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2023-08-13 07:32:13
TAG: 英语 医生

"Let"s see the doctor" 是一种比较自然的口语表达方式,表示建议或提议去看医生,可以简单理解为“我们去看医生吧”。这里的 "see" 指的是约见、会面,意味着个人需要到医生的就诊点会见医生进行就诊。

"Let"s go to see the doctor" 中, "go to see" 表示“去看”,更明确地表示需要前往某个位置才能与医生见面。表达方式正式一些,并更加清楚明确。 适用于商业或者正式场合的口语表达。

"We should take a doctor"s visit" 是一种比较正式且书面的表达方式,意思是"我们应该去看医生"。这种表达方式比较建议性,强调了应该去看医生,而非具体的行动计划, "take a doctor"s visit" 意味着个人需要安排一个具体的时间去看医生。

"Let"s go see a doctor" 中,"let"s go" 表示"让我们去",比较口语化,意思是"我们去看医生吧",表达方式更加友好和自然。它强调了行动计划,表示现在就要去看医生。



我们看看医生吧,用英语的读法是Let"s see the doctor.



Let"s go to see the doctor.


"我们看看医生吧"用英语可以读作 "Let"s go see a doctor."



see doctor
2023-08-08 09:07:514


go to see the doctor
2023-08-08 09:08:0210


2023-08-08 09:08:506


你好!看医生See a doctor
2023-08-08 09:09:151

看医生的英语翻译 看医生用英语怎么说

go to see the doctor
2023-08-08 09:09:262


去看医生的两种说法英语翻译有: go to the doctor:去看医生;去看病。 go to see the doctor:去看医生;看医生。 扩展资料   "It"s not so wobbly now, we needn"t go to the doctor at once."   "现在没那么摇摇晃晃了,我们不必马上去看医生。"   I think you should go to the doctor"s.   我认为你该去看看医生。   More women than men go to the doctor. Perhaps men are more robust or worry less?   看医生的女性多于男性。也许男性更强壮或者顾虑要少一些?   I go to see the doctor about twice a month.   我大约一个月要去看大夫两次。   Michael: well why didn"t you go to see the doctor?   迈克:那么,你什么没有去看医生?
2023-08-08 09:09:531


"Go to the doctor"和"Go to the doctor"s"在语法上有一些不同。1. "Go to the doctor": 这句话是表示去看医生的意思。"Doctor"在这里是指医生的工作地点或医疗机构的抽象概念。这句话中的"doctor"是一个普通名词,不带有所有格("s)。2. "Go to the doctor"s": 这句话也表示去看医生,但加了一个所有格("s)。这个表达方式常用于指代某个特定的医生的诊所、医院或办公地点。"Doctor"s"在这里是指医生的具体地点或所属机构。例如:- "I need to go to the doctor."(我需要去看医生。)- "I need to go to the doctor"s for my appointment."(我需要去医生那里,因为我有个预约。)总结来说,"go to the doctor"是一般性的去看医生的表达方式,而"go to the doctor"s"则特指某个医生或医疗机构的具体地点。
2023-08-08 09:10:051


问题一:你去看医生了吗的英文是什么 Did you go to see a doctor? 问题二:看医生用英语怎么说 go to the doctor或者:go to see a/the doctor 如果我的回答对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢! 问题三:去看医生的英文是怎么写的 You "d better consult a doctor at once. 你最好马上去看医生。 来源: dj.iciba 2. You want to see a doctor at once. 你必须马上去看医生。 问题四:去医院英文是什么 去医福(看病):go to hospital 去医院(不一定是看病):go to the hospital 问题五:去医院看病用英语怎么说? 百度客户端 翻译 Go to the hospital 问题六:妈妈带我去医院看医生,用英语怎么说那? After my getting up ,I felt terrible. I had a bad headache,and didn"t want to eat anything. with the help of my mother"s,Ihe taxi took us to the hospital.The doctor asked me to drink plent of boiled water,and go home have a good rest.From now on,I do the morning exercises every morning to build me up. 问题七:我想他应该去看医生 英语怎么说 I think he should see a doctor~ 问题八:今天下午我打算去看医生 英文怎么说 I want to see the doctor this afternoon.
2023-08-08 09:10:121

看医生 Seeing A Doctor 英语作文

These days I don"t feel quite well.I have lost my appetite for any food.During the day I often feel dizzy,and at night I suffer from insomnis accompanied by headache.To make things still worse,I am easy to catch cold,which gives me a sore throat and gets me constantly sneezing and coughing. Yesterday I went to the hospital of our university to see a doctor.The doctor gave me a thorough examination after I told him all my symptoms.He listened to my chest with a stethoscope.Then he asked me to lie down to feel and touch my stomach.After that be measured my blood pressure and asked me to get my lungs X-rayed. When all these finished,the doctor made a diagnosis about my case and told me about it: Well,there is nothing the matter with you.Your heart,lungs and liver are all right,but you are rather rundown.You have been working too hard.You know you can"t burn the candle at both ends.I advise you to have a real rest and take some physical exercise. With a relief I left the hospital,thinking how to follow the doctor"s advice in order to have a quick recovery.
2023-08-08 09:10:201


Good morning, Mr. Miller.What"s the matter?早上好,米勒先生。哪儿不舒服?Good morning ,doctor, I feel dizzy and weak and I"m running a temperature.早上好,医生。我感到头晕,而且发烧。Do you have any other symptoms?还有些别的症状吗?Yes, I have a bad cough and my chest also aches.是的。咳得很厉害,并且胸部也疼。I see, Open your mouth, please ,and say AH Now let me take your temperature, Put this thermometer in under your arm please.我知道了。请张开嘴巴发“啊”的音……让我量量你的体温,请把温度计放在胳膊下。Doctor, how about my temperature now?医生,我现在的体温是多少?It"s 39.5℃。 Now let me examine your chest.三十九度五。现在我来检查一下你的肺。Will you please unbutton your shirt.脱掉你的衬衣好吗?Breath in deeply, Breathe out slowly.深深吸气……慢慢呼出。Now I will feel your pulse. That will do.现在我来给你把脉。好了。Doctor am I serious.医生,我严重吗?Oh, it"s nothing serious, Just as I thought you"ve got bronchitis.噢,一点也不重。正象我猜想的一样,你得的是支气管炎。I"m relieved to hear that.你的话使我松了一口气。I will give you an injection to bring down the temperature .我给你开一针来降体温。Are you allergic to penicillin?你对青霉素过敏吗?I"m not sure.我不能肯定。Well, We"ll check on that.那么我们来给你查一查。Take this slip to the injection room and give it to the nurse.把这张纸条拿去注射室交给护士。She will give you a test.她会给你做皮试的。If you test is all right, she will give you an injection.如果你做皮试没问题的话,她会给你打针的。Do I need any medicine?你要吃点什么药吗?Yes, I"ll prescribe some cough medicine and some antibiotic.是的。我要给你开一些治咳嗽的药以及一些抗生素药丸。Here is your prescription .Take it to the chemist at the dispensary and he will tell you the dosage.那是你的处方。把它拿到药房去交给药剂师,他会告诉你该怎么服药的。What else do you advise me to do?你觉得我还应该注意些什么吗?Stay indoors for a day or two. keep warm ,drink more water and have a good rest.在家呆上一两天,注意保暖,多喝点水,并要好好休息。Thank you very much ,doctor.非常谢谢你,医生。Never mind, If you don"t feel any better in a couple of days come and see me again.不用谢,如果两三天后还没有好转,就再来找我。Thanks again .Good-bye.再次谢谢你,再见
2023-08-08 09:10:311


Let"s go and see a doctor
2023-08-08 09:10:394


Today, mom and dad are not at home, I feel uncomfortable, cough, runny nose, I think I have a cold. I think I grow up now you should go to see a doctor, so I took usually saved pocket money to see a doctor. To the hospital, I learn of his mother in the previously registered window before hanging up the Department of pediatrics. With a single I registered by building instructions to pediatric medical room. I put a single registered to the doctor, the doctor asked me where is uncomfortable, I put my feelings to tell the doctor, the doctor told me to open my mouth looked at my throat, I got strep throat. Also take a thermometer for me to temperature, the temperature is normal. So the doctor gave me some medicine to take medicine on time, I will be well, and has been praised me very sensible. Back home, I follow the doctor"s instructions were to eat the medicine. Mom and dad came back, I had to see the doctor. Give them, they hear happily from ear to ear, always praise me grow up, really is a good boy. Hearing parents praise me, my heart, feel oneself grow up, and can take care of himself.今天,爸爸妈妈不在家,我感觉身体不舒服,咳嗽,流鼻涕,我想我是感冒了。我想我现在长大了应该自己去看一下医生,于是我就拿着平时省下的零用钱去看医生。  到了医院,我学着妈妈以前那样在挂号窗口先挂了儿科。拿着挂号单我按门牌的指示来到了儿科医疗室。我把挂号单给了医生,医生问我哪里不舒服,我就把我的感觉告诉了医生,医生叫我张开嘴看了一下我的喉咙,说我的喉咙发炎了。还拿了体温表给我试温,还好体温正常。于是医生就给我开了一些药,叫我按时吃药病就会好的,并且一直夸我很懂事。  回到家,我就按医生的说明分别吃了药。爸爸妈妈回来了,我就把看医生的事给他们说了,他们听了高兴地合不拢嘴,一直夸我长大了,真是个好孩子。听了父母的夸奖,我心里美滋滋的,感觉自己长大了,可以照顾自己了。
2023-08-08 09:11:001


A seven day long holiday has flown away. Mourning my happy hours during the vacation, I"ve been looking forward to winter holidays. People around me seemed to have enjoyed the vacation, too. Then, is it fair that people have the same amount of holidays regardless of their occupations?   Nevertheless, divergent views emerge on the matter in question. Some people are of the opinion that laborers should have the same length of holiday. They hold the view that people are born equal and should be treated equally. The same amount of leisure time may eliminate the unfairness among people who might be upset psychologically if otherwise.  At first sight, it may seem to be an attractive idea, but it doesn"t bear much analysis.  To begin with, people do different kinds of jobs featuring different labor intensity and so the time needed to refresh their physical condition varies. For example, blue collar workers may work longer hours before they get tired physically, while white collar workers such as doctors and teachers are more mentally stressed. Unable to work continuously as long as those physical labor workers, white collars need more time to pull through the mental weariness than physical tiredness.  All in all, people in different jobs assume different responsibilities and have different degrees of pressure.  Secondly, different tasks and duties are required for different professions, resulting in the variety of holiday periods for people in different walks of life.  Some employees cannot have their legal holidays and even have to work overtime, such as policemen, construction workers and people in the service line.Those professions just can"t be interrupted for a mornent;other wise the society will be in a mess. Even for some people in the same occupation, they cannot have the same holidays entitled to them due to many factors out of human control, such as special assignments, and health conditions etc, then not to say people in different fields.  Suppose we, as teachers do, all have three months" holiday in a year.  Then factories have to employ considerably more workers because some of them are enjoying happy holiday.That"s obviously against the principles of doing business at lower cost and efficiency.  If we have only three days off in a year, then all the people in our country will be working day after day. No one can squeeze time to visit those tourist resorts leisurely. It goes without saying that the tourist trade and catering industry thus cannot develop rapidly and healthily.有什么问题 请随时提问 有问必答这篇作文希望对你 有帮助 没有的话 我在去英语作文大全里面帮您找找看一定会有你喜欢的作文哈 不过希望 找和自己水平差不多的 你找的太好了 老师以为你英文很好了 到考试 时候 就没那么理想了 所以建议 不要和自己水平差太多的
2023-08-08 09:11:081


see a doctor
2023-08-08 09:11:213


You should see a doctor.医生介绍:医生,钻研学习医学科学技术,挽救生命以治病为业的人,一般指临床医师。按照卫生部、卫健委、医政部有关医疗卫生管理条例的法律法规,主持医患沟通,学术讨论,新技术推广、预后分析、公众教育、护理示教、康复培训、出院教育、执行卫生防疫、计生、大病早期识别干预等法律政治责任、承担部分课题研究等工作。预防出生缺陷提高人口素质,治病救人,履行病情如实告知、合理检查、合理开药、正确诊断,积极治疗的责任。提高医生职业风险和医疗事故安全法律意识,避免误诊漏诊、控制医源性继发损害、纠正违章作业等法律责任,通过定期临床理论考试,技能考核培训,能够熟练掌握临床必要的医学技能和必要的医学理论。如影像学、解剖学、病理学、医学遗传学、药物化学、康复医学、生育保健学、临床法医学等,取得执业资格,不得夸大病情,吓唬病人,延误时机造成事故,要按照行业规范开展诊疗活动。医生,古代称大夫或郎中,新中国成立后我国涌现了大量赤脚医生,一度达到150多万名。现在“大夫”一词在北方人中也常用。在欧美医生普遍被称为“Physician”,只有外科医生被称呼为“Surgeon”。外科医生的法语称呼为:Decin(Medusan),德语是:Arzt(arutsuto)。但在英联邦英国外科医生,今天还以“密司脱”称呼。
2023-08-08 09:11:511


2023-08-08 09:12:451


He took him to the pet hospital to see a doctor. On the second day, the puppy was fine, and Amy was very happy.上面的汉字用英语说就是这样的,你可以仔细看一看。
2023-08-08 09:12:552

去看医生 用英语怎么翻译

go to see the doctor
2023-08-08 09:13:266


  在如今的国际以及国内形势下,对于所有非英语专业大学生来说,英语俨然也成为了一门必修必须掌握的学科我整理了关于看医生英语对话,欢迎阅读!   关于看医生英语对话一   病人:这是我的药方,你能帮我配药吗?   Patient: This is my prescription. Can you fill it for me, please?   药剂师:当然可以。   Chemist: Certainly.   病人:谢谢。   Patient: Thank you.   药剂师:别客气。让我看看。大概需要五分钟的时间。    wele. Well, let me see. It will take about five minutes.   病人:好的。   Patient: All right.   药剂师:好了,这是你所需要的中草药。   Chemist: O.K. this is your herbal medicine.   病人:请您给我解释一下怎么熬这副中草药,好吗?   Patient: Could you tell me what I should do with it?   药剂师:每天早晨开启一包,倒入500毫升冷水中浸泡一个半小时。然后用大火煮。煮至沸腾后把火关小。用文火熬30分钟,然后把火关掉。冷却后,到出服用。到出时当心不要把药渣倒入杯中。   Chemist: Every morning soak one bad in 200 mls of cold water for one and a half hours, then heat it up quickly. As soon as it begins to boil, turn down the heat, and simmer for thirty minutes. Then turn off the heat. Leave it to cool, then pour out the liquid to drink. Be careful no to let any of the leaves go into the cup.   病人:还挺复杂的。顺便问一下,我能用普通的钢制锅熬药吗?   Patient: It is quite plicated. By the way, can I use a steel pan?   药剂师:不行,你最好还是用砂锅。   Chemist: No, you can"t do that. You"d better use an earthenware pot.   病人:谢谢。我今天还真学到不少东西。   Patient: Thank you very much. I have learned a lot today fom you.   药剂师:不客气。祝你早日康复。   Chemist: You"re wele. I hope you will recover in no time.   关于看医生英语对话二   护士:早上好!   Nurse: Good morning.   病人:你好!   Patient: Good morning.   护士:请问哪里不舒服?   Nurse: What seems to be the problem?   病人:高烧,感觉糟透了。   Patient: Im running a high fever and feeling terribly bad.   护士:这种情况出现有多久了?   Nurse: How long have you had the problem?   病人:从昨晚开始的。   Patient: Since last night.   护士:您以前来过咱们医院吗?   Nurse: Well, have you ever been here before?   病人:事实上,我也是刚刚到这个城市。   Patient: As a matter of fact, I have just moved to this city.   护士:好的,那么您得先填写这张挂号表。比如您的年龄,挂号,住址等等。   Nurse: O. K. In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender, address and things like that.   病人:每问题。请问我应该挂哪科?   Patient: No problem. Which department should I register with, madam?   护士:您最好挂内科。   Nurse: You"d better go to the medical department.   病人:表填好,给你。   Patient: Here is my registration card.   护士:谢谢。挂号费是一美圆。   Nurse: Thank you. The registration fee is one dollar.,   病人:好的。请问我该怎么走?   Patient: Fine. But can you tell me how to get to the medical department, please?   护士:坐电梯到三楼,左拐。沿着走道走。您会看到一块牌子在您的右手边。   Nurse: Take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn. Go along the corridor until you see the sign on your right.   病人:多谢了。   Patient: Thanks a lot.   护士:不客气。   Nurse: You"re wele.   关于看医生英语对话三   大夫:你哪里不舒服?   Doctor: What seems to be the problem?   病人:唉,我刚才过马路,正赶上一辆车从拐角处开过来。由于车速过快,等司机看到我再刹车时,已经太晚了。我被撞倒在地,从地上爬起来时,我发现我的左臂和肘部也被擦伤,并且现在我的肋骨有点痛。   Patient: Well, I was crossing the road, where a car came round the corner too quickly, and when the driver saw me, it was too late to stop. I was knocked to the ground, and when I got up,my left arm and elbow were grazed and now, I have a pain in my ribs.   大夫:让我检查一下吧。你哪儿疼啊?   Doctor: I"ll just take a look. Where does it hurt?   病人:这很难说清楚,好象浑身都痛。   Patient: It"s hard to say. It hurts all over.   大夫:我按这儿,你疼不疼?   Doctor: Does it hurt when I do this?   病人:哎呀!你一按这儿我就疼得要命。   Patient: Ouch! The pain is very bad when you press here.   大夫:你的胳膊和肘部好象没什么问题。但是出于安全考虑,你还是最好去照一张X光片。片子照好之后,马上拿过来让我看看。   Doctor: You arm and elbow seem to be all right. But, to be on the safe side, you"d better go to the X-ray Department. When the X-rays are ready, bring them back to me to examine.   病人:好的,那么待会儿再见吧!   Patient: OK. See you later.   大夫:待会儿见!   Doctor: See you then!    Ten minutes later, the patient brings back the X-ray plates   病人:这是我的X光片。    my X-rays.   大夫:让我看看,一切基本正常。只是这儿,你看,有点小问题。有一点骨裂。   Doctor: I"ll just take a look at it. Everything is all right, except here, see it? There"s a hairline fracture.   病人:这严重吗?   Patient: Is it serious?   大夫:算不上严重。但是,这两三周你最好不要去上班。尽量卧床休息   Doctor: No. It"s not very serious, but you should take two or three weeks off work, and rest in bed as much as possible.   病人:大夫,我是否需要服用点什么药呢?   Patient: Should I take some medicine, doctor?   大夫:是这样,我会给你开一些草药,这样你的伤口会愈合得快一点。另外,你还需要服用一些口服药。这是药方。待会儿你拿到药房去配药。请按说明服药。   Doctor: All right. I"ll give you some herbal medicine to help you heal quickly. In addition, I will prescribe you some medicine for oral administration. Here is a prescription. Take it to the chemist"s. please take the medicine according to the instruction.   病人:我需要上石膏吗?   Patient: Will I need to be put in plaster?   大夫:不需要。药方里我给你开了一管药膏。每天搽两三次。   Doctor: No, it isn"t necessary. I have presribed you a tube of ointment. Administer it two or three times a day.   病人:非常感谢您,大夫。   Patient: Thank you very much, doctor.   大夫:不客气。再见!   Doctor: Not at all. Goodbye!   病人:再见!   Patient: Goodbye!   
2023-08-08 09:13:401


  12、Oh,you"ve got a temperature!   你发烧了!   A:Doctor I feel so hot!   医生,我觉得好热!   B:oh,you"ve got a temperature.   你发烧了.   13、Take a deep breath please!   请深呼吸!   A:Take a deep breath please!   请深呼吸!   B:ok!   好!   14、Say Ahhhhu2026   说啊u2026u2026   A:Say Ahhhhu2026   说啊u2026u2026   B:Ahhhu2026   啊u2026u2026   15、Apply the gel on your skin twice a day. 把这乳胶擦在皮肤上.一天两次.   A:Apply the gel on your skin twice a day. 把这乳胶擦在皮肤上.一天两次.   B:ok twice a day.   好,一天两次。   16、How often do I take the medicine? 这药怎么服用?   A:How often do I take the medicine? 这药怎么服用?   B:Three-times a day after each meal.   一天三次,饭后服用.   17、Take two tablets once a day.   每天服用一次,一次两颗。   A:How often do I take the tablets?   这药怎么服用?   B:Take two tablets once a day.   每天服用一次,一次两颗。   18、How much of the cough syrup do I take? 要怎么服用这个咳嗽糖浆?   A: How much of the cough syrup do I take? 要怎么服用这个咳嗽糖浆?   B: One teaspoonful, 3 times a day.   一天三次,一次一匙。   相关词汇:   过敏 Allergy   检查 Examination   入院 Admission to Hospotial   退院 Discharge from Hospital   症状 Symptom   营养 Nutrition   病例 Clinical History 诊断 Diagnosis 治疗 Treatment 预防 Prevention 呼吸 Respiration   便通 Bowel Movement 血液 Blood   脉搏 Pulse, Pulsation 尿 Urine   脉搏数 Pulse Rate 血型 Blood Type 血压 Blood Pressure 手术 Operation 副作用 Side Effect 注射 Injection X光 X-Ray   慢性的 Chronic 急性的 Acute 亲戚 Relative 遗传 Heredity 免疫 Immunity 流行性的 Epidemic   潜伏期 Incubation Period 滤过性病毒 Virus 消毒 Sterilization 抗生素 Antibiotic 冰袋 Ice Bag   药品 Medicine (Drug) 绷带 Bandage   体温计 Thermometer 药丸 Tablet, Pill 胶囊 Capsules   止咳药 Cough Medicine 阿司匹林 Aspirin 止疼药 Pain Killer 药方 prescription   症状及名称   发烧 Fever   高烧 High Fever 发冷 Chillsz   发汗 Sweats   盗汗 Night Sweats
2023-08-08 09:13:481


go to see a doctor
2023-08-08 09:13:586

去看医生 英文怎么翻译

go to see the doctor
2023-08-08 09:14:345


(1)Yesterday, I felt very tired.When I was in class, I felt sleepy and could not listen to the teacher carefully.And I did not want to eat anything at home. I went to bed early.This morning, I felt dizzy and my head was hot.My mom said I had a fever. She took me to see a doctor.He gave me some medicines and told me to have a good rest at home.It was not too serious. I hope I can be good soon.(2)This morning l felt very bad,i"m too weak to get up,so i went to the hospital to see the doctor"what"s wrong with you ,boy?""i"ve got a bad headache and a sore throat."i said. And the doctor said:"ok,then,do you have a fever?""i haven"t taken my temperature, but i think so."after the doctor examining very carefully.she said to me:"don"t worry about yourself.there is nothing serious. drink plenty of will be better soon."
2023-08-08 09:14:531


  小学英语对话课,是整个小学英语教学中一个必不可少的组成部分。我精心收集了关于医生的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!   关于医生的英语对话篇1   病人:早上好,大夫   Patient:Good morning, doctor.   医生:早上好,哪里不舒服?   Doctor:good morning. What seems to be the trouble?   病人:我最近有点失眠。   Patient:I"m suffering from insomnia.   医生:这种情况有多久了?   Doctor:How long have you had this problem?   病人:三个月了。   Doctor:Three months.   医生:服用过什么药吗?   Doctor:Have you take any medicine?   病人:试过***,但是对我一点儿都不起作用。   Patient:I tried some sleeping pills, but they have done nothing for me.   医生:有头痛的情况吗?   Doctor:Do you have headaches?   病人:有时候有。吃饭也没有胃口,总是感紧不安。   Patient:Sometimes. I have no appetite and always on the edge.   医生:让我量量你的血压。你看来贫血。   Doctor:Let me take your blood pressure. You look anemic. (Taking the patient"s blood pressure.)   医生:嗯,没什么好担心的。你只不过是有点劳累过度。   Doctor:Well, there is nothing to be alarmed about. You are just a little exhausted from overwork.   病人:我该怎么呢?   Patient:What should I do then?   医生:我想你应该多休息休息。多到户外活动。不要过度劳累。   Doctor:I think you need more rest. Try to get outdoors more. Don"t strain yourself too much.   病人:谢谢你,大夫。我会照你说的去做。   Patient:Thank you. Doctor. I"ll do as you say.   医生:拿着,这是给你开的处方。我相信这药会治好你的失眠症的。   Doctor:Here is the prescription for you. I"m sure the medicine will cure your insomnia.   病人:多谢了。再见!   Patient:Thanks a lot. Bye-bye!   医生:再见!   Doctor:Bye!   关于医生的英语对话篇2   One teaspoon three times a day.   每天三次,每次一茶匙。   P: How do I use this suppository?   我怎样用这栓剂?   Ph: Inset one into your anus (vagina) every night.   每晚塞一个在肛门(阴道)内。   P: Is this for internal use too?   这也是内服药吗?   Ph: This is for gargling only.   这是含漱剂。   This will loosen your stools. Please squeeze it into your anus every night.   这是通大便的。请每晚在肛门里挤一些。   This is a special adhesive for easing the pain. Apply it to the painful area and change it every two day.   这是专为止痛用的药膏。贴在痛处,两天换一次。   Apply some of the ointment, and rub it into the skin.   涂一些这种药膏并揉进皮肤里去。   Paint this lotion to the itching spot with this small blush (cotton swab).   用小刷子(棉花棍)把洗剂涂在痒处。   Please dissolve the tablet(powder) in hot water. Soak your hand (foot) in it for twenty minutes twice a day.   请将这药片(药粉)溶化在热水里。将你的手(脚)泡在里面,每日两次,每次20分钟。   P: How do I use these eye-drops and ointment?   我怎样使用这些眼药水和眼药膏呢?   Ph: Put the eye-drops into your right eye 4-6 times a day, each time one to two drops. Squeeze a bit of the ointment on your eyelid every night.   将这种眼药水滴入右眼,每天四至六次,每次一、两滴,每晚在眼皮里挤一点眼药膏。   P: How do I apply the nose drops?   我怎样使用这滴鼻剂呢?   Ph: Bend your head back as far as possible and then put them in.   尽量把头向后仰,然后将药滴进去。   P: How do I apply the ear drops?   我怎样使用滴耳剂呢?   Ph: Turn your head to the side. Put one to two drops in your ear. Press the tragus for a few seconds.   将头歪向一侧,在耳朵里滴一、两滴药水,再把耳屏按几秒钟。   P: How do I take (make) the herb medicine?   我怎样服(熬)中药呢?   Ph: Put herbs into a pot. Add about 300c.c.of cold water. Simmer gently for 20 minutes. Drain the solution. The amount left will be 40 to 50 c.c. This is the first dose. Don"t throw the herbs away. DO the same in the evening. That is the second dose. Take the first dose in the morning, the second in the evening.   把草药放进锅内。加入 300毫升冷水.用慢(文)火煎 20分钟。将药水滗出,约 40-50毫升。这是头煎。不要将药扔掉。仍照原法下午再煎一次,这是二煎。头煎早晨服,二煎晚上服。   We can make the solution for you for six days. Take one bottle daily, half in the morning, half in the evening. Please put them in the refrigerator or keep them in a very cool place. Don"t take the medicine while it is cold.   我们可以给你煎出六天的药。每天服一瓶上午半瓶,下午半瓶。瓶子要放在冰箱里或是放在凉爽的地方。不能服冷药。   P: Must I boil it before taking it?   每次服以前要将它煮开吗?   Ph: No. Put it in a glass and warm it in a bowl of hot water.   不必。可以将药盛在玻璃杯里,将它放在一碗热水中加温。   P: How do I take these big balls?   这些大药丸儿怎么服呢?   Ph: Chew and swallow the bits with water or put them in water to melt them. Remove the wax before taking it.   把它掰成小块,嚼后用水咽下,或者把它泡在水里化开再喝。服前把蜡皮去掉。不必。可以将药盛在玻璃杯里,将它放在一碗热水中加温。   关于医生的英语对话篇3   D: The baby has a heart murmur, but this may be normal. Does he seem to be pretty active?   M: Oh, yes.   D: Does he ever turn blue after eating or after crying?   M: Well, I havenu2019t noticed anything like that.   D: Does he seem to get tired very often?   M: When he cries a lot he does.   D: Weu2019ll watch this conditin. Is he on any other food than the formula?   M: No.   D: How much formula is he taking?   M: Five ounces.   D: I mean the total, in a day. Is he up to a quart?   M: Just about that.   D: Well, we usually donu2019t like them to get more than a quart a day. Weu2019ll start him on some solids. Heu2019s gaining weight nicely, I seeu2026u2026No other problems?   M: I donu2019t think so.   医生:这个婴儿心脏有杂音,但杂音可能是正常的。他看起来很活泼?   母亲:哦,很活泼。   医生:他吃奶或哭闹后有发青紫的现象吗?   母亲:哦,我没有注意到那样的情况。   医生: 他经常显得疲劳吗?   母亲:当他哭多了就显得疲劳。   医生:我们要注意这种情况。他除了吃配方奶以外还吃其他食物吗?   母亲:不吃。   医生:他吃多少配方奶?   母亲:5盎司(142克)。   医生:我得意思是一天的总量是多少?能吃1夸脱(1.14升)吗?   母亲:差不多1夸脱。   医生:呃,我们一般不愿意让他们一天吃1夸脱以上。要开始给他吃些固体食物。他的体重会增加得很好,u2026u2026没有其他问题了吧?   母亲:没有了。
2023-08-08 09:15:201


去看医生英文翻译为:Go to the doctor。 doctor:n.医生;大夫;诊所;博士; v.篡改;伪造;将有害物掺入(食物或饮料)中;阉割(动物); 第三人称单数: doctors复数: doctors现在分词: doctoring过去式: doctored过去分词: doctored 扩展资料   If that spot gets any bigger you should go to the doctor.   如果那个红斑变大,你就应该去看医生。   He needs to go to the doctor, marshall.   他需要去看医生,马歇尔。   He promised that he would go to the doctor if the pain returned.   他答应说,如果再疼的话他就去看医生。
2023-08-08 09:16:101

英语翻译 1.我认为你需要立即看医生I think that you ()()see the do

1.need to right away2.feels very tired3.had better all down
2023-08-08 09:16:275


问题一:去看医生的英文是怎么写的 You "d better consult a doctor at once. 你最好马上去看医生。 来源: dj.iciba 2. You want to see a doctor at once. 你必须马上去看医生。 问题二:医生用英语怎么说 doctor 问题三:医生的英文怎么写 医生英文是 1~Dr博士, 医生2~doc. 医生, 博士 3~doctor 4~medical n. 医生, 体格检查 adj. 医学的, 内科的, (医)药的 5~pill roller n. 医生, 药剂师 6~sawbones [`sR:bEJnz] n医生,尤指外科医生 楼上的谁学艺不精,飘…飘…… 问题四:你去看医生了吗的英文是什么 Did you go to see a doctor? 问题五:看医生用英语?怎么说 你好! 看医生 See a doctor
2023-08-08 09:16:431


你应该看医生用英语怎么说You should see a doctor.常用看医生词汇:have a cold 感冒have a cough 咳嗽headache 头痛have a stomachache 胃痛have a toothache 牙痛have a fever 发烧allergy 过敏pneumonia 肺炎medication 药物pills 药丸see a doctor 看病have an operation 动手术recover 复原,痊愈常用看医生句子:I feel sick,I want to see a doctor.我觉得不舒服,我想去看医生。Please call an ambulance.请叫救护车。What are your symptoms?量一下体温吧。The doctor says that I should not eat anything oily.医生说我不能吃油腻的东西。The doctor says that I should take quinine.医生说我应该服用奎宁。The doctor gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure.医生给我做了X光胸透并量了血压。The doctor gave me a shot and said to go to bed for a few days.医生给我打了针,并吩咐我躺着休息几天。I took some medicine and went to bed at once.我服了药就上床休息。The doctor says that I should not eat anything oily.医生说我不能吃油腻的东西。
2023-08-08 09:17:231


You"d better take him to doctor.
2023-08-08 09:17:466

看病用英语怎么说 看病英语及例句

1、看病:see a patient; treat;attend;give medical advice; 2、例句:汤姆太穷了,不能去看病。 Tom is too poor to go to see the doctor. 3、相似短语: go to the doctor 去看病。 attending doctor 主治医师。 barefoot doctor 赤脚医生。 doctor roll 刮刀辊。 doctor of divinity phr. 神学博士。
2023-08-08 09:18:011


You have to see/visit a doctor:)
2023-08-08 09:18:174


Let"s go to the doctor,希望能帮助到你。
2023-08-08 09:18:392


  在英语语言四项基本技能听,说,读,写中,语言交际能力的培养一直占据着不可或缺的重要地位。我精心收集了,供大家欣赏学习!   1   Patient: How do I take these medicines? 我怎样服这些药呢?   Pharmacist: One tablet, three times a day. 一天三次,一次一片.   Two tablets,four times a day. 一天四次,一次两片.   two tablets at night. 晚上服两片.   Take one tablet of this pain-killer if you feel pain ,but not more than once every four hours.   假如你觉著疼就吃一片止痛片,但每次必须间隔四个小时。   One linehalf line three times a day. Shake it well before taking it.   每天三次,每次一半格。服前先摇匀.   Please put it under your tongue,don"t swallow it.   把药放在舌头底下,不要往下咽.   Please suck It. 请含服.   Please dissolve the pill in water before taking it.   服前请将药丸放在水中溶化.   One teaspoon three times a day. 每天三次,每次一茶匙。   Patient:Is this for internal use too? 这也是内服药吗?   Pharmacist: This is for gargling only. 这是含漱剂。   This is a special adhesive for easing the pain.Apply it to the painful area and change it every two day.   这是专为止痛用的药膏.贴在痛处,两天换一次.   Apply some of the ointment,and rub it into the skin.   涂一些这种药膏并揉进面板里去.   Paint this lotion to the itching spot with this *** all blush cotton swab   用小刷子棉花棍把洗剂涂在痒处.   Please dissolve the tabletpowder in hot water. Soak your handfoot in it for twenty minutes twice a day.   请将这药片药粉溶化在热水里.将你的手脚泡在里面,每日两次,每次20分钟.   Patient:How do I use these eye-drops and ointment?   我怎样使用这些眼药水和眼药膏呢?   Pharmacist:Put the eye-drops into your right eye 4-6 times a day,each time one to two drops. Squeeze a bit of the ointment on your eyelid every night.   将这种眼药水滴入右眼,每天四至六次,每次一、两滴.每晚在眼皮里挤一点眼药膏.   Patient:How do I apply the nose drops? 我怎样使用这滴鼻剂呢?   Pharmacist:Bend your head back as far as possible and then put them in.   尽量把头向后仰然后将药滴进去.   Patient: How do I apply the ear drops? 我怎样使用滴耳剂呢?   Pharmacist: Turn your head to the side, put one to two drops in your ear. Press the tragus for a few seconds.   将头歪向一侧,在耳朵里滴一、两滴药水,再把耳屏按几秒钟。   Patient: How do I takemake the herb medicine?   我怎样服熬中药呢,   Pharmacist:Put herbs into a pot.Add about 300c.c.of cold water. Simmer gently for 20 minutes. Drain the solution. The amount left will be 40 to 50 CC.This is the first dose.Don"t throw the herbs away. Do the same in the evening. That is the second dose. Take the first dose in the morning, the second in the evening.   把草药放进锅内.加入 300毫升冷水.用慢文火煎 20分钟.将药水滗出,约 40-50毫升.这是头煎。不要将药扔掉.仍照原法下午再煎一次,这是二煎。头煎早晨服,二煎晚上服.   We can make the solution for you for six days. Take one bottle daily, half in the morning, half in the evening. Please put them in the refrigerator or keep them in a very cool place. Don"t take the medicine while it is cold.   我们可以给你煎出六天的药.每天服一瓶上午半瓶,下午半瓶.瓶子要放在冰箱里或是放在凉爽的地方.不能服冷药.   Patient: Must I boil it before taking it?   每次服以前要将它煮开吗?   Pharmacist: No. Put it in a glass and warm it in a bowl of hot water   不必.可以将药盛在玻璃杯里,将它放在一碗热水中加温.   Patient: How do I take these big balls? 这些大药丸儿怎么服呢?   Pharmacist:Chew and swallow the bits with water or put them in water to melt them. Remove the wax before taking it.   把它掰成小块,嚼后用水咽下,或者把它泡在水里化开再喝。服前把蜡皮去掉.   2   护士:早上好!   Nurse: Good morning.   病人:你好!   Patient: Good morning.   护士:请问哪里不舒服?   Nurse: What seems to be the problem?   病人:高烧,感觉糟透了。   Patient: Im running a high fever and feeling terribly bad.   护士:这种情况出现有多久了?   Nurse: How long have you had the problem?   病人:从昨晚开始的。   Patient: Since last night.   护士:您以前来过咱们医院吗?   Nurse: Well, have you ever been here before?   病人:事实上,我也是刚刚到这个城市。   Patient: As a matter of fact, I have just moved to this city.   护士:好的,那么您得先填写这张挂号表。比如您的年龄,挂号,住址等等。   Nurse: O. K. In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender, address and things like that.   病人:每问题。请问我应该挂哪科?   Patient: No problem. Which department should I register with, madam?   护士:您最好挂内科。   Nurse: You"d better go to the medical department.   病人:表填好,给你。   Patient: Here is my registration card.   护士:谢谢。挂号费是一美圆。   Nurse: Thank you. The registration fee is one dollar.,   病人:好的。请问我该怎么走?   Patient: Fine. But can you tell me how to get to the medical department, please?   护士:坐电梯到三楼,左拐。沿着走道走。您会看到一块牌子在您的右手边。   Nurse: Take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn. Go along the corridor until you see the sign on your right.   病人:多谢了。   Patient: Thanks a lot.   护士:不客气。   Nurse: You"re wele.   3   医生:早上好。你哪里不舒服?    morning. What"s troubling you?   病人:你好,大夫。我头疼得厉害。    morning, doctor. I have a terrible headache.   医生:别着急,小伙子,告诉我怎么回事。    right, young man. Tell me how it got started.   病人:昨天我老流鼻涕。现在有点鼻塞。喉咙很痛。恐怕还伴有高烧。感觉糟透了。    I had a running nose. Now my nose is stuffed up. I have a sore throat. And I"m afraid I"ve got a temperature. I feel terrible.   医生:小伙子,别担心。让我给你检查一下。我先看看你的喉咙。张开嘴说"啊"。    worry, young man. Let me give you an examination. First let me take a look at your throat. Open your mouth and say "ah".   病人:啊。   Patient:Ah.   医生:很好。把你的舌头伸出来。好的。接下来让我检查以下你的胸膛。把衬衫的扣子解开。让我检查你的心和肺。深呼吸,屏住气。吸气,呼气。顺便问一下,你曾经患过肺结核吗?   . Now put your tongue out. All right, let me examine your chest. Please unbutton your shirt. Let me check your heart and lungs. Take a deep breath and hold it. Breathe in, and out. By the way, do you have a history of tuberculosis?   病人:没有,从来没有。    not.   医生:听着,你的喉咙发炎了。舌苔很厚。这些都是感冒的症状。   , your throat is inflamed. And your tongue is thickly coated. You have all the symptoms of influenza.   病人:那我该怎么做呢?    am I supposed to do then?   医生:你需要好好休息。多喝水。我马上给你开药方。   Doctor:A good rest is all you need, and drink more water. I"ll write you a prescription。   病人:谢谢。    you very much.   医生:不客气。记住好好休息。    all right. Remember to take a good rest.   病人:我会的。再见,大夫。   Patient:I will. Goodbye, doctor.   医生:再见!   !   
2023-08-08 09:19:321


you should go to see a doctor
2023-08-08 09:19:512


举个例子:DOCTOR:What is the mattet?ILLER:l am feeling headche.
2023-08-08 09:20:384


Today I felt uncomfortable.So my mum took me to the hospital.When I saw the doctor in white,I was so nervous.The doctor examined my body and togne and took my temperature.He told my mum I had a serious cold.So I must be given an injection.I cried once I heard that,because I was afraid of ache.(我怕疼)My mum encouraged me as well as the doctor.He said it wouldn"t hurt that much.He was quite skilled.I thanked the doctor very much.Right now I feel much better.
2023-08-08 09:20:541


Last sunday,Mr.Lee got up very early to go fishing.He spent the whole day sitting beside the river but got nothing at the end of the day.Therefore,Mr.Lee was very dissapointed due to that he had to go home by dinner time.On his way home,Lee thought that his wife might be mad at him for bringing nothing back.So he bought a big fish at the market before he got home.At least,he was happy finally for what he could bring home.
2023-08-08 09:21:031

许多人看病用英语怎么说?能说see the doctors 或see doctors吗?

see doctors是看见医生, 不是去看医生in the future, life will be be better. everyone will have video phone, so we can see a doctor or go shopping staying at home. 其实不用staying也可以说得过去,但可以强调你那意思
2023-08-08 09:21:131


go to do sth 可表示为将要去做某事,去看医生表示“现在还没去,将要去看医生”
2023-08-08 09:21:202

看病用英语怎么说 看病英语及例句

1、看病:see a patient; treat;attend;give medical advice; 2、例句:汤姆太穷了,不能去看病。 Tom is too poor to go to see the doctor. 3、相似短语: go to the doctor 去看病。 attending doctor 主治医师。 barefoot doctor 赤脚医生。 doctor roll 刮刀辊。 doctor of divinity phr. 神学博士。
2023-08-08 09:21:271

英语作文 See a doctor 6句话 快快快快急用

1.When we feel sick ,we should see a doctor .2.I want to go to see a doctor.3.I should see a doctor because I feel sick.4.I wanted to see a doctor yesterday.5.I have the fever, so I went to see a doctor.6.I went to see a doctor,doctor said I have the fever.
2023-08-08 09:21:396

可以说go to the dr.

2023-08-08 09:22:2013


My mother took me to see a doctor.
2023-08-08 09:22:503


2023-08-08 09:23:041


I recommend you to visit a doctor
2023-08-08 09:23:111

她去看医生,英语是不是:She see the doctor

She goes to see the doctor.
2023-08-08 09:23:191


2023-08-08 09:23:272

她去看医生,英语是不是:She see the doctor

She will see the doctor
2023-08-08 09:23:362


考查冠词用法,a+n. 表一类,我必须去看医生,也可以用 I must see the doctor, 但是不能用see doctor
2023-08-08 09:23:574

你最好去看医生 英语怎么说

2023-08-08 09:24:085