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老公用英语怎么说 老公的英语是什么

2023-08-12 07:54:22
TAG: 英语




vt. 节约地使用(或管理)

n. 丈夫

n. (Husband)人名;(英)赫斯本德


Your husband 你的丈夫 ; 你的老公 ; 你老公 ; 你先生

former husband 前夫 ; 再婚妇女死去的或离了婚的丈夫

Husband hunters 抢新郎


(1)She dunned her husband for some money.


(2)My husband joins with me in congratulating you.




老公: [lǎogōng]1. (informal)husband例句与用法1. 大多数女人对丈夫的说话最专心倾听的,就是老公在睡梦中咕哝的话。Theonlytimemostwomengivetheiroratehusbandundividedattentioniswhentheoldboymumblesintheirsleep.2. 她还可以啦,不过她老爱提她老公有多成功。She"sOK,butshealwayslikestoblababouthowsuccessfulherhusbandis.
2023-08-07 22:39:563


老公 [词典] [方] (丈夫) husband; [例句]她老公绝对不是个拈花惹草的人。Her husband was not a womaniser by any stretch of the imagination
2023-08-07 22:40:083


2023-08-07 22:40:162


future husband
2023-08-07 22:43:405


   一、英语 :husband   二、双语例句:   1   我和我的老公去公务员。   My husband and I went to().   2   我和我老公就是这样。   I and my husband is like that.   3   我听到我老公进屋了!   I hear my husband coming!   4   我爱我老公。   I love my husband.   5   你和你老公在打电话,我就没打扰。   You and your husband on the phone, I have not bothered.   6   我的老公说:“该吃晚饭了”。   "It"s time for Supper", said My husband.   7   我真爱死我老公了。   I love my husband to bits!   8   但是这次我和老公有点儿疯狂了。   But this time my husband and I went out a little bit wild.   9   于是我又回到了家中,全心全意的照顾着老公和儿子。   So I returned home, put one"s heart and soul into taking care of her husband and son.   10   老公:如果我死了,我老婆会得到钱吗?   Laogong: If I were dead, would my wife get the money?   11   你是我的唯一,老公我永远爱你。   You are my only, husband and I will always love you.   12   她已经有个老公了。   She already has another husband.   13   老公:咱还是别要孩子了。   Laogong: we shall not have child.   14   我家里有爸爸妈妈。老公和一个孩子。   I have father, mother, husband and a child in my family.   15   为了老公我放弃了我最喜欢的工作,值吗?   For the sake of the husband I abandoned the work that I most like, value? 老公用英语怎么说
2023-08-07 22:43:571


  情侣之间结婚之后,称呼方面大部分人都会发生变化,改称男方为老公,女方则称为老婆。下面我为大家带来老公的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   老公的英语意思   hu *** and   老公的英语例句   她们都没有带男朋友或者老公来,所以决定进去看看。   Since they are without their boyfriends and hu *** ands, they decide to go in.   我建议离婚,但我老公说我们应该一起走过这个低潮时期。   I suggested divorce, but my hu *** and said we should get through the hard times together.   “你说的有道理,老公,”她回答说,“但是还是让我们知道到底我们有多少钱,尽可能精确。   "You are in the right, hu *** and, " replied she, "but let us know, as nigh as possible, how muchwe have.   如果一个女人偷了你的老公,最好的复仇方式便是让她继续拥有他。   When a woman steals your hu *** and, there is no better revenge than to let her keep him.   在她的晚年,这个妹妹搬来和考林与她老公一起居住。   Late in life, the sister came to live with Colleen and her hu *** and.   现在应该是由他来压制金吉尔,让她学会顺从于你,因为你的位置就在你老公旁边,不仅仅对于在沙发上。   It is now up to him to retrain Ginger so she learns to defer to you because your place is besideyour hu *** and -- and not just on the couch.   那可怜的老婆差不多就和她老公一样死了,都没有足够的力气站起来欢迎她的哥哥们。   The poor wife was almost as dead as her hu *** and, and had not strength enough to rise andwele her brothers.   而一网路电视也即将播出一部关于女人按照血型寻找老公的情景喜剧。   A TV network is set to broadcast a edy about women seeking hu *** ands according to blood type.   她已经有个老公了。   She already has another hu *** and.   一项最新研究发现,女人有了老公后每周得多做七个小时的家务活,而对于男人而言,结婚则意味着每周少做一小时的家务。   Having a hu *** and creates an extra seven hours of housework each week for women, according to a new study. For men, tying the knot saves an hour of weekly chores.   老公的英文例句   我搜了一下“我的儿子是小霸王”,谷歌赏给我一堆结果,说孩子之所以会那样欺负别人,是因为受家庭事件的影响。这不可能是对的,除非是我老公犯了错。   I Googled "My son is a bully" and was rewarded with lots of stories about how bullies behavelike that because of what happens at home, which can"t be right, unless it"s my hu *** and"s fault.   我老公和我把所有可能的消费都放在这张卡上—甚至还是我们的电费账单。   My hu *** and and I put every possible expense on this card — even our electric bill.   最有可能的是,她会说她非常想要个老公再说开一点,一个孩子”。   Most likely, she"ll say that what she really wants is a hu *** and and, by extension, a child, " she writes.   然而一个接受了大学教育的黑人女性找到老公的机会不会比一个只有高中文凭的高加索贫穷女性大。   But a college-educated black woman is no more likely to have a hu *** and than a poorCaucasian woman with barely a high school diploma.   今天的傍晚,我和我老公花了一个多小时陪女儿一起骑着自行为围绕我的邻居不断的兜圈。   This evening, my hu *** and spent an hour riding bikes around and around and around ourneighborhood with our daughter.   多年来,我一直在和我老公商量丢掉我们电视机的事儿。   For years, my hu *** and and I talked about giving up our TV.   永远不要试图改造你的老婆或老公。   Never try to make over your wife or hu *** and.   今年的照片是描绘一位被自己老公毁容的年轻的阿富汗妇女,这幅照片已将俨然成为暴力和虐待狂的象征。   The photo of the year is the portrait of a young Afghan woman disfigured by her own hu *** and,an image that has bee a symbol of violence and sadi *** .   有趣的是,我的老公,哥哥和我都是轻装旅游者这些年来一直开玩笑似地说要这样做。   The funny thing is, my hu *** and, brother, and I all extremely light travelers have been jokingabout doing this for years.   于是,当她老公敲门时,她也光着身子去应门。   So when her hu *** and knocks on the door, she answers it, naked.   广告中有5位女性,她们都表示会选择持有国债的人做老公,因为他们是明智的投资者。   The ad features 5 women saying they would choose hu *** ands who invest in solid government debt because they are sensible investors.   让你前任去回忆这一天,并且懊悔自己怎么就错过了你吧,特别是每次她的老公从马桶座圈上起身,或是在床上制造不雅气体的时候。   Your ex- will look back on this day and stew in her great remorse at having lost you every timeher hu *** and leaves up the toilet seat or farts in bed.   .yeeyan   由于怀疑老公有严重的身体健康问题,我一直纠缠着他直到他同意去看医生。   Suspecting he had a serious medical condition, I nagged my hu *** and until he agreed to see a doctor.   老公:当然,有什么选择吗?   Hu *** and: Sure, what are my choices?   比如说我找老公是从朋友圈里找的,工作也一样:我以前所有的工作都从朋友的朋友那儿得知的。   Just like finding my hu *** and, almost all the jobs I have held in my past have e because ofmy contacts with a friend of a friend.   比如说我找老公是从朋友圈里找的,工作也一样:我以前所有的工作都从朋友的朋友那儿得知的。   Just like finding my hu *** and, almost all the jobs I have held in my past have e because ofmy contacts with a friend of a friend.   老公的双语例句   1. Her hu *** and was not a womaniser by any stretch of the imagination.   她老公绝对不是个拈花惹草的人。   2. When did this fleeing woman who had maintained a chaste widowhood find a hu *** and?   这守活寡的逃妇几时有了个新老公?   3. When she got home, her hard - working hu *** and was already sound asleep in bed.   当她一回到家, 她那努力工作的老公已经在床上呼呼大睡.   4. Her dwarfish spouse still *** oked his cigar and drank his rum without heeding her.   她那矮老公还在吸他的雪茄,喝他的蔗酒,睬也不睬她.   5. Ok , my hu *** and just gave your boyfriend some very bad advice.   我老公刚刚给你男友出了个馊主意.   6. She shoots her hu *** and and she crossed the lawyer!   她射杀了她的老公,还勾搭上律师!   7. Have you had any contact with your hu *** and since his disappearance?   自从你老公失踪后,你跟他联络过 吗 ?   8. Who needs a hu *** and when you have a doorman?   既然有了看门的人谁还需要老公?   9. I got this package from Eduardo from Colombia.   我接到她老公从哥伦比亚寄来的包裹.   10. If you don"t give Ray his money, you"re not the man I married.   如果你不把钱还给他, 你就不是我老公!   11. After all, Dad did try to send her hu *** and to jail for life.   毕竟我爸爸差点就把他的老公弄得终生监禁.   12. Hubby, if I am with child, what should we do?   老公啊, 那假如有孩子了怎么办?   13. Zeng and her hu *** and Lai Yongqiang , 70 kg, got engaged last year.   曾晶和她70公斤的老公赖永强, 去年结的婚.   14. We are old, hu *** and is pulling my hand, call me biddy.   我们都老了, 老公牵着我的手, 叫我老婆子.   15. Micki Wehmeier offers another tip: Marry a man who likes it hot.   梅琪·韦麦尔还有一个小窍门: 嫁给一个不怕热的老公.
2023-08-07 22:44:041

老公英语怎么说 中文翻译

2023-08-07 22:44:142


2023-08-07 22:44:242

谢谢老公 翻译英文

Honey~Thank you so much~
2023-08-07 22:44:408


  你希望你未来的老公是什么样的,我们不妨一起来探讨一下如何?下面是我给大家整理的老公的英语表达是什么,供大家参阅!   老公的英语表达是什么   英 [u02c8hu028czbu0259nd] 美 [u02c8hu028czbu0259nd]   husband   丈夫   老公丈夫的英语作文:怎样成为一个好丈夫   It is easy to be a husband.But to be a good husband takes effort.If you are a newly married husband or one celebrating your 50th wedding anniversary,you still can learn how to be a better husband.Relationships are a never-ending process that take work on a daily basis to stay at their optimal level.Even the best husband in the world can work on some things.To be a good husband,just follow these steps.   1 Listen.When your wife opens up to you,listen to her while giving her your full attention.You cannot be a great husband if you don"t listen and know what your wife wants you to hear.   2 Compromise with your wife.Relationships should never be a one-way street.If you two have a differing opinion on a subject,try to find a middle ground that will appease both parties.   3 Ask your wife how she is doing every day.Doing so makes her know that you care and lets her be able to make you aware of any issues before they escalate to bigger problems.   4 Count to 10 before continuing if an argument becomes heated.You don"t want to say something you don"t mean and hurt your wife"s feelings.Try to remain civil,and work toward a mutual understanding.Fighting for the sake of fighting doesn"t make sense for either party.If you can keep your cool,more than likely she"ll keep hers.   5 Treat yourself and your wife to dates on a regular basis.Even if you are stressed out with work and children,put time aside specifically for you and your wife.   老公丈夫的英语作文:我的理想老公   I would like to find a husband whom I really love and who really loves me for life.I will search the whole world for the exact match.To be specific,I want to be loved by a man whose character I admire.More importantly,his attitudes towards life must resonate with mine so that we understand and appreciate each other.We should be temperamentally compatible and the love between us should be based on spiritual understanding.   The so-called “social star” may not suit me,for I basically donu2019t like people who have an instinct for publicity.I would like my husband to be contemplative.He should not be too introverted,nor should he be talkative.Someone said,“Man should think more,do much and talk less.” I would prefer him to be a man of thoughts.In addition,he must have other good qualities.First of all,I would like him to be a well-educated man with an objective to observe.Thus he will have an insight into things and people and can judge independently and wisely.I will enjoy living and talking with a husband who has his own ideas.A man usually attracts me not by his looks,but by his mind.Also,he must be considerate and sensitive so that he can perceive my real feelings.   I hope my husband will be a moral man.He should reject the vices of life like I do.However,I donu2019t want him to be rigid.He should be wise enough to cope with things around him.He should also be humorous so we will have a lot of fun together.I donu2019t want to live with a dull man.Besides,I hope he is kind and affectionate to children.He should also be responsible and reliable.When I am extremely frustrated,he should be the shoulder to cry on.All these constitute the characteristics of my ideal husband.   Iu2019ve known about couplesu2019 lives through books and movies; sometimes I dream about my own life in the future.I think one must live with someone who shares the same dream in life.If a woman wants to lead a stable life without many changes,she may not be happy marrying a man who enjoys seeking after challenges.My husband should have a zest for life.He shouldnu2019t focus only on his work.Instead,he must be able to find joy in the simpliest things in life.I believe a happy life is not at all decided by the living condition.The way we look at it matters greatly.   Besides striving for a better living,we should both have healthy hobbies and enjoy leisure time with our own friends; as long as we spend enough time together.I would like him to have several good friends with excellent personalities.Our family should be his first priority.Iu2019ll be glad if he is willing to share the household duties.I hope sometimes we can tour during holidays to see the outside world.Furthermore,I also hope he will have some taste in the arts.He doesnu2019t need to be a virtuoso,but at least he shouldnu2019t be ignorant in the arts.   The most important thing I ask for is the mutual understanding and admiration between us.I hope we love each other not only physically but also spiritually.We may communicate well with each other with just the expressions in our eyes or several simple words.Our souls must combine to be one and our minds connect.   Maybe my standards are a little higher than most.I would like to receive the deep love from my future husband,just as Elizabeth Browning received from her husband.I love the following verses by her:“If thou must love me/ let it be for naught/ except for loveu2019s sake only.” I hope my future husband will have also read this.   
2023-08-07 22:44:561


  老公这个称呼,女生结婚之后可能会叫的,但更多的是叫名字和英语国家的直接不一样。下面是我给大家整理的老公的英语怎么拼写,供大家参阅!   老公的英语怎么拼写   husband;   n. 丈夫; 〈英〉管家; 〈古〉节俭的管理人; 船舶管理人;   vt. 节俭地使用; 〈罕〉做u2026的丈夫;   husband的英语用法   husband ["h?zb?nd]   n.   丈夫,夫   节俭的人   = ship"s husband   [古语]   管家   (酒窖等的)管理人   [美国 俚语 ]   情夫   (妓女的)皮条客   (同性恋者中的)充当男方的人   vt.   节俭,节约;有效地利用 :   to husband expenses   节约开支   We should husband energy resources.   我们得有效地利用能源。   节俭地管理(或经营):   to husband one"s shop   节俭地经营自家的小商店   [古语]使有丈夫;做u2026的丈夫,娶(妻)   拥护;信仰:   to husband Christianity   信奉 __   [古语]耕(地);栽培(植物)   husband的英语例句   She had a boy by her first husband.   她与她的第一个丈夫有一男孩。   He enticed her away from her husband.   他诱骗她离开她的丈夫。   He attempted to lure her away from husband and family.   他企图引诱她离开丈夫和家庭。   Her husband is a lobbyist, and familiar with almost every senator.   她的丈夫是位说客,几乎跟每位参议员都熟。   The death of her husband left a big blank in her life.   她丈夫的去世使她在生活中感到茫然空虚。   Not with my husband.   我不能没有我的丈夫。   My husband joins with me in congratulating you.   我与我丈夫一道向你祝贺。   Sometimes she bitched her husband.   有时她抱怨她丈夫。   She is out with her husband.   她和她丈夫闹翻了。   She dunned her husband for some money.   她为了要一些钱跟她丈夫纠缠不休。   Her husband swelted one year ago.   她丈夫一年前去世了。   She preinformed her husband of her decision.   她把决定预先告诉她丈夫。   I don"t know what will become of me if my husband divorces me.   如果我丈夫与我离婚,我真不知道我会有什么样的遭遇。   The property has been deeded to her by her husband.   这笔财产已由她丈夫立契约转让给她。   She was interred with her husband.   她与她丈夫葬在一起。    看过老公的英语怎么拼写的人还看了: 1. 老公用英语怎么说 2. 老公的英语怎么说 3. 丈夫的英文怎么读 4. 丈夫的英文是什么 5. 丈夫的单词怎么读
2023-08-07 22:45:031


2023-08-07 22:45:234


  我们这节来了解一下是什么吧,顺便了解一下它的用法。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!      hu *** and   vt. 节约地使用或管理   n. 丈夫   n. Hu *** and人名;英赫斯本德   hu *** and的英语例句   She would quickly do the work required for a new dead reckoning direction and pass the rmation to her hu *** and.   And one day so I was eating my ice-cream because the archives were closed, and this woman came up, and she was probably about fity, or something like that, and she ordered ice-cream, and so this guy says, "Well, Madame whatever, Madame Dupuis, you remember that day don"t you, when the Germans came back?" And she said, "Oh I sure do, they hung my hu *** and from that pole."   有一天我正吃冰激凌呢,因为档案馆关了,有个女人过来,她大概有五十岁,她要了个冰激凌,然后这哥们说,"我也忘了什么夫人了,杜普斯夫人,你还记得那天吧,德国人来的那天",然后她说,"我当然记得,他们把我丈夫吊在那根柱子上"   They included Bess" brother Alan as well as Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger and Baldwin "Butch" Hawes, who became her hu *** and.   You know, already with a home, three kids, cooking everyday for a hu *** and, as opposed to here,   有了家庭,有三个小孩子,每天给老公做饭,和这里的生活完全相反。   She wanted to explore her hu *** and"s Latino roots as a family project, as a way to teach their young daughter.   Middle Assyrian Laws: there"s death to a wife if she steals from her hu *** and and death to any who purchased the stolen goods.   中亚述法典这样描述,偷取丈夫财物的妻子应处死,对任何购买盗窃之物的人也应处死。   The farmer who had promised to take care of the farm while her hu *** and was away had been lazy and dishonest.   for I want to know"; here a desire expressed between two people, a hu *** and and a wife.] She turned and sank upon her skirts at that, ] And her face changed from terrified to dull.   因为我想知道“,这里丈夫和妻子两个人的欲望表达得淋漓尽致],她转过去,从裙子里垂下来,像突然垮下来一样],她的脸从惊恐变成了呆滞。   Kristen Iversen says one of their major problems was that Brown was socially progressive and her hu *** and was not.   VOA: special.2010.03.08   I also love Central Park. It used to be a tradition for my hu *** and and I.   同时,我也喜欢中央公园。我和我的丈夫过去经常到那里。   Some people saw proof of that in the fact that two of her children and her hu *** and died before her.   but now I live in Italy to follow my hu *** and who"s working there.   但是我现在住在义大利,随我在那里工作的丈夫去的。   In nineteen forty, Clare Boothe Luce traveled to Europe as a reporter for Life magazine, which was published by her hu *** and.   If she"s married, her hu *** and might find me and kill me.   如果她已经结婚了,她的丈夫会找到我,把我杀了。   For example, a woman might get angry at her hu *** and for ing home late or forgetting their wedding anniversary.   hu *** and的双语例句   Not with my hu *** and.   我不能没有我的丈夫。   My hu *** and joins with me in congratulating you.   我与我丈夫一道向你祝贺。   Sometimes she bitched her hu *** and.   有时她抱怨她丈夫。   She is out with her hu *** and.   她和她丈夫闹翻了。   She dunned her hu *** and for some money.   她为了要一些钱跟她丈夫纠缠不休。   Her hu *** and swelted one year ago.   她丈夫一年前去世了。   She prermed her hu *** and of her decision.   她把决定预先告诉她丈夫。   I don"t know what will bee of me if my hu *** and divorces me.   如果我丈夫与我离婚,我真不知道我会有什么样的遭遇。   The property has been deeded to her by her hu *** and.   这笔财产已由她丈夫立契约转让给她。   She was interred with her hu *** and.   她与她丈夫葬在一起。   I had no idea your hu *** and had passed over.   你丈夫去世的讯息我一点也不知道。   Her hu *** and left the firm for a better position in a bank.   她丈夫离开这个公司在一家银行谋到了一个更好的职位。   As a hu *** and,I constantly subordinated my wishes to yours.   作为丈夫,我总把我个人的意愿从属于你的。   Sometimes she carked about the health of her hu *** and.   有时她为丈夫的健康情况担忧。   She parrots every view her hu *** and has.   她是她丈夫每一个观点的应和者。    看过的人还:
2023-08-07 22:45:371


2023-08-07 22:45:4710


老公的英语是hu *** and 词汇分析 音标:英 ["hu028czbu0259nd] 美 ["hu028czbu0259nd] 释义: vt. 节约地使用(或管理) n. 丈夫 n. (Hu *** and)人名;(英)赫斯本德 短语 Your hu *** and 你的丈夫 ; 你的老公 ; 你老公 ; 你先生 former hu *** and 前夫 ; 再婚妇女死去的或离了婚的丈夫 Hu *** and hunters 抢新郎 例句 1、She dunned her hu *** and for some money. 她为了要一些钱跟她丈夫纠缠不休。 2、My hu *** and joins with me in congratulating you. 我与我丈夫一道向你祝贺。
2023-08-07 22:46:271


老公的各种语言翻译,网上一搜一大堆,就看你需要哪个国家的,哪种语言都可以找得到,作为普通人来说,不需要了解那么多。只需要知道英语老公是 Husband就行,世界通用。
2023-08-07 22:46:353


2023-08-07 22:46:564


谢谢老公的英文怎么写 thanks,honey! 老公的英语怎么写? 老公的英语hu *** and 谢谢老公 翻译英文 thanks my dear hu *** and 亲爱的老公英文怎么写。谢谢了 30分 Dear hu *** and 亲爱的老公honey 这个更亲切些 谢谢我亲爱的的老公用英语怎么写 Grateful for my dear honey. 老外对伴侣很贴心,谢谢老公不用普及用词,也不说自己的hu *** and, 多叫honey! 我的老公 英语怎么写? My hu *** and 亲爱的老公我永远爱你 英语怎么写? I love you forever , Dear hu *** and 老公用英文怎么说啊 如果称呼亲呢点就可以叫“ honey, darling ”都可以,如果只是向别人介绍这是你老公,就可以说"this is my h常 *** and / hubby . honey: [ hani ] daling: [ da:ling ] hu *** and: [ hazband ] hubby: [ habi ] 老公的英文怎么写,还有爸爸,妈妈,哥哥。嫂子。谢谢 老公 hu *** and 爸爸 father或者dad 妈妈 mother或者mom 哥哥 brother 嫂子 sister-in-law 求采纳 “老公”英文怎么翻译 hu *** and 丈夫,老公 hubby 老公/亲爱的 (比较口语的爱称) darlling 亲爱的 (那完全就是爱称) spouse 配偶 (男女都能用,就是合法的另一半咯)
2023-08-07 22:47:061

丈夫 老公 用英语怎么说

2023-08-07 22:50:2812


2023-08-07 22:50:525

老公英文怎么写 老公英文如何写

1、老公用英语这样说:husband 2、n.丈夫; 3、vt.节俭使用; 4、[例句]She doesnt want to go back to her husband.她不想回到丈夫的身边了。 5、[其他]第三人称单数:husbands 复数:husbands 现在分词:husbanding 过去式:husbanded 过去分词:husbanded
2023-08-07 22:51:071


2023-08-07 22:51:211


  “老公”,指丈夫的俗称;宦官的俗称;老年人的通称等。那么,你知道老公的英文怎么写吗?   老公的英文释义:   (informal) husband   老公的英文例句:   她还可以啦,不过她老爱提她老公有多成功。   She"s OK, but she always likes to blab about how successful her husband is.   相识我老公时我们都已经是婚龄年岁了。   Know my husband when we are of marriageable age.   蒂娜用手机追查她老公的行踪。   Tina uses a cell phone to keep track of her husband.   她老公不喜欢她对他所有想法的反对。   Her husband was sick of her naysaying all of his ideas. 老公的英语怎么写   我老公经常在睡梦中向我道歉。   My husband often apologizes to me while he sleeps.   发现她的外遇后,老公向她提出离婚。   Her husband gave her the ax when he found out her affair.   我老公是一个凤凰男。   My husband is an ugly duckling man.   她最后说出老公骗她,在外拈花惹草的秘密。   She finally spilled her guts that her husband has been cheating on her.   她们都没有带男朋友或者老公来,所以决定进去看看。   Since they are without their boyfriends and husbands, they decide to go in.   我建议离婚,但我老公说我们应该一起走过这个低潮时期。   I suggested divorce, but my husband said we should get through the hard timestogether.   “你说的有道理,老公,”她回答说,“但是还是让我们知道到底我们有多少钱,尽可能精确。   "You are in the right, husband, " replied she, "but let us know, as nigh as possible, how much we have.   如果一个女人偷了你的老公,最好的复仇方式便是让她继续拥有他。   When a woman steals your husband, there is no better revenge than to let herkeep him.   在她的晚年,这个妹妹搬来和考林与她老公一起居住。   Late in life, the sister came to live with Colleen and her husband.   现在应该是由他来压制金吉尔,让她学会顺从于你,因为你的位置就在你老公旁边,不仅仅对于在沙发上。   It is now up to him to retrain Ginger so she learns to defer to you because yourplace is beside your husband -- and not just on the couch.   那可怜的老婆差不多就和她老公一样死了,都没有足够的力气站起来欢迎她的哥哥们。   The poor wife was almost as dead as her husband, and had not strength enoughto rise and welcome her brothers.   而一网络电视也即将播出一部关于女人按照血型寻找老公的情景喜剧。   A TV network is set to broadcast a comedy about women seeking husbandsaccording to blood type.   她已经有个老公了。   She already has another husband.   一项最新研究发现,女人有了老公后每周得多做七个小时的 家务活 ,而对于男人而言,结婚则意味着每周少做一小时的家务。   Having a husband creates an extra seven hours of housework each week forwomen, according to a new study. For men, tying the knot saves an hour ofweekly chores.   我搜了一下“我的儿子是小霸王”,谷歌赏给我一堆结果,说孩子之所以会那样欺负别人,是因为受家庭事件的影响。这不可能是对的,除非是我老公犯了错。   I Googled "My son is a bully" and was rewarded with lots of stories about howbullies behave like that because of what happens at home, which can"t be right,unless it"s my husband"s fault.   我老公和我把所有可能的消费都放在这张卡上—甚至还是我们的电费账单。   My husband and I put every possible expense on this card — even our electricbill.   最有可能的是,她会说她非常想要个老公(再说开一点,一个孩子)”。   Most likely, she"ll say that what she really wants is a husband (and, by extension,a child), " she writes.   然而一个接受了大学 教育 的黑人女性找到老公的机会不会比一个只有高中文凭的高加索贫穷女性大。   But a college-educated black woman is no more likely to have a husband than apoor Caucasian woman with barely a high school diploma.   今天的傍晚,我和我老公花了一个多小时陪女儿一起骑着自行为围绕我的邻居不断的兜圈。   This evening, my husband spent an hour riding bikes around and around andaround our neighborhood with our daughter.   多年来,我一直在和我老公商量丢掉我们电视机的事儿。   For years, my husband and I talked about giving up our TV.   永远不要试图改造你的老婆或老公。   Never try to make over your wife or husband.   今年的照片是描绘一位被自己老公毁容的年轻的阿富汗妇女,这幅照片已将俨然成为暴力和虐待狂的象征。   The photo of the year is the portrait of a young Afghan woman disfigured by her own husband, an image that has become a symbol of violence and sadism.   有趣的是,我的老公,哥哥和我(都是轻装旅游者)这些年来一直开玩笑似地说要这样做。   The funny thing is, my husband, brother, and I (all extremely light travelers) have been joking about doing this for years.   于是,当她老公敲门时,她也光着身子去应门。   So when her husband knocks on the door, she answers it, naked.
2023-08-07 22:51:281


  英语中的老公和我们中文说的老公还是不一样的,毕竟我们可以直接称呼使用,但是英语的话很少用的。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅!      hu *** and   vt. 节俭地使用; 〈罕〉做…的丈夫;   变形 过去分词: hu *** anded 复数: hu *** ands 过去式: hu *** anded 现在分词: hu *** anding 第三人称单数: hu *** ands   hu *** and的英语例句   1. This past May, Susan Buffett was the second largest holder of Berkshire shares behind herhu *** and.   2. She lives in a FEMA trailer in Pass Christian, Mississippi with her hu *** and and five children.   3. My hu *** and also - his job, he"s a surveillance technician in one of the local casinos.   4. Esfandiari"s hu *** and said her mother used the deed to her Tehran apartment to post bail.   5. Esfandiari"s hu *** and and the Wilson Center have said she was not permitted to speak to lawyers.   6. Even then, male Roshan managers deal with the father, the hu *** and or a son.   7. But where does that leave the children, or the hu *** and she has nothing but plaints about.   8. American expatriate in Paris Samantha Gadenne, 33, has already submitted an entry destined for her hu *** and.   9. She talked about the way her hu *** and helped her deal with multiple sclerosis and breast cancer.   10. Soon I realized this wasn"t Mommy and Me, it was Mommy, Me and My Slacker Hu *** and.   11. Before panning Ebay, she plains about it to her hu *** and over the breakfast table.   12. They point to the exchange over the National Archives" release of her hu *** and"s papers.   13. Stone recently adopted a baby boy, Roan, with her hu *** and, newspaper editor Phil Bronstein.   14. In a typical case, the hu *** and has founded a closely held business and is its driving force.   15. Her hu *** and, Praveen, has said that several times over a three-day period they asked for a termination.   hu *** and的双语例句   I had no idea your hu *** and had passed over.   你丈夫去世的讯息我一点也不知道。   Her hu *** and left the firm for a better position in a bank.   她丈夫离开这个公司在一家银行谋到了一个更好的职位。   As a hu *** and,I constantly subordinated my wishes to yours.   作为丈夫,我总把我个人的意愿从属于你的。   Sometimes she carked about the health of her hu *** and.   有时她为丈夫的健康情况担忧。   She parrots every view her hu *** and has.   她是她丈夫每一个观点的应和者。   She split on her hu *** and to the government.   她向当局告发了她的丈夫。   Her hu *** and always differs with her.   她丈夫常常与她意见相左。   My hu *** and housekeeps in our family.   在我家由我丈夫管理家务。   She leafed through some old magazines while waiting for her hu *** and.   在等她的丈夫时,她翻阅了一些旧杂志。   Don"t let her insults bias you against your hu *** and.   别让她的辱骂使你对你丈夫抱有偏见。   He married well and happily and was a devoted father and hu *** and.   他婚姻美满幸福,是位尽职尽责的父亲, 忠实的丈夫。   The hu *** and discorded with his wife.   丈夫与他妻子不和。   The wife appeased her hu *** and and went back home.   妻子对她丈夫的要求做了让步,回家去了。   She sat beside her hu *** and through the livelong night.   她坐在她丈夫的身边度过一个漫漫长夜。   She sat beside her hu *** and through the livelong night.   她坐在她丈夫的身边度过一个漫漫长夜。    看过的人还:
2023-08-07 22:51:361


问题一:“老公”英语单词怎么写 hu *** and,很正规的称呼,丈夫。但若果亲昵地叫darling或honey也可以(看甜蜜程度 问题二:老公英文名怎么写 30分 老公 英文是 h恭 *** and,一般比较正式 一般喊亲爱的 daring,honney,sweety等 问题三:老公,英语单词怎么写 严格地说,英语里没有“老公”这个说法。但是如果翻译成“hu *** and”也不对。因为hu *** and是丈夫,指已经有婚姻关系的情况下的称谓。听你的意思,应该是指男朋友。可以叫“BF”(Boy Friend,男朋友),也可以叫Character Pairing(简称CP,就是男女朋友,或者配偶的意思,男女通用,没有性别限制) 问题四:老公 的英语单词怎么写 “真对不起。”琳说着竟哭了起来。“他是我老公。” “ I"m so sorry. ” Lin said stared to cry. “ He"s my hu *** and. ” 2. 我想我能理解为什么亚马逊(Amazon)的老板娘麦肯齐?贝佐斯那么讨厌布拉德?斯通为她老公及其公司撰写的那本传记了。 I think I know why Mackenzie Bezos hated Brad stone "s book about her hu *** and and his pany. fortunechina 3. 老公鸡怎么叫,小公鸡怎么学
2023-08-07 22:52:091


my husband
2023-08-07 22:52:282


问题一:亲爱的老公英文怎么写。谢谢了 30分 Dear hu *** and 亲爱的老公 honey 这个更亲切些 问题二:亲爱的老公,用英文怎么写 我是英语老师,我来告诉你吧。Dear hu *** and=Darling =Dear honey 问题三:“亲爱的老公”的英文怎么写? Dear hu *** and是字面的翻译,一般经常用的说法是Darling 问题四:亲爱的老公我爱你的英语怎么写 my dear hu *** and l love you 问题五:亲爱的老公,英文怎么写? Dear hu *** and 问题六:我亲爱的老公用英文怎么说? 我亲爱的老公用英文可以说成My dear hu *** and,My dear,(my )love, sweetie, honey或者My darling 英文亲人之间有以下称呼 :儿女对父亲称father, dad,daddy, pa,poppa等;对母亲称mother, mum, mummy, mom,mommy, ma, mama等;父母对子女用my boy, my girl, children, kids, dear, my love, darling 或直呼其名,兄弟姐妹之间多直呼其名;夫妻之间常用(my)dear, (my )love, sweetie, 亥oney, darling 等,或直呼其名。 问题七:亲爱的老公英语怎么说 Hi,my darling. 嘿,我亲爱的。 Dear my hu *** and. 亲爱的老公。 问题八:老公英文名怎么写 30分 老公 英文是 h恭 *** and,一般比较正式 一般喊亲爱的 daring,honney,sweety等 问题九:老公用英文怎么说啊 如果称呼亲呢点就可以叫“ honey, darling ”都可以,如果只是向别人介绍这是你老公,就可以说this is my h常 *** and / hubby . honey: [ hani ] daling: [ da:ling ] hu *** and: [ hazband ] hubby: [ habi ]
2023-08-07 22:52:351

老公 的英语单词怎么写

2023-08-07 22:52:466


问题一:老公的英文怎么读 oh,my love,my darling hu *** and--------------推荐美剧 问题二:“老公”英语单词怎么写 hu *** and,很正规的称呼,丈夫。但若果亲昵地叫darling或honey也可以(看甜蜜程度 问题三:老公的英语怎么写? 老公的英语hu *** and 问题四:男人 英文 怎么写怎么读 man音同"慢" 问题五:老公用英语怎么说?用中文怎么读? 如果是书面用语“丈夫”的话,就是Hu *** and,哈日笨得 如果是夫妻之间相互称呼的话,可以用Honey哈尼,Sweetie斯微题。 问题六:老公英文名怎么写 30分 老公 英文是 h恭 *** and,一般比较正式 一般喊亲爱的 daring,honney,sweety等 问题七:老公用英语怎么说?用中文怎么读 hu *** and 那是丈夫的意思 一般不用口语 如果你要喊的话 外国人一般还是honey 或者 Darling 问题八:老公的英文怎么读怎么写 你要是用来称呼的话 你可以叫 Honey (哈你)或者 Darling(哒领) 按照括号里的字那样读就好。
2023-08-07 22:53:021


2023-08-07 22:53:192


"I love you, husband." 这是简单的用英语表达“我爱你,老公”的方式。其中,"I" 是主语,"love" 是动词,表示“爱”,"you" 则是目标。"Husband" 则是指爱人中的男性,并且可以用在已经结婚的情况下。当然,如果你想用更温馨或者浪漫的方式表达,比如“你对我来说无价值,让我感受到世界上最美好的事情”,可以使用其他表达方式来切实表达你的情感。最重要的是,将诚挚的感情用真实的语言表达出来,才能更有效地表达你的心意。
2023-08-07 22:53:309

wsop bracelet 什么意思

2023-08-07 22:50:031


2023-08-07 22:50:108

天才与魔鬼的集合 传说中最强的扑克选手——Stu Ungar(上篇)

最近刚刚开始第四季的令人瞩目的美剧《亿万》讲述的是一群投资天才和美国经济督查检方的相互勾心斗角。而在上一季中,出现一次德州扑克的牌局,最终天才程序员用一手10high的牌抓了对手河牌全下的BLUFF。整个剧情的渲染和环境的衬托都相当的精彩吗,当然故事都是设计好的,但是这首牌曾经是WSOP世界扑克大赛上一手非常经典的冠军牌局,而天才程序员扮演的选手就是讲要给大家介绍的Stu Ungar。 “我一直觉得他能够看穿所有人的底牌,他是这块领域的大师”。“他永远不会打一半筹码,他永远喊ALLIN,他一生都是以这种方式度过的”。“在牌戏游戏中他是个八十年代的宇宙之王”这些溢美之词全是给予一位扑克玩家,至今WSOP比赛上唯一一个三冠王,生涯总盈利超过3000万美金(千禧年之前)Stu Ungar。 如同前几年国内比较火的事件:孩子因不堪母亲受辱而咬断黑社会下体的一样,Stu Ungar后来在各种牌戏游戏中对对手的赶尽杀绝,也是来自于他从小积攒的愤怒:在他小的时候他母亲就是一个赌徒,每次都会带着他去到自己打梭哈的场所,他母亲打牌非常地烂。清光她之后其他牌手都会嘲笑地说:“老阿姨,你不要每次都来送钱了,看你儿子那么瘦,下次留一两个盲注给你儿子买点没人要的肥肉吃吃吧”。 有时还会出现slow low的场面,让stu的母亲每次都脸涨的通红。在旁边看着这种情况的Stu Ungar并没有冲动的去肉体攻击对方,而是把复仇的种子慢慢地埋在了心里,让它生根发芽。 在Stu Ungar的母亲去世之后,没多久之后一位黑社会老大(你没看错就是那么牛逼)成为了他的监护人,看上他赌博天赋的黑帮老大之后带着还是小孩子的Stu Ungar四处游戏,在美国东海岸当时最流行的游戏叫:金拉米(现在没人玩了就不介绍了,基本和两人的麻将差不多)。一时间所到之处无人能敌,因为实力相差太大毫无运气成分可言,Stu Ungar又是天赋异禀到刚学没多久就开始一直赢,并且在和对手作战中别打别学习对方战术,而黑社会干爹(这种发财种子当然要认成干儿子)强大实力使得输家都不敢欠债,最终结果就是再也找不到人和他继续游戏了。 但世界那么大总有人会不知死活,在只有十六岁时,他的干爹就带着他来到了赌城拉斯维加斯,在那里与他对战的是当时世界上最伟大的金拉米玩家海立 斯坦因。身穿一身正装,带着个黑帽子的斯坦因看到对手是一个乳臭未干的臭小子,而又有黑帮势力干预,害怕自己赢了之后拿不到钱一开始还不愿意对战。但是交手的结果令他自己都不敢相信86:0,只把这位金拉米游戏大师输的当场就宣布退役,从此以后再也没有玩过金拉米了。好了这些全世界,整个地球上再也找不到一个肯和他好好玩金拉米这个游戏的人了。不过天才就是天才,没人敢战怎么办呢,Stu Ungar想出个办法:让别人作弊,就是在游戏开始前允许对手看一下牌堆得最后一张牌,这相当于啥呢,就是高手和你玩吃鸡,允许你开着透视的外挂和他打。不过实力差距太大,这样都没人能赢他几盘,至此他也只好随大流的开始了德州扑克的职业生涯。 1980年,年仅26岁的Stu Ungar首次打入象征扑克最高荣誉的比赛WSOP主赛事的单挑。这里先简答给大家介绍下WSOP的历史:当年马蹄铁赌场和德州扑克高手RESS是好友,就提议他在赌场举办一场德州扑克高手们的交流会,吸引爱好者来观战,增加人群为赌场提高收入又可以推广当时还不那么流行的德州扑克,吸引更多人来玩让RESS他们这些高手在其他牌局中钻取FISH的钱。这种双赢的事情当然是说干就干,WSOP这项至今世界影响力最大的比赛就此诞生啦,直到第三届比赛才有足够的人数开放报名,后面就一路水涨船高发展至今。 回到那场单挑比赛,Stu Ungar的对手是至今活跃在拉斯维加斯高额桌的老爷子多伊尔 布伦森,在此之前他已经两次用210这手牌拿到了象征最高荣誉的WSOP主赛事的冠军了。但是根据当时在旁边围观的RESS回忆时说道:那场比赛的单挑是他看过最无聊的一次之一,多伊尔 布伦森根本令人感觉是脱了裤衩在和Stu Ungar打牌,他的任何底牌,之后的任何行动都被Stu Ungar提前洞察,没过多久就败下阵来,Stu Ungar也就在WSOP的赛场上开始证明了他是世界上最好的牌手(没有之一!)因为相比当时得到冠军的选手年龄还算偏小,加上他弱不禁风的身材,德州扑克的圈子里面给予他“KID”的称号。 第二年跃跃欲试,准备连贯的Stu Ungar差点被赶出赛场,禁止他继续比赛,原因是在比赛中,荷官发的牌最终河沙了Stu Ungar一个很大的POT,愤怒无比的Stu Ungar直接超荷官脸上吐了口口水(不知道座位离的近不近,就他那身材感觉远点他都吐不到对方脸上)。主办方赌场老板认为他这行为是侮辱自己的赌场,想直接把他赶出去,最终老板儿子杰克说服了他的父亲:“人家小孩子(长的样子小老板也不知道)闹闹脾气而已,再说他现在可是扑克届大明星,把他留在赛场上,媒体聚光灯不都在我们家赌场上,这宣传效果保证以后更多傻子来我们这送钱”。“逃过一劫”的Stu Ungar并没有因一次大的BAD BEAT而停止自己脚步,没有任何人可以阻挡他的情况下蝉联了WSOP的冠军。如果说历史上谁最有机会蝉联WSOP三次冠军,很多人会提高东方快车JOHN CHAN,连续两届夺冠后,第三届进入单挑惜败给当时还名不见经传的菲尔 赫尔穆特。但是在我看来最有可能的其实是Stu Ungar,在1982年WSOP开始前夕,Stu Ungar因为算21点太厉害,被赌场诬陷其作弊,要罚他500美金。这根本是在质疑Stu Ungar的记忆力,算牌能力和读牌技巧,又被惹火的Stu Ungar直接找律师把赌场告上法庭。虽然最终赢下了官司,但是法院与拉斯维加斯的两地奔波消耗了他太多精力,使得他错过了三连冠的伟业。但是这件事也能看出了,对Stu Ungar金钱是粪土,荣誉是乐塞,美女..,,美女他还是喜欢的。不过自己爽才是真的重要,至于他那精彩的过上车人生到底有哪些“更爽”的事情就期待下篇吧。
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碳纤维布加固施工流程 碳纤维布加固方法和注意事项

1、被加固混凝土表面处理。(1)确保结构本体与纤维布牢固粘结,保证碳纤维布粘结在可靠的基底上。(2)钢筋露出部位须做防锈处理,如损伤程度严重,应采取措施补救。(3)裂缝修补。(4)表面修补。(5)表面污垢和碳化物处理。(6)修角加工。 2、底胶涂布。(1)加强混凝土与纤维布或修补胶之间的粘结性,底胶能够浸入混凝土,增加混凝土的表面强度。(2)施工环境温度应不低于5℃,湿度应不高于85%,混凝土表面含水量应在10%以下的干燥状况。(3)一次配胶量不宜过多,一般情况配制好后在45- 60min内用完;胶的搅拌时间不宜过长,以3min为宜。(4)涂胶采用滚轮毛刷均匀涂敷,涂敷量由底胶的品种和混凝土表面状况而定,底胶的浓度较低,一般用量标准为0.25一0.3kg/m2;底胶应涂敷1-2道,如混凝土碳化严重,浸透量大时,需增加涂敷次数。 3、修补胶修补混凝土。(1)保证施工面平整,对混凝土面凹凸、孔洞及高差修整。(2)底胶指干后立即修补,如时隔10日以上,使用修补胶前须用砂纸打磨做表面处理;如遇蜂窝麻面,在混凝土表面应全面涂敷修补胶。 4、浸渍胶涂底。(1)必须使浸渍胶充分浸透,采用专用滚轮单向滚压纤维布,起拱部位和角落部分容易产生空气滞留,使用专用带齿除泡滚筒除去滞留空气。(2)固化时间,每次胶的混合量应以在施工时间内要涂布面积计算,搅拌必须充分,应特别注意混合容器的底角部分难搅拌处。(3)涂敷应均匀,涂敷胶量以浸透纤维布为标准,胶不宜多,多余胶用专用设备挤压出来,涂敷量视混凝土表面状况和纤维布规格不同而不同,一般一层用量为0.5-0.7kg/rm2。 5、粘贴纤维布。(1)施工注意事项:必须确定受力方向,纤维粘贴方向与受力方向一致,不能弄错;纤维布一定要铺设平整,不能褶皱,不能弯曲;浸渍胶必须用专用滚压轮滚压浸透,并排除气泡。(2)裁剪尺寸须包含纵横向重叠部分,剪裁下的碳纤维不能折叠,粘贴前必须卷滚在半径R≥80mm的圆滚上,免折损;裁剪好的纤维布,若当天用不完,应放置在无尘、干燥、无日光直射处密封保管。(3)纤维布必须沿定位线粘贴,多层粘贴应逐层进行,必须待第一层固化后再粘第二层,不得一次粘贴多层纤维布;在一处粘贴多块纤维布,应先粘中心的一块,然后向两边扩展;碳纤维布在外凸角粘贴时,不要让纤维布受折损伤;在内凹角粘贴时,采用半径相同的橡皮滚轮,挤压凹角,以免扯离力使凹角处纤维址起;滚压时沿受力方向滚压不要往返用力。(4)纤维搭接长度。在纤维方向一般规定为100mm;与纤维垂直方向两块之间无须搭接;在粘贴的纤维布面积中间,若有开口设备、铁板等阻挡时,纤维布的剪裁应事先计划,并对这些削弱的部位做好补强准备。(5)养护。纤维布粘上后,用塑料布覆盖24h以上进行养护。平均温度10℃以下,初期固化时间约2d;平均温度10~20℃,初期固化时间约1-2d;平均温度在20℃以上时,初期固化时间约1d。 6、浸渍胶上涂。(1)目的:表层保护,或为下一层纤维布的粘结作准备。(2)上涂后到固化前,检查纤维布有无浮起、鼓胀或剥落,若有应立刻修整。(3)浮起、鼓胀部分,在未固化前,用脱泡滚朝纤维方向推碾,将气泡排出去;若浮起、鼓胀已经固化,可采取开排气孔,用注射器灌胶充填。 7、表面涂饰。(1)目的:避免树脂胶白化现象。表面浸渍胶受紫外线、臭氧影响会产生老化和白化。(2)有耐火要求时,需用石棉灰浆或水泥砂浆抹面(可在浸渍胶固化前,在纤维布表面粘豆砂石子糙化)。(3)需要缓冲车辆等冲撞碳纤维表面时,可设置砂浆防护层或挂网浇筑一层高强混凝土处理,使防护层和纤维布得到充分的附着强度。(4)如有彩色美化装饰要求时,可用彩色胶或彩色涂料。 8、碳纤维补强加固施工质量检查和验收。(1)施工开始前,应确认碳纤维片材和胶粘剂、底层树脂、找平材料的产品合格证、质量检验报告,各项性能应满足验收规范要求。(2)材料性能抽样检验。(3)胶粘剂:当工程的胶粘剂用量在1t以下时,应作一组试样进行正拉粘结强度检验;用量在1t以上时,应每吨(不足1t,按1t计)增加1组试验;每组试样数量应不少于5个。(4)粘结质量不符合要求需割除修补时,应沿空鼓最边沿将空鼓部分的碳纤维割除,以每边向外缘扩展100mm大小之同样碳纤维材料,用同样粘剂,补贴在原处,其施工步骤及做法应按要求进行。(5)正拉粘结强度达不到要求时,应将抽样检验所代表的部位的碳纤维复合材,全部剥去重做。
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12月13日,“智慧的力量”2017腾讯棋牌年度盛典在三亚隆重开幕。在过往两届盛典成功举办的积淀下,腾讯棋牌继续为行业及棋牌爱好者打造智力体育竞技的巅峰舞台。本届棋牌盛典包含2017腾讯棋牌锦标赛总决赛、中国围棋文化论坛及腾讯棋牌慈善星光夜活动,为亿万棋牌迷带来一场高品质的棋牌盛宴。 六大经典赛事全面升级 全球棋牌高手巅峰对决 2017棋牌盛典全面升级赛事规格,总奖池加码至2000万!在12月13日—22日,将在德州扑克、斗地主、麻将、围棋、揭棋、国际象棋等六大项目中进行巅峰决战,向新一代棋圣、牌王的称号发起冲击。 12月13日,围棋、竞技扑克和揭棋三大赛事的总决赛战场率先开启。经过长达四个月激烈的线上角逐,芈昱廷九段、辜梓豪九段、范廷钰九段、江维杰九段等四位围棋世界冠军跻身八强,将在今日展开最终的线下决战,争夺挑战腾讯围棋AI“绝艺”的资格;揭棋锦标赛则更是特邀国内象棋大师和特级大师入局,32名顶级选手齐聚三亚惊艳开场。 此外,腾讯扑克锦标赛首次联手殿堂级赛事WSOP,原汁原味还原WSOP竞技,更有设有VR和AI体验打造真正的“竞技扑克世界”,吸引郭东、王栎鑫等众多明星选手和竞技扑克顶尖好手强势加盟,进一步点燃比赛激情。 在上海外滩黄浦江上,更出现大量WSOP CHINA的应援船帆,成为当夜外滩一道靓丽的风景! 12月14日,首次登陆腾讯棋牌盛典的国际象棋锦标赛聚齐四大棋王、棋后,为观众带来一场棋门盛宴;12月17日,腾讯麻将锦标赛将见证新一届雀神诞生,日本麻将高手前来踢馆,中国选手是否能捍卫主场荣耀?12月19日,备受用户喜爱的国民扑克赛事——“斗地主”从超过8000万选手中脱颖而出的48强,将争夺200万豪华奖池。 名界名家论道纹枰 共议AI突破文化壁垒 今年的棋牌盛典除了进一步提升专业化标准与国际化视野之外,人工智能“绝艺”的亮相堪称一大亮点。在过去短短的一年多时间里,绝艺从2016年3月以“虎虎有生气”的 ID 首次在腾讯围棋平台上线,到如今接连斩获UGC杯世界计算机大赛冠军、2017AI龙星杯冠军,围棋AI逐渐帮我们打开了另一扇认知围棋本源的大门。 基于此,本届棋牌盛典将于12月16日举办中国围棋文化论坛,邀请腾讯集团高级执行副总裁卢山,中国围棋协会主席王汝南,围棋世界冠军古力和中国围棋国手李?等名家,探讨在人工智能时代对于围棋的文化反思及围棋的全球化推广,更好地传承和发扬中国围棋文化。届时,包括腾讯集团副总裁程武在内的多位腾讯高层也将出席此次论坛活动。 群星助力“智爱行动”,棋牌文化撬动公益热情 伴随着腾讯棋牌盛典的赛事规格和受关注人数不断提高,越来越多的棋牌名流加入到腾讯棋牌盛典的狂欢之中。与此同时,秉承腾讯公司的公益基因,腾讯棋牌也借助一年一度的棋牌盛典不断推动“智爱行动”——这一关注社会弱势儿童群体的公益活动生根发芽,并联合北师大心理学专家开发儿童公益课程,帮助留守儿童获得心理辅导与陪伴课程。 本届棋牌盛典上,腾讯棋牌携手芭莎公益慈善基金将于12月17日联袂打造“2017腾讯棋牌慈善星光夜”,杨幂、伊能静、林志炫等众多明星亮相红毯。届时,明星们将与棋牌名人一起进行分组对抗,以棋牌游戏的形式为“智爱行动”发声,倡议更多的人加入到慈善的事业中来。 除此之外,17日当晚还将上演棋牌文化、公益慈善和时装设计的跨界融合。著名设计师Stephen Yuan针对棋牌文化内涵独家设计15套时装,彰显棋牌传统文化的独特魅力,进一步撬动在场嘉宾的公益热情。 作为集赛事落地、文化论坛、慈善活动于一体的综合性棋牌行业巅峰盛事,腾讯棋牌盛典历经两年的深耕,俨然已成为三亚的一张文化名片。在全面升级赛事规格之后,2017棋牌盛典无疑将为各国各界棋牌高手搭建更为畅快和专业的对战平台。云集棋牌界大师和社会名人的文化论坛也将迸发更多“智慧力量”的火花。而不断拓宽公益边界的“慈善星光夜”,也将进一步探索棋牌可承担的责任。 目前,2017腾讯棋牌年度盛典正如火如荼展开,广大用户可前往官网观看高手云集的棋牌赛事和群星汇聚的“慈善星光夜” 直播。
2023-08-07 22:50:291


1、我知道我不美不萌不白不潮不温柔,讨不到你们的欢心。 I knoance, you still cherish each other. 7、幸福是可以通过学习来获得的,尽管它不是我们的母语。 Happiness can be acquired through learning, although it is not our mother tongue. 8、今后的路,我希望你能自己好好走下去,而我,坐车。 In the future, I hope you can e people love "s game is more important than Lao Tzu"s. 23、我们都是寂寞的旅人,走了半天回头一望却忘记了自己为什么而走。 eone else"s hand and forget e things you like no longer belong to you, and some things you miss are doomed to give up. 37、世上最痛苦的事是,我教会你了爱,在你身边的人却不再是我。 The most painful thing in the etimes the most rare happiness. 个性签名英文带翻译 1、换掉我的心脏,给我一副铁石心肠。 Change my heart, give me a heart of stone。 2、爱情是两自己的事,不是一自己的独舞。 Love is two things, not their own solo。 3、我喜欢笑,那种无拘无束的大笑。 I like to laugh, the kind of unrestrained laughter。 4、因为我装无所谓忍着泪、笑得好狼狈。 No, because I endure tears, smile very embarrassed。 5、铁皮公车是坚硬的,柔软的我们该去哪里呢。 The tin bus is hard, soft and supple。 6、其实,自己就是一个孩子,疼了会哭的孩子。 In fact, he is a child, the pain will cry baby。 7、我不是花心,只是喜新厌旧感太明显而已。 I do not bother, just love feeling too obvious。 8、**:用舌头解不开就用牙齿咬吧! War: bite it with your tongue! 9、有些人,有些事。看清了,也就看轻了。 Some people, some things。 See, also underestimate。 10、回不去的,不是曾经的我,而是曾经的我们。 Back not to, not once I, but once we。 11、要想青春不留遗憾,小伙必须敢想敢干。 To youth without regret, the guy must be brave。 12、我惊动了韶光,如今它还我一席哀痛。 When the time, now it still has a my sorrow。 13、别把我当好人,因为除了自己每个人都可能是坏人。 Dont treat me as a good person, because in addition to their own everyone may be bad。 14、路过你的爱,好久好久了依然记得的是那份温柔。 passing by your love, for a long time for a long time, I still remember that tender。 15、师太,当你披上这件袈裟,你就是老衲的人了。 Teacher, when you put on this robe, you are my people。 16、但我心上的那个伤口,却在没有人能够抚平。 But the wound in my heart, but no one can heal。 17、你是景色,我是游客,无可避免让我经过。 You are the scenery, I am a tourist, can not avoid let me through。 18、失去后才懂得去珍惜,都懂的,为什么还要那样做? After losing to know to cherish, all understand, why should do so? 19、给我一个支点,我把邻居那小子的汽车翘到沟里去,省得他见我就按喇叭。 Give me a fulcrum, I put Alice neighbor kid car into the ditch, save him see me on the horn。 20、醉过才知酒浓,爱过才知情重。你不能做我的诗,正如我不能做你的梦。 Drunk before the wine is thick, loved only informed。 You cant be my poem, just as I cant be your dream。 21、我的坚强隔在一道门外,眼泪毫无警惕就掉下来。 My strong is separated by a door, the tears are not on the down。 22、再卑微的爱你。也满足不了你呐高傲而虚伪的心灵! And humble love you。 Can not satisfy you, but the arrogant and hypocritical heart! 23、酒也空,色也空,老婆跟人走;财也空,气也空,手机没钱充。 Wine is empty, color is empty, my wife and people go; money is empty, gas is empty, the phone has no money。 24、只需那些从不仰视星空的人,才不会跌入坑中。 Just those who never look up at the stars will not fall into the pit。 25、女人不仅要对自己好一点,更要对自己狠一点。 Women not only to their own good, but also to their own ruthless。 26、没有过不去的事情,只有过不去的心情。 Never had a thing to go, only to have no mood to go。 27、打工者做工,小老板做事,中老板做市,大老板做势――你是哪一种? Workers work, small boss to do things, the boss in the city, big boss to do potential - you are what kind? 28、我翻了又翻你给的地图,却一直找不到我的归宿。 I turned over and over again you give the map, but can not find my home。 29、我忙着让他人美好,却忘了自己的美好。 Im busy making others happy, but I forget my good。 30、这个年龄,说爱太早,说喜欢又觉得太少。 This age, love too early, say love and feel too little。 31、时间,不是让人忘了痛,而是让人习惯了通。 Time, not let people forget the pain, but let people used to。 32、世界上最好的朋友,就是他剩一块钱请你吃五角钱东西的人。 The best friend in the world, is the one who asks you to eat five cents。 33、夜深人静的时候,我常常问自己,当初决定来地球,到底是对是错。 At the time, I often ask myself, had decided to come to the earth, what is right or wrong。 34、老婆想要看闪电,莪拿菜刀砍电线。 My wife wants to see the lightning, with a kitchen knife cut wire。 35、在你需要我的时候我陪你,我需要你的时候你在哪? When you need me to accompany you, I need you when you are? 36、心情不好,就去学校门口踢自行车,踢一个倒一排。 In a bad mood, go to the school gate to kick a bike, kick a row。 37、世界上没有什么永远,也没有什么永久,随便找个理由谁都可以先走。 Theres nothing in the world, and its not permanent。 Just look for a reason。 38、上课时,某人传来一张纸条,看到内容我真的很想扁他写的是:在吗? In class, someone handed a note, I really want to see the contents of the flat he wrote: in it? 39、泡妞就像挂QQ,每天泡她两小时、很快就可以太阳了。 Flirt with hot chicks like hanging QQ, two hours a day, her bubble will soon be the sun。 40、当风筝厌恶了天空,能否就会义无返顾的坠入大海。 When the kite is tired of the sky, whether you threw into the sea。 41、当我用力地微笑着面对人生,我才发现自己笑得是那么狰狞。 When I tried to smile in the face of life, I found myself laughing is so ferocious。 42、远看青山绿水,近看龇牙咧嘴,远看绿水清山,近看满脸斑点。 Look at the green mountains and rivers near far, far see Lushui Hill show ones teeth, close look with spots。 43、想去旅行不带上你。想去重生为了自己。 Want to go on a trip without you。 Want to be born again for yourself。 44、我是吃货怎么了,关你什么事,反正你又不养我。 I am chowhound how, none of your business, its not like you to support me。 45、带我走过最难忘的旅行,然后留下最痛的纪念品。 Take me through the most memorable trip, and then leave the most painful souvenirs。 46、喜欢一首歌,很多时候不是因为喜欢,只是借一种方式,去怀念一个人。 Like a song, a lot of time is not because like, just by one way, to miss a person。 47、昨晚梦见吃意大利面,第二天发现鞋带不见了。 Dream of eating noodles last night, second days to find the shoe is gone。 48、有没有那么一个人,你听到他名字时,会突然沉默。 There is no such a person, you hear his name, will suddenly silent。 49、真实的忘掉,并非不再想起,而是偶然想起,心中却不再有波涛。 Real forget, not no longer remembered, but occasionally think of, there is no waves in my heart。 50、国际上,真的会有那么一个人静静重视着你,疼爱着你,却永久不再接近你。 Internationally, there is really a man who is attached to you, love you, but not close to you。 51、成功是一种观念,致富是一种义务,快乐是一种权力。 Success is a kind of idea, become rich is an obligation, happiness is a kind of power。 52、从前咱们每天都要谈天,但现在咱们却如同底子不认识相同了。 We used to talk every day, but now we do not know the same as。 53、我们总是为所谓的梦想,放弃最简单的幸福。 We always for the so-called dream, to give up the most simple happiness。 54、五片口香糖嚼在一起不但能填饱肚子,还能减肥。 Five pieces of chewing gum can not only fill the stomach, but also to lose weight。 55、你身边有没有这样一个人,你一生气他就乐了? Is there such a person around you, you angry he was happy? 56、有谁像我一样,不停的更换着签名,其实只是想让某一个人有所感触。 Who like me, do not stop to change the signature, in fact, just want to let a person feel。 57、世界再大仍是遇见你,世界再小仍是丢了你。 The world is still a big encounter you, the world is still a little lost you。 58、最了解你的人有时不是你的朋友,而是你的敌人。 The people who know you know you are not your friend, but your enemy。 59、财富知识幸福的附丽,信任和感情交流才是婚姻的基石。 The wealth of knowledge of happiness belongs to, trust and emotional communication is the cornerstone of marriage。 60、有没有人和我一样,为了一个没有的结果执着而坚持着。 There is no one like me, in order to a no results of the persistence and perseverance。 61、在路上,见识世界;在途中,认清自己。 On the way, to see the world; on the way, recognize themselves。 62、你不必像罪犯流亡,莫非爱过我是场磨难。 You dont have to like criminals in exile, has loved me is suffering。 63、有时候觉得自己像个神经病,既纠结了自己,又打扰了别人。 Sometimes feel like a nervous, not only to their own, but also disturb others。 64、青春是一道明媚的忧伤,我没哭,可是眼泪流下来了。 Youth is a beautiful sad, I didnt cry, but the tears flow down。 65、我喜爱他,可他却不喜爱我,每一次他与别人分手,我都陪着他。 I love him, but he does not like me, every time he broke up with others, I accompany him。 66、我的梦想是:让每个日本人每天喝一杯三鹿奶粉。 My dream is: let each Japanese drink a glass of milk every day。 67、好女人是一所学校,好男人毕业了可留校任教。 Good woman is a school, good man graduated can teaches。 68、若是我的手不小心碰着你的手,你是会躲开,仍是下意识牵住。 If my hand accidentally touch your hand, you will escape, still subconsciously hold。 69、我们都是戏子,在别人的故事里,流着自己的眼泪。 We are all actors, in someone elses story, I shed tears in my eyes。 70、选男人就像女人选鞋子一样,最后合不合脚,只有自己知道。 A man is like a woman choose shoes dont fit me, finally, only you know。 71、我们一直在寻觅,寻觅,那个我们都有的结局。 We have been looking for, looking for, that we have the outcome。 72、一个人敢听真话,需要勇气,一个人敢说真话需要魄力。 A person who dare to listen to the truth, need courage, a man who dares to tell the truth need courage。 73、有时候,就算分开了,还是觉得他在你身边,在注视着你。 Sometimes, even if separated, or think hes in your side, watching you。 74、使人疲惫的不是远方的高山,而是鞋里的一粒沙子。 Tired of the mountain is not far away, but a grain of sand in my shoes。 75、对自己好点,因为没有其他人有能力让你快乐。 Be nice to yourself, because no one else has the ability to make you happy。 76、石头记告诉我们:凡是真的爱的最后都散了,凡是混搭的最后都团圆了。 Stone tells us: those who really love the last are scattered, always mix finally reunited。 77、人是一个贪心的动物,得到了这个,又忘不掉那个,舍不得三个字耽误了多少人。 Man is a greedy animal, get this, and forget that, reluctant to three words delayed the number of people。 78、心里的话,说出来可能是诗,可能是史,也可能是誓,但是留在肚子里肯定会变成屎。 Heart words, said it may be a poem, may be a history, it may be an oath, but in the stomach will certainly become feces。 79、打算开创新事业时,十人中有一两人赞成时就可开始,以免太迟。 Intend to open innovation business, one or two out of ten people favor when you can start, before its too late。 80、凡是上了年纪的人,大多是反对的太多,商议的太久,行动的太迟,后悔的太早。 Those who have been on the age of the people, mostly against too much, too long to negotiate, the action too late, regret too early。 81、做人最失利的莫过于唐僧,身边的人不管是敌是仍是友都想送他上西天。 What is the failure of the monk, the people around whether the enemy is still friends all want to send him to the west。 82、每个人的一生都有许多梦想,但如果其中一个不断搅扰着你,剩下的就仅仅是行动了。 Each persons life has many dreams, but if one constantly troubling you, the rest is just for action。 83、你可以先知先觉地领导产业,后知后觉地苦苦追赶,或不知不觉地被淘汰。 You can lead the industry having foresight in hindsight, struggling to catch up, to be eliminated or imperceptibly。 84、爱情像存款里的钱相同少得不幸,孑立和愿望却像借款相同不停地主动生息。 Love like deposit the money in the same pitiful, lonely and desires are the same as the loan kept active。 英文个性签名带翻译的 1、我试着控制情绪,但还是决了堤。 I tried to control my temper, but I managed to break it. 2、时间一点点走过,我们相离更远。 A little bit of time passed, ise. 18、昨日江南春又雨,今朝天涯暮再歌。 Spring rain again yesterday, at present Tianya T you in your eyes. 46、我们女人,自己也能过很好。 Ledu is ise. 59、两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。 No e will never be happy. 77、活要活旳个性,死要死旳光荣。 Live a living personality, die a glorious death. 78、我以为少了我,你会慌。 I thought you"d panic if you didn"t have me. 79、最后一个夏天,我们就要说再见了。 The last summer, we"re going to say goodbye. 80、有一个人,你来了,就好了。 There is a man, you came, just fine.
2023-08-07 22:50:321


2023-08-07 22:50:386

授权人签字 被授权人签字 英文翻译是什么

Authorier: ________________Authorizee: ______________
2023-08-07 22:50:412


常压热水锅炉也叫无压热水锅炉,属于民用生活锅炉的范畴,常压热水锅炉是一种顶部设有通大气口,锅炉本体始终处于常压运行状态的无压热水锅炉,它的主要特点就是锅炉不承压,没有安全隐患,主要用于供暖和生产热水,是我们比较常见的锅炉品种之一。常压热水锅炉不属于特种设备(锅炉),该种锅炉的设计、生产、安装及使用不受技术监督部门的监管。一、常压电热水锅炉控制系统常压电热水锅炉配置热水锅炉专用电脑控制器,采用现代电脑控制技术,把锅炉性能的智能化、自动化、人性化变成现实,具有稳定性高、功能丰富、操作简单、使用方便、控制灵活等优点。功能强大,拥有锅炉水温控制、锅炉水位显示、缺水保护、超温保护、内置数字式电子时钟、连续或定时(4个时间段)运行控制等多项自动显示、控制功能。锅炉运行采用血液循环原理,结合专用微电脑控制器CPU,通过温度传感器,构成循环调节系统。按恒温、节能的优化运行原则,随着水温的变化,控制系统不断进行温度采集,逻辑运算和数字芯片控制调节,从而达到系统自动恒温,实现采暖或提供生活热水的目的。常压热水锅炉图册常压热水锅炉图册综合特点(1)大屏幕全中文带背光液晶显示屏,具有丰富的显示功能,将锅炉的运行状态和采集到的循环泵工作状态、加热器工作状态、炉水温度、水位状态、当前时间、报警信息等准确直观的显示出来。利用控制器键盘进行操作设置,并可查核、设定和修改各种调节参数,实现人机对话,易懂、易学、易记,操作简单、方便。(2)控制器带内藏式数字时钟,系统可按用户要求,在一天内4个时间段任意设定开、关机时间,节省电损耗,降低锅炉使用费用。(3)加热器采用陶瓷电加热棒,表面热负荷低,使用寿命更长,布局均匀热效率高。"防电墙"模式的水电分离加热方式,杜绝漏电安全隐患,并且拆装方便,便于检查、维修。不锈钢电加热管与炉体采用法兰连接方式,便于拆卸、安装,检修、保养方便。(不锈钢电加热管型)(4)所配置的电器均为"中国驰名商标"产品、"中国名牌"产品,具有"CE"和"3C"强制认证标志。(5) 大功率电热水锅炉采用多段手、自动调节旋钮,用户可随意启、停加热棒组数,自动状态时,控制器逐级启动、关闭加热组,逐级加载、逐级减载的电负荷调节模式,不但保障了电器的正常工作,而且大大减少了对电网的冲击。(6)加热棒接线端子采用优质铜排连接,出线电缆为国标铜芯电缆,承载负荷大,绝缘性好,经久耐用。(7)锅炉具有缺水、超温、短路、漏电、缺相、过流等多项保护功能,锅炉运行更加稳定、安全。(8)锅炉可连接大型蓄热水箱,利用夜间低谷电把水加热至95℃,进行蓄热储存,白天利用换热器换热后进行供暖,对电网起到了削峰添谷的作用,运行更加经济。(9)铝箔加厚玻璃面做保温,热损失少,保温效果更好。(10)整体快装出厂,机电一体化,白色彩板,外形美观,不易锈蚀。
2023-08-07 22:50:001

德州扑克 2013wsop主赛事 hand-for-hand play 是什么意思

雅往前移了一点儿,造成风筝尾部偏重,飞不起来。打那以后,我x h 3 9 . c c
2023-08-07 22:49:562


2023-08-07 22:49:531


锅炉的工作原理 锅炉是用燃料燃烧或其他能源产生的热能加热水,使水变成具有一定温度和压力的热能转化设备. 锅炉是由"锅"与"炉"以及保证"锅"与"炉"安全运行所必须的附件.控制仪表.附属设备等组成.
2023-08-07 22:49:501

主板是什么 是什么样子的

电脑机箱主板,又叫主机板(mainboard)、系统板(systemboard)或母板(motherboard);它分为商用主板和工业主板两种。它安装在机箱内,是微机最基本的也是最重要的部件之一。主板一般为矩形电路板,上面安装了组成计算机的主要电路系统,一般有BIOS芯片、I/O控制芯片、键和面板控制开关接口、指示灯插接件、扩充插槽、主板及插卡的直流电源供电接插件等元件。主板采用了开放式结构。主板上大都有6-15个扩展插槽,供PC机外围设备的控制卡(适配器)插接。通过更换这些插卡,可以对微机的相应子系统进行局部升级,使厂家和用户在配置机型方面有更大的灵活性。总之,主板在整个微机系统中扮演着举足轻重的角色。可以说,主板的类型和档次决定着整个微机系统的类型和档次。主板的性能影响着整个微机系统的性能。主板(英语:Motherboard, Mainboard,简称Mobo);又称主机板、系统板、逻辑板、母板、底板等,是构成复杂电子系统例如电子计算机的中心或者主电路板。典型的主板能提供一系列接合点,供处理器、显卡、声效卡、硬盘、存储器、对外设备等设备接合。它们通常直接插入有关插槽,或用线路连接。主板上最重要的构成组件是芯片组(Chipset)。而芯片组通常由北桥和南桥组成,也有些以单片机设计,增强其性能。这些芯片组为主板提供一个通用平台供不同设备连接,控制不同设备的沟通。它亦包含对不同扩充插槽的支持,例如处理器、PCI、ISA、AGP,和PCI Express。芯片组亦为主板提供额外功能,例如集成显核,集成声效卡(也称内置显核和内置声卡)。一些高价主板也集成红外通讯技术、蓝牙和802.11(Wi-Fi)等功能。所谓主板结构就是根据主板上各元器件的布局排列方式,尺寸大小,形状,所使用的电源规格等制定出的通用标准,所有主板厂商都必须遵循。主板结构分为AT、Baby-AT、ATX、Micro ATX、LPX、NLX、Flex ATX、EATX、WATX以及BTX等结构。其中,AT和Baby-AT是多年前的老主板结构,已经淘汰;而LPX、NLX、Flex ATX则是ATX的变种,多见于国外的品牌机,国内尚不多见;EATX和WATX则多用于服务器/工作站主板;ATX是市场上最常见的主板结构,扩展插槽较多,PCI插槽数量在4-6个,大多数主板都采用此结构;Micro ATX又称Mini ATX,是ATX结构的简化版,就是常说的“小板”,扩展插槽较少,PCI插槽数量在3个或3个以下,多用于品牌机并配备小型机箱;而BTX则是英特尔制定的最新一代主板结构,但尚未流行便被放弃,继续使用ATX。主板的平面是一块PCB(印刷电路板),一般采用四层板或六层板。相对而言,为节省成本,低档主板多为四层板:主信号层、接地层、电源层、次信号层,而六层板则增加了辅助电源层和中信号层,因此,六层PCB的主板抗电磁干扰能力更强,主板也更加稳定。其实我说楼主,你把你自家电脑主机机箱拆开看看不就知道了吗。
2023-08-07 22:49:494

如何评价 Qui Nguyen 夺得 WSOP 2016 主赛事冠军

Nguyen成为第二个夺得WSOP主赛事冠军的亚裔玩家,之前是1998年的越南人Scotty Nguyen,尽管已经有很多亚裔玩家在扑克圈内十分活跃,Qui Nguyen拿下今年份量最重的冠军还是能够吸引更多的人加入扑克运动之中。Nguyen的夺冠也许在一定程度上标志着亚洲玩家的真正崛起,扑克圈内人物对此也都表示了自己的看法。获胜之后Nguyen称自己使用的是攻击性的打法,尤其他在单挑方面经验不足,攻击能够让自己更自如地控制比赛。ESPN的一些评论员认为Nguyen的打法十分强硬,他在对局过程中做出了很多聪明的决定,尤其是在马拉松式的单挑过程中。Nguyen夺冠的经历可能会给后来者尤其是经验稍差的玩家一些建议,他们可以不是十分精通底池赔率,依靠合适的风格也有可能赢下比赛。
2023-08-07 22:49:481


2023-08-07 22:49:431


  带衣兜帽:  Jonathan Duhamel,加拿大,筹码 65,975,000  出生于1987年(年轻无敌啊!),他在大学里就读于金融专业,后来成为职业玩家,平时除了扑克还比较喜欢打曲棍球!在进入决赛桌后筹码领先优势比较明显!  戴付大墨镜不停在吃口香糖的:  John Racener,美国,筹码 19,050,000  出生于1985年,最喜欢玩的游戏是HORSE,梦想就是能赢下主赛事的冠军,以达到经济独立!他的家人也是非常支持他的扑克事业!  在主赛事最后一张桌中他们俩资料:  座位4: Jonathan Duhamel  年龄: 22  来自: Boucherville, CA  筹码: 65,975,000  Jonathan Duhamel是今年WSOP主赛事决赛桌上最年轻的选手,目前他暂时排在第一位,筹码将近6600万。  Duhamel在最后10人的比赛时候赢了差不多现在筹码的三分之一,当时他抓住对手玩法过紧的特点,逐渐扩大自己的优势。和以往几届的主赛事决赛桌选手不同的是,Duhamel没有请一位扑克教练来为自己准备接下来决赛的打算。  凭借着这样巨大的筹码优势,他自然想要在决赛桌上继续扩大自己的优势,将冠军收获囊中。  座位7: John Racener  年龄: 24  来自: Port Richey, US  筹码: 19,050,000  从16岁开始,John Racener就开始接触扑克了。当时还是他的妈妈允许他存款$50到线上扑克室账户。很快他的资金就得到了飞速地增长,后来他就开始参加线上的一些重要扑克赛事。  他的其中一项重大成绩是在Sunday $500,000 赛事(就是现在的周日百万大奖赛)中获得奖金$130,000,那个时侯他还未满20岁。他的扑克成就一直保持着快速增长,2007年的时候,他在大西洋城赢得一项WSOP Circuit赛事冠军,获得奖金$379,392。  不过,Racener现在迎来一次足以改变人生的契机,那就是在WSOP主赛事上夺冠。当被问及进入主赛事决赛桌的感觉时,他说"感觉就是美梦成真"。当然,他会在接下来的路上,用自己的行动,让梦想照进现实。
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2023-08-07 22:49:373