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存钱 英语怎么说

2023-08-12 20:31:12
TAG: 英语

I"d like to deposit 50 pounds into this savings account please.

楼上几个开玩笑吧,活期怎么是Current account? Current account是经常项帐户,活期是Savings account.

什么can I, may I, could I的都不合适,你是客户,语气要肯定些,你问他“我能不能存50块钱?”难道是想让他说“不能”么?





I"d like to deposite XXX pounds in XXX account.



活期账户是current deposit或current account

I would like to deposit 50 pounds in this account.

如果是你自己的帐户,你可以直接说I would like to deposit 50 pounds in my account.

这个是最口语化,最地道的:I"d like to pay 50 pounds into my deposit account.



can I put 50 pounds on this (saving) account


还有,你要是真在外国去银行存款,不要说I want to....,这样说一点礼貌都没有,外国人从来都是说can I...



正确说法是:I want to deposit 50 pounds in the current account .

在牛津高阶英语双解字典 P455 deposit 的第三个解释 明确说明: deposit后接介词 in,所以,这里很多答案所用的 on或into 都不对。


我这个应该是正确的:I want to deposit 50 pounds into this saving account.


I want to deposit 50 pounds in my saving account.

saving account:活期账户

Certificate Of Deposit (CD):定期账户



I want to put fifty dollars in my saving account.



[词典] cash dispenser;


For two weeks, the cash machine was unable to dispense money.



I would like to deposit 50 pound in this current accout



I would like to call to account the inside, 50 pounds.


I would like to deposit 50 pounds on my current account.



I"d like to deposit 50 pounds into this current account.




存钱:deposit money in a bank|Save money

存钱盒:saving box

存钱罐:Piggy Bank


I would like to deposit 50 pounds on my current account.(current account活期账户



问题一:存钱 英语怎么说 deposite是最标准正确的. I"d like to deposite XXX pounds in XXX account. 如果口语一点put,keep,save,pay,transfer都可以的. 问题二:存款用英语怎么说 Deposit,绝对正确 问题三:求“存钱,取钱”用英语怎么说 存钱 deposit money 取钱 withdraw money 问题四:短语:存钱用英语怎么说 你好, save money 对回答感到满意, 请采纳, 谢谢。 问题五:“定期存款”和“活期存款”用英语怎么说 定期存款: [经] fixed deposit; term deposit; 有的国家喜欢叫time deposit,有的国家喜欢叫term deposit。还有叫bond的,叫 fixed deposit的。 term deposit 定期存款:有银行和贷款公司接受的,有着不同存放时间、不同利息和不同提款或赔付通知期的一笔存款。长期存款的利率通常略低于短期存款,提款通知期短的存款利率也低于提款通知期长的存款 。 time deposit 定期存款: (美国)存在一家银行的存款账户上,有利息、提款通知期至少需要30天的存款。 活期存款 [金融]current deposit; demand deposit; 问题六:银行存款的英语怎么讲 the savings in the bank the deposit money弧in the bank 问题七:存款用英语怎么说?帮帮忙啊 savings n.储蓄;节约( saving的名词复数 );节俭;储蓄金;挽救 参见百度词典 问题八:用英语翻译怎样用自动取款机取钱和存钱,并且用英语翻译存钱和取钱的过程 自动取款机 - ATM 取钱 - Withdraw money 或是 draw money 存钱 - Deposit 取钱/存钱 - Withdraw / Deposit 至于存钱和取钱的过程,找个附英文的银行卡来取钱和存钱,全程截屏就好了~ 问题九:懂英语的朋友请进,关于去银行存钱问题用英语表达 开户 to open a bank account; to establish an account 转账 transfer my account 我想提一万块钱。 I"d like to withdraw RMB10,000 from my account. balance是上期balance-本期debit+本期credit,说是余额更确切。 credit是贷方金额,如果是银行账单上的贷方,那表示收入(银行存款余额增加)
2023-08-08 05:10:391


2023-08-08 05:11:089

中译英"把钱存入银行" 这句英语哪种写法正确?

Deposit money into a bank account.-----------------实用chrome插件: 语法检测器---插件名称: ComposAI
2023-08-08 05:11:4210

把钱存入银行卡里 英语怎么说

put money in bank.
2023-08-08 05:12:175


开户,open account, 存钱,deposit, 取钱,withdrawl
2023-08-08 05:12:333

大学英语作文:存钱或者花钱?Save Money or Spend Money?

  【篇一】存钱或者花钱?Save Money or Spend Money?For the old people, they like to save money, because they need money to keep the sense of security. Once the emergent situation happens, they will take out the money and solve the problem. While for the young people, they like to spend money to find fun, happiness comes first. I think it is better to combine both of them. 对于老人来说,她们喜欢存钱,因为他们需要钱来保持安全感。一旦发生了紧急情况,他们会拿出钱来解决问题。然而对于年轻人来说,他们倾向于花钱来找乐子,幸福第一位。我觉得把存钱和花钱合起来用。 First, we need to save money. Once I was asked if worrying tomorrow was a good thing, now my answer is definitely yes. No one knows what will happen tomorrow, but we can save some money so that we can make better plans for tomorrow. If we meet the emergent situation in the future, money will be the best help. 第一,我们需要存钱。曾经有人问我担忧明天是不是好事,如今我的答案绝对是确定的。没有人知道明天会发生什么事情,但是我们可以存一些钱,这样就能更好地为明天做打算。如果我们在将来遇到紧急情况,钱会帮上很大的忙。 Second, we also need to spent money. The money is not so easy for us to earn, we work so hard to make our living. So when we get the money, we will spend it and find the amusement. Life needs fun, we spend the money to improve our lives and enjoy life. 第二,我们也需要花钱。钱对于我们来说并不容易挣,我们是如此努力的工作来维持生活。所以当我们拿到钱,就会花钱来寻找娱乐。生活需要娱乐,我们花钱来改善生活,享受生活。 Saving money and spending money are both needed, we can find the balance between them and live the better life. 存钱和花钱都是需要的,我们可以找到两者的平衡,过上更好的生活。  【篇二】梅西又拿了金球奖 Messi Wins Ballon d"Or award AgainFootball is the world"s sport, though our football players" level is lagging much behind other countries, football in China is still very popular. The world famous football player like David Beckham is known to all, and the young players Messi and C. Ronaldo are favored by all. Messi takes the lead over C. Ronaldo in Ballon d"Or award, for Messi wins the fifth award. 足球是世界上第一大运动,尽管我们的足球球员水平落后于其他国家,但是足球在中国仍然是非常受欢迎的。世界足球运动员大卫贝克汉姆是众所周知的,年轻球员梅西和c罗纳尔多也是受到全世界球迷的喜爱的。梅西率在金球方面c罗纳尔多,因为他赢得第五个金球奖。 Messi wins his fifth Ballon d"Or award recently, which helps him makes the new record. When talking about him, I admire him so much, because of his experience. Messi is not a tall boy, when he was small, he got sick which made him grow up slowly. In order to fight against this disease, he started to play football, it not only made him become taller, but also helped him earn some money to the treatment. 梅西最近赢了他的第五个金球奖奖项,这帮助他创造了新的纪录。在谈到他的时候,我很钦佩他,因为他的经历。梅西不是一个高大的男孩,在他小的时候,他生病了,这让他长不高。为了对抗这种疾病,他开始踢足球,这不仅使他长得更高,同时也帮他挣些钱治疗。 Now, Messi is the world famous star, his story inspires so many teenagers. Messi and his girlfriend had a boy. Being a father makes Messi much more mature, the boy"s coming completes his life. 现在,梅西是世界上的明星,他的故事激励了很多年轻人。梅西和他的女朋友生了一个男孩。做一个父亲让梅西更加成熟,这个男孩的到来让梅西的人生更加完整。  【篇三】米老鼠的由来 The Coming of Mickey MouseMickey Mouse is very popular around the world since it came to the world. Now Mickey Mouse and its family members have become the main characters in Disneyland. They bring so much joy to the people. The father of Mickey Mouse Walt Disney created this lovely character with the funny story. 米老鼠在全世界都非常受欢迎,自从它来到这个世界。现在米老鼠和它的家庭成员已经成为了迪斯尼乐园的主要人物。他们给人们带来了那么多快乐。米老鼠之父沃尔特迪斯尼创造这个可爱的人物,有着有趣的故事。 When Walt Disney was very young, he studied art in Chicago. He worked with another young artist in the old building. They often saw mice running in and out of the old building, so they had the idea to draw a cartoon mouse. The mouse was not look like the real mouse, it stood on two legs and had big eyes and ears. The most funny thing was that it wore white gloves its hands. 迪斯尼在年轻的时候,他在芝加哥学习艺术。他曾与另一个年轻艺术家的在老建筑里共事。他们经常看见老鼠在老房子里跑进跑出,所以他们想到画一个卡通老鼠。这个老鼠不像真正的老鼠,它两条腿站立,有大眼睛和耳朵。最有趣的事情是,它戴着白色的手套。 They called it Mickey, this is how the great cartoon character comes. Soon this lovely and funny image got famous around the world. It appeared in the screen. The movie was favored by the children. Then it also appeared in the world"s biggest entertainment park Disneyland and amused so many people. 他们称之为米奇,这就是这个伟大的卡通人物的由来。很快这个可爱和有趣的形象在世界各地都出名了。它出现在屏幕上。电影受到了孩子们喜爱。然后它也出现在世界上的娱乐公园迪士尼乐园,逗乐了这么多人。 Walt Disney is such great that he created a popular idol Mickey Mouse. 沃尔特?迪斯尼是如此之大,他创造了一个受欢迎的偶像米老鼠。
2023-08-08 05:12:401


以下是整理的《英语口语8000句:存钱以备急需》,希望大家喜欢! 自从表姐开始工作,姨妈就多了一件烦心事。每次见到我们都唠叨:哎,我们家的闺女是个不折不扣的月光族啊!不管每个月拿多少钱,到了月底一准儿花光光。 于是,老妈就拿她来教育我:要“save (money) for a rainy day”(存钱以备不时之需)。 “Rainy day”就是下雨天。但是从16世纪开始,它就有了“困难、不幸”的意思,所以, save for a rainy day也就是“以备不时之需”的意思。月光族们要好好自我反省一下哦,不能今朝有酒今朝醉啦。 看下面例句: Ads from the bank keep advising people to save some money for a rainy day. 银行的广告一直建议人们存钱以备不时之需。
2023-08-08 05:13:301


定期存款: [经] fixed deposit; term deposit; 有的国家喜欢叫time deposit,有的国家喜欢叫term deposit。还有叫bond的,叫 fixed deposit的。term deposit 定期存款:有银行和贷款公司接受的,有着不同存放时间、不同利息和不同提款或赔付通知期的一笔存款。长期存款的利率通常略低于短期存款,提款通知期短的存款利率也低于提款通知期长的存款 。time deposit 定期存款: (美国)存在一家银行的存款账户上,有利息、提款通知期至少需要30天的存款。活期存款 [金融]current deposit; demand deposit;
2023-08-08 05:13:403


问题一:你更喜欢花费还是存钱,为什么英语作文 Nowadays, with the occurrence of new consumption way like credit card consumption and variety of financial plans and loans provided by banks and other institutions, a growing number of people have advocated using tomorrow"s money. However, as far as I am concerned, saving money is a good habit and we should keep it all the time. 问题二:“存钱还是不存钱”英语作文120字左右 周末的一天,我的玩还是不玩又吵架了,只听玩说:好不容易盼到周末怎能不玩电脑呢?不玩说话了:还没写完作业呢?玩又发话了:可以晚上写啊!不玩:说晚上容易坏眼睛。玩又说:先玩一会再写。不玩:被爸爸看见了有挨批了。玩:就说写完作业了。不玩:爸爸如果检查怎嘛办。玩:你怎嘛这么胆小啊。不玩:不是胆小是为你担心。玩:用不着。不玩:你现在说的好,等爸爸一批你你就把我供出来了。玩:你放心吧我绝对不会把你供出来的。不玩:我不会信你的。玩:你怎嘛这样呢?不玩:对我就这样。最后还是不玩战胜了玩,其实最大的原因是怕爸爸批我,呵呵 问题三:英语作文:开户和存款的经历 The bank is located at (银行地址) Please remember to bring a piece of ID and your bank card. There is ususally long waiting line in the bank, be patient. Just show you ID to the bank clerk and give him/her the bank card. Tell him/her how much money you want to take out and he/she will get the money for you. Don"t forget to take you ID and bank card with you when you leave. The process is simple. Pay attention to the safety. 问题四:有必要或不必要的家庭存钱吗?写一篇300的英语作文,谢谢 First save Chinese new year, I think a lot of children in the new year received a lot of money from their elders to the new year"s money, because this is a traditional custom of our Chinese nation, I also received a lot of money. The money is the elders of a piece of mind and hope for your sustenance, the money is the elders had worked so hard to earn, so we not squandering, reasonable use is more important, in previous years, the lucky money is my mother to help me manage, this year"s lucky money I want to own management control, because the new year, I had a long one year old. This day I and mom and dad to discuss how to use the new year"s money, I think: first e up with 500 yuan deposit to the bank. Then I want to ask my grandpa, grandma, mom and Dad together to eat a hot pot, buy books and school supplies, leaving a portion of the money donated to need my help. Mom and dad listened to agree. On the afternoon of the second day, my father and I together with my account of this (because I haven"t ID) and father"s identity card and I say to my father: if I can open an account, with my name deposit, if not open, with your name. We prepared two sets of programs. Say, they came within our district of China Construction Bank, a door a uniformed uncle said: you must first Paihao said the US received a on the side of the machine. This machine is so advanced, or touch screen, I use my fingers gently touch personal deposit business......>> 问题五:大学生如何存钱的英语作文120词 By saving money, people give themselves more security. They cannot predict the future; perhaps one day they will be jobless. At a time like this their savings can spare them a great deal of suffering and help to see them through the hard time. In addition, saving money allows people to build up a larger sum. They can then buy something more worthwhile than the *** all things they can but if they spend the money right away. For example, they may be able to buy a house with their savings. Finally, he practice of saving helps people develop the habit of setting goals and planning for their future. 问题六:分享你在atm存钱与取钱的经验和建议 英语作文 Automatic Teller Machine, is a both withdrawals and can save the self-service terminal, very convenient. Following is a brief look at its use. 1 Ready cash. Automatic teller machines for cash requirement is that the denomination must be more than Liucheng new RMB 100 yuan, can not have folded, does not meet the above conditions it does not recognize the renminbi, so be prepared to ply with the conditions prior to deposit RMB number of sheets. 2 Select the deposit method. Select No deposit card without discount, then direct their corresponding button, otherwise if you want to insert your bank card. Self-teller machines how to save money 3 Enter information. Follow the onscreen prompts requirements, enter the card number and deposit amount, automatic deposit will prompt you to confirm, press the OK button. Self-teller machines how to save money 4 Into yuan. After confirming the coin entrance lid opens automatically, the yuan will be prepared neatly placed, as shown. Then confirm. Self-teller machines how to save money 5 Successful transaction. After put into yuan, the system will recognize the yuan, if not unqualified yuan, will display the transaction is successful, if the yuan does not meet the requirements, it will prompt you to meet the requirements of the yuan will not take away, so save money with automatic deposit machine money when the proposed prepare a few yuan, in case the machine does not recognize some affecting the transaction....>>
2023-08-08 05:14:001


By saving money, people give themselves more security. They cannot predict the future; perhaps one day they will be jobless. At a time like this their savings can spare them a great deal of suffering and help to see them through the hard time. In addition, saving money allows people to build up a larger sum. They can then buy something more worthwhile than the small things they can but if they spend the money right away. For example, they may be able to buy a house with their savings. Finally, he practice of saving helps people develop the habit of setting goals and planning for their future.
2023-08-08 05:14:091


问题一:存款与取款用英语怎么说 Deposits and withdrawals 问题二:取钱用英语怎么写? 取钱用英语怎么写? take some money 问题三:用英语翻译怎样用自动取款机取钱和存钱,并且用英语翻译存钱和取钱的过程 自动取款机 - ATM 取钱 - Withdraw money 或是 draw money 存钱 - Deposit 取钱/存钱 - Withdraw / Deposit 至于存钱和取钱的过程,找个附英文的银行卡来取钱和存钱,全程截屏就好了~ 问题四:自动取款机用英语怎么说 Atomatic Teller Machine简称ATM 或者cash dispenser 问题五:从u30fbu30fbu30fb取出u30fbu30fbu30fb用英语怎么说 take sth out of sth / get sth from sth 问题六:把他取出来。用英语怎么说 取出来一般指东西吧,怎么能用这个“他”呢,如果是东龚的话就是take it out ,如果是人的话就看情况了 问题七:请把身上所有金属东西取下来用英语怎么说 请把身上所有金属东西取下来 Please put all the metal things down 问题八:求“存钱,取钱”用英语怎么说 存钱 deposit money 取钱 withdraw money 问题九:英语热词:“本地跨行取款”用英语怎么说 本地跨行取款用英语这么说 local interbank withdrawal 本地跨行取款;
2023-08-08 05:14:221


存钱和花钱你喜欢吗的英语对话A:Do you like save money?B: Yes,I doC: I like to spend money参考
2023-08-08 05:14:401


取款 应该是withdraw 吧~
2023-08-08 05:14:494


问题一:存钱罐用英文怎么说? 像存钱罐,钱箱,扑满之类,英文里有很多不同的说法,比如 money box, saving(s) box, penny bank, piggy bank (泛指猪形扑满) 等等。 问题二:存钱罐用英语怎么说? penny bank 问题三:英语翻译:存钱罐 piggy bank 、coin box都可以 望采纳 问题四:请教硬币储蓄罐的英文怎么说 COINS in the piggy bank或money-box 问题五:储蓄罐用英语怎么说 saving boxn.存钱盒 money-boxn.贮钱箱,捐款箱 piggy bankn.扑满 问题六:储蓄罐英语怎么说? money-box 储蓄罐 piggy bank 猪形储蓄罐 问题七:储钱罐和0.555美元,用英语怎么说 像存钱罐,钱箱之类,英文里有很多不同的说法,比如 money box, saving(s) box, penny bank, piggy bank (泛指猪形) 等等。 0.555美元: zero point five hundred and fifty five
2023-08-08 05:14:561


money box 或者piggy bank还有问题追问哦亲~
2023-08-08 05:15:056


Saving bankSaving pot
2023-08-08 05:15:206


withdraw 200 from the card
2023-08-08 05:15:359


2023-08-08 05:16:076

英语作文 有人喜欢存钱,有人却喜欢提前消费 谈谈自己的观点.

有些人喜欢存钱,觉得今后可能会有用,因为存些钱确实踏实.有人喜欢消费,享受生活.我觉得没有什么对与错,都是正确的.从个人的角度考虑的话,我喜欢存钱,会给自己一种成就感,让自己有激情努力工作.Some people like to save money,it may be useful in the future,because to save some money really practical.Some people like consumption,enjoy life.I don"t think it"s right and wrong,is all right.From individual angle,I love money,will give you a sense of achievement,let you have the passion to work hard.
2023-08-08 05:16:362

他明天去银行取钱 英语翻译谢谢

He is going to withdraw some money from the bank tomorrow.
2023-08-08 05:16:464


When facing the choice between spending money on the long term asset or on the short term consuming, different people have different opinions due to their distinct backgrounds and experiences. Some people claim that saving some money for future use is better while others insist that it is fine justspend our money on present pleasure. Personally speaking, I prefer the latter one because considering our life goal and the present economic policy,short term consuming has more advantages. uf070 First of all, spending our money on present pleasure can help us living our dreaming life in a much shorter time. Here I will show an easy calculate: If I have been longing for a private car, valuing one hundred thousand yuan, and my earnings is five thousandyuan a month apart from other necessary expenses. Then I will make it in a year and eight month later, even if I don"t loan any money from the bank(actually I can get a ten thousand yuan loan without any trouble ). uf070 But if I justspendmajority of mymoney on the long term asset, howmany years later can I afford it. Maybe five years or ten years or much longer. Maybe when I can afford it I have changed my job or retired, and I do not need a car any longer. In this way, I will never enjoy what I want when I really need it.Living in such kind of life will not make me happy. So as for me, I think spending money
2023-08-08 05:16:561


All my pocket money is in my piggy bank.
2023-08-08 05:17:031


I have a lot of little handiwork, but the favorite one is my collecting-tin. It is a little man made of china. He wears a red hat and a pair of big glasses. His blue clothes are very nice.He has a red noseband no big eyes like stars on his face. His big and round body is very funny. Because of this collecting-fin, I have learned how to savemoney, When I was a little boy, I always put coins away, then I dropped them into his round bOdy. Sometimes he can "eat" plenty of coins at a time, He becomes heavier and heavier day after day. 我有许多小工艺品,但我最喜欢的是收集锡。 这是一个由中国制造的小人物。他戴着一顶红色的帽子和一副大眼镜。他蓝色的衣服都很好。他有一个红色的鼻革似的大眼睛在他脸上的星星。他又大又圆的身体很有趣。 因为这一集片,我已经学会了如何省钱,当我还是个小男孩的时候,我总是把硬币拿走,然后我投进了他的身体圆圆的。 有时他能“吃”了大量的硬币,他一天一天变得越来越重了。
2023-08-08 05:17:101

买一些邮票的英语短语 some stamps 2.make a telephone call 3.deposit some money lift/elevator 5.挂出 6.银行旁 7.一些用来写东西的纸 8.洗手间
2023-08-08 05:17:171


存:deposit 取:withdraw 存取款:deposit/withdraw money,10,I want to deposit USD 100 into this account.--存款 I want to withdraw USD 100 from this account.--取款,1,存款:deposit 取款:withdrawals,0,
2023-08-08 05:17:371


Go to the bank to deposit (不严谨说法也可以用save)money
2023-08-08 05:18:171


2023-08-08 05:18:283

英语翻译 你存钱是为了什么 翻译.不用why,而用what.for这种形式

Why do you save money?是你为什么存钱的意思.但是句子需要强调“为了什么”,for what有为了什么的意思.改成问句,疑问词放句首,所以是What do you save money for?其实一般情况下,why 是等于 for what的,但是这里用f...
2023-08-08 05:18:351


deposit存款interest利息current活期current deposit活期存款fixed deposit定期存款term loan定期贷款term mortgage定期抵押scheduled payment定期付款fixed term contract定期合同date draft定期汇票fixed-maturity bonds定期债券
2023-08-08 05:18:551

分享你在atm存钱与取钱的经验和建议 英语作文

Automatic Teller Machine, is a both withdrawals and can save the self-service terminal, very convenient.Following is a brief look at its use.1Ready cash.Automatic teller machines for cash requirement is that the denomination must be more than Liucheng new RMB 100 yuan, can not have folded, does not meet the above conditions it does not recognize the renminbi, so be prepared to comply with the conditions prior to deposit RMB number of sheets.2Select the deposit method.Select No deposit card without discount, then direct their corresponding button, otherwise if you want to insert your bank card.Self-teller machines how to save money3Enter information.Follow the onscreen prompts requirements, enter the card number and deposit amount, automatic deposit will prompt you to confirm, press the OK button.Self-teller machines how to save money4Into yuan.After confirming the coin entrance lid opens automatically, the yuan will be prepared neatly placed, as shown. Then confirm.Self-teller machines how to save money5Successful transaction.After put into yuan, the system will recognize the yuan, if not unqualified yuan, will display the transaction is successful, if the yuan does not meet the requirements, it will prompt you to meet the requirements of the yuan will not take away, so save money with automatic deposit machine money when the proposed prepare a few yuan, in case the machine does not recognize some affecting the transaction.
2023-08-08 05:19:101

银行存款英语是cash ___ bank

银行存款 = bank deposit
2023-08-08 05:20:012


Nowadays, with the occurrence of new consumption way like credit card consumption and variety of financial plans and loans provided by banks and other institutions, a growing number of people have advocated using tomorrow"s money. However, as far as I am concerned, saving money is a good habit and we should keep it all the time.
2023-08-08 05:20:101

定期存款的英语翻译 定期存款用英语怎么说

定期存款 [词典] time deposit; [经] fixed deposit; non-liquid form of deposit; term deposit; [例句]德莫特把钱存在一个定期存款账户里。Dermot"s putting his money by, in a Deposit Account
2023-08-08 05:20:191


12Expenses 花销 Harry:Damn it, I"m running out of money again. I really need to balance my budget and handle my money better。 见鬼,我又要没钱了,我真的需要平衡收支预算并改善我的用钱方式了。 Lily:You did spend too much, and most of the expense was kind of unnecessary。 你花钱太多了,而且太多花费都是没必要的。 Harry:But I make it。 但是那钱是我挣的。 Lily:Though, you don"t have to spend every penny you make. You could save some every month, like a lot of other people do。 尽管如此,你也没必要把你挣的每一分钱都花光啊。你可以每月存点儿,像其他人一样。 Harry:I work hard so I deserve to enjoy but that costs money。 我工作很辛苦,应该好好享受,可是都是要花钱的。 Lily:You should save in case of an emergency. You need to have more self-control. What things did you spend your money on? 为了应急,你应该存钱。你需要更好的控制自己,你把钱都花哪儿去了? Harry:The problem is that I have no idea. I didn"t pay attention。 问题是我也不知道,我也没注意。 Lily:Let bygones be bygones. Start saving right now。 过去的就让他过去吧,从今天开始存钱吧。 谈论日常花销英语口语句子: 我真的需要平衡预算并改善我的用钱方式了。I really need to balance my budget and handle my money better。 把你的信用卡给我,你花钱总是寅吃卯粮的。Give me your credit cards. You"re living beyond your means。 我想更好地控制我的开销。I want to control my spending better。 你需要更好地控制自己。You need to have more self-control。 你花钱太多了,而且大多数花费都是不太有必要的。You did spend too much, and most of the expense was kind of unnecessary。 我现在花钱太多了。I have been spending too much money。 我超出我的底限了。I am living above my limit。 这要一大笔开销的。That"ll cost you an arm and a leg。 你知道,钱不是从天上掉下来的。You know, money doesn"t grow on trees。 人生苦短,所以不要光存钱不花钱。Life is too short to him who"s been always saving money and not using it。 我必须得控制自己,因为我经常出去乱花钱。I have to control myself because I always go out and spend like crazy。
2023-08-08 05:20:381


saving box,有好多中叫法了,还有piggy bank
2023-08-08 05:20:462

英语作文 有人喜欢存钱,有人却喜欢提前消费 谈谈自己的观点。。。

有些人喜欢存钱,觉得今后可能会有用,因为存些钱确实踏实。有人喜欢消费,享受生活。我觉得没有什么对与错,都是正确的。从个人的角度考虑的话,我喜欢存钱,会给自己一种成就感,让自己有激情努力工作。Some people like to save money, it may be useful in the future, because to save some money really practical. Some people like consumption, enjoy life. I don"t think it"s right and wrong, is all right. From individual angle, I love money, will give you a sense of achievement, let you have the passion to work hard.
2023-08-08 05:20:561

当你为了教育存钱的时候别忘了为我退休做储蓄 英语作文

Elizabeth Lawrence once said, "There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again. " So is my childhood. I have a happy time when I was very very young, and this time is the period that I want to replay again and again when I am tired of the busy world, and when I am too old to run. When I was a child the world seemed to be a place of joy and happiness to me. There was nothing worth worrying about. Whenever I cried somebody picked me up. When I did not like to sit alone, I was always in somebody"s army. I was not born in a rich family. So my mother always looked-after me. I was not kept under the care of a hired nurse.
2023-08-08 05:21:051


Should parents read their children"s diaries? Someone says it"s rightful for parents to read their children"s diaries because they are able to know what their children think about and help them out of problems in time. However, some others believe that parents should not read their children"s diaries without permission because everyone has his or her privacy. Parents should respect their children.In my opinion, if parents really want to read their children"s diaries, they should first ask for permission from their children. Besides, parents should often communicate their children and establish a good relationship with their children. Parents can be children"s friends, too. In this way, it"s not necessary to read their children"s diaries, because children would like to communicate with their parents actively.
2023-08-08 05:21:131


Lily:You did spend too much, and most of the expense was kind of unnecessary。 你花钱太多了,而且太多花费都是没必要的。 Harry:But I make it。 但是那钱是我挣的。 Lily:Though, you don"t have to spend every penny you make. You could save some every month, like a lot of other people do。 尽管如此,你也没必要把你挣的每一分钱都花光啊。你可以每月存点儿,像其他人一样。 Harry:I work hard so I deserve to enjoy but that costs money。 我工作很辛苦,应该好好享受,可是都是要花钱的。 Lily:You should save in case of an emergency. You need to have more self-control. What things did you spend your money on? 为了应急,你应该存钱。你需要更好的控制自己,你把钱都花哪儿去了? Harry:The problem is that I have no idea. I didn"t pay attention。 问题是我也不知道,我也没注意。 Lily:Let bygones be bygones. Start saving right now。 过去的就让他过去吧,从今天开始存钱吧。 谈论日常花销英语口语句子: 我真的需要平衡预算并改善我的用钱方式了。I really need to balance my budget and handle my money better。 把你的信用卡给我,你花钱总是寅吃卯粮的。Give me your credit cards. You"re living beyond your means。 我想更好地控制我的开销。I want to control my spending better。 你需要更好地控制自己。You need to have more self-control。 你花钱太多了,而且大多数花费都是不太有必要的。You did spend too much, and most of the expense was kind of unnecessary。 我现在花钱太多了。I have been spending too much money。 我超出我的底限了。I am living above my limit。 这要一大笔开销的。That"ll cost you an arm and a leg。 你知道,钱不是从天上掉下来的。You know, money doesn"t grow on trees。 人生苦短,所以不要光存钱不花钱。Life is too short to him who"s been always saving money and not using it。 我必须得控制自己,因为我经常出去乱花钱。I have to control myself because I always go out and spend like crazy。
2023-08-08 05:21:271


小写piggy bank
2023-08-08 05:21:353


2023-08-08 05:21:532


Do you have how much savings?
2023-08-08 05:22:012


single space
2023-08-08 05:22:1011


问题一:“定期存款”和“活期存款”用英语怎么说 定期存款: [经] fixed deposit; term deposit; 有的国家喜欢叫time deposit,有的国家喜欢叫term deposit。还有叫bond的,叫 fixed deposit的。 term deposit 定期存款:有银行和贷款公司接受的,有着不同存放时间、不同利息和不同提款或赔付通知期的一笔存款。长期存款的利率通常略低于短期存款,提款通知期短的存款利率也低于提款通知期长的存款 。 time deposit 定期存款: (美国)存在一家银行的存款账户上,有利息、提款通知期至少需要30天的存款。 活期存款 [金融]current deposit; demand deposit; 问题二:活期账户的英文怎么说 current e.g他的活期账户严重透支。 His current account was seriously overdrawn 问题三:活期类存款和定期类存款用英文怎么说? “类”字不用翻译出来。 Current deposittime / fixed deposit 问题四:“定期存款”和“活期存款”用英语怎么说?? 10分 fixed deposit;time deposit定期存款 current deposit活期存款 问题五:存款用英语怎么说 Deposit,绝对正确 问题六:活期储蓄的英文怎么说 活期储蓄 deposit liquid savings; [例句]银行可以影响经济中活期储蓄的数量和货币供给。 Banks can influence the quantity of demand deposits in the economy and the money supply. 问题七:银行存款的英语怎么讲 the savings in the bank the deposit money弧in the bank 问题八:存钱 英语怎么说 deposite是最标准正确的. I"d like to deposite XXX pounds in XXX account. 如果口语一点put,keep,save,pay,transfer都可以的.
2023-08-08 05:22:311


发生金额英文:Occurrence amount现金存款英文: [经] cash deposit; spot assets 本次余额英文:This balance
2023-08-08 05:22:381


问题一:去银行存定期存款英文怎么说 Going to the bank to deposit money into the fixed deposit account. 问题二:“定期存款”和“活期存款”用英语怎么说?? 10分 fixed deposit;time deposit定期存款 current deposit活期存款 问题三:“银行存单”英语怎么说 银行存单_ 翻译结果: Bank deposit 问题四:银行存款的英语怎么讲 the savings in the bank the deposit money弧in the bank 问题五:存入银行英语怎么说 把钱存入银行 : to bank money 直接存入银行 : Direct deposit 动存入银行列表 : BankInList 自动存入银行 : AutoBankIn 将钱存入银行 : put the money in the bank 已存入银行现金 : cash banked 把……存入银行 : put …… in the bank 存入银行的保证金 : margin deposited with tye bank 加入自动存入银行列表 : AddAutoBankIn 问题六:谁能介绍下世界上常用的小语种?(语言) 20分 德语,法语,西班牙语, *** 语,日语,韩语。 以上各种,外交场合均可使用(当然要看对象啦) 看你自己有什么打算咯 问题七:银行存款分类用英语怎么说 你好! 银行存款分类 Classification of bank deposits 问题八:百度知道是什么时候推出的?? 最早是在6月12日晚上20:00, 只工过今天刚刚进行大规模的推广:)百度一些贴吧用户已经在当时注意到了
2023-08-08 05:22:461


取钱英语为:withdraw cash。双语例句:1、第二,行为人以骗取钱财为目的。Second is the actor regards defrauding of the wealth as object.2、骗子往往利用人的贪欲骗取钱财.The cheater always cheats people of their money by using their greediness.3、顾客:不,我不经常存钱和取钱。Customer: No, I do not.4、碰见我时她刚从银行取钱出来。The bank when she met me.5、你可以随时从银行或自动取款机取钱.You can make withdraw from the bank and the autotellers anytime you like.6、他扮成神汉的目的就是为了骗取钱财.His purpose of disguising himself as a wizard is to defraud people of their money.
2023-08-08 05:22:531


存款准备金 [词典] [财] reserve against deposit; [法] reserve on deposit; [例句]这些措施包括提高贷款利率和存款准备金率。These included hikes in the lending rates and banks reserve requirement ratio.
2023-08-08 05:23:331


2023-08-08 05:23:531


银行存款余额证明书用英语怎么说 银行存款余额证明书 certificate of bank balance 在西语里如何询问银行存款余额 Quisiera consultar por el monto total de la cuenta Cuánto me queda en la cuenta? 健康证明书的英语翻译 健康证明书用英语怎么说 翻译为 Health certificate 希望我的回答对你有帮助 怎样差某一天的银行存款余额 若使用的是招商银行储蓄卡,请您进入招行主页cmbchina. 点击右侧“个人银行大众版”,输入卡号、查询密码后登录,进入后点击横排菜单“账户管理”-“交易查询”-“当天交易查询”、“历史交易查询”或者是“活期交易查询”查看。 如何编制银行存款余额平衡表 只有银行存款余额调节表啊。 将企业与银行对账的差异数找出来。按余额调节表上的格式填上去就行了。 北京银行存款余额怎么在手机上查 下载它们的手机客户端 求助:银行存款余额同比增幅怎么计算 1.计算公式: 今年同期的除以去年同期数据,再除以百分率 2.基本概念:贷款数额是指借款人与放款人签订的合同数额,是一个不变的数额。贷款总额是指截止到某一日以前商业银行已经发放的贷款总和,是企业在会计期末其贷方发生额 的合计数,它表示企业向银行举债或融资的总额。贷款余额是指到会计期末尚未偿还的贷款,尚未偿还的贷款余额等于贷款总额扣除已偿还的银行贷款。 如何查询欠款人的银行存款余额 这个是人家的个人隐私,你个人是无法查询的,但你借钱了,要求看还款来源什么的可以要求还款人打银行流水给你看,我们都知道银行贷款都是不看你的银行存款的(除非你在你存款的银行贷款)。 如何通过短信查询银行存款余额 每个银行的短信查询方式不同,可以先咨询发卡行客服,客服将会给出解答和查询方式,下面以中国银行为例介绍通过短信查询银行存款余额。 使用短信查询储蓄卡服务。 1.发送“?”或“HELP”至“95566”,即可为您提供信息查询指令汇总明细。 2.个人账户余额查询:查询格式为:ZHYECX#账号后四位。例如:“ZHYECX#1234”至“95566”。 3.个人账户查询历史交易:查询格式为:LSJYCX#交易日期#账号后四位。例如:LSJYCX#20100101#1234 至“95566”。 借记卡当前余额查询: 1.借记卡查询余额格式为:JJKYECX#卡号后四位,例如:JJKYECX#1234至“95566”。 2.借记卡查询历史交易,查询格式为:JJKLSJYCX#交易日期#卡号后四位,例如:JJKLSJYCX#20100101#1234至“95566”。 银行存款余额编制方法有几种? 银行存款余额调节表,是在银行对账单余额与企业帐面余额的基础上,各自加上对方已收、本单位未收帐项数额,减去对方已付、本单位未付帐项数额,以调整双方余额使其一致的一种调节方法。 银行存款余额调节表的编制方法一般是在双方账面余额的基础上,分别补记对方已记而本方未记账的帐项金额,然后验证调节后的双方账目是否相符。银行存款余额编制方法有几种: (1)企业帐面存款余额=银行对帐单存款余额+企业已收而银行未收帐项-企业已付而银行未付帐项+银行已付而企业未付帐项-银行已收而企业未收帐项 (2)银行对帐单存款余额=企业帐面存款余额+企业已付而银行未付帐项-企业已收而银行未收帐项+银行已收而企业未收帐项-银行已付而企业未付帐项 (3)银行对帐单存款余额+企业已收而银行未收帐项-企业已付而银行未付帐项=企业帐面存款余额+银行已收而企业未收帐项-银行已付而企业未付帐项银行存款账户的管理 银行存款是企业存入银行或其他金融机构的货币资金。企业根据业务需要,在其所在地银行开设账 银行林立 户,运用所开设的账户,进行存款、取款以及各种收支转账业务的结算。 正确开立和使用银行账户是做好资金结算工作的基础,企业只有在银行开立了存款账户,才能通过银行同其他单位进行结算,办理资金的收付。企业应按规定在银行开设和使用存款账户。 《银行账户管理办法》将企业事业单位的存款账户分为四类,即基本存款账户、一般存款账户、临时存款账户和专用存款账户。 一般企事业单位只能选择一家银行的一个营业机构开立一个基本存款账户,主要用于办理日常的转账结算和现金收付。企事业单位的工资、资金等现金的支取,只有通过该账户办理。企事业单位可在其他银行的一个营业机构开立一个一般存款账户,该账户可办理转账结算和存入现金,但不能支取现金。临时存款账户是存款人因临时经营活动需要开立的账户,如企业异地产品展销、临时性采购资金等。专用存款账户是企事业单位因特定用途需要开立的账户,如基本建设项目专项资金、农副产品资金等,企事业单位的销销货款不得转入专用存款账户。 为了加强对基本存款账户的管理,企事业单位开立基本存款账户,要实行开户许可制度,必须凭中国人民银行当地分支机构核发的开户许可证办理,企事业单位不得为还贷、还债和套取现金而多头开立基本存款账户;不得出租、出借账户;不得违反规定在异地存款和贷款而开立账户。任何单位和个人不得将单位的资金以个人名义开立账户存储。
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