barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-08-11 13:55:29

1.下载模板后,将其解压缩并退出Final Cut Pro X.打开访问者找到“影片”文件夹并打开它。里面是一个名为“运动模板”的文件夹。 Mac下载 2.然后打开“运动模板”文件夹。里面有五个文件夹,分别对应:作曲、效果、发生器、片头、转场。 Mac下载 3.如果没有这个文件夹,自己创建一个,右键新建一个名为“Transitions”的文件夹,然后选择目录或者使用快捷命令I将Transitions文件夹重命名为[Transitions.localized] Mac下载 4.4中相应文件夹和扩展名的描述。过渡文件夹如下 的延伸。moef是最终剪辑效果,对应的文件夹是:[Effects] 的延伸。motn是最终剪切生成器,对应的文件夹是[生成器] 的延伸。moti是最终剪辑标题,对应的文件夹是标题[标题] 的延伸。motr是最终剪切转场,对应的文件夹是转场。 5.打开“FCPX ”,然后找到相应效果所在的标签以查看过渡是否出现。如果分步操作后没有出现,请安装和Final Cut X 10.4或更高版本。



2023-08-07 17:49:262


2023-08-07 17:50:301


1、大洋有自己的板卡,安装大洋红桥板卡后,非编依靠板卡工作,速度是PR的200%2、PR你只能在本机打开工程文件,而大洋组成局域网(非编网)后可以在网内任何一台主机打开工程文件,也可以多人打开同一个工程文件进行操作。3、PR相对来说是一个软件,而大洋则是一个系统。从素材导入到播出,都有一套完整的系统。但这种分割方式也存在着致命的缺点,首先,它不进行数据处理,固对导入格式的兼容性低,只能支持传输流格式,譬如RMVB、WMV、FLV,对于必须具有完整数据才能播放的程序流格式,譬如DVD,是不支持的。因为一旦直接分割,这种程序流格式便会由于数据缺失,成为被损坏的文件,而无法播放,也失去了视频剪辑的意义了。同时,直接分割的弊端还在于,不进行数据处理,即不存在质的改变,也就无法实现格式改变。扩展资料:动画过渡:对于初学者来说,很快记住如此多的过渡效果,并且在影片中灵活应用这些过渡效果是比较困难的。Premiers6.0为我们提供了便利,通过设置,可以在 Transitions窗口中动态地显示这些过渡效果,以动画形式展示了这些过渡效果作用以后的具体效果。首先切换到Transitions面板,然后单击面板右上方的三角图标,打开窗口的控制菜单,选择Animate菜单命令。如图所示:这时候已经启用了动画显示过渡效果的功能。在Transitions面板中,双击并打开任何一个文件夹。这些效果正不停演示着从A向B的过渡。这里还介绍几个过渡效果的查看技巧:在Transitions面板的窗口控制菜单中,选择Expand All Folders命令,可以打开所有的文件夹,显现出所有的过渡效果;选择 Collapse AllFolders命令,则关闭所有已经打开的文件夹。参考资料来源:百度百科-adobe premiere
2023-08-07 17:50:401


2023-08-07 17:50:583

如何使用JavaScript控制CSS Animations和Transitions

2023-08-07 17:51:232


2023-08-07 17:51:352


1) Looking forward to your early reply2) Hoping to hear from you soon3) I hope to hear from you very soon。4) We look forward to your reply at yourearliest convenience。5) Your early reply will be highlyappreciated。6) I hope everything will be well withyou。7) Please let us know if you want moreinformation。8) I wish you very success in the comingyear。9) Please remember me to your family。10) With best regards to your family。11) All the best。12) With love and good wishes。求职申请信常用句型1. In reply to your advertisement in ~,Irespectfully offer my services for the situation。2. With reference to your advertisementin ~ for a / an ~,I offer myself for the post。3. Please consider me an applicant forthe position which you advertised in ~。4. Having noticed the enclosedadvertisement in ~,I wish to apply for the position referred to。5. In answer to your advertisement in ~for a ~,I wish to tender my services。6. Your advertisement for a ~ in ~ hasinterested me. I feel I can fill that position。7. Shall you need an experienced ~ foryour ~ next SUMMER?8. I have been for over five years inthe employment of a / an ~ company9. I have been in the business for thelast ~ years, and worked as the director of the…department。10. I"ve had ~ years" experience with acompany as a ~。11. For the last ~ years, I have beenand still am a / an ~。12. I"m ~ years of age, female / male,and have had ~ years" experience in a limited company"s ~ office13. I should be very glad to have apersonal interview and can furnish references if desired。14. If you desire an interview, I shallbe most happy to call in person, on any day and at any time you may appoint。15. Should you think favorably of myapplication, kindly grant me an interview。16. I trust that you"ll give thisapplication your favorable consideration。17. Should you give me a trial, I"ll domy utmost to afford you every satisfaction。申诉信常用句型1. I am sorry to say that we are greatlyinconvenienced by the fact that ~。2. I am writing this letter to complainabout ~。3. I really must complain about thequality of the ~ I recently got from your company。4. You seem to have supplied us with aproduct that falls far below the standard we expect。5. The ~ I ordered from your storearrived broken. Obviously, no packing had been placed in the box before it wassent from the warehouse。6. It is now over ~ since we made theabove order with you, but the ~ we need badly now haven"t arrived yet。7. The product I purchased from you ~proved to be quite a disappointment. Although it looks exactly the same as theone I saw in your commercial, it actually does not perform the same way。8. As I have no interest in receiving areplacement, I am returning the product to you and demand that a full refund bemade to me。9. I"d appreciate it very much if yourefund the money I have paid for it。10. We would appreciate it if you wouldarrange for the replacement of the damaged items。感谢信常用句式参考:1. Let me tell you how much I liked /appreciated / enjoyed…2. I want you to know how much we / Iappreciate…3. We appreciate your taking time to …4. I don"t know how I would have managedwithout your help5. I hope I can return the favor someday6. Do let me know if I can ever returnthe favor 基英语学习的长期目标——交流所必需的能力之一。毋庸置疑,英语写作是集基础知识,基本能力和课外信息于一身的综合体现,同时,又要兼顾到写作者高超的写作技巧。因而,没有扎实的英语语法知识;1)、taff was strict about closing at nine o"clock. Then, when we had been driving in the desert for nearly two hours —— it must have been close to noon —— the heat nearly hid us in; the radiator boiled over and we had to use most of our drinking water to cool it down. By the time we reached the mountain, it was our o"clock and we were ex本段从“rose”(起床)写起,然后是吃早餐(“not to miss breakfast”, “closing at nine o"clock”),然后是“close to noon”,一直写到这一天结束(“By nine——”)。B. 按位置远近排列(spatial arrangement)。例如:From the distance, it looked like a skinny tube, but as we got closer, we could see it flesh out before our eyes. It was tubular, all right, but fatter than we could see from far away. Furthermore, we were also astonished to notice that the building was really in two parts: a pagoda sitting on top of a tubular one-story structure. Standing ten feet away, we could marvel at how much of the pagoda was made up of glass windows. Almost everything under the wonderful Chinese roof was made of glass, unlike the tube that it was sitting on, which only had four. Inside, the tube was gloomy, because of the lack of light. Then a steep, narrow staircase took us up inside the pagoda and the light changed dramatically. All those windows let in a flood of sunshine and we could see out for miles across the flat land.本段的写法是由远及近,从远处(“from a distance”)写起,然后“get closer”,再到(“ten feet away”),最后是“inside the pagoda”……当然,按位置远近来写不等于都是由远及近。根据需要,也可以由近及远,由表及里等等。C. 按逻辑关系排列(logical arrangement)a. 按重要性顺序排列(arrangement in order of importance)If you work as a soda jerker, you will, of course, not need much skill in expressing yourself to be effective. If you work on a machine, your ability to express yourself will be of little importance. But as soon as you move one step up from the bottom, your effectiveness depends on your ability to reach others through the spoken or the written word. And the further away your job is from manual work, the larger the organization of which you are an employee, the more important it will be that you know how to convey your thoughts in writing or speaking. In the very large business organization, whether it is the government, the large corporation, or the Army, this ability to express oneself is perhaps the most important of all the skills a man can possess.这一段谈的是表达能力,它的重要性与职业,身份有关,从“not need much skill”或“of little importance”到“more important”,最后是“most important”。b.由一般到特殊排列(general-to-specific arrangement)If a reader is lost, it is generally because the writer has not been careful enough to keep him on the path. This carelessness can take any number of forms. Perhaps a sentence is so excessively cluttered that the reader, hacking his way through the verbiage, simply doesn"t know what it means. Perhaps a sentence has been so shoddily constructed that the reader could read it in any of several ways. Perhaps the writer has switched tenses, or has switched pronouns in mid-sentence, so the reader loses track of when the action took place or who is talking. Perhaps sentence B is not logical sequel to sentence A —— the writer, in whose head the connection is clear, has not bothered to provide the missing link. Perhaps the writer has used an important word incorrectly by not taking the trouble to look it up. He may think that "sanguine" and "sanguinary" mean the same thing, but the difference is a bloody big one. The reader can only infer what the writer is trying to imply.这一段谈的是a writer"s carelessness,先给出一个general statement作为主题句,然后通过5个 "perhaps"加以例证。c. 由特殊到一般排列(specific-to-general arrangement)I do not understand why people confuse my Siamese cat, Prissy, with the one I had several years ago, Henry. The two cats are only alike in breed. Prissy, a quiet, feminine feline, loves me dearly but not possessively. She likes to keep her distance from people, exert her independence and is never so rude as to beg, lick, or sniff unceremoniously. Her usual posture is sitting upright, eyes closed, perfectly still. Prissy is a very proper cat. Henry, on the other hand, loved me dearly but possessively. He was my shadow from morning till night. He expected me to constantly entertain him. Henry never cared who saw him do anything, whether it was decorous or not, and he usually offended my friends in some way. The cat made himself quite comfortable, on the top of the television, across stranger"s feet or laps, in beds, drawers, sacks, closets, or nooks. The difference between them is imperceptible to strangers.本段的主题句是段首句,它仅提出一个问题:为什么两只猫会被搞混。然后对两者进行比较,末句才下结论。2)形连行文的逻辑性常常要靠适当的转换词语及其他手段来实现。请读下面这一段文字并找出文中用以承上启下的词语:Walter"s goal in life was to become a successful surgeon. First, though, he had to get through high school, so he concentrated all his efforts on his studies —— in particular, biology, chemistry, and math. Because he worked constantly on these subjects, Walter became proficient in them; however, Walter forgot that he needed to master other subjects besides those he had chosen. As a result, during his junior year of high school, Walter failed both English and Latin. Consequently, he had to repeat these subjects and he was almost unable to graduate on schedule. Finally, on June 6, Walter achieved the first step toward realizing his goal.本文中起承上启下的词语有两种,一种是转换词语(transitional words or phrases),另一种是起转换作用的其他连接手段(linking devices)。前者依次有:first, though, so, in particular, and, because, however, besides, as a result, both…and, consequently, and, finally.后者依次是:he, he, his, his, he, these, them, he, those, his, he, these, his. 本段中共有词汇105个,所使用的转换词语及其他连接用语共26个词,约占该段总词汇量的四分之一。由此可见,掌握好transitions不仅对行文的流(smoothness)有益,而且对于学生在半个小时内写120个词也是不无好处的。一个段落里如果没有transitions也就很难有coherence了.我们看下面一个例子:Speaking and writing are different in many ways. Speech depends on sounds. Writing uses written symbols. Speech developed about 500 000 en211ago. Written language is arecent development. It was invented only about six thousand years ago. Speech is usually informal. The word choice of writing is often relatively formal. Pronunciation and accent often tell where the speaker is from. Pronunciation and accent are ignored in writing. A standard diction and spelling system prevails in the written language of most countries. Speech relies on gesture, loudness, and rise and fall of the voice. Writing lacks gesture, loudness and the rise and fall of the voice. Careful speakers and writers are aware of the differences.本段中除了第6句开头出现一个起过渡作用的"it"之外,没有使用其他的过渡词语.这样,文中出现许多重复的词语,全段读起来也显得生硬而不自然。如果加上必要的过渡词语来修饰的话,这一段就成了下面一个流畅连贯的段落:Speaking and writing are different in many ways. Speech depends on sounds; writing, on the other hand, uses written symbols. Speech was developed about 500 000 years ago, but written language is a recent development, invented only about six thousand years ago. Speech is usually informal, while the word choice of writing, by contrast, is often relatively formal. Although pronunciation and accent often tell where the speaker is from, they are ignored in wiring because a standard diction and spelling system prevails in most countries. Speech relies on gesture, loudness, and the rise and fall of the voice, but writing lacks these features. Careful speakers and writers are aware of the differences.有损连贯考生在写作中经常出现下面几种错误:改变时态In the movie, Robert Redford was a spy. He goes to his office where he found everybody dead. Other spies wanted to kill him, so he takes refuge with Julie Christie. At her house, he had waited for the heat to die down, but they come after him anyway.变单复数Everybody looks for satisfaction in his life. They want to be happy. But if he seeks only pleasure in the short run, the person will soon run out of pleasure and life will catch up to him. They need to pursue the deeper pleasure of satisfaction in work and in relationships.改变人称Now more than ever, parents need to be in touch with their children"s activities because modern life has the tendency to cause cleavages in the family. You need to arrange family like it so that family members will do things together and know one another. You need to give up isolated pleasures of your own and realize that parents have a set of obligations to sponsor togetherness and therefore sponsor knowledge.因此写作中,一定要注意时态,人称以及数的变化是否正确,要注意保持一致。
2023-08-07 17:51:581


不需要软件 1.进入游戏,按~键调出控制台,在控制台中输入record空格后输入文件名(比如haha),回车。当你看到recording to haha.dem的时候,就表示现在你的一举一动就被记录在这个文件名为haha的demo里了。2.观看的时候 按~键调出控制台 在控制台中输入playdemo+空格+文件名
2023-08-07 17:52:143

"爱情绝缘体" 英语怎么说?

Love insulator
2023-08-07 17:52:223


2023-08-07 17:52:393


 很多考生对改革后的新gre写作感到茫然,如何清晰表达自己的逻辑思维呢?新gre写作题目更加具体,考察考生完成题目过程中是否能够融合批判性思维和分析写作能力,以便更好的研究生院和商学院所学需思维方式,所要新gre写作备考过程中我们如何清洗表达自己的逻辑思维呢?    我们首先来看下面这段话:   Panda bear is a kind of docile lovely animal in the southwest of China. Its cherubic appearance and awkward movement appeals to not only children but also adults. It symbolizes the spirit of peace and harmony, which is cherished by Chinese people. Expansion of human activities to wild areas has caused a sharp decrease in the number of panda bears.   这段话由四句组成,彼此之间存在着明显的联系,论证的都是中国大熊猫的情况。排除语法,文字优美等诸多考虑,这段话给人的感觉是四个孤立的句子,而不是一段文章。其原因之一,也被笔者认为是最重要的一个原因,是它缺乏必要的过渡(Transitions),文中主题之间缺乏有机联系导致文章缺乏必要的连贯性。这一问题也是学生在写作实践中普遍存在的现象。本文的目的就是介绍英文写作中transitions的使用。   作为考试项目教师,出于通过考试的目的,注意在文章中必要的连接也显得尤其重要。在诸多北美考试的写作评分标准中,都出现过与之相关的要求,比如   *"displays unity, progression, and coherence, though connection of ideas may be occasionally obscured" (iBT Independent Writing 3分评分标准)   *"develops and organizes ideas satisfactorily but may notconnect them with transitions"   (GRE Argument 4分评分标准)   *"is limited in its organization or focus, or may demonstrate some lapses in coherence or progression of ideas" (Sat Write an Essay 3分评分标准)   各种考试中不约而同的出现对于coherence,connection,transitions等概念的要求,而且这部分做的不到位都会影响考试写作部分的成绩,其重要性可见一斑。上面三个词的翻译为"连贯性","连接"和"过渡",而connection和transitions在这里可以被理解为同义词,笔者认为就是达到coherence这一目的的重要手段之一(还有一些其他方法,比如重述和首尾的呼应)。   那么到底甚么是Transitions呢?在GRE考试中又被称作Transitional devices,连接元件。笔者尝试对之做出定义:Transitions是出现在文章中的一种词,短语甚至句子,其目的是用来表明它前后两部分之间的逻辑关系的,它的用处是能够帮助读者自然地从作者的一个idea转移到下一个idea,使用的结果可以使文章的逻辑性更强,更加连贯。打个比方来说,它很像道路上引导旅者的标志牌(They are like the road signs that guide travelers-College Writing Skills)。之所以说"前后两部分",是因为Transitions的前后可能是两个段落,两句话,甚至两个单词,它们彼此之间都会存在各种各样的逻辑关系,比如说:   *Addition: and, in addition, additionally, one, another, first of all, secondly, furthermore, moreover   *Time: then, after, before, since, once, until, meanwhile, now, during   *Space: next to, across, above, below, nearby   *Change-of-direction: but, yet, however, otherwise, nevertheless, although, in contrast, on the contrary   *Conclusion: because, so, therefore, as a result, consequently, thus, in summary, conclude   其实还有很多其他关系,其他的词,这几种是比较常见的。我们发现这种transitions的出现方式非常多样,包含了很多词性:连词,介词,副词,动词等等,还有很多短语,所以把它称之为Transitional devices是非常恰当的。    针对Transitional devices前后可以是段落,句子以及单词,我们分别举几个例子:   *Among paragraphs:   In the first place, human always like exploring the world around, especially mysterious fieldsu2026u2026u2026u2026   Besides human"s curiosity, to explore dangerous fields draws them away from daily routine and boredom.u2026u2026   Finally, although these dangerous activities may not bring us any material reward, they bring forth a lot of psychological benefits.u2026u2026   这是一篇托福作文的三个中间段的topic sentence,可以看出三段分别论证了人类参加危险运动的三条理由(好奇心,找刺激以及精神的愉悦),彼此之间的并列关系,是通过In the first place, Besides,Finally这三个Transitional devices来体现的   另外,段落之间也有可能出现转折逻辑关系,相应的连接语也会发生变化,比如:   One reason for my fundamental agreement with the speaker is that withholding some personal information is necessary to gain and maintain political leadership.u2026u2026   Another reason why I essentially agree with the speaker is that fully disclosing to the public certain types of information would threaten public safety and perhaps even national security.u2026u2026   Having recognized that withholding information from the public is often necessary to serve the interests of that public, legitimate political leadership nevertheless requires forthrightness with the citizenry as to the leader"s motives and agenda.u2026u2026   上面是一篇GRE北美范文的三个中间段的topic sentences,可以发现,前两段之间是并列关系(one reason/another reason),而第三段和前两段之间就是转折关系(nevertheless)   *Among sentences:   Office workers" time is hardly enough for their own work. As a result, big companies lack necessary team spirit, rendering employees" emotional distance from each other.   这两句话论证了为什么大公司缺乏必要的团队精神,员工之间感情淡漠,各自忙于工作是原因,缺乏team spirit是结果,所以前后两句话之间通过连接语As a result表明了因果逻辑关系。同样的,句子之间也有并列与转折关系:   For example, foods in western world, such as cheese, jam and butter, are now becoming familiar and popular in China. By the same token, more and more products with Chinese style can be found in American markets.(并列)   In the past, people may only obtain information from some traditional media, such as televisions, books, or newspapers. However, today people are able to receive the same material through computers.(转折)   *Among words:   Instead ofobtaining splendid grade in exams, students" main assignment is to perceive the way to search knowledge they want.   这句话中的instead of 前后实际上是两个具有名词特性的短语,分词短语obtaining splendid grade in exams,和介词短语to perceive the way to search knowledge they want。这两部分之间具有转折关系,用Instead of来体现. 而用来表达单词中的并列和因果关系的连接语就是我们很常见的and还有because of,这个很简单就不举例子。   在写作文章中充分合理地加入这种Transitional devices,就可以在很大程度上增加文章的连贯性,比如还是本文开头的那段话,稍加修改之后变成了:   Panda bear is a kind of docile lovely animal in the southwest of China. Because of its cherubic appearance and awkward movement, it also symbolizes the spirit of peace and harmony, which is cherished by Chinese people. However, expansion of human activities to wild areas has caused a sharp decrease in the number of panda bears.   通过判断,我们发现修改前的一二两句之间存在因果关系,因此加入because of 将它们连在了一起;而修改前的第三句和前两句之间是一个并列关系,因此加入了also;最后一句话的意思和前面明显出现了转折,通过however来体现这种转折关系。经过修改之后,几句话被有机地结合在了一起,形成了一段篇章而非四个独立的句子。   不过,在充分使用各种连接语的同时,也应该注意不同词性连接语的用法,比如连词很自由,and,but,so这些连词的后面可以跟名词或者句子。但是介词(介词短语)后面只能跟名词,比如because of, instead of,in addition to等等;而副词(副词性短语)的后面只能加句子,比如however, in addition, as a result等等。   刚才看到的是一些词或短语充当transitions的情况,其实transitions还有另外一种体现方式就是transitional sentences,比如很常见的让步状语从句:   Even if traveling with a companion could bring us financial and some other benefits, this type conducts our traveling experience to a mechanical boring event.   从这个句子中可以看出由even if引导的让步状语从句,说明了这句话之前的内容论证的是traveling with a companion的好处,而主句则是讲这种方式让我们的旅行成为意见机械无聊的行为,也是后面要论证的一个主题,前后两部分之间显然是转折的逻辑关系。出现在文章之中可以有效地连接上下文,使之变得连贯:   I concede that traveling with a companion may have one or more benefits. One ofthe most obvious advantages is saving money. In other words, Traveling in a group would be much cheaper than traveling alone. In my observation, travel agency, the most common group-travel organization in China, reserves a prerogative of paying considerably less on tickets fees, traffic costs, and so forth than individuals. Moreover, individuals have to purchase some necessaries, like tent, when traveling by themselves, but if we go hiking with one or two friends, we could pay for these shared outfits together. Another advantage of traveling in a group is that we have accompaniers to communicate with. But I believe that this advantage is only desirable for those who often feel lonely and like clatter.   Even if traveling with a companion could bring us financial and some other benefits, this type conducts our traveling experience to a mechanical boring event.People might not arrange his or her own plan if he or she is traveling in a group, because all group members should be restricted by lots of rules, such as the place where we have to reside, the time when we can play or must gather, etc. For instance, when I followed a travel agency to Hangzhou which is one of the most beautiful cities of China last year, hardly did I finish my visit because of the time restriction ordered by the cicerone. In contrast, if I would have traveled alone, I could manage my journey flexibly. To some extent, losing freedom means losing interest in a team traveling.   另外一些其他的句子也有这种作用,例如:After recognizing the advantages of using land for farming, housing and so forth, however, we should also save some land inhabited by endangered species.中文写作中的承上启下的句子就是这个意思,而承上启下这个成语非常精确地表明了transitional sentences的作用。   总之,一篇文章是一个完整的有机体,好像一部机器,每个段落,每个句子,每个单词都是机器的一个部件,而Transitions就像是连接这些部件的螺丝,如果缺乏,这个机器就会散落,文章也不能构成篇章,顶多就是一堆句子群而已。连接语虽然不难,但是要将它们合理充分多样地加入文章之中,仍然需要大量练习。   新gre写作需要我们在平时加强语言功底的同时还要勤于思考分析,综上所述新gre写作需要完善的结构和论据来表达自己的逻辑思维,所以考生要多加练习,只有这样才可能在新gre考试的道路上立于不败之地!
2023-08-07 17:53:111

如何用real play制作剪辑,比如我下载了一集电视剧,想把片头曲单独制作成一首歌?

都说是用real play制作咯
2023-08-07 17:53:293

“网页跳转”名词形 用英语怎么说?

2023-08-07 17:53:384


就是导入flashAS3.0脚本所需要的包把。第一是鼠标事件。每次发生鼠标事件时,都会将 MouseEvent 对象调度到事件流中。鼠标事件通常由使用指针的用户输入设备(如鼠标或轨迹球)生成。第二个是时间事件。就是你可以通过时间来产生事件,例如做一个时钟第三个DisplayObjectContainer 类是可用作显示列表中显示对象容器的所有对象的基类。该显示列表管理 Flash 运行时中显示的所有对象。第四和第五个是flash的一些交互包吧。具体用途可以查flash的api。
2023-08-07 17:53:503


gain;transmission gain ; tone-up增益例句:1. Both of these transitions contribute to optical gain.这些转变都对光学增益有贡献。2. Without market access we don"t create the gains from trade.没有市场准入,我们无法创造贸易增益。增益:增益是指:在输入功率相等的条件下,实际天线与理想的辐射单元在空间同一点处所产生的信号的功率密度之比。它定量地描述一个天线把输入功率集中辐射的程度。增益显然与天线方向图有密切的关系,方向图主瓣越窄,副瓣越小,增益越高。
2023-08-07 17:53:591


首先,一个段落必须有一个中心即主题思想,该中心由主题句特别是其中的题旨来表达。整个段落必须紧扣这个主题(stick or hold to the topic),这就是段落的统一性(unity)。其次,一个段落必须有若干推展句,使主题思想得到充分展开,从而给读者一个完整的感觉,这就是完整性(completeness or adequateness)。再者,一个段落不是杂乱无章的,而是有机的组合,句子的排列顺序必须合乎逻辑,从一个句子到另一个句子的过渡必须流畅(smooth),这就是连贯性(coherence)。下面我们就对这三个标准分别加以说明。   1、统一性   一个段落内的各个句子必须从属于一个中心,任何游离于中心思想之外的句子都是不可取的。请看下例:   Joe and I decided to take the long trip we"d always wanted across the country. We were like young kids buying our camper and stocking it with all the necessities of life. Bella bakes the best rhubarb pie. We started out in early spring from Minneapolis and headed west across the northern part of the country. We both enjoyed those people we met at the trailer park. Joe received a watch at his retirement dinner. To our surprise, we found that we liked the warm southern regions very much, and so we decided to stay here in New Mexico.   本段的主题句是段首句,controlling idea(中心思想)是take the long trip across the country。文中出现两个irrelevant sentences,一个是Bella bakes the best rhubarb pie,这一段是讲的是Joe and I ,中间出现一个Bella是不合适的。还有,Joe received a watch at his retirement dinner这一句更是与主题句不相关。考生在四级统考的作文卷上常常因为造出irrelevant sentences(不相关语句)而丢分,值得引起注意。再看一个例子:   My name is Roseanna, and I like to keep physically fit. I used to weigh two hundred pounds, but I joined the YMCA for an exercise class and diet program. In one year I lost eighty pounds. I feel much better and never want to have that much weight on my five-feet frame again. I bought two new suitcases last week. Everyday I practice jogging three miles, swimming fifteen laps, lifting twenty-pound weights and playing tennis for one hour. My mother was a premature baby.   本段的controlling idea 是like to deep physically fit,但段中有两个irrelevant sentences,一个是I bought two new suitcases last week,另一个是My mother was a premature baby。   从上面两个例子可以看出,native speakers同样会造出来irrelevant sentences。卷面上如果这种句子多了,造成偏题或离题,那问题就更严重了。   2、完整性   正象我们前面说得那样,一个段落的主题思想靠推展句来实现,如果只有主题句而没有推展句来进一步交待和充实,就不能构成一个完整的段落。同样,虽然有推展句,但主题思想没有得到相对圆满的交待,给读者一种意犹未尽的感觉。这样的段落也不能完成其交际功能。例如:   Physical work can be a useful form of therapy for a mind in turmoil. Work concentrates your thoughts on a concrete task. Besides, it is more useful to work ---- you produce something rather than more anxiety or depression.   本段的主题句是段首句。本段的两个推展句均不能回答主题句中提出的问题。什么是“a mind in turmoil”(心境不平静)Physical work又如何能改变这种情况?为什么它能起therapy的作用?读者得不到明确的答案。由于四级统考的作文部分只要求写一篇100~120个词的三段式短文,每一段只有大约40个词左右,因此,要达到完整就必须尽可能地简明。例如:   It is not always true that a good picture is worth a thousand words. Often writing is much clearer than a picture. It is sometimes difficult to figure out what a picture means, but a careful writer can almost always explain it.   段首句所表达的主题思想是一种看法,必须有具体事例加以验证。上述两个推展句只是在文字上对主题作些解释,整个段落内容空洞,简而不明。如果用一两个具体的例子的话,就可以把主题解释清楚了。比如下段:   It is not always true that a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes, pictures are pretty useless things. If you can"t swim and fall in the river and start gulping water, will you be better off to hold up a picture of yourself drowning, or start screaming "Help"?    3、连贯性(coherence) 连贯性包括意连和形连两个方面,前者指的是内在的逻辑性,后者指的是使用转换词语。当然这两者常常是不可分割的。只有形连而没有意连,句子之间就没有内在的有机的联系;反之,只有意连而没有形连,有时行文就不够流畅。   1)、意连   段落中句子的排列应遵循一定的次序,不能想到什么就写什么。如果在下笔之前没有构思,边写边想,写写停停,那就写不出一气呵成的好文章来。下面介绍几种常见的排列方式。   A.按时间先后排列(chronological arrangement)   We had a number of close calls that day. When we rose, it was obviously late and we had to hurry so as not to miss breakfast; we knew the dining room staff was strict about closing at nine o"clock. Then, when we had been driving in the desert for nearly two hours ----- it must have been close to noon ---- the heat nearly hid us in; the radiator boiled over and we had to use most of our drinking water to cool it down. By the time we reached the mountain, it was our o"clock and we were exhausted. Here, judgement ran out of us and we started the tough climb to the summit, not realizing that darkness came suddenly in the desert. Sure enough, by six we were struggling and Andrew very nearly went down a steep cliff, dragging Mohammed and me along with him. By nine, when the wind howled across the flat ledge of the summit, we knew as we shivered together for warmth that it had not been our lucky day.   本段从“rose”(起床)写起,然后是吃早餐(“not to miss breakfast”, “closing at nine o"clock”),然后是“close to noon”,一直写到这一天结束(“By nine--”)。   B. 按位置远近排列(spatial arrangement)。例如:   From a distance, it looked like a skinny tube, but as we got closer, we could see it flesh out before our eyes. It was tubular, all right, but fatter than we could see from far away. Furthermore, we were also astonished to notice that the building was really in two parts: a pagoda sitting on top of a tubular one-story structure. Standing ten feet away, we could marvel at how much of the pagoda was made up of glass windows. Almost everything under the wonderful Chinese roof was made of glass, unlike the tube that it was sitting on, which only had four. Inside, the tube was gloomy, because of the lack of light. Then a steep, narrow staircase took us up inside the pagoda and the light changed dramatically. All those windows let in a flood of sunshine and we could see out for miles across the flat land.   本段的写法是由远及近,从远处(“from a distance”)写起,然后“get closer”,再到(“ten feet away”),最后是“inside the pagoda”……当然,按位置远近来写不等于都是由远及近。根据需要,也可以由近及远,由表及里等等。   C. 按逻辑关系排列(logical arrangement)   a. 按重要性顺序排列(arrangement in order of importance)   If you work as a soda jerker, you will, of course, not need much skill in expressing yourself to be effective. If you work on a machine, your ability to express yourself will be of little importance. But as soon as you move one step up from the bottom, your effectiveness depends on your ability to reach others through the spoken or the written word. And the further away your job is from manual work, the larger the organization of which you are an employee, the more important it will be that you know how to convey your thoughts in writing or speaking. In the very large business organization, whether it is the government, the large corporation, or the Army, this ability to express oneself is perhaps the most important of all the skills a man can possess.   这一段谈的是表达能力,它的重要性与职业,身份有关,从“not need much skill”或“of little importance”到“more important”,最后是“most important”。   b.由一般到特殊排列(general-to-specific arrangement)   If a reader is lost, it is generally because the writer has not been careful enough to keep him on the path. This carelessness can take any number of forms. Perhaps a sentence is so excessively cluttered that the reader, hacking his way through the verbiage, simply doesn"t know what it means. Perhaps a sentence has been so shoddily constructed that the reader could read it in any of several ways. Perhaps the writer has switched tenses, or has switched pronouns in mid-sentence, so the reader loses track of when the action took place or who is talking. Perhaps sentence B is not logical sequel to sentence A ---- the writer, in whose head the connection is clear, has not bothered to provide the missing link. Perhaps the writer has used an important word incorrectly by not taking the trouble to look it up. He may think that "sanguine" and "sanguinary" mean the same thing, but the difference is a bloody big one. The reader can only infer what the writer is trying to imply.   这一段谈的是a writer"s carelessness,先给出一个general statement作为主题句,然后通过5个 "perhaps"加以例证。   c. 由特殊到一般排列(specific-to-general arrangement)   I do not understand why people confuse my Siamese cat, Prissy, with the one I had several years ago, Henry. The two cats are only alike in breed. Prissy, a quiet, feminine feline, loves me dearly but not possessively. She likes to keep her distance from people, exert her independence and is never so rude as to beg, lick, or sniff unceremoniously. Her usual posture is sitting upright, eyes closed, perfectly still. Prissy is a very proper cat. Henry, on the other hand, loved me dearly but possessively. He was my shadow from morning till night. He expected me to constantly entertain him. Henry never cared who saw him do anything, whether it was decorous or not, and he usually offended my friends in some way. The cat made himself quite comfortable, on the top of the television, across stranger"s feet or laps, in beds, drawers, sacks, closets, or nooks. The difference between them is imperceptible to strangers.   本段的主题句是段首句,它仅提出一个问题:为什么两只猫会被搞混。然后对两者进行比较,末句才下结论。   2)、形连   行文的逻辑性常常要靠适当的转换词语及其他手段来实现。请读下面这一段文字并找出文中用以承上启下的词语:   Walter"s goal in life was to become a successful surgeon. First, though, he had to get through high school, so he concentrated all his efforts on his studies --- in particular, biology, chemistry, and math. Because he worked constantly on these subjects, Walter became proficient in them; however, Walter forgot that he needed to master other subjects besides those he had chosen. As a result, during his junior year of high school, Walter failed both English and Latin. Consequently, he had to repeat these subjects and he was almost unable to graduate on schedule. Finally, on June 6, Walter achieved the first step toward realizing his goal.   本文中起承上启下的词语有两种,一种是转换词语(transitional words or phrases),另一种是起转换作用的其他连接手段(linking devices)。前者依次有:first, though, so, in particular, and, because, however, besides, as a result, both…and, consequently, and, finally.后者依次是:he, he, his, his, he, these, them, he, those, his, he, these, his. 本段中共有词汇105个,所使用的转换词语及其他连接用语共26个词,约占该段总词汇量的四分之一。由此可见,掌握好transitions不仅对行文的流(smoothness)有益,而且对于学生在半个小时内写足四级短文所要求的120个词也是不无好处的。 一个段落里如果没有transitions也就很难有coherence了.我们看下面一个例子:Speaking and writing are different in many ways. Speech depends on sounds. Writing uses written symbols. Speech developed about 500 000 years ago. Written language is a recent development. It was invented only about six thousand years ago. Speech is usually informal. The word choice of writing is often relatively formal. Pronunciation and accent often tell where the speaker is from. Pronunciation and accent are ignored in writing. A standard diction and spelling system prevails in the written language of most countries. Speech relies on gesture, loudness, and rise and fall of the voice. Writing lacks gesture, loudness and the rise and fall of the voice. Careful speakers and writers are aware of the differences.   本段中除了第6句开头出现一个起过渡作用的"it"之外,没有使用其他的过渡词语.这样,文中出现许多重复的词语,全段读起来也显得生硬而不自然。如果加上必要的过渡词语来修饰的话,这一段就成了下面一个流畅连贯的段落:   Speaking and writing are different in many ways. Speech depends on sounds; writing, on the other hand, uses written symbols. Speech was developed about 500 000 years ago, but written language is a recent development, invented only about six thousand years ago. Speech is usually informal, while the word choice of writing, by contrast, is often relatively formal. Although pronunciation and accent often tell where the speaker is from, they are ignored in wiring because a standard diction and spelling system prevails in most countries. Speech relies on gesture, loudness, and the rise and fall of the voice, but writing lacks these features. Careful speakers and writers are aware of the differences.   4、有损连贯性的几种情况:   考生在写作中经常出现下面几种错误:   1、不必要的改变时态,比如:   In the movie, Robert Redford was a spy. He goes to his office where he found everybody dead. Other spies wanted to kill him, so he takes refuge with Julie Christie. At her house, he had waited for the heat to die down, but they come after him anyway.   2、不必要的改变单复数,比如:   Everybody looks for satisfaction in his life. They want to be happy. But if he seeks only pleasure in the short run, the person will soon run out of pleasure and life will catch up to him. They need to pursue the deeper pleasure of satisfaction in work and in relationships.   3、不必要的改变人称,比如:   Now more than ever, parents need to be in touch with their children"s activities because modern life has the tendency to cause cleavages in the family. You need to arrange family like it so that family members will do things together and know one another. You need to give up isolated pleasures of your own and realize that parents have a set of obligations to sponsor togetherness and therefore sponsor knowledge.   因此写作中,一定要注意时态,人称以及数的变化是否正确,要注意保持一致。
2023-08-07 17:54:071


的激发和发射光谱+是SrSi2N2O2:0.02Ce3如图。2。当发射  是监测Ce3 +(440海里),激发光谱波段两大激励表达呢  和337海里,这归因于5 d-42F5/2和5 d-42F7/2过渡+分别Ce3[7]。在  360海里激励作用下,给出了一个非对称乐队磷排放最多435海里,  这是由于f-5d Ce3 + 4过渡。排放的带子上显示蓝色荧光粉  转向,
2023-08-07 17:54:173

handy seamless transitions 怎么安装

有时候WEB开发人员认为CSS的动画比JavaScript的动画更难理解。虽然CSS动画有其局限性,但它的性能比大多数JavaScript库更加高效,因为它可以借助硬件加速啊!其效果绝对可以超出我们的预期。CSS animations和transitions再加上点JavaScript就可以实现硬件加速动画,而且其交互效果比大多数JavaScript库更高效。So,让我们快点开始吧!小伙伴们都等不及了!注意:Animations(动画)和Transitions(过渡)是不同的CSS Transitions(过渡)被应用于元素指定的属性变化时,该属性经过一段时间逐渐的过渡到最终需要的值;而CSS Animations(动画)只是在应用时执行之前定义好的操作,它提供更细粒度的控制。在这篇文章中,我们将分别针对上述内容进行讲解。控制CSS Transition(过渡)在编程论坛中,关于transition(过渡)的触发和暂停有无数的疑问。使用JavaScript可以很容易的解决这些疑问。如何触发元素的transiton(过渡)?切换元素的类名可以触发该元素的transition(过渡)如何暂停元素的transition(过渡)? 在你想要暂停过渡点,用getComputedStyle和getPropertyValue获取该元素相应的CSS属性值,然后设置该元素的对应的CSS属性等于你刚才获取到的CSS属性值。以下是该方法的一个例子。<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>操作transtition</title><style type="text/css">.box {margin: 30px;height: 50px;width: 50px;background-color: blue;}.box.horizTranslate {-webkit-transition: 3s;-moz-transition: 3s;-ms-transition: 3s;-o-transition: 3s;transition: 3s;margin-left: 50% !important;}</style><script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script></head><body><h3>Pure Javascript</h3><div class="box"></div><button class="toggleButton" value="play">Play</button><h3>jQuery</h3><div class="box"></div><button class="toggleButton" value="play">Play</button><script type="text/javascript">var boxOne = document.getElementsByClassName("box")[0],boxTwo = $(".box:eq(1)");document.getElementsByClassName("toggleButton")[0].onclick = function(){if(this.innerHTML === "Play"){this.innerHTML = "Pause";boxOne.classList.add("horizTranslate");}else{this.innerHTML = "Play";var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(boxOne),marginLeft = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("margin-left"); = marginLeft;boxOne.classList.remove("horizTranslate");}}$(".toggleButton:eq(1)").on("click",function(){if($(this).html() === "Play"){$(this).html("Pause");boxTwo.addClass("horizTranslate");}else{$(this).html("Play");var computedStyle = boxTwo.css("margin-left");boxTwo.css("margin-left",computedStyle);boxTwo.removeClass("horizTranslate");}});</script></body></html>执行效果:同样的技术可以用在更高级的方法上。下面的例子也是通过改变类名来触发元素的transition(过渡),但这次可以跟踪当前的缩放率。<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>操作transtition</title><style type="text/css">.zoomPic {margin: 30px;width: 300px;height: 180px;background-color: blue;background-image: url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:50% 50%;background-size: 300px 180px;-webkit-transition: all 2.5s ease-in-out;-moz-transition: all 2.5s ease-in-out;-ms-transition: all 2.5s ease-in-out;-o-transition: all 2.5s ease-in-out;transition: all 2.5s ease-in-out;}.zoomPic.zoom {background-size: 1200px 720px !important;}</style><script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script></head><body><h3>Pure Javascript</h3><div class="zoomPic"></div><button class="zoom">Zoom</button><button class="pause">Pause</button><button class="zoomout">Zoom Out</button><h3>jQuery</h3><div class="zoomPic"></div><button class="zoom">Zoom</button><button class="pause">Pause</button><button class="zoomout">Zoom Out</button><script type="text/javascript">var zoomOne = document.getElementsByClassName("zoomPic")[0],zoomOneBgSize = window.getComputedStyle(zoomOne).getPropertyValue("background-size"),zoomTwo = $(".zoomPic:eq(1)"),zoomTwoBgSize = zoomTwo.css("background-size");// zoomOne:zoomdocument.getElementsByClassName("zoom")[0].onclick = function(){if(!zoomOne.classList.contains("zoom")){zoomOne.classList.add("zoom");}}// zoomOne:pausedocument.getElementsByClassName("pause")[0].onclick = function(){var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(zoomOne),backgroundSize = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("background-size"); = backgroundSize;zoomOne.classList.remove("zoom");}// zoomOne:zoomoutdocument.getElementsByClassName("zoomout")[0].onclick = function(){zoomOne.classList.remove("zoom"); = zoomOneBgSize;}// zoomTwo:zoom$(".zoom:eq(1)").on("click",function(){if(!zoomTwo.hasClass("zoom")){zoomTwo.addClass("zoom");}});// zoomTwo:pause$(".pause:eq(1)").on("click",function(){var computedStyle = zoomTwo.css("background-size");zoomTwo.css("background-size",computedStyle);zoomTwo.removeClass("zoom");});// zoomTwo:zoomout$(".zoomout:eq(1)").on("click",function(){zoomTwo.removeClass("zoom");zoomTwo.css("background-size",zoomTwoBgSize);});</script></body></html>
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2023-08-07 17:55:186


RealMedia Editor V10.0.0.48 汉化版 可以编辑REALVIDEO10/REALAUDIO10 的RM/RMVB,增加压缩内核10.0正式发布版本。为影片加上版权、注释、作者、标题、链接等,还可以对影片进行剪辑,截取其中的片断,十分好用。 剪辑要求不是很复杂的话,绘声绘影能实现; 要是要求高的话还是用Premiere,专业东西还是能实现不少的。 iFilmEdit: iFilmEdit的使用技巧 iFilmEdit是由Cinax Designs Inc.出品的MPG视频剪辑软件(如图一所示),相信玩视频编辑的朋友对其是再熟悉不过了,其界面简洁直观容易上手(如图二所示),不熟悉的话可以去其公司网址看看:,本文是笔者长期使用该软件的一些经验技巧,希望能对大家有所帮助,目前笔者使用的版本是1.4.5。 如何做好剪辑呢?在此笔者谈谈自己的观点:剪辑就是将不符合主题的部分删除并处理好画面的衔接,要把握住什么是需要留下的什么是不需要的,千万别将那些既不符合主题思想又罗嗦的部分留下,又长又臭的电影会有谁会去看呢?多看看一些大片,大编导是如何依据主题而细心选取画面的? 图一、iFilmEdit1.4.5 的启动画面 图二、iFilmEdit 的主界面 使用技巧一:工作在VCD模式下 刻录VCD格式光盘时,刻录软件通常会检测其是否符合VCD格式的标准(Video-CD PAL标准 :MPEG-1 352x288 25fps CBR 1150kbps, Layer-2 44100Hz 224kbps ),按VCD格式压缩好的MPG文件经iFilmEdit剪辑后无法通过刻录软件的检测,就有可能是在剪辑前没有将iFilmEdit的工作模式设定为VCD模式,而使剪辑好的文件不符合VCD标准,具体操作方法是:在剪辑前,先设置菜单Preferences > VideoCD Mode > VideoCD ,如图三所示这时VideoCD选项的前面打上了钩号,这样软件就工作在VCD模式下了,经过VCD标准剪辑的MPG文件一般能顺利通过刻录软件检测。 图三、将iFilmEdit的工作模式设定为VCD模式 使用技巧二:快速存盘 图四、确认退出对话框 图五、确认保存文件对话框 MPG视频文件虽然已经经过算法压缩,但经常还是动辄上百兆的东东,要将这些文件剪辑串接起来,可想而知需要多大的硬盘空间,一般剪辑时需要预留大约剪辑文件2~3倍以上的磁盘空间较为合理。使用iFilmEdit完成剪辑后,如果按正常步骤去保存文件(通过File>Save as保存文件),通常需要花上几分钟甚至更多的时间,如何快速保存文件呢?这里我有一个方法可以在几秒内快速存储剪辑完的文件:剪辑完文件后,点程序右上角的关闭按钮,弹出确认退出对话框(如图四所示),按Y钮确认退出,弹出是否保存文件对话框(如图五所示),按Y钮,然后在保存文件对话框中输入文件名,?quot;保存钮即可在几秒内存好文件,请注意应将文件存储到C盘上,否则就不是快速存盘了:) 其原理是:完成剪辑时软件就已经在临时目录创建了剪辑好的文件,但如果按正常步骤保存文件的话,软件要重新再拷贝一次文件,所以速度就降低了,同理如果存储在其他盘上,就等于将文件又复制了一次,同样会降低存盘速度。 使用技巧三:出错处理 在使用iFilmEdit过程中有时也会出现一些无法正常剪辑的情况,在此谈谈笔者的解决之道: 1. 查看 iFilmEdit的安装目录下(默认为C:Program Files Cinax iFilmEdit 1.4 )是否有以Rec打头的MPG文件(Rec*.mpg),即iFlimEdit的临时文件,由于程序出错有时会将其保留了下来,是会影响剪辑的,将其删除后试试能否解决问题; 2. 如果使用的是Win98操作系统,而且同时安装了VideoPack刻录软件)和 iFilmEdit 1.4.5,那么你的软件就会工作在不稳定的状态下了,它们之间会有冲突,解决方法是换刻录软件如WinONCD、Nero等,或是使用其它版本的 iFilmEdit ;在使用 iFilmEdit剪辑中如果出现提示为Incorrect data at the begin of the stream!或Incorrect data at the end of the stream!的Editing Error对话框时,你可以试着分别将源文件的头或尾去掉几帧,再试试看能否正常剪辑; 3. 重新导入需剪辑的源文件有时也能解决不能正常剪辑的问题; 4. 如果以上方法还是不行,建议使用压缩软件TMPGEnc重新压缩MPG文件后再做剪辑。 任何软件都不是完美的,iFilmEdit也不例外,由于iFilmEdit的剪辑是模糊剪辑,所以剪辑的精确度就较为逊色,无法像M1-Edit、MyFlix等剪辑软件那样实现精确的帧剪辑,这对于要求精确度高的剪辑就无法胜任了,但iFilmEdit的易用性是其它软件无可比拟的。 会声会影9.0。 这是一个功能强大的视频编辑软件,具有图像抓取和编修功能,可以抓取,转换 MV、DV、V8、TV和实时记录,抓取画面文件,并提供有超过100多种的编制功能与效果,可制作 DVD,VCD,VCD 光盘。支持各类编码。9.0新版本功能更为全面,操作更容易上手。提供三种不同的编辑模式,以适应不同制作水平的初学者和制作高手。 Ulead VideoStudio 会声会影9.0一套专为个人及家庭所设计的影片剪辑软件。 首创双模式操作界面,入门新手或高级用户都可轻松体验快速操作、专业剪辑、完美输出的影片剪辑乐趣!创新的影片制作向导模式,只要三个步骤就可快速作出DV影片,即使是入门新手也可以在短时间内体验影片剪辑乐趣;同时操作简单、功能强大的会声会影编辑模式,从捕获、剪接、转场、特效、覆叠、字幕、配乐,到刻录,让您全方位剪辑出好莱坞级的家庭电影。 其成批转换功能与捕获格式完整支持,让剪辑影片更快、更有效率;画面特写镜头与对象创意覆叠,可随意作出新奇百变的创意效果;配乐大师让影片配乐更精准、更立体;同时酷炫的128组影片转场、37 组视频滤镜、76种标题动画等丰富效果,让影片精彩有趣。 不论是结婚回忆、宝贝成长、旅游记录、个人日记、生日派对、毕业典礼..等美好时刻,都可轻轻松松通过会声会影8剪辑出精彩创意的家庭影片,与亲朋好友一同欢乐分享! Premiere 软件简介: Premiere和广为人知的Photoshop软件同出自Adobe公司,是一种功能强大的影视作品编辑软件,可以在各种平台下和硬件配合使用。它是一款相当专业的DTV(Desktop Video)编辑软件,专业人员结合专业的系统的配合可以制作出广播级的视频作品。在普通的微机上,配以比较廉价的压缩卡或输出卡也可制作出专业级的视频作品和MPEG压缩影视作品。 到目前为止,Premiere已经推出了6个版本,在最新版本Premiere6.0之前,Adobe公司相继推出4.0, 4.2, 5.0, 5.1和5.5。其中,5.0以后的版本都同时支持Windows95/98、WindowsNT及其升级版本Windows 2000.Premiere6.0为视频节目的创建和编辑提供了更加强大的支持,在进行视频编辑、节目预览、视频捕获以及节目输出等操作时,可以在兼顾效果和播放速度的同时,实现更佳的影音效果。 Premiere6.0提供了兼容于QuickTime系统和其他系统的第三方插件,使用这些插件可以实现视频(滤镜)效果和过渡效果。由于提供了光盘刻录插件,可以轻松的制作出适合光驱播放的影片。 Premiere升级到第三代,已经远远超出了一般用户视频处理的需求,正在逐渐成为高档影视制作的主流软件。 (点击观看premiere介绍课件) 8.2 Premiere功能概述 8.2.1 概述 影音素材的转换和压缩 视频/音频捕捉和剪辑 视频编辑功能 丰富的过渡效果 添加运动效果 对于Internet的支持 8.2.2 视频素材的加工处理 1).视频素材的引用与合成 (1)素材的组织与管理 在视频素材处理的前期,首要的任务就是将收集起来的素材引入达到项目窗口,以便统一管理。实现的方法是,执行菜单“File”的子菜单“New”下的“Project”命令,进行设置后,单击“OK”按钮。此时便完成了新项目窗口的创建。通过执行菜单“File”的“Import File”命令,可对所需的素材文件进行选择,然后单击“OK”按钮即可。重复执行逐个将所需素材引入后,就完成了编辑前的准备工作。 (2)素材的剪辑处理 执行Window/Timeline命令,打开时间线窗口,将项目窗口中的相应素材拖到相应的轨道上。如将引入的素材相互衔接的放在同一轨道上,将达到了将素材拼接在一起的播放效果。若需对素材进行剪切,可使用剃刀图标工具在需要割断的位置单击鼠标,则素材被割断。然后选取不同的部分按Delete键予于删除即可。同样对素材也允许进行复制,形成重复的播放效果。 2).千变万化的过渡效果的制作 在两个片段的衔接部分,往往采用过渡的方式来衔接,而非直接的将两个生硬的拼接在一起。Premiere提供了多达75种之多的特殊过渡效果,通过过渡窗口可见到这些丰富多采的过渡样式。 3).丰富多采的滤镜效果的制作 Premiere同Photoshop一样也支持滤镜的使用,Premiere共提供了近80种的滤镜效果,可对图象进行变形、模糊、平滑、曝光、纹理化等处理功能。此外,还可以使用第三方提供的滤镜插件,如好莱钨的FX软件等。 滤镜的用法:在时间线窗口选择好待处理的素材,然后执行“Clip”菜单下的“Filters”命令。在弹出的滤镜对话窗口中选取所需的滤镜效果,单击“Add”按钮即可。如果双击左窗口中的滤镜,可对所选滤镜进行参数的设置和调整。 4).叠加叠印的使用 在Premiere中可以把一个素材置于另一个素材之上来播放,这样一些方法的组合成为叠加叠印处理,所得到的素材称为叠加叠印素材。叠加的素材是透明的,允许将其下面的素材透射过来放映。 5).影视作品的输出 在作品制作完成后期,需借助Premiere的输出功能将作品合成在一起当素材编辑完成后,执行菜单“File”的子菜单“Export”的“Movie”命令可以对输出的规格进行设置。指定好文件类型后,单击“OK”按钮,即会自动编译成指定的影视文件。 8.3 影片的基本剪辑技巧 8.3.1 Project窗口的使用 在Project窗口中,可以进行的操作有:素材的输入、素材显示模式的调整、删除素材以及使用箱管理素材等。 1).输入素材 输入素材到Project窗口的同时也就是将素材输入到影片项目中。具体的操作方法很简单,即:选择FileImportFile菜单命令,选择所需的素材文件打开。素材输入项目以后,在Project窗口中选中素材,然后按下键盘上的Del键,就可以从项目中删除这个素材。 2).设置素材的显示模式 在Project对话框中的下部有3个控制按钮用来控制显示模式,从左到右依次是Icon View(图标显示)、Thumbnail view(缩略图显示)、List View(列表显示)。 这三种显示模式的切换很容易,直接单击相应图标就可以。选中素材显示列表中的任何一个素材后,就可以在左上角的预览窗口中浏览这个素材的缩略图以及其他详细的资料。 3).使用Bin(箱)来管理大量素材 Premiere6.0为我们提供了全心概念的箱,在影片项目需要用到大量素材的情况下,使用Bin(箱)将这些素材分门别类,有利于快速找到这些素材。 提示:Premiere6.0中的Bin想当于Windows中的文件夹的概念,而且也拥有文件夹的操作特性,例如:新建、重命名和删除操作等。 例如制作一个大影片时,我们可以考虑将视频素材、音频素材以及图片素材分别安置在不同的箱内。 4).素材的入点和出点 这里首先介绍以下素材、片段和入点出点的基本常识。 素材是指那些输入到Premiere6.0项目中的所有媒体文件,主要是音频文件、视频文件和图象文件。对于视频文件或者音频文件来说,往往只需要用到某些特定的部分,在Premiere6.0中可以通过设置入点和出点来截取所需的部分,那么这个入点和出点之间的部分就叫片段(Clip). Premiere6.0中,常用的剪辑工具有Timeline窗口、Clip窗口和Monitor窗口,其功能各有优劣。 8.4 在视频中运用过渡 8.4.1 熟悉使用Transitions控制面板 过渡效果是影片制作中经常用到的效果之一。在Premiere6.0中,通过Transitions(过渡)面板,在片段切换的时候添加过渡效果。同时,还可以通过Transitions面板方便的浏览各种过渡效果,以便随时取用。Transition面板如图所示: 提示:如果Transitions面板没有在Premiere6.0操作窗口中显示出来,选择Window/Show Transitions菜单命令,就可以显示该面板,显示其他工具面板的方法也一样。 1)动画显示过渡效果(点击观看过渡效果操作技巧课件) 对于初学者来说,很快记住如此多的过渡效果,并且在影片中灵活应用这些过渡效果是比较困难的。 Premiers6.0为我们提供了便利,通过设置,可以在 Transitions窗口中动态地显示这些过渡效果,以动画形式展示了这些过渡效果作用以后的具体效果。 首先切换到Transitions面板,然后单击面板右上方的三角图标,打开窗口的控制菜单,选择Animate菜单命令。如图所示:这时候已经启用了动画显示过渡效果的功能。在Transitions面板中,双击并打开任何一个文件夹,可以看见文件夹中的效果。这些效果正不停演示着从A向B的过渡。 这里还介绍几个过渡效果的查看技巧:在Transitions面板的窗口控制菜单中,选择Expand All Folders命令,可以打开所有的文件夹,显现出所有的过渡效果;选择 Collapse AllFolders命令,则关闭所有已经打开的文件夹。 2)隐藏过渡效果 Premiere6.0提供了多达75种过渡效果,对于某些不经常用到的效果,我们可以在Transitions面板中将他们隐藏起来。首先选中需要隐藏的过渡效果。单击右上角的三角按钮,打开窗口控制菜单,选择Hide Selected菜单命令,这时在Transitions面板中就看不到这些过渡效果了。 隐藏起来的过渡效果暂时还在Transitions面板中看不见了,以后如果需要用到,恢复起来也是相当简单的。在窗口控制菜单中选择Show Hidden命令即可。 8.5 创建字幕 Premiere6.0提供了功能强大的Title窗口,用户可以在Title窗口中轻松完成标题字幕的制作。本节主要介绍静态标题字幕和动态标题字幕的制作,介绍如何对字幕文本进行精细的排版。 8.5.1 创建一个标题文件 1)进入Title窗口 启动Premiere6.0后,选择File/New/Title菜单命令,可进入Title窗口。使用键盘上的F9快捷键,可以快速进入Title窗口。 2)认识工具栏 位于Title窗口左部的是Title字幕窗口的工具栏,这里面放置着一些与标题字幕的制作有关的工具。利用这些工具,我们可以加入标题文本、绘制简单的几何图形,还可以定义文本的样式。 8.6 处理音频 在出色的视频作品中,优美的音频效果是必不可少的成分。Premiere6.0在专门在Audio轨道中处理音频。音频轨道多达99个,几乎可以满足所有用户处理音频的需要。 8.6.1剪辑音频素材 我们建议在将音频片段添加到Timeline窗口前,首先在Clip窗口中剪辑音频素材,这样不但可以获得较高的剪辑精度,还可以在剪辑音频素材的同时监听到剪辑后的效果。 提示:音频素材和视频素材的持续时间可以在Project窗口中看到,方法是单击该素材,然后在左上角的预览区域的左边观察持续时间。 (1)新建一个项目,并将music.aif打开,得到如图音频片段。 (2)我们截取10秒到26秒之间时间段,在10秒处单击Mark In(切入)按钮,将该点设置为入点。 (3)用同样的方法在26秒时设置一个出点。 完成剪辑后,将音频片段直接拖到Timeline窗口中即可。 8.7视频剪辑的叠加 在Premiere6.0中,通过为轨道中的片段设置 Transparency(透明度)属性,可以将片段叠加起来,同时下面轨道中的片段通过前景片段的透明部分浮现出来运用叠加,可以实现许多特技效果,例如大侠们在空中快步如飞的场面。实际上,演员只是在单色背景前做出类似动作,然后在实际的剪辑制作时将背景设置成透明,再将这个片段叠加到天空背景片段上即可。提示:注意到许多前景片段的背景都取蓝色,这是为了和人体的肤色器官的颜色有一定的对比,设置透明度的时候不至于在去掉背景的同时连演员的某些脸部细节也一同丢失。 1)添加叠加效果 利用叠加效果制作某些特技之前,首先必须保证,用来做背景的片段放置在较低的视频轨道上(比前景片段低),如果背景片段放在Video1轨道上,那么前景片段必须放置在video2或者更高轨道上。而且两个片段在 Timeline窗口的时间轴上是重叠的。 (1)新建一个 Multimedia Video for Windows项目,往 Project窗口中输入一幅图片素材和一个视频素材。然后将图片素材拖到 Video 2轨道上,将视频素材拖到Video1A轨道上,作为背景。 (2)将鼠标移到Video2片段的右边缘,光标变成双向箭头的时候拖动鼠标,将该片段的持续时间设置成和Video1A中的视频片段一样。 (3)使用鼠标右键,单击Video2轨道上的图片片段,从弹出的快捷菜单中,选择Video Options/Transparency命令,即可进入Transparency Settings对话框。 到这里就可以设置透明度效果的一些参数了。 8.8 运动特技的应用 Premiere6.0作为多媒体视频处理软件,可以轻松制作出动感十足的多媒体作品。运动是多媒体设计的灵魂,灵活运用动画效果,可以使得视频作品更加丰富多彩。本节主要结合运动对话框的参数来介绍运动的设置方法,主要内容包括:移动片段,片段的旋转、放大、延迟和变形,以及一些其他 Premiere6.0特技和运动效果结合起来的技术,让用户感受到运动效果的奥妙。 8.8.1运动设置基本操作(点击观看运动设置技巧课件) 在Premiere6.0中设置运动效果的时候,片段是沿着一条设置好的路径移动的。路径是由多个控制点(节点)和联结控制点之间的连线组成,路径引导着片段的运动,包括进入和退出可视区域。运动效果作用于片段整体,而不是片段的某个部分。 1)Motion Setings对话框 启动Premiere6.0,新建一个 Multimedia Video for Windows影片项目,拖动一个片段到 Timeline窗口中,放置在Video 1A轨道上。 选择Window/Show Effect Controls菜单命令,显现出Effect Controls面板。Motion效果作为默认选项出现在Effect Controls面板的首栏。 在Timeline窗口中,单击并选择需要添加运动效果的片段,然后单击Effect Controls面板Motion后面的Setup字样,即可进入Motion对话框。 该对话框左上部是运动效果的预览框,演示着运动效果,右边的播放按钮和暂停按钮用来使用预览/暂停预览功能。 提示:运动效果的设置和滤镜效果的设置相似,都是通过设置几个控制点/关键帧的属性来控制整个动态效果的。 2)设置Alpha通道的属性 Alpha选项区用来设置 Alpha通道的一些属性。 Use Clip"s(使用片段的):可以使用片段原来的Alpha通道进行叠加。字幕或者其他支持 Alpha通道的软件(如 Photoshop等)处理过的图片适合此选项。该选项只会影响到在透明设置对话框中使用 AlphaChannel键的片段。 Create New(新建通道):为没有Alpha通道的片段创建新通道。片段移动的时候留下的空位形状将作为新Alpha通道的依据。同样地,该选项也只能影响到在透明设置对话框中使用 Alpha Channel键的片段。 3)设置预览框的显示属性 选中 Show All复选框,预览窗口中将按照最后得到的视频效果进行预览,已经添加过的过渡、视频滤镜等效果都同时起作用。如果计算机的速度不够快,这时候的运动效果预览往往变得不流畅。选中 Show Outlines复选框,在运动的每一个控制点(节点)上,只会显示片段的外轮廓。选中Show Path复选框,在运动路径控制点之间连上一系列的点。点的密度越大,表示片段在这个范围的运动速度越慢;点的密度越小,则表示片段运动速度越快。 8.9 添加特效 8.9.1 在音频剪辑上应用Filters(点击观看Filters操作技巧课件) Premiere6.0提供了21种音频滤镜效果,我们可以使用这些滤镜处理录制的原声片段,添加特殊的声效,或者演示演示原声的缺陷,使得影片的音频更加完美。 Premiere6.0将音频效果放到了Audio面板里,视频效果放到了Video面板里,这是和Premiere5.0不同之处。 1)添加音频效果 按照如下操作步骤添加音频效果: (1)选择Window/Show Effects,显现出Audio面板。如图所示: 我们发现,无论从外观上还是控制菜单的设计上,Audio面板和Video面板以及Transitions面板都是完成相同的,这就为新手熟悉Premiere6.0的操作习惯提供了很大的便利。 (2)从Audio面板中找到Echo效果,将其拖动到Audio1音轨上的音频片段上,松开鼠标,即可完成音频效果的添加。 (3)这时候effect Controls面板浮现在窗口的前端。 (4)从该面板上部可以看出,当前的音频关键帧处于音频片段的起始帧(这里关键帧的含义和添加视频效果的时候完全一样)。单击Setup字样,进入Echo Settings对话框。 Delay(延迟)滑块:设置原声和回声之间的时间差。默认为33ms。 Intensity(强度)选项:选择回声的强弱程度,选中Loud单选按钮,表示回声和原声几乎差不多大。 (5)单击ok按钮,退出对话框。在Timeline窗口的时间轴上拖动鼠标,将第2个关键帧设置在大约13秒的位置(从Monitor窗口中可以观察到该关键帧的详细的时间信息)。 (6)在Effect Controls面板中单击Setup字样,进入Echo Settings对话框,将Delay设为600ms,Intensity设置为Soft,表示仅添加微弱的回声。单击ok按钮。 这样,我们就通过两个关键帧来得到了动态的Ech0音频滤镜效果(回声间隔渐渐变大,强度变小)。关键帧之间的帧的音频属性介于两个关键帧之间,呈现出线性变化。可以设置更多的关键帧,来控制更复杂的音频滤镜效果. 视频剪切软件有很多,不过个人认为Adobe的Premiere非常不错。
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css3动画有哪些实现方式?Transitions 、transforms和 AnimationsTransitions特点:平滑的改变CSS的值transforms特点:变换主要实现(拉伸,压缩,旋转,偏移)Animations特点:适用于CSS2,CSS3
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“网页跳转”名词形 用英语怎么说?

oothbrush to take her mind off it. As th
2023-08-07 17:57:126


  托福口语考试满分不是一蹴而就的事情,要想取得好成绩需要大家在各方面积累经验,托福看暮为大家整理托福口语Task3模版及例题分析,希望对大家有所帮助!    托福口语Task3模版及例题分析   Task3   为了模拟北美大学课堂的学术气氛和学生在校园生活的方方面面,integrated speaking部分的Task3从不同程度上涉及了Read/Listen/Speak三个方面,并且首次允许考生作课堂笔记。这种题型有利有弊,对听力不好的考生来说这是个坎儿,而它的优势就在于它通过听力和阅读给大家提供了更多的信息点。通常这部分是围绕着Campus situation topic 而展开的。   提议:因为这部分对话一般都是在male和 female之间进行的,所以建议大家在做笔记的时候如下面所示这样记录,这样会更加有条理,你无论是在做笔记还是在preparation时都可以更加便利!   Note-taking strategy: Note format   Female Male   **** ****   **** ****   **** ****   例题分析   Here is an example of an integrated reading-listening-speaking task:   READING   Notice of Vote on Campus Food Service   Students are encouraged to vote on the universityu2019s proposal to change the food service on campus. Students should vote for which of two options they prefer. Option 1 would expand the main cafeteria in the Student Center, including the addition of more food choices and more dining space; this option would also close the two snack bars on campus. Option 2 would close the cafeteria in the Student Center but would maintain the two snack bars, and would add five food service areas across campus, including two cafes, a deli, a barbecue grill, and a fine dining room.   LISTENING   Sample conversation   W: Have you voted on the food service yet?   M: No, but I intend to. Iu2019m going to vote for the second option.   W: Thatu2019s the one that closes the main cafeteria, isnu2019t it?   M: Right.   W: But the main cafeteria is in the Student Center. Thatu2019s where everyone goes at lunchtime. Doesnu2019t it make sense to have food there?   M: But itu2019s always so crowded in there at lunchtime. You have to wait a long time in the food line. And there are never enough places to sit.   W: Thatu2019s true, but they say theyu2019ll add more tables.   M: There arenu2019t enough bike racks outside either. I have no place to put my bike. Most of the time, I eat at one of the snack bars. Besides, I like the idea of having several smaller eating places all over campus. That seems a lot more convenient, sine we have classes all over campus anyway. It also means less crowding, and you donu2019t have to wait as long to get your food. More food choices, too-----I also like the idea of barbecue on campus.   W: Yeah, that does sound good, doesnu2019t it?   The man expresses his opinion about the campus food service. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.   Sample answer   The man votes to close the cafeteria in the Student Center. Because he thinks it is very crowding there in lunchtime. There is no place for his bike when he wants to have dinner. There are also not enough space for every student. She likes the idea to open several food service centers around campus. Because itu2019s more convenient and itu2019s not crowded if there are many food service centers. He also has not --------   试题评析   (1) 人称的正确使用。She likes the idea to open several food service centers around campus. 主语应该是he。这个问题很小我们也一再地强调,但是还是有人不断地犯错,在这里再申明一次请在准备之前一定仔细阅读清楚它的题目要求,State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.   (2) There are also not enough space for every student.这句话如果表达为:there is also no enough space for every student to sit.这样会更好一些!还有在这句话和前句话之间夹一个moreover这样会使陈述过渡地更加自然。同时建议大家在平常的学习中多多积累一些 signal words或者可以说是 transitions(过渡词),这无论对广大考生的口语还是写作都有很大帮助!   (3) 语言表达多样性上有待提高。通观他的全部陈述内容,首先可以肯定他已经很好地把握了听力和阅读部分的主要信息。不足之处就是不止一次出现food service centers,这样会造成考官的听觉疲劳,他会认为你的词汇量缺乏。听力中的several smaller eating places可以拿来和它互换使用,而且阅读中的最后一句:Including two cafes, a deli, a barbecue grill, and a fine dining room.可以加进陈述内容中去,这样会使你的表达更加丰满!   Task4   题型分析   它的题目流程和Task3是一样的,也是Read/Listen/Speak三者结合,都属于 integrated speaking题型。不过是关于an academic topic,总的来说,Task4比Task3的难度更加提升了一些,这就要考察你ablity of combining the main information of the reading with that of what you heared.   注意事项   广大考生们一定要注意在做Task4时,它并不要求你发表自己的观点,不要在你的陈述中加入“I think------”或者是“In my opinion”,这是多此一举!而且它也不要求你必须具备听力或者阅读材料中所涉及的相关学术领域的专业知识,你只需要合理地结合两部分给出的信息,然后依据这些信息进行充分有效地回答!   试题分析   Reading   Social Interaction   People deal with each other every day. This interaction is at the heart of social life. The study of social interaction is concerned with the influence people have over one another"s behavior. People take each other into account in their daily behavior and in fact, the very presence of others can affect behavior. For example, one principle of social interaction, audience effects, suggests that individuals" work is affected by their knowledge that they are visible to others, that the presence of others tends to alter the way people behave or perform an activity.   Explain how the examples of tying shoes and learning to type demonstrate the principle of audience effects.   听力部分略   Sample answer1   Here we talk about the way we interact each other. What we know and what we want and the othersu2019 presence, behaviors will tend to our actions. This is an example of typing shoes and learning to type which demonstrates the principle of audience effects. Indeed we know we should affect common behaviors. If we type shoes faster, we could make more mistakes.   解析:   Sample1把重点都放在了一些比较理论的叙述上,而缺乏了对tying shoes这个事例的介绍和分析。首先,大家要注意调整好你所陈述topic的主观即理论部分和事例部分各自所占的合理分配比例。为什么这样说呢?因为很多人在做Task4时往往是走两个极端的路线,要么都是纯理论的阐述要么就是偏重于listening中的事例说明,都没有完美地把两部分结合。   Sample answer2   There are two groups of students must have type their shoes. The first group which is told they will be observed type faster than the second group which is not told that they are observed. This is the first principle of the audience effect. Secondly, people who are told they are observed, when they are typing, they make more mistakes than the second group who are not told they are observed. This is the second principle of the audience effect.   解析:   (1)纵观Sample2的陈述,他表达地较有条理,但是和Sample1相比较,它正好缺乏对the principle of audience effects的理论部分陈述,如果把Sample1 和Sample2的表达结合一下就完美了。   (2)多样性有待提高。在Sample2中多次听到they are observed这种表达,这样就显得客户词汇量有限,其实可以把observe和watch互换地应用!考生们应该注意了!   (3)指示词的有效运用。本段中使用了secondly,这很好!但是回头看前面的陈述并没有发现 firstly,所以这样整体听起来就显得有点突兀、不连贯。指示词和过渡词的恰当使用无论在口语中还是写作中都起着举足轻重的作用。它会使你的口语表达重点突出,层次分明,更加流畅,过渡也更加自然。下面就列举一些常用的指示词和过渡词,希望大家多多应用在自己的口语表达和写作中。   指示词:First Second Third Fourth   Finally Then Next After that   Most importantly Another Furthermore Moreover   Before The first The second The final point   过渡词:but however and despite   Consequently expect for although even though   In addition to rather than instead of alternatively   On the other hand in conclusion in short to sum up   For example in particular namely for instance   Eventually meanwhile at the same time while   Just as whatu2019s more as well as but also   Whereas nonetheless in contrast provided that   Because since as a result therefore   (4)个别的句子表达有误   W: There are two groups of students must have type their shoes.   R: Two groups of students are required to type their shoes.   There are two groups of students who are demanded to type their shoes.   W: People who are told they are observed, when they are typing, they make more mistakes than the second group who are not told they are observed.   R: People who are told they are observed make more mistakes than the people who are not when they are typing shoes.
2023-08-07 17:57:361


众所周知,为了模拟北美大学课堂的学术气氛和学生在校园生活的方方面面,新托福考试的口语部分首次允许考生做课堂笔记(笔记考完要上交,但笔记不算分)、并要求考生能够发表自己的意见和看法,而且必须具备对教授推荐的参考书写出读书报告、阐明自己观点的能力以及其他处理校园生活中可能遇到的各种情况的能力。本文拟对新托福口语考试(包括独立口语任务和综合口语任务)中如何做笔记的问题做深人地分析和探讨。Note-taking in the Independent Task 该部分要求考生就某一自己熟悉的话题阐述自己的观点。一类问题是自由回答间题(Free-choice Response),如:If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?Use details to support your. response;另一类是选择类问题(Paired-choice Response),如:Do you like to try new kinds of food or eat the same kind of food all the time? Usedetails and examples to support your response,准备时间为15 秒,回答问题时间为45 秒。问题会被朗读出来,且同时出现在屏幕上。考生可以不用理会电脑的朗读,迅速阅读完问题。这样可以争取大概5 秒,那么在这大约20 秒内,考生可在草稿纸上迅速记下自己所要表达的关键信息。这里记笔记的方法为“TST 表格”。TST ( Topic-Supporting ideas--Transitions)意思是考生须在草稿纸上用一到两个词写下欲表达的Topic(主题),Supporting ideas(分论点)和Transitions(信号词)。下面试举一例:Question:Where would you want to be professionally in ten years? Use details to support yourresponse.考生应迅速在纸上写下“own bus...”、“master”、“work com...”、“start”等信息见以下TST( Topic—Supporting ideas—Transitions )表格。Topic statementown bus... (I would like to own my own business) Supporting ideas:-( How I will work toward owning my business)*master (Will get master"s in business )*work com... (Will work in company while planning my business)start (Will start my own business when I am ready)Transitions: 10 next because 3 within 10 y (可用y 代替 years)Sample AnswerIn ten years I would like to win an import business of my own. Next year, I will be starting amaster"s program in business with a specialization in entrepreneurship. I will be gettingthis degree because I hope to start my own business and make it successful some day.After I finish my master"s degree three years from now, I will most likely take a position inanother company for a few years to make some money and to spend some time planningmy own business. Within ten years, I hope to own my own company and be on the way tomaking it a success.再举一例Question:Sometimes students have to write papers. Sometimes they have to give oralpresentations. Which activity do you think is better for students, and why? Include detailsand examples in your explanation.考生应迅速在纸上写下“pap”、“strong read write exams”、“more time think deeply”等信息。Topic: pap (writing papers is better for students) Supporting ideas: (Why writing papers isbetter)* strong read write exams (need strong writing skills for reading and writing and preparefor exams)* more time think deeply(show understanding for more time to explain and think deeply)Transitions: firstly because, so alsoSample AnswerI think writing papers is better for students. Firstly we need to develop strong writing skills.We go to school mainly to learn reading and writing, so we need a lot of practice.Examinations require a lot of writing, so writing papers is good reparation. Also, I thinkwriting is a better way to show that I understand. When I write a paper, I can think deeplybecause I have more time to explain my ideas.为了给读者更多机会练习使用“TST 表格”,特提供一下6 个问题供大家练习1. Describe a place that you consider to be beautiful. Explain why certain qualities of thisplace make it beautiful. Include details and examples to support your explanation.)2. Some people relax by staying home. Others relax by going out. Which type of relaxationis better for your and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.3. Describe an occasion when you were surprised. What happened to you, and why didyou feel surprised? Include details and examples in your explanation.4. Some students prepare for tests by studying alone. Others prepare for tests by studyingwith other students or a tutor. Which study method do you think is better, and why?Include details and examples in your explanation.)5.What type of home would you like to live in? Describe the characteristics of such a homeand explain why you would like to live there. Include details and examples in yourexplanation.6. Some people exercise early in the morning. Others exercise in the afternoon or evening.Which time of day do you think is better for exercising and why? Include details andexamples in your explanationNote-taking in the Integrated Tasks1.Reading—Listening—Speaking第3 题和第4 题以试题中的阅读和听力材料为基础,要求考生回答相关问题。即Reading-Listening-Speaking,具体步骤是首先要求考生在45 秒内阅读一篇短文,一般只含一个段落,随后短文隐去,播放一段与短文相关的对话或课堂演讲,其长度大约为1 分半钟(比listening section 中的材料篇幅要短)。最后,要求考生根据先前阅读的短文和所听到的材料回答相关问题,考生有30 秒钟的准备时间,然后进行60 秒钟的回答。而第5 题和第6题要求考生先听一段听力材料,然后回答相关问题。即Listening-Speaking,听力材料通常有一段是情景对话,另一段是课堂演讲,其长度大约为1 分半钟。考生有20 秒钟的准备时间,之后进行60 秒钟的回答。在综合口语任务里,你所需要记笔记的内容就是在读短文和听材料的过程中记下材料中的“main points”、“examples”、“reasons”等等。.而是否能很快识别“信号词”(Signal Words)成为其中的关键。“信号词”(Signal Words 或Transitions)是我们用来“追踪”说话人的思路的词汇,它就像“路标”一样指引着旅行者的方向。有了信号词,我们就知道说话人何时要举例子,何时要下结论,何时要解释原因等等。备考建议词汇准备:建立流畅表达所需要的词汇,尤其是信号词。信号词的恰当使用会使你的表达更诚畅,更连贯。发音准备:提高发音的同时,尤其要主要单词重音和语音语调。录制准备:将自己的声音录下来,听一听有什么问题。4 w; C/ t( e9 & n; X: ?
2023-08-07 17:57:441


GoldWave 比较好
2023-08-07 17:58:114


2023-08-07 17:58:302


转换指的是嘌呤与嘌呤,嘧啶与嘧啶之间的转换,如A-G,C-T;颠换指的是嘧啶与嘌呤之间的替代。A-T,A-C,C-G,T-G.Ref. [1]
2023-08-07 17:58:521

RPG Maker XP里面文件夹要放的东西50分

animation文件夹中存放的是连续的法术图片。 autotiles文件夹中存放的是自动元件的图片。 battlebacks文件夹中存放的是战斗时的背景图。 battlers文件夹中存放的是角色的战斗图。 characters文件夹中存放的是角色的行走图。 fogs文件夹中存放的是雾效果图。 gameovers文件夹中存放的是游戏结束背景图。 icons文件夹中存放的是游戏中的物品图标。 panoramas文件夹中存放的是地图的远景图,当你画的场景有三个图层都是透明效果的地方的话就会显示这个远景图。 tilesets文件夹中存放的是地图块。 titles文件夹中存放的是游戏开始时的画面效果。 transitions文件夹中存放的是游戏场景的过渡效果。 windowskins文件夹中存放的是游戏中的菜单的效果图。 picture文件夹中存放的是游戏中需要用“显示图片”事件调用显示的图片,比如说“人物头像”。
2023-08-07 17:59:062


英语书信句型   以下是由我为大家收集整理的英语书信句型 ,欢迎大家学习参考。   常用起首语   1) Looking forward to your early reply   2) Hoping to hear from you soon   3) I hope to hear from you very soon。   4) We look forward to your reply at yourearliest convenience。   5) Your early reply will be highlyappreciated。   6) I hope everything will be well withyou。   7) Please let us know if you want moreinformation。   8) I wish you very success in the comingyear。   9) Please remember me to your family。   10) With best regards to your family。   11) All the best。   12) With love and good wishes。   求职申请信常用句型   1. In reply to your advertisement in ~,Irespectfully offer my services for the situation。   2. With reference to your advertisementin ~ for a / an ~,I offer myself for the post。   3. Please consider me an applicant forthe position which you advertised in ~。   4. Having noticed the enclosedadvertisement in ~,I wish to apply for the position referred to。   5. In answer to your advertisement in ~for a ~,I wish to tender my services。   6. Your advertisement for a ~ in ~ hasinterested me. I feel I can fill that position。   7. Shall you need an experienced ~ foryour ~ next SUMMER?   8. I have been for over five years inthe employment of a / an ~ company   9. I have been in the business for thelast ~ years, and worked as the director of theu2026department。   10. I"ve had ~ years" experience with acompany as a ~。   11. For the last ~ years, I have beenand still am a / an ~。   12. I"m ~ years of age, female / male,and have had ~ years" experience in a limited company"s ~ office   13. I should be very glad to have apersonal interview and can furnish references if desired。   14. If you desire an interview, I shallbe most happy to call in person, on any day and at any time you may appoint。   15. Should you think favorably of myapplication, kindly grant me an interview。   16. I trust that you"ll give thisapplication your favorable consideration。   17. Should you give me a trial, I"ll domy utmost to afford you every satisfaction。   申诉信常用句型   1. I am sorry to say that we are greatlyinconvenienced by the fact that ~。   2. I am writing this letter to complainabout ~。   3. I really must complain about thequality of the ~ I recently got from your company。   4. You seem to have supplied us with aproduct that falls far below the standard we expect。   5. The ~ I ordered from your storearrived broken. Obviously, no packing had been placed in the box before it wassent from the warehouse。   6. It is now over ~ since we made theabove order with you, but the ~ we need badly now haven"t arrived yet。   7. The product I purchased from you ~proved to be quite a disappointment. Although it looks exactly the same as theone I saw in your commercial, it actually does not perform the same way。   8. As I have no interest in receiving areplacement, I am returning the product to you and demand that a full refund bemade to me。   9. I"d appreciate it very much if yourefund the money I have paid for it。   10. We would appreciate it if you wouldarrange for the replacement of the damaged items。   感谢信常用句式参考:   1. Let me tell you how much I liked /appreciated / enjoyedu2026   2. I want you to know how much we / Iappreciateu2026   3. We appreciate your taking time to u2026   4. I don"t know how I would have managedwithout your help   5. I hope I can return the favor someday   6. Do let me know if I can ever returnthe favor   折叠语法要点   基英语学习的长期目标--交流所必需的能力之一。毋庸置疑,英语写作是集基础知识,基本能力和课外信息于一身的综合体现,同时,又要兼顾到写作者高超的写作技巧。因而,没有扎实的英语语法知识;   1)、taff was strict about closing at nine o"clock. Then, when we had been driving in the desert for nearly two hours -- it must have been close to noon -- the heat nearly hid us in; the radiator boiled over and we had to use most of our drinking water to cool it down. By the time we reached the mountain, it was our o"clock and we were ex   本段从"rose"(起床)写起,然后是吃早餐("not to miss breakfast", "closing at nine o"clock"),然后是"close to noon",一直写到这一天结束("By nine--")。   B. 按位置远近排列(spatial arrangement)。例如:   From the distance, it looked like a skinny tube, but as we got closer, we could see it flesh out before our eyes. It was tubular, all right, but fatter than we could see from far away. Furthermore, we were also astonished to notice that the building was really in two parts: a pagoda sitting on top of a tubular one-story structure. Standing ten feet away, we could marvel at how much of the pagoda was made up of glass windows. Almost everything under the wonderful Chinese roof was made of glass, unlike the tube that it was sitting on, which only had four. Inside, the tube was gloomy, because of the lack of light. Then a steep, narrow staircase took us up inside the pagoda and the light changed dramatically. All those windows let in a flood of sunshine and we could see out for miles across the flat land.   本段的写法是由远及近,从远处("from a distance")写起,然后"get closer",再到("ten feet away"),最后是"inside the pagoda"u2026u2026当然,按位置远近来写不等于都是由远及近。根据需要,也可以由近及远,由表及里等等。   C. 按逻辑关系排列(logical arrangement)   a. 按重要性顺序排列(arrangement in order of importance)   If you work as a soda jerker, you will, of course, not need much skill in expressing yourself to be effective. If you work on a machine, your ability to express yourself will be of little importance. But as soon as you move one step up from the bottom, your effectiveness depends on your ability to reach others through the spoken or the written word. And the further away your job is from manual work, the larger the organization of which you are an employee, the more important it will be that you know how to convey your thoughts in writing or speaking. In the very large business organization, whether it is the government, the large corporation, or the Army, this ability to express oneself is perhaps the most important of all the skills a man can possess.   这一段谈的是表达能力,它的.重要性与职业,身份有关,从"not need much skill"或"of little importance"到"more important",最后是"most important"。   b.由一般到特殊排列(general-to-specific arrangement)   If a reader is lost, it is generally because the writer has not been careful enough to keep him on the path. This carelessness can take any number of forms. Perhaps a sentence is so excessively cluttered that the reader, hacking his way through the verbiage, simply doesn"t know what it means. Perhaps a sentence has been so shoddily constructed that the reader could read it in any of several ways. Perhaps the writer has switched tenses, or has switched pronouns in mid-sentence, so the reader loses track of when the action took place or who is talking. Perhaps sentence B is not logical sequel to sentence A -- the writer, in whose head the connection is clear, has not bothered to provide the missing link. Perhaps the writer has used an important word incorrectly by not taking the trouble to look it up. He may think that "sanguine" and "sanguinary" mean the same thing, but the difference is a bloody big one. The reader can only infer what the writer is trying to imply.   这一段谈的是a writer"s carelessness,先给出一个general statement作为主题句,然后通过5个 "perhaps"加以例证。   c. 由特殊到一般排列(specific-to-general arrangement)   I do not understand why people confuse my Siamese cat, Prissy, with the one I had several years ago, Henry. The two cats are only alike in breed. Prissy, a quiet, feminine feline, loves me dearly but not possessively. She likes to keep her distance from people, exert her independence and is never so rude as to beg, lick, or sniff unceremoniously. Her usual posture is sitting upright, eyes closed, perfectly still. Prissy is a very proper cat. Henry, on the other hand, loved me dearly but possessively. He was my shadow from morning till night. He expected me to constantly entertain him. Henry never cared who saw him do anything, whether it was decorous or not, and he usually offended my friends in some way. The cat made himself quite comfortable, on the top of the television, across stranger"s feet or laps, in beds, drawers, sacks, closets, or nooks. The difference between them is imperceptible to strangers.   本段的主题句是段首句,它仅提出一个问题:为什么两只猫会被搞混。然后对两者进行比较,末句才下结论。   2)形连   行文的逻辑性常常要靠适当的转换词语及其他手段来实现。请读下面这一段文字并找出文中用以承上启下的词语:   Walter"s goal in life was to become a successful surgeon. First, though, he had to get through high school, so he concentrated all his efforts on his studies -- in particular, biology, chemistry, and math. Because he worked constantly on these subjects, Walter became proficient in them; however, Walter forgot that he needed to master other subjects besides those he had chosen. As a result, during his junior year of high school, Walter failed both English and Latin. Consequently, he had to repeat these subjects and he was almost unable to graduate on schedule. Finally, on June 6, Walter achieved the first step toward realizing his goal.   本文中起承上启下的词语有两种,一种是转换词语(transitional words or phrases),另一种是起转换作用的其他连接手段(linking devices)。前者依次有:first, though, so, in particular, and, because, however, besides, as a result, bothu2026and, consequently, and, finally.后者依次是:he, he, his, his, he, these, them, he, those, his, he, these, his. 本段中共有词汇105个,所使用的转换词语及其他连接用语共26个词,约占该段总词汇量的四分之一。由此可见,掌握好transitions不仅对行文的流(smoothness)有益,而且对于学生在半个小时内写120个词也是不无好处的。   一个段落里如果没有transitions也就很难有coherence了.我们看下面一个例子:   Speaking and writing are different in many ways. Speech depends on sounds. Writing uses written symbols. Speech developed about 500 000 en211ago. Written language is arecent development. It was invented only about six thousand years ago. Speech is usually informal. The word choice of writing is often relatively formal. Pronunciation and accent often tell where the speaker is from. Pronunciation and accent are ignored in writing. A standard diction and spelling system prevails in the written language of most countries. Speech relies on gesture, loudness, and rise and fall of the voice. Writing lacks gesture, loudness and the rise and fall of the voice. Careful speakers and writers are aware of the differences.   本段中除了第6句开头出现一个起过渡作用的"it"之外,没有使用其他的过渡词语.这样,文中出现许多重复的词语,全段读起来也显得生硬而不自然。如果加上必要的过渡词语来修饰的话,这一段就成了下面一个流畅连贯的段落:   Speaking and writing are different in many ways. Speech depends on sounds; writing, on the other hand, uses written symbols. Speech was developed about 500 000 years ago, but written language is a recent development, invented only about six thousand years ago. Speech is usually informal, while the word choice of writing, by contrast, is often relatively formal. Although pronunciation and accent often tell where the speaker is from, they are ignored in wiring because a standard diction and spelling system prevails in most countries. Speech relies on gesture, loudness, and the rise and fall of the voice, but writing lacks these features. Careful speakers and writers are aware of the differences.   有损连贯   考生在写作中经常出现下面几种错误:   改变时态   In the movie, Robert Redford was a spy. He goes to his office where he found everybody dead. Other spies wanted to kill him, so he takes refuge with Julie Christie. At her house, he had waited for the heat to die down, but they come after him anyway.   变单复数   Everybody looks for satisfaction in his life. They want to be happy. But if he seeks only pleasure in the short run, the person will soon run out of pleasure and life will catch up to him. They need to pursue the deeper pleasure of satisfaction in work and in relationships.   改变人称   Now more than ever, parents need to be in touch with their children"s activities because modern life has the tendency to cause cleavages in the family. You need to arrange family like it so that family members will do things together and know one another. You need to give up isolated pleasures of your own and realize that parents have a set of obligations to sponsor togetherness and therefore sponsor knowledge.   因此写作中,一定要注意时态,人称以及数的变化是否正确,要注意保持一致。 ;
2023-08-07 17:59:351

flash as3 中的交换层级实例

场景中添加两个mc(mc中分别存放存放图片img1和img2)第一帧添加如下代码,okimport fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;import fl.transitions.TweenEventstage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,touchOver);function touchOver(e:MouseEvent):void{addChild( as DisplayObject);var tweenX:Tween = new Tween(,"scaleX",None.easeOut,,1.2,0.1,true);var tweenY:Tween = new Tween(,"scaleY",None.easeOut,,1.2,0.1,true);}stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT,touchOut);function touchOut(e:MouseEvent):void{addChild( as DisplayObject);var tweenX:Tween = new Tween(,"scaleX",None.easeOut,,1,0.1,true);var tweenY:Tween = new Tween(,"scaleY",None.easeOut,,1,0.1,true);}不明白问我
2023-08-07 17:59:471


RMEdtGui.exe 一看就会用了 我经常用对了 主要用于rmvb格式
2023-08-07 17:59:584


1、 建构性镜头(establishing shot)正如它的名称所表明的那样,是一个广角镜头,通过它,观众可以知道这一组事件发生在什么地方。在剪辑的过程当中,它通常是被采用的第一个镜头。观众由此被带入到叙事或行动中去。这一技术通常被用来标明系列地点的转换当中。如《黄静妈妈的日子》这部纪录片中,我们可以看到从打印部转换到尸检部门前有一个大的广角镜头交代以下的故事发生在什么地方,观众由此对以后发生的事件有了一个定向性的期待,从而被引入到叙事当中。2、 主镜头(The Master Shot)它是一个从客观观察者角度来长时间记录主要,中心事件的一组广角镜头,比如在大型会议中我们可以看到主镜头是讲话人在台上做发言。但是这样的一组长时间对准一个对象的镜头会比较单调,那么主镜头会在间歇中转换视角,以给观众一个不同的视角。同时在剪辑过程中可以切入其他画面,以弥补主镜头本身的缺陷。主镜头,如果仔细计划的话,可以弥补声音或画面从存在的连贯性问题。3、 镜头切换(shot transitions)它是编辑或导演选定的单个镜头进行的移动组合来建构叙事的一种方式,通常情况下它和节目既定的风格相关。现在的数字技术使得节目的制作在这一方面变得非常容易。直接切入:(Straight Cut)这是电影制作当中最常用到的镜头比如:城市风景的蒙太奇镜头、餐桌上的谈话、平行的事件。作为动感的叙事方式,这是可以接受的,然而在影片中如果使用不当,会造成突兀感。淡化镜头(Fades)又可以分为淡入(Fade ups)和淡出(Fade down),淡入是指画面由黑色画面进入彩色画面,淡出是指画面由彩色画面进入黑色画面。根据导演的意图和时间压缩,景色转换等方面,它可以是快镜头,也可以是慢镜头。黑色不是采用的唯一的色彩。在故事片中,通常用快速的镜头从彩色突然进入白色的方式,来表达恐惧、惊讶和忧伤。溶(Dissolves) 溶是指当一个画面慢慢消失的时候另外一个画面同时逐步出现。它可以使得镜头的切换变得更加柔和。突兀的东西变得缓慢起来。这就是说当我们在压缩时间或转移地点的时候,我们可以将镜头连接,混合起来。比如它可以运用到许多事物的蒙太奇上,比如舞蹈、音乐剧、梦的片断或从现实进入到回忆中。
2023-08-07 18:00:182

高人帮忙翻译一下 谢谢啦!

Petri网一分为地变、定向弧线. 经营场所和弧之间跃迁未与地方之间、地方或变变. 从哪个地方长达一个弧形过渡称为投入额的过渡; 其中弧线的地方是由一个过渡的地方叫输出转型. 一些地方可能含有任何纪念品. 分配名额一比一美元纪念品称为标识. 输入法的转换过程称为射击纪念品. 如果能有一个过渡使得火,即有纪念品每投入到位. 当大火过渡,从投入纪念品消费品的地方,进行一些加工任务, 一些地方和纪念品为每一个指定的地方输出. 但这本原子,即单一非可抢占一步. Petri网是执行随意性. 这意味着两件事:多重转型可以使在同一时间, 火灾没有任何一个可以均须火将他们开火,当时0和无穷之间, 各级与否(!) 即是完全可能的,没有什么火的. 由于射击是随意性,Petri网是适合造型的分布式并行系统性能.
2023-08-07 18:00:411


2023-08-07 18:00:524


单人技术——跳跃(Jumps)、旋转(Spins)、燕式接续步/步法(Step/SpiralSequences) 双人技术——托举(Lifts)、抛跳(Throws)、捻转(TwistLifts)、螺旋线(DeathSpirals)、单人同步转/双人联合转(Solo/ComboSpins) 冰舞技术——托举(Lifts)、步法(StepSequences) 滑行基础——用刃(EdgeQuality)、膝盖(KneeBent)、浮腿(FreeLeg)、滑行速度(Speed)等 你说的4t3t3lo那些是跳跃的种类,分别是:阿克塞尔axel,勾手lutz,后外点冰toe,后内结环salchow,后内点冰flip,loop后外结环。其中Axel最难,toeloop最简单。 区分跳跃的方法 1.axle很容易分辨,是六中跳跃中唯一一个向前起跳的跳跃。 2.salchow起跳时两个脚成八字型 3.loop起跳时两个脚成交叉型 4toeloop起跳时向后滑然后左脚点冰 5.flip起跳时向前滑然后右脚点冰 6.lutz起跳时向后滑然右脚做好准备,点冰起跳 所有三周或四周跳中只有2种允许重复,而且必须在联合跳跃和连续跳跃中重复。 一个不在联合跳跃和连续跳跃内重复的三周或四周单人跳动作,将被看作是一个未成 功完成的联合跳跃,并被计入只做了一个跳跃动作的联合跳跃。假如已经做了三个联 合跳跃或连续跳跃,以后重复的单人跳可被看作附加动作而不予以考虑。没有任何一 种三周或四周跳可以试做超过两次。 花样滑冰评分规则 一、计算的基本原则 1、每个动作都有一个基础分值(BASEVALUE),该分值(SOV)在分值表中标注。 2、每个裁判员给每个动作按7个等级定值执行分(GOE),每个等级有相应的加或减分值,这也在分值表中标注。 3、裁判组的执行分(GOE)是通过计算9个计分裁判的执行分的修正平均值来确定。 4、修正平均值的计算方法:去掉最高分和最低分并计算出剩余7个裁判的平均分数。 5、这个平均分数即一个单个动作的最后执行分。裁判组的执行分精确到小数点后两位数。 6、把这个动作的平均执行分与其基础分相加即这个动作的总得分(技术分)。 7、联合跳跃应作为一个动作单位来评分。两个跳跃基础分加上其中最难的跳跃的执行分为该动作单位的最后得分。 8、连续跳跃应作为一个动作单位来评分。两个最难跳跃的基础分相加,乘以0.8的系数,之后加上最难的跳跃的执行分。 9、把裁判组给所有动作的分数加在一起。 10、规定数量之外的任何额外动作将不计入到运动员成绩中。一个动作只有在进行第一次试做时(或在规定数量之内的试做)才可被计入到成绩之内。 11、创新性动作或衔接可给予特别的2分奖励。一套节目中只可有一次这样的奖励。 12、奖励分数(如有)将与所有动作的裁判组评分之和相加而得出总的技术分。 13、单人滑自由滑中节目后半段时间内完成的所有跳跃的基础分将乘以1.1的系数以便反映出节目中难度动作的均衡分配。 14、每位裁判还为节目内容进行评分,分值在0.25至10分之间,每次增加值为0.25分。 15、裁判组给每项节目内容的分数通过计算9个计分裁判的修正平均分得出。修正平均分按以上第4条中规定的方法计算。 16、之后每一项节目内容的裁判组分数乘以以下系数(青少年和成年相同): 男单:短节目:1.0自由滑:2.0 女单:短节目:0.8自由滑:1.6 双人:短节目:0.8自由滑:1.6 乘以系数后的成绩精确到小数点后两位数,并且相加,之和为节目内容分。 17、每一次对下列规定的违反都要按以下方式扣分。 ●时间违规——每短于或超过5秒要扣1.0分。 ●音乐违规——使用声乐要扣1.0分 ●禁止动作违规——每一违规动作扣2.0分 ●服装和道具违规————扣1.0分 ●跌到——每一跌到扣1.0分。如果跌到导致节目中断超过10秒,应额外再扣分:11——20秒扣1.0分,21——30秒扣2.0分,依此类推。 对本条的解释—跌到的定义:运动员失去控制导致两脚冰刀离开冰面,运动员身体着冰(即使是短暂的)。 18、如果裁判组内裁判人数少于9人,那么应随机选出5名作为计分裁判。 二、比赛每一部分的结果决定 1、每一部分比赛(短节目和自由滑)的每一名参赛者的节目总分是通过把总技术分和节目内容分相加并减去任何节目扣分计算出来的。 2、节目总分最高的运动员排在第一名,分数仅次于他的运动员排在第二名,依次类推。 3、如果两名或更多的选手成绩相同,那么在短节目中总技术分高的排名在前;在自由滑中节目内容分高的排名在前;如果总技术分、节目内容分也相同,那么参赛选手成绩并列。 三、综合成绩和总成绩的确定 1、短节目总分和自由滑总分相加即一名运动员比赛中的最后得分,最后得分最高的运动员获得第一名。 2、在有资格赛自由滑的国际滑冰联盟锦赛中,该自由滑的节目总分将乘上一个相应的系数0.25,再加入总成绩之内(在短节目和决赛自由滑比完之后)。 3、如果在任何阶段出现并列,那么在最后结束的节目中分数最高的排在第一位。 4、如果在这段(最后结束的节目)仍出现并列,上一个滑完的节目中的名次将用来确定最后名次。如没有上一个节目,那么相关运动员成绩并列。 花样滑冰服装要求 花样滑冰鞋应整洁、优雅,并将系好鞋带。 简洁、合身的花样滑冰服,裙子、裤子,或者高领毛衣、汗衫,外表应整洁良好。 不宜将透薄的内裤或者紧身衣服以及内衣露在外边。 不宜穿带宽松的珠宝(例如宽松的项链、手链等)。 单人滑和双人滑不可以用道具(如:帽子、拐杖等),冰舞创编舞中可以使用道具。 2004年,国际滑联对2002年盐湖城冬季奥运会的裁判争议作出反应,废除6.0系统,改用国际裁判系统(InternationalJudgingSystem,缩写为IJS)。2006年,所有国际比赛包括2006年都灵冬季奥运会都被要求必须使用这个裁判系统。新系统通常被称作CodeofPoints(CoP),尽管ISU官方从没用过这个说法。新系统中,每一项花样滑冰的技术动作要素都将分别得到分数,这些分数的总和即是技术总分(TotalElementScore,缩写为TES)。每个比赛节目都被限制要包含固定数量的技术动作要素。每个技术动作首先要由一位技术专家来评判,技术专家可以使用即时录像回放来分辨不同技术动作要素,如跳跃中起跳和落冰时脚的精确位置。技术专家的决定将确定该动作的基础分(basevalue)。接着,裁判组的十二名裁判各自为这个动作打出质量和执行分数,这个分数称作执行等级(gradeofexecution,缩写GOE),是一个-3到+3之间的整数。GOE分数将依照ISU规则322号中的分值表转换成另一个数值。然后,计算机将从十二位裁判的GOE分数中随机抽取九个,再去掉最高分和最低分,最后对余下的七个分数计算平均值。这个平均值将和基础分相加,得到的就是这个技术动作的总分。比赛节目得分的另一部分,也就是节目内容分(programcomponentsscore,缩写为PCS),是针对技术总分(TES)中没有涵盖的细节和节目的艺术表现方面打分。它包括以下五个小项:滑行技术(skatingskills,缩写SS),衔接(transitions,缩写TR),表现/执行(performance/execution,缩写PE),编舞(choreography,缩写CH),诠释(interpretation,缩写IN)。只有冰舞的规定舞是一个例外,它没有编舞和衔接分,因为舞步是预先规定好的。裁判们为每个小项给出0到10之间的原始分数,单位分值为0.25,5分代表“平均水平“。每个小项的分数都依照与GOE相同的方式来选择、删减、平均,再乘上一个由比赛项目、比赛阶段(短节目或自由滑)和水平决定的系数,然后各个小项分数相加,就是最终的PCS分数。TES和PCS之和称为比赛阶段总分(totalscoreforacompetitionsegment,缩写TSS)。选手最终排名由比赛各个阶段的总分之和决定。座次不再用来决定最终名次。 步伐 选手在接续步中可以选用的转体包括:转三(threeturns):冰刀在冰上划出的轨迹是数字“3”的形状。括弧步(bracketturns):冰刀在冰上划出的轨迹是括弧状“}“。内勾和外勾(rockers与counters):单足转体,既转换方向,又变化弧线。莫霍克(Mohawks):转三和括弧步的双足版本。乔克肖(Choctaws):内勾和外勾步的双足版本。捻转步(Twizzles):单足在滑行的同时完成多周旋转。 旋转 旋转是绝大多数花样滑冰比赛的必选动作要素,四个奥运会项目都对旋转有着要求。花样滑冰包括三种基本旋转姿态:蹲踞式旋转(Sitspin),燕式旋转(Camelspin)和直立旋转(Uprightspin)。由这三种姿态,又可以生发变换出许多姿态。选手在单足旋转时以一足冰刀接近刀齿的“脚掌”弧线部分触冰。像跳跃一样,多数选手旋转时是逆时针方向,也有少数选手顺时针逆时针都能旋转。以逆时针选手为例,左足的旋转称为正向旋转(Forwardspin),右足称为反向旋转(Backspin)。旋转可以单独完成一种,也可以连续完成多种(联合旋转)。跳跃进入的旋转称为跳接旋转(Flyingspin),包括跳接燕式(Flyingcamel)、跳接蹲转(Flyingsitspin)、DeathDrop、蝴蝶旋转(Butterflyspin)。跳接旋转可以从正向旋转改为反向旋转,也可以作为一套联合旋转的一个组成部分。双人滑的旋转可以是双人同步完成同种旋转,也可以是双人联合旋转。此外,双人滑和冰上舞蹈还包括双人旋转与舞蹈旋转,即两位选手互相抱持,绕同一轴心旋转。
2023-08-07 18:01:001


单人技术——跳跃(Jumps)、旋转(Spins)、燕式接续步/步法(Step/Spiral Sequences)双人技术——托举(Lifts)、抛跳(Throws)、捻转(Twist Lifts)、螺旋线(Death Spirals)、单人同步转/双人联合转(Solo/Combo Spins)冰舞技术——托举(Lifts)、步法(Step Sequences)滑行基础——用刃(Edge Quality)、膝盖(Knee Bent)、浮腿(Free Leg)、滑行速度(Speed)等你说的4t 3t 3lo那些是跳跃的种类,分别是:阿克塞尔axel,勾手lutz,后外点冰toe,后内结环salchow,后内点冰flip, loop后外结环。其中Axel最难,toe loop最简单。区分跳跃的方法1.axle很容易分辨,是六中跳跃中唯一一个向前起跳的跳跃。2.salchow起跳时两个脚成八字型3.loop起跳时两个脚成交叉型4toe loop起跳时向后滑然后左脚点冰5.flip起跳时向前滑然后右脚点冰6.lutz起跳时向后滑然右脚做好准备,点冰起跳 所有三周或四周跳中只有2 种允许重复,而且必须在联合跳跃和连续跳跃中重复。 一个不在联合跳跃和连续跳跃内重复的三周或四周单人跳动作,将被看作是一个未成 功完成的联合跳跃,并被计入只做了一个跳跃动作的联合跳跃。假如已经做了三个联 合跳跃或连续跳跃,以后重复的单人跳可被看作附加动作而不予以考虑。没有任何一 种三周或四周跳可以试做超过两次。花样滑冰评分规则一、计算的基本原则1、每个动作都有一个基础分值(BASE VALUE),该分值(SOV)在分值表中标注。2、每个裁判员给每个动作按7个等级定值执行分(GOE),每个等级有相应的加或减分值,这也在分值表中标注。3、裁判组的执行分(GOE)是通过计算9 个计分裁判的执行分的修正平均值来确定。4、修正平均值的计算方法:去掉最高分和最低分并计算出剩余7 个裁判的平均分数。5、这个平均分数即一个单个动作的最后执行分。裁判组的执行分精确到小数点后两位数。6、把这个动作的平均执行分与其基础分相加即这个动作的总得分(技术分)。7、联合跳跃应作为一个动作单位来评分。两个跳跃基础分加上其中最难的跳跃的执行分为该动作单位的最后得分。8、连续跳跃应作为一个动作单位来评分。两个最难跳跃的基础分相加,乘以0.8 的系数,之后加上最难的跳跃的执行分。9、把裁判组给所有动作的分数加在一起。10、规定数量之外的任何额外动作将不计入到运动员成绩中。一个动作只有在进行第一次试做时(或在规定数量之内的试做)才可被计入到成绩之内。11、创新性动作或衔接可给予特别的2 分奖励。一套节目中只可有一次这样的奖励。12、奖励分数(如有)将与所有动作的裁判组评分之和相加而得出总的技术分。13、单人滑自由滑中节目后半段时间内完成的所有跳跃的基础分将乘以1.1 的系数以便反映出节目中难度动作的均衡分配。14、每位裁判还为节目内容进行评分,分值在0.25 至10 分之间,每次增加值为0.25 分。15、裁判组给每项节目内容的分数通过计算9个计分裁判的修正平均分得出。修正平均分按以上第4条中规定的方法计算。16、之后每一项节目内容的裁判组分数乘以以下系数(青少年和成年相同):男单: 短节目:1.0 自由滑:2.0女单: 短节目:0.8 自由滑:1.6双人: 短节目:0.8 自由滑:1.6乘以系数后的成绩精确到小数点后两位数,并且相加,之和为节目内容分。17、每一次对下列规定的违反都要按以下方式扣分。●时间违规——每短于或超过5 秒要扣1.0 分。●音乐违规——使用声乐要扣1.0 分●禁止动作违规——每一违规动作扣2.0 分●服装和道具违规————扣1.0 分●跌到——每一跌到扣1.0 分。如果跌到导致节目中断超过10 秒,应额外再扣分:11——20 秒扣1.0 分,21——30 秒扣2.0 分,依此类推。对本条的解释—跌到的定义:运动员失去控制导致两脚冰刀离开冰面,运动员身体着冰(即使是短暂的)。18、如果裁判组内裁判人数少于9 人,那么应随机选出5 名作为计分裁判。二、比赛每一部分的结果决定1、每一部分比赛(短节目和自由滑)的每一名参赛者的节目总分是通过把总技术分和节目内容分相加并减去任何节目扣分计算出来的。2、节目总分最高的运动员排在第一名,分数仅次于他的运动员排在第二名,依次类推。3、如果两名或更多的选手成绩相同,那么在短节目中总技术分高的排名在前;在自由滑中节目内容分高的排名在前;如果总技术分、节目内容分也相同,那么参赛选手成绩并列。三、综合成绩和总成绩的确定1、短节目总分和自由滑总分相加即一名运动员比赛中的最后得分,最后得分最高的运动员获得第一名。2、在有资格赛自由滑的国际滑冰联盟锦赛中,该自由滑的节目总分将乘上一个相应的系数0.25,再加入总成绩之内(在短节目和决赛自由滑比完之后)。3、如果在任何阶段出现并列,那么在最后结束的节目中分数最高的排在第一位。4、如果在这段(最后结束的节目)仍出现并列,上一个滑完的节目中的名次将用来确定最后名次。如没有上一个节目,那么相关运动员成绩并列。花样滑冰服装要求花样滑冰鞋应整洁、优雅,并将系好鞋带。简洁、合身的花样滑冰服,裙子、裤子,或者高领毛衣、汗衫,外表应整洁良好。不宜将透薄的内裤或者紧身衣服以及内衣露在外边。不宜穿带宽松的珠宝(例如宽松的项链、手链等)。单人滑和双人滑不可以用道具(如:帽子、拐杖等),冰舞创编舞中可以使用道具。 2004年,国际滑联对2002年盐湖城冬季奥运会的裁判争议作出反应,废除6.0系统,改用国际裁判系统(International Judging System,缩写为IJS)。2006年,所有国际比赛包括2006年都灵冬季奥运会都被要求必须使用这个裁判系统。新系统通常被称作Code of Points(CoP),尽管ISU官方从没用过这个说法。 新系统中,每一项花样滑冰的技术动作要素都将分别得到分数,这些分数的总和即是技术总分(Total Element Score,缩写为TES)。每个比赛节目都被限制要包含固定数量的技术动作要素。每个技术动作首先要由一位技术专家来评判,技术专家可以使用即时录像回放来分辨不同技术动作要素,如跳跃中起跳和落冰时脚的精确位置。技术专家的决定将确定该动作的基础分(base value)。接着,裁判组的十二名裁判各自为这个动作打出质量和执行分数,这个分数称作执行等级(grade of execution,缩写GOE),是一个-3到+3之间的整数。GOE分数将依照ISU规则322号中的分值表转换成另一个数值。然后,计算机将从十二位裁判的GOE分数中随机抽取九个,再去掉最高分和最低分,最后对余下的七个分数计算平均值。这个平均值将和基础分相加,得到的就是这个技术动作的总分。 比赛节目得分的另一部分,也就是节目内容分(program components score,缩写为PCS),是针对技术总分(TES)中没有涵盖的细节和节目的艺术表现方面打分。它包括以下五个小项:滑行技术(skating skills,缩写SS),衔接(transitions,缩写TR),表现/执行(performance/execution,缩写PE),编舞(choreography,缩写CH),诠释(interpretation,缩写IN)。 只有冰舞的规定舞是一个例外,它没有编舞和衔接分,因为舞步是预先规定好的。裁判们为每个小项给出0到10之间的原始分数,单位分值为0.25,5分代表“平均水平“。每个小项的分数都依照与GOE相同的方式来选择、删减、平均,再乘上一个由比赛项目、比赛阶段(短节目或自由滑)和水平决定的系数,然后各个小项分数相加,就是最终的PCS分数。 TES和PCS之和称为比赛阶段总分(total score for a competition segment,缩写TSS)。选手最终排名由比赛各个阶段的总分之和决定。座次不再用来决定最终名次。步伐选手在接续步中可以选用的转体包括: 转三(three turns):冰刀在冰上划出的轨迹是数字“3”的形状。 括弧步(bracket turns):冰刀在冰上划出的轨迹是括弧状“}“。 内勾和外勾(rockers与counters):单足转体,既转换方向,又变化弧线。 莫霍克(Mohawks):转三和括弧步的双足版本。 乔克肖(Choctaws): 内勾和外勾步的双足版本。 捻转步(Twizzles):单足在滑行的同时完成多周旋转。 旋转旋转是绝大多数花样滑冰比赛的必选动作要素,四个奥运会项目都对旋转有着要求。花样滑冰包括三种基本旋转姿态:蹲踞式旋转(Sit spin),燕式旋转(Camel spin)和直立旋转(Upright spin)。由这三种姿态,又可以生发变换出许多姿态。 选手在单足旋转时以一足冰刀接近刀齿的“脚掌”弧线部分触冰。像跳跃一样,多数选手旋转时是逆时针方向,也有少数选手顺时针逆时针都能旋转。以逆时针选手为例,左足的旋转称为正向旋转(Forward spin),右足称为反向旋转(Back spin)。 旋转可以单独完成一种,也可以连续完成多种(联合旋转)。跳跃进入的旋转称为跳接旋转(Flying spin),包括跳接燕式(Flying camel)、跳接蹲转(Flying sit spin)、Death Drop、蝴蝶旋转(Butterfly spin)。跳接旋转可以从正向旋转改为反向旋转,也可以作为一套联合旋转的一个组成部分。 双人滑的旋转可以是双人同步完成同种旋转,也可以是双人联合旋转。此外,双人滑和冰上舞蹈还包括双人旋转与舞蹈旋转,即两位选手互相抱持,绕同一轴心旋转。
2023-08-07 18:01:311


"AE" 通常指 Adobe After Effects,它是一款专业的视频特效软件,提供了广泛的特效功能。以下是一些 AE 常用的特效:颜色校正(Color Correction):可以改变视频的颜色、对比度和曝光度等参数。转场(Transitions):在视频片段之间添加过渡效果,如淡入淡出、卷曲、幻灯片等。粒子系统(Particle System):可以创建火花、雨、雪、烟等各种粒子效果。镜头模糊(Motion Blur):可以模拟相机快门的运动模糊效果,增加视频的流畅感。三维效果(3D Effects):可以添加三维模型、灯光、摄像机等效果,制作逼真的三维场景。噪点(Noise):可以添加噪点效果,模拟老电影、电视信号等效果。贴图(Matte Painting):可以在视频中添加静态图像,制作虚拟场景。文字动画(Text Animation):可以创建各种文字动画效果,如闪烁、旋转、滚动等。时间扭曲(Time Warp):可以改变视频的速度、方向和流畅度等参数,制作慢动作、快动作等效果。位移(Displacement):可以创建类似水波纹、震动等效果,模拟物体的位移。这只是 AE 的部分特效功能,还有很多其他的特效可以使用。
2023-08-07 18:01:422


2023-08-07 18:01:582

Premiere里面这两列 V1和A1 有什么作用?

2023-08-07 18:02:083

flash As3淡入的问题

你的问题是啥啊?没有效果啊?function jin(evt:Event):void {mymc1.alpha+=speed; mymc1.alpha=0 var speed:Number=0.1;}这里每次都给赋成了0了。=========== mymc1.alpha=0;function jin(evt:Event):void { mymc1.alpha+=speed;}这么写
2023-08-07 18:02:312

wpf style 问题:请问下面是什么问题导致的?比人新手,忘多多指教 ↖(^ω^)↗

这个应该不是wpf style 的问题,应该是你插入的gif图片的问题
2023-08-07 18:02:393


Alex4D Animation Transitions是一组适用于Final Cut Pro X视频制作软件的动画转场插件。我可以给你一份希望可以帮助你。安装教程1、注意:Alex4D Animation Transitions插件需要安装FxFactory 7.0或以下版本才可以注册,不然会提示注册码失效!2、下载软件完成后,打开Alex4D Animation Transitions插件镜像包(镜像包下载地址:,双击安装包【Install FxFactory 7.0.pkg】进行安装.3、FxFactory安装器将引导你完成安装此软件所需要的步骤,默认安装即可,一直点击【继续】。4、FxFactory安装完成后,我们回到Alex4D镜像包,双击【Alex4D Animation Transitions.fxtemplates】5、提示Alex4D需要购买,请点击购买6、点击【redeem code】7、跳出Alex4D注册界面8、打开镜像包中的的Alex4D注册码9、把Alex4D注册码输入到软件中,然后点击register,rutu 注意:邮箱输入自己常用的邮箱就可以哦!!10、Alex4D for Mac注册成功!!!打开Final Cut Pro X,在已经安装好的转场中,你会看120个Alex4D Animation动画转换。
2023-08-07 18:02:571

vue切换组件动画 / vue-transition过渡动画

文档: transition标签包裹router-view or 状态切换的标签 才能实现过度动效!!! v-enter / v-leave: 进入/离开过度的开始状态; v-enter-to / v-leave-to: 进度/离开过度的结束状态; v-enter-active / v-leave-active: 进入/离开过度时的生效状态; 提供了以上6个类名 or 使用name自定义transition app.vue中设置页面切换全局动画 style
2023-08-07 18:03:041


adobe permiere
2023-08-07 18:03:143

有没有易操作的视频剪辑软件 可以把几个视频粘在一起

xp自带的windows movie maker就已经可以满足一般要求了,操作上绝对是最简单的。
2023-08-07 18:03:243

软件发布版本 m1是什么意思

,非常简单还好听。 你可以听听我用它做出来的音乐 我的个人网站 下面剪辑录象的也都不错: RealMedia Editor V10.0.0.48 汉化版 可以编辑REALVIDEO10/REALAUDIO10 的RM/RMVB,增加压缩内核10.0正式发布版本。为影片加上版权、注释、作者、标题、链接等,还可以对影片进行剪辑,截取其中的片断,十分好用。 剪辑要求不是很复杂的话,绘声绘影能实现; 要是要求高的话还是用Premiere,专业东西还是能实现不少的。 iFilmEdit: iFilmEdit的使用技巧 iFilmEdit是由Cinax Designs Inc.出品的MPG视频剪辑软件(如图一所示),相信玩视频编辑的朋友对其是再熟悉不过了,其界面简洁直观容易上手(如图二所示),不熟悉的话可以去其公司网址看看:,本文是笔者长期使用该软件的一些经验技巧,希望能对大家有所帮助,目前笔者使用的版本是1.4.5。 如何做好剪辑呢?在此笔者谈谈自己的观点:剪辑就是将不符合主题的部分删除并处理好画面的衔接,要把握住什么是需要留下的什么是不需要的,千万别将那些既不符合主题思想又罗嗦的部分留下,又长又臭的电影会有谁会去看呢?多看看一些大片,大编导是如何依据主题而细心选取画面的? 图一、iFilmEdit1.4.5 的启动画面 图二、iFilmEdit 的主界面 使用技巧一:工作在VCD模式下 刻录VCD格式光盘时,刻录软件通常会检测其是否符合VCD格式的标准(Video-CD PAL标准 :MPEG-1 352x288 25fps CBR 1150kbps, Layer-2 44100Hz 224kbps ),按VCD格式压缩好的MPG文件经iFilmEdit剪辑后无法通过刻录软件的检测,就有可能是在剪辑前没有将iFilmEdit的工作模式设定为VCD模式,而使剪辑好的文件不符合VCD标准,具体操作方法是:在剪辑前,先设置菜单Preferences > VideoCD Mode > VideoCD ,如图三所示这时VideoCD选项的前面打上了钩号,这样软件就工作在VCD模式下了,经过VCD标准剪辑的MPG文件一般能顺利通过刻录软件检测。 图三、将iFilmEdit的工作模式设定为VCD模式 使用技巧二:快速存盘 图四、确认退出对话框 图五、确认保存文件对话框 MPG视频文件虽然已经经过算法压缩,但经常还是动辄上百兆的东东,要将这些文件剪辑串接起来,可想而知需要多大的硬盘空间,一般剪辑时需要预留大约剪辑文件2~3倍以上的磁盘空间较为合理。使用iFilmEdit完成剪辑后,如果按正常步骤去保存文件(通过File>Save as保存文件),通常需要花上几分钟甚至更多的时间,如何快速保存文件呢?这里我有一个方法可以在几秒内快速存储剪辑完的文件:剪辑完文件后,点程序右上角的关闭按钮,弹出确认退出对话框(如图四所示),按Y钮确认退出,弹出是否保存文件对话框(如图五所示),按Y钮,然后在保存文件对话框中输入文件名,?quot;保存钮即可在几秒内存好文件,请注意应将文件存储到C盘上,否则就不是快速存盘了:) 其原理是:完成剪辑时软件就已经在临时目录创建了剪辑好的文件,但如果按正常步骤保存文件的话,软件要重新再拷贝一次文件,所以速度就降低了,同理如果存储在其他盘上,就等于将文件又复制了一次,同样会降低存盘速度。 使用技巧三:出错处理 在使用iFilmEdit过程中有时也会出现一些无法正常剪辑的情况,在此谈谈笔者的解决之道: 1. 查看 iFilmEdit的安装目录下(默认为C:Program Files Cinax iFilmEdit 1.4 )是否有以Rec打头的MPG文件(Rec*.mpg),即iFlimEdit的临时文件,由于程序出错有时会将其保留了下来,是会影响剪辑的,将其删除后试试能否解决问题; 2. 如果使用的是Win98操作系统,而且同时安装了VideoPack刻录软件)和 iFilmEdit 1.4.5,那么你的软件就会工作在不稳定的状态下了,它们之间会有冲突,解决方法是换刻录软件如WinONCD、Nero等,或是使用其它版本的 iFilmEdit ;在使用 iFilmEdit剪辑中如果出现提示为Incorrect data at the begin of the stream!或Incorrect data at the end of the stream!的Editing Error对话框时,你可以试着分别将源文件的头或尾去掉几帧,再试试看能否正常剪辑; 3. 重新导入需剪辑的源文件有时也能解决不能正常剪辑的问题; 4. 如果以上方法还是不行,建议使用压缩软件TMPGEnc重新压缩MPG文件后再做剪辑。 任何软件都不是完美的,iFilmEdit也不例外,由于iFilmEdit的剪辑是模糊剪辑,所以剪辑的精确度就较为逊色,无法像M1-Edit、MyFlix等剪辑软件那样实现精确的帧剪辑,这对于要求精确度高的剪辑就无法胜任了,但iFilmEdit的易用性是其它软件无可比拟的。 会声会影9.0。 这是一个功能强大的视频编辑软件,具有图像抓取和编修功能,可以抓取,转换 MV、DV、V8、TV和实时记录,抓取画面文件,并提供有超过100多种的编制功能与效果,可制作 DVD,VCD,VCD 光盘。支持各类编码。9.0新版本功能更为全面,操作更容易上手。提供三种不同的编辑模式,以适应不同制作水平的初学者和制作高手。 Ulead VideoStudio 会声会影9.0一套专为个人及家庭所设计的影片剪辑软件。 首创双模式操作界面,入门新手或高级用户都可轻松体验快速操作、专业剪辑、完美输出的影片剪辑乐趣!创新的影片制作向导模式,只要三个步骤就可快速作出DV影片,即使是入门新手也可以在短时间内体验影片剪辑乐趣;同时操作简单、功能强大的会声会影编辑模式,从捕获、剪接、转场、特效、覆叠、字幕、配乐,到刻录,让您全方位剪辑出好莱坞级的家庭电影。 其成批转换功能与捕获格式完整支持,让剪辑影片更快、更有效率;画面特写镜头与对象创意覆叠,可随意作出新奇百变的创意效果;配乐大师让影片配乐更精准、更立体;同时酷炫的128组影片转场、37 组视频滤镜、76种标题动画等丰富效果,让影片精彩有趣。 不论是结婚回忆、宝贝成长、旅游记录、个人日记、生日派对、毕业典礼..等美好时刻,都可轻轻松松通过会声会影8剪辑出精彩创意的家庭影片,与亲朋好友一同欢乐分享! Premiere 软件简介: Premiere和广为人知的Photoshop软件同出自Adobe公司,是一种功能强大的影视作品编辑软件,可以在各种平台下和硬件配合使用。它是一款相当专业的DTV(Desktop Video)编辑软件,专业人员结合专业的系统的配合可以制作出广播级的视频作品。在普通的微机上,配以比较廉价的压缩卡或输出卡也可制作出专业级的视频作品和MPEG压缩影视作品。 到目前为止,Premiere已经推出了6个版本,在最新版本Premiere6.0之前,Adobe公司相继推出4.0, 4.2, 5.0, 5.1和5.5。其中,5.0以后的版本都同时支持Windows95/98、WindowsNT及其升级版本Windows 2000.Premiere6.0为视频节目的创建和编辑提供了更加强大的支持,在进行视频编辑、节目预览、视频捕获以及节目输出等操作时,可以在兼顾效果和播放速度的同时,实现更佳的影音效果。 Premiere6.0提供了兼容于QuickTime系统和其他系统的第三方插件,使用这些插件可以实现视频(滤镜)效果和过渡效果。由于提供了光盘刻录插件,可以轻松的制作出适合光驱播放的影片。 Premiere升级到第三代,已经远远超出了一般用户视频处理的需求,正在逐渐成为高档影视制作的主流软件。 (点击观看premiere介绍课件) 8.2 Premiere功能概述 8.2.1 概述 影音素材的转换和压缩 视频/音频捕捉和剪辑 视频编辑功能 丰富的过渡效果 添加运动效果 对于Internet的支持 8.2.2 视频素材的加工处理 1).视频素材的引用与合成 (1)素材的组织与管理 在视频素材处理的前期,首要的任务就是将收集起来的素材引入达到项目窗口,以便统一管理。实现的方法是,执行菜单“File”的子菜单“New”下的“Project”命令,进行设置后,单击“OK”按钮。此时便完成了新项目窗口的创建。通过执行菜单“File”的“Import File”命令,可对所需的素材文件进行选择,然后单击“OK”按钮即可。重复执行逐个将所需素材引入后,就完成了编辑前的准备工作。 (2)素材的剪辑处理 执行Window/Timeline命令,打开时间线窗口,将项目窗口中的相应素材拖到相应的轨道上。如将引入的素材相互衔接的放在同一轨道上,将达到了将素材拼接在一起的播放效果。若需对素材进行剪切,可使用剃刀图标工具在需要割断的位置单击鼠标,则素材被割断。然后选取不同的部分按Delete键予于删除即可。同样对素材也允许进行复制,形成重复的播放效果。 2).千变万化的过渡效果的制作 在两个片段的衔接部分,往往采用过渡的方式来衔接,而非直接的将两个生硬的拼接在一起。Premiere提供了多达75种之多的特殊过渡效果,通过过渡窗口可见到这些丰富多采的过渡样式。 3).丰富多采的滤镜效果的制作 Premiere同Photoshop一样也支持滤镜的使用,Premiere共提供了近80种的滤镜效果,可对图象进行变形、模糊、平滑、曝光、纹理化等处理功能。此外,还可以使用第三方提供的滤镜插件,如好莱钨的FX软件等。 滤镜的用法:在时间线窗口选择好待处理的素材,然后执行“Clip”菜单下的“Filters”命令。在弹出的滤镜对话窗口中选取所需的滤镜效果,单击“Add”按钮即可。如果双击左窗口中的滤镜,可对所选滤镜进行参数的设置和调整。 4).叠加叠印的使用 在Premiere中可以把一个素材置于另一个素材之上来播放,这样一些方法的组合成为叠加叠印处理,所得到的素材称为叠加叠印素材。叠加的素材是透明的,允许将其下面的素材透射过来放映。 5).影视作品的输出 在作品制作完成后期,需借助Premiere的输出功能将作品合成在一起当素材编辑完成后,执行菜单“File”的子菜单“Export”的“Movie”命令可以对输出的规格进行设置。指定好文件类型后,单击“OK”按钮,即会自动编译成指定的影视文件。 8.3 影片的基本剪辑技巧 8.3.1 Project窗口的使用 在Project窗口中,可以进行的操作有:素材的输入、素材显示模式的调整、删除素材以及使用箱管理素材等。 1).输入素材 输入素材到Project窗口的同时也就是将素材输入到影片项目中。具体的操作方法很简单,即:选择FileImportFile菜单命令,选择所需的素材文件打开。素材输入项目以后,在Project窗口中选中素材,然后按下键盘上的Del键,就可以从项目中删除这个素材。 2).设置素材的显示模式 在Project对话框中的下部有3个控制按钮用来控制显示模式,从左到右依次是Icon View(图标显示)、Thumbnail view(缩略图显示)、List View(列表显示)。 这三种显示模式的切换很容易,直接单击相应图标就可以。选中素材显示列表中的任何一个素材后,就可以在左上角的预览窗口中浏览这个素材的缩略图以及其他详细的资料。 3).使用Bin(箱)来管理大量素材 Premiere6.0为我们提供了全心概念的箱,在影片项目需要用到大量素材的情况下,使用Bin(箱)将这些素材分门别类,有利于快速找到这些素材。 提示:Premiere6.0中的Bin想当于Windows中的文件夹的概念,而且也拥有文件夹的操作特性,例如:新建、重命名和删除操作等。 例如制作一个大影片时,我们可以考虑将视频素材、音频素材以及图片素材分别安置在不同的箱内。 4).素材的入点和出点 这里首先介绍以下素材、片段和入点出点的基本常识。 素材是指那些输入到Premiere6.0项目中的所有媒体文件,主要是音频文件、视频文件和图象文件。对于视频文件或者音频文件来说,往往只需要用到某些特定的部分,在Premiere6.0中可以通过设置入点和出点来截取所需的部分,那么这个入点和出点之间的部分就叫片段(Clip). Premiere6.0中,常用的剪辑工具有Timeline窗口、Clip窗口和Monitor窗口,其功能各有优劣。 8.4 在视频中运用过渡 8.4.1 熟悉使用Transitions控制面板 过渡效果是影片制作中经常用到的效果之一。在Premiere6.0中,通过Transitions(过渡)面板,在片段切换的时候添加过渡效果。同时,还可以通过Transitions面板方便的浏览各种过渡效果,以便随时取用。Transition面板如图所示: 提示:如果Transitions面板没有在Premiere6.0操作窗口中显示出来,选择Window/Show Transitions菜单命令,就可以显示该面板,显示其他工具面板的方法也一样。 1)动画显示过渡效果(点击观看过渡效果操作技巧课件) 对于初学者来说,很快记住如此多的过渡效果,并且在影片中灵活应用这些过渡效果是比较困难的。 Premiers6.0为我们提供了便利,通过设置,可以在 Transitions窗口中动态地显示这些过渡效果,以动画形式展示了这些过渡效果作用以后的具体效果。 首先切换到Transitions面板,然后单击面板右上方的三角图标,打开窗口的控制菜单,选择Animate菜单命令。如图所示:这时候已经启用了动画显示过渡效果的功能。在Transitions面板中,双击并打开任何一个文件夹,可以看见文件夹中的效果。这些效果正不停演示着从A向B的过渡。 这里还介绍几个过渡效果的查看技巧:在Transitions面板的窗口控制菜单中,选择Expand All Folders命令,可以打开所有的文件夹,显现出所有的过渡效果;选择 Collapse AllFolders命令,则关闭所有已经打开的文件夹。 2)隐藏过渡效果 Premiere6.0提供了多达75种过渡效果,对于某些不经常用到的效果,我们可以在Transitions面板中将他们隐藏起来。首先选中需要隐藏的过渡效果。单击右上角的三角按钮,打开窗口控制菜单,选择Hide Selected菜单命令,这时在Transitions面板中就看不到这些过渡效果了。 隐藏起来的过渡效果暂时还在Transitions面板中看不见了,以后如果需要用到,恢复起来也是相当简单的。在窗口控制菜单中选择Show Hidden命令即可。 8.5 创建字幕 Premiere6.0提供了功能强大的Title窗口,用户可以在Title窗口中轻松完成标题字幕的制作。本节主要介绍静态标题字幕和动态标题字幕的制作,介绍如何对字幕文本进行精细的排版。 8.5.1 创建一个标题文件 1)进入Title窗口 启动Premiere6.0后,选择File/New/Title菜单命令,可进入Title窗口。使用键盘上的F9快捷键,可以快速进入Title窗口。 2)认识工具栏 位于Title窗口左部的是Title字幕窗口的工具栏,这里面放置着一些与标题字幕的制作有关的工具。利用这些工具,我们可以加入标题文本、绘制简单的几何图形,还可以定义文本的样式。 8.6 处理音频 在出色的视频作品中,优美的音频效果是必不可少的成分。Premiere6.0在专门在Audio轨道中处理音频。音频轨道多达99个,几乎可以满足所有用户处理音频的需要。 8.6.1剪辑音频素材 我们建议在将音频片段添加到Timeline窗口前,首先在Clip窗口中剪辑音频素材,这样不但可以获得较高的剪辑精度,还可以在剪辑音频素材的同时监听到剪辑后的效果。 提示:音频素材和视频素材的持续时间可以在Project窗口中看到,方法是单击该素材,然后在左上角的预览区域的左边观察持续时间。 (1)新建一个项目,并将music.aif打开,得到如图音频片段。 (2)我们截取10秒到26秒之间时间段,在10秒处单击Mark In(切入)按钮,将该点设置为入点。 (3)用同样的方法在26秒时设置一个出点。 完成剪辑后,将音频片段直接拖到Timeline窗口中即可。 8.7视频剪辑的叠加 在Premiere6.0中,通过为轨道中的片段设置 Transparency(透明度)属性,可以将片段叠加起来,同时下面轨道中的片段通过前景片段的透明部分浮现出来运用叠加,可以实现许多特技效果,例如大侠们在空中快步如飞的场面。实际上,演员只是在单色背景前做出类似动作,然后在实际的剪辑制作时将背景设置成透明,再将这个片段叠加到天空背景片段上即可。提示:注意到许多前景片段的背景都取蓝色,这是为了和人体的肤色器官的颜色有一定的对比,设置透明度的时候不至于在去掉背景的同时连演员的某些脸部细节也一同丢失。 1)添加叠加效果 利用叠加效果制作某些特技之前,首先必须保证,用来做背景的片段放置在较低的视频轨道上(比前景片段低),如果背景片段放在Video1轨道上,那么前景片段必须放置在video2或者更高轨道上。而且两个片段在 Timeline窗口的时间轴上是重叠的。 (1)新建一个 Multimedia Video for Windows项目,往 Project窗口中输入一幅图片素材和一个视频素材。然后将图片素材拖到 Video 2轨道上,将视频素材拖到Video1A轨道上,作为背景。 (2)将鼠标移到Video2片段的右边缘,光标变成双向箭头的时候拖动鼠标,将该片段的持续时间设置成和Video1A中的视频片段一样。 (3)使用鼠标右键,单击Video2轨道上的图片片段,从弹出的快捷菜单中,选择Video Options/Transparency命令,即可进入Transparency Settings对话框。 到这里就可以设置透明度效果的一些参数了。 8.8 运动特技的应用 Premiere6.0作为多媒体视频处理软件,可以轻松制作出动感十足的多媒体作品。运动是多媒体设计的灵魂,灵活运用动画效果,可以使得视频作品更加丰富多彩。本节主要结合运动对话框的参数来介绍运动的设置方法,主要内容包括:移动片段,片段的旋转、放大、延迟和变形,以及一些其他 Premiere6.0特技和运动效果结合起来的技术,让用户感受到运动效果的奥妙。 8.8.1运动设置基本操作(点击观看运动设置技巧课件) 在Premiere6.0中设置运动效果的时候,片段是沿着一条设置好的路径移动的。路径是由多个控制点(节点)和联结控制点之间的连线组成,路径引导着片段的运动,包括进入和退出可视区域。运动效果作用于片段整体,而不是片段的某个部分。 1)Motion Setings对话框 启动Premiere6.0,新建一个 Multimedia Video for Windows影片项目,拖动一个片段到 Timeline窗口中,放置在Video 1A轨道上。 选择Window/Show Effect Controls菜单命令,显现出Effect Controls面板。Motion效果作为默认选项出现在Effect Controls面板的首栏。 在Timeline窗口中,单击并选择需要添加运动效果的片段,然后单击Effect Controls面板Motion后面的Setup字样,即可进入Motion对话框。 该对话框左上部是运动效果的预览框,演示着运动效果,右边的播放按钮和暂停按钮用来使用预览/暂停预览功能。 提示:运动效果的设置和滤镜效果的设置相似,都是通过设置几个控制点/关键帧的属性来控制整个动态效果的。 2)设置Alpha通道的属性 Alpha选项区用来设置 Alpha通道的一些属性。 Use Clip"s(使用片段的):可以使用片段原来的Alpha通道进行叠加。字幕或者其他支持 Alpha通道的软件(如 Photoshop等)处理过的图片适合此选项。该选项只会影响到在透明设置对话框中使用 AlphaChannel键的片段。 Create New(新建通道):为没有Alpha通道的片段创建新通道。片段移动的时候留下的空位形状将作为新Alpha通道的依据。同样地,该选项也只能影响到在透明设置对话框中使用 Alpha Channel键的片段。 3)设置预览框的显示属性 选中 Show All复选框,预览窗口中将按照最后得到的视频效果进行预览,已经添加过的过渡、视频滤镜等效果都同时起作用。如果计算机的速度不够快,这时候的运动效果预览往往变得不流畅。选中 Show Outlines复选框,在运动的每一个控制点(节点)上,只会显示片段的外轮廓。选中Show Path复选框,在运动路径控制点之间连上一系列的点。点的密度越大,表示片段在这个范围的运动速度越慢;点的密度越小,则表示片段运动速度越快。 8.9 添加特效 8.9.1 在音频剪辑上应用Filters(点击观看Filters操作技巧课件) Premiere6.0提供了21种音频滤镜效果,我们可以使用这些滤镜处理录制的原声片段,添加特殊的声效,或者演示演示原声的缺陷,使得影片的音频更加完美。 Premiere6.0将音频效果放到了Audio面板里,视频效果放到了Video面板里,这是和Premiere5.0不同之处。 1)添加音频效果 按照如下操作步骤添加音频效果: (1)选择Window/Show Effects,显现出Audio面板。如图所示: 我们发现,无论从外观上还是控制菜单的设计上,Audio面板和Video面板以及Transitions面板都是完成相同的,这就为新手熟悉Premiere6.0的操作习惯提供了很大的便利。 (2)从Audio面板中找到Echo效果,将其拖动到Audio1音轨上的音频片段上,松开鼠标,即可完成音频效果的添加。 (3)这时候effect Controls面板浮现在窗口的前端。 (4)从该面板上部可以看出,当前的音频关键帧处于音频片段的起始帧(这里关键帧的含义和添加视频效果的时候完全一样)。单击Setup字样,进入Echo Settings对话框。 Delay(延迟)滑块:设置原声和回声之间的时间差。默认为33ms。 Intensity(强度)选项:选择回声的强弱程度,选中Loud单选按钮,表示回声和原声几乎差不多大。 (5)单击ok按钮,退出对话框。在Timeline窗口的时间轴上拖动鼠标,将第2个关键帧设置在大约13秒的位置(从Monitor窗口中可以观察到该关键帧的详细的时间信息)。 (6)在Effect Controls面板中单击Setup字样,进入Echo Settings对话框,将Delay设为600ms,Intensity设置为Soft,表示仅添加微弱的回声。单击ok按钮。 这样,我们就通过两个关键帧来得到了动态的Ech0音频滤镜效果(回声间隔渐渐变大,强度变小)。关键帧之间的帧的音频属性介于两个关键帧之间,呈现出线性变化。可以设置更多的关键帧,来控制更复杂的音频滤镜效果. 个人推荐:会声会影9.0和Adobe的Premiere非常不错。
2023-08-07 18:03:332