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2023-08-13 08:41:51
TAG: 英语

just for fun

happy for a moment -- 开心一下子。

happy moment -- 开心时刻/开心的时候。



2023-08-08 09:46:309


开心的英语是happy, glad
2023-08-08 09:47:002


  怎样用用于表达开心呢?英语栏目为您带来“开心用英语怎么说”,一起来看看吧!    开心的英文:   joyful   rejoice   be delighted   feel happy   have a great time   make fun of somebody    参考例句:   I amused the children with Stories.   我讲故事逗孩子们开心。   At first they were not used as a way to have fun on a breezy afternoon   最初风筝并不是被人们用来在一个微风吹拂的下午消遣开心的   Iu2019m ready to go home now but I donu2019t want to drag you away if youu2019re enjoying yourself.   我准备回家了,但要是你玩得很开心的话,我不想强迫你走。   I remember you made me laugh, and amused me more than I was ever amused.   记得你逗得我开怀大笑,我一辈子都没有这样开心过。   Have a nice prom, kid   舞会开心点,孩子们   We had a ball in Las Vegas.   我们在拉斯维加斯玩得很开心。   Unhappiness is the root cause of his illness.   不开心是他生病的根源。   "Do not make fun of an old man," said the gentleman.   “别拿老人开心了,”绅士说。   She is so happy to break ties with him.   与他断绝关系使她非常开心。   The cancellation of the plan puts him in a bad mood.   计划的取消使他很不开心。   joyful是什么意思:   adj. 令人愉快的;快乐的   The woman is undergoing the joyful pain and painful joy of childbirth.   那位妇女正在经受生育时喜悦的痛苦和痛苦的喜悦。   So how does Beethoven go about making the Ode to Joy joyful?   那贝多芬是怎么把欢乐颂处理得那么令人愉悦的呢?   The remembrance of past sorrow is joyful   记住过去的不幸使人愉快   rejoice是什么意思:   v. 使高兴;欢庆   It is a poor heart that never rejoices   不知世间有乐者最可怜   Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation.   从希望中得到欢乐,在苦难中保持坚韧。   It"s a poor heart that never rejoices   不知人间有乐趣者最可怜   delighted是什么意思:   adj. 高兴的;愉快的;快乐的   She delights in her work.   她喜爱她的工作。   Delight shone in her eyes.   她的眼中闪现着欢乐。   She was a phantom of delight.   她是欢乐的化身。
2023-08-08 09:47:131


be happy, be delighted, have a grand time, joyful, rejoice
2023-08-08 09:47:583


We are very happy playing together.We enjoy ourselves when we are playing.We had a great time together.
2023-08-08 09:48:0914


问题一:开心用英语怎么写 开心 : [ kāi xīn ] 1. to feel happy 2. to have a great time 3. to make fun of somebody 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. fun? 你玩得开心吗? Did you have 2. 你在今晚的晚会上一定会玩得很开心。 You"ll sure to have fun at the party tonight. 3. 不开心是他生病的根源。 Unhappiness is the root cause of his illness. 4. 玩得开心点。 Have fun. 5. 在去夏威夷的旅途中, 我们都很开心。 On the trip to Hawaii, we were all in high spirits. 问题二:"开心一下"的英语怎么说 have a good time /enjoy yourself 问题三:开心英语怎么写 happy 问题四:要开心哦 英文怎么说 Be (Feel) happy, OK?! 或 Please feel (be) happy. 或 yippee!OK! 问题五:我太高兴了 用英文怎么说 I"m so glad 问题六:你一定要开心 的英语怎么说 You must be happy,以后英文翻译要是不会可以上网找谷歌在线翻译,准备而且简单 问题七:开心最重要用英语怎么说? 答: Happiness is the most important thing. It is the most important to be happy. 问题八:“玩的开心”用英语怎么说? have a good time enjoy yourself have fun 都行 问题九:开心每一天用英文怎么说? Happy everyday
2023-08-08 09:48:351


enjoy oneself have a good timehave fun
2023-08-08 09:48:441


  开心的时候不需要向全世界宣布,只是与自己圈子里的人分享也会很开心。下面我为大家带来开心的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   开心的英语意思   happy   开心的英语例句   在去夏威夷的旅途中,我们都很开心。   On the trip to Hawaii, we were all in high spirits.   玩得开心点。   Have fun.   你在今晚的晚会上一定会玩得很开心。   You"ll sure to have fun at the party tonight.   我开心地咯咯笑,告诉他没有什么能比这件事更让我开心了。   I giggled happily and said nothing would make me happier.   用一颗开心的的心,去面对所有不开心的事!   Please face unhappy things with your happy heart!   新的一年我要很开心、开心。   I will be very happy in the new year.   他同朋友们在一起时最开心。   He is at his best with friends.   她在这儿看起来好多了,并且好几天她都说过得很开心。   She seemed so much better here and had a lot of what she called happy days.   昨天晚上他情绪最好,使我们大家一直都很开心。   He was at his best yesterday evening and kept us all amused.   开心的双语例句   1. I might buy one for a friend"s birthday as a giggle.   我可能会买一件送给朋友当生日礼物,逗他开心。   2. He was so happy communing with the dolphin in Dingle Bay.   他在丁格尔湾与海豚交流的时候特别开心。   3. Her grandmother had the gift of making people happy.   她奶奶有逗人开心的本事。   4. She had few friends, and was generally not very happy.   她几乎没什么朋友,总的来说不怎么开心。   5. He was having a grand time meeting new sorts of people.   结识形形色色的人让他很开心。   6. I hope that everyone will be able to join in the fun.   我希望每个人都能够加入进来,玩得开心。   7. Young adolescents are happiest with small groups of close friends.   青少年在和自己小圈子里的好友呆在一起时最为开心。   8. I will look back at this one with undiluted pleasure.   回顾此事,我会无比地开心。   9. "It"s been a lovely day," she said, dismissing the episode.   “这是开心的一天,”她说,将那事抛到了脑后。   10. "I"m here to make them feel good," he says expansively.   “我来就是让他们开心的,”他豪爽地说。   11. I found myself having more fun than I had had in years.   我发现自己这些年来从未像现在这样开心过。   12. After I was given my first camera I was in seventh heaven.   我得到我的第一台照相机后开心极了。   13. I have enjoyed every minute. The craic has been great.   我自始至终都很愉快,玩得很开心。   14. Obviously the puncture threw me a little, but I"m reasonably happy.   显然,轮胎扎破让我感到有些意外,不过我还是挺开心的。   15. I knew we could make a go of it and be happy.   我知道我们能做成这件事并且会很开心。
2023-08-08 09:49:131

开心 的英文

glad; happy; cheerful; merry; pleasedto be willing to; to be happy to; to delight indelight; gladness; pleasure; rejoicing; joy
2023-08-08 09:49:348


兴奋:excited开心:happy,glad,满意:pleased愉快:delighted以上是形容词,动词如下:have a good/great time:enjoy oneself
2023-08-08 09:50:251


It is a happy day today.
2023-08-08 09:50:411


2023-08-08 09:51:291


2023-08-08 09:51:413


Richest blessing
2023-08-08 09:52:476


very happy
2023-08-08 09:53:075


1、开心的英语是happy英 [?h?p?] 美 [?h?pi],adj. 高兴的;快乐的;幸福的;乐意的;愿意的。2、常用短语:to be happy for sb 为某人感到高兴。3、例句:Thats one of my happiest memories. 那是我最快乐的回忆之一。
2023-08-08 09:55:232


Happy English一站式出国留学攻略
2023-08-08 09:55:332


feel happy; rejoice; joyful; be delighted
2023-08-08 09:55:444


问题一:开心用英语怎么写 开心 : [ kāi xīn ] 1. to feel happy 2. to have a great time 3. to make fun of somebody 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. fun? 你玩得开心吗? Did you have 2. 你在今晚的晚会上一定会玩得很开心。 You"ll sure to have fun at the party tonight. 3. 不开心是他生病的根源。 Unhappiness is the root cause of his illness. 4. 玩得开心点。 Have fun. 5. 在去夏威夷的旅途中, 我们都很开心。 On the trip to Hawaii, we were all in high spirits. 问题二:开心英语怎么写 happy 问题三:开心的英文单词怎么写 happy 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳, 如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck! 问题四:一张开心的脸的英语单词怎么写 一张开心的脸 翻译成英文是:A face full of pleasure 相关单词学习: pleasure 英[?ple??(r)] 美[?pl???] n. 愉快; 娱乐; 令人高兴的事; vt. 使高兴; 使满意; vi. 觉得高兴,享受; 寻欢作乐; [例句]Watching sport gave him great pleasure 观看体育比赛给他以极大的愉悦。 [其他] 第三人称单数:pleasures 复数:pleasures 现在分词:pleasuring过去式:pleasured 过去分词:pleasured 满意请采纳,谢谢! 问题五:我非常崇拜他,甚至想过模仿~整容到他的样子! 不管是谢霆锋,还是雷锋,都是普普通通的人,不要刻意去模仿他本人的言行,可以学习他们好的精神和品质.不能因为崇拜他们就轻言整容成他们的样子,这样也太不理智,太户了!何况整容费用很高而且不一定保险,现在电视上播出的被整容坏了的多地是,千万千万要慎重!!!!!
2023-08-08 09:56:012


开心用英文怎么 开心 [词典] feel happy; rejoice; joyful; be delighted; [例句]他开心极了。 His joy was immense.
2023-08-08 09:56:112


happyfeel happy
2023-08-08 09:56:224


2023-08-08 09:56:432


2023-08-08 09:56:545


“开心”用英语写:happy。 happy adj. 幸福的;高兴的;巧妙的 n. (Happy)人名;(英、瑞典、喀)哈皮 [ 比较级 happier 最高级 happiest ] 扩展资料   【词组短语】   happy new year 新年快乐;恭贺新禧   happy birthday 生日快乐   happy life 幸福生活;快乐的人生   happy family 快乐家庭;幸福之家   happy every day 快乐每一天   【双语例句】   (1)That happy day will be for ever embedded in my memory.   那个幸福的`日子将永远留在我的记忆中。   (2)Talking with her, you"d try to head off your happy marrige.   和她交谈时你最好设法不去谈你的幸福的婚姻生活。   (3)The pianist played the happy pair out with the wedding March.   钢琴师弹奏结婚进行曲送走这幸福的一对。
2023-08-08 09:57:271


have a lot of fun
2023-08-08 09:58:082


to feel happy to have a great time to make fun of somebody get into the groove yippee cheeriness be in the groove 在去夏威夷的旅途中,我们都很开心。 On the trip to Hawaii, we were all in high spirits. 玩得开心点。 Have fun. 你在今晚的晚会上一定会玩得很开心。 You"ll sure to have fun at the party tonight. 我开心地咯咯笑,告诉他没有什么能比这件事更让我开心了。 I giggled happily and said nothing would make me happier. 用一颗开心的的心,去面对所有不开心的事! Please face unhappy things with your happy heart! 新的一年我要很开心、开心。 I will be very happy in the new year. 他同朋友们在一起时最开心。 He is at his best with friends. 她在这儿看起来好多了,并且好几天她都说过得很开心。 She seemed so much better here and had a lot of what she called happy days. 昨天晚上他情绪,使我们大家一直都很开心。 He was at his best yesterday evening and kept us all amused.
2023-08-08 09:58:151


I"m very happy today.uff1bI feel so good today.
2023-08-08 09:58:505


问题一:高兴的英语怎么说 高兴[gāo xìng] happy; pleased; glad(愉快而兴奋); elated; be delight with; [句] 1、毕业是高兴的日子。 Graduation is a happy day. 2.我很高兴听你这么说。 I"m glad to hear that. 问题二:开心英文怎么读 happy, joyful 问题三:快乐用英语怎么说 happy~ adj. 愉快的,快乐的:享受、显示或表现出快乐、满足或欢乐的 be happy to do sth. 高兴做某事 pleased adj. 欣喜的, 高兴的, 满意的 (with) We are very pleased with her decision. 我们对她的决定很满意。 问题四:开心用英语怎么写 开心 : [ kāi xīn ] 1. to feel happy 2. to have a great time 3. to make fun of somebody 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. fun? 你玩得开心吗? Did you have 2. 你在今晚的晚会上一定会玩得很开心。 You"ll sure to have fun at the party tonight. 3. 不开心是他生病的根源。 Unhappiness is the root cause of his illness. 4. 玩得开心点。 Have fun. 5. 在去夏威夷的旅途中, 我们都很开心。 On the trip to Hawaii, we were all in high spirits. 问题五:你开心我开心大家都开心的英语怎么读 你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: You are happy and I am happy. Everybody is happy. 希望我的回答对你有帮助。 问题六:高兴的英语怎么读 嗨皮
2023-08-08 09:59:161


问题一:"我非常高兴"用英语怎么说? 这太多了吧! I am very happy. I am very glad. I am very pleased. I am so happy. I am really happy, How happy I am! So happy am I! ( happy都可以换成pleased glad等) 问题二:我很开心 用英语怎么说? I‘m so happy 问题三:我非常高兴(英文怎么说) I am so happy /glad I am very happy /glad I功"s my pleasure 问题四:今天我很开心用英语怎么说? I am very happy today. 问题五:我每天都很开心,用英语怎么说 I am happy every day 问题六:今晚玩得很开心用英文怎么表达 we have a good time tonight 问题七:“我感到很高兴。”用英语怎么说? I feel very happy. 问题八:我会感到很高兴用英语怎么说 I"ll be glad. 或者,I"d be glad. 问题九:认识他我非常的高兴 用英语怎么说? So pleased to have made him acquaintance. 或: I am v叮ry happy to know him. 问题十:"我非常高兴"用英语怎么说? 这太多了吧! I am very happy. I am very glad. I am very pleased. I am so happy. I am really happy, How happy I am! So happy am I! ( happy都可以换成pleased glad等)
2023-08-08 09:59:241


我会感到很高兴用英语怎么说 I"ll be glad. 或者,I"d be glad. “我感到很高兴。”用英语怎么说? I feel very happy. 高兴的英语怎么说 高兴[gāo xìng]happy; pleased; glad(愉快而兴奋); elated; be delight with; [紶句] 1、毕业是高兴的日子。 Graduation is a happy day. 2.我很高兴听你这么说。 I"m glad to hear that. 我们将会很高兴用英语怎么说 we will be very happy 我很开心 用英语怎么说? I‘m so happy 他们看起来很高兴 英文翻译 这里确实应该翻译成、They look very happy。 因为look at 是一固定词组,看着某人或者某物的意思,强调看着的动作eg。He is looking at his shoes。译为他看着他的鞋子而你要表达 他们看起来很高兴。 这里就不是看着的意思了 ,而是看起来,强调看的结果,所以用l福ok happy 就OK 了。希望你能理解 今天我很开心用英语怎么说? I am very happy today. 我每天都很开心,用英语怎么说 I am happy every day 见到你们我感到很高兴用英语怎么说 nest mess you too
2023-08-08 09:59:311


问题一:快乐用英语怎么说 happy~ adj. 愉快的,快乐的:享受、显示或表现出快乐、满足或欢乐的 be happy to do sth. 高兴做某事 pleased adj. 欣喜的, 高兴的, 满意的 (with) We are very pleased with her decision. 我们对她的决定很满意。 问题二:快乐每一天用英语怎么说 1、Feel happy every day 2、Keep happy every day 3、Happy every day 4、Always be happy 问题三:快乐的英语怎么写, ◆ 常用的有happy; joyful; cheerful; 例如happy New Year! 新年快乐! as gay as a lark; 快乐得像只小鸟 ◆此外还有: gayenjoyment, joy, pleasure, fun, rapture, dlight 这些单词都有“愉快、快乐、高兴”的意思,其区别是: ◆enjoyment 比pleasure, joy和delight的语气轻,但更着重行为或乐事的本身,而不是感情。◆joy 语气弱于rapture,强于pleasure,多指情感充溢,喜形于色的强烈的欢乐情绪。 ◆pleasure 最普通常用词,常指不表露出来的满意或喜悦情绪,也指强烈的愉快或兴奋感。 ◆fun 普通用词,指任何能给予喜悦的娱乐,或指娱乐本身。 ◆rapture 书面语用词,指极端的欣喜、大喜或狂喜。 ◆dlight 指强烈的、活泼的、显而易见的快乐和高兴。 问题四:结婚快乐英语怎么说 marry 是个动词, 怎么能直接happy marry 呢? 是, 老外一般都说 congratulations on your marriage(祝你结婚了) 结婚快乐一定要说就和圣诞快乐,新年快乐一样,用 Merry marriage. 或者 盯appy marriage. 问题五:“快乐”用英语怎么写? 1. pleasure pleasing 表示讨好的,取悦于人的,强调主观作用2. happiness n.幸福,幸运;快乐... 3. happy ...happy 幸福,快乐... 4. joy joy 快乐,愉悦 问题六:超级开心超级快乐英语怎么翻译 super joyful super happy 问题七:"一想到你呀, 我就快乐"用英语怎么翻译 i will be happy as soon as i see you 问题八:愿你一生健康快乐用英语怎么翻译? I hope you will be healthy and 川appy in the whole life.
2023-08-08 10:00:041


问题一:"我非常高兴"用英语怎么说? 这太多了吧! I am very happy. I am very glad. I am very pleased. I am so happy. I am really happy, How happy I am! So happy am I! ( happy都可以换成pleased glad等) 问题二:“我感到很高兴。”用英语怎么说? I feel very happy. 问题三:高兴的英文怎么写? 表示高兴的英文有很多,一般常用的是 happy 问题四:我会感到很高兴用英语怎么说 I"ll be glad. 或者,I"d be glad. 问题五:我非常高兴你能喜欢它 用英语怎么说呢 i am very glad that you like it 问题六:我们将会很高兴用英语怎么说 we will be very happy 问题七:我很开心 用英语怎么说? I‘m so happy 问题八:很高兴和你做朋友 用英语怎么说 很高兴和你做朋友 I"m very glad to make friends with you. It"s a pleasure being friends with you. I"m so glad that i had you as a friend. 问题九:“很高兴能够和你们达成合作。”用英语怎么说? It"s a pleasure to cooperate with you guys.
2023-08-08 10:00:111


问题一:我好开心啊英语怎么说 i am very happy. 如果你想HIGH 一点的话呢。 i am very very very happy. 问题二:好开心用英语翻译 中文【好开心】 英文翻译: 1、【have a great time】 I 【had a great time】 with you here. You are one of a kind. 跟你在这里我好开心. 你真的很特别. 2、【very happy】 The mouse father was 【very happy】. 老鼠爸爸好开心! 3、【have a wonderful time】 Thank you for your hospitality, Leon. I 【had a wonderful time】! 谢谢您的款待, 里昂. 我好开心噢! 问题三:我好开心啊用英语怎么说 我好开心啊 I am very happy. 问题四:我好开心呀用英语怎么说? I am so happy 问题五:我好开心 用英语怎么说 I"m so happy. 问题六:感谢有你,我很开心。用英语怎么说? thank you for being with me/ thank you for your pany 问题七:但还是觉得好开心,用英语怎么说 but I stii feel happy! 问题八:用英文怎么说,我今天下午要回家了好开心 I want to go home so happy this afternoon 问题九:我每天都很开心,用英语怎么说 I am happy every day 问题十:我很开心的英文怎么写? I am very happy!
2023-08-08 10:00:181


问题一:开心用英语怎么写 开心 : [ kāi xīn ] 1. to feel happy 2. to have a great time 3. to make fun of somebody 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. fun? 你玩得开心吗? Did you have 2. 你在今晚的晚会上一定会玩得很开心。 You"ll sure to have fun at the party tonight. 3. 不开心是他生病的根源。 Unhappiness is the root cause of his illness. 4. 玩得开心点。 Have fun. 5. 在去夏威夷的旅途中, 我们都很开心。 On the trip to Hawaii, we were all in high spirits. 问题二:好开心用英语翻译 中文【好开心】 英文翻译: 1、【have a great time】 I 【had a great time】 with you here. You are one of a kind. 跟你在这里我好开心. 你真的很特别. 2、【very happy】 The mouse father was 【very happy】. 老鼠爸爸好开心! 3、【have a wonderful time】 Thank you for your hospitality, Leon. I 【had a wonderful time】! 谢谢您的款待, 里昂. 我好开心噢! 问题三:对我来说是多么开心的事用英文怎么说 有好多种说法,下面这个应该是口语中比较常用的: What a wonderful thing it is for me! 问题四:希望你每天开心,用英语怎么讲 吐槽: 那个说wish不能用的求你不要装高端好么,自己没学好还要误导别人,奥巴马2013~2014新年演讲最后一句话没记错就是wish you a very happy new year. 其实美国人交谈祝福都不会祝你每天开心的,他们一般说 have a great day 结束。 如果LZ一定要每天的话那 Wish you happy everyday 还是挺好的 希望能帮助到你。 问题五:希望我每天都开心 用英语怎么说? 英文原文: i wish myself happiness everyday 英式音标: [a?] [wu026a?] [ma??self; m??self] [?h?p?n?s] [?evr?de?; -?de?] 美式音标: [a?] [w??] [ma??s?lf] [?h?p?n?s] [??vr?de] 问题六:快乐用英语怎么说 happy~ adj. 愉快的,快乐的:享受、显示或表现出快乐、满足或欢乐的 be happy to do sth. 高兴做某事 pleased adj. 欣喜的, 高兴的, 满意的 (with) We are very pleased with her decision. 我们对她的决定很满意。 问题七:玩得开心用英语怎么说五种 玩得开心 1.have a good time 2.have fun 3.enjoy oneself happily happy to play 仅供参考
2023-08-08 10:00:371


They laughed heartily(happily,delightedly,with great delight) just now.
2023-08-08 10:01:021


2023-08-08 10:01:123


"我非常高兴"用英语怎么说? 这太多了吧! I am very happy. I am very glad. I am very pleased. I am so happy. I am really happy, How happy I am! So happy am I! ( happy都可以换成pleased glad等) 我非常高兴(英文怎么说) I am so happy /glad I am very happy /glad I功"s my pleasure 我很开心 用英语怎么说? I‘m so happy 感谢有你,我很开心。用英语怎么说? thank you for being with me/ thank you for your pany “我感到很高兴。”用英语怎么说? I feel very happy. “今天我玩得非常开心”这句英文怎么说? I had a good time today! I enjoyed myself very much today!I had fun playing today! 我每天都很开心,用英语怎么说 I am happy every day 今天我很开心用英语怎么说? I am very happy today. 我很开心的英文怎么写? I am very happy! 虽然我很累,但我很开心。英语怎么说? A钉though I am tired out, I feel very happy 一般现在时 Although I was tired, I felt very happy 一般过去式
2023-08-08 10:01:191


每天都要开心的英文:Be happy every day。除此之外还有:Happy every day,Every day to be happy,A happy every day等。英语:1、英语(英文:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。2、英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。
2023-08-08 10:01:291


问题一:玩的开心用英文怎么说? 两种表达方式: 1、have a good time 2、enjoy oneself 问题二:“玩的开心”用英语怎么说? have a good time enjoy yourself have fun 都行 问题三:玩的开心,愉快 用英语怎么说?(三种) have a good time;have a lot 恭f fun;enjoy it a lot 能想到的就是这么多了,希望能帮到你。 问题四:玩的开心用英语怎么说 Have a good time! Have a fun! Enjoy yourself! Let"s have a fun! 问题五:玩的开心英文怎么写? 虞其君玩的开心知识点: have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself 问题六:大家玩的都很开心用英语怎么说 Everybody was having fun. 问题七:玩的开心用英语怎么说 have a good timr 问题八:希望你玩的开心 用英语怎么说 wish you .have a good time Have a good time.Enjoy yourself! Have fun!
2023-08-08 10:01:421


1. 有关开心的英语短语 有关开心的英语短语: 1、Over the moon 超级开心 2、Pleased as punch 很开心 3、be tickled pink 脸上挂著大大的笑容,好像你被搔痒一样 4、be on cloud 9 开心到飞上天了 5、Walking on air 太开心了,全身轻飘飘的好像走e5a48de588b6e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad9431333431353239在半空中 6、a whale of a time 一段很开心的时光 7、Glad to see the back of 被人/事困扰很久,终于解脱 扩展资料开心的单词:rejoice rejoice 读法 英 [ru026a"du0292u0252u026as] 美 [ru026a"du0292u0254u026as] 1、vi. 高兴;庆祝 2、vt. 使高兴 短语: 1、rejoice in 因…感到欣喜;享有 2、rejoice at 因…而高兴 例句: 1、Garbo plays the queen, rejoicing in the love she has found with Antonio. 嘉宝饰演沉浸在与安东尼奥爱情的欣喜中的王后。 2、Party activists in New Hampshire rejoiced that the presidential campaign had finally started. 新罕布什尔州的党派积极分子们为总统竞选活动终于开始而欣喜。 2. 心情英语句子大全 1:i need to believe love can last。 我真的想去相信爱是可以长久的。2:the worst way to miss some one is to be sitting right beside him knowing you can"t have him.想念一个人最糟糕的方式就是坐在他身旁,而知道你不能拥有他。 3:look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。4:never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 5:6:a person rich money is not certain, but if the man is not a dream, the poor people.一个人有钱没钱不一定,但如果这个人没有了梦想,这个人穷定了。7:love. i fell in love with it so lonely.爱情.它让我爱上寂寞。 8:Wish you a whole world of happiness now that your birthday is here. May your memories today be warm ones. May your dreams today be dear. may your joy last through the year.愿你的生日充满无穷的快乐,愿你今天的回忆温馨,愿你今天的梦想甜美,愿你这一年称心如意!9:understand their own strengths, to choose the life occupation orientation; practice their strengths, to accomplish his career.了解自己的长项,才能选准人生的职业方向;练好自己的长项,才能成就自己的事业。10:the burning log bursts in flame and cries---"this is my flower, my death." 燃烧的木料发出熊熊火焰,喊着:"这是我的花,我的死亡."。 3. 励志心情英语句子 While there is life there is hope. 一息若存,希望不灭。 I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. (Abraham.Lincoln America) 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。(亚伯拉罕。林肯美国) Never underestimate your power to change yourself! 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力! Nothing is impossible! 没有什么不可能! Nothing for nothing. 不费力气,一无所得。 The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ". (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor ) 凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。( 法国皇帝 拿破仑。 B.) I will greet this day with love in my heart. 我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天 4. 描写心情的英语句子 what a bad day for me what a pity how terrible!! I am in an ill humor. 我心情不好。 I"m in a bad mood I"m in foul temper I"m feeling rather blue I"m in that low frame of mind. I"m in a bad temper lost,失落drowsy,心情低下 伤心 grief grieve hurt smart from teen 5. 用英语形容心情的词有哪些 欢乐、高兴 Joy愉快的、欢悦的 Cheerful乐意的、欢喜的 Glad 愿意的、乐于的 WillingPleasure愉快、满足 Satisfied满意的、满足的 Elated兴高采烈的 Delight欣喜的、快乐 Thrill兴奋的、快乐的 lost,失落drowsy,心情低下wreainess劳累boring乏味tired疲惫colourful炫彩的excellent精彩绝伦的busy忙碌的 dull枯燥的puzzled感到困惑的worried担心funny有趣的intrested有意思的 高兴 be delight with delight joy lift up one"s head rejoice rejoicing happy 开心 animal spirits animation vitality be exasperated against get angry 伤心 grief grieve hurt smart from teen 生气 animal spirits animation vitality be exasperated against get angry 高兴:delight,joy,rejoice,rejoicing 伤心:grief,grieve,hurt,smart from,teen 生气:animal spirits,animation,vitality, be exasperated against,get angry 担忧:be afraid of,be anxious for,misgivings,uneasy about 烦恼:bother,be vexed,trouble,fret,imitate,worry, vexation,annoyance sad 伤心exciting愤怒angry生气cry哭泣weep大哭laugh大笑smaile微笑brighten愉快delight喜悦exhilaration振奋pleasure愉悦agitate 激荡。
2023-08-08 10:02:011

玩的开心用英语怎么说 玩的开心用英语如何说

1、have a good time had a good time是短语,玩得开心得意思。 2、Angel,I am going to the party。 Angel,我要去参加聚会了。 3、Well,have a good time。 玩得愉快。 4、Hey,I am back。 我回来了。 5、Did you have a good time? 你玩得开心吗? 6、Yes,I had a good time。 是得,我玩得很开心。
2023-08-08 10:02:081


2023-08-08 10:02:191


2023-08-08 10:02:306


问题一:开心用英语怎么写 开心 : [ kāi xīn ] 1. to feel happy 2. to have a great time 3. to make fun of somebody 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. fun? 你玩得开心吗? Did you have 2. 你在今晚的晚会上一定会玩得很开心。 You"ll sure to have fun at the party tonight. 3. 不开心是他生病的根源。 Unhappiness is the root cause of his illness. 4. 玩得开心点。 Have fun. 5. 在去夏威夷的旅途中, 我们都很开心。 On the trip to Hawaii, we were all in high spirits. 问题二:玩的开心用英文怎么说? 两种表达方式: 1、have a good time 2、enjoy oneself 问题三:玩得开心 用英语怎么说?? Have a good time 问题四:玩得高兴用英语怎么说 have a good time=have fun 玩的高兴 【Me YC】的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮 ~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【采纳】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~ 问题五:玩得开心用英语怎么说五种 玩得开心 1.have a good time 2.have fun 3.enjoy oneself happily happy to play 仅供参考 问题六:玩的开心的三种表达方式英语 have a good time,have fun,enjoy yourself 问题七:玩的开心,愉快 用英语怎么说?(三种) have a good time;have a lot 恭f fun;enjoy it a lot 能想到的就是这么多了,希望能帮到你。 问题八:“玩的开心”用英语怎么说? have a good time enjoy yourself have fun 都行 问题九:开心用英语怎么写 开心 : [ kāi xīn ] 1. to feel happy 2. to have a great time 3. to make fun of somebody 其它相关解释: 例句与用法: 1. fun? 你玩得开心吗? Did you have 2. 你在今晚的晚会上一定会玩得很开心。 You"ll sure to have fun at the party tonight. 3. 不开心是他生病的根源。 Unhappiness is the root cause of his illness. 4. 玩得开心点。 Have fun. 5. 在去夏威夷的旅途中, 我们都很开心。 On the trip to Hawaii, we were all in high spirits. 问题十:玩的开心用英语怎么写 玩得开心有几种说法: 1、Have a good time. 2、Have fun. 3、enjoy yourself.
2023-08-08 10:02:451


2023-08-08 10:02:5612


问题一:使我高兴英语怎么说 It is a pleasure for me. 能帮助你使我高兴。 It affords pleasure to me. 这使我很高兴。 That you have e please me. 你来了使我非常高兴。 It pleasures me to know you. 认识你使我很高兴。 The good news pleted my happiness. 这好消息使我太高兴了。 The news made me very happy. 这个消息使我非常高兴。 The news rejoiced my father阀9;s heart. 那项消息使我父亲高兴。 agreeable or pleasing. 使人愉快的或令人高兴的。 To make glad. 使高兴,使快乐 Greatly pleasing; delightful. 使人极愉快的;令人高兴的 问题二:我很开心 用英语怎么说? I‘m so happy 问题三:我很开心的英文怎么写? I am very happy! 问题四:请问我很高兴 用英语怎么说 I"m very happy. I"m so exciting. 问题五:我太高兴了 用英文怎么说 I"m so glad 问题六:“快乐的我”用英语怎么说 你好! happy me 是正确的,me 是宾格,形容词后面接宾语,mine 是“我的”的意思,如果那样翻译则是处快乐的我的”,所以是 happy me . 很高兴为你解答! 问题七:令我高兴的是。英语翻译 令我高兴的是:To my delight / To my joy 我觉得一个人必须要的品质是自信。 I think self-confidence is a quality one must have. 不明白的再问哟,望及时采纳,多谢! 问题八:我好开心啊英语怎么说 i am very happy. 如果你想HIGH 一点的话呢。 i am very very very happy. 问题九:“这件事使我感到高兴”英文怎么说 This incident makes me happy! 问题十:“你开心,我就开心”英语怎么说 If you are happy,then I will be happy!
2023-08-08 10:03:291


R1/4":带密封性的圆锥管外螺纹 每英寸19牙, 螺纹大径13.157,中径为12.301,小径为11.445,相当于我国的密封螺纹标准GB/T7306.1-2000
2023-08-08 09:49:263


宝鸡市职高排名如下:1、杨凌职业技术学院。2、陕西工业职业技术学院。3、陕西国防工业职业技术学院。4、西安航空职业技术学院。5、陕西铁路工程职业技术学院。6、陕西职业技术学院。7、陕西交通职业技术学院。8、宝鸡职业技术学院。9、咸阳职业技术学院。10、渭南职业技术学院。学校推荐:一、杨凌职业技术学院。杨凌职业技术学院,简称“杨凌职院”,坐落于中国杨凌农业高新技术产业示范区,是1999年9月经教育部批准,由原国家级重点中专陕西省农业学校,陕西省水利学校和省部级重点中专陕西省林业学校合并改制而成的一所省属全日制普通高等职业院校。二、陕西工业职业技术学院。陕西工业职业技术学院(Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute)简称“陕西工院”,位于陕西咸阳,入选“国家示范性高等职业院校”、国家首批现代学徒制试点单位、国家优质专科高等职业院校、“双高计划”高水平学校建设单位(A档)。三、陕西国防工业职业技术学院。陕西国防工业职业技术学院(Shaanxi Institute of Technology)简称陕西国防学院,坐落于世界历史文化名城西安近郊的户县,是一所由陕西省人民政府举办的全日制公办普通高校。1958年建校以来,学院先后隶属于原第五机械工业部、中华人民共和国兵器工业部、中国兵器工业总公司,2001年划转到陕西省人民政府。四、西安航空职业技术学院。西安航空职业技术学院是一所全日制公办普通高等职业院校,坐落于陕西省西安市,是国家示范性高等职业院校,教育部第二批现代学徒制试点单位,教育部“高端技能型、应用型人才联合培养百千万交流计划”项目院校,被国家发改委、教育部确定为“十三五”产教融合发展工程规划项目建设单位。
2023-08-08 09:49:271


悔人不倦 废寝忘食 埋头苦干 兢兢业业 尽心尽力 一丝不苟 文思敏捷 聪明过人 青出于蓝 一鸣惊人 桃李争妍 后继有人 默默无闻 孜孜不倦 德才兼备 春风化雨 润物无声 循循善诱 潜移默化 和蔼可亲 无微不至 勤勤恳恳 良师益友 桃李芬芳 教导有方 辛勤劳碌 教无常师 良师益友 能者为师 青出于蓝 师道尊严 研桑心计 一字之师 尊师重道 春风化雨 呕心沥血 蜡炬成灰泪始干 循循善诱 诲人不倦 桃李满天下 桃李满门 先圣先师 良工心苦 门墙桃李 良师出高徒 鞠躬尽瘁(死而后已) 一日为师,终生为父 桃李天下、师恩似海、 诲人不倦,良师益友 教无常师 良师益友 能者为师 青出于蓝 师道尊严 研桑心计 一字之师 尊师重道 春风化雨 呕心沥血 蜡炬成灰泪始干 循循善诱 诲人不倦 桃李满天下 桃李满门 先圣先师 良工心苦 门墙桃李 良师出高徒 鞠躬尽瘁 诲人不倦 良师益友 师道尊严 教导有方 默默无闻 孜孜不倦 德才兼备 辛勤劳碌
2023-08-08 09:49:231


2023-08-08 09:49:224