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2023-05-19 19:34:37
TAG: 英语 翻译








我叫Jack, 很高兴成为你的新笔友。让我谈谈我的家庭。 我父亲叫Tom,他是一个电脑程序员,在办公室上班。我母亲是Betty,她是名教师,在学校工作。 我足球踢得不错。我想成为一个足球运动员。 我爱我家。 我们过得很开心。











《AfootinEngland》(Hudson, William Henry)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: nvpw    书名:AfootinEngland作者: Hudson, William Henry出版年: 2008-8页数: 240内容简介   William Henry Hudson (1841-1922) was an author, naturalist and ornithologist. He was born in the Quilmes Partido in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, where he is considered to belong to the national literature as Guillermo Enrique Hudson, the Spanish version of his name. He spent his youth studying the local flora and fauna and observing both natural and human dramas on what was then a lawless frontier, publishing his ornithological work in Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society, initially in an English mingled with Spanish idioms. He settled in England during 1869. He produced a series of ornithological studies, including Argentine Ornithology (1888-1899) and British Birds (1895), and later achieved fame with his books on the English countryside, including Hampshire Days (1903), Afoot in England (1909) and A Shepherd"s Life (1910). His best known novel is Green Mansions (1904), and his best known non-fiction is Far Away and Long Ago (1918). His other works include: The Purple Land (That England Lost) (1885), A Crystal Age (1887), The Naturalist in La Plata (1892), A Little Boy Lost (1905), Birds in Town and Village (1919), Dead Man"s Plack and an Old Thorn (1920), and A Traveller in Little Things (1921).作者介绍 威廉·亨利·赫德森 威廉·亨利·赫德森,英国人,一生中著有二十余本书,有散文、小说,也有自传。
2023-01-08 22:40:311


If the enterprise in progress, whatever thrift is afoot, wealth also in decline. (kingdom economists Keynes. J.M.).A, investigation of purpose and meaningWe all know now university student"s employment situation is not very good, but the international trade practice professional duties, overall are relatively stable. So as the international trade specialized talented person in employment post it is to adapt? This has brought a textual research on! So, the investigation of purpose and meaning lies in through the survey to find the current college students learn professional knowledge HeGuoMao practice post talent cohesion adaptability problems, according to the results of the survey questionnaire and network analysis the reason, and combining with actual has targeted for now jobs adaptation problem with some Suggestions and sentiment, hope to contribute to our college students for later obtain employment direction to use.Second, survey manner: random sampling surveyThree, investigation location and objectsSurvey: the different foreign trade enterprise company siteRespondents: a foreign trade enterprise individual employee of the companyFour, investigation process1, questionnaire designedIn our foreign trade company staff"s subjective adaptability and objective adaptiveness, design about employment adaptability questionnaire.directoryA, plan,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1Second, questionnaire,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Third, survey report,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Four, summary,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2, investigatingInvestigation team members division, the survey different age, different post position staff on employment post suit opinions and feelings.Five, survey results1, data statistics2, according to investigation situation to carry on the analysis of the factors that all aspects3, the senate inserted personal feeling4, finish the report
2023-01-08 22:40:372


采取的手,儿子。 板载。 这是正确的。您更好地运行,男孩。 你听到Jedediah ? 这偲骑手并不总是 公鹿为了保护你,你听到我吗? ,谢谢你。 ,而不是在所有。 西奥多罗斯福, 第26届总统... ...这些美利坚合众国 为您服务。 好吧。我拉里戴利, 新的夜间警卫。 很高兴我你,劳伦斯戴利。 你必须原谅我,但。 狩猎是在进行。 亨特在进行。 对不起,主席先生。 请问您什么? ,是的,但只有一个问题。 ,所有的权利。 好了,为什么?只是一些,比如, 三愿种处理,或- ? 别客气。自力更生 关键是积极的生活。 一个人必须寻求外来找到 他自己的答案。我如何能帮助? 我真的不知道如何把这个, 并请不要采取了错误的方式... ...但一切在这个博物馆 应该是,你知道... -...死了吗? ,死了吗? ,是啊。 ,跟我来。 所有你想喊,法老。 您已在那里54岁。 你不会失控今晚。 有消息来源的所有这一切骚动。 平板的Ahkmenrah 。 于1952年抵达北京 从尼罗河探险。 在那天晚上, 一切都在这个博物馆来生活。 和每天晚上,因为。 所以一切都在博物馆 谈到生活每天晚上? 没错。 我应做的事是什么? 你是守夜,劳伦斯。 古老的立场这个机构 。 来的,小伙子。 ,所有的权利。好吧。这是不可能的。 没有什么是不可能的。 如果可以梦想,这是可以做到的。 因此, 20英尺豺盯着你。 不要让眼神接触。 你的任务是,以确定每个 保持馆内... ...因为如果太阳升起 和任何人在外面... ...我们谈谈灰尘。 ,您谈谈尘埃? 沙尘。 ,真的吗? ,真的。 现在,几乎曙光。 我将帮助您恢复秩序今晚。 但是,记住我的话,这是最后一次 我将永远这样做。是,清楚了吗? 是啊。我的意思是-我的意思是,我猜想。我不.... 停止胡说,孩子!是或否? ,是的。 好。 让我们的旅程。 所有权利。因此,在大会堂的爬虫类动物是安全的。 你在看什么? 我跟踪,亲爱的。 曼得轨道。 欢迎家庭,劳伦斯。 看到你明天晚上。 其实,我得坦白。 我不认为我回来了。 什么?您才刚刚开始。 嗯,嗯,这不是什么升- 劳伦斯? ,是啊? 你做了些什么 在此之前,你的文章? 嗯,我已经做了很多不同的事情。 我发明这件事称为斯纳珀。 你放弃的呢? 不,我出了几个路障。 您可能已经听说过拍板? 劳伦斯。 ,是的,先生? 有些人人生而伟大的。 另一些人的伟大强加于他们。 你,这是非常时刻。 欺负。有你的男孩。 是啊。你有我。
2023-01-08 22:40:461


建议使用 大众翻译软件 可以整篇文章翻译的。
2023-01-08 22:40:524

计划 的英语是什么?

plan / program
2023-01-08 22:41:109


自1887年诞生于柯南·道尔笔下以来,贝克街的那位名侦探——夏洛克·福尔摩斯——经历过各种各样的奇遇和冒险。 他在克苏鲁设定下对抗过古圣者,又在现代伦敦酒吧拿量筒喝过酒; 有时他变成老人,有时他的助手变成女性;也有时,他和助手一起变成女性。 但是,如此伟大多变的夏洛克·福尔摩斯,也有成为“背景板”的一天。 在网飞新鲜上线的电影《福尔摩斯小姐:失踪的侯爵》里,伦敦这座经典罪案舞台上的绝对主角成为了夏洛克的小妹伊诺拉·福尔摩斯,一个更可爱轻快,但和夏洛克一样聪明而强大的福尔摩斯。 《福尔摩斯小姐:失踪的侯爵》 《福尔摩斯小姐》的故事,始于一场有预谋的失踪。在伊诺拉16岁生日的早上,一直陪伴和教导她的母亲突然消失。 伊诺拉,这位不会绣花但会武术、挑战一切教条且同理心爆棚的非典型天才少女,不得不第一次离开家,投身于凶险的真实世界,一边像找面包屑一样寻找母亲的踪迹,一边保护路途上偶遇的逃家小侯爵,还要躲着和她关系疏远的两个哥哥。 在一些不算出彩的动作桥段和一场场由“我给你五英镑,你和我换衣服”开启的复古换衣秀之后,伊诺拉面前的两个谜团渐渐交织在一起。 失踪的母亲和她背后沾着火药味的女权运动大计,被人追杀的侯爵和他手上的选票,拼凑出一个变革到来前暗流涌动的伦敦。 《福尔摩斯小姐》改编自南希·斯普林格的“伊诺拉·福尔摩斯探案集”系列丛书中的第一本,非常到位地把握了原作小说的青少年向定位。和本片的主角,由网飞亲闺女米莉·芭比·布朗演绎的伊诺拉一样,《福尔摩斯小姐》整部电影都透露出俏皮可爱,古灵精怪的气质。 打破第四堵墙的直述,剪贴画式让人眼花缭乱的蒙太奇,报纸和字母牌拼凑出的文字 游戏 ;总挤着机灵眼色的伊诺拉,肌肉仿佛能把衣衫撑爆的夏洛克,易碎品一样纤细的小侯爵…… 从形式到剪辑,从景色到美色,《福尔摩斯小姐》无疑带来了一场养眼的轻松体验。 除了单纯的养眼之外,《福尔摩斯小姐》还有两个很明显的亮点。首先,是伊诺拉和蒂克斯伯里侯爵之间让人耳目一新的少年感情线。 这对互有好感的少男少女,从初遇到暂别,相处和互救的过程中一直在颠覆传统的性别角色。伊诺拉常做假小子打扮身手了得,长相秀美的蒂克斯伯里热爱花艺,两个年轻人对挣脱性别刻板印象的渴望,和对变革的认同与向往,构成了他们之间自然流露的青涩情愫。 蒂克斯伯里随车而去时欲言又止的落寞,和握着栏杆掉下的眼泪,绝对能进入不少人的年度心动时刻榜单。 其次,《福尔摩斯小姐》虽然设定在1884年人民代表法案通过前夕的伦敦,却有着不可忽视的现实关照性。 倡导女性独立的伊诺拉,一定能鼓舞不少荧屏外刚开始关心性别议题的青少年,而影片里一帮试图守住领地、操纵选票的旧贵族,和那场重要的投票,也在当下这个逼近美国大选的时间点而显得意味深长。 这种以往福尔摩斯改编作品中鲜见的女性视角,也同时对夏洛克·福尔摩斯这一经典角色进行了现代性的反思。 影片中,伊诺拉母亲的好友这样评价夏洛克对政治的漠不关心:“你没有兴趣去改变这个世界,因为你在里面如鱼得水。”比起超然世外的天才夏洛克,新一代的年轻观众或许更需要一腔热血、寻求改变的伊诺拉。 然而,让人遗憾的是,《福尔摩斯小姐》最大的优点也同时是它的最大缺点。它贴近青少年群体的轻快与活力,从反面看,就变成了无聊幼稚、浅尝辄止。 尤其是当影片进入后半段后,主题表达的浅显和对部分技法的重复滥用,设定混乱的人物、拖沓的节奏、掉线的动机、儿戏般的解谜,都让《福尔摩斯小姐》跌出了佳片的范畴。 曾凭借《伦敦生活》拿下艾美奖的导演哈利·布拉德比尔,把他对打破第四堵墙的热爱延续到了本片这部电影处女作中。但是,《伦敦生活》里Fleabag的打破第四堵墙是出彩且必要的手法,通过不间断的自嘲和讽刺补全角色,同时与观众建立起私密的联系。 而到了《福尔摩斯小姐》这里,对这一形式的滥用不仅时常显得突兀,更是暴露了伊诺拉角色的单薄、演员演技的短板,和影片在主题表达上的浅显。许多面对镜头喊口号式的自述,都像是伊诺拉·福尔摩斯自己拍的拙劣视频简历,充满着仿佛她自己都不甚理解的空话废话。 单是伊诺拉口中有说教意味却缺乏深度的话语,已经把《福尔摩斯小姐》中对女权议题的讨论拖垮了不少。而片中被削弱成刻板父权符号的迈克罗夫特、被强行降智的夏洛克,和一群脸谱化的反派角色、简化的外部困境,更是让伊诺拉的独立历程显得像个轻飘飘的童话。 这类对配角只提取一重特定功能的便捷处理方式,把柯南·道尔原著里那些观众熟悉的角色人设碾得稀碎,也一定程度上浪费了一帮好卡司。 更过分的是,在这冗长的123分钟中,连主角伊诺拉的设定似乎都有欠考虑,飘忽不定。被迈克罗夫特训斥几句就放声大哭、进了寄宿学校后既来之则安之的伊诺拉,和之前换上男装大胆逃家的好像不是同一个人。 冲着解密和探案来的观众,也会对《福尔摩斯小姐》失望。 在开篇不多的几个字谜 游戏 、几处反侦察之后,《福尔摩斯小姐》似乎完全忘记了自己顶着福尔摩斯之名,就像伊诺拉·福尔摩斯在遇到侯爵后迅速搁置了原本的找母亲计划一样,没走几步就忘了自己为什么出发,一通小打小闹后草草结局直奔续集。 失望之后再回头看,本片开头伊诺拉那句颇有致敬意味的“the game is afoot”,好像只是启动了一支超长的预告片。 1884年人民代表法案的 历史 意义、伊诺拉母亲背后的一盘大棋、伊诺拉和两位兄长之间的 情感 关系和她更为真实可信的觉醒和成长,这些在第一部留好的谜语,或许在续集里才会慢慢揭开。而她口中的 游戏 ,说不定到那时,才会真正开始。
2023-01-08 22:41:461


You know that something is afoot when an unknown group on an unknown label suddenly starts making noises on the Billboard Gospel charts. So, after nearly a month of hovering around the mid 30s, how could we not check out Youth Edition?当一个打着名不经转唱片厂牌的默默无闻乐队忽然开始在Billboard Gospel排行榜上铿锵有声,你知道肯定有事正在酝酿。所以,在排名30位左右徘徊了将近一个月后,这能不引起我们对Youth Edition的好奇吗?With a strong nod to The Winans but with heavier groove intensity, Youth Edition drives straight into urban terrain (probably in a Jeep) with this superb debut album. Comprised of four first cousins from the South Side of Chi-town, proof of their nearly two decades of singing together is branded on every track. For the record, and since it抯 probable that with this degree of talent you will be hearing from them again, they are Van Moody, Kevin Vasser, Keith Vasser and Reggie Tillman.他们与The Winans乐队的风格十分相似但有更重的节奏强度,Youth Edition以这首张杰出的专辑直接闯入城市地带(可能坐着吉普车)。这支来自Chi-town南部,由四位堂兄弟组成的乐队在一起唱歌已近20年,每一首曲子都能体现他们的合作无间。既然他们才华洋溢,我们很可能还会再听到他们的歌声,我还是介绍它的成员吧,他们是Van Moody, Kevin Vasser, Keith Vasser 和 Reggie Tillman.The title cut is an irrepressible slow jam that combines inspirational testimony with gorgeous harmonies, and is the focus of the MTV-ready video single from the project, which features both Shaq and Faith Evans in silent cameos. But this album is no one-hit wonder, with dance-driven selections like 揋et On Up?and funky flows like 揔eep On Keepin?On? And with the hook-laden, head-bobbin 揢se Me? Youth Edition pulls into serious contention for some kind of Urban Song of the Year. In fact this group doesn抰 let go the ear on any one of the 14 tracks on the project. 专辑的第一首曲是抑制不住的slow jam,它那鼓舞人心的展示结合绚丽的和声,成为本专辑MTV视频单曲的重心,Shaq 和Faith Evans 在其中扮演无声的小角色。不过,本专辑可不是单靠一首歌取胜的;凭借像令人舞动的Get On Up, 节奏强悍的Keep On Keepin" On, 以及充满联唱,让人摆首的Use Me, Youth Edition 成为某个‘年度最佳城市歌曲"的强有力竞争者。其实,这专辑14首歌的任何一曲都会使你百听不厌。With Gospel industry genius Percy Bady behind this project, it moves beyond the edge of ordinary, as his gold hand of production is brushed across every track. Bady also joins Youth Edition in writing much of the material, and he also adds his keyboard skills to the mix. The sharp eye will catch the occasional credit to Gospel bassist Maurice Fitzgerald and rising vocalist Jesse Campbell.得到Gospel的行业天才Percy Bady的鼎力支持,每首曲子的制作都经他点石成金之手,使本专辑接近超乎寻常。Bady也汇合Youth Edition一起编写不少材料,并且还参与钢琴伴奏。敏锐的人将会觉察Gospel贝斯手Maurice Fitzgerald以及新晋歌手Jesse Campbell也偶尔参与献艺。So, somebody call Chrysler and tell them to start investing in heavy-duty shocks --because there抯 gonna be plenty Jeeps bouncing around the nation all summer if enough get their hands on these tru-skool grooves. 因此,请某人去电Chrysler汽车公司,告诉他们开始投资生产重型减震器,因为如果专辑广受欢迎,在整个夏天将会有许多吉普车欢蹦乱跳辗转全国。【英语牛人团】
2023-01-08 22:41:517


2023-01-08 22:42:173


翻译的价格一般是每100字 30-50不等
2023-01-08 22:42:292

电影 大侦探福尔摩斯 中的一段对白

The game"s afoot.Follow your spirit.And upon this charge,cry:God for Harry,England and St. George.——游戏开始了 尔等如蓄势以待之猎犬 如箭在弦 整装待发 神明在上 佑我冲锋 英伦万岁 圣乔治万岁
2023-01-08 22:42:384


注:括号内是出版时期1867年,巴勒斯出版了《Walt Whitman as Poet and Person》(沃尔特·惠特曼个人与诗人),这是第一部关于惠特曼的传记与评论。四年后,the Boston house of Hurd & Houghton 出版了巴勒斯的首部自然散文合集《Wake-Robin》。书目Notes on Walt Whitman as Poet and Person (1867)Wake Robin (1871)Winter Sunshine (1875), (travel sketches)Birds and Poets (1877)Locusts and Wild Honey (1879)Pepacton (1881)Fresh Fields (1884), (travel sketches)Signs and Seasons (1886)Birds and bees and other studies in nature (1896)Indoor Studies (1889)Riverby (1894)Whitman: A Study (1896)The Light of Day (1900)Squirrels and Other Fur-Bearers (1900)Songs of Nature (Editor) (1901)John James Audubon (1902), (biography)Literary Values and other Papers (1902)Far and Near (1904)Ways of Nature (1905)Camping and Tramping with Roosevelt (1906)Bird and Bough (1906), (poetry)Afoot and Afloat (1907)Leaf and Tendril (1908)Time and Change (1912)The Summit of the Years (1913)The Breath of Life (1915)Under the Apple-Trees (1916)Field and Study (1919)Accepting the Universe (1920)Under the Maples (1921)The Last Harvest (1922)My Boyhood, with a Conclusion by His Son Julian Burroughs (1922)Books About John BurroughsOur Friend John Burroughs by Clara Barrus (Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1914)John Burroughs Boy and Man by Clara Barrus (Garden City New York Doubleday, Page & Company, 1920)The Life and Letters of John Burroughs by Clara Barrus (Volume 1, Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company, The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1925)John Burroughs: An American Naturalist by Edward J. Renehan Jr. (Chelsea, VT: Chelsea Green, 1992; paperback - Hensonville, NY: Black Dome Press, 1998)John Burroughs and The Place of Nature by James Perrin Warren (Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 2006)John Burroughs: An American Naturalist by Edward J. Renehan, Jr. (Black Dome Press)Sharp Eyes: John Burroughs and American Nature Writing edited by Charlotte Zoe Walker, ed. (Syracuse University Press)The Art Of Seeing Things by John Burroughs edited by Charlotte Zoe Walker, ed. (Syracuse University Press)John Burroughs: The Sage of Slabsides by Ginger Wadsworth (Clarion Books)有中文版:清新的原野生命的呼吸冬日阳光延龄草接受宇宙河畔小屋自然之道标志与季节
2023-01-08 22:42:532


datacenter[英]["deɪteɪsentər][美]["deɪteɪsentər]n.资料处理中心; 数据中心双语例句1Important changes are afoot in datacenter storage technologies.资料处理中心储存技术正在作一些非常重要的改动。
2023-01-08 22:43:024


2023-01-08 22:43:174

《The Middle Passage》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Middle Passage》(V. S. Naipaul)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 2m6i书名:The Middle Passage作者:V. S. Naipaul出版社:Picador出版年份:2001-9-21页数:200内容简介:V.S. Naipaul undertook this Caribbean journey at the invitation, in 1960, of Dr Eric Williams, the first Prime Minister of independent Trinidad, the author"s birthplace. At that time, the plantation colonies of the region were formed, culturally, in the image of the metropolis. Racial and political assertion had yet to catch up with them in varying ways. In Trinidad, African racialism found itself at odds with old colonial mimicry; forty years on, the racial issue will not be between black and white, but between black and Asian. Guyana was Marxist, but with the same racial divisions: forty years on, the country will be so ruined that a newspaper will be regarded almost as a luxury item. In Surinam, a movement was afoot to replace the Dutch language with a pidgin English called talkie-talkie: forty years on, that racial sentiment will have led to military dictatorship and an exodus of the locals to Holland. Whereas Martinique, defying geography, saw itself as France. And, in Jamaica, such rejectionism took the form of Rastafarianism which, absurdly, turns out to have been the invention of Italian black propaganda during the Abyssinian War of the 1930s. The Middle Passage catches this poor topsy-turvy world at a critical moment: a world by turns sad, earnest and hilarious indeed, a perfect subject for the understanding and comedy of this great writer.作者简介:V.S.奈保尔(V.S.Naipaul):英国著名作家。1932年生于特立尼达岛上一个印度移民家庭,50年代进入牛津大学攻读英国文学,毕业后开始写作。著有《米格尔街》、《毕司沃斯先生的房子》、《自由国度》、《游击队员》、《大河湾》、“印度三部曲”、《非洲的假面剧》等。2001年,获诺贝尔文学奖。
2023-01-08 22:43:361

欧亨利 哈姆莱区的悲剧

Harlem.Mrs. Fink had dropped into Mrs. Cassidy"s flat one flight below."Ain"t it a beaut?" said Mrs. Cassidy.She turned her face proudly for her friend Mrs. Fink to see. One eyewas nearly closed, with a great, greenish-purple bruise around it.Her lip was cut and bleeding a little and there were red finger-markson each side of her neck."My husband wouldn"t ever think of doing that to me," said Mrs.Fink, concealing her envy."I wouldn"t have a man," declared Mrs. Cassidy, "that didn"t beat meup at least once a week. Shows he thinks something of you. Say! butthat last dose Jack gave me wasn"t no homeopathic one. I can seestars yet. But he"ll be the sweetest man in town for the rest of theweek to make up for it. This eye is good for theater tickets and asilk shirt waist at the very least.""I should hope," said Mrs. Fink, assuming complacency, "that Mr.Fink is too much of a gentleman ever to raise his hand against me.""Oh, go on, Maggie!" said Mrs. Cassidy, laughing and applying witchhazel, "you"re only jealous. Your old man is too frapped and slowto ever give you a punch. He just sits down and practises physicalculture with a newspaper when he comes home--now ain"t that thetruth?""Mr. Fink certainly peruses of the papers when he comes home,"acknowledged Mrs. Fink, with a toss of her head; "but he certainlydon"t ever make no Steve O"Donnell out of me just to amusehimself--that"s a sure thing."Mrs. Cassidy laughed the contented laugh of the guarded and happymatron. With the air of Cornelia exhibiting her jewels, she drewdown the collar of her kimono and revealed another treasured bruise,maroon-colored, edged with olive and orange--a bruise now nearlywell, but still to memory dear.Mrs. Fink capitulated. The formal light in her eye softened toenvious admiration. She and Mrs. Cassidy had been chums in thedowntown paper-box factory before they had married, one year before.Now she and her man occupied the flat above Mame and her man.Therefore she could not put on airs with Mame."Don"t it hurt when he soaks you?" asked Mrs. Fink, curiously."Hurt!"--Mrs. Cassidy gave a soprano scream of delight. "Well,say--did you ever have a brick house fall on you?--well, that"s justthe way it feels--just like when they"re digging you out of theruins. Jack"s got a left that spells two matinees and a new pair ofOxfords--and his right!--well, it takes a trip to Coney and sixpairs of openwork, silk lisle threads to make that good.""But what does he beat you for?" inquired Mrs. Fink, with wide-openeyes."Silly!" said Mrs. Cassidy, indulgently. "Why, because he"s full.It"s generally on Saturday nights.""But what cause do you give him?" persisted the seeker afterknowledge."Why, didn"t I marry him? Jack comes in tanked up; and I"m here,ain"t I? Who else has he got a right to beat? I"d just like to catchhim once beating anybody else! Sometimes it"s because supper ain"tready; and sometimes it"s because it is. Jack ain"t particular aboutcauses. He just lushes till he remembers he"s married, and thenhe makes for home and does me up. Saturday nights I just move thefurniture with sharp corners out of the way, so I won"t cut myhead when he gets his work in. He"s got a left swing that jars you!Sometimes I take the count in the first round; but when I feel likehaving a good time during the week or want some new rags I come upagain for more punishment. That"s what I done last night. Jack knowsI"ve been wanting a black silk waist for a month, and I didn"t thinkjust one black eye would bring it. Tell you what, Mag, I"ll bet youthe ice cream he brings it to-night."Mrs. Fink was thinking deeply."My Mart," she said, "never hit me a lick in his life. It"s justlike you said, Mame; he comes in grouchy and ain"t got a word tosay. He never takes me out anywhere. He"s a chair-warmer at home forfair. He buys me things, but he looks so glum about it that I neverappreciate "em."Mrs. Cassidy slipped an arm around her chum. "You poor thing!"she said. "But everybody can"t have a husband like Jack. Marriagewouldn"t be no failure if they was all like him. These discontentedwives you hear about--what they need is a man to come home and kicktheir slats in once a week, and then make it up in kisses, andchocolate creams. That"d give "em some interest in life. What I wantis a masterful man that slugs you when he"s jagged and hugs you whenhe ain"t jagged. Preserve me from the man that ain"t got the sand todo neither!"Mrs. Fink sighed.The hallways were suddenly filled with sound. The door flew open atthe kick of Mr. Cassidy. His arms were occupied with bundles. Mameflew and hung about his neck. Her sound eye sparkled with the lovelight that shines in the eye of the Maori maid when she recoversconsciousness in the hut of the wooer who has stunned and draggedher there."Hello, old girl!" shouted Mr. Cassidy. He shed his bundles andlifted her off her feet in a mighty hug. "I got tickets for Barnum& Bailey"s, and if you"ll bust the string of one of them bundles Iguess you"ll find that silk waist--why, good evening, Mrs. Fink--Ididn"t see you at first. How"s old Mart coming along?""He"s very well, Mr. Cassidy--thanks," said Mrs. Fink. "I must begoing along up now. Mart"ll be home for supper soon. I"ll bring youdown that pattern you wanted to-morrow, Mame."Mrs. Fink went up to her flat and had a little cry. It was ameaningless cry, the kind of cry that only a woman knows about, acry from no particular cause, altogether an absurd cry; the mosttransient and the most hopeless cry in the repertory of grief. Whyhad Martin never thrashed her? He was as big and strong as JackCassidy. Did he not care for her at all? He never quarrelled; hecame home and lounged about, silent, glum, idle. He was a fairlygood provider, but he ignored the spices of life.Mrs. Fink"s ship of dreams was becalmed. Her captain ranged betweenplum duff and his hammock. If only he would shiver his timbers orstamp his foot on the quarter-deck now and then! And she had thoughtto sail so merrily, touching at ports in the Delectable Isles! Butnow, to vary the figure, she was ready to throw up the sponge, tiredout, without a scratch to show for all those tame rounds with hersparring partner. For one moment she almost hated Mame--Mame, withher cuts and bruises, her salve of presents and kisses; her stormyvoyage with her fighting, brutal, loving mate.Mr. Fink came home at 7. He was permeated with the curse ofdomesticity. Beyond the portals of his cozy home he cared not toroam, to roam. He was the man who had caught the street car, theanaconda that had swallowed its prey, the tree that lay as it hadfallen."Like the supper, Mart?" asked Mrs. Fink, who had striven over it."M-m-m-yep," grunted Mr. Fink.After supper he gathered his newspapers to read. He sat in hisstocking feet.Arise, some new Dante, and sing me the befitting corner of perditionfor the man who sitteth in the house in his stockinged feet. Sistersof Patience who by reason of ties or duty have endured it in silk,yarn, cotton, lisle thread or woollen--does not the new canto belong?The next day was Labor Day. The occupations of Mr. Cassidy and Mr.Fink ceased for one passage of the sun. Labor, triumphant, wouldparade and otherwise disport itself.Mrs. Fink took Mrs. Cassidy"s pattern down early. Mame had on hernew silk waist. Even her damaged eye managed to emit a holidaygleam. Jack was fruitfully penitent, and there was a hilariousscheme for the day afoot, with parks and picnics and Pilsener in it.A rising, indignant jealousy seized Mrs. Fink as she returned to herflat above. Oh, happy Mame, with her bruises and her quick-followingbalm! But was Mame to have a monopoly of happiness? Surely MartinFink was as good a man as Jack Cassidy. Was his wife to go alwaysunbelabored and uncaressed? A sudden, brilliant, breathless ideacame to Mrs. Fink. She would show Mame that there were husbands asable to use their fists and perhaps to be as tender afterward as anyJack.The holiday promised to be a nominal one with the Finks. Mrs. Finkhad the stationary washtubs in the kitchen filled with a two weeks"wash that had been soaking overnight. Mr. Fink sat in his stockingedfeet reading a newspaper. Thus Labor Day presaged to speed.Jealousy surged high in Mrs. Fink"s heart, and higher still surgedan audacious resolve. If her man would not strike her--if he wouldnot so far prove his manhood, his prerogative and his interest inconjugal affairs, he must be prompted to his duty.Mr. Fink lit his pipe and peacefully rubbed an ankle with astockinged toe. He reposed in the state of matrimony like a lumpof unblended suet in a pudding. This was his level Elysium--to sitat ease vicariously girdling the world in print amid the wifelysplashing of suds and the agreeable smells of breakfast dishesdeparted and dinner ones to come. Many ideas were far from hismind; but the furthest one was the thought of beating his wife.Mrs. Fink turned on the hot water and set the washboards in thesuds. Up from the flat below came the gay laugh of Mrs. Cassidy. Itsounded like a taunt, a flaunting of her own happiness in the faceof the unslugged bride above. Now was Mrs. Fink"s time.Suddenly she turned like a fury upon the man reading."You lazy loafer!" she cried, "must I work my arms off washing andtoiling for the ugly likes of you? Are you a man or are you akitchen hound?"Mr. Fink dropped his paper, motionless from surprise. She fearedthat he would not strike--that the provocation had been insufficient.She leaped at him and struck him fiercely in the face with herclenched hand. In that instant she felt a thrill of love for himsuch as she had not felt for many a day. Rise up, Martin Fink, andcome into your kingdom! Oh, she must feel the weight of his handnow--just to show that he cared--just to show that he cared!Mr. Fink sprang to his feet--Maggie caught him again on the jaw witha wide swing of her other hand. She closed her eyes in that fearful,blissful moment before his blow should come--she whispered his nameto herself--she leaned to the expected shock, hungry for it.In the flat below Mr. Cassidy, with a shamed and contrite face waspowdering Mame"s eye in preparation for their junket. From the flatabove came the sound of a woman"s voice, high-raised, a bumping, astumbling and a shuffling, a chair overturned--unmistakable soundsof domestic conflict."Mart and Mag scrapping?" postulated Mr. Cassidy. "Didn"t know theyever indulged. Shall I trot up and see if they need a sponge holder?"One of Mrs. Cassidy"s eyes sparkled like a diamond. The othertwinkled at least like paste."Oh, oh," she said, softly and without apparent meaning, in thefeminine ejaculatory manner. "I wonder if--wonder if! Wait, Jack,till I go up and see."Up the stairs she sped. As her foot struck the hallway above outfrom the kitchen door of her flat wildly flounced Mrs. Fink."Oh, Maggie," cried Mrs. Cassidy, in a delighted whisper; "did he?Oh, did he?"Mrs. Fink ran and laid her face upon her chum"s shoulder and sobbedhopelessly.Mrs. Cassidy took Maggie"s face between her hands and lifted itgently. Tear-stained it was, flushing and paling, but its velvety,pink-and-white, becomingly freckled surface was unscratched,unbruised, unmarred by the recreant fist of Mr. Fink."Tell me, Maggie," pleaded Mame, "or I"ll go in there and find out.What was it? Did he hurt you--what did he do?"Mrs. Fink"s face went down again despairingly on the bosom of herfriend."For God"s sake don"t open that door, Mame," she sobbed. "And don"tever tell nobody--keep it under your hat. He--he never touched me,and--he"s--oh, Gawd--he"s washin" the clothes--he"s washin" theclothes!"
2023-01-08 22:43:441


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2023-01-08 22:45:051


Snow White and Seven DwarfsLong, long ago in a magnificent castle, there lived a pretty young princess named Snow White. Her stepmother, the queen, was a wicked woman whose greatest fear was that Snow White"s beauty would one day become greater than her own. And so Snow White was dressed in rags and forced to be her stepmother"s servant. Her long days were spent scrubbing floors and cooking meals. Still, the evil stepmother worried that as Snow White grew, so would her beauty. Every day the queen looked in her magic mirror, anxiously asking, "Magic mirror on the wall, Who is the fairest one of all?" "You are the fairest one of all," the mirror would always reply. And the queen would be content for another day. Snow White was an obedient stepdaughter who happily did her work while daydreaming of a handsome prince who might one day fall in love with her and take her to live with him in his castle. One morning, as she drew water from the well, she made a wish that someday her dream would come true. As if by magic, a handsome young price appeared before her. He had been watching Snow White as she drew water from the well, and was entranced by her beauty. But Snow White was shy and fled to the tower balcony. As the price sang her a love song below, Snow White placed a kiss on her friend the dove, who carried it to her beloved. On that day, the queen"s magic mirror told the queen that Snow White was the fairest in all the land. In a jealous rage, the queen called one of her royal huntsman. "Take Snow White far into the forest and kill her," she commanded, "and as proof of your deed, bring me back her heart in this." And she handed him a carved box. The huntsman began his deadly mission. Telling her they were going for a walk, he took Snow White deep into the forest. Snow White sang a happy tune, gathering flowers and thinking of her handsome prince. Among the flowers she heard the cry of a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest. When she found the little creature, she picked it up and comforted it. "Don"t worry, your mama and papa can"t be far," she cooed. Feeling better, the little bird set off to find its parents. When they reached the heart of the forest, the huntsman drew his dagger. As he crept up behind Snow White, she turned and screamed, realizing what was about to happen. When the huntsman saw the fear in the princess"s eyes, he fell to his knees. "I beg of you, Your Highness, forgive me," he pleaded. He told Snow White of the queen"s jealousy, and how he was ordered to bring Snow White"s heart back to the castle as proof of his deed. "Now quick, child," he told her, "Run away! Hide!" Snow White was very frightened. She gasped, whirled around, and ran into the forest. The woods were dark and full of strange noises and frightening sights. As Snow White ran past, owls hooted and bats beat their wings overhead. Even the trees seemed to reach out to her with their branches and watch her with glowing eyes. Snow White ran faster and faster, and when she could run no more, she fell to the ground and began to weep. When she had finished crying, Snow White looked up and found herself surrounded by forest animals. Slowly they moved closer, realizing that they had nothing to fear from the kind princess. The forest creatures comforted their new friend, and soon Snow White was feeling much better. "I do need a place to sleep at night," she told them. "Maybe you know where I can stay. Will you take me there?" Instantly, two raccoons tugged at the hem of her skirt and began to guide her through the woods. The deer, rabbits, chipmunks, squirrels, and birds followed close behind. Soon they were at the edge of a clearing. Snow White pushed aside the bushes and saw a charming little cottage nestled among the trees. She ran toward the house, crossing over the little bridge just in front of it, and peered in one of the windows. "I guess there"s no one home!" she exclaimed. Inside the cottage Snow White saw seven little chairs. "Why, seven little children must live here - seven very untidy children!" she remarked to the animals. Indeed, wherever Snow White looked she saw dirty dishes, dust on the furniture, and cobwebs everywhere. "I know, we"ll clean the house and surprise them," she told the forest creatures. "Maybe when they see what we"ve done, they"ll let me stay." Together Snow White and the animals cleaned the little cottage and made it tidy. When they finished cleaning downstairs, Snow White and her friends went to see what they might find upstairs. At the top of the staircase was a door, and beyond it Snow White saw seven little beds. "Look! Each bed has a name carved on it," Snow White said, and she read the name out loud. "Doc, Happy, Sneezy, Dopey, Grumpy, Bashful, and Sleepy." Snow White yawned. "I"m a little sleepy myself," she said. Then she stretched out across three beds and fell fast asleep. Meanwhile, in a nearby mine, the seven dwarfs were hard at work digging for diamonds. They - not seven little children - were the ones who lived in the cottage Snow White had found. Each dwarf had his own special job to do. Doc stood at a table and peered at the diamonds through a jeweler"s glass. He saved the good diamonds and tossed away the bad ones, while Dopey swept up. As night fell, the dwarfs headed for home. With their picks slung over their shoulders, the seven dwarfs marched in a line. Doc took the lead, with Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy, Bashful, and Dopey following behind. Even though they were very hungry and tired from their hard day"s work, the dwarfs sang a happy song as they marched along. When the dwarfs neared their cottage, Doc stopped in his tracks. "Look! The lit"s light. I mean, the light"s lit! Something"s in there!" he cried. Though they were worried that they might find a ghost or other scary creature inside, all the dwarfs bravely followed Doc into the house to investigate. The dwarfs slowly opened the door and crept into the cottage, trying not to make a sound. "Careful, men," Doc whispered. The others tiptoed up behind him. "Our window"s been washed," said Happy. "Look - the floor! It"s sween bept - I mean, been swept," noticed Doc. "There"s dirty work afoot!" Grumpy grumbled. He was always suspicious. Suddenly, they heard a noise upstairs. "One of us has got to go down and chase it up ... I mean ... go up and chase it down," muttered Doc. The dwarfs quickly elected Dopey to lead the way. "Don"t be afraid. We"re right behind you," they all whispered. Quietly and carefully, the dwarfs climbed the stairs one by one until they reached the bedroom. They inched into the room, and saw a sheeted figure stretched across the beds. Snow White yawned and stretched under the sheet. It was a frightening sight for the poor dwarfs, who cowered on the floor. "A monster!" they gasped. Doc gathered all his courage and pulled back the sheet. "Why, it"s a girl!" he exclaimed. Snow White was very surprised to see seven dwarfs peering at her from the foot of the bed. "Why, you"re not children," she said, sitting up. "You"re men!" Looking at them, Snow White could easily guess the name that belonged to each dwarf. "And you must be Grumpy," she said with a giggle, folding her arms to imitate him. Then Snow White introduced herself and told the dwarfs about the wicked queen and how the animals had rescued her from the forest. "Please don"t send me away," she pleaded. "If you do, the wicked queen will surely find me." The dwarfs took pity on Snow White. And when she told them that she would clean and cook for them in return for their kindness, they quickly decided that she should stay - all except Grumpy, who simply said, "Hmph." He wanted nothing to do with a wicked queen - or a tidy princess. Back at the castle, the huntsman had delivered the box back to the queen. He had fooled the queen by placing a pig"s heart inside it instead of Snow White"s. Thinking Snow White was dead, the queen eagerly asked her magic mirror, "Magic mirror on the wall, Who now is the fairest one of all?" But the mirror replied, "Over the seven jeweled hills, beyond the seventh fall, in the cottage of the seven dwarfs dwells Snow White, fairest one of all." The queen was enraged. Snow White was still alive! The queen stormed down the winding staircase that led to a dark dungeon beneath the castle. There she went to hidden room filled with bottles, potions, and a book of magic spells. She opened the book, and finding a spell for a disguise, mixed a terrible potion. Then she drank the brew and was instantly transformed into an ugly old hag. Next the queen found another spell and, following the recipe carefully, filled her cauldron with a bubbling liquid. She took an apple and slowly dipped it into the poisonous potion. "And now," she cackled, "a special sort of death for one so fair. One bite of this poisoned apple and Snow White will close her eyes forever! Then I shall be the fairest of them all once more!" Far away from the castle dungeon, Snow White and the dwarfs were about to have dinner. "You"ll just have time to wash," Snow White decided. "Let me see your hands." One by one, the dwarfs slowly took their hands from behind their backs and showed them to Snow White. "Worse than I thought," she said. "March straight outside and wash, or you"ll not get a bite to eat." The dwarfs didn"t really want to wash, but they were willing to do it to make Snow White happy - except Grumpy. "Her wiles are beginning to work!" he muttered. He stood groaning and grumbling as he watched the others. Well, let them - he was not going to wash!
2023-01-08 22:45:121

海明威 A Man of The World 一条好汉 讲的是什么?请问Blindy把Sawyer怎么样了?

  参考大学英语第四册里面的原文,很隐晦,I told him on a cold night like this he"d ought to bundle up so the whole inside of his face wouldn"t catch cold.  之前Blindy说真想亲眼看看Sawyer怎么样。  加上Sawyer载了Blindy,说明BLINDY把他鼻子割了。因为BLINDY很大气味。  具体前后逻辑也不太明白,那句话就说Sawyer脸上有洞,但是洞到底是眼睛还是鼻子?  会不会是眼睛呢?也可能。就是BLINDY在车上行凶了,然后Sawyer失明无法继续开车。  会不会是鼻子呢?答案是鼻子,原因是他闻不到气味,而且可能Sawyer还能继续开车。  书上的答案是,鼻子被BLINDY割了。  就是个有仇必报的短篇故事。很重口血腥。还给你点玩味。  原文以及翻译:  A Man of the World  Ernest Hemingway  1 The blind man knew the sounds of all the different machines in the Saloon. I don"t know how long it took him to learn the sounds of the machines but it must have taken him quite a time because he only worked one saloon at a time. He worked two towns though and he would start out of The Flats along after it was good and dark on his way up to Jessup. He"d stop by the side of the road when he heard a car coming and their lights would pick him up and either they would stop and give him a ride or they wouldn"t and would go on by on the icy road. (1) It would depend on how they were loaded and whether there were women in the car because the blind man smelled plenty strong and especially in winter. But someone would always stop for him because he was a blind man.  一条好汉  欧内斯特·海明威  那个盲人对酒馆里不同机器发出的声响了如指掌。我不知道他用了多久才把各种机器的声音一一辨清,但这事儿准花了他不少时间,因为他一次只在一家酒馆做。不过他在两个镇上都有活,他会在弗拉特先做,一直到天全黑了,再前往杰塞普。听见有车开过来他就会在路旁停下来,车灯照见他,有时他们会停下车来带他一程,有时则不,径直在冰冻的路面从他身旁开过。带不带他要看车上有没有坐满,有没有女士,因为瞎子身上气味很重,尤其在冬天。但总会有人停车让他上去,因为他是个盲人。  2 Everybody knew him and they called him Blindy, which is a good name for a blind man in that part of the country, and the name of the saloon that he threw his trade to was The Pilot. Right next to it was another saloon, also with gambling and a dining room, that was called The Index. Both of these were the names of mountains and they were both good saloons with old-days bars and the gambling was about the same in one as in the other except you ate better in The Pilot probably. Blindy probably preferred The Pilot because the machines were right along the left-hand wall as you came in and faced the bar. This gave him better control over them than he would have had at The Index where they were scattered on account it was a bigger place with more room. On this night it was really cold outside and he came in with icicles on his mustache and he didn"t look really very good. (2) Even his smell was froze but that wasn"t for very long and he started to put out almost as soon as the door was shut. It was always hard for me to look at him but I was looking at him carefully because I knew he always rode and I didn"t see how he would be frozen up so bad. Finally I asked him.  人人都认识他,叫他盲汉,在那一带,这是对盲人表示尊重的称呼,他干活的那家酒馆叫派勒特。就在隔壁又是一家酒吧,也有赌博机和餐厅,店名叫做印岱克斯。这两家店名原来都是山名,两家酒馆都不错,都有那种旧式的吧台,赌博机也都没什么两样,只不过派勒特的菜肴可能略好一些。盲汉可能喜欢派勒特,因为进门就是吧台,赌博机都沿左墙一溜儿摆放。赌博机集中摆放,他就容易控制,不像在印岱克斯,因为地方大,空间多,机器四处摆放着。这天晚上,外面冷得够呛,他进来时胡茬上还挂着冰柱,那样子看上去不太对劲。连他的臭味也冻住了,但冻住的时间不长,门一关上,他身上又发出气味了。过去我总是不忍心看他,不过那晚我却仔细打量了他,因为我知道他总能搭上便车,我纳闷,他怎么会冻成这样。我终于问他了。  3 "Where you walk from, Blindy?"  4 "Willie Sawyer put me out of his car down below the railway bridge. There weren"t no more cars come and I walked in."  5 "What did he put you afoot for?" somebody asked.  6 "Said I smelled too bad."  “你从哪儿走过来的,盲汉?”  “威利·索亚在铁路桥下面把俺撵下车。一直没别的车开过来,俺就一路走来了。”  “他干嘛要让你下去走?”有人问。  “说俺身上气味重。”  7 Somebody hit on a machine but it wasn"t any heavy hit. Blindy moved on it just the same. It was a quarter machine and the young fellow who was playing it gave him a quarter sort of reluctantly. Blindy felt it before he put it in his pocket.  有人玩吃角子机赢了,可没有赢多少。盲汉还是走了过去。那是台25分币的吃角子机,在玩的那小伙子不很情愿地给了他一个2角5分的硬币。盲汉摸了摸硬币,然后放进衣袋。  8 "Thank you," he said. "You"ll never miss it."  9 The young fellow said, "Nice to know that," and put a quarter back in the machine and pulled down again.  10 He hit again but this time pretty good and he scooped in the quarters and gave a quarter to Blindy.  11 "Thanks," Blindy said, "You"re doing fine."  12 "Tonight"s my night," the young fellow who was playing said. “多谢了,”他说。“你准会赢的。”  年轻人说:“那敢情好,”说罢又投了个2角5分的硬币进去,再往下拉了一下。  他又赢了,可这次赢了不少。他捞起大把大把2角5分的硬币,给了盲汉一个。  “多谢,”盲汉说,“打得不错。”  “今晚咱运气好,”正在玩的年轻人说。  13 (3) "Your night is my night," Blindy said and the young fellow went on playing but he wasn"t doing any good any more and Blindy was so strong standing by him and he looked so awful and finally the fellow quit playing and came over to the bar.  “你走运,俺沾光,”盲汉说。年轻人继续在玩,可不再像刚才那样赢钱;站在他旁边的瞎子气味实在难闻,样子又那么惹人厌烦,年轻人终于歇手不玩了,向酒吧间走去。  14 "What will yours be, Tom?" Frank the bartender asked me. "This is on the house."  15 "I was figuring on shoving."  16 "Have one first then."  17 Frank asked the young fellow what he would drink and the young fellow took the same. The whisky was Old Forester.  “你想喝什么,汤姆?”名叫弗兰克的酒吧间侍者问我。“酒店请客。”  “我想回去了。”  “那就先喝上一杯吧。”  弗兰克问年轻人要喝什么,年轻人要了同样的酒。是老林务员威士忌。  18 I nodded to him and raised my drink and we both sipped at the drinks. Blindy was down at the far end of the machines. I think he figured maybe no one would come in if they saw him at the door. Not that he was self-conscious.  我朝他点点头,举起酒杯,两人都呷了一口。盲汉站在那排赌博机的最尽头。我想,他这是估摸着要是见他在门口,没人会进来。这倒不是他怕难为情。  19 "How did that man lose his sight?" the young fellow asked me.  20 "In a fight," Frank told him.  21 "I wouldn"t know," I told him.  22 "Him fight?" the stranger said. He shook his head.  23 "Yeah," Frank said. "He got that high voice out of the same fight. Tell him, Tom."  24 "I never heard of it."  “那个人是怎么失明的?”那年轻人问我。  “打架闹的,”弗兰克告诉他。  “我不清楚,”我对他说。  “他打架?”陌生人说。他摇摇头。  “是啊,”弗兰克说。“他那尖嗓子也是那一架给打出来的。跟他说说,汤姆。”  “我从来没听说过。”  25 "No. You wouldn"t of," Frank said. "Of course not. You wasn"t here, I suppose. Mister, it was a night about as cold as tonight. Maybe colder. It was a quick fight too. I didn"t see the start of it. Then they came fighting out of the door of The Index. Blackie, him that"s Blindy now, and this other boy Willie Sawyer, and they were slugging and kneeing and gouging and biting and I see one of Blackie"s eyes hanging down on his cheek. They were fighting on the ice of the road with the snow all banked up and the light from this door and The Index door, and Hollis Sands was right behind Willie Sawyer who was gouging for the eye and Hollis kept hollering, "Bite it off! Bite it off just like it was a grape!" Blackie was biting onto Willie Sawyer"s face and he had a good pull and it gave away with a jerk and then he had another good pull and they were down on the ice now and Willie Sawyer was gouging him to make him let go and then Blackie gave a yell like you"ve never heard. Worse than when they cut a boar."  “对了。你是不会知道的,”弗兰克说。“当然不知道。我想那时你还没来这儿。先生,那天晚上差不多就跟今晚一样冷。可能更冷些。那一架打得快。我没见到是怎么打起来的。只看到他们从印岱克斯的门里扭打出来。布兰奇,如今叫盲汉了,还有那个叫威利·索亚的家伙,两人又打又踢,又抓又咬,我看到布兰奇的一个眼珠掉了出来挂在脸上。两人在冰冻的路面上打,路旁都堆着雪,这扇门里,还有印岱克斯店门里透出灯光,霍利斯·桑兹就站在威利·索亚的身后,威利·索亚正要挖那个眼珠,霍利斯不停地嚷嚷着:‘咬下来!咬下来,就当是个葡萄!"布兰奇咬进威利·索亚的脸,他狠狠一咬,猛地咬下一块,接着又大咬一口,两人都倒在冰上,威利·索亚掐他的眼睛,逼他松手,就在这时,布兰奇惨叫一声,没听见过叫得那么怕人的。比杀猪叫还吓人。”  26 Blindy had come up opposite us and we smelled him and turned around.  27 " "Bite it off just like it was a grape,"" he said in his high-pitched voice and looked at us, moving his head up and down. "That was the left eye. He got the other one without no advice. Then he stomped me when I couldn"t see. That was the bad part." He patted himself.  这时盲汉已经走到我们对面,我们闻到他身上的气味,便转过身去。  “‘咬下来,就当是个葡萄,"”他尖声说,一边看着我们,一边摇头晃脑。“那是左眼珠。他连声警告也没有就把另一只也咬下了。俺什么也看不见了,他却狠命踩俺。那才叫惨哪。”他拍了拍自己。  28 "I could fight good then," he said. "But he got the eye before I knew even what was happening. He got it with a lucky gouge. Well," Blindy said without any ill feeling, "that put a stop to my fighting days."  “那时俺可真能打架,”他说。“可俺还没明白过来是怎么回事他就咬着我的眼珠了。他下手下得巧。唉,”布兰奇说着,不带一点敌意。“这下俺打架的日子也就到头了。”  29 "Give Blackie a drink," I said to Frank.  30 "Blindy"s the name, Tom. I earned that name. You seen me earn it. That"s the same fellow who put me adrift down the road tonight. Fellow bit the eye. We ain"t never made friends."  “给布兰奇来杯酒,”我吩咐弗兰克。  “叫俺盲汉,汤姆。这个名字是俺打架打出来的。你都亲眼见到的。就是今晚把俺扔在路上的那个小子。咬眼珠的那个小子。俺两个一直就没和好。”  31 "What did you do to him?" the stranger asked.  32 "Oh, you"ll see him around," Blindy said. "You"ll recognize him any time you see him. I"ll let it come as a surprise."  33 "You don"t want to see him," I told the stranger.  34 "You know that"s one of the reasons I"d like to see sometimes," Blindy said. "I"d like to just have one good look at him."  35 "You know what he looks like," Frank told him. "You went up and put your hands on his face once."  “你拿他怎么了?”陌生人问。  “啊,你会在附近见到他的,”盲汉说。“你一见到他就会认出他。俺要让你见了觉得出乎意料。”  “你见了他会害怕的,”我跟陌生人说。  “要知道,就为了这,有时俺也希望有双眼睛能亲眼瞧瞧。”盲汉说。“俺只想好好瞧他一眼。”  “你知道他现在的模样,”弗兰克对他说。“有次你走上去摸过他的脸。”  36 "Did it again tonight too," Blindy said happily. "That"s why he put me out of the car. He ain"t got no sense of humor at all. (4) I told him on a cold night like this he"d ought to bundle up so the whole inside of his face wouldn"t catch cold. He didn"t even think that was funny. You know that Willie Sawyer he"ll never be a man of the world."  “今晚俺又摸了一次,”盲汉得意地说。“就为这他把俺给撵下了车。他一点玩笑都开不起。俺对他说,今晚这么冷,他应当穿得暖暖的,这样他脸庞里边就不会着凉感冒了。他压根儿没觉得这话挺逗。你知道威利·索亚,成不了汉子。”  37 "Blackie, you have one on the house," Frank said. "I can"t drive you home because I only live just down the road. But you can sleep in the back of the place."  “布兰奇,喝一杯,不收钱,”弗兰克说。“我不能开车送你回家,因为我就住在路的那头。不过你可以在屋子后边睡。”  38 "That"s mighty good of you, Frank. Only just don"t call me Blackie. I"m not Blackie any more. Blindy"s my name."  39 "Have a drink, Blindy."  40 "Yes, sir," Blindy said. His hand reached out and found the glass and he raised it accurately to the three of us.  41 "That Willis Sawyer," he said. "Probably alone home by himself. That Willie Sawyer he don"t know how to have any fun at all."  “你真好,弗兰克。可别叫俺布兰奇。俺不再是什么布兰奇。俺叫盲汉。”  “喝,盲汉。”  “喝,老兄,”盲汉说。他伸出手来摸到了杯子,很准地对着我们三人举杯。  “威利·索亚那小子,”他说。“没准一个人呆在家里呢。威利·索亚那小子一点儿不会取乐。”
2023-01-08 22:45:191


【成语】:变起萧墙 【拼音】:biàn qǐ xiāo qiáng 【简拼】:bqxq 【解释】:萧墙:古代宫室内当门的小墙,比喻内部。指祸变发生在内部。 【出处】:《晋书?文帝纪》:“乃者王室之难,变起萧墙,赖公之灵,弘济艰险。” 【示例】:他书后明说着:衅生他族,~。 明·汤显祖《南柯记·疑惧》 【近义词】:祸起萧墙 【反义词】: 【语法】:作谓语、宾语、定语;指内乱 【英文】:Troubles come up within the screen of the court--there is internal strife afoot. 变起萧墙 成语接龙 【顺接】:墙上泥皮 墙头马上 墙花路柳 墙花路草 墙面而立 墙风壁耳 墙高基下 【顺接】:变起萧墙 不学面墙 触事面墙 穿穴逾墙 夫子之墙 狗急跳墙 红杏出墙 祸兴萧墙 【逆接】:岸谷之变 饱经世变 不知权变 不讳之变 沧桑之变 蝉蜕龙变 朝迁市变 沉几观变 【逆接】:变俗易教 变出意外 变动不居 变化万端 变化不测 变化不穷 变化多端 变化多般
2023-01-08 22:45:251


2023-01-08 22:45:3315

afoothball match中文怎么写

a football match一场足球比赛一场足球比赛一场足球赛足球比赛
2023-01-08 22:47:082

he went to the shop to buy afoot的同义句

a match表示物品彼此搭配
2023-01-08 22:47:161


awful英 [ˈɔ:fl] 美 [ˈɔfəl] adj.可怕的; 糟糕的; 非常的; 极坏的adv.非常,极网络糟糕; 可怕; 恐怖双语例句 1Everybody knew that something awful was afoot. 大家都知道可怕的事近在眼前。2That"s an awful lot of money. 这可真是天大一笔钱。3It was an awful film. 那是一部糟糕的电影。
2023-01-08 22:47:221

《Lordsand Ladies》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Lords and Ladies》(Terry Pratchett)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: r2c5书名:Lords and Ladies作者:Terry Pratchett出版社:HarperTorch出版年份:1996-10-01页数:400内容简介:Although they may feature witches and wizards, vampires and dwarves, along with the occasional odd human, Terry Pratchett"s bestselling Discworld novels are grounded firmly in the modern world. Taking humorous aim at all our foibles, each novel reveals our true character and nature. It"s a dreamy midsummer"s night in the Kingdom of Lancre. But music and romance aren"t the only things filling the air. Magic and mischief are afoot, threatening to spoil the royal wedding of King Verence and his favorite witch, Magrat Garlick. Invaded by some Fairie Trash, soon it won"t be only champagne that"s flowing through the streets ...
2023-01-08 22:47:271


go-go dancer表演摇摆舞的人go afoot走路去Go ahead前进, 有进展; 继续干下去go aloft[俚]升天, 死Go astern后退!go astray走错路; 误入歧途go barmy发狂; 发痴go bugs发疯go easy慢慢地走, 别急go fantee粗野, 放肆go fishing去钓鱼go formal[口]穿着夜礼服go glimmering渐渐消失go abroad出国go armed携带武器go mad发狂[疯]go blind变瞎go hungry挨饿first go[口]第一次尝试; 一口气; 一下子; 首先Go ahead去吧! (或,说吧!)
2023-01-08 22:47:402


player:球员player造句:1、If a media player tells you it needs to send SMS messages, something is afoot.如果一款媒体播放器告诉你它需要发送短信息,这里面一定有什么阴谋。2、A web browser and a media player are the system"s only applications.一款网络浏览器和一款媒体播放器是该系统仅有的应用软件。3、Improved player transitions and camera jolting when changing swimming direction.改进的球员转换和颠簸时改变游泳方向的相机。4、It"s likely that the iPod will lead the portable media player market for years to come.在数年之后,iPod很有可能会领导便携媒体播放器市场。5、The football player was built like a moose.那个足球运动员壮得像头驼鹿。6、A major player in world affairs世界事务的积极参与者7、To serve, the player throws the ball straight up into the air.发球时,运动员要把球向上直线抛起,球须脱离手掌,然后球必须一次击出。8、The player juggled the ball before it dropped to the ground.在球落到地面之前,该球员吃力地抓住了它。9、Who is the most valuable player ?谁是最存价值的运动员?
2023-01-08 22:47:481


全部都用到?没有.如果是任意组合,那么: an as at by na no of on so ya yo abo abs aby act aft ant any ays ban bas bat bay boa boo bos bot boy bys cab can cat cay cob con coo cos cot coy fab fan fas fat fay fob fon foy jab jay job jot joy nab nay nob noo nos not oaf oat oba oca oft ono ons oot sab sac sat say sob son sot soy sty syn tab taj tan tao tas ton too toy yay yob yon abos abys acts ants bans bast bats bays boas boat bony boon boos boot bota bots boyo boys cabs cans cant cast cats cays coat cobs coft cons cony coof coon coos coot cost cosy cots coys cyan cyst fabs fact fano fans fast fats fays fobs fons font foot foys jabs jato jays jobs jota jots joys nabs naos nays nobs nosy nota oafs oast oats obas ocas ofay onos onto oots scab scan scat scot snob snot soba soca sofa soft soja soon soot soya stab stay stoa stob sybo sync tabs taco tans taos toby tons tony toon toyo toys yays yobs aboon afoot antsy ascot atony bacon banco banjo banty baton boast boats boons boost boots booty boson botas boyos cajon canso canst canto cants canty coast coats conto coofs coons coots costa cotan cyano cyans cyton facts fancy fanos fatso fonts foots footy jabot janty jatos jotas nasty octan ofays sabot santo scant scoot snoot softa softy sooty stony taboo tacos tansy tobys toons toyon toyos astony bacons bancos banjos batons boston botany cantos confab contos cotans cytons footsy fynbos jabots nostoc octans oocyst scanty snooty taboos toyons tycoon confabs tycoons
2023-01-08 22:48:011


2023-01-08 22:48:061


《GripoftheShadowPlague》(BrandonMull)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:提取码:NYFP    书名 :GripoftheShadowPlague豆瓣评分:作者: BrandonMull出版社: Aladdin出版年:  2009-3页数: 496内容简介 :Very strange things are afoot at Fablehaven. Someone or something has released a plague that transforms beings of light into creatures of darkness. Seth discovers the problem early, but as the infectious disease spreads, it becomes clear that the preserve cannot hold out for long. In dire need of help, the Sorensons question where to turn. The Sphinx has always given sound advi...
2023-01-08 22:48:111


跷 qiāoqiāo
2023-01-08 22:48:212


表语形容词Predictive Adjective作定语时,多位于所修饰的词之后。 这类形容词有:awake (醒着的)、asleep(睡着的)、alone(孤独的)、alive(活着的)、ahead(前面的)、alike(相似的)、ashamed(羞耻 的)、askew(歪斜的)、astir(骚动的)、aslant(倾斜的)、ablaze(燃烧的)、abuzz(嗡嗡叫的)、aflutter(飘扬 的)、afloat(飘浮的)、aglitter(闪耀的)、aglow(发光的)、awhirl(旋转的)、abloom(开着的)、afire(着火 的)、aplenty(丰富的)、athirst(渴望的)、awing(飞翔的)、afoot(步行的)、aloof(孤零的)、afraid(害怕 的)、alert(明智的)、agog(热望的)、akimbo(双手叉腰的)等。如: (1)The house ablaze is a bar. 着火的房子是个酒吧。 (2)The road ahead is full of stones. 前面的路上到处是石头。 (3)Those alive should memorize the dead forever. 活着的人要永远记住那些死去的人们。 (4)Time alone will show who is right. 唯独时间能证明谁是对的。 (5)the rumor afloat 流言飞语 一般不可说: (1) the asleep child (2) the awake patient 但是这类形容词有时可作前置定语: A. 必须有别的词修饰,此时通常表示抽象的意义。如: a. the half-asleep children 半睡的孩子们
2023-01-08 22:48:302


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2023-01-08 22:48:476


basic 基本的comic 喜剧的,滑稽的,有趣的ethic 伦理的,道德的tragic 悲痛的toxic 有毒的typic 典型的mythic 神话的,虚构的logic 逻辑的ironic 讽刺的sonic 声音的magic 神奇的另补充几个automatic 自动的dramatic 急剧的fantastic 巨大的romantic 浪漫的扩展资料:大多数形容词和副词有比较级和最高级的变化,即原级、比较级和最高级,用来表示事物的等级差别。原级即形容词的原形,比较级和最高级有规则变化和不规则变化两种。一、规则变化(1)单音节词加词尾-er,-est来构成比较级和最高级。tall(高的) taller tallestgreat(巨大的) greater  greatest  (2)以字母e结尾的形容词,只加-r,-st。 nice(好的) nicer nicest large(大的)   larger  largest  (3)以一个辅音字母结尾的单音节词,双写结尾的辅音字母,再加-er,-est。 big(大的) bigger  biggest hot(热的) hotter  hottest red(红肿的) redder reddest(4)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,改“y”为“i”,再加-er,-est。easy(容易的) easier  easiestbusy(忙的) busier  busiest(5)由“形容词+后缀-ly”构成的副词,在该副词前加more或most构成比较级和最高级。Slowly-more slowly-most slowlyBravely-more bravely-most bravelyquickly-more quickly-most quickly(6)少数以-er,-ow,-le结尾的双音节词未尾加-er,-est(以e结尾的词仍加-r和-st)。clever(聪明的) cleverer cleverestnarrow(窄的) narrower narrowestsimple(简单的) simpler simplest(7)部分双音节词和多音节词在前面加more,most来构成比较级和最高级。如:important(重要的) more important  most importanteasily(容易地) more easily   most easily(8)由“动词+后缀-ing/-ed”构成的形容词(包括不规则动词如know-known),在词前加more most构成比较级和最高级。interesting(有趣的) more interesting most interestingbored(无聊的) more bored most bored二、不规则变化 有一些词的比较级、最高级变化是不规则的,需要特殊记忆。如:good / well→better→bestbad / ill / badly→worse→worstmany / much→more→mostlittle / few→less→least (后接不可数名词) / few→fewer→fewest (后接可数名词)far→farther→farthest (表示距离) / far→further→furthest (表示程度)old→older→oldest (表示新旧或年龄) /old→elder→eldest (表示兄弟姐妹之间的长幼关系)late→later→latest (表示时间) / late→latter→last (表示顺序)三、一些词的比较级和最高级,可以加-er或 -est,也可以加more或most:(1)下面单音节形容词,用加more和most 构成比较级和最高级比加-er和-est的时候多:real just fulllike right Frenchfun often(2)下面形容词既可以加词尾的方式构成比较级和最高级,也可加more,most构成(如 truer,truest; more true,most true),但用加词尾方式构成时更多一些:drunk keen calm mildglad cross plain palefrank free huge vaguefond scarce prompt sound(3)下述双音节形容词以加词尾方式构成比较级及最高级:1)以y结尾的词,先变y为i,再加词尾,如happy,happier,happiest:happy angry dingy naughty thirstylikely lucky misty stormy bloodylively kingly timely beastly friendly这种形容词偶尔也可以加more,most的方式构成比较级和最高级,如more misty,most misty; more lucky,mostlucky。但有些只能以加词尾方式构成比较级及最高级,如cleanly,kindly,lowly.2)以-er结尾的词,如 tenderer,tenderest:tender bitter clever(Eager,sober,slender也可加more,most方式构成)3)以-ow 结尾的词,如 shallower,shallowest:yellow narrow hollow shallow4)以-le结尾的词,如 simplef,simplest:idle feeble subtle gentlenoble able supple(Ample,humble,brittle,nimble,stable,agile,motile,senile,simple等,也可加 more,most)5)重音在第二音节的词,如 politer [p+l it+r],politest[p+l itist]。polite severe intense obscureprofound remote divine precise6)下述形容词,如 cruel(l)er,cruel(l)est:dismal cruel common stupid distinct strictpleasant quiet tired civil exact handsome(所有这些形容词也可以加 more和 most。)四、特殊:但加-er和-est的双音节形容词,在加上un-这样否定前缀时,仍保持加-er,-est的方式:untidy untidier untidiestunlucky unluckier unluckiestunholy unholier unholiestunhappy unhappier unhappiestimpolite impoliter impolitestignoble ignobler ignoblest五、一些词本身没有比较级和最高级形式:1、本身就有比较级含义的词:senior年长的、较高的,junior年少的、较低的,prior在先的,anterior前面的,inferior次于、下等的,superior优于、上等的,posterior以后的,major主要的,minor次要的、较小的。在使用这些词时无须加more,也不能和than连用,而要用介词to引出比较对象(这种表示法也称为拉丁比较级)。例如:This social system is super or than that system. 这种社会制度比那种优越。He is senior to me by several years . 他比我大几岁。His method of doing reserach work is hardly appreciated ;he feels inferior to others. 他做研究的方法没人欣赏;他感到比别人矮了一截。2、表示状态或情况的词:afriad害怕的,asleep睡着的,alive活着的,alike相象的,awake醒着的,alone单独的,aware意识到的,ablaze着火的,adrift漂流的,afire燃烧着的,astray迷途,aghast惊呆的,ashamed羞耻的,alight照亮,astire引动起来,afoot活动着的,ashore在岸上的,agape目瞪口呆,awerse不乐意的,afloat浮着。3、表示形状的词;round圆形的,circular圆形的,oval椭圆形的,square方形的,oblong长方形的,angular角形的,level水平的,horizontal水平的。4、表示性质、物体特征、颜色的词;atomic原子的,rose玫瑰色的,green绿色的,red红色的,blue蓝色的,cyan青色的,black黑色的,gray(grey)灰色的,yellow黄色的,purple紫色的,white白色的,brown褐色的,orange橙色的,pink粉色的,navy藏青色的,amber琥珀色的,silver银白色的,chocolate巧克力色的,solar太阳的,physical物理的,organic有机的,plastic塑料的,solid固体的,economic经济的,sonic声音的,scientific科学的,wooden木制的,earthen泥土的,golden黄金般的,woolen羊毛的,bronze青铜的,silver银制的。5、表示方位处所、时间、空间的词:east东方的,west西方的,south南方的,north北方的,ahead在前面,front前面的,back后面的,left左侧的,right右边的,now现在,past过去的,future将来的,secondly其次的,minutely每分的,hourly每时的,daily每天的,weekly每周的,monthly每月的,quarterly每季度的,yearly每年的,today当今的,then当时的,present目前的。6、表示强调的词:right恰好,very非常,just正好,own自己的,simply简单的,favourite最喜爱的,hardly简直不,barely赤裸裸的。7、表示数字或大小、极限、顺序、是非的词:maximum最大的,minimum最小的,several若干的,umpty若干的,full满的,dead死的,blind瞎的,utmost最远的,empty空的,extreme(ly)极端的,next下一个的,previous上一个的,first首先的,last最后的/上一个的,right对的,wrong错误的,real真的,true真的,false假的。8、表示国籍、地点的词:field田地的 ,home家里的 ,road道路的 ,outside(outdoor)外面的/室外的/户外的,inside(indoor)里面的/室内的 ,village村庄的 ,town镇的 ,city城市的 ,Chinese中国的 ,Japanese 日本的 ,Indian 印度的,Italian 意大利的,Australian 澳大利亚的,English 英国的,Russian 俄罗斯的,American 美国的,Canadian 加拿大的,Vietnamese 越南的9、表示独一无二的词:unique 唯一的,only 唯一的, single 仅一个的,matchless 无比的。sheer绝对的 ,sole 单独的,universal 宇宙的,invincible战无不胜的。10、表示“特殊”“比较”意义的词:particular(ly) 特殊的(地),special(ly) 特殊的(地),especial(ly) 特别、尤其,relative(ly) 相对的(地),comparative(ly)比较的(地)。11、表示“绝对”意义的词:absolute(ly) 绝对,entire(ly)完全, whole (wholly)全部, complete(ly) 完整,thorough(ly) 彻底,total(ly) 全部,perfect(ly) 完美,excellent(ly) 极好,wonderful 极好的,marvelous 极妙的,incredible 不可相信的。12、limit adjective(极限形容词)极限形容词是指本身就表达一个绝对、极端意义的形容词。此类形容词通常不能用于比较级和最高级。属于该类的常见形容词有:perfect, unique, impossible, worthless, speechless, empty, full, disgusting, amazed, terrific, marvelous, excellent, exhausted, inferior等等。但这些词前却可以带诸如absolutely, completely, quite, totally, utterly等的程度副词作修饰语,表示最高的程度;还可带有诸如almost, nearly, practically, virtually 等程度副词,表示接近最高的程度之意。13、non-gradable adjectives(非程度形容词)此类形容词不能表示"程度"的不同,只可表"是"与"非"。如,married(已婚)一词,我们不能说一个人 "more married"或 "less married",属于该类的常见形容词有:1)表示国籍的形容词,如Chinese, British, American, Spanish等等;2)表示颜色的形容词,如red, blue, yellow等;3)表示方向、方位的形容词,如northern, southern, eastern, western, middle, right, left, outdoor, indoor, 等等;以及其它像monthly, weekly, yearly, daily, atomic, painted, electric等等很多有 "concerning...", "about"意义的形容词,一般都不可用于比较级和最高级。但是,没有比较级这不是绝对的。例如有人就会说:(1)Your brother is more right than you seem to realize.你弟弟要比你似乎所认为的更正确。(2)You are younger and your digestion should be more perfect.你年轻,你的消化力应该比较强。副词的比较级和最高级的构成规则和形容词比较级和最高级的构成规则一样,所不同的是:形容词最高级前面必须用the,而副词的最高级前面的the可带可不带。六、long-longer-longestyoung-younger-youngestold-older/elder-oldest/eldestshort-shorter-shortesthigh-higher-highestdeep-deeper-deepestsmall-smaller-smallestbig-bigger-biggesttall-taller-tallestloud-louder-loudestlow-lower-lowestthin-thiner-thinestfat-fatter-fattestgreat-greater-greatestnice-nicer-nicesthappy-happier-happiestheavy-heavier-heaviestcheap-cheaper-cheapestnear-nearer-nearestclean-cleaner-cleanestfew-fewer-fewestlate-later/latter-latest/lastangry-angrier-angriestbusy-busier-busiestlazy-lazier-laziesthot-hotter-hottestglad-gladder-gladdestclear-clearer-cleareststrong-stronger-strongestlucky-luckier-luckiestinteresting-moreinteresting-most interestingdifficult-more difficult-most difficultexpensive-more expensive-most expensive形容词比较级的用法1. 两者比较时用形容词比较级,其结构为“... 比较级 + than ...”。如:Actions speak louder than words.2. 在两者之间选择“哪一个更……”时,用句型“Which / Who is +比较级, ... or ...?”。如:Which sweater is cheaper, the red one or the yellow one?3. 表示“两者之间最……的一个”时,用“the + 比较级”。如:Lucy is the taller of the twins.4. 表示“越……,越……”时,用“the + 比较级,the + 比较级”。如:The more you eat, the fatter you will become.5. 表示“越来越……”时,用“比较级 + and + 比较级”,多音节词和部分双音节词用“more and more + 形容词原级”。如:We should make our country more and more beautiful.6. 形容词比较级前可以用下列词修饰:much, a little, far, a bit, a few, a lot, even, still, rather等。如:It"s much colder today than yesterday.形容词最高级的用法1. 三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用形容词最高级形式。形容词最高级前通常需加定冠词the,句末常接in / of短语来表示范围。如:He is the strongest of all the boys.2. 表示“最……之一”时,用“one of + the + 最高级”。如:The light bulb is one of the most helpful inventions.3. 形容词最高级前可以由物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格等修饰,此时不用定冠词the。如:Yesterday is her happiest day in her life修饰语1. 比较级的修饰语Much(……得多),far(……得多),even(甚至,更),still(更),a bit(有点),a little(有点),a lot(很), a great deal(大大地), twice(两倍), five times(五倍), two-fifths(五分之二), a half(一半)等修饰比较级表示程度,但决不可用very修饰。eg. Tom is a little taller than Mike. Tom比Mike稍高一点;It is even colder today than yesterday. 今天甚至比昨天更冷2.最高级的修饰语By far/ far and away 最,很 much ……得多 almost 几乎 nearly 几乎另外,second, third, next 等也要放在定冠词之后。如:The Yellow River is the second longest in China.黄河是中国的第二大河。This is the third largest building in this city.这是这个城市里第三大的建筑物。The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.黄河是中国第二长河。This is (by) far the best book that I"ve ever read.这是我读过的最好的书。
2023-01-08 22:49:092


sensing的意思是:n.感觉;adj.敏感的。短语:remote sensing [遥感] 遥感 ; 遥感技术Compressed Sensing 压缩感知 ; 压缩传感 ; 缩感知 ; 压缩感知理论Capacitive Sensing 电容感应 ; 测技术 ; 电容传感例句:Reporters tensed, sensing something big might be afoot.记者们敏锐地感觉到将会有大事发生。Sensing,the interest of the audience,the speaker warmed to his topic.演讲者感觉到听众对他的话题有兴趣,讲得更加起劲了。She stared at him again, unable to believe the evidence of her senses.她再次盯着他,不敢相信自己的感觉。She probably sensed that I wasn"t telling her the whole story.她很可能觉察到我没有告诉她全部真相。
2023-01-08 22:49:211


《隐私部分(1972)》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码: ja99《隐私部分(1972)》导演: 保罗·巴特尔 Paul Bartel编剧: Philip Kearney、Les Rendelstein主演: Ayn Ruymen、Lucille Benson、John Ventantonio、罗利·梅恩类型: 喜剧、恐怖制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 1972片长: 87 分钟When Cheryl and her roommate quarrel, Cheryl moves into her aunt"s skid-row hotel in downtown L.A. rather than return home to Ohio. The lodgers are odd, Aunt Martha is a moralizer obsessed with funerals, murder is afoot, and the inexperienced and trusting Cheryl may be the next victim. She wants to be treated like a woman, and she"s drawn to George, a handsome photographer who longs for human contact but sleeps with a water-inflated doll and spies on Cheryl as she bathes. Jeff, a neighborhood clerk, may be Cheryl"s only ally in what she doesn"t realize is a perilous residence haunted by family secrets. And, what happened to Alice, a model who used to have Cheryl"s room?
2023-01-08 22:49:321


2022抖音最火英文名字:一、lethe(遗忘)二、satan(撒旦)三、absurd(荒谬)四、Hair end(发梢)五、Within afoot of(咫尺之间)六、autistic(孤独患者)七、chafferer(迷心)八、deep sea(深海)九、delusion(妄想)十、struggle(旧事)十一、geek(怪咖)十二、emotion((感情)十三、nefertari(深渊)十四、formerly(原来)十五、weirdo(怪人)十六、iruri(过客)十七、appoint(约定)十八、subsequently(后来)十九、discard。(抛弃)二十、finish(散场)二十一、lemon(柠檬)二十二、memorial(纪念)二十三、South City(南城)二十四、Shadow lover(影子爱人)二十五、Garbage(废物)二十六、Deity(神明)二十七、Pass by(过路)二十八、Richer(凉城)二十九、Lethe(忘却)三十、lack of love(缺爱)三十一、Calm(从容)三十二、Sunflower(旧萤火)三十三、Love for a long time(独爱长久)三十四、beloved(意中人)三十五、Sadness(无心的人)三十六、Acolasia(放纵)三十七、Weirdo(怪人)三十八、Struggle(挣扎)三十九、Unfair(偏心)四十、Fall through(落空)四十一、Acolasia(放纵)四十二、Limerance(纯爱)四十三、Lucky(幸运)四十四、Roue(备胎)四十五、Sadness(无心的人)四十六、afflict(折磨)四十七、ender(温柔)四十八、Unicorn(独角兽)四十九、First sonw(初雪)五十、Nightmare°(梦魇)五十一、Review(旧爱)五十二、Lemon(柠檬)五十三、False(虚伪)五十四、unfair(偏心)五十五、Guilty(有罪)
2023-01-08 22:49:472


(1)下跌了云已经上升,整天里夫下降。(1)slid a rive of clouds that had been rising and dropping all day.(2)cmet海尔,波普雄象羽毛鱼饵,它的尾巴弯曲过一点,就好像吹了惩罚风的一方。(2)cmet Hale-Bopp hung like a feathery fishing lure, its tail curving off a bit, as if blown to the side by the punishing wind.(3)培育大豆,其属性邀请猜测。(3)cultivating beans whose properties invited speculation.(四)仿佛地球已经得到了现在的比赛值得栖息。(4)it seems as if the earth had got a race now worthy to inhabit it.(五)在新闻改革运动正酝酿在新闻和全国会议室。(5)a reform movement in journalism is afoot in newsrooms and boardrooms across the country.(6)如果您需要报价哀叹电视newcasts或其他媒体耸人听闻的弊病。(6)if you need a quotation lamenting the sensationalism of television newcasts or other media ills.(7)乙肝可finacially在他的小说明智而失去生命的所有的钱是在重复其他事项讽刺。(7)HB could be finacially wise in his fiction while losing all his money in life was an irony duplicated in other matters.(8)非常女人谁曾起草的女性直觉穿透他的心脏。(8)the very woman who had been drawn to him by the penetrating intuition the female heart.(9)他也不restort钛手腕或纠缠在circumlotions自己。(9)Nor did he restort ti artifice or entangle himself in circumlotions.(10)相信,这是有害的作者向黑人社区,探讨我们learders人类可以有令人不安的影响。(10)the belief that it is harmful to the Black community for authors to explore the humanity of our learders can have troubling effects.(11)的市场宣传的一个重要目标是,植物在消费者心目中的形象,一定能征服崎岖的地形。(11)the important goal of the marketing hype is to plant the image in customers" minds that they can conquer rugged terrain.(12)作者感知的一种语言叙述个人经历时,在另一个人生活。(12)the author perceives in narrating personal experience in one language when one has lived in another.(13)使用软件接口,放弃了对空间的发现进行手动控制的HAL类型。(13)use software interfaces that forgo the type of manual controls found on the space that carried HAL.(14)大部分的科幻科学废话。(14)Much of the science in science fiction is hokum.(15)后感觉称输入被截除的肢体损失。 (15)after the loss of sensory imput from an amputated limb.有些看不懂翻译不出的单词仍留着,我认为是您打错了,望核查
2023-01-08 22:50:344

求一句话 英语或法语的 前后字母对称

英语中最著名的一个回文,其实是拿破仑被流放到Elba岛时说的一句话:Able was I ere I saw Elba(在我看到Elba岛之前,我曾所向无敌)
2023-01-08 22:50:484


2023-01-08 22:51:024


哇 你这个也太模糊了吧
2023-01-08 22:51:173


单数 foot [fut] 复数 feet [fi:t]
2023-01-08 22:52:3115


a-作前缀的单词太多了, 例如 alive, above, asleep, aback, abroad, afoot, ashore, ahead, abed, aside, 等等, 从名词添加前缀a-形成形容词或副词,有 "in, at; engaged in" 的含义。
2023-01-08 22:53:221


2023-01-08 22:53:273


2023-01-08 22:53:394


英文单词中以a开头的形容词有哪些1、a- 是一个前缀,加在名词前构成形容词或副词,如:表示“没有”:amoral(非道德范畴的),asexual(无性的)表示“在…上/中/旁”:afoot (=on foot) 徒步;asleep (=in sleep) 睡着的;aside (=to one side) 在旁边;afire (=on fire) 起火;abed (=in bed) 躺着的;表示“处于某种特定状态的”:akin (=of kin) 同类的; anew (=of new) 重新/再一次
2023-01-08 22:53:543

请教paradox的例子,如“Child is the father of man.” 越多越好哦~~

More haste, less speed 欲速则不达fishermen would catch more fish if they fished less.Less is more“虽生犹死”(living death)“睁眼瞎”
2023-01-08 22:54:092

求英文大神翻译“一念放下 万般自在”用英文怎么说

2023-01-08 22:54:391


温州雁荡山 Yandang Mountain, locating in Yueqing Wenzhou City Zhejiang Province, is of the first group of national important scenic sites and it is considered as one of ten famous mountains in China. The name "yandang" comes from the lake of beautiful view on the top of the mountain and where the spreading reed, and the wild geese come and live here in autumn. Yandang Mountain, famous for its peaks, screen-like peaks, caves and waterfalls, is a mountainous natural resort on seaside. With the good reputation of "the famous mountain in the sea", "the emperor of mountains" it was called as "The First Mountain in Southeast China". With abundant and rich culture, it was set afoot in South and North Dynasty, and developed in Tang Dynasty. Yandang Mountain was formed 120 million years ago. It is a typical ancient rhyolite volcano with area of 450 square meters in total, 550 scenic sites and 8 scenic zones included. Lingfeng Peak, Lingyan Rock and Dalong Qiu Waterfall are called as "Three Famous Scenic Sites of Yandang Mountain". Yandang Mountain has its special features, "it can stand scrutiny in daytime, and it can thrill with joy at night", "Different positions, different sceneries" and "Tasting seafood while watching landscape". All of these are the three features which are different from other famous mountains
2023-01-08 22:54:451

criminal mischief是什么意思

criminal mischief刑事恶作剧:网络释义1. 刑事恶作剧例句:1.As he paid off old clients with money from new ones the press scented criminal mischiefafoot. 在他用新帐来偿还旧账的时候,媒体察觉到了一丝犯罪的痕迹。
2023-01-08 22:54:512