barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-11 20:16:47
TAG: 英文

1) Oops! 表示对事件感到意外。 用例:Oops! we got the wrong way.(哎呀!我哋行错路添。) 2) Whoops! 1.表示突然想起某事。 用例:Whoops! I lost my wallet.(哎呀!我唔见咗个银包。) 2.表示发生意外。 用例:Whoops! I accidentally dropped my glass of water on the floor!(哎呀!我唔小心打泻杯水落地!) 3) Gee! 1.表示失望。 用例:Gee! Every time I try and can"t be chosen as best wer!(咦~次次答问题都唔拣我做最佳回答嘅!) 2.表示赞叹。 用例:Gee! She"s so pretty!(哗!佢好靓呀!) 3.表示不以为然。 用例:Gee! I"d never wer like that!(哗!我就唔会咁答问题肋!) 4) Ouch! 表示突然觉得疼痛。 用例:Ouch! You let me get hurt!(哎呀!你整痛我啦!) 5) uh-huh 1.表示肯定及表示在聆听对方。 用例:uh-huh

I see.(唔,我明白。) 2.若加强语气,拉长uh-huh的发音,有反意,表示怀疑或不耐烦。 用例:uh-hun! Really?(啊~系咩?) 6) A! 表示遇到难题感到困惑。 用例:A! I don"t know how to wer this question!(呀~~真系唔知点答呢条问题!) 7) Urg!(亦作Arr!,Argh!,Arrgh!,Yarr!,Harr!) 原意表示沮丧,但有些人会用在任何事上。 用例:Urg! I can"t believe she"s going to make us sit through another one of her songs!(哗!唔系嘛,仲要坐系度听佢唱多首歌呀?) 8) Yeh 1.与Yeah相同,同是口语的Yes。 用例:Yeh

I think so.(系呀,我觉冇错。) 2.加强语气表示欢呼。 用例:Yeh! I"ve been chosen as the best wer!(Yeh!我被选为最佳回答!) 以下一些为我会常用的感叹词和拟声词: 9) Geez! 表示气愤和难以置信,Jesus!的委婉说法。 同意词:Holy! 用例:Geez! Why did you tell her our secret?(天呀!你做乜讲晒佢听?) 10) Oh my God!(亦作Oh my Goddess! 、Oh my Load!、My God!、God!等等) 委婉说法:Gosh! 、Oh my... (省略不说God)、Oh my boy! 1.表示惊讶。 用例:Oh my God! I don"t why she suddenly hit me!(哗!我唔知点解佢无端端打我。) 2.表示狂喜。 用例:Oh my God! She said she love me!(哗~佢话钟意我呀!) 3.表示极度不满。 用例:Oh my God! She said she doesn"t love me!(嘘~佢话唔钟意我!) 11) Grrrr! 表示生气的幽默用法。 用例:Grrrr! I"m in a bad mood

get off!(哼!我心情唔靓,行开呀!) 12) Phew! 表示如如释重负,有惊无险。 用例:Phew! I thought I"d failed in the exam

but I pass it finally.(嗯!我以为会唔合格,但最后都Pass。) 13) Shit! 表示极度不满,近乎粗言。 用例:Shit! What did you do with my girl?(顶!你同我条女做过乜?) 14) Sign! 表示失望、无奈和叹息。 用例:Sign! She said she will leave me.(唉!佢话会离开我。) 15) What the hell! 表示极度不满。 委婉说法:What the heck!或What the...(省略不说Hell) 粗言:What the fxxk!(在电视经常以『嘟』一声代替fxxk) 用例:What the hell! I have enough with her!(有冇搞错!我受够佢啦!) 16) Whew! 表示经历极度忧虑后如释重负的感觉。 用例:Whew! She said she won"t leave me

but leave that guy.(哗!佢话唔离开我啦,佢会离开果个男仔。) 17) Whoa! 1.用于阻止对方。 用例:Whoa! I don"t want to hear about you and that guy anymore.(喂!我唔想再听到你同果个男仔嘅事。) 2.表示困惑。 用例:Whoa! Don"t you understand what I mean?(哗!你究竟明唔明我讲乜架?) 3.表示对异性感兴趣。 用例:Whoa! Look at that chick! She"s pretty.(哗!你睇下果个女仔,佢好靓呀。) 18) Wow! 1.表示惊讶。 用例:Wow! What was that?(哗!果啲系咩?) 2.表示兴奋、激动。 用例:Wow! Your wer is amazing!(哗!你答得真系好!) 19) Yuck! 表示对尝到、嗅到、听到或看到的东西感到反感 用例:Yuck! This wer is suck!(呕!呢个答案真系差!) 20) Yum! 表示对食物感兴趣 用例:Yum! That chocolate cake looks fantastic!(唔!个朱古力蛋糕好似好好味u359e!) 2007-02-05 14:02:41 补充: 第 13) 系 Shit



会用就好啦 不过都系讲下


I agree that 奥丁"s wer is more prehensive.



phew[英][fju:][美][fju]int.(表示厌恶、不安、松一口气等)唷!呸!哎呀!; 例句:1.Phew! That was close I thought we"d never make it! 咳终于完了我还以为永远做不成了呢。2.Phew! I was worried that english was going to be very hard this year. 咻!我还担心今年的英文会变得非常难呢!3.Phew! That was a near thing! It could have been a disaster. 哎呀!好险哪!差一点儿出事。4."Phew," says a senior bank regulator, leaning back in his chair, when asked howhe would cope with the collapse of a big global bank. 当问及要如何应对大型跨国银行垮台时,一位高级银行监管者仰靠在椅背上,说,“唷!那可是项艰难的任务啊。”5.The english voice of the state media carried only one weather story today, whichwas of the "phew, what a scorcher" variety, noting that temperatures yesterdaywere at a 59-year-high of 29 degrees celsius. 这家国营英文媒体今天对天气只有一篇报道,而且是以“哇,天气真热!”那种语调,指出昨天的气温摄氏29度为59年来最高。
2023-08-07 21:18:292

phew怎么读 英语phew怎么读

1、phew英[fjuu02d0]美[fjuu02d0],int.哦(表示热、累或宽慰)。 2、[例句]Phew! That first meeting taught me a very good lesson. 唷!第一次会议教我一个很好的教训。
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phew英-[fjuː; fjʊ]美-[fju]释义n. (Phew)人名;(东南亚国家华语)标int. 唷(表示不快、惊讶的声音)vi. 咂舌头
2023-08-07 21:18:561


英文语气词是表示语气的虚词。语气词的语法特征:附着性强,只能附着在句子或别的词语后面,起一定的语法作用;语气词常常跟语调一起共同表达语气,所以一部分语气词可以表达多种语气。英文语气词举例1、Ahh表示惊喜,喜悦,或恍然大悟。例句:Ahh! There you are!啊!你在这啊!2、Phew表示热、累或宽慰。例句:Phew! We finally make it!啊!我们终于做到了!Phew, what a relief!唷,真是松了一口气!
2023-08-07 21:19:031


我们讲话的时候本来就会用一些感叹词来表达情绪,那有哪些感叹词是英国人常用的呢? 搭配影片看比较能抓到情绪喔。 Interjections 感叹词 1. hmmm… 恩… (当你需要思考的时候发出的声音) 2. Jeez! 天啊! (由Jesus而来) 3. Phew! 呼! (表示松了一口气) 4. Oops! (Oops-a-daisy) (当你不小心闯祸时) 5. Ahem 清喉咙 (你可能想要打断某人的话或要发表演说时) 6. Mmm.. 恩(对阿) (表示同意,或看到好吃的食物、正妹帅哥时) 7. Mmm (尾音拉高,疑问语气) /mm-mm 错了 (表示不同意) 8. Yikes! 天啊!(通常是负面的惊讶) Yikes! That looks painful. 天啊!那感觉好痛。 9. So.. 所以接下来.. (连接不同想法、让话语更顺) So next we"re going to talk about… 所以接下来我们要说… 10. Gosh! = Oh my God! 感叹词
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Argh!表示极度的沮丧和失望. Ah!羡慕, Aha!愉快,胜利 Ahem!唤起注意 Alas!遗憾,悲痛,不幸 Bah!轻蔑,厌恶 Brrr!寒冷 Blech!吃到或 看到一些另人反感的东西时的反应. Blah!咳!表示不喜欢,不赞成. Boom!碰!形容巨响. Crash!哗啦一声,形容物体相撞的声音. Darn!(Darn it!) 愤怒,失望 Eek!唷!表示恐惧. Eww!呦!尝到,闻到或看到令人反感的东西时的反应. For goodness sake!惊奇,害怕 Gad!惊奇,不赞同 Gee!惊奇,赞美 God!(Good god!Great God!惊奇,恐惧 Geez!天哪.表示气愤和难以置信.此为感叹词 Jesus 的委婉说法. Gosh!哎呀!表惊讶. Grrrrr!格噜..表示生气的幽默用法.是幽默地模仿了动物被激怒时发出的声音. Gulp!不好!糟了!表示坏事即将发生.说这个词时,通常很小声. Good gracious!惊奇,恼怒 Goodness!惊奇,害怕,恼怒 Hi (嗨) Hush (嘘) Hem (哼) Heaven forbid!惊奇,害怕 Heaven help me!惊奇,害怕 (Good) Heavens!惊奇,害怕 Help!求助 Hey!惊奇,喜悦,疑问,或唤起注意 Hmmm!思考 Ho(a)!惊奇,满足,喜悦或唤起注意 I-I-I-I-I!呀呀.!难以置信.读作:eye-y"eye-y"eye-y"eye-y"eye! I"ll be darned!惊奇 Jesus(Christ)!失望,痛苦,惊恐 Kaboom!轰!砰!表突然发生的爆炸声. Look out!警告 Mmmm! Mercy!惊奇 Mercy me!惊奇 My!惊奇,羡慕 My,my!惊奇 My goodness!惊奇,害怕 My word!惊奇 Ow!哎哟!表示疼痛. Oh!惊奇,诧异,害怕,疼痛 Oh,boy!激动,惊奇,惊喜(男女都可说) Oh,dear!惊奇 Oh,my!惊奇,羡慕 Oh,no!害怕,惊奇,失望 Oho!惊奇 Oh-oh!遇到不顺心的事 Ouch 疼痛 Ow!疼痛 Oh,well!无可奈何 Pew !呦!表示味道难闻. Phew!咳!表示极度焦虑之后,如释重负. Piuck!呦!尝到,闻到或看到令人反感的东西时的反应. Pow!啪!砰!形容突然的袭击. Psst!唤起注意 Say!唤起注意,或想起什么 Shit!愤怒,厌恶,沮丧 Sigh!唉!咳!表示无奈和失望.说的时候,轻轻的,无可奈何的! Smash!哗啦!形容物体猛烈撞击,造成破碎或损坏. Thwack!啪!形容物体相撞发出急促的声音,但没有造成破损.打耳光就可以用这个滴. Thank God!宽慰, Thank goodness! Tsk-tsk!不赞同 Tut-tut!不满,不耐烦 Ugh!厌恶 Unbelievable!惊讶 Wham!砰!描述快速移动的物体突然撞击在景致的物体上时所发出的声音. Whew!表示经理极度焦虑后的极大安慰. Whoa!嘿!嘿!用于阻止对方的行动. Whoops!嗨!突然想起要做某事 oops!哎呀!表示发生意外.撞到别人时可以用哦. Whoosh!呼的医生,嗖的一声.描述物体快速移动发出的声音. Watch it!警告 Watch out!警告 Well!惊奇,宽慰 Well,I never!惊奇,愤怒 Well,well!惊奇 Whoopee!高兴 Wow!诧异,惊讶,羡慕,快乐 Yike!啊呀!哇!表示惊讶和关切! Yipe!同上. Yuck 呸!呦!尝到,闻到或看到令人反感的东西时的反应. Yum!表示刺激食欲! Zap!嚓!表示突如起来的快速袭击. Zowie!啪!表示殴打.
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What do you look for in a perfect man/woman?(你理想的完美男人/女人是怎样的?)She has a long hair big eyes. 言之有理即可,没有标准答案。
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2023-08-07 21:21:014


具体如下:She was really proud of them. They were pink and see-through like raspberry jelly.She ran down to the beach in them. Wherever she walked, they left little tracks in the sand.她真为他们感到骄傲。它们是粉红色的,像覆盆子果冻一样透明。她穿着它们跑向海滩。无论她走到哪里,他们都会在沙滩上留下小脚印。"Look, Scott," Laura called to her brother. "My new jelly shoes are leaving stars in the sand." Squidge. Laura trod in something slippery. She lifted up her shoe. "Ughhh!" she said. "What"s that mess?"“听着,斯科特,”劳拉对她哥哥喊道我的新果冻鞋在沙滩上留下了星星。劳拉踩进了一个滑溜的东西。她抬起鞋子啊她说那是什么乱七八糟的?”"It"s only a jellyfish," said Scott. "The sea washes them up on the beach." "Well, I don"t like it," said Laura. "It looks like a jelly cow-pat."Slosh. The sea washed up some more jellyfish. Pink ones this time. They spread out in pink puddles on the sand.“这只是一只水母,”斯科特说海水把他们冲到海滩上。“嗯,我不喜欢,”劳拉说它看起来像一只冻牛,帕特。海水又冲走了一些水母。这次是粉红色的。它们在沙滩上散开成粉红色的水坑。"Watch out," said Scott. "Jellyfish can give you a nasty sting." "Yuk!" cried Laura. "There are loads of them! And, phew, what a pong! I hate them. They"ll spoil my new jelly shoes!"Scott looked at the jellyfish on the sand. He looked at Laura"s new shoes. An idea popped into his head.“当心,”斯科特说水母会给你一个讨厌的刺痛劳拉喊道有很多!而且,呸,真是一声砰砰!我讨厌他们。他们会把我的新果冻鞋弄坏的斯科特看着沙滩上的水母。他看着劳拉的新鞋。他突然想到一个主意。
2023-08-07 21:21:311


就是前12集的ED……而且不是有字幕打出名字了么?「stella~きんぴか上升気分~」师走 駆(CV:梶 裕贵)「amor~溢れだす想いから~」如月 恋(CV:増田俊树)「pluvia~嘘と温もり~」水无月 涙(CV:苍井翔太)「athletic~Never Ending Challenge!!~」神无月 郁(CV:小野贤章)「cerasus~桜并木に导かれて~」卯月 新(CV:细谷佳正)「caelum~未来~」皐月 葵(CV:KENN)「sol~Happy!Phew!~」叶月 阳(CV:柿原彻也) 「nox~风のレコード~」长月 夜(CV:近藤 隆)「initium~始告氷轮~」睦月 始(CV:鸟海浩辅)「ver~歌咏鸟の声~」弥生 春(CV:前野智昭)「mare~君と缀る航海日志~」文月 海(CV:羽多野 渉) 「albion~ふたりだけの白~」霜月 隼(CV:木村良平)
2023-08-07 21:21:471


他们不像你期待的那样长大,真的很令人失望啊!  It"s so disappointing when they don"t grow up the way you want it to.  我还是觉得他太显摆了。  I still think he is kind of a show off.  肯定是的啊!他是动物嘛!  You got to give it to him, the guy is an animal.  如果你们有天来曼哈顿的话,别担心,打个电话就行。  If you ever come to look at Central Manhattan, feel free to call first.  不过说真的,绝对要先打个电话,好吗?  Seriously no, call. OK? 如果机舱内气压瞬间下降,请把面罩罩上。  In case of losing cabin pressure, please place the mask over your face...  好让其他乘客不被你惊吓的表情吓坏。  to hide your terrified expressions from the other passengers.  我们可能这样就完了,马蒂。  This could be it Marty.  但我还是想说,你是个真正的朋友,百万里挑一的。  I just want you to know that you are truly a one in a million friend.  谢谢!伙计,你是最棒的,永远都是。  Thanks buddy. You are the best ever.
2023-08-07 21:21:571


猪爸爸和猪妈妈要外出,很晚才能回来,所以猪爷爷和猪奶奶来照顾两个小家伙。 出门前猪妈妈交代佩奇乔治快点睡觉,佩奇和乔治嘴上答应得好好的,可等猪妈妈出门后就闹翻天了。 他们偷偷的在楼上嘻笑打闹,猪爷爷和猪奶奶听到动静上楼查看时,他们又假装熟睡。 不管多亲密的亲子关系都不可能有这种效果,当父母与孩子成为对立关系的时候,孩子们就会结成同盟,就像佩奇和乔治,他们偷偷的背着父母闹腾。 他们的这种盟友关系在父母和子女之间是不可能产生的,所以,有些孩子渴望有兄弟姐妹的陪伴,大概这就是最深层次的原因。 再就是猪爷爷和猪奶奶的放纵,佩奇和乔治倚在门后渴求的看着猪奶奶说想要看会儿电视的时候其实是在尝试着和猪奶奶结盟。 猪奶奶同意了,于是佩奇乔治和猪爷爷猪奶奶也结为盟友,玩得不亦乐乎,等玩累了,他们躺在猪爷爷和猪奶奶的怀里睡着了。 小孩子是要制定规矩的,但是规矩是死的人是活的,只要不是原则性的问题,偶尔任性一次也是无所谓。 亲子关系既有威严也有感情,铁面无私难免失了亲子乐趣,而毫无原则的跟孩子疯闹又没了做家长的威信。 所以,取其中庸之道,如何智慧育儿,我们还要跟佩奇一家学习。 旁白:Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are going out for the evening. Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are going to baby-sit. 佩奇:Granny Pig, Grandpa Pig! 乔治:Ganggy lg! Baba lg! 奶奶:Hello, my little ones! 爷爷:Hello. 妈妈:Peppa, George. Into your beds! Quick! 爸爸:Goodnight, my little piggies! 妈妈:Goodnight. Sleep tight! 佩奇:Goodnight, Mummy. Goodnight, Daddy! 奶奶:What little darlings! 妈妈:Now go to sleep quickly. 佩奇:Yes, Mummy. 奶奶:So well behaved! 旁白:Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are leaving for their evening out. 奶奶:Peppa and George are so good. They just fell asleep When Mummy Pig told them to! 爷爷:This babysitting is easy! 佩奇:George? George, are you awake? Shhh! 旁白:What strange noises. 爷爷:I wonder if we should check upstairs... 奶奶:Peppa, George? Are you awake? 奶奶:Well, I never, fast asleep. 爷爷:So, it wasn"t Peppa and George making all that noise. 奶奶:I can"t hear anything. 爷爷:I think they really have fallen asleep. Let"s watch some television. 节目:Gardening. Today we are talking about ""Roses"". 爷爷:Oh, I love gardening programs! 节目:The Gavesgate is a particularly thorny rose. To prune it, start by lopping off the head and then snip away the budding shoots. 佩奇:Granny Pig? 奶奶:Peppa? George? You should be in bed asleep! 佩奇:George and I are not sleepy at all. Can we watch TV with you? 奶奶:Well... I suppose watching a little TV might make you sleepy. Hurray! 节目:Icelandic Roses are a rare treat for the discerning horticulturist. But they are prone to lobbing in temperate habitats. 佩奇:This program is very boring. Grandpa Pig? Can you play that game Where you throw us up and catch us? 爷爷:Okay, but just one turn each! Wheeeee! 爷爷:Phew... You seem heavier than before. 爷爷:Now it"s George"s turn. Wheeee! 佩奇:My turn! Wheee! 佩奇:Higher! Higher! 奶奶:Maybe Grandpa Pig is a bit tired. 佩奇:I know! Granny Pig, let"s play catch! Err... 佩奇:You"re ""It""! Catch us if you can! Can"t catch me! 奶奶:I"m going to catch you! 旁白:Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are back home. 妈妈:I hope our little piggies are asleep. 爸爸:Hello? Anyone here? The little piggies are asleep! And so are the big piggies!
2023-08-07 21:22:041


很多玩家对《挺进地牢》游戏中武器的特点及相关彩蛋不是很了解,今天就为大家带来《挺进地牢》全枪械特点及彩蛋详解,一起来看看吧。枪械特点及彩蛋详解:S级武器:AU Gun 伤害100Some Assembly Required(需要一些配件组装)传说这把枪可以用一发子弹消灭任何目标。这把枪并没有达到传说中的地步,但也非常接近了。彩蛋:这把枪是根据 James Bond 的电影 The Man with the Golden Gun 制作的。"Some Assembly Required"是根据电影中的事实描述的,这把枪可以被拆解为一系列的看起来无害的黄金制品:一支钢笔(枪管)、打火机(后膛)、袖扣(扳机)、香烟盒(握把)。AU是金的化学元素符号。22发弹药数是与22克拉黄金的 Crown Gold 有关,而装上飞行员增加弹药装置后变为24发后与24克拉纯金 Pure Gold 有关。Gilded Hydra 伤害13这是一把能发射出大量能穿透并反弹子弹的枪,它的弹夹会因为每次受伤半颗心而+1,会因为治疗而减少。抬起头来在每次受到伤害的时候增加弹夹容量。这把枪是由传奇枪械师 Edwin 设计的极品散弹枪,它的弹夹容量会因为携带者的每次受伤而增长。Revolvations 2:1(不知道啥意思,均以英文原文处理)这是 Kaliber 神的原话,她手中握着七把枪行走在六个装载室(six loaded chambers)中:当枪械被拔出向和平主义者发射,当所有的房间都空无一人而子弹全都被消耗的时候,Last of the Jammed 就会出现并将裂缝(Breech) 永远密封。彩蛋:随着受伤而增加弹夹容量的设定实在影射希腊神话中的 Lernean Hydra , 该生物会在一颗头被切断的情况下再生出两颗。AKEY-47 伤害5.5这把枪会发射出钥匙,射向锁着的门或者箱子时能将其打开。另外,带着这把枪打开箱子或门同样能将其打开。解锁,然后装填!这把枪是枪械地牢手工品中的大师之作,它完美的将AK-47的精湛表现与极为有用的开锁能力结合起来。在它的外表雕刻着以下话语:"EX ARCHA, LIBERTAS."彩蛋:雕刻的文字与拉丁文中的 "ex gladio libertas" 有关,即自由之剑。而文中将代表箱子的 archa 替换掉了代表剑的 gladio ,意味着自由之箱。Patriot(爱国者) 伤害7这把枪会射出穿透性的子弹,并且一直握住扳机将会极大地提高射速。Gun eater这把极具威力的机枪曾属于一位不知名的英雄。这把枪的制作机制极为复杂,但在这片区域却能提供非常有效的帮助。尽管有缺陷,却为很多人所喜爱。彩蛋:这把枪是根据合金装备3中的boss 食蛇者(snake eater) 所持有的相同名字的枪制作。同时拾起枪时的描述 Gun eater 也与这有关。这把枪在真实生活中相对应的是改良 XM16E1 突击步枪,更短的枪管(barrel),更小的 stock,以及双倍的弹膛弹仓(cylinder magazine)。Vulcan Cannon 伤害4无尽的屠杀这把枪被一个在枪械地牢中筑巢的巨大的食肉性禽类所喜爱,这是一把威力令人恐惧的武器。彩蛋:根据真实生活中的M134迷你枪制作。这把枪与合金装备系列中的 Vulcan Raven 有关。这把枪被第一层的boss 加特林欧(Gatling Gull)持有。Gungine 伤害5拿着这把枪能极大地提高持有者的移动速度,换弹夹的时候能清理周围的粘液,并重新补满弹药。12个旋转弹膛移动的更快,能将周围的粘液转化为弹药。古老的科技,但值得信赖。这把武器,一旦发动,就能射出比被估计的40倍以上更多的弹药。彩蛋:这把枪是根据 Vlambeer 的游戏 Luftrausers 制作的,它们拥有着相同名字的子弹射击引擎。Railgun(磁轨炮)伤害不明不要将它与磁轨炮原型机( Prototype Railgun )搞混。这把枪能发射出具有穿透性并能多次反弹的子弹。如果玩家同时持有道具命运的眷顾( Fortune"s Favor ),充能会略微加快。校准中(Calibrating)以一种不可思议的速度发射出密集的金属子弹。反弹时能轻微的追踪敌人。这个磁轨炮已经超越了原型阶段投入了生产。为了缩减成本而减少了子弹的数量,虽然造成威力减弱,却有着更大的弹射潜能。彩蛋:Calibrating 引用了游戏“质量效应”中的一个角色 Garrus Vakarian 的一个短语。Fightsabre 伤害6这把枪在重装填的时候会进行挥舞,从而反弹周围的子弹。携带的时候会增加诅咒。异端重装填能反弹周围的弹药。一个古老的武器,完全由坚毅的光(hardened light)组成。彩蛋:这把枪参考“星球大战”中的光剑(lightsabre)设计。之所以描述为异端并增加诅咒是由于枪械地牢排斥那些并不是基于弹药为基础而设计出的武器。Dark Marker 伤害22这把枪可以充能并发射出两发曲线移动的炮弹,并在某一点相遇。一旦二者相遇,便会引发巨大的爆炸并触发大招(blank)效果。大爆炸(Big bang)发射两枚炮弹,如果他们相遇。。。物质大多由强大的粒子组成的,而反物质大多由微弱的粒子组成的。而当他们相遇的时候,强大的粒子就会淹没(压倒? overwhelm )虚弱的粒子,然后在满足中爆炸。这把枪是 Gunsling King 的最爱,他有时会高深莫测的说,这把枪让他想起了他的仆人。Particulator 伤害30这把枪射出的子弹能小范围的追踪敌人。奇怪的物质( Strange Matter )一个能发射出奇特粒子的装置,并额外添加了自动追踪功能。一把来自于未来的武器,可能是某个地牢探险者成功的从未来回到现在,并把这把枪也带了回来?Gunesis 1:1起初,枪械地牢没有固定的形状,也没有居民居住,大量的子弹从深渊的表面飞跃过去。Yari Launcher 伤害10这把枪能快速的发射出制导火箭。地狱。是的。(Hell. Yes.)连锁发射( chain-fires )制导火箭。被 Zilla 行业所制造的传奇武器。这把武器是为一个强大的战士连身定做的,但他的名字却已经被阴影所遗失。彩蛋:这把枪参考了“影子武士” Shadow Warrior 的2013重制版中的火箭发射器。Gunther 伤害6这把枪的威力会随着每一个房间的清理而变得越来越强大。嫉妒的武器随着房屋的清理而获得更多的力量这把多疑的枪已经获得了思想,与许多其他的智能武器一样,他应该获得尊重和关心。这把枪有三种火力阶段,随着被清理的房屋数量的增多而进化。第一阶段:发射穿透性的子弹。第二阶段:子弹会造成额外伤害并弹射两次。第三阶段:子弹会造成额外伤害并追踪敌人。丢弃这把枪会重置与其之间的亲和力,退回到第一阶段。对话:第一阶段:我之前的主人清理房间更快。下次,瞄准一点。这将是漫长的一天。好吧,你没有死。"yawn"(打哈欠)为什么我在这里?第二阶段:。。。做的不错。随机的辱骂你没什么不好的。"Not bad for a (random insult)."那没问题,我猜。子弹的运用很合理。我会给你一个C。。。减( C- )也许,我看错你了。第三阶段:我们是相当完美的一个组合。一等一的工作。过去,我们来了。( 我们马上就要改变过去了。)Phew! 这真让人兴奋。耶!"Go team Gungeon!"彩蛋:Gunther 是 gun(枪)与常见的日耳曼名字 Günther 的双关语。当射击一堵墙的时候,子弹会留下与字母 N、R 以及 Φ 类似的射击痕迹。Disintegrator 伤害70长时间的充能后能发出巨大的激光。尘归尘,土归土发射一束光束,能将物质分解为所构成它的粒子。几乎每一个存在着某种形式的政府的星球都会制定法律,将这种瓦解射线列为非法存在。这种射线同时也被主要由物质组成的生物所恐惧。只有两个地方它可以合法开火:枪械地牢,以及 Popolon V 的废旧处理工厂。BSG 伤害6它能缓慢的充能而后发射出巨大的绿色导弹,直到到达最大距离,然后爆炸并对房屋里的所有敌人造成巨大伤害。当然,导弹本身也会穿过敌人并造成碰撞伤害,爆炸前会在墙上反弹。但是,一旦炮弹在一面墙上反弹超过一次,就会消散而不再爆炸。Big Shooty Gun充能来清理房间。枪械地牢经典的枪支,同时也是第一批被枪械地牢采购部所引进的一支。它强有力的爆炸会迅速处理掉几乎所有敌人。因为特殊的爆炸机制,它可能会对形式上暂时无法攻击的boss造成伤害,比如钻水里的美杜莎。(未经确认)彩蛋:这把枪是根据毁灭战士( Doom )里的 BFG 9000 设计的。Makeshift Cannon 伤害50 单发弹药这把枪能发射出一个唯一的,却能造成大量爆炸伤害的子弹。你只有一次射击( You Only Get One Shot )一个临时设计的装满了黑火药和榴散弹的武器。极具威力,却只能发射一次。道具“古代英雄的手帕” Ancient Hero"s Bandana 能将最大弹药数增加至4 。彩蛋:捡起武器时的描述 You Only Get One Shot 是参考说唱歌手 Eminem 的歌曲 Lose Yourself 。这把武器是参考 “星际迷航”( Star Trek ) 里面 The Arena 那集里的一个片段, Kirk 就做了这样一个武器。
2023-08-07 21:22:221

谁能给我RadioheadKarma police的歌词翻译?

Karma Police (因果警察) Karma police 因果警察 arrest this man, 逮捕这个人 he talks in maths, 他用数学说话 he buzzes like a fridge, 他发出像冰箱的声音 he"s like a detuned radio. 他就像一个音不准的收音机 Karma police 因果警察 arrest this girl, 逮捕这个女人 her Hitler hairdo 她希特勒的发型 is making me feel ill 让我很不舒服 and we have crashed her party. 而我们也破坏了她的派对 This is what you get, 这就是你的所得 this is what you get, 这就是你的所得 this is what you get, 这就是你的所得 when you mess with us. 当你对抗我们时。。。 Karma police 因果警察 I"ve given all I can, 我能做的都做了 it"s not enough, 但还是不够 I"ve given all I can 我已尽力了 but we"re still on the payroll. 但我们还只是在领薪水的名单上 This is what you get, 这就是你的所得 this is what you get, 这就是你的所得 this is what you get, 这就是你的所得 when you mess with us. 当你对抗我们时。。。 For a minute there I lost myself, I lost myself. 好险!刚刚,我差点失去了自我 Phew, for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself. 好险!刚刚,我差点失去了自我 For a minute there I lost myself, I lost myself. 好险!刚刚,我差点失去了自我 Phew, for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself. 好险!刚刚,我差点失去了自我
2023-08-07 21:22:331

今天的故事来到英国历史上的一个重要的时期,维多利亚时代。我们都知道,这个时期的大英帝国走向了世界之巅,那当时小朋友们的学习生活是什么样的呢?The children were doing a project with Mrs May about life in Victorian times. May老师在带着孩子们完成一项关于维多利亚时期生活的研究。 “Life was hard for lots of children,” said Mrs May. May老师说,“那个时代对很多孩子来说是很苦的,” “Most children didn"t have new shoes, or go to school,” she said. “大多数的孩子没有新鞋子可穿,也没有学上。 ”她说。 “School was different, too” said Mrs May. “The teachers were very strict.” “那时的学校也很不同。老师都是非常严厉的。” “Is it true that the teacher could frighten the children with a ruler?” asked Biff. “那老师真的会拿着教尺吓唬学生吗?”Biff问。“Yes, it"s true,” said Mrs May. 是真的,May老师说。 We are going to Duke History Park tomorrow. Said Mrs May. 我们明天会到杜克历史公园去参观体验,May老师说。 “We will see what it was like in Victorian schools,” she said. 她说,“我们将看到维多利亚时代的学校是什么样的。” The next day, they went to Duke History Park. 转天,她们来到了杜克历史公园。The children put on costumes. 孩子们换上了维多利亚时期的特殊装束。They waited outside the school in a queue. 他们在学校外面排队等候。 “This is Mr Andrew,” said Mrs May. May老师说,“这位是Andrew先生,“He will act the part of Mr Scroop. 他一会儿会扮演维多利亚时期的老师Scroop先生,Mr Scroop will be your teacher today.” Scroop先生将是你们今天的老师。” Mr Scroop had a suit and gown on. Scroop先生也穿上了他的西装和长袍。“There are the rules,” he said. “No excuses!” 他说:“必须遵守这些规定,不要找任何借口。” “Now, we will sing the school song,” said Mr Scroop. “现在唱校歌”他说道。 “What is the tune?” asked Biff. “那曲子在哪儿呢?” Biff问道。“Use the music,” said Mr Scroop. “就用音乐唱吧。”Scroop说。 “Will you show us how?” asked Anneena. “那您会演示给我们怎么唱吗?”Anneena问。“Be quiet!” shouted Mr Scroop. “给我都安静点。”Scroop先生愤怒的喊道。 “What is eight times three plus two?” asked Mr Scroop. Scroop问"8乘3加2得多少?"“You, in blue.” "你,穿蓝色衣服那个,来回答。”“I"m confused,” said Chip. Chip说,“我不清楚。““Use your head.” Yelled Mr Scroop. 你给我用用脑子”Scroop咆哮着说。 It was playtime. 到了户外活动的时间了。Mrs May showed them how to play with hoops. May给孩子们演示怎么玩滚圈。 Mr Scroop told them the rules of hopscotch. Scroop教孩子们跳房子的规则。 Chip threw a ball and it hit a boy called Matthew. Chip扔球时不小心砸到了一个叫Matthew的小男孩。 A few of the children ran to help Matthew. 好几个小孩赶忙跑了过去帮助Matthew。“The ball flew out of my hands,” said Chip. Chip说,球不小心从手里飞了出去。 “Look, over there!” called Wilf, pointing. 这时,Wilf指着旁边喊道,看那边。“Don"t be so rude, boy,” said Mr Scroop. Mr Scroop听到了严厉的说,“别那么粗鲁,喊什么喊。” “But look,” said Wilf. “但是,您还是看一下吧。”Wilf说。“That goat is chewing your gown.” “那只山羊正在撕咬您的袍子。” Mr Scroop ran to rescue his gown. Scroop赶忙跑了过去把他的袍子从羊嘴里救了下来。He took the goat back to the field next door. 他把山羊牵回到了旁边的草地上。 Mr Scroop wiped his face. Scroop擦了擦脸上的汗。“You children are not so useless,” he said. 他说,你们这些小不点倒不是一无是处啊。 “Phew!” said Wilf. “What a day.” Wilf深呼了一口气说,“呼, 这一天啊~” “You did well,” said Mr Scroop. Scroop笑了笑说,你们很不错。
2023-08-07 21:22:581


守望先锋美是一位防御型英雄,这是一个铜墙铁壁的英雄,皮粗肉厚攻守兼备,同时可以运用特殊能力调节天气非常酷,有很多玩家想知道守望先锋美怎么样,下面深空高玩就带来守望先锋美技能属性图鉴大全,一起去看看吧。更多内容:守望先锋英雄大全 美MEI真名周美灵年龄31阵营守望先锋(前)角色防御生命250技能冰霜冲击枪急冻冰墙暴雪美的天气控制设备可以使敌人减速或是进行区域控制。她的冰霜冲击枪可以射出冰锥或是冷气对敌人造成伤害。她可以将自己急冻在冰块中治疗自己或者抵挡伤害,还可以用冰墙来阻碍敌方的行动。那么这防御英雄该怎么操作呢?美技能技能图标键位描述鼠标左右键美的冲击枪可以射出一连串高密度、近距离冰霜对敌人造成伤害、减速并最终将其冰冻。美还可以用冲击枪在中距离范围内射出冰锥。Shift键美可以立即用一整块厚实的冰块包围自己。在冰块内,她可以治疗自己并且无视任何伤害,但无法移动或使用技能。E键美可以生成一块巨大的冰墙干扰视线、阻碍行动并且吸收攻击伤害。Q键美可以部署一台气候改良无人机,在大范围内喷射出寒风和冰雪。在暴雪内的敌人将会被减速并受到伤害;那些在暴雪内停留时间过长的敌人还会被完全冰冻。美数据能力弹药射速伤害爆头伤害持续时间冷却对护甲爆头伤害冰霜冲击枪20020 rps45 dps----冰锥200 (25 per shot)1.8 rps22 - 7544 - 150---急冻----1504s12s冰墙-----4.5s10s暴雪--97--5s-更多内容:守望先锋英雄数据大全 美使用技巧当你使用美 小美的生存能力是防御英雄里最强的,冰墙可以抵挡敌方的弹道伤害。冰箱也可以在危机的时候开启为自己恢复血量。美的冰霜冲击枪可以冻结敌人,冻结的时候可以使用鼠标右键爆头,也可以使用肉搏直接击杀对手。大招在占点地图非常强力。当敌方使用美 不要长时间被小美的冰霜冲击枪射击,尽量多移动。尽量不要和美单挑,因为被冻结之后基本就是肉搏+右键爆头,而且冰箱还可以回血。美的大招范围比较大,不要长时间站在大招范围内,会被冻结。记得分散站位,否则会被一个美的大招逼迫位移影响很大。守望先锋美相关攻略守望先锋美角色定位守望先锋美进阶打法守望先锋美新人指南更多内容:守望先锋美怎么玩 美中英文台词对照对温斯顿:“美:我们可以抽时间交换一下笔记!(We should compare notes sometime!)温斯顿:求之不得呢!那么你对托贝尔斯坦的重力模型理论怎么看?(That would be great! What"s your opinion on the Toblesteins" gravitational models?)看见温斯顿击杀敌人后:“美:温斯顿,你真厉害!就像孙悟空一样!(Winston, you"re so awesome! Just like Sun Wukong!)”对“狂鼠”:““狂鼠”:Brrr...光是看着你我就觉得冷。(Brrr... I get cold just looking at you.)美:那你就别看着我。(Then you should look somewhere else.)”对“猎空”:“美:猎空!你真是太不可思议了,我好激动!(Tracer! You are so amazing, you inspire me!)“猎空”:美,你才是大英雄!(Mei, you"re the real hero!)”对“天使”:“美:齐格勒博士,我也没觉得你变老了呀!(Dr. Ziegler, I don"t think you"ve aged a day since I last saw you!)“天使”:你也没有,美。(And neither have you, Mei.)”对“堡垒”:“美:堡垒,你会是一个完美的研究助手的。(Bastion, you would make the perfect research assistant.)”对_莉娅:“美:查莉娅,我搞不懂为什么你们那儿那么冷你还穿这么少!(Zarya, I don"t understand how you can fight in the cold wearing so little!)_莉娅:如果你把你的大衣给我,我就告诉你我的秘密。(I"ll tell you my secret, if you give me your coat.)”对卢西奥:“美:我能要你的签名吗?(Can I have your autograph?)”对D.Va:“D.Va: 小美!我喜欢读你的日记!真羡慕你能去那么多地方。(Mei! I love reading your journal! I"m so jealous you get to go to all those places.)美:可不是吗,我想你应该多出去玩玩。(That"s true, I guess you don"t get to travel very much.)”对托比昂:“托比昂:我在想能不能让我看看你的那个小机器人(I was wondering if I could take a look at your little robot...)美:可以是可以,但是你要管好你的锤子。(I suppose so... just keep that hammer to yourself.)”在炎热地区“美:哎呀...我觉得我可能穿得太多了!(Phew... I think I might be a little overdressed for this place!)”在漓江塔“美:回家的感觉真好。(It"s good to be back home!)”在俄罗斯“美:你想不想堆个雪人?(Do you want to build a snowman?)”获得传奇卡“美:噢,那真的不算什么!(Aw, it was nothing really!)”获得传奇卡“美:有时,连我自己都感到惊讶!(Sometimes I surprise myself!)”开大对我方语音“美:冻住!不准走。(Freeze! Don"t move.)”开大对敌方语音“美:冻住,不许走!”更多内容:守望先锋美台词大全、守望先锋美语音包 美英雄克制关系优势英雄源氏/猎空莱因哈特/查莉雅/温斯顿D.Va弱点英雄死神任何站的够远的人美故事我们的世界值得我们奋斗。美是一名为了保护环境而选择战斗的科学家。尽管许多人都将全球不断升级的怪异气候现象归结为新科技的发明、智械不断扩大的人口数量和资源消耗的不断增加,但真正的原因无人能知。为了找到解决办法,守望先锋在世界各个偏远、重要的位置建立了一系列生态监测站。周美灵就是这一长久项目的成员之一。作为一名顶尖的气象学家,她引入了一系列在气候控制领域划时代的发明创意,并成功地保护了亚洲以及其他地区的高风险地区。当她来到该项目的监控站点 _ 监测站:南极洲时,一场突如其来的毁灭性极地风暴摧毁了大部分设施并将这里与外界隔绝了开来,也把科学家们困在了这里。随着补给物资的不断消耗,他们进入了急冻状态希望能够撑到救援队抵达的那一天。但救援并没有抵达。几年后,当这些科学家的急冻舱最终被发现时,美作为唯一的幸存者仍然处于急冻休眠状态。 当美醒来时,这个世界已经发生了翻天覆地的变化:守望先锋已经解散、原本就已严重的气候问题越来越糟糕而所有的生态监测站也都已经被废弃。他们之前收集的研究数据全部丢失。美最终决定独自继续她的工作。她带上了一台可穿戴式气候控制装置,游历世界希望能够重新建立起生态监测网络查出威胁着这个星球生态系统的真正原因。更多内容:守望先锋英雄故事大全 美故事视频更多内容:守望先锋英雄视频大全 美皮肤更多内容:守望先锋美皮肤大全 守望先锋(Overwatch)官方中文国服版v1.0.4
2023-08-07 21:23:051


2023-08-07 21:23:151


英文语气词如下:1、oh。oh /o/ 译为“哦、噢、啊、呀”,表示惊讶、恐惧等,连起来使用,是“坏了、糟了”的意思。Oh, look out! 哎呀,小心点。2、ah。ah /ɑ/ 译为“呀、啊”等,表示高兴、惊奇、懊悔、讨厌、威胁等。Ah, it"s here. 哎呀,它在这儿。3、ooh。ooh /u/ 译为“嗬,哇,呀”,表示惊讶、欣喜、痛苦等。Ooh, that"s nice! 哇,真不错。4、duh。duh /dʌ/ 用来表示轻蔑,特别是认为某人说了愚蠢的话后,也用于自嘲。Duh! Everybody knows that! 废话!谁不知道呀。5、huh、hum。huh /hʌ/ | hum/hʌm/ 译为“嘿”,表示疑问、蔑视、惊讶,常用于表示难言之隐。Bad weather, huh? 天气太糟,嗯?Hum, I"m hungry. 恩,肚子饿了。6、ha。ha /hɑ/ 译为“哈,嘿”,表示惊讶、欢乐、怀疑等。Ha ha ha. Good job. 哈哈哈,做得好。7、aha。aha /ɑ"hɑ/,译为“啊哈”,表示喜悦、轻蔑、惊讶等。Aha! You understand me. 啊哈,你理解我的意思了。8、whew。whew /hwju/ 译为“啊、呦”,表示惊讶、失望、厌恶等。Whew! I almost fall down. 啊!我几乎摔倒。9、phew。phew /fju/ 译为“啊、唷、唉”,表示疲倦、热或放心。Phew, We finally did it. 啊! 我们终于成功了。
2023-08-07 21:24:151


英语语气词如下:1、ohoh /o/ 译为“哦、噢、啊、呀”,表示惊讶、恐惧等,连起来使用,是“坏了、糟了”的意思。Oh, look out! 哎呀,小心点。2、ahah /ɑ/ 译为“呀、啊”等,表示高兴、惊奇、懊悔、讨厌、威胁等。Ah, it"s here. 哎呀,它在这儿。3、oohooh /u/ 译为“嗬,哇,呀”,表示惊讶、欣喜、痛苦等。Ooh, that"s nice! 哇,真不错。4、duhduh /dʌ/ 用来表示轻蔑,特别是认为某人说了愚蠢的话后,也用于自嘲。Duh! Everybody knows that! 废话!谁不知道呀。5、huh、humhuh /hʌ/ | hum/hʌm/ 译为“嘿”,表示疑问、蔑视、惊讶,常用于表示难言之隐。Bad weather, huh? 天气太糟,嗯?Hum, I"m hungry. 恩,肚子饿了。6、haha /hɑ/ 译为“哈,嘿”,表示惊讶、欢乐、怀疑等。Ha ha ha. Good job. 哈哈哈,做得好。7、ahaaha /ɑ"hɑ/,译为“啊哈”,表示喜悦、轻蔑、惊讶等。Aha! You understand me. 啊哈,你理解我的意思了。8、whewwhew /hwju/ 译为“啊、呦”,表示惊讶、失望、厌恶等。Whew! I almost fall down. 啊!我几乎摔倒。9、phewphew /fju/ 译为“啊、唷、唉”,表示疲倦、热或放心。Phew, We finally did it. 啊! 我们终于成功了。
2023-08-07 21:24:451


英语语气词如下:1、ohoh /o/ 译为“哦、噢、啊、呀”,表示惊讶、恐惧等,连起来使用,是“坏了、糟了”的意思。Oh, look out! 哎呀,小心点。2、ahah /ɑ/ 译为“呀、啊”等,表示高兴、惊奇、懊悔、讨厌、威胁等。Ah, it"s here. 哎呀,它在这儿。3、oohooh /u/ 译为“嗬,哇,呀”,表示惊讶、欣喜、痛苦等。Ooh, that"s nice! 哇,真不错。4、duhduh /dʌ/ 用来表示轻蔑,特别是认为某人说了愚蠢的话后,也用于自嘲。Duh! Everybody knows that! 废话!谁不知道呀。5、huh、humhuh /hʌ/ | hum/hʌm/ 译为“嘿”,表示疑问、蔑视、惊讶,常用于表示难言之隐。Bad weather, huh? 天气太糟,嗯?Hum, I"m hungry. 恩,肚子饿了。6、haha /hɑ/ 译为“哈,嘿”,表示惊讶、欢乐、怀疑等。Ha ha ha. Good job. 哈哈哈,做得好。7、ahaaha /ɑ"hɑ/,译为“啊哈”,表示喜悦、轻蔑、惊讶等。Aha! You understand me. 啊哈,你理解我的意思了。8、whewwhew /hwju/ 译为“啊、呦”,表示惊讶、失望、厌恶等。Whew! I almost fall down. 啊!我几乎摔倒。9、phewphew /fju/ 译为“啊、唷、唉”,表示疲倦、热或放心。Phew, We finally did it. 啊! 我们终于成功了。
2023-08-07 21:25:131


英语语气词如下:1、ohoh /o/ 译为“哦、噢、啊、呀”,表示惊讶、恐惧等,连起来使用,是“坏了、糟了”的意思。Oh, look out! 哎呀,小心点。2、ahah /ɑ/ 译为“呀、啊”等,表示高兴、惊奇、懊悔、讨厌、威胁等。Ah, it"s here. 哎呀,它在这儿。3、oohooh /u/ 译为“嗬,哇,呀”,表示惊讶、欣喜、痛苦等。Ooh, that"s nice! 哇,真不错。4、duhduh /dʌ/ 用来表示轻蔑,特别是认为某人说了愚蠢的话后,也用于自嘲。Duh! Everybody knows that! 废话!谁不知道呀。5、huh、humhuh /hʌ/ | hum/hʌm/ 译为“嘿”,表示疑问、蔑视、惊讶,常用于表示难言之隐。Bad weather, huh? 天气太糟,嗯?Hum, I"m hungry. 恩,肚子饿了。6、haha /hɑ/ 译为“哈,嘿”,表示惊讶、欢乐、怀疑等。Ha ha ha. Good job. 哈哈哈,做得好。7、ahaaha /ɑ"hɑ/,译为“啊哈”,表示喜悦、轻蔑、惊讶等。Aha! You understand me. 啊哈,你理解我的意思了。8、whewwhew /hwju/ 译为“啊、呦”,表示惊讶、失望、厌恶等。Whew! I almost fall down. 啊!我几乎摔倒。9、phewphew /fju/ 译为“啊、唷、唉”,表示疲倦、热或放心。Phew, We finally did it. 啊! 我们终于成功了。
2023-08-07 21:25:431


英语语气词如下:1、ohoh /o/ 译为“哦、噢、啊、呀”,表示惊讶、恐惧等,连起来使用,是“坏了、糟了”的意思。Oh, look out! 哎呀,小心点。2、ahah /ɑ/ 译为“呀、啊”等,表示高兴、惊奇、懊悔、讨厌、威胁等。Ah, it"s here. 哎呀,它在这儿。3、oohooh /u/ 译为“嗬,哇,呀”,表示惊讶、欣喜、痛苦等。Ooh, that"s nice! 哇,真不错。4、duhduh /dʌ/ 用来表示轻蔑,特别是认为某人说了愚蠢的话后,也用于自嘲。Duh! Everybody knows that! 废话!谁不知道呀。5、huh、humhuh /hʌ/ | hum/hʌm/ 译为“嘿”,表示疑问、蔑视、惊讶,常用于表示难言之隐。Bad weather, huh? 天气太糟,嗯?Hum, I"m hungry. 恩,肚子饿了。6、haha /hɑ/ 译为“哈,嘿”,表示惊讶、欢乐、怀疑等。Ha ha ha. Good job. 哈哈哈,做得好。7、ahaaha /ɑ"hɑ/,译为“啊哈”,表示喜悦、轻蔑、惊讶等。Aha! You understand me. 啊哈,你理解我的意思了。8、whewwhew /hwju/ 译为“啊、呦”,表示惊讶、失望、厌恶等。Whew! I almost fall down. 啊!我几乎摔倒。9、phewphew /fju/ 译为“啊、唷、唉”,表示疲倦、热或放心。Phew, We finally did it. 啊! 我们终于成功了。
2023-08-07 21:26:111


2023-08-07 21:26:424


英语语气词如下:1、ohoh /o/ 译为“哦、噢、啊、呀”,表示惊讶、恐惧等,连起来使用,是“坏了、糟了”的意思。Oh, look out! 哎呀,小心点。2、ahah /ɑ/ 译为“呀、啊”等,表示高兴、惊奇、懊悔、讨厌、威胁等。Ah, it"s here. 哎呀,它在这儿。3、oohooh /u/ 译为“嗬,哇,呀”,表示惊讶、欣喜、痛苦等。Ooh, that"s nice! 哇,真不错。4、duhduh /dʌ/ 用来表示轻蔑,特别是认为某人说了愚蠢的话后,也用于自嘲。Duh! Everybody knows that! 废话!谁不知道呀。5、huh、humhuh /hʌ/ | hum/hʌm/ 译为“嘿”,表示疑问、蔑视、惊讶,常用于表示难言之隐。Bad weather, huh? 天气太糟,嗯?Hum, I"m hungry. 恩,肚子饿了。6、haha /hɑ/ 译为“哈,嘿”,表示惊讶、欢乐、怀疑等。Ha ha ha. Good job. 哈哈哈,做得好。7、ahaaha /ɑ"hɑ/,译为“啊哈”,表示喜悦、轻蔑、惊讶等。Aha! You understand me. 啊哈,你理解我的意思了。8、whewwhew /hwju/ 译为“啊、呦”,表示惊讶、失望、厌恶等。Whew! I almost fall down. 啊!我几乎摔倒。9、phewphew /fju/ 译为“啊、唷、唉”,表示疲倦、热或放心。Phew, We finally did it. 啊! 我们终于成功了。
2023-08-07 21:27:081


拟声词 爆竹声 : 1.辟啪 2.辟辟 3.啪啪 4.辟辟啪啪 5.辟啪辟啪 6.噼呖 7.啪嘞 8.噼呖啪 9.噼呖啪嘞 10.砰碰 11.砰砰 12.碰碰 13.砰碰砰碰 14.砰砰碰碰 15.叮叮 16.咚咚 17.咇咇 18.嗖嗖 19.呼呼 20.卜卜 21.隆隆 22.叮咚 23.叮咚叮咚 24.叮叮咚咚 25.咇咇嗖嗖 26.叮叮咚咚咇咇 27.叮叮咚咚咇咇嗖嗖 28.叮叮咚咚咇咇嗖嗖呼呼 29.胡胡 30.胡胡胡胡 31.胡... ...胡 32.登登登 33.一阵狂风 34.犹如狂雷 等等... 2012-11-06 18:57:17 补充: 1) Oops! 表示对事件感到意外。 用例:Oops! we got the wrong way.(哎呀!我哋行错路添。) 2) Whoops! 1.表示突然想起某事。 用例:Whoops! I lost my wallet.(哎呀!我唔见咗个银包。) 2.表示发生意外。 用例:Whoops! I accidentally dropped my glass of water on the floor!(哎呀!我唔小心打泻杯水落地!) 2012-11-06 18:57:36 补充: 3) Gee! 1.表示失望。 用例:Gee! Every time I try and can"t be chosen as best wer!(咦~次次答问题都唔拣我做最佳回答嘅!) 2.表示赞叹。 用例:Gee! She"s so pretty!(哗!佢好靓呀!) 3.表示不以为然。 用例:Gee! I"d never wer like that!(哗!我就唔会咁答问题肋!) 4) Ouch! 表示突然觉得疼痛。 用例:Ouch! You let me get hurt!(哎呀!你整痛我啦!) 2012-11-06 18:58:19 补充: 5) uh-huh 1.表示肯定及表示在聆听对方。 用例:uh-huh I see.(唔,我明白。) 2.若加强语气,拉长uh-huh的发音,有反意,表示怀疑或不耐烦。 用例:uh-hun! Really?(啊~系咩?) 6) A! 表示遇到难题感到困惑。 用例:A! I don"t know how to wer this question!(呀~~真系唔知点答呢条问题!) 2012-11-06 18:59:21 补充: 7) Urg!(亦作Arr!,Argh!,Arrgh!,Yarr!,Harr!) 原意表示沮丧,但有些人会用在任何事上。 用例:Urg! I can"t believe she"s going to make us sit through another one of her songs!(哗!仲要坐系度听佢唱多首歌呀?) 8) Yeh 1.与Yeah相同,同是口语的Yes。 用例:Yeh I think so.(系呀,我觉冇错。) 2.加强语气表示欢呼。 用例:Yeh! I"ve been chosen as the best wer!(Yeh!我被选为最佳回答!) 2012-11-06 19:00:54 补充: 9) Geez! 表示气愤和难以置信, 用例:Geez! Why did you tell her our secret?(天呀!你做乜讲晒佢听?) 10) Oh my God 1.表示惊讶。 Oh my God! I don"t why she suddenly hit me 2.表示狂喜。 Oh my God! She said she love me 3.表示极度不满。 Oh my God! She said she doesn"t love me! 2012-11-06 19:01:14 补充: 11) Grrrr! 表示生气的幽默用法。 用例:Grrrr! I"m in a bad mood get off!(哼!我心情唔靓,行开呀!) 12) Phew! 表示如如释重负,有惊无险。 用例:Phew! I thought I"d failed in the exam but I pass it finally.(嗯!我以为会唔合格,但最后都Pass。) 2012-11-06 19:02:03 补充: 13)S***! 表示极度不满,近乎粗言。 用例:S***! What did you do with my girl?(顶!你同我条女做过乜?) 14) Sign! 表示失望、无奈和叹息。 用例:Sign! She said she will leave me.(唉!佢话会离开我。) 15) What the hell! 表示极度不满。 粗言:What the fxxk!(在电视经常以『嘟』一声代替fxxk) 用例:What the hell! I have enough with her!(有冇搞错!我受够佢啦!) 参考: me dogs bark fish sing(=sink) bears bore(=born)
2023-08-07 21:27:351

英文 ge 感叹词

1) Oops! 表示对事件感到意外。 用例:Oops! we got the wrong way.(哎呀!我哋行错路添。) 2) Whoops! 1.表示突然想起某事。 用例:Whoops! I lost my wallet.(哎呀!我唔见咗个银包。) 2.表示发生意外。 用例:Whoops! I accidentally dropped my glass of water on the floor!(哎呀!我唔小心打泻杯水落地!) 3) Gee! 1.表示失望。 用例:Gee! Every time I try and can"t be chosen as best wer!(咦~次次答问题都唔拣我做最佳回答嘅!) 2.表示赞叹。 用例:Gee! She"s so pretty!(哗!佢好靓呀!) 3.表示不以为然。 用例:Gee! I"d never wer like that!(哗!我就唔会咁答问题肋!) 4) Ouch! 表示突然觉得疼痛。 用例:Ouch! You let me get hurt!(哎呀!你整痛我啦!) 5) uh-huh 1.表示肯定及表示在聆听对方。 用例:uh-huh I see.(唔,我明白。) 2.若加强语气,拉长uh-huh的发音,有反意,表示怀疑或不耐烦。 用例:uh-hun! Really?(啊~系咩?) 6) A! 表示遇到难题感到困惑。 用例:A! I don"t know how to wer this question!(呀~~真系唔知点答呢条问题!) 7) Urg!(亦作Arr!,Argh!,Arrgh!,Yarr!,Harr!) 原意表示沮丧,但有些人会用在任何事上。 用例:Urg! I can"t believe she"s going to make us sit through another one of her songs!(哗!唔系嘛,仲要坐系度听佢唱多首歌呀?) 8) Yeh 1.与Yeah相同,同是口语的Yes。 用例:Yeh I think so.(系呀,我觉冇错。) 2.加强语气表示欢呼。 用例:Yeh! I"ve been chosen as the best wer!(Yeh!我被选为最佳回答!) 以下一些为我会常用的感叹词和拟声词: 9) Geez! 表示气愤和难以置信,Jesus!的委婉说法。 同意词:Holy! 用例:Geez! Why did you tell her our secret?(天呀!你做乜讲晒佢听?) 10) Oh my God!(亦作Oh my Goddess! 、Oh my Load!、My God!、God!等等) 委婉说法:Gosh! 、Oh my... (省略不说God)、Oh my boy! 1.表示惊讶。 用例:Oh my God! I don"t why she suddenly hit me!(哗!我唔知点解佢无端端打我。) 2.表示狂喜。 用例:Oh my God! She said she love me!(哗~佢话钟意我呀!) 3.表示极度不满。 用例:Oh my God! She said she doesn"t love me!(嘘~佢话唔钟意我!) 11) Grrrr! 表示生气的幽默用法。 用例:Grrrr! I"m in a bad mood get off!(哼!我心情唔靓,行开呀!) 12) Phew! 表示如如释重负,有惊无险。 用例:Phew! I thought I"d failed in the exam but I pass it finally.(嗯!我以为会唔合格,但最后都Pass。) 13)S***! 表示极度不满,近乎粗言。 用例:S***! What did you do with my girl?(顶!你同我条女做过乜?) 14) Sign! 表示失望、无奈和叹息。 用例:Sign! She said she will leave me.(唉!佢话会离开我。) 15) What the hell! 表示极度不满。 委婉说法:What the heck!或What the...(省略不说Hell) 粗言:What the fxxk!(在电视经常以『嘟』一声代替fxxk) 用例:What the hell! I have enough with her!(有冇搞错!我受够佢啦!) 16) Whew! 表示经历极度忧虑后如释重负的感觉。 用例:Whew! She said she won"t leave me but leave that guy.(哗!佢话唔离开我啦,佢会离开果个男仔。) 17) Whoa! 1.用于阻止对方。 用例:Whoa! I don"t want to hear about you and that guy anymore.(喂!我唔想再听到你同果个男仔嘅事。) 2.表示困惑。 用例:Whoa! Don"t you understand what I mean?(哗!你究竟明唔明我讲乜架?) 3.表示对异性感兴趣。 用例:Whoa! Look at that chick! She"s pretty.(哗!你睇下果个女仔,佢好靓呀。) 18) Wow! 1.表示惊讶。 用例:Wow! What was that?(哗!果啲系咩?) 2.表示兴奋、激动。 用例:Wow! Your wer is amazing!(哗!你答得真系好!) 19) Yuck! 表示对尝到、嗅到、听到或看到的东西感到反感 用例:Yuck! This wer is suck!(呕!呢个答案真系差!) 20) Yum! 表示对食物感兴趣 用例:Yum! That chocolate cake looks fantastic!(唔!个朱古力蛋糕好似好好味u359e!) 参考:!yiewwQmLBRLL.3f30TFxei0-/article?mid=878
2023-08-07 21:27:491

谁有描写声音的 英语单词?我急用!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2023-08-07 21:28:311

Karma Police 歌词

歌曲名:Karma Police歌手:Radiohead专辑:5 Album Set (Pablo Honey/The Bends/OK Computer/Kid A/Amnesiac)Karma police arrest this man he talks in mathsHe buzzes like a fridge he"s like a detuned radioKarma police arrest this girl her hitler hairdoIs making me feel illand we have crashed her party.This is what you get. This is what you get.This is what you get when you mess with us.Karma police I"ve given all I can it"s not enoughI"ve given all I can but we"re still on the payroll.This is what you get. This is what you get.This is what you get when you mess with us.Phew for a minute there I lost myself I lost myselfI lost myself, I lost my self
2023-08-07 21:28:401

polly gets out 怎么讲授

网上可以找到图和文字。照着一张一张图讲。Polly the parrot gets out of her cage. She flies all over the neighborhood and sees many new things.Will she ever find her way back home? Supportive pictures, repetitive phrases, and high-frequency words make this book easy for early readers. ----Polly got out her vage. She flew out the door.Polly flew over the trees. She saw some houses.Polly flew over the houses. She saw a path.Polly flew over the path. She saw a pond.Polly flew over the pond. She saw a playground.Polly flew over the playground. She saw some flowers...some children,..a car."Squawk" said Polly. Polly flew back home.Polly flew into her cage. Phew Polly was safe.故事讲完,学词汇,学语法(例如 a car, some flowers. 例如过去时态),练习阅读。学课文理解,问一些有趣的问题。
2023-08-07 21:28:481


我觉得讲的蛮清楚的!如果对你有用,就看看吧!词(Word)是比词素高一级的语法单位,由一个或一个以上的词素构成。英语的词就其意义和语法作用来说可分为两大类:1)开放性词类开放性词类(Open-class Word)指各种实义词(Content Word),包括:名词(Noun)如:Asia,England,car,desk,fire,water,production,industry,doctor,nurse等。主动词(Main Verb)如:study,work,produce,modernize等。形容词(Adjective)如:pretty,ugly,big,small,cheap,expensive,long,short等。副词(Adverb)如:quickly,slowly,early,late,fluently,severely,rather,fairly等。上述几类词是随着社会历史的发展而发生变化的,新词不断产生,旧词逐渐被淘汰或取得新义。也就是说,这一类的词项是可以无限地排列下去的,所以叫做“开放性”词类。2)封闭性词类封闭性词类(Closed-class Word)指所有的功能词(Functional Word)或结构词(Structural Word),包括:代词(Pronoun)如:she,they,anybody,one,which,this/that,these/those等。限定词(Determiner)如:the,a(n),his,their,this,that,all,each等。介词(Preposition)如:of,in,over,with,except等。连词(Conjunction)如:and,but,or,because,when,where等。感叹词(Interjection)如:oh,ah,ugh,phew等。助动词(Auxiliary Verb)如:be,do,have,will/would,can/could,may/might,shall/should等。上述几类词数目有限,变化较少,所以叫做“封闭性”词类。在这里,顺便讲一下“词”和“语”的区别。“词”是词法概念;“语”是句法概念。当我们用词造句的时候,我们拿词或词组去充当句子的成分,例如作主语(Subject)、宾语(Object)、状语(Adver-bial)、补语(Complement)、谓语动词(Predicate Verb)等。同一类的“词”可以充当不同的“语”,同一类的“语”也往往可用不同类别的“词”去表示。例如:This fish is rich in oil.这种鱼很肥。They got a rich harvest.他们获得丰收。The rich often think differently from the poor.富人的想法往往和穷人不一样。形容词rich在上述第一句中作主语补语;在第二句中作名词修饰语;而在第三句中则与定冠词the相搭配作句子的主语。我觉得讲的蛮清楚的!如果对你有用,就看看吧!
2023-08-07 21:28:571

谁有描写声音的 英语单词?我急用!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2023-08-07 21:29:085


守望先锋游戏的一大特点是其语音量惊人,每位英雄台词非常有趣有内涵,今天深空高玩为玩家带来守望先锋小美台词大全,一起看看有趣之处吧。更多内容:守望先锋美图鉴战斗台词A-Mei-zing!——美~丽冻人Hang in there.——在那儿躺着吧Hey, chill out!——嘿,冷静点!I got you something.——我有东西要给你I hope you learned your lesson.——希望你能吸取教训Okay!——好吧Ouch, are you okay?——噢!你没事吧?Overcome all obstacles.——没有什么能难倒我Scary!——真可怕!Sorry sorry sorry sorry.——对不起对不起That was great.——刚才真好玩儿The world is worth fighting for.(汉语)——这个世界值得我们奋战Wishing you prosperity.(汉语)——恭喜发财Yay!——呀You have to let it go.——就让它过去吧互动台词1. 对温斯顿:美:我们可以抽时间交换一下笔记!(We should compare notes sometime!)温斯顿:求之不得呢!那么你对托贝尔斯坦的重力模型理论怎么看?(That would be great! What"s your opinion on the Toblesteins" gravitational models?)2. 看见温斯顿击杀敌人后:美:温斯顿,你真厉害!就像孙悟空一样!(Winston, you"re so awesome! Just like Sun Wukong!)3. 对“狂鼠”:“狂鼠”:Brrr...光是看着你我就觉得冷。(Brrr... I get cold just looking at you.)美:那你就别看着我。(Then you should look somewhere else.)4. 对“猎空”:美:猎空!你真是太不可思议了,我好激动!(Tracer! You are so amazing, you inspire me!)“猎空”:美,你才是大英雄!(Mei, you"re the real hero!)5. 对“天使”:美:齐格勒博士,我也没觉得你变老了呀!(Dr. Ziegler, I don"t think you"ve aged a day since I last saw you!)“天使”:你也没有,美。(And neither have you, Mei.)6. 对“堡垒”:美:堡垒,你会是一个完美的研究助手的。(Bastion, you would make the perfect research assistant.)7. 对_莉娅:美:查莉娅,我搞不懂为什么你们那儿那么冷你还穿这么少!(Zarya, I don"t understand how you can fight in the cold wearing so little!)_莉娅:如果你把你的大衣给我,我就告诉你我的秘密。(I"ll tell you my secret, if you give me your coat.)8. 对卢西奥:美:我能要你的签名吗?(Can I have your autograph?)9. 对D.Va:D.Va: 小美!我喜欢读你的日记!真羡慕你能去那么多地方。(Mei! I love reading your journal! I"m so jealous you get to go to all those places.)美:可不是吗,我想你应该多出去玩玩。(That"s true, I guess you don"t get to travel very much.)10. 对托比昂:托比昂:我在想能不能让我看看你的那个小机器人(I was wondering if I could take a look at your little robot...)美:可以是可以,但是你要管好你的锤子。(I suppose so... just keep that hammer to yourself.)11. 在炎热地区美:哎呀...我觉得我可能穿得太多了!(Phew... I think I might be a little overdressed for this place!)12. 在漓江塔美:回家的感觉真好。(It"s good to be back home!)13. 在俄罗斯美:你想不想堆个雪人?(Do you want to build a snowman?)守望先锋(Overwatch)官方中文国服版v1.0.4
2023-08-07 21:29:241


1.常见的表示声音的英语单词 voice 声音,一般指人的说话声,嗓音。 短语 speak in a low voice 低声说 raise one"s voice 提高声音 sound 声音 可以指来自大自然的各种声音,特别指优美动听的声音,也可以指响声,响动。比如鸟鸣声,林涛声,波浪声,音乐声等。 noise 声音,多指噪音。 例如 the pollution of city noise城市噪音污染 短语 make a noise/make noises 制造噪音,喧哗 2.谁有描写声音的 英语单词 Argh! 表示极度的沮丧和失望. Ah! 羡慕,满意 Aha! 满意,愉快,胜利 Ahem! 唤起注意 Alas! 遗憾,悲痛,不幸 Bah! 轻蔑,厌恶 Brrr! 寒冷 Blech! 吃到或 看到一些另人反感的东西时的反应. Blah! 咳!表示不喜欢,不赞成. Boom! 碰!形容巨响. Crash! 哗啦一声,形容物体相撞的声音. Darn!(Darn it!) 愤怒,失望 Eek! 唷! 表示恐惧. Eww! 呦!尝到,闻到或看到令人反感的东西时的反应. For goodness sake! 惊奇,害怕 Gad! 惊奇,不赞同 Gee! 惊奇,赞美 God!(Good god! Great God! 惊奇,恐惧 Geez! 天哪.表示气愤和难以置信.此为感叹词 Jesus 的委婉说法. Gosh! 哎呀!表惊讶. Grrrrr! 格噜..表示生气的幽默用法.是幽默地模仿了动物被激怒时发出的声音. Gulp! 不好!糟了!表示坏事即将发生.说这个词时,通常很小声. Good gracious! 惊奇,恼怒 Goodness! 惊奇,害怕,恼怒 Hi (嗨) Hush (嘘) Hem (哼) Heaven forbid! 惊奇,害怕 Heaven help me! 惊奇,害怕 (Good) Heavens! 惊奇,害怕 Help! 求助 Hey! 惊奇,喜悦,疑问,或唤起注意 Hmmm! 思考 Ho(a)! 惊奇,满足,喜悦或唤起注意 I-I-I-I-I! 呀呀。 ..!难以置信.读作: eye-y"eye-y"eye-y"eye-y"eye! I"ll be darned! 惊奇 Jesus(Christ)! 不满意,失望,痛苦,惊恐 Kaboom! 轰!砰!表突然发生的爆炸声. Look out! 警告 Mmmm! 品尝满意 Mercy! 惊奇 Mercy me! 惊奇 My! 惊奇,羡慕 My,my! 惊奇 My goodness! 惊奇,害怕 My word! 惊奇 Ow! 哎哟!表示疼痛. Oh! 惊奇,诧异,害怕,疼痛 Oh, boy! 激动,惊奇,惊喜(男女都可说) Oh, dear! 惊奇 Oh,my! 惊奇,羡慕 Oh, no! 害怕,惊奇,失望 Oho! 惊奇 Oh-oh! 遇到不顺心的事 Ouch 疼痛 Ow! 疼痛 Oh, well! 无可奈何 Pew ! 呦!表示味道难闻. Phew! 咳!表示极度焦虑之后,如释重负. Piuck! 呦!尝到,闻到或看到令人反感的东西时的反应. Pow! 啪!砰!形容突然的袭击. Psst! 唤起注意 Say! 唤起注意,或想起什么 Shit! 愤怒,厌恶,沮丧 Sigh! 唉!咳!表示无奈和失望. 说的时候,轻轻的,无可奈何的! Smash! 哗啦!形容物体猛烈撞击,造成破碎或损坏. Thwack! 啪!形容物体相撞发出急促的声音,但没有造成破损.打耳光就可以用这个滴.呵呵. Thank God! 宽慰,感谢 Thank goodness! 感谢 Tsk-tsk! 不赞同 Tut-tut! 不满,不耐烦 Ugh! 厌恶 Unbelievable! 惊讶 Wham! 砰!描述快速移动的物体突然撞击在景致的物体上时所发出的声音. Whew! 表示经理极度焦虑后的极大安慰. Whoa! 嘿!嘿!用于阻止对方的行动. Whoops! 嗨!突然想起要做某事 oops! 哎呀!表示发生意外. 撞到别人时可以用哦. Whoosh! 呼的医生,嗖的一声.描述物体快速移动发出的声音. Watch it! 警告 Watch out! 警告 Well! 惊奇,宽慰 Well, I never! 惊奇,愤怒 Well,well! 惊奇 Whoopee! 高兴 Wow! 诧异,惊讶,羡慕,快乐 Yike! 啊呀!哇!表示惊讶和关切! Yipe! 同上. Yuck 呸!呦!尝到,闻到或看到令人反感的东西时的反应. Yum! 表示刺激食欲! Zap! 嚓!表示突如起来的快速袭击. Zowie! 啪!表示殴打.。 3.表示声音的英语单词有哪些 有关声音的英语单词:woosh ·whiz ·whish ·whisper ·wham ·vox ·vroom ·voice ·vocal ·vocalism ·vocally ·voces ·viva voce ·vivavoce ·tinny ·thump ·susurrate ·surd ·stentor ·stentorian ·splutter ·sound ·sonant ·smacking ·shrill ·shoo ·skirl ·screechy · 一. 基本概念 1.声音(sound)是由物体振动产生的声波。是通过介质(空气或固体、液体)传播并能被人或动物听觉器官所感知的波动现象。最初发出振动(震动)的物体叫声源。声音以波的形式振动(震动)传播。声音是声波通过任何物质传播形成的运动。 2.声音作为一种波,频率在20 Hz~20 kHz之间的声音是可以被人耳识别的。 二. 基本解释 1. [Sound] 2. 使人产生听觉的振动 3. 一种由物体振动而发生的波造成的听觉印象 4. [Voice]∶某些起与人的语言相同作用的工具或表达手段 三. 声音特性 (一)响度(loudness):人主观上感觉声音的大小(俗称音量),由“振幅”(amplitude)和人离声源的距离决定,振幅越大响度越大,人和声源的距离越小,响度越大。 (二)音调(pitch):声音的高低(高音、低音),由“频率”(frequency)决定,频率越高音调越高(频率单位Hz(hertz),赫兹rl,人耳听觉范围20~20000Hz。 (三)音色(Timbre):又称音品,波形决定了声音的音色。声音因不同物体材料的特性而具有不同特性,音色本身是一种抽象的东西,但波形是把这个抽象直观的表现。音色不同,波形则不同。典型的音色波形有方波,锯齿波,正弦波,脉冲波等。不同的音色,通过波形,完全可以分辨的。 (四)乐音:有规则的让人愉悦的声音。噪音:从物理学的角度看,由发声体作无规则振动时发出的声音;从环境保护角度看,凡是干扰人们正常工作、学习和休息的声音,以及对人们要听的声音起干扰作用的声音。 4.声音的英文 “声音”的英文:voice 读法:英 [vu0252u026as] 美 [vu0254u026as] 释义: 1、n. 声音;嗓音;发言权;愿望 2、vt. 表达;吐露 passive voice被动语态 voice dial语音拨号 Voice over声过滤 例句: 1、so try to read the lyrics and listening the voice and the sounds and try to play with them. 试着看着歌词,听着声音。 2、He"s a literary power, a figure who could be called upon to supply the voice of tradition in itself. 他是一种文化力量,一个,可以随时用来声援传统文化的人物。 扩展资料 voice的近义词:organ 读法:英 ["u0254u02d0g(u0259)n] 美 ["u0254rɡu0259n] 释义: 1、n. 器官;机构;风琴;管风琴;嗓音;阴茎 2、n. (Organ)人名;(英)奥根 短语: 1、authority organ权力机关 2、Church Organ教堂风琴 3、electronic organ电子琴 4、organ culture组织培养 5、Organ Transplant器官移植 5.生活中常用的英语句子 Music plays quite a great part in people"s daily life。 2。 You can feel the happiness of success only after you fail。 3 Iam not only conscious of my own shortcoming,but also want to overcome it。 4 More and more people enjoy living in the countryside to get the free from the crowd people and noise。 5 Most doctors think people"s healthy is closely related to their diet。 6 Although I meet with many difficulties ,I will never give up,either。 6.关于声污染的相关英文句子及翻译 We know the sounds of cities are loud enough to cause great harm to people"s hearing in the U.S.One person out of twenty has got some hearing loss.And all over the world the situation is getting worse and worse all the time since the noise increases with the population.With the development of machines,noise has also increased greatly in the 20th century.We live surrounded by loud planes,trucks and electric tools.TV sets and radios add up to 90 or J00 decibels,a certain unit used to measure the loudness of sound.A normal dialogue reaches 55 decibels; a plane goes to 100,and an ordinary train,reaching the station,can be twice as loud as the loudest plane.Disco music reaches about 118.At decibels the ear stops hearing sound,and pain starts.How terrible if things go on like this!噪音污染众所周知,在美国,城市巨大的噪音对人们的听力造成了极大的损害.每20个人中就有一个有不同程度的听力损伤.就世界范围看来,因为噪音随着人口的不断增长,而越来越严重,这种情况也愈发恶化.20世纪,随着机械制造业的发展,噪音污染也日益加剧.我们生活在震耳欲聋的飞机、卡车和电器中.电视和收音机加起来甚至达到90至100分贝(分贝:一种测定声音大小的特定单位).人们普通的对话是55分贝;飞机飞行中为100分贝;而一列普通的火车在到站时音量能够达到最嘈杂的飞机的两倍;迪斯科音乐更是高达118分贝.到达分贝耳朵就会丧失听觉,感到痛苦.这样下去,该是一件多么可怕的事情啊。
2023-08-07 21:29:311


语句块是在条件为真(条件语句)时执行或者执行多次(循环语句)的一组语句;在代码前放置空格来缩进语句即可创建语句块,语句块中的每行必须是同样的缩进量;(推荐学习:Python视频教程)缩进:Python开发者有意让违反了缩进规则的程序不能通过编译,以此来强制程序员养成良好的编程习惯;Python语言利用缩进表示语句块的开始和退出(Off-side规则),而非使用花括号或者某种关键字;增加缩进表示语句块的开始,而减少缩进则表示语句块的退出。缩进是Python语法的一部分。下面的伪代码(并非真正的Python代码)展示了缩进的工作方式: this is a line this is a line this is another block continuing the same block the last line of this block phew,there we escaped the inner block多语言使用特殊单词或者字符(比如begin或{ )来表示一个语句块的开始,用另外的单词或者字符(比如end或 })表示语句块的结束。但是在Python中,冒号(:)用来标识语句块的开始,块中的每一个语句都是缩进的(缩进量相同)。当回退到和已经闭合的块一样的缩进量时,就表示当前块已经结束了。更多Python相关技术文章,请访问Python教程栏目进行学习!
2023-08-07 21:29:531


2023-08-07 21:30:046

急求典范英语6的第10本(水母鞋)全本详细翻译 谢谢

英语文本翻译模型? ?
2023-08-07 21:30:318

ALL I see is just this raging blue 那首歌歌词

Rap God - EminemLook I was gonna go easy on you andnot to hurt your feelingsBut Iu2019m only going to get this one chanceSomething wrong I can feel itIts just I feel it in my gutsLike something about to happenbut I donu2019t know whatIf that mean what I think it meanswere in trouble big troubleAnd if heu2019s banana as you sayIu2019m not taking any chancesYouu2019re just what the sound wantsI"m beginning to feel like a rap god, rap godAll my people from the front to the back nod back nodNow who thinks their arms are longenough to slap box slap boxThey said I rap like a robot so call me rapbotBut for me to rap like a computeritu2019s must be in my genesI got a laptop in my back pocketMy pinnacle walk when I half cock itGot a fat knot from that rap profitMade a living and killing off itEvery since Bill Clinton was still in officeWith Monica Lewinsky feeling on his nut sacksIu2019m a emcee still as honest but as rudeas indecent as hell all syllablesKillaholic kill em all withThis ligiti hibidi hibidi hip-hop youdonu2019t really want to get into itPut with this back packand a mac in the back of the yakback pack rat yap yap yapNow at the exact same time I takethese lyrically acrobats stunts while Iu2019m practicingIu2019ll be able break a mother fucking tableover the back of a couple of faggets and crack it in halfTony realize he was ironic I was under aftermath after the factHow could I not blow all I do is drop F bombsGive him a wraithbatat rapper having a rough time periodHere is a maxi pad its actually disasterly badFor the for the master leak destructing master p assI"m beginning to feel like a rap god, rap godAll my people from the front to the back nod back nodNow who thinks their arms arelong enough to slap box slap boxLet me show you maintainingthat shit ainu2019t that hard that hardEverybody wants the key and the secretsto rapping mortality like I have godWell to be truthful the blue printssimply raging youthful exuberanceEverybody love the root of a nuisance50 got up like an asteroid and didnothing but shoot to the moon since “phew”Emcee get taking to schoolwith this music cause I use it as a vehicleTo bust a rhyme got to lead a school of new studentsMe Iu2019m a product of Rakim Lakim 2pac N.W.A Cube Ren Easy thank you they got slimInspired enough to one day grow upblow up and be in a positionTo meet Run DMC and induct them to the motherfuckingRock and roll hall of fame even thoughI walk in the church and burst in a ball of flamesOnly hall of fame I be inducted in is thealcohol of fame on the wall of shameYou fags think itu2019s a game till I walk a flock of flamesOff of planking tell me what in the fuck are you thinkingLittle gay looking boy so gayI can barely say it with a straight face looking boyYou witnessing a massacre like your watchinga church gathering take place looking boyOy vey that boy is gay thatu2019s all they say looking boyYou get a thumbs up pat on the back anda way to go from your label everyday looking boyHey looking boy what you say looking boyI got a hell yeah from trey looking boyIu2019mma work for everythingI have never asked nobody for shitget outta my face looking boyBasically boy youu2019re never gonnabe capable to be keeping up with the same pace looking boyI"m beginning to feel like a rap god, rap godAll my people from the front to the back nod back nodThe way Iu2019m racing around the track call me Nascar NascarThere own heart of the trailer park the white trash godKneel before Generals Zod this planetkrypton no asgard asgardSo you be Thor and Iu2019ll be Odin you rodentIu2019m omnipotentLet off then Iu2019m reloading immediately with there bombs Iu2019m toteingAnd I should not be woken Iu2019m walking dead butIu2019m just a talking head a zombie floatingBut I got your mom deep throatingIu2019m out my ramen noodleWe have nothing in common poodleIu2019m a Doberman pinch yourselfin the arm and pay homage pupilIts me my honestyu2019s brutalBut its honesty futile if I donu2019t utilizethat I do thoughFor good at least once in awhileso I wanna make sure somewhere chicken scratch scribble and doodleEnough rhymes to maybe to try and helpget some people through tough timesBut I gotta keep a few punch linesJust in case cause even if youu2019re unsignedRappers are hungry looking at me like itu2019s lunchtimeI know there was a time where onceI was king of the underground but I still rap likeIu2019m on a pharaoh grindSo I crunch rhymes but sometimeswhen you combine a pill with the skin color of mineYou get too big and since you like that one lineI said Mathers LPWhen I tried take seven kids from ColumbinePut "em all in line add an AK-47 a revolver and one nineSee if I get away with it now then I ainu2019t as big asI was but Iu2019m morph into an immortalComing through the portalBut youu2019re stuck in a time warp from 2004 though andI donu2019t know what the fuck that you rhyme forYouu2019re pointless like Rapunzel with fucking cornrollsfuck being normalAnd I just bought a new ray gunfrom the future to just come and shoot yaLike when Fabolous made Ray J madpick a fight Mayweather pants on the doorMan oh man that was a 24 special on the cable channelSo Ray J went straight to the radio station the very next dayHey fab Iu2019mma kill you lyrics coming at youat super sonic speed (Ray J Fag)Uh sama lama dama lama you assuming Iu2019m a humanWhat I gotta do to get it through to you Iu2019m superhumanInnovative made of rubber so anything you saying ricocheting off of menever stating more than demonstrating how togive a mother fucker feeling like heu2019s levitatingNever fading and I know that the haters are forever waitingFor the day that they can say I fell off theyu2019d be celebratingCause I know that way to get u2018em motivatedI make elevating music you make elevator musicALL I see is just this raging blueOh heu2019s too mainstream well thatu2019s what they doing jealous they confuse itIts not hip hop its pop cause I found a hella way to fuse itWith rock shocked rap with Doc donu2019t to make them lose itI donu2019t know how to make songs like that I donu2019t know
2023-08-07 21:31:181


2023-08-07 21:31:303


2023-08-07 21:31:415


小学EEC英语词汇表(3—5年级)Aa/an 一,一个afternoon 下午all 所有的am 是and 和ant 蚂蚁at 在are 是about 关于apple 苹果after 在……之后again 又,再any 任何的arm 手臂,胳膊ask 问aunt 姑,姨away 离去already 已经America 美国anything 任何东西anyway 无论如何April 四月August 八月Australia 澳大利亚ah 啊(语气词)aw 哇(语气词)achoo 打喷嚏声(语气词)airplane 飞机airport 机场always 总是amusement 娱乐animal 动物around 在……周围artist 艺术家astronaut 宇航员awesome 引起敬畏的Bbag 书包ball 球be (am, is, are) 是bear 熊big 大的book 书brother 兄弟bye 再见banana 香蕉bed 床behind 在……后面birthday 生日black 黑色的blue 蓝色的box 盒子bread 面包but 但是baseball 棒球bat 球拍bend 弯曲beside 在……旁边better 更好的bike 自行车breakfast 早餐balloon 气球bathroom 浴室beautiful 美丽的blow 吹bookstore 书店bumper car 碰碰车busy 忙的buy 买before 在……之前belt 腰带boots 靴子borrow 借brown 棕色的brush 刷bus 公共汽车button 扣子by 靠,通过back 向后的beach 海滩because 因为best 最好的block 街区bored 心烦的building 建筑物between 在……之间Ccap 帽子car 小汽车cat 猫chair 椅子class 班级close 关闭come 来computer 计算机cool 凉快的cute 可爱的,聪明的cake 蛋糕can 能candle 蜡烛chocolate 巧克力clean 清洁coat 上衣cold 冷的color 颜色count 数数can"t 不能careful 小心的,仔细的circle 圆周,圆圈cook 厨师crack 爆裂,打破card 卡片China 中国clerk 店员,职员clock 钟cost 花费cousin 堂兄弟姐妹Canada 加拿大cheap 便宜的children 孩子(复数)collar 领子cafeteria 自助餐厅camera 照相机check 检查Chinese 汉语cloud 云cloudy 多云的Coke 可乐cough 咳嗽Ddad 爸爸day 日子desk 桌子do 助动词dog 狗down 向下draw 画dollar 美元door 门doctor 医生department store 百货商店dining room 餐厅dish 碟子drive 驾驶dumpling 饺子date 日期December 十二月dinner 晚餐downstairs 楼下dress 给……穿衣服design 设计drop 滴dry 干的during 在……期间Eear 耳朵eight 八elephant 象eraser 橡皮eye 眼睛eighteen 十八eleven十一easy 容易的eat 吃egg 鸡蛋English 英语every 每一个exercise 练习eighty 八十exciting 激动人心的excited 兴奋的excuse 原谅expensive 昂贵的Egypt 埃及engineer 工程师enjoy 享受explore 探索Ffine 好的first 第一fish 鱼five 五foot 脚four 四fox 狐狸friend 朋友fifteen 十五fifty 五十for 为……fourteen 十四forty 四十full 饱的face 脸find 发现,找到flour 面粉from 从……,来自于……fall 秋天fever 发烧fire station 消防站fork 叉子Friday 星期五fun 乐趣far 远的father 爸爸February 二月find 找到,发现finish 完成farmer 农民fantastic 神奇的family 家人favorite 最喜爱的feed 喂养feel感觉fly 飞food 食物forget 忘记front 前面fry 油炸食品Gget 得到giraffe 长颈鹿go 去goat 山羊good-bye 再见game 游戏great 极好的green 绿色的glove 手套gray 灰色的grandma 奶奶grandpa 爷爷glasses 眼镜gift 礼物Hhand 手have 有he 他(指男性)head 头hello 喂,嘿here 这儿,这里hi 喂hippo 河马how 怎么样happy 幸福的hat 帽子help 帮助hey 嘿(语气词)hide 藏hide-n-seek 捉迷藏home 家hot 热的hot dog 热狗hungry 饿的his 他的hit 打hurt 使受伤hang 悬挂happen 发生headache 头痛honey 蜂蜜hope 希望hospital 医院hundred 百hairpin 发卡her 她(宾格)homework 家庭作业hurry 赶快hard 猛烈的Hawaii 夏威夷hear 听high 高的hiking 徒步旅行hobby 爱好holiday 假期II 我in 在……里insect 昆虫it 它is 是into 到……里idea 主意interesting 有趣的Jjet 飞机jump 跳juice 汁jam 果酱jacket 夹克January 一月jeans 牛仔裤join 参加July 七月June 六月Japan 日本job 工作just 仅仅Kkangaroo 袋鼠kid 小孩knee 膝盖know 知道kitchen 厨房knapsack 背包kite 风筝Llike 喜欢lion 狮子look 看late 晚的,迟的let"s (let us) 让我们light 灯love 爱,喜爱leg 腿library 图书馆lift 抬,举long 长的lunch 午餐lantern 灯笼living room 起居室last 最后的little 少许live 居住lot 许多laundry 洗衣店learn 学习left 左边lemonade 柠檬汁list 清单luggage 行李Mme 我meet 遇到Miss 小姐mom 妈妈monkey 猴子monster 怪物morning 早晨mouth 嘴my 我的make 制作many 许多milk 牛奶Monday 星期一moon 月亮more 更多的much 多的math 数学mine 我的mix 混合Mrs. 女士,夫人music 音乐matter 事件may 可以March 三月May 五月minute 分钟mother 母亲movie 电影museum 博物馆modal 模型mountain 山Nname 名字nest 巢,窝nice 美好的night 晚上nine 九no 不nose 鼻not 不number 数字next 下一个nineteen 十九now 现在new 新的New Year"s Day 元旦ninety 九十near 近的newspaper 报纸November 十一月never 从来不Ooh 哦(表惊讶、赞叹等)OK (okay) 好on 在……上面one 一open 打开ouch 哎呦(表剧痛)out 向外面ox 牛o"clock 点钟off 离开,脱离old 年长的,旧的orange 橘子ow 哎呦(感叹词,表示疼痛)ooh 哎呀(语气词)oops 哎呦(语气词)over 越过,超过October 十月Ppanda 熊猫pencil 铅笔pick 捡,摘picture 图画please 请put 放pants 裤子pear 梨pineapple 菠萝pizza 比萨饼play 玩pretty 漂亮的pass 传递pancake 薄烤饼,平锅饼pan 平底锅piano 钢琴park 公园phew 啊,哎photo 照片policeman 警察poor 可怜的post office 邮局present 礼物pocket 兜子,口袋purple 紫色的Paris 巴黎pen pal 笔友people 人picnic 野餐pie 馅饼piece 件pilot 飞行员place 地方plan 计划plane 飞机planet 行星police station 警察局pool 游泳池pour 下大雨practice 练习pyramid 金字塔Qqueen 女王,王后quiet 安静的quickly 迅速地Rrabbit 兔子ready 准备room 房间run 跑red 红色的read 读ride 骑restaurant 餐馆right 正确的,恰当的robot 机器人roller coaster 过山车rain 雨raincoat 雨衣rest 休息runny 流鼻涕的Sseal 海豹see 看到seven 七she 她(指女性)shirt 衬衫shoe 鞋sister 姐妹sit 坐six 六small 小的so 如此sorry 对不起stand 站sure 当然sandwich 三明治Saturday 星期六say 说seek 寻找,搜索seventeen 十七show 出示,给……看sick 有病的sixteen 十六sixty 六十skate 滑冰skirt 裙子sleep 睡觉snow 雪snowball 雪球snowman 雪人soap 肥皂sock 袜子some 一些soon 不久star 星星sun 太阳Sunday 星期日salad 沙拉salt 盐school 学校score 比分should 肩膀sing 唱歌slide 滑梯so long 再见(非正式用语)spoon 勺,匙square 正方形stop 停止street 街道student 学生sugar 糖swim 游泳season 季节send 邮,寄seventy 七十scare 惊吓smile 微笑spider 蜘蛛spoon 匙,汤匙spring 春天Spring Festival 春节stomachache 胃痛summer 夏天supermarket 超级市场surprise 惊讶Saturday 星期六September 九月shop 商店short 短的size 尺寸sleeve 袖子sometimes 有时subway 地铁sweater 羊毛衫sad悲伤的slight 稍微sleepy 困倦的snack bar 快餐厅sound 听起来sore 痛的spaceship 宇宙飞船spaghetti 意大利面条stay 逗留straight 直的Sunday 星期天sunny 阳光充足的swimmer 游泳运动员Ttall 高的ten 十thanks 谢谢that 那个the 那,这(冠词)there 那里(指远处)this 这个three 三tiger 老虎to 到too 也two 二table 桌子take 拿,取them他们(宾格)these 这些thirsty 口渴的thirteen十三thirty 三十Thursday 星期四time 时间today 今天touch 触摸Tuesday 星期二turn 转动,翻转twelve 十二twenty二十teacher 老师thank 谢谢then 然后they 他们third 第三toast 烤面包toe 脚趾tomorrow 明天triangle 三角形try 尝试tired 累的toothache 牙痛try 试TV 电视机tennis 网球teeth 牙(tooth的复数)twins 双胞胎theater 剧院think 想throat 咽喉ticket 票together 一起trip 旅行tower 塔Uumbrella 伞up 向上under 在……下面um 嗯,啊(语气词)ugh 啊(语气词)uncle 叔叔,舅舅us 我们(宾格)U.S.A. 美国usually 通常Vvery 非常,很violin 小提琴vacation 假期vet 兽医violinist小提琴家visit 参观Wwalk 走watch 手表wave 挥动whale 鲸what 什么who 谁window 窗户wow 喔want 想要water 水watermelon 西瓜we 我们Wednesday 星期三welcome 受欢迎的where 哪里white 白色的well 啊(语气词)whose 谁的wrong 错误的warm 温暖的which 哪一个winter 冬天with 和……wonderful 美妙的work 工作write 写wash 洗wear 穿when 什么时候win 赢without 没有weather 天气week 星期,周weekend 周末wet 湿的will 将要windy 有风的worry 担心Yyes 是的yo-yo 溜溜球you 你,你们your 你的,你们的yellow 黄色的yours 你的,你们的yourself 你自己yesterday 昨天Zzebra 斑马zipper 拉锁共计:649个单词
2023-08-07 21:32:011

求一篇英语作文 我最喜欢的名著

The Importance of Good Writing Skills Writing skills can be the ticket to better college grades and greater academic achievement. This article introduces a few techniques for applying writing skills to college success. But this good advice will be lost on you if you don"t believe writing skills are important and can help you achieve academic mastery. Our job is to convince you. To begin with, the overwhelming majority of instructors we surveyed said that writing skills are critical to academic success. And if you see yourself as one of those college students who will say "Phew" when the syllabus reveals only exams and no papers, what happens when those exams turn out to be essay tests? This article suggests a few ways to raise your grade on those exams simply by employing the principles of good writing -- even if you study no harder and know the material no better than you do now. Perhaps you"ve heard that no one cares about your grades once you leave the halls of academia. While that notion holds some truth, it is equally true that most potential employers do care about writing skills. They care so much that they bemoan the poor preparation of the entry-level pool of grads. In a labor force full of mediocre writers, someone who writes well is bound to stand out and succedd. Academicians and business people view writing skills as crucial, yet increasing numbers of these professionals note a steady erosion in the writing abilities of graduates. The summary of a study published in Personnel Update states: "Writing skills ... of executives are shockingly low, indicating that schools and colleges dismally fail with at least two-thirds of the people who pass through the education pipeline coming out unable to write a simple letter." In 1988, Lin Grensing reported that 79 percent of surveyed executives cited writing as one of the most neglected skills in the business world, yet one of the most important to productivity. A 1992 survey of 402 companies reported by the Associated Press noted that executives identified writing as the most valued skill but said 80 percent of their employees at all levels need to improve. The number of workers needing improvement in writing skills was up 20 percent from results of the same survey in 1991. Results of a 1993 study by Olsten Corp., a placement agency, were almost identical: 80 percent of 443 employers surveyed said their workers needed training in writing skills. The need for workers with writing skills will only increase. A 1991 report by the U.S. Labor Department noted that most future jobs will require writing skills.
2023-08-07 21:32:241

请问有谁知道Radiohead的一首歌《karma police》歌名是什么意思?

rh表达的都差不多 压抑 郁闷 彷徨这是我男朋友说的~
2023-08-07 21:32:324


These materials can be tomorrow morning before depositing different towns have different characteristics, for example : HOUJIE town good furniture and shoes, good electronic CHANGAN town, DALANG good at knitting sweaters us here in summer often a failure, because the power shortage is a Chinese citizen I have my dignity, I will not be detained by not working you always opinionated, You never thought you is not a problem you think you should do every day a temper problem will be solved? Why do not you own review of this, think about the issue out where in the end? I pay him a lot of our power outages in the region today, in addition to the office outside the staff have no work. I am worried that she will stop us from shipping. Two cartons of milk to cost. Personalized services to promote training with his eloquence and courage not to choose life so there is a trade Annex is a building materials market
2023-08-07 21:32:413

you go and pay off you 什么歌的歌词

Rap God - EminemLook I was gonna go easy on you andnot to hurt your feelingsBut Iu2019m only going to get this one chanceSomething wrong I can feel itIts just I feel it in my gutsLike something about to happenbut I donu2019t know whatIf that mean what I think it meanswere in trouble big troubleAnd if heu2019s banana as you sayIu2019m not taking any chancesYouu2019re just what the sound wantsI"m beginning to feel like a rap god, rap godAll my people from the front to the back nod back nodNow who thinks their arms are longenough to slap box slap boxThey said I rap like a robot so call me rapbotBut for me to rap like a computeritu2019s must be in my genesI got a laptop in my back pocketMy pinnacle walk when I half cock itGot a fat knot from that rap profitMade a living and killing off itEvery since Bill Clinton was still in officeWith Monica Lewinsky feeling on his nut sacksIu2019m a emcee still as honest but as rudeas indecent as hell all syllablesKillaholic kill em all withThis ligiti hibidi hibidi hip-hop youdonu2019t really want to get into itPut with this back packand a mac in the back of the yakback pack rat yap yap yapNow at the exact same time I takethese lyrically acrobats stunts while Iu2019m practicingIu2019ll be able break a mother fucking tableover the back of a couple of faggets and crack it in halfTony realize he was ironic I was under aftermath after the factHow could I not blow all I do is drop F bombsGive him a wraithbatat rapper having a rough time periodHere is a maxi pad its actually disasterly badFor the for the master leak destructing master p assI"m beginning to feel like a rap god, rap godAll my people from the front to the back nod back nodNow who thinks their arms arelong enough to slap box slap boxLet me show you maintainingthat shit ainu2019t that hard that hardEverybody wants the key and the secretsto rapping mortality like I have godWell to be truthful the blue printssimply raging youthful exuberanceEverybody love the root of a nuisance50 got up like an asteroid and didnothing but shoot to the moon since “phew”Emcee get taking to schoolwith this music cause I use it as a vehicleTo bust a rhyme got to lead a school of new studentsMe Iu2019m a product of Rakim Lakim 2pac N.W.A Cube Ren Easy thank you they got slimInspired enough to one day grow upblow up and be in a positionTo meet Run DMC and induct them to the motherfuckingRock and roll hall of fame even thoughI walk in the church and burst in a ball of flamesOnly hall of fame I be inducted in is thealcohol of fame on the wall of shameYou fags think itu2019s a game till I walk a flock of flamesOff of planking tell me what in the fuck are you thinkingLittle gay looking boy so gayI can barely say it with a straight face looking boyYou witnessing a massacre like your watchinga church gathering take place looking boyOy vey that boy is gay thatu2019s all they say looking boyYou get a thumbs up pat on the back anda way to go from your label everyday looking boyHey looking boy what you say looking boyI got a hell yeah from trey looking boyIu2019mma work for everythingI have never asked nobody for shitget outta my face looking boyBasically boy youu2019re never gonnabe capable to be keeping up with the same pace looking boyI"m beginning to feel like a rap god, rap godAll my people from the front to the back nod back nodThe way Iu2019m racing around the track call me Nascar NascarThere own heart of the trailer park the white trash godKneel before Generals Zod this planetkrypton no asgard asgardSo you be Thor and Iu2019ll be Odin you rodentIu2019m omnipotentLet off then Iu2019m reloading immediately with there bombs Iu2019m toteingAnd I should not be woken Iu2019m walking dead butIu2019m just a talking head a zombie floatingBut I got your mom deep throatingIu2019m out my ramen noodleWe have nothing in common poodleIu2019m a Doberman pinch yourselfin the arm and pay homage pupilIts me my honestyu2019s brutalBut its honesty futile if I donu2019t utilizethat I do thoughFor good at least once in awhileso I wanna make sure somewhere chicken scratch scribble and doodleEnough rhymes to maybe to try and helpget some people through tough timesBut I gotta keep a few punch linesJust in case cause even if youu2019re unsignedRappers are hungry looking at me like itu2019s lunchtimeI know there was a time where onceI was king of the underground but I still rap likeIu2019m on a pharaoh grindSo I crunch rhymes but sometimeswhen you combine a pill with the skin color of mineYou get too big and since you like that one lineI said Mathers LPyou go and pay off you When I tried take seven kids from ColumbinePut "em all in line add an AK-47 a revolver and one nineSee if I get away with it now then I ainu2019t as big asI was but Iu2019m morph into an immortalComing through the portalBut youu2019re stuck in a time warp from 2004 though andI donu2019t know what the fuck that you rhyme forYouu2019re pointless like Rapunzel with fucking cornrollsfuck being normalAnd I just bought a new ray gunfrom the future to just come and shoot yaLike when Fabolous made Ray J madpick a fight Mayweather pants on the doorMan oh man that was a 24 special on the cable channelSo Ray J went straight to the radio station the very next dayHey fab Iu2019mma kill you lyrics coming at youat super sonic speed (Ray J Fag)Uh sama lama dama lama you assuming Iu2019m a humanWhat I gotta do to get it through to you Iu2019m superhumanInnovative made of rubber so anything you saying ricocheting off of menever stating more than demonstrating how togive a mother fucker feeling like heu2019s levitatingNever fading and I know that the haters are forever waitingFor the day that they can say I fell off theyu2019d be celebratingCause I know that way to get u2018em motivatedI make elevating music you make elevator musicOh heu2019s too mainstream well thatu2019s what they doing jealous they confuse itIts not hip hop its pop cause I found a hella way to fuse itWith rock shocked rap with Doc donu2019t to make them lose itI donu2019t know how to make songs like that I donu2019t know
2023-08-07 21:32:491

This is what you get````````跪求中文歌词```

是歌曲《Karma Police》(轮回刑警) 以下是中文歌词:)~ Karma police 轮回刑警 arrest this man, 逮捕那家伙 he talks in maths, 他口齿不清 he buzzes like a fridge, 象电冰箱一样发出嗡嗡的声音 he"s like a detuned radio. 还像一台调不准音的收音机 Karma police 轮回刑警 arrest this girl, 逮捕那娘们 her Hitler hairdo 她发型象希特勒 is making me feel ill 让我快要作呕 and we have crashed her party. 况且我们早就根除了纳粹党 This is what you get, 这就是你的下场 this is what you get, 这就是你的下场 this is what you get, 这就是你的下场 when you mess with us. 如果你还要顽抗 Karma police 轮回刑警 I"ve given all I can, 我早就竭尽所能 it"s not enough, 但还是差之毫厘 I"ve given all I can 我早就竭尽全力 but we"re still on the payroll. 但还得苟且偷生 This is what you get, 这就是你的下场 this is what you get, 这就是你的下场 this is what you get, 这就是你的下场 when you mess with us. 这就是你的下场 For a minute there I lost myself, I lost myself. 恍惚之间,差点迷失自我 Phew, for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself. 恍惚之间,差点迷失自我
2023-08-07 21:32:571

The hotel guests___last night.They managed to escape from the burning building

2023-08-07 21:33:053