardDon""t take your eyes off the prize.Well the pressure""s bleeding inGiving me some blurry visionFogging up my intellectWhere love and hate they intersectKeep the path of the missionNever going to lose my ambitionGot my eyes up on the prize.Eyes forwardDon""t look at whats behindEyes forwardDon""t take your eyes off the prize.Eyes forwardDon""t look at whats behindEyes forwardDon""t take your eyes off the prize
2023-08-08 13:38:361

求翻译 快快快 回了 快When I was 8 years old, I once decid

2023-08-08 13:38:431


slam的意思是砰地关上,猛地关上。slam:vt、砰地关上(门或窗);猛烈押击;使劲一推;猛劲一摔。vi、研然关上;猛力打击,碰撞;撞到了一辆卡车上。n、猛然关闭的声音;猛击。相关例句:1、We heard a car doorslam.我们听到有车门砰的一声关上了。2、Local media slammed plans to build a prison in the area.当地媒体猛烈押击要在该地区建一座监狱的计划。3、I heard the door slam behind him.我听见他随手砰地把门关上了。4、A window slammed shut in the wind.风吹得一扇窗户晓地关上了。5、He stormed out of the house,slamming the door as he left.他怒气冲冲地从房子里出来,随手把门砰地关上。6、She slammed the lid shut.她研的一声盖上盖子。7、She slamned doun the phone angrily.她气呼呼地啪的一声挂上电话。
2023-08-08 13:39:131


你的行程是否总被排满,过得非常忙碌?当你正在工作、做家事,该如何向他人表达自己十分忙碌?让Let"s Talk讲师Niharika教你以下几种方式… 首先,你可以学习如何使用” busy”这个字汇: 1)I was busy+Ving 当你要说自己过去某时间很忙录,可使用此句型。 例句:I was busy cleaning. 例句:I was busy doing the chores. 2)I am busy+Ving 当你要说自己现在很忙录,可使用此句型。 例句:I am busy working. 例句:I am busy doing the chores. 再来,你可以学习” busy”以外的表达方式: 1.Busy as a beaver 指你真的很忙。 范例:I am busy as a beaver these days, trying to finish my paintings before the exhibition dates. 2.A lot on one"s plate 指你有很多工作要做。 范例:I am sorry I can"t really help you out with your work this week as I already have a lot on my plate. 3.Slammed 指你的工作过重。 范例:I will have to skip this trip as I am slammed with a lot of work. 4.Biz 指忙录。 范例:Hey girl look like you really biz these days. 5.To be snowed under 指你有太多事要做,难以应付。 范例:I was so snowed under with work today that I didn"t even have time for lunch. 6.Swamped 形容你工作过多。 范例:I can"t really take this new project, I am swamped with too much of work. Biz, Biz 中文, busy, Busy as a beaver 中文, busy 中文, Slammed, Slammed 中文, Swamped, Swamped 中文, 忙碌, 忙碌 英文, 行程
2023-08-08 13:39:271


Over You 播放歌手:DaughtryNow that it"s all said and done,I can"t believe you were the oneTo build me up and tear me down,Like an old abandoned house.What you said when you leftJust left me cold and out of breath.I fell too far, was in way too deep.Guess I let you get the best of me.Well, I never saw it coming.I should"ve started runningA long, long time ago.And I never thought I"d doubt you,I"m better off without youMore than you, more than you know.I"m slowly getting closure.I guess it"s really over.I"m finally getting better.And now I"m picking up the pieces.I"m spending all of these yearsPutting my heart back together."Cause the day I thought I"d never get through,I got over you.You took a hammer to these walls,Dragged the memories down the hall,Packed your bags and walked away.There was nothing I could say.And when you slammed the front door shut,A lot of others opened up,So did my eyes so I could seeThat you never were the best for me.Well, I never saw it coming.I should"ve started runningA long, long time ago.And I never thought I"d doubt you,I"m better off without youMore than you, more than you know.I"m slowly getting closure.I guess it"s really over.I"m finally getting better.And now I"m picking up the pieces.I"m spending all of these yearsPutting my heart back together."Cause the day I thought I"d never get through,I got over youWell, I never saw it coming.I should"ve started runningA long, long time ago.And I never thought I"d doubt you,I"m better off without youMore than you, more than you knowWell, I never saw it coming.I should"ve started runningA long, long time ago.And I never thought I"d doubt you,I"m better off without youMore than you, more than you know.I"m slowly getting closure.I guess it"s really over.I"m finally getting better.And now I"m picking up the pieces.I"m spending all of these yearsPutting my heart back together.Well I"m putting my heart back together,"Cause I got over you.Well I got over you.I got over you."Cause the day I thought I"d never get through,I got over you.
2023-08-08 13:39:551


1、Hestormedout and slammed the door shut.他怒气冲冲地跑了出去,把门重重地关上。2、She choked and her eyes brimmed with tears.她喉咙哽咽,眼里满是泪水。3、She hugged them to her chest, and at last she was able to look up with tearful eyes and a smile.她把它们紧紧地抱在胸前,终于抬起头来,泪流满面地微笑着。4、In between sobsl told her the story.在哭的时候,告诉她这个故事。5、The last word went like a bulletto my heart.最后—句话像—颗子弹击中了我的心。
2023-08-08 13:40:171

in a sudden用法

in a sudden 一下子,突然In a sudden burst of anger,I slammed the door.一怒之下I struck the cup down in a sudden fit of furry.我一时慌促,把杯子打翻了。
2023-08-08 13:40:511


2023-08-08 13:41:036


2023-08-08 13:41:232


“你们” 现在这一切都说过和做过 我不能相信你是一个 建立我和催泪我失望 像一个被遗弃的旧房子 你说当你离开 刚刚离开我冷,呼吸急促 我觉得如果我在这样的深 想我可以让您获得最佳的那么我从来没有见过它未来 我已开始运行 很久很久! 和我从没想过自己会怀疑你 我更好没有你 超过你,你知道多 我慢慢关闭 我猜这真是比 我终于更好 现在我拿起件 消费所有这些年来 把我的心回到在一起 "导致一天我想我永远不会通过 我得到了你! 你用锤子锤这些墙 击垮回忆的大厅 便携袋和你走开 没有什么我可以说, 当你抨击前门关闭 有很多其他的开放 因此,我的眼睛,我就可以看到 你永远是最好的那么我从来没有见过它未来 我已开始运行 很久很久! 和我从没想过自己会怀疑你 我更好没有你 超过你,你知道多 我慢慢关闭 我猜这真是比 我终于"更好 现在我拿起件 消费所有这些年来 把我的心回到在一起 "导致一天我想我永远不会通过 我得到了你! 我从来没有见过它未来 我已开始运行 很久很久和我从没想过自己会怀疑你 我更好没有你 超过你,你知道多 那么我从来没有见过它未来 我已开始运行 很久很久! 和我从没想过自己会怀疑你 我更好没有你 超过你,你知道多 我慢慢关闭 我猜这真是比 我终于"更好 现在我拿起件 消费所有这些年来 把我的心回到在一起 我把我的心回到在一起 和我比你! 和我比你! 和我比你! 这一天我想我永远不会通过 我得到了你...
2023-08-08 13:42:092


loud:adj 响亮的;adv 响亮地 (音量高,声波可以传很远,一般修饰喊叫、哭闹等发声动作)loudly:adv 响亮地(和 loud 相近,但有嘈杂之意,可以修饰撞钟、打铃、敲击等动作)loud英 [lau028ad]美 [lau028ad]adj.喧闹的;响亮的;大声疾呼的;招摇的;强调的;坚持的;炫耀的;俗艳的adv.大声地;响亮地作副词讲:意为“响亮地”、“大声”或“高声地”,指音量大,传播距离较远。一般多用来修饰 speak , talk , laugh 等动词,主要指说话声、笑声和爆炸声等等。常用比较级形式。例句:Try to sing louder.试着再大点儿声唱。Could you speak a little louder, please?请你说话大声一点,好吗?I heard a loud bang and then saw black smoke.我听到砰的一声巨响,接着就看到了黑烟。loud作形容词讲:意为“大声的;响亮的”例句:I couldn"t hear what he said because the music was so loud.我听不见他说些什么,因为音乐的声音太大了。I heard a loud crash in the kitchen.我听到厨房有一声巨响。loudly英 [u02c8lau028adli]美 [u02c8lau028adli]adv.大声地;高声地;响亮地副词,意为“响亮地、大声的”,既可与发音器官连用,还可以与 ring ,knock 等动词连用。loudly 放在动词前后均可,含有“喧闹”或者“嘈杂”的含义。例句:Someone knocked loudly at the door.有人大声敲门。She spoke very loudly.她说话的声音很大。Don"t talk so loudly.别这么高声说话。
2023-08-08 13:42:182


bring home (把…)拿〔带〕回家 bring (sb/sth) to one"s home▲bring sth/sb homeI don"t like to bring my work home. I"d rather stay late at the office.我宁愿晚点下班,也不愿把活带回家干。Don"t worry,I"ll bring you home.不用担心,我会带你回家的。bring home the bacon 〈口〉获得成功 be successfulSince I"m the one who brings home the bacon,I should help to decide how the money is spent.由于我是养家的人,所以我应该参与决定如何花钱。Our team went to the games without much hope, but they surprised us and brought home the bacon—three first prizes and two second!我们队去参加比赛时没抱多大成功的希望,不料大获全胜——荣获三个第一名,两个第二名。bring home to1.邀请…作客从而使之遇到 invite sb as one"s guest, so as to meet (sb/sth)▲bring sb home to sth I like to bring my friends home to a warm welcome from my family.我喜欢邀请朋友到家作客,并使他们受到家里人的热烈欢迎。2.使(某人)相信或明白… persuade (sb) to believe (sth)▲bring sth home to sb The situation brings home to us the need for drastic preventive measures.这种情况使我们深切地感到,采取坚决的预防措施是必要的。You must bring home to John what the difficulty is.你必须使约翰了解困难是什么。You must bring home to Jimmy that we don"t have enough money.你必须使吉米相信我们的钱不够。3.证明(某人)有(罪); 证明(某人)有(过失) put the blame for (sth wrong) on (sb)▲bring sth home to sb The courts are making efforts to bring their crimes home to the young people.法官们正竭力证实那些年轻人有罪。come home to使感动; 使…领会 be moved; make (sb) understandThis voice came home to them.这声音打动了他们的心弦。The importance of the examination came home to him.他认识到这次考试的重要性。My opinion will come home to him at last.最后他会领会我的意思的。come home to roost得到恶报 return of unpleasantness as a result of previous actionAll his lies have come home to roost.他的一切谎言都得到了恶报。You should not have sold the car in that unsafe condition; sooner or later your misdeeds will come home to roost.你不该把那辆不安全的车卖掉,你的不端行为迟早会得到报应。drive home▲drive sth u21d4 home1.把…完全敲入 drive a nail, bolt, etc. until it has gone fully inHe slammed the door and drove the bolt home.他砰地一声关上门,把插销拴好。The carpenter will drive every nail home before he pronounces the work finished.木匠要把每根钉子钉好了才会说工作做完了。2.讲清楚 get sb to understand or realize it clearlyThis will help drive home the meaning of the new words.这有助于把这些生词的词义讲透。I spoke to him plainly of his duty, and I think I drove the nail home.他的职责我对他说得很清楚,我认为我的工作已做到家了。The point was driven home.这一点大家理解了。It is no use merely mentioning the fact in passing; it needs to be driven home by emphasis and repetition.只是顺便提到这个事实,那是没有用处的; 必须通过强调以及重复的方式使人理解。▲drive sth home to sb We must drive home to him where the difficulties lie.我们必须使他彻底明白困难在哪儿。get home (to)被充分理解; 中肯 make sth clear; make sth obvious to▲get sth home (to sb)I can"t seem to get it home to my son that extra time spent studying now will pay off in the future.我似乎无法使儿子能明白,现在花在学习上的额外时间将来会有回报的。The speaker got his point home, and many of his listeners were ashamed.讲演者把话说到点子上了,很多听众都感到惭愧。
2023-08-08 13:42:501


2023-08-08 13:43:1611


I had a dream last night.In my dream,I......
2023-08-08 13:43:523

make inference是什么意思

make inference使推理inference[英][u02c8u026anfu0259ru0259ns][美][u02c8u026anfu0259ru0259ns]n.推理; 推断; 推论; 复数:inferences例句:1.He repeatedly slammed samsung and motorola and google, sometimes by name,sometimes by obvious inference. 乔布斯不断地抨击三星(Samsung)和摩托罗拉(Motorola)以及谷歌(Google)等公司,有时指名道姓,有时含沙射影。
2023-08-08 13:44:021


《laid》—— MATT NATHANSON 没事干 补充下顺便把歌词贴上来。This bed is on fireWith passionate loveThe neighbors complain about the noises aboveBut she only comes when she"s on topMy therapist said not to see you no moreShe said you"re like a disease without any cureShe said I"m so obsessed that I"m becoming a bore, oh noAh, you think you"re so prettyCaught your hand inside the tillSlammed your fingers in the doorFought with kitchen knives and skewersDressed me up in women"s clothesMessed around with gender rolesDye my eyes and call me prettyMoved out of the house, so you moved next doorI locked you out, you cut a hole in the wallI found you sleeping next to me, I thought I was aloneYou"re driving me crazy, when are you coming home
2023-08-08 13:44:091


杜思丽太太用嘬着嘴唇,抿了一口茶水,杜思丽先生不知道自己是否敢和她提起波特这个名字。他决定还是先不提。像往常一样,他说:他们的儿子也和大力一样大了是吗? "我想是的“杜思丽太太生硬的回答。 ”他的名字叫霍华德?,是吗?“ ”叫哈利,以我说这是个可笑的名字。“ ”噢,是的“杜思丽先生说着,感觉到他的心咯噔地震动,”是的,我想当同意“ 他们上楼睡觉时,就没有再提这个话题。杜思丽太太走进洗漱间后,杜思丽先生悄悄地走进卧室窗前,看看前面的花园。那只猫还在原地,正目不转睛地盯着女贞路路口,好像在等待什么。 他是在想入非非吗?这一切会与波特一家有关吗?如果真有关系……如果最后真跟他们夫妇有关……那么,他认为他是承受不住的。 德思礼夫妇睡下了。德思礼太太很快就睡着了,德思礼先生却思绪万千,怎么也睡不着觉。不过在他入睡前,最后一个想法使他感到安慰:即使波特一家真的被卷了进去,也没有理由牵连他和他太太。波特夫妇很清楚德思礼夫妇对他们和他们那群人的看法。他打了个哈欠,翻过身去。不会影响他们的…… 他可是大错特错了。 德思礼先生迷迷糊糊,本来可能胡乱睡上一觉,可花园墙头上的那只猫却没有丝毫睡意。它卧在墙头上,宛如一座雕像,纹丝不动,目不转睛地盯着女贞路远处的街角。邻街的一辆汽车砰的一声关上车门,两只猫头鹰扑扇着从头顶上飞过,它也一动不动。实际上,快到午夜时,它才开始动了动。 猫一直眺望着的那个街角出现了一个男人,他来得那样突然,悄无声息,简直像是从地里冒出来的。猫尾巴抖动了一下,眼睛眯成了一条缝。Mrs. Dursley sipped her tea through pursed lips. Mr. Dursley wondered whether he dared tell her he"d heard the name "Potter." He decided he didn"t dare. Instead he said, as casually as he could, "Their son - he"d be about Dudley"s age now, wouldn"t he?" "I suppose so," said Mrs. Dursley stiffly. "What"s his name again? Howard, isn"t it?" "Harry. Nasty, common name, if you ask me." "Oh, yes," said Mr. Dursley, his heart sinking horribly. "Yes, I quite agree." He didn"t say another word on the subject as they went upstairs to bed. While Mrs. Dursley was in the bathroom, Mr. Dursley crept to the bedroom window and peered down into the front garden. The cat was still there. It was staring down Privet Drive as though it were waiting for something. Was he imagining things? Could all this have anything to do with the Potters? If it did... if it got out that they were related to a pair of -- well, he didn"t think he could bear it. The Dursleys got into bed. Mrs. Dursley fell asleep quickly but Mr. Dursley lay awake, turning it all over in his mind. His last, comforting thought before he fell asleep was that even if the Potters were involved, there was no reason for them to come near him and Mrs. Dursley. The Potters knew very well what he and Petunia thought about them and their kind.... He couldn"t see how he and Petunia could get mixed up in anything that might be going on -- he yawned and turned over -- it couldn"t affect them.... How very wrong he was. Mr. Dursley might have been drifting into an uneasy sleep, but the cat on the wall outside was showing no sign of sleepiness. It was sitting as still as a statue, its eyes fixed unblinkingly on the far corner of Privet Drive. It didn"t so much as quiver when a car door slammed on the next street, nor when two owls swooped overhead. In fact, it was nearly midnight before the cat moved at all. A man appeared on the corner the cat had been watching, appeared so suddenly and silently you"d have thought he"d just popped out of the ground. The cat"s tail twitched and its eyes narrowed.
2023-08-08 13:44:161

Alycia 的 anybody but you 的中文歌词

You know I still love you babyAnd it will never change 我爱你I want nobody nobody but YouI want nobody nobody but You不管谁先伤害谁 我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobody nobody nobody乱了心扉 我不属于谁别装做无所谓 可以忽略我的美高脚酒杯 已斟满颓废心慢慢在破碎 变成一种负累我就像受伤的玫瑰需要你浇灌着泪水你掩饰这伤悲 连头都不敢回像独自长达三年的憔悴I want nobody nobody but YouI want nobody nobody but You不管谁先伤害谁 我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobody nobody nobodyI want nobody nobody but YouI want nobody nobody but You不管谁先伤害谁 我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobody nobody nobody慢慢体会 幸福的滋味只要与你相随 世界都变的完美将友谊剪碎 爱那么的昂贵脱去了防备 在心里面陶醉这份爱好像是花蕊别轻易就让她枯萎未来要怎么追 请不要不理会只想和你紧紧得依偎I want nobody nobody but YouI want nobody nobody but You不管谁先伤害谁 我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobody nobody nobodyI want nobody nobody but YouI want nobody nobody but You不管谁先伤害谁 我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobody nobody nobodyI dont want nobody body bodyI dont want nobody body body遇见你 相信上帝才能让我安稳入睡I want nobody nobody but YouI want nobody nobody but You不管谁先伤害谁 我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobody nobody nobodyI want nobody nobody but YouI want nobody nobody but You不管谁先伤害谁 我只需要你安慰I want nobody nobody nobody nobodyBack to the dayswhen we were so young and wild and freeNothing else mattered other then you and meSo tell me why can"t it bePlease let me live my life my wayWhy do you push me away?I don"t want nobody nobody nobody nobody but you
2023-08-08 13:44:253

绿日的loss of control歌词

I"m taking down all my enemies我干掉了我所有的敌人"Cause they"re all so fucking useless因为他们他妈的都那么没用A bunch of shit talking drama queens一堆狗屎在谈论戏剧皇后And they"re all filled with excuses他们都说着各种借口I wanna find me a better scene我想我找到了一个更好的场景Where it"s not the same opinion这是不同的意见I"d rather go to a funeral我宁愿去参加一个葬礼Than to this high school reunion也不愿去高中同学聚会April Fool!愚人节!Thought you"re falling in love虽然你充满了爱But now you"re sucking on a doorknob但是现在你吸在门把手上That I slammed in your face我砰的一声打在你脸上Life"s a cruel crushing bastard crime生命是一个残酷粉碎犯罪现场的混蛋You"re a stupid mother fucker你是个愚蠢的混蛋And you"re doing the time你浪费了时间We"re all crazy我们都疯了You"re all crazy now你们现在都疯了Well we"re so crazy好的我们这么疯狂You"ve all gone insane你们都疯了Loss of control失去了控制Hanging out all by myself全部都由我们自己挂出At least I make good company至少我创建了一个好公司Hey isn"t that old what"s his face嘿,他的脸是不是老了That I see walking down the street我在大街上走时看到的I"m gonna hide in the shadows我隐藏在阴影中Cause I really got nothing to say因为我真的无话可说We never had anything in common我们从来没有任何共同点And I never liked you anyway无论如何从未喜欢过你April Fool!愚人节!Thought you"re falling in love虽然你充满了爱But now you"re sucking on a doorknob但是现在你吸在门把手上That I slammed in your face我砰的一声打在你脸上Life"s a cruel crushing bastard crime生命是一个残酷粉碎犯罪现场的混蛋You"re a stupid mother fucker你是个愚蠢的混蛋And you"re doing the time你浪费了时间We"re all crazy我们都疯了You"re all crazy now你们现在都疯了Well we"re so crazy好的我们这么疯狂You"ve all gone insane你们都疯了Loss of control失去了控制April Fool!愚人节!Thought you"re falling in love虽然你充满了爱But now you"re sucking on a doorknob但是现在你吸在门把手上That I slammed in your face我砰的一声打在你脸上We"re all crazy我们都疯了You"re all crazy now你们现在都疯了Well we"re so crazy好的我们这么疯狂You"ve all gone insane你们都疯了Loss of control失去了控制麻烦给个满意,谢谢.
2023-08-08 13:44:471

翻译一下 (不要用翻译软件的直接贴过来)

我是开发的 翻译一下
2023-08-08 13:44:592


如果填and 那么句子后面没有主语。help就要和stand 对应起来才对,形成并列关系。但是这里是helped,明显不是和stand一路的。一个是to do ,一个是过去时态。所以你要找个主语。strength。再看发现是定语从句,修饰strength。按说可以用that或者which。但是空前面有逗号,不能用that。用关系代词which引导,同时做从句的主语。回答别人的问题,积累自己的智慧。
2023-08-08 13:45:072

Lucinda Williams&Willie Nelson的《Overtime》 歌词

歌曲名:Overtime歌手:Lucinda Williams&Willie Nelson专辑:It Always Will BeI Call Fives - OvertimeWe wrote this story down with a turn of each pageWe alter the way that our family unfolds in the endIt doesn"t really make a differenceAnd did you even careThat we were torn at the seamsBut did you really fight to changeThe history that we madeThat was torn between the pages of our livesI can"t stand another nightSo go on pretending that you"ll come back to meIf you thought this was easyThen why"s it so hard to for you to leave me?You slammed the door in my faceSo broken it"s clear as day to seeIf you thought this was easyJust let me know cause you don"t need meLet me waste my time on someone elseA bitter misconception, to learning foolish lessonsIf you ever feel alone, just pick up your phoneNow I"m waiting on the other end of an empty dial toneThis is the final time I"m left behindNo more love to holdSo go on pretending that you"ll come back to meIf you thought this was easyThen why"s it so hard to for you to leave me?You slammed the door in my faceSo broken it"s clear as day to seeIf you thought this was easyJust let me know cause you don"t need meLet me waste my time on someone elseShe dotted every I and crossed every TSo perfectly in her last letter to meIts like a bad dreamI hold it all in and start againEven though it"s too late to walk awayIf you thought this was easyThen why"s it so hard to for you to leave me?You slammed the door in my faceSo broken it"s clear as day to seeIf you thought this was easyJust let me know cause you don"t need meLet me waste my time on someone else
2023-08-08 13:45:411


josh[英][du0292u0252u0283][美][du0292ɑ:u0283]vt.& vi.<美,非正>开玩笑; 第三人称单数:joshes过去分词:joshed现在进行时:joshing过去式:joshed例句:1.The region is also slammed with young entrepreneurs who want to be the next joshjames. 此外,该地区到处都是充满雄心壮志的年轻创业者,梦想着有朝一日能成为下一个乔希u2022詹姆斯。2.I decided to talk to josh. 我决定与josh好好谈谈。
2023-08-08 13:45:511


My room have two bathrooms.
2023-08-08 13:46:071


1、做个掌握时间的主人,是对自己未来更负责任的开始。 The master of time, do a master is more responsible for yourself in the future. 2、一个人能承担多大的责任,就能取得多大的成功! How a person can take responsibility, can be made much success! 3、责任并不是你的负担,而是一种你应具有的信念,做一个有责任心的人吧。 Responsibility is not a burden to you, but you should have faith, do a responsible person. 4、面对孩子,有爱才会有责任感,有责任感才会始终付出爱的行动。 In the face of children, there is love there is sense of responsibility, has the sense of responsibility will always love action. 5、真理的发现,或首选责任的完成,都引起我们的欢欣,使我们整个生命震颤。 The discovery of truth, or the completion of the first responsibility leads to our delight, our whole life. 6、有时候,忘了比记得好,记得会有太多的责任,忘了反而逍遥自在。 Sometimes, forget than remember good, remember can have too much responsibility, forget easygoing instead. 7、我想念我的童年时光,无忧无虑,没有责任,没有心碎,没有疼痛。 I miss my childhood, carefree, there is no responsibility, no heart, no pain. 8、提出目标是管理人员的责任,实际上这是他的主要责任。 Goal is the responsibility of the management is put forward, in fact, this is his main responsibility. 9、真正的管理者必须有不推卸责任的精神。 The real managers must have not the spirit of responsibility. 10、用好手中的权力靠的是责任,带好身边的人员靠的是品行。 With the power in the ace by responsibility, take the staff around by character. 11、我们不是为自己而生,我们的国家赋予我们应尽的责任。 We are not born for oneself, it is the responsibility of our country gives us. 12、在他握有意志的完全自由去行动时,他才能对他的这些行为负完全责任。 In his will have complete freedom to act, he will assume full responsibility for his actions. 13、做好每一件该做的事就是责任。 Everything you should do is responsibility. 14、沉默是把选择权和两难困境一起交给心急如焚的对方,是不负责任,是躲避伤害。 Silence is the dilemma to choose and to Ppare each other together, is irresponsible, is to avoid damage. 15、成熟不是看你的年龄有多大,而是看你的肩膀能挑起多重的责任。 Maturity not to see how big is your age, but see your shoulders strong enough to carry the responsibility of multiple. 16、人不能随心所欲因为责任,承担责任本是一件你情我愿的事,最后却成为了不得不。 People can"t follow one"s inclinations because of responsibility, responsibility is something you love, I would like to, but have to. 17、友谊永远是一个甜柔的责任,从来不是一种机会。 Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, but never an opportunity. 18、工作就是权力,权力就是责任,一分权力,十分责任。 Work is power, power is responsibility, an ounce of power and responsibility. 19、世间的人要对法律负责任。修行的人要对因果负责任。 The person must be responsible for the legal thing in the world. Man of practice must be responsible for cause and effect. 20、自己主动负起责任,采取行动,这就叫做“认真”。 The responsibility on their own, take action, this is called "serious". 21、人只因承担责任才是自由的,这是生活的真谛。 Because responsibility is free, this is the true meaning of life. 22、要勇于承认自己所犯的错误,并承担其带来的责任。 Don"t be afraid to admit their mistakes, and assume the responsibility. 23、要使一个人显示他的本质,叫他承担一种责任是最有效的办法。 To make the essence of a person shows that he called him a kind of responsibility is the most efficient way. 24、不要去伤害真心喜欢你的男孩,不论你喜不喜欢他。被爱也是一种责任。 Don"t to hurt really love your boys, whether you like it or not. To be loved is also a kind of responsibility. 25、当爱情来临时,我们也要做好付出的准备,甚至付出是一种责任。 When love comes, we are ready to pay, or even giving is a kind of responsibility. 26、没有缘由没有目的没有任何解释不担任何责任地,消失。 No reason no purpose without explanation as accountability, disappear. 27、对上司谦逊,是一种责任;对同事谦逊,是一种礼遇;对部属谦逊,是一种尊贵。 The boss humility, is a kind of responsibility; Humility on work colleagues, is a kind of courtesy; The deployment humility, is a kind of honor. 28、有时候生活把我逼的无路可走。但我不放弃。因为我担负着责任。 Sometimes life drives me no choice. But I don"t give up. Because I am a responsibility. 29、少给我说这种不负责任的话,欺负人的总是开玩笑,但是被欺负的一直都很认真啊! Less told me this kind of irresponsible, bully is always joking, but have been very seriously bullied! 30、在永恒轮回的世界里,一举一动都承受着不能承受的责任重负。 In the world of eternal recurrence, movements are the responsibility of the burden on. 31、高调做事是一种责任,一种气魄,一种精益求精的风格,一种执著追求的精神。 High-profile work is a duty, a kind of spirit, a kind of the style of the best, a pursuit of the spirit. 32、生命,如果跟时代的崇高的责任联系在一起,你就会感到永垂不朽。 Life, if the associated with the era of high responsibility, you will be immortal. 33、自由意味着责任,这就是为什么大多数人都畏惧它的缘故。 Liberty means responsibility. That is why most people are afraid of it. 34、我所享有的任何成就,完全归因于对客户与工作的高度责任感。 Any success that I enjoy, completely attributed to with high sense of responsibility of work for the client. 35、活在现在的人,有责任构筑未来。 Live in the now, have the responsibility to build the future. 36、也许有历史责任感召唤我,必须要我承担。 Maybe have a historical responsibility summon me, must I take. 37、我们不负责任地用几句话将人家捧高,但是万一摔下来,谁也不会去接住她。 We irresponsibly in a few words will be high, but fell one thousand, who also won"t go to catch her. 38、没有比演员更幸运的人了。他们可以不负任何责任而得到荣誉。 No more fortunate than actors. They can not take any responsibility and honor. 39、作为一个男人,我希望你以后能够对你的决定,对和你有关系的其他人负起责任来。 As a man, I hope you can for your decision, to take responsibility to the rest of the has to do with you. 40、生命,如果跟时代的崇高的责任联系在一起,你就会感到它永垂不朽。 Life, if the associated with the era of high responsibility, you will feel it is immortal. 41、每一个犯错误都有其的理由和借口,重要的是人要为自己的错误负责任。 Every mistake has its reasons and the excuse, it"s important that people should responsible for their mistakes. 42、“男人”不是用来形容他的勇敢,而是奖励他负起的责任! "Man" is not used to describe his brave, but the reward he take the responsibility! 43、成熟的本质是知道并理解责任的含义,学会承担,学会理解,学会忍受。 The meaning of mature is to know and understand the nature of responsibility, learn to bear, learn to understand, learn to endure. 44、所谓责任,并不是谁都有心愿意负担。而所谓命运,就是人各有路。 The so-called responsibility, not intentional who are willing to burden. The so-called fate, that is, each man has his way. 45、对恋人的每一次承诺都要放上天平,这天平的另一端放的对社会的责任。 Lovers every promise to put balance, this put the other end of the scale of social responsibility. 46、人能尽自己的责任,就可以感觉到好象吃梨喝蜜似的,把人生这杯苦酒的滋味给抵消了。 People can do their duty, can feel like eat pear drink honey, to offset this cup of bitter taste of life. 47、生命没有对错,追求快乐是责任。大多数的痛苦不过是自制的不幸。 Life there is no right or wrong, the pursuit of happiness is responsibility. It is homemade unfortunately most of the pain. 48、杀人是个罪恶的行径,查出真相是我的责任。 Murder is a crime, it is my responsibility to find out the truth. 49、没有喜欢就不会有责任感,没有责任感喜欢也不能长久。 There is no love there would be no sense of responsibility, sense of responsibility like cannot last. 50、也许我不知道什么是浪漫,但是我觉得爱就是一个人对另一个人的承诺和责任。 Maybe I don"t know what is romantic, but I think love is a person of another person"s commitment and responsibility. 51、审判恶人是上帝的责任,我们所能做的,就是尽早把他们送到上帝面前。 Judgment of the wicked is the responsibility of god, we can do is send them to god as soon as possible. 52、小时候努力的想长大,想要更多的自由;长大后拼命的拒绝长大,拒绝沉重的责任。 When I was a child to grow up, want to have more freedom; Grow up to try very hard to refuse to grow up, refused to heavy responsibility. 53、每一个生命都有责任,我们的过咎,不在于所为之恶,而在于未行之善。 It is the responsibility of every life, all our life, is not of the evil, but that no kindness. 54、有时,多一份责任和担当未尝不是一件好事呢。 Sometimes, bear more responsibility and be a good thing? 55、部下的素质低,不是你的责任;但不能提高部下的素质,是你的责任。 Men"s quality is low, is not your responsibility; But not to improve the quality of the staff, it is your responsibility. 56、真正的知识分子是应该对公共权力担负监察责任的。 The real intellectuals should be of public power supervision responsibility. 57、暧昧不需要对别人的感情负责任,但是要做到对自己的感情负责任! Ambiguous don"t need to be responsible for the feelings of others, but to be responsible for your feelings! 58、自由的第一个意义就是担负自己的责任。 The first meaning of freedom is his own responsibility. 59、自己做过的事,甭管对错,都要学会自己承担责任,不能总是逃避,听见没有? Your own actions, regardless of right or wrong, should be taught to take responsibility, can"t always escape, hear? 60、历史和哲学负有多种永恒的责任,同时也是简单的责任。 Have a variety of eternal responsibility history and philosophy, and is also the responsibility of the simple. 61、你不可能代替谁负起责任。这里好比沙漠,我们大家只能适应沙漠。 You can"t replace who take responsibility. Here is like a desert, we can only adapt to the desert. 62、尽管责任有时使人厌烦,但不履行责任,只能是懦夫,不折不扣的废物。 Although responsibility boring sometimes, but fails to perform the responsibility, can only be a coward, a waste. 63、领导者的责任,归纳起来,主要地是出主意,用干部两件事。 The leader"s responsibility, sum up, the main is an idea, with two things. 64、如果一个人有了责任心,那么他会努力把每一件事做得完美。 If a person has the sense of responsibility, then he will try to do everything perfectly. 65、承担更大的责任,他们就更加幸福。 More responsibility, they are more happy. 66、做一个有感情的人,深味其中的意义和责任并为之努力。 Do have a heart, deep flavor of meaning and responsibility and the effort. 67、上进心这种东西有没有都无所谓。但是必须,必须要有责任心。 The desire to do better this stuff if it doesn"t matter. But must, must have the sense of responsibility. 68、当劳动是种快乐时,生活是美的;当劳动是一种责任时,生活就是奴役。 When work is a kind of happiness, life is beautiful. When work is a duty, life is slavery. 69、没有负担,便是生命中最大的负担。责任既是义务,也是权利。 No burden, is the biggest burden of life. Responsibility is obligation and rights. 70、所谓“认真”,就是不论环境和情况如何,也彻底完成本身的责任。 The so-called "serious", it is no matter how the environment and situation, also is completely finished own responsibility. 71、爱是一种责任,不爱了,也要尽到责任。 Love is a kind of responsibility, the love, also want to their duty.
2023-08-08 13:45:331


关于电压表的原理 电压表的原理是,电流表是跟据通电导体在磁场中受磁场力的作用而制成的,电流表内部有一永磁体,在极间产生磁场,在磁场中有一个线圈,线圈两端各有一个游丝弹簧,弹簧各连接电流表的一个接线柱,在弹簧与线圈间由一个转轴连接,在转轴相对于电流表的前端,有一个指针。 当有电流通过时,电流沿弹簧转轴通过磁场,电流切磁感线,所以受磁场力的作用,使线圈发生偏转,带动转轴、指针偏转。由于磁场力的大小随电流增大而增大,所以就可以通过指针的偏转程度来观察电流的大小,电压表在电路中都会有电流通过,只是非常微小,可忽略不计。 扩展资料 电压表在电路中当作断开看待,电压表常用的是串联接法,串联电路中的电压等于各部分电路两端的电压之和,因为电内部的电阻非常大,电流因为电压表的电阻太大而无法流过电压表,当然它并非说完全没有电流从电压表流过,只是非常的小,从而造成后面的用电设备无法正常使用。 电压是形成电流的原因,有电压并不一定有电流。 所以要是在电压表使用串联接法就相当于把线路剪断了。而采用并联接的话只有很一小部分电流往电压表流去,大部份电往风扇方向流去,对线路中的用电设备就没有任何影响。表的正负接线柱连接到通电用电器的两端,由于用电器两端的电压不一样(类比于水压),则电压表根据正负接线柱感知到的电压的,不同计算出电压差就是电压表的示数。所以电压表要与用电器并联。 参考资料来源;百度百科--电压表。 电流表的内部构造及工作原理是什么? 电流表是根据通电导体在磁场中受磁场力的作用而制成的。 电流表内部有一永磁体,在极间产生磁场,在磁场中有一个线圈,线圈两端各有一个游丝弹簧,弹簧各连接电流表的一个接线柱,在弹簧与线圈间由一个转轴连接,在转轴相对于电流表的前端,有一个指针。当有电流通过时,电流沿弹簧、转轴通过磁场,电流切磁感线,所以受磁场力的作用,使线圈发生偏转,带动转轴、指针偏转。 由于磁场力的大小随电流增大而增大,所以就可以通过指针的偏转程度来观察电流的大小。这叫磁电式电流表,就是我们平时实验室里用的那种。 电流表工作原理电流表是根据通电导体在磁场中受磁场力的作用而制成的。电流表内部有一永磁体,在极间产生磁场,在磁场中有一个线圈,线圈两端各有一个游丝弹簧,弹簧各连接电流表的一个接线柱,在弹簧与线圈间由一个转轴连接,在转轴相对于电流表的前端,有一个指针。 当有电流通过时,电流沿弹簧、转轴通过磁场,电流切磁感线,所以受磁场力的作用,使线圈发生偏转,带动转轴、指针偏转。由于磁场力的大小随电流增大而增大,所以就可以通过指针的偏转程度来观察电流的大小。 这叫磁电式电流表,就是我们平时实验室里用的那种。一般可直接测量微安或毫安数量级的电流,为测更大的电流,电流表应有并联电阻器(又称分流器)。 主要采用磁电系电表的测量机构。分流器的电阻值要使满量程电流通过时,电流表满偏转,即电流表指示达到最大。 对于几安的电流,可在电流表内设置专用分流器。对于几安以上的电流,则采用外附分流器。 大电流分流器的电阻值很小,为避免引线电阻和接触电阻附加于分流器而引起误差,分流器要制成四端形式,即有两个电流端,两个电压端。例如,当用外附分流器和毫伏表来测量200A的大电流时,若采用的毫伏表标准化量程为45mV(或75mV),那么分流器的电阻值为0.045/200=0.000225Ω(或0.075/200=0.000375Ω)。 若利用环形(或称梯级)分流器,可制成多量程电流表。电流表分类:直流电流表直流电流表主要采用磁电系电表的测量机构。 交流电流表交流电流表主要采用电磁系电表、电动系电表和整流式电表的测量机构。电磁系测量机构的最低量程约为几十毫安,为提高量程,要按比例减少线圈匝数,并加粗导线。 用电动系测量机构构成电流表时,动圈与静圈并联,其最低量程约为几十毫安。为提高量程,要减少静圈匝数,并加粗导线,或将两个静圈由串联改为并联,则电流表的量程将增大一倍。 用整流式电表测交流电流时,仅当交流为正弦波形时,电流表读数才正确。为扩大量程也可利用分流器。 此外,也可用热电式电表测量机构测量高频电流。在电力系统中使用的大量程交流电流表多是用5A或1A的电磁系电流表,并配以适当电流变比的电流互感器。 数显电流表显电流表分为单相数显电流表和三相数显电流表,该表具有变送、LED(或LCD)显示和数字接口等功能,通过对电网中各参量的交流采样,以数字形式显示测量结果。经CPU进行数据处理.将三相(或单相)电流、电压、功率、功率因数、频率等电参量由LED(或液晶)直接显示,同时输出0~5V、0—20mA或4—20mA相应的模拟电量,与远动装置RTU相连;并带有RS--232或485接口。 电流表的工作原理? 电流表是跟据通电导体在磁场中受磁场力的作用而制成的。 电流表内部有一永磁体,在极间产生磁场,在磁场中有一个线圈,线圈两端各有一个游丝弹簧,弹簧各连接电流表的一个接线柱,在弹簧与线圈间由一个转轴连接,在转轴相对于电流表的前端,有一个指针。 当有电流通过时,电流沿弹簧、转轴通过磁场,电流切磁感线,所以受磁场力的作用,使线圈发生偏转,带动转轴、指针偏转。 由于磁场力的大小随电流增大而增大,所以就可以通过指针的偏转程度来观察电流的大小。 这叫磁电式电流表,就是我们平时实验室里用的那种。 简而言之:就是奥斯特的电流磁效应。 电流表的内部构造及工作原理是什么? 电流表是根据通电导体在磁场中受磁场力的作用而制成的。电流表内部有一永磁体,在极间产生磁场,在磁场中有一个线圈,线圈两端各有一个游丝弹簧,弹簧各连接电流表的一个接线柱,在弹簧与线圈间由一个转轴连接,在转轴相对于电流表的前端,有一个指针。 当有电流通过时,电流沿弹簧、转轴通过磁场,电流切磁感线,所以受磁场力的作用,使线圈发生偏转,带动转轴、指针偏转。由于磁场力的大小随电流增大而增大,所以就可以通过指针的偏转程度来观察电流的大小。这叫磁电式电流表,就是我们平时实验室里用的那种。 电流表工作原理 电流表是根据通电导体在磁场中受磁场力的作用而制成的。电流表内部有一永磁体,在极间产生磁场,在磁场中有一个线圈,线圈两端各有一个游丝弹簧,弹簧各连接电流表的一个接线柱,在弹簧与线圈间由一个转轴连接,在转轴相对于电流表的前端,有一个指针。 当有电流通过时,电流沿弹簧、转轴通过磁场,电流切磁感线,所以受磁场力的作用,使线圈发生偏转,带动转轴、指针偏转。由于磁场力的大小随电流增大而增大,所以就可以通过指针的偏转程度来观察电流的大小。这叫磁电式电流表,就是我们平时实验室里用的那种。 一般可直接测量微安或毫安数量级的电流,为测更大的电流,电流表应有并联电阻器(又称分流器)。主要采用磁电系电表的测量机构。分流器的电阻值要使满量程电流通过时,电流表满偏转,即电流表指示达到最大。 对于几安的电流,可在电流表内设置专用分流器。对于几安以上的电流,则采用外附分流器。大电流分流器的电阻值很小,为避免引线电阻和接触电阻附加于分流器而引起误差,分流器要制成四端形式,即有两个电流端,两个电压端。 例如,当用外附分流器和毫伏表来测量200A的大电流时,若采用的毫伏表标准化量程为45mV(或75mV),那么分流器的电阻值为0.045/200=0.000225Ω(或0.075/200=0.000375Ω)。若利用环形(或称梯级)分流器,可制成多量程电流表。 电流表分类: 直流电流表 直流电流表主要采用磁电系电表的测量机构。 交流电流表 交流电流表主要采用电磁系电表、电动系电表和整流式电表的测量机构。电磁系测量机构的最低量程约为几十毫安,为提高量程,要按比例减少线圈匝数,并加粗导线。 用电动系测量机构构成电流表时,动圈与静圈并联,其最低量程约为几十毫安。为提高量程,要减少静圈匝数,并加粗导线,或将两个静圈由串联改为并联,则电流表的量程将增大一倍。 用整流式电表测交流电流时,仅当交流为正弦波形时,电流表读数才正确。为扩大量程也可利用分流器。此外,也可用热电式电表测量机构测量高频电流。在电力系统中使用的大量程交流电流表多是用5A或1A的电磁系电流表,并配以适当电流变比的电流互感器。 数显电流表 显电流表分为单相数显电流表和三相数显电流表,该表具有变送、LED(或LCD)显示和数字接口等功能,通过对电网中各参量的交流采样,以数字形式显示测量结果。经CPU进行数据处理.将三相(或单相)电流、电压、功率、功率因数、频率等电参量由LED(或液晶)直接显示,同时输出0~5V、0—20mA或4—20mA相应的模拟电量,与远动装置RTU相连;并带有RS--232或485接口。 数字电流表的工作原理 数字电流表其实内部是一个电压表,其测量电流的手段是通过测量内部取样电阻上的电压,该取样电阻串联在你要测量的电路中,其阻值根据档位的不同而不同。 以FLUKE 17B为例,其10A档的取样电阻=0.01 ohm,mA档的取样电阻=1 ohm,uA档的取样电阻=100 ohm。所以当测量电流时,该取样电阻必然会带来压降,FLUKE 17B测量电流时的最大压降=100*4000uA=0.4V。 电路图因为我还没达到二级用户,所以上传不了。请参考FS9721_LP3的数据手册,它是FLUKE 17B的主控芯片。 电压表与电流表的工作原理是什么 通常电压表可由微安表(电流表的一种)或灵敏电流计来改装. 在微安表满偏电流与内阻一定的情况下,只要串联一个足够大的电阻,则它两端所能承受的电压也将随之变大.不妨设满偏电流为I,而微安表内阻为r,而串联电阻的阻值为R,则该改装电压表的量程为I*(R+r).R越大,量程越大.此可以当作电压表为什么要串联一个大电阻的原因之一了. 电压表工作时,是并联在待测电路或者电阻上的,这时电压表和电路两端的电压相等.如果电压表的电阻不可忽略,则电压表和待测电阻组成并联电路的总阻值为: 1/R并=1/R待测+1/R电压表 当且只当电压表的内阻无限大的时候可以认为 1/R电压表=0 则可认为并联电路的阻值即是待测电阻的阻值,即可认为通过电压表的电流为0,认为电压表的两端不参与到电路之中的. 所以为了精准地测出电路电压,电压表必须得有极大的电阻,否则便不可忽略,测得的值便不准确. 当然我们也可以同样认为,任何电压表都是不可能不参与到电路中,也不可能是绝对准确的,它所测得的电压值总是会比真实值低一点的.(这是因为并联电阻总是比任一个并联电路中的电阻小,故而并联以后电路分压必定减少.) 当然另外必须考虑的一点是,电压表的量程并不是越大就越好的,因为人的读数总是存在偏差的,量程越大,则读数可能带来的绝对偏差越大.只要适合量程的电压表就好了. 电流表是跟据通电导体在磁场中受磁场力的作用而制成的。 电流表内部有一永磁体,在极间产生磁场,在磁场中有一个线圈,线圈两端各有一个游丝弹簧,弹簧各连接电流表的一个接线柱,在弹簧与线圈间由一个转轴连接,在转轴相对于电流表的前端,有一个指针。 当有电流通过时,电流沿弹簧、转轴通过磁场,电流切磁感线,所以受磁场力的作用,使线圈发生偏转,带动转轴、指针偏转。 由于磁场力的大小随电流增大而增大,所以就可以通过指针的偏转程度来观察电流的大小。 这叫磁电式电流表,就是我们平时实验室里用的那种 电压表的工作原理 电压表就是一个大电阻和一个小量程的电流表的串体,它测的电压值其实是当他接上电源时通过电压表的电流,电压越高,电阻一定,电流就越大,读数就越高。 而电池比作抽水机呢,不过不同的是,在连通的电路中的电池才相当于正在运转的抽水机,工作中的抽水机的两端当然是有水压的!可是就算不工作的电池,它也是有电压的,但它没有电流的流通,所以,电池不能完全比作抽水机。二,用电压表证明一电器是坏的这个问题就不对,电压表只能证明一个电器内部是否连通,方法就把电池,电压表,电器串连,如果有读数就说明是通的,但是如果该电器短路了,电压表的读数应该也是和正常差不多的,但它测不出它到底有没有短路。 呵呵,懂了吧,。 电流表和电压表的工作原理 电压表、电流表的基本原理,就是一个灵敏度比较高的微安表头,最常见的就是与一组电阻并联后,成为满刻度为50微安的微安表。当电压表时,为了在测量电压时对被测电路的影响尽量小,电压表必须是高内阻,将表头与与高电阻串联后,就成为电压表。不同的量程,串联的电阻值不一样。万用表的表头上,都有一个表示灵敏度的指标。 比如说:20KΩ/V。表示在直流10V档时,电压表内阻为200KΩ…… 当电表作为电流表用时,表头必须与一个小电阻并联,使表头的内阻足够小,在串联进电路测量电流时,对被测电路的影响足够小。不同的量程,并联的电阻不同。并联电阻越小,量程越大。
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问题一:“井号键”用英语怎么说? 大家知道各种符号在英语中是怎么说的吗?比如:逗号:ma;句号:period;星号:asterisk;斜杠:slash等。除却这些,还有一个我们经常用到,但却不一定都了解英语名称的符号:“请输入您的定码,按井号键确认”――这个“#号”,英文名是什么呢?这个符号的英文名称是number sign,因为经常用来表示序数。美式英语里也称之为pound sign或者pound key,但在英式英语里pound sign的说法是专指英镑(pound)符号“ 问题二:星号* 和 井号# 英语怎么说? *读 asterisk key #读 pound key 问题三:电话拨号盘上的星号和井号用英语怎么说 星号“*”的英语说法是“star key”或“asterisk key”。 井号“#”的术语是“octothorpe”,一般口语上可以说“number sign”、“pound key”或“hash key”,根据各国情况或个人偏好而有所不同。 问题四:英语中电话键盘上的星号和井号分别怎么说 在澳大利亚,“*” 叫 Star Key ; “#”叫 Hash Key 别的国家我不太清楚
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WWE - 基本规则WWE分胜负的方式 WWE把对方双背压制在擂台上坚持3秒 英文叫 PIN FALL。对方在比赛中投降。 把对方打成无法比赛的状态。 对方使用犯规动作,裁判给5秒警告没有停止犯规动作的时候,裁判可以终止比赛。对方被打出擂台或者离开擂台,裁判给10秒时间回擂台,没有回来的时候,裁判可以终止比赛。比赛铃响起以后没有开始比赛的时候,裁判可以警告或者终止比赛。反抗裁判的命令的时候裁判根据情况可以给予警告或者结束比赛。单人比赛中和其他选手联合攻击的时候裁判可以警告或者终止比赛。比赛中使用武器裁判需要马上结束比赛。5秒犯规动作用脚跟或膝盖攻击对方的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告。抓耳朵抓头发抓脸部的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告。用手指刺眼睛的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告。上擂台角柱攻击对方的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告。用拳头或者用脚攻击对方的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告。咬对方选手的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告。攻击脖子部位攻击人体要害的时候裁判可以给予5秒警告。抓住绳子不可以做任何攻击裁判可以给予5秒警告。裁判可以给予5秒警告以后没有停止犯规动作的时候裁判可以终止比赛。离擂台10秒判负称为Count Out。使用武器,或有其他选手乱入干扰比赛,判负称为DQ。如果某位未参加比赛的选手轻度干扰比赛,可以逐出比赛场地,裁判一般的语言是you,get out here,然后手臂向场外挥去。另外判断Pin Fall的时候是要双肩同时着地,无论是躺着,还是仅仅只有双肩着地了,都要开始读秒。在压制时,任何一位选手的身体触及绳圈或绳圈之外的时候,也要停止读秒。故意刺眼睛被裁判发现会被警告再次出现直接出局。
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根据2008年10月15日的汇率1000阿根廷比索可以兑换2,108.91 圆人民币备注:由于中国银行没有开展南美洲货币的兑换业务,所以国内银行无法直接兑换阿根廷货币
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我们小学生承担着什么责任?What responsibility do we primary pupils take?
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  【篇1】  做个掌握时间的主人,是对自己未来更负责任的开始。  The master of time, do a master is more responsible for yourself in the future.  一个人能承担多大的责任,就能取得多大的成功!  How a person can take responsibility, can be made much success!  责任并不是你的负担,而是一种你应具有的信念,做一个有责任心的人吧。  Responsibility is not a burden to you, but you should have faith, do a responsible person.  面对孩子,有爱才会有责任感,有责任感才会始终付出爱的行动。  In the face of children, there is love there is sense of responsibility, has the sense of responsibility will always love action.  真理的发现,或首选责任的完成,都引起我们的欢欣,使我们整个生命震颤。  The discovery of truth, or the completion of the first responsibility leads to our delight, our whole life.  有时候,忘了比记得好,记得会有太多的责任,忘了反而逍遥自在。  Sometimes, forget than remember good, remember can have too much responsibility, forget easygoing instead.  我想念我的童年时光,无虑,没有责任,没有心碎,没有疼痛。  I miss my childhood, carefree, there is no responsibility, no heart, no pain.  提出目标是管理人员的责任,实际上这是他的主要责任。  Goal is the responsibility of the management is put forward, in fact, this is his main responsibility.  真正的管理者必须有不推卸责任的精神。  The real managers must have not the spirit of responsibility.  用好手中的权力靠的是责任,带好身边的人员靠的是品行。  With the power in the ace by responsibility, take the staff around by character.  我们不是为自己而生,我们的国家赋予我们应尽的责任。  We are not born for oneself, it is the responsibility of our country gives us.  在他握有意志的完全自由去行动时,他才能对他的这些行为负完全责任。  In his will have complete freedom to act, he will assume full responsibility for his actions.  做好每一件该做的事就是责任。  Everything you should do is responsibility.  沉默是把选择权和两难困境一起交给心急如焚的对方,是不负责任,是躲避伤害。  Silence is the dilemma to choose and to prepare each other together, is irresponsible, is to avoid damage.  成熟不是看你的年龄有多大,而是看你的肩膀能挑起多重的责任。  Maturity not to see how big is your age, but see your shoulders strong enough to carry the responsibility of multiple.  人不能随心所欲因为责任,承担责任本是一件你情我愿的事,最后却成为了不得不。  People can"t follow one"s inclinations because of responsibility, responsibility is something you love, I would like to, but have to.  友谊永远是一个甜柔的责任,从来不是一种机会。  Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, but never an opportunity.  工作就是权力,权力就是责任,一分权力,十分责任。  Work is power, power is responsibility, an ounce of power and responsibility.  世间的人要对法律负责任。修行的人要对因果负责任。  The person must be responsible for the legal thing in the world. Man of practice must be responsible for cause and effect.  自己主动负起责任,采取行动,这就叫做“认真”。  The responsibility on their own, take action, this is called "serious".  【篇2】  人只因承担责任才是自由的,这是生活的真谛。  Because responsibility is free, this is the true meaning of life.  要勇于承认自己所犯的错误,并承担其带来的责任。  Don"t be afraid to admit their mistakes, and assume the responsibility.  要使一个人显示他的本质,叫他承担一种责任是最有效的办法。  To make the essence of a person shows that he called him a kind of responsibility is the most efficient way.  不要去伤害真心喜欢你的男孩,不论你喜不喜欢他。被爱也是一种责任。  Don"t to hurt really love your boys, whether you like it or not. To be loved is also a kind of responsibility.  当爱情来临时,我们也要做好付出的准备,甚至付出是一种责任。  When love comes, we are ready to pay, or even giving is a kind of responsibility.  没有缘由没有目的没有任何解释不担任何责任地,消失。  No reason no purpose without explanation as accountability, disappear.  对上司谦逊,是一种责任;对同事谦逊,是一种礼遇;对部属谦逊,是一种尊贵。  The boss humility, is a kind of responsibility; Humility on work colleagues, is a kind of courtesy; The deployment humility, is a kind of honor.  有时候生活把我逼的无路可走。但我不放弃。因为我担负着责任。  Sometimes life drives me no choice. But I don"t give up. Because I am a responsibility.  少给我说这种不负责任的话,欺负人的总是开玩笑,但是被欺负的一直都很认真啊!  Less told me this kind of irresponsible, bully is always joking, but have been very seriously bullied!  在永恒轮回的世界里,一举一动都承受着不能承受的责任重负。  In the world of eternal recurrence, movements are the responsibility of the burden on.  高调做事是一种责任,一种气魄,一种精益求精的风格,一种执著追求的精神。  High-profile work is a duty, a kind of spirit, a kind of the style of the best, a pursuit of the spirit.  生命,如果跟时代的崇高的责任联系在一起,你就会感到永垂不朽。  Life, if the associated with the era of high responsibility, you will be immortal.  自由意味着责任,这就是为什么大多数人都畏惧它的缘故。  Liberty means responsibility. That is why most people are afraid of it.  我所享有的任何成就,完全归因于对客户与工作的高度责任感。  Any success that I enjoy, completely attributed to with high sense of responsibility of work for the client.  活在现在的人,有责任构筑未来。  Live in the now, have the responsibility to build the future.  也许有历史责任感召唤我,必须要我承担。  Maybe have a historical responsibility summon me, must I take.  我们不负责任地用几句话将人家捧高,但是万一摔下来,谁也不会去接住她。  We irresponsibly in a few words will be high, but fell one thousand, who also won"t go to catch her.  没有比演员更幸运的人了。他们可以不负任何责任而得到荣誉。  No more fortunate than actors. They can not take any responsibility and honor.  作为一个男人,我希望你以后能够对你的决定,对和你有关系的其他人负起责任来。  As a man, I hope you can for your decision, to take responsibility to the rest of the has to do with you.  生命,如果跟时代的崇高的责任联系在一起,你就会感到它永垂不朽。  Life, if the associated with the era of high responsibility, you will feel it is immortal.  【篇3】  每一个犯错误都有其的理由和借口,重要的是人要为自己的错误负责任。  Every mistake has its reasons and the excuse, it"s important that people should responsible for their mistakes.  “男人”不是用来形容他的勇敢,而是奖励他负起的责任!  "Man" is not used to describe his brave, but the reward he take the responsibility!  成熟的本质是知道并理解责任的含义,学会承担,学会理解,学会忍受。  The meaning of mature is to know and understand the nature of responsibility, learn to bear, learn to understand, learn to endure.  所谓责任,并不是谁都有心愿意负担。而所谓命运,就是人各有路。  The so-called responsibility, not intentional who are willing to burden. The so-called fate, that is, each man has his way.  对恋人的每一次都要放上天平,这天平的另一端放的对社会的责任。  Lovers every promise to put balance, this put the other end of the scale of social responsibility.  人能尽自己的责任,就可以感觉到好象吃梨喝蜜似的,把人生这杯苦酒的滋味给抵消了。  People can do their duty, can feel like eat pear drink honey, to offset this cup of bitter taste of life.  生命没有对错,追求快乐是责任。大多数的痛苦不过是自制的不幸。  Life there is no right or wrong, the pursuit of happiness is responsibility. It is homemade unfortunately most of the pain.  杀人是个罪恶的行径,查出真相是我的责任。  Murder is a crime, it is my responsibility to find out the truth.  没有喜欢就不会有责任感,没有责任感喜欢也不能长久。  There is no love there would be no sense of responsibility, sense of responsibility like cannot last.  也许我不知道什么是浪漫,但是我觉得爱就是一个人对另一个人的和责任。  Maybe I don"t know what is romantic, but I think love is a person of another person"s commitment and responsibility.  审判恶人是上帝的责任,我们所能做的,就是尽早把他们送到上帝面前。  Judgment of the wicked is the responsibility of god, we can do is send them to god as soon as possible.  小时候努力的想长大,想要更多的自由;长大后拼命的拒绝长大,拒绝沉重的责任。  When I was a child to grow up, want to have more freedom; Grow up to try very hard to refuse to grow up, refused to heavy responsibility.  每一个生命都有责任,我们的过咎,不在于所为之恶,而在于未行之善。  It is the responsibility of every life, all our life, is not of the evil, but that no kindness.  有时,多一份责任和担当未尝不是一件好事呢。  Sometimes, bear more responsibility and be a good thing?  部下的素质低,不是你的责任;但不能提高部下的素质,是你的责任。  Men"s quality is low, is not your responsibility; But not to improve the quality of the staff, it is your responsibility.  真正的知识分子是应该对公共权力担负监察责任的。  The real intellectuals should be of public power supervision responsibility.  暧昧不需要对别人的感情负责任,但是要做到对自己的感情负责任!  Ambiguous don"t need to be responsible for the feelings of others, but to be responsible for your feelings!  自由的第一个意义就是担负自己的责任。  The first meaning of freedom is his own responsibility.  自己做过的事,甭管对错,都要学会自己承担责任,不能总是逃避,听见没有?  Your own actions, regardless of right or wrong, should be taught to take responsibility, can"t always escape, hear?  历史和哲学负有多种永恒的责任,同时也是简单的责任。  Have a variety of eternal responsibility history and philosophy, and is also the responsibility of the simple.
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A civil case execution court judgment becomes effective referee documents望采纳
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超细纤维浴巾也是比较常见的浴巾,下面我们一起来看看超细纤维浴巾怎么样。 超细纤维浴巾怎么样 高吸水性:超细纤维采用橘瓣式技术将长丝分为八瓣, 使纤维表面积增大,织物中孔隙增多,借助毛细管芯吸效应增强吸水效果。快速吸水和快速变干成为它的显著特性。 强去污力:纤维细度为真丝1/10,头发丝的1/200,其特殊的横断面能更有效地捕获小至几微米的尘埃颗粒,除污,去油效果十分明显。 不脱毛:高强的合纤长丝,不易断裂,同时采用精编织法,不抽丝,不脱圈,纤维也不易从毛巾表面脱落。用它做成清洁巾,擦车巾,特别适合擦拭光亮油漆表面,电镀表面,玻璃,仪表及液晶屏等,在汽车贴膜过程中对玻璃做清洁处理,可达到非常理想的贴膜效果。 长寿命:由于超细纤维强度大,韧性强,因此它的使用寿命是普通毛巾使用寿命的四倍以上, 多次水洗后不变形,同时,高分子聚合纤维不会像棉纤维那样产生蛋白质水解,即使用后不凉晒,也不会发霉,腐烂,具有超长寿命。 易清洗:普通毛巾使用时,特别是天然纤维毛巾,将被擦物体表面的灰尘,油脂,污垢等直接吸收到纤维内部使用后残留于纤维之中, 不易清除,用了较长时间后甚至会变硬失去弹性,影响使用。而超细纤维毛巾是把污物吸附于纤维之间(不是纤维内部),再加之纤维纤度高,密度大,因此吸附能力强,使用后只需用清水或稍加洗涤剂清洗即可。 不掉色:染色工序采用TF-215等针对超细纤维材料的染剂,其缓染性,移染性,高温分散性,消色性指标均达到出口国际市场的严格标准,特别是其不掉色的优点,使其在清洁物品表面时完全不会带来脱色污染的烦恼。 超细纤维毛巾辨别方法 手感识别——真正的超细纤维毛巾因为材质的特殊,手感和普通毛巾差别很大。普通毛巾多是纯涤纶制造,这种毛巾摸著就会有粗糙感,明显能通过肉眼和手感察觉到毛巾的纤维不够细致, 不够紧密;而超细纤维毛巾因是涤纶锦纶混合,手感非常柔软,不会有刺手的感觉,肉眼观察制造得厚实紧致。实体店购买上手摸就能辨别,网购的话就要找信誉好的商店,再多看看别人购买的实物图。 吸水性测试——前面已经介绍了, 超细纤维毛巾在吸水性、耐用性方面比普通毛巾优异数倍,吸水性通过一个小测试就可以做出判断。将我们购买的毛巾平铺在桌面上,倒入一些水,如果是过了几秒钟水才完全渗透进毛巾,而掀起毛巾来看,水分大多数残留在桌上,这是普通的纯涤纶毛巾;如果毛巾上的水分被瞬间吸收,并且完全吸附在毛巾上,没有残留水分在桌上,这就是超细纤维毛巾。还能通过洗脸来检测,超细纤维毛巾洗脸时,超细纤维能深入到毛孔内部,会感觉到有阻力,而掺入普通纯涤纶毛巾却不会有此明显感觉。 超细纤维毛巾的优缺点 优点:经砂洗、磨绒等高级整理后的超细纤维织物,表面会形成一层类似桃皮茸毛的外观, 且极为膨松、柔软、滑爽超细纤维毛巾具有高吸水性、强去污力、不脱毛、长寿命、易清洗和不易掉色等特点。 缺点:首先,超细纤维毛巾生产工艺复杂,所以成本较高,正常的超细纤维毛巾是纯棉的好几倍;其次就是超细纤维毛巾不能高温消毒,其温度不能超过65度以上,当然,不可用熨斗熨超细纤维毛巾;最后,由于吸附性很强,则不能和其它物品混洗,否则会沾上很多毛和脏东西。 当然,不可用熨斗熨超细纤维毛巾;最后,由于吸附性很强,则不能和其它物品混洗,否则会沾上很多毛和脏东西。
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